Harvard University
Harvard University
Harvard University
Jobs for the Heartland: Place-Based Policies
in 21st-Century America
ABSTRACT The economic convergence of U.S. regions has slowed greatly,
and rates of long-term nonemployment have even been diverging. Simultane-
ously, the rate of nonemployment for working age men has nearly tripled over
the last 50 years, generating a social problem that is disproportionately centered
in the eastern parts of the American heartland. Should more permanent eco-
nomic divisions across space lead U.S. economists to rethink their traditional
skepticism about place-based policies? We document that increases in labor
demand appear to have greater effects on employment in areas where not work-
ing has been historically high, suggesting that subsidizing employment in such
places could reduce the rate of not working. Proemployment policies, such as
a ramped-up Earned Income Tax Credit, that are targeted toward regions with
more elastic employment responses, however financed, could plausibly reduce
suffering and materially improve economic performance.
o America’s profound spatial economic disparities require spatially
targeted policies? Traditionally, economists have been skeptical about
these policies because of a conviction that relief is best targeted toward
poor people rather than poor places, because incomes in poor areas were
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: The authors received financial support for this work from
the Smith Richardson Foundation. With the exception of the aforementioned, they did not
receive financial support from any firm or person for this paper or from any firm or person
with a financial or political interest in this paper. With the exception of the aforementioned,
they are currently not officers, directors, or board members of any organization with an
interest in this paper. No outside party had the right to review this paper before publication.
152 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
converging toward incomes in rich areas anyway, and because of fears that
favoring one location would impoverish another. In this paper, we argue for
reconsidering place-based policies, because (i) convergence has stalled or
reversed in recent decades; (ii) social problems are increasingly linked to a
lack of jobs rather than a lack of income, and subsidizing job creation may
be easier at the place level than at the person level; and (iii) a modest body of
evidence suggests that increasing the demand for labor has a materially
greater impact on nonemployment in depressed areas. Place-based policies
can take the form of more generous employment subsidies in depressed
areas, which provide implicit insurance against place-based shocks but dis-
tort migration decisions, or equivalently generous policies that tilt existing
programs to encourage employment in areas with more joblessness.
America’s regions have long displayed enormous economic disparities,
but for most of the 20th century, poorer states were catching up rapidly
(Barro and Sala-i-Martin 1991) and high local unemployment rates did
not persist (Blanchard and Katz 1992). Migration flowed to high-income
regions, and capital was attracted by low wages in poorer areas. Both flows
helped incomes to converge.
In recent decades, regional income convergence has slowed or even
reversed (Berry and Glaeser 2005; Moretti 2011), and place-based non-
employment has become durable. Over the past 40 years, migration has
stopped flowing to high-income regions and has declined more generally
(Ganong and Shoag 2017). Economic divisions across space loom as the
backdrop to our political divisions (Autor and others 2017).
In section I of this paper, we document the hardening of America’s geo-
graphic divisions, and the rise of nonemployment among men age 25–54,
who are the focus of this paper. Many measures of well-being suggest that
not working is a far worse outcome than low-income employment, which
motivates our focus on employment rather than income.
Regional dis-
parities in joblessness are large. In 2016, the nonemployment rate for men
age 25–54 was over 35 percent in Flint, Michigan, and was 5 percent in
Alexandria, Virginia.
We divide the United States into three regions based on year of statehood:
the prosperous coasts, the western heartland, and the eastern heartland.
The coasts have high incomes, but the western heartland also benefits from
natural resources and historically high levels of education. America’s social
problems—including nonemployment, disability, opioid-related deaths, and
1. Eberstadt (2016) and the Council of Economic Advisers (2016) both provide excellent
overviews of the rise in nonemployment among prime age males.
rising mortality—are concentrated in America’s eastern heartland, states
from Mississippi to Michigan, generally east of the Mississippi River and
not on the Atlantic Coast. The income and employment gaps between the
three regions are not converging, but instead seem to be hardening into
semipermanent examples of economic hysteresis.
The European Union has long embraced place-based policies that target
distressed areas, but U.S. national policy has typically adopted geographic
uniformity. Place-based policies are popular with place-based politicians,
but economists often emphasize that a national perspective pushes toward
helping poor people, not helping poor places. In section II, we analyze the
economic rationales for place-based policies.
An abundant body of literature documents agglomeration economies and
human capital externalities (Duranton and Puga 2004; Combes, Duranton,
and Gobillon 2008; Moretti 2011). Although such externalities suggest mar-
ket failure, they do not imply any particular spatial policy. Both New York
and Appalachia might benefit from more economic activity and more skilled
residents, but we do not know if it is optimal to shift skills and density from
New York to Appalachia or vice versa.
A second justification for place-based policies is to insure residents against
place-based economic shocks, just as the federal government already pro-
vides some insurance against place-based natural disasters. In 1969, Detroit
residents had higher incomes than Boston residents, but today Boston resi-
dents are 40 percent wealthier.
But smoothing income differences across
states would only modestly reduce income inequality. Controlling for states
explains only 1.1 percent of the variation in income levels; even the smaller
Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) can explain only 6.6 percent of
the variation in income. Smoothing income differences across smaller geo-
graphic areas would distort migration, raise housing costs in low-income
areas, and potentially even concentrate poverty.
The most compelling case for place-based policies is that one-size-fits-all
interventions are woefully inappropriate for regional economies as diverse
as Appalachia and Silicon Valley. Subsidizing employment, either at the
individual or firm level, makes little sense in an economy as robust as that
of the San Francisco Bay Area, where the restricted housing supply limits
2. Place of birth has a strong impact on economic opportunity (Chetty and Hendren,
forthcoming). Almost 50 years ago, in 1969, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis also
listed Stamford, Conn., as the wealthiest metropolitan area and McAllen, Tex., as the poor-
est. In that year, Stamford was almost three times as rich as McAllen. In 2016, America’s
richest metropolitan areas (Stamford and Midland, Tex.) were four times richer than the
poorest (McAllen).
154 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
future population growth. If nonemployment is much more sensitive to
subsidies in West Virginia, then larger proemployment subsidies in that
state seem likely to reduce suffering more.
Place-based policies need not mean large-scale transfers to distressed
areas, but instead the tailoring of policies to particular locales. For example,
a bevy of current social welfare policies—including the Housing Choice
Voucher Program (Section 8), the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Pro-
gram, and disability insurance—currently implicitly tax earnings. The
implicit taxes on housing vouchers and food stamps could be reduced for
low-income workers from 30 percent to 20 percent in areas where employ-
ment is particularly responsive to the returns to working.
Indeed, even the most die-hard opponent of place-based redistribution
should see the logic of tailoring federal policies to local labor market con-
ditions. Standard social policy rules, like the Baily–Chetty formula for
unemployment insurance (Baily 1978; Chetty 2006), depend on parameters
that differ across space. If nonemployment is particularly harmful in one
location and particularly sensitive to public policies, then that die-hard
opponent could still support a place-based, revenue-neutral twist that
reallocates funds from benefits that discourage working to benefits that
encourage employment in that area, without encouraging migration or
raising housing prices.
We use a modified Baily–Chetty formula to analyze benefits for the not
working and for marginal workers. The formula depends on two parameters:
the ratio of the externalities associated with nonemployment to the wages
of low-income workers, and the heterogeneous response of employment
rates to policy interventions. In section III, we look for heterogeneous
responses by testing whether exogenous shocks reduce nonemployment
more in high nonemployment states.
We first use industrial-composition Bartik shocks. These shocks do
reduce not-working rates more in states where the average not-working
rate is higher. China trade shocks—as identified by David Autor, David
Dorn, and Gordon Hanson (2013)—also have an impact on not-working
rates more in commuting zones with historically higher levels of non-
employment. Military spending shocks, used by Emi Nakamura and Jón
Steinsson (2014), also have a larger impact on not-working rates in states
where the average not-working rate is higher, but the difference is sta-
tistically insignificant. Our results are far from definitive, but they do
support the perfectly unsurprising view that you can reduce nonemploy-
ment more in places where nonemployment is currently high. We hope
that future research will do more to examine spatial heterogeneity in
labor supply elasticities, and the regional heterogeneity of labor markets
more broadly.
Section IV follows Robert Gordon (1973) and focuses on the exter-
nalities of nonemployment, which include fiscal costs to the state, costs
borne by friends and family, and possibly also spillovers that encourage
more nonemployment (Topa 2001). We calibrate these costs to range from
0.21 to 0.36 times the typical wages earned by low-income workers, but
recognize that these numbers are quite debatable. Using these estimates,
section V calibrates our model, which suggests that the generosity of pro-
employment programs relative to nonemployment benefits should be higher
in West Virginia than in Nebraska. The modified Baily–Chetty formula also
implies that subsidies should skew more toward employment in regions
of high employment elasticity when the coefficient of relative risk aver-
sion is low.
Section VI turns to a taxonomy of place-based policies, and discusses
their costs and benefits—including distorted mobility, capitalization, and
other deadweight losses.
Empowerment Zones subsidize employment in
high-poverty areas, and Matias Busso, Jesse Gregory, and Patrick Kline
(2013) find them to be effective.
Attempts to use infrastructure to help
depressed cities, such as the Detroit People Mover, have had results that
are far less encouraging. But infrastructure, like that built by the Tennessee
Valley Authority, that actually delivers a scarce and enormously valuable
resource, such as electricity, can have large economic effects (Kline and
Moretti 2013). Conversely, the Appalachian Regional Commission, which
provides a potpourri of placed-based support, including highways, seems
to have done little to change the region’s fortunes.
We end with a discussion of plausible policies that account for spatial
heterogeneity in employment responses. We discuss strengthening employ-
ment subsidies, either to the firm or to the worker, in states with high non-
employment. The employment effects of paying subsidies to the firm, rather
than the worker, will be stronger if workers’ wages face a lower minimum
wage bound. We discuss tilting the incentives that community colleges face
to provide job counseling and employment-appropriate vocational skills.
3. The impact of spatially heterogeneous policies on migration is a long-standing ques-
tion in antipoverty policy, and much of the best work on this topic preceded welfare reform,
when state differences in payments for Aid to Families with Dependent Children could be
quite large (Borjas and Hilton 1996).
4. Busso, Gregory, and Kline (2013) also find that Empowerment Zones do seem to get
capitalized into housing prices, especially in depressed areas, but evidence for capitalization
into rents is weaker.
156 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
A wide body of literature suggests that education combats joblessness at
both the individual and regional levels, and investing in education is a natural
complement to subsidizing employment. Finally, we mention policies that
might have benign spatial effects even if they are apparently neutral. A flat
per-dollar employment subsidy would presumably have a larger effect in
low-cost states where prices are lower.
I. The Geography of Jobless America
A belief in individual upward mobility reduces the desire for income
redistribution (Alesina, Miano, and Stantcheva, forthcoming). Similarly, a
belief in the upward mobility of regions limits the demand for place-based
policies. America has long tolerated dramatic economic differences across
space, partially because people regularly moved from poor places to rich
places and capital flowed freely from high-wage to low-wage areas. In this
section, we document five trends suggesting that this mobility has fallen
considerably and that America appears to be evolving into durable islands
of wealth and poverty. At the broadest level, the nation can be divided into
its wealthy, costly coasts; a reasonably successful western heartland; and a
painfully jobless eastern heartland. These differences are driven mainly
by historical differences in human capital and the economic dislocation
caused by deindustrialization.
I.A. The Closing of the Metropolitan Frontier
The United States has long been a nation with enormous spatial differ-
ences in income. In 1950, 18 states in the continental United States had
per capita earnings that were double the per capita earnings of Mississippi.
In 2016, Mississippi is still the nation’s poorest state, but there is no state
with double its per capita income. Many of Mississippi’s poorest residents
went north to the factories of Chicago and Detroit (Smith and Welch 1989).
Industry flowed south, encouraged by probusiness policies, like right-to-
work laws (Holmes 1998). America’s western frontier may have closed at
the end of the 19th century, but there was still a metropolitan frontier where
workers from depressed areas could find a more prosperous future.
Five facts collectively suggest that this geographic escape valve has
tightened: (i) declining geographic mobility, (ii) increasingly inelastic
housing supplies in high-income areas, (iii) declining income convergence,
(iv) increased sorting by skills across space, and (v) persistent pockets of
nonemployment. Together, these facts suggest that even if income differ-
ences across space have declined, the remaining economic differences may
be a greater source of concern. Consequently, it may be time to target pro-
employment policies toward the most distressed areas.
Figure 1 shows that between 1950 and 1992, intercounty mobility never
dropped below 6 percent. Since 2008, the share of U.S. residents who
moved across counties never exceeded 3.9 percent. The first steep drop
occurred between 1990 and 1995, and then another dip occurred after 2005.
This decline in cross-county mobility is mirrored by the drop in the within-
county mobility rate, which fell from over 13 percent in the 1950s to 7 per-
cent. Declining mobility appears among both renters and owners; the change
is not merely underwater borrowers held in place by their mortgages.
The great wave of postwar mobility included the Great Migration of
African Americans north, the nationwide move to the Sunbelt, and massive
suburbanization. In these previous migrations, as had been true throughout
almost all of American history, housing was supplied abundantly to meet
migrants’ demand. Suburbanization itself can be seen as a massive shock
to housing supply, generated by cars and highways (Baum-Snow 2007),
that enabled African Americans coming north to occupy urban apartments
(Boustan and Margo 2013). The growth of the Sunbelt reflects a combination
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Geographical Mobility Rates; authors’ calculations.
a. The series are three-year moving averages for U.S. households. Data are missing for 1972–75 and
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Figure 1. The Decline in Migration Rates, 1950–2016
158 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
of economic resurgence, the taste for warm weather, and few restrictions on
the mass production of housing (Glaeser and Tobio 2008).
Moreover, the African American migrants to the north had little to lose
by departing the Jim Crow South. As David Schleicher (2017) emphasizes,
poorer Americans today are held in place by public benefits, such as housing
vouchers, which can be difficult to carry across state or even county lines.
Ostensibly, such federal programs as Medicaid and Temporary Assistance
for Needy Families are administered at the state level. A move across states
requires a new application that may not be approved.
Migration has both declined and become less directed toward high-
income areas (Ganong and Shoag 2017). The unskilled flooded into high-
income areas between 1940 and 1960, presumably bringing wages down,
but they did not do so between 1980 and 2010. Mai Dao, Davide Furceri,
and Prakash Loungani (2017) show that interstate migration due to labor
market shocks has declined since the 1990s. Mike Zabek (2018) shows that
stronger local ties to a region lead to lower migration rates in response to
labor market shocks.
Low-income workers still receive significant wage gains from migrat-
ing to high-income areas, but the housing-related costs of moving to these
areas have grown. Housing costs within skilled cities have risen particularly
dramatically (Glaeser and Saiz 2004). Between 1978 and 2017, real hous-
ing prices in Detroit were relatively flat according to the Federal Housing
Finance Agency’s repeat sales index, while real housing prices increased in
Boston by 200 percent and in San Francisco by 300 percent. Many authors
associate higher housing prices with stringent land use regulations, espe-
cially in better-educated communities (Gyourko, Saiz, and Summers 2008;
Glaeser and Ward 2009).
Throughout most of U.S. history, economic productivity has been accom-
panied by a near-elastic housing supply. The settlers who moved to richer,
western agricultural land in the 19th century built their own inexpensive,
balloon-frame homes. The farmers and immigrants who came to Chicago
in the 19th century readily piled into overcrowded tenements. New York
City built over 100,000 units annually in the early 1920s, when the city
experienced its post–World War I boom. Silicon Valley exploded as an
5. One plausible explanation for the relationship between regulation and education is that
higher-skilled people are also better at organizing into groups that oppose new construction,
such as the San Francisco Bay Area’s Save the Bay initiative, which was cofounded by
Catherine Kerr, the wife of Clark Kerr, the first chancellor of the University of California,
engine of American innovation, but it is practically synonymous with strin-
gent land use restrictions, including some areas with 60-acre-minimum
lot sizes. Chang-Tai Hsieh and Enrico Moretti (2017) estimate that these
restrictions have led to a misallocation of labor that has significantly
reduced America’s overall GDP.
An additional barrier to interstate migration has been the rise of occu-
pational licensing laws, which restrict the movement of workers across
state lines. Janna Johnson and Morris Kleiner (2017) find that individuals
in occupations with state-specific licensing requirements have a 36 per-
cent lower rate of interstate migration than comparable workers in other
The skilled do still move toward higher-skill, higher-wage areas, help-
ing to ensure that skilled areas are become more skilled over time. This is
illustrated in figure 2, where we see that prime age male migrants are sig-
nificantly better educated than the nonmigrant population in the PUMA
that they left.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 census; IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The college graduation rate is defined as the share of respondents who report completion of four or
20 40 60 80
more years of college. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in the continental
United States (excluding the District of Columbia), and excludes men living abroad in 1995. Interstate
migrants are compared with men who lived in the same state five years earlier, and rates are calculated in
terms of migration Public Use Microdata Areas. The diagonal line is at 45 degrees.
Figure 2. College Graduation Rates of Migrants and Nonmigrants, 2000
160 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Christopher Berry and Edward Glaeser (2005) report a robust correlation
between the change across metropolitan areas in the percentage of the
population with a college degree and the initial share of the population with
a college degree in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. The increasing segrega-
tion of skilled labor matters because the skill level of a locality is strongly
correlated both with the levels of earnings for nonskilled workers (Moretti
2004), and with longer-term growth of incomes and population (Glaeser
and Saiz 2004).
Increased geographic sorting by skill probably reflects a combination of
restrictions that stymie the construction of affordable housing and work-
place complementarities between educated employees.
The innovations
generated by highly skilled workers today appear increasingly to demand the
labor of skilled workers rather than unskilled workers. Henry Ford’s auto-
mated assembly lines depended on tens of thousands of less-skilled workers,
and hence his skills strongly complemented less-skilled labor. Bill Gates’s
innovations primarily employed highly skilled software programmers.
Declining in-migration to high-wage areas has been accompanied by
a decline in the convergence of incomes across states and metropolitan
areas. Robert Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin (1991) document the striking
convergence in per capita income levels across U.S. states between 1880
and 1980. This convergence is the backdrop for the shrinking gap between
incomes in Mississippi and the rest of the United States. Berry and Glaeser
(2005) show that by the 1990s, changes in metropolitan area incomes were
no longer negatively correlated with initial per capita incomes. Peter Ganong
and Daniel Shoag (2017) find that the relationship between state-level
changes in per capita and initial per capita income was much weaker from
1990 to 2010 than from 1940 to 1960.
Figure 3 shows the convergence of log median personal incomes across
538 PUMAs between 1980 and 2010 for prime age men. The coefficient
is –0.16, which is far less than the –2.4 coefficient that Ganong and Shoag
(2017) report for states between 1940 and 1960. Even that modest income
convergence may be a spurious reflection of measurement error in the
1980 variable. When we instrument for log median income using the log
of the 10th and 90th percentiles of income in 1980 (the R
of the first-stage
regression is .85), we estimate
6. Berry and Glaeser (2005) find that the correlation across industries between the educa-
tion levels of managers and the education level of workers increased significantly between
1970 and 2000, which supports the view that skilled workers increasingly complement each
other at work.
median income
median income
median incomelog 0.34
Robust standard errors clustered by state are in parentheses. It seems plau-
sible that true income convergence has also disappeared at the PUMA level.
I.B. The Rise of Joblessness among Men
The growth of geographic barriers within the United States has coincided
with the dramatic increase in not-working rates among prime age men,
which primarily reflects men leaving the labor force. The share of prime
age men who are not in the labor force has grown from under 4 percent
during the 1950s to over 10 percent today.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1980 census, American Community Survey; IPUMS; authors’
a. Median income is expressed in 2016 dollars. Data for 1980 are from the 1980 census; data for 2010
are pooled 2009–11 data from the American Community Survey. The sample includes civilian noninstitu-
tionalized prime age men in 1980–2000 consistent Public Use Microdata Areas in the continental United
States (excluding the District of Columbia).
10.2 10.4 10.6 10.8 11 11.2 11.4
Change in log median income, 1980–2010
Log median income, 1980
Figure 3. Median Income Growth, 1980–2010
7. This is as shown in online appendix figure 1. Online appendix figure 2 shows a steady
rise in prime age female labor force participation through the 1990s and then a leveling off.
The online appendixes for this and all other papers in this volume may be found at the
Brookings Papers web page, www.brookings.edu/bpea, under “Past BPEA Editions.”
162 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Throughout this paper, we focus on the total rate of not working among
prime age men, defined as men age 25–54, rather than unemployment or
labor force participation. We define the nonemployment rate (or not-working
rate) as the share of men who are not currently employed, or 1 minus the
employment-to-population ratio for prime age men. We take the view that
the distinction between unemployment and labor force nonparticipation
is relatively arbitrary because almost all the not working would presum-
ably work if the price were right (Clark and Summers 1979). In many
cases, those who are not currently looking for a job will nevertheless return
to employment in a short period of time.
When we examine prime age men entering the Current Population
Survey (CPS) from 2014 to 2016, whose monthly responses can be linked
for all eight months, we find that over half of men who left and reentered
employment during the 16-month CPS window recorded at least one month
that they were not in the labor force.
John Coglianese (2017) refers to these
men who leave and reenter the workforce as “in-and-outs,” and we believe
it is important to distinguish these men who are temporarily absent from
the labor force from the long-term not working. In addition, the expanding
role of disability insurance relative to unemployment insurance (Autor and
Duggan 2003) may mean that an increasing share of individuals who would
once have classified themselves as unemployed now list themselves as out
of the labor force.
Olivier Blanchard and Lawrence Katz (1992) show a practically non-
existent relationship between the unemployment rate in 1975 and the
unemployment rate in 1985 across states. This nonrelationship supports
the idea that geographic differences in the not-working rate are a tempo-
rary phenomenon that is rapidly undone through migration and cyclical
shocks. Figure 4 shows the relationship between the prime age male
not-working rate in 2010 and the prime age male not-working rate in 1980
across PUMAs. The correlation between the two rates is .80. Moreover, the
relationship shows diverging not-working rates because the coefficient on
the 1980 not-working rate is 1.10, which means that the growth in the not-
working rate is positively associated with the initial not-working rate.
Figure 5 shows the time series of not-working men split into three
categories: unemployed (not employed and actively seeking work), not in
8. The CPS consists of a 4-8-4 rotation structure, where households are interviewed for
four months, rotate out of the panel for eight months, and are then interviewed for an addi-
tional four months. We use the method developed by Rivera Drew, Flood, and Warren (2014)
to match respondents across months.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1980 census, American Community Survey; IPUMS; authors’
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population currently not employed. Data for 1980
are from the 1980 census; data for 2010 are pooled 2009–11 data from the American Community Survey.
The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in 1980–2000 consistent Public Use
Microdata Areas in the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
10 20 30
Figure 4. The Persistence of Not-Working Rates, 1980–2010
the labor force but wanting a job, and not in the labor force and not wanting
a job.
The share of prime age men who are not in the labor force and do
not want a job shows a steady upward trend. The share that is unemployed
undulates, severely peaking at 9 percent during the Great Recession. The
third category, not in the labor force but still wanting a job, has held steady,
at around 2 percent.
We prefer to focus on the distinction between the long-term and short-
term nonemployed, where being long-term nonemployed is more associated
with leaving the labor force and being short-term nonemployed is more
typically associated with unemployment. Figure 6 includes both the total
not-working rate and the share of men who have been without a job for
over a year, using data from the CPS’s Annual Social and Economic Supple-
ment (ASEC).
9. We note that some men who state they want a job may be unable to start a job imme-
diately. However, we believe it is instructive to decompose not-working men into those who
have a stated preference for future employment and those who do not.
164 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
I.C. The Misery of Joblessness
We focus on joblessness among prime age men, rather than income
inequality, because we see it as a far greater problem. There is significant
correlational evidence suggesting that misery haunts the lives of the long-
term not working. Figure 7 shows life satisfaction rates by work status,
using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
In figure 7, we compare the not working with the employed with
annual household earnings of more than $50,000 per year, the employed
with annual household earnings of $35,000 to $50,000 per year, and the
employed with annual household earnings of less than $35,000 per year,
and show the share of the male population in each group that reports a low
level of life satisfaction. This number is quite low among those earning
more than $35,000 per year. Low life satisfaction rises for those who are
employed but earning less than $35,000 per year, but low life satisfaction is
much higher among those who are not employed. Almost 20 percent of the
not working in the eastern heartland report a low level of life satisfaction.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement;
IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population currently not employed. The series are
three-year pooled moving averages. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in
the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
Not in the labor force
but wants a job
Not in the labor force
and does not want a job
1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013
Figure 5. Components of the Not-Working Rate, 1995–2015
Andrew Clark and Andrew Oswald (1994) report that unemployment has
a much more negative effect on happiness than low earnings. André Hajek
(2013) estimates the relationship between unemployment and unhappiness
with individual fixed effects and finds a significant negative effect, espe-
cially if the unemployment is described as involuntary. Rainer Winkelmann
(2014) similarly finds that happiness drops significantly after an individual
becomes unemployed.
Happiness is not equivalent to utility. Parents of young children, for
example, are typically less happy, but they are presumably compensated
in other ways.
Yet it is hard to see what benefit is offsetting unhappiness
among the not working.
Nonemployment is also strongly correlated with mental health problems.
A large body of literature, surveyed by Stephen Platt (1984), connects
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement;
IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population currently not employed. The series are
three-year pooled moving averages. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in
the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
b. Long term is defined as more than 12 months.
Not-working rate
Long-term not-working rate
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Figure 6. Overall and Long-Term Not-Working Rates, 1980–2015
10. The residents of rust belt cities were less happy during the 1940s and 1970s, but they
were presumably compensated by higher wages (Glaeser, Gottlieb, and Ziv 2016).
166 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
suicide and unemployment. More recent studies include those by Augustine
Kposowa (2001) and by Tony Blakely, Sunny Collings, and June Atkinson
(2003). Over 30 percent of the not working report having more than 10 days
of poor mental health in the past month. Once again, the gap between the
not working and the poor-but-employed is much larger than the gap between
poor and rich employed workers.
Opioid use is another marker of pain associated with nonemployment,
as highlighted by Alan Krueger (2017). Like suicide, opioid use may be
another consequence of nonemployment. Because opioids can also lead to
addiction and death, they are an added cause of social pain.
I.D. The Geography of Joblessness
We now turn to the geography of joblessness in the United States. We
begin with two maps of the United States showing the geography of prime
Sources: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System;
authors’ calculations.
a. The life dissatisfaction rate is the share of respondents who report being “dissatisfied” or “very
dissatisfied” with life. The data are pooled over 2005–10. The sample includes civilian noninstitutional-
ized prime age men in the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
b. High income is defined as household income of more than $50,000 per year.
c. Moderate income is defined as household income between $35,000 and $50,000 per year.
d. Low income is defined as household income of less than $35,000 per year.
High income, employed
Moderate income, employed
Low income, employed
Not working
Coasts Eastern heartland Western heartland
Figure 7. Life Dissatisfaction Rates, 2005–10
age male nonemployment in 1980 and 2015. The 1980 data come from the
decennial census, and the 2015 data are based on three years of the Ameri-
can Community Survey (2014–16).
We use consistent PUMAs.
Figure 8 shows that fewer than 10 percent of men were not employed in
1980 in much of the western United States and in the northeastern corridor.
Coastal California and much of the Midwest and Southeast had non-
employment rates between 10 and 15 percent. Rates over 15 percent were
only seen in Appalachia and a few isolated parts of lower-density Amer-
ica, including a PUMA in Arizona, upstate New York, and a few parts of
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1980 census; IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population currently not employed. The sample
includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in 1980–2000 consistent Public Use Microdata
Areas in the continental United States.
Above 26 percent
22 to 26 percent
18 to 22 percent
14 to 18 percent
10 to 14 percent
Below 10 percent
Figure 8. Not-Working Rates, 1980
11. There are slight population differences between decennial census data, which were
used to create the 1980 map, and American Community Survey data, which were used to
create the 2015 maps. Moreover, the 2015 PUMAs are defined differently than the consistent
PUMAs used from 1980 to 2010. The maps look broadly similar using 2010 data and con-
sistent 1980–2010 PUMAs.
168 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Figure 9 shows that in 2015 the nonemployment rate has risen almost
everywhere, but people in the northeastern corridor and much of the west-
ern United States still remain relatively more employed. Nonemployment
is high in the Far West—except for the areas around Los Angeles, San
Francisco, and Seattle—and in a great swath of Middle America that runs
from Louisiana up to Michigan. Appalachia remains a place of tremendous
economic dysfunction.
Women are more likely to work in northern areas, whether in the East
or the West, and are less likely to work in southern areas.
If we regress
the change in prime age male not-working rates on the change in prime age
female not-working rates at the PUMA level between 1980 and 2010, we
find that the R
is only .094. These differences seem as likely to be driven
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey; IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population currently not employed. The data are
pooled over 2014–16. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in 2000–10
consistent Public Use Microdata Areas in the continental United States.
Above 26 percent
22 to 26 percent
18 to 22 percent
14 to 18 percent
10 to 14 percent
Below 10 percent
Figure 9. Not-Working Rates, 2015
12. Online appendix figure 5 shows a map of prime age female not-working rates in 2015.
Online appendix figure 4 shows that in 1980, female nonemployment was more common
everywhere and was particularly high in Appalachia.
by cultural norms as by economic distress. The shifts in male and female
employment are not particularly correlated with one another, meaning that
the declining male employment rates reflect economic distress that does
not seem to be offset by increases in female labor force participation.
Figure 10 looks at the long-term (more than 12 months) not-working
rate, and shows that there has also been strong divergence since 1980. For
every extra percentage point of men who were long-term not working in
1980 (the first year we can calculate this number), the growth in long-term
not working increases by 0.84 percentage point between 1980 and 2014.
Robert Hall (1972) documented that unemployment was slightly higher in
higher-wage cities, suggesting that workers were being compensated for a
greater risk of being unemployed; but today, the relationship between non-
employment and income is strongly negative.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement;
IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population currently not employed. Long term is
defined as more than 12 months. The data are three-year pooled moving averages. The sample includes civilian
noninstitutionalized prime age men in the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
2 4 6 8
Change in the mean long-term not-working rate, 1980–2014
Mean long-term not-working rate, 1980
Figure 10. The Change in the Long-Term Not-Working Rate, 1980–2014
13. Online appendix figures 6 and 7 show the convergence of nonemployment rates at
the state level, which has gotten weaker over time.
170 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
These previous maps inspire our division of America into three groups:
the coastal states, the eastern heartland, and the western heartland. The
PUMA maps suggest that many states could likewise be usefully divided.
Inland California looks quite different from the San Francisco Bay Area.
Yet many data sources contain only state identifiers, so we use state bound-
aries. We refer to states formed before 1840 as the eastern heartland, and to
those formed after 1840 as the western heartland.
The coastal states have seen their real economies grow by 342 percent
from 1965 to 2016. The western heartland has grown by 475 percent over
the same period. The eastern heartland has experienced the most sluggish
growth, at 187 percent.
The parallel growth in GDP between the coasts and the western
heartland can be divided into growth in GDP per worker and growth in
the number of workers. Although per capita GDP growth has been faster
on the coasts, employment growth has been much faster in the western
heartland. The difference may reflect the far more elastic housing supply
in the western heartland, which welcomes workers in response to rising
The trends in GDP are matched by the trends in the not-working rate.
Figure 11 shows the prime age male not-working rate since 1980. Before
the recession of the early 1980s, nonemployment was roughly compa-
rable on the coasts and in the eastern heartland. The western heartland had
the lowest levels of not working. Since 2000, this ordering has been stable.
The not-working rate has been highest in the eastern heartland and lowest
in the western heartland; the coasts are in between.
Figure 12 shows mortality rates between the three regions for prime
age men. Between 1970 and the early 1980s, mortality fell smoothly for
all three regions and the ordering was stable. The western heartland was
the healthiest region of the country. During the early 1980s, male mortality
rose on the coasts, partially reflecting the scourge of AIDS. Since the
1990s, the eastern heartland has been the outlier, with relatively high, and
even occasionally rising, levels of mortality for prime age men. If we seek
to understand the striking fact of rising prime age male mortality, as noted
by Anne Case and Angus Deaton (2015, 2017), we need to look at the
eastern heartland.
14. Online appendix figure 12 shows the division.
15. Online appendix figure 14 shows the cumulative growth by region based on a
three-year pooled moving average. Online appendix figures 15 and 16 show the growth in
per-worker GDP and employment.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement;
IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population currently not employed. The series are
three-year pooled moving averages. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in
the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
Eastern heartland
Western heartland
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Figure 11. Not-Working Rates, 1980–2015
Sources: CDC WONDER; authors’ calculations.
a. The mortality rate is defined as annual number of deaths from all causes per 100 individuals. The
series are three-year moving averages. The sample includes prime age men in the continental United
States (excluding the District of Columbia).
Eastern heartland
Western heartland
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Deaths per 100 individuals
Figure 12. Mortality Rates, 1970–2015
172 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Krueger (2017); authors’ calculations.
a. The data are county-level opioid prescriptions per capita in morphine milligram equivalent (MME)
Above 1,100 MME
900 to 1,100 MME
700 to 900 MME
500 to 700 MME
300 to 500 MME
Below 300 MME
Figure 13. Opioid Consumption, 2015
Figure 13 shows county-level opioid prescriptions per capita across the
United States. These are particularly high in the low-employment areas of
the eastern heartland.
A final social problem is imprisonment, which effects a significant share
of the male population in many states.
Until the mid-1990s, imprisonment
rates were generally higher on the coasts than in the western heartland.
Between the mid-1990s and 2010, the western heartland had the highest
imprisonment rate. Now, both heartlands have imprisonment rates that are
dramatically higher than the imprisonment rates on the coasts.
I.E. Why Does the Nonemployment Rate Vary across
the United States?
Katharine Abraham and Melissa Kearney (2018) credit labor demand–
side factors (for example, competition with China and robots) with one-third
16. Online appendix figures 28 and 29 show the increase in incarceration rates.
of the decline in the male employment rate since 1999. Supply-side factors
account for less than one-tenth of the change, but much of the overall trend
remains unexplained. At the national level, since 1999 wages at the bottom
of the distribution (the 10th percentile) have been higher than they were in
the 1970s, so it would seem that the rising rate of nonemployment must at
least partially reflect shifting labor supply.
Although perhaps not all of
those not working could get a job paying $8.90 per hour in 1999, many
surely could and chose not to work for such low earnings. Mark Aguiar and
others (2017) suggest that the labor supply has shifted because of better
entertainment options, but the willingness to work at low wages may have
also fallen because of a more generous public and private safety net (for
example, working spouses) or changing preferences.
However, nonemployment is a lower-tail phenomenon that may be more
sensitive to the variance than to the mean of wage across space. If two
separate regional markets experience a mean-preserving wage spread, then
nonemployment in the low-wage market may rise dramatically while non-
employment in the high-wage area both starts and stays low. Even if the
aggregate pattern shows constant wages and rising nonemployment, which
is most compatible with a labor supply shift, regional patterns may be more
compatible with shifting labor demand.
Figure 14 shows a –.39 correlation between changes in log median
wages at the PUMA level and changes in the male nonemployment rate.
Moreover, many of the PUMAs with sharply rising nonemployment rates
have also experienced declining wages. Together, these facts suggest that
labor demand shocks are playing a significant role in explaining the geog-
raphy of joblessness.
What determines the spatial heterogeneity in labor demand? Deindustri-
alization has been a particularly adverse shock for less-skilled men, but
that has been somewhat ameliorated in high-skilled areas, like Seattle, by
reinvention based on knowledge-intensive industries. Consequently, the six
regressions given in table 1 test whether area-level education and industrial
history can explain the heterogeneity in joblessness. In regression 1, we
find that 34 percent of the variation in male nonemployment rates across
PUMAs in 2010 can be explained by two historical education variables: the
share of the men without a high school diploma, and the share of men with
17. Although real hourly wages for the 10th percentile of the U.S. male income distribu-
tion were lower in the 1980s and 1990s than they had been in 1979, by 1999 hourly real wages
had recovered.
174 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
a college degree in 1980. This effect combines both the direct impact of
education and any of the human capital externalities, as identified by James
Rauch (1993) and Moretti (2004).
In regression 2, we include the share of prime age male workers in the
PUMA in durable and nondurable manufacturing in 1980, and the R
to .409.
A history in durable manufacturing, which was particularly pre-
valent in the eastern heartland, predicts more nonemployment today.
A history in nondurable manufacturing, which was more prevalent in
the western heartland and the Southeast, predicts less nonemployment.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1980 census, American Community Survey; IPUMS; authors’
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population currently not employed. Median
wages, expressed in 2016 dollars, are calculated using reported total wages for respondents who usually
work more than 35 hours per week and who worked at least 50 weeks in the past year, excluding those
reporting zero wages. Data for 1980 are from the 1980 census; data for 2010 are pooled 2009–11 data
from the American Community Survey. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men
in 1980–2000 consistent Public Use Microdata Areas in the continental United States (excluding the
District of Columbia).
–0.5 –0.25 0 0.25 0.5
Change in the not-working rate, 1980–2010
Change in log median wages, 1980–2010
Figure 14. Changes in Not-Working Rates and Median Wage Growth, 1980–2010
18. Online appendix figure 17 shows the share of manufacturing across the United States.
19. As Goldin and Katz (2008) document, industrial areas saw less reason to invest in
Table 1. Geographic Predictors of Not Working and Income
Not-working rate, 2010
Median wage, 2010
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
College graduation rate, 1980
–0.134*** –0.076 –0.068 66,088*** 73,041*** 73,489***
(0.050) (0.053) (0.044) (10,066) (7,838) (7,806)
Share with less than a high school
education, 1980
0.276*** 0.368*** 0.394*** –15,005* –13,478 –11,900
(0.075) (0.081) (0.072) (8,280) (8,209) (8,781)
Share of employment in durable
manufacturing, 1980
0.085* 0.091*** 14,779*** 14,510**
(0.047) (0.034) (4,729) (5,626)
Share of employment in nondurable
manufacturing, 1980
–0.233*** –0.187** 18,540* 20,120*
(0.075) (0.071) (10,956) (10,974)
Average January temperature (°F) 0.002*** 68
(0.000) (93)
Average July temperature (°F) –0.005*** –200
(0.001) (186)
0.337 0.409 0.474 0.478 0.510 0.513
No. of observations 538 538 538 538 538 538
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1980 census, American Community Survey; IPUMS; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; authors’ calculations.
a. Data for 1980 are from the 1980 census; data for 2010 are pooled 2009–11 data from the American Community Survey. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized
prime age men in 1980–2000 consistent Public Use Microdata Areas in the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia). Regressions include a constant
term. Robust standard errors clustered by state are in parentheses. Statistical significance is indicated at the ***1 percent, **5 percent, and *10 percent levels.
b. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population not currently employed.
c. Median wage, expressed in 2016 dollars, is calculated using reported annual wage income for respondents who usually work more than 35 hours per week and who
worked at least 50 weeks in the past year, excluding those reporting zero wages.
d. The college graduation rate is defined as the share of respondents who report completion of four or more years of college.
e. The share with less than a high school education is defined as the share of respondents who report completion of eleven or fewer years of education in the 1980 sample.
176 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Regression 3 shows the impact of adding two state variables (January and
July temperatures), which raise the R
to .474. Higher January temperatures
are associated with more nonemployment, while higher July temperatures
are associated with less nonemployment (Boldin and Wright 2015).
The next three regressions in table 1 show the impact of the same
variables on median wages. Almost universally, the same variables that
are associated with higher median wages are also associated with lower
not-working rates. The one prominent exception is durable goods manufac-
turing, which is associated with higher nonemployment rates and higher
wages. One interpretation of this fact is that durable manufacturing indus-
tries developed the largest gap between wages paid to incumbent workers
and the reservation wages of not-working outsiders.
Can state policies explain the differences in nonemployment across the
United States? In the six regressions in table 2, we connect joblessness with
three different state-level policy measures: corruption convictions, right-
to-work laws (following Holmes 1998), and occupational licensing laws
(which may capture local opposition to entrepreneurship).
We do not use
instruments, and we are well aware that few of our variables are truly exog-
enous. These regressions use individual-level data, with standard errors
clustered at the state level.
Regression 1 shows the raw not-working rates between the three regions,
controlling for nothing else. In regression 2, we control for individual edu-
cation and historical area education, which wipes out the not-working gap
between the eastern heartland and the coasts, but makes the gap between
the western heartland and the coasts larger.
In regression 3, we also control for three state variables: corruption
convictions, right-to-work laws, and the share of the population that has
an occupational license. None of the variables has a statistically significant
effect, and they do little to explain the differences between the western
heartland and all other regions.
The final three regressions in table 2 repeat this analysis for 1980, 1990,
and 2000. With historical perspective, the western heartland’s gap looks
unusually large. In 2000, both the eastern and western heartlands have lower
not-working rates than the coasts, when we control for these characteristics.
In 1980 and 1990, the regional differences look relatively small.
Individual and historical area education have persistent and strong nega-
tive effects on not working. From 1980 to 2000, the not-working rate was
20. Heterogeneity in these variables across states is shown in online appendix figures 30,
31, and 32.
Table 2. The Probability of Not Working for Prime Age Men, 1980–2010
Eastern heartland
0.021** 0.008 0.011 –0.019** 0.002 0.003
(0.009) (0.007) (0.008) (0.009) (0.008) (0.007)
Western heartland
–0.030*** –0.034*** –0.036*** –0.013 0.007 –0.015**
(0.008) (0.007) (0.007) (0.009) (0.005) (0.006)
High school education
–0.094*** –0.094*** –0.159*** –0.128*** –0.099***
(0.019) (0.019) (0.005) (0.007) (0.005)
Some college education
–0.152*** –0.152*** –0.206*** –0.158*** –0.109***
(0.021) (0.021) (0.005) (0.007) (0.005)
College education
–0.229*** –0.229*** –0.255*** –0.194*** –0.147***
(0.021) (0.021) (0.005) (0.007) (0.006)
College education rate for
men in 1980
–0.136*** –0.142*** –0.075*** –0.092*** –0.117***
(0.018) (0.018) (0.026) (0.022) (0.021)
–0.044 0.068** 0.050 –0.004
(0.027) (0.034) (0.030) (0.027)
Right to work –0.004 –0.017** –0.023*** –0.019***
(0.004) (0.007) (0.005) (0.004)
Occupational licensing rate 0.104 0.176*** 0.132*** 0.102**
(0.062) (0.052) (0.046) (0.040)
No. of observations 1,664,011 1,664,011 1,664,011 2,858,392 2,473,956 2,013,485
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1980, 1990, and 2000 censuses, American Community Survey; IPUMS; Glaeser and Saks (2006); Kleiner and Vorotnikov (2017); authors’
a. Data for 1980, 1990, and 2000 are from the decennial censuses; data for 2010 are pooled 2009–11 data from the American Community Survey. The sample includes civilian non-
institutionalized prime age men in 1980–2000 consistent Public Use Microdata Areas in the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia). Individual respondents
are weighted using sampling weights. Regressions include a constant term. Robust standard errors clustered by state are in parentheses. Statistical significance is indicated at the
***1 percent, **5 percent, and *10 percent levels.
b. The omitted category is the coasts.
c. The omitted category is less than a high school education.
d. Corruption is measured using average annual corruption convictions per 100,000 residents, following Glaeser and Saks (2006).
178 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
lower in right-to-work states. Corruption was positively associated with
the not-working rate in 1990 and 2000. Occupational licensing has been
positively associated with the not-working rate in every year.
The strong correlation between joblessness and education supports
the common view that improved schooling is one way to address under-
performing primary, secondary, and postsecondary schools in the Ameri-
can heartland. Community colleges are particularly natural institutions
for delivering employment-related skills; and early childhood programs
have been found to be particularly effective. We now discuss place-based,
employment-oriented policies, which we see as a complement to, not a
substitute for, education reform.
II. The Economic Rationales for Place-Based Policies
Standard locational externalities, including agglomeration economies and
human capital externalities, imply that a decentralized spatial equilibrium
may not be a Pareto optimum. But the large empirical literatures on such
spatial spillovers provide little guidance about where these externalities
are likely to be larger. Place-based policies can also insure against place-
based shocks. Places may be useful tags for redistribution, which enable
policymakers to rely less on effort-distorting, income-based redistribution.
The largest weakness of equity and insurance justifications for place-based
policies is that relatively little income variation occurs across, rather than
within, states. Focusing on small geographies improves targeting, but also
increases the downsides of place-based redistribution: capitalization of the
benefits into housing costs and distorted migration.
The best case for place-based policies exists when spending in some
areas generates a much bigger behavioral response than in other areas. If
the supply of workers in the labor force is more elastic in some areas than in
others, devoting more federal resources to that area will do more to reduce
the not-working rate. When employment responses differ across space,
welfare gains can be achieved, even without extra transfers to that area, by
redirecting existing federal transfers. For example, reallocating Medicaid
spending to employment subsidies may be welfare-improving in areas with
a higher employment response to the effective wage.
21. Adult retraining for the displaced and nonemployed would also seem to be highly
desirable, but the literature on such problems is decidedly mixed.
II.A. The Efficiency Rationale for Place-Based Redistribution
The existence of agglomeration economies and congestion externalities
means that local areas may have too many or too few people. To see this
point, assume that there are only two regions in the economy, and assume
that region 1 is the wealthier region.
A totally homogeneous national labor
force (N
) is divided into the population of the two locales (N
for j = 1, 2).
Welfare in each region is a function of the population size, denoted U
A spatial equilibrium requires that utility levels are equalized between
the two regions, so U
) = U
). A social welfare planner who chooses
populations to maximize aggregate welfare, N
) + N
), would set
) = U
) + N
) – N
). The extra terms N
) – N
imply that the spatial equilibrium may not be a social optimum. Yet the fact
that the competitive equilibrium is not socially optimal does not justify
targeted regional policies if we do not know the direction of the problem.
When we discuss the empirical research on agglomeration below, we will
conclude that we have little confidence in our estimates of heterogeneity in
agglomeration effects. Hence, agglomeration-based interventions seem as
likely to harm as to help.
II.B. The Insurance and Equity Rationale for Place-Based Redistribution
The simplest equity-based justification for place-based policies is that
a concave social welfare function implies benefits from insuring against
local shocks, or even redistributing from high-income areas to low-income
areas. Redistribution based on local income differences is less justifiable
when higher income levels in some areas are offset by higher housing
prices. A more straightforward argument for place-based redistribution is
that it provides insurance against place-based shocks, without distorting the
labor supply or work effort.
The strongest argument against place-based redistribution is that the cor-
relation between place and income is relatively weak in the United States.
In a regression analysis where income is regressed on region dummies
corresponding to our heartland definitions, these dummies explain only
0.2 percent of the variation in income. When income is regressed on state
22. We include a somewhat richer model in the online appendix.
23. Albouy (2010) makes a related point by emphasizing how standard progressive income
taxation, without an explicit spatial dimension, distorts spatial decisions. Income taxes induce
people to choose amenities and low housing costs rather than high incomes, although the dis-
tortionary impact of the income tax is diminished by the home mortgage interest deduction.
180 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
dummies, these indicator variables explain only 1.1 percent of the variation.
When income is regressed on PUMA dummies, these dummy variables
explain 6.6 percent of the variation.
How big could the welfare gains be from spatial insurance across states
and regions? To consider this question quantitatively, we assume that indi-
viduals just consume their income and that welfare is y
/1–γ, and we focus
on the case where γ > 1. If income is log-normally distributed, then expected
welfare is equivalent to E(ln y) – 0.5(γ – 1)V(ln y).
In our data, the mean of log income for men is 10.55. The mean standard
deviation of log income within states is 1.14, and that of income across states
is 0.12. Consequently, eliminating the variation in income across states
would have only a small impact on welfare.
Eliminating spatial income variation would represent a real welfare
gain, but it would also distort migration and capitalization.
The tighter
the geographic targeting, the larger the share of inequality that can be
eliminated. Tighter geographic targeting will also ramp up the effects
on migration and capitalization. Those distortions could be reduced if
payments were based on birthplace, not place of current residence, but it
is hard to imagine a birthplace-based national policy. The economic case
for place-based insurance is theoretically strong; but in practice, the pos-
sible effect of such a policy seems limited and likely to have pernicious
side effects.
II.C. Differential Response Elasticities and Hot-Spots Policing
We now turn to the third, and we think the best, rationale for spatial
policy: market failures that can most plausibly be addressed at the local
level. Police departments that use hot spots target their resources toward
areas where there is more crime, presumably because the impact of these
resources on crime is higher in these areas. This strategy seems to be
effective on both targeted areas and neighboring areas, suggesting that
24. We can rewrite this as
and from this point, the standard constant absolute risk aversion calculations follow to derive
a linear mean-variance frontier.
25. Distorting migration can itself be part of the benefit for residents of poorer areas,
if out-migration reduces employment for the remaining residents, as shown by Greenwood
and Hunt (1984).
crime is not merely displaced to different areas (Braga, Papachristos,
and Hureau 2014). We now turn to a model for place-based policies that
captures the same economic logic—that resources can more effectively
reduce the not-working rate when targeted toward areas with higher
not-working rates.
We focus on public transfers to a population of less-skilled workers, who
are on the margin of working. We assume that the United States is divided
into P regions, and that marginal workers’ wages equal w
in region p.
We assume that these workers never pay taxes, and that the social plan-
ner chooses lump sum transfers, conditional on working (denoted e
) and
not working (denoted b
). The monetized private benefit of not working
in place p equals d
. Wages and other benefits are independent of public
transfers, and here we ignore mobility and housing markets.
Individual is welfare is V(Earnings) – I
, where I
is an indicator
function that takes on a value of 1 if the individual works; and c
is an
idiosyncratic cost of working, where the cumulative density function F
denotes the share of the population in place p that has the value of c
< c
and f
) is the associated probability density function. Individuals will
therefore work if and only if V(w
+ e
) – V(d
+ b
) c
, and we denote
* = V(w
+ e
) – V(d
+ b
). We first assume that the population level of
each area is fixed.
The social welfare planner maximizes expected welfare across the
population less the share of the population that is not working times a con-
stant k, which captures any nonfiscal externalities from nonemployment.
The government’s cost of funds equals θ, which can be interpreted as the
Lagrange multiplier on the government’s overall budget constraint. Within
each area, b
and e
are chosen to maximize
Fc Vw ee cdFc
Fc Vd bbk
1* .
pp pp
pp p
For proposition 1, we assume that V(
) is sufficiently concave to ensure
that second-order conditions hold:
Proposition 1. If V(
) is sufficiently large in absolute value and f
*) is suf-
ficiently small, then both benefit levels are decreasing in both w
and d
; an
increase in k causes e
to rise and b
to fall.
26. Some of these concerns are remedied in the online appendix.
182 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
This proposition contains the core insurance motive for redistributing
across space. Areas with lower wages should optimally receive both more
benefits and a higher employment subsidy. The marginal utility of con-
sumption for the working poor is higher in low-wage areas, and this raises
the optimal employment subsidy. When the employment subsidy increases,
it reduces the fiscal externality associated with nonemployment and con-
sequently increases the optimal payment to those who do not work.
The first-order condition can also create a variant of the Baily–Chetty
formula relating to the marginal utility of consumption for the employed
and the jobless (Baily 1978; Chetty 2006):
Vw e
Vd b
where ε
= [ f
*)V (w
+ e
*)] is the elasticity of the employ-
ment rate with respect to the wage, and (b
+ ke
reflects the size
of the fiscal and nonfiscal externality associated with not working relative
to the wage.
Equation 2 emphasizes the optimal heterogeneity in social policy across
areas, not optimal redistribution across areas. The equation implies that
in areas where the elasticity of employment with respect to the wage is
higher, the employment subsidy should be higher relative to the payment for
the jobless.
This can be interpreted as implying that even if the current U.S. benefits
system for the not working were kept entirely in place, it would be opti-
mal to increase support for the marginally employed in places where the
employment response to wages is higher. Alternatively, the equation can
be interpreted to mean that it would be optimal to shift benefits from the
jobless to the marginally employed in states where employment is more
responsive to the fiscal returns to working.
If ε
= 0, then consumption is equalized between the not working and
the employed. If (b
+ ke
= 0.2, the not-working rate equals 0.2,
and ε
= 0.25, then 1 – ε
+ ke
[1 – F
*)] = 0.75. If utility
follows a constant relative risk aversion function of 0.5, then the optimal
consumption of the not working is 0.56 times that of the employed. A lower
elasticity of labor response of 0.1 will imply higher levels of redistribution
to the not working, so that the not working consume only 19 percent less
than the employed.
These calculations suggest that small differences across space may
generate large differences in the appropriate balance between employment
subsidies and nonemployment benefits. In areas where the sensitivity of
employment to wages is high, then subsidizing not working becomes
particularly costly, when there are large externalities associated with non-
employment. In areas that are close to full employment, subsidizing the poor
is less problematic. In the next two empirical subsections, we discuss the
evidence related to both the size of the externality and differential employ-
ment responses by place.
II.C. Mobility across Space
The previous calculations ignored mobility, which would reduce the
appeal of redistribution across space but might not change equation 2.
We can solve the social insurance problem in two steps: First, minimize
expected social insurance payments in each location, holding expected
utility fixed; and second, choose the combination of the levels of expected
utility and expenditures across space to maximize aggregate social welfare,
internalizing migration and capitalization effects. The procedure can be
separated as long as only expected utility affects migrations, which will
be true if we assume that migration decisions are made before an individual’s
value of c
is revealed.
Minimizing the costs of transfers and externalities F
+ [1 – F
+ k), subject to a fixed utility constraint F
+ e
) –
+ [1 – F
+ b
)] u
, is dual to the welfare maximization problem
and also yields equation 2.
Incorporating migration does have an effect on
the overall level of welfare in each area; but it does not change the relation-
ship between the marginal utility of consumption while working and not
working. These results would, however, change if individuals observed
their value of c
before migrating.
To formally model migration, we assume two locations and that people
are endowed with a preference for the second location of ε
, which is dis-
tributed according to a cumulative density function G(
) with probability
density function g(
). We ignore housing and spatial externalities and denote
total spending in region p as S
and expected utility in each region as U
The spatial equilibrium then defines a marginal migrant with a preference for
location 2 of ε*, which is defined so that U
) = U
) + ε*, and the share
of the population in location 1 equals G(ε*).
27. We are implicitly assuming that k represents a national rather than a local external-
ity. Results are not significantly changed if k is treated as a local cost borne by potential
184 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
If the social planners cost of funds is again θ, the overall maximization
problem can be written as
GUSS GUSS dG(3)* 1* .
11 1222
() () () () ()
ε−θ+−ε −θ ε
This leads to two first-order conditions that can be combined to generate
12 1
where ε
reflects the elasticity of mobility into area 1 with respect to
area 1 subsidies, or ε
= U
) S
g(ε*)/G(ε*). Equation 2 then describes
the structure of payments within an area, whereas equation 4 describes the
structure of payments across an area.
If ε
= 0 and there is no mobility response, then optimal policies equalize
the marginal utility of spending across areas. If mobility is perfectly elastic,
so that ε
goes to infinity, then spending must be equalized across areas. For
intermediate levels of mobility, there will be more spending on the area with
a higher marginal utility of spending: S
> S
if and only if U
) > U
This equation somewhat supports our previous discussion suggesting that
redistribution across space is more likely to enhance welfare when migra-
tion is more limited.
But the larger point of this subsection is that concerns about capitaliza-
tion and migration influence the expected welfare for residents of a specific
area, but not the optimal ratio of marginal utility levels for the employed
and the not working. If the elasticity of the not-working rate with respect
to wages is higher in one place, then that place should do more to make
work pay.
A final justification for targeting related to “hot spots” is that the macro-
economic costs of supporting not working might be lower if we target West
Virginia more than San Francisco. Phillips curve–type reasoning suggests
that reductions in unemployment might increase pressure for wage-led
inflation. This threat seems larger if San Francisco’s not-working rate is
being pushed from 5 percent to 2 percent than if West Virginia’s not-working
rate is being pushed from 13 percent to 10 percent.
II.D. The Downsides of Spatial Policy: Capitalization, Mobility, and Cost
As the previous discussion emphasized, two of the major downsides of
place-based strategies are capitalization and distorted locational choice.
If a place-based policy makes an area more attractive to a group, then that
group will move into the area or bid up prices, or both, depending on the
elasticity of the housing supply. The policy will have more of an impact on
prices when the supply of space is inelastic. The policy will distort location
more when the supply of space is elastic; but even when space is inelastic,
there still can be a distortionary effect on the composition of the population.
A third major downside of spatial policy is cost, which in turn is a func-
tion of the targeting of the policy. In all three discussions, we assumed
that subsidies and taxes are not well targeted within the region. A general
employment subsidy has these features, as would policies that increase
general labor demand in the poor region through the use of tax credits
or direct government spending. Yet it is possible to imagine policies that
are more directly targeted toward marginal workers. Those policies would
reduce the taxes needed to encourage employment and would also dampen
capitalization and migration effects, because they have an impact on a
smaller share of the population.
The three motives for place-based strategies have different implications
for the costs of capitalization and distorted mobility. If the point of spa-
tial targeting is to achieve agglomeration-related benefits, then distorted
locational choice is not a problem but a desired outcome. The point of the
policy is to induce economic activity to relocate. Capitalization might be a
slight negative, in that the property owners will reap many of the benefits,
but that would not particularly undo the efficiency gains from relocation.
If the purpose of spatial targeting is to redistribute toward poorer
residents, then relocation is not intrinsically desirable. Yet if we cannot
determine the sign of the impact of relocating people and firms on aggre-
gate efficiency, then we also cannot be sure whether inadvertent relocation
generates welfare losses or benefits. A prominent exception to this claim is
that there may be considerable downsides from concentrating poverty and
nonemployment, particularly because this may cause welfare losses to the
poor that undo any benefits that come from targeting resources toward a
particular area.
Capitalization, by contrast, will tend to work against the redistributive
benefits of targeting resources toward poorer areas. If the primary beneficia-
ries of these benefits are property owners, then the policy may be progres-
sive across places but regressive within places. Once again, targeting can
reduce the capitalization-related downsides of any policy.
If the goal is targeting resources against a demonstrable social problem,
like nonemployment, then efficiency, not equity, is again the main objec-
tive. In this case, the redistribution to owners due to capitalization is not
186 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
particularly problematic; nor are distorted locational choices. Even more
broadly, the policy can be a place-based benefit shift, which fights non-
employment without inducing in-migration. We now discuss the two param-
eters that are needed to use equation 2, our modified Baily–Chetty formula.
III. Do Employment Elasticities Differ across Place?
The theoretical case for the spatial targeting of employment subsidies depends
on whether such policies have a greater marginal impact on employment in
some areas. Employment subsidies could have a larger impact in distressed
areas, but the opposite is also possible. Areas with high not-working rates
might have social problems that lead even fewer people to be on the mar-
gin of working. Areas with high not-working rates might have extremely
inelastic labor demand, so that few new jobs will be created because of a
subsidy. The case for infrastructure, relative to subsidies, is stronger when
private labor demand is inelastic. It is an empirical question as to whether
interventions in high-poverty areas are more likely to increase the level of
We have three ways of testing for differential employment elasticities.
First, and most obviously, we can look at the impact of labor demand shocks
on the not-working rate and test for heterogeneity across space. Second,
we can review the surprisingly limited body of literature on heterogeneous
spatial effects of social programs on the not-working rate. And third, we can
revisit the evidence presented by Nakamura and Steinsson (2014) linking
government spending to GDP growth and test for heterogeneous treatment
effects on the not-working rate.
III.A. The Heterogeneous Impact of Labor Demand Shocks
We first look at the impact of labor demand shocks on the not-working
rate. We use a Bartik demand shock (following Bartik 1991), interacting
initial industry shares with changes in national employment in the industry
outside the PUMA or state, or
Bartik shock
US not s
US not s
US not s
,1 ,
28. Our discussion of this question builds on the work of Bartik (2015), who finds
some evidence that local demand shocks have a greater impact in areas with higher initial
unemployment rates. A large number of previous studies have also examined the persistence
of local labor demand shocks, with varying conclusions.
where emp
is employment in industry i, location s, and initial time t
is total employment in location s at initial time t
; and emp
US not s
is the
employment in industry i at time t in the United States outside location s.
Thus, this shock represents the percentage growth in employment in the
location that would have been predicted if the location’s industries saw
their employment grow at the national average rate.
We look at Bartik shocks at both the PUMA and state levels. We begin
with state-level estimates over the 1977–2016 period. Regressions 1 and 2
in table 3 show the negative impact of the Bartik shock over the entire
period, as expected, and that this impact is larger in states with higher ini-
tial not-working rates. Regressions 3 and 4 show that this interaction term
is robust to the addition of year fixed effects. It does seem as if demand
shocks are more strongly associated with changes in the not-working rate
in places with higher average not-working rates.
Regressions 5 and 6 show results for housing prices. The state-level
housing price index is a repeat sales index prepared by the Federal Housing
Finance Agency. Regression 5 finds that positive Bartik shocks are associ-
ated with more housing price growth, suggesting that economic success is
associated with higher housing costs; but the coefficient is not statistically
significant. Regression 6 shows a strong positive correlation between the
not-working rate and the Bartik shock. The Bartik shock has a statistically
significant impact on not-working rates in states with high historical not-
working rates relative to other states, but this interaction is not statistically
significant for housing prices.
Regressions 7 and 8 show results at the substate level using consistent
PUMAs and annual changes since 2005, because of limited data avail-
ability before that period. Regression 7 shows that the Bartik shock has
a strong negative impact on the not-working rate over this period. And
regression 8 shows that this effect is far more strongly concentrated in
places that had high levels of not-working rates in 2005. A change of
10 percentage points in the not-working rate increases the impact of the
Bartik shock by almost 50 percent relative to a zero benchmark for the
not-working rate.
Finally, we examine the impact of trade shocks on prime age male non-
employment, using shocks identified by Autor, Dorn, and Hanson (2013).
They use the change in Chinese import exposure per worker in a region
as their main measure of local labor market exposure to import compe-
tition. To address potential endogeneity issues, they instrument growth
in U.S. imports with growth in Chinese imports in eight other developed
economies. In table 4, we follow their approach and regress the share of
Table 3. State- and PUMA-Level Bartik Analysis
Growth in state not-working rate
Growth in the house
price index
Growth in PUMA
not-working rate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Bartik employment growth
–0.665*** –0.447*** 0.198 0.440** 0.295 –0.218 –0.859*** –0.523***
(0.034) (0.104) (0.149) (0.211) (0.450) (0.517) (0.137) (0.136)
Historical not-working rate
–0.015*** 0.011*
(0.004) (0.005)
Bartic employment growth
× historical not-working
–2.013** –2.129** 4.535 –2.341***
(0.994) (1.060) (2.885) (0.384)
State fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Time trend Yes Yes No No No No No No
Year fixed effects No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
No. of observations 1,872 1,872 1,872 1,872 1,584 1,584 11,693 11,693
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, American Community Survey; Federal Housing Finance Agency; authors’
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population not currently employed. Robust standard errors clustered by state are in parentheses. Statistical significance is
indicated at the ***1 percent, **5 percent, and *10 percent levels.
b. Data at the state level are from the 1978–2016 Annual Social and Economic Supplements of the Current Population Survey. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized
prime age men in the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
c. The growth in the house price index is calculated by averaging the quarterly all-transaction index from 1984 to 2016.
d. Data at the PUMA level are from the 2006–16 American Community Surveys. The sample includes noninstitutionalized prime age men in 1980–2000 consistent PUMAs in the
continental United States.
e. Bartik employment growth shocks are calculated based on predicted growth in employment based on 1977 (state) or 2005 (PUMA) industry shares and industry employment
growth rates for all workers in the continental United States.
f. Historical refers to 2005 for PUMAs.
Table 4. The Impact of Chinese Import Shocks on Not Working, 1990–2007
Change in not-working rate
Change in long-term
not-working rate
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Change in trade
0.831*** 0.372***
(0.172) (0.093)
Change in trade
exposure, baseline
zones, β
0.823*** 0.368***
(0.173) (0.094)
Change in trade
exposure, high
not-working rate
zones, β
0.597* 0.339*
(0.318) (0.191)
Percentage of total
employment in
manufacturing, t – 1
–0.068** –0.066** –0.015 –0.013
(0.028) (0.028) (0.014) (0.014)
Percentage of
population that
is college educated,
t – 1
–0.031 –0.027 –0.010 –0.007
(0.030) (0.029) (0.014) (0.014)
Percentage of
population that is
foreign born, t – 1
–0.108*** –0.106*** –0.051*** –0.050***
(0.024) (0.024) (0.011) (0.011)
Percentage of total
employment that is
female, t – 1
0.191** 0.199** 0.002 0.006
(0.090) (0.092) (0.030) (0.031)
Percentage of total
employment in
routine occupations,
t – 1
0.217** 0.226** 0.044 0.049
(0.095) (0.094) (0.050) (0.050)
Average offshorability
index of occupations,
t – 1
–1.142* –1.204* –0.187 –0.222
(0.660) (0.661) (0.270) (0.270)
Census region fixed
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Period fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
No. of observations 1,444 1,444 1,444 1,444
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 and 2000 censuses, American Community Survey; IPUMS; Autor,
Dorn, and Hanson (2013); authors’ calculations.
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population not currently employed. Data for 1990
and 2000 are from the decennial censuses; data for 2007 are pooled 2006–08 data from the American
Community Survey. The sample includes noninstitutionalized prime age men. Regressions are weighted
as by Autor, Dorn, and Hanson (2013). Robust standard errors clustered by state are in parentheses.
The change in trade exposure and controls at the commuting zone level are for the entire working
population. Statistical significance is indicated at the ***1 percent, **5 percent, and *10 percent levels.
b. Long term is defined as more than 12 months.
c. Zones with high not-working rates are in the top 10 percent of the distribution of not-working rates
for prime age men in 1990.
190 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
not-working men or long-term not-working men on the change in Chinese
imports per worker.
In regression 1, we examine the effect of a shock in Chinese imports on
prime age male not-working rates. As expected, increases in Chinese import
exposure are associated with an increase in the level of prime age male non-
employment, and the coefficients are statistically significant. Regression 2
examines the heterogeneity of responsiveness based on initial not-working
rates in 1990. We find that commuting zones with the highest levels of ini-
tial not-working rates, defined as being in the top 10 percent, experience a
higher level of nonemployment in response to changes in Chinese import
exposure. Regressions 3 and 4 report the same results for long-term not-
working rates, and we find a similar pattern, albeit with smaller absolute
These results may be relatively unsurprising. A shock to local labor
demand has more impact on the not-working rate in places where non-
employment is high than in places that are already near full employment.
Yet this heterogeneity is crucial in justifying spatially heterogeneous policies
that encourage employment more in some areas than in others.
III.B. Heterogeneous Responses to Past Social Programs
There has been surprisingly limited research testing whether national
changes in policy have heterogeneous treatment effects across space. For
example, a large body of literature (Meyer and Rosenbaum 2001; Eissa and
Liebman 1996) has examined the impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit
(EITC) on employment. But we have found that none of these studies ask
whether the impact of the credit was higher in places that had initially
higher levels of nonemployment. David Neumark and William Wascher
(2011) find interactions between the EITC and state minimum wages, but
the imperfect relationship between the minimum wage and nonemployment
makes these results hard to interpret.
There is abundant evidence suggesting that targeted social programs
can have a large impact on the not-working rate. For example, Cynthia
Miller and others (2017) test an EITC-like product, called Paycheck Plus,
29. These results are merely suggestive of the importance of regional heterogeneity. The
size and statistical significance of heterogeneity is dependent on the exact form chosen.
We have focused on the interaction of shocks with the initial not-working rate, but other state
characteristics may also be important.
that is targeted toward people without children. The treatment effect of
this product on employment outcomes, especially on filing taxes, is higher
for people who initially earned less than $10,000 per year. We hope that
future research will test more regularly for whether social interventions
have more impact in some states than in others.
III.C. Spatial Heterogeneity as Identified by Nakamura and Steinsson
In this subsection, we use the shocks to federal spending that are
identified by Nakamura and Steinsson (2014).
We focus on state-level,
prime age male not-working rates as our outcome of interest, and we
test for inter actions between these shocks and average not-working rates
within states. Nakamura and Steinsson’s approach is to regress the per-
centage change in the employment rate within the state on the change in
military spending over the same period. They instrument for the change
in military spending by interacting the change in national military spend-
ing with a state dummy.
Our specification is to follow Nakamura and Steinsson (2014) and thus
to regress
not working not working
not working
spending spending
tj t
tj t
where not working
refers to the not-working rate in the state, spending
refers to per capita military procurement spending, output
refers to per
capita output, and δ
and γ
are time and year fixed effects. We instrument
for the spending variable using the percentage growth in national military
spending interacted with a state dummy. This specification follows the
structure of Nakamura and Steinsson’s employment rate regressions.
We do this for one-, two-, and three-year changes. Our primary focus is
on the interaction between military spending and the average not-working
rate in the state. We implement this by generating an interaction between
30. A number of other studies have examined the heterogeneous impact of government
expenditures at the local level. For example, see Dube, Kaplan, and Zipperer (2015). A general
review of local multipliers is provided by Chodorow-Reich (2017).
192 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
the spending variable and an indicator variable that takes on a value of
1 if the state is among the 25 percent of states with the highest not-working
rate during the entire period. This is a conceptually different experiment
from Nakamura and Steinsson’s (2014) interaction between military
spending and whether the state has a high not-working rate relative to
its historic norm.
We show the results for the one-year change in the not-working rate
in regressions 1 and 2 in table 5. Regression 1 confirms that the basic
result holds for the not-working rate: An increase in military spending
equal to 1 percent of output is associated with a 6.2 percent decrease in the
not-working rate, although the coefficient is not statistically significant.
Regression 2 shows that the coefficient on military spending is signifi-
cantly larger in areas with high not-working rates and is statistically sig-
nificantly different from areas with low not-working rates.
In regressions 3 and 4, we look at the two-year change in the not-working
rate, which is Nakamura and Steinsson’s (2014) preferred specification.
The overall effect on the not-working rate is significant at the 10 percent
level. An increase in military spending equal to 1 percent of output is asso-
ciated with a 6.4 percent decrease in the not-working rate. The interaction
with high not-working rates is small and insignificant.
In regressions 5 and 6, we look at the three-year change in the not-
working rate. In this case, an increase in military spending equal to
1 percent of output is associated with a 9.6 percent decrease in the not-
working rate and is statistically significant at the 5 percent level. The
interaction is negative and economically meaningful in size, but it is so
imprecise that we can draw little confidence from this result. Overall, these
results, especially for the one-year change, suggest that military spending
might be more effective in areas with high not-working rates, but they are
no more than suggestive.
IV. The Externalities of Not Working
If joblessness generates no externalities, then there is no reason for the
government to promote employment in our model. There may still be a
redistributive or insurance motive for spatial policy, but there would be lit-
tle reason to focus particularly on joblessness. In this section, we discuss
the three types of externalities associated with nonemployment: pure fiscal
losses from reduced taxes and increased social spending; social spillovers
borne by family and friends; and not-working spillovers, where one indi-
vidual who is not working increases the chance that others will not work.
Table 5. The Impact of Government Spending Shocks on Not Working, 1980–2006
Percentage change in the not-working rate for prime age men
1-year change 2-year change 3-year change
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Prime military contracts –6.218 –6.370* –9.613**
(4.587) (3.578) (4.153)
Prime military contracts, baseline states, β
–5.725 –6.214* –9.491**
(4.464) (3.587) (4.168)
Prime military contracts, high not-working
rate states, β
–11.051** –1.553 –3.048
(4.900) (5.551) (5.181)
State fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
No. of observations 1,377 1,377 1,377 1,377 1,377 1,377
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement; IPUMS; Nakamura and Steinsson (2014); authors’ calculations.
a. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population not currently employed. The change in prime military contract spending as a share of output per capita is
instrumented using national per capita spending as a share of output, as described by Nakamura and Steinsson (2014). The sample includes noninstitutionalized prime age
men. Robust standard errors clustered by state are in parentheses. Statistical significance is indicated at the ***1 percent, **5 percent, and *10 percent levels.
b. States with high not-working rates are in the top 25 percent of the distribution of mean not-working rates for prime age men from 1980 to 2006.
194 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
We do not consider externalities that could work through congestion of the
employment-matching process, basically because we consider congestion
to be a short-run phenomenon, while we are primarily interested in the
long-run costs of concentrated nonemployment.
IV.A. Fiscal Externalities: Taxes and Spending
The most obvious externality associated with nonemployment is the
cost borne by other taxpayers due to a reduction in tax revenue and an
increase in public expenditures. We first focus on the income of not-
working prime age men, to understand the amount of public resources they
are receiving.
Table 6 shows income sources for four groups: all employed prime age
men; low-income employed prime age men, who are defined as having
annual family earnings below $40,000; prime age men who have not been
working for less than 12 months; and prime age men who have not been
working for more than 12 months. The data are averaged over the 2010–16
period and are based on the ASEC.
The missing earnings of the not working are supplemented mainly by
disability payments and by the other residents of their own home. The
added public expenditure going to the short-term not working relative to
low-income workers is $2,300; the average added expenditure going to
the long-term not working is $6,300. Averaged over the entire not-working
population, the increase is $4,900, which is 26 percent of low-income
individual wages in this sample.
In table 7, we break out the earnings of the long-term not working by
region. The results are quite similar. The family incomes in the heartland
areas are lower than in the coastal states. Disability payments are higher in
the eastern heartland than in the other regions. Nowhere are family transfers
a large share of total earnings.
Because disability is such an important part of public support for not-
working men, we now focus on the geography and time series of disability
in the United States. Figure 15 shows disability rates across the United
States. We see the familiar pattern of suffering in the eastern heartland, but
higher rates of being on disability certainly do not seem to generate higher
earnings for the not working.
Should disability be seen as a transfer to the not working that would
stop if employment increased, or a social insurance program that com-
pensates the unlucky who receive negative health shocks and could not
work in any case? Many of the not working report regular health problems.
Figure 16 shows that approximately 30 percent of the not working in all
Table 6. Income Sources for Prime Age Men, 2010–16
Employed Not working, less than 12 months Not working, more than 12 months
Source Total Low income
Living alone
Living with others Living alone
Living with others
Total family income 93,939 24,522 35,744 65,810 12,682 42,757
Total individual income 63,931 21,471 35,699 33,280 12,583 8,227
Wages 58,038 19,000 28,712 27,452 0 0
Investments or business 4,938 1,711 2,306 2,326 673 343
Retirement 205 23 506 376 746 950
Workers’ compensation 36 25 151 150 327 305
Family transfers 33 43 378 65 539 146
Total government support 605 645 3,547 2,827 9,966 6,400
Unemployment compensation 234 331 2,032 1,877 949 942
Disability insurance 99 135 793 376 7,532 4,471
Veterans’ benefits 126 37 224 156 1,009 510
Other 146 142 497 418 476 476
Other sources 76 24 100 85 333 83
Percentage of prime age men 81.7 19.3 1.0 5.5 1.8 10.0
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement; IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The sample includes noninstitutionalized prime age men with nonnegative incomes. The data are pooled over 2010–16. Except for the final row, the units are real 2016
b. Low income is defined as having annual family earnings below $40,000.
c. Respondents are classified as living alone if there are no other residents age 18 or over in the household.
196 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Table 7. Income Sources for Long-Term Not-Working Prime Age Men, 2010–16
Source Coasts Eastern heartland Western heartland
Total family income 40,318 34,859 36,897
Total individual income 8,665 9,283 8,964
Wages 0 0 0
Investments or business 400 275 541
Retirement 890 850 1,089
Workers’ compensation 358 254 244
Family transfers 211 145 279
Total government support 6,652 7,688 6,711
Unemployment compensation 1,072 756 862
Disability insurance 4,584 5,834 4,661
Veterans’ benefits 499 638 751
Other 498 461 438
Other sources 154 69 100
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement;
IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men with nonnegative incomes in
the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia). Long term is defined as more than
12 months. The data are pooled over 2010–16. The units are real 2016 dollars
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey; IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The disability rate is the share of respondents who report having a disability in any category. The data
are pooled over 2014–16. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in 2000–10
consistent Public Use Microdata Areas in the continental United States.
Above 19 percent
16 to 19 percent
13 to 16 percent
10 to 13 percent
7 to 10 percent
Below 7 percent
Figure 15. Disability Rates, 2015
three regions report 10 or more days of physical health problems over
the past month.
Autor and Mark Duggan (2003) depict disability insurance as a sub-
stitute for unemployment insurance that may be better seen as a social
cost of nonemployment, rather than an independent insurance program.
Andreas Kostol and Magne Mogstad (2014) show that when disabled
people in Norway are able to keep more of their earnings, they work
and earn more. Nicole Maestas, Kathleen Mullen, and Alexander Strand
(2013) examine borderline applicants for Social Security Disability Insur-
ance, and find that employment would have been 28 percentage points
higher among successful applicants if they had not received benefits.
Eric French and Jae Song (2014) find a similar decrease in employment
among applicants who successfully appeal their applications compared
with those who are unsuccessful. These papers suggest that at least part
Sources: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System;
authors’ calculations.
a. This figure shows the share of respondents who report physical health was not good on at least 10
days in a month. The data are pooled over 2011–16. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized
prime age men in the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
b. High income is defined as household income of more than $50,000 per year.
c. Moderate income is defined as household income between $35,000 and $50,000 per year.
d. Low income is defined as household income of less than $35,000 per year.
High income, employed
Moderate income, employed
Low income, employed
Not working
Coasts Eastern heartland Western heartland
Figure 16. The Prevalence of Physical Health Problems, 2011–16
198 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Table 8. Expenditures of Prime Age Men, 2016
Income or expenditure
living alone
living alone,
low income
not working,
living alone
Pretax household income 98,575 55,898 22,190 12,870
Tax 15,397 9,449 1,326 566
Posttax household income 83,170 46,444 20,861 12,301
Total expenditures 64,694 43,508 28,086 20,686
Food 9,491 6,506 5,091 3,830
Housing 21,250 14,752 10,857 9,221
Apparel and services 1,283 721 452 336
Transportation 10,297 6,935 4,664 2,918
Personal care 349 168 129 55
Health care 3,963 2,099 1,222 1,044
Entertainment 3,024 2,015 1,159 975
Alcohol 722 766 475 179
Tobacco products 325 345 398 459
Other expenditures 13,989 9,200 3,639 1,669
Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey; authors’ calculations.
a. The sample includes noninstitutionalized prime age men. The units are dollars
b. Respondents are classified as living alone if there are no other residents age 18 or over in the
c. Respondents are classified as low income if their household pretax income is less than $40,000.
d. Long term is defined as more than 12 months.
of the disability cost should be seen as a fiscal externality generated by
In table 8, we turn to expenditures, using data from the Consumer Expen-
diture Survey. We split the population into employed, employed living
alone, low-income employed (again, earning less than $40,000 a year), and
the long-term not working living alone.
The not working, unsurprisingly, pay far fewer taxes than employed men
generally, who pay over $15,000 annually, or employed men living alone,
who pay almost $10,000. However, if the comparison is with low-income
men living alone, the gulf in taxes is much smaller. The not-working men
living alone contribute $566 in taxes, as opposed to $1,326 in taxes for the
low-income employed living alone.
If the relevant margin is between nonemployment and average earnings,
then the tax-related fiscal externality is over $9,000. If the relevant margin is
between nonemployment and low-income wage labor, then the tax-related
fiscal externality is much smaller, closer to $800.
Perhaps the most surprising fact is that the expenditures of the not work-
ing are much higher than their income level, and are not that much lower
than the expenditures of the low-income employed, who spend $28,100
annually; the not working who live alone spend $20,700. The plausible
explanations for this group’s gap between expenditures and earnings include
running down savings, borrowing, unreported family transfers, and perhaps
even illicit earnings. Typically, the members of this group have neither
significant assets nor great credit, which makes it hard to believe that past
savings and borrowing can explain the gap. They also report low levels of
family transfers.
The small gap in spending between the low-income employed and the
not working suggests that the Keynesian externalities associated with
moving the not working into low-wage jobs are small. The largest spend-
ing increase associated with employment is transportation, which may
reflect the costs of getting to and from work. Annually, the employed
also spend $300 more on alcohol, $1,600 more on housing, and $1,300
more on food. The greater food expenditure may reflect some eating out
on the job.
Do these data suggest a large fiscal externality from nonemployment?
Benefits fall by $4,900 and taxes fall by $800 when we compare the not
working with low-wage workers. If half the disability payments would
have been paid in any case, then the benefit gap drops to $3,200, making
the total fiscal externality $4,000, which is 21 percent of the earnings of the
low-income individuals.
IV.B. Social Externalities Borne by Families and Friends
We now turn to the costs of nonemployment that are borne by family
and friends. A large share of the long-term not working do not live alone,
but many of these men are not married. Figure 17 shows the time series
of the share of men who have never been married, for the employed, the
short-term not working, and the long-term not working. The three lines
show parallel upward trends, with the not working always being less likely
to have been married than the employed. By 2015, half of the long-run not
working have never been married, and over 40 percent of the short-term not
working have never been married. Less than 30 percent of the employed
have never been married.
The share of the employed who are separated or divorced has risen
over time. The share of the not working who are separated or divorced has
remained steady, at over 15 percent, as shown in figure 18. Consequently,
less than 35 percent of the long-term not working have current spouses, and
the majority of their cohabitants are not their current spouses.
200 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement;
IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. This figure shows the share of respondents who have never been married. The series are three-year
pooled moving averages. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in the
continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
b. Long term is defined as more than 12 months.
Short-term not working
Long-term not working
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Figure 17. The Prevalence of Singleness, 1980–2015
In many cases, the not working are actually living with their parents.
Figure 19 shows the trend in cohabitating with parents by employment
status. This number has always been high for the long-run not working, but
it has risen in recent years to over 30 percent.
Does not working also impose externalities on family and friends who
subsidize the not working? If nuclear families are unitary decisionmakers,
then they are presumably making joint decisions about work and leisure.
If men make independent decisions about work, and then spouses bargain
ex post about the share of rents, spouses will presumably lose their share
of the forgone earnings.
Some of these externalities will be offset if the not-working spouse
participates more in household production, but time use surveys suggest
that this is not the case. Table 9 shows the time use by employed and not-
working men by region.
Working men spent about 530 minutes (8 hours 50 minutes) per day on
personal care, over 90 percent of which was typically sleep. They worked
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement;
IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. This figure shows the share of respondents who have been separated or divorced from their spouses.
The series are three-year pooled moving averages. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized
prime age men in the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia).
b. Long term is defined as more than 12 months.
Short-term not working
Long-term not working
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Figure 18. The Prevalence of Separation and Divorce, 1980–2015
an average of between 382 and 401 minutes per day, which roughly cor-
responds to a 6.5 hour workday, averaged over the course of the week.
Notably, the men in the western heartland do seem to put in longer hours.
They offset this time by spending slightly less time on leisure activities.
Watching television remains the dominant use of leisure time and takes up
slightly over 2 hours per day for working men.
Not-working men work about 6 hours less per day. This extra time is
spent primarily on leisure activities. The not working in the eastern heart-
land spend over 5 hours daily watching television. There is also an uptick
in computer use, including gaming, as noted by Aguiar and others (2017)
and Krueger (2017).
The not-working men on the coasts and in the western heartland increase
their time spent on household production tasks by 41 and 46 minutes,
respectively. The modal categories for male household activities are food
preparation and lawn work. Consequently, even for this group, less than
one-sixth of the time freed up by not working goes to activities that benefit
202 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement;
IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. This figure shows the share of respondents who currently live with a parent. The series are three-year
pooled moving averages. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized men in the continental United
States (excluding the District of Columbia).
b. Long term is defined as more than 12 months.
Short-term not working
Long-term not working
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Figure 19. The Prevalence of Living with a Parent, 1980–2015
Table 9. Time Use by Prime Age Men, 2003–16
Employed Not working
Activity Coasts
heartland Coasts
Personal care 530 529 529 598 604 587
Household activities 74 83 75 115 114 122
Food preparation 76 73 76 67 62 62
Caring for others 41 42 41 56 51 53
Working 392 382 401 33 28 32
Searching for work 1 1 1 21 16 21
Education 6 5 6 35 22 38
Leisure 257 262 248 450 481 449
Socializing 36 37 34 51 57 56
Watching TV 137 142 133 258 303 269
Computer use
17 17 17 41 34 37
No. of observations 19,213 9,738 10,258 2,590 1,480 1,068
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, American Time Use Survey; IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
a. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in the continental United States
(excluding the District of Columbia). The data are pooled over 2003–16. The weighted means include
respondents who report zero time spent on an activity. Except for the final row, the units are minutes per day.
b. Computer use includes playing games (activity 120307) and computer use for leisure, excluding games
(activity 120308).
the household rather than private consumption. By contrast, not-working
men in the eastern heartland spend only 31 more minutes on household
activities than working men and 9 more minutes caring for others.
The view that spouses are not benefiting from their partners’ non-
employment is further supported by the correlation between not working
and divorce rates. It is not merely that the not working are more likely to
be divorced. Losing one’s job is associated with a higher risk of becoming
divorced (Killewald 2016). Although this fact has many inter pretations,
one view is that a male’s nonemployment is a negative shock to his spouse.
We take the stand that bargaining is efficient between spouses, but not
between parents and children. Consequently, for the roughly one quarter of
not-working people who live with their parents, nonhousing expenditures
represent an externality from nonemployment. The long-term not work-
ing who live alone have total nonhousing expenditures of $11,500. Con-
sequently, not working generates an average family externality of $2,900,
which is 15 percent of low-wage income. This figure is a crude attempt to
capture intrafamily losses (“internalities”) and the more general spillovers
from not working that we discuss next, collectively bringing the total exter-
nality to $6,900, which is 36 percent of low-wage earnings.
IV.C. Nonemployment Spillovers
The suffering of not working will be magnified if not working spills over
across individuals. This spillover could occur because an individ ual’s not
working leads to less demand for local products, which reduces local labor
demand. Nonemployment could also spill over if it reduces the stigma of
not working (Lindbeck, Nyberg, and Weibull 1999), if it creates a culture
of not working, or if the not working enjoy being with each other.
Giorgio Topa (2001) presents the now-standard model of this phenom-
enon. He estimates this model using tract-level data from Chicago, using
a structural model. The sorting of the unemployed within the city provides
evidence supporting the view that the unemployment of one person is a
complement to the unemployment of his or her neighbor. Timothy Conley
and Topa (2002) extend this analysis.
Clark (2003) provides evidence for the social norm hypothesis. He finds
evidence that the self-reported life satisfaction of the unemployed is much
31. The welfare effects of such spillovers would be ambiguous. Not-working people
benefit from having more not-working friends, even if others pay the costs of a generally
higher not-working rate.
204 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
higher if there is more unemployment in the individual’s reference group.
He also finds that individuals whose unhappiness drops more at the point
of unemployment are more likely to find future employment. These find-
ings seem to suggest that a norm of not working translates into still more
long-term nonemployment. A final piece of evidence supporting the non-
employment spillover hypothesis is that aggregate employment relation-
ships with variables like tax rates are often much stronger than individual
employment relationships (Alesina, Glaeser, and Sacerdote 2005), which
suggests the existence of a social multiplier.
V. Calibrating the Level of Place-Based Interventions
We now use the modified Baily–Chetty formula discussed in section II,
and attempt to obtain quantitative estimates of the optimal degree of
place-based heterogeneity. We consider two thought experiments. First,
we assume that existing benefits continue in place, and we estimate the
optimal allocations of new employment subsidy across space. The rel-
evant first-order condition for such an employment subsidy bonus is that
+ e
)/[1 – ε
+ ke
] must be constant over space. Second,
we assume that funds are removed from current benefits received by the
not working and are allocated to marginal workers. In this case, the rel-
evant first-order condition is V(w
+ e
+ b
) = 1 – ε
+ ke
[1 – F
*)]. Our model does not incorporate wage effects of subsidies,
or migration and capitalization, which could be significant by-products of
the first thought experiment but not the second one. Consequently, these
calculations are illustrative at best.
In both cases, we depend on place-specific estimates of the extensive mar-
gin elasticity of labor supply. Our purpose here is to emphasize the hetero-
geneity across the United States, not to advance the considerable literature
on labor supply.
We use a simple empirical approach, regressing the log
employment rate at the PUMA level on the log wages for the 25th per-
centile of employed men. We instrument for wages using Bartik shocks,
as described above. The use of Bartik shocks as an instrument for labor
demand is discussed in detail by Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Isaac Sorkin,
32. For example, Juhn, Murphy, and Topel (1991) find that partial elasticity varies depend-
ing on the income distribution of men, with an average value of 0.13 and a high value of
0.35 for men in the 10th percentile of income. Meghir and Phillips (2010) similarly find a
higher elasticity of 0.4 for low-income men in the United Kingdom. Broader reviews include
those by Blundell and MaCurdy (1999) and Chetty and others (2013).
and Henry Swift (2018). They show that using Bartik shocks as instruments
is numerically equivalent to using industry shares as instruments. Therefore,
identification is dependent on the exogeneity of initial industry shares.
Table 10 summarizes the results. The coefficient on log wages is small
and insignificant, but the interaction of wages and the 1980 not-working
rate is large and significant. The measured elasticity varies over space, with
Table 10. Estimating the Elasticity of the Labor Supply
Log wage
–0.038 –0.093 –0.008 0.022
(0.027) (0.080) (0.021) (0.075)
Not-working rate, 1980
–12.248*** –22.633*** –12.611*** –28.768***
(2.874) (4.144) (2.624) (6.019)
Log wage × not-working
rate, 1980
1.102*** 2.126*** 1.152*** 2.772***
(0.277) (0.404) (0.256) (0.599)
College graduation rate,
0.009 0.045 0.028 0.112*
(0.032) (0.052) (0.029) (0.064)
Share with less than a
high school education,
–0.097** –0.029 –0.107** 0.118
(0.042) (0.061) (0.049) (0.126)
Period fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
State fixed effects No No Yes Yes
Implied elasticity
Wyoming 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.20
West Virginia 0.14 0.26 0.18 0.48
First-stage F statistic
Log wage 14.6 14.4
Interaction term 8.4 7.3
No. of observations 1,614 1,614 1,614 1,614
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1980, 1990, and 2000 censuses, American Community Survey; IPUMS;
authors’ calculations.
a. The dependent variable is the log employment-to-population ratio. Data for 1980, 1990, and 2000
are from the decennial censuses; data for 2010 are pooled 2009–11 data from the American Community
Survey. The sample includes civilian noninstitutionalized prime age men in 1980–2000 consistent Public
Use Microdata Areas in the continental United States (excluding the District of Columbia). Robust stan-
dard errors clustered by state are in parentheses. Statistical significance is indicated at the ***1 percent,
**5 percent, and *10 percent levels.
b. Log wage, expressed in 2016 dollars, is the 25th percentile of total annual wages for respondents
who are currently employed. Changes in log wages are instrumented using Bartik employment growth
shocks, which are calculated based on predicted growth in employment based on 1980 industry shares
within Public Use Microdata Areas and industry employment growth rates for all workers in the conti-
nental United States.
c. The not-working rate is defined as the share of the population not currently employed.
d. The college graduation rate is defined as the share of respondents who report completion of four or
more years of college.
e. The share with less than a high school education is defined as the share of respondents who report
completion of eleven or fewer years of education in the 1980 sample.
206 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
greater responsiveness in areas with high not-working rates. Wyoming
had the lowest not-working rate in 1980, at 6.5 percent, and the implied
elasticity is 0.05. West Virginia had the highest not-working rate in 1980,
at 16.5 percent, and the implied elasticity is 0.26. We hope that this simple
approach will be superseded in future work that will bring more sophis-
ticated estimation techniques to assess the heterogeneity of labor supply
elasticities across space.
We assume a constant relative risk aversion utility function, with a
coefficient of relative risk aversion of γ. Steffen Andersen and others (2008)
estimate that this coefficient is 0.741 in laboratory experiments with rela-
tively low stakes. Alma Cohen and Liran Einav (2007) estimate a median
coefficient of relative risk aversion of 0.37 from deductible choices in
automobile insurance. Robert Barsky and others (1997) find evidence for
higher values using larger gambles. Some macroeconomic estimates asso-
ciated with explaining the equity premium puzzle are higher still. We report
values assuming coefficients of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0.
We start with the employment subsidy formula
Vw e
and we implement it by one region, indexed A, and with a benchmark
region, indexed 0, where ε
= 0, and e
= 0. Essentially, we are asking
how much larger a region’s employment subsidy should be than a place
where there is no employment response to wages and consequently no
employment subsidy. We assume that the marginal workers wage is every-
where fixed at w
and independent of the employment subsidy, perhaps
because the wage is determined by the federal minimum wage. We also
assume that (b
+ k)/w
= 0.363. With those assumptions, V(w
+ e
) =
1 – 0.363ε
+ e
Given our estimates of differential employment elasticity, we can then
consider the optimal subsidy. For example, states such as Wyoming that
have low not-working rates have an estimated elasticity close to 0, suggest-
ing a minimal optimal employment subsidy. Areas such as West Virginia
33. We make the simplifying assumption that the labor elasticity in the region is constant
as we change the employment subsidy. We recognize that this is not entirely accurate, and a
more complete calibration would involve imputing the reservation wages for not-working men
in each region.
with high not-working rates, with an estimated elasticity of 0.26, have an
optimal subsidy equal to 14 percent of wages if the coefficient of relative
risk aversion is 0.5, an optimal subsidy of 8 percent of wages if the coef-
ficient is 1, and an optimal subsidy of less than 5 percent of wages if the
coefficient is 2. High coefficients mean strong concavity, which reduces
the benefits of the employment subsidy.
The previous thought experiment was a bonus that just allocated employ-
ment dollars to states with high not-working rates. Our alternative thought
experiment is a twist that reallocates x
dollars from not-working benefits
and adds [1 – F
to the employment subsidy. We assume
that e
= 0 without this subsidy. We assume that d
+ b
= 0.6w
, which is in
line with tables 6 and 8. In this case, the modified Baily–Chetty condition
in equation 2 implies
() () () ()
−= +
Fc Fc Fc
x0.6 1
1* *1 *
pp pp
Figure 20 illustrates the optimal benefits twist as a function of ε
for the
three different cases of constant relative risk aversion utility.
Source: Authors’ calculations.
γ = 0.5
γ = 1.0
γ = 2.0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Optimal benefits twist relative to wage
Elasticity of the employment rate
Figure 20. Model Calibration for a Benefits Twist
208 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Again, we can match the theoretical predictions against different states.
In states with low elasticities, we find that the optimal size of the benefits
twist is negative, so the optimal change to the benefit scheme would be
to increase benefits for the not working by increasing taxes.
Indeed, if
the coefficient of relative risk aversion is 2, then the model almost always
pushes toward more transfers for the not working because of such strong
concavity. When the coefficient of risk aversion is 0.5, again the model
suggests a positive benefits twist, with a reallocation of 10 percent or more
in states like West Virginia, depending on the elasticity.
Finally, we can calculate the predicted optimal ratio of consumption
when working or not working in different states, based on their employment
and not-working shares. Our ratio of the fiscal and other externalities of not
working to the wage is 0.363, from the previous section. The not-working
rate is somewhat more complicated, given that this is the share of the
low-skill, at-risk workers who are not working, not the not-working share
of the entire population. We use our previous definition of low-income
men as those who are employed and have a total annual family income of
less than $40,000. Using this definition, we find that the not-working rate
for at-risk workers varies from 39.5 percent in Wyoming to 61.3 percent
in West Virginia, using the 2014–16 pooled responses from the ASEC.
Table 11 summarizes our results. Our model predicts that the ratio of
consumption of not-working to employed men should indeed be lower in
areas with high not-working rates. Although these values are only tentative,
they illustrate the importance of considering spatially heterogeneous policy
responses to nonemployment.
Table 11. Estimates of the Optimal Consumption Ratio of Not-Working Individuals
to Employed Individuals
Estimate Wyoming Massachusetts West Virginia
At-risk not-working rate (2014–16) 39.5 48.6 61.3
Elasticity of the employment rate 0.05 0.12 0.26
Externality as a percentage of wages 36.3 36.3 36.3
Ratio of consumption
γ = 0.5 0.919 0.831 0.718
γ = 1.0 0.958 0.911 0.848
γ = 2.0 0.979 0.955 0.921
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey; IPUMS; authors’ calculations.
34. In a broader model, the funds could come from other sources than just taxes on
low-income earners.
We view these results as thought experiments, not serious policy pro-
posals. These calculations suggest that if utility functions are not too
concave, then significantly stronger subsidies for employment would be
optimal for states like West Virginia. This conclusion would be tempered
if wages fell with subsidies, or if the subsidies distorted migration. If
migration were a paramount concern, then our model suggests that there
could even be welfare gains in areas with high not-working rates from
replacing benefits for the not working with benefits subsidizing marginal
workers. In areas with low not-working rates, more benefits for the not
working would be welfare-enhancing, especially when risk aversion is high.
VI. Place-Based Policies: Efficacy, Capitalization, and Mobility
We now turn to a brief taxonomy of place-based policies in the United States
and elsewhere. Our goal is to link these policies with the three objectives
discussed above, and to discuss the evidence on their downsides, including
capitalization, distorted location choice, and overall cost. We do not focus
on the spatial heterogeneity that occurs because of differences in local gov-
ernment actions, but rather on ways in which national governments and the
European Union generate policies with spatially heterogeneous effects.
A central theme of this section is that spatial policies have the largest impact
when they are targeted toward the needs and problems of particular regions.
VI.A. A Taxonomy
Spatial policies can be explicit, openly targeting one area or another, or
implicit, aiding particular areas disproportionately, but without an acknowl-
edgment of the geographic tilt. Spatial policies can take the form of direct
public investment, tax benefits or subsidies to businesses, tax benefits
or grants to individuals, and regulatory relief. Table 12 provides a brief
summary of the eight categories in our taxonomy, with a few examples of
each form.
VI.B. Direct Public Investment
A prime example of direct public investment is the Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA), which was a New Deal innovation meant to deliver
electricity and improve conditions in one of the poorest parts of the country.
The TVA began not with a desire for a spatial big push but with the recogni-
tion that electricity could have high returns and could be produced by the
region’s abundant hydropower. Kline and Moretti (2013) provide evidence
showing that the TVA increased agricultural employment in the region
210 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
while subsidies were in place and increased manufacturing employment
even after the subsidies ended. They interpret their findings as suggesting
that the TVA generated durable agglomeration economies. An alternative
interpretation is that the TVA was successful because it delivered electricity,
which had a particularly high return in the Tennessee Valley.
Kline and Moretti (2013) also provide evidence relevant for both capi-
talization and mobility. None of their specifications show a positive impact
of the TVA on population growth in the region, suggesting that there were
minimal distortions of location choice, which perhaps reflect the fact that the
TVA was supposed to pay for itself eventually. In some, but not all, of their
specifications, there is a positive impact on median home value. Yet these
positive effects do not withstand the inclusion of other controls.
The second particularly well-known spatial program in the United States
was the Appalachian Regional Commission, which became a federal agency
in 1965. The commission’s formation was motivated by local poverty, not
any obvious economic opportunity, and its geographic scope runs through
13 states and includes all of West Virginia. The commission provides grants
in many areas, but its signature project is the Appalachian Development
Highway System, which provides highway access throughout the region.
Economic conditions in the affected counties did seem to improve during
the 1970s, but there is little evidence of any more durable economic trans-
formation (Glaeser and Gottlieb 2008). The program’s scale was modest,
relative to the size of the region, which makes ex post evaluation difficult.
Nonetheless, the commission’s limited success surely reflects its failure to
find a high-return regional intervention.
Table 12. A Taxonomy of Place-Based Policies
Policy Explicitly spatial Implicitly spatial
Direct public
Tennessee Valley Authority Interstate Highway System
Appalachian Regional
Relocation of public offices
Tax benefits or grants
for businesses
New Markets Tax Credit
Agricultural subsidies
Oil depletion allowance
Cassa del Mezzogiorno
Tax benefits or grants
for individuals
Northern Norway tax benefits
Customized training programs
Flood insurance
Nominal tax credits
State and local tax deductibility
Regulatory relief Chinese special economic
Devens Enterprise
Channel Islands financial haven
Heterogeneous environmental
The European Union’s cohesion policy is a much larger example of
spatially targeted public investment. The policy’s explicit goal is to reduce
income disparities within the EU region, partially to reduce the political
tensions that can come with heterogeneity. The policy differentiates at the
subnational level—thus, for instance, though Warsaw is considered more
developed, the rest of Poland is considered less developed. Michele Boldrin
and Fabio Canova (2001) and Sandy Dall’Erba and Julie Le Gallo (2007)
both conclude that this policy is ineffective. Aadne Cappelen and others
(2003) find modest positive effects, which are larger in the more developed
EU countries. Again, the policies seem to have a limited effect because
they focus on spreading money around rather than on interventions that
have high returns in particular places.
Within the United States and elsewhere, spatially motivated infra-
structure investment has been much less important to spatial development
than nonspatially motivated infrastructure investment. The federal Inter-
state Highway System, for example, was not intended to help suburbanize
America or to strengthen particular communities relative to others. Yet
Nathaniel Baum-Snow (2007) finds that each new highway that was built
in a metropolitan area with federal support after World War II reduced
the central city’s population by 18 percent. Gilles Duranton and Matthew
Turner (2012) find significant effects of highway construction on the eco-
nomic development of connected metropolitan areas. The large mobility
effects of the highway system reflect the fact that the system delivered
mobility that was valued by millions of Americans.
Although David Aschauer (1989), Alicia Munnell (1992), and others
have found positive effects of infrastructure on local economic activity,
Andrew Garin (2016) finds almost no impact of transportation spending
under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on employment.
One interpretation of the difference is that earlier studies focused on
a period when infrastructure brought high value to drivers and conse-
quently also moved activity across space. Edward Gramlich (1994), in
particular, is associated with the view that the returns to infrastructure
have declined over time. The modest impact of recent subways on urban
structure (Baum-Snow and Kahn 2005) is compatible with the view that
35. A host of studies also find effects of highways on local property values (Chernobai,
Reibel, and Carney 2011). A working version of the paper by Duranton and Turner (2012)
found that more highway miles were associated with slight decreases in the number of poor
people and the number of high school dropouts, suggesting that if anything the sorting effects
of infrastructure are slightly positive.
212 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
investments that are poorly targeted toward local demand also have little
spatial impact.
Supporters of spatial targeting for direct government spending some-
times argue that in some cases, spatial effects can be generated at a moderate
cost. For example, if the government is going to spend a fixed amount on
the military, then locating an installation in Mississippi rather than New
York may be largely irrelevant to any military objectives. Nakamura and
Steinsson (2014) find significant effects of military spending on the local
economy. Giulia Faggio and Henry Overman (2014), however, use quasi-
exogenous shifts in the size of local government to estimate the spillovers
from increases in public employment. They find that 1 extra job in the pub-
lic sector generates 0.5 extra service sector job and crowds out 0.4 tradable
sector job.
One explanation for the difference may be that nonmilitary
employment crowds out local jobs, but military employment is sufficiently
different so that it does not.
Land grant colleges may have been the federal government’s most suc-
cessful foray into place-making.
These educational institutions, subsidized
with federal land, are strongly associated with high incomes (Moretti 2004)
and population growth during recent decades (Glaeser and Saiz 2004). Once
again, these interventions seem to have been spatially effective because they
have supported an activity that was thought to have high returns regardless
of any spatial dimension.
Most direct public investment is probably most compatible with the
agglomeration-related justifications for spatial intervention. Indeed, one
interpretation of the TVAs results is that this investment generated a “big
push” that took advantage of convex agglomeration economics. We are far
from confident about economists’ current ability to identify such opportu-
nities. The general existence of agglomeration economies may support the
case for national proinvestment policies, such as reducing taxes on capital
gains, but unless we understand the spatial heterogeneity of agglomeration
effects, the existence of agglomerations does not justify spatially hetero-
geneous polices.
36. Ades and Glaeser (1995) argue that political forces explain why the capital cities of
dictatorships and unstable democracies are about 40 percent larger than the capital cities of
stable democracies. There is little doubt that enough government spending of the right kind
can have an impact on a local economy.
37. A second unplanned federal place-making policy was the Bayh–Dole Act of 1980,
which allowed researchers to capitalize on ideas developed with the support of federal grants.
Hausman (2017) shows that economic activity increased around universities after the act.
Most of the best agglomeration studies (Combes and others 2012) support
the existence of agglomeration economies, but they give us little confidence
about heterogeneity of local spillovers across space. The million-dollar
plant identification strategy of Michael Greenstone, Richard Hornbeck, and
Moretti (2010) provides little hope of identifying heterogeneous agglomer-
ation effects because great swaths of America, especially the high-income
coastal regions, were generally not recipients of these plants. Consequently,
it is impossible to know whether a relocation of capital and labor from
Los Angeles to Kentucky will lead to benefits in Kentucky that are large
enough to offset the losses in Los Angeles.
VI.C. Local Employment Subsidies
The case for spatial targeting is that supporting employment may have
a particularly high return in particular places. There is a serious body of
literature that documents the effects of national employment subsidies.
Jonathan Gruber (1997) finds that the elimination of the payroll tax in
Chile was mostly passed along in the form of higher wages and did little
for employment. James Heckman and Carmen Pagés (2004) find that
between 0 and 60 percent of a firm’s social security contributions in Latin
America are passed along to workers in the form of lower wages. The EITC
literature has typically found that most of the benefit of the credit accrues to
workers (Rothstein 2010). The track record of local employment subsidies
is more mixed, perhaps because they have not been targeted toward places
where they would be most effective.
The literature on local employment subsidies is large and varied.
Skepticism about direct government spending led the U.K. government of
Margaret Thatcher toward a different approach: enterprise zones. Peter Hall
(1982) is generally credited with the idea of reducing taxes and regulation
in troubled urban areas. Despite his solid credentials as a social democrat,
he had been impressed with the success of Hong Kong and Singapore, and
he hypothesized that a similar light-handed touch could engender economic
regeneration in Britain’s troubled inner cities.
The Thatcher government embraced Hall’s vision, and the United
Kingdom began its program of providing tax benefits for firms operating in
particular urban locations. Stuart Butler (1980) embraced the adoption of
this approach in the United States. Although the federal government would
not begin its program of “empowerment zones” until 1993, a plethora of
states experimented with enterprise zones during the 1980s. The hallmark
of such zones is that firms derive some tax benefit from operating within a
disadvantaged area.
214 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Though enterprise and empowerment zones are typically targeted at
small, depressed urban areas, other countries have offered tax incentives
for businesses that locate in larger regions. Since 1987, Italy has offered
corporate tax exemptions for firms operating in the poorer Mezzogiorno
region, which includes southern Italy and Sicily. These incentives are larger
for firms that fall within the government’s favored industrial initiatives.
France has been offering grants to firms that spread industry away from
Paris since the 1960s. The Netherlands also offers targeted spatial incen-
tives for businesses.
Barry Rubin and Craig Richards (1992) provided an early assessment
of the effects of these zones in the United Kingdom and across U.S. states,
and concluded that the U.K. experience was relatively unsuccessful. They
estimate a cost per job of about £50,000, which annualizes to be about
$14,000 per job-year, which would be almost $30,000 per job-year today.
Leslie Papke (1994) relied on these figures in her assessment of the dif-
ficulties facing enterprise zones in the United States. Margaret Wilder and
Rubin (1996) summarize a large number of early studies, and find wildly
divergent effects. In some cases, the cost per job was as low as $1,000.
In the past 20 years, the literature on state enterprise zones has grown,
but results seem to be quite sensitive to the time period and approach.
Daniele Bondonio and John Engberg (2000) and Robert Greenbaum and
Engberg (2004) find little effect on employment or industrial expansion
using a standard difference-in-differences approach. Suzanne O’Keefe (2004)
compares enterprise zones in California with those in other areas that are
matched using propensity score techniques. She finds a short-run 3 percent
increase in employment associated with enterprise zone status, but less of
a long-run effect.
Neumark and Jed Kolko (2010) use particularly fine-grained geography
and find no impact of the California program. John Ham and others (2011)
also use fine-grained geographies, and work hard to distinguish different
programs. They find a negative impact on the unemployment rate, but do
not find a positive impact on employment. Thus, if enterprise zones reduce
unemployment but do not increase employment, then they must operate by
reducing the amount of job seeking, which is a surprising finding.
The most impressive piece of recent research on zones is by Busso,
Gregory, and Kline (2013), who come to a relatively positive conclusion
about the impact of federal empowerment zones. They compare labor market
outcomes in the first round of empowerment with a treatment group that
consists of areas that also competed for zone status. They have access
to confidential census micro data and find positive effects on employment,
earnings, and housing prices. They do not see significantly rising rents in
empowerment zones.
Busso, Gregory, and Kline’s (2013) estimates have been used to pro-
duce a cost of only $18,000 per job, although it is unclear how many
years of employment this means. Nonetheless, this figure is quite low
relative to other estimates, which are often closer to $100,000. One inter-
pretation of Busso, Gregory, and Kline’s (2013) results is that the national
empowerment zones subsidized employment in places where there was
an abundance of potential employers and marginal workers. By contrast,
the U.K. enterprise zones and state enterprise zones may have been more
Busso, Gregory, and Kline (2013) also find significant capitalization
in housing values, but little in rents. Andrew Hanson (2009) and Douglas
Krupka and Douglas Noonan (2009) find broadly similar results, again
using a synthetic control group based on areas that applied for but did not
receive empowerment zone status.
Research on the capitalization of other
social interventions into property values has been more limited.
Gordon Betcherman, Meltem Daysal, and Pagés (2010) provide a
particularly relevant analysis of spatially targeted employment subsidies in
Turkey. They find that the employment subsidies did substantially increase
jobs, but that the cost was considerable. But they also conclude that the
programs were poorly targeted, and as much as 78 percent of the benefits
were paid for jobs that would have existed even without the program. They
call these costs deadweight losses, but we think that they are better inter-
preted as a transfer to firms’ owners.
VI.D. Individual Tax Credits or Grants
Location-specific tax benefits for individuals are less common spatial
policies. The United States does, of course, have significant spatial hetero-
geneity in state and local tax rates, but these differences are presumably
also tied to differences in spending and services. Norway’s grants of tax
benefits to the residents of its colder, darker, northern climes are an exam-
ple, but notably these benefits merely subsidize location, not employment
or other behaviors.
38. There is compelling evidence that quasi-random increases in property taxes, caused
by court-mandated property revaluation, is capitalized into low property values (Yinger and
others 1988). Stull and Stull (1991) find evidence for capitalization of differences in local
income taxes in the Philadelphia area.
216 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
Intellectually, there would seem to be no reason why places could not
be targeted by individual tax benefits as much as firm-specific tax cred-
its, yet there are good reasons why these are less common. The primary
beneficiaries of standard tax credits would tend to be richer, rather than
poorer, residents, and this makes them poorly targeted for spatially targeted
redistribution. Inducing business location in a particular area may achieve
agglomeration-related benefits. Inducing people to locate in an area, without
associated jobs, would have fewer agglomeration benefits and could poten-
tially make local nonemployment problems worse. The political backlash
against place-based individual tax subsidies might be significant.
National tax policy can have important spatial dimensions. Joseph
Gyourko and Todd Sinai (2003), for example, show that the benefits of
the home mortgage interest deduction accrue to some places more than
The 2017 tax law’s changes to the deductibility of state and local
taxes represents a major spatial policy, essentially benefiting low-tax areas
at the expense of high-tax areas.
There are large bodies of literature on both the capitalization and migra-
tion effects of differences in state taxes. Wallace Oates (1969) famously
reported significant capitalization of tax differences into property values,
but the subsequent literature has been far less clear. Jon Bakija and Joel
Slemrod (2004) find that the elderly rich move to avoid high estate taxes,
but few more general results have been established on tax-based migration.
Federal benefits, such as unemployment insurance and disability insur-
ance, can also be spatially targeted.
Before the 1996 welfare reform, there
were significant differences across states in the generosity of the Aid to
Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. Although the pro-
gram was nationwide, states could choose their benefit levels, and they paid
for part of the benefit.
There is little literature on the capitalization of AFDC differences, but
there is a healthy literature on whether these payments induced migration of
the poor. Rebecca Blank (1988) found that single-parent families were more
likely to leave areas with less generous AFDC payments. George Borjas
(1999) argued that the disproportionate flow of immigrants into California
reflected its particularly high levels of AFDC payments.
39. Albouy (2010) has argued that the spatial implications of the deduction are helpful
in undoing the spatial distortions created by the income tax itself, which deters people from
moving to high-income areas.
40. Bartik and Erickcek’s (2014) discussion of targeted training programs does not
explicitly focus on spatial targeting, but the possibility is clearly implicit in their discussion.
Though it may be harder to imagine a program that increases nominal
payments in some states, programs with constant nominal benefits are the
norm, and these benefits have greater value in low-price states. Because
government tax dollars go further when local prices are lower, price hetero-
geneity also gives an added push to spending more in places where costs
are lower (Kaplow 1996; Glaeser and Saiz 2004). A ramped-up version of
the EITC that provided a uniform hourly work subsidy would have a more
disproportionate real impact in lower-income parts of the country.
VI.E. Regulatory Heterogeneity
The original enterprise zone model also envisioned significant regulatory
relief. In practice, these zones were more likely to feature tax relief rather
than regulatory relief. In the United States, this reflects the fact that the
national government has little power to override local regulations. Globally,
there are many prominent examples of zones that offer a special set of rules
to businesses. The special economic zones of China, for example, were a
powerful example of how business formation can be abetted with freedom
from China’s robust business controls.
Within the United States, the Devens Enterprise Commission provides a
small, local example of a zone with light regulation. When the military base
Fort Devens shut down, the Massachusetts state government attempted to
encourage business formation in the area with one-stop permitting. The
commission claims to have been successful in encouraging new business
formation, but there is no academic research documenting its success.
Firms also experience different levels of regulation when they operate
in areas that are deemed to be environmentally sensitive. Builders face
different regulations when they operate in historic preservation districts.
In these cases, historic differences across geography have regulatory con-
sequences that also have an impact on the level of economic activity.
There are also historical accidents that lead to significant regulatory dif-
ferences. The Channel Islands off the coast of the United Kingdom are not
actually part of the United Kingdom or the European Union. Consequently,
they operate under a different set of financial regulations, which have made
them a hot spot for a variety of financial service firms.
Limiting the supply of new housing restricts migration to particu-
lar areas and boosts prices in those areas (Glaeser and Gyourko 2018).
We have less evidence on whether other forms of regulation have such
effects. Consequently, one of the best justifications for districts with dif-
ferent types of regulations is that they enable experimentation with new
types of regulations. For example, entrepreneurship districts that relaxed
218 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
regulations on new businesses would allow one to study the impact of
such interventions.
VII. Place-Based Policies for America
Our theoretical section suggests that public support should shift toward
encouraging employment, rather than supporting the not working, in areas
where employment responses to earnings are particularly high. Our empiri-
cal findings suggest that employment elasticities in some states, like West
Virginia, may be much higher than in other states, like Wyoming. Our
conclusion is that a policy mix that encourages more employment in high
nonemployment states, such as West Virginia, may yield greater benefits
than uniform national policies that treat all states equally.
We begin with the two most plausible examples of such place-based
actions: targeted location of public activities, and infrastructure investment.
We then turn to employment subsidies, which are a natural tool for fight-
ing nonemployment but are harder to target spatially. Finally, we end with
education interventions, and prodding community colleges to focus more
on employability in regions with high not-working rates.
VII.A. The Location of Public Activity and Infrastructure Investment
Although there are approximately 22 million public sector workers
within the United States, only 2.8 million of them are actually in the federal
government. This relatively small employment share necessarily limits the
magnitude of any relocation of federal activities. Moreover, 51 percent of
civilian, nonpostal workers are either in the military or in veterans’ affairs,
and consequently, any serious relocation policy would need to focus on the
There is mixed evidence on the employment effects of public activity,
but the location of military bases does seem to have a positive impact on
the local economy (Nakamura and Steinsson 2014). The harder question,
which we cannot answer, is What are the costs of the geographic targeting
of military spending? Shuttering and reopening the same base somewhere
else seems prohibitively expensive. The best opportunities for geographic
41. Spatial targeting could also be done with the much larger set of federal government
contractors. Yet imposing added geographic restrictions on contractors would be cumbersome,
and would make other objectives, such as supporting minority-owned businesses, more dif-
ficult. Moreover, geographic targeting would be quite susceptible to gaming. We suspect that
a requirement to use Kentucky-based software providers would lead to relabeling rather than
large-scale employment in Kentucky.
targeting occur at the points of base openings and closings. In principle,
new bases can be sited and old bases can be kept open in areas with more
elastic employment responses to labor demand.
The most reasonable proposal might be to ask the military to incorporate
the effects on local employment into its calculations. If the military actu-
ally used a cost–benefit analysis in making location decisions, it would
be straightforward to multiply employment effects with estimates of the
externalities from employment and incorporate this total location-specific
benefit into calculations.
After the military, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is the second-
largest federal employer. The VA has fewer spatially lumped assets, but it
does maintain hospitals and large offices. Again, the department could be
encouraged to internalize local employment effects when it opens and shuts
facilities, but this would be fundamentally limited by the need to match
medical facilities with the location of military retirees. The VAs nonmedical
employment is more spatially fungible, but represents a modest share of its
total employment.
Although the location decisions of the federal government could inter-
nalize local employment effects, we are doubtful that such policies could
ever be significant in practice. The military will surely oppose any push to
have it internalize nonmilitary objectives. The VA will similarly move only
with difficulty.
Federally funded infrastructure projects are perhaps the most popular
tool for encouraging local economic development. Yet these projects also
have a very mixed record of encouraging local employment (Garin 2016),
and there is an inherent tension between targeting infrastructure toward
growing successful areas that need more infrastructure and supporting dis-
tressed areas with a highly elastic labor supply. America’s most glaring
infrastructure deficits are visible in large, busy, urban areas where airports,
like New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, are undermaintained
and where public transportation and highways are highly congested.
If users are willing to pay for both a project’s operating and capital costs,
then it is unlikely to be a white elephant. If modest federal investment can
spur self-financing infrastructure projects in distressed areas, then there
seems to be little downside risk. But is there a large number of such poten-
tial projects?
The Tennessee Valley Authority was close to being such a project. The
original financing for the TVA came from the federal government, but
that early investment has been repaid. The TVA also benefited from using
eminent domain to move thousands of farmers to gain access to waterways,
220 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
but many of those farmers benefited from subsequent electricity access.
The TVA succeeded because it offered a transformative technology—
electricity—for which there was abundant demand.
The Trump administration’s infrastructure plan combines a modest
amount of federal seed money meant to spur the building of infrastructure
that is financed by user fees. The proposal contains tools for scoring pro-
spective proposals, but the details of the scoring algorithm have not yet
been made public. The natural means of incorporating concerns about not
working into that structure is to provide extra points in the algorithm based
on the number of people who can be reasonably projected to find employ-
ment as a result of the project after it is completed. Ideally, the social values
of these transitions should be denominated in dollars to make them com-
parable with other criteria used in the scoring algorithm.
If federal investment comes with no expectations for user fee financing,
then there is more scope for spatially targeting areas with high not-working
rates, and more risk of white elephants. At this point, most legislatively
mandated projects do not come with a cost–benefit analysis. If such analy-
ses were to become the norm, then it would be natural to include the social
benefits of employment among overall benefits. Even without a cost–benefit
analysis, the current Highway Trust Fund apportionment rules could incor-
porate nonemployment effects. Such alterations to the code would, how-
ever, require one to be certain that highway funds spent in areas with high
not-working rates do more to reduce not-working rates than highway funds
spent in other areas.
In a reformed system with better checks on waste and real cost–benefit
analyses, infrastructure could provide a tool for regional support; but with-
out such reforms, the downsides remain significant.
VII.B. Employment Subsidies, Welfare Benefits, and Federal Taxes
The norm in U.S. politics is that national policies need to be uniform,
even when local heterogeneity argues strongly against such uniformity.
Housing subsidies, such as the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, treat
Detroit, Houston, and San Francisco essentially identically, despite their
wildly different housing costs and supply conditions. We have tried to make
the case that labor supply elasticities are heterogeneous, and consequently
one-size-fits-all employment policies will generate less added employment
than spatially differentiated policies. Stronger employment subsidies are
likely to reduce joblessness more in eastern Tennessee than in San Francisco.
The current Earned Income Tax Credit is based on annual earnings.
It phases in at low incomes, where it essentially offers a proportionate
increase in earnings; it reaches a maximum value, and for individuals
at this earnings threshold it essentially offers a flat nominal subsidy for
working; and it phases out at higher incomes, essentially acting as a deter-
rent on working more.
The EITC can be over $6,000 for individuals with three or more children
and earnings of about $16,000. For individuals who do not have children
in their households, it represents an extremely modest work subsidy. How-
ever, the overwhelming preponderance of not-working men do not have a
child in their homes.
For the EITC to be more effective at spurring prime age male employ-
ment, it would need to be more generous to single-person households. One
option would be to affect a straight wage subsidy, perhaps administered
through employers, which would obviously increase the take-home pay
per hour of work. One danger of this approach is that it might engender
fraud as workers and firms collude to declare that the worker had labored
for longer hours at lower wages. If fraud can be effectively contained, an
hourly employer-managed wage subsidy has significant advantages in ease
of administration and salience. Any system would need to phase out to
be fiscally prudent, which would inevitably deter work. Edmund Phelps
(1997) explores the potential implementation of employment subsidies in
detail, and proposes a system of employment subsidies based on continuing
tax credits for employers.
A flat cash wage subsidy would provide more push in areas with
high not-working rates because prices are lower. The current maximum
EITC payment, which is fixed in dollar terms, already achieves that end.
The phase-in period, which increases earnings proportionally, does not.
Consequently, the move to a dollar wage subsidy, instead of a percentage
increase, would partially strengthen geographic targeting. A more aggressive
approach would increase the size of the wage subsidy in distressed areas,
which our estimates suggest would increase employment more per $1 spent.
Another approach is to reduce marginal taxes for everyone living in
areas with high not-working rates. This approach is embodied in the 2017
tax law, which lowered tax rates for many and increased the standard
deduction. But it also severely limited the deductibility of state and local
taxes. Effectively, this shift raised taxes in big government states relative
to small government states. If local government spending on services like
education has significant social value, then this strategy has significant
downsides. Yet given the negative correlation between the size of local
government and not-working rates, it may also reduce the disincentive to
work in areas where not working is more endemic.
222 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
The actual tax code may be less important for deterring employment
than the rules surrounding public benefits, like the Supplemental Nutritional
Assistance Program, housing vouchers, and disability insurance. These
benefits effectively tax employment by decreasing or disappearing entirely
with higher earnings. The implicit taxes created by these programs could
be reduced in low-employment regions by enabling people who work and
earn low incomes to keep more of the benefits. Current implicit tax rates of
30 percent could be reduced to 20 percent, for example.
In this section, we focused on increasing spending in regions with high
not-working rates, and we recognize that this could distort migration and
lead to high real estate prices. As the theory section made clear, this can
be offset if other benefits are removed from the region. We will not ana-
lyze appropriate areas to cut; but theoretically, it is possible to reduce
nonemployment in regions with high not-working rates while keeping total
spending in the region constant and not distorting migration incentives, as
long as other nonemployment-enhancing spending is cut back.
Although our model suggests the value of more tailored employment
policies, we are notably not calling for local control. Localities often have
strong incentives to distort migration in order to attract the rich and repel
the poor. Purely local control over social welfare policy could lead to a race
to the bottom where states dismantled their safety nets to get rid of their
poorer residents.
VII.C. Place-Based Education Reform
The data strongly support the view that education is an extremely
powerful determinant of local success and failure. We consequently join
those who see investment in human capital as critical for long-run growth,
even if this investment takes a generation or more.
However, education also contains trade-offs between providing skills that
maximize future employability and other objectives. Liberal arts education,
naturally, has never accepted preprofessionalism, but even in high schools
and community colleges there are often diverse objectives. Those trade-offs
can be tilted toward employment in regions with high not-working rates.
Currently, the federal government supports community colleges through
Pell Grants and other forms of support. This support could be structured
to provide incentives that induce those institutions to focus more on job-
generating skills. For example, community colleges could receive bonus
payments for admitting students from distressed regions, who would then
be employed for a number of years after graduation. At the least, such a
program could be tested for impact.
We do not anticipate that such incentives will do much in the classroom.
It is difficult to change teaching quality for courses such as remedial writing
and mathematics. The more likely impact of such an incentive program is
that college administrators would begin experimenting with counseling and
promoting more employable majors.
Bartik and George Erickcek’s (2014) discussion of place-based policies
emphasizes the possibility of targeted training programs, which might
provide skills that are in high local demand. Though the track record of
adult training programs is mixed at best, we agree with Bartik and Erickcek
that there is value is experimenting with targeted training. If there are fixed
costs to supporting training in particular locations, then it would make
sense to have programs disproportionately in areas with a greater need and
a more elastic labor supply.
VIII. Final Thoughts
This paper has proposed three plausible justifications for place-based
policies: agglomeration economies, geographic targeting of redistribution,
and nonemployment reduction in hot spots. The agglomeration case for
spatial redistribution is weak, because we know too little about the exact
functional form of agglomeration economies. The case for geographic tar-
geting of redistribution is more plausible, but income heterogeneity within
areas is much larger than heterogeneity across areas. Moreover, capitaliza-
tion effects mean that property owners are likely to reap many of the benefits
of geographically targeted policies.
The best case for geographic targeting of policies is that $1 spent
fighting nonemployment in an area with a high not-working rate will do
more to reduce nonemployment than $1 spent fighting nonemployment in
an area with a low not-working rate. The empirical evidence for hetero-
geneous labor supply responses to demand shocks or public interventions
is limited, but is broadly supportive of the view that reducing the not-
working rate in some parts of the country is easier than in other parts of
the country.
This heterogeneity can either justify added spending in distressed, more
elastic areas, or a twist in spending that favors employment in these areas.
Though infrastructure remains an important investment for the United States,
targeting infrastructure spending toward distressed areas risks producing
projects with limited value for users. By contrast, enhanced spending on
employment subsidies in areas with extreme joblessness, and perhaps in the
United States as a whole, seems like a more plausible means of reducing
224 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
nonemployment. Subsidizing employment seems likely to have a larger
impact in the long run if it is matched with investment in work-related
human capital.
We are grateful to Harris Eppsteiner for out-
standing research assistance. For excellent comments, we are very grateful
to Gilles Duranton, Robert Hall, and James Stock; to the participants in the
Brookings Panel on Economic Activity; and to faculty members of Johns
Hopkins University.
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Comments and Discussion
GILLES DURANTON To appreciate the contribution of this paper by
Benjamin Austin, Edward Glaeser, and Larry Summers and some of its
strengths and limitations, it is useful to start with a bit of intellectual his-
tory. The vast majority of economists hold negative views about place-
based policies. For instance, in their review chapter in the recent Handbook
of Regional and Urban Economics, David Neumark and Helen Simpson
(2015, p. 1279) reach a mostly negative conclusion:
In our view, a major shortcoming of the research on place-based policies is that
even the most positive evidence on their effectiveness does not establish that
they create self-sustaining economic gains. That is, at best, the evidence (some-
times) says that when place-based incentives are in effect, there are increases in
economic activity and perhaps welfare.
In an older essay published in the Brookings Papers, Glaeser and Joshua
Gottlieb (2008) also conclude negatively. They argue that the efficiency
case for relocating economic activity relies on assumptions for which
empirical support is lacking, while equity objectives could be achieved at
much lower costs, using more direct instruments.
Although I believe that the conclusions of Neumark and Simpson (2015)
and Glaeser and Gottlieb (2008) appropriately reflect what we know, they
overlook two fundamental elements. The first is that many public goods
are lumpy and need to be located somewhere. In many circumstances, spa-
tial choices simply cannot be avoided. This dimension is particularly, but
not only, salient for infrastructure. The second overlooked element is that
countries, including the United States (or perhaps especially the United
States) are far from homogeneous. The response to policy changes, from
setting interest rates to providing unemployment benefits, will potentially
differ across regions. One policy size will not fit all. Hence, a good case can
234 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
be made that policies should differ across the regions of a country. These
two elements suggest that economists, who have been rightfully wary of
the hubristic nature of many place-based policies, may have thrown the
baby of spatial differentiation out with the bathwater of egregious past
place-based policies.
With this in mind, the first great merit of this paper is to bring regional
issues back onto the agenda and provide a more balanced look at them,
acknowledging and providing evidence for the fact that the fundamentals
of the economies of U.S. regions differ and that these differences poten-
tially call for spatially differentiated policies. More specifically, the main
claim made in the paper is unemployment and withdrawal from the labor
market—the “lack of jobs”—is the outcome of labor market fundamen-
tals that vary across places. These differences call for different policy
responses, including more generosity for unemployment benefits and per-
haps jobs subsidies in a group of noncoastal states east of the Mississippi
River that they call the eastern heartland. This is the second merit of this
paper. It sticks its head out and makes a fairly concrete set of proposals.
To structure the rest of this discussion, I rely on my recent research with
Anthony Venables (Duranton and Venables 2018), which we prepared for
the World Bank to provide guidelines for place-based policies and infra-
structure investments in developing countries. Before going any further, a
number of comments are in order. Quite obviously, the eastern heartland’s
problems differ quite considerably from those of lagging regions in Africa
or even South America. This difference is, however, one of degree but not
nature. The seven principles that I use below are general enough that they
should apply to place-based policies in the United States, including the
proposals made by Austin, Glaeser, and Summers. A more serious caveat
is that my discussion below might be taking the authors’ proposal more seri-
ously than they themselves intended. Related to this, the seven principles
that I use in this comment to assess the authors’ proposal are extremely
demanding. I argue that the authors go a long way toward answering these
demands, but a full set of answers would go beyond what a single paper can
achieve, and should be the object of an entire research agenda. The gaps
that I highlight should thus be seen as requests for further research rather
than shortcomings of the present paper.
policy proposal should state clearly what the main problem is and why
market forces are not effective in solving it. In other words, there must be
an externality or a source of inefficiency, which the proposed policy will
tackle. This may seem obvious enough, and perhaps should go without
saying. Unfortunately, the economic policy world is replete with solutions
in search of a problem. This said, it is also perfectly fine to justify an inter-
vention on equity grounds, but this should be made clear. To satisfy this
first requirement, the policy proposal need not, and should not, be highly
formal at this stage. It should really be about stating the first-order issues.
This step is sometimes referred to as the strategic case for a policy, but it
must go beyond a statement of good intentions.
Among the seven principles considered here, this is one (of two) where
I think the paper is lacking. To avoid any misunderstanding on why this
is, it is important to go into some details regarding the papers content.
First, it is true that Austin, Glaeser, and Summers propose a rich descrip-
tion of the symptoms. They document the economic malaise of the eastern
heartland very powerfully by focusing on the fraction of prime age adults
who are not at work. The facts are clearly alarming, and the authors make
a great case that this comes at extremely high welfare costs. I applaud this,
and this is not what my grudge is about.
The paper also offers rich theories of the possible solutions to the eco-
nomic malaise of the eastern heartland. In particular, the authors convinc-
ingly show that offering direct economic or fiscal incentives to redistribute
economic activity across locations is highly likely to be misguided. These
theories of the solutions are useful and important because we need to know
what the proposed medicine will do and what its side effects might be. To
give a simple example that is developed at length in the paper, bring-
ing economic activity to a place may just make housing more expensive
and offset most (or even all) of the wage gains created by the policy for
the targeted residents. These are important points, which are all too often
neglected, but this is not where I have a problem with the paper.
My problem with the paper is actually as follows. To continue with
medical analogies, consider a patient suffering from acute fever, head-
aches, nausea, and muscle pain. This could be the flu, meningitis, or some-
thing else. Appropriate treatment of the patient requires knowing what
is behind the symptoms. The same holds here. Different types of market
failures may lead to the same suboptimal outcomes in a lack of jobs, but
these various failures will in general require very different solutions.
Taken literally, the paper argues that optimal social insurance depends
on a number of parameters that vary across regions. Thinking about miss-
ing insurance markets is important, but raises several problems. First, the
optimal social insurance approach is not sufficiently contextualized in the
paper, and it is unclear what the risks really are and what risk aversion is
really about. Robert Hall, in his comment, dwells at length on this important
236 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
point. Second, while framing its policy proposal narrowly as optimal social
insurance that varies across regions, the paper also implicitly blames
“insufficient” labor market demand in some parts of the country. What is
the inefficiency here? What do we mean by insufficient demand? Beyond
this, how do we know that the problem, whatever it might be, is really
on the demand side? A reasonable prima facie case can be made that at
least part of the lack of jobs may be due to the supply side of the labor
market. Simply put, is the opioid epidemic a cause or a consequence of the
eastern heartland’s woes? We also need to know more about the problem’s
geography. Is this a regional issue, as Austin, Glaeser, and Summers argue;
or does something more widespread afflict rural and small-town America?
In the latter case, it may be still particularly salient in the eastern heart-
land, which has only two large metropolitan areas, Detroit being one of
them. Although the outcomes may be the same, this would call for a very
different form of spatial targeting.
I really hope future research will get to the bottom of this. A good
theory of the problem can be disproved in a way that a vague assertion that
there is a crisis cannot be.
After stating the strategic case and the problems that will
be solved by the proposed policy, the next step toward an ex ante evalua-
tion of a place-based policy is to start quantifying its expected effects. The
first part of this exercise is to assess what the policy proposal will do to
the quantities of employed labor, output, housing, and so on. More specifi-
cally, the question is, How much change will a project generate relative
to business as usual? A key feature of place-based policies is that they
have both direct effects (user benefits) and indirect effects (spillovers). A
transportation improvement somewhere will lead to reductions in trans-
portation time or costs. It may also induce employment generation, some
of which may come at the expense of other areas. A good assessment of
quantity changes is perhaps the hardest step for any cost–benefit analysis,
because a good measure of additionality requires being able to predict not
only what will happen in the treated area but also what will not happen in
areas that are not treated.
The paper actually scores highly on this dimension. Austin, Glaeser,
and Summers conduct three different exercises. In the first one, they per-
form an analysis of Bartik shocks. This captures both direct and indirect
effects, and they find good evidence of stronger effects in areas with fewer
jobs. I only have two minor quibbles here. It is unclear to me how labor
demand shocks quantitatively map into wage subsidies. It would also be
useful to obtain a breakdown between the direct effects and the attendant
economic (or perhaps social) multipliers.
In the second exercise, the authors look at the literature on the hetero-
geneous effects of social programs. This literature review appears inconclu-
sive. In their third and final exercise, they execute a Nakamura–Steinsson
exercise to gauge the local effects of increased public spending (Nakamura
and Steinsson 2014). Unfortunately, this exercise is again inconclusive.
The authors should be lauded for their thoroughness and their transpar-
ency. I also greatly appreciate the fact that they discuss similar experi-
ences in other countries, European countries in particular. There is no
point trying to reinvent the wheel, and there is much to learn from what
other countries have done.
PRINCIPLE 3: VALUE THE QUANTITY CHANGES Making a prediction about how
a place-based policy is going to affect the situation is only half the quantifi-
cation. The next important step is to value the changes that will be brought
about by the policy. In a world that is efficient (“competitive,” in the jargon
of economists), one may change quantities through an intervention, but that
does not create social value, because quantity changes are worth nothing at
a competitive equilibrium. The competitive price reflects both consumers’
willingness to pay and the social marginal cost of production. For a quan-
tity change to be of value, we need a wedge between private and social
values. In turn, this wedge should be the one described in the strategic case
for the place-based policy, as per my first principle above.
The paper again performs very well on this key aspect. The valuation
formula proposed by Austin, Glaeser, and Summers is in the Baily–Chetty
tradition (Baily 1978; Chetty 2006). It contains five fundamental terms:
(i) a fiscal value of employment, (ii) a social value of employment, (iii) a
value of nonemployment, (iv) an elasticity of labor supply, and (v) a coef-
ficient of relative risk aversion. Although I wish they had connected their
empirical analysis more strongly to this valuation formula, the authors do
exemplary work. Some of these parameters, like the coefficient of rela-
tive risk aversion, are the subject of a large body of literature (and also
have much uncertainty, unfortunately). There, the authors do their best to
find what they think are the most relevant available estimates, and they
are very transparent about the relevant range that needs to be considered.
For the values of being at work versus not being at work, Austin, Glaeser,
and Summers consider a large amount of data, from which they distill
key magnitudes. These magnitudes seem broadly right to me. Finally, for
labor supply elasticity, they rely on both a large body of literature in labor
economics for general guidance and on their own original empirical work,
238 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
because the specific issue of differences across regions has not received
much attention.
Having looked at many policy proposals and evaluations, this one clearly
stands out with its seriousness. Again, this is not an exact calculation.
Whether the social loss of not working corresponds to 36.3 percent of the
typical unskilled wage certainly warrants further research, just as with
the estimation of regional differences in labor supply elasticity. These are
quibbles, which obviously are important, but quibbles nonetheless, if we
believe the numbers are in the right ballpark.
The less obvious but more important issue is again whether these
regional differences are true regional differences or can be tracked to some-
thing else, such as a rural and small town versus metropolitan differences,
or to some particular sectors that are overrepresented in some regions.
The former explanation would call for a different type of place-based dif-
ferentiation, while the second would call for radically different policies to
be implemented at the sector level. More generally, this brings us back
to a need for a strong theory of the problem and for explanations of why
the labor market has changed the way it has in different parts of the
United States.
we need a detailed set of calculations for a full cost–benefit assessment,
we also need to know from simplified calculations where the key mag-
nitudes are coming from. This is an important sanity check. It is easy to
fool readers (or oneself, in the case of honest mistakes) when dealing with
pages and pages of numbers that are intricately related. It is much harder
to fool knowledgeable readers when applying a simple formula with just
a few terms.
This point does not call for a long discussion here. The paper does very
well on this dimension. Though the writing could be at times clearer, all
the quantifications are performed, and all the cards are put on the table to
let the reader judge.
reasonable requirement for any policy proposal is to know what it is sensi-
tive to and what it is insensitive to. Perhaps more subtle (but equally war-
ranted, in my eyes) is the notion that we need to know under what set of
circumstances a policy would be badly off. Sometimes, not a single failure
but a conjunction of mistakes and events leads to a total policy nightmare.
It is important to know what these might be.
Here, the paper does fine on the first subpoint but could be better on
the second. For all the parameters for which there is much uncertainty, the
authors provide useful and relevant sensitivity assessments. They could
have done more on the second aspect and have fleshed out the worst-case
scenarios. But this is a minor quibble, and I understand that the paper had
length limits.
plementarities are really the fundamental justification for place-based
policies. Austin, Glaeser, and Summers understand this perfectly, and
their key piece of evidence is that labor demand shocks have a bigger
effect in places where a smaller proportion of prime age workers are
actually at work. In turn, local complementarities often call for multiple
inter ventions. In our situation here, labor demand stimulations may be
coupled with remediation policies on the labor supply side. Education is
an obvious suspect here, and the authors give it some thought. Beyond
education, training and retooling should be given further consideration
(Hyman 2018).
Although the second and third principles for place-based pol-
icies are about showing that a project represents an improvement over
business as usual, my last principle is that any project should make the
case that the same objectives could not be achieved at a lower cost.
Here, I find the paper wanting. Before going deeper, let me provide two
caveats to my criticism. First, the authors do acknowledge and understand
the difficulties associated with direct unemployment subsidies, and they
discuss less direct approaches, such as infrastructure provision. Second,
full compliance with this last principle would go well beyond a single
paper, because it would require making progress on core questions of
regional development that have vexed research for at least 25 years.
This said, a key limitation of the approach taken by Austin, Glaeser,
and Summers is that factors are essentially treated as immobile. When
factor mobility—migration, in particular—is discussed in the paper, it
is only viewed as a source of complications for their proposed policy.
In essence, the authors rightfully argue that labor mobility may crowd
out gains from a better spatial targeting of job subsidies. However, factor
mobility is not only a complication for what the authors propose; it may
also be a big part of an alternative solution.
Going back to the work of Olivier Blanchard and Lawrence Katz
(1992), a strong case can be made that labor mobility is a key mechanism
that pushes toward regional equalization. My recent rereading of the lit-
erature on this subject suggests that it may even be the only real driver of
regional convergence (Duranton and Venables 2018). The steep decline
240 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
of labor mobility in the United States during the last 20 years is certainly
worrisome. Whether this margin can be fixed at a reasonable cost should
be high on our priority list.
Baily, Martin Neil. 1978. “Some Aspects of Optimal Unemployment Insurance.”
Journal of Public Economics 10, no. 3: 379–402.
Blanchard, Olivier Jean, and Lawrence F. Katz. 1992. “Regional Evolutions.”
Brooking Papers on Economic Activity, no. 1: 1–75.
Chetty, Raj. 2006. “A General Formula for the Optimal Level of Social Insurance.”
Journal of Public Economics 90, nos. 10–11: 1879–901.
Duranton, Gilles, and Anthony J. Venables. 2018. “Place-Based Policies for Devel-
opment.” Policy Research Working Paper no. 8410. Washington: World Bank.
Glaeser, Edward L., and Joshua D. Gottlieb. 2008. “The Economics of Place-Making
Policies.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring: 155–239.
Hyman, Ben. 2018. “Can Displaced Labor Be Retrained? Evidence from Quasi-
Random Assignment to Trade Adjustment Assistance.” Job market paper,
University of Pennsylvania. https://www.benhyman.com/research-1/
Nakamura, Emi, and Jón Steinsson. 2014. “Fiscal Stimulus in a Monetary Union:
Evidence from US Regions.” American Economic Review 104, no. 3: 753–92.
Neumark, David, and Helen Simpson. 2015. “Place-Based Policies.” In Handbook
of Regional and Urban Economics, Volume 5, edited by Gilles J. Duranton,
J. Vernon Henderson, and William C. Strange. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
ROBERT E. HALL This paper by Benjamin Austin, Edward Glaeser,
and Larry Summers begins by thoroughly documenting a disturbing trend
in the United States: the decline in employment in the heartland among
men in an age group that generally had employment rates above 90 percent
in a previous era. Social pathologies, notably, a high mortality rate and
opioid abuse, are more common in the heartland. The paper then engages
in ambitious calculations of the social benefits of corrective policies that
would improve insurance against forces causing persistent employment
fluctuations and would subsidize employment to take advantage of favor-
able externalities resulting from employment increases.
Resisting intense pressure from me, the authors sometimes use the word
joblessness to refer to nonwork. A consistent dogma of the paper is that
unemployment—often termed “joblessness” by other authors—is not a use-
ful category for thinking about the issues in the paper. The authors write,
“We take the view that the distinction between unemployment and labor
force nonparticipation . . . is relatively arbitrary because almost all the
nonemployed would presumably work if the price were right.” Although I
agree that the employment-to-population ratio is sometimes a useful metric
for judging labor market performance, I believe that there is a real differ-
ence between men classified as out of the labor force and those classified as
unemployed. It is definitely not the case that unemployment is measured by
asking people if they want a job. Rather, in the Current Population Survey,
respondents are asked about their work in the past week and their active
job searches in the past 4 weeks. The criterion for classifying a person as
unemployed is: no work but an active search. Dreaming about unrealistic
wages is not part of the process.
Christopher Flinn and James Heckman (1983) provided the theoretical
foundation for modern thinking about defining and measuring unemploy-
ment. They concluded that the reasonable way to divide the nonemployed
population into the unemployed and those not in the labor force is accord-
ing to their predicted job-finding probabilities. The Current Population
Survey’s criterion does a good job of distinguishing unemployment from
those not in the labor force. In a recent paper published in the American
Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Sam Schulhofer-Wohl and I fit equa-
tions to data on job-finding rates as contemplated by Flinn and Heckman
(Hall and Schulhofer-Wohl 2018). My table 1 shows the results—the pre-
dicted probability that various categories of nonworkers will be employed
12 months after they are surveyed. In the first line of the table, people who
are not searching and say they do not want a job or are not available to
work are shown to have a small, 11 percent probability of actually starting
a job in the coming year. In the second line of the table, people who are
not searching but do want a job and are available have a higher, 32 percent
predicted probability. These two groups are not counted in the standard
unemployment measure, but all those on the second line and some from the
first line are included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ alternative, more
inclusive labor force underutilization rates. The remaining lines in the table
show that people counted as unemployed have probabilities ranging from
42 percent (the long-term unemployed) to 67 percent (those recently laid
off). Based on these results, the reasonable conclusion is that the Bureau
of Labor Statistics uses the Flinn–Heckman approach, with a cutoff prob-
ability of something like 37 percent. The results also strongly confirm the
hypothesis that unemployment is a real phenomenon, capable of measure-
ment in a survey, not based on daydreaming.
Austin, Glaeser, and Summers deal with a group of men termed not
employed. The criterion for inclusion in the study is that the man is not
242 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
employed at the time of the survey. These nonemployed men are broken
down into two dramatically different groups, those I call short-termers,
who had some employment in the past year, and long-termers, who had
none. There is persuasive evidence that the short-termers are really dif-
ferent from the long-termers. The best evidence appears in the authors’
table 6. The table shows that short-termers earned 54 percent as much
as those employed at the time of the survey, so the short-termers are
quite involved in work—for one reason or another, they were looking for
work, in school, sick, or taking a break for about half the year but were
working the other half. The authors’ table 6 is also particularly telling
about the fairly close connection of the short-termers to the labor market
and the disconnect of the long-termers from the market: 61 percent of
the cash benefits received by the short-termers came from unemploy-
ment insurance, whereas 73 percent of cash benefits received by long-
termers came from disability. In general, I find the information about
the long-termers much more relevant to the topics of the paper than the
information about the short-termers. But a good deal of the paper lumps
the two groups together, somewhat blurring the papers key messages.
The authors’ fans hoped for a daring and interesting, even if less-than-
definitive, measure of the social benefit of place-based policies to draw
Table 1. The Probability That a Nonemployed Person Will Hold a Job in the Next Year
Initial worker classification Percent
Counted as not unemployed
Does not want a job or is not available to work 11
Wants a job and is available to work but is not searching for a job 32
Counted as unemployed
Was recently laid off 67
Recently lost a permanent job 66
Temporary job recently ended 62
Recently quit a job 65
Recently entered the labor force for the first time 45
Recently reentered the labor force 50
Was laid off months ago 59
Lost permanent job months ago 60
Temporary job ended months ago 54
Quit a job months ago 58
Entered the labor force for the first time months ago 44
Reentered the labor force months ago 46
Is long-term unemployed 42
Source: Hall and Schulhofer-Wohl (2018).
men back into employment. And they got what they hoped for. The key
calculation the fans were waiting for appears in the paper as solving
for the optimal wage subsidy e/w
, given three key inputs: (i) a preference
curvature parameter, γ; (ii) a measure of the positive externality of employ-
ment, (b + k)/w; and (iii) the overall elasticity of labor supply, e, combining
the effect of the wage on a given man’s choice to work and the distribution
of the propensity to work across the population.
What is γ? The paper calibrates this key participation parameter to
the coefficient of relative risk aversion. But the model deals with neither
risk nor intertemporal substitution. Rather, the model says that the wage w*
at which a man is indifferent between working and not working is the solu-
tion to
−γ −γ
where d is the amount of consumption (or equivalent) when not working
and c is the utility disamenity of working. Estimation of γ is a standard
random-utility problem—a probit if c is log-normal—but requires data on
the participation decisions of men with known values of d.
As the authors’ figure 20 shows, the assumed value of γ has first-order
effects on the results of the model. Absent information about γ, the authors
are unable to interpret the findings of the labor supply estimation—they
cannot separate the effects of the distribution of the unobserved variable c
from the elasticity of w* for a man with given c. Thus, the results of the
paper are more indicative than dispositive. But they certainly point in a
constructive direction for more work.
Another key input is quantification of the employment externality. The
authors assume that the nonhousing spending reduction enjoyed by par-
ents, when a man previously living off his parents becomes employed, is
an externality gained by the parents. The measure of this spending is the
actual nonhousing spending of men who do not live with their parents,
15 percent of earnings. Another externality is the decline in government
benefits and the increase in taxes that occurs when a man previously out
of the labor market gets a job, taken to be 21 percent of earnings. Thus,
(b + k)w = 0.363.
244 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
The other key input is the elasticity of the overall labor supply func-
tion. Here, the authors rely on the Bartik identification scheme. Everybody
using Bartik (that is, 93 percent of the empirical macroeconomics profes-
sion) should study “Bartik Instruments: What, When, Why, and How,” by
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Isaac Sorkin, and Henry Swift (2018). Austin,
Glaeser, and Summers cite this paper and their conclusion, “Identification
is dependent on the exogeneity of initial industry shares,” but they do not
go on to argue why they expect this condition to hold. Again, there is more
to do on this project.
The authors have produced a highly informative paper on a key subject.
It should lead to a raft of interesting follow-up research. In my opinion, it
would have been even better if it had not included the short-term nonworkers
and if it had focused just on the long-term ones, who are truly out of the
labor force. But the paper delivered most of what the fans were hoping for.
Flinn, Christopher J., and James J. Heckman. 1983. “Are Unemployment and Out
of the Labor Force Behaviorally Distinct Labor Force States?” Journal of Labor
Economics 1, no. 1: 28–42.
Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul, Isaac Sorkin, and Henry Swift. 2018. “Bartik Instru-
ments: What, When, Why, and How.” Working Paper no. 24408. Cambridge,
Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Hall, Robert E., and Sam Schulhofer-Wohl. 2018. “Measuring Job-Finding Rates
and Matching Efficiency with Heterogeneous Job-Seekers.” American Eco-
nomic Journal: Macroeconomics 10, no. 1: 1–32.
GENERAL DISCUSSION Olivier Blanchard stated that in order to know
which place-based policies should be employed, one needs to know whether
there is a labor supply or labor demand issue. In this context, he argued that
there is clearly a labor supply problem in relation to opioid users. This
raises the question of hysteresis—that is, were they opioid users to begin
with, or did they become users because they were not employed? He
wondered if there was any evidence in the literature on the causal relation-
ship between unemployment and opioid use. Are opioids something people
turn to only when times are tough, or is opioid use more widespread?
Alice Rivlin welcomed the authors’ focus on place-based policies. There
are areas of the United States where the economy is not working well, and
in the long run it is not sustainable for coastal economies to be working well
while other areas are not. However, when she initially read “place-based
policies,” she had expected something different. She would not classify
most of the policies the authors discuss as place-based policies, but rather as
individual-based policies that vary depending on where one lives. Accord-
ing to Rivlin, a true place-based policy would need to take into account
the reasons why the place is in trouble and what can be done about it. The
distressed areas highlighted by the authors have deep structural issues that
will not be cured simply by giving people more of an incentive to find jobs.
The United States has experimented with several place-based policies, and
the ones that have worked—and most have not—have engaged the whole
community, including educational, business, and political stakeholders;
there needs to be an economic basis other than the industry that moved
out. This inevitably leads to the “the thing that economists have always
deplored”—the triage problem, whereby the government needs to choose
where to channel the money.
Hilary Hoynes pushed back on the authors’ objections to the national
uniformity of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program. The authors assert that because these programs are
nationally uniform, it follows that they are not well equipped to deal with
spatial heterogeneity. But it is important to note that though they do not
vary in nominal terms across space, significant regional price differences
imply that they do vary in real terms across space. She suggested that it
might be worth thinking about whether these programs look more favor-
able when adjusted for local prices.
Tracy Gordon underscored the points made by Hoynes. Even though
there are problems with place-based strategies, the fact that the federal
income tax code and safety net programs are not indexed for regional costs
of living already provides an effective implicitly place-based policy. In
addition, the federal government provides grants to state and local gov-
ernments, beyond payments to individuals, and these grants have almost
no correlation with local fiscal capacity. The American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act, for instance, provided an incremental increase in
Medicaid grants that was tied to local unemployment. Such place-based
policies might still be effective instruments today.
N. Gregory Mankiw noted that there is a sizable body of literature show-
ing that women have larger labor supply elasticities than men, which sug-
gests that women face lower marginal tax rates than men.
Thus, a standard
1. Alberto Alesina, Andrea Ichino, and Loukas Karabarbounis, “Gender-Based Taxation
and the Division of Family Chores,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3, no. 2
(2011): 1–40.
246 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
utilitarian framework for tax analysis would suggest that different tax
codes should be applied to women and men.
The present paper conducts a
similar exercise, because it separates two geographically different types of
people with different elasticities and suggests that different policies should
be applied to them. Mankiw asked why one should feel uncomfortable
dividing people up in many different ways and estimating different elas-
ticities. There are several possible reasons. One reason is the philosophical
argument regarding equal protection; just as it is not right that men and
women have different tax codes applied to them, some people might object
to the notion of different states having different safety nets apply to them.
There is also a political economy component; it is hard to imagine Con-
gress saying that it is optimal for every person to have a different policy
depending on their individual characteristics.
Jason Furman reiterated Mankiw’s point about the political economy
objections to place-based policies. If he were asked before the authors’
presentation what his views were on place-based policies, he would have
cited Glaesers own mantra, People, not places.
And unless Glaeser and
Summers were personally in charge of implementing place-based policies,
Furman would still say People, not places. Although the authors discussed
nearly all the economic objections to place-based policies, they neglected
the political economy objections. Furman noted three that he thought were
most difficult to overcome.
The first objection is how to choose the places to target. The authors
ran a simple model to show which places would benefit from a particular
policy, but for other policies it is hard to know where they should be tar-
geted. Should policies be targeted at poor areas or wealthy areas? Should
they be targeted at rising areas to encourage the rise, or at falling areas
to reverse the fall? During his time in the Obama administration, Furman
spent a lot of time trying to figure out which places should be targeted as
opportunity zones. “I threw up my hands, I couldn’t figure out how to do
it,” Furman admitted.
Furman’s second objection was that once a place is selected, it tends
to remain in the program forever. The Clinton administration selected
“empowerment zones” in the early 1990s. Even if they were picked per-
2. N. Gregory Mankiw and Matthew Weinzierl, “The Optimal Taxation of Height:
A Case Study of Utilitarian Income Redistribution,” American Economic Journal: Economic
Policy 2, no. 1: 155–76.
3. Edward Glaeser, “Where Edwards Is Right,” New York Sun, August 7, 2007.
fectly, the notion that these same places—which are still empowerment
zones today—make sense 30 years later is not plausible, Furman argued.
Finally, place-based policies are often stoked up as having been more
effective than they actually were. Policymakers could expand the Earned
Income Tax Credit or the Child Tax Credit to help 10 million people; but a
$10 million grant to one place could be more politically rewarding. Place-
based policies, once implemented, tend to help a small number of people,
but they are tangible things that policymakers can feel good about. None of
Furman’s objections have any bearing on whether place-based policies are
good ideas economically; but in order to pass political economy muster, the
economic benefits need to outweigh the political risks.
Kent Smetters wondered how much evidence for the local Phillips curve
actually reflects existing government policy, especially about policies
that encourage middle-class and lower-income people to get housing. In
Detroit, for example, there was a negative shock, and many people’s mort-
gages went underwater, and as a result they could not easily move because
they had to pay rent or pay off their mortgage. He wondered to what
extent existing policy factors into this. He also wondered, when it comes to
normative judgments, how much is current bias in our thinking about these
issues. It is easy, for example, to discuss everything great about today’s
Detroit, such as the Tigers and the Pistons; but if one could go back in time
and “save Dodge City,” would it have been the right policy to keep prop-
ping up that Detroit? The effects of externalities and networks on labor
markets cut both ways, in that there are multiple equilibria—both good and
bad. Government policy could be enforcing the bad equilibrium. The opti-
mal policy, in Smetters’s view, is not necessarily to keep the Dodge Cities
around, but rather to think about how to reduce tipping points and how to
make mobility more effective.
John Haltiwanger suggested thinking about other potential covariates of
the spatial variation of the employment-to-population ratio. For example,
a Spring 2016 Brookings Paper by Raven Molloy and coauthors docu-
mented the decline in interstate migrations and its close ties to declines in
broader measures of labor market fluidity, worker reallocation, job real-
location, and job-to-job hopping rates.
In that paper, and also in work by
Haltiwanger and Steven Davis, the authors point out that the decline in the
4. Raven Molloy, Christopher L. Smith, Riccardo Trezzi, and Abigail Wozniak, “Under-
standing Declining Fluidity in the U.S. Labor Market,” Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity, Spring 2016: 183–237.
248 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
employment-to-population ratio for men is especially concentrated among
the less educated and the young—that is, marginally attached workers.
Haltiwanger suggested that these findings were potentially connected
with those of Austin, Glaeser, and Summers. Haltiwanger and Davis found
evidence that there were especially large declines in fluidity measures for
exactly those kinds of marginally attached workers, along with declines
in their employment-to-population ratios. They also found—very much
consistent with the present papers findings—that the spatial variations in
employment-to-population ratios were closely connected to variation fluid-
ity. That is, in areas where these ratios fell a lot, there are also significant
declines in measures of labor market fluidity. Knowing more about what is
happening to labor market fluidity in these places could shed light on what
market failures or bad policies exist. One such policy could be the dramatic
rise in occupational licensing, which has a significant spatial component
because of its state-specific aspects. Reforming occupational licensing will
not solve all the problems, but it is useful to examine these types of covari-
ates in thinking about the kinds of distortionary policies—even those that
are well intentioned—and to consider what can be done to alleviate some
of the problems.
David Autor highlighted the importance of agglomeration. He believes
it is important to understand why these places have become so much worse
and why labor market rigidities have become so much greater. The authors
stated that, 30 years ago, they would not have favored the types of place-
based policies they now write about, but that now they would, based on
the data. But Autor yearned for a theory to explain what happened in those
30 years. Is it bad policy, such as occupational licensing and labor market
rigidities, or does it have to do with manufacturing and the decline of high-
paid, poorly educated areas? Is it globalization and the creation of mega-
centers? Is it something about the information economy that is leading
agglomeration to become more important than it used to be, or is it just a
transition path when the economy shifts from one set of sectors to another?
Alan Blinder made two points. The first was with regard to elasticities.
In many of the economically depressed areas that the authors describe,
there is a continuum of preferences for moving away—some would like to
move, some would not, and many are in between. This seemed to be a very
important dimension of the problems the authors discuss. For the people
5. Steven J. Davis and John Haltiwanger, “Labor Market Fluidity and Economic Perfor-
mance,” in Economic Policy Symposium Proceedings: Re-Evaluating Labor Market Dynamics
(Jackson Hole, Wyo.: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 2014).
who would like to move, things can be done to help them; but these poli-
cies would not work for people who do not want to move, which connects
to the point made by Rivlin about whether these problems are really about
place. The reality is that some people just do not want to move, under any
Second, Blinder asserted that it is a clear fact that the attractiveness of
places can change over time, for various reasons. One obvious example
is the coal running out in West Virginia, which caused people employed
in that industry to lose their jobs. It also used to be important to be near a
harbor because everything came by ship, but that is less true today. Another
example is the Sunbelt states: It used to be impossible to live in Arizona
without air-conditioning, but Arizona is now quite an attractive place to
live; in fact, Phoenix is now one of the most populous cities in the United
States. Place-based policies should probably avoid trying to keep people in
places that are becoming obsolete, he concluded.
Robert Gordon emphasized the serious question of how to choose the
places to target for place-based policies. There is the paradigm of the
“hollows of West Virginia.” But consider the South Side of Chicago, where
46 percent of men age 20–34 are neither in school nor at work, and where
there are food and health deserts. Consider Baltimore and Saint Louis,
areas with even higher homicide rates than the South Side of Chicago. It
is important to make a distinction in place-based policies once the place
is chosen. What is the right place-based policy for Chicago, Baltimore, or
Saint Louis? Should they receive food subsidies, or job training for jobs
that do not exist? Should consumption be emphasized, such as by sub-
sidizing supermarkets in food deserts; or should production be subsidized,
such as by seeking to attract Amazon warehouses?
Another problem, Gordon noted, is the issue of local public finance.
Dying areas typically have many unfunded pension obligations, causing
a fiscal death spiral. Would places be better served by policies to counter-
act these spirals? There are alternatives, which Blinder mentioned, such as
subsidizing moving, mortgages, or down payments for houses in new
areas—particularly in the South, where housing is cheap. All these things
are complications of the authors’ admirable desire to design place-based
policies, he concluded.
Martin Baily has always been skeptical about place-based policies. But
in Europe, areas where old industries collapsed look very different from
similar places in the United States, which Baily argued is largely due to
place-based policies. It is also the case that Europe did not experience the
large decline in labor force participation among men, the rise in economic
250 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
despair, and the opioid crisis. Therefore, one should not dismiss place-
based policies on the grounds that they did not work in Europe, though
Baily qualified his statement by asserting that there are certainly cases
where they have not worked. He also noted that people often stop paying
their mortgages if their home’s value drops below a certain point; even
in places where one is required by law to pay one’s mortgage, the banks
will not go after those who default because it is just not worth the effort.
Robert Hall noted that the thrust of the discussion thus far was that one
cannot have place-based policies without discussing what is wrong with
the places themselves. The great benefit of the present paper, he noted,
is that it provides a way of thinking about the issue that does not require
diagnosing the problems of particular places, which everyone agreed was
very difficult. Rather, one can simply identify the places and figure out a
corrective wage subsidy, without having to know anything more about the
place, which Hall thought was ingenious.
Louise Sheiner recalled a visit to Brookings by J. D. Vance, during
which he explained that it is not correct to say that people just do not
want to move; rather, it is that people do not want to move to places with
significant cultural differences—such as from the eastern heartland to the
Vance advocated for a place-based policy that would, for exam-
ple, bring an economic hub closer to where the people are, rather than
making them move to the coasts. That way, they could stay closer to their
cultural homes.
Isabel Sawhill suggested there might be a reservation wage problem
that is culturally hard to overcome and that is leading to longer spells of
nonemployment. For example, if a factory closes down where employees
were making relatively high wages, it may be culturally difficult to adjust
to a large drop in wages. She did not know of a way around this problem.
But she suggested this reservation wage problem might provide more of a
rationale for place-based policies because high reservation wages are simi-
lar to the sticky wage theory of why countercyclical fiscal policy is used at
the national level.
Sawhill was glad the paper discussed wage subsidies and the Earned
Income Tax Credit for childless adults. She was intrigued by the idea of
6. Camille Busette, J. D. Vance, and William Julius Wilson, “Race, Class and Culture:
A Conversation with William Julius Wilson and J. D. Vance,” Brookings, Washington, Sep-
tember 5, 2017; J. D. Vance, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
(New York: HarperCollins, 2016).
wage subsidies and wage insurance, and wondered how to make them as
effective as possible. Appealing to behavioral economics, it may be the
case that including a higher wage in the paycheck itself may have a differ-
ent effect on employment than, say, the Earned Income Tax Credit, which
provides a once-per-year boost in earnings. She believes economists tend
to be too analytical about how people behave and what kinds of transpar-
ency they need to behave in intended ways.
Sawhill was concerned that the authors’ omission of women from the
analysis could be problematic. Recent data and research show that women
are the ones going to work in distressed communities, and that they are
generally better educated than men. Perhaps women, then, are taking some
of the new jobs for which men are not qualified. She also agreed with those
who suggested that the authors say more about retraining and the role of
community colleges.
Christopher Carroll noted that there used to be much greater differences
in living standards across different places; the discussion had treated the
decline in migration as though it is a mysterious, exogenous occurrence.
But one plausible reason for a decline in migration is that the United States
now has a strong social safety net that reduces geographical income differ-
ences. A structural model that captured the effects of geographical wage
differences on migration could be informative about the extent to which
people’s behavior would respond to wage subsidies and other induce-
ments. If the amount needed to get them to move is high, then perhaps the
size of the required wage subsidy needed to change their behavior would
also be high.
Glaeser was particularly grateful for Hall’s comments about diagnosis,
which he said were “exactly on point.” The authors received some push-
back for not having a narrative—which, in some sense, reflected the fact
that they did not agree on all issues—but there is also the question of what
narrative one wants. A key question is what explains the rise in joblessness
across the United States. Katharine Abraham and Melissa Kearney’s recent
paper on this question is probably the best out there, and the authors were
not trying to reproduce that paper.
A second question is what explains the changing urban fortunes through-
out the United States. Glaeser has spent much of his adult life studying this
7. Katharine G. Abraham and Melissa S. Kearney, “Explaining the Decline in the U.S.
Employment-to-Population Ratio: A Review of the Evidence,” Working Paper no. 24333
(Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018).
252 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
question, and he is a firm believer that education is a very strong predictor
of which places have done well, whether in the 1960s, the 1940s, or the
1850s. There is a hypothesis associated with research by Theodore Schultz
and Finis Welch that education is partially about the ability to adapt to
new circumstances, which Glaeser thought was applicable to thinking
about which places are able to recover from labor demand and indus-
trial shocks.
Evidence suggests that this is true at the local as well as the
individual levels.
A third question is what explains the heterogeneity in joblessness, which
is a different question than, say, why Las Vegas has grown so much relative
to Boston. The answer is likely a combination of labor demand and labor
supply. Glaeser would point strongly toward human capital and institutional
differences, such as occupational licensing requirements and right-to-work
laws. But the fundamental point is if you believe Gordon’s argument that
there are externalities associated with nonemployment, then this provides a
case for a Pigouvian tax or subsidy, regardless of whether one understands
why there is economic heterogeneity.
One does not need to know why
traffic congestion has increased to know that a tax on traffic congestion
is a good idea, to take a recent example from Mangalore, India.
No part
of William Vickrey’s original paper on congestion pricing said that one
needed to understand the underlying traffic engineering.
Glaeser next turned to the case for subsidizing. Is there a case for dif-
ferentially subsidizing one area over another, as suggested by Mankiw?
Also, related to Furman’s comments, would such a plan be politically man-
ageable? One area where Glaeser and Summers differ is that Glaeser is in
favor of giving something to West Virginia but also taking something else
away. In this sense, he is not for differential subsidization. Regardless of
whether such a policy was conceivable, it does not necessarily mean that
one region is favored over another.
Taking into account the political economy concerns, Glaeser speculated
on what he would be willing to settle for if he were not able to achieve
8. Theodore W. Schultz, “The Value of the Ability to Deal with Disequilibria,” Journal
of Economic Literature 13, no. 3 (1975): 827–46; Finis Welch, “Education in Production,”
Journal of Political Economy 78, no. 1 (1970): 35–59.
9. Robert J. Gordon, “The Welfare Cost of Higher Unemployment,” Brookings Papers
on Economic Activity, no. 1 (1973): 133–95.
10. Violet Pereira, “DC Planning to Introduce Electronic Road Pricing System for Pri-
vate Vehicles,” Mangalorean, February 6, 2018.
11. William S. Vikrey, “Pricing in Urban and Suburban Transport,” American Economic
Review 53, no. 2 (1963): 452–65.
regionally targeted proemployment policies. He was not willing to settle
for infrastructure investment as a substitute, but was open to considering
a national employment subsidy that is flat in nominal terms and has more
bite in places with low costs.
Glaeser also considered the comments in favor of mobility across space.
He generally agreed with them, but warned that one needs to be careful to
remember that encouraging the out-migration of skilled workers from West
Virginia is obviously not a winner for that region. He concluded by reiterat-
ing that his overall commitment was not to fix every place that is not grow-
ing more quickly. For example, there is no policy justification for having
everyone live in the foothills of West Virginia, or in getting Detroit’s popu-
lation back from 850,000 to 1.8 million. Rather, the goal is to reduce social
dysfunction by creating somewhat more incentive to work versus not work.
Summers began by addressing Hall’s concerns about the distinction
between unemployment and not being in the labor force. Even before
Christopher Flinn and James Heckman wrote their seminal paper on this
very question in 1983, Summers and many others were aware that the aver-
age person who is out of the labor force is less likely to get a job compared
with the average unemployed person.
Rather, the issue is whether the
long-term unemployed should be thought of as similar to people who are
not in the labor force, or whether to look at only those not in the labor force
and to ignore differences in long-term unemployment. Summers found
Hall’s facts that about 32 percent of those who want a job and are available
and 42 percent of the long-term unemployed find a job within a year to be
stronger evidence in favor of the kind of aggregation in which the authors
were engaged than he would have expected.
On migration, Summers agreed with Glaeser that when migration is
encouraged, it is usually the most able, energetic, catalytic people who end
up moving, and so it is not clear whether that is a good thing. The economic
argument that if people leave a place like Allentown, Pennsylvania, this
will cause wages to go up due to labor scarcity there, given the fixed decay
in capital stock, may just be wrong. All this is to say that the notion that
spurring migration is the right policy is not clear.
Another big theme of their paper—and one about which Summers and
Glaeser had different instincts—is that from a certain perspective, a rigid
12. Christopher J. Flinn and James J. Heckman, “Are Unemployment and Out of the
Labor Force Behaviorally Distinct Labor Force States?” Journal of Labor Economics 1, no. 1
(1983): 28–42; Kim B. Clark and Lawrence H. Summers, “Labor Market Dynamics and
Unemployment: A Reconsideration,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, no. 1: 13–60.
254 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2018
wage looks like a perfectly elastic supply curve; but the welfare analysis of
these two things produces very different conclusions. Thus, Summers was
less enamored than Glaeser of the Baily–Chetty analysis and preferred the
evidence that employment can be better stimulated if demand shifts from
areas with high employment rates to those with lower rates.
Summers then turned to the discussion about education. The fact is that
if you are college educated, it is good to be near other people who are
college educated; but if you are not college educated, it is also good to be
near people who are college educated. Therefore, a place will likely suc-
ceed if it has many college-educated people. This is great to know if you
are an adviser to the mayor of a city or the governor of a state. But from
the national point of view, there is very little scope to affect the average
education of the population in 10 to 15 years. So the question is what is the
optimal distribution of educated people—and its answer depends on the
curvature of many functions whose very existence is difficult to identify
conclusively. Therefore, all arguments of this form do not seem to him to
be very convincing.
Although Summers appreciated the argument that, in some analytical
sense, the authors can sidestep diagnoses, he argued that if some places
are, for example, culturally prone to have many opioid addicts, then that is
quite a different situation, in terms of the policy inference one should draw,
than if some places have many discouraged workers who have long had
difficult times. Summers was more inclined than Glaeser to run with the
fact that places with low employment rates are also places with low wages,
which would tend to suggest the importance of demand shocks. However,
it is not clear that the places with low wages are not also places with low
human capital. It may be that low human capital explains both the low
wages and the low employment rate, a hypothesis that Summers believes
is worth more study.
Summers agreed with everything that was said about the political econ-
omy challenges associated with place-based policies. It is also correct that
the United States does have place-based policies, in the sense that nominal
dollars affect places differently due to price differences. If it is true that
the United States has gone from an era of very high natural convergence
to one of very low natural convergence, and if for the most problematic
phenomenon—nonemployment—there is no convergence at all, one should
probably be more enthusiastic about place-based policies. The current state
of place-based policies is not optimal, and Summers accepted Furman’s
argument that there is a tendency toward the triumph of hope over experi-
ence, which he believes is a problem.
Though not the focus of the present paper, Summers thinks it is important
to understand the relevant international experiences, and he was delighted
to hear Baily corroborate his views. But he was surprised because he had
always thought that the experiences of northern Britain and southern Italy
tended to suggest that these problems were difficult to solve, that Europe
had much trouble with these types of policies. Therefore, he was still not
completely confident that international experience confirms the problems
of place-based policies.
Summers concluded by saying that the authors believe they have served
their purpose entirely if they have successfully made the case that the
magnitude of regional differentials and the significant parts of the country
where large fractions of men are not working should command more
thought from economists than they traditionally receive. From the many
constructive comments received, he took it that they had perhaps helped to
nudge the conversation in that direction.