Cytotechnology 36: 3–32, 2001.
© 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Debatosh Datta
, Akshay Bhinge & Vidya Chandran
School of BioMedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, India
Author for correspondence, E-mail:
Received 4 April 2001; accepted 30 August 2001
Key words: biological properties, food preservative, immune therapy, lysine
Lysine, an essential cationic amino acid, has a positively charged R group. The structure of lysine is given as
-) CH(-COO
. While the anabolic role(s) of the molecule has been in focus
for quite a few decades now, its biological properties, e.g. role in cellular proliferation in vitro (both anchorage
dependent and anchorage independent) and in vivo, its ability to induce strong inflammatory and immune responses
both humoral and cell mediated, its role in augmented healing of all types of wounds in animal models as well
as in human subjects (both acute and chronic), as well as its role in inducing extensive angiogenic responses, have
never received reasonable attention so far. In the current brief and indicative review (rather than exhaustive reviews
of each area), we intend to bring these biological properties of the molecule to focus while discussing a few other
interesting aspects – lysine as a food preservative as well as its possible role(s) in immune therapy. While the areas
look extremely divergent, we propose a common denominator in the form of a possible molecular mechanism of
action of the molecule in all these diverse situations.
Lysine as a cell proliferator
Monomeric L-lysine HCl was supportive of cellular
division and growth in vitro in an optimal concentra-
tion range of 7–10 µgml
depending on the cell line
(Datta et al., 1997a, b). We examined the phenomenon
in few anchorage independent (AE9D6, CC9C10,
HUT 78) and anchorage dependent (BHK 21 from
NCCS) cell lines. Peak cellular growth was obtained,
in all cases at 48 hr of culture (which could not be ac-
counted for) and maximal cell concentration depended
on a) initial cell density at seeding and b) cellular
adaptability to culture conditions in terms of number
of passages it went through before lysine stimulation.
Both D- and L-configurations of oligomeric lysine
(upto 6–7 residues; mol. wt. 1000) supported compar-
able cellular expansion at 48 hr. We examined whether
lysine acts independently as a cellular growth/division
promoting agent or not. It probably acts in conjunc-
tion with the serum derived growth factors. This was
evident from viable cellular expansion data at 48 hr in
serum containing media versus serum-free one. Sup-
plementation of the serum-free medium with insulin,
transferin and selenite (ITS) in contrast (to QBSF
alone), supported the characteristic 48 hr response
in vitro. This evidently shows an indirect facilitat-
ing role(s) of the molecule at cell surface, possibly,
through electrostatic binding of serum derived growth
factor(s) just prior to or as a part of ligand receptor
interaction (Figure 1) (Datta et al., 1997b, 2000). Least
energy configuration model of 6 residue poly-L-lysine
(molecular weight 1000) showed characteristically
close molecular orientation (twisting) in a plane of
positively charged – NH
groups. TGF-β(2) (recom-
binant human homodimer molecule), a known agent
promoting wound healing, also showed typical lysine
residue concentrate (4 to 5 in number) at each end. It
is obviously interesting to speculate an active role for
this lysine concentrate in TGF-β and its receptor bind-
ing, in its biological expressions. This corroborates
quite well with the experimental data of poly-lysine
only upto molecular weight 1000 and not beyond, act-
ing as cellular growth promoting agent in vitro (Datta
et al., 1997b, 2000a).
Figure 1. Mechanism of action of lysine.
Wound healing
In this world of cosmesis, a faster and scarless wound
repair is much desired. A want is still felt for a
molecule which can improve the rate and quality of
healing without being prohibitively costly and hav-
ing easy availability and high degree of cell/tissue
A good amount of work has been done in the field
of augmented wound healing using growth factors,
which have known mitogenic potential. Epidermal
growth factor (EGF) has been tried in improving
wound strength and accelerating the rate of repair
(Zhou et al., 1997). Delivery of platelet derived growth
factor (PDGF) using cultured dermal fibroblasts trans-
duced retrovirally with PDGF-B gene and adenoviral
mediated gene transfer has been tried to overcome the
ischaemic defect in wound healing (Breitbart et al.,
1999; Liechty et al., 1999). Granulocyte colony stim-
ulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage
colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) also has been
claimed to show promise (Jaschke et al., 1999; Grzy-
bowski, 1999). Keratinocyte growth factor-2 (KGF-2)
has been shown to accelerate wound healing with
increase in wound strength and no obvious scarring
(Junienez and Rampy, 1999). Basic fibroblast growth
factor -β (bFGF) carried on a collagen matrix for
inhibiting wound contracture has been tried out in dia-
betic and decubitus ulcers (Ono et al., 1999). TGF-β
delivered through a collagen scaffold has also been
tried in enhancing wound healing (Pandit, 1999).
There is support for addition of protease inhibitors in
conjunction with any treatment using growth factors
(Trengove et al., 1999). Collagen and hyaluronan have
been used by many as carriers for growth factors.
Both per se have been used for tissue augmentation
and wound healing (Ruszczak and Schwartz, 1999;
Baichey et al., 1995; Jia et al., 1998). Platelet release
treatment has also been tried in improving skin heal-
ing in diabetic rats through endogenous growth factor
secretion (Moulin et al., 1998).
Accelerated wound healing has been seen in mice
with a disruption of thrombospondin 2 gene (Kyri-
ahides et al., 1999). Mice lacking Smad 3 have also
shown accelerated healing (Ashcrott et al., 1999b).
Chitosan-heparin membrane is claimed to cause
increased stabilization and concentration of growth
factor in wound area. Immobilized heparin has also
been shown to induce accelerated healing (Kratz et
al., 1998). Water-soluble chitin has also been used
as a wound-healing accelerator (Cho et al., 1999). It
gave high tensile strength and arrangement of colla-
gen fibres similar to normal skin. It has also been
shown that positively charged dextran beads stimulate
wound healing (Tawil et al., 1999). Thymosin beta
4 also has been shown to accelerate wound healing
by increasing re-epithelialisation by stimulating kerat-
inocyte migration, increasing collagen deposition and
causing angiogenesis (Malinda et al., 1999).
A synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E
has also been evaluated for its effect on wound heal-
ing. It was proposed it might be beneficial during early
stages of inflammation rather than during later stages
of remodelling (Talwar et al., 1996). Silver has also
been shown to aid healing in sterile skin, although its
mechanism of action is unknown (Lansdown et al.,
1997). Topical estrogen has also been shown to ac-
celerate cutaneous wound healing especially in aged
humans associated with altered inflammatory response
(Ashcroft et al., 1999a). Arnebin-1, a natural product
isolated from Arnebia mobilis, has been shown to ac-
celerate normal and hydrocortisone induced impaired
wound healing (Sidhu et al., 1999a). Curcumin (difer-
uloyl methane), a neutral product from rhizomes of
Curcunia procera, also showed enhanced wound heal-
ing (Sidhu et al., 1999b). The healing potential of
Calotropis procera is also being evaluated (Rasik et
al., 1999).
L-lysine HCl has shown remarkable improvement
in both the rate and quality of wound healing. The
molecule gives qualitatively better and much quicker
wound healing with less scar and deformation in
clean-cut model. Another remarkable feature of the
molecule is its ability to support healing process in
really protracted wounds, e.g. in leprotic ulcer, long
standing diabetic foot ulcer, etc.
On histopathology, lysine treated wounds showed
a remarkable thickening of the dermo-epidermal layer,
suggesting increased cell proliferation from the basal
layer (Keratinocytes). From
C-glycine incorpora-
tion experiments, it was evident that in experimental
wounds, nonspecific fibrous tissue formation and lay-
ing in and around the immediate vicinity of the
wounds was less than the controls although both the
experimental and the control wounds showed reas-
onable collagen laying in response to the wounds.
Collagen synthesis in free skin of the same animals,
away from the wound sites, was comparable in both
the groups.
Topically lysine treated wound sites (chronic
wound beds), showed a controlled degree of inflam-
mation and angiogenesis process whereby, possibly,
required extent of cellular and serum growth factors
entry to the wound beds were ensured, thereby aug-
menting the healing process in situ.
It was postulated that lysine probably acts as a non-
specific binding molecule between the cell and it is a
growth factor thereby promoting increased cell prolif-
eration (Figure 1). This enhanced cell proliferation is
probably similar to that observed in the scarless foetal
repairs where, because of extremely high rate of cell
proliferation, probably, the wounds normally get more
filled up with cellular mass rather than by matrix ma-
terial (Datta et al., 2000b, 2001; Datta, 2000; Datta
and Kundu, 1999) with subsequent remodelling.
This contrasts sharply with the current trends in
the development of wound healing products and pro-
cesses: (i) where, mostly, one growth factor (Regranex
from J&J) is delivered to the wound site or (ii) where
one particular cell type (platelet) is delivered to the
wound bed (e.g. from Cytomedix Inc.) or (iii) where
the in vitro process of replacement material devel-
opment is elaborate time consuming and costly (e.g.
Apligraf from Organogenesis Inc.). The unique aspect
of the wound healing property of the molecule (and
its derivatives) lies in the fact that it does not interfere
in the fundamental process of healing and helps the
process peripherally by augmenting angiogenesis.
Therapeutic angiogenesis is being attempted in an-
imal model by exogenously added vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF) and other angiogenic growth
factors. Therapeutic efficacy of simply injecting na-
ked plasmid DNA or proteins into ischemic tissue
to deliver secreted angiogenic factors holds promise
(Marty and Risau, 1999). Focal angiogen therapy us-
ing intramyocardial delivery of an adenovirus vector
coding for VEGF-121 has been shown to induce fo-
cal angiogenesis sufficient to normalise blood flow to
ischaemic myocardium (Lee et al., 2000). Transfec-
tion of human HGF gene into infarcted myocardium
has been shown to induce a beneficial response to
the decreased endogenous HGF, thereby causing an-
giogenesis (Aoki, 2000). A single intrapericardial
injection of FGF-2 in a porcine model of chronic
myocardial ischaemia has been shown to cause func-
tionally significant angiogenesis without any adverse
outcomes (Laham et al., 2000). PR39 and related
compounds are claimed to be potent inducers of an-
giogenesis by selectively inhibiting inducible factor-1
alpha (Li et al., 2000).
Gene therapy to stimulate angiogenesis is sup-
posed to be an effective way of bypassing occluded
arteries (Isner, 1999). Direct in vivo gene transfer us-
ing a replication deficient adenovirus vector has been
carried out in an animal model. It has shown sustained
and localised expression of a potent angiogenic medi-
ator (Magovern, 1996). Autologous transplantation of
bone marrow cells improved damaged heart function
by inducing angiogenesis (Tomita et al., 1999).
Local injection of angiogenic growth factors into
the ischemic site have been attempted by various
routes like catheter based transendocardial injection,
intrapericardial delivery etc. (Kornowski et al., 2000).
Intramyocardial injection of bFGF has been shown to
salvage myocardium in the border zone (Aaregawa,
1999). Transmyocardial laser treatment has been
shown to cause angina relief by destruction of myocar-
dial peripheral nerve endings and improving perfusion
through induction of angiogenesis (Tjomsland, 1999).
On histopathology, topical application of L-lysine
HCl has been been shown to induce profound an-
giogenic response in cutaneous acute and chronic
wounds. Moreover L-lysine HCl supports maximum
cellular growth and expansion in serum containing
media than in a serum-free media suggesting an action
mediated through growth factors (Datta and Kundu,
1999; Datta et al., 2000a, b, 2001; Datta, 2000).
Given that the molecule is basically a C-5 species
with a chiral carbon (with an attached amino group
and linear R-group of 4 carbon chains with terminal
amino group), the amino acid should work as a non-
specific binding/attachment molecule between any cell
and it is dedicated growth factor. Exactly this has
been observed in all cell types both in suspen-
sion and adherent cultures as well as in vivo repair
wounds and inducing angiogenesis. Lysine mediated
angiogenesis is postulated to be an end result of the
molecule acting as a cell surface bridge binding the an-
giogenic factors to their receptors (Figure 1). It would
be interesting to study details of angiogenic response
in ischaemic myocardium where normally angiogenic
factors are available at a higher concentration than ad-
equately perfused myocardium (Laham et al., 1999,
2000). Given that the basic molecular mechanism of
angiogenesis is universal and involves binding of the
angiogenic factors to their receptors, the much aug-
mented angiogenesis induced by the molecule may be
the result of ligand-receptor binding process (Figure 1)
(angiogenic factors and their receptors) getting more
stable, widespread and predictable under the influence
of this ‘new molecular bridge’ compared to the normal
stochastic process.
Food additives
Food additives in a broad sense just means any sub-
stance added to food. It refers to any substance, the
intended use of which results or may reasonably be
expected to result directly or indirectly in its becoming
a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics
of any food. This definition includes any substance
used in the production, processing, treatment, pack-
aging, transportation or storage of food. If a substance
is added to a food for a specific purpose in that food,
it is referred to as a direct additive. For example,
the low-calorie sweetener aspartame, which is used in
beverages, puddings, yogurt, chewing gum and other
foods, is considered a direct additive. Some addit-
ives are manufactured from natural sources such as
soybeans and corn, which provide lecithin to main-
tain product consistency, or beets, which provide beet
powder used as food colouring. Other useful additives
are not found in nature and must be man-made. Ar-
tificial additives can be produced more economically,
with greater purity and more consistent quality than
some of their natural counterparts.
Prebiotic agents are food additives which mainly
consists of oligosaccharides and dietary fibres, mainly
inulin, and are potentially benefial in a number of
ways: 1) potential protective effects against colorectal
cancer and infectious bowel diseases by inhibiting
putrefactive bacteria (Clostridium perfringens)and
pathogen bacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Lis-
teria and Shigella), respectively; 2) improvement of
glucose and lipid metabolisms; 3) fibre-like properties
by decreasing the renal nitrogen excretion; 4) im-
provement in the bioavailability of essential miner-
als; and 5) low carcinogenic factor (Grizard and
Barthomeuf, 1999).
Colour additives like sulfiting agents are some-
times used to preserve the colour of foods such as
dried fruits and vegetables, and to inhibit the growth
of microorganisms in fermented foods such as wine.
They are also sometimes used in baked goods, condi-
ments, snack foods and other products.
Erythorbates are food ingredients that are used to
inhibit the change of flavour and colour in food when
exposed to air, such as when a cut apple is exposed to
air. Produced from sugar, erythorbates are similar in
chemical structure to vitamin C. Two forms of eryth-
orbates, erythorbic acid and sodium erythorbate, are
commonly used in hot dogs, luncheon meats, cured
meats, fresh pork, poultry, frozen bananas, dehyd-
rated apples and other foods (Food Additives, 1994,
in cooperation with Food and Drug Administration).
Various kinds of food additives are supplemen-
ted due to some beneficial response either in certain
diseased states or normally to increase growth and
performance. For example: Aminoleban EN contains
branched-chain amino acids and is known to be bene-
ficial for the protein-energy malnutrition in cirrhotic
patients (Meng et al., 1999). Cardiohel (Inrich pro-
duction) which is a biologically active food additive
has been recommended in Ischemic heart disease be-
cause it allows to reduce the dose of hypotensive and
coronarolytic drugs by 35% and cardiac glycosides
by 25%, thus lowering the risk of relevant side ef-
fects (Ivashkin et al., 1999). It has been proposed to
fortify certain grain-based products with Iron EDTA
to increase the bioavailability of iron in human diets
and thereby improve the iron status (Heimbach et al.,
2000). Nutritive factors like vitamin A and retinoids,
vitamin D and selen are used due to important anticar-
cinogenic properties they have. The phytochemicals
promise a lot in anticarcinogenesis to prevent cancer.
Spice extracts act antioxidatively by food supplement-
ation, and turmeric extract has been shown to have
the ability to prevent the deposition of triacylglycerols
in the liver (Sreter, 1999). Food such as blueberries
and spinach which are high in antioxidant capacity
have been examined for their effects to prevent and/or
reverse age-related declines in cerebellar noradrener-
gic receptor function (Bickford et al., 1999). Mixture
of amino acids has been seen to act on the pituitary
to enhance the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),
lutenizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hor-
mone (FSH) response to corticotropin-releasing hor-
mone (CRH) + gonadotropic hormone-releasing hor-
mone (GnRH) (di Luigi et al., 1999). Ingestion of
carbohydrate/protein before and after exercise and
dietary supplementation of various nutrients e.g. pro-
tein, glutamine, branched chain amino acid, creatine,
leucine etc. have been purported to promote gains
in fat free mass during resistance training. Creat-
ine and calcium beta-hydroxy beta-methyl-buthylate
(beta-HMB) supplementation during resistance train-
ing have been reported to increase fat-free mass in
athletic and nonathletic populations (Kreider, 1999).
Simplesse, a fat replacement (GRAS status confirmed
by FDA in 1990) made from milk or egg white pro-
tein and olestra, which would partially replace fat have
been evaluated.
Food additives have a great role to play in livestock
production and animal feed industry. Added dietary
pyridoxine has been shown to improve weanling pig
growth performance (Woodworth et al., 2000). Oleam-
ide has been reported to elevate milk oleic acid when
fed to lactating Holstein cows (Jenkins, 2000). Cows
fed diets supplemented with ruminally protected lys-
ine and methionine showed increase in percentage of
milk protein but no effect on production of milk, milk
fat, and milk lactose. Infusion of isoleucine resulted in
a higher milk lactose proportion and tended to produce
more milk and milk lactose (Robinson et al., 1999).
Alpha-ketoglutarate, precursor of glutamine, in com-
bination with ornithine has been suggested to improve
gut morphology and functions and counteract trauma-
induced dysimmunity and exert anabolic/catabolic ac-
tions on protein metabolism. In combination they
increase the synthesis of arginine, proline and polyam-
ines that play key roles in metabolic adaptation to
trauma (Cynober, 1999). Somatotropin has also been
shown to improve body weight gain and feed effi-
ciency (Tripp et al., 1998). Xylitol diet fed partially,
also significantly prevented the reductions in body
weight gain and food intake without affecting the
early stage of inflammatory responses (Takahashi et
al., 1999). Food additive ascorbic acid has been shown
to have a protective effect against bacterial and viral
diseases due to its effect on heterophil function (An-
dreasen and Frank, 1999). A previous study has shown
that diet supplementation with thioproline, an intracel-
lular sulfhydril antioxidant and free radical scavenger
stimulates lymphocyte functions. It has been shown
to enhance immune function whenever it is depressed
(Correa, 1999). Arginine is said to hold a key po-
sition in the cellular functions and interactions that
occur during inflammation and immune responses. L-
arginine improves pain-free and total walking distance
in case of claudication in peripheral arterial disease
due to enhanced activity of endothelium derived nitric
oxide (Maxwell et al., 2000). Dietary supplementation
with L-arginine is said to modify reactivity of endothe-
lium and smooth muscle by at least two mechanisms:
one associated with activation of potassium channels
and the other with receptor-coupled release of nitric
oxide (Ray et al., 1999). Lysine in combination with
arginine is said to be used by bodybuilders for the
combination’s alleged effect of stimulating the re-
lease of growth hormone. According to the European
Federation of Animal Feed Additive Manufacturers
(FEFANA), increased use of amino acids combined
with reduced crude protein levels in feeds is estimated
to have the potential to reduce nitrogen excretion by
up to 20–25%. This is seen as one of the major op-
portunities for reducing nitrogen pollution. Published
work by Brudevold and Southern (1994) showed, in
a series of five experiments, that diets containing
12% crude protein but supplemented with crystalline
lysine, threonine, glutamic acid, methionine, histid-
ine, isoleucine, tryptophan and valine, were able to
support similar performance in 10–20 kg pigs to con-
ventional control diets containing between 19–22%
crude protein.
Animals in which high rates of lean tissue growth
are achieved through either genetic selection or the
application of growth hormones and repartitioning
agents, lysine requirements are substantially higher
(Goodband, 1990). In a report by Easter (1994) it has
been shown that the level of dietary protein in a stand-
ard maize soybean meal can be reduced by as much as
four percentage units if the diet is adequately fortified
with lysine, tryptophan and threonine.
Nutritional supplementation with lysine is also re-
commended in case of herpes simplex infection. The
amino acid lysine, in the amount of 1–3 g per day, is
effective in inhibiting the recurrence of herpes simplex
infections in some individuals (Flodin, 1997).
Food preservatives
A long shelf life, antimicrobial properties, no adverse
reactions, harmless metabolites are some of the qual-
ities desired of a food preservative agent. Though
currently many are in use, each is beset with a draw-
back of its own. Hence the search for an ideal and may
be natural preservative continues.
The use of food preservatives, such as benzoic
acid, nitrites, and sulphites, as antimicrobials, and
butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxy-
toluene (BHT), ascorbic acid and tocopherols, as
antioxidants, has probably changed food production
patterns and eating habits more than has the use of any
other class of food additive. These food preservative
chemicals confer substantial benefits on man, not only
by the preservation and increased palatability of food,
but also by affording protection against the patholo-
gical effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which
are associated with cancer, cardiovascular disease and
aging. Nevertheless, although most preservatives are
now considered to be without potential adverse effects
there have been problems concerning the safety of
some of these chemicals. Benzoic acid and sulphites
probably cause allergies. The formation of nitrosam-
ines from nitrites, which are carcinogenic, and the
possible rodent carcinogenicity of BHA and BHT have
cast a shadow over the safety of these agents (Parke
and Lewis, 1992).
BHT and BHA antioxidants are capable of ag-
gravating symptoms in certain patients with chronic
urticaria (Goodman et al., 1990). The metabol-
ites of BHT, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-benzoquinone (BHT-
quinone), 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroperoxyl-4-methyl-
2, 5-cyclohexadienone (BHT-OOH), and 3,5-di-tert-
butyl-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (BHT-CHO) are be-
lieved to be carcinnogenic. BHT-OOH participates
in oxidative DNA damage directly, whereas BHT-
quinone causes DNA damage through H
tion, which leads to internucleosomal DNA fragment-
ation (Oikawa et al., 1996).
Weak organic acid food preservatives are shown
to exert a strong pro-oxidant action on aerobic yeast
cells. In addition these acids are mutagenic toward the
yeast mitochondrial genome, even at levels that are
subinhibitory to growth. This has raised the concern
that the large-scale consumption of these preservatives
in the human diet may generate oxidative stress within
the epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract (Piper, 1999).
Animal and in vitro studies have shown that vit-
amins C and E can effectively inhibit the formation
of carcinogenic nitrosamines. Vitamin C supplement-
ation has been reported to inhibit skin, nerve, and lung
and kidney carcinogenesis. Vitamin E has been shown
to inhibit skin, liver, oral, ear duct, and forestom-
ach carcinogenesis. Several suggested mechanisms of
action include modification of the metabolism of poly-
cyclic hydrocarbons, reduction of mutagenic activity
and reaction with genotoxic free radicals (Chen et al.,
Parabens, methyl, ethyl, propyl, benzyl, and butyl,
are the most common preservatives in use today. They
are the alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and are
used extensively because they are relatively nonirritat-
ing and nontoxic and offer good antimicrobial cover-
age (Pederse et al., 2000). However they have been
shown to evoke an oestrogenic response in vivo,in
sexually immature rainbow trout. Also, isolated cases
of allergic contact dermatitis have also been reported.
But considering their high efficacy and favourble pre-
servative profile they are still the most preferred food
preservatives (Mowad, 2000).
Nisin and pediocin PA-1 are examples of bacteri-
ocins from lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that have found
practical applications as food preservatives. Like other
natural antimicrobial peptides, LAB bacteriocins act
primarily at the cytoplasmic membranes of suscept-
ible microorganisms. The dissipation of proton motive
force is the common mechanism for the lethal activity
of LAB bacteriocin. It has been proposed that nisin
forms poration complexes in the membrane through
a multistep process of binding, insertion, and pore
formation (Montville and Chen, 1998). Combination
of sodium lactate and nisin was particularly effect-
ive in reducing total bacterial counts in this food
product. It also appears that this combination provides
an increased protection against common pathogenic
contaminants of fresh pork sausage, i.e. Staph. aureus
and Salmonella species (Scannell et al., 1997).
Interactions of monolaurin, eugenol (phenolic
compound) and sodium citrate (chelator) on the
growth of common meat spoilage (Lactobacillus
curvatus, Lactobacillus sake, Leuconostoc mesen-
teroides, Brochothrix thermosphacta) and pathogenic
(Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocyto-
genes) organisms were investigated. It was shown that
the combinations of these chemicals were required to
have any potent effect. The presence of sodium cit-
rate was necessary to yield potent inhibition of Lb.
curvatus and Lb. sake growth by the monolaurin and
eugenol combinations (Blaszyk and Holley, 1997).
The effects of 5% potassium sorbate (PS) and 3%
lactic acid (LA) applications on total mesophylic aer-
obic bacteria, total psychrotrophic aerobic bacteria,
lactic acid bacteria, staphylococci and coliform bac-
teria, pH values, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) numbers,
and sensorial properties of vacuum-packed chicken
leg and breast meats have been investigated during
storage at 4±1
C. In addition, residual sorbate was
examined. A decrease in bacterial counts of chicken
leg and breast meats was observed in the periods fol-
lowing the treatments of PS and LA; however, towards
the end of the storage period, the effectiveness of PS
was greater than that of LA. Quantities of sorbic acid
found in the samples treated with PS were below the
Acceptable Daily Intake established by the Food and
Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization
(Kolsarici and Candogan, 1995).
Welsh onion ethanol extracts were tested for their
inhibitory activity against the growth and aflatoxin
production of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus.It
was seen that the survival of spores of A. flavus and
A. parasiticus depended on both the extract concentra-
tion and the exposure time of the spores to the Welsh
onion extracts. The extracts have been shown to inhibit
mycelial growth of two tested fungi cultured on yeast
extract-sucrose broth. They also inhibited aflatoxin
production in the culture at a concentration of 10 mg
or permitted only a small amount of aflatoxin
production with extract concentration of 5 mg ml
after 2 weeks of incubation. Welsh onion ethanol
extracts showed more pronounced inhibitory effects
against the two tested aflatoxin-producing fungi than
did the same added levels of the preservatives sorbate
and propionate at pH values near 6.5. Thus they ap-
pear to potent biological preservative agents (Fan and
Chen, 1999).
Lysine too has been found to play an interesting
role as a preservative. Production of toxins A and B by
Clostridium difficile is enhanced in a defined medium
with biotin-limited conditions. Asparagine, glutamic
acid and glutamine (10 mM) showed an effect on
growth and toxin production similar to that of bi-
otin. Lysine (10 mM) suppressed growth and inhibited
toxin production. Addition of these toxin-inhibitory
compounds within an incubation period of 2 days in-
hibited the enhanced toxin production, but later addi-
tion showed only slight inhibition of toxin production.
Amino acids contained in the defined medium under
the biotin-limited conditions were actively utilised in
the presence of the three toxin-inhibitory amino acids,
but in the presence of lysine, amino-acid utilisation
was suppressed (Yamakawa et al., 1998). Homocitrate
synthase is the first enzyme of the lysine biosynthetic
pathway. It is feedback regulated by L-lysine. The ef-
fect of lysine inhibition was investigated in the strain
Penicillin chrysogenum. Lysine decreases the biosyn-
thesis of penicillin (determined by the incorporation of
C] valine into penicillin) by inhibiting and repress-
ing homocitrate synthase, thereby depriving the cell
of alpha-aminoadipic acid, a precursor of penicillin.
Lysine feedback has been shown to inhibit in vivo the
biosynthesis and excretion of homocitrate by a lysine
auxotroph, L2, blocked in the lysine pathway after
homocitrate. The molecular mechanism of lysine feed-
back regulation in Penicillium chrysogenum involves
both inhibition of homocitrate synthase activity and re-
pression of its synthesis. In vitro studies indicated that
L-lysine feedback inhibits and represses homocitrate
synthase both in low- and high-penicillin-producing
strains (Luengo et al., 1980).
Thus it is seen that lysine has remarkable antimi-
crobial properties. Since lysine is an amino acid, the
chances of any immunological response against it are
negligible. These qualities of lysine can be employed
to use it as an effective food peservative.
Immunological adjuvants are agents that enhance spe-
cific immune responses to vaccines. The capacity to
identify the nature and form of antigenic epitopes
in proteins allows the specific design of vaccines to
promote relevant protective immune responses. Such
vaccines, although ideal in terms of specificity and
purity, may not always achieve the desired levels of
protection through failure to reach relevant cells of
immune system due to simple dilution, elimination
by host enzymes or lack of specific targeting. Many
vaccines, currently under development and testing, are
composed of synthetic, recombinant, or highly puri-
fied subunit antigens, which are often considered to
be safer than whole-inactivated or live-attenuated vac-
cines. Concomitant with the above there has been de-
velopment of a plethora of adjuvants aimed at enhan-
cing responses to these ‘new’ immunogens (Mrsny,
1998). Parallely, there has been an almost equal rapid
enhancement in understanding the complex nature of
the immune learning response, particularly with re-
spect to antigen processing, the nature and role of
cytokines and the importance of dendritic cells and
T-cell subsets in protection from infections.
Despite substancial progress in the areas of ba-
sic and applied immunology over the past couple of
decades, and drastic modifications being introduced
to the approach of vaccination, the area of vaccino-
logy is probably facing a formidable and extremely
fundamental requirement of a biocompatible adjuvant.
Although a number of them are available, none really
fits the bill of human use, ideally.
Adjuvants can be grouped according to their phys-
ical characteristics and mode of action. They include
particulate adjuvants, oil and emulsifier-based ad-
juvants, adjuvants providing controlled antigen deliv-
ery, adjuvants based on specific targeting of antigen,
and gel-type adjuvants (Jennings et al., 1998). They
may act non-specifically in promoting an immune re-
sponse to an antigen through depot formation, or very
specifically as in a delivery system’ where an anti-
gen is linked to a cellular protein, or targeted to a
specific cell receptor. It has also become necessary
that these differing approaches be combined, and an
adjuvant/delivery system designed, to provide slow
release of a targeted antigen (Jennings et al., 1998).
Adjuvants have diverse mechanisms of action and
should be selected for use, based on the route of
administration and the type of immune response (anti-
body, cell-mediated, or mucosal) desired for a partic-
ular vaccine. As mentioned, adjuvant mechanisms of
action include: (i) increasing the biological or immun-
ological half-life of vaccine antigens; (ii) improving
antigen delivery and presentation; and (iii) inducing
the production of immunomodulatory cytokines (2).
Conventionally the efficiency of an adjuvant used to be
measured by the capacity to induce enhanced antibody
titres in serum and cell mediated immunity (CMI) to
a given antigen. Recently, the capacity of an adjuvant
is also measured by the quality as well as the mag-
nitude of the induced immune response, where quality
includes isotype and IgG subclass responses, T-helper
cell responses characterized by the cytokine profiles
and extent of cytotoxic T cell (CTL) induction. In
the early phase of immunization some adjuvants in-
fluence the antigen administration and uptake by a
so-called depot effect exemplified by aluminium hy-
droxide gel and oil adjuvants, which possibly is not
as desired as alledged. A ‘modern’ depot is exerted
by slow release formulations, continuously releasing
the antigen over a period of time at a steady rate
or by pulses at intervals, although being basically a
‘single injection’ vaccine. Extensive efforts are put
in to formulate efficient delivery combinations target-
ing the antigens from the site of administration to
draining lymph nodes or distant lymphatic tissue or
to mucosal surfaces by parenteral or mucosal admin-
istrations. Nowadays, non-replicating carriers besides
replicating vaccines are formulated to induce mucosal
immune responses encompassing secretory IgA and
CMI (Morein et al., 1996). Efforts to evoke immune
responses on mucosal membranes distant from the site
of administration have resulted mostly in little suc-
cess (Morein et al., 1996). For a long time it was
considered that CTL under the restriction of MHC
Class I only could be evoked by replicating viruses or
intracellular parasites (Morein et al., 1996). However,
novel adjuvant delivery systems readily induce CTL
by delivering the antigen to the APC resulting in intra-
cellular transport to the cytosol for the MHC Class I
presentation system, as well as to the endosomal path-
way for the MHC Class II presentation (Morein et al.,
Infant immunization is another particularly import-
ant area with multiple challenges for vaccine research
and development. There is, together with a high sus-
ceptibility to infections, a lower efficacy of most vac-
cinations in newborns and young infants, compared to
those administered later in life. Hence adjuvants play
an important role to: (i) rapidly induce strong anti-
body responses of the appropriate isotypes; (ii) elicit
sustained antibody responses extending beyond in-
fancy; (iii) induce efficient Th1 and CTL responses
in spite of the preferential Th2 polarization (in early
life responses); (iv) escape from maternal antibody
mediated inhibition of vaccine responses; (v) show
acceptable reactogenicity in early life; and (vi) allow
incorporation of several vaccine antigens into a single
formulation so as to reduce the number of required
injections (Kovarik and Siegrist, 1998).
Currently, aluminum salts and MF59 are the only
vaccine adjuvants approved for human use. Of the
novel compounds recently evaluated in human trials,
immunostimulatory molecules such as lipopolysac-
charide (LPS) derived monophosphoryl lipid (MPL)
and saponin derivative QS21 appear most promising,
although doubts have been raised as to their safety
in humans (Singh and O’Hagan, 1999). Preclinical
work with particulate adjuvants, such as the MF59
microemulsion and lipid-particle immune-stimulating
complexes (Iscoms), suggest that these molecules are
also potent elicitors of humoral and cellular immune
responses (Singh and O’Hagan, 1999). In addition,
preclinical data on CpG oligonucleotides appear to be
encouraging, particularly with respect to their ability
to selectively manipulate immune responses (Singh
and O’Hagan, 1999).
MF59, an adjuvant approved for human use, typ-
ically elicits higher antibody titers than alum when
used in combination with a variety of recombinant and
natural subunit antigens. The mechanisms responsible
for the adjuvant action of MF59 however are not fully
understood (Dupuis et al., 1999).
MPL has been shown to be a promising adjuvant
due to the following advantages a) MPL retains the
useful immunostimulating activities of the parent LPS
molecule, but with greatly attenuated toxicity; b) pro-
duces diverse effects on the cellular elements of the
immune system, including macrophage activation and
T and B cell interaction, with concomitant cytokine
and lymphokine release; c) proven adjuvant activity,
in both the cellular and humoral effector arms of im-
munity; d) adjuvant activity when used alone, or in
combination with other immunostimulants and deliv-
ery vehicles; and e) safe to humans (Ulrich and Myers,
Two novel oil adjuvant vaccines, Montanide ISA
25 and 206 are claimed to offer a number of advant-
ages over Al(OH)
, particularly in their ability to raise
better immunity in pigs. Results indicate that vac-
cines, in presence of these adjuvants retain potency
for a longer period and elicit good antibody responses
in both pigs and cattle regardless of injection route
without evidence of toxicity (Barnett et al., 1996).
It has been seen that formulation of a DNA vaccine
encoding hepatitis B surface antigen with calcium-
or aluminum phosphate adjuvants, increases antibody
titers by 10 to 100-fold and decreases the immuno-
genic dose of DNA by 10-fold. Furthermore, boosting
an HBs protein-primed response with the adjuvanted
DNA vaccine resulted in a dramatic increase in the
HBs-specific IgG2a response reflecting a shift to-
wards a TH1 response. It has been suggested that the
mechanism by which aluminum phosphate exerts its
adjuvant effect is not through increased expression of
HBsAg in vivo but by increasing the number and af-
finity of HBs peptide antigen-specific IFN-gamma and
IL-2 secreting T cells (Wang et al., 2000).
Microfluidized squalene or squalane emulsions act
as efficient adjuvants, eliciting both humoral and cel-
lular immune responses. Squalene or squalane emul-
sions have been administered in human cancer vac-
cines, with mild side effects and evidence of efficacy,
in terms of both immune responses and antitumor
activity (Allison, 1999).
Water-soluble fullerene derivatives have been sug-
gested as prospective adjuvants due to their immunos-
timulating effect (Masalova et al., 1999).
The role of Bacillus Colmette-Guerin (BCG) as
an adjuvant in autologous tumor vaccines has been
examined. BCG results in increased VPLN (vaccine
primed lymph node) cell yield as well as enhanced
type 1 (IFN-gamma release) immune responses of
VPLN cells to autologous tumor without upregulating
type 2 (IL-10 release) response (Li et al., 2000).
Experiments demonstrate that heat killed lysteria
as an adjuvant for immunotherapy mediates im-
mune deviation from a pathological Th2-dominated
response toward a protective immune response in peri-
pheral lymphoid tissues and in the lungs and may be
clinically effective in the treatment of patients with es-
tablished asthma and allergic diseases (Hansen et al.,
The limited availability of efficient and non-toxic
adjuvants, capable of promoting mucosal responses,
presents with a problem in vaccinology. The poten-
tial usefulness of fibronectin-binding protein I (Sfbl)
of Streptococcus pyogenes as immunological adjuvant
has been assessed using ovalbumin (OVA) as a model
antigen. Phenotypic analysis of proliferating cells
show enrichment in CD4
T cells, producing a pattern
of cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 and IL-10) character-
istic of Th2-type cells. In contrast to immunization
with soluble OVA alone, OVA-Sfbl induced the gen-
eration of CD8
OVA-specific cytotoxic cells. These
results demonstrate that Sfbl represents a promising
mucosal adjuvant able to substantially improve cellu-
lar, humoral and mucosal responses when coupled to
an antigen administered by intranasal route (Medina et
al., 1998).
Norwegian outer membrane vesicle (OMV) vac-
cine against group B meningococcal disease has
proved to be strongly immunogenic when admin-
istered intranasally in mice. All vaccinees developed
marked increases in OMV-specific IgA antibodies in
nasal secretions. It is thus possible that a nasal OMV
vaccine may induce protection against invasive men-
ingococcal disease, and also that it might be used
as a vehicle for nasal vaccines against other diseases
(Haneberg et al., 1998).
Whole killed meningococci (Nm) and pertussis
bacteria (Bp) has been tested for mucosal immuno-
genicity and as mucosal adjuvants for an inactivated
influenza virus vaccine given intranasally to unan-
aesthetized mice. With Bp or Nm admixed, serum
IgG and IgA and salivary IgA responses to the influ-
enza virus were substantially augmented (P < 0.005)
(Berstad et al., 2000).
A study has been carried out to demonstrate that
two mutants of Escherichia coli heat-labile toxin (LT),
LTK63, which lacks ADP-ribosylating activity, and
LTR72, which has partial enzyme activity, act as po-
tent mucosal adjuvants for the nasal delivery of an
acellular pertussis (Pa) vaccine (Ryan et al., 1999).
Synthetically prepared N-terminal parts of the lipo-
protein from Enterobacteria carrying three fatty acid
residues or lipopeptide analogs containing one to four
aminoacids bound to S-glycerylcysteine act as potent
immunoadjuvants in vivo in combination with or co-
valently linked to antigens. Thus, bacterial cell wall
components such as lipopolysaccharide, a variety of
membrane proteins, murein, and lipoprotein can act as
immunoadjuvants for bacterial vaccines, thus enhan-
cing protection from bacterial infections. The immun-
oadjuvant properties of the lipopeptides are mediated
by an enhancement of the humoral immune response
(Schlecht et al., 1993).
Though vaccination has been the most cost-
effective way of controlling infectious diseases, the
logistics of delivering at least two to three doses of
conventional vaccines for primary immunization to
achieve protection are difficult and compliance is fre-
quently inadequate, particularly in developing coun-
tries. In recent years biodegradable polymer micro-
spheres have received much attention for the purposes
of controlled release of antigens: (i) to reduce the
number of doses needed for primary immunization
to as few as a single dose and (ii) to better-target an
antigen to microfold cells on mucosal surfaces after
oral administration or to antigen-presenting cells after
parenteral inoculations. A variety of vaccine antigens
have been encapsulated in microspheres usually com-
posed of poly (lactic/glycolic) acid (PLGA). Based
on the size of the microspheres, molecular weight of
polymer and ratio of lactic to glycolic acid in the poly-
mer, the antigen may be targeted to various cells of the
immune system or it may form a depot at the site of in-
jection, allowing slow release of the antigen for exten-
ded periods. Additionally, an adjuvant may be incor-
porated inside microspheres together with the antigen,
further enhancing or modulating the immune response
to the desired type. The major problems in developing
controlled-release vaccines include instability of vac-
cine antigens during micro-encapsulation, storage and
subsequent hydration (Gupta et al., 1998).
Prolonged presence of mIFN gamma at the site
of antigen presentation is crucial for the generation
of systemic immune responses in the B16 melanoma
model. Studies show that liposomal encapsulation of
cytokines proves to be an attractive strategy for parac-
rine cytokine delivery in tumor vaccine development
(Van Slooten et al., 2000).
Archaeosomes act as promising vaccine carriers
capable of facilitating strong primary and memory
responses, both in humoral and cell-mediated im-
munity sectors to entrapped antigens. In contrast,
conventional liposomes induced little cell-mediated
immunity, whereas alum stimulated only an IL-4 re-
sponse. In contrast to alum and Freund’s adjuvant,
archaeosomes composed of Thermoplasma acidophi-
lum lipids, evoked a dramatic memory antibody re-
sponse to the encapsulated protein (at approximately
300 days) after only two initial immunizations (days
0 and 14). This correlated with increased antigen-
specific cell cycling of CD4
T cells through increase
in synthetic (S) and mitotic (G(2)/M) phase and de-
crease in resting (G(1)) phases of CD4
cell cycle
(Krishnan et al., 2000).
One of the approaches of tumor vaccines is a mix-
ture of irradiated tumor cells with cytokine containing
liposomes. These vaccines are quite easy to prepare
and, in contrast to vaccines consisting of cytokine-
gene transfected-tumor cells, their composition (cell
dosage, cytokine dosage) can be easily varied. Vaccin-
ation efficiency depended on (a) the immunogenicity
of the tumor cells (b) vaccination frequency and (c) the
dose of the cytokine encapsulated in the admixed lipo-
some depots. Immunity to the tumors could be induced
only within a narrow cytokine-dose range (‘IL-2-dose
window’) (Krup et al., 1999).
Dendritic cells (DCs) have also been widely con-
sidered to be promising adjuvants for inducing im-
munity to cancer (Thurner et al., 1999). Studies using
mature, monocyte-derived DCs to elicit resistance to
malignant melanoma have been undertaken. In one
of the studies, DCs were pulsed with Mage-3A1 tu-
mor peptide and a recall antigen, tetanus toxoid or
tuberculin. This study proved the principle that DC
‘vaccines can frequently expand tumor-specific CTLs
and elicit regressions even in advanced cancer and, in
addition, provides evidence for an active CD8
tumor cell interaction in situ as well as escape by lack
of tumor antigen expression (Thurner et al., 1999).
The co-delivery of inteferon (IFN)-gamma, inter-
leukin (IL)-12, and IL-18 genes along with DNA
vaccine constructs to engineer the immune response
in vivo towards more T-helper Th1-type cellular re-
sponses, has been investigated. Co-immunization of
IFN-gamma and IL-18 in macaques enhanced the level
of antigen-specific antibody responses. Similarly, co-
delivery of IL-12 and IL-18 also enhanced the level of
antigen-specific Th proliferative responses (Kim et al.,
The immunostimulatory sequences can also be
identified within a pleiotropic cytokine like IL-1
and used in the rational design of novel vaccination
strategies. The human interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) do-
main in position 163-171, comprising the amino acids
VQGEESNDK, has been synthesized as a nine-amino-
acid-long peptide and used in vivo as a nontoxic
HCl salt. The IL-1beta nonapeptide reproduces im-
munostimulatory and adjuvant effects of the whole
mature IL-1beta, but does not possess any of the IL-
1beta inflammatory, vasoactive, tumor-promoting, and
systemically toxic effects, nor can it synergize with
tumor necrosis factor alpha or other molecules in in-
ducing toxicity and shock. Thus it acts as a promising
adjuvant (Boraschi and Tagliabue, 1999).
IL-12 has also been investigated as a promising
adjuvant. Its main effect is to drive Th-cell differen-
tiation throughout a T-helper type-1 response, thus
inducing interferon gamma (IFNgamma) and favor-
ing IgG2a. These properties make IL-12 a candidate
adjuvant for vaccination against cancer and infective
diseases. But, experience of some toxicity in humans
has hampered its further development into clinical
applications, which, however, are still possible if re-
stricted to local administration. Gene transfer has been
proposed to be the preferred approach to obtain local
release of cytokine (Rodolfo and Colombo, 1999).
Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG
motifs [immunostimulatory sequences (ISS)] have
been described as potent adjuvants of type 1 immune
responses when co-administered with protein or pep-
tide vaccines. ISS causes a rapid release of IL-12
and IFN-gamma in sera from treated mice. This data
provide a first evidence for the ability of ISS to induce
an anti-CHO (polysaccharide) type 1-like immune re-
sponse and demonstrate that ISS have the potential
to increase host antibody response against both the
CHO and the protein component of a conjugated vac-
cine (von Hunolstein et al., 2000). Addition of CpG
ODN (Oligodeoxynucleotides) to hepatitis B vaccine
greatly increases the seroconversion rate and the titers
of antibody against HBsAg (anti-HBs). This is the first
demonstration of CpG DNA in a great ape and the res-
ults have important implications for the vaccination of
humans against HBV and other diseases (Davis et al.,
Studies have indicated that professional APCs in
the periphery, such as dendritic cells and macro-
phages, play an important role in initiating DNA
vaccine-specific immune responses. To engineer the
immune response induced by DNA vaccines in vivo
the modulatory effects of codelivering growth factor
genes for the hematopoietic APCs along with DNA
vaccines was investigated. Specifically, the effects
on the antigen-specific immune responses follow-
ing the codelivery of the gene expression cassettes
for macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF),
granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), and
granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor
(GM-CSF) along with HIV-1 DNA immunogen con-
structs were studied. It was observed that coimmuniz-
ation with GM-CSF increased the antibody response
and resulted in a significant enhancement of lymph-
oproliferative response. Furthermore, among all coin-
jection combinations, M-CSF coinjections resulted in
a high level of CTL enhancement. This enhancement
of CTL responses observed from the coinjection with
M-CSF was CD8
T cell dependent and was associ-
ated with the presence of CD11c
cells at the site of
injection and with the antigen-specific induction of the
beta-chemokine MIP-1beta, suggesting a role for this
chemokine in CTL induction. These results suggest
that hematopoietic growth factors should be further
studied as potential adjuvants for in vivo modulators
of immune responses (Kim, 2000).
In the study that is being carried in the authors’
laboratory, monomeric lysine has been observed to
augment the Ig responses irrespective of the type and
size of the antigens. Heat killed Mycobacterium tuber-
culosis was observed to give a massive augmentation
of Ig responses reproducibly in the presence of the
monomeric aminoacid. BCG strains were also remark-
ably potentiated in their ability to induce humoral
immunity. Few other antigens are being studied at
the moment along with characterisation of the elicited
humoral and cellular types of immunity including
characterisation of the antibodies and cells (mostly
and CD8
) generated.
Antimicrobial peptides
Many peptides have antimicrobial activity. They en-
compass a wide variety of structural motifs. The ma-
jority of these peptides are cationic and amphipathic
but there are also hydrophobic alpha-helical peptides,
which possess antimicrobial activity. In addition, some
beta-sheet peptides have antimicrobial activity and
even antimicrobial alpha-helical peptides which have
been modified to possess a beta-structure retain part
of their antimicrobial activity. There are also anti-
microbial peptides, which are rich in certain specific
amino acids (for example shepherin I and shepherin
II, glycine- and histidine-rich peptides) (Park et al.,
2000). There are antimicrobial peptides which are
lipopeptides (for example Daptomycin) (Hodinka et
al., 1987). In spite of the structural diversity, a com-
mon feature of the cationic antimicrobial peptides is
that they all have an amphipathic structure which al-
lows them to bind to the membrane interface (Epand
and Vogel, 1999). Indeed, most antimicrobial peptides
interact with membranes and may be cytotoxic as a
result of disturbance of the bacterial inner or outer
membranes (Epand and Vogel, 1999). Alternatively, a
necessary but not sufficient property of these peptides
may be their ability to pass through the membrane to
reach a target inside the cell (Epand and Vogel, 1999).
The interaction of these peptides with biological mem-
branes is not just a function of the peptide but is also
modulated by the lipid components of the membrane.
It is not likely that this diverse group of peptides has
a single mechanism of action, but interaction of the
peptides with membranes is an important requirement
for most, if not all, antimicrobial peptides (Epand and
Vogel, 1999).
It has been seen that thiazole and oxazole contain-
ing amino acids like alanine, valine, proline, leucine
and alanine and some peptides containing the 5-ring
heterocyclic backbone modifications show moderate
antibacterial activity in vitro against various Gram-
positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus,etc.)
and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Protens vul-
garis, etc.) bacteria, fungi (Candida albicans), and
yeast (Stanchev et al., 1999).
The derivatives of cholic acid with basic aminoacids
also show significant antimicrobial activity, especially
marked when L-arginine is the condensed aminoacid
(Bellini et al., 1979).
Macrocyclic peptides possess specific and potent
antimicrobial activity that is salt dependent (Tam et al.,
1999). It has been suggested that their initial interac-
tions with the microbial surface may be electrostatic,
an effect commonly found in defensin antimicrobial
preptides. They have an end to end cyclic structure
with a cystine-knot motif. It has been suggested that
this might provide a useful template for design of
novel peptide antimicrobials (Tam et al., 1999).
Nisin, an amphiphilic peptide, shows a strong
antimicrobial activity against various Gram-positive
bacteria. Its activity results from permeabilization of
bacterial membranes, causing efflux of cytoplasmic
compounds. It has been suggested that pore formation
of nisin involves translocation of the C-terminal region
of the molecule across the membrane (Van Kraaij et
al., 1998).
A family of aminoacyl alkyl citrate compounds
called viridiofungins, which are novel squalene syn-
thase inhibitors, have broad spectrum fungicidal activ-
ity but lack antibacterial activity. Although the com-
pounds inhibit squalene synthase, the first commit-
ted step in ergosterol biosynthesis, results presented
show that inhibition of fungal growth is not related to
inhibition of ergosterol synthesis (Onishi et al., 1997).
Novel pseudopeptides, corresponding to a mem-
brane active depsipeptide, show more resistance to
serum proteases than peptides and similar antimi-
crobial activities, without hemolytic activity. The
pseudopeptides were found to be active against cur-
rent drug resistant fungi and pathogenic fungi isolated
from patients, and also have a strong synergism with
current antifungal drugs against Candida albicans.
The leakage assays suggest that the pseudopeptides
act on the lipid membrane of pathogenic cells. Thus
it is believed that they would have advantage over the
peptide(s) as candidate(s) for novel antifungal(s) (Oh
et al., 1999).
Peptoids, which differ from peptides in having
a N-substituted rather than alpha-carbon-substituted
glycine units, have been evaluated for antimicrobial
activity. It has been seen in vitro that the peptoid
CHIR29498 and some of its analogues were active
in the range of 3 to 12 µmml
against a panel
of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria which
included isolates which were resistant to known an-
tibiotics. Beta-Galactosidase and propidium iodide
leakage assays indicate that the membrane is the most
likely target of activity. Positional isomers of an active
peptoid were also active, consistent with a mode of
action, such as membrane disruption, that does not re-
quire a specific fit between the molecule and its target
(Goodson et al., 1999).
Calprotectin, a protein in neutrophil cytoplasm and
abscess fluids, appears to inhibit microbial growth
through competition for zinc. It has been suggested
that calprotectin’s antimicrobial activity may be re-
lated to certain histidine-based zinc-binding sequences
(Loomans et al., 1998).
A novel 26-residue proline-rich immune-inducible
peptide, Metchnikowin, has been characterised from
Drosophila, which exhibits both antibacterial (gram-
positive) and antifungal activities (Levashina et al.,
The antibacterial effect of o-carboranylalanine (o-
Cba), a highly lipophilic analog of phenylalanine,
against some species is comparable to that of the
widely used agricultural antibiotic, streptomycin. This
carborane-containing amino acid is more toxic to
Gram-positive bacteria, than to gram negative ones.
Compared to the commercial fungicide, prochloraz, o-
Cba is found to be weakly toxic against various fungi
(Oros et al., 1999).
Two novel phenylalanine-rich antimicrobial pep-
tides, Styelin A and Styelin B, purified from the hemo-
cytes of Styela clava, are effective against a panel of
gram negative and gram positive bacterial pathogens
of humans, usually acting with minimal inhibitory
concentrations of <1.5 µgml
(<0.5 µM), even in
the presence of 100 mM NaCl. The presence of anti-
microbial peptides (Styelins) in tunicate hemocytes is
evidence that such molecules are ancient mediators of
host defense within the vertebrate lineage (Lee et al.,
L-methionine has long been known to prevent re-
infection with chronic urinary tract infection. The
therapeutic result is essentially due to its influence on
bacterial cytoadherence (Funfstuck et al., 1997).
Dermaseptins s1, s2, s3, s4, and s5, a family
of cationic (lysine-rich), amphipathic antifungal pep-
tides of 28–34 residues, share a similar spectrum of
lytic activity against the filamentous fungi that are
responsible for opportunistic lethal infections that fol-
low the immunodeficiency syndrome or the use of
immunosuppressive agents. They exhibit marked dif-
ferences in their potencies to arrest the growth of
gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic bacteria
and yeasts (Mor et al., 1994). The mechanisms of
antimicrobial actions of magainin 2, buforin II and
poly L-lysine against various Escherichia coli strains
have been studied. Poly L-lysine inhibits BL21, AD
434 and GroE
growth without lysing the
cell. Magainin 2 has a pore-forming activity on BL
21 and AD 434 membrane but could not inhibit
the GroE
growth in a nutrient-rich medium.
Buforin II, which kills BL21 and AD 434 without cell
membrane damage, lysed GroE
to death.
Once they were introduced into the cell by electropor-
ation, all three peptides were able to inhibit cell growth
at concentrations of 10 times lower than their MICs
(Liang and Kim, 1999). The antimicrobial activity of
racemomycin compounds tended to be stronger with
increase in the number of beta-lysine moieties in the
molecule (Inamori et al., 1990).
Novel unnatural amino acids with more positively
charged and bulky side chain group than lysine residue
were synthesised. The incorporation of this amino
acid increased the resistance of the peptide against
serum protease more than three times without a de-
crease in the antimicrobial activity. It has been sug-
gested that the amino acids synthesized in this study
could be used not only as a novel building block for
combinatorial libraries of antimicrobial peptides, but
also for structure-activity relationship studies about
antimicrobial peptides (Oh and Lee, 1999).
An amphiphilic, cationic peptide composed of
eight leucines and six lysines was synthesized by solid
phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) and tested against E.
coli O157:H7 grown in TSB. The peptide was bacter-
icidal and bacteriostatic at concentrations of 50 and
25 µgml
, respectively. An inhibitory effect was
also observed against stationary phase cells. Intra-
cellular K
and ATP depletion were also observed.
These results suggest that the peptide increased the
cell membrane permeability but it did not lyse the cells
(Appendini and Hotchkiss, 1999).
It has been reported that a new group of diastereo-
mers of short-model peptides (12 amino acids long)
composed of leucine and lysine with varying ratios,
possess several properties that make them potentially
better than native or de novo-designed all L-amino
acid antimicrobial peptides. Preliminary studies have
revealed that modulating the hydrophobicity and pos-
itive charges of these diastereomers is sufficient to
confer antibacterial activity and cell selectivity (Hong
et al., 1999).
Oxalysine, a novel anti-fungal antibiotic, isolated
from Streptomyces roseoviridofuscus showed a good
activity against Candida parapsilosis when compared
to Amphotericin-B and 5-Fluorocytosine. It was found
that oxalysine 0.4 mmol L
did not significantly in-
hibit their incorporations into protein and/or DNA, but
strongly inhibited the incorporation of (
into RNA (Zhang et al., 1993).
L-lysine works as a good anti viral agent for herpes
simplex. Supplementation of l-lysine is one of the best
options available for the treatment of herpes simplex
virus infections, especially oral forms. L-lysine is also
much cheaper than antiviral drugs such as Acyclovir.
L-lysine supplementation works by tilting the balance
between lysine and arginine heavily in favor of lysine.
This ameliorates herpes outbreaks because the herpes
virus depends on the presence of arginine for its rep-
lication. Lysine, in the amount of 1–3 g per day, is
effective in inhibiting the recurrence of herpes simplex
infections in some individuals (Flodin, 1997).
Cell fixatives
Most laboratories use formalin, glutaraldehyde, eth-
anol, paraformaldehyde and Bouin’s liquid for tissue
fixation. Coagulative fixatives are less popular. How-
ever, problems with formalin fixation comprise delay
of fixation and variations in the duration of the fix-
ation mainly (Ezaki et al., 2000). Quantification of
DNA extracted by microdissection of tissue sections
can be used for qualitative PCR analysis. Formalin
fixation, before microdissection significantly dimin-
ishes the amount of extractable DNA and may lead
to less reliable results, even of qualitative PCR ana-
lysis (Serth et al., 2000). Also a major artifact induced
by formaldehyde fixation is the masking of tissue
antigens due to cross-linking of protein amino acid
residues (Ezaki et al., 2000). Bouin’s fluid has been
shown to affect PCR analysis. The performance of
PCR has been shown to decrease for samples fixed
in Bouin’s liquid for longer than 6 hr or after 48 hr
of incubation in a vacuum infiltration processor (in
which Bouin’s liquid-fixed and formalin-fixed samples
are mixed (Camilleri-Bruet et al., 2000). Glutaral-
dehyde affects lipids adversely. Classical procedure
i.e.glutaraldehyde fixation followed by epoxy resin
embedding, results in the loss of 73–91% of the tissue
lipids (Maneta-Peyret et al., 1999).
But there is a better side to glutaraldehyde as a cell
fixative. When gelatin films were treated with glutaral-
dehyde (GA) solution at 60
C, free aldehyde groups
were introduced in the film. The bonding strength of
GA-crosslinked gelatin films (GA gelatin films) with
biological tissue was assessed using porcine skins. It
was found that bonding strength increased with in-
creasing aldehyde content in the film (Matsuda et al.,
Ninety-five percent (95%) ethanol is the standard
cytological fixative used in many laboratories. Com-
mercially available ethanol is expensive and not freely
available in some institutions. Methanol, a tissue de-
hydrant, is also known to be a cytological fixative.
Methanol has been shown to be as effective as ethanol
for fixation of smears and cheaper (Kumarasinghe et
al., 1997).
To establish a quantitative method for analysis of
gene expressions in small areas of tissue after par-
affin embedding, preliminary validation experiments
with RT-PCR and Western blotting were performed
using methacarn-fixed rodent tissues and a cultured
PC12 cell line. It was shown that in addition to its ad-
vantages for immunohistochemistry, methacarn-fixed
paraffin-embedded tissue has benefits for analysis of
both RNAs and proteins in the cells of histologically
defined areas (Shibutani et al., 2000).
Adequate preservation of the cells and matrix
of mineralising tissues remains difficult, as organic
components and initial mineral deposits may be lost
during conventional processing for electron micro-
scopy. An attempt has been made to decrease the pro-
cessing time by using microwave irradiation (MWI).
Rat molar tooth germs were fixed using standard fix-
atives in a microwave oven. Under electron micro-
scopy, differentiating ameloblasts and odontoblasts,
plasma membranes, mitochondria, rough endoplas-
mic reticulum, the Golgi complex, together with all
other cytoplasmic organelles showed excellent preser-
vation, especially microtubules, microfilaments and
coated vesicles. Crystal-like mineral deposits were
conspicuously present in relation to dentine matrix
vesicles and collagen fibrils as well as in enamel mat-
rix. Thus this promises to be a fast and effective
method when mineralised tissue is involved (Massa
LF, Arana-Chavez et al., 2000). Even when applied in
immunohistochemistry, MWI greatly shortens the fix-
ation, processing, and immunolabeling times without
compromising the quality of ultrastructural preserva-
tion and the specificity of labeling (Rangell and Keller,
Integral immunohistochemical analysis of immune
responses in frozen sections requires that, in addition
to constitutively expressed membrane CD markers,
less stable determinants should be reliably visualized.
Fixation with pararosaniline, as compared to acet-
one, resulted in better morphology of all tissues.
Out of a number of determinant-tissue combinations,
staining sensitivity and intensity were markedly in-
creased for selected determinant-tissue combinations,
e.g., for IL-4 in human spleen and CD40 in human
and mouse spleen. These data show that pararosanil-
ine is a useful alternative to acetone, resulting in
superior morphology and specific staining for selec-
ted determinant-tissue combinations (Schrijver et al.,
Acetone fixation at –18
C with subsequent em-
bedding in methyl-/butylmethacrylate is a reliable
method for the routine processing of bone marrow
biopsies. This method allows good conventional his-
tological visualization of morphological details, which
is comparable with other fixation procedures. The es-
sential advantage of this method is that a wide range
of monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal antisera can
be used for immunohistochemical investigations for
diagnostic and scientific purposes. The addition of
5% polyethylene glycol 400 to the acetone minim-
izes freeze-related artefacts (Hantschick and Stosiek,
Poly-D-lysine (PDL) and Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) are
synthetic molecules which have been used to enhance
cell attachment to plastic and glass surfaces (McKee-
han, 1984). For many anchorage-dependent cells, the
nature of the culture substrate has a major effect on cell
growth and the requirement for serum proteins. Tissue
culture plastic has a net negative surface charge, which
is produced by plasma treatment of the polystyrene
(LaRocca and Barker, 1996). Many researchers have
shown that serum-free or reduced serum cultures can
be dramatically improved by coating the culture sur-
face with positively charged polymers, i.e., PDL and
PLL (Yavin and Yavin, 1974; McKeehan and Ham,
1976). Poly-lysine surface treatment improves adhes-
ive properties by altering the charge on the vessel
surface from negative to positive. In addition to pro-
moting cell adhesion, Poly-lysine also enhances the
adsorption of serum or extracellular matrix proteins to
the culture substrate (McKeehan, 1984).
While both PDL and PLL are being widely used,
PDL may be preferred for some cell types and applic-
ations because PDL, unlike PLL, is not broken down
by the proteases released by cells in culture (Banker
and Goslin, 1991). As PDL and PLL are synthetic
molecules, they do not stimulate biological activity in
the cells cultured on them. In addition, they do not
introduce impurities carried by natural polymers (Ham
and McKeehan, 1979).
With rising costs in medical treatment, prevention of
diseases have become more important than the cure.
Hence the trend is towards early diagnosis so that ther-
apy is initiated at the earliest. The field of diagnostics
has over the years developed and honed itself into
one of the most important sectors of clinical medi-
cine. These techniques rely heavily on the ability of
monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) for their specifity and
affinity for the antigens.
Since the advent of hybridoma technology in 1975
(Köhler and Milstein, 1975), MAbs have rapidly be-
come one of the most important humanised animal cell
products. They have rapidly made inroads into dia-
gnosis, research, therapy, and purification processess
(Chua et al., 1994). However, production of MAbs
is cost intensive. This is mainly due to the expens-
ive media requirements, low maximum cell densities,
relatively low productivities and elaborate and high-
end downstream processing. This problem is further
compounded by the fact that hybridoma cell lines are
very unstable during prolonged cell culture, frequently
giving rise to non-producer cells (Chua et al., 1994).
There are two major approaches to obtain higher
yield of MAbs in culture. High density culture/large
scale culture of hybridomas constitute one approach
and the other is the enhancement of individual cellular
productivity (Sugahara et al., 1991).
Last couple of decades, optimisations have been
directed mostly to reactor modifications (Martens et
al., 1992; Lu et al., 1995), entrapment of cells (Lee
and Palsson, 1993), media modifications and modula-
tion of addition/feeding so that metabolite formation
is limited and kept to the minimum (Chua et al., 1994;
Bibila and Robinson, 1995; Bushell et al., 1994; Hiller
et al., 1994; Jo et al., 1992, 1993; Kurokawa et al.,
1994). Also, quite a few unique additives have been at-
tempted and this has enabled the bioprocess engineers
to scale up bioreactors and achieved greater productiv-
ity both through stand-alone and coupled approaches
(Hiller et al., 1994; Murray et al., 1996; Sugahara et
al., 1994).
In high-density culture there is a two-pronged ap-
proach to enhance antibody yield:
(1) Increasing the specific antibody secretion rate per
cell in culture.
(2) To increase cell culture time, cell concentra-
tion and hybridoma longevity thereby obtaining a
higher yield.
A model of cellular stoichiometry based on estim-
ated cell composition, product profile, micronutrient
and ATP demand etc has been used to design nutri-
ent feeds. It has been shown that the use of nutrient
feeds in the form of concentrated complete media
eliminates the labour and time associated with the
identification of the limiting nutrients and the optim-
isation of the feeding strategy (Bibila and Robinson,
1995). Supplementation with complete concentrated
medium has also shown to increase culture longev-
ity (Jo et al., 1992, 1993). The beneficial effects of
concentrated medium is offset by the high cost of for-
mulation and build up of high concentration of toxic
by-products like NH
. Another aspect of using con-
centrated medium is the enhancement in osmolarity of
suspending fluid which is harmful to the cells (Bibila
et al., 1994a).
Physico-chemical stimulation of hybridma cells in
culture is one of the varoius approaches of enhan-
cing MAb production. Of these, chemical additives
have been tried extensively (Xie and Wang, 1994a, b;
Maeda, 1992; Sugahara et al., 1997, 1998; Voigt and
Zintl, 1999) along with physical manipulations (Chua
et al., 1994; Sanfeliu et al., 1996; Ker-hwa Ou and
Patterson, 1997).
Production of MAbs has been hyperstimulated by
high osmolarity in eRDF medium. It was shown that
the medium eRDF, with or without serum, could stim-
ulate MAb production better than the basal RPMI,
DMEM media (Chua et al., 1994). It has been shown
that in the presence of high concentrations of glucose
and glutamine the antibody secretion rate decreases
as compared to low concentration of glucose (0.2 g
) and glutamine (0.1 g l
) where there was an
increase of three to fourfold in production of MAbs
in culture (Kurokawa et al., 1994). Dichloroacetate
has been shown to enhance the growth phase by 20 hr
thereby achieving a higher viable cell count leading to
enhanced MAb yield (Murray et al., 1996).
Number of serum-free media have been developed
and their effects on the growth and production of
MAbs have been studied (Moore and Hood, 1993).
Completely protein free media have also been de-
veloped (Fike et al., 1991). The physiological changes
that take place during the adaptation of cells to low
serum concentrations and serum-free media are of in-
terest because downstream processing becomes much
easier as the contaminating proteins are absent and the
metabolite build-up is also relatively low. Additions
of amino acids cysteine with methionine, trytophan
and isoleucine with valine and vitamin B12 has been
shown to result in significant increases in viable cell
concentrations (Hiller et al., 1994).
Basic proteins and poly-basic amino acids have
been used to increase the yield of IgM MAbs from
human-human hybridomas. Addition of histones H1,
H2A and H2B enhanced the Ig productivity by 3.2-,
2.6- and 2.8-fold, respectively. Poly-basic amino acids
(poly L-lysine) have also been shown to enhance the
production whereas poly L-arginine did not (Sugahara
et al., 1994). Stimulation with step changes of lysine
added media showed a marked increase in viable cell
density and simultaneous increase in MAb titre. This
was observed with the cell line AE9D6 and the cells
could be kept viable for over 1400 hr in the fed-batch
culture (Datta et al., 1997a, b, c, d, 1999, 2000, 2001).
Subsequent work based on lysine mediated cel-
lular expansion in high-density culture of hybridoma
cells has resulted in few marked improvements in
the area of high-value-low-volume biochemical pro-
duction (mostly MAbs) where partitioned co-product
ion of more than one species of MAbs was possible
with much simplication of down-stream processing
(manuscript in preparation).
Adoptive immune therapy and
Adoptive immune therapy involves the passive trans-
fer of antigen-primed T cells to initiate an immune
response. The T cells are extracted from the host,
‘taught’ to recognise the foreign antigen and then
transferred back into the host to initiate an effective
immune response.
An important application of this recent and mostly
experimental mode of therapy is against cancer. Tu-
mour immunology consists of two essential concepts:
immune surveillance, which specifies the host immune
reactions against tumour cells, and tumour immune
escape, which refers to the tumour-cell evasion pro-
cess against the host immune system (Sheu et al.,
1999). Cytotoxic T cells have an important role to
play in the immune response against tumour cells
(Toes et al., 1994). Adoptive T-cell therapy involves
the passive transfer of antigen-reactive T cells to a
tumour-bearing host in order to initiate tumour re-
jection. Both CD4
and CD8
cells are capable of
initiating tumour rejection after adoptive transfer. Sev-
eral different culture methods have been reported that
permit in vitro expansion of immune T cells while re-
taining tumour specificity in this field (Li and Chang,
1999; Chang and Shu, 1996). Future directions in
this field involve the selective isolation and expansion
of subpopulations of T cells critical to initiating tu-
mour rejection, and the use of molecular techniques to
generate effector T cells (Markiewicz and Gajewski,
Adoptive transfer of polyclonal, tumour-specific,
IFN -gamma-producing CD4
T cells [T helper
type-1 (Th1) cells] have been used successfully
against disseminated lymphomas. A single injection
of 0.5 × 10
A20-specific Th1 cells has been shown to
eradicate disseminated A20 lymphomas and provide
lifelong protection without inducing autoimmune dis-
ease (Egeter et al., 2000). Cytotoxic T cell immuno-
therapy has also been tried against invasive cancers.
A 27-year-old woman with systemic chemoresistant
and radioresistant metastatic disease secondary to a re-
currence of human papillomavirus (HPV)-18 infected
cervical adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix received
adoptive transfer of peripheral blood T cells stim-
ulated with HPV18 E7-pulsed autologous dendritic
cells (DC). The patient received two infusions of cyto-
toxic tumour specific T cells at two weeks intervals,
and in-vivo distribution of the T cells was followed by
111-oxine labeling and serial gamma camera imaging.
Persistent accumulation of radioactivity in the lungs,
which harbored extensive metastatic disease, was de-
tected upto 120 hr. after the infusion (Santin et al.,
2000). In vitro CTL induction, however, is difficult
in patients with advanced cancer. But once the cells
are induced successfully, some favourable clinical ef-
fects are seen by the adoptive transfer of such cell
populations (Soda et al., 1999).
Viral infections are also being combated by adopt-
ive transfer of T cells. However, immunocytotherapy
for persistent viral infections has proven successful in
animal models but less effective in humans. Adoptive
transfer of T cells has been shown to effectively purge
virus from all tissues. But, maintenance of CD8
T cell effective functions after adoptive transfer is
directly proportional to the amount of co-transfered,
virus-specific CD4
T cells (Berger et al., 2000).
Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) infection and associ-
ated illness may be dramatically modified by passive
transfer of immune T lymphocytes. As determined
by respiratory illness and viral load, transfer of syn-
geneic immune T lymphocytes protected chicks from
challenge infections (Seo et al., 2000). In vitro gen-
erated primary antigen specific Tc1 effective cells,
producing high amounts of IFN-γ , or resting Tc1
memory cells, generated from these effectors, were
protective aginst lethal pulmonary influenza infection
in mice. Highly activated CD62Llow Tc1 effectors
accumulated in the lung with rapid kinetics and most
efficiently reduced the pulmonary viral titre early dur-
ing infection (Cerwenka et al., 2000). Prophylactic
administration of Ebstein Barr virus specific cytotoxic
T lymphocytes (EBV-CTL) early after bone marrow
transplantation (BMT) in humans appears to provide
the most effective protection against the development
of EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disease. Ad-
ministration of EBV-CTLs before the onset of the
EBV-DNA peak has been shown to stabilise virus
titres within two to three logs above the normal levels.
Administration of two to four infusions of 10
specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes CTLs/m
from the time of maximal virus load resulted in a 2-
to 3-log decrease of virus titres (Gustafsson et al.,
2000). Thus adoptive immune therapy appears to have
an important say in the therapy against viral infections.
Another important application is against parasites.
Experiments involving adoptive transfer of T cells
have been successful in controlling malaria and toxo-
plasma infections in murine models. Adoptive transfer
of CD8
T-cell splenocytes from Neospora caninum-
infected mice was found to be protective against
challenge with toxoplasma. The CD8
T-cells from
Neospora-infected mice proliferated to both neospora
and toxoplasma antigens in vitro and secreted substan-
tial quantities of gamma IFN when pulsed with the
parasite antigen (Kasper and Khan, 1998). In a mur-
ine model, it has been demonstrated that the adoptive
transfer of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) obtained
from inbred mice at day 11 postinfection is able to
protect against a virulent challenge by toxoplasma in
syngenic recipients. A purified CD8alpha/beta
population was isolated from infected mice at day
11 postinfection. These cells were able to protect
naive mice by adoptive transfer against a lethal para-
site challenge. RNA analysis by reverse-transcriptase
PCR revealed that primed CD8alpha/beta
IEL pro-
duce significant message for IFN-gamma, an essential
cytokine for host protection against toxoplasmosis
(Buzoni-Gatel et al., 1997).
T cells seems to play an important role in
malaria infection. Cultured CD4+ T-cells that produce
interferon gamma and IL-2, but not IL-4, in response
to stimulation with the rodent parasite plasmodium
berghei have been found to reduce but not elimin-
ate parasites in vivo after adoptive transfer (Hirun-
petcharat and Good, 1998). In vitro cultured CD4
T-cells, generated following immunisation with dead
blood stage Plasmodiium yoelii parasites were found
to mediate protection against homologous challenge
infection in reconstituted nude mice. P. yoelii-specific
T cell line cells produced IFN-gamma after in vitro
stimulation with specific antigen, and were protective
when adoptively transferred into athymic nude mice
(Amante and Good, 1997).
Infectious diseases like leprosy have been com-
bated by adoptively transferred T cells, although in
a murine model. The model used was severe com-
bined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice which lack both
T and B cells. Cells from a known responder to my-
cobacterial antigens and from a non responder were
activated by M. leprae cell wall antigens. The cells
were harvested and co-injected with fresh M. leprae
into the right hind foot pads of SCID mice. After three
months, there was no growth of M. leprae in the foot
pads of mice co-injected with cells from the mycobac-
terial antigen responder, while growth was uninhibited
in mice receiving cells from the non-responder (Con-
verse et al., 1995). Dendritic cells (DC) are being
tried to generate an effective immune response against
mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Conditionally
immortalised dendritic cell line (tsDC) were infec-
ted with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These activated
DCs were shown to be capable of eliciting antigen-
specific T cell responses and potent anti-mycobacterial
protective immunity in a murine model of experi-
mental tuberculosis infection (Tascon et al., 2000). To
overcome the difficulty in generating specific CTLs,
stable artificial antigen-presenting cells (AAPCs) are
being developed that can be used to stimulate T cells
of any patient of a given Human Leukocyte Anti-
gen (HLA) type. Mouse fibroblasts are retrovirally
transduced with a single HLA-peptide complex along
with the human accessory molecules B7.1, ICAM-1,
and LFA-3. These AAPCs consistently elicit strong
stimulation and expansion of HLA-restricted CTLs
(Latouche and Sadelain, 2000). Works are underway
as for the role(s) of lysine and its analogues, acting
as ‘stimulating co-stimulatory molecules in antigen
presentation process (unpublished data). This seems
interesting given the fact that the amino acid does
act as a molecular bridge connecting cells and their
growth factors (Datta and Kundu, 1999; Datta et al.,
2000a, 2001). In a simultaneous study being carried
out heat-killed MTb Ag showed varied types of im-
mune reactions when administered with the amino
acid given subcutaneously over a definite immuniza-
tion regime. One of the main considerations of this
immunomodulation capacity both humoral and cell
mediated – of the amino acid was whether it was injec-
ted separately or premixed with antigen (unpublished
Thus the important elements of adoptive im-
mune therapy and immunomodulation are generation
of stable antigen specific cells and their expansion.
Lysine has been postulated to act as a non-specific
bridging molecule. It holds a definite prospect in
bridging the presented antigen to the T cell and thus
ensure efficient priming of the T-cell against the anti-
gen. Also, once antigen specific T-cells are created, the
amino acid can possibly be used to bring about rapid
cell proliferation expansion in-vitro. Thus a large bank
of primed cells seems to be a distinct possibility using
this molecule.
Tissue engineering
Tissue engineering is an emerging field focused on the
creation of living tissues and organs for use in tissue
repair and transplantation. Tissue engineering involves
the fabrication of new functional living tissue using
living cells which are seeded onto biocompatible scaf-
folds which can be natural, man-made or composite
of both and grown under physiological conditions to
produce human biointeractive implants. Tissue engin-
eering is still in it’s embryonic stage with a reasonable
degree of challenges ahead. The scientific challenge
here lies in understanding the cells themselves, includ-
ing their behaviour in an altered environment, their
mass transfer requirements and their interaction with
the immediate milieu and the fabrication of compatible
materials to provide scaffolding and templates. Large
cell banks composed of universal cells that would be
immunologically transparent to any individual are re-
quired. A viable alternative is to have autologous cells.
Development of immunologically inert cells requires
manipulation of these cells which still poses a great
challenge. Advances in genetic manipulations might
be required. These cells could be either differenti-
ated ones or stem cell reservoirs which could then
be signalled to differentiate into different lineages for
structural application. These then need to be expanded
to appropriate cell number before transfer to templates
where further remodelling is expected to take place. A
proper substrate for cell survival and differentiation is
required. One of the strategies here is to use biocom-
patible implants composed of extracellular matrix mo-
lecules seeded with autologous cells or heterologous
cells in conjunction with immunosuppressing drugs.
Addition of growth and differentiation factors to these
matrices as well as agonists and antagonists that fa-
vour cell matrix interactions can potentially increase
the rate of successful tissue replacement. Collagen,
either alone or in combination with other materials,
is an important natural biomaterial that is used in
a variety of tissue-engineering applications. The ad-
hesiveness of collagen may be spatially controlled to
allow controlled localization or redistribution of cells
(Myles et al., 2000). Among one of the many ap-
praoches involving different tissues, a biocompatible
heterogeneous hydrogel of poly [N-(2-hydroxypropyl)
methacrylamide] (PHPMA) matrix has been studied
for it’s neuroinductive and neuroconductive proper-
ties. It has the potential to repair tissue defects in the
central nervous system by replacing lost tissue and by
promoting the formation of a histotypic tissue mat-
rix that facilitates and supports regenerative axonal
growth (Woerly et al., 1999).
Recently, tissue-engineering strategies have in-
cluded cell and gene therapy. ‘Cell therapy’, use of
cells to deliver active factors, is an emerging tech-
nique in the treatment of neurodegenerative disease.
The method entails encapsulation into a hollow fiber
device of discrete numbers of cell-containing micro-
carriers. Proliferation control is attained by embedding
cell-containing microcarriers in nonmitogenic hydro-
gels. In one of the approaches, ability to control dose
released over a several-fold range was demonstrated
with encapsulated PC-12 cells delivering neurotrans-
mitters and C2C12 mouse myoblast cells delivering
neurotrophic factors (CNTF) (Li et al., 1999).
Tissue-engineering advances will be interdepend-
ent with advances in gene therapy techniques to restore
function at a cellular level. The combination of tissue-
engineering strategies with gene therapy approaches
might allow transfection of diseased tissues with des-
ignated cDNA to eliminate inherent or acquired de-
fects. Identification of the growth factors capable of
directing tissue development and of the technique to
be used for their delivery would aid in the engineering
of human tissue (Amiel et al., 2000).
Tissue engineering strategies are being applied to
replace various tissues and organs in various systems
of the body. Tissue engineering of musculoskeletal tis-
sues is a rapidly advancing field. In bone, technology
has centred on bone graft substitute materials and the
development of biodegradable scaffolds (Boyan et al.,
1999). A composite matrix, containing esterified hya-
luronic acid and gelatine, has been shown to facilitate
the osteochondral differentiation of culture-expanded,
bone marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells.
Thus, this composite matrix is useful for in vitro tis-
sue engineering for repair of chondral and osseous
defects (Angele et al., 1999). Important ongoing re-
search is being aimed at tissue-engineering cartilage
for surgical repair of tracheal defects (Van Veenendaal
et al., 2000). Myoblast transplantation to date has
been limited to the cellular level of replacement. It
has been suggested that myoblast-polyglycolic acid
constructs may be useful in defining the application
of tissue engineering for future skeletal muscle trans-
plantation. A study was conducted to tissue engineer
three-dimensional vascularized skeletal muscle using
isolated myoblasts attached to synthetic biodegradable
polymer for tissue replacement in the enhancement
of muscle regeneration. In this study, organisation of
neomuscle strands surrounded by vascularized tissue
composed of degrading polymer and fusing myoblasts
demonstrated the ability of myoblast constructs to sur-
vive, reorganise and regenerate tissue-like structures
(Saxena et al., 1999). An attempt has been made to
culture ligament tissues in vitro by seeding human
anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral liga-
ment cells onto synthetic biodegradable polymer fiber
scaffolds. In the present study, mechanical stimulus
and transforming growth factor enhanced prolifera-
tion whereas inflammatory agents had a negative effect
(Lin et al., 1999).
Near term products, including injectable human
matrix for contour defects and tissue-engineered car-
tilage, are proving to be important tools for plastic and
reconstructive surgery (Naughton and Mansbridge,
1999). The development of tissue-engineered fat equi-
valents for reconstructive and augmentation purposes
will be most welcome by nearly every surgical dis-
cipline and prove to be especially useful for plastic
surgeons (Katz et al., 1999).
Improvement of cell culture conditions and func-
tional cell expansion strategies in hepatic tissue en-
gineering may permit cell/tissue banking and the gen-
eration of liver tissue equivalents for transplantation.
Stimulatory effects of pancreatic islets on hepatocytes
in co-culture for continuous hepatotrophic stimulation
has been investigated in this context (Kauffman et al.,
Bladder regeneration is another important area
where extensive tissue engineering studies are carried
out. Currently, two techniques for the induction of
bladder regeneration are being researched. The first,
in vivo technique, involves the use of a biodegrad-
able scaffold that the host bladder can use to remodel
and regenerate. This technique takes advantage of the
cell’s natural ability to heal or regenerate itself back
to a normal state. The second technology, the in vitro
technique, involves establishment of primary cell cul-
tures from the host’s native bladder. These cells are
seeded on a biodegradable scaffold to create a com-
posite graft that is then transplanted back into the host
for continuation of the regeneration process (Kropp
and Cheng, 2000). Tissue engineering for neointest-
ine is also being studied. It has been shown that
anastromosis between tissue-engineered intestine and
native small bowel has a moderately high patency rate
and a positive effect on maintenance of the size of
the neointestine and development of the neomucosa
(Kaihara et al., 1999). An attempt has been made to
tissue engineer branched or bifurcated hybrid vascular
prosthesis using bovine smooth muscle cells and type
I collagen with minimal reinforcement by a knitted
fabric mesh made of segmented polyester. A branched
hybrid graft with mesh reinforcement is expected to
be applicable to arterial replacement in a branching
region (Kobashi and Matsuda, 1999). A new type of
a biodegradable nerve graft conduit material, the am-
nion tube, has been developed. The amnion tube is
a potential ideal nerve conduit material secondary to
its unique characteristics: it contains important neuro-
tropic factors, is biodegradable, provokes a very weak
immune response, is semiflexible, is readily available,
and is easily manufactured into different sizes and dia-
meters (Mohammad et al., 2000). Tissue engineering
for bioprosthetic and mechanical valves and valved
conduits poses quite a challenge because of its inab-
ility to grow, repair or remodel. An attempt to evaluate
the feasibility of creating 3-leaflet, valved, pulmon-
ary conduits from autologous ovine vascular cells
and biodegradable polymers with tissue-engineering
techniques has been tried (Stock et al., 2000).
Surface wound healing is another important area
studied in the context of tissue engineering. Tissue-
engineered skin implants have shown efficacy in a
variety of wound care applications. Research efforts
to modify cultured autologous skin transplants for
large full-thickness burn wounds and in chronic ulcers
are shifting from multilayered differentiated grafts
(‘sheet’ grafts) toward smaller units of basal undiffer-
entiated single cell suspensions in a transport medium
and subconfluently covered static carriers (Voigt et al.,
1999). A novel living skin replacement (LSR) biother-
apy concept, combining the elements of cell therapy
along with those of tissue engineering took advant-
age of the biodegradable microspheres, onto which
donor skin epidermal and dermal cells could be at-
tached and expanded in vitro for subsequent direct
application down to the deepest recesses of the wound
bed. This novel approach presents a number of ad-
vantages over existing therapies including facilitated
cell manipulations, ease of storage and transportation,
rapid clinical intervention due to the elimination of
any surgical suturing or stapling, and a more natural
three-dimensional tissue remodelling and anatomical
compliance (LaFrance and Armstrong, 1999).
It is evident that the basic principle in tissue en-
gineering is seeding appropriate number of cells after
proper expansion on an appropriate substrate. This
requires good cell proliferation to provide the appro-
priate cell number before seeding onto substrate and
good cell viability. It has been observed that L-lysine
HCl supports good cell proliferation both in-vivo and
in-vitro, both in anchorage dependent and independent
cells and it would be interesting to study any positive
effects it might have in rapid expansion of autolog-
ous cells for development of bioengineered soft tissue
prostesis. Autologous fibroblast layered bioprosthetic
heart valve (aortic) development is in progress in the
authors laboratory involving a new approach of bre
renewal in situ.
Gene therapy and DNA vaccination
Gene therapy has attracted much interest since the
first submissions of phase I clinical trials in the early
1990s, for the treatment of inherited genetic diseases.
Preliminary results were very encouraging and promp-
ted many investigators to submit protocols for phase
I and phase II clinical trials for the treatment of in-
herited genetic diseases and cancer. Also in 1990,
the first gene therapy clinical trial for the treatment
of patients with melanoma (Rosenberg et al., 1990)
was conducted. The results of this study indicated
that retroviral-mediated gene transfer in patients was
safe. This finding prompted the submission of many
other protocols for gene therapy clinical trials to treat
patients affected by cancer, primarily in the area of
melanoma (Osanto et al., 1993; Mahvi et al., 1997),
followed by ovarian carcinoma (Deshane et al., 1997),
sarcoma (Mahvi et al., 1997), brain tumor (Kun et
al., 1995), and lung cancer (Nguyen et al., 1996).
There is also a strong interest in beginning gene ther-
apy clinical trials for the treatment of patients with
AIDS, cardiopathies, and neurologic diseases. Indeed,
gene transfer technology has already been applied in
the phase I and phase II trials for the AIDS vaccine
programs, which have recently begun in the U.S.A.
(Haynes, 1996; Weber, 1996). As already anticipated,
the spectrum ranges from the treatment of inherited
or acquired genetic disorders to cancer, AIDS, car-
diopathies, and neurologic diseases. This is strongly
encouraging to the pursuit of gene therapy programs
in medicine (stem cell).
There are a wide variety of vectors used to de-
liver DNA or oligonucleotides into mammalian cells,
either in vitro or in vivo. The most common vector sys-
tems are based on retroviruses (Cournoyer and Caskey,
1993; Gilboa, 1990; Kohn et al., 1989; Miller, 1990;
Temin, 1986), adeno-associated virus (AAV) (Berns
et al., 1975; Cheung et al., 1980; Podsakoff et al.,
1994), adenovirus (Karlsson et al., 1985; Yamada et
al., 1985), herpes simplex virus (HSV) (Glorioso et
al., 1995), cationic liposomes (Thierry et al., 1992;
Benne et al., 1992; Ropert et al., 1993). The stage of
development of vectors and their variety are still not
sufficient to be efficiently applied in therapy.
Among the other popular techniques for gene de-
livery, particle-mediated bombardment with a device
called the gene gun has become an important devel-
opmental tool. This instrument has been used in nu-
merous examples of wound gene therapy with growth
factors or their receptors in the last decade. Among
the advantages of particle-mediated bombardment are
ease and speed of preparation of the delivery vehicle,
the stability of the DNA preparation, the absence of
(viral) antigens, the ability to target the projectiles to
different tissue depths and areas, and the rapid shed-
ding of both particles and DNA if they are targeted
to the epidermis. Clinical application of the techno-
logy remains limited by the relatively low efficiency
of the method, the potential tissue damage created by
impact of the particles, and the coverage area (Kun
et al., 1995). The field of gene therapy is at present
actively involved in the challenging task of improving
the design of vector systems for in vivo applications.
DNA vaccines have been used to stimulate pro-
tective immunity against many infectious pathogens,
malignancies, and autoimmune disorders in animal
models. Since their inception in 1950, there have been
many research works done on the ability of DNA
vaccines to induce strong immune responses against
proteins from infectious agents such as malaria (Hoff-
man et al., 1997; Kalinna, 1997; Wang et al., 1998;
Strugnell et al., 1997; Kaufmann, 1995; Lowrie et al.,
1997), rabies virus (Xiang et al., 1994), hepatitis B
virus (HBV) (Davis et al., 1994; Tacket et al., 1999),
HSV (Kriesel et al., 1996), Ebola virus (Xu et al.,
1998), and HIV (Boyer et al., 1997, 1999; Wang et
al., 1993a, b). The strategy of most of these investig-
ations is relatively simple: A DNA plasmid encoding
a desired protein is injected into the muscle or skin
of an animal, where it thereupon enters host cells
and directs the synthesis of its polypeptide antigen.
Once the plasmid-antigen is processed and presen-
ted by transfected host cells, a cellular and humoral
immune response against the antigen is provoked. Ge-
netic immunization exhibits many advantages over
traditional vaccines that use live-attenuated or killed
pathogen, proteins, or synthetic peptides: (a) Im-
munogenicity: can induce both humoral and cellular
immune responses at low effective dosages (micro-
grams) in animal models. (b) Safety: Unability to
revert into virulence unlike live vaccines and efficacy
does not require the use of toxic treatments unlike
some killed vaccines. (c) Engineering: Plasmid vec-
tors are simple to manipulate and can be tested rapidly.
Also, combination approaches can be easily adapted.
(d) Manufacture: Conceptually low cost and reprodu-
cible large-scale production and isolation. Also can
be produced at high frequency in bacteria and eas-
ily isolated. (e) Stability: More temperature-stable
than conventional vaccines and has a long shelf-life.
(f) Mobility: Ease of storage and transport (Shedlock
and Weiner, 2000).
Another facet of DNA vaccine technology focuses
on immune-related diseases, such as autoimmunity
and cancer (Chen et al., 1999). By manipulating the
balance of T helper (Th) 1 and 2 lymphocytes using
DNA plasmid immunization, many of the pathogenic
qualities of autoimmune disease may be potentially
addressed (Ramshaw et al., 1997). DNA immunization
has also proven as an effective candidate in the fight
against certain cancers. The growth of human tumor
cells that produce and secrete a target protein has been
retarded or inhibited by a DNA vaccine construct en-
coding a subunit of that target protein (Geissler et al.,
The most popular method of administering DNA
vaccines has been parenterally, which includes needle
injection into muscle or skin and gas-powered, DNA-
covered particle bombardment using a ‘gene-gun’
(g.g.) (Shedlock and Weiner, 2000). Noninvasive
methods of plasmid delivery involve the topical ap-
plication of plasmid to the skin or mucosae. The
induction of antigen-specific immune responses has
been shown following the application of a plasmid
solution to various mucosal surfaces including in-
tranasal (Klavinskis et al., 1999; Hamajima et al.,
1998), oral (Etchart et al., 1997), and intravaginal
(Bagarazzi et al., 1998; Wang et al., 1997). Forms
of delivery targeting the skin, including i.d. injection,
g.g. bombardment, and topical application, have been
shown to elicit a humoral response primarily, charac-
terized by a rapid progression to a Th2-type response,
associated with the production of an IgA and IgG1
antibody isotype (Fan et al., 1999; Boyle et al., 1997).
Conversely, injection into muscle results in the induc-
tion of a strong cellular-mediated response, or Th1
type, that primes antigen-specific cytolytic T lympho-
cytes (CTLs) and is associated with the production of
IgG2a antibody (Sin et al., 1999). DNA vaccines eli-
cit strong and long-lasting humoral and cell-mediated
immune responses in many animal models. At the
cellular level, the efficacy of DNA vaccination de-
Figure 2. Schematic diagram depicting the biochemical roles of lysime.
pends on the interaction between their polypeptide
products and the two major groups of cells that medi-
ate immunity: lymphocytes and APCs. The codelivery
of plasmids encoding costimulatory molecules is a
method theorized to improve the antigen-presenting
capabilities of transfected host cells. Another strategy
currently under development is the coadministration of
cell-surface molecules that induce cellular apoptosis.
Theoretically, this technique targets vaccine antigen to
the cross-priming pathway by delivering antigen asso-
ciated with apoptotic cells to DCs and thereby guiding
immune responses toward a Th1 phenotype (Chatter-
goon et al., 2000). Recently, expression of fusion
proteins from a DNA vaccine is an attractive means
of modulating an antigen-specific immune response
without the use of potentially toxic chemical adjuvants
(Shedlock and Weiner, 2000). Combination vaccin-
ation strategies are also being targeted nowadays.
Many heterologous prime-boost strategies use DNA
vaccines, recombinant virus, and protein in different
assortments, which ‘prime’ the immune system to the
vaccine antigen first, followed by a subsequent ‘boost’
immunization, which enhances the preliminary re-
sponse. Strategies gaining the most attention are DNA
vaccine-priming followed by protein or recombinant
virus-boosting (Sin et al., 1999). Currently, many
promising techniques of immune enhancement are be-
ing developed that modulate the intensity and direction
of responses, such as the use of genetic adjuvants and
DNA vectors of greater immunostimulation (Shedlock
and Weiner, 2000).
Due to the hazards associated with viral vectors
nonviral DNA complexes show promise as alternative
and attractive gene delivery vectors for treating ge-
netic diseases. Nonviral DNA complexes are typically
formed by combining DNA with various condens-
ing/complexing agents such as lipids, polyelectrolytes,
polymers, polypeptides, and surfactants in solution.
DNA/poly-L-lysine polyplex formation kinetics are
probed by time-resolved multiangle laser light scat-
tering (TR-MALLS), which yields the time evolution
of the supramolecular complex mass and geomet-
ric size. Primary polyplexes whose geometric size
is smaller than individual DNA molecules in solu-
tion are formed very rapidly upon mixing DNA and
poly-L-lysine. Over time, these primary polyplexes
aggregate into larger structures whose ultimate size is
determined primarily by the relative concentrations of
DNA and poly-L-lysine (Lai and Van Zanten, 2001).
Polylysine (pLy) has been used as a DNA carrier in
nonviral gene delivery systems because it forms com-
plexes with plasmid DNA via charge interaction, and
condenses it into a compact structure. It has been re-
cently shown that cross-linking nuclear localization
sequences (NLSs) to pLy can enhance transfection by
conferring specific recognition by the cellular nuc-
lear import ‘receptor’, the NLS-binding importin al-
pha/beta heterodimer. A clear correlation has been in-
dicated between the pLy-DNA structure, importin al-
pha/beta recognition, and gene transfer efficiency, thus
underlining the importance of using pLy-DNA at the
optimal Ly/Nucleotide ratio (Chan et al., 2000). Poly-
L-lysine has been shown to be a major contributor for
gene transfer to hematopoietic progenitor cells, medi-
ating the initial vector-cell binding. Human progenitor
cell lines are poorly transduceable with recombinant
adenovirus vectors. This new poly-L-lysine-modified,
adenovirus-based vector could overcome virus trop-
ism restrictions and consistently achieve very high
transduction efficiency (>90%) in cells otherwise re-
fractory to adenovirus gene transfer. Polylysine-based
adenovirus vectors may have promise for situations
in which high-efficiency gene transfer with transient
high level transgene expression in hematopoietic cells
is needed, such as leukemia vaccine protocols or for
purging strategies in leukemia cell contaminated stem
cell preparations (Schwarzenberger et al., 2001).
Modification of poly-L-lysine and poly-L-ornithine
by the covalent attachment of palmitoyl and methoxy-
poly (ethylene glycol) (mPEG) residues produces a
new class of amphiphilic polymers-PLP and POP, re-
spectively. These amphiphilic amino acid based poly-
mers have been found to assemble into polymeric
vesicles in the presence of cholesterol. In vitro biolo-
gical testing revealed that POP and PLP vesicle-DNA
complexes are about one to 2 orders of magnitude less
cytotoxic than the parent polymer-DNA complexes
although more haemolytic than the parent polymer-
DNA complexes. The polymeric vesicles condense
DNA at a polymer: DNA weight ratio of 5:1 or greater
and the polymeric vesicle-DNA complexes improved
gene transfer to human tumor cell lines in comparison
to the parent homopolymers despite the absence of re-
ceptor specific ligands and lysosomotropic agents such
as chloroquine (Brown et al., 2000).
Thus it is seen that lysine can be employed to
build an intracellular DNA delivery system, which in
addition to being efficient is also non-toxic.
Finally the biochemical roles and applications of
lysine are summarised in Figure 2.
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