800 Independen Ave
Washington, DC 20591
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DEC O 4 2018
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Maximum Design Bank Angle AVS Action Plan
Recommendation: Amend the procedure design criteria in Order 8260.58A regarding maximum bank angles
and remove the breakpoint for RF leg design at RNP 1. Set the new, maximum bank angle for RF legs to 25
degrees for all RNP values, including RNP values less than RNP 1.0 (RNP<1.0).
Discussion: Full analysis and reasoning behind the recommendation is contained in the MITRE paper
“Analysis of Radius-to-Fix (RF) Bank Angle Margin Requirements”, Cramer/Herndon/Sprong, April 2009,
Reference DO-236C, Paragraph 2.6 Lateral Control Performance for the control authority requirement of 30
degrees for future systems.
Reference AC20-138D, Appendix 7-1c for the bank limit tested to in the RF demonstration for approval to use
Task 1: Update guidance in Order 8260.58A
Responsible Office(s)
Expected Completion Date
Tentative: 8/31/2019
Proposed: Update guidance in Order 8260.58A to authorize a maximum design bank angle for RF legs of 25
degrees for all RNP values.
Intermediate Segment Length Increase AVS Action Plan
Recommendation: The Navigation Working Group (Nav WG) recommends that 8260.58A take exception to
the sentence related to intermediate segment length in 8260.3C, Section 2-5-3, item (b) (1). 8260.58A should
be changed to add the following text:
1. “The intermediate segment length may not be greater than 15 NM unless the nominal track of the entire
segment is within 15 NM of the airport reference point. If the intermediate segment requires a stepdown fix,
increase the segment Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC) for the segment preceding (as flown) the stepdown
fix by 5’ per tenth of a track mile between the stepdown fix and the final approach fix. The maximum distance
from the stepdown fix to the final approach fix is 15 NM.”
Discussion: Working Group discussion focused on why the requirement might have been limited to a total
segment length of 15 NM. Since the standard ROC for the intermediate is 500’, it appears that the segment
length limit was a way to limit the errors in barometric altitude that could result from the aircraft being an
excessive distance from the altimetry source. In cases where a remote altimetry source is used, the intermediate
segment ROC is increased from 500’ by an amount governed by distance between the source and the
procedure airport, as well as by an amount that reflects the elevation difference. The group concluded that the
segment length was an attempt to limit the distance from the airport where the airplane is only protected by the
500’ ROC. The revision to the requirement that the WG is recommending solves this problem while
simultaneously allowing the segment to have a total length more than 15 NM where needed, as long as the
entire path is within 15 NM of the airport. Further, to limit exposure to the smaller 500’ ROC when a stepdown
fix is employed inside the intermediate segment, the recommendation employs an additive to the segment ROC
prior to the stepdown that depends on distance from (elevation above) the final approach fix.
Task 1: Update guidance in Order 8260.58A
Responsible Office(s)
Expected Completion Date
Tentative: 8/31/2019
Proposed: Update guidance in Order 8260.58A to authorize an intermediate segment to be longer than 15NM
provided the segment remains within 15NM of the ARP and to applies a 5’ per 0.1NM additive for stepdown