DSHS 22-078 (X) (Rev. 4/20)
PO BOX 9010
OLYMPIA WA 98507-9010
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U.S. Postal Service, Serial #
IMPORTANT: DO NOT ENLARGE, REDUCE OR MOVE the FIM and POSTNET barcodes. They are only valid as printed!
Special care must be taken to ensure FIM and POSTNET barcode are actual size AND placed properly on the mail piece
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Child Support
Direct Deposit
and DCS Card
How to receive
child support
payments more
Washington States
Child Support Program
You have options as to how you receive your payments,
including direct deposit to your bank account or this prepaid card.
Ask your agency for available options and select your option.
Monthly fee Per purchase ATM withdrawal Cash reload
$0 $0 $0 in-network N/A
ATM Balance Inquiry (in-network or out-of-network) $0
Customer Service (automated or live agent) $0 per call
Inactivity $0
We charge 3 other types of fees. One of them is:
Card Replacement (standard or expedited delivery) $0 or $15.00
U.S. Bank ReliaCard
Pre-Acquisition Disclosure
Program Name: Washington Division of Child Support
Reference Date: June 2017
*This fee can be lower depending on how and where this card is used.
For complete information about the U.S. Bank ReliaCard
Fee Schedule, please visit
for free ways to access your funds and balance information.
No overdraft/credit feature.
Your funds are eligible for FDIC insurance.
For general information about prepaid accounts, visit cfpb.gov/prepaid.
Find details and conditions for all fees and services inside the card package or call
1-866-363-4136 or visit usbankreliacard.com.
Direct deposit
Direct deposit is a secure and convenient way to receive child support
payments. Direct deposit of child support payments allows the Division of Child
Support (DCS) to send money electronically to a parent’s checking, savings
account, or to the DCS Card.
How does it work?
When a payment is posted to your child support case, DCS electronically tells
your bank to credit your account. The payments are deposited to your account
within three business days after DCS posts the payments to your case.
How do I sign up for Direct Deposit, a DCS Card or change my
current Direct Deposit bank account?
Fill out and return this form to DCS (U.S. postage is required).
You can register online at www.dcsonline.dshs.wa.gov to submit an
electronic authorization request.
You can call us at 800-468-7422 to have a DCS Card or Direct Deposit
Authorization Form mailed or emailed to you.
You can print the form from the following website and send it to us:
When will my direct deposit start?
It takes about 20 days from the date we receive your authorization for DCS
to set up the deposit with your bank. DCS mails a notice telling you when the
deposit starts.
How do I know I have a payment?
DCS mails a Disbursement Statement for any month that a payment posts to
your case. You may also call 800-442-KIDS or register on our website at www.
dcsonline.dshs.wa.gov to view payments and sign-up for email notifications.
Direct deposit questions?
Call DCS at 800-468-7422 or write to:
Attn: EFT Disbursements
PO Box 9010
Olympia, WA 98507-9010
For more detailed information, call 1-800-468-7422 or 360-664-5103.
Detach this form, fold and seal for return mail
GLUE strip goes on this
Direct Deposit Authorization Form
I want a DCS Card
ase update my address in the child support system to the one listed above
Name First
ddle Initial Last
Mailing Address
pt. #
Home Phone
ytime Phone
cial Security Number
te of Birth
MM / D
D / YY
Signature (Required)
Tape Closed Here Before Mailing
I want direct deposit to my bank account listed below
Enter information below if you selected direct deposit to your bank account. Please attach a voided check.
Bank Name
anch Phone Number
nk Routing Number
Bank Account Number
To increase efficiency, child support payments can be sent by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) directly to your checking or savings account or to a DCS
Stored-Value VISA debit card called the DCS Card. The DCS Card can be used at millions of locations where VISA is accepted or at an ATM machine.
You do not need to qualify for a VISA card or have your own bank account to get a DCS Card. You will get more information about how the DCS Card
program works when your card is mailed to you.
For your added security and convenience, please choose one of the options above. To receive your child support payments electronically, sign and return
this form to DCS, P.O. Box 9010, Olympia, WA 98507-9010, or fax it to 360-664-5109. In most cases, child support payments are available in your
bank account or on your DCS Card within three business days after DCS applies them to your case. For more information about electronic payments, you
may call 1-800-468-7422 or visit our website: www.dshs.wa.gov/dcs
If direct deposit does not work for you, you can ask for a DCS VISA debit Card. You do not need to have a bank account to get a DCS Card.