Frank Loesser
© 2006, Camp Broadway LLC
All rights reserved
This publication is based on the life and work of lyricist Frank Loesser. The content of Frank
Loesser edition of LyricNOTES™ is fully protected under the copyright laws of the United
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Printed in the United States of America
First printing, November 2006
For more information on Johnny Mercer and The Great American Songbook, contact:
The Johnny Mer
cer Foundation
(212) 835-2299
For more information on LyricNOTES™ and other arts related programs for students, contact:
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Section 1: Heart and Soul: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-13
Frank Loesser's Beginnings
My Time of Day: Who is Frank Loesser? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
A short life story of Frank Loesser, from Hollywood to Broadway
I Wish I Were Twins: Frank Loesser’s Collaborators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Frank Loesser’s popular songs were the result of his collaborations with . . . . . . . . . .
other composers.
The Years Before Us: A Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
What was going on in the world during Loessers lifetime
Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Loessers Counterpoint Duets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Frank Loesser’s conversational duets are one of his trademarks.
Section 2: The Brotherhood of Man...14-22
The many characters created by Frank Loesser in song
Once in Love with Amy: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Lyrics from Where’s Charley?
The Oldest Established: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Lyrics from Guys and Dolls
Abbondanza: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
yrics fr
The Most Happy Fella
I Believe in You: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Lyrics from How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Wonderful Copenhagen: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Lyrics from Hans Christian Andersen
Traveling Light: Loesser Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
ything you always wanted to know about Frank Loesser
A CrossLyric Puzzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
A crossword all about Frank Loesser – test your solving skills!
More Loesser Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
About The Johnny Mercer Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
More I Cannot Wish You: Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
How to learn more about Frank Loesser and the Great American Songbook
Table of Contents
The lyric from the song “I Believe In You” was written for
a musical with one of the longest names in Broadway his-
How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying. It
was written by Frank Loesser, a man who succeeded in his
business – songwriting – by trying his hardest.
Frank wrote this song to be sung by a man looking in the
mirror, singing at his reflection. It’s a song of reassurance,
sung by a man trying to give himself the confidence he
needs to succeed. Frank knew that feeling well.
Frank worked extra hard to get ahead – as a shorter man
(he was 5’6”) he always said he would have to fight harder
to get what he wanted. Even though his father was a piano
teacher and his brother a piano prodigy, he didnt learn
music from them. He taught himself to write music and
play the piano, but he had a terrible voice. Frank knew
exactly what he wanted to hear, even if he had a hard time
demonstrating it himself. If you were able to finish singing
a number without him stopping you, you were lucky. And
he wanted it to be loud. He wanted everyone to hear what
he had written.
Frank believed in himself, just like the character in his
Pulitzer-Prize winning show. He believed that he could
take experiences nobody was writing about and put them
into words. He believed he could make you laugh or cry
with a song. He believed he could capture the universal
truths of the human experience, set conversations to
music, and fill his songs with jokes and puns. He believed
he could, and he did.
Frank had courage and determination. He also had talent.
But most of all, he saw in himself that up-turned chin and
the grin of impetuous youth. He believed in himself. We
hope this guide shows you why. And we hope it helps you
do the same.
Jo Sullivan Loesser
You have the cool, clear eyes
Of a seeker of wisdom and truth
Yet there’s that up-turned chin
And the grin of impetuous youth
Oh, I believe in you
I believe in you.
I Believe In You
Frank Loesser
was born in New York
to German immigrant
parents on June 29,
His father, Henry, was a classical music
teacher, and his older brother, Arthur, was a
child prodigy on the piano. Even though
Frank Loesser was very musical, he never
took piano lessons. He began writing words
to songs when he was a
Loesser was accepted at the
Townsend Harris School, a
three-year school for gifted
students, but he was expelled
before graduation.
At age fifteen, even though he didnt have a
high school diploma, he was accepted at
City College of New York. But, shortly after
entering, he failed every class except for
English and gym, and was expelled again.
After college, Loesser began a series of odd
jobs, including advertising salesman, editor,
and political cartoonist. He
had one job at a factory
where he screwed the lids on
cans. But what he really
wanted to do was become a
songwriter on Tin Pan Alley.
Loesser’s first job writing
lyrics was for publisher Leo
Feist. He and his col-
laborator, Joe
Brandfonbrenner, were
paid $100 a week for all
the songs they could write.
None of them were
published. He then teamed up with William
Schuman, and in 1931 they wrote “In Love
with a Memor
y of You,” which was Loesser’s
first published lyric.
I’m still walking in the moonlight
Where sweet honeysuckles grew,
Just me walking in the moonlight
In love with a memory of you.
Frank Loesser Stamp
Frank Loesser was honored by the U.S. Postal
Service in 1999 with a stamp bearing his like-
Section 1: Heart and Soul
My Time of Day:
Who is Frank Loesser?
In 1934, Loesser began collaborating with composer Irving
Actman. They got a contract with Universal Studios in
Hollywood to write songs for movies. Loesser would go on
to write lyrics for more than 60 films. When he joined the
Army, he wrote songs for popular radio broadcasts.
In 1935, Loesser met a singer, Lynn Garland, who would
become his first wife. They had a daughter, Susan, and a
son, Johnny.
Free Time
Frank Loesser had a hard time keeping still.
He loved woodworking and was a skilled
cabinetmaker. Every house he lived in
had a workshop where he could go to
make furniture. He also liked to doodle
with colored pencils and ballpoint pens —
he called himself a “ballpointillist.”
A painter who uses a
series of dots to
compose a pictur
Frank Loesser used the
term “ballpointillist”
as a play on words.
Now You Know
Composer: Someone who writes the
music to a song.
Lyricist: Someone who writes the
words to a song.
Oscar®: A nickname for the Academy
Award, given by the Academy of
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for
achievement in movies.
Prodigy: an unusually gifted or
talented young person
Pulitzer Prize: Awards established by
Joseph Pulitzer and given out annually
for achievement in journalism, litera-
ture, and music.
Tin Pan Alley: A district in
Manhattan associated with musicians,
composers, and publishers of popular
music. It got its name because the
noise of all the songwriters working on
their pianos sounded like tin pans
clanging together.
Tony Award: The award given by The
American Theatre Wing to honor
achievement on Broadway.
Versatile: successful in many areas
After World War II, Loesser returned to
New York City. He was hired to write the
lyrics for a musical adaptation of the British
Charley’s Aunt. When composer
Harold Arlen backed out, Loesser agreed to
write the music as well as the lyrics for the
show he called
Wheres Charley? This was his
first time writing both words and music.
Loesser returned to Broadway with
and Dolls (recognized as one of the greatest
Broadway musicals of all time),
The Most
Happy Fella, Greenwillow, and How to
Succeed in Business without Really Trying.
Hollywood, he created the score for the
movie Hans Christian Andersen.
Frank Loesser met Jo Sullivan when she was
cast as the leading lady in
The Most Happy
Fella. The two were married in 1959. They
had two daughters, Hannah and Emily.
Loesser founded several music publishing
companies, and helped other composers
and lyricists launch their careers.
Frank Loesser was regarded as among the
most versatile lyricists on Broadway; he won
the Oscar, the Tony Award, and the Pulitzer
Prize for his work. He died at age fifty-nine
in 1969 in New York City, but his legacy
survives. His songs live on in movies, televi-
sion, and the hundreds of theaters that pro-
duce his shows each year.
Who is Frank Loesser?
My Time of Day:
Section 1: Heart and Soul
Try this...
Silly Songs
1. Think about something that
happened to you this past week that
made you laugh. Close your eyes and
picture this moment clearly.
2. Write a short story about this
moment, capturing the details that made
it funny. Make sure to include specific
information like where it happened and
who was there. Your story should have a
beginning, middle, and end.
3. Circle the sentences or words in your
story that are the most essential. These
are the building blocks of your lyric.
4. Begin to tell this story through
lyrics with your chosen sentences. It
helps to tr
y to rhyme the words at the
end of each phrase. See how far you can
get in telling your story through song.
Hopefully, anyone who listens to your
lyrics will find your story as funny as
you did!
Frank Loesser was well
known for using his lyrics to
tell stories about the charac-
ters in his Broadway shows.
He was also one of the earli-
est popular lyricists to use
humor in his songs. When
audiences laughed during his
shows, they were not just
laughing at the acting – they
were actually laughing at the
jokes in the lyrics them-
Just as Frank got people
laughing through lyrics, you
can write lyrics about some-
thing humorous that hap-
pened to you.
Silly Songs
Frank Loesser’s Collaborators
I Wish I Were Twins
February 2, 1912 – January 5, 1997
Burton Lane signed his first contract,
with Remick Music Company, when he
was just fifteen. In 1937 he was working
at Paramount when he heard some of
Frank Loesser’s songs. “I was bowled over by
Franks lyrics,” he said. “I thought the tunes were nice
but the lyrics were sensational.” Burton was able
to get Loesser a short contract with Paramount, too.
The two wrote songs such as “Howdja Like to Love
Me?” “Says My Heart,” “The Lady’s in Love with
You”, and “I Hear Music.”
Frank Loessers
pop songs
Perhaps because both his
father and brother were
pianists, Frank Loesser shied
away from the instrument at
the beginning of his career
and only wrote the words to
songs. He would team up with
a composer, who would write
the music. Eventually, Loesser
would teach himself to play
the piano and write both
music and lyrics. But he got
his start (and his first pub-
lished songs) working with
some very talented composers.
Section 1: Heart and Soul
June 2, 1907 - 1967
In 1935, Irving Actman and Frank Loesser performed
nightly at a New York City club called the Back Drop. It
was there they were scouted to write the songs (Actman)
and lyrics (Loesser) for The Illustrator's Show, which
appeared on Broadway for 5 nights. They then went to
Hollywood and wrote songs together for more than 20
movies. Their first contract was with Universal Studios in
1936, where they were paid $200 each week to write music
for any movie the studio requested. In a letter to his wife,
Loesser explained the process this way: "Right now Irving
and I are in the throes, trying to knock off a hit out of a
situation where the producer orders a certain title, the
musical director orders a certain rhythm, the dance director
orders a certain number of bars and the composers order a
certain number of aspirins." Later, Actman was brought on
as the musical director for Guys and Dolls.
November 22, 1899 –December 28, 1981
Hoagy Carmichael began playing
piano at age six, and by his twen-
ties he was playing and writing
jazz. Frank collaborated with
Hoagy on “Small Fry,” originally
sung by Bing Crosby. It took them a day
and a half to write.
From “Small Fry”
Words by Frank Loesser, music by Hoagy Carmichael
Small fry,
Struttin’ by the poolroom.
Small fry,
Should be in the schoolroom.
My! My! Now you put down that cigarette
You aint a grown-up high-and-mighty yet.
Small fry,
Dancinfor a penny.
Small fry,
Countinup how many.
My! My! Just listen here to me —
You aint the biggest catfish in the sea.
You practice peckinall day long
To some old radio song.
In 1940, Loesser and Carmichael went to
Miami to write songs for the cartoon movie,
Mr. Bug Goes to Town.
But perhaps their most famous work together
was “Heart and Soul,” a duet which is often
one of the first pieces young students learn on
the piano.
From “Heart and Soul”
Words by Frank Loesser, music by Hoagy Carmichael
Heart and soul,
I fell in love with you,
Heart and soul,
The way a fool would do,
Because you held me tight
And stole a kiss in the night.
August 4, 1910 – February 15, 1992
William Schuman was an
accomplished musician, but as
a child was more interested in
baseball. Frank Loesser was his
neighbor in New York City, and the
two worked out a way to write two songs at the
same time. They would make an outline, and
Schuman would work on one song at the piano
while Loesser would write lyrics for the other.
When they each were finished, they would switch
off — Loesser would write lyrics for Schumans
tune, and Schuman would write music for
Loesser’s words. William Schuman later went on
to become president of The Julliard School in
New York City.
From “Doing the Dishes”
Words by Frank Loesser, music by William Schuman
Whos that singing in the kitchen,
Drumming on the tub with a knife?
My sweetie and me in close harmony,
Having the time of our lives.
Some fun, dum de dum de dum,
Helping my sweetie along.
Doing the dishes,
Harmonizing a song.
Today in Hollywood, a movie star signs a contract with a
motion picture studio to make one film. But in the 1920s
and 30s, stars, writers, and composers signed contracts
that kept them at only one studio for a set number of
years. Composers and lyricists were “under contract” with
oduction companies and were responsible for writing
the score to any movie the company made. Studios could
control artists’ careers by lending them to other studios or
cing them to do certain work.
The Studio System
Frank Loesser’s Collaborators
I Wish I Were Twins
November 4, 1900 – September 3, 1984
Arthur Schwartz taught himself how to
play the harmonica and piano by the
time he was fourteen. But his father,
a lawyer, wanted him to become an
attorney, and he was admitted to the
New York Bar in 1924. However, he still
composed music and wrote songs with Frank
Schwartz and Loesser wrote nine songs for the
Hollywood wartime revue Thank Your Lucky
Stars in 1943. Their songs “Love Isnt Born Its
Made” “How Sweet You Are” and “They’re
Either Too Young or Too Old” became
standards. The last, which was nominated
for an Oscar, comments on the lack of eligible
young men for women back at home during
World War II.
Theyre either too young or too old.
Theyre either too gray or too grassy green.
The pickins are poor and the crop is lean,
Whats good is in the Army—
What’s left will never harm me.
Frank Loesser later developed a unique
schedule for working on songs. When writ-
ing both the words and music for songs,
he always wrote the words first. He would
wake at 4 a.m. and write until 8 a.m., when
he’d have a drink and a short nap. At 10 a.m.
he’d return to his office to work all
day — except for a nap after lunch.
Loesser never could sleep for long
periods of time.
My Time of Day
Section 1: Heart and Soul
10 1
December 2, 1918 –
Milton DeLugg was an accordionist with the Radio
Production Unit, an Army unit that produced its own
radio shows. Loesser and DeLugg wrote several songs
together. DeLugg became Loessers first musical secre-
tary, writing down the music that Loesser composed
in his head.
“He always had an idea of the melody but actually
couldnt notate it. Hed plunk a little bit on the piano
and sing it to me. I would write down what he was
Milton later became the bandleader on the TV hit
The Gong Show.
I Wish I Were Twins
Loesser wrote many of his songs in the car. He would have a friend
or his wife drive him around town while he thought of lyrics.
He liked this method because he was rarely interrupted.
Try this...
You’ll need a piece of paper, a pencil, and a
Write the first line of a song or poem. It
should only be about 5 to 7 words. Then,
silently pass the paper to your partner, who
will write the second line of the poem. Each
person takes a turn writing one line. The
key here is not to talk at all — its a silent
collaboration. Keep in mind that youre
trying to create a poem that makes sense —
dont work against each other! After a while,
you’ll notice that you cant tell who wrote
what line!
Now You Know
Contract: An agreement between two
or more people, especially one that is
written and enforceable by law.
Revue: A production made up of
sequence of sketches, dance
numbers, and songs.
Score: The music written for a film
or play.
Standard: A song which, through
widely repeated performance, has
become part of the standard jazz
repertoire. Standards are part of the
Great American Songbook.
Studio: A company that produces
and distributes movies.l
Frank Loesser collaborated with Joseph
Meyer and Edgar De Lange for his first hit
song, recorded by “Fats” Waller.
I wish that I were twins,
You great big babykins,
So I could love you twice as much as I do.
I’d have four loving arms to embrace you,
Four eyes to idolize you
Each time I face you.
The Years Before Us
June 29, 1910, Frank Loesser born in New York
Demonstrates natural musical ability, spends lots of
time at the piano.
Loesser begins writing song lyrics.
1923 Enrolls in Townsend Harris High School.
He is expelled before graduation.
1925 Is accepted to City College of New York, but
drops out shortly after enrolling.
1929 Registers first three songs for copyrights.
1931 Loesser publishes first song “In Love with a
Memory of You” with music by William Schuman.
1934 Has first hit song with “I Wish I Were Twins,”
recorded by “Fats” Waller.
1936 S
igns six month contract with U
arries singer Lynn Garland in Hollywood.
1937 Writes for various Hollywood studios on a per-
song basis, then gets contract with Paramount Pictures.
1938 “H
eart and Soul” released, music by Hoagy
1942 Loesser writes “Praise the Lord and Pass the
Ammunition which becomes a huge war time hit.
Frank enlists in the Army in California.
In the Life of Frank…
In the world....
1912 Titanic sinks
1914 World War I begins
1918 Armistice signed, ending World War I
1919 Prohibition: The 18th Amendment outlaws the
sale of alcohol (Prohibition)
1920 Women are granted right to vote in U.S.
1921 The radio era begins.
1924 2.5 million radios are in U.S. homes.
1927 First “talkie (movie with sound), The Jazz
1929 Stock market crashes, Great Depression begins.
1930 U.S. population reaches 122 million. 115 mil-
lion people attend movies weekly.
1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt elected President.
1933 A
dolf H
itler comes to power in Germany.
1939 World War II begins.
1941 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.
1942 Magnetic recording tape invented.
Section 1: Heart and Soul
A Timeline
1943 Transferred to Army Special Services Division
in New York.
1946 Returns to Beverly Hills.
1948 Forms Susan Publications Inc., the first of his
music publishing companies (named after his first
Wheres Charley? opens.
1949 Neptunes Daughter is released, with Loessers
Academy award winning song “Baby, It’s Cold
1950 Guys and Dolls opens on Broadway.
1951 Founds Frank Music Corp.
Wins Tony Award for Guys and Dolls.
1952 Hans Christian Andersen released on film.
1956 The Most Happy Fella opens on Broadway.
1957 Frank and Lynn Loesser divorce.
1959 M
arries J
o Sullivan.
1960 G
opens on Br
1961 How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
opens on Broadway
1962 W
ins Pulitzer prize for
ow To Succeed
1963 Begins wor
king on final two shows,
and Palaces
and Señor Discretion Himself.
July 28, 1969 Dies at age 59 in New York City.
In the Life of Frank…
In the world....
1943 Rodgers and Hammersteins Oklahoma! opens,
changing the Broadway musical by integrating songs,
dance, dialogue, and drama to tell the story.
1945 End of World War II.
1948 Long-playing record (LP) invented.
1950 1.5 million TV sets in U.S.
1951 Color TV introduced.
1956 Elvis Presley and rock-and-roll become popular.
1958 Stereo recordings introduced .
1961 Alan Shepard makes first U.S. spaceflight.
1963 President John F. Kennedy assassinated.
1964 The Beatles become popular in U.S.
1966 Color
TV becomes popular
78 million
TV sets in U.S.
1968 M
tin L
uther King, Jr
., assassinated.
July 21, 1969 U.S. astronauts land on moon.
It’s Cold Outside
Frank Loesser is well known
for using counterpoint in his
duets. In counterpoint, two
melodies intertwine to create a
conversation. These musical
conversations” between two
people highlight the way
Loesser was able to demon-
strate characters’ differences
and similarities through music.
Loesser’s most famous contrapuntal duet won him
his only Academy Award. “Baby, It’s Cold Outside
was introduced in the 1949 film
Neptunes Daughter.
But, originally, Frank
Loesser wrote the
song for him
and his wife
Lynn to
perform at
parties. It
was most
used in the
movie Elf, sung
by Will Ferrell
and Zooey
Deschanel. The Mouse
in the song is a woman;
the Wolf is a man. When
you listen to the song, notice
how the singers’ lines overlap.
Mouse: I really cant stay.
Wolf: But baby, it’s cold outside!
Mouse: I’ve got to go way.
Wolf: But baby, it’s cold outside!
Mouse: This evening has been —
Wolf: Been hoping that youd drop in!
Mouse: So very nice.
Wolf: I’ll hold your hands, theyre just like ice.
Mouse: My mother will start to worry —
Wolf: Beautiful, whats your hurry?
Mouse: And Father will be pacing the floor.
Wolf: Listen to the fireplace roar!
Mouse: So really I’d better scurry.
Wolf: Beautiful, please, dont hurry.
Mouse: Well, maybe just a half a drink more.
Loesser’s Counterpoint Duets
Counterpoint: The technique
of combining two or more melodies
so that they combine while
retaining their individuality.
Contrapuntal: Describing a
song that uses counterpoint. A
contrapuntal duet.
Duet: A song written for two
Section 1: Heart and Soul
14 1
Frank Loesser wrote the opening number for Guys and
as a contrapuntal trio. This “Fugue for Tinhorns
features three men talking about their bets for the
upcoming horserace.
I got the horse right here,
The name is Paul Rev
And heres a guy that says if the weathers clear,
Can do, can do.
This guy says the horse can do.
If he says the horse can do,
Can do, can do.
I’m pickinValentine,
Cause on the morning line
The guy has got him figured at five to nine.
Has chance, has chance,
This guy says the horse has chance,
If he says the horse has chance,
Has chance, has chance.
Charlie: But look at Epitaph.
He wins it by a half,
According to this here in the Telegraph.
Big threat, big threat,
This guy calls the horse big threat.
If he calls the horse big threat,
Big threat, big threat.
Fugue: Music in
which a melody is
introduced and then
imitated by other
voices or instruments.
A fugue is a type of
“The Inch Worm”
“The Inch Worm” was Frank Loesser’s favorite
song from the movie Hans Christian Andersen.
In the movie, Andersen, played by Danny Kaye,
sings the song when he sees the creature outside
the schoolhouse.
Children: Two and two are four,
Four and four are eight,
Eight and eight are sixteen,
Sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two.
[Children repeat refrain and continue it
beneath the following lines.]
Andersen: Inch worm, inch worm
Measuring the marigolds —
You and your arithmetic
Youll probably go far.
Inch worm, inch worm
Measuring the marigolds —
Seems to me youd stop and see
How beautiful they are.
Try this...
Frank Loesser’s keen eye for observa-
tion led to the song “The Inch
orm,” about a v
y small animal
with an amazing gift. Through
observation, you can write about
your favorite animal.
ick y
our fav
orite animal, or one
that fascinates y
ou and that y
like to learn more about. Go to the
library and research your animal.
Now, write down all the phrases or
pieces of information y
ou learn
about y
our animal. H
ow is it
What makes it unique?
Try writing a lyric using all of the
phrases youve written. Frank
Loesser used mathematical wor
ds in
his song “
The I
nch Worm” because
the animal can also be used to
measure! Can you think of any
comparisons for your animal?
xample: A cheetah to a racecar
an o
wl to a pr
ofessor, or a lion to a
If youre feeling brave, set your song
to music by singing a melody with
the wor
ds y
ouve written. Dont
y about making it perfect —
just sing whatever comes to mind!
Section 2: The Brotherhood of Man
Once in Love with Amy
Lyrics from Where’s Charley?
Frank Loesser was approached by pro-
ducers Cy Feuer and Ernie Martin to
write the lyrics for a musical version of
Brandon Thomass play
Charley’s Aunt.
After working with many composers in
Hollywood, Loesser wanted to write his
own music, too. When composer Harold
Arlen had to pull out of the project,
Loesser got his chance to write music as
well as lyrics. Opening in 1948,
Charley?, was Frank Loesser’s first
Broadway musical.
Loesser wanted his music to capture the
spirit of the Victorian-era setting of the
original play. For inspiration, he listened
to music that had been popular in the
time period. For
Wheres Charley?, Loesser
wrote a waltz, a march, and romantic
ballads that evoked the atmosphere of
19th century England.
Two young men, Charley and Jack, invite
their sweethearts to lunch to meet Charleys
aunt. When the aunt is delayed, and a
chaperone is required, Charley impersonates
his aunt himself. When the real aunt
appears, she takes a false identity to better
observe the chaos. The sho
w is filled with
mistaken identities, panicked cover-ups,
and fast-paced hilarity.
From “Once in Love with Amy”
Ray Bolger, who is best
known for playing the
Scarecrow in the film
Wizard of Oz, was hired to
play Charley. For Bolger,
the song “Once in Love
with Amy,” was expected
to be a big hit. When audiences werent
responding the way Bolger thought they
should, he turned the number into an
audience sing-along.
Once in love with Amy,
Always in love with Amy,
Ever and ever fascinated by her,
Sets your heart afire to stay.
Once youre kissed by Amy,
Tear up your list, it’s Amy,
Ply her with bonbons, poetry, and flowers,
Moon a million hours away.
Due to the 1948
Broadway musicians’
strike, several musicals
could not record a cast
s Charley?
was one of them.
16 1
From “Serenade with Asides”
Amys guardian, her uncle Mr. Spettigue, sings
this song as he ponders his budding relationship
with Donna Lucia — who is actually Charley in
disguise. Can you tell why he likes Donna Lucia?
If there’s one thing that I hate,
It’s the thought of acquiring a mate.
Especially one with a face like a hatchet,
A voice like a duck, and a figure to match it!
Short of sight and long of tooth,
With a walk thats decidedly funny —
And yet, and yet
If there’s one thing I love, it’s money!
And since she has oh so much of it,
I’m all for the golden touch of it.
From “The Years Before Us”
Frank Loesser captured the spirit of “traditional”
school songs in this ode. Does your school have
a song?
Now take my heartfelt hand clasp,
Now sigh the farewell sigh,
And may the years before us be
As sweet as the years gone by.
In all the years before us,
Though fortune part our ways,
How fond the recollection of
These merry salad days.
Now You Know
Chaperone: Someone who supervises
a gathering of young people. In Britain in
the late 19th century, unmarried young
men and women were often not allowed
to socialize without a chaperone.
Farce: A type of comedic play that
often includes rapid shifts in action
and emotion, slapstick humor, far-
fetched situations, mishaps and con-
fusion, and zany characters. Farces
are often fast paced and have many
visual gags.
Impersonate: Pretend to be someone
you are not.
Salad days: The best time of youth.
18 1
The Oldest Established
Lyrics from Guys and Dolls
Section 2: The Brotherhood of Man
Guys and Dolls,
adapted from the
stort stories of
Damon Runyon, is
often considered
Frank Loesser’s most
famous Broadway
musical. The 1950
musical captures the
essence of the color-
ful world of New
York City in the
mid-20th century.
Nathan Detroit bets
his gambling friend
Sky Masterson that
Sky cant convince
Salvation Army
sister Sarah Brown
to accompany him
on a trip to Cuba.
Nathans fiancée of
14 years,
singer/dancer Miss
Adelaide, tries to
convince him to
finally tie the knot.
The musical is filled
with gangsters,
gamblers, missionary
workers, and
From “Adelaide’s Lament”
A lament is a cry of sorrow or grief.
In this song, Adelaide researches the
cause of her perpetual sniffles.
What does she find is the cause?
[spoken] It says here:
[sung as she reads]“The avrage unmarried female,
Basically insecure,
Due to some long frustration, may react
With psychosomatic
Difficult to endure.
Affecting the upper respiratory tract.
In other words, just from waiting around
For that plain little band of gold,
A person can develop a cold.
From “More I Cannot Wish You”
Sarahs grandfather, Arvide, sings this song
to Sarah after she becomes frustrated with
her relationship with Sky.
Velvet I can wish you
For the collar of your coat,
And fortune smiling all along your way.
But more I cannot wish you
Than to wish you find your love,
Your own true love, this day.
Psychosomatic: A mental state
that displays itself in physical symp-
Upper respiratory tract:
Nose, throat, and trachea.
From “Guys and Dolls”
NICELY: What’s playing at the Roxy?
I’ll tell you whats playing at the Roxy:
A picture about a Minnesota man
So in love with a Mississippi girl
That he sacrifices everything
And moves all the way to Biloxi.
That’s whats playing at the Roxy.
REFRAIN: When you see a guy
Reach for stars in the sky,
You can bet
That hes doing it for some doll.
BENNY: When you spot a John waiting out in the rain,
Chances are hes insane as only a John
Can be for a Jane.
NICELY: When you meet a gent
Paying all kinds of rent
For a flat
That could flatten the Taj Mahal
BOTH: Call it sad, call it funny,
But its better than even money
That the guys only doing it for some doll.
Roxy: A theater in New York City.
Biloxi: A city in Mississippi.
Flat: Apartment
Taj Mahal: A famous building in
India known for its ornate architecture
and beauty.
Even money: A bet that pays off
the exact amount that was wagered. If
you risk a dollar, you win a dollar.
From “Sue Me”
Nathan sings this song to Adelaide. Notice the
vocabulary Loesser uses to tell the audience
more about Nathans character.
Call a lawyer and sue me, sue me,
What can you do me?
I love you.
Give a holler and hate me, hate me,
Go ahead, hate me,
I love you.
Alright already, I’m just a nogoodnik.
Alright already it’s true, so nu?
So sue me, sue me,
What can you do me?
I love you.
Nogoodnik: A worthless,
disreputable person.
Nu: Yiddish exclamation meaning
“hey,” “eh,” or “well?”
20 2
The Oldest Established
Try this...
In many of his songs, Frank Loesser used slang
words popular during a certain time period. He
was able to convey a lot about a character by
choosing particular words to use.
You can do the same thing!
Brainstorm a list of common expressions you and
your friends use. Then, write their definitions to
explain them to someone who may not know what
they mean. See how many slang words you can
incorporate into a song or poem.
An extra challenge: research some slang words
from a different time period, like the 1950s or
60s. Write a song using some of those words
and read it to your class. Can they guess what
the words mean? Do they know when those
words were used? Now you can teach them!
From “A Bushel and a Peck”
At the Hot Box club, Adelaide and her
chorus perform this musical number.
I love you
A bushel and a peck,
A bushel and a peck
And a hug around the neck.
Hug around the neck
And a barrel and a heap,
Barrel and a heap
And I’m talkin’ in my sleep
About you.
From “Marry the Man Today”
Sarah and Adelaide sing this song together
while discussing their problems with their
Marry the man today
Trouble though he may be,
Much as he loves to play,
Crazy and wild and free.
Marry the man today,
Rather than sigh and sorrow.
Marry the man today
And change his ways tomorrow.
Section 2: The Brotherhood of Man
Lyrics from
Lyrics from
Guys and Dolls
Guys and Dolls won eight Tony Awards, including one for music and
lyrics. The 1992 revival won the Tony Award for Best Revival.
A Bushel and a Peck of Honors
When actors auditioned for Guys and Dolls,
Frank Loesser instructed them to yell for help. If
an actor questioned this strange audition
method, Loesser would demonstrate by
screaming: “HELP!! That’s the way I want to
hear it!” At the time, Broadway actors
performed without microphones. Loesser
wanted to make sure his lyrics could be
heard, even in the back of the hall. Later,
he would post signs in rehearsals reading
“Loud Is Good!”
Now You Know
Audition: A trial performance to determine the
quality of an actor’s work. Sometimes referred to as
a “try-out.”
Dolls: Women.
Revival: Restaging a play after its original run.
Lyrics from The Most Happy Fella
Section 2: The Brotherhood of Man
In 1951, Frank Loesser
was looking for ideas for
a new musical when he
came across the Pulitzer
Prize–winning Sidney
Howard play,
They Knew
What They Wanted.
worked on the show for
five years, writing the
music, lyrics, and, for
the first time, the book.
Although the show
doesnt contain a lot of
dialogue, Loesser refused
to call
The Most Happy
Fella an opera, instead
saying it was a musical
comedy “with a lotta
music!” It does, like an
opera, use conventions
such as aria and recita-
tive. But unlike opera, it
draws on many styles of
Loesser met Jo Sullivan,
who would become his
second wife, when she
was cast as Rosabella, the
female lead. When she
auditioned for Loesser,
he was so happy about
how loud she sang that
he laughed, sprang to his
feet and closed all the
Tony, a lonely middle-aged Italian wine maker in Californias Napa
Valley, woos Amy, a waitress in 1927 San Francisco, through the
mail. He calls Amy “Rosabella and proposes marriage in a letter,
sending a picture of his handsome ranch hand Joe instead of
himself. Amy goes to the vineyard and, despite Tony’s deception,
they find love. The show also tells the story of the playful romance
between Tonys employee, Herman, and Rosabellas friend, Cleo.
From “Rosabella”
Tony sings this tribute to his love, whom he calls Rosabella. Notice
how Loesser has written the lyrics in Tonys Italian accent.
She t’ink maybe omma young man wit’ a handsome kind-a face.
Ats-a why omma gotta do what omma do.
She t’ink maybe omma young man wit’ a handsome kind-a face.
An’ me, I don’ wanna show her what’s true.
Oh, my beautiful
Rosabella, sweet like a flower.
Rosabella, look! my heart hes in you power
Rosabella, young like a baby.
Rosabella, say someday you love me, maybe.
22 2
From “Ooh, My Feet!”
This song was originally written for a
policeman character in
Guys and Dolls but
was saved and used here, sung by waitress
Ooh! My feet!
My poor, poor feet!
Betcha your life
A waitress earns her pay.
I’ve been on my feet,
My poor, poor feet
All day long today.
Ooh! My toes!
My poor, poor toes!
How can I give
The service with a smile
When I’m on my toes,
My poor, poor toes,
Mile after mile after mile
After mile after mile.
From “Standing on the Corner”
A group of men sing this song in the musical.
Can you picture what theyre doing?
Standing on the corner,
Watching all the girls go by.
Standing on the corner,
Watching all the girls go by.
Brother, you dont know a nicer occupation!
Matter of fact, neither do I —
Than standing on the corner,
Watching all the girls,
Watching all the girls,
Watching all the girls go by.
From “Happy to Make Your
Frank Loesser made the style of his musical very
clear by his writing. In this duet between
Rosabella and Tony, his Italian accent is written
into the lyrics.
Rosabella: Happy to make your acquaintance.
Tony: ‘Appy to make acquaintance.
Rosabella: Thank you so much, I feel fine.
Tony: T’ank you so much, omma feel fine.
Rosabella: Happy to make your acquaintance.
Tony: Acquaintance.
Rosabella: And let me say the pleasure —
Tony: Da pleasure —
Rosabella: Is mine.
Tony: Da pleasures a mine.
Jo Sullivan
Jo met Frank Loesser working
“The Most Happy Fella”
and since then has worked to
bring her husband’s music to
the world. She played the role
of Sarah Brown in a tour of
Guys and Dolls and appeared
with daughter Emily in a tour of
. Jo coproduced and starred in the
Broadway musical about her husband,
, and developed the off-Broadway revue
I Hear Music…of Frank Loesser and Friends.
She has worked on numerous revivals of
Loesser’s musicals and, together with her
daughter, Emily, and son-in-law, Don
Stephenson, she appeared in
Loesser by Loesser,
a celebration of her husband’s famous works.
Now You Know
Plenty, abundance
24 2
I Believe in You
Lyrics from How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Section 2: The Brotherhood of Man
How to Succeed in Business
Without Really Trying
inspired by Shepherd Mead’s
satirical handbook of the same
name. The Pulitzer Prize–
winning musical pokes fun at
the corporate world of the
1960s, with witty jabs at
dim-witted bosses, saucy
secretaries, company culture,
and office romance.
J. Pierrepont Finch, a window washer, finds the book How to
Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
and follows its advice to
rise to the top of the World Wide Wicket Company. Along the
way, he falls in love with Rosemary, who becomes his secretary, and
learns to manipulate president J. B. Biggley and his bumbling
nephew, Bud Frump.
From “The Company Way”
On his first day on the job, Finch meets Twimble, the manager of
the mailroom. Twimble explains how hes managed to succeed in
the business for twenty five years.
TWIMBLE: I play it the company way;
Wherever the company puts me,
There I’ll stay.
FINCH: But what is your point of (view)?
TWIMBLE: I have no point of view.
FINCH: Supposing the company thinks—
TWIMBLE: I think so too!
From “I Believe in You”
This song was originally written as a love song for Rosemary to sing
to Finch. But Abe Burrows, the director and bookwriter, came up
with the idea of having Finch sing it to himself in the mirror, and
that’s the way it was performed.
You have the cool, clear eyes
Of a seeker of wisdom and truth;
Yet theres that upturned chin
And the grin of impetuous youth.
Oh, I believe in you,
I believe in you.
From “Brotherhood of Man”
There is a brotherhood of man,
A benevolent brotherhood of man,
A noble tie that binds
All human hearts and minds
Into one brotherhood of man.
Your lifelong membership is free.
Keep a-giving each brother all you can.
Oh arent you proud to be
In that fraternity,
The great, big brotherhood of man?
Really Trying
From “Coffee Break”
The employees sing an ode to the part of the
day they look forward to most.
If I cant take my coffee break,
My coffee break, my coffee break,
If I cant take my coffee break,
Something within me dies
Lies down and something within me dies!
If I cant make three daily trips
Where shining shrine benignly drips,
And taste cardboard between my lips,
Something within me dies
Lies down and something within me dies.
From “Been a Long Day”
In this number, Rosemarys friend
Smitty, another secretary, stands
between Rosemary and Finch,
observing their budding romance.
She interprets the awkward silence
as they wait for the elevator at the
end of the day.
SMITTY: Now shes thinking:
ROSEMARY: I wonder if we take
the same bus
SMITTY: And hes thinking:
FINCH: There could be quite a
thing between us
SMITTY: Now shes thinking:
ROSEMARY: He really is a dear.
SMITTY: And hes thinking:
FINCH: But what of my career?
SMITTY: Then she says:
ROSEMARY: [yawn]
SMITTY: And he says:
FINCH: [spoken] Er, uh, well, its
been a long day.
ALL: [sung] Well, it’s been a long,
Been a long,
Been a long,
Been a long
The show won six Tony
Awards (including
Best Musical) and the
Pulitzer Prize. It was
revived on Broadway
in 1995 starring
Matthew Broderick
(Ferris Bueller’s Day
and Megan
(Will &
Now You Know
The story and the
non-musical portion
(dialogue, stage directions)
of a musical.
26 2
Wonderful Copenhagen:
Lyrics from Hans Christian Andersen
Section 2: The Brotherhood of Man
Frank Loesser wrote the songs for
a film version of the life of Hans
Christian Andersen, the author of
stories such as “The Ugly
Duckling,” “The Little
Mermaid,” and “The Princess
and the Pea.” Many of Loesser’s
songs are Andersens stories set to
music. In the beginning of the
film, the audience is warned that
the story is a fairy tale, just like
the ones Andersen wrote. Much
of the film is a fictionalized
version of his life.
Hans Christian Andersen is a cobbler in a small town in
Denmark who likes to tell stories. When the villagers run him
out of town, he travels to the capital city of Copenhagen. There
he falls in love with a ballerina when he becomes the Royal
Danish Ballets cobbler. He writes her the story of “The Little
Mermaid” to win her heart, but when she does not return the
feelings, he returns to his tiny town to continue telling stories to
From “Thumbelina”
Hans Christian Andersen spends the night in a city jail upon
arriving in Copenhagen, and spots a little girl outside his
window. To cheer her up, he sings this song. He uses his thumb
as a puppet and wraps it in a cloth to make a dress.
Though youre no bigger than my thumb,
Than my thumb,
Than my thumb,
Sweet Thumbelina, dont be glum.
Now, now, now!
Ah, ah, ah!
Come, come, come!
Thumbelina, Thumbelina, tiny little thing,
Thumbelina, dance! Thumbelina sing!
Oh, Thumbelina, whats the difference,
If youre very small?
When your heart is full of love,
Youre nine feet tall!
Try this...
Truth vs.
Moss Hart wrote the screenplay for the
movie, and acknowledged that it was a
fairy tale” version of Andersens life.
How much of the movie is true?
Research the life of Hans Christian
Andersen. Create a biography for him,
and then watch the film. What parts
did Moss Hart make up? Which parts
are true?
Try this...
You can make a Thumbelina too! Draw a
face on your thumb, and wrap it in a small
piece of cloth. By wiggling your finger, you
can make your thumb puppet dance and
sing. Name your puppet and come up with
a special voice for it. Introduce it to a
friend’s puppet. Create a short play for your
puppets to perform.
From “The Ugly Duckling”
Biographers speculate that Hans Christian
Andersen wrote the story “The Ugly Duckling”
about himself, since he often felt left out in the
same way as the duckling. However, in the film,
Danny Kaye sings this song to cheer up a young
boy who is bullied by his schoolmates.
There once was an ugly duckling
With feathers all stubby and brown,
And the other birds,
In so many words, said
“(Quack!) Get out of town.
(Quack!) Get out,
(Quack! Quack!) Get out,
(Quack! Quack!) Get out of town.”
And he went with a quack
And a waddle and a quack
In a flurry of eiderdown.
From “The King’s New Clothes”
Frank Loesser based this song on Andersens story “The
Emperors New Clothes.” Many years ago there lived an
emperor who was quite an average fairy tale ruler, with
one exception: he cared much about his clothes. One day
he heard from two swindlers that they could make the
finest suit of clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This
cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was
invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for
his position. The emperor then allowed himself to be
dressed in the clothes for a procession through town,
never admitting that he was too unfit and stupid to see
what he was wearing. Frank Loesser knew some peo-
ple….He knew some people might criticize him for
using the wor
d king instead of emper
or in the song.
When the film premiered, he told the Boston Herald:
“When you get home tonight, you try to make up a
song with the wor
d emperor in it, and then y
’ll see
why I had to use the word king instead.”
The song tells the story, and in this verse, the king
tells his kingdom about his new suit:
The suit of clothes is altogether,
But altogether, it’s altogether
The most remarkable suit of clothes
A tailor ev
er made.
w quickly put it all together
With gloves of leather
And hat and feather—
s altogether
The thing to wear in Saturdays parade
Leading the R
oyal Brigade!
When the little boy, who hadnt heard about the
s magic suit, sees him without any clothes, he
sings the follo
“Look at the king! Look at the king!
Look at the king, the king, the king!
The king is in the altogether,
But altogether, the altogether.
Hes altogether as naked as
The day that he was born.
The king is in the altogether,
But altogether, the altogether—
It’s altogether the v
ery least
The king has ever worn.”
Traveling Light:
Loesser Facts
Franks older brother,
Arthur, was a child
prodigy at the piano, and eventually became the head of the
piano department at the Cleveland Institute of Music. He was
a highly regarded pianist, critic, and musicologist, who often
had disagreements about music with his brother, Frank.
Arthur wrote about his brothers music, often criticizing it for
its popularity. Even though they didnt agree about many
things, Arthur and Frank always showed they loved each other.
Frank Loesser followed in the
path of songwriter Irving Berlin,
who kept control of his work by
publishing his own songs. He
formed Susan Publications
(named after his daughter) in
1948, and then the Frank Music
Corp. in 1950. The company
thrived, and Frank Loesser is
often credited with helping many
songwriters launch their careers.
He published songs by Richard
Adler and J
erry Ross, who wrote
Damn Yankees and Meredith
Willson, who wrote
The Music
Other musicals written by Frank
Loesser include
Pleasures and Palaces, and Senor
Discretion Himself.
Tony Awards
Winner, Best Musical: Guys and Dolls, 1951
Winner, Best Musical, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, 1962
Nominee, Best Musical,
The Most Happy Fella, 1957
Nominee, Best Composer, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, 1962
Academy Awards
Winner, Best Song, “Baby, Its Cold Outside” from Neptunes Daughter, 1950
Nominee, Best Song, “Dolores” from Las Vegas Nights, 1941
Nominee, Best Song, “Theyre Either Too Young or Too Old” from
Thank Your Lucky Stars, 1944
Nominee, Best Song, “I Wish I Didnt Love You So” from The Perils of Pauline, 1948
Nominee, Best Song, “Thumbelina” from
Hans Christian Andersen, 1952
Pulitzer Prize
Winner, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, 1962
Praise the Lord and Pass The Ammunition
The second song for which Frank Loesser wrote both the
words and lyrics became one of the most famous songs of
World War II. “Praise the Lord and Pass The Ammunition
was so popular, the Army asked radio stations not to play it
more than once every four hours.
Yes, the sky pilot said it.
Youve got to give him credit,
For a son-of-a-gun of a gunner was he,
Shouting “Praise the Lord, were on a mighty mission!”
“Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition,
And we’ll all stay free!”
3. 4.
13. 14.
25. 26.
2. Frank wrote his first published song with this
5. She sang a lament in
Guys and Dolls.
7. A song that through widely repeated performance
has become part of the jazz repertoire.
8. Restaging a play at a later date.
The music written for a film or play.
“Praise the Lord and P
ass the _________.”
15. Frank Loesser won this award for “How To
16. “How to Succeed in ______ Without Really
21. This is the first song many piano students learn to
A production made up of sketches, dance numbers
and songs.
27. The music publishing corridor in New York City.
Frank Loesser won two of these awards, but was
nominated for four.
29. Frank Loesser taught himself to play this
30. Danish city to which Hans Christian Andersen
This song, about a mathematical animal, is a
contrapuntal duet from Hans Christian Andersen.
32. A type of song combining two or more melodies
so that they inter
twine while r
etaining their
1. The job of the singer of “Ooh, My Feet” in The
Most Happy Fella.
3. The Most Happy ____.
4. The unusual place where Frank Loesser wrote his
6. Frank Loesser’s older brother.
9. A type of song in counterpoint: “_____ for
12. A finger puppet made by Hans Christian
A type of comic play with fast shifts in action and
14. The nickname for the Academy Award.
17. Loesser's collaborator for “They're Either Too
Young or Too Old.”
rank Loesser
s birthplace.
19. Mrs. Jo ________ Loesser, Frank Loessers second
The person who writes the wor
ds to songs
24. Frank Loesser asked auditioning singers to scream
this wor
25. “I Wish I Were______.”
26. Frank Loesser also started his own music _____
28. The author of the short stories on which
Guys and
is based.
32. “On A Slow Boat To _____.”
Now that youve had a chance to read through and try the exercises in this book, review the glossary terms and
try to complete the puzzle! Have fun!
Need help?
Answers can be found on page 34.
32 3
About the Foundation
The Johnny Mercer Foundation believes that preservation of
American Popular Song is vital to the future of our children and our
nation. Since 2002, the Foundations most passionate commitment has
been the initiation of
Accentuate The Positive a national campaign
introducing elementary school students to our Great American
This ambitious program delivers a message to a new generation that is
at the heart of Johnny Mercers work, encouraging a new way of
thinking while illustrating how these classic songs are as
relevant today as when they were first written decades
Accentuate The Positive has offered thousands
of students an opportunity to learn about Popular
American Song through in-school workshops, student
activity guide, and educational events. Utilizing the
songs of Johnny Mercer and his incredible roster of
collaborators, the program curriculum illustrates how
these songs stand the test of time, while focusing on
creating a new way of thinking in the classroom.
Working with professional teaching artists and
LyricNOTES™, the specially designed series of
educational guides, elementary students learn how a
song is born and how music and lyrics are conceived
and written, while classroom teachers fulfill National
Standards in Education.
Accentuate The Positive workshops are
available to communities across the country. For
more information, please call (212) 575-2929.
The Johnny Mercer Foundation
Loesser Lyrics
From “Hello, Mom” Army Show (1943)
Hello Mom, I thought I’d phone tonight.
Gee, I’ve got so much to tell!
I passed my solo flight,
Yeah, they say I’m doing swell.
Gee, I wish that you were here to see!
Listen, Mom, remember Sally Lou,
The girl who lives next door?
Could you find out exactly who
Shes really waiting for?
I kinda sorta hope it’s me.
Sure, Mom, the food is mighty good,
And lately we got a raise in pay.
Oh, listen, those bonds that youre buying,
Theyre sure keeping us flying,
Makes the whole darn thing okay.
So long, Mom, I do a lot of things you really dont expect.
I hope that Dad wont mind I called collect,
But I just had to say
Hello, Mom.
From “On a Slow Boat to China” (1948)
I’d love to get you
On a slow boat to China,
All to myself, alone.
Get you and keep you
In my arms evermore,
Leave all your lovers
Weeping on the faraway shore.
Out on the briny
With a moon big and shiny,
Melting your heart of stone.
I’d love to get you
On a slow boat to China,
All to myself alone.
From “Bloop, Bleep” (1947)
Bloop, bleep, bloop, bleep, bloop, bleep,
The faucet keeps a-dripping and I cant sleep.
Bleep, bloop, bleep, bloop, bleep, bloop,
I guess I never should have ordered clam soup.
Bloop, bleep, bloop, bleep, bloop, bleep,
I wonder where to go to buy a car cheap.
Bleep, bloop, bleep, bloop, bleep, bloop,
What is it with the babe next door?
From “What Are You Doing
New Year’s Eve” (1947)
Maybe its much too early in the game,
Ah, but I thought I’d ask you just the same,
What are you doing N
ew Year’s, New Year’s Eve?
Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight
When it’s exactly twelve o’clock at night,
Welcoming in the new year, New Years Eve?
Maybe I’m crazy to suppose
I’d ever be the one you chose
ut of the thousand invitations y
’ll receive,
Ah, but in case I stand one little chance,
Here comes the jackpot question in advance:
What are you doing New Year’s,
s Eve?
From “Never Will I Marry” (1960)
o burdens to bear,
o conscience nor car
No memries to mourn,
o tur
ning, for I was
Born to wander solitary,
Wide my world, narrow my bed.
Never, never, never will I marry,
Born to wander till I’m dead.
& Doodles
& Doodles
Kimball, Robert and Steve Nelson, eds. The
Complete Lyrics of Frank Loesser.
Alfred A. Knopf,
Loesser, Frank.
The Frank Loesser Songbook. Hal
Leonard, 1994.
Loesser, Susan. A Most Remarkable Fella: Frank
Loesser and the Guys and Dolls in His Life.
Leonard, 1993.
Movies Featuring the Music of
Frank Loesser
American Graffiti starring Ron Howard and Richard
Dreyfuss and directed by George Lucas, 1973.
Released by Universal Pictures. Rated PG. (“Heart
and Soul”)
Artificial Intelligence: AI directed by Steven Speilberg,
2001. Released by Warner Bros. Rated PG-13.
(“Guys and Dolls”)
Big starring Tom Hanks and directed by Penny
Marshall, 1988. Released by 20th Century Fox.
Rated PG. (“Heart and Soul”)
Elf starring Will Ferrell and directed by Jon Favreau,
2003. Released by New Line Cinema. Rated PG.
(“Baby, It’s Cold Outside”)
Guys and Dolls starring Frank Sinatra and Marlon
Brando and directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz,
1955. Released by MGM.
Hans Christian Andersen starring Danny Kaye and
directed by Charles Vidor, 1952. Released by RKO
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying star-
ring Robert Morse and directed by David Swift,
1967. Released by United Artists.
Mrs. Doubtfire starring Robin Williams and directed
by Chris Columbus, 1993. Released by 20th
Century Fox. Rated PG-13. (“Luck Be a Lady”)
Payback starring Mel Gibson and directed by Brian
Helgeland, 1999. Released by Paramount Pictures.
Rated R. (“Luck Be a Lady”)
Superman Returns directed by Bryan Singer, 2006.
Released by Warner Bros. Pictures. Rated PG-13.
(“Heart and Soul”).
Web Sites
The official site to learn more about the life and work
of Frank Loesser.
You can look up Frank Loesser at The Songwriters Hall
of Fame.
Learn more about the American Songbook and its
preservation at this Web site published by The Johnny
Mercer Foundation.
More I Cannot Wish You
A Camp Broadway LLC Publication
Editors: Lesley Mazzotta, Marcie Sturiale, Philip Katz
Writer: Stephanie Lash Kilpatrick
Art Director: Joseph M. Pisarchick
Special Thanks: Joseph Weiss, Jo Loesser