© Kristen Daniels Dotti 2011 Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans
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Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans:
A Pre-AP, Honors, IB Biology or General Biology Course Based
on Inquiry Learning
(Sample Week of Lesson Plans)
The full-year curriculum includes:
170 sequential lesson plans covering the General Biology course requirements for all 50
states, including NGSS, college preparatory study skills and lab skills.
A pacing calendar, a materials list, student handouts and grading rubrics for all activities
and labs.
100% hands-on learning so the teacher can provide a student-centered (flipped)
classroom environment with no lecture and project-based learning.
Content, skills and processes covered using lab experiments, games, model building,
debates, projects and other activities designed to promote critical thinking.
Please visit our website at www.CatalystLearningCurricula.com to download additional sample
lesson plans or to place an order.
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Experimental Biology
Daily Lesson Plans Curriculum
A Pre-AP and General Biology Course Based on Inquiry Learning
Table of Contents
I. Overview and Teaching Tips
II. Full Year Calendar
III. Materials List
IV. Daily Lesson Plans Curriculum for Biochemistry – 24 Days
V. Daily Lesson Plans Curriculum for Cell Biology – 29 Days
VI. Daily Lesson Plans Curriculum for Genetics – 31 Days
VII. Daily Lesson Plans Curriculum for Anatomy and Physiology – 28 Days
VIII. Daily Lesson Plans Curriculum for Botany – 27 Days
IX. Daily Lesson Plans Curriculum for Ecology – 31 Days
X. Notes
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pg. 3
Experimental Biology Curriculum
Anatomy and Physiology Unit
(Sample Week of Lesson Plans)
Day 1
I. Topic: Immune System
II. Warm-up: 5 minutes
Prior to class, write the following on the board: “Take one petri dish of
E. coli from the supply desk. DO NOT open the container. Gather with
your lab group and make observations about the growth of these
III. Activity One: Disease Transmission 45 minutes
a) The learner will (TLW) examine the growth of bacteria and other potential
pathogens to determine what factors affect the growth patterns of these
b) TLW practice the scientific process of observation, questioning the design
of a repeatable scientific procedure.
For the class: 5 sealed petri dishes with LB nutrient agar and various
stages of bacterial growth (prepared according to step 1, below); one large
spool of Parafilm; a new, disposable inoculating loop (or toothpick); one E.
coli slant tube. For each lab group: 10-20 petri dishes spread with LB
nutrient agar; scissors; a permanent marker.
1. One to two days prior to class, streak one petri dish with E. coli bacteria for each
lab group. Streak each plate in a reducing pattern, such that one portion of the
plate is thickly covered with bacteria colonies and other parts of the plate have
less dense growth. A common streak pattern is shown below:
First streak Second dilution streak Third dilution streak
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pg. 4
For the second and third streak, use a new disposable inoculating loop, toothpick
or other sterile tool to reduce the number of colonies that will grow along the
streak path.
2. Seal all bacteria plates with Parafilm. Label the side of each plate with the date,
the medium (LB), and the species (E. coli). Allow the bacteria to grow in an
incubator or in a warm, moist place out of direct sunlight. When the bacteria
colonies have grown enough that white colonies can be seen throughout the
regions of the plate that have been streaked, move them to the refrigerator to
inhibit further growth.
3. On the day of this lesson plan, take the bacteria out of the refrigerator and place
them on the supply desk for collection as the students enter class.
4. After the students have had a few moments to make observations about the
growth of the bacteria on the prepared plates, open the discussion by asking
some of the following questions:
a. Where are E. coli found naturally? What is their host organism?
b. What are the habitat needs for E. coli?
c. What do you think limits the growth of E. coli?
d. Why do you think they are able to grow in the petri dishes?
e. If you were trying to deter the growth of E. coli on your food, your kitchen
counters, or on your hands, how would you attempt to do so?
f. What other pathogens are normally on your hands or your kitchen
5. Tell the students they are going to participate in a class-designed experiment
using nutrient plates. Tell them that as a class they will be gathering data for the
following question: Do we transmit more pathogens with dry, unwashed hands;
wet, unwashed hands; wet, washed hands; or dry, washed hands?
Special Note: Rather than conduct this experiment with the class, you may decide to
allow the students to conduct experiments of their own design, with their lab groups. If
so, realize that there are many hazardous pathogens that could potentially grow on a
simple LB nutrient agar. If you allow the lab groups to work independently, it will be
imperative that you approve the procedure, monitor each experiment closely, and
require that all petri dishes remain sealed until the moment they are inoculated, then
resealed and never opened again. Finally, all petri dishes must be properly disposed of
by you (the teacher), using bleach or an autoclave to sterilize the cultures.
6. Ask the students to each write down a hypothesis that answers the question in
step 5, above. In other words, what results do they think they will observe?
Insist that every time your students write a hypothesis, they include a
“because” statement that explains why they think their educated guess is
rational and scientific. Let them know that the “because” part is the part you are
grading, since it helps you see if they are thinking scientifically. Help your
students understand that, like all scientists, they are still learning about the world
around them and so they are not expected to understand something before they
have had time to explore it. So, it is not the correctness of the hypothesis you
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pg. 5
are grading, but the thinking behind the hypothesis. (Please see the Special
Note at the end of this lesson plan.)
7. Ask each lab group or pair of students to come up with a scientific procedure to
test the class question. Realize that there is no need to add any pathogens to
the hands of any of the students who participate in an experiment to test the
question above; there will already be plenty of bacteria and yeast spores on the
students’ hands for use in the experiment. So, you will NOT use the E. coli slant
or any other prepared bacteria samples for any of the student-designed
8. Ask the students, groups or pairs to share their procedure with the class in a
peer-review fashion. Be sure all students ask questions and clarify each
procedure that is proposed (resulting in the best procedure possible) before
moving on to the next group. Do not allow the students to pass over any obvious
flaw in a procedure, even if stopping to fix the procedure means that the class will
spend more than one day on this step of the process.
9. When all the procedures have been presented and revised where necessary, ask
the students to vote on the procedure they think has the greatest scientific
strength—clear, repeatable, good sample size, limited variables, etc.
10. Once the class has decided on a particular procedure, ask the winning group to
choose one person to type up the procedure for homework and bring in a printed
copy to share with the class on the next class day. The student who types and
prints the procedure will be exempt from the homework described in the next
step and mentioned again, below.
11. Ask the students to each design an appropriate data collection chart to present to
the class. You may require that all data charts be printed from a computer so
that they’re legible when shared during the next class period.
Special Note: When the lab is conducted tomorrow, you may see results that you did
not expect. For the most part, dry hands convey fewer particles, so there will be less
growth on the “dry hands” media plates than on the “wet hands” media plates. Your
students might predict this and they are likely to readily accept it. However, the
“washed hands” might reveal more, the same amount, or only slightly less conveyed
particles because there are bacteria and fungal particles in the air and on the paper
towel. Some students have a hard time believing that bacteria and fungi are so readily
available for repopulation on their hands after washing and that soap does not remove
all organisms. You might notice that there are fewer fungal growths (yellow glossy
plaques or yellow/white stringy masses) than bacterial colonies (white fuzzy dots) after
washing. Do not let on as to the probable results; allow the students to guess and
explain their thinking based on their own logic and prior knowledge. At some point the
students will need to face their preconceptions and misconceptions when they are
writing their conclusions, and you may find they have a hard time giving up their ideas.
Below is a photo of two series of plates from this experiment. In this case, the towel that
was used to dry the washed hands was a laundered bathroom hand towel hung on a
rack one day before the experiment.
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pg. 6
HW: Ask the students to each write the Methods section of their lab report, including a
list of materials needed and the step-by-step procedure they will follow.
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pg. 7
Experimental Biology Curriculum
Anatomy and Physiology Unit
Day 2
I. Topic: Nonspecific Immune Response
II. Warm-up: 5 minutes
Prior to class, write the following on the board: “Collect the necessary
supplies for your lab group and a copy of the lab procedure, and prepare
to conduct the Disease Transmission Lab experiment. Read the
procedure to make sure it is written in the best way possible to address
the question of interest. Do not begin the procedure until told to do so.”
III. Activity One: Disease Transmission 30 minutes
a) The learner will (TLW) conduct a scientific experiment to explore the topic
of disease transmission.
b) TLW practice using lab skills and working in a group.
For each student: a copy of the lab procedure (typed up by one of the
students and photocopied for the class); paper towels with which to dry
their hands. Also, you will likely need 5 or more LB nutrient petri dishes
for each student, as well as hand soap, paper towels; a permanent
marker, scissors, and Parafilm for each lab group; and any other supplies
as determined by the procedure selected during the previous class.
1. One hour prior to class, take the LB plates out of the refrigerator and place them
upside down on the supply table so they can warm to room temperature. You
may want to arrange the plates in stacks, so the students can pick them up with a
minimum of confusion and handling mishaps. It is very important that the plates
not be opened except during the brief moment when they are being inoculated
for the experiment (in this case the “inoculation” will probably be when the
student presses or rubs their hand against the nutrient agar to transfer any
existing bacteria or fungi to the growth medium). If you are concerned whether
your students will be able to follow this rule, do not allow them to take the plates
to their desks until the moment they will be used. Place enough Parafilm strips
and scissors on the supply table so that each lab group will be able to reseal their
petri dishes immediately after use. If there are any additional supplies, such as
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pg. 8
hand soap, hand gel, or paper towels, these should also be set on the supply
table so lab groups can pick them up as they enter.
2. When class begins ask the students to help you create a data chart on the board
that would be most appropriate for this lab experiment. Have the students edit
one another’s ideas until they arrive at a data chart that is mutually agreed upon.
Ask the students to copy the data chart in their notes.
3. Before conducting the experiment, discuss the rules that must be followed when
working with nutrient plates: Do not open a plate unless you are inoculating it,
reseal all inoculated plates, and do not open a plate after it has been inoculated.
4. Ask the students to label their petri dishes with the permanent marker before they
begin and discuss with their lab group how they will proceed.
5. Allow the students to follow the printed version of the procedure that was
approved in the previous class period.
6. Be sure to monitor the sealing of the inoculated petri dishes with Parafilm.
Inoculated plates should not be opened by students for any reason, due to the
risk of infection after organismal growth has begun.
7. After all the nutrient plates have been inoculated and sealed, ask the students to
move the plates into an incubator or a warm, moist area out of direct sunlight so
the bacteria and yeast have ample opportunity to grow.
IV. Activity Two: Nonspecific Immune Response 15 minutes
a) TLW explore the active ways the human immune system responds to
potential pathogens.
b) TLW understand what makes a body part vulnerable and the various
means of defense available.
For the class: one large knitting needle; one salt shaker; one bottle of acid
(it will be used as a prop, so you could substitute an empty brown bottle
with a large label that says “ACID”); one hair dryer; one toy shield; one
end segment of a garden hose; one bouquet of flowers; one glue trap (for
catching rats); one piece of shag rug or a thick bristled brush. For each
student: one nametag/shirt sticker; one copy of the “First Line of Defense”
handout and the “Lab Report Requirements” handout, both of which follow
this lesson plan.
1. Prior to class, place all of the items (props) listed in the materials list on a table in
the middle of the room.
2. To begin the activity, divide the students into two groups: pathogens and
vulnerable body parts.
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3. Ask the students in the “vulnerable body parts group” to each represent a body
part that is vulnerable to the immediate environment. Allow them time to think of
which parts they could be, while you give instructions to the pathogens group.
Some body parts that are vulnerable to pathogens include: skin, ears, mouth,
eyes, nose, stomach, lungs, urethra, mammary ducts, vagina, and anus (tell the
students you will excuse them from representing the mammary ducts, vagina,
urethra and anus for the sake of helping them stay focused). Each of the first
seven body parts on the above list should be represented. If the class is large,
multiple students can represent the same body part; if the class is small, one or
more students can each represent multiple body parts. Have the students each
place a sticker on their shirt that states the body part they represent.
4. Ask the students in the “pathogens group” to each choose a specific pathogen
they will represent. If your students are not able to name specific pathogens, ask
them to refer to their textbook, Internet or peers to come up with a specific
pathogen for each person in their group (for example, “Streptococcus” or the
“rabies virus”, not just “bacterium” or “virus”). In addition, the members of this
group must ensure that there is at least one pathogen to attack each of the
following parts of the body: skin, ears, mouth, eyes, nose, stomach, and lungs.
Also, they must represent a variety of living and nonliving pathogens. Living
pathogens might include bacteria, viruses, parasites, and pollen, while nonliving
pathogens might include items such as dander, a glass shard, or a splinter. Give
the group a few minutes to organize themselves. Once they have decided on the
specific pathogens they’ll represent, have each student place a sticker on their
shirt that states the pathogen they represent.
5. Explain to the students in the vulnerable body parts group what each of the props
on the front table represents: the knitting needle—lysozymes or other enzymes
that burst cells; salt shaker—salt, which causes lysis or deters cell growth); bottle
of acid—low pH, which kills cells or deters cell growth; hair dryer—dryness,
which desiccates cells or deters cell growth; toy shield—impervious layer of
tightly bound cells or a sphincter with limited entry; end of garden hose—the flow
of mucus, urine, sweat, tears, and other fluids or expelling force, such as a cough
or sneeze, that pushes pathogens out of the vulnerable area; bouquet of
flowers—“good” bacteria that live on the body and maintain the natural
environment or help with the processes of that part of the body; sticky glue
traps—mucus membranes; and a brush or piece of shag rug—ear or nose hairs
or the cilia of the mucus membranes.
6. Ask the students in the vulnerable body parts group to determine which defenses
each of the body parts exhibits, from the categories listed in step 5 above (the
Teacher’s Version of the “First Line of Defense” handout has a detailed
description of the defenses for each body part). For example, the group should
decide if the skin has all of the various types of protective defenses or just some
of them. Give the group a few minutes to organize themselves; they may use
their textbook, the Internet, or guidance from peers to make their decisions.
7. When both groups are ready, direct the students as follows:
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a. Ask the first pathogen to step forward and state their name (for example,
H1N1 virus, urushiol from poison ivy, E. coli, etc.) and list the part(s) of the
body they would be likely to attack.
b. The part(s) of the body being attacked should then step forward.
c. The pathogen will now pretend to attack the body part(s), and the body
part(s) will use the defense mechanisms (items from the props table) that
it would normally use to defend itself, while narrating what it’s doing. For
example, the nose might say, “Mucus [while holding up the sticky rat traps]
is used to trap foreign particles; cilia [while gesturing with the rug scrap]
will sweep the foreign particles to the pharynx for swallowing or will expel
the pathogen with a sneeze [while holding up the hose to represent an
expelling force]; and salt [while holding up the salt shaker] in the mucus
will kill the pathogen by desiccation [while brandishing the hair dryer]; local
flora [while holding the bouquet] defend the nose tissues by taking up
space and not allowing the pathogen to find an adequate host tissue on
which (or in which) to reproduce.”
d. You may help guide the students who go first, but use questions to guide
them, so that they begin to take over or look for guidance from their peers.
8. After all the pathogens have attacked each of the body parts, distribute the “First
Line of Defense” handout and ask the students to complete the chart, to reinforce
their understanding of the concepts.
HW: Ask the students to read the journal article on hand washing among health care
workers (HCW) that is cited below. Like most peer-reviewed scientific publications, this
article follows the same format as a lab report, so besides giving the students additional
information about the topic they are studying, it will help them understand what type of
information is included in the Introduction section of a lab report. After the students
have read the article, ask them to list the topics the author has included in her
Introduction section. Next to each topic listed, they must explain why this particular
topic was discussed in the Introduction section of the lab report/article. Ask the
students to also answer the following question, based on what they’ve read: “If you
were a governing officer of a hospital, what recommendations would you make
regarding hand washing? Cite data from the article to support your recommendations.”
If you feel this article is too long for your students, cut and paste the critical portions of
the article that you would like for your students to read, focusing on the topics included
in the Introduction section and that pertain to the above discussion question (“If you
were a governing officer of a hospital”).
Journal: Clinical Infectious Disease, 2000 University Chicago Press
Special Section: Health Care Epidemiology - A. Weinstein, Section Editor
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pg. 11
Replace Hand Washing with Use of a Waterless Alcohol Hand Rub? Andreas F.
Widmer, Division of Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospitals, Basel, Switzerland, pg.
136-143 CID 2000:31 (July).
HW: Distribute the “Lab Report Requirements” handout and ask the students to each
write an outline for the Introduction section of their immune system lab experiment,
using the handout to identify the elements that should be included in this section.
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pg. 12
The First Line of Defense
Nonspecific Immune Response
Check off the types of protection that defend each part of the body:
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The First Line of Defense
Teacher’s Version
Nonspecific Immune Response
Check off the types of protection that defend each part of the body:
Body Part
wet, waxy
Low pH
Hair or
force or
liquid flow
local flora
or lytic
pH 3-5
Low pH
pH 2
Low pH
Low pH
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pg. 14
Lab Report Requirements
All laboratory reports should be typed, neat and legible, with correct spelling,
punctuation, and grammar usage. All pages of the report should be on 8.5x11-inch
paper in black ink (do not use markers, color printers, or color graphs).
The title should describe the topic studied in one complete and extremely detailed sentence that
includes the subject, location, and duration of the study.
Background information for all topics that will be discussed should be defined and described in
detail, including an explanation about why the topics are useful for this study (written in the
present tense).
Clearly state the purpose (there may be more than one) of performing this lab (written in the future
Explain exactly how you intend to achieve the purpose(s) described (written in the future tense).
Give a clearly stated hypothesis that tells what you think will be the answer to the question you are
studying (written in the future tense).
List all of the equipment needed to conduct this experiment.
Describe in paragraph form, using complete sentences, how the procedures of this experiment
can be repeated (written in the present tense).
Do not include any unnecessary information.
Include a data chart that contains the data collected and that is neat and clearly structured.
Include an appropriately labeled and titled graph for all data collected, separating information into
individual graphs as needed.
Include a paragraph describing all major trends or lack of trends, averages, and directly or
inversely correlated data (written in the past tense).
State any conclusions that can be drawn from the data you collected (written in the past tense).
Revisit your purpose and your hypothesis, comparing what you thought before you gathered your
data to what you found after you analyzed your data (written in the past tense).
Report any potential errors, avoiding exaggeration, overstatement, or minimization of errors
(written in the past tense).
Explain other experiments that might be performed to supplement the conclusions of this
experiment (written in the future tense); where does your data lead you next?
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pg. 15
Experimental Biology Curriculum
Anatomy and Physiology Unit
Day 3
I. Topic: Immune System
II. Warm-up: 5 minutes
Prior to class, write the following on the board: “First, check on nutrient
plates. Make observations in your lab notebook and return the plates to
the incubator for continued growth. Next, draw a picture of cells on your
body that are exposed to the outside environment (such as skin cells, cells
in your lungs, or in your mouth, etc.) and include in the picture the cellular
structural defenses you imagine they must have to protect themselves
against pathogens, based on the simulation we performed in the last
class. Think about how the defenses we simulated might look at the
cellular level—for instance, how can a group of cells sweep pathogens
away from their surfaces?”
III. Activity One: Vulnerable Epithelial Tissues 35 minutes
a) The learner will (TLW) examine samples of epithelial tissue to see how the
structure of these cells suits the function they serve in an organism.
b) TLW compare the similarities and differences of various types of epithelial
For each student (or pair of students): one compound microscope; one
slide of an example of epithelial tissue (it is important to have a diverse set
of tissue samples, such as: different skin cross sections; lining of multiple
regions of the gastrointestinal tract; lining of bladder; lung/bronchial tissue,
etc.); one copy of the “Tissues - Part I” handout which follows this lesson
Special Note: There are very high-quality images that can be found easily on the
Internet and projected in the classroom, if you do not have access to the number of
slides or microscopes needed to outfit each of your students. You may also choose to
use projected images for parts of this activity in order to point out certain structures to
the entire class.
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pg. 16
1. Prior to class, draw an outline of a human figure on the board and label the major
organs represented by the slides of tissue samples you have chosen (ex: lungs,
GI tract organs, bladder, etc.). Next to your drawing write the title of each slide
that will be used in class today, and then draw an arrow to indicate the location
where this sample tissue was taken from the body. For example, if the slide is
titled “Mammal Duodenum,” you would draw an arrow to the first section of the
small intestine to let the students know that this tissue was removed from the
internal lining of the small intestine. For students who do not know the terms
used for various parts of the body, the slide titles sometimes add an additional
layer of mystery that inhibits them from understanding the main concepts. Each
time you use samples or slides, try to make clear any unfamiliar terms; the
students will learn the vocabulary when they are ready for more information.
2. When the students are settled, begin the class by going over the warm-up:
a. What types of protection do cells and tissues have to ward off pathogens?
(Hairs, cilia, mucus, waxes, oils, salts, low pH, lysozymes, local flora,
b. What evidence of these protective defenses would we see if we were to
examine a cell up close? (Glands, hair follicles, vesicles of secretions
moving to the cell membrane, numerous lysosomes, cilia, cells bound to
one another tightly, layers of dead cells on top of live tissue, etc.) Some
students may want to share their drawings with the rest of the class if they
have completed this part of the warm-up.
c. Which cells in the body are most likely to display these first-line-of-defense
features? (Cells that come into contact with the outside environment.
Called epithelial tissues, these are the cells that make up our skin and line
our respiratory, digestive and excretory tracts.)
3. Ask the students (or pair of students) to each set up their compound microscope
and place their slide on the stage with the power adjusted to the lowest setting. If
you have not reviewed the handling and parts of a microscope, you will probably
want to do so at this point.
4. Ask the students to examine their sample while changing the light, to decide
which light setting is best.
5. After they have focused and observed the sample on low power, ask the
students to move up to medium power, and again change the light setting to find
the best visual effect.
6. After they have focused and observed the sample on medium power, ask the
students to move up to high power, and again change the light setting to find the
best visual effect.
7. Ask the students to decide which magnification and light setting were the overall
best for this particular slide. Ask them to tell you if they see any evidence of
structures on the cells that might be helping the organism defend itself against
8. Distribute the “Tissues - Part I” handout and ask the students to read the
instructions. Clarify any questions and tell the students they will be looking at
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pg. 17
several different slides today without changing their microscope setting
significantly, so that they can look at as many sample slides as possible during
this activity.
9. Allow the students time to add any information to their handout, based on the
slide they set up, and then ask the students to leave their slide in place and
rotate to the next microscope.
10. Give the students a few minutes at each microscope, having them rotate around
the room until all have had a chance to see every tissue sample.
IV. Activity Two: What’s in an Introduction? 10 minutes
a) TLW compare the Introduction topics they think are relevant to the topics
their peers think are relevant.
b) TLW back up their ideas with reasoning and include or eliminate topics in
their Introduction outline as deemed necessary.
Each student will need their Introduction section outline completed for last
night’s homework, and their copy of the “Lab Report Requirements”
handout (from Day 2 of this unit).
1. Ask the students to show you their Introduction outline for the immune system lab
experiment. If any student has not completed their outline, ask them to sit alone
and finish their work (without getting credit for this assignment).
2. Ask the class to divide into lab groups and compare their outlines to make a
composite outline for their group. Tell them they must include all the necessary
background information in their lab to get full credit; their Introduction must be
thorough. They should also consult the “Lab Report Requirements” handout to
make sure they have all the necessary components in their outline.
3. After the students have decided on the items that should be included, they can
use any remaining time to talk about details that might be discussed under each
main topic.
HW: Ask the students to each write the complete Introduction section of their lab report.
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pg. 18
Tissues - Part I
Epithelial Tissues
Move around the room looking at each sample slide of epithelial tissue. The samples
will reveal evidence of traits that help defend the body against pathogens. When you
find an example of cells that secrete oils, salts, mucus, or acids—or if you observe cells
that are shielded by hairs or cilia, or cells that are tightly bound to neighboring cells in
order to shield interior tissues—do the following:
1. Write the title of the slide in the empty box to the right of the structure (hair, cilia,
etc.) listed in the second column, below.
2. In the same space, draw a diagram of the protective structure(s).
3. If you need a description of the items listed in the chart, follow the asterisks to the
descriptions below the chart.
Evidence of the First Line of Defense in Epithelial Cells
Physical shields:
Cell junctions **
Mucus, oil, or
sweat glands
*Cilia are short hairs made of protein that help sweep pathogens over the surface of a cell.
**Cells can be tightly bound together by cellular junctions to make a strong, flexible sheet that is
impenetrable to pathogens. There are three types of cellular junctions you can look for:
(1) tight junctions in which proteins on the cell membrane intertwine and pinch two cells
(2) anchoring junctions (aka desmosomes) in which cells are fastened together by keratin
proteins bound to internal intermediate filaments;
(3) gap junctions in which cytoplasm can move freely between neighboring cells through
protein channels.
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pg. 19
Experimental Biology Curriculum
Anatomy and Physiology Unit
Day 4
I. Topic: Specific Immune Response
II. Warm-up: 5 minutes
Prior to class, write the following on the board: “Check on your nutrient
plates. Make observations in your lab notebook and return the plates to
the incubator for continued growth. When you’re finished, find a partner
who is also finished and describe all the ways your immune system reacts
to a mild injury—such as falling and scraping your knee—from the
moment the injury occurs until about 10 days later.”
III. Activity One: Second Line of Defense/Inflammatory Response 30 minutes
a) The learner will (TLW) discover that the second line of nonspecific
immunological defense relies on cell-signaling proteins and phagocytic
b) TLW identify the cascade of events that occurs when a pathogen invades
tissues of an organism.
For each student: one pair of scissors; one copy of the “Nonspecific
Immune Response - Second Line of Defense - The Inflammatory
Response” and “Second Line of Defense Inflammatory Response Flow
Chart” handouts, both of which follow this lesson plan; tape or glue; one
nametag/shirt sticker.
1. Distribute the two handouts and the lab supplies.
2. The following activity does not require explanation or a lecture; there are enough
clues that students will be able to deduce the relationships by reading and
thinking about what they already know. Tell the students they may use their
textbook or consult with a partner only after they have made their own best guess
of how the processes are related. Remember that any time you do the thinking
for your students you are depriving them of the opportunity to think for
themselves. In addition, students tend to learn on a “need to know” basis—they
will ask for additional information as they need it. So, being receptive to
questions and thinking of questions you can pose yourself, to induce curiosity
© Kristen Daniels Dotti 2011 Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans
www.CatalystLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 20
and engagement, will be more beneficial during this stage than telling the
students everything up front.
3. Ask the students to cut out the descriptions and illustrations from the
“Nonspecific Immune Response - Second Line of Defense Inflammatory
Response” handout.
4. Ask the students to arrange the descriptions and illustrations on the flow chart so
that the events of the inflammatory response are mapped in the correct
5. Ask groups of 4-6 students each to act out the process of the inflammatory
response in a short skit, with each person wearing a nametag sticker that states
their role in their skit. Or, to make these skits more thought-provoking for the
audience, ask each group to perform their skit without nametags, and then ask
the audience to try to identify the role each student played.
IV. Activity Two: Diverse Connective Tissue 15 minutes
a) TLW observe and identify different types of connective tissue cells on
prepared slides.
b) TLW discover how the size and location of a cell relates to its function.
For each student (or each pair of students): one compound microscope;
one prepared slide of human blood (commercially prepared slides only; it
is illegal to use real human blood in the classroom); one prepared slide of
each of the following (or you may use digital images, if slides are not
obtainable): spongy bone, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets,
bone marrow stem cells, and osteoblasts; one copy of the “Tissues - Part
II” handout which follows this lesson plan.
1. Distribute the “Tissues - Part II” handout and allow time for each student to view
the tissue slides they have been given and take notes.
2. You may want to take a few minutes to share digital images of SEM photos of
blood components and the bone cells from which they arise.
HW: Ask the students to read their textbook and create a mind map for specific
immune response (aka the third line of defense, or antibody and cell-mediated
response) similar to the flow chart they created today during class.
© Kristen Daniels Dotti 2011 Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans
www.CatalystLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 21
Nonspecific Immune Response
Second Line of Defense - The Inflammatory Response
Cut out each text and diagram box below; then place each item in the appropriate spot
on the flow chart that follows.
Macrophage, monocytes Platelets arrive at site of Natural killer cells
and neutrophils (aka WBCs) injury and begin to bind consume body
consume free pathogens with protein fibers to make cells that have been
a clot or scab invaded by viruses
Cells nearby shut down Monocyte, macrophage, Histamine and
protein synthesis to neutrophil and natural prostaglandins are
inhibit the growth of killer cells (aka WBCs) released by injured
viral pathogens follow the protein signals cells and WBCs
to the site of the injury
Interferon is released The temperature of the
by cells infected with body rises to inhibit
viral pathogens the growth of bacteria
or viruses
Capillaries dilate so Chemokine proteins are Pyrogens are
platelets and WBCs released by the injured released by WBCs
can move from the cells to set up a path that and as a reaction to
bloodstream to the directs WBCs and platelets proteins released
site of the injury to the site of the injury by some pathogens
white blood cells red blood cell epithelial cells virus particle
damaged epithelial cells
© Kristen Daniels Dotti 2011 Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans
www.CatalystLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 22
Second Line of Defense
Inflammatory Response Flow Chart
Phagocytic White
Diagram Cell Signal Proteins Blood Cells
Step 1 Virus particles invade the throat tissue; epithelial cells in the throat are vulnerable to
invasion by the virus; nearby capillaries contain red and white blood cells, platelets
and other blood proteins.
Step 2
Kristen Daniels Dotti © 2011 Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans (sample week)
www.CatalsytLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 23
Tissues - Part II
Connective Tissue
1. After examining a slide tissue sample, draw the three major components
of blood in the correct relative sizes and abundance.
2. Explain why each blood component is the particular shape and size that it
is, based on the function this type of cell serves in the body.
3. Explain how cells of the immune system communicate with one another.
What type of macromolecule is involved? How does one cell send out
information to another cell? How does a cell receive information from
another cell?
4. White blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets are three types of
connective tissue. What other types of cells are made of connective
5. Blood cells are manufactured in the marrow of certain bones. Bones are
also a type of connective tissue. Draw and label osteoblast cells—the
bone cells that release collagen fibers and minerals that harden into
Kristen Daniels Dotti © 2011 Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans (sample week)
www.CatalsytLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 24
Experimental Biology Curriculum
Anatomy and Physiology Unit
Day 5
I. Topic: Vaccinations, Allergies and Related Issues
II. Warm-up: 5 minutes
Prior to class, write the following on the board: “Check on your
nutrient plates. Make observations in your lab notebook and return
the plates to the incubator for continued growth. Then pick up a
copy of the “Graphing Scientific Data” handout and create a graph
for Data Set A.”
Special Note: If you have already performed the following activity (creating good
scientific graphs) in another unit from Catalyst Learning Curricula, then you may
want to instead guide the students through a deeper concept related to the
immune system, such as: how vaccinations boost immunological resistance,
how the human body reacts to allergens, the biology of the AIDS virus or another
immunological disorder, such as Lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
III. Activity Two: Creating Scientific Graphs 30 minutes
a) TLW analyze the attributes of a good scientific graph.
b) TLW correct their own graphing techniques and incorporate new
For each student: one copy each of the “Guidelines for Creating
Scientific Graphs” handout and the “Graphing Scientific Data”
handout, both of which follow this lesson plan; graph paper; a ruler.
1. Ask the students to divide into pairs and compare the graphs they made
for the warm-up.
2. Ask the student pairs to identify the best aspects of their two graphs and
discuss how each graph could be improved.
3. Distribute the “Guidelines for Creating Scientific Graphs” handout and go
over each item, giving examples when necessary. Some students may
feel comfortable showing their own graphs as good or poor examples of
particular qualities.
Kristen Daniels Dotti © 2011 Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans (sample week)
www.CatalsytLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 25
4. Allow the students to work in pairs and practice graphing Data Sets B and
C, using the “Guidelines for Creating Scientific Graphs” handout as a
5. Ask the student pairs to critique their work, sign both their names to their
“Graphing Scientific Data” handouts and turn them in for grading.
IV. Activity Two: Lab Results 15 minutes
a) TLW explore different ways to represent collected data in a visual
b) TLW determine the parts of a graph that must be included in a final
Each student will need the data collected from their immune system
lab experiment.
1. Ask the students to divide into lab groups and create a graph or graphs of
the data they gathered for the immune system lab experiment.
2. Remind the students that all graphs will be graded for the quality and
accuracy of five components:
a. A title that includes the two items that were compared and any
other relevant information, such as location or duration of the
b. Independent and dependent axes labeled with units;
c. Even increments on each axis and good use of the graphing area
(not small and squashed, not bursting off the page);
d. Neatness and clarity (use of graph paper and a straightedge are
e. Appropriateness of the graph chosen: the graph should tell the
viewer, in a single glance, what the experiment was about and what
happened (a picture is worth a thousand words).
3. Ask each group to identify trends and conclusions, based on their data.
4. Tell the students they will be expected to finish writing the Results and
Conclusion sections of their lab report for homework, so now is a good
time for them to clarify any ideas or get help from their peers, as needed.
HW: Ask the students to finish writing the Results and Conclusion sections of
their lab report, making sure each meets the criteria on the “Lab Report
Requirements” handout.
Kristen Daniels Dotti © 2011 Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans (sample week)
www.CatalsytLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 26
Guidelines for Creating Scientific Graphs
Please adhere to the following rules when you are creating a graph:
1. A graph is a picture worth a thousand words. Be sure that your graph is a
visual summary of your data, conveying what happened in the experiment.
2. All graphs must be on graph paper and drawn with a straightedge or ruler.
Graphs can also be computer generated, if you are able to execute all of
the items on this list on your computer.
3. All graphs must have a scientific title that includes the topic, the organism
of study, the time period, the variable, and all other relevant data. A
scientific graph title is often a sentence that begins with a capital letter and
ends with a period.
4. Use the appropriate type of graph for your data. Pie graphs are only to be
used with categorical data that represent a portion of 100%.
5. Your independent variable must go on the x-axis (time is often the
independent variable).
6. Your dependent variable must go on the y-axis.
7. Each axis must be clearly labeled with the topic and the units.
8. Each axis must have evenly spaced increments.
9. Each axis must exceed the range of the data.
10. All symbols must be clearly defined.
11. All graphs must include a figure caption.
12. All graphs must be discussed in written form in your results section.
13. Do not use 3-D graphs unless your data contains a third dimension.
14. Do not use sharply contrasting patterns or colors (it can make one data
set look larger or smaller than it actually is and create bias).
15. Use the entire space of the graph to represent your data (do not put a few
lines in the bottom corner of a large sheet of graph paper).
16. Do not allow your data to project to the top or side limits of your graph (it
gives the impression that the data exceeds the limits of the graph).
17. Do not connect the dots of data points that do not represent the same
individual or the same study group.
18. Ask your teacher if you may use color in your graphs.
Additional resources on creating scientific graphs:
Pechenik, Jan, A Short Guide to Writing About Biology, Harper Collins College
Publishers, pp. 63-83, 1993.
AP Biology Lab Manual for Students, College Entrance Examination Board, pp.
147-161, 2001.
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www.CatalsytLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 27
Graphing Scientific Data
Please graph the following data by hand, using graph paper and a straightedge.
If the data would be best represented by a pie graph, please use a protractor or
trace the base of a cylinder to draw the graph.
Data Set A: Number of reported cases of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) in
the U.S. and Brazil from 1980 to 2008
United States (population
Brazil (population ~200,000)
Data Set B: Percentage of deaths by preventable diseases worldwide for
children under 5 years in 2002.
Preventable disease
Percentage of the 1.4 million preventable
Neonatal tetanus
Polio, diphtheria, yellow fever
Data Set C: Annual deaths due to tobacco use estimated worldwide, 1950-
Developed Countries
Undeveloped Countries
0.3 million
1.3 million
0.2 million
2.1 million
2.1 million
3 million
7 million
Kristen Daniels Dotti © 2011 Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans (sample week)
www.CatalsytLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 28
Graphing Scientific Data
Teacher’s Version
Data Set A: Number of reported cases of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) in
the U.S. and Brazil from 1980 to 2008. (This graph could also be a column
graph or scatterplot.)
Data Set B: Percentage of deaths by preventable diseases worldwide for
children under 5 years in 2002.
Data Set C: Annual deaths due to tobacco use estimated worldwide, 1950-
2030. (This graph could also be a column graph or scatter plot.)
Number of cases of Pertussis
reported by the WHO
Deaths due to tobacco use
(in millions)
Time (in years)
Time (in years)
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www.CatalsytLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
pg. 29
Special Topics Curricula $175 (per licensed user)
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AIDS: A Case Study Approach to Exploring the Immune
System, Viruses and Community Health
(20 lesson plans covering 28-32 class periods)
Diabetes: A Case Study Approach to Exploring Energy Use, the
Endocrine System, Cell Signaling and Membrane Transport
(22 lesson plans covering 30-42 class periods)
Hemoglobin: A Case Study Approach to Exploring Proteins, the
Cardiorespiratory System and the Evolution of a Gene Family
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Experimental Biology Daily Lesson Plans
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Environmental Science Daily Lesson Plans
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* AP College Board is not involved in the production or the endorsement of this curriculum
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www.CatalsytLearningCurricula.com This product is licensed to a single user.
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