Rev. 1, 14
January 2011
AUGUST, 2010 EFFECTIVE: 01.08.2016
File No. 23-15/2016-AED
Subject: Facilities to be provided to passengers by airlines due to denied
boarding, cancellation of flights and delays in flights.
1.1 In view of rapid expansion of air services within India and on international
routes to/from India and with the increase in the volume of passenger traffic, it
has become necessary for the Government to take appropriate action to
ensure appropriate protection for the air travelers in case of flight disruptions
and, in particular, denied boardings, flight cancellations and delays without
due notice to the passengers booked on the flight(s).
1.2 The Government accordingly considers it necessary to raise the standards of
protection both to strengthen the rights of the passengers and to ensure that
the airlines operate under harmonized conditions. As the distinction between
the scheduled and non-scheduled services is reducing, such protections shall
be provided to passengers traveling not only on scheduled flights but also on
non-scheduled flights and foreign carriers operating to/from India.
1.3 In order to ensure effective application of this CAR, the obligation of
compliance shall rest with the airline which performs or intends to perform the
flight in question whether with its own aircraft, aircraft under dry or wet lease
or on any other basis subject to the conditions laid down herein. This CAR,
however, does not restrict the rights of the operating airline to seek
compensation from any person, including third parties, in accordance with the
applicable law.
1.4 The operating airline would not have the obligation to pay compensation in
cases where the cancellations and delays have been caused by an event(s)
of force majeure i.e. extraordinary circumstance(s) beyond the control of the
airline, the impact of which lead to the cancellation/delay of flight(s), and
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January 2011
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could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been
taken by the airline. Such extraordinary circumstances may in particular, occur
due to political instability, natural disaster, civil war, insurrection or riot, flood,
explosion, government regulation or order affecting the aircraft, strikes and
labour disputes causing cessation, slowdown or interruption of work or any
other factors that are beyond the control of the airline.
1.5 Additionally, airlines would also not be liable to pay any compensation in
respect of cancellations and delays clearly attributable to Air Traffic Control
(ATC), meteorological conditions, security risks, or any other causes that are
beyond the control of the airline but which affect their ability to operate flights
on schedule. Extraordinary circumstances should be deemed to exist where
the impact of an air traffic management decision in relation to a particular
aircraft or several aircraft on a particular day, gives rise to a long delay or
delays, an overnight delay, or the cancellation of one or more flights by that
aircraft, and which could not be avoided even though the airline concerned
had taken all reasonable measures to avoid or overcome of the impact of the
relevant factor and, therefore, the delays or cancellations.
1.6 This CAR is issued under the provisions of Rule 133 A of the Aircraft Rules,
1937 and with the approval of Ministry of Civil Aviation for information,
guidance and compliance of all concerned.
1.7 This CAR shall be applicable to all scheduled and non-scheduled operators.
2.1 Airline means an air transport undertaking with a valid Operating Permit
operating Scheduled or Non Scheduled services.
2.2 Operating airline means an airline that performs or intends to perform flights
under a contract with a passenger or on behalf of another person, legal or
natural, having a contract with that passenger.
2.3 Reservation means the fact that the passenger has a confirmed ticket or other
proof which indicates that the booking for travel on a particular flight or several
flights has been accepted and registered by the airline.
2.4 Final destination means the last destination shown on the ticket presented at
the check-in counter for a flight or in case of directly connecting flight, the
destination of the last flight. Alternative connecting flights available shall not
be taken into account if the original arrival time is respected.
2.5 A person with reduced mobility shall be as is defined in CAR Section 3, Series
M, Part I.
2.6 Denied Boarding means a refusal to carry a passenger or passenger holding
confirmed ticket on a flight although he/she has presented himself/herself for
boarding within the time specified by the airline, except where there are
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reasonable grounds to refuse carriage such as reasons of health, safety or
security, or inadequate travel documentation.
2.7 Volunteer means a person who has presented himself for boarding and
responds positively to the air carrier's call for passengers who are prepared to
surrender their reservation on the flight.
2.8 Cancellation means non-operation of a flight which was previously planned to
be operated and on which at least one place was reserved for a passenger.
2.9 Block time is the total time from the moment an aircraft first moves for the
purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the
3.1 Information about Flights and Reservations
3.1.1 While making enquiries or making a booking for a flight through an airline or
its designated travel agent, each passenger shall be provided neutral and
accurate information on the flight details and reservation status as also the
applicable conditions specified by the airline for both the fare category and the
conditions of travel.
3.1.2 Unless a passenger specifies, the airline/agent must provide neutral
information on the different options available for a journey ranked in the
following order:
a) Non stop flights
b) Flights with intermediate stops but without a change of aircraft
c) Connecting flights
d) All the fares available from airlines, as applicable
However, the airline will have the right to give preference to its own flights in
providing the information in order to promote business on its services.
3.1.3 The airline or its designated travel agent must pass on to the passengers the
following information in the form of a computer print-out:
a) The identity of the airline which will actually provide the service, as
opposed to the airline mentioned on the ticket;
b) Changes of aircraft during the journey;
c) Stops en-route during the journey;
d) Transfer between the airports during the journey.
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3.2 Denied Boarding
3.2.1 When the number of passengers, who have been given confirmed bookings for
travel on the flight and who have reported for the flight well within the specified
time ahead of the departure of the flight, are more than the number of seats
available, an airline must first ask for volunteers to give up their seats so as to
make seats available for other booked passengers to travel on the flight, in
exchange of such benefits/facilities as the airline, at its own discretion, may
wish to offer, provided airports concerned have dedicated check-in
facilities/gate areas which make it practical for the airline to do so.
3.2.2 If the boarding is denied due to condition stated at Para 3.2.1 to passengers
against their will, the airline shall not be liable for any compensation in case
alternate flight is arranged that is scheduled to depart within one hour of the
original schedule departure time of the initial reservation. Failing to do so, the
airline shall compensate the passengers as per the following provisions:
a) An amount equal to 200% of booked one-way basic fare plus airline fuel
charge, subject to maximum of INR 10,000, in case airline arranges
alternate flight that is scheduled to depart within the 24 hours of the booked
scheduled departure.
b) An amount equal to 400% of booked one-way basic fare plus airline fuel
charge, subject to maximum of INR 20,000, in case airline arranges
alternate flight that is scheduled to depart more than 24 hours of the booked
scheduled departure.
c) In case passenger does not opt for alternate flight, refund of full value of
ticket and compensation equal to 400% of booked one-way basic fare plus
airline fuel charge, subject to maximum of INR 20,000.
3.2.3 A passenger booked on connecting flights of the same airline or of the other
airline, shall be compensated by the airline of the first flight for the first leg in
accordance with the provisions of Para 3.2.2 of this CAR, when he has been
delayed at the departure station on account of denied boarding, but has arrived
at the final destination at least three hours later than the scheduled arrival time.
3.3 Cancellation of Flight
3.3.1 In order to reduce inconvenience caused to the passengers as a result of the
cancellations of the flights on which they are booked to travel, airline shall
inform the passenger of the cancellation at least two weeks before the
scheduled time of departure and arrange alternate flight/refund as acceptable
to the passenger. In case the passengers are informed of the cancellation less
than two weeks before and upto 24 hours of the scheduled time of departure,
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the airline shall offer alternate flight allowing them to depart within two hours of
their booked scheduled time of departure or refund the ticket, as acceptable to
the passenger.
3.3.2 Passengers who have not been informed as per the provisions contained in
Para 3.3.1, or missed the connecting flight booked on the same PNR, the
airlines shall provide compensation in addition to the full refund of air ticket in
accordance with the following provisions:
a) INR 5,000 or booked one-way basic fare plus airline fuel charge, whichever
is less for flights having a block time of up to and including 01 hour
b) INR 7,500 or booked one-way basic fare plus airline fuel charge, whichever
is less for flights having block time of more than 01 hour and up to and
including 02 hours.
c) INR 10,000 or booked one-way basic fare plus airline fuel charge, whichever
is less for flights having a block time of more than 02 hours.
Additionally, the airline shall provide them facilities at the airport in accordance
with Para 3.7.1 (a) in the event they have already reported for their original
flight and whilst they are waiting for the alternate flight.
3.3.3 No financial compensation shall be payable to passengers who have not
provided adequate contact information (email id or a phone number) at the time
of making booking or when the ticket for firm travel on the selected flight is
issued. In respect of such passengers the airlines will either refund the ticket
prices or make reasonable endeavor to make alternate travel arrangements as
per the choice of the passengers. Additionally, in respect of such passengers
who elect to travel to their destination on an alternate flight, the airline shall
provide them with reasonable facilities during the period that they are required
to wait at the airport for the alternate flights in accordance with Para 3.7.1 (a).
3.3.4 No such compensation shall be payable to any of the affected passengers in
case the cancellations occur due to extraordinary circumstances beyond the
control of the airline (as described in Para 1.4 and Para 1.5) even if all
reasonable measures had been taken by the airline.
3.3.5 The refund of air ticket shall be made in accordance with CAR Section 3, Series
M, Part II.
3.4 Delays in Flight
3.4.1 The airlines shall provide facilities in accordance with Para 3.7.1 (a) if the
passenger has checked in on time, and if the airline expects a delay beyond
its original announced scheduled time of departure or a revised time of
departure. of:
a) 2 hours or more in case of flights having a block time of up to 2 ½ hrs; or
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b) 3 hours or more in case of flights having a block time of more than 2 ½ hrs
and up to 5 hours; or
c) 4 hours or more in case of flights not falling under sub-para (a) and (b) of
Para 3.4.1.
3.4.2 When flight is expected to be delayed for more than 4 hrs from the published
scheduled time of departure or previously revised departure time
(communicated more than 24 hours prior to original scheduled departure time),
airlines shall offer an option of full refund of ticket to the passenger.
3.4.3 When delay is more than 24 hrs from the published scheduled time of departure
and involves flight to fly the next day i.e. beyond 0000 hours, passenger shall be
offered facility in accordance with the provisions of Para 3.7.1 (b) of this CAR.
3.4.4 In case of connecting flight booked on the same PNR, if the first flight is delayed
due to airline’s fault (excluding force majeure), the airline shall offer the following
a) More than 3 hours: INR 5,000
b) Between 4 and 12 hours: INR 10,000
c) More than 12 hours: INR 20,000
Note: The above compensation shall be paid only when the passenger has
provided the information of connecting flight to the airline at the time of
3.4.2 When the reasonably expected time of departure is more than 24 hrs. after
the scheduled time of departure previously announced, the airline shall
provide facility to the passengers in accordance with the provisions of Para
3.6.1 (b) hereunder.
3.4.5 An operating airline shall not be obliged to adhere to Para 3.7 if the delay is
caused due to extra ordinary circumstances as defined in Para 1.4 and Para
1.5 which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had
been taken.
3.4.6 The burden of proof concerning the questions as to whether and when the
passenger has been informed of the delay of the flight shall rest with the
operating airline.
3.5 Compensation by Foreign Carriers
3.5.1 In the case of foreign carriers, the amount of compensation paid to the
passengers shall be as contained in the regulations of their country of origin or as
given in para 3.2.2/3.3.2/3.4.4 of this CAR.
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3.6 Mode of Compensation
3.6.1 The compensation referred to in Para 3.2.2, 3.3.2 and 3.4.4 shall be paid in cash,
by bank transfer or with the signed agreement of the passenger in the form of
travel vouchers.
3.7 Facilities to be offered to Passengers
3.7.1 Passengers shall be offered free of charge the following:
a) Meals and refreshments in relation to waiting time.
b) Hotel Accommodation when necessary (including transfers).
3.7.2 Airlines shall pay particular attention to the needs of persons with reduced
mobility and any other person (s) accompanying them.
3.8 Passenger Redressal
3.8.1 When affected by denied boarding, a cancellation or a long delay, the
passenger may complain directly to the airline in the event the airline has not
provided the
compensation and/or reasonable facilities as specified in this CAR.
3.8.2 The passenger may file the grievance on AirSewa App or Portal or with DGCA.
3.8.3 If the passenger is not satisfied with the resolution of grievance by airline and/or
AirSewa/DGCA, the passenger has liberty to complain to any statutory
body/court set up under relevant applicable laws.
3.9 General
3.9.1 If airlines offers a flight to/from an airport or terminal alternative to that for which
booking was made, where it is served by several airports or terminals, the airline
shall bear the cost of transferring the passenger to/from that alternate airport or
terminal to the one for which the booking was made.
3.9.2 The airlines shall display their policies in regard to compensation, refunds and
the facilities that will be provided by the airline in the event of denied
boardings, cancellations and delays on their respective websites as part of their
passenger Charter of Rights. Passengers shall be fully informed by the airlines
of their rights in the event of denied boarding, cancellations or delays of their
flights so that they can effectively exercise their rights provided at the time of
making bookings/ticketing, they have given adequate contact information to
the airline or their agents. The obligation of airlines to fully inform the
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passenger(s) shall be included in ticketing documents and websites of the
airlines and concerned third parties (GDS and travel agents) issuing such
documents on airlines’ behalf.
3.9.3 Airline shall display policy on their respective websites about passenger handling
in the event of cancellation and delays. Airline counters at airports shall
disseminate reasons of cancellation and delays to the affected passengers and
attend to their grievances.
3.9.4 Each Airline shall appoint a Nodal officer and Appellate Authority to settle
passenger grievances in a stipulated time frame. Airlines shall conspicuously
display the details of Nodal Officer and Appellate Authority on their respective
3.9.5 The internal grievance mechanism of airlines shall be transparent with a
provision of on line complaint handling. All complaints registered shall be
issued a unique reference number.
3.9.6 Airline shall regularly submit data on number of cases of denied boarding,
cancellations and delays along with the status and reasons on a monthly basis
so as to reach DGCA office before the tenth day of the next month.
(B.S. Bhullar)
Director General of Civil Aviation