Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 1 of 14
ACN 096 917 930
Owner Services
400 Epsom Road
Flemington VIC 3031
Telephone: 1300 139 412
Facsimile: (+61 3) 9258 4366
What is a Racing Lease?
A racing lease is a contractual agreement between a lessor(s) and the lessee(s), whereby the lessee pays the lessor a
rental fee for the use of a racehorse. Given that a racing lease is a legally binding contract, it is strongly advised that parties
seek independent legal advice when entering into a lease.
For simplicity within this Lease of a Racehorse form, the lessor will be referred to as the owner.
Are there different types of Racing Leases?
Yes, there is an Option A Lease and an Option B Lease.
An Option A Lease is one in which the lessee pays the owner a rental percentage. Furthermore, Racing Victoria will
distribute all prizemoney won by the horse to the managing lessee only, regardless of whether a lessee includes his or her
bank account details within this application. It is then the responsibility of the managing lessee to distribute the owner’s
rental percentage to the owner, and prizemoney to the members of the lessee group.
An Option B Lease is one in which an owner is included as a member of the lessee group in order to enable that owner to
receive his or her rental percentage directly from Racing Victoria. Furthermore, each lessee will receive his or her portion of
prizemoney directly from Racing Victoria. There can only be a maximum of twenty (20) lessees within the lessee group,
including any owners that elect to be lessees for prizemoney purposes. Generally, an owner who places themselves within
the lessee group for prizemoney purposes will not be the managing lessee.
Please note: If a lessees fails to provide his or her bank account details for prizemoney purposes, this application
form will be considered incomplete. In this instance, the application form will be returned to lessee for completion.
Ensuring an Option B Lease is legally binding without the declaration of a rental percentage?
Should the parties elect to enter into an Option B lease, a nominal rental fee (otherwise known as a small or insignificant
fee) of one dollar ($1.00) per annum will automatically apply. This nominal rental fee represents the consideration payable
by the lessee to the owner. In the event that the parties agree to enter into a lease that provides for another form of
consideration, the parties may request that the nominal rental fee not automatically apply. Given that consideration is
required for a lease to be considered legally binding, parties should seek independent legal advice as to the terms of any
lease to be entered into.
What if a Dispute arises?
A lease is a private agreement between owner(s) and lessee(s) which creates proprietary interests between the parties to
the lease. Racing Victoria is not a party to the lease, its only role is to manage its ownership registration system, ensure
compliance with the Rules of Racing and determine the eligibility of horses to race.
In the event of a dispute, Racing Victoria is able to offer a mediation service in order to assist the parties to resolve any
dispute. However, Racing Victoria does not have the jurisdiction to determine the private rights of parties in a lease dispute.
Accordingly, if any dispute arises concerning a lease it is a matter for the parties and it is advisable that the parties seek
independent legal advice in the case of a dispute.
Review Process
If any information requested within this document is not submitted, this application may be considered incomplete. In this
instance, incomplete application forms will be returned via email or post to the managing lessee. Please allow ten (10)
working days for this application to be reviewed.
Lease of a Racehorse
(For up to 10 Lessee)
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 2 of 14
Credit Card Verification (CVV)
Express Only
Lease of a Racehorse Details
Horse Name:
Lease commencement date (below):
Lease expiry date (below):
Declare any special clauses agreed by the owner and lessee (below):
(For example, “the owner to retain all trophies won…”):
Select the type of lease you wish to establish (tick one box only)
(Tick here)
(Tick here)
(If selecting the Option A Lease, declare rental below) (If selecting the Option B Lease, progress to GST section)
Owner’s rental
(Declare here) %
Owner’s rental
Fixed at a nominal rate
of $1.00 pa (Ex GST).
(This is the percentage of prizemoney that will be distributed
from the managing lessee to the owner)
(This is the nominal fee as outlined on page one of this
application form)
(Once rental has been declared, progress to GST section)
Is the owner GST registered for racing
(Tick YES here)
(Tick NO here)
If the owner of this horse is GST registered for “racing purposes”, in the instance of an Option A Lease, the lessee is required by Law to distribute GST to
the owner in addition to the owner’s rental percentage declared above. In the instance of an Option B Lease, Racing Victoria is required by Law to
distribute GST to the owner in addition to the owner’s percentage interest. The following are examples of how prizemoney should be distributed between
the owner and lessee:
Example 1 (10% rental & owner is registered for GST): Example 2 (10% rental & owner is not registered for GST):
Horse wins prizemoney of $10,000; Horse wins prizemoney of $10,000;
Owner’s portion is a total of $1,100 ($1,000 rental + $100 for GST) Owner’s portion is a total of $1,000 ($1,000 rental only)
(Once GST has been declared, progress to payment section)
Payment - $66.00 (Alternatively, enclose a Cheque or Money Order payable to Racing Victoria)
Credit Card Type (Please circle): Credit Card Number:
Cardholder’s Name (Please print): Credit Card Expiry Date (MM/YY):
Cardholder’s Signature: Today’s Date (DD/MM/YY):
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 3 of 14
Confirmation of Owner(s)
Horse Name:
If you are signing on behalf of another owner, you must also lodge (with this application) an Authority to Sign form. This form is
available at (Click on ‘Owner Link’ and Resources Ownership Forms’);
Important: Regardless of the type of lease that is selected on page 2 of this application form, all owners of the racehorse must
complete this page:
Owner 1
(Print Name):
Owner 2
(Print Name):
Owner 3
(Print Name):
Owner 4
(Print Name):
Owner 5
(Print Name):
Owner 6
(Print Name):
Owner 7
(Print Name):
Owner 8
(Print Name):
Owner 9
(Print Name):
Owner 10
(Print Name):
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 4 of 14
Confirmation of Lessee (Manager)
Horse Name:
The total lessee share percentage must equal 100% otherwise this form will be considered incomplete;
Lessee (Manager):
The following member of the lessees will be deemed to be the Manager. For clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a
Manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy of the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing
Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
Manager First Name:
Manager Surname:
Date of Birth:
Manager Postal Address:
Post Code:
Manager Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Manager Email Address
(Any incomplete forms will be returned via this Email Address):
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the Syndicate as an entity is GST
registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for “racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
Confirmation of Lessee
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 5 of 14
Horse Name:
By signing this document, you acknowledge that lessee number one (1) is considered to be the Manager of the racehorse. For
clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy
of the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Email Address:
(Mandatory, when actioning an Option B Lease)
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the
Syndicate as an entity is GST registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for
“racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
Confirmation of Lessee
These bank
account details will
only be applicable
when activating an
Option B Lease.
following the
selection of an
Option B Lease, it
is mandatory for
each lessee to
provide bank
account details.
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 6 of 14
Horse Name:
By signing this document, you acknowledge that lessee number one (1) is considered to be the Manager of the racehorse. For
clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy
of the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Email Address:
(Mandatory, when actioning an Option B Lease)
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the
Syndicate as an entity is GST registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for
“racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
These bank
account details will
only be applicable
when activating an
Option B Lease.
following the
selection of an
Option B Lease, it
is mandatory for
each lessee to
provide bank
account details.
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 7 of 14
Confirmation of Lessee
Horse Name:
By signing this document, you acknowledge that lessee number one (1) is considered to be the Manager of the racehorse. For
clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy
of the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Email Address:
(Mandatory, when actioning an Option B Lease)
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the
Syndicate as an entity is GST registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for
“racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
These bank
account details will
only be applicable
when activating an
Option B Lease.
following the
selection of an
Option B Lease, it
is mandatory for
each lessee to
provide bank
account details.
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 8 of 14
Confirmation of Lessee
Horse Name:
By signing this document, you acknowledge that lessee number one (1) is considered to be the Manager of the racehorse. For
clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy of
the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Email Address:
(Mandatory, when actioning an Option B Lease)
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the
Syndicate as an entity is GST registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for
“racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
These bank
account details will
only be applicable
when activating an
Option B Lease.
following the
selection of an
Option B Lease, it
is mandatory for
each lessee to
provide bank
account details.
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 9 of 14
Confirmation of Lessee
Horse Name:
By signing this document, you acknowledge that lessee number one (1) is considered to be the Manager of the racehorse. For
clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy
of the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Email Address:
(Mandatory, when actioning an Option B Lease)
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the
Syndicate as an entity is GST registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for
“racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
These bank
account details will
only be applicable
when activating an
Option B Lease.
following the
selection of an
Option B Lease, it
is mandatory for
each lessee to
provide bank
account details.
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 10 of 14
Confirmation of Lessee
Horse Name:
By signing this document, you acknowledge that lessee number one (1) is considered to be the Manager of the racehorse. For
clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy
of the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Email Address:
(Mandatory, when actioning an Option B Lease)
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the
Syndicate as an entity is GST registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for
“racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
These bank
account details will
only be applicable
when activating an
Option B Lease.
following the
selection of an
Option B Lease, it
is mandatory for
each lessee to
provide bank
account details.
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 11 of 14
Confirmation of Lessee
Horse Name:
By signing this document, you acknowledge that lessee number one (1) is considered to be the Manager of the racehorse. For
clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy
of the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Email Address:
(Mandatory, when actioning an Option B Lease)
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the
Syndicate as an entity is GST registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for
“racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
These bank
account details will
only be applicable
when activating an
Option B Lease.
following the
selection of an
Option B Lease, it
is mandatory for
each lessee to
provide bank
account details.
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 12 of 14
Confirmation of Lessee
Horse Name:
By signing this document, you acknowledge that lessee number one (1) is considered to be the Manager of the racehorse. For
clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy
of the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Email Address:
(Mandatory, when actioning an Option B Lease)
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the
Syndicate as an entity is GST registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for
“racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
These bank
account details will
only be applicable
when activating an
Option B Lease.
following the
selection of an
Option B Lease, it
is mandatory for
each lessee to
provide bank
account details.
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 13 of 14
Confirmation of Lessee
Horse Name:
By signing this document, you acknowledge that lessee number one (1) is considered to be the Manager of the racehorse. For
clarification of the rights and responsibilities of a manager of a racehorse, please refer to Australian Rule of Racing 57. A copy of
the Rules of Racing can be found at the Racing Victoria Website; (Click ‘Racing and Integrity’);
Syndicate Name
(Only applicable if you are representing a registered Syndicate):
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Phone No.
(Business Hours):
Email Address:
(Mandatory, when actioning an Option B Lease)
Bank Account Name
(For distribution of prizemoney):
Account Number below:
BSB Number (6 Digits) below:
ABN Number:
This should only be provided under the following circumstances: (a) If you are the manager of a registered Syndicate and the
Syndicate as an entity is GST registered for “racing purposes”; or (b) If you – as an individual are GST registered for
“racing purposes”:
Individual Share Percentage (%)
(Note; this is the percentage you individually hold within the lessee group, and excludes any rental percentage therefore the
total share percentage for the lessee group must equal 100%):
By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Rules of Racing and the Terms & Conditions as outlined within
this application form.
These bank
account details will
only be applicable
when activating an
Option B Lease.
following the
selection of an
Option B Lease, it
is mandatory for
each lessee to
provide bank
account details.
Racing Victoria Lease of a Racehorse (up to 10 Lessee) Page 14 of 14
Returning the Completed Forms
Once completed, please return this application form to Racing Victoria’s Owner Services via the following methods:
Facsimile: (+61 3) 9258 4326;
Post: Racing Victoria Owner Services, 400 Epsom Road, Flemington VIC 3031.
Please allow ten (10) working days for the processing of this application. If you have any queries, please contact the
Customer First Contact Centre on 1300 139 412 or alternatively via email [email protected].
Terms and Conditions
Racing Victoria registers leases for racing purposes. Racing Victoria is not a party to the leases it registers. Racing Victoria’s “Register a
Lease” form does not itself create any proprietary rights. A lease is a private agreement between owner and lessee which creates
proprietary interests between the parties to the lease.
If any dispute arises concerning a lease it is a matter for the parties to settle themselves either in the courts or through mediation. Racing
Victoria does not have the jurisdiction to determine the private rights of parties in a lease dispute. Racing Victoria’s only role is to manage
its ownership registration system, ensure compliance with the Rules of Racing and determine the eligibility of horses to race. Independent
legal advice should be sought in the case of a dispute. Independent legal advice should also be sought relating to the courts jurisdiction
with respect to forfeiture before entering a lease. Insurance of the horse is the responsibility of the owner.
To assist in making ownership determinations, the Deputy Registrar of Racehorses (Registrar) must assess the fitness and propriety of
each applicant. This assessment requires the collection of sensitive information. In order to protect each individual’s privacy, certain
necessary information has not been requested on the application form; however, all applicants must read the following questions:
1. In the past 10 years, have you been convicted of, or is there a pending charge against you, for any offence involving; (a) Violence
against a person? or (b) Dishonest or criminal activity?
2. Have you ever been convicted under the Australian Rules of Racing or rules of any racing authority?
If any applicant should answer “yes” to any of these questions, the applicant must notify the Registrar in writing prior to the lodgement of
this application. Such notification must include full details of the conduct in question. The Registrar will advise in writing within seven (7)
days of having received such notification. That advice should be retained by the applicant as evidence that the appropriate notification has
been made. You are advised that should it be established that an individual has neglected or failed to truthfully respond to questions 1(a),
1(b) or 2, this application and any other application concerning the individual may be refused or cancelled at any time. If the notification
has previously been advised to the Registrar, there is no need to do so again.
The Committee of any Club or the Stewards may punish any person who makes any false or misleading statement or declaration in respect
of any matter in connection with the administration or control of racing under AR175(gg). Inaccuracies or omissions may also lead to
penalties and refusal or cancellation of the registration of this horse (AR17).
The Registrar of Racehorses (Registrar) collects information about you when you submit this application to register a racehorse. The
Registrar will use that information to assess your application and if approved, your ongoing status as an owner. To do that, the Registrar
may disclose your information to other racing bodies. On occasion, the Registrar may disclose names and contact details to racing
organizations including race clubs and owners or breeders associations.
However, this information will only be disclosed when the Registrar is of the opinion that such communication may be of interest or benefit
to you. You can gain access to, and request changes to, your personal information held by the Registrar at any time. You do not have to
supply the information requested, but if the information is not provided, the Registrar may refuse to accept your application.
If your horse interests are registered under GST Legislation, you are required to provide the applicable ABN so that prize money payments
can be grossed up with the GST portion. Each person or entity that is GST registered should nominate the applicable ABN.
In the case of Syndicate members who are GST registered, GST details cannot be specified the Syndicate must be registered for GST.
If the first named owner/entity (manager) provides bank account details, prize money payments can be made direct to the nominated bank