No. 2,349 of 27
MARCH 1987
(Act 1957 No. 4).
Regulations made by the Governor in exercise of the powers conferred on
him by section 44 of the Traffic Act, and of all other enabling powers.
Title and commencement.
1. These regulations may be cited as the Vehicles (Construction, Equipment
and Maintenance) (Amendment) Regulations 1987 and shall come into
operation on the lst day of April, 1987.
Amendment of regulation 2.
2. Regulation 2 of the Vehicles (Construction, Equipment and Maintenance)
Regulations (hereinafter called the principal regulations) is amended by
inserting, in their appropriate alphabetical order, the following new definitions-
"braking efficiency", in relation to the application of brakes to a motor
vehicle at any time, means the maximum braking force capable of
being developed by the application of those brakes, expressed as a
percentage of the weight of the vehicle, including any persons (not
being fare paying or other travelling passengers) or load carried in
the vehicle at that time;
"gross vehicle weight", in relation to a vehicle, means the weight of that
vehicle when fully loaded; .
"multi-pull means of operation", in relation to a braking system, means a
device which causes the muscular energy of the driver to apply the
brakes of that system progressively as a result of successive
applications of that device by the driver;
"split braking system", in relation to a motor vehicle, means a braking
system so designed and constructed that-
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
(a) it comprises two independant sections of mechanism capable
of developing braking force such that, excluding the means of
operation, a failure of any part (other than a fixed member or a
brake shoe anchor pin) of one of the sections shall not cause a
decrease in the braking force capable of being developed by
the other section;
(b) the two sections are operated by a means of operation which is
common to both sections;
(c) the braking efficiency of either of the two sections can be
readily checked;
"stop light" means a fight used to indicate to road users that the brakers of
a vehicle or combination of vehicles are being applied;
"stored energy", in relation to a braking system of a vehicles, means
energy (other than the muscular energy of the driver or the
mechanical energy of a spring) stored in a reservoir for the
purpose of applying the brakes under the control of the driver,
either directly or as a supplement to his muscular energy;
Amendment of regulation 8.
4. Regulation 8 of the principal regulations is amended by inserting,
immediately after the words "unladen weight", the words "and the gross
vehicle weight".
Insertion of new section 16A.
5. The principal regulations are amended by inserting, immediately after
regulation 16, the following new regulation-
“Maintenance of steering gear.
16A. All steering gear fitted to a motor vehicle shall at all times
while the vehicle is used on a road be maintained in good and
efficient working order and be properly adjusted.".
Replacement of regulation 17 and 18.
6. The principal regulations are amended by revoking regulations 17 and
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March, 1987
and substituting the following new regulations-
17.(1) Except as provided for in sub-regulations (2) and (3), the
braking system of every motor vehicle of a category specified
in the second column of Schedule 1 and the braking system of
` every trailer of a category specified in the third column of
that Schedule, and which was or is manufactured on or after
the 1st October 1982 and first used on or after the 1st April
1983 shall comply with the construction, fitting and
performance requirements specified in respect of that category
in the fourth column of that Schedule:
Provided that it shall not be unlawful for any motor vehicle of
a category specified in the second column or any trailer of a
category specified in the third column of that Schedule and
which was manufactured before the 1st October 1982 or first
used before the 1st April 1983 to comply with the said
requirements instead of with any other requirements relating to
the construction of the braking system of such vehicles as are
specified in these regulations.
(2) The requirements specified in sub-regulation (1) shall not
apply to-
(a) a motor tractor; or
(b) a works trailer; or
(c) a works truck; or
(d) a trailer designed and constructed or adapted to be
drawn exclusively by a vehicle to which paragraph (a)
or (c) applies.
(3) The requirements specified in the fourth column of Schedule 1
shall apply-
(a) to items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 so that the requirement
specified in paragraph 1.2.1 of Annex IV to the
Council Directive shall apply as amended by
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
Commission Directive 79/489/ EEC of the 18th April
(b) to items 2 and 3 with the proviso that the testing
requirements specified in paragraphs 1.5.1 and 1.5.2
of Annex II to the Council Directive shall apply in
relation to every vehicle in category M3, other than a
doubledecked vehicle first used before the 1st
October 1983;
(c) to items 2 and 3 with the proviso that the requirements
specified in paragraph of Annex II to the
Council Directive shall not apply in relation to a
vehicle which is in category M2 or category M3;
(d) in items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in the case of vehicles
constructed or adapted for use by physically
handicapped drivers, the requirement in paragraph of Annex 1 to the Council Directive that the
driver must be able to achieve the braking action
mentioned in that paragraph from his driving seat
without removing his hands from the steering control
shall not apply, provided that the driver is able to
achieve that action while one of his hands remains on
the steering control.
(4) In this regulation-
(a) "the Council Directive" means Council Directive
71/320/EEC of the 26th July 1971 (which relates to
the braking devices of certain categories of motor
vehicles and their trailers), as amended by
Commission Directive 75/524/ EEC of the 25th July
1975 and Commission Directive 79/489/EEC of the
18th April 1979 (the amendments to Council
Directive 71/320/ EEC introduced by Commission
Directive 74/ 132/EEC of the 11th February 1974 not
being relevant); and
(b) a reference to a vehicle in category M2 or M3 is a
reference to a vehicle categorized by that number and
letter in Article I of the Council Directive.
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March, 1987
Dual systems of operation.
17A.(1) Save as provided in sub-regulation (2), every motor vehicle
shall be equipped either with an efficient braking system
having two means of operation or with two efficient braking
systems each having a separate means of operation:
Provided that for the purpose of this sub-regulation no account
shall be taken of a multi-pull means of operation unless that
means, at the first application, operates an hydraulic, electric or
pneumatic device which causes brakes to be applied sufficient to
have a total braking efficiency of not less than the total braking
efficiency required by sub-regulation 5(b) in relation to brakes as
applied by a second independent means of operation.
(2) Nothing in-
(a) any part of this regulation shall apply to a motor
vehicle to which regulation 17 applies;
(b) Sub-regulation (1) or (3) shall apply to a motor
vehicle equipped with one efficient braking system
with one means of operation and which is a split
braking system.
(3) Save as provided in sub-regulation (2), the braking system or
braking systems of every motor vehicle shall be so designed
and constructed that, notwithstanding the failure of any part
(other than a fixed member or a brake shoe anchor pin)
through or by means of which the force necessary to apply the
brakes is transmitted, there shall still be available for
application by the driver to not less than half the number of
wheels of the vehicle brakes sufficient under the most adverse
conditions to bring the vehicle to rest within a reasonable
Provided that, in the event of such failure, it shall not be
necessary for brakes to be available for application by the
driver in the case of a vehicle having. less than four wheels, to
more than one wheel.
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March, 1987
(4) The braking system or braking systems of every motor vehicle
to which Schedule 2 applies shall comply with the
requirements of that Schedule relating to the efficiency of the
brakes of such motor vehicles.
(5) The braking system or braking systems of every motor vehicle
which is not a works truck or a pedestrian controlled vehicle
(a) have brakes acting on all the wheels of the vehicle
which as applied by one means of operation have a
total braking efficiency of not less than 50 per cent;
(b) except in the case mentioned in paragraph (c), have
brakes which as applied by a second independent
means of operation have a total braking efficiency of
not less than 25 per cent;
(c) in the case of a motor vehicle equipped with a split
braking system in accordance with sub-regulation (2),
have brakes which in the event of a failure of any part
(other than a fixed member or a brake shoe anchor
pin) of one of the independent sections comprised in
the split braking system are such that there remain
brakes applied by the other section sufficient to have a
total braking efficiency of not less than 25 per cent.
(6) Sub-regulations (1) and (3) shall not apply in the case of a
works truck if it is equipped with one braking system having
one means of operation.
(7) The application of the one means of operation shall not affect
or operate the pedal or hand lever of the other means of
(8) No braking system shall be rendered ineffective by the non-
rotation of the engine:
Provided that this sub-regulation shall not apply in the case of
any vehicle referred to in sub-regulation (12)(b).
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March, 1987
(9) All the brakes of a motor vehicle which are operated by one
means of operation shall be capable of being applied by direct
mechanical action without the intervention of any hydraulic,
electric or pneumatic device:
Provided that this sub-regulation shall not apply to a motor
vehicle which satisfies the requirements of regulation 17G(2).
(10) Where any brake shoe of a motor vehicle is capable of being
applied by more than one means of operation, all the wheels of
the vehicle shall be fitted with brakes all of which are operated
by one of the means of operation:
Provided that—
(a) where a motor vehicle has more than six wheels at
least four of which are steering wheels, it shall be a
sufficient compliance with this sub-regulation if
brakes are fitted to all the wheels, other than two
steering wheels which are situated on opposite sides
of the vehicle, and all such brakes are operated by one
of the means of operation;
(b) where a motor vehicle has more than four wheels
and the . drive is transmitted to all wheels other than
the steering wheels without the inter-position of a
differential driving gear or similar mechanism
between the axles carrying the driving wheels, it shall
be deemed a sufficient compliance with this sub--
regulation if one means of operation operates the
brakes on two driving wheels situated on opposite
sides of the vehicle and the other means of operation
operates brakes on all the other wheels required by
this sub-regulation to be fitted with brakes; and
(c) where means of operation are provided in addition
to those prescribed by this regulation, such additional
means of operation may be disregarded for the
purposes of this sub-regulation.
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March, 1987
(11) One at least of the means of operation shall be capable of
causing brakes to be applied directly, and not through the
transmission gear, to not less than half the number of the
wheels of the vehicle:
Provided that
(a) in the case of a motor vehicle having brakes acting
on all the wheels of the vehicle and capable of being
applied by one means of operation, any shaft leading
from any differential driving gear of an axle to a
driving wheel shall be deemed not to form part of the
transmission gear;
(b) in the case of any other motor vehicle with more
than four wheels, if the drive is transmitted to all
wheels other than the steering wheels without the
interposition of a differential driving gear or similar
mechanism between the axles carrying the driving
wheels, it shall be deemed to be a sufficient
compliance with this sub-regulation if the brakes
applied by one means of operation act directly on two
driving wheels on opposite sides of the vehicle and
the brakes applied by the other means of operation
acts directly on all other driving wheels.
(12) For the purposes of this regulation -
(a) in the case of any motor vehicle-
(i) not more than one front wheel shall be
included in half the number of the wheels of the
vehicle for the purposes aforesaid, except that
this provision shall not apply either to a motor
vehicle with more than three wheels, whether or
not any brake shoe is capable of being applied
by more than one means of operation, if, as
respects the fitting of its wheels with brakes and
the operation of those brakes, the provisions of
sub-regulation (10) relating to such matters are
complied with, or to a works truck; and
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March, 1987
(ii) every moving shaft to which any part of a
braking system or any means of operation
thereof is connected or by which it is supported
shall be deemed to be part of that system; and
(b) in the case of a motor vehicle propelled by steam
and not used as a public service vehicle, the engine
shall be deemed to be an efficient braking system with
one means of operation if the engine is capable of
being reversed and is incapable of being disconnected
from any of the driving wheels of the vehicle except
by the sustained effort of the driver.
Vacuum or pressure braking systems.
17B. Every motor vehicle, not being a vehicle to which regulation
17 braking systems. applies, which is equipped with a braking
system which embodies a vacuum or pressure reservoir or
reservoirs shall be provided with a warning device so placed as
to be readily visible to the driver of the vehicle when in the
driving seat, in order to indicate any impending failure or
deficiency in the vacuum or pressure system:
Provided that in the case of a vehicle the unladen weight of
which does not exceed 3,050 kilograms and which is propelled
by an internal combustion engine and equipped with a braking
system embodying a vacuum reservoir or reservoirs, the
vacuum therein being derived directly from the induction
system of the engine, it shall not be necessary to provide such a
warning device if, in the event of a failure or deficiency in the
vacuum system, the brakes of that braking system are sufficient
under the most adverse conditions to bring the vehicle to rest
within a reasonable distance.
Motor cycle brakes.
17C.(1) Every motor cycle shall be equipped either with an efficient
braking system having two means of operation or with two
efficient braking systems each having a separate means of
(2) The braking system or braking systems with which a motor
cycle is required to be equipped shall be so designed and
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March, 1987
constructed that notwithstanding the failure of any part (other
than a fixed member or a brake shoe anchor pin) through or by
means of which the force necessary to apply the brakes is
transmitted there shall still be available for application by the
driver to at least one wheel of the vehicle brakes sufficient
under the most adverse conditions to bring the vehicle to rest
within a reasonable distance.
(3) The braking system or braking systems of every motor cycle to
which Schedule 2 applies shall comply with the requirements
of that Schedule relating to the efficiency of the brakes of such
motor cycles.
(4) Sub-regulations (1), (2) and (3) shall not apply in the case of a
works truck if it is equipped with one braking system having
one means of operation.
(5) In the case of a motor cycle required to have two means of
operating brakes, the application of one means of operation
shall not affect or operate the pedal or hand lever of the other
means of operation.
Invalid carriage brakes.
17D. Every invalid carriage shall be equipped with an efficient
braking system, the brakes of which act on at least two wheels
of the vehicle, so designed and constructed that the application
of the brakes shall bring the vehicle to rest within a reasonable
Trailer brakes.
17E.(1) Save as provided in sub-regulations (2) and (3), every trailer
which has a gross vehicle weight exceeding 750 kilograms
shall be equipped with an efficient braking system so designed
and constructed that-
(a) when the trailer is being drawn, the brakes of that
braking system are capable of being applied to all the
wheels of the trailer by the driver of the drawing
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March, 1987
vehicle using the means of operation applying those
of the brakes of the drawing vehicle which were
designed and constructed to have the highest braking
efficiency of any of the brakes of any braking system
with which the drawing vehicle is equipped;
(b) when the trailer is being drawn, in the event of a
failure of any part (other than a fixed member or a
brake shoe anchor pin) of the braking system system
with which the drawing vehicle is equipped
(excluding the means of operation of a split braking
system) or of any part (other than as aforesaid) of the
braking system with which the trailer is equipped,
brakes shall still be capable of being applied to at
least two wheels of the trailer or, in the case of a two-
wheeled trailer, to one wheel in the manner indicated
in paragraph (a) or by the driver using any other
means of operation of a braking system with which
the drawing vehicle is by these regulations required to
be equipped;
(c) when the trailer is stationary -
(i) the brakes of that system can also be applied
to at least two wheels of the trailer and released
by a person standing on the ground by a means
of operation fitted to the trailer;
(ii) the braking force of that system can, when
applied in the manner indicated in paragraph (a)
or in paragraph (c)(i) at all times be maintained
in operation by direct mechanical action without
the intervention of any hydraulic, electric or
pneumatic device; and
(iii) such braking force, when so applied and so
maintained in operation by direct mechanical
action, is capable of holding the trailer stationary
on a gradient of at least 1 in 6.25 without the
assistance of stored energy;
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March, 1987
Provided that the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) shall not
apply in the case of a trailer if the brakes of the trailer
automatically come into operation on the overrun of the trailer.
(2) Where-
(a) a motor vehicle which conforms to the require-
ments of Council Directive 71/320/EEC of the 26th
July 1971 or, where appropriate, to the requirements
of that Directive as amended by the amending
Directives specified in regulation 17(4)(a), is drawing
a trailer to which that Directive does not apply; or
(b) a motor vehicle to which regulation 17 applies is
drawing a trailer to which that regulation does not
sub-regulation (1)(b) shall apply to the trailer as if the words
"or of any part (other than as aforesaid) of the braking system
with which the trailer is equipped" were omitted.
(3) Sub-regulations (1) and (2) shall not apply to-
(a) any trailer designed for use and used for street
cleansing, which does not carry any load other than its
necessary gear and equipment;
(b) any broken down vehicle which is being drawn by
a motor vehicle in consequence of the breakdown; or
(c) any trailer to which regulation 17 applies.
(4) Where-
(a) a trailer which conforms to the requirements of
Council Directive 71/320/EEC of the 26th July 1971,
or where appropriate, to the requirements of that
Directive as amended by the amending Directives
specified in regulation 17(4)(a), is drawn by a motor
vehicle to which that Directive does not apply; or
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March, 1987
(b) a trailer to which regulation 17 applies is drawn by
a motor vehicle to which that regulation does not
then the braking system of the drawing vehicle shall be so
constructed that in die event of a failure of any part (other than
a fixed member or a brake shoe anchor pin) of the service
braking system with which the drawing vehicle is equipped
(excluding the means of operation of a split braking system)
brakes shall still be capable of being applied to at least two
wheels of the trailer or, in the case of a two-wheeled trailer, to
one wheel by the driver using the secondary braking system of
the drawing vehicle.
(5) In sub-regulation (4), "service braking system" means the
braking system which was designed and constructed to have
the highest braking efficiency of any braking system with
which the drawing vehicle is equipped, and "secondary braking
system" means a braking system applied by a second
independent means of operation or by one of the independent
sections comprised in a split braking system.
Other vehicles.
17F. All other vehicles, including works trucks, road roller;, mobile
cranes and pedestrian controlled vehicles shall be equipped
with an efficient braking system or braking systems so
designed and constructed that the application of the brakes
shall bring the vehicle to rest within a reasonable distance.
Parking brakes.
17G.(1) Save as provided in sub-regulation (3), every motor vehicle
shall be equipped with a braking system (which may be one of
the braking systems prescribed in regulation 17A (other than
sub-regulation (2))) so designed and constructed that it can at
all tunes be set so as effectually to prevent two at least, or in
the case of vehicles with only three wheels one, of the wheels
from revolving when the vehicle is not being driven or is left
(2) Save as provided in sub-regulation (3), every motor vehicle, not
being a vehicle to which regulation 17 applies, shall be
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March, 1987
equipped with a braking system so designed and constructed
(a) its means of operation, whether being a multipull
means of operation or not, is independent of the
means of operation of any braking system required by
regulation 17A(5) to have a total braking efficiency of
not less than 50 per cent;
(b) its braking force, when the vehicle is not being
driven or is left unattended-
(i) can at all times be maintained in operation by
direct mechanical action without the intervention
of any hydraulic, electric or pneumatic device;
(ii) when so maintained in operation by direct
mechanical action, is capable of holding the
vehicle stationary on a gradient of at least 1 in
6.25 without the assistance of stored energy.
(3) Nothing in sub-regulations (1) and (2) shall apply to-
(a) a two-wheeled motor cycle with or without a side
car attached; or
(b) an invalid carriage.
Maintenance of brakes.
17H.(1) Every part of every braking system and of the means of
operation thereof fitted to a motor vehicle or a trailer, not
(a) a motor vehicle or a trailer which conforms to the
requirements of Council Directive 711320/ EEC of
the 26th July 1971 or, where appropriate, to the
requirements of that Directive as amended by the
amending Directives specified in regulation 17(4)(a);
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March, 1987
(b) a motor vehicle or trailer to which regulation 17
shall at all times while the motor vehicle or trailer is
used on a road-
(i) be maintained in good and efficient working
order and be properly adjusted;
(ii) in the case of motor vehicles to which
Schedule 2 applies, be so maintained that the
brakes forming part of the system comply with
the requirements as to the efficiency of brakes
which are applicable to such a vehicle by virtue
of the provisions contained in regulations
17A(4) and 17C(3);
(iii) in the case of motor vehicles to which
regulation 17A(5) or 17C(3) applies, where such
a vehicle is not being used while drawing a
trailer, be so maintained that the brakes forming
part of the system comply with the requirements
as to the efficiency of brakes which are
applicable to such a vehicle by virtue of the
provisions contained in either of those sub-
(iv) in the case of a motor vehicle to which
regulation 17G(2) applies, be so maintained that
the system complies with the requirements as to
its braking force specified in regulation
17G(2)(b)(ii); and
(v) in the case of a trailer to which regulation
17E(1) applies, be so maintained that the system
complies with the requirements as to its braking
force specified in regulation 17E(1)(c)(iii), and
for the purposes of this paragraph a reference to
a trailer to which regulation 17E(1) applies shall,
in the case of a composite trailer, be deemed to
be a reference to the semi-trailer which forms
part of the composite trailer.
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March, 1987
(2) Where a motor vehicle to which regulation 17A(5) or 17C(3)
applies is being used while drawing a trailer (other than a
trailer not required by these regulations to be
equipped with a
braking system), whether or not that motor vehicle and trailer
together form an articulated vehicle, then every part of every
braking system with which that motor vehicle is equipped and
every part of every braking system with which the trailer is
equipped shall be so maintained that, when the brakes of any
braking system of that motor vehicle (being a system to which
regulation 17A(5) or 17C(3) applies) are applied by their
means of operation and the brakes of any braking system of
that trailer applied by that same means of operation are applied
those brakes together produce the same total braking
efficiencies as would be required of the brakes of such a motor
vehicle when applied by that means of operation if that motor
vehicle were not drawing a trailer.
(3) Where a motor vehicle to which regulation 17G(2) applies is
attached to a trailer (other than a trailer not required by these
regulations to be equipped with a braking system) whether or
not that motor vehicle and trailer together form an articulated
vehicle, and the combination of those vehicles is stationary,
then every part of every braking system with which that motor
vehicle is equipped and every part of every braking system with
which the trailer is equipped shall be so maintained that the
brakes of those systems as applied by the means of operation
specified in regulation 17G(2) can together produce a braking
force sufficient to bold the combination of vehicles stationary on
a gradient of at least 1 in 6.25 without the assistance of stored
(4) In this regulation, "EEC regulation 13" means regulation 13,
incorporating the amendments described therein as the 03
series of amendments which came into force on the 4th January
1979, annexed to the Agreement concerning the adoption of
uniform conditions of approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment
and Parts and reciprocal ion thereof, done at Geneva on the
20th March 1958.”.
Insertion of new section 28.
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March, 1987
7. The principal regulations are amended by inserting, immediately after
regulation 2(1, the following new regulations-
"Maintenance of direction indicators.
20A. Every direction indicator with which a motor vehicle is equipped
shall at all times while the vehicle is used on a road he
maintained in good and efficient working order and be properly
Insertion of new section 27A.
8. The principal regulations are amended by inserting, immediately after
regulation 27, the following new regulation-
“Maintenance of windscreen wipers
27A. Every windscreen wiper required by regulation 27 to be fitted to
a motor vehicle shall at all times while the vehicle is used on a
road be maintained in goad and efficient working order and be
properly adjusted.".
Revocation of regulation 28.
9. The principal regulations are amended by revoking regulation 28.
Insertion of new section 29A.
10. The principal regulations are amended by inserting, immediately after
regulation 29, the following new regulation-
"Maintenance of fuel tanks.
29A. Every motor vehicle shall at all times be so maintained that-
(a) any tank, in which fuel used either for the
propulsion of the vehicle or for the driving of any
ancillary engine or equipment forming part of the
vehicle is contained, is reasonably secure against its
being damaged; and
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March, 1987
(b) the leakage.of any liquid or vapour from any such
tank is adequately prevented, so, however, that
nothing in this paragraph shall be taken to preclude
the tank being fitted with a device which by the intake
of air or the emission of vapour relieves changes in
pressure in the tank.".
Revocation and replacement of regulation 31.
11. The principal regulations are amended by revoking regulation 31 and
replacing it by the following new regulations-
“Emission of smoke or vapour.
31.(1) Every motor vehicle propelled by a compression ignition
engine shall be so constructed that no avoidable smoke or
visible vapour is emitted therefrom.
(2) Where a motor vehicle to which this regulation applies is
equipped with' a device designed to facilitate the starting of the
engine by causing it to be supplied with excess fuel, the device
and any apparatus by means of which it is operated shall be
fitted in such a position, or such other provision shall be made,
as to ensure that the device cannot readily be operated by a
person while he is being carried by the vehicle:
Provided that this regulation shall not apply in the case of a
vehicle fitted with such a device if the device is so designed
(a) its use after the engine has been started cannot
cause the engines to be supplied with excess fuel; or
(b) it does not cause any increase in the smoke or
visible vapour emitted from the vehicle.
(3) The engine of every motor vehicle to which this regulation
applies shall be equipped with means sufficient to ensure that,
while the engine is running, any vapours or gases in the engine
crank case or in any other part of the engine to which vapours
or gases may pass from the crank case are prevented, so far as
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March, 1987
is reasonably practicable, from escaping into the atmosphere
otherwise than through the combustion chamber of the engine.
Maintenance of vehicles so as to prevent emission.
31A. No person shall use or cause or permit to be used on a road -
(a) a motor vehicle to which regulation 31 applies; or
(b) a motor vehicle conforming to the requirements
of Council Directive 72/3061 EEC of the 2nd August
if the fuel injection equipment, the engine speed governor or
any other parts of the engine by which it is propelled have been
in any way altered or adjusted so as to increase by such
alteration or adjustment the emission of smoke from that
(2) Where a motor vehicle is fitted with a device to facilitate the
starting of the engine by causing it to be supplied with excess
(a) the device shall be maintained in such a condition
that it does not cause the engine to be supplied with
excess fuel while the vehicle is in motion on a road;
(b) no person shall use the device, or cause or permit
it to be used, so as to cause it to supply the engine
with excess fuel while the vehicle is in motion on a
Provided that this paragraph shall not apply as
respects a device such as is mentioned in paragraph
(ii) of the proviso to regulation 31(2).
(3) The engine of every motor vehicle to which regulation 31(3)
applies shall at all times while the vehicle is used on a road be
so maintained that the means by which (in compliance with
that subregulation) vapours or gases in the engine crank case
or in other parts of the engine are prevented from escaping into
the atmosphere are in good and efficient working order.".
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
Insertion of Schedules 1 and 2.
12. The principal regulations are amended by inserting the following
schedules -
Regulation 17
Item Class of Vehicle Class of trailer Requirements
1 Passenger vehicles
constructed or
adapted to carry not
more than 8
(exclusive of the
driver) and which
As set out in relation
to carry Ml vehicles
in Annexes I, II and
VIII to the Council
Directive and, if
relevant, in Annexes
III, IV, V and VI to
the Council
(a) Have 4 or more
wheels or, if having
only 3 wheels, have
a gross weight
exceeding 1,000
kilograms; or
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
(b) have only 3 wheels,
a gross weight of
1,000 kilograms or
less and either a
design speed
exceeding 40
kilometres per hour
or an engine
capacity exceeding
50 cubic
centimetres, not
being motor cycles
with side-cars attac-
2 Passenger vehicles
constructed or
adapted to carry
more than 8
(exclusive of the
driver) and which
have a gross weight
of 5,000 kilograms
or less.
As set out in relation
to category M2
vehicles in Annexes
I, II and VII to the
Council Directive
and, if relevant, in
Annexes III, IV, V
and VI to the
Council Directive.
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
Item Class of Vehicle Class of trailer Requirements
3 Passenger vehicles
constructed or
adapted to carry
more than 8 pass-
engers (exclusive of
the driver) and
which have a gross
weight exceeding
5,000 kilograms.
As set out in relation
to category M3
vehicles in Annexes
I, II and VII to the
Council Directive
and, if relevant, in
Annexes III, IV, V
and VI to the Council
4 Goods vehicles
which have a grow
weight of 3,500
kilogram or less, not
being motor cycles
with side-cars
As set out in relation
to category N1
vehicles in Annexes
I, H and VII to the
Council Directive
and, if relevant, in
Annexes III, IV, V
and VI to the council
5 Goods vehicles
which have a gross
weight exceeding
3,500 kilograms but
not exceeding 12,000
As set out in relation
to category N2
vehicles in Annexes I,
If and VII to the
Council Directive
and, if relevant, in
Annexes III, IV, V
and VI to the Council
6 Goods vehicles
which have a gross
weight exceeding
12,000 kilograms.
As set out in relation
to category N3
vehicles in Annexes I,
II and VII to the
Council Directive
and, if relevant, in
Annexes III, IV, V
and VI to the Council
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
Item Class of Vehicle Class of trailer Requirements
7 Trailers which
have a gross
weight of 750
kilograms or
As set out in relation
to category 01
vehicles in Annexes I,
If and VII to the
Council Directive
and, if relevant, in
Annexes III, IV V,
VI and VIII to the
Council Directive.
8 Trailers which
have a gross
exceeding 750
kilograms but
not exceeding
As set out in relation
to category 02
vehicles in Annexes I,
II and VII to the
Council Directive
and, if relevant, in
Annexes III, IV, V,
VI and VIII to the
Council Directive.
Trailers which
have a gross
3,500 kilograms
but not
As set out in relation
to category 03
vehicles in Annexes I,
II and VII to the
Council Directive
and, if relevant, in
Annexes III, IV, V,
VI and VIII to the
Council Directive.
10 Trailers which
have a gross
As set out in relation
to category 04
vehicles in Annexes I,
II and VII to the
Council Directive
and, if relevant, in
Annexes III, IV,m V,
VI and VIII to the
Council Directive.
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
Regulation 17A
(1) For the purpose of this Schedule a two-wheeled motor cycle shall not,
by reason that a sidecar is attached thereto, be treated as three wheeled.
(2) In the case of a motor vehicle having at least four wheels and
required to have two means of operating brakes-
(a) if each means of operation applies brakes to at least
fourwheels, the brakes as applied by one of the means shall
have a total braking efficiency of not less than 50 per cent, and
the brakes as applied by the other means shall have a total
braking efficiency of not less than 25 per cent;
(b) if only one of the means of operation applies brakes to at least
four wheels, the brakes as applied by that means shall have a
total braking efficiency of not less than 50 per cent and the
brakes as applied by the other means shall have a total braking
efficiency of not less than 25 per cent; and
(c) if neither means of operation applies brakes to at least four
wheels, the brakes as applied by one of the means shall have a
total braking efficiency of not less than 30 per cent and the
brakes as applied by the other means shall have a total braking
efficiency of not less than 25 per cent.
(3) In the case of a three-wheeled motor vehicle required to have two means
of operating brakes-
(a) if each means of operation applies brakes to an three wheels,
the brakes as applied by one of the means shall have a total
braking efficiency of not less than 40 per cent and the brakes
as applied by the other means shall have a total braking
efficiency of not less than 25 per cent.
(b) if only one of the means of operation applies brakes to all three
wheels, the brakes as applied by that means shall have a total
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
braking efficiency of not less than 40 per cent and the brakes
as applied by the other means shall have a total braking
efficiency of not less than 25 per cent; and
(c) if neither means of operation applies Wakes to all three
wheels, the brakes as applied by one of the means shall have a
total braking efficiency of not less than 30 per cent and the
brakes as applied by other means shall have a total braking
efficiency of not less than 25 per cent.
(4) In the case of a motor vehicle, being a two-wheeled motor cycle, required
to have more than one mews of operating brakes, the brakes as applied by
one of the means shall have a total braking efficiency of not less than 30 per
cent and the brakes as applied by the other means shall have a total braking
efficiency of not less than 25 per cent."
Conversion of metric units.
13. The principal regulations are amended by deleting from the provisions
specified in the first column of the Schedule to these regulations, the words
and figures set out in the second column and substituting therefor the figures
and words set out in the third column.
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
to the amending regulations
2(1) definition
“invalid carriage”
“overall width”
“wide tyre”
five hundredweight
4 inches
4 inches
11.811 inches
250 kilograms
10 centimetres
10 centimetres
30 centimetres
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
(b) & (c)
(b) & (c)
(d), (e) & (f)
10 (a)
10 (b)
18 inches
eight hundredweight
seven feet
twelve feet
twenty-two feet
twenty feet
thirteen feet six inches
five feet six inches
45 inches
eight feet three inches
thirteen feet ten inches
fifty-one feet
nine feet three
thirty-six feet
8 inches
12 inches
1½ inches
12 tons
14 tons
20 tons
14 tons
20 tons
140 lbs
10 tons
16 tons
24 tons
30 tons
32 tons
24 tons
32 tons
45 centimetres
400 kilograms
2.14 metres
3.65 metres
6.70 metres
6.40 metres
4.10 metres
1.70 metres
1.15 metres
2.50 metres
4.20 metres
15.50 metres
12 metres
11 metres
20 centimetres
4 centimetres
12 190 kilograms
14 220 kilograms
20 320 kilograms
14 220 kilograms
20 320 kilograms
64 kilograms
10 160 kilograms
16 260 kilograms
24 380 kilograms
30 480 kilograms,
32 500 kilograms
24380 kilograms
32 500 kilograms
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
Delete Substitute
11 10 tons 10 160 kilograms
13(1)(a) 9 tons 9 140 kilograms
(b) 12 inches 30 centimetres
10 tons 10 160 kilograms
(c) 8 tons 8 120 kilograms
(d) 9 tons 9 140 kilograms
(e) 12 inches 30 centimetres
(2) 11 tons 11 170 kilograms
(3) two feet 60 centimetres
(a) and (b) 11 tons 11 170 kilograms
15 half an inch 1 centimetre
36 square inches 232.26 square
ton 1016 kilograms
16(1)(c) one inch 2.50 centimetres
Proviso two hundredweight 100 kilograms
12 miles 19.31 kilometres
20(1)(a) six inches 15 centimetres
21(1) five hundredweight 250 kilograms
twelve miles 19.31 kilometres
24(2) two inches 5 centimetres
six feet six inches 2 metres
42(2) 21 inches 53 centimetres
44(1) 17 inches 43 centimetres
10 inches 25 centimetres
(3) 9 inches 22 centimetres
47(1) 1 foot 30 centimetres
2 feet 6 inches 76 centimetres
1 foot 2 inches 35 centimetres
6 inches 15 centimetres
(2) 9 inches 22 centimetres
48 5 feet 10 inches 1.78 metres
49(2) 15 inches 38 centimetres
49(4)(a) 26 inches 66 centimetres
4 inches 10 centimetres
(b) 19 inches 48 centimetres
(5) 9 inches 22 centimetres
56 4 inches 10 centimetres
GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 2,349, Friday 27
March, 1987
2 inches 5 centimetres
61(1) 18 inches 46 centimetres
70(1)(a) 5 feet 1.52 metres
(b) 12 inches 30 centimetres
(c) 1 foot 6 inches 46 centimetres
78 (b)
16 inches
25 feet
3 feet 6 inches
3 feet 6 inches
2 feet 2 inches
30 inches
3 feet 6 inches
15 inches
20 inches
21 inches
2 inches
1 inch
lYx inches
l inch
25 feet
3 feet 6 inches
lyx inches
. 1 inch
6 inches
one inch
1'h inches
one inch
six inches
2 feet 6 inches
6 feet
4 feet 6 inches
four feet
four feet
41 centimetres
7.60 metres
1.05 metres
1.05 metres
66 centimetres
76 centimetres
1.05 metres
38 centimetres
50 centimetres
52 centimetres
5 centimetres
2.50 centimetres
3.50 centimetres
2.50 centimetres
7.60 metres
1.05 metres
3.50 centimetres
2.50 centimetres
15 centimetres
2.50 centimeters
3.50 centimetres
2.50 centimetres
15 centimetres
76 Centi
1.80 metres
1.40 metres
1.20 metres
1.20 metres
Dated this 27th day of March, 1987
By Command,
Acting Deputy Governor.