The agreement made on __________________________________ (date) is a contract between:
_______________________________________; _______________________________________;
_______________________________________; _______________________________________;
_______________________________________; _______________________________________;
_______________________________________; and ____________________________________, co-tenants, for the rental
premises located at: ____________________________________________________________________________ (full address).
This agreement is to begin on ____________________ for a term lasting from __________________ to __________________.
The roommates listed above fully understand and accept the rules and responsibilities of this agreement. No roommate as the
authority to force another roommate to move out. A roommate may move out provided s/he has complied with the termination of
tenancy provisions in this contract and the rental agreement with the landlord.
A departing roommate will be responsible for upholding the lease agreement and this roommate agreement until, and possibility
after a replacement roommate or subtenant is found. The remaining roommates are under no obligation to find or accept a
replacement tenant. The departing roommate will remain liable for his/her share of the rent, utilities and other obligations under the
lease unless the landlord and the remaining roommates agree to relieve him/her from these obligations. Decision to do so should
be accomplished by a written agreement signed by the landlord and all roommates, including the departing roommate.
The agreement should set forth the rights and obligations of the departing roommate after termination (including how the deposit
issues will be addressed), and the obligations and rights of any replacement roommate.
In the alternative, the roommates may agree to sublease to a subtenant with the landlord’s written consent. The departing
roommate shall remain liable under the lease if the subtenant fails to perform his obligations.
The roommate(s) have paid a total security deposit of $____________________. List amount each roommate has paid:
At the conclusion of the lease, the deposit will be divided evenly. OR
At the conclusion of the lease, roommates will bear the full cost of any deduction from the deposit for cleanup costs attributable
to him/her individually, their guest(s) or their pet(s). Remaining balance of security deposit, not attributed to one individual
roommate, will be divided evenly.
If an original roommate has left the original lease, a written agreement signed by all roommates, including the departing roommate,
will modify the distribution of the deposit as specified by the roommates at that time.
Initials: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
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Each roommate shall pay his/her full rent on or before the __________day of each month. If failure to pay results in a late charge
by the landlord, the person(s) paying their rent late will be responsible for all late charges incurred. If a rent check is returned for
insufficient funds, that roommate is similarly individually responsible for all resulting charges.
If the landlord requires payment by one check, _______________________________ (designated roommate) shall be responsible
for making that payment, and all rental payments to him/her must be made by the ___________ day of the month (or by the ______
day of the previous month) to insure timely payment.
Note: If the group sets up a separate house account for payment of rent and bills, individual payments will be deposited into that
account and a check will be written to the landlord or creditor from the account for the full amount. It is understood that the group
and the individual is responsible to the landlord for the total rent for the term of the agreement.
There are ______________ bedrooms in the premises. The following tenants will share bedroom(s):
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Names)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Names)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Names)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Names)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
The following tenants will have single bedrooms:
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Name)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Name)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Name)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Name)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Name)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Name)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Name)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
______________________________________ will live in __________________________________________, $_________each;
(Name)(Room according to floor plan)(Rent)
Initials: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
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The utility bills for the premises include (check all that apply):
electric in ______________________________________________________________________________________’s name;
gas in __________________________________________________________________________________________’s name;
water and sewer in _______________________________________________________________________________’s name;
fuel oil in _______________________________________________________________________________________’s name;
telephone in ____________________________________________________________________________________’s name;
firewood in _____________________________________________________________________________________’s name;
trash pickup in __________________________________________________________________________________’s name;
newspaper in ___________________________________________________________________________________’s name;
television cable in ________________________________________________________________________________’s name;
Internet in ______________________________________________________________________________________’s name;
other(s)(specify)____________________________________ in ___________________________________________’s name;
All utility costs (including tax) are to be divided equally among the roommates unless provided otherwise below. Payment of each
person’s share must be made promptly in order to avoid late payment charges. Any roommate(s) whose late payment incurs late
payment charges shall pay all such charges.
Special provisions: _________________________________________________________________________________________
The base cost of the telephone, plus taxes shall be divided equally among the roommates. Each roommate shall be individually
responsible for all his/her long distance expenditures.
There are __________ spaces available to the roommates for parking. If permits are necessary to park, each roommate will be
responsible for obtaining and paying any fees associated with his/her individual parking permit. If parking requires cars to block
each other from entering or exiting, roommates will establish an agreeable method with which to move cars as necessary.
All roommates agree to share the responsibilities of cleaning and maintenance of the premises. This includes dusting, vacuuming,
emptying trash, mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, and yard work. The roommates agree to the following definition/level of
“cleanliness”: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
The roommates have decided to develop a schedule, which is attached. It states when each roommate will complete the
cleaning and maintenance jobs. OR
The roommates will work together at a designated time to complete the above jobs.
Further provisions may be specified for the following areas in the lines below:
Kitchen Dishes, expired food, oven, microwave, range
Bathroom Individual v. shared bathroom cleaning duties
Yard work Mowing, raking, plants (inside and outside), snow removal
Supplies The cost of supplies bought towards shared cleaning and yard work responsibilities
Initials: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
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Food expenses shall be shared by all roommates. Preparation of all meals shall be determined by an attached schedule, which
can be flexible OR
Food is to be bought by each roommate. There is to be no borrowing of food without prior approval. A separate space will be
provided for each person’s groceries. Shared meal preparation and clean up is optional.
All roommates agree to refrain from borrowing roommate’s personal items without prior approval. Exceptions to this should be
clearly stated, with the roommates reserving the right to change their minds about the sharing of their items. Property that is
borrowed will be used respectfully and returned in the same condition within an agreed timeframe. If damage is done to personal
property, the roommate responsible for damage will be held liable.
All tenants agree to respect each other’s need for privacy, quiet time, study time and sleep. All tenants will comply with the
requirements of the lease and of local and state law as regards noise. During final exam times, tenants agree to respect quiet
hours from ____________________to ____________________. Roommates agree to the following definition/level of “quiet”:
Each roommate shall pay for repair of all damage caused by him/her, or any of his/her guests. At the end of the lease, all
roommates will participate in cleaning the premises for inspection. Any roommate who does not participate hereby agrees to pay
_______________% of his/her share of the returned deposit, to be divided among the tenants who did the cleanup work.
Regardless of cleanup participation, each roommate shall bear the full cost of any deduction from the deposit for cleanup costs
attributable to him/her individually.
Each roommate shall respect the needs of the others in having guests, especially overnight, and shall abide by all provisions of the
lease regarding guests. Objection by the majority of roommates to any roommate’s guest practices shall be binding. In the case of
only two roommates, or if there is a tie situation, roommates may consult with Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services for help resolving any
disagreement. Overnight guests in single bedrooms shall be limited to ____________night(s) per week. Overnight guests in shared
bedrooms shall be limited to ___________night(s) per week, and then only with the consent of the roommate(s) sharing the
bedroom. Such consent may be withdrawn at any time. All guests are expected to comply with the requirements of the lease, and
of local and state law, where applicable.
Smoking shall OR shall not be allowed on the premises, either by roommates or their guests OR
Smoking shall be limited to the following areas: ______________________________________________________________
Each pet owner shall be responsible for all damages cause by his/her pet. This includes damage to furniture, carpeting, blinds,
doors, lawn, and garden. The pet owner shall reimburse monies withheld from the security deposit, or paid by roommates, for such
damage, including costs incurred by the landlord for caring for abandoned pet(s).
Roommates agree to discuss unresolved roommate conflicts with an Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services staff member. Any roommate
may initiate this process. All roommates agree to make a good faith effort to discuss/obtain a resolution prior to taking any action.
ADDITIONAL items for consideration are below. Attach all agreements regarding these items and other issues:
Security Phone Messages MailParties/EntertainingOther: specify
Initials: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
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I understand that I am entering into a legally binding agreement with my roommates. I also understand that I, as an individual, and
we as a group, are responsible to the landlord, the utility companies, and each other. I understand that this agreement is not
enforceable with regard to my landlord, and will not protect me against any claims that my landlord may have against myself or my
roommates under our lease agreement. As a party o this agreement, I realize that I, as well as each of my roommates, have equal
rights to the use of the space and facilities in the dwelling with the exception of the areas we have designated as each one’s private
space. This agreement is intended to promote harmony between roommates by clarifying, the expectations and space. This
agreement is intended to promote harmony between roommates by clarifying the expectations and responsibilities of roommates to
each other.
Original copy of this agreement will be maintained by ______________________________________________________.
This agreement is provided by the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services Office at the University of Connecticut, for the mutual benefit of
roommates. The University assumes absolutely no responsibility for the use of this form.
Initials: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
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