Facebook Post
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Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
How to Use:
This collection of templates is designed
to provide the guidance you need to create
content for your business’s Facebook page.
To use a template, copy and paste the
text into a new Microsoft Word document
(or a new post on Facebook), then add
the specifics of your business while
deleting any word, phrase, or punctuation
that doesn’t work for you. When you’re
done, double-check your post to ensure
it will make sense when you publish it
on Facebook. Additionally, make sure
the example business names have been
replaced with your own.
These templates are meant to provide you
with the jumping-o point you need to
start bringing in customers through your
Facebook page. Keep in mind, these posts
can’t guarantee you more business or
success. However, these post templates
are formulated by our social media experts,
so they can help give you the know-how
you need to set up a thriving Facebook
business page.
Ready? Let’s get started!
Copy & Paste CheckEdit Post!
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
Intro /
Re-intro Posts
You have just one chance to make a good
first impression with a customer. You will
find that you need to re-introduce your
business multiple times, as you constantly
draw in new people from the Facebook
platform. Providing the correct information
with your introduction is crucial. The intro
post will help you stand out in the right way.
Here are a few tips for posting your intro:
As you continue to gain new followers,
it’s smart to re-introduce yourself, so
consider reposting the intro every month.
Don’t overly post this; if you want to
ensure that someone can see the post,
temporarily pin the post at the top of
your Facebook Business page.
Mix up the language slightly when you
repost it monthly, such as changing
it from “Welcome!” to “I’m a contractor
oering home improvement services
in the Tampa Bay area.” Subtle variations
will help you from being repetitive.
Pick dierent images to use
interchangeably each time you re-create
the introduction.
Some of this info will be similar to
your “about me” section, and that’s OK;
sometimes people may want to scroll
through your post feed and won’t even
look at your bio.
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
Welcome! Flower Power Boutique is where
you can find on-trend accessories and clothing
that will make you stand out. Stop by and visit
us at [insert address] - we’re offering 10% off
purchases for new customers!
The folks over at Milton’s Lawncare are happy
to meet you! Offering the best of Seattle’s lawn
services, we’ll help you transform your yard and
create a healthy environment year-round. Give
us a call at [insert phone number] or email us at
[insert email address] for a quote today.
Thanks for checking out Lisa Lancaster
Photography. I have over 20+ years of capturing
special moments such as weddings, family
reunions, and corporate celebrations. Feel
free to private message me or send me an
email with any inquiries. I’m looking forward to
photographing your next special event!
Here are a few template examples you can use
to get to know your customers:
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
For your introductory post, keep it
short and sweet. Share the name
of your business, a brief description
of what you’re offering,
and your location. If you’re new to
the community, offer a discount
for new customers.
You should include an image of
you and your business. Photos of
people, especially the owner of the
business, always helps to increase
and drive engagement.
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
Business Hours /
Updated Hours Post
One of the most frequently asked questions from customers (and
followers) is a business’s hours of operation. If you run a seasonal
organization or need to update your hours for holidays, it’s important
to keep customers informed in advance.
If you live in an area susceptible to blizzards, hurricanes, or other
natural disasters (or just big storms), you also need to provide
business hour updates with your customers.
A lack of communication with business hours can result in a lack of trust,
which is what you need to avoid as a small business owner.
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
Happy holidays! Since we know how stressful the
holiday season can be, we’ve extended our hours
to 9pm.
Happy Summertime! We’re back to our regular
weekly hours of [insert times/days]. Hope to see
you soon!
Winter is approaching, which means our lawn
care services will be suspended for the season.
Remember that we offer snow plowing, so please
contact us at [insert phone number] during these
hours: [insert winter schedule hours]
In celebration of [insert holiday], we will be
closing at [insert time]. We hope you enjoy the
day with your family - we’ll see you on [insert day
you’ll be open]!
Here are a few templates you can use to update
your business hours:
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
For communicating your holiday
hours and/or modified business
hours, keep your posts short,
on-brand, and simple.
You also should consider selecting
an image that matches the reason
you’re updating your hours, e.g.,
snow for the winter, tulips for spring,
Christmas tree for the winter holidays,
etc. If it’s a regular schedule adjustment,
your image should reflect your
business and trade.
You can get free stock photos from
sites such as Canva.com. If you want
to take your own photo, that’s fine,
but be sure it’s a high-quality image.
For Facebook, all images should be
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
New Product /
Services Posts
The main reason to create a Facebook
business page is to reach multitudes of people
online. This means you have to frequently
share what you’re oering. How often you
make a new product or service post depends
on how often you bring something new to
your business. You’ll also need to follow up
with other posts that are more descriptive.
This section is broken into two sections: first is
the teaser/initial new product or service post,
and the second section oers how to follow
up with more details to keep your followers
engaged with your brand.
What and how often you share depends on
your trade, e.g., someone in retail would
share new products more frequently than an
accountant. Just consider your product catalog
or service menu, and if there isn’t enough to
post “new” items on a weekly basis, focus on
sharing inside looks of your business in motion.
To determine when and how often to post,
test your content with your followers. Try
posting on dierent days and at dierent times
over a specific time period. Notice what day(s)
and time(s) get the most engagement, which
will help you know when to post.
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
This just in! We’ll now be offering [insert new
product type or service]. For more information
on pricing, check our website [insert a shortened
link to website].
Looking for a landscape refresh? Stay tuned for
our new [insert service] coming next week! [Or
provide a specific date.]
UPDATE: We’re now offering [insert type
of product or service]!
Section 1
Post templates for
a new product or service
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
Check out this blue ombre on master stylist
Emilie. Head into spring with a new color!
[Include an image of the stylist’s hair.]
Jonathan is loving his new patio furniture!
He purchased a lounge set from our new
collection by Pepe Design Co., available
in black, blue, or orange.
Section 2
Post templates for new product /
service announcement follow-ups
Note: When you write the follow-up, you should specifically
tease out more information on the product. Say you’re a hair
stylist oering a new line of hair dye. After introducing the product,
you could follow up with a post like this:
Depending on the product or service, you can add more detail
and highlight qualities you believe are a selling point.
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
What’s better than a lush lawn in spring? With our
new line of fertilizer, your grass can be greener
too. Thanks for sharing this picture, Tom!
[This template would have a picture from a
client, using it with their permission.]
Section 2
Post templates for new product /
service announcement follow-ups
With your customer’s permission, you could also post an image of
them using your new product or service, with the following caption:
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
Get to Know Your
Customers’ Posts
If you want to attract more followers (and customers), you’ll need to supply
content that gets them excited or interested in engaging with you. Facebook
is a great marketing tool that can be used to research your customers. By
positively interacting with them, you may get feedback that you can use to
tailor your business to their needs (when appropriate).
This is also an opportunity to show a “human” side to your business. That
means you don’t share content that sounds robotic or from a huge corporation.
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
For Beauticians:
“Beautiful manicure in the making.
What’s your go-to polish?”
For Handymen:
Just finished renovating this office space,
just by changing the paint color. What’s your
color of choice?”
For Architects:
“Drawing the blueprint for this building. Can you
guess what we’re building?”
For Personal Trainers:
“Look at this beautiful view from my Sunday
morning run. Are you an early riser for running
(or exercising)?”
Here are a few template examples you can use
to get to know your customers:
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
As you can see, there is a pattern:
Capture the product or service that
you’re oering, and provide a specific
piece of information about it. Then
ask your customers what they think
about it or ask a question that relates
to what you’re sharing. The more
playful and lighthearted, the better.
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
Sales Post
Last, but not least, the “upcoming sale” post oers an opportunity
to incentivize customers to invest in your business. Whether it’s for
a grand opening party, a holiday promotion, or a seasonal treat to your
email subscribers, this post template will come in handy.
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
As a “thank you” to all of our amazing customers,
we’re offering 20% off all [insert type of service
or product].
While you’re spring cleaning your house, we’ll
spruce up your yard at 10% off. Call us today to
book your next landscaping service!
Loved how we cleaned your gutters? Refer a
friend and get 20% off your next service with us.
For a limited time, we’ll be offering 30% off [insert
type of product or service]. Offer ends [insert time
frame], so be sure to stop by [or call, depending
on your type of business] before then!
Here are a few template examples you can use
to get to know your customers:
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
You’re ready to go!
By integrating these templates into
your Facebook Business page’s
content map, you should see your
follower count and engagement start
to improve. Don’t be discouraged by
a slow start; all thriving businesses
started small with their FB page. It’s
important to be consistent with your
posts -- consistency indicates to
your followers that it’s worth their
time to keep following your page.
As you get your FB page up and
running, you’ll want to ensure
you have all the tools you need to
succeed, such as small business
insurance. While promoting your
brand, it’s wise to cover your tracks
and protect your business with
policies needed for your specific
trade. Plus, as your business grows,
you’ll want insurance that keeps up
with you!
When you’re ready, Simply Business
can help you find the best policies
for your small business. Head over
to SimplyBusiness.com to get
insurance quotes within minutes.
While you’re there, check out more
great small business advice on
our blog Simply U. We also have a
Facebook community that you can
join and connect with other small
business owners like you.
Simply Business Guides: Facebook Post Templates
Simply Business helps you get the best small business
insurance coverage online by finding quotes for you
from the industrys leading insurance providers.
For more information, check out SimplyBusiness.com
Created By
Pauline Germanos
(Digital Content Producer)
Jackie Dunn
(Social Media Community Manager)
Simply Business