Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Julianne M. Zedalis
The Bishop’s School
La Jolla, California
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AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
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Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guides
This guide is one of four Course Planning and Pacing Guides designed for AP
Biology teachers. Each provides an example of how to design instruction for the AP
course based on the author’s teaching context (e.g., demographics, schedule, school type, setting).
These Course Planning and Pacing Guides highlight how the components of the AP Biology Curriculum Framework — the learning objectives, course themes,
conceptual understandings, and science practices — are addressed in the course. Each guide also provides valuable suggestions for teaching the course, including
the selection of resources, instructional activities, laboratory investigations, and assessments. The authors have offered insight into the why and how behind their
instructional choices — displayed in callout boxes along the right side of the individual unit plans — to aid in course planning for AP Biology teachers. Additionally,
each author explicitly explains how he or she manages course breadth and increases depth for each unit of instruction.
The primary purpose of these comprehensive guides is to model approaches for planning and pacing curriculum throughout the school year. However, they can
also help with syllabus development when used in conjunction with the resources created to support the AP Course Audit: the Syllabus Development Guide and
the four Annotated Sample Syllabi. These resources include samples of evidence and illustrate a variety of strategies for meeting curricular requirements.
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
Instructional Setting ................................................ 1
Overview of the Course ............................................ 3
Big Ideas and Science Practices ................................... 4
Managing Breadth and Increasing Depth .......................... 6
Course Planning and Pacing by Unit
Unit 1: The Chemistry of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Unit 2: The Cell ................................................... 10
Unit 3: Cell Processes: Energy and Communication ....................... 13
Unit 4: From Gene to Protein ......................................... 15
Unit 5: Evolution .................................................. 23
Unit 6: Biodiversity and Ecology ...................................... 28
Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
Instructional Setting
The Bishop’s School
La Jolla, California
School Independent college-preparatory school in suburban community.
Mission Statement: The Bishop’s School is an academic community
pursuing intellectual, artistic, and athletic excellence in the context of the
Episcopal tradition. We are dedicated to offering the highest-quality education
to a diverse student body and to fostering integrity, imagination, moral
responsibility, and commitment to serving the larger community.
Student population Approximately 780 students in grades six to 12.
Students are:
• 64 percent of European heritage
• 15 percent Asian American
• 13 percent Hispanic
• 8 percent African American
Approximately 25 percent of students receive financial assistance.
Ninety-eight percent of Bishop’s students matriculate to college.
Instructional time Academic year begins mid-August and ends mid-May; approximately 175 days
of instruction.
Prior to AP
• 34 weeks of instruction and one week for in-class review
• Two 50-minute periods/week and two 100-minute lab periods/week for
total of 300 minutes/week
Additional time:
• 18 one-hour after-school AP Exam review sessions
• One six-hour Saturday AP Exam review session
• Six 50-minute in-class AP Exam review sessions
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
Instructional Setting
Student preparation AP Biology is offered in the junior year; many students opt to take the AP
Biology prep course offered during the preceding summer.
The prerequisites for students are:
• physics or honors physics in ninth grade
• chemistry or honors chemistry in 10th grade
Textbooks and lab
Campbell, Neil A., and Jane B. Reece. Biology. 7th ed. San Francisco: Pearson
Benjamin Cummings, 2005.
AP Biology Investigative Labs: An Inquiry-Based Approach. New York: The
College Board, 2012.
AP Biology Lab Manual. New York: The College Board, 2001.
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
Overview of the Course
AP Biology is the equivalent of a one-year college or university course in
biology, taught within the parameters of high school. Students explore the
question, How do we know what we know? by investigating six topic areas:
the chemistry of life, cells, cell processes (energy and cell communication),
genetics, evolution, and biodiversity and ecology. Integrated into the six topic
areas are big ideas, enduring understandings, and learning objectives from
the AP Biology Curriculum Framework that merge concepts with science
practices at the molecular, cellular, organism, population, and ecosystem
levels. All students sit for the AP Biology Exam.
The course merges rigor with creativity and offers students myriad
opportunities for learning through scientific inquiry, development of laboratory
skills, and assessment. Rather than simply presenting information, teachers
use formative assessments to guide instruction and work with students,
instilling in them a sense of pride and ownership in what they learn.
Knowledge attained in the classroom is applied to real-world issues, including
the impact of biotechnology on society and global ecological concerns.
The instructional strategies suggested here both introduce concepts and
connect and apply previously studied material. They include lectures,
laboratory investigations, class discussions, videos and online media,
journal readings, and other projects and activities designed to encourage
students to think critically and develop written and verbal communication
skills. The curriculum accommodates different learning styles, knowledge
bases, and abilities, while providing depth of content and opportunities for
students to demonstrate mastery of science practices along with conceptual
understandings of course topics.
The laboratory program at Bishop’s has transitioned from traditional
“cookbook-style” experiments to more teacher-guided, inquiry-based
investigations conducted with available equipment and resources within
budget. Students attend the quarterly Science Lecture Series; guest speakers
have included Nobel Laureates from the San Diego community.
As teachers, our job is to make knowledge relevant and applicable while
helping students develop critical skills and connect concepts to see the big
picture. This is often accomplished by differentiating instruction and providing
a variety of instructional activities and projects which take into account
student prior knowledge and/or learning styles. For example, when describing
the complex biochemical pathways of photosynthesis, have students write
letters to politicians and chiefs of industry expressing concern for the
ecological ramifications of natural disasters and human impact on habitats or
global ecosystems. When discussing DNA, ask students to compose a short
story, poem, or significant piece of art describing a day in the life of a teenager
afflicted with a genetic disorder. Stimulate ethical discussion by asking, “Just
because science can do something, does that mean that it should?”
As teachers, we must model adult competence and demand excellence
not only from our students but also from ourselves. We should create a
learning environment in which students can take appropriate risks as they
ask questions, explore answers, and collect, process, and communicate
information. Encourage students to follow one question by asking another.
When a classroom becomes less teacher driven and more student directed,
an artist who previously abhorred science can find pleasure creating a plant
cell out of clay, while a writer can describe chemiosmosis through poetry.
A “less is more” approach, in which breadth of content is replaced by depth,
provides students with a framework for applying existing skills and knowledge
to new areas of study as they explore the living world.
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
Big Ideas and Science Practices
AP Biology Big Ideas
Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks
to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information
essential to life processes.
Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their
interactions possess complex properties.
Science Practices for AP Biology
A practice is a way to coordinate knowledge and skills in order to accomplish
a goal or task. The science practices enable students to establish lines of
evidence and use them to develop and refine testable explanations and
predictions of natural phenomena. These science practices capture important
aspects of the work that scientists engage in, at the level of competence
expected of AP Biology students.
Science Practice 1: The student can use representations and models to
communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific problems.
1.1 The student can create representations and models of natural or man-made
phenomena and systems in the domain.
1.2 The student can describe representations and models of natural or man-
made phenomena and systems in the domain.
1.3 The student can refine representations and models of natural or man-made
phenomena and systems in the domain.
1.4 The student can use representations and models to analyze situations or
solve problems qualitatively and quantitatively.
1.5 The student can reexpress key elements of natural phenomena across
multiple representations in the domain.
Science Practice 2: The student can use mathematics appropriately.
2.1 The student can justify the selection of a mathematical routine to solve
2.2 The student can apply mathematical routines to quantities that describe
natural phenomena.
2.3 The student can estimate numerically quantities that describe natural
Science Practice 3: The student can engage in scientific questioning to
extend thinking or to guide investigations within the context of the AP
3.1 The student can pose scientific questions.
3.2 The student can refine scientific questions.
3.3 The student can evaluate scientific questions.
Science Practice 4: The student can plan and implement data collection
strategies appropriate to a particular scientific question.
4.1 The student can justify the selection of the kind of data needed to answer a
particular scientific question.
4.2 The student can design a plan for collecting data to answer a particular
scientific question.
4.3 The student can collect data to answer a particular scientific question.
4.4 The student can evaluate sources of data to answer a particular scientific
Science Practice 5: The student can perform data analysis and evaluation
of evidence.
5.1 The student can analyze data to identify patterns or relationships.
5.2 The student can refine observations and measurements based on data
5.3 The student can evaluate the evidence provided by data sets in relation to a
particular scientific question.
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
Big Ideas and Science Practices
Science Practice 6: The student can work with scientific explanations and
6.1 The student can justify claims with evidence.
6.2 The student can construct explanations of phenomena based on evidence
produced through scientific practices.
6.3 The student can articulate the reasons that scientific explanations and
theories are refined or replaced.
6.4 The student can make claims and predictions about natural phenomena
based on scientific theories and models.
6.5 The student can evaluate alternative scientific explanations.
Science Practice 7: The student is able to connect and relate knowledge
across various scales, concepts, and representations in and across
7. 1 The student can connect phenomena and models across spatial and
temporal scales.
7. 2 The student can connect concepts in and across domain(s) to generalize or
extrapolate in and/or across enduring understandings and/or big ideas.
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
Managing Breadth and Increasing Depth
Unit Managing Breadth Increasing Depth
Unit 1:
The Chemistry of
The concepts detailed in Campbell and Reece, Chapter 2: “The Chemical Context of Life”
are now considered prior knowledge. The topics include: matter, elements, atomic structure,
molecules and compounds, chemical reactions, bonding, pH, etc. With a cursory review of these
concepts, I save approximately five to seven days of instructional time and can jump right into
the biochemistry of biomolecules, including structure and function of enzymes. (In the past, I’ve
assigned Chapters 1–4 as required summer reading, and some students elect to take our AP
Biology Prep course that covers this material during summer school.)
Students are required to take a year of physics in the ninth grade and a year of chemistry in the
10th grade; thus, more time is available to explore in more depth the structure and function of
molecules essential for life processes. This is accomplished by using molecule-modeling kits to
build complex polymers (e.g., carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and ATP) and by using
the models to illustrate the processes of dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis in their assembly
and degradation.
Unit 2:
The Cell
Because AP Biology at Bishop’s is most students’ first course in biology, I cannot assume that all
students have prior knowledge of the structure and function of cellular organelles. However, I
save time by having students investigate cell features through a comprehensive project in which
they build a specialized cell with a working organelle that demonstrates the primary function of
their exemplar cell. This reduction in content saves me approximately two days of instructional
By reducing time spent learning and/or reviewing basic chemistry, I allow students time to
explore in more depth the required concepts in Campbell and Reece, Chapters 6 and 7 (cells) and
Chapter 8 (enzyme activity).
Unit 3:
Cell Processes:
Energy and
Required concepts from Chapters 8–10 (energy, respiration, and photosynthesis) are outlined in
the curriculum framework, but focus can be reduced on other topics in this unit. Since students
have taken physics and chemistry prerequisite courses, I can spend less time on the following
concepts from Chapter 8: forms of energy, catabolic versus anabolic pathways, first and second
Laws of Thermodynamics, and exergonic versus endergonic reactions. Because the information
covered in Chapter 2 is considered prior knowledge, I can move the study of enzymes and
enzymatic reactions to Unit 1.
In Chapter 9, I reduce or eliminate time spent on details regarding oxidation-reduction reactions
and the rote memorization of name and structure of molecules, processes, and cycles involved in
cellular respiration (e.g., cytochromes in ETC, molecules in glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle).
In Chapter 10, I reduce or eliminate focus on properties of light, structure, and function of
pigments other than chlorophylls a and b, and C4 and CAM plant adaptations for carbon fixation
and photorespiration.
These reductions in content will save approximately five days of instructional time.
By focusing less on minutiae and memorization, students are able to spend more time exploring
key concepts in the capture, storage, and use of free energy in the processes of cellular
respiration and photosynthesis. With the additional time available, students can dive more
deeply into concepts by tackling inquiry-based laboratory investigations based on respiration
and photosynthesis. In addition, students focus on connecting concepts by refining and revising
models, such as chemiosmosis.
By reducing some content pertaining to photosynthesis and cellular respiration, I give students
time to explore in more depth the concepts in Chapter 11: “Cell Communication.” Students
typically find concepts of molecular signaling and transduction pathways difficult, which makes
the extra time available to cover these topics especially valuable.
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
Managing Breadth and Increasing Depth
Unit Managing Breadth Increasing Depth
Unit 4:
From Gene to
The required concepts for Chapters 16–17 (DNA replication, transcription, and translation) are
outlined in the curriculum framework.
The required concepts for Chapter 18: “The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria” are also outlined in
the curriculum framework. Structure and life cycles of viruses are covered in Unit 6.
Reductions in content will save approximately two days of instructional time.
In Chapter 19: “Eukaryotic Genomes: Organization, Regulation, and Evolution,” more concepts
about gene regulation are required.
In Chapter 20: “DNA Technology and Genomics,” more attention is focused on details about
concepts relating to genomics and ethical issues raised by genetic manipulation by humans.
In Chapter 21: “The Genetic Basis of Development,” there are more details about concepts
relating to the regulation of development of gene expression.
In Chapter 22: “Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life,” there is more instruction
about mathematical models to support evolution.
In Chapter 24: “The Origin of Species,” there are more details about evolutionary change and
concepts relating to the genetic regulation of development/speciation/evolution.
Unit 5:
No significant reductions
Unit 6:
Biodiversity and
In Chapters 27–34 (prokaryotes to vertebrates: “march through the phyla”), the content consists
of illustrative examples to support concepts outlined in the curriculum framework.
The content in Chapter 35: “Plant Structure, Growth, and Development” is no longer required,
which leaves more time to focus on other topics.
The required systems in Chapter 40–49 (animal form and function, “organ of the day”) are
immune, endocrine, and nervous, with essential concepts described in the curriculum framework.
Other organ systems can be used as illustrative examples to support concepts
(e.g., homeostatic mechanisms, structural and physiological adaptations to environments,
evolution of systems).
For Chapters 43, 45, and 48 (immune, endocrine, and nervous systems), required content/
concepts are outlined in the curriculum framework, with increased emphasis on homeostasis,
chemical signaling, and regulation.
For Chapter 47: “Animal Development,” required elements about the timing, coordination, and
regulation of development are outlined in the curriculum framework with emphasis on inductive
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 1:
The Chemistry
of Life
• Building Biomolecules
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 13: Enzyme Activity
Estimated Time:
3 weeks
How are biological molecules necessary for organisms to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain organization?
How do the subcomponents of biological molecules determine the properties of that molecule?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Justify the selection of data regarding the
types of molecules that an animal, plant, or
bacterium will take up as necessary building
blocks and excrete as waste products.
[LO 2.8, SP 4.1]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 2:
“The Chemical Context of Life”;
Chapter 3: “Water and the
Fitness of the Environment”;
and Chapter 4: “Carbon and the
Molecular Diversity of Life”
Instructional Activity:
Students create mini-posters to explain how either the carbon or nitrogen
cycles provide essential chemical elements to support life in an ecosystem.
Students make predictions about the impact of human activity on the cycles.
This activity is student directed and teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
Based on water’s molecular properties, students create visual representations
(e.g., diagrams or models) with annotations to explain how water travels up a
300-ft. California redwood tree. This activity is student directed and teacher
Formative Assessment:
Students create visual representations with annotations (e.g., diagrams or
models) to explain how water’s molecular structure results in unique properties
and how these properties are vital to life processes.
Explain the connection between the sequence
and the subcomponents of a biological
polymer and its properties. [LO 4.1, SP 7.1]
Construct explanations based on evidence
of how variation in molecular units provides
cells with a wider range of functions.
[LO 4.22, SP 6.2]
Represent graphically or model quantitatively
the exchange of molecules between an
organism and its environment, and the
subsequent uses of these molecules to
build new molecules that facilitate dynamic
homeostasis, growth, and reproduction.
[LO 2.9, SP 1.1, SP 1.4]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 5:
“The Structure and Function of
Molecular model kits or
alternative (e.g., foam balls and
Instructional Activity:
Using molecular model kits, students justify the claim that organisms need the
SPONCH elements to build complex molecules and recycle elements necessary
for life by constructing models of key biomolecules from their monomers. This
activity is student directed and teacher facilitated.
Formative Assessment:
Students explain either through narrative or visual representations
(e.g., diagram with annotation) how the SPONCH elements move from the
environment to synthesize complex biomolecules (e.g., carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, nucleic acids, ATP) necessary for cellular processes.
Here is an opportunity to apply chemistry to a
contemporary ecological issue.
While students are constructing their diagrams,
I circulate among them, ask probing questions,
and adjust instructional activities accordingly.
This tactic is applicable to most formative
Students can justify claims and ideas in a
variety of ways (differentiated instruction) but
typically use pen and paper. Another option
(and one that is more engaging) is to have
them create models. In this case, building
molecular models helps students visualize
three-dimensional images that are used to
demonstrate the processes of dehydration
synthesis and hydrolysis.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 1:
The Chemistry
of Life
How are biological molecules necessary for organisms to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain organization?
How do the subcomponents of biological molecules determine the properties of that molecule?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Refine representations and models to explain
how the subcomponents of a biological
polymer and their sequence determine the
properties of that polymer. [LO 4.2, SP 1.3]
Use models to predict and justify that
changes in the subcomponents of a biological
polymer affect the functionality of the
molecule. [LO 4.3, SP 6.1, SP 6.4]
Analyze data to identify how molecular
interactions affect structure and function.
[LO 4.17, SP 5.1]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 8:
“An Introduction to Metabolism,”
AP Biology Investigative Labs
(2012), Investigation 13: Enzyme
Waterman and Stanley,
Biological Inquiry: A Workbook
of Investigative Cases, “Picture
Instructional Activity:
“Picture Perfect.” An inquiry-based case study built on concepts relating to
enzymatic activity. Students design an experiment to examine factors affecting
the action of amylase on starch to identify a stain on an antique dress. This
activity is student directed and requires limited teacher facilitation.
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 13: Enzyme Activity. Students design and conduct
investigations to explore the effects of environmental variables on the rates of
enzymatic reactions. This lab is student directed and teacher facilitated.
Summative Assessment:
Exam consisting of 25 multiple-choice questions, two short free-response
questions, and one long free-response question with emphasis on the
application of quantitative skills, science practices, and data analysis.
The case study or the lab investigation can
be used to introduce students to the role of
catalytic enzymes in cellular chemical reactions
or to provide a means of applying concepts
when they have a fairly solid understanding
of enzyme structure and function. For each lab
activity, I use a variety of assessment tactics:
mini-posters, formal lab reports, and notations
in student lab notebooks. Some students keep
an online version of all their lab work.
This lab investigation is a modification of the
enzyme catalysis lab from the 2001 AP Biology
Lab Manual. Teachers should feel free to use or
modify “favorite labs” from various sources as
long as they reflect transition from teacher-
directed “cookbook” labs to more student-
directed and inquiry-based investigations.
The summative assessment addresses the
following essential questions:
•How are biological molecules necessary
for organisms to grow, to reproduce, and to
maintain organization?
•How do the subcomponents of biological
molecules determine the properties of that
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 2:
The Cell
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 4: Diffusion and Osmosis
Estimated Time:
3 weeks
How do shared conserved cellular processes support the idea that all organisms are linked by lines of descent
from common ancestry? How do cells create and maintain internal environments that are different from their
external environments? How do structure and function of subcellular components and their interactions provide
essential cellular processes? How do cells maintain dynamic homeostasis by the movement of molecules
across membranes?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Use calculated surface area-to-volume ratios
to predict which cell(s) might eliminate
wastes or procure nutrients faster by
diffusion. [LO 2.6, SP 2.2]
Explain how cell size and shape affect the
overall rate of nutrient intake and the rate of
waste elimination. [LO 2.7, SP 6.2]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 6:
“A Tour of the Cell”; Chapter 27:
AP Biology Investigative Labs
(2012), Investigation 4: Diffusion
and Osmosis, Procedure 1:
Surface Area and Cell Size
The Domains of Life:
Life’s Three Great Branches:
Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 4: Diffusion and Osmosis, Procedure 1: Surface Area
and Cell Size. Students model surface area-to-volume relationships using
agar blocks and phenolphthalein. This activity is student directed and teacher
Formative Assessment:
Students create a diagram with annotation to explain how approximately 300
million alveoli in a human lung increase surface area for gas exchange to the
size of a tennis court. Students should use the diagram to explain how the
cellular structures of alveoli, capillaries, and red blood cells allow for rapid
diffusion of O
and CO
between them.
Explain how internal membranes and
organelles contribute to cell functions.
[LO 2.13, SP 6.2]
Use representations and models to describe
differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic
cells. [LO 2.14, SP 1.4]
Make a prediction about the interactions of
subcellular organelles. [LO 4.4, SP 6.4]
Construct explanations based on scientific
evidence as to how interactions of subcellular
structures provide essential functions.
[LO 4.5, SP 6.2]
Use representations and models to analyze
situations qualitatively to describe how
interactions of subcellular structures, which
possess specialized functions, provide
essential functions. [LO 4.6, SP 1.4]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 6:
“A Tour of the Cell”
Instructional Activity:
Using inexpensive and common household items, students create a model of a
specific cell (e.g., neuron, white blood cell, plant leaf cell, Paramecium, sperm
cell, bacterium) that includes a working organelle that defines the overall
function of the cell. Students explain their cell and organelle to the class.
Formative Assessment:
Students create a visual representation, such as a diagram with annotation or
a PowerPoint slide, to explain how four organelles work together to perform a
specific function in a cell of your choice. Students should predict how a defect
in the function of one of the organelles can affect the overall function of the
cell. Students present their visual representations to the class for review and
Students struggle with geometric relationships
between surface area and volume: the smaller
the cell, the higher surface area-to-volume
ratio to facilitate movement of molecules into
and out of the cell. Having students model
surface area-to-volume relationships using agar
blocks and phenolphthalein provides visual
Although required content pertaining to the
human organ systems was reduced significantly
in the course, teachers can incorporate these
systems to illustrate concepts. Exploring the
exchange of gases in the lungs is one way to
apply surface area-to-volume relationships and
the process of diffusion to a biological system.
Students often have misconceptions about
the “simplicity” of prokaryotic cells. Clarify
that prokaryotes have internal organization
and a great number of metabolic pathways
and biochemical adaptations to almost all
environments. It is important to emphasize that
living cells are not static, rigid structures but
Formative assessments that ask students to
present their work to the class for review and
revision are an effective means to assess
where students are in their understanding
of concepts and provide an opportunity for
immediate feedback from peers and the
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 2:
The Cell
How do shared conserved cellular processes support the idea that all organisms are linked by lines of descent
from common ancestry? How do cells create and maintain internal environments that are different from their
external environments? How do structure and function of subcellular components and their interactions provide
essential cellular processes? How do cells maintain dynamic homeostasis by the movement of molecules
across membranes?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Use representations and models to pose
scientific questions about the properties of
cell membranes and selective permeability
based on molecular structure.
[LO 2.10, SP 1.4, SP 3.1]
Construct models that connect the movement
of molecules across membranes with
membrane structure and function.
[LO 2.11, SP 1.1, SP 7.1, SP 7.2]
Use representations and models to analyze
situations or solve problems qualitatively or
quantitatively to investigate whether dynamic
homeostasis is maintained by the active
movement of molecules across membranes.
[LO 2.12, SP 1.4]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 7:
“Membrane Structure and
AP Biology Investigative Labs
(2012), Investigation 4:
Diffusion and Osmosis
Instructional Activity:
Provided with a simple diagram of the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane
structure, students revise and/or refine the diagram to illustrate the
arrangement of the membrane’s molecular components. This activity is student
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 4: Diffusion and Osmosis. Students explore the
phenomenon of water potential and then model osmosis and diffusion using
dialysis tubing. Using plant tissues and various sucrose solutions, students
design and conduct an experiment to determine the water potential of the
plant tissues. This lab is student directed and teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
Using the revised cell membrane diagrams they created, students pose three
questions about the relationship between the structure of the membrane and
the movement of molecules across it (e.g., polar and non-polar molecules,
small and large molecules). Then students explain how answers to the
questions can be investigated.
Modeling is an important skill for students.
Using dialysis tubing to model a selectively
permeable cell membrane reinforces the
science practice.
The concept of water potential is difficult for
students because they cannot relate water
potential to the measure of its potential energy,
with water moving to a state of lower free
energy. Modeling osmosis helps clarify the
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 2:
The Cell
How do shared conserved cellular processes support the idea that all organisms are linked by lines of descent
from common ancestry? How do cells create and maintain internal environments that are different from their
external environments? How do structure and function of subcellular components and their interactions provide
essential cellular processes? How do cells maintain dynamic homeostasis by the movement of molecules
across membranes?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Justify the scientific claim that organisms
share many conserved core processes
and features that evolved and are widely
distributed among organisms today.
[LO 1.16, SP 6.1]
Pose scientific questions that correctly
identify essential properties of shared, core
life processes that provide insights into the
history of life on Earth. [LO 1.14, SP 3.1]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 6:
“A Tour of the Cell”; Chapter 25:
“Phylogeny and Systematics”;
and Chapter 26: “The Tree of
Life: An Introduction to Biological
Diversity,” pp. 523–526
Chen, “The Emergence of Cells
During the Origin of Life”
The Domains of Life:
The Eukaryotic Cell Evolves
Instructional Activity:
Mystery Cell ID. Using a microscope, students identify the general type of cell
(e.g., prokaryote/eukaryote, plant/animal) and support their observations by
describing two distinctive features of each mystery cell. This activity is student
directed and teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
Ten-Minute Debate. Working in small teams, students create a visual
representation to support the claim that eukaryotes evolved from symbiotic
relationships between groups of prokaryotes. Then students identify one or
two unanswered questions about Margulis’s endosymbiont hypothesis.
Formative Assessment:
Students construct a diagram to explain the relationships that exist between
the three domains of life (Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya) based on molecular
processes and cellular features. Students present their diagrams to the class
for review and revision.
Summative Assessment:
One-hour exam consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions, two short-response
questions, and one lab-based free-response question with data analysis based
on the relationship between cell membrane structure and the processes of
osmosis, diffusion, and active transport.
This activity asks students to apply a skill
(microscopy) to content (identification of cell
types). The activity also provides an opportunity
for students to explore the relationship
between magnification and real size.
This activity asks students to synthesize
information from multiple sources — textbook,
class discussion, science reading, and video —
and evaluate evidence in support of a notable
hypothesis about the origin of the eukaryotic
This formative assessment is a simple
but effective way to introduce cladogram
construction, which will be an essential tool as
students delve more deeply into evolutionary
relationships in Unit 5.
The summative assessment addresses the
following essential questions:
•How do shared conserved cellular processes
support the idea that all organisms are linked
by lines of descent from common ancestry?
•How do cells create and maintain internal
environments that are different from their
external environments?
•How do structure and function of subcellular
components and their interactions provide
essential cellular processes?
•How do cells maintain dynamic homeostasis
by the movement of molecules across
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 3:
Cell Processes:
Energy and
• Respiration of Sugars by Yeast (Vernier)
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 6: Cellular Respiration
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 5: Photosynthesis
Estimated Time:
4 weeks
How do biological systems utilize free energy to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain homeostasis? How do
organisms capture, use, and store free energy? How are external signals converted into cellular responses?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Explain how biological systems use free
energy based on empirical data that all
organisms require constant energy input
to maintain organization, to grow, and to
reproduce. [LO 2.1, SP 6.2]
Justify a scientific claim that free energy
is required for living systems to maintain
organization, to grow, or to reproduce, but
that multiple strategies exist in different
living systems. [LO 2.2, SP 6.1]
Predict how changes in free energy
availability affect organisms, populations, and
ecosystems. [LO 2.3, SP 6.4]
Use representations and models to analyze
how cooperative interactions within
organisms promote efficiency in the use of
energy and matter. [LO 4.18, SP 1.4]
Use representations to pose scientific
questions about what mechanisms and
structural features allow organisms to
capture, store, and use free energy.
[LO 2.4, SP 1.4, SP 3.1]
Construct explanations of the mechanisms
and structural features of cells that allow
organisms to capture, store, or use free
energy. [LO 2.5, SP 6.2]
Describe specific examples of conserved core
biological processes and features shared by
all domains or within one domain of life, and
how these shared, conserved core processes
and features support the concept of common
ancestry for all organisms. [LO 1.15, SP 7.2]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 8:
“An Introduction to Metabolism,”
pp. 141–149; Chapter 9:
“Cellular Respiration: Harvesting
Chemical Energy”; and
Chapter 10: “Photosynthesis,”
pp. 181–141
Waterman and Stanley,
“Bean Brew”
Redding and Masterman,
Biology with Vernier,
“Respiration of Sugars by Yeast”
AP Biology Investigative Labs
(2012), Investigation 6:
Cellular Respiration
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation 5:
Instructional Activity:
Students engage in “Bean Brew,” an inquiry-based investigative case study
on the fermentation process used to develop soy sauce. The activity is student
directed and requires minimum teacher facilitation.
Instructional Activity:
Lab: Respiration of Sugars by Yeast. Students design and conduct experiments
to investigate whether yeasts are able to metabolize a variety of sugars, using
gas pressure sensors to measure CO
production. This lab is student directed
and teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 6: Cellular Respiration. Students use microrespirometers
or gas pressure sensors to investigate factors that affect the rate of cellular
respiration in multicellular organisms. This lab is student directed and teacher
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 5: Photosynthesis. Using the floating leaf disk
procedure, students investigate factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis
in living leaves. This lab is student directed and teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
Online investigation: Students research the connections between paraquat
(or other herbicides), the pathways of photosynthesis, and possible effects of
herbicides on ecosystems. (An article about paraquat appeared in a 1978 issue
of Rolling Stone magazine.)
Formative Assessment:
In teams, students create a visual representation (e.g., diagram with
annotation) to explain the interdependent relationships of cellular respiration
and photosynthesis and how the processes of cellular respiration and
photosynthesis support life on Earth. Visual representations are displayed
in the classroom for peer review and revision and to generate questions for
further investigation.
Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are
typically challenging topics for students to
grasp, because they cannot make connections
between the processes and their relevance to
higher levels of biological organization, such as
plant and animal physiology or energy flow in
Formative assessments that allow students
to engage with one another provide unique
learning opportunities. I tell students, “You
really don’t understand something until you
have to teach it to someone else.” I provide
guidance to students on how to offer feedback
to their peers on the clarity and accuracy of
the visual explanations. After the activity, we
discuss the effectiveness of the feedback and
what the activity’s outcomes tell us about the
students’ learning.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 3:
Cell Processes:
Energy and
How do biological systems utilize free energy to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain homeostasis? How do
organisms capture, use, and store free energy? How are external signals converted into cellular responses?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Cell Communication/Signaling
Describe basic chemical processes for cell
communication shared across evolutionary
lines of descent. [LO 3.31, SP 7.2]
Generate scientific questions involving cell
communication as it relates to the process of
evolution. [LO 3.32, SP 3.1]
Use representation(s) and appropriate models
to describe features of a cell signaling
pathway. [LO 3.33, SP 1.4]
Construct explanations of cell communication
through cell-to-cell direct contact or through
chemical signaling. [LO 3.34, SP 6.2]
Create representation(s) that depict how
cell-to-cell communication occurs by direct
contact or from a distance through chemical
signaling. [LO 3.35, SP 1.1]
Describe a model that expresses the key
elements of signal transduction pathways
by which a signal is converted to a cellular
response. [LO 3.36, SP 1.5]
Justify claims based on scientific evidence
that changes in signal transduction pathways
can alter cellular response. [LO 3.37, SP 6.1]
Describe a model that expresses key
elements to show how change in signal
transduction can alter cellular response.
[LO 3.38, SP 1.5]
Construct an explanation of how certain drugs
affect signal reception and, consequently,
signal transduction pathways.
[LO 3.39, SP 6.2]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 11:
“Cell Communication,”
pp. 201–205, 208–209, 212–214
Instructional Activity:
Online investigation: Students explain and justify the mechanism by which a
specific disease is caused by a defective signaling pathway and investigate
one drug that works by blocking a signaling pathway.
Formative Assessment:
Students create an interactive model using cutout pieces of construction paper
to describe the key features/components in a G-protein receptor system and
explain the three stages of cell signaling: reception, transduction, and cellular
response. Students share models for review and revision.
Summative Assessment:
One-hour exam consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions, two short-response
questions (including one on cell signaling) and one lab-based free-response
question with data analysis based on the lab investigations.
Cell signaling mechanisms are challenging
for students to grasp because they focus on
memorization of minute details rather than the
big picture. Focus on one or two illustrative
examples of applicability of cell signaling
concepts, such as how a familiar drug works or
how the symptoms of a disease occur, to pique
student engagement. Slowly guide students
through the three primary stages: reception,
transduction, and response.
Using this modeling activity as a means of
formative assessment is effective for engaging
students, especially if they work in small groups
to create the model. The teacher visits each
group, asks questions, and provides feedback.
The summative assessment addresses the
following essential questions:
•How do biological systems utilize free energy
to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain
•How do organisms capture, use, and store
free energy?
•How are external signals converted into
cellular responses?
Unit 4:
From Gene
to Protein
Laboratory Investigations:
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 7: Mitosis and Meiosis
• DNA Extraction (DNA Necklace Kit, Carolina Biological Supply Company)
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 8: Biotechnology: Bacterial Transformation
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 9: Biotechnology: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
Estimated Time:
9 weeks
How do living systems store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information critical to life processes?
How does the expression of genetic material control cell products which, in turn, determine the metabolism and
nature of the cell? What is the relationship between changes in genotype and phenotype and evolution?
How can humans use genetic engineering techniques to manipulate genetic information? What are ethical
issues raised by the application of these techniques?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 4:
From Gene
to Protein
Laboratory Investigations:
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 7: Mitosis and Meiosis
• DNA Extraction (DNA Necklace Kit, Carolina Biological Supply Company)
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 8: Biotechnology: Bacterial Transformation
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 9: Biotechnology: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
Estimated Time:
9 weeks
How do living systems store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information critical to life processes?
How does the expression of genetic material control cell products which, in turn, determine the metabolism and
nature of the cell? What is the relationship between changes in genotype and phenotype and evolution?
How can humans use genetic engineering techniques to manipulate genetic information? What are ethical
issues raised by the application of these techniques?
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
The Cell Cycle, Mitosis, and Meiosis
Make predictions about natural phenomena
occurring during the cell cycle. [LO 3.7, SP 6.4]
Describe the events that occur in the cell
cycle. [LO 3.8, SP 1.2]
Construct an explanation, using visual
representations or narratives, as to how DNA
in chromosomes is transmitted to the next
generation via mitosis, or meiosis followed by
fertilization. [LO 3.9, SP 6.2]
Represent the connection between meiosis
and increased genetic diversity necessary for
evolution. [LO 3.10, SP 7.1]
Evaluate evidence provided by data sets to
support the claim that heritable information
is passed from one generation to another
through mitosis, or meiosis followed by
fertilization. [LO 3.11, SP 5.3]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 12: “The Cell Cycle”;
Chapter 13: “Meiosis and
Sexual Life Cycles”; and Chapter
19: “Eukaryotic Genomes:
Organization, Regulation, and
Evolution,” pp. 359–361
AP Biology Investigative Labs
(2012), Investigation 7:
Mitosis and Meiosis
Skloot, The Immortal Life of
Henrietta Lacks
Instructional Activity:
Students create a cartoon-like “flip book” to animate the events in mitosis to
illustrate that the process is continuous.
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 7: Mitosis and Meiosis. After exploring and modeling
mitosis and meiosis, students conduct independent investigations to determine
the effect(s) of biotic or abiotic factors on the rate of mitosis in plant roots.
This lab is student directed and teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
Students create a series of diagrams with annotations that compare, contrast,
and analyze the processes of mitosis and meiosis, focusing on the chromosome
number of the resulting daughter cells.
Instructional Activity:
Based on information gleaned by reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,
students design and implement a project that reflects an issue raised by the
author (e.g., the relationship between cancer cells and cell cycle control, the
use of HeLa cells in scientific research, the legal and ethical questions raised
in the book).
Formative Assessment:
Students use the projects they created in the instructional activity described
above to explain how meiosis followed by fertilization increases genetic
variation, whereas mitosis usually results in genetically identical daughter
cells. Students should use the model to make prediction(s) about the effect of
genetic mutation on both processes.
Summative Assessment:
Quiz consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions, one short, lab-based free-
response question, and five “identify the process” microscope slides/lab
Reading a best-selling book or viewing a
commercial movie that is applicable to concepts
studied in class helps motivate and engage
students. For example, many students have
family members who have or have had cancer
and can relate to issues raised by the Henrietta
Lacks story.
Immediately following this activity, I discuss
with the class their predictions. I ask probing
questions to determine how the students have
progressed toward the learning objectives,
and then I use that feedback to make decisions
about next instructional steps.
The summative assessment addresses the
essential question, How do living systems
store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information
critical to life processes?
Students often think that DNA duplication is a
precursor only to mitotic cell division and that
haploid cells cannot reproduce by mitosis.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 4:
From Gene
to Protein
How do living systems store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information critical to life processes?
How does the expression of genetic material control cell products which, in turn, determine the metabolism and
nature of the cell? What is the relationship between changes in genotype and phenotype and evolution?
How can humans use genetic engineering techniques to manipulate genetic information? What are ethical
issues raised by the application of these techniques?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Mendel’s Model
Construct a representation that connects the
process of meiosis to the passage of traits
from parent to offspring.
[LO 3.12, SP 1.1, SP 7.2]
Pose questions about the ethical, social, or
medical issues surrounding human genetic
disorders. [LO 3.13, SP 3.1]
Apply mathematical routines to determine
Mendelian patterns of inheritance provided
by data sets. [LO 3.14, SP 2.2]
Explain deviations from Mendel’s model of
the inheritance of traits. [LO 3.15, SP 6.5]
Explain how the inheritance patterns of many
traits cannot be accounted for by Mendelian
genetics. [LO 3.16, SP 6.3]
Describe representations of an appropriate
example of inheritance patterns that cannot
be explained by Mendel’s model of the
inheritance of traits. [LO 3.17, SP 1.2]
(learning objectives continue)
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 14: “Mendel and the
Gene Idea”; and Chapter 15:
“The Chromosomal Basis of
“Who’s the Father?”
Instructional Activity:
Investigation activity using Wisconsin Fast Plants. “Who’s the Father?” is a
quick but engaging way to review or to introduce Mendelian inheritance. This
activity is student directed and teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
Students make predictions about expected phenotypic ratios in genetic
crosses and then use the chi-square test to explain any deviations between
the expected and observed ratios. Students should use provided data or
experiments using Fast Plants (or Drosophila).
Instructional Activity:
A Day in the Life. Students compose a short story, PowerPoint presentation,
video, poem, song, or significant piece of art to describe a day in the life of a
teenager afflicted with a single gene disorder or chromosomal abnormality.
Students should include the science behind the disorder (i.e., causes and
effects) and identify a social, medical, or ethical issue(s) associated with
human genetic disorders.
Students must be able to connect Mendelian
inheritance patterns, mitosis and meiosis, and
phenotype. Mendel’s laws of inheritance can
be explained by the behavior of chromosomes
during meiosis. Have students incorporate
drawings of chromosomes carrying alleles
to relate Punnett squares to meiosis, haploid
gamete formation, and fertilization.
This project reinforces for students that we are
products of the genetic hand we were dealt,
and that we all contribute to human diversity.
The project serves to dispel stereotyping.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 4:
From Gene
to Protein
How do living systems store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information critical to life processes?
How does the expression of genetic material control cell products which, in turn, determine the metabolism and
nature of the cell? What is the relationship between changes in genotype and phenotype and evolution?
How can humans use genetic engineering techniques to manipulate genetic information? What are ethical
issues raised by the application of these techniques?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Construct explanations of the influence of
environmental factors on the phenotype of an
organism. [LO 4.23, SP 6.2]
Use evidence to justify a claim that a
variety of phenotypic responses to a single
environmental factor can result from different
genotypes within the population.
[LO 4.25, SP 6.1]
Formative Assessment:
Students work in pairs to solve a daily genetics problem (e.g., monohybrid,
dihybrid, test cross, co-dominance versus incomplete dominance, sex-linkage,
crossing over, pedigrees). The first pair with a solution comes to the board and
works the problem for peer review.
Summative Assessment:
One-hour exam consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions and two free-
response questions. The free-response questions are based on data and
include chi-square analysis.
The summative assessment addresses the
essential question, How do living systems
store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information
critical to life processes?
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 4:
From Gene
to Protein
How do living systems store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information critical to life processes?
How does the expression of genetic material control cell products which, in turn, determine the metabolism and
nature of the cell? What is the relationship between changes in genotype and phenotype and evolution?
How can humans use genetic engineering techniques to manipulate genetic information? What are ethical
issues raised by the application of these techniques?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Gene to Protein
Construct scientific explanations that use the
structures and mechanisms of DNA and RNA
to support the claim that DNA and, in some
cases, that RNA are the primary sources of
heritable information. [LO 3.1, SP 6.5]
Justify the selection of data from historical
investigations that support the claim that
DNA is the source of heritable information.
[LO 3.2, SP 4.1]
Describe representations and models that
illustrate how genetic information is copied
for transmission between generations.
[LO 3.3, SP 1.2]
Describe representations and models
illustrating how genetic information is
translated into polypeptides. [LO 3.4, SP 1.2]
Create a visual representation to illustrate
how changes in a DNA nucleotide sequence
can result in a change in the polypeptide
produced. [LO 3.25, SP 1.1]
(learning objectives continue)
Campbell and Reece, Chapter
16: “The Molecular Basis of
Inheritance”; and Chapter 17:
“From Gene to Protein”
Watson and Crick, “Molecular
Structure of Nucleic Acids:
A Structure for Deoxyribose
Nucleic Acid.”
Cracking the Code of Life
DNA Necklace Kit, Carolina
Biological Supply Company
Instructional Activity:
Lab: DNA Extraction (DNA Necklace Kit). Students investigate the chemical
properties of DNA — and learn a forensic technique. This lab is teacher
Instructional Activity:
Provided with evidence relating to how the Frederick Griffith and Hershey-
Chase experiments supported the identification of DNA as the genetic
material, students pose questions that remained unanswered by these
historical experiments.
Instructional Activity:
The Watson and Crick Model of DNA. Students develop a model of the
structure of DNA based solely on Watson and Crick’s original Nature article,
“Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic
Instructional Activity:
Students design an experiment to test the three models of DNA replication.
Assume access in a laboratory to the following: experimental organism,
radioactive isotopes, test tubes and centrifuge, and growth media for
Instructional Activity:
Using construction paper, markers, and scissors, students construct a model
of DNA using at least 24 nucleotides. Students use the model to distinguish
between DNA and RNA; to model the processes of replication, transcription,
and translation; and to predict the effects of change (mutation) on the original
nucleotide sequence.
When isolating DNA from cheek cells, students
likely will make the connection between
DNA and criminal investigations — which
foreshadows a biotechnology lab.
Ask students to come up with an analogy for
the phenomenon of the “leading” and “lagging”
strands of DNA. For example, if an escalator is
moving upward and Susie rides it upward, she
is riding up the “leading” strand. However, if
she tries to ride up an escalator that is moving
downward, she will have trouble traveling up
this “lagging” strand — unless she travels in
leaps or bounds (i.e., Okazaki fragments).
Engage students in the processes of DNA
replication, transcription, and translation by
asking them to model the processes. I circulate
among the groups and ask students to explain
their models. I can assess their understanding
by asking probing questions that might lead
students to revise their work.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 4:
From Gene
to Protein
How do living systems store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information critical to life processes?
How does the expression of genetic material control cell products which, in turn, determine the metabolism and
nature of the cell? What is the relationship between changes in genotype and phenotype and evolution?
How can humans use genetic engineering techniques to manipulate genetic information? What are ethical
issues raised by the application of these techniques?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Predict how a change in a specific DNA or
RNA sequence can result in changes in gene
expression. [LO 3.6, SP 6.4]
Instructional Activity:
Students create a board game to take players through the key steps in
translation — and have classmates play the game!
Formative Assessment:
Provided with incomplete diagrams (or diagrams with errors) illustrating the
structures of DNA and RNA, DNA replication, transcription, and translation,
students refine or revise the diagrams and share the edited versions for critical
Summative Assessment:
One-hour exam consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions, two short-response
questions, and one long free-response question involving analysis of models of
the structure of DNA, DNA replication, transcription, and translation.
The summative assessment addresses the
following essential questions:
•How do living systems store, retrieve, and
transmit genetic information critical to life
•How does the expression of genetic material
control cell products which, in turn, determine
the metabolism and nature of the cell?
•What is the relationship between genotype
and phenotype and evolution?
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 4:
From Gene
to Protein
How do living systems store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information critical to life processes?
How does the expression of genetic material control cell products which, in turn, determine the metabolism and
nature of the cell? What is the relationship between changes in genotype and phenotype and evolution?
How can humans use genetic engineering techniques to manipulate genetic information? What are ethical
issues raised by the application of these techniques?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Gene Expression
Describe the connection between the
regulation of gene expression and observed
differences between different kinds of
organisms. [LO 3.18, SP 7.1]
Describe the connection between the
regulation of gene expression and observed
differences between individuals in a
population. [LO 3.19, SP 7.1]
Explain how the regulation of gene
expression is essential for the processes and
structures that support efficient cell function.
[LO 3.20, SP 6.2]
Use representations to describe how gene
regulation influences cell products and
function. [LO 3.21, SP 1.4]
Refine representations to illustrate how
interactions between external stimuli and
gene expression result in specialization of
cells, tissues, and organs. [LO 4.7, SP 1.3]
Justify a claim made about the effect(s)
on a biological system at the molecular,
physiological, or organismal level when given
a scenario in which one or more components
within a negative regulatory system is
altered. [LO 2.15, SP 6.1]
(learning objectives continue)
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 18: “The Genetics of
Viruses and Bacteria,” pp. 352–
356; Chapter 19: “Eukaryotic
Genomes: Organization,
Regulation, and Evolution,”
pp. 362–370, 371–373, 374–381;
and Chapter 21: “The Genetic
Basis of Development,”
pp. 411–428
Waterman and Stanley,
“Shh: Silencing the Hedgehog
Pathway,” Parts I and III
Instructional Activity:
Students use construction paper or more elaborate materials to create a model
of the lac and tryp operons that include a regulator, promoter, operator, and
structural genes. Students use the model to make predictions about the effects
of mutations in any of the regions on gene expression.
Instructional Activity:
Students create a diagram to distinguish between the products of embryonic
versus adult stem cells. What are some arguments for and against embryonic
stem cell research?
Instructional Activity:
“Shh: Silencing the Hedgehog Pathway," Parts I and III. Students engage in
an investigative case study of the hedgehog signaling pathway and its role in
embryonic development.
Formative Assessment:
In a short written narrative, students describe one example of experimental
evidence that supports the claim that different cell types result from
differential gene expression in cells with the same DNA. Then, in small
groups, students share and discuss their examples and distinguish between
determination and differentiation.
Students often have difficulty distinguishing
between inducible and repressible operons.
Remind students of the role of each type of
operon in cell metabolism.
The concepts underlying the genetic basis
of development are difficult for students to
understand. It is recommended that students
focus on the developmental pattern of one
illustrative organism, such as Drosophila.
Stem cell research and cloning are “hot topics”
in contemporary biology. Helping students
gain scientific literacy is integral to their
understanding of modern biology.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 4:
From Gene
to Protein
How do living systems store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information critical to life processes?
How does the expression of genetic material control cell products which, in turn, determine the metabolism and
nature of the cell? What is the relationship between changes in genotype and phenotype and evolution?
How can humans use genetic engineering techniques to manipulate genetic information? What are ethical
issues raised by the application of these techniques?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Explain how signal pathways mediate gene
expression, including how this process can
affect protein production. [LO 3.22, SP 6.2]
Use representations to describe mechanisms
of the regulation of gene expression.
[LO 3.23, SP 1.4]
Connect concepts in and across domains
to show that the timing and coordination
of specific events are necessary for normal
development in an organism and that these
events are regulated by multiple mechanisms.
[LO 2.31, SP 7.2]
Use a graph or diagram to analyze
situations or solve problems (quantitatively
or qualitatively) that involve timing and
coordination of events necessary for normal
development in an organism. [LO 2.32, SP 1.4]
Justify scientific claims with scientific
evidence to show that timing and
coordination of several events are necessary
for normal development in an organism and
that these events are regulated by multiple
mechanisms. [LO 2.33, SP 6.1]
Describe the role of programmed cell death in
development and differentiation, the reuse of
molecules, and the maintenance of dynamic
homeostasis. [LO 2.34, SP 7.1]
Summative Assessment:
One long free-response question that asks students to connect their
understanding of mitosis, DNA and genes, and cell signaling pathways to
differential protein expression in a model organism.
The summative assessment addresses the
essential question, How does the expression of
genetic material control cell products which, in
turn, determine the metabolism and nature of
the cell?
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 4:
From Gene
to Protein
How do living systems store, retrieve, and transmit genetic information critical to life processes?
How does the expression of genetic material control cell products which, in turn, determine the metabolism and
nature of the cell? What is the relationship between changes in genotype and phenotype and evolution?
How can humans use genetic engineering techniques to manipulate genetic information? What are ethical
issues raised by the application of these techniques?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Genetic Engineering
Justify the claim that humans can manipulate
heritable information by identifying at least
two commonly used technologies.
[LO 3.5, SP 6.4]
Predict how a change in genotype, when
expressed as a phenotype, provides a
variation that can be subject to natural
selection. [LO 3.24, SP 6.4, SP 7.2]
Explain the connection between genetic
variations in organisms and phenotypic
variations in populations. [LO 3.26, SP 7.2]
Predict the effects of a change in an
environmental factor on the genotypic
expression of the phenotype. [LO 4.24, SP 6.4]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 20: “DNA Technology
and Genomics,” pp. 384–394,
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation
8: Biotechnology: Bacterial
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation 9:
Biotechnology: Restriction
Enzyme Analysis of DNA
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 8: Biotechnology: Bacterial Transformation. Students
investigate how genetic engineering techniques can be used to manipulate
heritable information using Escherichia coli. After learning fundamental skills,
students can design their own experiments to manipulate DNA. This lab is
student directed and teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 9: Biotechnology: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of
DNA. Beginning with a forensic mystery, students investigate how genetic
information can be used to identify and profile individuals. This lab is student
directed and teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
Using information from the film Gattaca and other pieces that we read and
discuss in class, students reflect on the idea explored in Michael Crichton’s
Jurassic Park that just because science can do something doesn’t mean that it
Formative Assessment:
Students create a mini-poster for peer review to explain several applications
of genetic engineering and possible ethical, social, or medical issues raised by
human manipulation of DNA.
Summative Assessment:
Quiz consisting of two free-response questions based on data from
experiments pertaining to bacterial transformation and restriction enzyme
analysis of DNA.
Teaching students about the risks and benefits
of human manipulation of DNA both engages
and educates. Ask students what the Human
Genome Project has revealed about our
evolution and genetic relationships to other
The summative assessment addresses the
following essential questions:
•How can humans use genetic engineering
techniques to manipulate genetic
•What are ethical issues raised by the
application of these techniques?
Gattaca is a film that foreshadows
contemporary issues about the ethics of genetic
manipulation by humans and opens a door for
discussion and debate.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 5:
Laboratory Investigations:
• AP Biology Lab Manual (2001), Lab 8: Population Genetics and Evolution
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 1: Artificial Selection
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 2: Mathematical Modeling: Hardy-Weinberg
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 3: Comparing DNA Sequences to Understand
Evolutionary Relationships with BLAST
Estimated Time:
6 weeks
How does evolution by natural selection drive the diversity and unity of life? What scientific evidence from
many disciplines, including mathematics, supports models about the origin of life on Earth and biological evolution?
How can phylogenetic trees and cladograms be used to graphically model evolutionary history among species?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Population Genetics
Convert a data set from a table of numbers
that reflect a change in the genetic makeup
of a population over time and apply
mathematical methods and conceptual
understandings to investigate the cause(s)
and effect(s) of this change.
[LO 1.1, SP 1.5, SP 2.2]
Evaluate evidence provided by data to
qualitatively and quantitatively investigate
the role of natural selection in evolution.
[LO 1.2, SP 2.2, SP 5.3]
Analyze data to support the claim that
responses to information and communication
of information affect natural selection.
[LO 2.38, SP 5.1]
Apply mathematical methods to data from a
real or simulated population to predict what
will happen to the population in the future.
[LO 1.3, SP 2.2]
Evaluate data-based evidence that describes
evolutionary changes in the genetic makeup
of a population over time. [LO 1.4, SP 5.3]
Connect evolutionary changes in a population
over time to a change in the environment.
[LO 1.5, SP 7.1]
(learning objectives continue)
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 22: “Descent with
Modification: A Darwinian
View of Life,” pp. 438–448; and
Chapter 23: “The Evolution of
AP Biology Lab Manual (2001),
Lab 8: Population Genetics
and Evolution or AP Biology
Investigative Labs (2012),
Investigation 2: Mathematical
Modeling: Hardy-Weinberg
AP Biology Investigative Labs
(2012), Investigation 1:
Artificial Selection
Leslie, “Kidney Disease is
Parasite-Slaying Protein’s
Genovese, et al., “Association
of Trypanolytic ApoL1 Variants
with Kidney Diseases in African
Instructional Activity:
AP Lab 8: Population Genetics and Evolution or AP Biology Investigation 2:
Mathematical Modeling: Hardy-Weinberg. Introduces students to application
of the Hardy-Weinberg equation to study changes in allele frequencies in a
population and to examine possible causes for these changes. Although the
first part of this lab is teacher directed, inquiry based questions for students to
answer are included.
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 1: Artificial Selection. Using Wisconsin Fast Plants,
students explore evolution by conducting an artificial selection investigation.
Students then can apply principles to determine if extreme selection can
change expression of a quantitative trait.
Instructional Activity:
Students read the two articles from Science about genetic variants/kidney
disease/Trypanosoma. They then answer the following question either in
writing or class discussion: How does the information apply to the study of
population genetics and support the concept of continuing evolution by natural
Instructional Activity:
Provided with data from real or simulated populations, students apply the
Hardy-Weinberg mathematical model to determine if selection is occurring. If it
is determined that the populations are not in H-W equilibrium, students should
describe possible reasons for the deviation(s).
Students often do not grasp how and when
to use the Hardy-Weinberg equation. Provide
scenarios and data, then ask students to apply
the H-W model and explain possible reasons
why a population is not in H-W equilibrium.
Using a mathematical program/spreadsheet
to model Hardy-Weinberg requires sufficient
time and computer resources. However,
mathematical modeling is a contemporary tool
for exploring historical work.
The two scientific papers about genetic
variants linking polycystic kidney disease with
resistance to Trypanosoma (sleeping sickness)
provide real-world relevance to concepts
discussed in class and provide an example to
support continuing evolution of populations
through natural selection, including our own.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 5:
How does evolution by natural selection drive the diversity and unity of life? What scientific evidence from
many disciplines, including mathematics, supports models about the origin of life on Earth and biological evolution?
How can phylogenetic trees and cladograms be used to graphically model evolutionary history among species?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Use data from mathematical models based
on the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to analyze
genetic drift and effects of selection in the
evolution of specific populations.
[LO 1.6, SP 1.4, SP 2.1]
Justify data from mathematical models based
on the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to analyze
genetic drift and the effects of selection in
the evolution of specific populations.
[LO 1.7, SP 2.1]
Use theories and models to make scientific
claims and/or predictions about the effects of
variation within populations on survival and
fitness. [LO 4.26, SP 6.4]
Make predictions about the effects of genetic
drift, migration, and artificial selection on the
genetic makeup of a population.
[LO 1.8, SP 6.4]
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 5:
How does evolution by natural selection drive the diversity and unity of life? What scientific evidence from
many disciplines, including mathematics, supports models about the origin of life on Earth and biological evolution?
How can phylogenetic trees and cladograms be used to graphically model evolutionary history among species?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Evidence for Evolution
Evaluate evidence provided by data from
many scientific disciplines to support
biological evolution. [LO 1.9, SP 5.3]
Refine evidence based on data from many
scientific disciplines that support biological
evolution. [LO 1.10, SP 5.2]
Design a plan to answer scientific questions
regarding how organisms have changed over
time using information from morphology,
biochemistry, and geology. [LO 1.11, SP 4.2]
Connect scientific evidence from many
scientific disciplines to support the modern
concept of evolution. [LO 1.12, SP 7.1]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 22: “Descent with
Modification: A Darwinian View
of Life,” pp. 448–452
Weiner, The Beak of the Finch:
A Story of Evolution in Our Time
“Lesson 3: What is the Evidence
for Evolution? Activity 1:
Evolution and Time”
Beyond Genesis:
The Origin of Species
Instructional Activity:
Students work through the online PBS activity “Evolution and Time,” following
the instructions to create a journal entry to evaluate and describe the
geological ecosystem of a particular time period.
Instructional Activity:
Students read teacher-selected excerpts from Weiner’s The Beak of the Finch
(either aloud in class or as a homework assignment) and highlight evidence
that supports evolution by natural selection as an explanation for the observed
differences in beak sizes over several seasons.
Formative Assessment:
Using excerpts from The Beak of the Finch, students write a brief narrative
explaining how evidence from many scientific disciplines supports the
observations of Charles Darwin as well as Peter and Rosemary Grant regarding
differences in beak sizes and, thus, supports evolution by natural selection.
Then, in small groups, students share and discuss their explanations.
Summative Assessment:
Thirty-minute quiz consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions and two short
free-response questions based on (1) the application of the Hardy-Weinberg
equation and (2) evidence for evolution by natural selection within a
Time scales can be difficult for students to
interpret. The PBS online activity helps students
appreciate that the biodiversity we see today
reflects millions of years of evolution.
Many students think that natural selection is
purposeful and goal-driven. Stress that new
phenotypes result from random mutation and
sexual recombination; a trait that increases
the fitness of individuals in their environment
likely will persist in the population. Having
students read excerpts from Weiner’s The Beak
of the Finch helps dispel misconceptions while
putting a modern twist on Darwin’s historical
The summative assessment addresses the
following essential questions:
•How does evolution by natural selection drive
the diversity and unity of life?
•What scientific evidence from many
disciplines, including mathematics, supports
models about the origin of life on Earth and
biological evolution?
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 5:
How does evolution by natural selection drive the diversity and unity of life? What scientific evidence from
many disciplines, including mathematics, supports models about the origin of life on Earth and biological evolution?
How can phylogenetic trees and cladograms be used to graphically model evolutionary history among species?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Construct and/or justify mathematical
models, diagrams, or simulations that
represent processes of biological evolution.
[LO 1.13, SP 1.1, SP 2.1]
Pose scientific questions about a group of
organisms whose relatedness is described by
a phylogenetic tree or cladogram in order to
(1) identify shared characteristics, (2) make
inferences about the evolutionary history of
the group, and (3) identify character data that
could extend or improve the phylogenetic
tree. [LO 1.17, SP 3.1]
Construct explanations based on scientific
evidence that homeostatic mechanisms
reflect continuity due to common ancestry
and/or divergence due to adaptation in
different environments. [LO 2.25, SP 6.2]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 25: “Phylogeny and
Waterman and Stanley,
“Tree Thinking”
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation 3:
Comparing DNA Sequences
to Understand Evolutionary
Relationships with BLAST
Instructional Activity:
“Tree Thinking.” An inquiry-based, investigative set of activities that introduces
students to cladogram and phylogenetic tree construction and then asks them
to apply systematics and biotechnology to a forensic study.
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 3: Comparing DNA Sequences to Understand
Evolutionary Relationships with BLAST. Students use BLAST to compare
several genes from different organisms and then use the information to
construct a cladogram to visualize evolutionary relatedness among species.
This lab introduces students to methods of bioinformatics with many
applications, including to better understand genetic disease. This lab is student
directed and teacher facilitated.
Formative Assessment:
Provided with a data table identifying shared characteristics among a group
of organisms, students construct a phylogenetic tree or cladogram to reflect
the evolutionary history of the group. Students then share the cladogram with
peers for review and revision.
Students often cannot distinguish between
homologous and analogous structures. Ask
them to explain why bird and bat wings are
homologous as vertebrate forelimbs but
analogous as wings. Clarify for students that
complex structures evolve step-by-step by
natural selection and modification of pre-
existing variation. Many examples can be used
to provide clarification, including the evolution
of tetrapods and the move of vertebrates from
aquatic to terrestrial habitats.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 5:
How does evolution by natural selection drive the diversity and unity of life? What scientific evidence from
many disciplines, including mathematics, supports models about the origin of life on Earth and biological evolution?
How can phylogenetic trees and cladograms be used to graphically model evolutionary history among species?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Origin of Species
Analyze data related to questions of
speciation and extinction throughout the
Earth’s history. [LO 1.20, SP 5.1]
Design a plan for collecting data to
investigate the scientific claim that speciation
and extinction have occurred throughout the
Earth's history. [LO 1.21, SP 4.2]
Use data from a real or simulated
population(s), based on graphs or models
of types of selection, to predict what will
happen to the population in the future.
[LO 1.22, SP 6.4]
Justify the selection of data that addresses
questions related to reproductive isolation
and speciation. [LO 1.23, SP 4.1]
Describe speciation in an isolated population
and connect it to change in gene frequency,
change in environment, natural selection,
and/or genetic drift. [LO 1.24, SP 7.2]
Describe a model that represents evolution
within a population. [LO 1.25, SP 1.2]
Evaluate given data sets that illustrate
evolution as an ongoing process.
[LO 1.26, SP 5.3]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 24: “The Origin of
Instructional Activity:
Students conduct online research to identify examples of recent or ongoing
speciation events and prepare a poster or PowerPoint slide(s) to share their
speciation event with the class for discussion.
Instructional Activity:
Back to the Birds. Students make predictions about what the data might reflect
and what conclusions might be drawn about natural selection and evolution
if researchers were to visit the Galapagos Islands today and reexamine beak
sizes in finches.
Formative Assessment:
Beginning with an extant, familiar species, students imagine its evolution to a
new species and create a mini-poster showing their ideas. They should include
at least five intermediate stages that reflect concepts of speciation explored in
class. Students then share the posters with peers for review, discussion, and
Summative Assessment:
One-hour test consisting of 20–25 multiple-choice questions, two short-
response questions, and one long-response question drawing from data
pertaining to evidence supporting natural selection and evolution.
Students often think that although extinction
of species is occurring, no new species are
forming. To dispel this misconception, use
examples of speciation involving organisms that
are familiar or local.
Students often struggle with relating
evolutionary change to genetic change.
Reiterate that biochemical pathways,
morphological features, physiological traits,
and behaviors evolve step-by-step by natural
selection, with each step conferring a fitness
The summative assessment addresses the
following essential questions:
•How does evolution by natural selection drive
the diversity and unity of life?
•What scientific evidence from many
disciplines, including mathematics, supports
models about the origin of life on Earth and
biological evolution?
•How can phylogenetic trees and cladograms
be used to graphically model evolutionary
history among species?
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 6:
and Ecology
Laboratory Investigations:
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 11: Transpiration
• AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 12: Fruit Fly Behavior
• Field Study: Seals of La Jolla
Estimated Time:
10 weeks
How are growth and homeostasis of a biological system influenced by the system’s environment? How do
interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy?
How do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution and abundance?
How does human activity affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Origin of Life
Describe a scientific hypothesis about the
origin of life on Earth. [LO 1.27, SP 1.2]
Evaluate scientific questions based on
hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth.
[LO 1.28, SP 3.3]
Describe the reasons for revisions of scientific
hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth.
[LO 1.29, SP 6.3]
Evaluate scientific hypotheses about the
origin of life on Earth. [LO 1.30, SP 6.5]
Evaluate the accuracy and legitimacy of data
to answer scientific questions about the
origin of life on Earth. [LO 1.31, SP 4.4]
Justify the selection of geological, physical,
and chemical data that reveal early Earth
conditions. [LO 1.32, SP 4.1]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 26: “The Tree of Life:
An Introduction to Biological
Diversity,” pp. 512–520
Instructional Activity:
Provided with a list of terms, definitions, and descriptions of processes,
students construct a concept map of conditions on the early Earth that support
scientific hypotheses about the origin of life-forms.
Students likely have exposure to myriad ideas
and beliefs about the origin of life on Earth
but need to be able to separate non-scientific
ideas from those supported by evidence drawn
from numerous scientific disciplines. That
evolutionary change in organisms has occurred
over 3.8 billion years is fact.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 6:
and Ecology
How are growth and homeostasis of a biological system influenced by the system’s environment? How do
interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy?
How do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution and abundance?
How does human activity affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Viruses versus Cells
Construct an explanation of how viruses
introduce genetic variation in host organisms.
[LO 3.29, SP 6.2]
Use representations and appropriate models
to describe how viral replication introduces
genetic variation in the viral population.
[LO 3.30, SP 1.4]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 18: “The Genetics of
Viruses and Bacteria,”
pp. 334–345
Waterman and Stanley,
“The Donor’s Dilemma”
Instructional Activity:
“The Donor’s Dilemma.” Students engage in an inquiry-based, investigative
set of activities that explore the transmission of West Nile virus with an
application to genetic engineering techniques.
Instructional Activity:
Students list and describe characteristics that viruses share with living
organisms and then provide evidence for why viruses do not fit our usual
definition of life. Students share answers with peers.
Formative Assessment:
Working with a partner or small group, students compose responses to the
following questions and then share and explain their answers with the entire
class for feedback: While there are many different antibiotics for treating
bacterial infections, there are relatively few drugs available to treat viral
infections. Why are anti-viral drugs difficult to manufacture? How do viruses
differ from bacteria?
Teaching about viruses provides an opportunity
to familiarize students with common health
issues and treatments. Ask them to assess the
concerns of some parents regarding mandatory
This activity provides an opportunity for
students to review concepts they studied
previously about characteristics of life and the
cell theory.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 6:
and Ecology
How are growth and homeostasis of a biological system influenced by the system’s environment? How do
interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy?
How do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution and abundance?
How does human activity affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Maintaining Homeostasis
Connect how organisms use negative
feedback to maintain their internal
environments. [LO 2.16, SP 7.2]
Evaluate data that show the effect(s) of
changes in concentrations of key molecules
on negative feedback mechanisms.
[LO 2.17, SP 5.3]
Make predictions about how organisms use
negative feedback mechanisms to maintain
their internal environments.
[LO 2.18, SP 6.4]
Make predictions about how positive
feedback mechanisms amplify activities and
processes in organisms based on scientific
theories and models. [LO 2.19, SP 6.4]
Justify that positive feedback mechanisms
amplify responses in organisms.
[LO 2.20, SP 6.1]
Justify the selection of the kind of data
needed to answer scientific questions about
the relevant mechanism that organisms
use to respond to changes in their external
environment. [LO 2.21, SP 4.1]
Design a plan for collecting data to support
the scientific claim that the timing and
coordination of physiological events involve
regulation. [LO 2.35, SP 4.2]
(learning objectives continue)
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 1: “Introduction:
Exploring Life,” pp. 9–12;
Chapter 39: “Plants Responses
to Internal and External Signals,”
pp. 791–812; Chapter 40: “Basic
Principles of Animal Form
and Function,” pp. 832–841;
Chapter 45: “Chemical Signals
in Animals”; and Chapter 54:
Heitz and Giffen, Practicing
Biology: A Student Workbook,
Activity 45.1
Life, Programme 9: “Plants”
Instructional Activity:
Students work through Activity 45.1 in the Heitz and Giffen workbook to
investigate the questions, How do hormones regulate cell functions? What is
the link between hormone activity and cellular response?
Formative Assessment:
Students create a visual representation to illustrate the regulation of blood
sugar levels, growth spurts in teenagers, and events associated with labor
and childbirth. Students then explain how disruptions to these regulatory
processes (e.g., failure to produce insulin) affect homeostasis in the organism.
I provide verbal and/or written feedback to each student regarding their visual
representation and explanation. This assessment informs my decisions about
next instructional steps.
Instructional Activity:
Based on an example of phenomena described in lecture, students design a
plan for collecting data to support the claim that the timing and coordination of
physiological events involve regulation.
Instructional Activity:
Earth has seen its share of recent environmental disasters, including
hurricanes, floods, drought, wildfires, oil spills, earthquakes, tsunamis, and
disease epidemics. Students investigate the short-term and long-term effects
of two of these types of disruptions to populations or ecosystems. Students
then present the results of their investigations in the form of a mini-poster.
Instructional Activity:
Students create a mini-poster to compare, contrast, and analyze one
physiological process in three different organisms from three different
environments (e.g., osmoregulatory mechanisms in marine fish, desert reptiles,
and tropical plants).
Students often think of plants as static and
unresponsive to their environment when, in
fact, they are plastic. Time-lapse film clips show
that plants are active and that their responses
result from hormonal activity.
Rather than have students memorize names and
functions of hormones, guide students to look
for patterns in hormonal control pathways and
means of regulation in both plants and animals.
Here’s an opportunity for students to compare
and contrast physiological processes in
different organisms to accommodate the
reduction in content in “march through
the phyla,” most of which is represented
as illustrative examples in the curriculum
Relating homeostasis and the regulation of
physiological events to familiar phenomena
such as jet lag in humans or flowering in plants
provides real-world relevance for what can be
difficult concepts to grasp.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 6:
and Ecology
How are growth and homeostasis of a biological system influenced by the system’s environment? How do
interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy?
How do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution and abundance?
How does human activity affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Justify scientific claims with evidence
to show how timing and coordination of
physiological events involve regulation.
[LO 2.36, SP 6.1]
Use representations or models to analyze
quantitatively and qualitatively the effects
of disruptions to dynamic homeostasis in
biological systems. [LO 2.28, SP 1.4]
Explain how the distribution of ecosystems
changes over time by identifying large-scale
events that have resulted in these changes in
the past. [LO 4.20, SP 6.3]
Analyze data to identify phylogenetic patterns
or relationships, showing that homeostatic
mechanisms reflect both continuity due
to common ancestry and change due to
evolution in different environments.
[LO 2.26, SP 5.1]
Connect differences in the environment with
the evolution of homeostatic mechanisms.
[LO 2.27, SP 7.1]
Summative Assessment:
One-hour test consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions, two to three
short-response questions, and one long free-response question consisting of
scenario and data analysis based on homeostasis and regulatory mechanisms
in biological systems, from cells to ecosystems.
The summative assessment addresses the
essential question, How are growth and
homeostasis of a biological system influenced
by the system’s environment?
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 6:
and Ecology
How are growth and homeostasis of a biological system influenced by the system’s environment? How do
interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy?
How do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution and abundance?
How does human activity affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Interactions with Environment
Refine scientific models and questions about
the effect of complex biotic and abiotic
interactions on all biological systems,
from cells and organisms to populations,
communities, and ecosystems.
[LO 2.22, SP 1.3, SP 3.2]
Design a plan for collecting data to show
that all biological systems (cells, organisms,
populations, communities, and ecosystems)
are affected by complex biotic and abiotic
interactions. [LO 2.23, SP 4.2, SP 7.2]
Analyze data to identify possible patterns
and relationships between a biotic or
abiotic factor and a biological system (cells,
organisms, populations, communities, or
ecosystems). [LO 2.24, SP 5.1]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 50: “An Introduction
to Ecology and the Biosphere”;
and Chapter 36: “Transport in
Vascular Plants”
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation 11:
“Mathbiology: How to Model a
Instructional Activity:
For five different terrestrial or aquatic biomes, students create a visual
representation to describe each biome and factors that affect its climate. Then
they explain unique adaptations for one plant and one animal in each biome
that help those plants and animals survive.
Instructional Activity:
Students use a basic mathematical model to study disease in an idealized
population of rabbits. The SIR (susceptible, infected, and recovered) model
allows students to investigate the mechanisms of transmission and predictions
about future outbreaks of infectious diseases.
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 11: Transpiration. Students design and conduct
experiments to investigate the effects of environmental variables on
transpiration rates. This lab requires minimal teacher facilitation and is student
directed and inquiry based.
Formative Assessment:
Provided with a data table reflecting the results of an experiment investigating
the effect of a biotic or abiotic factor on transpiration in plants, students graph
the data and draw conclusions. Students work in teams and present their
conclusions to the class in the form of a mini-poster for review and discussion.
Students underestimate the interdependence
of populations within communities. The
importance of the network of interactions
among organisms and with their environment
cannot be overemphasized.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 6:
and Ecology
How are growth and homeostasis of a biological system influenced by the system’s environment? How do
interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy?
How do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution and abundance?
How does human activity affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Justify scientific claims, using evidence, to
describe how timing and coordination of
behavioral events in organisms are regulated
by several mechanisms. [LO 2.39, SP 6.1]
Connect concepts in and across domain(s)
to predict how environmental factors affect
responses to information and change
behavior. [LO 2.40, SP 7.2]
Analyze data that indicate how organisms
exchange information in response to internal
changes and external cues, and which can
change behavior. [LO 3.40, SP 5.1]
Create a representation that describes how
organisms exchange information in response
to internal changes and external cues, and
which can result in changes in behavior.
[LO 3.41, SP 1.1]
Describe how organisms exchange
information in response to internal changes or
environmental cues.
[LO 3.42, SP 7.1]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 51:
“Animal Behavior and Behavioral
Heitz and Giffen, Activity 51.1
AP Biology Investigative Labs
(2012), Investigation 12: Fruit Fly
March of the Penguins
Instructional Activity:
Students work through Activity 51.1 in the Heitz and Giffen workbook to
investigate the question, What determines behavior? The scenarios in the
activity help students differentiate between proximate and ultimate causations
of behavior in a variety of organisms.
Instructional Activity:
AP Biology Investigation 12: Fruit Fly Behavior. Students use choice chambers
to explore behaviors that underlie chemotaxis. This lab is student directed and
teacher facilitated.
Instructional Activity:
Seals of La Jolla Field Study. Students design and conduct a field study in
animal behavior and/or interactions between seals and biotic or abiotic factors
based on observations of a colony of harbor seals off the coast of San Diego.
Clarify to students that proximate and ultimate
questions are legitimate approaches to the
study of behavior — proximate is the “how”
and ultimate is the “why” behaviors occur.
Students recall that fruit flies are often used to
study genetics. They may raise questions about
the relationship between genetic makeup and
behavior. Explain that genes do play a role(s) in
behavior. Students may have the misconception
that single genes determine complex human
behaviors such as depression or alcoholism.
Animal behavior can be studied in nearly every
environment. Field studies can be conducted in
a local park, zoo, athletic field, playground, or
anywhere on campus, even in the classroom.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 6:
and Ecology
How are growth and homeostasis of a biological system influenced by the system’s environment? How do
interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy?
How do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution and abundance?
How does human activity affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Responses and Defenses
Create representations and models to
describe immune responses.
[LO 2.29, SP 1.1, SP 1.2]
Create representations or models to describe
nonspecific immune defenses in plants and
animals. [LO 2.30, SP 1.1, SP 1.2]
Construct an explanation, based on scientific
theories and models, about how nervous
systems detect external and internal signals,
transmit and integrate information, and
produce responses. [LO 3.43, SP 6.2, SP 7.1]
Describe how nervous systems detect
external and internal signals. [LO 3.44, SP 1.2]
Describe how nervous systems transmit
information. [LO 3.45, SP 1.2]
Describe how the vertebrate brain integrates
information to produce a response.
[LO 3.46, SP 1.2]
Create a visual representation of complex
nervous systems to describe/explain how
these systems detect external and internal
signals, transmit and integrate information,
and produce responses. [LO 3.47, SP 1.1]
Create a visual representation to describe
how nervous systems detect external and
internal signals. [LO 3.48, SP 1.1]
(learning objectives continue)
Campbell and Reece, Chapter
39: “Plant Responses to Internal
and External Signals,”
pp. 812–814; Chapter 43: “The
Immune System”; and Chapter
48: “Nervous Systems”
Heitz and Giffen, Activity 43.1
ABO-Rh Blood Typing with
Synthetic Blood Kit, Carolina
Biological Supply Company
Waterman and Stanley,
“Shh: Silencing the Hedgehog
Pathway,” Part IV
Life, Programme 1:
“The Challenges of Life”
Stimulus Response
Instructional Activity:
Students create a mini-poster to compare non-specific defense systems in
plants and animals.
Instructional Activity:
Students work through activity 43.1 in the Heitz and Giffen workbook to
investigate the question, How does the immune system keep the body free
of pathogens? Students develop a dynamic model (or Rube Goldberg cartoon-
type diagram) to demonstrate how components of the animal immune system
Instructional Activity:
ABO-Rh Blood Typing. Students use simulated blood and sera to investigate
the relationship between antigens and antibodies.
Instructional Activity:
“Shh: Silencing the Hedgehog Pathway,” Part IV. An inquiry-based set of
activities that asks students to investigate the role of hedgehog antibodies in
chemotherapy. The activity supplements exploration of the immune system.
Formative Assessment:
Don’t Eat Fugu: Understanding the Neuron. Students create a model of a
neuron to explain how the vertebrate nervous system detects signals and
transmits information. (Students should use the clips from Stimulus Response
for inspiration.) Students use the model to predict how abnormal cell structure,
drugs, and toxins can affect impulse transmission. Students should explain the
differences in nervous system physiology in two different animal phyla. They
present their models to the class for discussion and peer feedback.
The sequence of events during the generation
of an action potential can be confusing to
students. Here’s an opportunity to review
the formation of ion gradients along cell
membranes and the role of membrane proteins
in transport.
Clips from videos such as Stimulus Response
reinforce the link between animal behavior and
the nervous and endocrine systems. During the
presentations, I provide feedback to students
and note common issues or questions that
arise. This informs my decisions about next
instructional steps.
The animal immune system is complex. Begin
by discussing how the system recognizes cells
that are “self” and cells that are “non-self.”
(This is an opportunity for students to review
the functions of proteins associated with cell
membranes.) When students think of plant
defense systems, they immediately think of
thorns or cactus spines. Help them make the
connection between plant chemical defenses
and pharmaceuticals such as digitalis.
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 6:
and Ecology
How are growth and homeostasis of a biological system influenced by the system’s environment? How do
interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy?
How do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution and abundance?
How does human activity affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Create a visual representation to describe
how nervous systems transmit information.
[LO 3.49, SP 1.1]
Create a visual representation to describe
how the vertebrate brain integrates
information to produce a response.
[LO 3.50, SP 1.1]
Summative Assessment:
One-hour exam consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions, two to three
short-response questions, and one long-response with emphasis on behavior,
defense, response mechanisms, quantitative skills, and data analysis.
Living Together
Evaluate scientific questions concerning
organisms that exhibit complex properties
due to the interaction of their constituent
parts. [LO 4.8, SP 3.3]
Predict the effects of a change in a
component(s) of a biological system on the
functionality of an organism(s).
[LO 4.9, SP 6.4]
Refine representations and models to
illustrate biocomplexity due to interactions of
the constituent parts. [LO 4.10, SP 1.3]
Justify the selection of the kind of data
needed to answer scientific questions
about the interaction of populations within
communities. [LO 4.11, SP 1.4, SP 4.1]
Apply mathematical routines to quantities
that describe communities composed of
populations of organisms that interact in
complex ways. [LO 4.12, SP 2.2]
(learning objectives continue)
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 52:
“Population Ecology”; Chapter
53: “Community Ecology”;
Chapter 54: “Ecosystems”;
Chapter 40: “Basic Principles
of Animal Form and Function,”
pp. 828–831; and Chapter 55:
“Conservation Biology and
Restoration Ecology”
Heitz and Giffen, Activities 53.1
and 53.2
Life, Programme 7:
“Hunters and Hunted”
Instructional Activity:
Students conduct an online investigation of the relationship(s) between two
vertebrate organ systems (e.g., circulatory and respiratory) and/or between two
plant systems (e.g., leaves and roots). They then explain how a change in one
system can affect the other. Students create mini-posters to share results.
Instructional Activity:
Students work through activity 53.1 in the Heitz and Giffen workbook
to investigate the methods that scientists use to determine population
density and distribution. Students apply quantitative skills to determine the
composition of populations.
Instructional Activity:
Students work through activity 53.2 in the Heitz and Giffen workbook to explore
models that scientists use to calculate population growth rates. Students apply
the growth model dN/dt=rN to several different populations.
Instructional Activity:
Introducing a new species into a community can have a number of possible
effects. Students design an experiment to predict some of these effects that
should be conducted before the importation of the non-native species. (Use
clips from “Hunters and Hunted” for inspiration.)
Since the curriculum framework no longer
requires an exhaustive and often superficial
study of myriad organ systems in myriad
phyla, this is an opportunity for students to
explore structure and function in systems and
organisms of their choice.
Students who are not as strong in math may
not fully understand the exponential and
logistic models of population growth. There
are numerous online resources for introducing
students to these skills in addition to Activity
Students recognize that organisms have
adapted to survive and reproduce in their
native environments. Point out that the
metabolic activities of organisms also modify
the environment. Ask them to consider the
statement, “Life itself has created the world in
which we live.”
The summative assessment addresses the
essential question, How do interactions
between and within populations influence
patterns of species distribution and abundance?
© 2012 The College Board.
Unit 6:
and Ecology
How are growth and homeostasis of a biological system influenced by the system’s environment? How do
interactions among living systems and with their environment result in the movement of matter and energy?
How do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution and abundance?
How does human activity affect the biodiversity of ecosystems?
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
Learning Objectives Materials Instructional Activities and Assessments
Predict the effects of a change in the
community’s populations on the community.
[LO 4.13, SP 6.4]
Predict the effects of a change of matter or
energy availability on communities.
[LO 4.16, SP 6.4]
Use data analysis to refine observations
and measurements regarding the effect of
population interactions on patterns of species
distribution and abundance. [LO 4.19, SP 5.2]
Predict consequences of human actions on
both local and global ecosystems.
[LO 4.21, SP 6.4]
Make scientific claims and predictions about
how species diversity within an ecosystem
influences ecosystem stability.
[LO 4.27, SP 6.4]
Campbell and Reece, Chapter 52:
“Population Ecology”; Chapter
53: “Community Ecology”;
Chapter 54: “Ecosystems”;
Chapter 40: “Basic Principles
of Animal Form and Function,”
pp. 828–831; and Chapter 55:
“Conservation Biology and
Restoration Ecology”
Instructional Activity:
Don’t Trash the Campus. Students investigate the impact of school litter on a
surrounding ecosystem. They use data to create a proposal of short- and long-
term solutions to the trash problem. Students may submit their proposal to the
Student Council for consideration.
Formative Assessment:
The Fox and the Chicken. Working in small teams, students think-pair-share
a solution to the following question: When stranded on a space ship, in what
sequence would you consume your cargo — a red fox, 10 kg of corn, and two
chickens (a hen and a rooster) — to ensure the best chance of surviving until
help arrives? Students share their answers with other groups, and then the
class as a whole determines the best possible solution to the problem.
Formative Assessment:
An ecosystem consists of earthworms, heterotrophic soil bacteria, grass,
deer, beetles, and a lion. Students create mini-posters to describe the trophic
structure of the ecosystem, how each organism receives inputs of energy and
nutrients, where outputs (e.g., wastes) go, and the effect(s) each organism has
on the others. Students should include all energy transformations and transfers
based on the hypothetical assumption that 9,500 J of net energy is available at
the producer level. Students then present and explain their descriptions to the
class for peer feedback.
Summative Assessment:
One-hour exam consisting of 25 multiple-choice questions, two to three short
free-response questions, and one long free-response question based on a
scenario and data analysis with application of quantitative skills and science
The summative assessment addresses the
following essential questions:
•How do interactions among living systems
and with their environment result in the
movement of matter and energy?
•How do interactions between and within
populations infl uence patterns of species
distribution and abundance?
•How does human activity affect the
biodiversity of ecosystems?
During the presentations, I also provide
feedback to students and note common issues
or questions that arise. This informs my
decisions about next instructional steps.
Energy accountability in food chains, food
webs, and ecosystems can be a difficult
concept for students. Clarify that the pyramid of
production is based on the productivity of each
trophic level and is measured in energy per unit
area per unit time or in biomsass added to the
ecosystem per unit area per unit time.
Students often think that environmental
damage is irreversible. This activity provides
a “close to home” practical example of how
ecosystems can recover from moderate levels
of human-caused disturbance.
© 2012 The College Board.
AP Biology Course Planning and Pacing Guide 4
General Resources
AP Biology Investigative Labs: An Inquiry-Based Approach. New York: The College Board,
AP Biology Lab Manual. New York: The College Board, 2001.
Campbell, Neil A., and Jane B. Reece. Biology. 7th ed. San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin
Cummings, 2005.
Waterman, Margaret, and Ethel Stanley. Biological Inquiry: A Workbook of Investigative
Cases. 3rd ed. (Supplement to Campbell Biology). San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin
Cummings, 2011.
Unit 1 (The Chemistry of Life) Resources
No unit-specific resources.
Unit 2 (The Cell) Resources
Chen, Irene A. “The Emergence of Cells During the Origin of Life.Science Vol. 314,
no. 5805 (2006): 1558–1559. Accessed December 19, 2011.
The Domains of Life: Life’s Three Branches: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Beaufort,
SC: BioMedia Associates, 2006. Video program with CD-ROM Learning Guide.
(Available for purchase at
The Domains of Life: The Eukaryotic Cell Evolves. Beaufort, SC: BioMedia Associates,
2006. Video program with CD-ROM Learning Guide. (Available for purchase at
Unit 3 (Cell Processes: Energy and Communication) Resources
Redding, Kelly, and David Masterman. “Respiration of Sugars by Yeast.” In Biology with
Vernier. Beaverton, OR: Vernier, 2007.
Unit 4 (From Gene to Protein) Resources
Cracking the Code of Life. 2001. Boston: Nova/WGHB, 2004. DVD. (Available online at
DNA Necklace Kit. Carolina Biological Supply Company.
Gattaca. Directed by Andrew Niccol. 1997. Culver City, CA: Sony, 1998. DVD.
Skloot, Rebecca. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. New York: Random House, 2010.
Watson, James D., and F. H. C. Crick. “Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure
for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid.Nature 171 (1953): 737–738.
“Who’s the Father?” Wisconsin Fast Plants. Accessed December 19, 2011.
Supplementary Resources
Clone. Washington D.C.: National Geographic, 2002. DVD.
Unit 5 (Evolution) Resources
Beyond Genesis: The Origin of Species. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and
Sciences, 1994.
Genovese, Guilio, David J. Friedman, Michael D. Ross, Laurence Lecordier, Pierrick
Uzureau, Barry I. Freedman, Donald W. Bowden, et al. Association of Trypanolytic
ApoL1 Variants with Kidney Diseases in African Americans.Science. 13 August 2010.
Vol. 329, no. 5993: 841–845.
Leslie, Mitch. “Kidney Disease is Parasite-Slaying Proteins Downside.Science. 16 July
2010. Vol. 329, no. 5989: 263.
“Lesson 3: What is the Evidence for Evolution? Activity 1: Evolution and Time.” PBS.
Accessed December 19, 2011.
Weiner, Jonathan. The Beak of the Finch: A Story of Evolution in Our Time. New York:
Random House, 1994.
Unit 6 (Biodiversity and Ecology) Resources
ABO-Rh Blood Typing with Synthetic Blood Kit, Carolina Biological Supply Company.
Heitz, Jean, and Cynthia Giffen. Practicing Biology: A Student Workbook. 4th ed.
(Supplement to Campbell Biology). San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2011.
Life. BBC Earth video series. BBC Natural History Unit and Discovery Channel, 2010.
March of the Penguins. Directed by Luc Jacquet. Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video,
2005. DVD.
“Mathbiology: How to Model a Disease.” Houston Teachers Institute. Accessed
December 19, 2011. http://hti.math.uh.edu/curriculum/units/2002/04/02.04.01.php.
Stimulus Response. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 1997.
(Available online at http://www.teachkind.org/sr-resources.asp.)