Appendix A
Adult Social Care Charging Policy
April 2019
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1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 3
2 Chargeable Services ........................................................................... 4
3 Benefits Advice ................................................................................... 6
4 Financial Assessment ......................................................................... 7
5 Calculating the Assessed Charge ...................................................... 9
5.1 Income for Non Residential Charging ................................................. 9
5.2 Benefits ............................................................................................... 9
5.3 Capital............................................................................................... 10
5.4 Housing Costs .................................................................................. 11
5.5 Couples (Non-Residential Care) ....................................................... 11
5.6 Carer’s Premium (Non-Residential Care) ......................................... 12
6 Disability Related Expenditure ......................................................... 13
(Non-Residential Care)...................................................................... 13
6.1 Disability Related Expenditure .......................................................... 13
6.2 Exclusions ......................................................................................... 14
6.3 Verification of Expenses ................................................................... 15
6.4 Special Equipment ............................................................................ 16
6.5 Shared Costs .................................................................................... 16
6.6 Standard Disability Related Expenditure Allowance ......................... 17
7 Reviewing Financial Details ............................................................. 18
8 Non-Disclosure of Financial Details ................................................ 19
9 Refusal to Co-Operate with a Financial Assessment ..................... 20
10 Waiving the Charge ........................................................................... 21
11 Cancellation Due to the Amount of the Charge .............................. 22
12 Right to Appeal .................................................................................. 23
13 Direct Payments ................................................................................ 25
14 Methods of Payment ......................................................................... 26
15 The Non-Residential Charging Period ............................................. 27
16 The Actual Weekly Charge ............................................................... 28
17 Invoices and Debt Recovery ............................................................. 30
Appendix 1 ........................................................................................ 31
Protected Income Calculation ....................................................... 31
Appendix 2 ........................................................................................ 33
Financial Assessment Calculation ................................................ 33
Appendix 3 ........................................................................................ 36
Couple’s Financial Assessment Calculation .................................. 36
Appendix 4 ........................................................................................ 38
Carer’s Protected Allowance Calculation ...................................... 38
Appendix 5 ........................................................................................ 39
Disability Related Expenditure Guide amounts .......................... 39
Appendix 6 ........................................................................................ 41
Examples of Shared Disability Related Expenditure ..................... 41
Appendix 7 ........................................................................................ 42
Actual Charge Payable Calculation ............................................... 42
Appendix 8 ........................................................................................ 44
Multiple Carers Calculation ........................................................... 44
18 How to contact us .............................................................................. 45
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1.1 This paper details the policy for assessing charges for Adult Social Care
1.2 All Adult Social Care services are chargeable unless they are specifically
excluded, irrespective of how those services are provided or who
provides the services.
1.3 The Council will notify all service users affected by detrimental changes
to the charging policy of how such changes will become effective prior to
the change.
1.4 The principles of this policy are as follows:
The charge should not be more than reasonable to pay;
The policy is comprehensive, clear and transparent;
The charging rules are applied equally;
Employment is encouraged.
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2.1 All Residential services are charged for under the Care Act 2014 and
any associated regulations and guidance. Under the Care Act the
Council has discretion to decide not to charge for Care whereas
previously there was no discretion with regard to Residential Care.
Leicester City Council has decided to continue to charge for both
Residential and Non-Residential Care.
2.2 Unless stated otherwise the paragraphs in this policy relate to Non-
Residential services.
2.3 All social care services are chargeable under this policy unless:
The service is subject to a Flat Rate charge rather than a means test
Members have taken the decision not to charge for a service.
The Council is not allowed to charge for services, e.g.
a. The service-user has contracted any form of Creuzfeldt
Jacob Disease.
b. Services are being provided under s.117 of the Mental
Health Act 1983, provided that documentary evidence is
supplied to Leicester City Council.
c. Services are specifically provided under intermediate care
and reablement support services for the period of the first six
weeks of the specified period or less than this if the specified
period is less.
d. Services provided under the Carers and Disabled Children
Act 2000 where the service-user has refused a Community
Care Assessment.
e. Minor adaptations of £1,000 or less.
The Council has powers to charge but further consideration and
consultation is required before any proposed charge is made, e.g.
a. Services are provided under the Independent Living Fund
arrangements. This exclusion will expire from 30 June 2015
when ILF customers transfer to Council care provision only.
b. Services provided directly to Carers as the result of a carer’s
assessment. This exclusion is to be kept under review.
Services are provided under Independent Living Support
arrangements that are detailed in clause 2.4
2.4 Services provided under Independent Living Support arrangements are
chargeable under this policy with the following exceptions:
An assessment for calculating Independent Living Support charges
alone will only be undertaken if requested by officers with the
Independent Living Support responsibilities.
The maximum charge will be the full cost of the housing related
support element of the accommodation.
There will be no hourly rate for Independent Living Support services
except where specified by an Independent Living Support provider.
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Decisions on waiving Independent Living Support charges will be made
by a senior manager in the appropriate Directorate.
2.5 If a service user lacks capacity under The Mental Health Capacity Act
2005 then the Financial Assessment team will liaise with the social
worker or the service user’s representative to ensure that the
assessment is understood, clearly communicated and to try to avoid debt
problems. This applies to both Residential and Non-Residential
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3.1 Leicester City Council will provide Service Users with details of Agencies
who provide financial benefit advice and assistance.
3.2 Service-users must notify Leicester City Council of any changes in
benefit income, other income and capital amounts as soon as they
receive notification of changes. Service-users will be advised of a
contact number to enable them to do this.
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4.1 A full financial assessment will be undertaken for all service-users who
receive the services chargeable and assessable under this policy. This
will include chargeable elements of services within packages of support
such as Supported Living. Where it is clear that the upper capital limits
are exceeded, a light touch assessment may be made, and the full
assessment may be waived. However, if there is any doubt that the
service user has the means to pay then the full assessment will be
undertaken, and the light touch assessment disregarded.
4.2 The service-user will be notified of their assessed charge in writing. The
charge will apply from the date services commenced. Any appeal to the
assessed charge must be registered with the Finance section within 35
days from the date of the letter. Appeals registered after that time may
not be considered.
4.3 Should a “temporary” charge for non-residential care be given, the
service-user will not be able to access the Appeals procedure until a
“final” charge has been assessed. However, any reduced charge
resulting from an Appeal will be backdated to the date of the first
4.4 The non-residential financial assessment will ensure that service-users:
Have sufficient money to meet their housing costs and any
reasonable, allowable disability related expenditure.
Retain the minimum income guarantee amount as “Protected
4.5 “Protected Income” is the amount that the Department of Health
guidance states should remain free from charges under this policy. This
is calculated by adding 25% to each service-user’s Income Support
allowances and premiums (excluding Severe Disability Premium)
according to age, level of disability and family status or the appropriate
Pension Guarantee Credit of Pension Credit (excluding Severe Disability
Premium). Examples of this calculation are given in Appendix 1.
4.6 The Income Support / Pension Guarantee Credit allowance is the
amount that the Government says that the service-user needs to live on
for their individual circumstances. The “Protected Income” amount is
intended to provide service-users with an additional safeguard to assist
service-users’ independence.
4.7 Service-users under 60 who receive the standard rate Personal
Independence Payment (PIP), or the middle rate of Disability Living
Allowance (Care Component) will have the Enhanced Disability
Premium included in their basic Income Support level, even though they
would only actually receive the premium if they were in receipt of the
highest Disability Living Allowance (Care) rate or Personal
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Independence Payment. This clause aims to ensure that younger
people are not disadvantaged by the non-residential financial
4.8 When the financial assessment is calculated the principles in this policy
will be followed for non-residential care charging and the Care and
Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014
used for Residential charging. If the policy is unclear with regard to how
an item of capital, income or expenditure should be treated then the
guidelines for Residential charging apply.
4.9 Residential care assessment rules allow for a personal expenditure
allowance rather than protected income as described above. These rules
are held in The Care Act 2014 and The Care and Support (Charging and
Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014.
4.9 The starting point for each non-residential financial assessment
calculation will be the formula and rules contained within this policy.
However, each service-user’s individual circumstances will be taken into
account for their calculation and, if there is evidence that exceptional
circumstances apply then allowance will be made for those in the
4.10 If the service user is a person in prison with eligible care needs a postal
assessment will be made for administrative purposes.
4.11 If a short stay in Residential Care is required charging will be as for
Residential Care not Non-Residential.
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5.1 Income for Non-Residential Charging
5.1.1 All types of income will be taken into account when assessing the
charge apart from the following types which will be disregarded:
Earnings and associated Tax Credits and Child Tax Credit.
Personal Independence Payment Mobility
Disability Living Allowance Mobility.
War Disablement Pension.
War Widows Pension.
The difference between the lower and higher rate of Attendance
Allowance if the higher rate is in payment unless night-time care is
The difference between the standard and enhanced rates of
Personal Independence Payment or the middle and higher rate of
Disability Living Allowance Care if the higher rate is in payment,
unless night-time care is provided.
The lower rate of Attendance Allowance if either rate is in payment
where the reason for the award is that the service-user requires
attention or supervision at night, unless night-time care is provided.
The middle rate of Disability Living Allowance Care if the middle or
higher rate is in payment where the reason for the award is that the
service-user requires attention or supervision at night unless, night-
time care is provided.
The standard rate of Personal Independence Payment if the
standard or enhanced rate is in payment where the reason for the
award is that the service-user requires attention or supervision at
night unless, night-time care is provided
Pension Credit (Savings) is fully disregarded for assessment
5.1.2 Income rules for Residential Care are contained in The Care Act 2014
and The Care and Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources)
Regulations 2014.
5.2 Benefits
5.2.1 The financial assessment will be calculated on the basis that the
service-user has applied for and is receiving the correct means-tested
benefits. However, the financial assessment will be reviewed if the
benefit becomes payable at a later date subject to clause 5.2.3.
5.2.2 Where deductions are taken from benefits paid, i.e. if deductions are
made to repay debts or social fund payments, the financial assessment
will be calculated on the gross amount.
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5.2.3 The financial assessment calculation is based on the assumption that
the income of the individual or couple will be maximised without any
reference to possible charges that may result from the financial
assessment itself. Once a service-user, or their partner, is made
aware, by any means, that they are able to claim further means tested
benefits, Leicester City Council will assume that the service-user, or
their partner, will take immediate action to increase their income.
5.2.4 Where the service-user makes a claim for a disability benefit that is
undecided at the time of the financial assessment the financial
assessment will be calculated using the service-users actual income.
When the claim is decided the financial assessment will be reviewed to
take account of the increased income. The amount of the increased
income will be calculated from the later of the date of the award or the
date of the first financial assessment.
5.3 Capital
5.3.1 Tariff income from capital will be assumed at the rate of £1 for every
£250 of capital between the minimum and maximum capital limits
determined each year in accordance with the Care and Support
(Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014.
5.3.2 Capital will be assessed in accordance with the Care and Support
(Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014 subject to
clause 5.3.3.
5.3.3 The capital assets of a couple will be assessed individually i.e. joint
accounts will be halved for assessment purposes.
5.3.4 The secondary, Couples financial assessment, will be determined
using the total capital assets of the couple.
5.3.5 Capital disposed of, or converted into a disregarded form, in order to
reduce the charge will be treated as notional capital in accordance with
the Care and Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources)
Regulations 2014.
5.3.6 If a service-user has capital in excess of the capital limit the financial
assessment means test will not be applied. The charge will be
calculated at full cost.
5.3.7 A service-user’s main residence will not be treated as capital for the
purposes of a financial assessment for non-residential charging. The
“main residence” is the dwelling normally occupied by a service-user
as his home. Only one dwelling can be disregarded for this purpose.
5.3.8 If a service-user owns or has an interest in another property the value
of that property will be treated as capital and assessed accordingly.
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5.4 Housing Costs
5.4.1 Housing costs are allowable when assessing the non-residential charge.
These are:
Rent payments not met by Housing Benefit.
Council Tax payments not met by Council Tax Benefit.
Mortgage payments associated capital repayments and endowment
premiums not met by Employment Support Allowance/Income
Support/ Pension Guarantee Credit.
Amounts payable, solely for housing, by service-users who are
classified as non-dependants by the Department of Work and
Pensions and/or Housing Benefit.
Amounts payable (capital and interest) by service-users required to
make or making a contribution towards the cost of work where a
disabled facilities grant has been awarded. This allowance will only
apply where the service-user has taken out a loan in order to pay his
/ her contribution.
5.4.2 No allowance will be made for housing maintenance costs, as these are
costs faced by homeowners regardless of disability.
5.5 Couples (Non-Residential Care)
5.5.1 The Care Act 2014 envisages that councils will only consider an
individual service-users means when assessing the ability to pay a
5.5.2 However, it is acknowledged that income due to one person may be paid
to another, i.e. married couples have Income Support / Employment
Support Allowance /Pension Guarantee Credit paid to just one member
of the couple, and that it can be difficult to identify separate incomes. For
this reason, a secondary calculation will be made when assessing the
charge for each person who is a member of a couple. The lower of the
two charges will be applied.
5.5.3 Only the service-user’s income will be taken into account. The financial
assessment will ensure, as far as possible, that the service-user’s
partner is left with the higher of;
i) all of his or her income, or:
ii) 125% of (half the couple’s basic Income Support/ Employment
Support Allowance /Pension Guarantee Credit level + any extra
premiums applied individually to the partner e.g. Carer’s
5.5.4 The secondary assessment is calculated using the following guidelines:
Protected Income is 125% of a couple’s basic Income Support /
Employment Support Allowance / Pension Guarantee Credit
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(including any extra premiums applied individually to either partner
e.g. Carer’s Premiums).
The capital assets of the couple.
Housing Cost is that of the couple.
5.5.5 The service-user is deemed to be in receipt of Income Support /
Employment Support Allowance/ Pension Guarantee Credit if it is paid
to either member of the couple. This is because these benefits are
awarded to the couple but only actually paid to one of them.
5.5.6 The service-user’s spouse or partner is entitled to choose not to disclose
their income details. However, this may prove detrimental to the service-
users assessment because assumptions will have to be made instead.
5.5.7 If Income Support, Employment Support Allowance or Pension Credit is
paid to either member of the couple then this must be disclosed.
5.5.8 Capital belonging to either member of the couple must be disclosed to
enable an accurate assessment to be completed.
5.5.9 Examples of the couple’s assessment can be found in Appendix 3.
5.6 Carer’s Premium (Non-Residential Care)
5.6.1 A member of a couple will have a “Carer’s Protected Allowance” applied
to his / her protected income where his / her partner is in receipt of
Attendance Allowance, unless he / she actually receives the Carer’s
Premium, in which case the Carer’s Premium will be applied. Examples
are given in Appendix 4.
5.6.2 The Carer’s Protected Allowance will be 40% of the Carer’s Premium
rounded up to the nearest 50 pence.
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(Non-Residential Care)
6.1 Disability Related Expenditure
6.1.1 The Department of Health defines Disability Related Expenditure as any
reasonable additional cost that the service-user incurs because of illness
or disability. Leicester City Council will refer to the service user’s
individual Care Assessment and Support Plan when deciding whether to
allow individual items of Disability Related Expenditure. Expenses
relating to services provided by the Care Plan will be disallowed.
6.1.2 Disability Related Expenditure will be considered if the following criteria
are met:
The extra cost is needed to meet a service-user’s specific need
arising out of illness or disability as identified in the service-user’s
Care Assessment and Support Plan.
The cost is reasonable and can be verified. The service-user will be
asked to produce receipts. If these are not available for past
expenditure, the service-user will be asked to keep receipts for future
expenditure. Items may be disallowed if valid receipts cannot be
It is not reasonable for a lower cost alternative item or service to be
Items are not normally provided by the NHS or another agency.
The NHS or another agency cannot supply the item free of charge
or at a lower cost.
There is a financial disadvantage to the service-user relating to
Disability Related Expenditure meeting this criterion.
Costs in excess of any Disability Living Allowance Mobility
Component or Personal Independence Payment Mobility, if they are
incurred solely or mainly due to disability, and the need is identified
in the Care Assessment and Care Plan subject to the exclusions
listed in clause 6.2.2.
Travel costs for social inclusion activities identified in the service-
user’s Care Assessment and Care Plan.
6.1.3 The service-user may be asked to consider alternative solutions in order
to reduce Disability Related Expenditure levels, i.e. purchase waterproof
bedding in order to reduce wear and tear costs for bed linen or purchase
a waterproof mattress in order to reduce the number of mattress
purchases. The assessment officer will take care to ensure full regard
is given for whether a more expensive item meets the needs of the
disability to a much higher standard.
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6.1.4 Receipts are requested in order to assist Leicester City Council in
ensuring that the policy is applied fairly and consistently to all service-
users. For non-residential charging purposes, receipts are needed for
the twelve months immediately preceding the assessment and for any
one off or irregular expenditure such as a stair lift if this was prior to
twelve months. A reasonable judgement will be made if no receipts are
available, especially with an initial assessment.
6.1.5 Indications of reasonable Disability Related Expenditure costs are
shown in Appendix 5. These costs will be reviewed each year as part of
the budget setting process.
6.1.6 Where allowed expenditure is irregular or not weekly then a weekly
notional cost will be calculated.
6.2 Exclusions
6.2.1 No allowance will be made for any item or service that is required or used
by the general population and would be considered to be normal
expenditure. The only exceptions to this clause is where an item or
service is used specifically because of the service-user’s illness or
disability and would not otherwise be used and / or the item or service is
not available at a lower cost. The service-user will be asked to provide
evidence to support claims made under this clause.
6.2.2 The considerations defined in 6.1.2 that allow DRE mean that no
allowance will be made for the following expenditure.
Supporting People services
Structural or landscaping work (e.g. tree surgery, path laying or re-
laying) in gardens or to buildings unless
a) (clause 5.4.1) Disabled Facilities Grant contributions
apply in respect of the works carried out, or;
b) The service-user is a scooter / wheelchair-user and the
modifications to the garden or building are essential to
enable use of the scooter or wheelchair, or to provide
secure storage for the scooter and the facility is used as
such. In this case the amount will be calculated as if the
modifications were equipment with a suitable life span
Any gardening costs other than basic tidying, e.g. essential lawn
cutting, weeding or seasonal pruning.
Window cleaning.
Tobacco or Alcohol products
The difference between the actual cost and the lower cost alternative
where it is reasonable for the service-user to use a lower cost
Home maintenance costs.
Amounts paid in relation to care provided by a family member.
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Any item or service met by a payment from a Community Care Grant
or where another funding source has been provided.
Mobile Meals.
Water Charges. Service-users should note that Water Companies
would cap their charges for those who qualify for the Vulnerable
Household Scheme operated by the Water Company.
Telephone charges.
Alternative medicines and therapies, unless commissioned by the
NHS and not falling under the criteria listed in clause 6.1.2.
Pets and associated costs.
Normal Fuel costs (see Appendix 5 for more details).
Carer’s expenses, other than essential Companion’s costs.
Travel costs if the journey is undertaken to meet a need or service
in use by the general population (e.g. shopping trips, visits to friends
/ relatives). Similarly travel costs for visits made to the service-user
by friends / family members will not be allowed as an expense
because these are expenses incurred by the general population.
6.2.3 Where a particular item of expenditure combines more than one item or
service only those elements that meet the service-user’s specific need
arising out of illness or disability can be allowed. E.g. hair washing would
be allowed if the service-user could not do this task themselves and this
is the only time that the hair was washed. However, hair cutting would
not be allowed as this is a service used by the general population and is
not a disability related expense.
6.2.4 The Disability Related Expenditure allowance is not allowed for service-
users who are only in receipt of Supporting People services and do not
receive a disability benefit.
6.3 Verification of Expenses
6.3.1 The service-user will be requested to provide receipts for expenses
claimed. If receipts have not been kept then the service-user will be
asked to provide receipts of future expenses.
6.3.2 If receipts are not available for common expenses, the amounts in
Appendix 5 will be used to calculate the extra amount arising from the
service-user’s illness or disability.
6.3.3 If the service-user does not provide receipts, despite requests to do so
and where it is reasonable to expect that a receipt should be kept,
Leicester City Council may decide that the expense should not be
allowed. The Income section will liaise with the commissioning Team
Manager prior to making this decision.
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6.4 Special Equipment
6.4.1 Costs for purchasing equipment that is required to meet the needs of the
individual with regards to their disability (i.e. stair lifts) will be allowed if
they meet the service-user’s specific need arising out of illness or
disability. The amount allowed will be based on the life span of the
equipment and the purchase price paid by the service-user.
6.4.2 Maintenance and repair costs for such equipment will be allowed if that
equipment meets the service-user’s specific need arising out of illness
or disability. The amount allowed will be the annual cost divided by 52
weeks. If no maintenance contract is in place, then the cost of the
insurance contract for the item will be allowable.
6.5 Shared Costs
6.5.1 If more than one person lives in the service-user’s home the additional
costs relating to disability will be shared between the occupants whose
needs contribute to the additional costs.
6.5.2 In multi-occupancy homes additional fuel costs will be attributed to the
occupants whose needs contribute to the additional costs. This is
defined as any person who is over 60 as well as the service-user. Please
see Appendix 6 for details of this calculation.
6.5.3 The cost of employing cleaners or gardeners, if allowed, will be attributed
to all the adult occupants of the service-user’s home unless it can be
shown that the expense is only for the service-users benefit.
6.5.4 Where a couple both receive services and are both eligible for a disability
related expenditure allowance, all the couple’s costs will be shared
equally unless there is evidence to show that individual items of
expenditure are only incurred by one of the couple.
6.5.5 Expenditure can only be allowed once for the purposes of the Disability
Related Expenditure calculation. If two or more occupants are claiming
Disability Related Expenditure, then individual expenditure items must
be shared or allocated to one occupant.
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6.6 Standard Disability Related Expenditure Allowance
6.6.1 It is acknowledged that it can be difficult for service-users to establish
exactly the additional disability related costs that they incurred. For this
reason, a standard minimum Disability Related Expenditure allowance is
allocated in each financial assessment. If service-users feel that their
actual Disability Related Expenditure is higher than the minimum
allowance, then the service-user will be offered a Disability Related
Expenditure assessment.
6.6.2 The standard minimum Disability Related Expenditure allowances are
reviewed each year as part of the budget setting process.
The standard minimum allowance for 2019/20 for a single person is
£10 per week.
The standard minimum allowance for 2019/20 for a member of a
couple is £10 per week.
6.6.3 Any service-user who has higher actual Disability Related Expenditure
than the standard Disability Related Expenditure allowance will be
allowed to claim their actual Disability Related Expenditure.
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7.1 The service-user is required to inform Leicester City Council as soon as
their financial circumstances change as this may affect their assessed
charge. Examples of changes to financial circumstances are:
Any change to benefit payments
Any change to other income payments
Any change to housing costs
Any change to allowable Disability Related Expenditure
Any significant change to capital amounts, i.e. 10% or more of total
7.2 If the service-user does not inform Leicester City Council of any change
to their financial circumstances and, as a result of those changes, their
assessed charge increases then the increased charge will apply from the
date that increased income or benefits began to be effectively paid.
7.3 Leicester City Council will recover any arrears and debts accumulated
by non-disclosure of changes in financial circumstances.
7.4 Leicester City Council may review the service-user’s financial
circumstances and assessed charge at any time. Occasions that may
instigate a review are listed below.
On request from the service-user or his / her authorised
Following an award or withdrawal of a benefit
New information is received as to the service-user’s income and
When the Department of Work & Pensions increases benefits.
As a result of changes to the hourly rate or maximum charge during
the budget setting process
Annually within 2 weeks either side of the anniversary of the last
assessment or review
If a financial review has not been completed for at least 12 months.
At the request of the appropriate Service Director.
If the range of charging changes and/or the Policy changes.
7.5 Where the review leads to a change in the contribution calculation, this
will apply from the Monday following the date the change actually took
place, or the date services commenced, if the change took place before.
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8.1 Service-users have the right to choose not to disclose their financial
details for both the initial financial assessment and for subsequent
reviews. If this right is exercised they will be required to pay the
maximum charge applicable at the time that the service was delivered.
8.2 The maximum charge will be the lower of the weekly maximum charge
and the cost of the services delivered.
8.3 If the service-user later chooses to disclose their financial details any
reduction in charge will apply as per paragraph 7.5.
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9.1 If a service-user refuses to co-operate with a financial assessment they
will be required to pay the maximum charge applicable from the date of
the refusal to undertake the assessment.
9.2 A service-user is considered to have refused to co-operate with a
financial assessment if he or she without good cause;
Does not make an appointment to allow Leicester City Council to
obtain the necessary information for an assessment or review
despite there being two requests to do so by Leicester City Council.
Fails to keep a pre-arranged appointment organised for the purpose
of obtaining the necessary information for an assessment or review.
Fails to provide proof of income within one month of a written request
from the Council.
Fails to provide proof of expenditure within one month of a written
request from the Council.
Fails to provide proof of capital within one month of a written request
from the Council.
Fails to complete financial review forms either by phone, visit or post.
9.3 If it is known that the service-user is in receipt of Income Support /
Employment Support Allowance/ Pension Guarantee Credit then the
financial assessment and the charge calculation will be completed on
that basis.
9.4 If the financial information held on file is recent and has been verified
then the financial assessment and charge calculation will be completed
using that information.
9.5 If the service-user later decides to co-operate with the assessment any
reduction in charge will apply as per paragraph 7.5.
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10.1 Occasionally, there are cases when the allocated worker believes that
the financial assessment process would adversely affect a service-user’s
health or that a service-user genuinely cannot afford to pay the charge.
10.2 In these cases Leicester City Council will endeavour to collect the
necessary information in order to complete the financial assessment.
When the charge has been calculated the commissioning Team
Manager will be asked for advice on whether a waiver should be
10.3 If the financial assessment process is unable to be completed because
the service-user’s health would be adversely affected by the process the
commissioning Team Manager will be asked for advice on whether a
waiver should be requested.
10.4 If a service-user feels that they cannot afford to pay the charges, either
in full or part, they can request that Leicester City Council considers a
waiver. The service-user should give full details of the reason for their
request at the time of making it. The commissioning Team Manager will
be asked for advice on whether a waiver should be granted.
10.5 If the commissioning Team Manager agrees that a waiver should be
requested / granted he or she will request written approval from their
Service Director to waive the charge in accordance with the agreed
Scheme of Delegation for the Department.
10.6 Any waived charge must be reviewed at six monthly intervals, or lesser
period determined from the Scheme of Delegation, and further written
approval is needed for the charges to continue to be waived. This applies
to both Residential and Non Residential charging.
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 22 of 45
11.1 If a service-user wishes to cancel any services or direct payment due to
the level of the charge they should contact their allocated social worker
to discuss the matter. Services cannot be cancelled through the Finance
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 23 of 45
12.1 If the service-user:
Feels that their assessed maximum charge has not been calculated
in accordance with this policy, and/or;
feels that their specific individual circumstances are exceptional and
should be considered as a special case;
then they have the right to appeal under the Non-residential Charges
Appeals procedure.
12.2 The service-user will be notified of their assessed maximum charge in
writing. The assessed maximum charge will apply from the Monday
following the date of the charge notification letter. Any appeal to the
assessed maximum charge must be registered with the Finance section
within 35 days from the date of the letter. Appeals registered after that
time may not be considered.
12.3 Should a “temporary” charge be given, the service-user will not be able
to access the Appeals procedure until a “final” charge has been
assessed. However, any reduced charge resulting from an Appeal will
be backdated to the date of the first assessment.
12.4 The service-user or their authorised representative can start the appeal
process at any time within the 35 day period by contacting Leicester City
Council and requesting that an appeal process is started.
12.5 At the time of starting the appeal the service-user is required to give
details of the areas where they feel that their assessed maximum
charge has not been calculated in accordance with this policy, or;
details why they feel that their specific individual circumstances are
exceptional and should be considered as a special case.
12.6 The service-user has no right of appeal against the actual charge
payable. The appeal procedure is only applicable to the assessed
maximum charge.
12.7 The appeal process may result in the assessed maximum charge
increasing, decreasing or staying the same.
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 24 of 45
12.8 When the appeal is received an officer not previously involved in the
individual case will review the financial assessment within 5 working
days of the notification of the appeal. The service-user will be notified of
the result in writing and will be given comprehensive details of how the
assessed maximum charge has been calculated. The service-user will
have 14 days to advise whether they wish to continue with the appeal.
12.9 If the service-user wishes to continue with the appeal they will be asked
to identify which specific element of the assessment they feel has not
been calculated in accordance with this policy or which specific element
of their individual circumstances has not been taken into account for the
purposes of the calculation.
12.10 If the service-user wishes to continue with the appeal the case will be
reviewed by a panel of two senior officers who have not previously been
involved in the individual financial assessment. The officers involved will
be a Finance Team Leader (or their representative) and the Team
Manager from the social work team responsible for the service-user (or
their representative).
12.11 The service-user is entitled to submit a representation before the two
senior officers consider the appeal. The representation may be
submitted in writing, by letter or e-mail, or verbally over the telephone
within 7 days of their notification to Leicester City Council that they wish
to take the Appeal further.
12.12 The panel will consider whether the assessment has been calculated in
line with this policy and whether any exceptional circumstances have
been taken into account in accordance with this policy. The meeting will
take place within 21 days of the notification.
12.13 The service-user will be advised in writing of the panel’s decision within
5 working days of the panel.
12.14 Should the service-user feel that the appeal process has not been
followed correctly there may then be grounds to make a complaint under
Leicester City Council’s Complaints Procedure.
12.15 Reference should be made to the Leicester City Council Complaints
procedure for details of the process and timescales. However, service-
users should be aware that the Complaints procedure will only consider
whether the policy has been applied correctly in assessing the maximum
assessed charge.
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13.1 Charging for Direct Payments applies to all elements of the payments
actually made.
13.2 Charges for these services will be deducted from any payments made to
service-users. However the Council may choose to make a full Direct
Payment if a service user fails to pay their contribution and invoice the
service user instead. Any case of this nature will be referred to Care
Management to review the suitability of a direct payment as the method
used to meet care needs.
13.3 Where a surplus arises on a person’s Direct Payment account, the
amount that will be refunded to the service user will be calculated as the
extent to which their expected contribution exceeded the actual cost of
services paid for during that period.
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14.1 The service-user will be asked for their preferred method of payment.
14.2 The preferred payment methods for charges are:
Direct Debit
Online payment by Debit or Credit card, immediately on receipt of an
Payments at PayPoint outlets, immediately on receipt of an invoice
14.3 These payment methods are designed to provide flexibility to the
service-user at the same time as giving a cost-effective method of
14.4 Information on how to make payments will be given when the service-
user is notified of the assessed maximum charge.
14.5 Any refunds made will be sent to the originating bank account by BACS.
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15.1 The charging week runs from Monday to Sunday each week.
15.2 For home care visits, times are counted as a ¼ hour minimum and
thereafter in 15-minute increments.
15.3 Service-users will be charged for a minimum of ¼ hour service in each
week and thereafter for increments of 15 minutes of service.
15.4 If the amount of service is disputed Finance will check the actual hours
information provided by the Home Care provider. If the dispute is not
then resolved Finance will request assistance from the allocated social
worker or team.
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16.1 There is no limit to the maximum weekly charge for non-residential care.
16.2 Full cost assessments for non-residential care will be charged at the cost
to the Council for providing the care. The council will arrange for
commissioned services for non-residential care if a full cost assessment
applies and the service users request the Council to arrange this, but the
service user can choose to make their own arrangements for care
instead. This does not apply to Residential Care in most circumstances
if a full cost assessment is made then the service user must contract
directly with the home of their choice and the Council will not place them
16.3 The hourly rate for home care will be an average based on the costs
from different providers for providing the care. The average charge
calculation will be undertaken annually and will be weighted as per the
number of service users in relation to each care provider to ensure
fairness to all.
16.4 The charge payable is the lower of:
The number of home care hours delivered per week multiplied by the
hourly rate, plus any charges for day services and / or transport
The service-user’s assessed weekly charge.
The maximum charge that applies at the time of the assessment.
(Examples are given in Appendix 7.)
16.5 Where a service-user’s Care Assessment states that two or more carers
are needed to complete a task, i.e. lifting the service-user, the charge
will be for the cost of providing two or more carers. Examples are given
in Appendix 8.
16.6 Day services costs will be charged at the cost of the individual session
rate per day service it is the actual cost to the Local Authority that will
be charged.
16.7 Transport costs will be charged at full cost once systems are in place to
accurately record distance travelled. Until then a charge of £5.42 for
each journey the Council is required to provide for services it
commissions, will be used.
16.8 For Direct Payments the weekly charge will be equal to the payments
that are made to service users to purchase their support. If there are
elements of the Direct Payment for services that are either not
chargeable or are not covered by means assessed charging (e.g. meals)
then these elements will not be included in the calculation of the charge.
If the full contribution equals the total of the Direct Payment then the case
will be referred back to Care Management as no payment would be
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17.1 Charges outstanding will be reconciled at four-weekly intervals
17.2 Actual service delivery information is required from the providers of Care
so bills for a period will always be in arrears.
17.3 An invoice will be issued where a charge is payable.
17.4 Any overpayments will be offset against future services or reimbursed to
the service-user.
17.5 Should the invoice remain unpaid the City Council’s debt recovery
procedures will be instigated. This will result in legal action if required.
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Appendix 1
Protected Income Calculation
Examples the Minimum Income Guarnatee.
1. Single Person over 60:
Standard Minimum Pension Guarantee Credit of £159.35 multiplied by 125% =
2. Member of a Couple over 60:
a) If Partner is not receiving Attendance Allowance/Middle Rate Disability
Living Allowance (Care Component)
Half of Couples Standard Minimum Pension Guarantee Credit of
£243.25 i.e. £121.63, multiplied by 125% = £152.03
b) If Partner is receiving Attendance Allowance/Middle Rate Disability
Living Allowance (Care Component)
Half of Couples Standard Minimum Pension Guarantee Credit of
£243.25 i.e. £121.62, + £14.00 (Leicester City Council’s Carer’s
Protected Allowance) = £135.63
£135.63 multiplied by 125% = £169.54
3. Single Person under 60 but over 25:
a) If receiving Low Rate Disability Living Allowance (Care Component)
Income Support Personal Allowance of £73.10 + £32.55 (Disability
Premium) = £105.65
£105.65 multiplied by 125% = £132.06
b) If receiving Middle or High Rate Disability Living Allowance (Care
Income Support Personal Allowance of £73.10 + £32.55 (Disability
Premium) + £15.90 (Enhanced Disability Premium) = £121.55
£121.55 multiplied by 125% = £151.94
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 32 of 45
4. Member of a Couple under 60 but over 25:
a) If both receiving Middle or High Rate Disability Living Allowance (Care
Half of: Couples Personal Allowance of £114.85 + £46.40 (Couples
Disability Premium) + £22.85 (Couples Enhanced Disability Premium) =
£184.10 divided by 2 = £92.05
£92.05 + £14.00 (Leicester City Council’s Carer’s Protected Allowance)
= £106.05
£106.05 multiplied by 125% = £132.56
b) If both receiving Middle or High Rate Disability Living Allowance ( Care
Component) and Income Support Carer’s Premium
Half of: Couples Personal Allowance of £114.85 + £46.40 (Couples
Disability Premium) + £22.85 (Couples Enhanced Disability Premium) =
£184.10 divided by 2 = £92.05
£92.05 + £34.95 (Carer’s Premium) = £127.00
£127.00 multiplied by 125% = £158.75
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Appendix 2
Financial Assessment Calculation
Examples of how the Financial Assessment is calculated.
Benefit amounts are subject to yearly increases.
These examples are presented as a guide to how the maximum weekly
amount is calculated. The calculation can be extremely complicated, and there
can be many variations in individual circumstances. For this reason it is not
practical to include examples covering every situation.
Example 1:
Single person aged over 60 receiving State Retirement Pension of £122.30 per
week and Pension Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit. His/Her
Disability Related Expenses total £8 per week:
Assessable Income Calculation (weekly)
Income Type
To bring income up to
Appropriate Amount of £167.25
Allowances to deduct from Assessable Income calculation (weekly)
Allowance Type
Minimum Income
Government defined to cover
normal expenses and some
additional costs
Allowable Disability
Related Expenses
Standard minimum allowed by
Leicester City Council for a single
person, even though actual is £8.
Assessed Maximum weekly charge = Assessable Income 167.25)
less Allowances 209.19) = Nil
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 34 of 45
Example 2:
Single person aged over 60 receiving State Retirement Pension of £122.30 per
week; Pension Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit; Attendance
Allowance (High Rate - £87.65) per week. His or Her essential Disability
Related Expenses total £21.50 per week:
Assessable Income Calculation (weekly)
Income Type
To bring income up to
Appropriate Amount of £233.10
If higher rate paid, the difference
between the higher and lower
rate is disregarded.
Allowances to deduct from Assessable Income calculation (weekly)
Allowance Type
Minimum Income
Government defined to cover
normal expenses and some
additional costs (125% of £159.35)
Allowable Disability
Related Expenses
Actual amount allowed because it
is over the standard minimum
allowed by Leicester City Council.
Assessed Maximum weekly charge = Assessable Income 291.80)
less Allowances 220.69) = £71.11
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 35 of 45
Example 3:
Single person aged over 65 living in rented accommodation and receiving State
Retirement Pension of £122.30 per week; Occupational Pension of £105.00 per
week; Attendance Allowance (High Rate - £87.65) per week. His or Her
essential Disability Related Expenses total £24.50 per week:
Assessable Income Calculation (weekly)
Income Type
If higher rate paid, the difference
between the higher and lower
rate is disregarded.
Allowances to deduct from Assessable Income Calculation (weekly)
Allowance Type
Minimum Income
Government defined to cover
normal expenses and some
additional costs (125% of £159.35).
Allowable Disability
Related Expenses
Actual amount allowed because it
is over the standard minimum
allowed by Leicester City Council.
Eligible Rent not covered
by Housing Benefit
Some Housing Benefit would be
Council Tax not covered
by Council Tax Benefit
Some Council Tax Benefit would
be received.
Assessed Maximum weekly charge = Assessable Income 286.00
less Allowances 227.69) = £58.31
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Appendix 3
Couples Financial Assessment Calculation
Examples of how the Couples Financial Assessment is calculated
Benefit amounts are subject to yearly increases.
These examples are only presented as a guide to how the maximum weekly
amount is calculated. The calculation, particularly when applied to couples,
can be extremely complicated, and there can be many variations in individual
circumstances. For this reason it is not practical to include examples covering
every situation.
Example 4:
Couple aged under 60. The Service User receives Personal Independence
(Enhanced Rate - £87.65) and Mobility Component (Enhanced Rate - £61.20).
Employment Support Allowance is paid to the couple. The Service User has
essential Disability Related Expenses totalling £4.50 per week.
The calculation below is for the Service User:
Assessable Income Calculation (weekly)
Income Type
Half the couples rate including
disability premiums
If higher rate paid, the difference
between the enhanced and
standard rate is disregarded.
Allowances to deduct from Assessable Income calculation (weekly)
Allowance Type
Minimum Income
Government defined to cover normal
expenses and some additional costs
Allowable Disability
Related Expenses
Standard minimum allowed by Leicester
City Council for a member of a couple,
even though actual is £4.50.
Protecting Partner’s
Income to 125% of Basic
Employment Support
Assessed Maximum weekly charge = Assessable Income 157.45
less Allowances 165.57) = Nil
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 37 of 45
Example 5:
Couple aged under 60. The Service User receives Personal Independence
Payment (Enhanced Rate - £87.65) and Mobility Component (Enhanced Rate
- £61.20). The Service User’s partner receives Personal Independence
Payment (Standard Rate - £58.70). Employment Support Allowance is paid to
the couple. The Service User has essential Disability Related Expenses
totalling £4.50 per week.
The calculation below is for the Service User:
Assessable Income Calculation (weekly)
Income Type
Half the couples rate including
disability premiums
If higher rate paid, the difference
between the higher and lower
rate is disregarded.
Allowances to deduct from Assessable Income Calculation (weekly)
Allowance Type
Minimum Income
Government defined to cover normal
expenses and some additional costs.
Allowable Disability
Related Expenses
Standard minimum allowed by
Leicester City Council for a member of
a couple, even though actual is £4.50.
Assessed Maximum weekly charge = Assessable Income 220.52)
less Allowances 142.56) = £77.96
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Appendix 4
Carer’s Protected Allowance Calculation
Examples of how the Carer’s Protected Allowance is calculated
Carer’s Protected Allowance is 40 % of the Carer’s Premium rounded up to the
nearest 50 pence.
Carer’s Premium = £34.95
40% of £34.95 = £13.98
Carer’s Protected Allowance = £14.00
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 39 of 45
Appendix 5
Disability Related Expenditure Guide amounts
N.B. Amounts will be adjusted for inflationary increases in line with the Retail
Price Index (RPI).
Annual inflationary update is given based
on RPI Fuel index at November 2018.This
year’s figure has increased by 8.7% in the
last 12 months for the East Midlands
Single person - Flat/Terrace £1,421
Couple Flat/Terrace £1,873
Single person Semi Detached £1,509
Couples Semi Detached £1,987
Single Detached £1,835
Couples Detached £2,418
Bills from Provider
Alarm System
Actual cost unless included in Housing
Benefit or Supporting People Grant.
Bills from Provider
arranged care
Actual cost if included in Assessment and
Leicester City Council supported care is
reduced accordingly.
Signed receipts for
at least 4 weeks
using a proper
receipt book
Domestic help
Actual cost if included in Assessment and
Leicester City Council supported care is
reduced accordingly.
Signed receipts for
at least 4 weeks
using a proper
receipt book
Laundry /
£3.85 per week.
Care Plan will have
identified a need of
more than 4 loads
per week.
Dietary needs
Discretionary as special dietary needs may
not be more expensive than normal. Max
£2.50 per week if noted in Assessment
Details of special
Basic Gardening
Discretionary based on individual costs of
garden maintenance. Max £5.00 per week
if noted in Assessment. Seasonal
fluctuations have been taken into account.
Signed receipts for
at least 4 weeks
using a proper
receipt book
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 40 of 45
Actual cost divided by 520 (10 year life) up
to a maximum of:
£4.01 per week manual wheelchair
£9.74 per week powered wheelchair /
motorised scooter
Evidence of
purchase. No
allowance if
equipment is
provided free of
Powered Bed
Actual cost divided by 520 (10 year life) up
to a maximum of £4.43 per week
Evidence of
Turning Bed
Actual cost divided by 520 up to a maximum
of £7.76 per week
Evidence of
reclining chair
Actual cost divided by 520 up to a maximum
of £3.52 per week
Evidence of
Actual cost divided by 520 up to a maximum
of £6.27 per week
Evidence of
purchase without
DFG input
Actual cost divided by 520 up to a maximum
of £3.07 per week
Evidence of
purchase without
DFG input
Max £5.00pw if noted in Assessment.
Actual travel costs and reasonable
expenses if service-user is unable to go out
alone and noted in Assessment. Not
allowed if costs could be covered by other
agencies, i.e. Health will pay for travel to
Wear and tear
on clothing.
Max £4.00pw if more than £4.50pw is spent
on replacements and need is identified in
Wear & tear on
Max £1.00pw if need is identified in
Not allowed unless identified in Assessment
that NHS supplies cannot be used or are
Actual cost if identified in Assessment and
NHS chiropodist not available
Hair Washing
Actual cost of washing & drying only if
identified in Assessment
Other Costs
As identified in Assessment
Travel costs
Costs net of any Disability Living
Allowance/ESA Mobility Component will be
allowed subject to Section 6 of the policy.
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Appendix 6
Examples of Shared Disability Related Expenditure
Example 1.
Three people live in the dwelling: two are aged over 60, one of whom is a
service-user, the third is an adult relative who works full time. The additional
fuel cost is £5 per week. The additional cost should be divided between the
two persons over 60 so £2.50 is attributed to the service-user.
Example 2.
The service-user lives in his/her parents’ home. Neither of the parents is over
60. The additional fuel cost is £5.00 per week all of which is attributed to the
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 42 of 45
Appendix 7
Actual Charge Payable Calculation
Please note, the charges shown in the examples below are used for example
purposes only and may not be the actual amounts used when calculating a
The result of the Assessment calculation sets a maximum weekly
contribution that you will have to pay if your care costs are the same or more
in value. What you actually pay is dependent upon the level of service you
receive because the amount of care provided could cost less than the maximum
weekly contribution.
Example 1
If the charge for your services is below your maximum weekly amount you only
pay the charge. This is demonstrated in this example:
Your maximum weekly amount is £100. You receive 2 hours home care per
week, go to one day service session and are transported to the session and
2 hours home care x £15.11 = £30.22
Day Service Cost = £32.46
Transport charge = £10.00
TOTAL = £72.68
Maximum weekly amount = £100
Your actual charge = £72.68
Charging Policy (April 2019) Version 1.3 Page 43 of 45
Example 2
If the number of hours you receive multiplied by the hourly charging rate is
above your maximum weekly amount, you pay the maximum weekly
Your maximum weekly amount is £100. You receive 10 hours of home care
per week, go to one day service session and are transported to the session and
10 hours care x £15.11 = £151.10
Day Service Cost = £32.46
Transport charge ```` = £10.00
TOTAL = £193.56
Maximum weekly amount = £100
Your actual charge = £100
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Appendix 8
Multiple Carers Calculation
All carers are charged for under this policy. This means that if you have more
than one carer at one time for home care you will be charged for the amount of
time for each carer.
Example 1
If you receive 2 visits of 1 hours home care per week but have 2 carers for each
visit you will be charged for 4 hours care.
2 carers x 2 visits x 1 hour = 4 hours home care.
Example 2
If you receive 3 visits of 1 hours care per week but for one of those visits you
have 2 carers and for the other two visits you have 1 carer you will be charged
for 4 hours care.
2 x carers x 1 visit x 1 hour = 2 hours home care
1 x carer x 2 visits x 1 hour = 2 hours home care
= 4 hours of home care
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18 How to contact us
A member of staff is available to answer any gener
questions you may
have about your
us on 0116 454 1010
select option 2 then option 1.
you need to write to us, our address is:
The Business Service Centre
Leicester City Council
Social Care Finance
Sovereign House
17 Princess Road West