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The parties to this lease agreement are ____________, (hereinafter “LESSOR”), a resident of
the state of ____________ residing at _________________ and ________________,
(hereinafter “LESSEE”), a resident of the state of ___________ residing at
THE PARTIES, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, do hereby agree as
A. LESSOR leases to LESSEE the horse on a month-to-month basis, beginning on
(__mm/dd/yy__). The LESSOR shall be paid by LESSEE as follows:
i. On or before the _____ (__
) of each month, $_____ for stabling paid
directly to LESSOR.
ii. The full amount or $_______ of the shoeing as needed (every ___ weeks)
which is currently set at $______ using ________ as the horse’s farrier.
This may be subject to change at any time at LESSOR’S discretion.
iii. All training costs are to be discussed with ______________ (hereinafter
“Trainer”) and are payable separate and apart of board directly to the
have the right to sub-lease the horse. Only LESSEE is granted
access to ride the horse. No other riders are allowed to ride the horse unless authorized to
do so by LESSOR, which will require that rider sign a waiver of liability form.
LESSEE hereby agrees to keep the horse in good health, giving due consideration to hoof care.
LESSEE shall humanely treat and care for the horse. If any injury to the horse occurs under
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LESSEE’S care or supervision, LESSEE is responsible for any and all veterinary expenses.
Shots and checkups are the exclusive responsibility of LESSOR.
LESSEE further agrees to keep the horse at the current stable location. The horse shall not spend
the night away from current stable location, unless prior WRITTEN (via e-mail or letter) consent
has been given by LESSOR. LESSEE agrees to follow LESSOR’S advice on how to care and
train the horse and LESSEE further agrees to follow all of stable’s posted rules and regulations.
Conditions of Liability. LESSEE agrees that LESSOR is not responsible for total or partial acts,
occurrences, or elements of nature that can scare a horse, cause it to fall, or react in some other
unsafe way. Some examples are: thunder, lightening, rain, wind, water; wild and domestic
animals, insects, and reptiles which may walk, run, fly near, bite, or sting a horse; and irregular
footing on outdoor or indoor groomed or wild land which is subject to constant change in
condition according to weather, temperature, natural and man-made changes in landscape. Neither
LESSOR or stable or its employees and associates are liable for any accidents, injuries, or thefts to
animals and personal property kept at the stable. LESSEE understands that horseback riding
carries certain risks and dangers, and that LESSEE will use best judgment to always take safety
first into consideration while riding the horse, including always wearing a safety helmet. By
signing below, LESSEE releases LESSOR of all liability in connection with any injury
sustained as a result of LESSEE’S activities on the horse. LESSEE also acknowledges that
horseback riding is an inherently risky activity and hereby releases LESSOR, and stable, and any
other person associated with stable from ANY liability for injury, damage, or loss to LESSEE or
LESSEE’S equipment. LESSEE understands that stable requires the use of helmets for each rider.
LESSEE will NOT be allowed to ride the horse without the use of a helmet with a safety harness
approved by the State of California for horseback riding activities. Said helmet shall meet all
ASTM F1163-00 standards and shall meet or exceed SEI certified standards. LESSEE
understands that LESSOR is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, damage, or loss to
LESSEE or LESSE’S personal property, in conjunction with the horse. Warning: There are
inherent risks of injury that you voluntarily accept in connection with your riding, and other
activities (which are not limited to grooming, longing, feeding, bathing, hoof care, etc.) with
the horse. LESSEE, as part of this Agreement, agrees to sign the Waiver of Liability attached
to this Agreement.
________ (LESSEE initial)
This lease is subject to LESSEE’S performance of the covenants and conditions set forth herein. In
the event LESSEE defaults in performance of any such covenants or conditions, and the breach
continues for more than 30 days, LESSOR may, at __his/her/their__ option declare the lease
forfeit. This lease agreement may be voided with 30 days’ WRITTEN notice from either party for
any reason, or may be voided immediately if the LESSOR and/or stable manager deems that the
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horse's health is put at risk by acts or omissions of LESSEE. If less than 30 days’ notice is given
by LESSEE, then payments for the next 30 days will be due notwithstanding. If proper notice is
given, then any monies paid in advance will be refunded, with the exception of a partial month's
stabling. (For example: if the lease agreement is voided the middle of March, then refund will be
given for April or later, but not for the remainder of March)
LESSOR represents that the horse is in sound health and that there are no known illnesses,
infirmities, or unsoundness.
THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is entered into in the state of _________ and will be interpreted and
enforced under the laws of that state.
_____________________________Date: __________Phone: ______________
Lessor/Owner Signature
Print Name of Lessor
_____________________________Date: __________Phone: ______________
Lessee Signature
Print Name of Lessee