Laplacian magic windows
M V Berry
H H Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, United Kingdom
Received 14 March 2017
Accepted for publication 10 April 2017
Published 3 May 2017
A transparent sheet, at to unaided vision but with a gentle surface relief, can concentrate light
onto a screen with intensity reproducing any desired image: the sheet is a magic window. When
the ray deections are sufciently small that there are no caustics between the window and the
screen, the image intensity is the Laplacian function of the relief height functiona very simple
approximation to general freeform optics. Therefore the desired relief is obtained by solving
Poissons equation. Numerical simulations indicate that the Laplacian image approximation will
apply to realistic situations.
Keywords: geometrical optics, paraxial, freeform, rays, refraction, image
(Some gures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
1. Introduction
In oriental magic mirrors [13],reliefinvisibletotheunai-
ded eye can never t hel e ss cause the su rf ac e to re ect an
incident beam and cast a well-dened pattern onto a screen.
My aim here is to describe how the theory of these striking
artefacts [47] can be adapted to create a magic window’—
an apparentl y fe at ur el ess t ran sp ar ent s hee t wh ose i nvi si bl e
relief can be designed to refract a collimated beam onto a
screen, with the light intensity reproducing any desired
The theory (section 2), is the simplest possible version of
geometrical optics, in which the surface relief weakly con-
centrates the rays in a manner that modies the light intensity
without forming caustics: prefocal brightening. The simplicity
comes from the fact that the intensity on the screen is simply
the Laplacian of the surface relief, so that nding the relief
required to generate the desired picture is just a matter of
solving Poissons equation. Computer simulations (section 3)
conrm the feasibility of the procedure.
Conceptually, the theory is the most elementary
implementation of the burgeoni ng eld of freeform optics
features. First, the magic windows would appear at, in
contras t to curren t freeform optics where the surface relief is
clearly vi sible. Second , the Poisson s olution envis aged here
is far simpler than current implementations based on exact
geometrical optics, which require solving a nonlinear
inversion problem [1623
and involving multivalued functions where the light forms
caustics (note that in comput er science the term caustic is
often employed (e.g. [23]) to describe the brightness of the
light pattern cast by the complete ray family, in contrast to
its traditional usage in geometrical optics, where caustics are
the curve and surface singularities on which rays are
2. Theory
The window has refractive index n and surface relief with
height h(r) above points in the window (object) plane with
position r={x, y} (gure 1). Using Snels law, it is easy to
nd the positions R={X, Y} of refracted rays in an image
plane at height z, in terms of the transverse gradient
=¶ {}hhh,
fq f
=+ -
() ()
() ()
() ( ())
() ( )
Rr r r
sin sin , tan ,
Journal of Optics
J. Opt. 19 (2017) 06LT01 (5pp) https://doi.org/10.1088/2040-8986/aa6c4e
2040-8978/17/06LT01+05$33.00 © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK1
equation (2.2), which contained a mistake in the published paper, is corrected here
Trigonometry leads to
-- -
The intensity at R in the image plane is the reciprocal Jaco-
bian determinant
I det , 2.3
in which r(R) is the inverse function of R(r) in (2.1).
In the regime we are considering, r(R) is a singlevalued
function. Physically, this means that h(r) is sufciently gentle,
and (n 1)z sufciently small, that no caustics are generated
between the object and image planes. Alternatively stated, z
does not exceed the principal radii of curvatures of the
wavefront (n 1)h(r) produced by the surface relief (where
there are caustics, (2.3) still applies, in the form of a sum over
the different solutions r(R), with det(K) replaced by its
modulus |det(K)|).
The rst step in deriving the Laplacian image is to
approximate the ray position (2.1) for gentle surfaces:
=+ - () ( ) () ( )Rr r rzn h1. 2.4
The second step is to calculate the Jacobian in (2.3), also to
leading order, i.e. neglecting terms quadratic in the curvatures
h, etc. Finally, we note that to leading order we can replace
r by R in the Jacobian, obtaining
=- - () ( ) () ( )RRInzh11 . 2.5
This is the Laplacian image, generated by what we are
calling the Laplacian magic window. To conrm that the
minus sign is correct, simply note that
<h 0
to local convexity, which for refractive indices n>1
increases the intensity by concentrating light. Equation (2.5)
also applies to oriental magic mirrors, with index n=1,
corresponding to reection and light is concentrated by local
Finding the surface h(R) that will generate a desired
image I
(R) 1 involves solving (2.5), interpreted as
Poissons equation. This does not determine h(R) uniquely,
+++-() [( ) ( )] ( )RhfXYgXYRe i i , 2.6
in which f and g are arbitrary functions, is also a solution and
so would also generate the desired image. One way to resolve
this ambiguity is to exploit the fact that the desired images
are always nite in extent, and specify boundary conditions
on h(R). This can be achieved with standard numerical
Poisson solvers.
3. Illustrations
To explore the accuracy of the simple approximation (2.4) for
the refracted rays, we employ the one-dimensional surface
() ( () ( )
()) ()
hx x x
cos cos 2 3
sin 3 1 , 3.1
and index n=1.5. Figure 2 shows a comparison between the
family of refracted rays calculated exactly from (2.1) and
(2.2), and the rays calculated approximately from (2.4). The
slight differences ( near z=10) are almost impossible to
discern by eye, even though the comparison extends almost as
far as the rst caustic.
A more discriminating comparison is between the exact
intensity (2.3) and its approximate counterpart ( 2.5). This is
shown in gures 3(a)(c) for image planes at three distances
z. As could have been anticipated, the accuracy gets worse as
z increases and the prefocal brightening intensies. In
gure 3(c), the incipient caustics are clear in the exact
intensity, and smoothed in the approximation. Nevertheless,
the approximation always qualitatively follows the increase
and decrease of the exact intensity.
Also shown, in gures 3(d)(f), is the intermediate
avoiding the expansion of the denominator in the approxi-
mated (2.3) that led to the nal Laplacian image (2.5). This
captures the incipent caustics more accurately, with the only
discrepancy being a slight broadening. I have checked that the
minor complication of incorporating this improvement into
the generation of magic windows makes little difference to
the appearance of the images.
With the units in gures 2 and 3 chosen as centimetres,
the window in (3.1), with the prefactor 1 / 100, would be
10 cm wide, and its surface relief would have maximum
height about 0.2 mm and lateral variations on scales of
approximately 1 cm. On such a window the relief would so
gentle as to be barely discernable. These numerical values
were chosen simply for graphical convenience; the magic
windows that I envisage would have relief heights con-
siderably smaller, and the Laplacian approximation would
survive over image distances correspondingly longer than the
0<z<10 cm in gures 2 and 3.
Figure 1. Geometry and notation for refraction by a magic window.
J. Opt. 19 (2017) 06LT01
The method of creation of the magic windows using
(2.5) wil l be illustrated with reference to gure 4.The
desired i mage (gure 4(a)) is a smooth function I(R),with
0 {X, Y} 1, obtained by interpolating the 200× 200
pixels of a digi t a l photogr aph . I(R) is normali zed so t hat
XYIXYd d , 1.
If this is not done, solution
of (2.5) will generate a window prole h(r) in which the
desired re li ef is superimpo s ed o n an overall pa rab ol oida l
prole. With the normalized I(R) 1, the window in (2.5) is
generat ed by standard pa r t ia l d ifferential equation software
conditions chosen as a convenient way of removing t he
ambiguity represented by (2.6).Figures4(b) and (c) show
the resulting magic window prole; the inverse Laplacian is
asmoothingoperation,sotheprole is a blur red version of
the desired image.
To simulate the image cast by this window, we evaluate
the Laplacian
numerically. This is not very sensitive
to the discretization of the derivatives, and gives the result
shown in gure 4(d), nicely reproducing the starting picture
gure 4(a ).
Figure 2. Rays from prole (3.1) calculated for n=1.5, (a) exactly from (2.1) and (2.2), and (b) approximately from the approximation (2.4).
Figure 3. Intensities corresponding to the exact and approximate rays in gure 2, for the indicated values of z. Dashed black curves represent
the exact intensities (2.3); the full red curves in (a)(c) represent the approximate intensities (2.5), and in (d)(f) the approximation (3.2) with
the unexpanded denominator.
J. Opt. 19 (2017) 06LT01
4. Concluding remarks
The scheme reported here, for creating magic windows, is
based on the Laplacian image. This is an approximation to
existing effective full geometrical-optics ray-tracing and
freeform inversion protocols. But the Laplacian image, and
the corresponding inversion procedure based on Poissons
equation, are extraordinarily simple and deserve to be
better known. If the underlying approximation is valid, the
Laplacian image applies to any family of rays or trajectories;
in particular, it has been applied to the interpretation of
electron-mictroscope images [24, 25].
The Laplace operator is the basis of a sharpening trans-
form, commonly used for edge detection [2628]. Poissons
equation generates the inverse transform, which explains why
the magic window prole h(r) is a smoothed version of the
desired image I(R), as already noted.
In common with most freeform optics, the Laplacian
image is an effect within ray theory: diffraction is neglected.
In the analogous magic mirror theory, it was shown that
diffraction effects are unimportant for the gently-varying
surfaces involved (appendix A of [4]see also [29]).
I thank Professor David Jesson and Dr Howard Snelling for
discussions and encouragement. My research is supported by
a Leverhulme Trust Emeritus Fellowship and Leverhulme
Grant RPG-2016-181.
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