Document Version: 2022.2 – 2021-11-30
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction................................................................3
2 Web Components............................................................4
3 Restrictions................................................................5
4 Hosting Custom Widgets......................................................6
5 Quickstart - Creating a New Custom Widget........................................7
5.1 Getting a Sample Custom Widget..................................................7
5.2 Modifying the Sample Custom Widget..............................................8
5.3 Adding a Custom Widget to Analytics Designer........................................9
5.4 Removing the Custom Widget from Analytics Designer..................................10
6 Custom Widgets............................................................11
6.1 Custom Widget JSON Reference..................................................11
6.2 Web Component JavaScript.....................................................24
Using Script API Data Types in JavaScript Functions.................................32
Importing Script API Data Types with Type Libraries.................................33
6.3 Styling Panel............................................................... 33
6.4 Builder Panel...............................................................34
7 A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box.......................................... 35
7.1 Custom Widget JSON.........................................................35
7.2 Web Component JavaScript.................................................... 39
7.3 Web Component JavaScript of the Styling Panel...................................... 44
7.4 Web Component JavaScript of the Builder Panel......................................48
8 Custom Widgets on Mobile Devices............................................. 53
9 Best Practices............................................................. 55
9.1 Dispatching a Property Change..................................................55
9.2 Calling Methods of Passed Objects of Script API Types..................................56
9.3 Implementing Property Setter and Getter Methods Consistently...........................57
9.4 Returning Arguments by Value and by Reference ..................................... 59
9.5 Custom Types..............................................................60
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
1 Introduction
The SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget framework lets you extend the predened set of widgets provided by
analytics designer with your own custom widgets.
This is very useful, for example, if you need a specic user interface element, a particular visualization of data,
or a certain functionality in your analytic application that is not provided by the predened set of widgets.
Custom widgets seamlessly integrate into SAP Analytics Cloud, analytics designer. Like any other predened
widget, a custom widget provides the following capabilities:
It is listed in the widget menu list from where you can add it to the canvas.
It can be moved and resized on the canvas.
It appears in the widget outline.
It can contribute script methods to the analytics designer script language.
It can provide areas in analytics designer where you can set property values of the custom widget at design
time (Styling Panel and Builder Panel).
Custom widgets are technically a simple set of les. The most basic custom widget consists of simply a JSON
le and a JavaScript le. More complex custom widgets add more les to this (JavaScript les, CSS les,
images, and so on).
To create custom widgets, you don’t need special software. At the beginning, a simple text editor will do.
However, when your custom widgets get more complex, a good JavaScript text editor will make your
development eorts easier.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
2 Web Components
Custom widgets are implemented as Web Components.
The basic idea of Web Components is to provide custom HTML elements (so-called custom elements) in the
HTML DOM (Document Object Model) of a web page that do not interfere with the rest of the HTML DOM. In
fact, rendering and styling of custom elements is strictly isolated from the remaining HTML DOM. This is
achieved by separating a custom element’s HTML DOM from the HTML DOM of the web page in a shadow
Web Components are made of HTML, CSS (optional), and JavaScript.
This document doesn’t assume any prior knowledge of Web Components. It explains the relevant ideas and
details of Web Components in the text, along with sample code.
For more information on Web Components, see the Mozilla MDN web docs on Web Components.
The sample code in this document is based on ECMAScript 2015.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Web Components
3 Restrictions
There are restrictions for custom widgets that you should take into account.
Custom widgets currently have the following restrictions:
Custom widgets work in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (version 79 and higher) only.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
4 Hosting Custom Widgets
From a hosting point of view, a custom widget consists of two types of les: the custom widget JSON le
(explained in more detail in a later section) and the resource les.
The custom widget JSON le contains the metadata of a custom widget. It denes all the ingredients of a
custom widget and references its resource les by their URLs.
The resource les are all the les of the custom widget that make it work properly, for example, JavaScript les,
CSS les, HTML les, image les, and so on.
To host a custom widget, you need two locations on which these les are distributed:
An SAP Analytics Cloud instance, on which you upload the custom widget JSON le of the custom widget
(see chapter Adding a Custom Widget to Analytics Designer [page 9]).
An HTTP Web server with HTTPS enabled, on which you upload the resource les. The Web server acts as a
simple repository of the resource les. The resource les are static, they aren’t processed or executed on
the Web server. Recall that the custom widget JSON contains URL references that point to these resource
When a custom widget is rendered in a Web browser, the Custom Widget framework passes the URL of a
resource le referenced in the custom widget JSON to the browser. The browser requests that resource le
from the Web server. The Custom Widget framework poses no specic demands on the Web server in so far as
a resource le should simply be served to any browser that requests the resource le by the appropriate URL.
The Custom Widget framework doesn’t provide any authentication or authorization capabilities, session cookie
support, and so on.
The resource les of a custom widget are requested from the Web server both while creating an analytic
application containing this custom widget in analytics designer (design time) and while running the analytic
application containing this custom widget in the browser (runtime). Of course, any resource le related to the
Builder and Styling Panel of a custom widget is requested only at design time.
The Web server can be either a public or a private (that is, company internal) Web server, as long as it serves
the resource les as requested from a browser by the appropriate URL. A private Web server can be reached
only from within the company and is useful for internal development of custom widgets. For internal
development, you can run, for example, an Apache Web server or a node.js server with the module “http-
server” on your local development system.
The SAP Analytics Cloud instance never connects to the Web server to request resource les. It is
always the browser that requests resource les.
When you save an analytic application in analytics designer on the SAP Analytics Cloud instance, only a
reference to the custom widget is saved with the analytic application. Specically, it is a reference to
the custom widget JSON of the custom widget on the SAP Analytics Cloud instance. Analytic
applications never store resource les of custom widgets with them.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Hosting Custom Widgets
5 Quickstart - Creating a New Custom
To create your own custom widget, copy a simple sample custom widget, modify it, and add it to the analytics
You need a web server that hosts the resources of your custom widget (JavaScript les, CSS les, images, and
so on) (see chapter Hosting Custom Widgets [page 6] for more information). In the samples below, let’s
assume that your custom widget resources are hosted on:
5.1 Getting a Sample Custom Widget
To create a simple sample custom widget as a starting point, create a folder coloredbox and place the
following les into it:
coloredbox.json (nd the source code in chapter Custom Widget JSON [page 35])
coloredbox.js (nd the source code in chapter Web Component JavaScript [page 39])
coloredbox_styling.js (nd the source code in chapter Web Component JavaScript of the Styling
Panel [page 44])
coloredbox_builder.js (nd the source code in chapter Web Component JavaScript of the Builder
Panel [page 48])
icon.png (any 16 x 16 pixel icon will do)
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Quickstart - Creating a New Custom Widget
5.2 Modifying the Sample Custom Widget
Modify the sample Colored Box custom widget to the Box custom widget in the following steps:
1. Rename the le coloredbox.json to box.json.
2. In the le box.json, edit the following property values:
JSON Property Name
Old JSON Property Value New JSON Property Value
id "
name "Colored Box" "Box"
newInstancePrefix "ColoredBox" "Box"
icon "https://.../icon.png" "
vendor "SAP" "Sample"
tag "com-sap-sample-
url "https://.../
tag "com-sap-sample-
url "https://.../
tag "com-sap-sample-
url "https://.../
description "Called when the user
clicks the Colored Box."
"Called when the user
clicks the Box."
3. Rename the le coloredbox.js to box.js.
4. In the le box.js, edit the following locations:
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Quickstart - Creating a New Custom Widget
Old Text New Text
class ColoredBox extends class Box extends
coloredbox", ColoredBox);
5. Rename the le coloredbox_styling.js to box_styling.js.
6. In the le box_styling.js, rename the following locations:
Old Text
New Text
<legend>Colored Box Properties</legend> <legend>Box Properties</legend>
class ColoredBoxStylingPanel extends class BoxStylingPanel extends
styling", BoxStylingPanel);
7. Rename the le coloredbox_builder.js to box_builder.js.
8. In the le box_builder.js, rename the following locations:
Old Text
New Text
<legend>Colored Box Properties</legend> <legend>Box Properties</legend>
class ColoredBoxBuilderPanel extends class BoxBuilderPanel extends
builder", BoxBuilderPanel);
9. On your web server, create a folder box which can be reached with this URL:
10. Upload the les box.js, box_styling.js, box_builder.js and icon.png to your web server to folder
5.3 Adding a Custom Widget to Analytics Designer
To add a custom widget to SAP Analytics Cloud, analytics designer, follow these steps:
Please note that you need the appropriate permission to create and upload custom widgets. For more
information, please see chapter “Standard Application Roles” in SAP Analytics Cloud help on SAP Help Portal
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Quickstart - Creating a New Custom Widget
1. On the Analytic Applications start page, choose the Custom Widgets tab.
2. Click the Create toolbar icon.
3. In the Upload File dialog, click the Select File button.
4. Select the custom widget le, for example box.json.
5. Create a new analytic application. The custom widget is listed in the widget list of the dropdown menu of
the Add menu ( ) in analytics designer.
Next Steps
You can add multiple major versions of a custom widget to analytics designer.
Every custom widget has a version number in the format majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion, for
example, 1.0.0. You can add custom widgets with dierent major versions side-by-side to analytics designer,
for example, versions 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 of a custom widget.
When you add a custom widget that diers in the minor version with one present in analytics designer, then the
added version replaces the present version. For example, if a custom widget of version 1.5.0 is present in
analytics designer, then adding either version 1.4.0 or 1.6.0 replaces version 1.5.0.
5.4 Removing the Custom Widget from Analytics Designer
To remove the custom widget from analytics designer, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Main Menu Browse Custom Widgets .
2. Select Box.
3. Click the Delete toolbar icon (trashcan).
4. Conrm the deletion.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Quickstart - Creating a New Custom Widget
6 Custom Widgets
A custom widget consists of the following les:
Required/Optional Description
Custom widget JSON Required Denes the custom widget
Web Component JavaScript Required Implements the custom element of the
custom widget (Web Component)
Web Component JavaScript of Styling
Optional Implements the custom element of the
Styling Panel of the custom widget
(Web Component)
Web Component JavaScript of Builder
Optional Implements the custom element of the
Builder Panel of the custom widget
(Web Component)
Icon Optional Represents the custom widget’s icon
(16 x 16 pixels)
More les... Optional More les (JavaScript, CSS, images,
and so on) depending on the imple
mented custom widget
The following sections explain these les in detail.
6.1 Custom Widget JSON Reference
The custom widget JSON le species the custom widget.
The following sections explain the valid properties of the custom widget JSON. Any other properties present in
a custom widget JSON render it invalid
Root Object
The root object of the custom widget JSON species the custom widget. Its JSON properties are:
Required/Optional Type Description
Required string Unique ID of the custom
widget, for example,
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Property Required/Optional Type Description
Required string Version of the custom
widget, for example,
Required string Name of the custom widget,
for example,
Optional string Description of the custom
widget, which is used, for ex
ample, in tooltips
Required string Prex of a new custom
widget instance in analytics
, for example,
Optional string URL of the custom widget’s
icon (16 x 16 pixels).
You can also use a Data-
URL. A Data-URL lets
you include a resource
directly into the custom
widget JSON that would
be otherwise requested
via the network.
Optional string Vendor string
Optional string End-user license agreement
Optional string License text
Required Array of Webcomponent ob
Web components of the cus
tom widget (see section be
Required Properties object
Properties of the custom
(see section below)
Required Methods object
Methods of the custom
widget (see section below)
Required Events object
Events of the custom widget
(see section below)
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Property Required/Optional Type Description
Optional Array of string
Type libraries used by the
custom widget (see chapter
Importing Script API Data
Types with Type Libraries
[page 33])
Optional Boolean
Indicates whether the cus
tom widget is rendered on
mobile devices.
If false, then the custom
widget is replaced in an ana
lytic application on a mobile
device by a placeholder with
a message explaining that
the custom widget doesn’t
run on a mobile device. See
Custom Widgets on Mobile
Devices [page
53] for more
Possible values are:
Optional Types object Custom types of the custom
widget. You can dene your
own data structures and enu
merations here.
Webcomponent Object
A Webcomponent object species one Web Component of a custom widget. Its JSON properties are:
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Property Required/Optional Type Description
Required string
What kind of component this
Web Component represents.
Possible values are:
"main" (the actual
custom widget)
"styling" (the Styl
ing Panel of the custom
"builder" (the
Builder Panel of the cus
tom widget)
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Property Required/Optional Type Description
Required string Unique name of the custom
element (its HTML tag name)
of this Web Component.
The unique name must
contain at least one hy
phen (-) to dierentiate a
custom element from
regular HTML elements.
Take the custom widget
ID and replace all dots (.)
with hyphens (-) to cre
ate a unique name for
the custom element. For
example, turn the cus
tom widget ID
coloredbox" into the
unique name "com-
Append the major ver
sion number to the tag
name, for example,
coloredbox-1". This
avoids confusion be
tween multiple versions
of a custom widget that
have been added side-
by-side to analytics de
signer (see section Add
ing a Custom Widget to
Analytics Designer [page
Required string URL to the Web Component
JavaScript le
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Property Required/Optional Type Description
Optional string This property can help with
the modularization of your
JavaScript code.
For more information, see
the description of the type
attribute with the value
module in the Mozilla MDN
webdocs on the script ele
Required string String containing the hash
value of the Web Component
JavaScript le.
The hash value has the for
mat "hashAlgorithm-
hashValue", for example,
Web browsers support sev
eral hash algorithms. For
more information, see the
Mozilla MDN web docs on
Subresource Integrity.
To quickly obtain a hash
value add your custom
widget to analytics de
signer (setting the JSON
ignoreIntegrity to
false). This operation
fails, as expected, but
the browser console lists
the expected hash value.
Optional Boolean Indicates whether to ignore
the property
for example, during develop
ment of a custom widget.
Possible values are:
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Properties Object
A Properties object species the properties of a custom widget. Each JSON property name of a Properties
object is the name of a custom widget property. Its value is an object with the following JSON properties:
Required/Optional Type Description
Required string
Type of the custom widget
Possible values are, for exam
You can also use certain
script API data types.
For more information
see section Using Script
API Data Types in Java
Script Functions [page
You can also use simple
object types. For more
information see section
Simple Object Types.
Optional string Description of the custom
widget property
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Properties Required/Optional Type Description
Depends on type
Default value of the custom
widget property.
Possible values are one of the
following JavaScript types:
String, for example,
Number, for example, 1
Boolean, for example,
An array of string values,
for example, ["red",
An array of number val
ues, for example, [1,
2, 3]
An array of Boolean val
ues, for example,
[true, false,
When you modify a property that is an array in a script method (see section Methods Object), always
reassign the modied array to the property after the modication operation.
For example, your custom widget has a property listOfItems of type string[].To add a new item to this
array in a script method, follow this pattern: Create a helper reference to the array, add the item, then
reassign the helper reference to the array property, like this:
"body": "var list = this.listOfItems; list.push(newItem); this.listOfItems =
Methods Object
A Methods object species the script method of a custom widget. Each JSON property name of a Methods
object is the name of a custom widget script method. Its value is an object with the following JSON properties:
Required/Optional Type Description
Required string Description of the script
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Properties Required/Optional Type Description
Optional Array of Parameter objects Parameters of the script
method (see section below).
Omit this property if the
script method has no param
Optional string Implementation of the script
method expressed in the
analytics designer script lan
If you omit this property
then the Custom Widget
framework looks up and
calls a JavaScript func
tion of this name (a so-
called native JavaScript
function) in the Web
Component JavaScript
le whose property
kind has the value
"main". If you change a
custom widget property
in a native JavaScript
function, dispatch a
ed" custom event to no
tify the Custom Widget
framework of the
change. For a code ex
ample, see the section
Implementing Property
Setter and Getter Meth
ods Consistently [page
57]. Otherwise this may
lead to outdated prop
erty values when you re
trieve them in a script
Optional string Return type of the script
method. Omit this property if
the script method has no re
turn value.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Parameter Object
A Parameter object species one parameter of a script method of a custom widget. Its JSON properties are:
Required/Optional Type Description
Required string Name of the parameter
Required string Type of the parameter.
Possible values are, for exam
You can also use certain
script API data types.
For more information
see chapter Using Script
API Data Types in Java
Script Functions [page
32] .
You can also use simple
object types. For more
information see section
Simple Object Types.
Optional string Description of the parameter
Events Object
An Events object species the events of a custom widget. Each JSON property name of an Events object is the
name of a custom widget event. Its value is an object with the following JSON properties:
Required/Optional Type Description
Optional string Description of the event
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Types Object
A Types object species the custom types of a custom widget. Custom types can be either custom data
structures or custom enumerations. They can be used as types for properties, arguments, and return types of
methods inside the custom widget JSON. In the analytic application you can use custom types for global
variables, script object function arguments, and return types.
Each JSON property name of a Types object is the name of a custom type. Its value denes the custom type
proper (either a custom data structure or a custom enumeration).
To avoid clashes of custom type names, internally each custom type name is made unique by using a qualied
custom type name, which contains the custom widget ID. You don’t need to specify the qualied custom type
name in the types property section.
When you’re using custom type names in the Properties, Methods, and Parameter objects, they have
precedence over built-in type names.
For specifying a custom data structure, you can use the following JSON properties:
Required/Options Type Description
Optional string Description of the data struc
Optional string The data structure to extend.
You can extend your own
custom data structures, but
not custom enumerations
and simple types (
number, integer,
Optional Array of CustomTypeProp
erty objects
Properties of the data struc
ture (see section CustomTy
For specifying a custom enumeration type, you can use the following JSON properties:
Required/Options Type Description
Optional string Description of the enumera
Required string Possible value:
This marks the type as an
Required Array of CustomEnumValue
Values of the enumeration
(see section CustomEnum
For a sample of a Types object, see section Custom Types.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
A CustomTypeProperty object species one property of a custom type of a custom widget. Its JSON properties
Required/Optional Type Description
Required string Name of the property
Optional string Description of the type
Required string
The type of the property. This
can be a simple type
string, number,
integer, boolean), an
enumeration, or a type that
can be used as an argument
type or as an object expres
Types that can be used
as argument types or as
object expressions are
identied in the analytics
designer API Reference
(search on the SAP Help
Portal for SAP Analytics
Cloud Analytics Designer
API Reference Guide).
Types that can be used
as argument types are
listed with a round sym
bol containing a “T”.
Types that can be used
as object expressions
have the text can be
passed as a JSON object
to method arguments at
the top of their class
Optional boolean Denes this property as
mandatory. You must specify
this property when creating
instances of this type.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
A CustomEnumValue object species one value of a custom enumeration type of a custom widget. Its JSON
properties are:
Required/Optional Type Description
Required string Name of the enumeration
Optional string Description of the enumera
tion value
Simple Object Types
You can also specify a simple object type. In addition to simple types (string, number, integer, boolean),
script API data types, and arrays of these types, you can also specify a simple object type using the form
This type represents a JavaScript object with keys of type string and values of type <type>. For example, the
type object<string> represents a JavaScript object with keys of type string and values of type string.
The following example shows how to use an object of type object<Button>, which represents a JavaScript
object with keys of type string and values of type Button:
Custom Widget JSON
Sample Code
"properties": {
"buttons": {
"type": "object<Button>",
"description": "A collection of Button objects"
"methods": {
"putButton": {
"parameters": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"button": "button", "type": "Button"}
"body": "this.buttons[name] = button;",
"description": "Adds a Button object, using a name, to the
"getButton": {
"parameters": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"}
"returnType": "Button",
"body": "return this.buttons[name];",
"description": "Returns a Button object, using a name, from the
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Sample Analytics Designer Script
Sample Code
var button1 = BUTTON_1;
var button2 = BUTTON_2;
customWidget.put("b1", button1);
customWidget.put("b2", button2);
var button = customWidget.get("b2");
6.2 Web Component JavaScript
A custom widget is composed of one or more Web Components.
Each Web Component is implemented in a Web Component JavaScript le, which denes and registers a
custom element and implements the custom element’s JavaScript API.
For an example, see the section below that explains the Web Component JavaScript of the sample custom
widget Colored Box.
Web Component Lifecycle
During the lifetime of a custom widget, the Custom Widget framework calls specic JavaScript functions of the
Web Component in a dened order. You can implement these JavaScript functions to control the behavior of
the custom widget. See the next section for a detailed explanation of each of these functions.
When the custom widget is rendered for the rst time, the Custom Widget framework calls the following
sequence of JavaScript function on the custom widget:
1. constructor()
2. onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate()
3. Property setter functions, if present, to update the custom widget properties
4. onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate()
5. connectedCallback()
When the custom widget is updated, the Custom Widget framework executes the following sequence of
JavaScript function calls on the custom widget:
1. onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate()
2. Property setter functions, if present, to update the custom widget properties
3. onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate()
When the custom widget is removed from the canvas or the analytic application is closed, the Custom Widget
framework executes the following sequence of JavaScript function calls on the custom widget:
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
1. onCustomWidgetDestroy()
2. disconnectedCallback()
Function onCustomWidgetDestroy is not called on custom widgets when their visibility is set to false. It is
also not called when custom widgets are an invisible part of a container, for example, when in the non-
visible Tab of a TabStrip.
When the custom widget is resized on the canvas, the Custom Widget framework executes the following
JavaScript function call on the custom widget:
1. onCustomWidgetResize()
Dragging the Custom Widget on the Canvas:
At design time, when you are about to drag a custom widget on the canvas of analytics designer, the
custom widget is cloned to provide you an object to drag. Thus, the constructor of the custom widget is
called, as well as the connectedCallback and disconnectedCallback callbacks.
Web Component JavaScript API
The following table lists the JavaScript API of a Web Component of a custom widget.
Syntax Description
constructor constructor()
You can implement this function to exe
cute JavaScript code when the Web
Component is initialized, for example,
when the custom widget is added to the
canvas or the analytic application is
This function is the counterpart of
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Function Syntax Description
onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdat
You can implement this function to exe
cute JavaScript code before the proper
ties of the custom widget are updated.
The argument
oChangedProperties is a Java
Script object containing the changed
properties as key-value pairs. The key is
the name of the property, the value is
the changed value of the property.
When this function is called for the very
rst time by the Custom Widget frame
work, the full list of properties is passed
oChangedProperties. The
property value of a property is the de
fault value if dened in the custom
widget JSON or undefined other
For Web Components that imple
ment the actual custom widget
(with a value of kind="main" in
the custom widget JSON), some
more build-in properties are passed
in oChangedProperties in the
very rst call, in addition to the
properties dened in the custom
widget JSON:
Property Type
string Name of
the cus
runs in
the ana
lytics de
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Function Syntax Description
Property Type
name, for
this event
of the
has cur
rently an
script as
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Function Syntax Description
onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate(
You can implement this function to exe
cute JavaScript code after the proper
ties of the custom widget have been up
The argument
oChangedProperties is a Java
Script object containing the changed
properties as key-value pairs. The key is
the name of the property, the value is
the changed value of the property.
When this function is called for the very
rst time by the Custom Widget frame
work, the full list of properties is passed
in oChangedProperties. The
property value of a property is the de
fault value if dened in the custom
widget JSON or undened otherwise.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Function Syntax Description
connectedCallback connectedCallback()
You can implement this function to exe
cute JavaScript code when this Web
Component of the custom widget is
connected to the HTML DOM of the
web page. This happens, for example, in
the following situations:
at design time and runtime, when
the custom widget is rendered for
the rst time
at design time, when you drag a
custom widget on the canvas. The
custom widget is cloned to provide
an object to drag.
at design time, when you move a
custom widget from one container
to another, for example, from a tab
strip to a panel or from one tab of a
tab strip to another tab
at runtime, when you move a cus
tom widget from one container to
another by using the analytics
designer script method
It’s good practice to implement this
function such that it may be called
by the framework at any time, re
storing the state of the custom
widget. For simple custom widgets
without much state data, it may be
sucient to recreate the custom
widget just from scratch. See also
the section on
You can implement this function to exe
cute JavaScript code when the custom
widget is destroyed, for example, when
the custom widget is removed from the
canvas or the analytic application con
taining the custom widget is closed.
This function is the counterpart of
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Function Syntax Description
disconnectedCallback disconnectedCallback()
You can implement this function to exe
cute JavaScript code when this Web
Component of the custom widget is dis
connected from the HTML DOM of the
web page. This happens, for example, in
the following situations:
at design time and runtime, when
you close the application
at design time, when you remove a
custom widget from the canvas
at design time, when you drag a
custom widget on the canvas. The
custom widget is cloned to provide
an object to drag.
at design time, when you move a
custom widget from one container
to another, for example, from a tab
strip to a panel or from one tab of a
tab strip to another tab
at runtime, when you move a cus
tom widget from one container to
another by using the analytics de
signer script method
It’s good practice to implement this
function such that it may be called
by the framework at any time, sav
ing the state of the custom widget
– unless the custom widget is re
moved permanently. For simple
custom widgets without much
state data, saving their state may
not be necessary. See also the sec
tion on
connectedCallback() above.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Function Syntax Description
onCustomWidgetResize onCustomWidgetResize(width
, height)
You can implement this function to exe
cute JavaScript code when the custom
widget is resized.
The argument width is the new width
of the custom widget in pixels.
The argument height is the new
height of the custom widget in pixels.
This function is called only with
Web Components that implement a
custom widget proper (with a value
of kind="main" in the custom
widget JSON) but not with Styling
Panels or Builder Panels (with val
ues of kind="styling" or
If your custom widget doesn’t de
pend on resizing, don’t implement
this function. This frees the frame
work from calling this (potentially
empty) function repeatedly during
a resize operation.
To improve the performance of a
resize operation, this function is
called in certain time intervals. The
length of those time intervals may
be subject to change.
Property Setter Functions
You can implement property setter functions to set the properties of your custom widget.
A property setter function starts with the set keyword (object accessor notation) followed by the name of the
property. It takes the new property value as an argument. The following example shows a setter function for a
property color:
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Sample Code
set color(newColor) {["background-color"] = newColor;
Property setters are optional. The property setters are called by the Custom Widget framework when
implemented and skipped when they are not.
A getter function, implemented in a similar way using the get keyword, is ignored by the Custom Widget
Depending on the functional design of your custom widget, a common programming pattern is to omit the
implementation of specic property setter functions and instead implement the update of the associated
properties in the onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate function.
6.2.1 Using Script API Data Types in JavaScript Functions
You can use certain script API data types, for example, Button, in native JavaScript functions in a Web
Component implementation of your custom widget. For example, you can use them as function arguments and
return values. You can also call functions provided by those script API data types.
A native JavaScript function is a JavaScript function in a Web Component of your custom widget as opposed to
a script method that your custom widget exposes in the analytics designer script editor.
The following rules apply when using script API data types in native JavaScript functions:
You must call only documented functions provided by a script API data type.
You must prepare your code to correctly accept the returned value of a function call on a script API data
type, as it is returned asynchronously. To retrieve such a function result correctly, apply one of the
following programming patterns in your native JavaScript function:
1. Use the await and async keywords. The following example shows how to call the function getText of
a Button that has been passed as a function argument to function myFunction:
Sample Code
async function myFunction(Button button) {
var text = await button.getText();
// do something with the passed text
2. Use the then function. The following example shows how to call the function getText of a Button
that has been passed as a function argument to function myFunction:
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
Sample Code
function myFunction(Button button) {
button.getText().then(myOtherFunction(text) {
// do something with the passed text
3. If your browser doesn’t support the await and async keywords or the then function, use a transpiler
that provides the functionality of one of the above patterns.
6.2.2 Importing Script API Data Types with Type Libraries
Your custom widget can use script API data types in its implementation, for example, with method arguments,
properties, and return values.
The script API types are grouped into type libraries.
Currently, type libraries are optional in the Custom Widget framework.
To indicate that your Web Component uses a specic script API data type, request the appropriate type library
in the Custom Widget JSON. For example, if your Web component uses a Button and a Table script API data
type, add this line to the Custom Widget JSON:
Sample Code
"imports": ["table", "input-controls"]
The type library standard is loaded automatically.
The list of type libraries is available in the Analytics Designer API Reference on SAP Help Portal at http://
6.3 Styling Panel
Implementing a Styling Panel is optional.
The Styling Panel of a custom widget is an area in analytics designer where you can set property values of the
custom widget at design time. This area is located in the Styling tab of the Designer panel of analytics designer
and has the title Custom Widget Additional Properties.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
The Styling Panel shares the screen space of the Styling tab with other UI elements.
The Styling Panel is also implemented as a Web Component. Its implementation is contained in a separate Web
Component JavaScript le.
At design time, the analytics designer creates for each custom widget a separate Styling Panel next to the
canvas. As the Styling Panel is implemented as a Web Component, the same lifecycle functions and
callbacks are called like those of the Web Component proper (with a value of kind="main" in the custom
widget JSON) – except for onCustomWidgetResize, which is never called.
At design time, when you delete a custom widget from the canvas, then the Styling Panel is destroyed and
its lifecycle functions and callbacks onCustomWidgetDestroy and disconnectedCallback are called.
The exact sequence is not dened. If you need to clean up the state of your Styling Panel, implement this in
6.4 Builder Panel
Implementing a Builder Panel is optional.
The Builder Panel of a custom widget is an area in analytics designer where you can set property values of the
custom widget at design time. This area is located in the Builder tab of the Designer panel of analytics designer
and has the title Builder.
The Builder Panel lls the entire screen space of the Builder tab.
The Builder Panel is also implemented as a Web Component. Its implementation is contained in a separate Web
Component JavaScript le.
At design time, the analytics designer creates for each custom widget a separate Builder Panel next to the
canvas. As the Builder Panel is implemented as a Web Component, the same lifecycle functions and
callbacks are called like those of the Web Component proper (with a value of kind="main" in the custom
widget JSON) – except for onCustomWidgetResize, which is never called.
At design time, when you delete a custom widget from the canvas, then the Builder Panel is destroyed and
its lifecycle functions and callbacks onCustomWidgetDestroy and disconnectedCallback are called.
The exact sequence is not dened. If you need to clean up the state of your Builder Panel, implement this in
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets
7 A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
The following sections lead you through the code of a very simple custom widget, the Colored Box.
Basically, it is nothing more than the name implies: a red box with a black border. Yet, it touches all relevant
capabilities of custom widgets: It can be inserted on the canvas, it can be moved and resized, it adds script
methods to the script editor, and it adds a Styling Panel and a Builder Panel with which you can modify
properties of the Colored Box in the analytics designer at design time.
The Colored Box custom widget consists of three Web Components: the actual Colored Box, the Styling Panel,
and the Builder Panel of the Colored Box.
The sample consists of the following les:
Custom widget JSON of the Colored Box. Find the source
code in chapter Custom Widget JSON [page 35].
Web Component JavaScript le of the Colored Box. Find the
source code in chapter Web Component JavaScript [page
Web Component JavaScript le of the Styling Panel of the
Colored Box. Find the source code in chapter Web Compo
nent JavaScript of the Styling Panel [page
Web Component JavaScript le of the Builder Panel of the
Colored Box. Find the source code in chapter Web Compo
nent JavaScript of the Builder Panel [page
Icon of the Colored Box. Any 16 x 16 pixel icon will do.
7.1 Custom Widget JSON
The following code shows the custom widget JSON of the Colored Box (le coloredbox.json):
Sample Code
"id": "",
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "Colored Box",
"description": "A colored box",
"newInstancePrefix": "ColoredBox",
"icon": "",
"vendor": "SAP",
"eula": "",
"license": "",
"webcomponents": [
"kind": "main",
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
"tag": "com-sap-sample-coloredbox",
"url": "
"integrity": "",
"ignoreIntegrity": true
"kind": "styling",
"tag": "com-sap-sample-coloredbox-styling",
"url": "
"integrity": "",
"ignoreIntegrity": true
"kind": "builder",
"tag": "com-sap-sample-coloredbox-builder",
"url": "
"integrity": "",
"ignoreIntegrity": true
"properties": {
"color": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Background color",
"default": "red"
"opacity": {
"type": "number",
"description": "Opacity",
"default": 1
"width": {
"type": "integer",
"default": 100
"height": {
"type": "integer",
"default": 100
"methods": {
"setColor": {
"description": "Sets the background color.",
"parameters": [
"name": "newColor",
"type": "string",
"description": "The new background color"
"body": "this.color = newColor;"
"getColor": {
"returnType": "string",
"description": "Returns the background color.",
"body": "return this.color;"
"events": {
"onClick": {
"description": "Called when the user clicks the Colored Box."
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
The following text explains each section of the custom widget JSON. Let’s start with the top part of the custom
widget JSON:
Sample Code
"id": "",
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "Colored Box",
"description": "A colored box",
"newInstancePrefix": "ColoredBox",
"icon": "",
"vendor": "SAP",
"eula": "",
"license": "",
The Colored Box custom widget has the unique id "", version "1.0.0.", and
the name "Colored Box", which is displayed in the analytics designer. It has the description "A colored
box", which is used, for example, in tooltips. The prex for new instances of Colored Box custom widgets in the
analytics designer is "ColoredBox". The icon for the Colored Box is provided by a URL. The vendor is "SAP".
The end-user license agreement and the license string are empty.
The Colored Box custom widget is composed of the following three Web Components:
Sample Code
"webcomponents": [
"kind": "main",
"tag": "com-sap-sample-coloredbox",
"url": "
"integrity": "",
"ignoreIntegrity": true
"kind": "styling",
"tag": "com-sap-sample-coloredbox-styling",
"url": "
"integrity": "",
"ignoreIntegrity": true
"kind": "builder",
"tag": "com-sap-sample-coloredbox-builder",
"url": "
"integrity": "",
"ignoreIntegrity": true
The rst Web Component is the actual Colored Box as indicated by the kind of "main". The name of its custom
element is
"com-sap-sample-coloredbox". A URL references this Web Component’s JavaScript le. A
SHA256-hash can be added to check the integrity of the referenced le. However, for development purposes,
this check is disabled by setting the ignoreIntegrity property to true.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
The second Web Component is the Styling Panel of the Colored Box as indicated by the kind of "styling".
The name of its custom element is "com-sap-sample-coloredbox-styling". A URL references this Web
Component’s JavaScript le. A SHA256-hash can be added to check the integrity of the referenced le.
However, for development purposes, this check is also disabled by setting the
ignoreIntegrity property to
The third Web Component is the Builder Panel of the Colored Box as indicated by the kind of "builder". The
name of its custom element is "com-sap-sample-coloredbox-builder". A URL references this Web
Component’s JavaScript le. A SHA256-hash can be added to check the integrity of the referenced le.
However, for development purposes, this check is also disabled by setting the ignoreIntegrity property to
Next are the properties of the Colored Box custom widget: color, opacity, width, and height.
Sample Code
"properties": {
"color": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Background color",
"default": "red"
"opacity": {
"type": "number",
"description": "Opacity",
"default": 1
"width": {
"type": "integer",
"default": 100
"height": {
"type": "integer",
"default": 100
The property color represents the background color of the Colored Box. Its type is a string with a default value
of "red".
The property opacity represents how much the area behind the Colored Box is obscured by the Colored Box.
Its type is a number with a default value of 1 (completely block the area behind the Colored Box).
The properties width and height represent the initial width and height of the custom widget. They are both of
type integer with a default value of 100 pixels. The properties width and height are special properties to
the Custom Widget framework: Implemented setter functions for them will not be called.
Then, the script methods of the Colored Box are dened:
Sample Code
"methods": {
"setColor": {
"description": "Sets the background color.",
"parameters": [
"name": "newColor",
"type": "string",
"description": "The new background color"
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
"body": "this.color = newColor;"
"getColor": {
"returnType": "string",
"description": "Returns the background color.",
"body": "return this.color;"
Function setColor takes one parameter, the new color. The body property contains the script code, which
sets the passed parameter newColor , a string, to the Colored Box’s color property.
This function denition lets you write script code in the analytics designer script editor like, for example,
Function getColor takes no parameters and returns the color. The body property contains the script code,
which returns the value of the Colored Box’s color property as a value of type string.
This function denition lets you write script code in the analytics designer script editor like, for example, var
theColor = ColoredBox_1.getColor();.
To keep the sample short, similar script methods for the opacity property are not implemented.
Finally, an onClick event is dened:
Sample Code
"events": {
"onClick": {
"description": "Called when the user clicks the Colored Box."
This event has no parameters, as events can’t have parameters yet.
7.2 Web Component JavaScript
The following listing shows the Web Component JavaScript of the Colored Box (le coloredbox.js).
It is explained step by step in the following sections.
Sample Code
(function() {
let template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = `
:host {
border-radius: 25px;
border-width: 4px;
border-color: black;
border-style: solid;
display: block;
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
class ColoredBox extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
let shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
this.addEventListener("click", event => {
var event = new Event("onClick");
this._props = {};
onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate(changedProperties) {
this._props = { ...this._props, ...changedProperties };
onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate(changedProperties) {
if ("color" in changedProperties) {["background-color"] = changedProperties["color"];
if ("opacity" in changedProperties) {["opacity"] = changedProperties["opacity"];
customElements.define("com-sap-sample-coloredbox", ColoredBox);
Dening the Custom Element and Its JavaScript API
The Web Component JavaScript denes a new custom element com-sap-sample-coloredbox and
associates it with a JavaScript API represented by the ColoredBox class in the following code:
Sample Code
(function() {
class ColoredBox extends HTMLElement {
customElements.define("com-sap-sample-coloredbox", ColoredBox);
The entire JavaScript code of the le is nested into a self-executing JavaScript function. This isolates the scope
of its variables from the global scope. The JavaScript API of the new custom element is implemented in the
ColoredBox class, which extends the JavaScript API of the HTMLElement class. Calling
customElements.define() denes a new custom element named com-sap-sample-coloredbox and
associates it with the JavaScript API represented by the ColoredBox class. Note that com-sap-sample-
coloredbox is the same name as the property value of property name tag of the rst item in the
webcomponents array inside the custom widget JSON.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
Creating a Template Object
The following code creates a template HTML element:
Sample Code
let template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = `
:host {
border-radius: 25px;
border-width: 4px;
border-color: black;
border-style: solid;
display: block;
Template elements are an important part of Web Components. This template HTML element is a template for
the “shadow DOM” HTML element that represents the HTML DOM of the Colored Box, which exists separately
from the HTML DOM of the web page. It is inserted only during rendering into the HTML DOM of the web page.
Thus, you can, for example, apply styles to a shadow DOM element without interfering with the HTML DOM of
the web page.
This template element is very simple. It declares a CSS style of several CSS properties together with the CSS
selector :host. This CSS style is assigned to the template element. The selector :host, part of the Web
Components standard, selects the root of the shadow DOM element, that is, the root of our template element.
The CSS property display controls the visualization of the custom HTML element, possible values are, for
example, block, flex, or inline-block.
Dening the JavaScript API of the Custom Element
The JavaScript API of the custom element is dened by the ColoredBox class, which extends the
HTMLElement class:
Sample Code
class ColoredBox extends HTMLElement {
Implementing the Constructor
The rst function in the JavaScript API is the constructor:
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
Sample Code
constructor() {
let shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
this.addEventListener("click", event => {
var event = new Event("onClick");
this._props = {};
First, the super() function is called. Then, the shadow DOM root element is created. Next, a copy of the
template element is added as a child element to the shadow DOM root element. Finally, an event listener is
attached to the custom element, listening for click events. If one such event occurs, its handler function
creates a new onClick event and dispatches (“res”) it. Note that the name of the event, onClick, must be
the same name as it is dened in the events section of the custom widget JSON. Note also, that this in the
code refers to the custom element.
Lastly, to make managing the properties of the Web Component easier, an empty _props object is initialized.
Handling Custom Widget Updates
The Colored Box handles updates of its two properties color and opacity, dened in the properties array
of the custom widget JSON, by implementing the onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate and
onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate functions.
In the onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate function, the properties in the passed changedProperties object
are merged with the properties of the _props object. Thus, _props contains the state of all Colored Box
properties before the Colored Box is updated.
Sample Code
onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate(changedProperties) {
this._props = { ...this._props, ...changedProperties };
In the onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate function, the properties in the passed changedProperties object is
used to directly set the color and opacity CSS styles of the Colored Box.
Sample Code
onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate(changedProperties) {
if ("color" in changedProperties) {["background-color"] = changedProperties["color"];
if ("opacity" in changedProperties) {["opacity"] = changedProperties["opacity"];
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
To print a property value to the browser console, for example, during debugging, use code in the following
Sample Code
The following example prints the widget’s name to the browser console during
Sample Code
onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate(changedProperties) {
// ...
Implementing Property Setters
Another way to implement the update of the Colored Box properties color and opacity is to implement
property setter functions.
This approach is useful only for simple custom widgets with very few properties that are independent from
each other. The more properties are added to the custom widget the more likely it is that (potentially
complex) dependencies between properties arise. Managing these dependencies by implementing a
onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate function is the preferred alternative.
The following code shows the implementation of the property setter functions:
Sample Code
set color(newColor) {["background-color"] = newColor;
set opacity(newColor) {["opacity"] = newColor;
Property setter functions have the name of the property as it is dened in the custom widget JSON. A setter
function is prexed with the set keyword (object accessor notation).
The actual implementation is simple: For example, in the setter function of the color property, the passed
value of the new color is assigned to the CSS style property background-color of the custom element.
Similar rules apply to the opacity property.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
7.3 Web Component JavaScript of the Styling Panel
The following listing shows the JavaScript of the Styling Panel of the Colored Box (le
This Styling Panel lets you change the color of the Colored Box in analytics designer.
It is explained step by step in the following sections. This JavaScript code is very similar to the Web Component
JavaScript of the Colored Box.
Sample Code
(function() {
let template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = `
<form id="form">
<legend>Colored Box Properties</legend>
<td><input id="styling_color" type="text" size="40"
<input type="submit" style="display:none;">
class ColoredBoxStylingPanel extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
_submit(e) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("propertiesChanged", {
detail: {
properties: {
color: this.color
set color(newColor) {
this._shadowRoot.getElementById("styling_color").value = newColor;
get color() {
return this._shadowRoot.getElementById("styling_color").value;
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
Dening the Custom Element and Its JavaScript API
The Web Component JavaScript denes a new custom element com-sap-sample-coloredbox-styling
and associates it with a JavaScript API represented by the ColoredBoxStylingPanel class in the following
Sample Code
(function() {
class ColoredBoxStylingPanel extends HTMLElement {
The entire JavaScript code of the le is nested into a self-executing JavaScript function. This isolates the scope
of its variables from the global scope. The JavaScript API of the new custom element is implemented in the
ColoredBoxStylingPanel class, which extends the JavaScript API of the HTMLElement class. Calling
customElements.define() denes a new custom element named com-sap-sample-coloredbox-
styling and associates it with the JavaScript API represented by the ColoredBoxStylingPanel class.
Note that com-sap-sample-coloredbox-styling is the same name as the property value of property
name tag of the second item in the webcomponents array inside the custom widget JSON.
Creating a Template Object
The following code creates a template HTML element:
Sample Code
let template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = `
<form id="form">
<legend>Colored Box Properties</legend>
<td><input id="styling_color" type="text" size="40"
<input type="submit" style="display:none;">
This template HTML element is a template for the shadow DOM HTML element that represents the HTML DOM
of the Styling Panel of the Colored Box.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
This template element denes a simple form with id "form". It contains a table with an input eld with id
"styling_color" and a length and capacity of 40 characters.
Dening a hidden input eld of type submit is a trick to make to form work when the form contains more
than one input element. Strictly speaking, this it is not necessary yet, but as soon as you add more input
Dening the JavaScript API of the Custom Element
The JavaScript API of the custom element is dened by the ColoredBoxStylingPanel class, which extends
the HTMLElement class:
Sample Code
class ColoredBoxStylingPanel extends HTMLElement {
Implementing the Constructor
The rst function in the JavaScript API is the constructor:
Sample Code
constructor() {
this._shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
First, the super() function is called. Then, the shadow DOM root element is created. A reference to it is stored
in the local variable _shadowRoot, because the shadow DOM root element is referenced later in the color
setter and getter functions of this class. Next, a copy of the template element is added as a child element to the
shadow DOM root element. Finally, an event listener is attached to form, listening for submit events. If one
such event occurs, the event handler function _submit() is called. Calling bind() and passing this to
_submit() ensures that in _submit() the keyword this references the custom element.
The _submit() function is implemented as follows:
Sample Code
_submit(e) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("propertiesChanged", {
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
detail: {
properties: {
color: this.color
The _submit() function calls function preventDefault() on the passed event object, which prevents
submitting the form to the server.
Then, a custom event is created. Its name "propertiesChanged" indicates a change of properties to the
Custom Widget framework (incidentally, you can also create and dispatch such events in the Web Component
JavaScript of your main Web Component). This custom event contains a JSON payload, which denes which
properties actually have changed and to what values. In this case it is the color property of the custom widget.
Its new value is retrieved by executing this.color, which implicitly calls the color getter function of class
Implementing Property Getters and Setters
The following code shows the implementation of color setter and getter functions.
Do not confuse them with the color setter function of the ColoredBox class.
Sample Code
set color(newColor) {
this._shadowRoot.getElementById("styling_color").value = newColor;
get color() {
return this._shadowRoot.getElementById("styling_color").value;
The color setter function places a text representation of the new color into the input eld of the Colored Box’s
Styling Panel. Incidentally, in this JavaScript code this function is not called directly, but by the Custom Widget
framework when the Styling Panel Sheet of the Colored Box is created, assigning an initial value to the input
The color getter function returns the text of the input eld of the Colored Box’s Styling Panel. This function is
called indirectly in the _submit() event handler function during the construction of the JSON event payload
when the current color is retrieved by this.color.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
7.4 Web Component JavaScript of the Builder Panel
The following listing shows the JavaScript of the Builder Panel of the Colored Box (le
This Builder Panel lets you change the opacity of the Colored Box in analytics designer.
The JavaScript code is very similar to the Web Component JavaScript of the Styling Panel of the Colored Box.
Sample Code
(function() {
let template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = `
<form id="form">
<legend>Colored Box Properties</legend>
<td><input id="builder_opacity" type="text" size="5"
<input type="submit" style="display:none;">
:host {
display: block;
padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;
class ColoredBoxBuilderPanel extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
_submit(e) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("propertiesChanged", {
detail: {
properties: {
opacity: this.opacity
set opacity(newOpacity) {
this._shadowRoot.getElementById("builder_opacity").value =
get opacity() {
return this._shadowRoot.getElementById("builder_opacity").value;
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
Dening the Custom Element and Its JavaScript API
The Web Component JavaScript denes a new custom element com-sap-sample-coloredbox-builder
and associates it with a JavaScript API represented by the ColoredBoxBuilderPanel class in the following
Sample Code
(function() {
class ColoredBoxBuilderPanel extends HTMLElement {
The entire JavaScript code of the le is nested into a self-executing JavaScript function. This isolates the scope
of its variables from the global scope. The JavaScript API of the new custom element is implemented in the
ColoredBoxBuilderPanel class, which extends the JavaScript API of the HTMLElement class. Calling
customElements.define() denes a new custom element named com-sap-sample-coloredbox-
builder and associates it with the JavaScript API represented by the ColoredBoxBuilderPanel class.
Note that com-sap-sample-coloredbox-builder is the same name as the property value of property
name tag of the third item in the webcomponents array inside the custom widget JSON.
Creating a Template Object
The following code creates a template HTML element:
Sample Code
let template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = `
<form id="form">
<legend>Colored Box Properties</legend>
<td><input id="builder_opacity" type="text" size="5"
<input type="submit" style="display:none;">
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
:host {
display: block;
padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;
This template HTML element is a template for the shadow DOM HTML element that represents the HTML DOM
of the Styling Panel of the Colored Box.
This template element denes a simple form with id "form". It contains a table with an input eld with id
"builder_opacity" and a length and capacity of 5 characters.
Dening the hidden input eld of type submit is a trick to make to form work when the form contains more
than one input element. Strictly speaking, this it is not necessary yet, but as soon as you add more input
The CSS selector :host adds CSS styles to the template element. The selector :host, part of the Web
Components standard, selects the root of the shadow DOM element, that is, the root of our template element.
The CSS property display controls the visualization of the custom HTML element, in this case as a block.
The CSS property padding ensures enough padding around the form.
Dening the JavaScript API of the Custom Element
The JavaScript API of the custom element is dened by the ColoredBoxBuilderPanel class, which extends
the HTMLElement class:
Sample Code
class ColoredBoxBuilderPanel extends HTMLElement {
Implementing the Constructor
The rst function in the JavaScript API is the constructor:
Sample Code
constructor() {
this._shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
First, the super() function is called. Then, the shadow DOM root element is created. A reference to it is stored
in the local variable _shadowRoot, because the shadow DOM root element is referenced later in the color
setter and getter functions of this class. Next, a copy of the template element is added as a child element to the
shadow DOM root element. Finally, an event listener is attached to form, listening for
submit events. If one
such event occurs, the event handler function _submit() is called. Calling bind() and passing this to
_submit() ensures that in _submit() the keyword this references the custom element.
The _submit() function is implemented as follows:
Sample Code
_submit(e) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("propertiesChanged", {
detail: {
properties: {
opacity: this.opacity
The _submit() function calls function preventDefault() on the passed event object, which prevents
submitting the form to the server.
Then, a custom event is created. Its name "propertiesChanged" indicates a change of properties to the
Custom Widget framework. This custom event contains a JSON payload, which denes which properties
actually have changed and to what values. In this case it is the opacity property of the custom widget. Its new
value is retrieved by executing this.opacity, which implicitly calls the opacity getter function of class
Implementing Property Getters and Setters
The following code shows the implementation of the opacity setter and getter functions.
Sample Code
set opacity(newOpacity) {
this._shadowRoot.getElementById("builder_opacity").value = newOpacity;
get opacity() {
return this._shadowRoot.getElementById("builder_opacity").value;
The opacity setter function places a text representation of the new opacity into the input eld of the Colored
Box’s Builder Panel. Incidentally, in this JavaScript code this function is not called directly, but by the Custom
Widget framework when the Builder Panel of the Colored Box is created, assigning an initial value to the input
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
The opacity getter function returns the text of the input eld of the Colored Box’s Builder Panel. This function
is called indirectly in the _submit() event handler function during the construction of the JSON event
payload when the current opacity is retrieved by
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
A Sample Custom Widget: Colored Box
8 Custom Widgets on Mobile Devices
You can enable and run a custom widget on a mobile device.
Enabling Your Custom Widget for Mobile Devices
To enable a custom widget to run on a mobile device, set its supportsMobile property to true (see section
Root Object in chapter Custom Widget JSON Reference [page 11] for more information).
Before enabling this ag, please make sure that your custom widget’s functionality is working properly on
mobile devices.
Detecting if Your Custom Widget is Running on a Mobile Device
If the supportsMobile property is set to true, then the property mobileMode is passed in the
otherProperties array to functions onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate and
onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate. This lets you nd out at runtime if the custom widget is currently running on
a mobile device. See also section Provide alternatives to user interactions that use modier keys below for a
code example.
Tips for Developing Custom Widgets for Mobile Devices
When you develop a custom widget for a mobile device instead of a non-mobile device (for example, a desktop
or laptop computer), consider the following suggestions:
Make areas larger that provide user interaction.
Ensure that areas of your custom widget that provide user interaction are suciently large. For example,
you may want to enlarge clickable areas in your custom widget when it is running on a mobile device, so
that it can be comfortably tapped with a nger.
Provide alternatives to user interactions that use modier keys.
User interactions on a desktop computer often involve using the modier keys of a keyboard, such as, for
example, the Shift or Control key. Such modier keys are not present on a mobile device. If your
custom widget supports using such modier keys when running on a desktop computer, think about
providing an alternative when your custom widget is running on a mobile device. Such an alternative should
comply with the user interaction guidelines and standards of your mobile device.
The following example shows custom widget code that performs the operation doAction after a user
interaction. The specic user interaction depends on whether the custom widget is running on a mobile or
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets on Mobile Devices
on a non-mobile device. They are implemented as follows: With a custom widget running on a non-mobile
device, you need to click the custom widget and press the Shift key at the same time to trigger the
operation. With a custom widget running on a mobile device, you need to tap the custom widget with two
ngers to trigger the operation.
The example code below registers one of two event listeners when the custom widget is in view mode.
When the custom widget is running on a non-mobile device, then an event listener is registered that
performs operation doAction when the custom widget is clicked and at the same time the Shift key is
pressed. When the custom widget is running on a mobile device, then an event listener is registered that
performs operation doAction when the custom widget is tapped with two ngers.
File: coloredbox_main.js
Sample Code
class ColoredBox extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._myEventListenersRegistered = false;
onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate(changedProps) {
this._props = { ...this._props, ...changedProps };
// registers the event listeners when not in design mode,
// when the event listeners haven’t been registered yet,
// and when in mobile mode
if (this._props["designMode"] === false && !
this._myEventListenersRegistered) {
this._props["mobileMode"] && this._props["mobileMode"] ===
true ?
this.registerTwoFingerTapListener() :
this._myEventListenersRegistered = true;
registerTwoFingerTapListener() {
this.addEventListener("touchstart", event => {
if (event.targetTouches.length === 2) {
// at view time, touching with two fingers performs the
action below
registerShiftClickListener() {
this.addEventListener("click", event => {
const shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
if (shiftKey) {
// at view time, shift-clicking performs the action below
} else {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("onClick"));
doAction() {
// do something
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Custom Widgets on Mobile Devices
9 Best Practices
9.1 Dispatching a Property Change
When one of your properties has changed, store the changed property value, for example, in a variable of your
Web Component JavaScript, then notify the framework of this change by dispatching a propertiesChanged
custom event.
The following example shows dispatching a property change of property color:
Sample Code
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("propertiesChanged", {
detail: {
properties: {
color: this.color
Do dispatch a propertiesChanged custom event in the following situations:
as a result of a user interaction
in native JavaScript functions
Do not dispatch a propertiesChanged custom event in the following situations and functions, as this may
cause, for example, an endless loop in JavaScript execution:
Note that after dispatching the propertiesChanged custom event, the changed property value is not part of
the properties that are passed later to the
onCustomWidgetBeforeUpdate(oChangedProperties) and
onCustomWidgetAfterUpdate(oChangedProperties) functions of this Web Component.
This is simply because, as this Web Component initiated dispatching the property change in the rst place, it
doesn’t need to be notied of it again. However, the changed property is automatically passed to related Web
Components, because they need to be notied of the property change. Related Web Components of the
custom widget’s Web Component proper are the Web Component of the Styling Panel and the Web Component
of the Builder Panel. The same rules, with appropriately reversed roles, apply when dispatching property
changes in the Web Component of the Styling Panel and the Web Component of the Builder Panel.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Best Practices
9.2 Calling Methods of Passed Objects of Script API Types
Call methods of passed objects of script API data types, for example Button, only in script methods.
As you recall, there are two kinds of script methods, depending on where the script method is implemented:
1. The method denition in the custom widget JSON has a body property that contains the script method
2. The method denition in the custom widget JSON does not have a body property. The script method
implementation is a native JavaScript function in the Web Component JavaScript.
The following example shows parts of a custom widget JSON and the corresponding Web Component
This shows the correct use: The script method setButtonText1, with a body property, calls the setText
method of the passed Button object (see (1)), as does the script method setButtonText2, which has no
body property but is implemented as a native JavaScript function in the Web Component JavaScript (see (2)).
Don’t call methods of passed objects of script API data types outside these two situations, for example:
in a constructor
during rendering
in other functions (see (3) and (4)
Custom widget JSON
Sample Code
"methods": {
"setButtonText1": {
"parameters": [
{"name": "button", "type": "Button"},
{"name": "text", "type": "string"}
"body": "button.setText(text);" // (1) OK
"setButtonText2": {
"parameters": [
{"name": "button", "type": "Button"},
{"name": "text", "type": "string"}
Web Component JavaScript
Sample Code
class CustomWidget /* extends ...*/ {
_button = undefined;
setButtonText2(button, text) {
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Best Practices
button.setText(text); // (2) OK
_button = button;
setTimeout(() => {
this._button.setText(text); // (3) WILL NOT WORK!
handleClick() {
this._button.setText("Hello!"); // (4) WILL NOT WORK!
9.3 Implementing Property Setter and Getter Methods
Shows you how to implement a pair of property setters and getters.
To implement a pair of property setters and getters, for example setText and getText, which can be used
like in the following example:
Sample Code
var text = customWidget.getText();
you can choose between two implementation styles:
In the rst style, you dene the necessary elements (the property and the setter and the getter method) in the
custom widget JSON. Both methods are implemented in their body properties:
Custom Widget JSON
Sample Code
"properties": {
"text": {"type": "string"}
"methods": {
"setText": {
"parameters": [{"name": "newText", "type": "string"}],
"body": "this.text = newText;"
"getText": {
"returnType": "string",
"body": "return this.text;"
Written this way, the framework keeps track of the state of text. When the setter method is called, the
framework implicitly triggers a state change.
In the second style, you dene the necessary elements (the property and the setter and getter method) in the
custom widget JSON and implement them in the Web Component JavaScript. Both methods are dened
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Best Practices
without a body property in the custom widget JSON. They are implemented as native JavaScript functions in
the Web Component JavaScript:
Custom Widget JSON
Sample Code
"properties": {
"text": {"type": "string"}
"methods": {
"setText": {
"parameters": [{"name": "newText", "type": "string"}],
"getText": {
"returnType": "string"
Web Component JavaScipt
Sample Code
class CustomWidget extends /* ... */ {
var _text;
setText(newText) {
this._text = newText;
// fire "properties changed"
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("propertiesChanged", {
detail: {
properties: {
text: this._text
getText() {
return this._text;
Written this way, the framework keeps track of the state of text. When the setter method is called, the Web
Component JavaScript explicitly triggers a state change.
Do not mix those implementation styles when implementing property setters and getters!
For example, do not implement the setter of a property in the rst style and the getter of the same property in
the second style. Strange eects may occur. For example, when running the following sample script with such
an implementation
Sample Code
var text = customWidget.getText();
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Best Practices
it is not guaranteed that at the end of this script text has the value "Hello".
In the Custom Widget framework there is a separation of concerns about custom widgets: The framework
handles the property state and the Web Component handles the rendering. For performance reasons, all
property changes are collected by the framework rst (this includes the property changes during the
execution of a script) and only after that, rendering is executed. When mixing the above implementation
styles of setter and getter methods, the separation between property state handling and rendering
becomes fuzzy. This can lead to unexpected, for example, outdated, property values.
9.4 Returning Arguments by Value and by Reference
Simple types (string, integer, number, boolean) and script API data types (for example, Button) that are
passed to script methods are always returned by value, that is, a copy of the argument is returned.
Arrays and simple typed objects (for example, object<string>) that are passed to script methods are
returned either by reference or by value. It depends on where the script method’s implementation is dened:
If the script method’s implementation is in the body property of the custom widget JSON, then arguments
of arrays and simple typed objects are returned by reference (the identical argument is returned).
If the script method’s implementation is in a native JavaScript implementation of the Web Component
JavaScript, then arguments of arrays and simple typed objects are returned by value (a copy of the
argument is returned).
In the following example, an array that is passed to two script methods is returned either by reference (the
returned array is the identical array that was passed into the method) or returned by value (the returned array
is a copy of the array that was passed into the method):
Custom Widget JSON
Sample Code
"methods": {
"getArrayByRef": {
"parameters": [{"name": "values", "type": "integer[]"}],
"returnType": "integer[]",
"body": "return values;"
"getArrayByValue": {
"parameters": [{"name": "values", "type": "integer[]"}],
"returnType": "integer[]"
Web Component JavaScript
Sample Code
class CustomWidget extends /* ... */ {
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Best Practices
getArrayByValue(values: integer[]) {
return values; // "values" is not the original, but already a copy
Sample Analytics Designer Script
Sample Code
var array = [1, 2, 3];
var result1 = customWidget.getArrayByRef(array);
console.log(array === result1); // -> true
var result2 = customWidget.getArrayByValue(array);
console.log(array === result2); // -> false
9.5 Custom Types
Here you nd a sample of a custom type denition.
This section discusses a sample of a custom type denition (for more information on custom types, see
section Types Object in chapter Custom Widget JSON Reference [page 11]).
Here is the sample:
Sample Code
"types": {
"Document": {
"description": "A document",
"properties": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string",
"description": "Name of the document",
"mandatory": true
"Book": {
"extends": "Document",
"description": "A book document",
"properties": [
"name": "bookContentType",
"type": "BookContentType",
"description": "Content type of the book",
"mandatory": true
"name": "numberOfPages",
"type": "integer"
"description": "Number of pages",
"Video": {
"extends": "Document",
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Best Practices
"description": "A video document",
"properties": [
"name": "videoContentType",
"type": "VideoContentType",
"description": "Content type of the video",
"mandatory": true
"name": "length",
"type": "integer"
"description": "Length of footage in seconds",
"BookContentType": {
"extends": "Enum",
"description": "A set of values to describe the book content type",
"properties": [
"name": "TXT",
"description": "A book in plain text format"
"name": "PDF",
"description": "A book in PDF format"
"VideoContentType": {
"extends": "Enum",
"description": "A set of values to describe the video content type",
"properties": [
"name": "AVI",
"description": "A video in AVI format"
"name": "MP4",
"description": "A video in MP4 format"
Note the following points:
The custom type Document (a custom data structure) has a mandatory property name of type
The custom types Book and Video (both custom data structures) extend the type Document. Thus,
they both have a property name of type string that they receive from the type Document.
The custom type Book has a mandatory bookContentType property, which can contain a value of the
custom enumeration BookContentType.
The custom type Book has an optional numberofPages property of type integer.
The custom type Video has a mandatory videoContentType property, which can contain a value of
the custom enumeration VideoContentType.
The custom type Video has an optional length property of type integer.
SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
Best Practices
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SAP Analytics Cloud Custom Widget Developer Guide
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