September 6, 2022
The Honorable Chiquita Brooks-LaSure
Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Hubert H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20201
Re: Medicare and Medicaid Programs; CY 2023 Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule
and Other Changes to Part B Payment Policies; Medicare Shared Savings Program Requirements;
Medicare and Medicaid Provider Enrollment Policies, Including for Skilled Nursing Facilities;
Conditions of Payment for Suppliers of Durable Medicaid Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and
Supplies (DMEPOS); and Implementing Requirements for Manufacturers of Certain Single-Dose
Container or Single-Use Package Drugs To Provide Refunds With Respect to Discarded Amounts
Dear Administrator Brooks-LaSure,
The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the CY 2023
Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule. NKF is the largest, most comprehensive and
longstanding, patient centric organization dedicated to the awareness, prevention, and treatment of
kidney disease in the U.S. In addition, the National Kidney Foundation has provided evidence-based
clinical practice guidelines for all stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), including transplantation
since 1997 through the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
More than 37 million Americans have chronic kidney disease (CKD), including nearly 800,000 with
irreversible kidney failure. Another 80 million Americans are at risk for developing kidney disease from
hypertension, diabetes, and other risk factors. Unfortunately, 90 percent of those with CKD have not
been diagnosed. The Medicare program spends approximately $153 billion more than 24 percent of
total spending on patients with kidney disease. Further, end stage kidney disease, which affects only
1 percent of Medicare beneficiaries, accounts for 7 percent of Medicare spending.
Several policies and opportunities outlined in the proposed CY 2023 Physician Fee Schedule have the
potential to improve kidney disease awareness, diagnosis, and management and to improve the lives
of individuals with kidney disease and their families. NKF commends CMS for addressing many of
these issues in the proposed rule and offers comments and additional recommendations on the
following areas:
1. Kidney Evaluation for People with Diabetes
2. Kidney for Value Pathway
3. Medical Nutrition Therapy
4. Medicare Coverage of Dental Services
Kidney Evaluation for Diabetes
NKF applauds CMS for including the Kidney Evaluation for Diabetes Measure in the Quality Payment
Program. CKD stemming from diabetes specifically occurs in almost 30% of patients with diabetes
and 60% of incident ESRD patients in 2019 had diabetes (2021 USRDS Annual Data Report). Total
Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) spending for beneficiaries with CKD who did not have ESRD was $87.2
billion in 2019, representing 23% of total Medicare FFS expenditures.
The hospitalization rate for
Medicare CKD patients is 2.4 times higher than those without a CKD diagnosis and CKD patients are
readmitted to the hospital more frequently than those with other diagnoses
and CKD is the 10th
leading cause of death in the U.S. If left untreated, CKD can progress to kidney failure and early
cardiovascular disease (CDC, 2020). The most common risk factor for CKD is diabetes.
Unfortunately, CKD screening among at-risk patients is suboptimal. A report by the US Renal Data
System found that less than half of patients with diabetes had ever undergone any urine albumin
testing an important test to assess severity of kidney disease. Furthermore, different methods of
assessing albuminuria were used, such as measurement of urinary protein dipstick, which has lower
sensitivity for predicting kidney events compared with the urine albumin creatinine ratio (uACR).
The Kidney Health Evaluation for Patients with Diabetes measure represents an important opportunity
to improve the number of adult patients with diabetes who receive an annual kidney health
evaluation, including both an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and uACR, as recommended
by both the National Kidney Foundation and the American Diabetes Association. Quality indicators
that improve rates of routine testing for CKD in patients with diabetes are important because
Americans with diabetes may not feel ill or notice any symptoms until the CKD is advanced at which
time opportunities to prevent or delay progression may have been missed. Kidney Health Evaluation
for Patients with Diabetes will drive important interventions to delay CKD and maintain kidney health
in adult patients with diabetes.
Adoption of the Kidney Health Evaluation measure will incentivize appropriate screening of
individuals at risk for CKD and should address the challenge of underdiagnosis that often contributes
to missed opportunities to delay progression of kidney disease, dialysis “crash-starts” and preventable
cardiovascular events. Current kidney and cardiovascular protective therapies described in the next
paragraph are indicated in part based on the eGFR and uACR test results. NKF strongly supports this
We also encourage CMS to develop a measure to incentivize delayed progression of kidney disease.
Early detection of kidney disease needs to be accompanied by early intervention to maximize the
potential for slowing or preventing progression to kidney failure. The benefits of blood pressure
control and blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) with angiotensin converting enzyme
(ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), have been the mainstay of the therapeutic
armamentarium for more than two decades; however significant gaps in care have been documented.
Additionally, several newer classes of medications sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2)
inhibitors and non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (nsMRAs) have been shown to
reduce risk for kidney failure and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Despite the efficacy and value of these
novel therapies, and recommendations for their use in clinical practice guidelines, a recent study
found that only six percent of individuals with diabetes are accessing SGLT2s or nsMRAs. A delayed
progression measure could incentivize several effective interventions, such as prescribing of these
therapies, utilization of medical nutrition therapy, and meeting blood-pressure control targets, all of
which would improve patient outcomes. The Medicare program would benefit from measures that
promote access to therapies and services that help patients preserve their kidney function.
Proposed Optimal Care for Kidney Health MVP
NKF applauds CMS for including the proposed “Optimal Care for Kidney Health MIPS Value Pathway”
measure set in its updates to the Quality Payment Program. In October 2020, KDIGO (Kidney Disease:
Improving Global Outcomes) published its first clinical practice guideline directed specifically to the
care of patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Relevant to the proposed measure set,
KDIGO recommends an individualized HbA1C target ranging from <6.5 to <8.0 in patients with
diabetes and CKD not treated with dialysis. KDIGO also endorses blood pressure control generally,
and specifically treatment with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) or an angiotensin II
receptor blocker (ARB) in patients with diabetes, hypertension, and albuminuria. NKF also is a proud
partner with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends influenza and
pneumococcal vaccination for individuals with kidney failure. NKF also strongly supports efforts to
include patients in their care plans (e.g., Advance Care Planning discussions)
The proposed measures are patient-centered, will help slow the progression of chronic kidney
disease, and will strengthen our health care delivery system to better care for individuals with kidney
disease. Similar to our comments above, we believe this measure set would be strengthened by the
development and inclusion of a measure aimed at broader optimization of pharmacologic
management targeting delayed-progression of kidney disease.
Medicare Coverage of Dental Services
Oral health is critically important for individuals with chronic kidney disease. Routine dental care is
necessary for transplant recipients both before and after surgery. Because immunosuppressive
medications are used to prevent organ rejection, common periodontal infections could become much
more serious for transplant recipients. For this reason, the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial
Research recommends that, “Whenever possible, all active dental disease should be aggressively
treated before transplantation, since post-operative immunosuppression decreases a patient’s ability
to resist systemic infection.”
Further, kidney failure patients have higher rates of decayed, missing, and filled teeth, dental plaque,
loss of attachment, xerostomia, gingivitis, periodontitis, as well as mouth and jaw-bone lesions, than
the general population. The consequences of poor oral health are worse for kidney failure patients
due to advanced age, diabetes, polypharmacy and impaired immune function.
Given the risks of poor oral health for patients across the continuum of kidney disease, NKF
appreciates CMS’s proposal to codify Medicare coverage of certain dental procedures when they are
“inextricably linked to, and substantially related and integral to the clinical success of, an otherwise
covered medical service,” and other modifications. Providing greater clarity over covered dental
services will undoubtedly be of value for kidney patients.
NKF also supports efforts to expand Medicare coverage for all dental services. It is well established
that chronic diseases disproportionately impact Medicare beneficiaries and impose a substantial cost
on the federal government. Untreated oral microbial infections are closely linked to a wide range of
costly chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke all risk factors and
comorbidities for CKD. Despite these risks, Medicare explicitly excludes treatments for microbial
infections relating to the teeth and periodontium. There is simply no medical justification for this
exclusion, especially in light of the broad agreement among health care providers that such care is
integral to the medical management of numerous diseases and medical conditions. Moreover, the
lack of medically necessary oral/dental care heightens the risk of costly medical complications,
increasing the financial burden on Medicare, beneficiaries, and taxpayers.
The Medicare program and all its beneficiaries should not be without the vital clinical and fiscal
benefits of coverage for medically necessary oral/dental health therapies. Given the significant
potential to improve health outcomes and reduce program costs, NKF has joined with dozens of other
patient and provider organizations and calls on the Administration to explore options for extending
such evidence-based coverage for all Medicare beneficiaries.
Medical Nutrition Therapy
NKF applauds CMS for its efforts to increase beneficiary utilization of the Part B MNT benefit but
believes that more can be done within CMS’s authority to further improve access to MNT.
Update the definition of diabetes in § 410.130 Definitions to include HbA1c > 6.5% as
recommended in national standards of medical care for diabetes. As is the case with classification
and diagnostic guidelines for kidney disease, the definition of diabetes for the purposes of the MNT
benefit has not been updated since the original NCD. HbA1c testing has been accepted among the
clinical community as a diagnostic test for abnormal glycemic status for a decade. Both the United
States Preventive Services Task Force
and the American Diabetes Association Standards of Care
recommend use of any of three testing methods to screen for abnormal blood glucose: fasting
plasma glucose, HbA1c, and two-hour plasma glucose.
Further expand the definition of kidney disease in § 410.130 Definitions to include G Stage 1
Kidney Damage with normal or high kidney function (GFR 90 ml/min/1.73m
or higher),G Stage
2 Kidney Damage with mildly decreased kidney function CKD (GFR 60-89 ml/min/1.73m
) and
G Stage 5… to include the full breadth of non-dialysis dependent chronic kidney disease.
Section 1861(s)(2)(V)(ii) of the Social Security Act allows for MNT for a “beneficiary with … renal
disease who…is not receiving maintenance dialysis.” Medicare expenditures increase dramatically from
stages 1-2 to stages 4-5.
Covering MNT for these earlier stages of CKD is a low-cost intervention
proven to slow or prevent CKD progression.
Also, some G Stage 5 patients with a GFR below 15
may not yet be on dialysis and so not receiving nutrition services under the ESRD
benefit. Such patients would benefit from MNT services under the Part B benefit. Of note, the ICD-10
code file associated with the MNT NCD (180.1) and issued by CMS to the Medicare Administrative
Contractors for claims processing purposes includes the ICD-10 codes for all stages of CKD. To
address potential concerns about risk of fraudulent billing, NKF echoes recommendations that CMS
create a modifier code (perhaps utilizing ICD-10-CM code N18.5 which is applied to patients
not on dialysis) to be appended to claims for Part B MNT services to indicate when a Medicare
beneficiary with Stage G5 CKD is not receiving dialysis.
Medicare Potentially Underutilized Services
NKF commends CMS for exploring strategies to increase utilization for under-utilized Medicare
benefits that not only promote beneficiary health and wellbeing but are also cost-effective. Medical
Nutrition Therapy (MNT) is a prime example of a significantly under-utilized benefit that could more
broadly and deeply benefit patients and their families if simple policy changes are made to enhance
patient access.
Similarly, Kidney Disease Education (KDE) is highly effective in promoting informed dialysis selection,
optimal dialysis starts, and home-dialysis use. Unfortunately, less than one percent of patients with
kidney failure receive Medicare KDE prior to dialysis initiation, and African American race, Hispanic
ethnicity, and the presence of congestive heart failure and hypoalbuminemia are associated with
significantly lower odds of receiving KDE services.
Current benefit design for both MNT and KDE restricts qualified health care professionals from
delivering services and limits coverage to specific, finite settings. The public health emergency has
demonstrated that safe and effective care can be achieved by health care teams who are located
outside of the same physician office setting, while also expanding beneficiary access to much needed
services, in particular those beneficiaries who were limited to access because of challenges related to
transportation, long commutes to physician offices, inflexible work schedules, and/or provider
shortages. We encourage CMS to use all potential authority to expand the universe of patients who
can access these important services and to provide greater flexibility around qualifying health care
professional and settings where services can be provided.
In closing, we again appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposed CY 2023 proposed rule,
and for CMS’ efforts to ensure high-quality care for individuals with kidney disease. Please contact
Sharon Pearce at to further discuss any of NKF’s positions or
Kevin Longino Paul M. Palevsky, MD
CEO and Transplant Patient President
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