AGREEMENT made the _________________day of_____________19_____
(Name of Owner)
EFA Membership No: ______________
(Address of Owner)
In the State of __________________________________________________
(“from hereon referred to as the Lessor/s”)
(Name of Lessee)
EFA Membership No: ______________
(Address of Lessee)
In the State of __________________________________________________
(“from hereon referred to as the Lessee”)
WHEREBY IT IS AGREED as follows: -
1. The lessor/s agree to let and the Lessee agrees to take on the Lease of
(Colour, Sex and Name of Horse)
(Date of Foaling)
Height___________Registered_____________EFA No:______________
(Date Registered)
with Equesrtrian Federation of Australia.
2. The term of the lease shall be _____________years from _____________
provided that if in the opinion of the Lessee the Mare/Stallion/Gelding is
not satisfactory for the purpose of ________________________________
competition the Lessee may determine the lease on one week’s notice to
the Lessor/s and return the Mare/Stallion/Gelding to them or him or her at
their or his or her above address.
- 1 -
3. The purpose for which the Mare/Stallion/Gelding is leased by the lessee
are for preparation and training for and competition in ________________
(Discipline as above)
and associated activities and the Mare/Stallion/Gelding shall not be used
for any other purpose without the consent of the Lessor/s.
4. The Lessee at her or his expense shall provide the Mare/Stallion/Gelding
with proper food, stabling and paddocking and shall do all that is
reasonably necessary to keep the Mare/Stallion/Gelding in sound health
and condition including the provision as required of all necessary
veterinary treatment by a veterinary surgeon of her or his choice.
5. During the term of this lease the Lessee shall have absolute discretion and
control in and over all matters connected with the Mare/Stallion/Gelding for
the purposes mentioned above including the entering of the Mare/Stallion/
Gelding in competitions and shall pay all expenses in connection with such
matters (including registration and entry fees) and be entitled to retain any
prize money.
6. Entries for all competitions shall be made in the name of the Lessors as
owners with the Lessee as rider unless the Lessor agrees to the
nomination of another rider at the request of the Lessee.
7. The Lessee shall not assign her or his interest in the Mare/Stallion/Gelding
under this agreement or lend or part with possession of the Mare/Stallion/
Gelding without the consent of the Lessor being first obtained.
8. The Lessee acknowledges having inspected and ridden the Mare/Stallion/
Gelding and that she or he has relied on her or his own judgement in
deciding to lease the Mare/Stallion/Gelding from the Lessor and that the
Lessor shall be under no liability to the Lessee for any injury loss or
damage suffered by the Lessee caused by the Mare/Stallion/Gelding
whether being ridden by the Lessee or not.
9. Upon the completion of the term of the lease the Lessee shall return the
Mare/Stallion/Gelding to the Lessor together with her or his Certificate of
Registration with The Equestrian Federation of Australia and all relevant
- 2 -
1. White markings must be shown in black on diagrams exactly as they
appear on the horse.
2. All white markings must be shown on both the near (left) and off (right)
side diagrams.
3. The position of whorls, scars-accidental or otherwise, must be marked
below with an X.
4. Brands must be shown on the diagrams exactly as they appear on
the horse.
- 3 –
SIGNED by the said Lessee
___________________________________________ Date ___________
In the presence of:
(If the Lessee is a Junior Member, the Parent or Guardian must counter-
sign the Lease)
Signed by the said Lessee’s Parent or Guardian
In the Presence of:
I __________________________________________________________
(Name of Witness)
(Address of Witness)
in the state of ________________________________________________
Occupation of Witness)
the person whose name appears as the attending witness to the above
lease do hereby declare that I was present at _______________________
on the ________________day of _______________________ 20_______
and saw ____________________________________________________
(Name of Lessee)
sign the above instrument and I thereupon signed my name as attesting
witness thereto.
DATED the ____________day of _______________________20_______
(Signature of Witness)