ultimatesacrificeinservicetoourcountr y, andnotaboutabackyardBBQoragiantmattresssale.
monumentswasfantastic, wasn’tit?Thesememorialsarebeautifulduringdaylighthours,butthere
andIthankthemfortheirservice.Wewill beelectinganewleadershipteamatthefallrally.Please
smallerrigs,andthatperhapswecouldpiggybackalumnigettogethersontoourofficialclubra llies,
etc.).PleaseconsiderthisandshareyourthoughtswithMaryHabicht, BoReahardormyself.We
Laurel Volberding
Encampment in Washington
Royale Coach Club Spring Rally Recap . . . . . . . . By Kally Kitchings
High traffic on the beltway for everyone, accidents happening directly in front of our bus, other
buses running over gators in the road and even a blown out steering axle tire did not deter
anyone from attending John and Mary Habicht Encampment in Washington rally. We all made
it safely to Cherry Hill RV Park in College Park, MD and I must say that the RV Park was
wonderful. The park personnel were very helpful, the banquet and side rooms were spacious,
many used the restaurant and I loved their work out facility. What a great park for a rally.
As each coach registered and parked in their spot, they were greeted by John and Mary and
given their registration packet. Of course, we really cannot call it a packet since it was actually
a beautiful basket with each lady’s name embroidered on it. We can all say a thank you to Rita
Bunch for this stunning basket and the embroidered tea towel inside. John and Mary arranged
for an impromptu pizza party the night before the rally started. The saying still holds true . . . if
you are not a couple days early for the rally then you are actually late!!
Our first trip into Washington, DC was not an actual function of the rally. Bob Moss
volunteered his time to lead a group of “early” people to tour our Nation’s Capitol Building.
Bob researched all the public transportation information and information about the tour. He
even drove down days earlier and did a “dry” run for us to make sure it was perfect. He did a
wonderful job because the tour went off without a hitch.
Bob Moss Our leader
Most of us ate lunch in the Capitol Building cafeteria and then had time to explore other areas.
Tom Kyle, Ron and I decided to tour the Library of Congress. If I would have known the
particulars a little sooner I would have been able to get an actual “Library Card” to be able to
check out a book!
Royale Coach Club Group Photo Capitol Building
We arrived back at the campground in plenty of time for the first official function of the rally,
which was the wine and cheese gathering given by our sponsor Liberty Coach. Of course
Liberty does not do anything half way so there was so much more than wine and cheese
offered - - - Thanks Liberty!! Everyone wondered how we were going to be able to eat our
wonderful Encampment Meal after dining on the Liberty food - - - but we managed! Then it
was off on the buses provided by Prevost (with a dessert bag) for our nighttime tour of
Washington, DC. This was also the first leg of Mary’s DC Hunt Game. So many things to find, so
little time. Here are a few photos of the monuments we viewed or visited during our tour.
Washington Monument The White House
Korean Memorial Korean Memorial
The Lincoln Memorial
Foot Soldiers The Vietnam Memorial
The printed schedule that was handed out in our rally packet showed our second day (Tuesday)
as a free day. Tuesday was anything but a free day. Almost at the last moment, Mary received
a phone call that woke her from a sound sleep from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
Mary had sent him a letter many many months before requesting a meeting for our club.
Unfortunately, she never received a reply because her letter had been lost in a paperwork
nightmare. However, when the letter was found she received a personal call from the Justice
trying to arrange the meeting. Justice Thomas was kind enough to clear his schedule Tuesday
morning to meet with our club. In addition, since Bob Moss had been our leader to DC the day
before he was quickly nominated to be our leader again.
As with any government office there was a little bit of “hurry up and wait” but in the end, it was
well worth it. This meeting was not anything like I imagined, i.e.: stuffed shirt and boring. Oh
my goodness, Justice Thomas’s laugh was bellowing and he had everyone laughing with him.
Yes, we learned about the Supreme Court and how it functions but we learned more about
C.T.’s (as his wife calls him) life as an RV’er and that he is just a regular person with regular likes
and dislikes. He loves his Prevost bus and the lifestyle that goes with it just as all of us love our
buses and lifestyle. This meeting, in my opinion, was the highlights of the rally. I know our
entire club would like to thank Justice Clarence Thomas for giving us his time. In addition, a big
thank you to Mary for writing that letter so many months ago.
Royale Coach Club Group Photo with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
Mary Habicht Justice Clarence Thomas John Habicht
Wednesday, day 3, proved to be a very busy day. It started with a delicious and filling breakfast
followed by the Royale Coach Club business meeting. Something that is always discussed at the
business meeting is welcoming our first timers and this meeting was no exception.
First Timers Mike and Cindy Barbeau
After the business meeting we boarded the Prevost provided buses (Thanks Prevost!) for the
day at Mount Vernon. I think all of us learned a lot that day. The film we watch was very
informative and the personal gave us a lot of information (getting those answers for Mary’s DC
Hunt Game.) One thing I learned from my childhood that was not true was George
Washington’s teeth were not made out of wood. How do those rumors get started?
Dinner at Mount Vernon was fabulous. I went through the chocolate sauce line three times
because it was so good. Mary found out it was a hot fudge sundae topping made by Monarch.
The chef then added a chocolate liquor and hot water as it cooked. Mary is trying to get more
information on this before the next rally. The other recipe everyone wanted was for the corn
bread salad. You can find that recipe posted in the newsletter. Everything was so good.
Royale Coach Club Group Photo at Mount Vernon
Thursday was a split day with most of the women boarding the bus with Mary to go to Ellicot
City for shopping/lunch and most of the men (and a couple women) boarded the other bus for
a tour and lunch at the Volvo Plant.
Buffet Line at Volvo Plant
Dinner that evening was a potluck and once again, the meal was delicious. I guess what
surprised me was that the amount of food was huge - - - and it was all eaten! The only thing we
had to take back was empty dishes. This was also the final night to play Mary’s game “Who the
heck is that in the baby photo?” Madam President Laurel Volberding won the game and was
awarded the first of two Capitol Flown Flags Mary was able to obtain.
Girl Babies Boy Babies
Aren’t we all just precious!!
Another scrumptious breakfast started out our Friday morning. It was time to step back on the
buses and head out to tour Annapolis and the United States Naval Academy. It was an honor to
see the young men in women in uniform walking around the campus. It was a real treat to see
the Heisman Trophy won by Roger Stauback while he played football at the Naval Academy. Of
course, everyone knows Roger went on to play for the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys (I
had to throw this little tidbit in!!)
Cadets in Uniform Roger Staubach’s Heisman Trophy
We left Annapolis and drove to the McCormick and Schick’s Seafood Restaurant for our farewell
dinner. The seafood was wonderful and the service was great. On the way back to the camp-
ground, Mary gave and judged all the answers to the DC Hunt Game. Larry and Kay Jones were
the winners and received the second Capitol Flown Flag. Congratulations to our game winners.
Saturday morning came much too soon and our goodbyes had to be said. Thanks to Graham
and Mary Catherine Ricks for the taking and printing of our group photos. Our thanks to Mary
Habicht for putting together a wonderful rally. Of course we thank John too because he did
whatever Mary told him to do! The tours were great and the food was delicious but, as always,
the best part of the rally was you! I want to thank all of you for coming to the rally because
your friendship and fellowship is always the best part. And as Forrest Gump would say,
“I am glad I got to visit with you in our Nation’s Capitol.”
By Maxamillion “Max” Kitchings
It’s not fair, it’s just not fair. I overheard Mom and Dad talking about the tour of
Mount Vernon that everyone from the Royale Coach Club went on and they said
that four legged family members were allowed on the tour. Well I know what that
means. It means I could have gone with everyone if mom would have checked
things out in advance. I told this to Oliver Moss and he was NOT a happy camper
either! I guess I need to forgive Mom this time because she did say she would
take me to Yellowstone National Park in the fall so I could see all the different
animals there. I think that will be great!
I loved walking around Cherry Hill RV Park and visiting with old and new friends. I
am so glad everyone remembers me and knows my name.
Since we came in a little early for the rally, mom and dad took me to visit some
family members. All of us went to a place called Harper’s Ferry and we walked and
walked and looked at everything. We ate lunch on an outdoor patio and the nice
waitress brought me a cool bowl of water. I told Dad to give her a really big tip
for being so nice. I also got to do a little rock climbing. Here’s a photo!
After we left Harper’s Ferry, we went to an outdoor music festival at a winery. I
even got my own glass of wine . . . here is a photo of me and dad enjoying a glass.
Of course you know that I am just kidding. I am still below drinking age and mom
will not let me get a fake ID!!
I hope everyone enjoyed the rally as much as I did and I cannot wait to see
everyone again at Terry and Kathy Solberg’s rally in Wyoming and Montana. That is
going to be so much fun.
Until then, safe travels and happy trails!
Maxamillion “Max” Kitchings
A “Rolling Rally” from Cody, Wyoming to West Yellowstone, Montana
Cody, Wyoming was founded in 1896 by the living legend, Colonel William F. "Buffalo
Bill" Cody, who at the age of 41 was one of the most famous men in the world. Cody,
known for his exploits as Pony Express rider, scout, hunter, entrepreneur and showman,
had become the friend of presidents and kings, senators and governors and many of the
country's most influential business people as a result of his genius and showmanship.
Cody’s “Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show," toured for thirty years, and captivated audiences
around the world. Cody continues to retain the true “cowboy country” atmosphere today.
Yellowstone National Park, America's first national park, declared a national park in
1872 by the U.S. Congress, contains more than two million acres of steaming geysers,
crystalline lakes, thundering waterfalls, panoramic vistas, and a remarkable diversity of
wildlife. Yellowstone National Park has attracted visitors from virtually every state and
country …And we are proud of the national treasure that is Yellowstone.
Cody, Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park are beckoning you to come to the Royale
Coach Club’s Fall Rally in September 2011. Here’s what’s in store:
Arrival will be at the Ponderosa Campground in Cody, Wyoming. We will spend three
nights in Cody - September 7, 8, and 9. While in Cody, you will have the unforgettable
experience to wrap yourself in the spirit of the American West at the world famous
Buffalo Bill Historical Center (BBHC). The BBHC is affiliated with the Smithsonian
Institution and is literally five museums under one roof – the Buffalo Bill Museum, the
Natural History Museum, the Cody Firearms Museum (containing the largest collection of
American firearms in the world), the Plains Indian Museum, and the Whitney Gallery of
Western Art…there’s something for everyone. Following an honest-to-goodness gunfight
in the streets of Cody, we will have dinner at the historic Irma Hotel, founded by Buffalo
Bill in 1902, and be entertained by the Dan Miller Cowboy Music Revue, a Branson-style
music variety show, featuring authentic music of the American West, cowboy poetry and
comedy with a variety of traditional western, bluegrass, and gospel music. Another
evening we will dine (and dance if you want to) at Cassie’s, where entrepreneur Cassie
Waters established a business in 1922 (and you can figure out what kind of business a
female entrepreneur offered in the rough and tumble west in the 1920’s!!). You’ll have a
mostly free day on the 9
to explore other sights in and around Cody. We’ll provide some
suggestions, such as driving the scenic Beartooth Highway north of Cody, which the late
CBS correspondent Charles Kuralt called “the most beautiful drive in America” on his TV
show “On The Road;” shopping on Cody’s quaint downtown main street; or returning to
the Buffalo Bill Historical Center if you didn’t get your fill the day before (your admission
is good for two days).
On September 10, we will unplug our power cords and depart Cody to drive to West
Yellowstone, Montana, through Yellowstone National Park, going in the East entrance
and out the West entrance. This is a 135 mile drive, but the portion thru the Park itself -
about 83 miles - is slow going. You’ll only average 30-35 miles an hour, so plan for the
drive to take you a good four hours. THIS IS IMPORTANT – If you are 62 years of age
or older, you may already have a Golden Age Passport, (now called the National Parks
Pass) which costs $10 and gives you free admission to all National Parks and Monuments.
PLEASE BRING IT WITH YOU. If you don’t have one, it can be purchased at the Park
Entrance. If you are not 62 years old, the Park Entrance Fee is $25 (good for seven days)
and these fees are NOT included in your Rally Fee.
We will stay at Grizzly RV Park in West Yellowstone, Montana, spending the nights of
September 10, 11, and 12. In West Yellowstone, you will enjoy a guided tour of the
Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center and see these amazing critters in excellent re-
creations of their natural habitat. We will visit the IMAX Theater to see a movie about
Yellowstone, and you can return to see movies about Lewis and Clark and Amazing Caves
if you wish, plus there is additional free time that afternoon in West Yellowstone to
explore on your own. On Monday, September 12 we will board Prevost buses for a
guided tour into Yellowstone National Park, with stops at such world famous sites as
Old Faithful and the Yellowstone Falls. One evening will include The Pine Cone
Playhouse Dinner Theater, to see a “GI Juke Box Musical,” promising music and fun
from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s (right up our alley, eh??). Our “farewell dinner” will be a
Western BBQ, before you say good-bye to your Royale Coach Club friends.
The Rally Masters for the Fall Rally are Terry and Kathy Solberg, who live in Cody,
Wyoming. The Rally is limited to no more than 35 coaches, due to limitations on
available RV sites at the campground. If you plan to come to Cody before the rally or
stay in West Yellowstone after the rally, you will need to make your own reservations
directly with the Ponderosa Campground (307-587-9203) or the Grizzly RV Park
(406-646-4466). If you tell them you are coming for the Royale Coach Club Rally,
they will honor the rally rates. September is still VERY BUSY in Cody and West
Yellowstone, so don’t assume you can make a reservation at the last minute…call
early. Rally Registrations are due no later than August 1, 2011. You will not need any
“dress-up” clothes, but bring your jeans, boots, and cowboy hats if you want to. All of the
venues mentioned have websites, so you can “google” any of them for more information.
Once you register, we’ll send you more information about other sights and activities in the
Cody and West Yellowstone areas, to fill up your “free time.” If you have any questions,
call or email Terry and Kathy at any time (307-587-3369 or
It’s time to wax your surfboard, grab your suntan lotion, throw on your flip-flops,
OR just settle in to your favorite beach chair for a week of fun in the sun at Myrtle Beach, SC.
April 30
2012 May 5th, 2012.
The club will be staying at the first class RV Park “Ocean Lakes” in Section HH in front of the
Dining Hall with 3 point, 50 amp hookup and cement pads
Enjoy 5 days of relaxing activities and great food, starting with our Welcome Party “Around the
World Food Stations of heavy hors d'oeuvres and drinks. Enjoy breakfast and a different style
dinner every day. (Including a Men’s Chili and Corn Bread Cook Off)
AND THE MIDDLE… will be filled with activities such as
Tuesday enjoy the different shops and attractions at
“Broadway at the Beach”
Then end the evening with a Mystery Dinner and Night Tour of
Ripley's Aquarium, Myrtle Beach, SC
Thursday explore Brookgreen Gardens with general admission and
Lunch at The Pavilion Restaurant
Take the rest of the day doing the tours you want to do.
Free days to enjoy Golf or Bike Rides.
Trips to the New Downtown Boardwalk area and the Skywheel
Shopping and Entertainment at
Barefoot Landing
Or check out the upscale area of
The Myrtle Beach Market Common
What ever YOU like to do to relax will be there for YOU to enjoy!
Cornbread Salad
A Southern variation on Italian bread Salad
1 pan cornbread
8 slices bacon, fried and crumbled
1 onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
2 hard boiled eggs, chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp cayenne pepper
Crumble cornbread into a bowl. Add the bacon, onion, bell pepper and eggs.
Add tomatoes and stir in mayonnaise. Serve chilled.
Liberty Times
Newsletter and Informational Update
Spring 2011
An Upswing for 2011 by Frank Konigseder
As we look back on the first 3 months of 2011, I’m pleased to report that we have seen an
increase in sales that has outpaced the 1
quarter of the past 4 years. I believe this can be
attributed to several factors; a general feeling that the economy is starting to improve, all be
it at a slower pace than we would like to see, which has translated to an increased
confidence that helped bolster sales, and the persistent hard work and dedication of our
entire staff. Our sales team has weathered some very tough years but their continued
professionalism and commitment to Liberty Coach and the motor coach lifestyle has
generated sales numbers we have not seen in recent memory. Our service and production
staff never wavered from their commitment to provide our customers with the best quality
product and diligent customer service. With the economy continuing to gain strength and
the steady upward trend in sales, we will be taking steps to continually improve not only our
product but our brand as well. Soon we will debut a brand new Liberty Coach website that
will be more informative, exciting and robust. We also have new floor plans and interior
designs just around the corner as well as new mechanical innovations we will implement to
continue to distinguish Liberty Coach as the benchmark of the industry.
Pictured: H3-45 Sorrento Edition
Triple Slide-out with Superslide
this issue:
Welcome 2011 p 1
Fuel saving travel tips p 2
Stuart Rally Wrap Up p 3
Upcoming Shows/Events p 4
Save the Date
Liberty Coach Rally
We are heading back to the
Gulf Coast!
Sept. 28 Oct. 1
Heritage Motor Coach Resort
This new upscale ownership resort
and marina is located in beautiful
Orange Beach, AL between Gulf
Shores and Pensacola. Heritage is a
concept that is truly unique, a
coastal motor coach resort that
offers waterfront property with all
of the first class amenities of a
beach resort! For more info on this
Concerns about fuel pricing and helpful tips
By Frank Konigseder
Moving Up? Moving On?
We’ve got our eye on current
industry trends!
As we progress into the
second quarter of 2011, we
have been fortunate to see a
significant increase in both
NEW and USED coach sales.
Since new production has
been curtailed, we are
starting to realize a shortage
of late model used coaches.
If you are considering moving
up to a newer coach, into
your first Liberty Coach or
possibly transitioning to a
different recreational
lifestyle, now might be the
perfect time! The value of
used coaches is higher today
than we have seen in our
history. We would love to
have the opportunity to work
with you and find an option
that best suits your situation.
You can contact our Sales
Specialists at Liberty Coach of
Florida to discuss the
different options that are
available to you. To view our
current inventory online visit:
Contact us: 800-554-9877
Or email your contact info:
As the economy improves we are facing
the price of fuel increasing at a
surprising rate. No matter what level of
the RV market you are in, this becomes
a consideration. Here are a few ways I
have found that may help to improve
your fuel economy and lessen the
Reduce your speed. In my travels by
coach the past few years I have noticed
that in 2004 and newer coaches
equipped with the EGR Detroit Diesel
engines, keeping your speed from
climbing above 65mph can improve
your fuel economy as much as 1mpg or
Check your tire pressures regularly. Tire
pressures that are too low can increase
the overall workload of the engine.
Checking your tire pressures regularly
also applies to what you are towing as
well, either your trailer or tow vehicle.
This can also prolong the life of your
Travel shorter distances and/or stay
longer at your destination. This practice
was reported by many resorts during
the last surge in fuel prices two years
Keep up with engine maintenance. Both
the main engine and generator engine
need regular maintenance to run most
efficiently. A dirty or clogged air filter
cannot only cause engine damage but
will greatly reduce fuel economy.
Cruise Control. Another proven fuel
saving method is to use your cruise
control whenever you can. It has been
shown that the steady smooth throttle
pressure applied by the cruise control is
more efficient than the heavy, less even
pressure when depressing the gas pedal
with your foot. It is important to note
that if your coach is equipped with a
transmission retarder it is still active
when using the cruise control. You may
want to move the joy stick lever to its
full forward or “up” position so that the
engine and transmission are not hunting
for the correct speed especially in areas
with uphill and downhill grades.
Often times when fuel prices increase,
the typical reaction of many people is to
suspend travel but here are a few things
to consider:
According to PKF Consulting, the price
of fuel would have to triple from the
current level to make coaching more
expensive than other forms of travel.
PKF’s spring 2008 vacation cost
comparison study shows that RV trips
remain the most affordable way for a
family to travel due to the significant
savings on airfare, hotel and restaurant
costs, which all continue to rise.
There is no doubt that RV travel remains
a great value. The PKF Vacation Cost
Comparison study showed that a family
of four can save 26-71% on vacation
Open House Rally 2011 Highlights
Stuart Open House Rally
Betsy & Rayford get in the spirit at the
Redneck Yacht Club Party
Randall, Sadie, Terry & Larry
Happy Birthday John!
CD, Karen, Ken & Wendell
SOFTWARE Monthly Picks
We had a great turnout for this year’s Open
House Rally at Liberty Coach of Florida in
Stuart. The weather was sunny and warm.
We had over 40 coaches join us, from 16
states for this event that started with a
Redneck Yacht Club Themed Party on
Thursday Feb. 3. We enjoyed the country
tunes of Burnt Biscuit, some line dancing,
and good company. Friday was another
beautiful day! The men enjoyed lunch and
all things mechanical at a Tech Talk session.
The ladies enjoyed some special pampering
at Saks Fifth Avenue where Fonda spoiled us
with a master makeup session and products
to try. Friday evening we rode the courtesy
coaches generously provided by Prevost Car,
to Out of the Blue for dinner on the marina
in Jupiter. The weather was perfect and so
was the music by steel drum artist Bob
Lyons. We started our Saturday with a
cooked to order breakfast on-site and some
gorgeous Florida sunshine. Inside the
showroom we had complimentary chair
massages, a beautiful jewelry trunk show
from Tara Dishinger of Stella & Dot, and
wonderful BBQ lunch from Swanky’s Low &
Slow BBQ cart. All topped off with an ice
cream social compliments of Kirk Rose from
Hearthside Grove Motorcoach Resort in
Petoskey, MI. Saturday evening’s theme was
a Mad Hatter Party where we tipped our
hats to the world’s best customers!
We all enjoyed making our crazy videos that
Flipbook Creations turned into a souvenir
picture flipbook given to everyone. It was
lots of fun and the hats were amazing!
Neal & Deana
Carole & Gary
Flipbook Creations captured the event with souvenir flipbooks…
2011 Upcoming Show/Events
Royale Coach Club Rally May 2-7
Washington, DC Cherry Hill Park -
Prevost Prouds Rally May 3-7
Kentucky Derby - Louisville, KY
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally August 4-14
Elkhorn Ridge RV Resort Spearfish, SD We have RV sites available here if you
are interested in attending Sturgis and need a place to park your coach.
Contact Dave Wall: 772-349-7020
FMCA Convention Rally - August 10-13
Alliant Energy Center - Madison, WI -
Prevost Prouds Rally - August 17-20
Woodward Dream Cruise - Harbortown RV Resort Detroit, MI
Contact Information:
Frank Konigseder
Dave Wall General Manager
Gary Patterson-Sales Specialist
Dave Wishnoff-Sales Specialist
Robin King-Sales Specialist
Liberty Coach, Inc.
Manufacturing, Sales, Service
1400 Morrow Ave.
North Chicago IL 60064
Liberty Coach of Florida, Inc.
New & Pre-Owned Coach Sales/Service
635 SE Monterey Rd.
Stuart FL 34994