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Joanna A. Doe, Pharm.D., BCPS
4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, MD 20814
Email: Jo[email protected] Phone: (123)456-7890
Generic University July 1993 to June 1994
College of Pharmacy, City, State
Doctor of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice Residency July 1982 to June 1983
ASHP Accredited
Institution, City, State
Residency Program Director
Undergraduate University Sept 1977 to June 1982
College of XYZ, City, State
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (#5678) July 2013 to Present
State Registered Pharmacist (#123456789) June 1982 to Present
Advanced Cardiac Life Support July 1982 to Present
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Infectious Disease July 1985 to Present
Institution, City, State
Unique activities and skills with action words
Inpatient Clinical Pharmacist July 1984 to June 1985
Institution, City, State
Unique activities with action words
Inpatient Pharmacy Intern May 1980 to June 1982
Institution, City, State
Unique activities and skills with action words
Community Pharmacy Intern Oct 1979 to May 1980
Institution, City, State
Unique activities with action words
Commented [ASHP NPF1]: Ensure that your email is
updated as you progress in your career. Use a
personal email if you prefer but make sure it has a
professional name.
Commented [ASHP NPF2]: May also consider adding
a link to online professional profile (i.e. LinkedIn) if you
would like the potential employer to view this.
Commented [ASHP NPF3]: Consider adding additional
qualifications to this section such as foreign language
fluency, as this may resonate well depending on the
location of the job.
Commented [ASHP NPF4]: For the seasoned
practitioner, remove residency rotations from the CV, if
they were previously listed.
Commented [ASHP NPF6]: Consider removing your
internship experiences if it no longer pertains to your
career goals or showcases a unique experience. See
example below.
Commented [ASHP NPF5]: If you have been a
residency program director, you may place that
information in this category.
Commented [ASHP NPF7]: If you have substantial
projects that would not be considered research or
presentations (e.g. starting an antimicrobial
stewardship program), consider listing those within the
description of your position or creating a separate
selected projects’ section of your CV. See example
further down in this CV.
Commented [ASHP NPF8]: Action words should be in
past tense, as these activities have already occurred.
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Project C June 2018 to May Present
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Co-investigators: List names, Pharm.D.
Project B Sept 1990 to Apr 1992
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Advisors: List names, Pharm.D.
Project A Aug 1982 to June 1983
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Advisors/Co-investigators: List names, Pharm.D.
Infectious Disease: Presentation Name Sept 2010 to Present
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Infectious Disease: Presentation Name Sept 2010 to Present
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Preceptor, Inpatient Infectious Disease Rotation July 2005 to Present
Post Graduate Year 1 (PGY1) Residents & APPE Students
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Presentation Name Mar 2016
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Course Coordinator: Name, Pharm.D.
Continuing Education: Presentation Name Jan 2016
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Course Coordinator: Name, Pharm.D.
Preceptor, Inpatient General Medicine Rotation Sept 1984 to June 1985
Post Graduate Year 1 (PGY1) Residents & APPE Students
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Commented [ASHP NPF9]: Consider rearranging the
order of the sections within your CV. Expand on select
experiences based on the position you are applying for.
Commented [ASHP NPF10]: If updating your CV for a
position where research is less emphasized, move this
section further down the CV. Remember, the CV can
be re-organized and modified to highlight what is
important for the new position.
Commented [ASHP NPF11]: At this point in your
career, you can remove research that is no longer
pertinent (e.g. student research experience).
Commented [ASHP NPF12]: Components of your
teaching certificate would go in this section but the
actual certificate should be listed in “Certificates”.
Commented [ASHP NPF13]: This section may also be
further sub-divided based on the type of teaching
experiences (Lecturer, Continuing Education,
Experiential Experiences, etc.)
Commented [ASHP NPF14]: You may consider
including the number of students/residents that you
precept on an annual basis.
Commented [ASHP NPF15]: Consider removing
student and resident experiences as you progress in
your career.
Commented [ASHP NPF16]: Continuing Education
(CE) could be Teaching Experiences or Presentations,
though not both.
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Doe JA, Meyer OA, Wayne BA. Publication title. Journal. 2017;4(12):123-7
Doe JA, Pippin SJ. Publication title. Journal. 2011;3(10):73-8
Pippin SJ, Doe JA. Publication title. Journal. 2010;5(6): 10-15
Pippin SJ, Doe JA. Publication title. Journal. 2005;2(1): 25-34
Doe JA, Pippin SJ. Publication title. Journal. 2001;9(11): 165-81
Doe JA, Meyer OA, Wayne BA. Poster title. American Society of Health-System
Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Orlando, Florida. December 2016.
Pippin SJ, Doe JA. Poster title. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Midyear Clinical Meeting, Anaheim, California. December 2010.
Doe JA. Poster title. Annual State Pharmacy Society Meeting. October 2005.
Doe JA. Poster title. Annual State Pharmacy Society Meeting. October 2000.
Doe JA. Newsletter article title. The Hospital Monthly Newsletter. November 2016
Doe JA. Newsletter article title. The Hospital Monthly Newsletter. May 2016
Doe JA. Newsletter article title. The Hospital Monthly Newsletter. January 2015
Doe JA. Newsletter article title. The Hospital Monthly Newsletter. November 2014
Doe JA. Newsletter article title. The Hospital Monthly Newsletter. January 2014
Doe JA. Newsletter article title. The Hospital Monthly Newsletter. May 2013
Doe JA. Newsletter article title. The Hospital Monthly Newsletter. November 2012
Doe JA. Newsletter article title. The Hospital Monthly Newsletter. January 2011
Doe JA. Newsletter article title. The Hospital Monthly Newsletter. May 2010
Commented [ASHP NPF17]: Publications include not
only journal articles, but also articles in a newsletter or
website article.
Commented [ASHP NPF18]: The subtitles within this
section over time may also become more detailed and
could for example include: Continuing Education
Publications, Textbook Publications, Peer-Reviewed
Journal Publications, etc.
Commented [ASHP NPF19]: Bold where your name in
the authorship section.
Commented [ASHP NPF20]: Remember to remove
student posters and presentations that are no longer
Commented [ASHP NPF21]: Ensure newsletters listed
on the CV are relevant. Avoid adding fluff to the CV.
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“Presentation C” Feb 2018
ACPE accredited formal presentation to specific health care professionals;
National Conference. Institution, City, State.
“Presentation B” Nov 2016
ACPE accredited formal presentation to specific health care professionals;
State Regional Conference. Institution, City, State.
“Presentation A” May 2015
ACPE accredited formal presentation to specific health care professionals;
State Regional Conference. Institution, City, State.
“Presentation E” Jan 2012
ACPE accredited formal presentation to specific health care professionals;
State Regional Conference. Institution, City, State.
“Presentation B” May 2010
ACPE accredited formal presentation to specific health care professionals;
State Regional Conference. Institution, City, State.
Presentation A Nov 2018
Formal presentation to health care professionals at the city’s Free Clinic.
Free Clinic, City, State
Presentation B Jan 2016
Formal presentation to health care professionals at the Healthcare System.
Generic Institution, City, State
Presentation C May 2013
Formal presentation to health care professionals at the Healthcare System.
Generic Institution, City, State
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists July 2018 to Present
Section Advisory Group on Clinical Leadership
Activities/duties with action words
Workplace Committee July 1999 to Present
Committee Member
Activities/duties with action words
Commented [ASHP NPF22]: Consider removing
presentations that were completed 10 years ago.
Commented [ASHP NPF23]: It may be appropriate to
remove presentations completed as a student and
during your residency. This section may even be
combined with the “Regional and State Presentations”.
As time goes by, the items on your CV should match
the position you are applying for.
Commented [ASHP NPF25]: Undergraduate
leadership experiences were removed from PGY2 CV,
as leadership experiences from residency and
pharmacy school are more relevant.
Commented [ASHP NPF24]: If you have a significant
number of leadership experiences, consider splitting
them into separate categories (i.e.
Commented [ASHP NPF26R25]: Additionally, for a
seasoned practitioner, pharmacy school and residency
leadership experience may also be no longer relevant.
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Workplace Committee July 1986 to June 1999
Committee Chair
Activities/duties with action words
Workplace Committee July 1984 to June 1985
Committee Chair
Activities/duties with action words
Generic PGY1 Residency Program Aug 1982 to June 1983
Chief Pharmacy Resident
Activities/duties with action words
Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties July 2013 to Present
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists July 1982 to Present
State Pharmacy Organization July 1982 to Present
P1 Pharmacy Mentor Aug 2018 to Present
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Undergraduate Mentor Aug 2011 to May 2018
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Community Service Volunteer June 2010
Generic Community Service Association/Institution, City, State
Preceptor for Antibiotic Awareness Outreach Oct 2005 to Present
Generic University/Institution, City, State
Preceptor of the Year Award June 2018
Health System Leadership Award Apr 2015
Rho Chi (Pharmaceutical Honor Society) Inducted June 1980
Available upon request
Commented [ASHP NPF27]: If the end of a page
breaks up a section, indicate the title of the section
followed by (Continued) to indicate it is a continuation
of that section.
Commented [ASHP NPF28]: Consider leaving items
that would showcase experiences for the job you are
applying for. (i.e. if you are applying for a medication
safety position, consider adding back in "Chair of
Medication Safety Committee").
Commented [ASHP NPF29]: Community service will
remain important throughout your career so continue to
seek current involvement and consider removing
previous involvement over 10 years old.
Commented [ASHP NPF30]: Undergraduate
experiences should be removed.
Commented [ASHP NPF31]: If the honor/award is not
widely understood, consider including a one line
description of the criteria or qualifications.
Commented [ASHP NPF32]: Consider removing
undergraduate and pharmacy school honors and