Free Lease Agreement For ‘_____________________'
This Document is NOT a Bill of Sale
This agreement dated ________________ is made by and between _____________
(herein referred to as ‘the Owner’) residing at _____________________________________
with phone number ___________________ and ______________________ (herein referred to
as ‘the Lessee’) residing at _______________________________________ for the Free Lease
of one horse as described and identified below:
Horse’s Name: _________________________
Breed: _______________________________
Gender: ________________
Height: _________________
Age: ____ Years
Foaled: _________________
Color: __________________
Jockey Club Registration Number if applicable:__________________
Owner on Record: __________________________________________
Lease Price
Owner agrees to lease the horse described and identified herein to the Lessee for ZERO Dollars
($0.00) per month.
Owner Warranties
Owner warrants that he/she is the lawful owner of said horse and has the right to Free Lease said
Owner Responsibilities
Owner is responsible for retrieving the horse with a minimum of two weeks (2 weeks) notice by
Lessee that Lessee wishes to return said horse to Owner.
Lessee Responsibilities
Lessee warrants that he/she will provide the said horse with care above and beyond that which
the state of _________________ deems minimal humane treatment of an Equine. This care
includes paying for board and providing food, water, and shelter for ______________ in a stall
in winter in a clean, safe barn and a run in shelter during other seasons; access to a safe pasture
with fencing sufficient to keep the horse safe and in the pasture for grazing, and exercise; regular
maintenance of the said horse’s hooves via regular barefoot trims or farriery, and regular
grooming, administrations of deworming medications, health care including annual inoculations
and teeth floating, exercise, nutrition and displays of kindness necessary to maintain the said
horse in his/her current state of physical and emotional health which Owner warrants, and said
horse’s Veterinarian will concur, is excellent.
Lessee warrants that she/he does not have the right to sell, lend, sub-lease, move, or otherwise
dispose of the said horse.
Lessee warrants that she/he has substantial experience working with and handling horses as a
rider, trainer, and groom.
Lessee warrants that she is aware of the substantial risk of personal injury that can be sustained
while riding or working around horses and agrees to hold Owner harmless of all liability of any
injury to persons or property caused by the horse while the said horse is in the Lessee’s care.
Lessee warrants that she will use ‘best judgment’ in emergency situations and will inform Owner
as soon as possible if such situations arise. Owner reserves the right to make all decisions
regarding the health and welfare of the horse, including decisions about life saving or on-going
The term of this Lease Agreement is renewable automatically every month, however, Lessee
may terminate this agreement with a minimum of two weeks notice to the Owner at any time.
Owner reserves the right to retrieve the horse with a minimum of two weeks notice to Lessee.
Breach and Cure
1. Owner reserves the right to terminate this agreement immediately if the horse is not
maintained by the Lessee according to the terms of this agreement.
2. Cure: Lessee has 15 days to remedy the breach according to the terms of this agreement.
One cause for breach would be if __________________ jumps a fence that takes him/her
out of the pasture onto a road. The cause for breach is not limited to this instance. Any
form of negligence is cause for breech.
All notices may be sent to the Owner at the address listed herein. All notices may be sent to the
Lessee at the address herein. US Mail with return receipt requested or an alternative delivery
system such as Federal Express constitute the mode of delivery of notices.
Entire Agreement
This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Owner and the Lessee. The
invalidity or enforceability of any provision of this agreement shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provision of this agreement, which shall otherwise remain in full
force and effect. This agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same
The Laws of the State of ____________________ shall govern this agreement. Any litigation
will take place in ___________________________.
Accepted and Agreed to by: Accepted and Agreed to by:
The Owner The Lessee