UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
 |  .
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Dear Colleagues
Communicaors hae imporan or o
do on behal o UBC. he speed a hich
communicaions no moe means e mus
be highl eecie a epressing he alue
e creae in he orld and deliering on ha
promise in all e communicae. he or
o creaing a orld-renoned UBC brand
depends upon a collecie ireless eor o
communicae engage and delier ecepional
eperiences or all hose e come ino
conac ih each and eer da.
Our goal is o ensure ha UBC is ell non
highl alued and deepl conneced in Briish
Columbia Canada and around he orld.
Our ideni is oen he mos immediae
represenaion o our insiuion people and
brand o our man audiences. Haing a srong
ssem o brand rules allos us o ell our
collecie sor ih he poer o one oice.
e appreciae our respec and collaboraion
in mainaining UBCs brand rules. e hope
his sie and is addiional resources are helpul
or ou. I han all o ou or our dedicaion
o supporing UBC.
ic Har
ssociae ice-Presiden
   
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
isual Ideni ules
 |  .
1.0 Inroducion 1
.0 UBC Brand isual lemens
.1 Insiuional ogos 4
. Uni Signaures and Parnership Signaures 10
. Colour 14
.4 ons 16
. UBC Coa o rms 18
.6 UBC o-Colour ogo 19
. Saioner 0
.8 mail Signaure 1
.9 ebsies 
.10 Social Media aars 
.11 ideo ails 4
.1 lee raphics 
.0 UBC Brand isual Ideni esources 8
.1 Brand Phoograph 0
. pographic Suggesions 1
. Saioner Cusomiaion 
.4 derising 4
. Prin Publicaions 9
.6 Presenaions 4
. HM mail emplaes 46
.8 Digial Signage 4
.9 Clohing 48
4.0 Design erms and esources 49
4.1 Design erms 1
4. Design esources 4
Please check the UBC brand site regularly to ensure that you are following the latest rules.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Our isual ideni is a shared language e
use o communicae he essence o ho e are.
UBCs isual represenaion means e sho up
in a memorable a — insanl recogniable
as a place here i ou hae he drie o shape a
beer orld UBC ill suppor ou in realiing
our greaes poenial.
Ho e appear in he orld should ell our
sor in a collecie oice o inspire moiae
and educae in an gien cone.
UBCs branded isual elemens — our logo
pograph colours and signaures — ac as a
oundaion or all o our communicaions a
UBC. he consisenc ih hich hese isual
elemens are used helps o creae an ideni
ha is associaed ih rus hich in urn
increases he equi in he UBC brand.
hile here are bes pracices around isual
ideni here are also hard-and-as rules ha
eerone ho uses he UBC brand mus ollo.
hese isual ideni rules are se ou b UBCs
Board o oernors in isual Ideni Polic .
he appl o all academic and adminisraie
unis o he uniersi including all UBC aculies
deparmens and unis and all acul and
sa ha or or UBC on all campuses.
Noe ha sudens are no permied o use he
brand isual ideni o promoe hemseles
or heir or ihou prior approal rom UBC
Brand and Mareing.
he olloing inormaion is spli ino o pars:
isual ideni rules ha mus be olloed and
more general resources or helpul suggesions
or carring ou our projec. e hope ha boh
ill help ou eecue he brand ih condence
and srenghen and uni he eperience
sudens acul alumni sa and isiors hae
o UBC on our campuses and in he broader
global communi.
isual ideni creaes a
consisen message.
Ho do e creae consisenc?
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
he UBC Brand isual ideni is cenred on
our insiuional logo colours pograph and
brand phoograph. hese rules dene he
relaionship o hese elemens in order o
communicae across prin digial and
enironmenal channels in a poerul and
consisen manner.
he appropriae use o hese elemens
enhances he uniersis repuaion leerages
quic recogniion and demonsraes boh
organiaional purpose and accounabili o
dierse uniersi saeholders. he are
rademared asses ha inorm and srenghen
he uniersis presence. hese rules ill
equip ou ih he noledge o eecue
communicaions using he UBC isual ideni
ih condence.
UBC Brand
isual Ideni ules
 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
lemens o he UBC ogo
he ull Signaure our primar brand logo is consruced
rom muliple elemens o UBCs isual ideni. UBCs cres
and ordmar hich uilie he brand colour UBC Blue or
PMS 8 and primar on hine are combined o
creae he ull Signaure.
.    
 
Insiuional sounds clinical bu he eperience
is ar rom i. Our logo represens he bigger idea
o UBC is people and is alue as a place o
innoaion and educaion. ules seing ou ho
hese logos can be used ensure a consisen
isual ideni and i is imperaie ha hese
rules are olloed.
UBC oers a suie o signaures logos and
ordmars or our communicaion needs.
Use hese signaures ih pride as ou represen
he uniersi in our communicaions.
 
 
1 
 
( )
2 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
UBC Cres
he UBC Cres can be used in applicaions here here is
insucien space or he ull or Narro Signaure. I can
also be used in insances here he audience is alread er
amiliar ih he UBC Brand.
UBC ordmar
he UBC ordmar ma be used as a separae elemen in
special applicaions such as on a cericae. Is use should
alas include he UBC ogo or he UBC Coa o rms
elsehere on he laou.
UBC eerorms
he UBC eerorms should onl be used in special
applicaions such as he UBC Shor orm Signaures
social media aaars and ehicle lier.
UBC Narro Signaure
he UBC Narro Signaure is a less ormal ersion o he
primar signaure. I should onl be used in insances here
here are seere space resricions such as on narro eb
ads or pull-up banners.
 
.    
 
UBC ull Signaure
he UBC ull Signaure is he primar logo o be used on all
applicaions. Please ensure ha he signaure is reproduced
a a legible sie.
In insances here he space proided is oo small or he
primar signaure o be legible or in special occasions hen
he use o he primar signaure ould be unsuiable please
use one o he secondar logos insead.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
   
Clear Space: ull Signaure Narro Signaures and Cres
o ensure maimum impac o he UBC logo here should
be a minimum clear space around he aror. s shon
he clear space around he logo should be equialen o or
greaer han 0 o he UBC logo idh shon as .
Please noe ha he signaure les aailable or donload
hae he clear space buil ino hem.
x x
x x
.    
UBC logos are aailable in UBC Blue PMS 8 blac
and hie. egibili and accessibili should be a srong
consideraion hen choosing hich colour o use.
or eample he UBC Blue ersion should be used on ligh
colour bacgrounds hile he hie ersion should be used
on er dar bacgrounds.
 
( )
 
 
 
 ’
 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.    
Separaing or re-arranging elemens o he UBC signaure
ll elemens o he signaure should alas sa inac and
no be re-arranged.
Disproporionael scaling he UBC logo
hen changing he sie o he signaure or logo eep he
dimensions proporional. In mos soare programs his is
done b holding he shi e hile resiing he image.
oaing he UBC logo
he logo should remain horional.
dding isual eecs o he UBC logo
ecs such as shados reecions glos or
D erusions should no be used.
Cenering he cres and ordmar
Signaures should alas hae he cres o he le
o he ordmar. Do no rearrange he elemens b
cenering he pe belo he logo.
dding anoher colour o he UBC logo
he logo should onl eer be in UBC Blue PMS 8 blac
or hie. Do no change he ras in he cres o ello or an
oher colour.
 
hin o our logo lie i is somehing ou are
borroing ha is er precious o he oner
he oner being UBC. his necessiaes some
airl srong language around ha is oa and
no oa regarding he UBC logo.
here are man as o be creaie ih he
brand bu changing or alering he UBC logo or
signaure is no one o hem. Belo are a e
eamples o logo usage ha are no permied.
Do no use he UBC signaure and logo design
in he olloing as.
   
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.    
    .
Changing he peace in he UBC logo
Signaures should onl eer use he cusomied hine
leerorms UBC ordmar.
Changing he colour o he UBC logo
he logo should onl eer be in UBC Blue PMS 8 blac
or hie.
Incorporaing he logo ino a phrase or senence
he logo should no be reaed as an icon ha can be used in
e. Spell ou UBC or he Uniersi o Briish Columbia
in a agline or senence.
Combining he UBC cres and leerorms
he UBC leerorms should no be combined ih he
cres as his creaes o insance o UBC. Use eiher one
elemen or he oher.
dding an ouline o he ouside o he UBC cres
Please ollo he clear space guidelines and aoid adding
addiional elemens o he cres.
ping ou he UBC leerorms hen being used
as branding
he UBC leerorms ound in he cres hae been alered
rom he leerorms ound in he hine peace. hen
used or branding purposes use he leerorms le
proided on brand.ubc.ca insead o ping ou he leers.
Onl pe ou UBC i he name is being used in a senence
or agline.
is yours to create.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
    .
Deconsrucing he cres
Illusraed elemens ihin he cres should no be spli
apar ino separae gures or manipulaed.
Placing he logo on a bacground ha reduces legibili
Bacground colours or images should no impede he abili
o see or read he logo. Please place blue or blac logos on a
ligh bacground and hie logos on a dar bacground.
dding e or a agline o he logo
Please ollo he clear space guidelines and aoid aaching
addiional e o a signaure or logo.
Visit ubc.ca today
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
ull Uni Signaure
his is he sandard and preerred orma or aculies and
unis ho require an ocial uni signaure. aculies schools
and unis can use heir uni signaure or man promoional
purposes. Hoeer in he case o saioner iems and
ebsie headers or ooers he UBC Signaure mus be used.
Promoional Uni Signaure
his uni signaure eaures he name o he acul school
uni or deparmen more prominenl and can be used or
mareing purposes.
Campus ocaion
ancouer Campus or Oanagan Campus ma be added
in he secondar eld o indicae he locaion o a acul or
uni. Please noe ha UBC aculies and unis ha sere boh
campuses should not add he campus locaion.
Narro Uni Signaure
ie he Narro UBC Signaure his should onl be
used hen here is insucien space or use o he ull
uni signaure.
Uni Shor Name Signaure
his signaure opion is less ormal and is inended or
audiences ha alread no ha UBC sands or he
Uniersi o Briish Columbia or hen used ih brand
deices hich alread hae he UBC cres in i such as he
Publicaion Bar or he UBC C.
.    
 
e recognie eer uni deparmen and
acul hae a unique culure a UBC. e
colleciel e are sronger ogeher as e
engage locall and inernaionall ih our man
audiences. Ho do e accomplish boh goals?
Our sandardied uni signaures ill ideni
our acul or deparmen as being clearl par
o UBC ihou diluing he brand.
I ou are in need o uni signaures please
conac Brand and Mareing.
    
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
    ,               
   
hile uni signaures proide aculies unis
and deparmens an opporuni o promoe
heir name and oerings he ma also presen
design challenges hich can resul in cluered
and poorl presened communicaions.
hese choices should be aoided. hen
appling a uni signaure o our or eep i
clean modern and simple hereer possible.
   
.    
Muliple Uni Signaures
e recognie in an organiaion as large as UBC ha here
ill be imes hen o or more aculies or unis ill be
displaing heir uni signaures ogeher on he same iem.
his can creae insances here here are seeral UBC
logos on one page hich ma be disracing o he ieer.
o aoid haing muliple UBC mars on one page in such
siuaions please ollo hese rules.
For two unit signatures:
Use one UBC ull Signaure and lis he names o he
aculies or unis belo.
For more than two unit signatures:
Use one UBC ull Signaure and lis he names o he
aculies or unis o he righ o he signaure. Separae he
signaure and names ih a hin line ha has  o cres
idh o clear space o eiher side. or insance here here
are e or si names lis he names in o columns.
For more than six unit signatures:
Please use he UBC ull Signaure onl.
    
 
    ,     
      
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Uni Signaures and UBC ull Signaures
In insances in hich a design ill alread hae he UBC
ull Signaure UBC Narro Signaure or UBC Cres i is
adisable o use he Shor Name Uni Signaure. or
eample i using he publicaion bar hich conains he
UBC Cres on he ron coer o a repor please use he
Shor orm Uni Signaure ersion on he coer o aoid
insances o muliple UBC ogos on one page.
Uni Signaures and he UBC Common oo and eel C
hen oring on a ebsie projec please use he UBC C.
Please do no aler he Cs brand ideni bar uni name
bar or he brand ideni ooer o include a uni signaure.
I ou use a uni signaure ihin he conen o he eb
page do no place in close proimi o he UBC signaures
in he brand ideni bar and ooer. his ill ensure ha he
signaures are no saced.
I ou ould lie o use a uni signaure in he conac us
bloc please use he Shor Name Uni Signaure.
or complee deails abou uni signaure usage and he C
please isi he C Design Specicaion page.
       ...
       
     
     .
.    
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
 
UBC has man aliaions ih parner groups
and as such here ma be imes hen he
UBC ull signaure needs o appear ih he
logos o oher insiuions or companies.
Please ollo hese rules i creaing a
parnership signaure ha includes UBC.
.    
Parnership: ull Signaure
hen creaing a parnership mar he UBC ull Signaure or
UBC ull Uni Signaure are he preerred UBC mars.
Separae he logos ih a erical line ih he space o he
idh o hree-quarers o he UBC Cres on eiher side.
Parnership: Narro Signaure
I here are seere space limiaions he UBC Narro
Signaure ma be used. Coninue o separae he logos ih
a erical line ih he space o he idh o hree-quarers
o he UBC Cres on eiher side.
Parnership: Muliple Parners
I here are seeral parners place parner logos o he
righ o he UBC mar and separae each logo ih a erical
line ih he space o he idh o hree-quarers o
he UBC Cres on eiher side. ou ma use eiher he ull or
he Narro UBC Signaure.
   
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  
 
here is a good reason e use consisen colours
in our UBC communicaions i srenghens
our relaionships and increases our recogniion
as an insiuion around he orld.
eep in mind here is an emoional connecion
ha has been esablished ih our colours so
please reie and use consisenl o increase
posiie associaion ih our isual ideni.
     
Ocial UBC Colours
Our primar colours are UBC Blue PMS 8 and hie.
Our secondar colours ma be used o bring in a dieren
personali or one o communicaions bu should alas
be used in conjuncion ih UBC Blue.
PANTONE® is the property of Pantone LLC. The colors and
CMYK breakdowns shown on this page and throughout this
manual have not been evaluated by Pantone for accuracy
and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
   
Man UBC aculies and schools hae a
hisoric colour ha he ma use in conjuncion
ih he primar UBC colours. Please conac
he communicaion proessional or he acul
or school or inormaion on heir areas
specic colour.
Please eep in mind ha hese colours are
accen colours. he UBC brand colours
are base colour palee ono hich a acul
or school colour can be added. Do no
replace he UBC brand colours ih acul
or school colours.
   
s communicaors our job is o ensure ha
eerone can access our inormaion ih ease
including hose ih ision impairmens.
egibili is an imporan consideraion hen
using UBC colours. o enhance legibili ensure
ha here is signican conras beeen he
oreground and bacground colours.
or more deailed inormaion on legibili
please reie and adhere o acceped design
accessibili sandards ound in he D
ccessibili Handboo.
emember o consider our users hen
designing or he eb and ensure ha our
colour choices mee a leas  eb
accessibili sandards. Please use his ool o
see i our design mees hese accessibili
UBC always aims for AA web accessibility ratings
on ubc.ca. To reach this standard, you may need to
let go of certain colours or designs. However,
accessibility is a brand standard we take pride in.
.  
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
. 
ih eer leer in eer message e mae
a saemen. he paricular design spacing
and eigh o leerorms insanl inorm our
audiences ha ha he are reading is rom
UBC. hen represening UBC please use he
olloing ons.
aBbCc1 hine igh
AaBbCc123 Whitney Light Italic
    
aBbCc1 hine Boo
AaBbCc123 Whitney Book Italic
    
aBbCc1 hine Medium
AaBbCc123 Whitney Medium Italic
    
aBbCc1 hine Semibold
AaBbCc123 Whitney Semibold Italic
    
aBbCc1 hine Bold
aBbCc1 hine Bold Ialic
    
aBbCc1 hine Blac
AaBbCc123 Whitney Black Italic
    
 
Our primar peace is hine. Is a ersaile on ha
ors as ell on a ide range o mediums rom large signs
o small business cards.
Due o is readabili and ersaili hine is he
recommended on or mos UBC applicaions including
anding headline and cop e. s i is our primar
peace i should be used or all ormal communicaions
here a srong insiuional loo is required.
hine is aailable o all acul and uni communicaors
in desop orma a no cos.  subse o hine eb
sles are also aailable or UBC ebsies ha use our
Common oo and eel C hine ScreenSmar
Boo Boo Ialic Semibold.
Please note that UBC does not currently have a license to use
Whitney for apps or eBooks. In these cases, please use Open
Sans (see the next page for details).
Also, please note that Microsoft Oce programs can have issues
with Whitney, as these programs do not support third-party
fonts. To reduce these issues, it is advisable to use a system font,
such as Arial, when using these programs.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Insiuional ons or ernal Conracors
ernal endors or consulans mus purchase heir on
on les or usage. hine is aailable or purchase
hrough Hoeer  Co. and uardian gpian is aailable
or purchase hrough Commercial pe.
on Opions or Microso Oce Programs
Microso Oce programs including ord and PoerPoin
do no suppor hird-par ons including hine and
uardian. I is recommended ha a ssem on such as
rial be used ih hese programs.
on Opions or Oher anguages
Noo Sans CJ a ree oogle on is recommended or
peseing Simplied Chineseradiional Chinese
Japanese and orean in eb and prin.
Please conac UBC Brand and Mareing or on
recommendaions or oher languages.
lernaie on Opions or eb Usage
hen oring on some eBoo eb app soare or SaaS
projecs hine or uardian gpian ma no be
aailable or opimal as on opions. In such cases e
recommend he olloing ree oogle ons as alernaies:
Open Sans in place o hine or Merrieaher in place o
uardian gpian. Open Sans and Merrieaher are
designed o help users quicl scan a page and nd he
relean inormaion ha he need.
I creaing a ebsie ha houses long-orm sories or is more
ediorial in naure he oogle on ora can be used as a
bod e on. his on has been designed or long
paragraphs o bod e and helps readers hrough an
ediorial sor. Please noe ha ora should no be used
ouside o ediorial purposes hine Open Sans and/or
Merrieaher should be used or all oher ebsies.
 
uardian gpian
uardian gpian a seri on can be used as an
accompaning on o hine. I as originall deeloped
as a headline on or nespapers and as such i ors
ell hen used or headlines pull quoes decs or oher
e iems ha ou ould lie o call aenion o. Please
noe ha or ormal communicaions hine should be
he primar on ih uardian gpian used as an accen.
uardian gpian is also aailable o all acul and uni
communicaors in desop orma a no cos.
Please note that it is not currently available for web, app or
eBook use.
Also, please note that Microsoft Oce programs can have issues
with Guardian, as these programs do not support third-party
fonts. To reduce these issues, it is advisable to use a system font,
such as Arial, when using these programs.
AaBbCc123 Guardian Egyptian Light
AaBbCc123 Guardian Eptian Light Italic
AaBbCc123 Guardian Egyptian Regular
AaBbCc123 Guardian Eptian Regular Italic
AaBbCc123 Guardian Egyptian Medium
AaBbCc123 Guardian Eptian Medium Italic
AaBbCc123 Guardian Egyptian Semibold
AaBbCc123 Guardian Eptian Semibold Italic
AaBbCc123 Guardian Egyptian Bold
AaBbCc123 Guardian Eptian Bold Italic
AaBbCc123 Guardian Egyptian Black
AaBbCc123 Guardian Eptian Black Italic
AaBbCc123 OpenSansRegular
AaBbCc123 Merriweather Regular
AaBbCc123 Lora Regular
 
. 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.    
   
he Coa o rms is used or signican
commemoraion hisorical and ceremonial
purposes o cone a sense o digni and
permanence. he UBC Coa o rms consiss o
a radiional coa o arms in a shield shape ih
Tuum Est and an open boo in he upper par o
he shield and deailed sun ras and sun shape
baced b a lines in he loer secion.
I is imporan o noe ha he Coa o rms is
not he UBC logo.
he Coa o rms is used sparingl in er
specic applicaions. uhoried purposes are
lised belo. Please reer o he UBC Coa o
rms Polic or more inormaion.
     
raduaion Congregaion/Conocaion
UBC degrees diplomas degree parchmen and
academic cericaes
• ranscrips
raduaion collaeral maerials e. program banners
digial signage Honorar Degree recipien iniaions
Heads o Class medals
raduaion class ree marers and class plaques
Presidens Serice ard or cellence medals
ormal iniaions IPs heads o sae roal ec.
Commemoraie building plaques
Hisorical marers
he Uniersi lag
uhoried ormal recogniion gis/producs
Senae Board o oernors and Chancellors Oce
he Uniersi Seal
Senae saioner or ormal or ceremonial purposes
Board o oernors saioner or ormal or
ceremonial purposes
Chancellors oce saioner or ormal or
ceremonial purposes
raphic les required or reproducion are obainable
onl hrough Brand and Mareing.
Usage Inquiries
he Ceremonies and ens Oce in conjuncion ih
Brand and Mareing holds seardship o he Coa o
rms. Inappropriae use o he coa o arms can dilue
UBCs legac and repuaion. I he Coa o rms is
required or applicaions no sipulaed on he righ
adance permission mus be approed b boh
deparmens. Inquiries should be sen hrough he
Conac Us orm on brand.ubc.ca.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  - 
 - 
he o-colour ersion o he UBC logo is or
he eclusie use o he Oce o he Presiden.
his special-purpose logo indicaes hen
communicaion is rom he Presiden. I aes
is inspiraion rom UBCs ounding colours o
blue and gold and creaes a isual lin beeen
he Oce o he Presiden and he Board o
oernors hich is represened b he blue
and gold Coa o rms.
he unique purpose o his logo ecludes
all use o he o-colour logo b aculies unis
and deparmens a UBC. e as ha all UBC
aculies unis and deparmens onl use he
one-colour signaures and logos. I e or
ogeher ihin his ssem and adhere o he
isual ideni e colleciel appear unied
in our communicaions ihin our local and
global communiies.
   - 
he o-colour logo is or he eclusie use o he
Oce o he Presiden
pplicaions include saioner leerhead business
cards enelopes noe pads and he Oce o he
Presiden ebsie
he one-colour blue blac or hie logo is he
sandard or all applicaions ouside hose used b he
Oce o he Presiden
he Coa o rms remains unchanged and is resered
or he use o he Board o oernors and or ocial
ceremonial uses onl. See 2.6 UBC Coat of Arms on he
preious page or deails
raphic les required or reproducion are obainable
onl hrough Brand and Mareing.
Usage Inquiries
he Oce o he Presiden in conjuncion ih Brand and
Mareing holds seardship o he o-colour logo.
Inappropriae use o he o-colour logo can resul in
negaiel aecing UBCs legac and repuaion. I he
o-colour logo is required or applicaions no sipulaed
on he righ adance permission mus be approed b
boh deparmens. Inquiries should be sen hrough he
Conac Us orm on brand.ubc.ca.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Ordering Prined UBC Saioner Iems
ll saioner iems or UBC are creaed and prined b
ero lobal Serices our ocial saioner endor. he
saioner iems are prined on enironmenall riendl
paper are colour mached o UBCs brand sandards and
are ormaed o accommodae all poenial idenicaion
and conac inormaion.
ero oers a online ordering poral or he olloing
prined saioner iems:
Business cards
eerhead and second shees
• nelopes
reeing cards
Mailing labels
ero can also creae leerhead emplaes or desop
publishing programs lie Microso ord. he emplaes
are buil o include uni deparmen or acul specic
ccess he ordering poral and submi our order here.
.  
 
Our saioner is a core means o brand
communicaions and represens he uniersi
in is ocial capaci heneer a business card
leer or enelope is sen or receied on behal
o UBC.
he cohesie loo and eel o hese iems
enables our ideni o be used uniersi-ide
reinorcing an image o rus recogniion and
connecion ih our man audiences.
 
 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.   
  
mail represens us as a public insiuion o
he orld. Haing a consisen loo and eel o
our email communicaions creaes a sense o
legiimac and rus in our communicaions.
I ou are using email as a sa or acul
member please ensure ou adhere o our email
guidelines so e responsibl use his imporan
communicaion channel.
I ou are in need o an email signaures please
isi brand.ubc.ca.
 
Inernal and ernal mail Signaures
UBC acul and Sa can creae an email signaure ih
a signaure generaor proided on brand.ubc.ca.
here are o ersions o he signaure — a UBC Brand
Inernal mail Signaure or communicaions ihin UBC
and a UBC Brand ernal mail Signaure hich includes
he UBC ogo or communicaions ih conacs ouside
o he uniersi.
he signaure generaor allos or inclusion o conac
inormaion credenials ebsie lins social media
channel lins preerred pronouns and Indigenous land
acnoledgmen. Use onl UBC-relaed conac
inormaion in our email signaure.
Do no include quoaions philosophical saemens
images icons bacgrounds or o-brand colours or ons
in our email signaure.
  
  
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  
 
ebsies orm he oundaion o UBCs digial
ecossem. Presening a cohesie eperience
across UBC ebsies helps insill a sense o rus
and condence among our online audiences
paricularl our prospecie sudens acul
and sa ha he inormaion he inerac
ih is in ac repuable and creaed b UBC.
he UBC C Common oo and eel is a
eb design rameor ha proides he means
o esablish his cohesion.
UBC aculies unis and deparmens should
build heir ebsies using he guidelines se ou
b he C.
 
Common oo and eel C
he UBC Common oo and eel C is a digial
applicaion o UBCs isual ideni ssem. he C
consiss o core isual ideni asses baseline design
componens and laou opions as ell as underling
uncionali ha can be applied consisenl across
UBC ebsies hile also alloing room or ariaion o
mee he unique needs o indiidual ebsies.
or urher inormaion please isi he UBC C ebsie.
 ( )
 ( )
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.    
  
Ocial UBC social media channels are required
o use UBC social media aaars.
UBCs aaar ssem proides a uniing loo o
social media channels hile ensuring ha unis
can sill clearl ideni hemseles. B using
hese aaars hose ho manage social media
on behal o UBC ill creae a much more
consisen coordinaed and proessional
presence or UBC.
I ou are in need o social media aaars please
conac Brand and Mareing.
  
Social Media aars
Ocial aaars can be ordered rom UBC Brand and
Mareing and are aailable or aceboo ier
Insagram inedIn and ouube. Please use hese
ocial aaars insead o creaing our on.
acul and uni colours can be added o he aaar b
reques. I no colour is specied a UBC brand colour ill
be applied.
Due o space and sie resricions abbreiaions or
acronms or a uni or acul ma be used in place o
a ull name e. SPPH in place o School o Populaion
and Public Healh.
 :  
 : 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.   
 
ideo is a e isual elemen o digial
sorelling. Using a brand ideo ail a he end
o our ideo projec ill help ieers recognie
i as coming rom UBC. ou mus use hese
ideos ails o ideni UBC-produced ideos.
I ou are in need o brand end ails please
conac Brand and Mareing.
 
Brand nd ail or 16:9 ideos
he end o each idescreen ideo should include a ail
shocasing UBCs ull Signaure. Brand and Mareing has
creaed animaed brand end ails in a arie o rame raes
le ormas and resoluions o  our ideo needs. he les
are buil o a 16:9 idescreen raio.
Please conac Brand and Mareing o obain a brand
end ail.
Uni Signaure ideo ails
I our uni is in need o a ideo ail ha uses our uni
signaure please conac Brand and Mareing.  cusom
uni signaure ideo ail can be made or 16:9 ideos or
square ideos.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
UBC Signaure
or he highes isibili he UBC eerorms signaure is
he recommended signaure or all ehicles.
I a uni or deparmen name is required on he ehicle
please add he name o he righ o he leerorms.
he name should be pese in hine Semibold and
can be separaed ino o lines i necessar.
s his orma is dieren rom sandard uni signaures
i is highl recommended ha ou consul ih UBC
Brand and Mareing o ensure ha he orma sill mees
brand sandards.
Signaure and pe Colour
or hie or ligh coloured ehicles please use UBC Blue
PMS 8 or he UBC Signaure and oher addiional pe
graphics such as ehicle number or conac inormaion.
or dar coloured ehicles please use a hie ersion o he
UBC Signaure and oher addiional pe graphics.
I pe is required on he ehicle or eample ehicle
number or conac inormaion please use hine as
our on preerabl in he semibold eigh.
.  
 
Uniersi ehicles are oen spoed driing
around our campuses and surrounding
communiies and are highl isible elemens
o UBC.
o presen his ee o ehicles in a proessional
consisen and recogniable manner ollo
hese sandards hen creaing ehicle graphics.
 
 
( )
604 822 5355
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
o mainain consisenc please ollo hese sie
specicaions or ehicle graphics. or he UBC Signaure
sie please use he bes sie or he space aailable.
ehicle Number
Heigh: .0 inches .0 mm
UBC Signaure:
Heigh: .0 inches .0 mm
Heigh: .0 inches 1.0 mm
Heigh: . inches 18. mm
Heigh: 10.0 inches 0.0 mm
Heigh: 1. inches 1. mm
Heigh: 1.0 inches .0 mm
raphics should be placed on he rear and sides o a ehicle.
Consideraion or ho he UBC Signaure relaes o door
edges and oher ehicle eaures should be gien.
he olloing pages illusrae ho graphics should be
placed on a arie o ehicles.
.  
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Placemen con.
he olloing pages illusrae ho graphics should be
placed on a arie o ehicles.
Oher design elemens
Depending on he purpose o he ehicle oher design
elemens ma be added o he eerior o a ehicle. or
eample high-isibili designs can be added o UBC
Securi ehicles o help ih recogniion.
Please conac Brand and Mareing beore proceeding
ih adding oher design elemens o a ehicle.
.  
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Need an inspiring phoo or our deparmens
ebsie? Seeing an eas a o produce a
digial ad? heher oure puing ogeher a
big presenaion or looing or an HM email
emplae o mae hings ocial oull nd
resources here.
he olloing secion conains suggesions
raher han rules ha ill help ou mae he
mos o our projec. Used consisenl
hese design emplaes and ssems ill help
conribue o he creaion o an inegraed
ideni ha is insanl recognied as UBC.
UBC Brand
isual Ideniesources
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  
 
he images ha e use o ell our sories or rela
sraegic messaging in our communicaions
maerials are e o coneing our brand
conicions — in prin ideo eperienial and
eb mareing.
Phoograph is a e sorelling and brand ool
and as such e hae deeloped a separae
deailed guide on ha an on-brand phoograph
loos lie. or his inormaion please isi he
Phoograph ooli on he UBC Brand sie.
Phoograph ibrar
On-brand UBC phoographs are aailable or use b
members o he UBC communi on Brand and Mareings
licr sie.
UBC Phoographer
Brand and Mareing oers he UBC communi high
quali phoograph a er reasonable raes. or inquiries
regarding phoograph serices please conac:
Paul H. Joseph
604 8 4
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
 
pograph is a poerul design ool ha shapes
he one and personali o our communicaions.
s each projec ill hae is on audience and
goal i is undersandable ha each ill also
hae is on pographic sle. egardless o
he design used all pographic design a UBC
should be ell considered and legible.
ih his in mind hese pographic eamples
should be seen as suggesions insead o
prescripions. he eamples hae been designed
so ha he can be applied o man pes o
projecs bu can be alered as needed. I ou
hae urher quesions regarding pograph or
ould lie eedbac on our design please
conac Brand and Mareing.
  
 
ords are a promise.
ha are e promising?
Our ords shape our belies personali and message o he orld. Our oice
holds an inenion ha comes hrough in eer communicaion e mae.
he language e choose is a commimen o ecellence — a commimen e
mae eer ime e ell a UBC sor.
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UBC Overview
and Facts
he Uniersi o Briish Columbia is a cenre or eaching learning and
research and a hub o innoaion or he proince. UBC is consisenl
raned among he op public uniersiies in he orld.
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UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
 
UBC’s Brand
If you have the drive to shape a better world, UBC will support you in realizing
your greatest potential.
Our brand sraeg as creaed o posiion he uniersi in he hears and
minds o our audiences. I presens our core alues and diereniaes us
rom our compeiors. B using i consisenl and sraegicall e all pla
a role in enhancing UBCs global prole and repuaion.
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What We Stand For
About UBC’s Brand
UBC encourages bold thinking, curiosity and initiative, so
you can realize your greatest potential.
Since 191 UBC has eoled ino a leading cenre or eaching
learning and research consisenl raned among he op public
uniersiies in he orld and recenl recognied as Norh
mericas mos inernaional uniersi. s our inuence and global
communi gro so does our obligaion o mainain ecellen
brand sandards.
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.  
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  
 UBC leerheads enelopes and he ron sides o
business cards mus ollo he saioner rules ound on
page 0 o his documen.
UBC acul and sa do hae he abili o cusomie he
bacs o heir business cards or he rons o greeing cards.
ero oers he olloing design opions or business card
bacs and greeing card rons. Please noe ha here are
addiional opions or iner holida cards.
2016_ThankYouCard_6x4-1/4.indd 3 2016-07-07 3:23 PM
2016_ThankYouCard_6x4-1/4.indd 4 2016-07-07 3:23 PM
2016_ThankYouCard_6x4-1/4.indd 1 2016-07-07 3:23 PM
2016_ThankYouCard_6x4-1/4.indd 6 2016-07-07 3:23 PM
 
( )
 
 
(  
 )
   
   
  
Saioner is one o he e acile ouchpoins
e hae in our mainl digial orld. hen ou
hand ou our UBC business card ou are acing
as an ambassador o he brand.  cohesie
loo o our business cards leerheads and
enelopes creaes a consisen impression
among hose receiing correspondence rom
UBCs acul and sa. Mae ha impression
a good one.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
UBC derising Bars
UBC proides a series o aderising bars ha can be
applied o all prin and oudoor aderisemens. Colour and
grascale les are aailable alloing he bar o be added o
a arie o aderising scenarios ranging rom ull colour
bus sheler ads o blac and hie nespaper ads.
ll o hese les are aailable or boh design soare
programs and desop publishing soare programs.
nsure ha ou hae donloaded he correc le pes or
our program a brand.ubc.ca.
. 
In all o our communicaions UBC aspires o
ecellence. hen e aderise UBC — heher
as a uni deparmen acul or indiidual —
e are represening he uniersi. Our eernal
messages should embod our alues ideni
and personali. derising should promoe
UBC as a uniersi ha encourages bold
hining curiosi and iniiaie so ou can
realie our greaes poenial.
Undermining our credibili ih oerl
promoional poorl designed aderising ha
doesn adhere o our guidelines damages
our repuaion as an organiaion. Our
aderising should be insanl recogniable
as coming rom UBC because o is inegri
ell-ariculaed message and clean conden
design and ocial pograph.
Please eel ree o use hese emplaes o help
ou creae our ad.
   
 — 
 — 
 — 
 — 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Prin derising Bar Sie and Posiioning
he heigh o he bar should be sucien enough o allo
or he UBC Signaure o be legible. he idh o he bar can
be alered o  he sie o he ad b eending or shorening
he le side o he bar.
he aderising bar should alas be placed one hal o is
heigh aa rom he boom o he page regardless o he
sie o he ad.
. 
Who we are.
What we believe.
Our story.
Since 191 UBC has eoled ino a leading research
uniersi ha is no raned as one o he op public
uniersiies in he orld. s our inuence and global
communi gros so does our obligaion o mainain
ecellen brand sandards.
               
             
½  
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Using Uni Signaures in Prin derising Bars
I he aderisemen is or a specic acul or deparmen
he ull Signaure in he bar can be replaced ih ha
acul or schools uni signaure. In such cases please
use he Promoional ersion o he uni signaure.
hen adding a uni signaure ensure ha here is a ull logo
idh o clear space on eiher side o he signaure.
Using Parnership ogos in Prin derising Bars
I creaing an aderisemen or a parnership iniiaie
he ull Signaure in he bar can be replaced ih he
parnership signaure locup see page 1 or deails on
ho o creae a parnership locup.
Designs can use he ull Signaure or he Narro Signaure
parnership logo locup depending on he sie o he ad.
Please ensure ha here is a ull UBC logo idh o clear
space on eiher side o he loc up.
. 
        
          
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
UBC Digial derising emplaes
UBC proides digial aderising emplaes or hree o he
mos common sies o digial ads: Square 00p
eaderboard 890p and Sscraper 160600p.
I he required ad is a dieren sie please aemp o eep
he proporions similar o one o he proided emplaes.
or digial aderisemens please use he UBC ull
Signaure in place o a uni signaure as his ill help ih
legibili on digial deices.
 
  () — 
  ()   ()
. 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
pograph and Colour
Ideall he UBC colour palee and ocial pograph
should be used. or pograph inspiraion see some o he
pographic recommendaions on page 16 o his guide.
Use one o UBCs brand phoographs o arac and engage
our audience.
ccess UBCs licr ibrar.
ell a Sor
or aderising o or emoions hae o be engaged.
emember o eep our message simple and concise oo
much e dilues our message.
UBC derising Polic
ll UBC aderising mus adhere o Polic 11.
 
. 
  
  
Every year,
hundreds of life
journeys begin here.
Now it’s your turn.
he promise: academic aculies and research aciliies
globall recognied or heir inuence and impac. he
oucome: noledge sills hands-on eperience and
connecions or lie. he campuses: ancouer and
Oanagan arguabl he mos beauiul places on earh
o pursue our academic career.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  
 
I ou are planning o publish brochures
magaines repors or oher prin maerials
please use our publicaion bars or publicaion
abs o ideni he brand on he coer o
our publicaion.
he UBC publicaion bars and abs are ersaile
ssems ha allo communicaors o hae
creaie reedom ih publicaion coers hile
sill mainaining an on-brand loo.
  ( )
  
UBC publicaion bars are aailable in UBC Blue PMS 8
blac and hie. egibili and bacground colours or
image should be a srong consideraion hen choosing
hich colour o use.
Colour ecs
he publicaion bars can be used in solid colour or can
use a ransparenc or mulipl eec. or eample o sho
par o an image behind a bar he hie publicaion bar
can be se a 80 opaci or he UBC Blue bar can be se
o Mulipl ec. Please noe ha he UBC ogo and
ordmar should alas be 100 opaque.
 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  
Publicaion Bar Sie
In order or he UBC Signaure o be legible he heigh o
he publicaion bar should be greaer han 0.6" or 1.6 cm.
he idh o he bar can be alered o  he sie o he
publicaion coer b eending or shorening he righ side
o he bar.
Publicaion Bar Posiion
he publicaion bar should be applied onl o he boom o
a publicaions ron coer.
Coer and Poser emplaes ih Publicaion Bar
emplaes or brochure coers or posers ha include he
properl sied publicaion bars are aailable on he UBC
Brand ebsie. emplaes are aailable or abloid leer
hal-old ri-old and poscard sies.
               
 
 .” 
  
  
at UBC
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  
Publicaion Bars and Uni Signaures
I a Uni Signaure is desired in he coer o a repor here
are o opions or inclusion. he rs is o use he sandard
publicaion bar and incorporae he Uni Signaure ino he
design o he upper par o he coer. s he publicaion bar
alread has a UBC Cres i is adisable o use he Shor
Name Uni Signaure o aoid duplicaion o he UBC ogo.
he second is o use a publicaion bar ha incorporaes
our Sandard Uni Signaure. or his opion please
conac Brand and Mareing hrough he UBC Brand sie
and a cusom publicaion bar ih our uni signaure ill
be creaed or ou.
       ...      
      
  
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
 
.  
Usage o he publicaion ab
In insances hen he audience is er amiliar ih
he uniersi communicaors can choose o use he
UBC publicaion ab. Please use UBC publicaion bars on
publicaions here he inended audience is no amiliar
ih UBC.
he ab les can be donload rom brand.ubc.ca.
he publicaion ab is aailable as eiher a hie ab
ih a UBC Blue logo or a UBC Blue ab ih a hie logo.
I is aailable in CM and PMS colour ormas.
he publicaion ab should bleed o he op or he boom
o he page. abs mean or he boom o he page hae he
logo closer o he op o he bo hile he ab mean or
he op o he page has he logo closer o he boom o he
bo. Please ensure ha ou are using he correc design
or he placemen.
he publicaion ab can be place in he op or boom
corners. Please aoid placing i near he cenre o he coer.
he ab should be inse rom he righ or le o he page.
Please ensure ha i doesn bleed o he sides o he page.
Sie and Bleed
he publicaion ab can be resied o accommodae he
sie o our documen. Please ensure ha he cres remains
legible. Please do no resie he bacground bo or cres
independenl o each oher as his ill change he
proporions o he ab.
he supplied les do no hae a bleed buil ino hem. I our
publicaion requires a bleed please eend he bacground
bo as needed o mee our bleed requiremens.
  ( )
   : 
   : 
  
at UBC
  
at UBC
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
. 
 arie o PoerPoin and enoes emplaes
ill allo ou o delier our maerial in a clear
and bold manner hile saing on-brand.
Phoographic PoerPoin emplae
his emplae is a isuall-rich opion. I comes sandard
ih campus shos as a bacground bu hese images can
be changed o  our isual needs.
o do his open he emplae in PoerPoin and sich
i o Maser ie. Once ou change images go bac o
Normal ie o or on our presenaion.
 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
pographic PoerPoin emplae
his e-based emplae ill help ou o creae a clean
on-brand presenaion. I is a simple eas-o-use emplae
ha ill sill engage our audience.
he emplae opions hae been ormaed or boh
sandard 4: and idescreen 16:9 sies. Chec o see
hich screen orma ou ill be presening on beore
choosing a emplae sie.
ons in PoerPoin
Microso Oce can eperience conics ih ons
rom hird-par proiders. s hine is a hird-par
on users ma nd ha he on doesn displa properl
in PoerPoin. Due o his i is recommended ha rial
is used or PoerPoin in order o reduce displa problems.
AaBbCc123 Arial Regular
AaBbCc123 Arial Bold
. 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Phoographic enoe emplae
his emplae is a isuall-rich opion. I comes sandard
ih campus shos as a bacground bu hese images can
be changed o  our isual needs.
o do his open he emplae in enoe go o ie
and choose di Maser Slides. Once ou change images
go o ie and choose i Maser Slides o begin or
on our presenaion.
 
he emplaes hae been ormaed or boh sandard 4:
and idescreen 16:9 sies. Chec hich screen orma
ou ill be presening on beore choosing a emplae sie.
ons in enoe
Ideall hine should be used or presenaions
compleed in enoe. Hoeer i here are on concerns
a emplae se in Heleica is also aailable or use.
aBbCc1 hine Boo
aBbCc1 hine Bold
AaBbCc123 Helvetica Regular
AaBbCc123 Helvetica Bold
. 
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.   
  
mail mareing can be an eecie a o
increase boh reach and engagemen ih our
audience. ih he righ sraeg and ools in
place our e-nesleers can become a rused
source o inormaion or imel and relean
updaes encouraging readers o engage ih
ou and our oher communicaions channels.
here are man ools or creaing and
disribuing e-nesleers and e encourage
ou o use he soluion ha mees our unis
needs hile adhering o UBCs email sandards.
or more inormaion abou email mareing
consideraions a UBC please reer o he HM
email emplaes page on brand.ubc.ca.
  
HM mail emplaes
he UBC HM email emplae is a responsie single-
column laou ih sandardied pograph ha has been
esed across muliple ersions o email reading soare.
he header region consiss o he UBC logo a graphic
or phoo o sere as an idenier or he nesleer and an
addiional e-based line o displa he nesleer ile
as lie cop or accessibili. he ooer region consiss o
he uniersi ordmar as ell as dedicaed space o
include he inormaion required b Canadian ni-Spam
egislaion CS.
or more inormaion please reer o he HM email
emplaes page on brand.ubc.ca.
nesleer Header Image emplae
his Phooshop emplae hich is included in he HM
mail emplae pacage allos ou o quicl build an
on-brand header image or an enesleer.
Optional Introduction
Sed elementum sed nibh id iaculis. Suspendisse aliquet tristique sapien, et suscipit
nisl sagittis vel. Nunc scelerisque ultricies quam, eget pulvinar augue viverra eu.
Quisque iaculis volutpat sem ut tincidunt.
Suspendisse aliquet tristique sapien, et suscipit nisl sagittis vel. Nunc scelerisque
ultricies quam, eget pulvinar augue viverra eu. Vestibulum tincidunt justo sit amet
fermentum sagittis. Mauris pharetra nec mauris vitae luctus. Ut blandit eros nunc, id
hendrerit risus lobortis vel.
In this newsletter...
Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser
Name of newsletter | Month 2019
Story Title One
Suspendisse hendrerit auctor pretium. Aliquam feugiat ullamcorper dolor interdum
rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
fames ac turpis egestas.
Story Title Two: An extremely lengthy title that needs to go on
multiple lines
Ut ut odio ac arcu imperdiet consequat. Suspendisse hendrerit auctor pretium.
Aliquam feugiat ullamcorper dolor interdum rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
UBC Unit Name
Street Address Line 1
Street Address Line 2
   
You are receiving the X email because you’ve
subscribed to this email from X Unit.
© Copyright The University of British Columbia
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  
 
UBCs digial signage neor ensures our
message can be seen b sudens acul and
sa. ih broad consisen reach is an
inuenial plaorm or announcemens eens
campus updaes and more. Messages can also
be argeed o broadcas in specic buildings.
he olloing emplaes can help ou cra our
on-screen message.
  
Basic Digial Signageemplae in PoerPoin
his e-based emplae aailable on brand.ubc.ca ill
help ou o creae a clean on-brand sign. I is simple
and eas o use. he emplae is ideal or communicaing
inormaion abou upcoming eens or nes iems.
 arie o bacgrounds are aailable in he le.
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
. 
heher is a hoodie or high-perormance
jace UBC branded clohing shos o UBC
pride o he orld. s such e need o
mae sure hese earable branded iems
send a consisen message and cone a
unied loo and eel.
I oure looing o cusomie clohing o
a paricular uni or acul UBCs Brand and
Mareing deparmen can help. Please
use hese resources hen oring ih he
UBC boosore o creae cusom apparel.
 
Clohing Iem ih Shorname Uni Signaure
 acul or unis shorname uni signaure can be
applied ericall o he arm o a shir or jace and he
UBC leerorms can be placed on he ron.
Clohing Iem ih Narro Uni Signaure
 acul or unis narro uni signaure can be applied
o he ron o shirs jaces shors or pans. he signaure
should be conned o a small poce-sie area and no
ae up he enire ron o he clohing iem.
Clohing Iem ih Cusom pograph
I ou ould lie our acul or uni name o be pese
or placed in anoher manner please conac Brand and
Mareing or more opions.
Human Resources
Brand and Marketing | HR OK clothing samples
Human Resources
Human Resources
Brand and Marketing | HR OK clothing samples
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
Undersanding comple design erminolog
can be challenging. he olloing glossar as
creaed o help equip ou ih an undersanding
and reerence or creaie bries conersaions
ih reelancers or erms o eplain our projec
o priners or eb deelopers.
he resource secion has helpul ools and
inormaion ha ill be useul o boh ne
and seasoned designers.
and useul lins
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
. 
 
.  
his le pe is oen used or logos and
graphics in prin projecs
Can onl be opened ih dobe Illusraor or
i saed bac o older ersions can be opened
in reehand or Corel Dra
Can hae a ransparen bacground
Can be resied o an dimension ihou
losing image quali
.  
his le pe is oen used or logos and
graphics in prin projecs
Can onl be opened in dobe Illusraor bu
can be impored ino oher programs
Can hae a ransparen bacground
Can be resied o an dimension ihou
losing image quali
.  
Can be used or logos and graphics in eb
and screen projecs
Can be opened ih man programs
Can hae a ransparen bacground
his le pe ill lose image quali i resied
o a larger sie
.    
his le pe is oen used or phoographs in
prin screen and eb projecs
Can be opened ih man programs
Does no hae a ransparen bacground
 .jpeg ill lose image quali i resied o a
larger sie
.   
his le pe is oen used or prin projecs
or or sending proos o cliens
Can be uniersall donloaded and ieed
on an compuer ha has he dobe croba
plug-in hich is aailable or ree
Can be impored ino man programs
Man priner shops preer o prin rom his
pe o le
.   
Oen used or logos and graphics in eb
and screen projecs
Can be opened ih man programs
Can hae a ransparen bacground
ill lose image quali i resied o a
larger sie
.  
Oen used or phoographs in prin projecs
Can onl be opened ih dobe Phooshop
bu can be impored ino oher programs
his le pe ill lose image quali i resied
o a larger sie
.    
Oen used or high resoluion phoographs in
prin projecs
Can be opened b man programs
his le pe ill lose image quali i resied
o a larger sie
Does no hae a ransparen bacground
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
. 
 
Use his colour mode hen oring on
projecs ha ill be prined
he acronm represens he our colours
used in a prining press Can Magena
ello and e/blac
Use his mode hen oring on blac and
hie prin projecs such as nespaper ads
n colours in our le should be conered
o a shade o gra
 
his colour mode is used or eb projecs
H codes are si digi codes ha represen
a cerain colour e. hie is represened as
 and blac is 000000
   
his mode is used or prin projecs here
ou need o mach a colour eacl
he acronm represens he Panone
Maching Ssem hich is a ssem o
speciall mied ins ha mus mach a
cerain sandardied colour e. UBC Blue
is PMS 8
Special colours such as meallic or
uorescen colours are also aailable
Use his colour mode or eb ideo or oher
on-screen projecs
he acronm represens he hree colours
o ligh displaed on screens ed reen
and Blue
 
n inisible line upon hich leers or lines
o pe si
 specicall designed collecion o leers
numbers puncuaion and oher smbols
used o se e
eers o increasing or decreasing he space
beeen o consecuie characers in a
ord b er ne incremens
  
he amoun o erical space beeen lines
o e in a paragraph
  
he uniorm amoun o spacing beeen all
characers in a complee senence paragraph
or page
hen he las line o a paragraph onl
conains one ord ha ord is considered
a ido
hese are undesirable and should be aoided
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
. 
 
lloing a isual elemen o eend beond
he acual margin o he laou or rim sie
rids are oen used in laous or boh eb
and prin projecs
rids guide designers on ho o arrange e
and images on he page in a a ha ill loo
een aracie and consisen hroughou
 close-o-reali rendiion o a projec ha
allos a clien o see ha he nal produc
ill loo lie
 
 pe o boole binding in hich he pages
are glued ogeher a he spine o he boo
 
 pe o boole binding in hich he pages
are bound ogeher b saples ha are pu
hrough he old o he boole
 
 basic laou ihou design elemens
Used in eb design o plan here naigaion
conen and media ill si on he page
   
   
 erm or les ha are speciall prepared
or prining
o sae a le in anoher le orma suppored
b oher programs
   
Indicaes ha he image or graphic in he
laou ill be changed beore he nal oupu
 smooh ransiion rom one colour o
anoher — blac o hie red o ello and
all he colours in beeen
  /  
aser images or bimap images are creaed
using housands o piels e. phoographs
nlarging a raser image o a larger sie ill
diminish he quali
eers o he number o dos per inch dpi or
piels per inch ppi in an image
Images or he eb are usuall lo resoluion
e.  ppi
Images or prin should be saed a a higher
resoluion e. 00 dpi
 
Images creaed b pahs based on
mahemaical epressions e. logos
ecors can be resied o an sie ihou
a loss in quali
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4
.  
  
UBC Phoograph ibrar on licr
UBC isual Ideni emplaes and sses
Insiuional on eques orm
UBC C Design Specicaions
UBC Saioner eques
  
eb Colour ccessibili ool
D ccessible Design Handboo
he Uniersi o Briish Columbia Board o
oernors isual Ideni Polic 
UBC Coa o rms Polic
he Uniersi o Briish Columbia Board o
oernors Polic 110: hird-Par Use o
Uniersi rade Mars
inedIn earning Design raining
and uorials
LinkedIn Learning courses are free
for UBC faculty and sta. Sign up at
   
he Design disor roup gahers graphic
designers rom across UBC o discuss uniersi
design consideraions on a biannual basis.
I ou are a graphic designer a UBC and are
ineresed in aending please conac
Ma arburon ma.arburon@ubc.ca
or more deails.
 
or inquiries regarding isual ideni or graphic
design a UBC please conac:
Ma arburon
Manager Design
604 8 01
UBC Brand: Visual Identity Rules
2024 version 1.4