Google Drive Datasheet for Salesforce Users
Easy Salesforce integration for google docs, sheets, slides & more…
1 - Access Google drive files & folders
from any standard or custom object LWC
3 - Security & Analytics options
available when using CloudFiles links
4 - Automate using flow actions,
platform events, custom objects & Apex
2 - Share using G-drive or CloudFiles
links, dataroom & experience cloud LWC
Works With
Google Docs Google Slides Google Sheets
5 - Special features for G-Drive
including generation, DocGPT, tagging etc…
6 - Use-Cases that most of our Google
Drive users usually use the app for
1 - Easy access for Google Drive Users
Browse, Upload, Manage, View, Permissions & more file & folder management options
Browse connected folders from
within Salesforce objects
Manage files & folders from within
objects through a plethora of actions
Permissions from google drive
respected through individual user login
Upload files into folders without size
or type restriction from Salesforce
1.1 - Associate & Browse Folders (or Files) using LWC
Access Google Drive from standard or custom objects and associate files & folders
All contents of folder
accessible from the LWC
Can upload, create folders, search, drag-
n-drop and do a bunch of other things
Folder is actually located in
Google Drive
Preview, Edit, Replace, download and
many other file & folder operations
1.2 - Upload from Salesforce or Google with 2-way sync
Uploaded files are sent to respective Google Drive folder. Vice-versa works instantly as well.
Any size or type of files is supported
Multiple files can be uploaded at once
1.3 - Preview, Edit, Download, Go To & More…
Plethora of file & folder management options to operate on google drive from Salesforce
Open files in Google editor directly from
Salesforce LWC
Preview any type of file without ever leaving Salesforce
Download, Delete, rename and other functionality
available as well.
1.4 - Grid View of LWC for easy file browsing
View your file thumbnails in our grid view. Provides easy viewing experience.
Thumbnails view for files. Especially useful
when you have a lot of photos.
1.5 - Permission Control for Google Drive Access
User-level permissions in Google Drive are respected by CloudFiles LWC
Users use their own credentials to access files through the LWC, thus CloudFiles respects
googled drive permissions by default without any overhead setup
2 File & Folder sharing options for Google Drive
Share as google links, CloudFiles links, datarooms or using experience cloud LWC
Drive links accessible using LWC to
share files with standard google features
Datarooms to consolidate files and
share as a single link from Salesforce
Community sharing using LWC with
granular control on permissions
CloudFiles links with additional
security & analytics settings for sharing
2.1 - Share Files as Google Drive Links
Public google drive links of files & folders can be created & accessed from Salesforce LWC
View file / folder online as a link.
Use custom logo and domain for a
wholesome customer experience
Configure various security
settings on the document links
such as Disable download, collect
& restrict by email or domain,
protect with password and more
2.2 - Share Files as CloudFiles Links
For more security & analytics on shared content, CloudFiles public sharing links can be used
2.3 - Share as datarooms for greater control
Space to add files, folders and file requests. Share in a consolidated way with single link.
Auto-create and configure dataroom from Salesforce objects. Add
live content from any cloud library for consolidated sharing
Dataroom links can be shared and re-
shared when content updates happen.
Avoid file jungle in emails.
2.4 - Experience cloud sharing with granular access control
Choose files & permissions for community users. Experience cloud LWC to view & upload.
LWC can be inserted on
Experience cloud and connected
to internal salesforce object
Choose which files & folders
community users can see / edit
Give upload & folder creation
control to community users if
3 Security & analytics on top of Google Drive
Customizable security options and detailed & drill-down analytics
Security options such as disabling
download, email auth, expiry etc…
Analytics on files with page-wise
time, downloads, views and more…
Configure various security settings on the
document links such as Disable download,
collect & restrict by email or domain,
protect with password and more control
3.1 - Customizable Security Settings for Sharing
Set various security settings including download control, expiry, email access control etc
Update settings on the go from
Salesforce objects
3.2 - Collect detailed & drill-down analytics on shared files
Collect time spent, page-wise analytics, views, downloads and more engagement data
3. Drill Down into individual users,
devices, sessions etc…
1. Get total & unique views,
downloads, time spent etc
2. Get detailed page-by-page
4 File Automations for Google Drive Users
Plethora of flow actions, platform events, custom objects and Apex / API support
Flow actions that can be chained
together to create complex use-cases
Custom objects that can be used
for reporting & administration
Apex / API support for developers
who would rather code
Platform events to trigger your
flows based on file based activity
4.1 - Customizable & Modular Flow Actions
Many flow actions with inputs & outputs that can be chained together for complex processes
Automation capabilities for
connector, sharing as well as
Each action accepts inputs and produces outputs. Multiple
actions can be chained together for complex use-cases
Create flows with CloudFiles actions
for file automations.
4.2 - Platform Events for more automations…
The CloudFiles event can help trigger flows on various file related activities
Platform triggered flows using the
CloudFiles Event
Event details actions to fetch all the
related information & details about
the event
Every Platform event has own object
and fields that can help run
4.3 - Custom Objects for Reporting
Optional custom objects for file activities, analytics, uploads etcfor reporting
4.4 - Apex & API Support
Create external sharing links for files & folders. Set various security settings
All automation actions also supported using
Apex, Rest API and Javascript SDK for developers
wanting to use code
5 Special features by CloudFiles for Google Drive users
Generation, GPT, OCR & Tagging, especially for the Google Drive Users
Generate google docs, sheets or
slides from Salesforce data
Tagging to easily discover and draw
insights from files & folders
DocGPT to ask questions and get
answers on the file being viewed
OCR to detect text and update fields in
Salesforce objects automatically
5.1 - Document Generation for Google Drive
Generate documents from templates and pull Salesforce data using merge fields
Document generation via merge fields
that can pull in Salesforce data and
create documents in Google Drive
5.2 - File & Folder Tagging (Manual & Automated)
Tag your files and folders automatically or manually and perform actions post-tagging
1. Define your custom columns
as per your business use-case
Update columns manually from
Salesforce LWC
Flow Actions to update columns automatically &
platform events to trigger flows when columns are
5.3 - DocGPT for Google Drive Files
GPT-Based chatbot trained on the file being viewed for quickly finding relevant answers
Ask a question and get an answer
using CloudFiles’ DocGPT
integration, trained on your file(s)
5.4 - GPT Based OCR for Google Drive Uploads
OCR to read any image and give relevant answers that can be used to automate data-entry
Input a file or an image with some
text and ask a question to GPT
Get reliable answers and automate data-
entry into Salesforce fields
6 Use-cases for Google Drive Salesforce integration
Automated foldering, secure sharing, view notifications and more…
Foldering using customizable
automations for clean hierarchies
Secure sharing without exposing
Drive access through CloudFiles links
Analytics for notifications and
focused follow-ups to increase sales
Salesforce Files integration to
work seamlessly with older processes
6.1 - Maintain clean folder hierarchies using automations
Flow actions for folder hierarchies as per object relationships & sub-folder requirements
Trigger when any record is
created or updated
Create parent as well as sub-folders using
Create Folder Action
Attach to object so that folder starts showing
up on the object
6.2 - Collect documents without exposing drive access
Request documents from external parties and have them go to correct folders
Create file request blocks where
customers can upload multiple
Clients can upload multiple files
at once
Set destination for uploaded
files so that they straight go to
your google drive folders
6.3 - Move SF files to Google Folders using custom logic
Platform event when SF Files uploaded. Flow actions to move them to external storage
When files are uploaded to Salesforce, you
can use platform triggered flows to move
these files (and optionally delete them)
Files can be moved directly to connected
folder or sub-folders of Google Drive
CloudFiles offers a customizable flow action
and a platform event that facilitates the
6.4 - Share externally without exposing Google Drive Access
Access file analytics from objects. Check opens, downloads and page-wise time spent.
View file / folder online as a link.
Use custom logo and domain for a
wholesome customer experience
Configure various security
settings on the document links
such as Disable download, collect
& restrict by email or domain,
protect with password and more
6.5 - Notify sales when proposals are viewed
Platform events when file views happen. Send internal notifications or update properties
1. Platform events trigger when file views
happen on shared links
2. Update Object properties or send internal
emails for focused follow-ups
6.6 - Automate Salesforce data entry from file text
Flow actions that can use GPT & OCR tech to extract and classify text to update properties
1. Use file name / custom columns or OCR / GPT
to check for a stage change event
2. Flow components to detect change and
auto-update fields such as Opportunity stage
6.7 - Customizable migration control between SF & Drive
Simple & customizable flows can be used for migration and archiving
Scheduled or manual flows that can perform
migrations for TBs of data
Use flow components for selective migration
Bulk actions that take care of Salesforce &
Google Drive API limits
Resources Knowledge Base
An exhaustive collection of support articles to work with the CloudFiles Salesforce integration
Dedicated collection of articles for
Salesforce users to learn about
features, touchpoints, use-cases etc…
Meet our architects for quick implementations
Siddharth Garg
Co-Founder, Head of growth
Vishesh Singhal
Founder, Salesforce Lead
Ankit Gupta
Co-Founder, CTO
Naman Munot
Founding Member, Partnerships
Saumya Gupta
Founding Member, Partnerships
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