Vol. XL Division of Administrative Rules
Issue 14
D Group Size and Supervision Ratios in Legally-Exempt Child Care Settings and Legally-
Exempt Group Child Care Financial Incentives
D Revisions to the Regulations that Implement the State Environmental Quality Review Act
D Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Services for Children
Notice of Availability of State and Federal Funds
Executive Orders
Court Notices
State agencies must specify in each notice which proposes a rule the last date on which they will accept public
comment. Agencies must always accept public comment: for a minimum of 60 days following publication in the
Register of a Notice of Proposed Rule Making, or a Notice of Emergency Adoption and Proposed Rule Making; and
for 30 days after publication of a Notice of Revised Rule Making, or a Notice of Emergency Adoption and Revised
Rule Making in the Register. When a public hearing is required by statute, the hearing cannot be held until 60 days
after publication of the notice, and comments must be accepted for at least 5 days after the last required hearing.
When the public comment period ends on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, agencies must accept comment through
the close of business on the next succeeding workday.
For notices published in this issue:
– the 60-day period expires on June 3, 2018
– the 30-day period expires on May 4, 2018
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The law provides for a minimum 60-day public comment period after publication in the Register of every No-
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If a public hearing is required by statute, public comments are accepted for at least five days after the last such
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When a time frame calculation ends on a Saturday or Sunday, the agency accepts public comment
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In addition to sending comments or recommendations to the agency, please do not hesitate to transmit your
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KEY: (P) Proposal; (RP) Revised Proposal; (E) Emergency; (EP) Emergency and Proposal; (A) Adoption; (AA) Amended Adoption; (W)
Individuals may send public comment via electronic mail to those recipients who provided an e-mail address in Notices
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Rule Making Activities
Children and Family Services, Office of
1 / Group Size and Supervision Ratios in Legally-Exempt Child Care Settings and Legally-Exempt
Group Child Care Financial Incentives (EP)
Environmental Conservation, Department of
3 / Revisions to the Regulations that Implement the State Environmental Quality Review Act (RP)
Financial Services, Department of
6 / Notice of expiration
Information Technology Services, Office of
6 / Implementing the Electronic Signatures and Records Act (A)
6 / Concerning State Agency Internet Posting of Application Forms (A)
7 / Providing Public Access to the Records of the Office of Information Technology Services (A)
7 / Providing Access to Personal Information (A)
Mental Health, Office of
7 / Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Services for Children (RP)
People with Developmental Disabilities, Office for
8 / Telephone Service (P)
Public Service Commission
9 / Authorization of a New Tariff Leaf, Rider A, for High Density Demand Customers (EP)
10 / Pension Settlement Deferral (A)
10 / Annual Gas Cost Reconciliation and Alternative Cost Recovery Mechanism (A)
10 / Gas Safety Performance Metrics (A)
10 / Proposed Public Policy Transmission Needs/Public Policy Requirements (A)
11 / Electric Rate Plan (A)
11 / Gas Rate Plan (A)
11 / Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020 (A)
13 / ESCO Eligibility (A)
13 / Request for Maintenance Support (A)
14 / Tier 2 of the RES (A)
14 / Financing Petition (A)
15 / CCA Program (A)
15 / Administrative Costs and Funding Sources for the Renewable Energy Standard and Zero-Emissions
Credit Program (A)
15 / Waiver Request (A)
16 / Petition for Clarification (A)
16 / Petition for a Waiver of the Prohibition on Service to Low-Income Customers by ESCOs (A)
16 / Terms of a Service Agreement and Waiver of Tariff Provisions (P)
16 / Transfer of Certain Street Lighting Facilities (P)
17 / Petition for Abandonment (P)
17 / An Offshore Wind Generating Facilities Program (P)
Urban Development Corporation
New York State Register April 4, 2018/Volume XL, Issue 14
19 / Regional Revolving Loan Trust Fund (P)
Workers’ Compensation Board
20 / Workers’ Compensation Board — Option to Self-Insure for Jockey Fund (A)
Hearings Scheduled for Proposed Rule Makings / 21
Action Pending Index / 23
Securities Offerings
67 / State Notices
Advertisements for Bidders/Contractors
69 / Sealed Bids
Notice of Availability of State and Federal Funds
71 / Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of
Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
73 / Notice of Abandoned Property Received by the State Comptroller
73 / Public Notice
Executive Orders
87 / Executive Order No. 178.1: Declaring a Disaster Emergency in the County of Rockland and
Continuing the Disaster Emergency in Dutchess, Putnam, Sullivan, and Westchester Counties.
Court Notices
89 / Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts
Each rule making is identified by an I.D. No., which consists
of 13 characters. For example, the I.D. No. AAM-01-96-
00001-E indicates the following:
AAM -the abbreviation to identify the adopting agency
01 -the State Register issue number
96 -the year
00001 -the Department of State number, assigned upon
receipt of notice.
E -Emergency Rule Makingpermanent action
not intended (This character could also be: A
for Adoption; P for Proposed Rule Making; RP
for Revised Rule Making; EP for a combined
Emergency and Proposed Rule Making; EA for
an Emergency Rule Making that is permanent
and does not expire 90 days after filing.)
Italics contained in text denote new material. Brackets
indicate material to be deleted.
Office of Children and Family
Group Size and Supervision Ratios in Legally-Exempt Child
Care Settings and Legally-Exempt Group Child Care Financial
I.D. No. CFS-14-18-00003-EP
Filing No. 271
Filing Date: 2018-03-20
Effective Date: 2018-04-16
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Proposed Action: Amendment of sections 415.4 and 415.9 of Title 18
Statutory authority: Social Services Law, sections 20(3)(d), 34(3)(f),
410(1) and 410-x(3)
Finding of necessity for emergency rule: Preservation of public health,
public safety and general welfare.
Specific reasons underlying the finding of necessity: The Office of Chil-
dren and Family Services (the Office) has determined that immediate
adoption of these regulations on an emergency basis is necessary to better
protect the health, safety and welfare of children in legally-exempt group
child care settings throughout New York State and to comply with the
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 (CCDBG). These
emergency regulations will set forth standards for group size and supervi-
sion ratios in legally-exempt group child care settings and offer caregivers
of legally-exempt group child care financial incentives to develop health
care plans, have cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certified caregivers
onsite and for caregivers in these settings to have received additional an-
nual training.
CCDBG Section 658E(c)(2)(H) requires states to develop appropriate
child to provider ratios that address group size, limits for specific age
populations and the appropriate ratio between the number of children and
number of providers in terms of the age of children. Currently, there are no
regulatory standards for staff to child supervision ratios and maximum
group size requirements for legally-exempt group child care providers,
other than local building codes. The Office was granted a waiver from the
United States Department of Health and Human Services Administration
for Children and Families with respect to these requirements until
September 30, 2017. The Office requested an extension of this waiver on
August 31, 2017 and has received no official response.
Incentivizing the development of health care plans, having CPR certi-
fied employees on site and additional training caregivers of legally-exempt
group child care will further enhance the health, safety and welfare of
children served in these settings.
Subject: Group size and supervision ratios in legally-exempt child care
settings and legally-exempt group child care financial incentives.
Purpose: To establish group size and supervision ratios in legally-exempt
child care settings and financial incentives.
Text of emergency/proposed rule: Subdivision (f) of section 415.4 of 18
NYCRR is amended to add a new paragraph (9) to read as follows:
(9) Additional health and safety requirements for caregivers of
legally-exempt group child care.
(i) Each enrolled legally-exempt group child care program must
meet and maintain the following minimum staff-to-child supervision ratios
and maximum group size requirements, unless a more stringent standard
is required by law:
(a) for three-year-old children:
(1) there must be one employee with a caregiving role for
every 20 children when engaged in activities where children will be seated
while working on a particular activity or skill;
(2) there must be one employee with a caregiving role for
every 10 children when children are not engaged in seated activities or
skills; and
(3) the maximum group size is 30 children.
(b) for four-year-old children:
(1) there must be one employee with a caregiving role for
every 20 children when engaged in activities where children will be seated
while working on a particular activity or skill;
(2) there must be one employee with a caregiving role for
every 12 children when children are not engaged in seated activities or
skills; and
(3) the maximum group size is 36 children.
(c) for children ages five through 12 years of age:
(1) there must be one employee with a caregiving role for
every 25 children; and
(2) the maximum group size is 50 children.
(d) When children younger than five years of age are cared for
in mixed age groups, the staff-to-child supervision ratio and maximum
group size applicable to the youngest child in the group must be followed.
(ii) Group size refers to the number of children cared for together
as a unit. Group size is used to determine the minimum staff-to-child
supervision ratio based upon the age of the children in the group.
(iii) The office and its designees, applicable social services district
and its designees, and the applicable legally-exempt caregiver enrollment
agency are authorized to inspect any legally-exempt group child care
program that is enrolled or applying for enrollment.
(iv) Child care assistance cannot be authorized for a child under
three years of age for child care provided in a legally-exempt group child
care program, except for:
(a) child care programs located on Federal property which are
operated in compliance with the applicable Federal laws and regulations
for such child care programs;
(b) child care programs located on tribal property which are
operated in compliance with the applicable tribal laws and regulations for
such child care programs; or
(c) a child who is at least two years of age at the beginning of
the school year but will turn three years of age on or before the applicable
calendar date for which a child must be at least five years of age to be
eligible for admission to school; such a child shall be considered three
years of age for the purposes of staff-to-child ratio and maximum group
Subdivision (i) of section 415.9 of 18 NYCRR is amended to read as
(i) There may be multiple market rates for legally-exempt group child
care, the standard market rate, and the opportunity for an enhanced mar-
ket rate as provided in this subdivision.
(1) The standard market rate of payment for caregivers of legally-
exempt group child care is the actual cost of care up to 75 percent of the
applicable market rate for day care center providers as set forth in this
(2) A social services district may establish one or both of the follow-
ing categories of enhanced rates for child care services provided by
legally-exempt group child care programs:
(i) A social services district may establish an enhanced market
rate for child care services provided by eligible legally-exempt group child
care programs up to 81 percent of the applicable market rate for day care
center providers if:
(a) the program prepares a health care plan that meets the spec-
ifications of paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of section 418-1.11 of this
Title; and
(b) the program has at least one employee with a caregiving
role in each classroom during the program’s operating hours who holds a
valid certificate in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), appropriate to
the ages of the children in the classroom.
(ii) A social services district may establish an enhanced market
rate for child care services provided by eligible legally-exempt group child
care programs up to 81 percent of the applicable market rate for day care
center providers, if:
(a) the caregiver of the legally-exempt group child care program
completes the Health and Safety: Competencies in Child Care for Day
Care Center, School-Age Child Care, and Enrolled Legally Exempt Group
Program Directors course or other course as approved by the office, and a
minimum of 15 fifteen hours of training annually in areas approved by the
office; and
(b) each employee with a caregiving role at the legally-exempt
group child care program completes a minimum of five hours of training
annually in the areas approved by the office, in addition to the training
required by subdivision (f) of section 415.4 of this part.
(3) When a social services district establishes an enhanced market
rate for child care services provided by eligible legally-exempt group child
care programs in accordance with subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph
(2) of this subdivision, the district may pay up to 87 percent of the ap-
plicable market rate for day care centers when all requirements of both
subparagraphs are met.
(4) An enhanced market rate established pursuant to this subdivision
will only be available to those legally-exempt group child care programs
that have submitted documentation to the applicable legally-exempt
caregiver enrollment agency verifying compliance with:
(i) the requirements set forth in this subdivision required to qualify
for the enhanced rate; and;
(ii) all applicable health and safety requirements set forth in
subdivision (f) of section 415.4 of this part.
(5) The applicable social services district and its designees, or ap-
plicable legally-exempt caregiver enrollment agency shall inspect any
legally-exempt group child care program that requests or receives an
enhanced market rate pursuant to this subdivision.
(6) The social services district must indicate in the district’s consoli-
dated services plan or integrated county plan the percentage and category
of any enhanced market rate it will provide for child care services provided
by eligible legally-exempt group child care programs.
(7) A legally-exempt group child care program may receive an
enhanced market rate pursuant to this subdivision and one or more dif-
ferential rates pursuant to this section, provided however, that the total
payment made to a legally-exempt group child care program must not
exceed either 100 percent of the applicable market rate for day care
centers as set forth in this section, or the actual cost of care, whichever is
This notice is intended: to serve as both a notice of emergency adoption
and a notice of proposed rule making. The emergency rule will expire
June 17, 2018.
Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained
from: Leslie Robinson, Senior Attorney, Office of Children and Family
Services, 52 Washington Street, Rensselaer, New York 12144, (518) 474-
3333, email: [email protected].gov
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Same as above.
Public comment will be received until: 60 days after publication of this
Regulatory Impact Statement
1. Statutory authority:
Section 20(3)(d) of the Social Services Law (SSL) authorizes the Com-
missioner of the Office of Children and Family Services (the Office) to es-
tablish rules, regulations, and policies to carry out the Office’s powers and
duties under the SSL.
Section 34(3)(f) of the SSL authorizes the Commissioner of the Office
to establish regulations for the administration of public assistance and care
within the State.
Section 410(1) of the SSL authorizes a social services official of a
county, city or town to provide day care for children at public expense and
authorizes the Office to establish criteria for when such day care is to be
Section 410-x(3) of the SSL requires the Office to establish in regula-
tion minimum health and safety standards that must be met by child care
providers, funded under the New York State Child Care Block Grant, not
required to be licensed or registered under section 390 of the SSL or to be
permitted under the administrative code of the City of New York.
The federal Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (CCDBG)
Section 658E(c)(2)(H) requires states to develop appropriate child to
provider ratios that address group size, limits for specific age populations
and the appropriate ratio between the number of children and number of
providers in terms of the age of children.
2. Legislative objectives:
The Office’s objective with this rule making is to comply with federal
law and enhance the health, safety and welfare of children in legally-
exempt group child care throughout New York State. These regulations
support the underlying objectives of sections 410-x(3) of the SSL to
protect the health, safety and welfare of children in child care settings.
3. Needs and benefits:
These regulations set forth standards for group size and supervision
ratios in legally-exempt group child care setting and offer caregivers of
legally-exempt group child care financial incentives to have cardiopulmo-
nary resuscitation (CPR) trained employees onsite, develop and maintain
a health care plan for the program and for caregivers of children to
undertake additional annual training.
These regulations are needed on an emergency basis for compliance
with federal law and to promote the quality of care provided to children in
legally-exempt group child care settings and improve the health, safety
and welfare of children in such settings.
CCDBG Section 658E(c)(2)(H) requires states to develop appropriate
child to provider ratios that address group size, limits for specific age
populations and the appropriate ratio between the number of children and
number of providers in terms of the age of children receiving subsidized
care. Currently, there are no regulatory standards for staff to child supervi-
sion ratios and maximum group size requirements for legally-exempt
group child care providers, other than local building codes. The Office
was granted a waiver by the federal Administration for Children and Fam-
ilies with respect to these requirements until September 30, 2017. The Of-
fice requested an extension of this waiver on August 31, 2017 and has
received no official response.
Moreover, allowing caregivers legally-exempt group child care to earn
enhanced payment rates in exchange for having CPR trained caregivers
onsite, developing and maintain a health care plan for the program and for
caregivers of children to undertake additional annual training promotes
the health, safety and well-being of children being cared for in legally-
exempt group settings.
4. Costs:
Prior to developing the proposed group size and ratio standard, the Of-
fice collected extensive stakeholder input and developed the standards in a
way to minimize a detrimental impact on access to child care and avoid
undue costs to caregivers of legally-exempt group child care. The supervi-
sion ratios prescribed are largely based on Article 43 of the New York City
Health Code. A large number of caregivers of legally-exempt group child
care are already required to comply with the supervision ratios, therefore
the Office is not anticipating additional costs for those caregivers.
5. Local government mandates:
The emergency regulations impose no new mandates on local
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
6. Paperwork:
Caregivers of legally-exempt group child care will have to keep a rec-
ord of compliance with the new training standards to qualify for the
enhanced payment rates, as they are required to do with the current train-
ing standards.
7. Duplication:
The new requirements do not duplicate any existing State or federal
8. Federal standards:
The regulations are consistent with CCDBG, which requires the Office
to establish supervision ratios and set maximum group sizes.
9. Compliance schedule:
The regulations are effective on April 16, 2018, as the federal require-
ment is already in effect, and New York may be penalized if it cannot
demonstrate compliance with the requirements of CCDBG.
10. Alternative approaches:
No alternative approaches were considered.
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
1. Effect on small businesses and local governments:
It is anticipated that the groups size and supervision ratio requirements
will have a minimal impact, if any on small business and local
Prior to developing the proposed group size and supervision ratio stan-
dards, the Office of Children and Family Services (the Office) collected
extensive stakeholder input and developed the standards in a way to mini-
mize a detrimental impact on access to child care and avoid undue costs to
legally-exempt group child care providers that are small businesses.
The Office does not expect this rulemaking to have a detrimental impact
on local governments with respect to the enhanced payment rates because
the option to award the enhanced payment rates is permissive for local
2. Compliance requirements:
Caregivers of legally-exempt group child care will be required to ad-
here to the group-size supervision ratios set forth in the emergency
regulations. In order to qualify for an enhanced payment rate, caregivers
of legally-exempt group child care will be required to undertake additional
health and safety measures as provided for in the rule.
3. Professional services:
No new professional services are required by small businesses or local
governments to comply with this change.
4. Compliance costs:
It is expected that there will be minimal costs, if any, associated with
compliance with these rules. Prior to developing the proposed group size
and supervision ratio standards, the Office collected extensive stakeholder
input and developed the standards in a way to minimize a detrimental
impact on access to child care and avoid undue costs to small businesses.
The option to award the enhanced payment rates is permissive for local
governments and therefore does not mandate new costs.
5. Economic and technological feasibility:
No new economic or technology requirements for small business or lo-
cal governments are expected.
6. Minimizing adverse impact:
This regulatory change is not expected to have an adverse impact on
small business or local governments.
7. Small business and local government participation:
In the development of the 2016-2018 Child Care and Development
Fund Plan, the Office held three regional public hearings, in which require-
ments were presented to child day care providers and local social services
districts and input was gathered. Additionally, the Ofce collected
stakeholder input in developing the group size and staff to child ratio
requirements that this rule creates.
Rural Area Flexibility Analysis
1. Types and estimated numbers of rural areas:
The emergency regulations will potentially affect caregivers of legally-
exempt group child care in all 44 rural areas of the State.
2. Reporting, recordkeeping, and other compliance requirements and
professional services:
Caregivers of legally-exempt group child care will be required to ad-
here to the group size limitations and supervision ratios set forth in the
emergency regulations. In order to qualify for the enhanced rate payments,
caregivers of legally-exempt group child care will be required to maintain
documentation of a health care plan, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation train-
ing certification and additional training requirements.
3. Costs:
Prior to developing the proposed group size and supervision ratio stan-
dards, the Office of Children and Family Services (the Office) collected
stakeholder input and developed the standards in a way to minimize a
detrimental impact on access to child care and avoid undue costs to
caregivers of legally-exempt group child care.
4. Minimizing adverse impacts:
Prior to developing the proposed group size and supervision ratio stan-
dards, the Office collected extensive stakeholder input and developed the
standards in a way to minimize a detrimental impact on access to child
care and avoid undue costs to caregivers of legally-exempt group child
5. Rural area participation:
In the development of the 2016-2018 Child Care and Development
Fund Plan, the Office held three regional public hearings, in which the
federal training requirements were presented to child day care providers
and local social services districts.
Job Impact Statement
Section 201-a of the State Administrative Procedures Act requires a job
impact statement to be filed if proposed regulations will have an adverse
impact on jobs and employment opportunities in the State.
It is not anticipated the regulations will have a significantly detrimental
impact on jobs and employment opportunities for caregivers of legally-
exempt group child care. The regulations are designed to provide for the
health, safety and welfare of children in care and to comply with federal
Department of Environmental
Revisions to the Regulations that Implement the State
Environmental Quality Review Act
I.D. No. ENV-06-17-00001-RP
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following revised rule:
Proposed Action: Amendment of Part 617 of Title 6 NYCRR.
Statutory authority: Environmental Conservation Law, section 8-0113
Subject: Revisions to the regulations that implement the State Environ-
mental Quality Review Act.
Purpose: Updating the regulations that implement the State Environmental
Quality Review Act.
Substance of revised rule (Full text is posted at the following State
website: http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/83389.html): The 2017 proposed
amendments to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR)
regulations, as revised in March 2018, would serve to help modernize the
SEQR process. The amendments are the Department’s first signicant
update to the SEQR regulations since 1995. They are among the steps that
the Department has taken to modernize the SEQR process that includes
the new environmental assessment forms along with the creation of
workbooks and a spatial data platform on DEC’s website (EAF Mapper).
The Department’s proposed changes reduce the number of minor projects
and routine governmental decisions that are subject to SEQR by adding
them to the statewide list of actions that are exempt from further review
under SEQR (“Type II list of actions”). Some examples of new Type II ac-
tions include the following: Retrofitting of a structure to incorporate green
infrastructure practices; installation of solar energy arrays on sanitary
landfills and other sites; certain acquisitions and dedication of parkland;
transfers of land for one, two and three family housing; and construction
and operation of an anaerobic digester at a municipal solid waste landfill.
The amendments would also modify certain thresholds in the Type I list of
actions (actions deemed more likely to require the preparation of an
environmental impact statement (EIS) (see 6 NYCRR 617.4); make scop-
ing of environmental impact statements (EISs) mandatory (scoping is now
optional) except for supplements to EISs; and more precisely define and
tighten the acceptance procedures for draft EISs. The Department is also
proposing an amendment to section 617.10 of 6 NYCRR (generic
environmental impact statements or “GEIS”) that would clarify the ability
of a lead agency to deny an action for which it has prepared a GEIS.
Finally, the Department is proposing rules to implement the statutory EIS
on the web requirement (Chapter 641 of the Laws of 2005) along with a
number of other changes to encourage the electronic filing of EISs (see
Express Terms, 6 NYCRR section 617.12) and changes to 617.13 to add
greater transparency to consulting costs when a lead agency engages
private consulting firms and charges the costs back to project sponsors.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
This rulemaking was proposed on February 8, 2017 in the New York
State Register. The Department is now issuing a notice of revised
rulemaking. Revisions to the proposal are summarized in the Summary of
Assessment of Public Comment and specifically identified in the revised
draft generic environmental impact statement or “R-DGEIS posted on
the Department’s website at the following address: http://www.dec.ny.gov/
permits/83389.html. The Department is seeking comments on the revi-
sions noted.
Also, the Department has modified the environmental assessment forms
(6 NYCRR § 617.20, appendices A and B) so they reflect the changes
proposed for the Type I list of actions and properties located substantially
contiguous to properties listed on the National or State registers of historic
places as well as properties determined to be eligible for listing on the
State Register of Historic Places. The forms also contain some additional
minor changes and corrections.
The full text of the revised amendments is posted on the Department’s
website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/83389.html. The Department
has also prepared (and posted on its website in the same location) a
Revised DGEIS or R-DGEIS” that, among other things, assesses the
impact of the proposal and revisions on the environment. The revised
DGEIS is combined with the regulatory impact statements required by the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Revised rule compared with proposed rule: Substantial revisions were
made in sections 617.2, 617.5, 617.6, 617.8, 617.9 and 617.20.
Text of revised proposed rule and any required statements and analyses
may be obtained from James Eldred, Environmental Analyst, Division of
Environmental Permits, Department of Environmental Conservation, 625
Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-1750, (518) 402-9167, email:
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Same as above.
Public comment will be received until: 30 days after publication of this
Summary of Revised Regulatory Impact Statement (Full text is posted at
the following State website: http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/83389.html):
The Department’s statutory authority to amend Part 617 is in Environ-
mental Conservation Law (ECL) § 8-0113, which authorizes the Depart-
ment, through the Commissioner, to adopt rules and regulations to imple-
ment the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR).
The purpose of the proposed amendments to Part 617 is to modernize
and improve the SEQR process without sacrificing meaningful environ-
mental review. The proposed changes build on regulatory changes from
past SEQR rulemakings, namely the 1995 amendments (effective January
1, 1996) to the SEQR regulations (which supplemented the Type II list and
established a more detailed scoping process for environmental impact
statements, among other changes) and on the rulemaking that updated the
environmental assessment forms and implemented the new electronic
forms, which became effective on October 7, 2013.
The last major amendments to the SEQR regulations occurred over two
decades ago. This rule making is intended to update the SEQR regulations
with additional Type II actions, i.e., adding more actions to the list of ac-
tions not subject to further review under SEQR, and with other important
changes more fully described in the express terms and accompanying
environmental impact statement.
The Department has also proposed a provision to clarify that an
environmental impact statement, where relevant, should include a discus-
sion of measures to avoid or reduce both an action’s environmental
impacts and vulnerability from the effects of climate change such as sea
level rise and flooding.
The accompanying “revised draft environmental impact statement” or
“R-DGEIS” contains a specific discussion of objectives and benefits for
each proposed change to the SEQR regulations.
Because SEQR is a law that requires compliance by government agen-
cies, any effect on the regulated public is indirect. Further, in most cases,
the proposals, if adopted, would arguably reduce costs through the cre-
ation of additional Type II actions and further streamlining of the EIS
process. This is the agency’s overall best estimate; however, the economic
impact of the amendments to SEQR is impossible to quantify.
Except for the small change to the Type I rule (which lowers the
thresholds for when a residential subdivision would classified as a Type I
action) and the proposed change to section 617.9 (regarding sea level rise
and storm-impact analysis), the changes streamline the regulations, which
reduces costs to regulated parties. For example, the additional Type II ac-
tions would no longer be subject to review under SEQR. Mandatory scop-
ing will help insure that environmental issues are considered early on
rather than at the end of the process after a project sponsor has already
spent large sums of money on moving an application forward. On the
other hand, reducing the thresholds for Type I actions and subdivisions
may arguably raise costs for subdivision applicants, though there is no
way to measure the effect since some of the subdivisions effected by the
new proposed rule would be Type I on account of other thresholds and the
Type I requirement for coordinated review results in more efficiency of
review (which arguably has the effect of reducing costs). The proposed
rules in section 617.9 related to sea level rise and flooding may arguably
increase costs for some project sponsors of developments that are located
in coastal and other flood prone areas where the project requires prepara-
tion of an environmental impact statement. The additional costs would be
to assess, avoid or mitigate the impacts that may come about from sea
level rise or flooding which as recent storm events show would be a
cost-saver in the life cycle of the project and to governmental responders
should a major storm event impact the project.
State and local agencies may decrease their costs (as would project
sponsors) where the action involves one of the proposed Type II actions
(actions not subject to review under SEQR). State and local governments
may incur additional costs on account of mandatory scoping, though the
Department in response to public comment has excepted supplemental
EISs from the mandatory scoping requirement. This cost of mandatory
scoping is difficult to measure, however, since scoping can decrease costs
later in the process by insuring that environmental issues are articulated at
an early stage in project review. The requirement was proposed as a re-
sponse to the wish of the regulated community that there should be more
certainty in the process.
Costs to the Department mainly involve staff time and resources to
promulgate these regulations and then to conduct training on them. The
Department already conducts scoping on most EISs where it is lead
agency. As with most regulatory amendments there will be some cost in
retraining people in the SEQR process as a result of this rulemaking. The
cost here is short term and minimal. The Department has maintained a
training and assistance program for those interested in receiving training
and those who have specific questions relating to implementation of the
law. This amendment would require that some additional staff time be
devoted to training but it would be a relatively small change from cur-
rently existing efforts.
There are no additional programs, services, duties or responsibilities
imposed by the rule upon any county, city, town, village, school district,
fire district or other special district except to require mandatory scoping of
all environmental impact statements (where it is now optional). Statisti-
cally, there are very few environmental impact statements compared to ac-
tions that receive a negative declaration. The proposed regulations
otherwise reduce mandates by adding to the number of Type II actions
(which are not subject to further review under SEQR). The expansion of
the Type II provision for lot line adjustments (sometimes treated as a
subdivision or variance) would most likely reduce the regulatory workload
of zoning and planning boards. The requirement to look at sea level rise
and flooding in a proper case is, at best, a minor mandate compared to the
consequences of not doing so.
With the addition of items to the list of Type II actions there will be a
reduction in the need for applicants and lead agencies to complete
environmental review forms. (It should be noted, however, that in 2013
the forms became electronic with links to GIS and are now quicker and
easier to complete than before). The amendments may, however, result in
lead agencies having to prepare more scoping documents because scoping
would be mandatory under the proposed new rules. Nonetheless, scoping
is only applicable where an environmental impact statement is required
and only in a small percentage of actions is an environmental impact state-
ment required. Scoping is, however, a long term time saver in that it al-
lows for early identification of issues. There are no new or additional
recordkeeping requirements of a regulated party. An additional require-
ment is imposed for internet posting of draft scopes.
There is no duplication of other state or federal requirements. With
some of the Type II additions, the regulations are intended to reduce
duplication of SEQR review requirements with those carried out under
State land use enabling laws (e.g., reuse of existing buildings).
The time necessary to comply with the Part 617 regulatory amendments
is not substantial. Training will be necessary for those unfamiliar with
SEQR but for those familiar with the current regulations the amendments
should be easily understood and implemented. Any particular questions
will be answered by the Department in its assistance role to state and local
agencies and to the regulated public. The Department does anticipate
conducting general training on these amendments for those who may want
to participate, which would include in person and the preparation of web-
based training materials. Compliance is required on the effective date of
the regulation. The Department proposes that the amendments should take
effect approximately six months from the date their adoption is noticed in
the New York State Register. This postponement in the effective date is
expected to allow for the Department to conduct training and produce ex-
planatory materials before the rule takes effect.
Summary of Revised Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (Full text is posted
at the following State website: http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/
Presently, any proposal, whether made by a business or local govern-
ment, that involves a discretionary decision by a government agency and
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
that may affect the environment, is subject to an assessment under the
State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) — to determine whether
it may have a significant impact on the environment, and, if so, the lead
agency must prepare an environmental impact statement. An exception
lies where that action or project has been categorically determined not to
be subject to environmental review (6 NYCRR 617.5[c]). The rulemaking
effects all local governments (as they are required to comply with SEQR
when approving or undertaking an action), and many small businesses, to
the extent they may seek approvals or governmental funding for actions
that may affect the environment. The actual effect on small businesses and
local governments is very contextual depending on the action that is under
consideration. Therefore, the proposed rules potentially effects all local
governments and some small businesses but mostly in a way that is bene-
ficial to them.
The Department expects that the revised proposed rules would reduce
the cost of complying with SEQR because of the addition of a number of
Type II actions (actions that do not require the preparation of an environ-
mental impact statement) and proposed changes to the environmental
impact statement process that would streamline the regulatory decision
making process that is subject to SEQR. While a small number of large
scale subdivisions may change classifications (due to changes proposed to
the Type I list of actions contained in 6 NYCRR 617.4), from Unlisted to
Type I, that change is procedural. Applicants for large scale subdivisions
elevated to the Type I list would be required to complete the full EAF
instead of the short EAF and the review of such subdivisions would require
coordinated review. Type I actions are also deemed more likely to require
the preparation of an EIS. However, only about 200 EISs are prepared on
a yearly basis for tens of thousands of actions that are presumably the
subject of a negative declaration. The imposition of mandatory scoping for
EISs will mean more early work in the EIS process but statewide relatively
few EISs are prepared. Finally, language has been added to the list of top-
ics that an EIS may cover to insure that consideration is given to for the
vulnerability of development projects to flooding and sea level rise on ac-
count of climate change. Particularly in coastal areas, this may require ad-
ditional analysis by local governments when they serve as lead agencies,
and by small businesses when they are project sponsors. It would be
speculative to predict the number of times a project sponsor and lead
agency must perform these analyses. Substantive assessment of these top-
ics has long-term benefits, as the nation discovered following the recent
spate of hurricanes that have devastated coastal areas, e.g., “Superstorm”
Sandy. Planning for major storm events is common sense.
The Department expects that there would be little change, if any, in the
professional services that a small business or local government would
likely employ to comply with this rule. Currently, the professional ser-
vices that may be needed to prepare SEQR documents include a wide
range of technical expertise. Because of the proposed new Type II actions,
there may be a decrease in professional services since those actions would
no longer require further compliance with SEQR. However, such an effect
is difficult to measure.
The additions to the list of Type II actions may result in the elimination
of time and expense for local governments and small business project
The proposed changes would also bring greater efciency to the
environmental impact statement process by mandating scoping, creating
greater linkages between the determination of significance and the scope
of the EIS. The new requirements serve to encourage lead agencies to
build on their prior analyses. The proposed regulations would also tighten
the rules on whether the lead agency can reject a draft EIS as inadequate.
While relatively few actions subject to SEQR (usually larger scale ones)
require the preparation of EISs, the business community may realize some
benefit in compliance costs from the proposed new procedures that would
bring greater certainty to the EIS process. Compliance costs will otherwise
remain the same except as discussed above with respect to whether ad-
ditional professional services may be needed in some cases to timely
complete final environmental impact statements.
In preparing the proposed regulatory changes, the Department held
numerous stakeholder meetings where individuals representing business
and local governments were asked to identify changes that could be made
to Part 617. Overall, these meetings were very well attended and the ex-
changes of ideas and proposals was extensive and exhaustive. The list of
individuals is attached as Appendix A to the revised draft environmental
impact statement. In the public comment period on the proposal, the
Department heard from hundreds of individuals and organizations. The
revisions are in response to public comment.
Revised Rural Area Flexibility Analysis
1. Types and estimated numbers of rural areas
The regulations are statewide and thus the rules would apply to all rural
areas as well as suburban and urban areas of the State.
2. Reporting, recordkeeping and other compliance requirements
There is no change from the existing rules except that a relatively small
number of additional larger-scale subdivisions that would not otherwise be
classified as Type I actions would now be classified at Type I and be subject
to the full environmental assessment form rather than the short form and
lead agencies would be required to conduct scoping in instances where
environmental impact statements will be completed.
3. Costs
The Department does not expect any additional costs to comply with
the new rules except as described in the Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
for Small Businesses and Local Governments.
4. Minimizing Adverse Impact
The proposed rules would not have an adverse impact on rural areas
since they have the overall effect of decreasing the regulatory burden and
making the SEQR process more efficient or streamlined.
6. Rural area Participation
The Department held stakeholder meetings throughout the state. A ros-
ter of individuals who attended the meetings is contained in attachment A
to the revised draft generic environmental impact statement accompany-
ing the revised proposed rules. As indicated by the roster, meetings were
held in upstate locations including Albany and Buffalo. The roster of
persons attending the round table discussions included quite a few persons
located in rural areas of the State or who regularly work with rural
communities. The Department also issued a draft scope to the draft ge-
neric environmental impact statement, which was noticed in the Environ-
mental Notice Bulletin. Through that media, the Department solicited
comments from all parts of the state including rural areas. The Department
also received hundreds of written comments on the proposal following
four public hearings and three public informational sessions. The revisions
were the product of public comments.
Revised Job Impact Statement
The proposed amendments to the State Environmental Quality Review
Act (SEQR) regulations at 6 NYCRR Part 617 would have no impact on
existing or future jobs and employment opportunities as these are
procedural revisions to existing rules. The proposal to add categories of
Type II actions would constitute a reduction in regulatory burden. The
Type I changes are minor and will not affect development or employment.
The changes to the environmental impact statement process can be
expected to bring greater efficiency to the EIS process.
A Job Impact Statement is not submitted with this rulemaking proposal
because the proposal will not have a “substantial adverse impact on jobs
or employment opportunities,” which is defined in the State Administra-
tive Procedure Act Section 201-a to mean a decrease of more than one
hundred full-time annual jobs and employment opportunities, including
opportunities for self-employment, in the state, or the equivalent in part-
time or seasonal employment, which would be otherwise available to the
residents of the state in the two-year period commencing on the date the
rule takes effect.” The proposed changes to Part 617, which again are gen-
erally procedural in nature, are not expected to have any such effect and
most likely will not affect or impact jobs or employment opportunities.
Assessment of Public Comment
The Department received approximately 250 separate comments on the
proposed regulatory changes to the regulations that implement the State
Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR). (These comments were addi-
tive or overlapped the comments that the Department received at the four
public hearings [Albany, New Paltz, Rochester and Hauppauge] and three
informational sessions [New Paltz, Rochester and Hauppauge] it held on
the proposal in 2017.) The full assessment of public comment can be found
in the revised draft generic environmental impact statement (R-DGEIS),
which is available on the Department’s website at the following address:
http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/83389.html. The R-DGEIS contains a text
box in the summary that explains how to read the R-DGEIS to guide the
reader in understanding the proposed changes.
The largest block of comments concerned the Department’s proposed
additions or changes to the Type II list of actions (actions that do not
require further review under SEQR). To adopt an addition to the Statewide
Type II list, the Commissioner must find that the action or category of ac-
tion would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. In
addition to the comments that supported some or all of the proposed Type
II additions, some commenters argued that one or more of the Department’s
proposals for Type II actions could have a significant impact on the
environment depending on the context of the action or should have further
modifying language to prevent such effects from occurring. The Depart-
ment evaluated each of the proposed Type II actions against this criticism
and either modified the proposed Type II action or removed it from
consideration. Overall, in response to public comment, the Type II addi-
tions have been pared back.
The Department is no longer proposing a number of Type II actions
contained in the original proposal. The Type II for anaerobic digesters at
waste water treatment plants is no longer being considered based on
environmental justice concerns. The Type II for in-fill development is also
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
no longer being considered based on comments pointing out the difficulty
of defining municipal centers or in-fill areas on a state-wide level even
though the promotion of in-fill development is environmentally beneficial.
This particular Type II, while laudatory from a policy standpoint, is better
suited for adoption at the municipal level. The proposed Type II for reuse
of existing buildings is continued with some refinements to the language
of the Type II. The Type II for co-location of cellular antennas is also no
longer being proposed based on a number of concerns described in the R-
DGEIS though from an environmental standpoint co-location is almost
always preferable over construction of new cellular towers. The proposed
Type II for small subdivisions is no longer proposed for a variety of
reasons set forth in the R-DGEIS though minor subdivisions are typically
the subject of a negative declaration. The Department is no longer propos-
ing certain definitions associated with the Type II actions that have been
discontinued (e.g., definition for municipal center). Other proposed Type
II actions have been modified based on public comments. The Department
has added “Superfund” sites (as fully set out in the revised regulations) to
the sites where placement of solar arrays would be a Type II action.
The second largest block of comments concerned the proposed rules to
streamline the environmental impact statement process. Many of the com-
menters criticized the Department’s proposal to bring more certainty to the
EIS process by a combination of making scoping mandatory and requiring
that lead agencies evaluate the completeness of the project sponsors draft
EIS based on the final scope. The last provision, which is already set out in
the regulations, says that a project sponsor can respond to late filed com-
ments as a response to comment in the final EIS if they have not responded
to the comments in the draft EIS. Many commenters criticized these
changes by arguing that the public often finds out about a project after
scoping is complete and that leaving the project sponsor the option of only
responding to the comments in the final EIS means that the public would
not find out about a late filed comment until the EIS is finalized. The exact
same concern was raised in the 1995 regulatory amendments to SEQR. In
point of fact, project sponsors usually like to address issues with a project
as soon as possible in the review process. Nonetheless, in response to the
comments, the Department proposes to modify the language of the regula-
tion currently in effect to say that a project sponsor must include the late
filed comments as an appendix to the draft. The Department is seeking
public comment on this change as well as all other revisions from the orig-
inal proposal.
Finally, commenters pointed out that while the Department has
proposed to create a threshold for actions occurring substantially contigu-
ous to properties on the National Register of Historic Places in the Type I
list of actions to 25 percent of any other threshold in the Type I list and to
include properties determined to be eligible for listing on the National
Register, it needs to update the environmental assessment forms to reflect
the proposed change in the regulations. The Department now proposes to
do so and has included those minor typographic fixes and clarifications to
the environmental assessment forms. The revised forms are also available
on the Department’s website.
Department of Financial Services
The following notice has expired and cannot be reconsidered un-
less the Department of Financial Services publishes a new notice of
proposed rule making in the NYS Register.
Continuing Care Retirement Communities
I.D. No. Proposed Expiration Date
DFS-11-17-00003-P March 15, 2017 March 15, 2018
Office of Information Technology
Implementing the Electronic Signatures and Records Act
I.D. No. ITS-52-17-00002-A
Filing No. 258
Filing Date: 2018-03-14
Effective Date: 2018-04-04
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: Amendment of sections 540.1-540.3 of Title 9 NYCRR.
Statutory authority: State Technology Law, sections 103, 303, 304, 305;
and Real Property Law, section 291-i
Subject: Implementing the Electronic Signatures and Records Act.
Purpose: Correcting outdated references to the name of ITS and the phys-
ical address of the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA).
Text or summary was published in the December 27, 2017 issue of the
Register, I.D. No. ITS-52-17-00002-P.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained
from: Division of Legal Affairs, ITS, Empire State Plaza, PO Box 2062,
Albany, NY 12220-0062, (518) 473-5115, email: [email protected].gov
Additional matter required by statute: Pursuant to the requirements of the
State Environmental Quality Review Act, ITS, as lead agency, has
determined that the action described herein will have no effect on the
environment and an E.I.S. is not needed.
Assessment of Public Comment
The agency received no public comment.
Concerning State Agency Internet Posting of Application Forms
I.D. No. ITS-52-17-00003-A
Filing No. 260
Filing Date: 2018-03-14
Effective Date: 2018-04-04
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: Amendment of sections 552.1, 552.3(c), (d) and 552.5(a) of
Title 9 NYCRR.
Statutory authority: Executive Law, section 164-d; State Technology Law,
section 103
Subject: Concerning State Agency Internet posting of application forms.
Purpose: Correcting outdated references to the former name of ITS, and
the Governor’s Office of Regulatory Reform (GORR).
Text or summary was published in the December 27, 2017 issue of the
Register, I.D. No. ITS-52-17-00003-P.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained
from: Division of Legal Affairs, ITS, Empire State Plaza, PO Box 2062,
Albany, NY 12220-0062, (518) 473-5115, email: [email protected].gov
Additional matter required by statute: Pursuant to the requirements of the
State Environmental Quality Review Act, ITS, as lead agency, has
determined that the action described herein will have no effect on the
environment and an E.I.S. is not needed.
Assessment of Public Comment
The agency received no public comment.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
Providing Public Access to the Records of the Office of
Information Technology Services
I.D. No. ITS-52-17-00004-A
Filing No. 257
Filing Date: 2018-03-14
Effective Date: 2018-04-04
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: Amendment of sections 550.1, 550.2, 550.5, 550.6 and
550.8 of Title 9 NYCRR.
Statutory authority: Public Officers Law, art. 6; Executive Law, sections
206-a[11], 208; L. 2012, ch. 55, part O, section 14; State Technology Law,
section 103
Subject: Providing public access to the records of the Office of Informa-
tion Technology Services.
Purpose: Correcting outdated references to the name of ITS, a job title in
the ITS Division of Legal Affairs; and gender references.
Text or summary was published in the December 27, 2017 issue of the
Register, I.D. No. ITS-52-17-00004-P.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained
from: Division of Legal Affairs, ITS, Empire State Plaza, PO Box 2062,
Albany, NY 12220-0062, (518) 473-5115, email: [email protected].gov
Additional matter required by statute: Pursuant to the requirements of the
State Environmental Quality Review Act, ITS, as lead agency, has
determined that the action described herein will have no effect on the
environment and an E.I.S. is not needed.
Assessment of Public Comment
The agency received no public comment.
Providing Access to Personal Information
I.D. No. ITS-52-17-00005-A
Filing No. 259
Filing Date: 2018-03-14
Effective Date: 2018-04-04
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: Amendment of sections 551.1-551.3, 551.5-551.8, 551.10
and 551.11 of Title 9 NYCRR.
Statutory authority: Public Officers Law, art. 6-A, section 94[2]; Execu-
tive Law, section 206-a[11]
Subject: Providing access to personal information.
Purpose: To correct outdated references to the name of ITS and a job title
in the ITS Division of Legal Affairs.
Text or summary was published in the December 27, 2017 issue of the
Register, I.D. No. ITS-52-17-00005-P.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained
from: Division of Legal Affairs, ITS, Empire State Plaza, PO Box 2062,
Albany, NY 12220-0062, (518) 473-5115, email: [email protected].gov
Additional matter required by statute: Pursuant to the requirements of the
State Environmental Quality Review Act, ITS, as lead agency, has
determined that the action described herein will have no effect on the
environment and an E.I.S. is not needed.
Assessment of Public Comment
The agency received no public comment.
Office of Mental Health
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Services
for Children
I.D. No. OMH-31-17-00001-RP
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following revised rule:
Proposed Action: Amendment of Part 511 of Title 14 NYCRR.
Statutory authority: Mental Hygiene Law, sections 7.07 and 7.09
Subject: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Services
for Children.
Purpose: To promote the expansion of behavioral health services for chil-
dren and youth under 21 years of age.
Substance of revised rule (Full text is posted at the following State
website: www.omh.ny.gov): The New York State Office of Mental Health
(OMH), Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS),
Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), and the Department of
Health (DOH) have worked in collaboration to promote the expansion of
behavioral health services for children and youth under 21 years of age by
identifying six services to be offered under the Early and Periodic Screen-
ing, Diagnosis and Treatment Benefits, commonly known as EPSDT.
These six services will be available to any child eligible for Medicaid who
meets relevant medical necessity criteria.
The main goals of the additional services as identified in New York
State’s Medicaid Plan is to:
- Identify needs early on in a child’s life;
- Maintain the child at home with support and services;
- Maintain the child in the community in the least restrictive settings
- Prevent the need for long-term and/or more expensive services; and
- To increase the delivery of services following trauma-informed care
To accomplish these goals, the following services will be implemented:
- Other Licensed Practitioner;
- Crisis Intervention;
- Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment;
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation;
- Family Peer Support; and
- Youth Peer Support and Training.
To facilitate the delivery of these services, DOH, OMH, OASAS, and
OCFS will designate licensed, certified, or approved providers under their
respective jurisdictions to offer these services under the Medicaid
program. OMH is proposing a new Part 511 to Title 14 NYCRR to estab-
lish the process under which providers of mental health services that are
operated, licensed, or funded may obtain designation to offer any or all of
these six services.
A provider of mental health services is eligible to apply for designation
if it is enrolled in the Medicaid program prior to commencing service
delivery; have a history of compliance with federal and state laws and
regulations governing the provision of mental health services; and satisfy
requisite criteria identied in the New York State Plan Amendment
Designation Application and standards of care identified in the Children’s
Health and Behavioral Health Services Transformation Medicaid State
Plan Provider Manual. Requests for designation must be in writing, in a
form and format identified by OMH. The proposed regulations also include
a process for revocation of a designation, establish a requirement for OMH
to publish guidelines for service provision on its public website, and
indicate that the aforementioned standards of care are incorporated by
Revised rule compared with proposed rule: Substantial revisions were
made in sections 511.1(d), (e), 511.3(a) and (b).
Text of revised proposed rule and any required statements and analyses
may be obtained from Kim Breen, NYS Office of Mental Health, 44 Hol-
land Avenue, Albany, NY 12229, (518) 473-6945, email:
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Same as above.
Public comment will be received until: 30 days after publication of this
Revised Regulatory Impact Statement, Regulatory Flexibility Analysis,
Rural Area Flexibility Analysis and Job Impact Statement
Changes made to the last published proposed rule have no bearing on the
last published Regulatory Impact Statement, Regulatory Flexibility Anal-
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
ysis for Small Businesses and Local Governments, Rural Area Flexibility
Analysis and Job Impact Statement. The changes to the text still seek to
establish a designation process for the provision of six EPSDT services in
a way that accomplishes the goals highlighted in these documents. These
changes, while some of them are substantial, do not affect the meaning of
any statements in these documents.
Assessment of Public Comment
The Office of Mental Health has received public comments from three
stakeholder entities on the proposed rulemaking amending Title 14 of the
NYCRR to create a new Part 511 to promote the expansion of behavioral
health services for children and youth under the age of 21 years of age. All
of the comments were reviewed, assessed and taken into consideration.
Below are the collective responses to each of the issues presented.
1. Comment: It was suggested that the regulations include licensed
behavior analysts and certified behavior analyst assistants to the list of
‘other providers’ in 14 NYCRR §§ 511.4(f) and 511.5(4).
Response: No changes to the regulations were made to address this
comment. Behavior Analysts and Certified Behavior Analyst Assistants
were not included in the list of practitioners because Medicaid does not
recognize Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapists or directly cover
ABA therapy. The services included under this proposed regulation are
Medicaid reimbursable State Plan services.
2. Comment: The regulation identified 18 NYCRR § 507.6 as a legal
basis for its promulgation, explaining that these regulations establish stan-
dards for the designation of qualified providers by the Department of
Health to deliver EPSDT services under the New York State Medicaid
program This appears incorrect and should be replaced with a reference to
18 NYCRR § 505.38.
Response: This was a clerical error. The regulations have been revised
to include the reference to 18 NYCRR § 505.38.
3. Comment: OMH was asked to clarify whether unlicensed providers
could be eligible to provide the services identified in 14 NYCRR
§ 511.3(a), and whether a reference to unlicensed providers that receive
funding through, or have a contract with, OMH includes providers that
receive funding indirectly through contracts with the local government
Response: No changes to the regulations were made to address this
comment. Licensed mental health providers are eligible to apply for
designation to provide any of the new six State Plan (SPA) services.
Mental health providers that, are not licensed by OMH but currently
receive funding from or have a contract with OMH, directly or through
contract with the local governmental unit, are eligible to apply for designa-
tion to provide Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Family Peer Support Ser-
vices, Youth Peer Support Services, or (because of the amendments made
in response to #4) Crisis Intervention Services.
4. Comment: In response to questions, eligibility criteria for designa-
tion to provide Crisis Intervention Services have been revised in 14
NYCRR Sections 511.1(d) and (e) and Sections 511.3(a) and (b). In the
proposed rule, providers licensed by OMH could be designated to provide
these services, but providers not licensed but funded by or contracted with
OMH could not. Upon further review, it was determined that the Crisis
Intervention EPSDT services differ from the type of crisis intervention
services currently offered by OMH licensed providers, and thus could, in
fact, be offered by unlicensed mental health providers. For purposes of 14
NYCRR Part 511, the term “Crisis Intervention Services” refers to a skills-
based, experiential and evidence based practice of provision of support to
an individual who may be experiencing a mental health crisis, and
subsequently connecting such individual to appropriate resources. To
provide the service, crisis Intervention teams will triage a crisis by assess-
ing risk, mental status and the need for further evaluation or other health/
behavioral health services. Once the crisis has been resolved, the Crisis
team will consult with a physician or other licensed practitioner of the
healing arts to assist with future service access. As such, provision of this
services does not connote examination, diagnosis, care, treatment, rehabil-
itation, or training of a person with mental illness and thus does not consti-
tute a nonresidential service requiring licensure under Mental Hygiene
Law Section 31.02.
Office for People with
Developmental Disabilities
Telephone Service
I.D. No. PDD-14-18-00002-P
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following proposed rule:
Proposed Action: Amendment of Part 635 of Title 14 NYCRR.
Statutory authority: Mental Hygiene Law, sections 13.07, 13.09(b) and
Subject: Telephone Service.
Purpose: To require providers to have and maintain active telephone ser-
vice at all times.
Text of proposed rule: Existing paragraph 635-7.3(c)(6) is deleted and a
new paragraph 635-7.3(c)(6) is added as follows:
(6) The home must have and maintain active telephone service.
(i) Cellular and/or landline services must be used to meet this
(ii) If cellular telephone service is not available at a location at all
times, landline telephone service is required.
(iii) Landline telephone service, where provided, must consist of
one or more of the following types of land based transmission: cable,
microwave, fiber optic, or copper wire.
(iv) Landline telephone service must remain in working order and
function during power outages or be backed up by immediately available
cellular service.
Existing subparagraph 635-7.4(b)(3)(iii) is deleted and a new subpara-
graph 635-7.4(b)(3)(iii) is added as follows:
(iii) The home must have and maintain active telephone service.
(a) Cellular and/or landline services must be used to meet this
(b) If cellular telephone service is not available at a location at
all times, landline telephone service is required.
(c) Landline telephone service, where provided, must consist of
one or more of the following types of land based transmission: cable,
microwave, fiber optic, or copper wire.
(d) Landline telephone service must remain in working order
and function during power outages or be backed up by immediately avail-
able cellular service.
Existing subdivision 635-99.1(ba) is deleted and reserved.
Text of proposed rule and any required statements and analyses may be
obtained from: Office of Counsel, Bureau of Policy and Regulatory Af-
fairs, Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), 44
Holland Ave., 3rd Floor, Albany, NY 12229, (518) 474-7700, email:
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Same as above.
Public comment will be received until: 60 days after publication of this
Additional matter required by statute: Pursuant to the requirements of the
State Environmental Quality Review Act, OPWDD, as lead agency, has
determined that the action described herein will have no effect on the
environment and an E.I.S. is not needed.
This rule was not under consideration at the time this agency submitted
its Regulatory Agenda for publication in the Register.
Regulatory Impact Statement
1. Statutory authority:
a. OPWDD has the statutory responsibility to provide and encourage
the provision of appropriate programs, supports, and services in the areas
of care, treatment, habilitation, rehabilitation, and other education and
training of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as
stated in the New York State (NYS) Mental Hygiene Law Section 13.07.
b. OPWDD has the authority to adopt rules and regulations necessary
and proper to implement any matter under its jurisdiction as stated in the
NYS Mental Hygiene Law Section 13.09(b).
c. OPWDD has the statutory authority to adopt regulations concerned
with the operation of programs and the provision of services, as stated in
the NYS Mental Hygiene Law Section 16.00.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
2. Legislative objectives: The proposed regulations further legislative
objectives embodied in sections 13.07, 13.09(b), 16.00 of the Mental
Hygiene Law by providing a safer environment for individuals living in
residential facilities through requiring providers to have and maintain ac-
tive telephone service at all times. This active telephone service may
include cellular telephone service in some circumstances and includes a
variety of landline type services that were not previously available.
3. Needs and benefits: The proposed regulations are necessary to require
OPWDD operated and certied providers to have and maintain active
telephone service at all times.
The proposed regulations are necessary to allow cellular service as an
option, under certain circumstances, for the telephone service requirement.
The proposed regulations are necessary to allow landline telephone ser-
vices to consist new types of land based transmissions such as cable,
microwave, fiber optic, or copper wire.
In addition, the proposed regulations are necessary to provide individu-
als with a safer environment by providing individuals with access to a
telephone service at all times which can be used to reach outside resources
in time of need.
4. Costs:
a. Costs to the Agency and to the State and its local governments:
There is no anticipated impact on Medicaid expenditures as a result of
the proposed regulations. The regulations require OPWDD operated and
certified providers to have and maintain active telephone service at all
times. Consequently, there are no anticipated costs for the State in its role
of paying for Medicaid costs.
These regulations will not have any fiscal impact on local governments,
as the contribution of local governments to Medicaid has been capped.
Chapter 58 of the Laws of 2005 places a cap on the local share of Medicaid
costs and local governments are already paying for Medicaid at the capped
There are no anticipated costs to OPWDD in its role as a provider of
services to comply with the new requirements. The amendments require
providers to have and maintain active telephone service for the protection
of individuals that live in residential facilities, however providers should
have an appropriate telephone service to satisfy the requirement.
b. Costs to private regulated parties: There are no anticipated costs to
regulated providers to comply with the proposed regulations. The amend-
ments require providers to have and maintain active telephone service for
the protection of individuals that live in residential facilities, however
providers should have an appropriate telephone service to satisfy the
5. Local government mandates: There are no new requirements imposed
by the rule on any county, city, town, village; or school, fire, or other
special district.
6. Paperwork: Providers will not experience an increase in paperwork
as a result of the proposed regulations.
7. Duplication: The proposed regulations do not duplicate any existing
State or Federal requirements on this topic.
8. Alternatives: OPWDD did not consider any other alternatives to the
proposed regulations. The regulations are necessary to comply with MHL
9. Federal standards: The proposed amendments do not exceed any
minimum standards of the federal government for the same or similar
subject areas.
10. Compliance schedule: OPWDD is planning to adopt the proposed
amendments as soon as possible within the timeframes mandated by the
State Administrative Procedure Act. The proposed regulations were
discussed with and reviewed by representatives of providers in advance of
this proposal. Additionally, OPWDD will be mailing a notice of the
proposed amendments to providers in advance of the effective date.
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
A regulatory flexibility analysis for small businesses and local govern-
ments is not being submitted because these amendments will not impose
any adverse economic impact or reporting, record keeping or other compli-
ance requirements on small businesses. There are no professional services,
capital, or other compliance costs imposed on small businesses as a result
of these amendments.
The proposed regulations amend Title 14 NYCRR Subpart 635-7 by
requiring providers to have and maintain active telephone service for the
protection of individuals that live in residential facilities. The amendments
will not result in costs or new compliance requirements for regulated par-
ties and consequently, the amendments will not have any adverse effects
on providers of small business and local governments.
Rural Area Flexibility Analysis
A Rural Area Flexibility Analysis for these amendments is not being
submitted because the amendments will not impose any adverse impact or
significant reporting, record keeping or other compliance requirements on
public or private entities in rural areas. There are no professional services,
capital, or other compliance costs imposed on public or private entities in
rural areas as a result of the amendments.
The proposed regulations amend Title 14 NYCRR Subpart 635-7 by
requiring providers to have and maintain active telephone service for the
protection of individuals that live in residential facilities. The amendments
will not result in costs or new compliance requirements for regulated par-
ties and consequently, the amendments will not have any adverse effects
on providers in rural areas and local governments.
Job Impact Statement
A Job Impact Statement for the proposed amendments is not being
submitted because it is apparent from the nature and purposes of the
amendments that they will not have a substantial adverse impact on jobs
and/or employment opportunities.
The proposed regulations amend Title 14 NYCRR Subpart 635-7 by
requiring providers to have and maintain active telephone service for the
protection of individuals that live in residential facilities. The amendments
will not result in costs, including staffing costs, or new compliance require-
ments for providers and consequently, the amendments will not have a
substantial impact on jobs or employment opportunities in New York State.
Public Service Commission
Authorization of a New Tariff Leaf, Rider A, for High Density
Demand Customers
I.D. No. PSC-14-18-00001-EP
Filing Date: 2018-03-19
Effective Date: 2018-03-19
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Proposed Action: The Public Service Commission, on March 15, 2018,
adopted an order authorizing the New York Municipal Power Agency
(NYMPA) to add the proposed Rider A to its generic tariff for its members,
which are municipal electric utilities.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, section 66
Finding of necessity for emergency rule: Preservation of general welfare.
Specific reasons underlying the finding of necessity: On March 15, 2018,
the New York Municipal Power Authority (NYMPA) filed for approval of
a new rider to its generic tariff (used by all of New York Power Authority
[NYPA] members). The new Rider A would establish a service class for
high density load (HDL) customers, who are characterized by high
demand, low investment in facilities, and high mobility. Rider A would set
conditions for service for HDL customers such that these customers would
be responsible for all commodity costs that are caused by HDL customers.
The Commission authorizes emergency action in this case because current
HDL customers are receiving the benefit of low-cost hydropower NYMPA
members receive from NYPA without providing the benefits of local
investment and employment that are otherwise required of commercial
enterprises seeking NYPA hydropower. In addition, without Rider A, other
NYMPA ratepayers are required to pay significantly higher costs for non-
NYPA electricity. Given the broad economic costs HDL customers cur-
rently impose on other ratepayers, the Commission finds that the public’s
general welfare is served by adopting Rider A on an emergency basis.
Subject: Authorization of a new tariff leaf, Rider A, for high density
demand customers.
Purpose: To allow the New York Municipal Power Agency’s Rider A to
go into effect on an emergency basis.
Substance of emergency/proposed rule: The Commission, on March 15,
2018, adopted an order authorizing the New York Municipal Power
Agency (NYMPA) to add the proposed Rider A to its generic tariff for its
members, which are municipal electric utilities. Rider A addresses service
to high density load (HDL) customers, which are customers with high
power demands and few ties to the community that require the utilities to
purchase power from private generators to supplement the lower cost
hydropower they receive from the New York Power Authority. NYMPA
states that this results in higher commodity costs for all customers, even
though it is solely the result of HDL customers. Under Rider A, HDL
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
customers are defined as using at least 250 kWh/ft2/year, with a minimum
demand of 300kW. HDL customers would have to identify the equipment
to be energized, which allows the utility to determine what upgrades are
needed to provide service, be required to make a contribution to the capital
costs of supplying service due to their transient nature, and pay for ad-
ditional commodity costs that are the result of their consumption, subject
to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
This notice is intended: to serve as both a notice of emergency adoption
and a notice of proposed rule making. The emergency rule will expire
June 16, 2018.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223-1350, (518) 486-
2655, email: [email protected].gov
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Kathleen H. Burgess,
Secretary, Department of Public Service, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany,
New York 12223-1350, (518) 474-6530, email: [email protected].gov
Public comment will be received until: 60 days after publication of this
Regulatory Impact Statement, Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, Rural
Area Flexibility Analysis and Job Impact Statement
Statements and analyses are not submitted with this notice because the
amended rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of
the State Administrative Procedure Act.
Pension Settlement Deferral
I.D. No. PSC-36-14-00011-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted the terms of a joint proposal
resolving Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid’s
(National Grid) Petition for Authorization to Defer an Actuarial Experi-
ence Pension Settlement Loss for Fiscal Year 2014.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, section 66
Subject: Pension settlement deferral.
Purpose: To adopt the terms of a joint proposal resolving National Grid’s
petition to defer pension settlement losses.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted
the terms of a joint proposal resolving Niagara Mohawk Power Corpora-
tion d/b/a National Grid’s Petition for Authorization to Defer an Actuarial
Experience Pension Settlement Loss for Fiscal Year 2014, subject to the
terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Annual Gas Cost Reconciliation and Alternative Cost Recovery
I.D. No. PSC-12-15-00007-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-19
Effective Date: 2018-03-19
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order denying Small
Customer Marketer Coalition’s (SCMC) petition to institute an investiga-
tion to examine the Annual Gas Cost Reconciliation and Alternative Cost
Recovery Mechanism.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 3.5, 65, 66, 720-6.5 of
Title 16 NYCRR
Subject: Annual Gas Cost Reconciliation and Alternative Cost Recovery
Purpose: To deny SCMC’s petition for an investigation to examine An-
nual Gas Cost Reconciliation and Alternative Cost Recovery Mechanism.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order denying Small Customer Marketer Coalition’s (SCMC) petition to
institute an investigation to examine the Annual Reconciliation of Gas Ex-
penses and Gas Cost Recoveries governed by NYCRR § 720.6.5 and ex-
amine an alternative cost recovery mechanism that would ensure that the
monthly gas adjustment clauses (GAC) are truly reflective of current mar-
ket costs, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Gas Safety Performance Metrics
I.D. No. PSC-29-16-00025-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted the terms of a joint proposal
resolving Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid’s
(National Grid) Petition to Modify its Existing Gas Safety Metric.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 5(1), 65 and 66
Subject: Gas Safety Performance Metrics.
Purpose: To adopt the terms of a joint proposal resolving National Grid’s
petition on its Gas Safety Metric.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted
the terms of a joint proposal resolving Niagara Mohawk Power Corpora-
tion d/b/a National Grid’s Petition to Modify its Existing Gas Safety
Metric, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Proposed Public Policy Transmission Needs/Public Policy
I.D. No. PSC-42-16-00014-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-16
Effective Date: 2018-03-16
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order addressing New York
Independent System Operator, Inc.’s (NYISO) proposal on Public Policy
Requirements for Transmission Planning Purposes.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(1)(b), (2), 65(1),
66(1), (2) and (5)
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
Subject: Proposed Public Policy Transmission Needs/Public Policy
Purpose: To address NYISO’s proposal on Public Policy Requirements
for Transmission Planning Purposes.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order addressing New York Independent System Operator, Inc.’s proposal
on Public Policy Requirements for Transmission Planning Purposes,
subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Electric Rate Plan
I.D. No. PSC-27-17-00014-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted the terms of a joint proposal
establishing a three-year electric rate plan for Niagara Mohawk Power
Corporation d/b/a National Grid (National Grid).
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 5, 65 and 66
Subject: Electric rate plan.
Purpose: To adopt the terms of a joint proposal establishing a three-year
electric rate plan for National Grid.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted
the terms of a joint proposal, signed by Niagara Mohawk Power Corpora-
tion d/b/a National Grid (National Grid), trial staff of the Department of
Public Service, Multiple Intervenors, Pace Energy and Climate Center,
Environmental Defense Fund, International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers Local Union 97, New York Geothermal Energy Organization,
Inc., Tesla, Inc., City of Buffalo, City of Albany, City of Syracuse,
ChargePoint, Inc., Great Eastern Energy, Mirabito Natural Gas, Blue Rock
Energy, Inc., Direct Energy Services, LLC, New York State Office of Gen-
eral Services, Wal-Mart Stores, East, LP and Sams East, Inc., and New
York Power Authority, establishing a three-year electric rate plan for
National Grid, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Gas Rate Plan
I.D. No. PSC-27-17-00017-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted the terms of a joint proposal
establishing a three-year gas rate plan for Niagara Mohawk Power
Corporation d/b/a National Grid (National Grid).
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 5, 65 and 66
Subject: Gas rate plan.
Purpose: To adopt the terms of a joint proposal establishing a three-year
gas rate plan for National Grid.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted
the terms of a joint proposal, signed by Niagara Mohawk Power Corpora-
tion d/b/a National Grid (National Grid), trial staff of the Department of
Public Service, Multiple Intervenors, Pace Energy and Climate Center,
Environmental Defense Fund, International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers Local Union 97, New York Geothermal Energy Organization,
Inc., Tesla, Inc., City of Buffalo, City of Albany, City of Syracuse,
ChargePoint, Inc., Great Eastern Energy, Mirabito Natural Gas, Blue Rock
Energy, Inc., Direct Energy Services, LLC, New York State Office of Gen-
eral Services, Wal-Mart Stores, East, LP and Sams East, Inc., and New
York Power Authority, establishing a three-year gas rate plan for National
Grid, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020
I.D. No. PSC-34-17-00005-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving Niagara
Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid’s (National Grid) Energy
Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(2), 65(1) and
Subject: Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Purpose: To approve National Grid’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets
and Targets for 2019-2020.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National
Grid’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020, as
well as operational rules for this portfolio, subject to the terms and condi-
tions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020
I.D. No. PSC-34-17-00006-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving National
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation’s (NFG) Energy Efficiency Portfolio
Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(2), 65(1) and
Subject: Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Purpose: To approve NFG’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and
Targets for 2019-2020.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation’s Energy Ef-
ficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020, as well as opera-
tional rules for this portfolio, subject to the terms and conditions set forth
in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020
I.D. No. PSC-34-17-00007-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving New York
State Electric and Gas Corporation’s (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and
Electric Corporation’s (RG&E) Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and
Targets for 2019-2020.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(2), 65(1) and
Subject: Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Purpose: To approve NYSEG’s and RG&E’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio
Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving New York State Electric and Gas Corporation’s and Roch-
ester Gas and Electric Corporation’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets
and Targets for 2019-2020, as well as operational rules for this portfolio,
subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020
I.D. No. PSC-34-17-00008-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving Orange
and Rockland Utilities, Inc.’s (O&R) Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets
and Targets for 2019-2020.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(2), 65(1) and
Subject: Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Purpose: To approve O&R’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and
Targets for 2019-2020.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.’s Energy Efficiency
Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020, as well as operational rules
for this portfolio, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020
I.D. No. PSC-34-17-00009-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving Consoli-
dated Edison Company of New York, Inc.’s (Con Edison) Energy Effi-
ciency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(2), 65(1) and
Subject: Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Purpose: To approve Con Edison’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets
and Targets for 2019-2020.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.’s
Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020, as well as
operational rules for this portfolio, subject to the terms and conditions set
forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020
I.D. No. PSC-34-17-00012-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving Central
Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation’s (Central Hudson) Energy Effi-
ciency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(2), 65(1) and
Subject: Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Purpose: To approve Central Hudsons Energy Efciency Portfolio
Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
order approving Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation’s Energy
Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020, as well as
operational rules for this portfolio, subject to the terms and conditions set
forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020
I.D. No. PSC-34-17-00013-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving KeySpan
Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid’s (KEDLI) Energy Efficiency
Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(2), 65(1) and
Subject: Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Purpose: To approve KEDLI’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and
Targets for 2019-2020.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid’s
Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020, as well as
operational rules for this portfolio, subject to the terms and conditions set
forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020
I.D. No. PSC-34-17-00014-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-15
Effective Date: 2018-03-15
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving The
Brooklyn Union Gas Company d/b/a National Grid’s (KEDNY) Energy
Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(2), 65(1) and
Subject: Energy Efficiency Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020.
Purpose: To approve KEDNY’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and
Targets for 2019-2020.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving The Brooklyn Union Gas Company d/b/a National Grid’s
Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020, as well as
operational rules for this portfolio, subject to the terms and conditions set
forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
ESCO Eligibility
I.D. No. PSC-40-17-00005-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-16
Effective Date: 2018-03-16
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order suspending Flanders
Energy LLC’s (Flanders) ability to market to and enroll new residential
and non-residential customers.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4, 65 and 66
Subject: ESCO eligibility.
Purpose: To suspend Flanders’ ability to market to and enroll new resi-
dential and non-residential customers.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order suspending Flanders Energy LLC’s (Flanders) ability to market to
and enroll new residential and non-residential customers. Flanders is
directed to implement and follow all improvements identied in its
October 6, 2017, and October 23, 2017 lings and shall report to the
Department of Public Service, the detailed results of its investigation for
each customer complaint sent to it by the Department. Flanders is also
directed to refund any overcharges, in full to each customer that Flanders
enrolled without proper authorization, in accordance with UBP § 5.K.2
and to provide the refund calculations and verification that the refund oc-
curred to Staff within 90 days of this Order for existing slamming claims
and within 30 days of the date of the slamming claim for claims received
after the date of this Order, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Request for Maintenance Support
I.D. No. PSC-42-17-00007-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-19
Effective Date: 2018-03-19
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving Ampersand
Kayuta Lake Hydro, LLC’s (Kayuta Lake) request for nancial support
for its 460 kW hydroelectric facility in Boonville, New York, under the
Tier 2 Program in the Renewable Energy Standard (RES).
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(1), (2), 66(2);
Energy Law, section 6-104(5)(b)
Subject: Request for maintenance support.
Purpose: To approve Kayuta Lake’s request for nancial support under
the RES Tier 2 Porgram.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving Ampersand Kayuta Lake Hydro, LLC’s (Kayuta Lake)
request for financial support for its 460 kW hydroelectric facility in
Boonville, New York, under the Tier 2 “Maintenance Tier” Program in the
Renewable Energy Standard (RES). Kayuta Lake is offered a three-year
Tier 2 maintenance resource contract under the RES with a maintenance
award of $18.30 per MWh on up to 1,897 MWh of energy generated annu-
ally at its facility. The three-year term to begin either January 1, 2018 or
the month following the completion of the capital projects included in its
application, whichever is later. Kayuta Lake is directed to provide the
New York State Energy and Research Development Authority
(NYSERDA) and Department of Public Service Staff with necessary
documentation, including but not limited to, invoices, engineers reports,
or certification from either state or federal agencies to support the capital
expenditures described in its application. Kayuta Lake is also directed to
provide written notice of its decision whether or not to accept the offer to
the Secretary to the Commission within 30 days after the date of issuance
of this Order. Failure to timely file the notice shall be deemed a decision
by Kayuta Lake to decline this offer. NYSERDA is authorized to enter
into a separate RES maintenance resource contract with Kayuta Lake, as
described in the body of this Order and is authorized to use uncommitted
Systems Benefits Charge, Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard and Re-
newable Portfolio Standard program funds for payments of the Tier 2
maintenance resource contracts for Kayuta Lake, subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Request for Maintenance Support
I.D. No. PSC-42-17-00008-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-19
Effective Date: 2018-03-19
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving Ampersand
Chasm Falls Hydro, LLC’s (Chasm Falls) request for financial support for
its 1.6 MW hydroelectric facility in Chateaugay, New York, under the Tier
2 Program in the Renewable Energy Standard (RES).
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(1), (2), 66(2);
Energy Law, section 6-104(5)(b)
Subject: Request for maintenance support.
Purpose: To approve Chasm Falls’ request for financial support under the
RES Tier 2 Porgram.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving Ampersand Chasm Falls Hydro, LLC’s (Chasm Falls)
request for nancial support for its 1.6 MW hydroelectric facility in
Chateaugay, New York, under the Tier 2 “Maintenance Tier” Program in
the Renewable Energy Standard (RES). Chasm Falls is offered a three-
year Tier 2 maintenance resource contract under the RES with a mainte-
nance award of $12.30 per MWh on up to 6,040 MWh of energy gener-
ated annually at its facility. The three-year term to begin either January 1,
2018 or the month following the completion of the capital projects
included in its application, whichever is later. Chasm Falls is directed to
provide the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority
(NYSERDA) and Department of Public Service Staff with necessary
documentation, including but not limited to, invoices, engineers reports,
or certification from either state or federal agencies to support the capital
expenditures described in its application. Chasm Falls is also directed to
provide written notice of its decision whether or not to accept the offer to
the Secretary to the Commission within 30 days after the date of issuance
of this Order. Failure to timely file the notice shall be deemed a decision
by Chasm Falls to decline this offer. NYSERDA is authorized to enter into
a separate RES maintenance resource contract with Chasm Falls, as
described in the body of this Order and is authorized to use uncommitted
Systems Benefits Charge, Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard and Re-
newable Portfolio Standard program funds for payments of the Tier 2
maintenance resource contracts for Chasm Falls, subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Tier 2 of the RES
I.D. No. PSC-45-17-00005-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-16
Effective Date: 2018-03-16
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order modifying Tier 2 of
the Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Program to improve the programs
capacity to support existing baseline resources, when necessary.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(1), (2), 66(2);
Energy Law, section 6-104(5)(b)
Subject: Tier 2 of the RES.
Purpose: To adopt modifications to Tier 2 of the RES, improving capacity
to support existing baseline resources.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order modifying Tier 2 of the Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Program
to improve the programs capacity to support existing baseline resources,
when necessary. The following changes shall be implemented to the exist-
ing renewable maintenance program: i) expansion of eligibility to include
eligible facilities in operation prior to January 1, 2015, and establishment
of delivery requirements consistent with those for Tier 1; ii) size increase
of eligible hydroelectric facilities from 5 MW to 10 MW; iii) revision of
the to-go-cost standard; iv) establishment of a streamlined review process,
in addition to maintenance of a more detailed review process to suit the
various needs of individual facilities; v) establishment of a standard
contract term of three years with the potential for contract renewals,
subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Financing Petition
I.D. No. PSC-48-17-00017-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-19
Effective Date: 2018-03-19
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving, subject to
conditions, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) to issue
up to $1.256 billion of long-term debt, preferred stock and hybrid securi-
ties not later than December 31, 2022.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, section 69
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
Subject: Financing petition.
Purpose: To approve NYSEG to issue up to $1.256 billion of long-term
debt, preferred stock and hybrid securities.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving, subject to conditions, New York State Electric & Gas
Corporation (NYSEG) to issue up to $1.256 billion of long-term debt,
preferred stock and hybrid securities not later than December 31, 2022,
subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
CCA Program
I.D. No. PSC-50-17-00016-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-16
Effective Date: 2018-03-16
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving, with
modifications, Joule Assets, Inc.’s (Joule) proposed Community Choice
Aggregation (CCA) Program.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 5(1), (2), 53, 65 and 66
Subject: CCA Program.
Purpose: To approve, with modifications, Joule’s CCA Program.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving, with modifications, Joule Assets, Inc.’s (Joule) proposed
Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Program. Specifically, the Com-
mission approves Joule’s Master Implementation Plan (IP), with condi-
tions; acknowledges the certifications of local authorizations; and approves
Joule’s Data Protection Plan (DPP), consistent with the requirements of
the Data Security Agreement (DSA), as established in the Order Approv-
ing Community Choice Aggregation Program and Utility Data Security
Agreement with Modifications, issued October 19, 2017 in Cases 16-M-
0015 and 14-M-0224 (MEGA Order). Joule is directed to file an updated
Master IP and the final DPP within 60 days of the issuance of this Order.
Joule is authorized to implement its Community Choice Aggregation
Program, consistent with the terms of this Order, as soon as it has
completed the requirements in Ordering Clause numbers 1 and 2 and has
entered a Data Security Agreement with the relevant utility or utilities,
subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Administrative Costs and Funding Sources for the Renewable
Energy Standard and Zero-Emissions Credit Program
I.D. No. PSC-50-17-00020-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-16
Effective Date: 2018-03-16
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving New York
State Energy Research and Development Authority’s (NYSERDA) peti-
tion for an administration budget associated with the 2018 Clean Energy
Standard (CES).
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(1), (2), 66(2);
Energy Law, section 6-104(5)(b)
Subject: Administrative costs and funding sources for the Renewable
Energy Standard and Zero-Emissions Credit program.
Purpose: To approve NYSERDA’s petition for an administration budget
associated with the 2018 CES.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving New York State Energy Research and Development
Authority’s (NYSERDA) petition for an administration budget associated
with the 2018 Clean Energy Standard (CES). NYSERDA is authorized to
expend up to $4,100,000 for Salary and Overhead, New York State Cost
Recovery Fee (CRF), Renewable Energy Standard (RES)/Zero-Emission
Credit (ZEC) Technical Support and RES System Development for the
RES program expenses through December 31, 2018 and $4,921,000 for
Salary and Overhead, and CRF for the ZEC program expenses through
March 31, 2019. NYSERDA is also authorized to repurpose up to
$2,760,330 of previously authorized, but unspent System Benefits Charge
(SBC), Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS), and/or Renewable
Portfolio Standard (RPS) funds from the 2017 compliance period.
NYSERDA is further authorized to repurpose up to $7,104,659 of ad-
ditional uncommitted SBC, EEPS, and/or RPS funds for the 2018 compli-
ance period RES and ZEC program administrative costs. NYSERDA is
directed to reconcile any variance between the actual 2017 ZEC compli-
ance period expenses and the forecasted 2017 ZEC compliance period ex-
penses as part of the ZEC reconciliation and continue to le quarterly
reports containing itemized expenses associated with administration of the
RES and ZEC programs, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Waiver Request
I.D. No. PSC-52-17-00017-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-19
Effective Date: 2018-03-19
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving PSEG
Long Island LLC’s (PSEG-LI) motion to waive certain Commission
regulations relating to Public Service Law Article VII applications.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4 and 122
Subject: Waiver request.
Purpose: To approve PSEG-LI’s motion to waive certain Commission
regulations relating to PSC Article VII applications.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving PSEG Long Island LLC’s motion on behalf of and as
agent for the Long Island Lighting Company d/b/a LIPA to waive certain
Commission regulations relating to Public Service Law Article VII ap-
plications, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
Petition for Clarification
I.D. No. PSC-01-18-00010-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-19
Effective Date: 2018-03-19
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving National
Fuel Gas Distribution Corporations (NFG) petition for expedited
clarification of the Order Authorizing Issuance of Securities, issued on
November 17, 2017.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, section 69
Subject: Petition for clarification.
Purpose: To approve NFG’s petition for expedited clarification of the
November 2017 Order Authorizing Issuance of Securities.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation’s petition for
expedited clarification of the Order Authorizing Issuance of Securities, is-
sued on November 17, 2017, subject to the terms and conditions set forth
in the order.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Petition for a Waiver of the Prohibition on Service to Low-
Income Customers by ESCOs
I.D. No. PSC-02-18-00005-A
Filing Date: 2018-03-16
Effective Date: 2018-03-16
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: On 3/15/18, the PSC adopted an order approving New Wave
Energy Corporation’s (New Wave) petition for a waiver of the prohibition
on service to low-income customers by energy service companies
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 5(1)(b), 65(1), (2), (3),
66(1), (2), (3), (5) and (8)
Subject: Petition for a waiver of the prohibition on service to low-income
customers by ESCOs.
Purpose: To approve New Wave’s petition for a waiver of the prohibition
on service to low-income customers by ESCOs.
Substance of final rule: The Commission, on March 15, 2018, adopted an
order approving New Wave Energy Corporation’s (New Wave) petition
for a waiver of the Order Adopting a Prohibition on Service to Low-
Income Customers by Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), issued
December 16, 2016. New Wave is directed to report to Department of
Public Service Staff semi-annually on the status of its compliance with the
December 2016 Order, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule may be obtained from: John Pitucci, Public Service Commis-
sion, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223, (518) 486-2655,
email: john.pitucci@dps.ny.gov An IRS employer ID no. or social secu-
rity no. is required from firms or persons to be billed 25 cents per page.
Please use tracking number found on last line of notice in requests.
Assessment of Public Comment
An assessment of public comment is not submitted with this notice because
the rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the
State Administrative Procedure Act.
Terms of a Service Agreement and Waiver of Tariff Provisions
I.D. No. PSC-14-18-00004-P
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following proposed rule:
Proposed Action: The Commission is considering the petition of Saratoga
Water Services, Inc. regarding the terms of a service agreement and for a
waiver of tariff provisions.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 89-b and 89-c
Subject: Terms of a service agreement and waiver of tariff provisions.
Purpose: To consider Saratoga Water’s requested terms of a service agree-
ment and tariff waivers.
Substance of proposed rule: The Commission is considering a petition
filed on March 8, 2018 by Saratoga Water Services, Inc. (Saratoga) and
Saratoga BLVD. Apartments, Inc. (SBA) (collectively, the Petitioners).
The petition regards the extension of water service by Saratoga outside of
its existing service territory to a development owned by SBA under an
agreement between Saratoga and SBA dated June 5, 2014. After a previ-
ous petition regarding this same agreement, filed in Case 14-W-0220 on
June 18, 2014, the Commission issued a Declaratory Ruling Regarding
Extension of Service Agreement (Ruling) on October 23, 2014. The ruling
found that the agreement is reasonable and in the public interest. It also
stated that the Petitioners could apply for the waivers necessary to effectu-
ate the agreement after obtaining necessary approvals from the Depart-
ment of Environmental Conservation. Those approvals have been received.
The March 8, 2018 petition requests issuance of an Order: (a) approving
the terms and conditions of the agreement; (b) waiving Saratogas tariff
provisions to the extent they are inconsistent with the agreement; and (c)
waiving the applicability of the provisions of 16 NYCRR Parts 501 and
502 to the extent they are inconsistent with the agreement. The full text of
the petition may be reviewed online at the Department of Public Service
web page: www.dps.ny.gov. The Commission may adopt, reject or modify,
in whole or in part, the relief proposed and may resolve related matters.
Text of proposed rule and any required statements and analyses may be
obtained by filing a Document Request Form (F-96) located on our
website http://www.dps.ny.gov/f96dir.htm. For questions, contact: John
Pitucci, Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New
York 12223-1350, (518) 486-2655, email: [email protected].gov
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Kathleen H. Burgess,
Secretary, Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New
York 12223-1350, (518) 474-6530, email: [email protected].gov
Public comment will be received until: 60 days after publication of this
Regulatory Impact Statement, Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, Rural
Area Flexibility Analysis and Job Impact Statement
Statements and analyses are not submitted with this notice because the
proposed rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of
the State Administrative Procedure Act.
Transfer of Certain Street Lighting Facilities
I.D. No. PSC-14-18-00005-P
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following proposed rule:
Proposed Action: The Public Service Commission is considering a peti-
tion filed by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid for
the transfer of its street lighting facilities located in the Chautauqua Utility
District to the Chautauqua Utility District.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, section 70
Subject: Transfer of certain street lighting facilities.
Purpose: To consider the transfer of certain street lighting facilities lo-
cated in the Chautauqua Utility District.
Substance of proposed rule: The Public Service Commission (Commis-
sion) is considering a petition filed by Niagara Mohawk Power Corpora-
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
tion d/b/a National Grid (National Grid) on March 14, 2018, requesting
approval to transfer certain street lighting facilities located in the
Chautauqua Utility District, Chautauqua, NY to the Chautauqua Utility
District. The original book cost of the facilities was approximately
$153,988 and the netbook value is $65,826 based on plant records, as of
December 31, 2017. The total purchase price for the facilities shall be ap-
proximately $84,718. The full text of the petition may be viewed online at
the Department of Public Service web page: www.dps.ny.gov. The Com-
mission may adopt, reject, or modify, in whole or in part, the relief
proposed and may resolve related matters.
Text of proposed rule and any required statements and analyses may be
obtained by filing a Document Request Form (F-96) located on our
website http://www.dps.ny.gov/f96dir.htm. For questions, contact: John
Pitucci, Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New
York 12223-1350, (518) 486-2655, email: [email protected].gov
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Kathleen H. Burgess,
Secretary, Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New
York 12223-1350, (518) 474-6530, email: [email protected].gov
Public comment will be received until: 60 days after publication of this
Regulatory Impact Statement, Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, Rural
Area Flexibility Analysis and Job Impact Statement
Statements and analyses are not submitted with this notice because the
proposed rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of
the State Administrative Procedure Act.
Petition for Abandonment
I.D. No. PSC-14-18-00006-P
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following proposed rule:
Proposed Action: The Commission is considering a petition filed by
Willsboro Bay Water Company to abandon its seasonal water system.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 4(1), 5(1)(f), 89-c(1),
(10) and 89-h
Subject: Petition for abandonment.
Purpose: To consider the abandonment of Willsboro Bay Water Compa-
ny’s water system.
Substance of proposed rule: The Commission is considering a petition
filed by Willsboro Bay Water Company (Willsboro Bay or Company) on
February 22, 2018, to abandon its seasonal water system. Willsboro Bay
provides seasonal water service to 28 customers in the Town of Willsboro
in Essex County. The Company states that it is unable to continue opera-
tion of the water system and to meet the recently enacted requirements of
the New York State Department of Health regarding system oversight and
water quality monitoring, and therefore requests approval to abandon the
system. The full text of the petition may be reviewed online at the Depart-
ment of Public Service web page: www.dps.ny.gov. The Commission may
adopt, reject or modify, in whole or in part, the relief proposed and may
resolve related matters.
Text of proposed rule and any required statements and analyses may be
obtained by filing a Document Request Form (F-96) located on our
website http://www.dps.ny.gov/f96dir.htm. For questions, contact: John
Pitucci, Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New
York 12223-1350, (518) 486-2655, email: [email protected].gov
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Kathleen H. Burgess,
Secretary, Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New
York 12223-1350, (518) 474-6530, email: [email protected].gov
Public comment will be received until: May 21, 2018.
Regulatory Impact Statement, Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, Rural
Area Flexibility Analysis and Job Impact Statement
Statements and analyses are not submitted with this notice because the
proposed rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of
the State Administrative Procedure Act.
An Offshore Wind Generating Facilities Program
I.D. No. PSC-14-18-00007-P
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following proposed rule:
Proposed Action: The Commission is considering the adoption of a regula-
tory program to encourage the procurement of electricity from new
offshore wind generating facilities by New York State consumers.
Statutory authority: Public Service Law, sections 5(2), 65(1), 66(1), (2),
(3), (4), (5) and (12)
Subject: An offshore wind generating facilities program.
Purpose: To promote offshore wind generating facilities and to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
Substance of proposed rule: The Public Service Commission (Commis-
sion) is considering the adoption of a regulatory program to encourage the
procurement of electricity from new offshore wind generating facilities by
New York State consumers. This includes, in part, consideration of an
“Offshore Wind Policy Options Paper” (Options Paper) filed by the New
York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) on
January 29, 2018, which provides an assessment of alternatives for ad-
dressing a wide range of policy issues pertinent to the deployment of
offshore wind energy.
As a component of the regulatory program, the Commission is consider-
ing adopting a goal that the quantity of electricity supplied by renewable
resources and consumed in New York State be increased by the output of
2,400 MWs of new offshore wind generation facilities by 2030 as part of a
strategy to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030.
The goal under consideration is based on contributions towards achieve-
ment of the goal by each New York Load Serving Entity (LSE) serving
retail customers, including the non-jurisdictional Long Island Power
Authority (LIPA) and New York Power Authority (NYPA).
As a Phase 1 component of the regulatory program, the Commission is
considering the adoption of a requirement to jump-start the deployment of
offshore wind resources to serve New York consumers by requiring each
New York LSE to serve their retail customers by procuring new offshore
wind resources, evidenced by the competitive procurement of qualifying
Offshore-wind Renewable Energy Credits (ORECs), obtained in solicita-
tions to be conducted in 2018 and 2019 to procure the annual renewable
energy attributes associated with up to 800 MWs of new offshore wind
generation facilities.
Phase 1 Competitive Solicitations
Sufficient competitive solicitations would be conducted by NYSERDA,
LIPA and/or NYPA in 2018 and 2019, in cooperation with each other, to
obtain in total the intended 800 MWs. The quantity of MWs that is
procured by each soliciting entity towards the 800 MWs need not be
limited to the proportional share of retail load to be served, but instead
could be based on quantities deemed efficient for each particular
solicitation. Solicitations conducted by NYSERDA would be for the
procurement of ORECs only and would have 25-year contract terms.
Contracts awarded by NYSERDA, in its discretion, could be flexible as to
quantity purchased to be tailored to the capacity of interconnection points,
or to promote other efficiency factors such as economies of scale. LIPA
and/or NYPA could agree to have NYSERDA obtain a share of ORECs
for them through NYSERDAs solicitations, or could conduct their own
solicitations. If LIPA and/or NYPA conduct their own solicitations, they
would be free to establish their own OREC procurement options and
methodologies, including, but not limited to, the combined procurement
of ORECs, energy, and capacity.
Phase 1 Offshore Wind Project Eligibility
Eligibility would be limited to offshore wind electric generation facili-
ties, located in ocean waters of the United States, that become operational
on or after January 1, 2015; that deliver their electric energy into the New
York Control Area for consumption by New York consumers, either by
direct generator lead into New York or by transmission across adjacent
control areas into New York; that upon submission of a bid have already
obtained a lease for the offshore ocean site from the U.S. Bureau of Ocean
Management (BOEM); and that are located a minimum distance from
shore necessary to minimize visual impacts from land, to be pre-
determined by the Commission. The Commission is considering whether
the minimum distance should be 20 statute miles, or some lesser or greater
minimum distance. In addition, eligibility requirements regarding project
labor agreements and prevailing wage requirements could be included in
solicitations by NYSERDA, in its discretion, after consultation with Staff
of the Department of Public Service.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
Phase 1 NYSERDA Bid Scoring and Contracts
NYSERDA would score competitive bids by giving a relative weight of
70% accorded to price, 25% to economic benefits, and 5% to project
viability. NYSERDA, in its discretion, would establish the criteria for
scoring economic benefits and project viability for each solicitation. In ad-
dition, criteria regarding project labor agreements and prevailing wage
requirements could be included in the scoring of economic benefits by
NYSERDA, in its discretion, after consultation with Staff of the Depart-
ment of Public Service. NYSERDA would impose a maximum upset price
as a cost containment measure, and would always have authority to reject
all bids. Contract language and contract requirements, such as construc-
tion and in-service milestones and deadlines, bid bonds, cash bonds, and
other contract security arrangements would be left to NYSERDA’s
Phase 1 NYSERDA Procurement Options
The Commission is considering a number of options for NYSERDAs
procurement of ORECs, as listed below. A number of these options are
further detailed in the Options Paper, along with NYSERDAs assessment
of the associated benefits and costs, legal risks and implications, and other
1. Fixed OREC
Under this approach, winning projects would receive a fixed as-bid
OREC price throughout the contract lifetime. Each OREC would repre-
sent the renewable attributes associated with 1 MWh of electricity
generated. This is similar to the Commission’s approach used for Tier 1 of
the Renewable Energy Standard.
2. Market OREC
Under this option, NYSERDA would purchase ORECs at a price that
would vary over the life of the contract based on the net difference, from
time to time, between the project’s winning Strike Price bid and the actual
revenue the project was able to achieve from its energy and capacity sales,
whether in the regulated wholesale markets or through other transactions
such as bilateral sales. Offshore wind generators would be required to
report to NYSERDA their actual revenues received from selling energy
and capacity. To determine the net amount paid to the generator (Market
OREC Price), NYSERDA would deduct from the Strike Price the actual
revenues received by the offshore wind generator from selling energy and
3. Index OREC
Under this option, NYSERDA would purchase ORECs at a price that
would vary over the life of the contract based on the net difference, from
time to time, between the project’s winning Strike Price bid and a refer-
ence price equivalent to the compensation that a generic, average project
might receive. Such reference price would be an average energy and capa-
city market price, as expressed in a market index or composite of indices
(Reference Price), whether the project sold its energy and capacity into the
regulated wholesale markets or not. NYSERDA would derive the Refer-
ence Price from an index or composite index of prices cleared within a
particular New York Control Area zone, which zone may or may not be
the zone into which the project sells its energy and capacity. The Refer-
ence Price would be comprised of average energy and capacity values
within that zone for a period of time prior to the calculation of the refer-
ence price, such as a month, reflective of a time period for such genera-
tion, but not the actual prices received by the generator (which may have
been impacted during that period of time, even in the same zone, by time-
of-day and other factors). To determine the net amount paid to the genera-
tor (Index OREC Price), NYSERDA would deduct from the Strike Price
the Reference Price.
4. Forward OREC
Under this option, NYSERDA would purchase ORECs at a price that
would vary at set periods of time, such as every two years over the life of
the contract, based on the net difference, recalculated every two years, be-
tween the project’s winning Strike Price bid and the price of two-year
energy and capacity price forecasts or forward indices as expressed in a
forward composite of indices (Forward Price) within a particular zone,
whether the project sold its energy and capacity into the regulated
wholesale markets or not, and in that particular zone or not. Either upward
or downward adjustments to the OREC price of each tranche would be
calculated prior to the beginning of each tranche period according to
energy and capacity price forecasts or forward indices matching the
tranche period, and would remain fixed for the duration of the tranche pe-
riod of time. Such prices would then be recalculated thereafter, at the end
of every tranche period, in the same manner. To determine the net amount
paid to the generator (Forward OREC Price), NYSERDA would deduct
from the Strike Price the Forward Price.
5. Fixed/Index OREC
Under this option, NYSERDA would purchase ORECs at a fixed price,
as bid, for an initial period of time, such as two years, and a price would
be set thereafter that varies based on an Index. The price would then vary
at set periods of time, such as every two years over the life of the contract,
based on the net difference, recalculated every two years, between the
projects initial bid price (Bid Price) and the change in the price of two-
year energy and capacity price forecasts or forward indices as expressed in
a forward composite of indices (Forward Price) within a particular zone,
whether the project sold its energy and capacity into the regulated
wholesale markets or not, and in that particular zone or not. Either upward
or downward adjustments to the OREC price of each tranche would be
calculated prior to the beginning of each tranche period according to
energy and capacity price forecasts or forward indices matching the
tranche period, and would remain fixed for the duration of the tranche pe-
riod of time. Such prices would then be recalculated thereafter, at the end
of every tranche period, in the same manner. To determine the net amount
paid to the generator (Fixed/Index OREC Price), NYSERDAwould deduct
or add from the Bid Price the change in the Forward Price.
6. Capped OREC
Under this option, NYSERDA would purchase ORECs at a fixed price,
as bid, for an initial period of time, such as two years, and a price would
be set thereafter that varies based on an Index. The price would then vary
at set periods of time, such as every two years over the life of the contract,
based on the net difference, recalculated every two years, between the
projects initial bid price (Bid Price) and the change in the price of two-
year energy and capacity price forecasts or forward indices as expressed in
a forward composite of indices (Forward Price) within a particular zone,
whether the project sold its energy and capacity into the regulated
wholesale markets or not, and in that particular zone or not. Either upward
or downward adjustments to the OREC price of each tranche would be
calculated prior to the beginning of each tranche period according to
energy and capacity price forecasts or forward indices matching the
tranche period, and would remain fixed for the duration of the tranche pe-
riod of time, except at no time would the resultant OREC price exceed the
original Bid Price. Such prices would then be recalculated thereafter, at
the end of every tranche period, in the same manner. To determine the net
amount paid to the generator (Capped OREC Price), NYSERDA would
deduct or add from the Bid Price the change in the Forward Price, except
at no time would the resultant OREC price exceed the original Bid Price.
7. Other Options
The Commission will also consider other options that may include
certain aspects and variations of the procurement options identified above.
Phase 1 Annual OREC Purchases by LSEs
Under each procurement option listed above, NYSERDA would
purchase the ORECs, on behalf of the LSEs, and then resell them to the
LSEs for compliance with the LSEs’ obligation. Each LSE would be
required to enter into a contractual relationship with NYSERDA to
periodically purchase ORECs during a program year balanced in a
reconciliation process so that the quantity of ORECs purchased by the
LSE during the program year equals the LSE’s proportional share of the
total number of ORECs purchased by NYSERDA. The proportional share
of each LSE would be based on the quantity of retail sales load served by
the LSE during the program year. Phase 1 ORECs would not be tradable
by LSEs except with NYSERDA.
NYSERDA’s reasonable administrative costs and cost recovery fee
costs would be recoverable from LSEs as an OREC price adder, or in some
other manner, as would be determined by the Commission.
Phase 2
Shared radial and independently-owned transmission options are
reserved for consideration in Phase 2 and would not be considered for the
Phase 1 competitive solicitations. The options of incorporating environ-
mental impact criteria other than the minimum distance from land into the
eligibility requirements and incorporating environmental impact criteria
into the bid scoring calculations are reserved for consideration in Phase 2
and would not be considered for the Phase 1 competitive solicitations.
The full text of the Options Paper and the full record of the proceeding
may be reviewed online at the Department of Public Service web page:
www.dps.ny.gov. The Commission may adopt, reject, or modify, in whole
or in part, the proposed regulatory program to encourage the procurement
of electricity from new offshore wind generating facilities by New York
State consumers, and may resolve related matters.
Text of proposed rule and any required statements and analyses may be
obtained by filing a Document Request Form (F-96) located on our
website http://www.dps.ny.gov/f96dir.htm. For questions, contact: John
Pitucci, Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New
York 12223-1350, (518) 486-2655, email: [email protected].gov
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Kathleen H. Burgess,
Secretary, Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New
York 12223-1350, (518) 474-6530, email: [email protected].gov
Public comment will be received until: 60 days after publication of this
Regulatory Impact Statement, Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, Rural
Area Flexibility Analysis and Job Impact Statement
Statements and analyses are not submitted with this notice because the
proposed rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of
the State Administrative Procedure Act.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
Urban Development
Regional Revolving Loan Trust Fund
I.D. No. UDC-14-18-00008-P
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following proposed rule:
Proposed Action: Amendment of Part 4209 of Title 21 NYCRR.
Statutory authority: L. 1987, ch. 839, section 6
Subject: Regional Revolving Loan Trust Fund.
Purpose: Update procedures for the administration of the Regional
Revolving Loan Trust Fund program.
Substance of proposed rule (Full text is posted at the following State
website: https://esd.ny.gov/regional-revolving-loan-trust-fund-
program): This rulemaking amends Part 4209 of Title 21 of the NYCRR
as follows:
1) Section 4209.2 is amended to define the terms “interest repayment
account” and “loan fund account, which terms refer separate accounts
regional corporations must maintain for the purposes of deferring
administrative expenses and making loans to qualifying businesses,
2) Section 4209.2 is further amended to expand the definition of “work-
ing capital loans” to include loans by regional corporations to qualifying
businesses for the purpose of acquiring machinery or equipment.
3) Section 4209.3 is repealed, and sections 4209.4 4209.10 are re-
numbered as sections 4209.3 – 4209.9.
4) The new section 4209.3 is amended to allow the Urban Development
Corporation (UDC) to select as many regional corporations as is
practicable through multiple competitive processes, rather than a maxi-
mum of three regional corporations through a single request for proposals
covering all areas of the state.
5) Section 4209.3 is further amended to describe how the UDC will al-
locate program funds among the various regions of the state.
6) The new section 4209.4 is amended to allow regional corporations to
administer the respective program funds they are awarded, rather than
requiring them to remit all funds to UDC for management.
7) Section 4209.4 is further amended to permit regional corporations to
make larger loans, amounting to a greater maximum share of project cost,
to eligible businesses.
8) The new sections 4209.5, 4209.6, and 4209.7 are amended to correct
9) Section 4209.7 is further amended to permit regional corporations to
make loans and loan guarantees, upon UDC’s approval, from funds man-
aged by the regional corporations, rather than requiring UDC to transmit
funds for each individual loan or guarantee to be made by each regional
10) The new section 4209.8 is amended to require regional corporations
to submit semi-annual, rather than annual, reports to UDC on their
program activities.
11) Section 4209.8 is further amended to omit references to reporting
requirements of UDC which are inconsistent with the provisions of sec-
tion 16-a of the Urban Development Corporation Act.
12) The new section 4209.9 is amended to allow regional corporation to
maintain separate loan fund and interest repayment accounts, and to use
the proceeds of interest repayment accounts to defer expenses incurred in
the administration of the program.
Text of proposed rule and any required statements and analyses may be
obtained from: Phillip Harmonick, New York State Urban Development
Corporation, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207, (518) 292-5122, email:
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to: Thomas Regan, New
York State Urban Development Corporation, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY
12207, (518) 292-5122, email: [email protected].gov
Public comment will be received until: June 3, 2018.
Regulatory Impact Statement
Chapter 839 of the Laws of 1987 established the Regional Revolving
Loan Trust Fund Program (“RRLTF”), codified in section 16-a of the
Urban Development Corporation Act, and required the Urban Develop-
ment Corporation (the “UDC”) to promulgate regulations establishing
procedures for the administration of RRLTF. These procedures include the
process for designating regional corporations to identify and provide as-
sistance to eligible businesses, the management of program funds by
regional corporations, the terms under which regional corporations may
make loans or provide loan guarantees to eligible businesses, and the
reporting requirements of regional corporations. This regulatory impact
statement is submitted in conjunction with an amended version of the
previously promulgated regulations to conform the regulations to the
requirements of section 16-a of the UDC Act, reduce administrative
burdens on regional corporations associated with RRLTF participation,
and allow regional corporations to provide greater assistance to eligible
The proposed rule gives effect to the intention of the legislature in
RRLTF to make loans for working capital, revolving lines of credit,
machinery and equipment, and seasonal inventory reasonably available to
small businesses throughout the state.
The rulemaking will eliminate unnecessary restrictions in the existing
regulations that are frustrating program participation. Currently, the UDC
administers all RRLTF program funds. Participating regional corporations
must request transfers of principal from the UDC to make financial assis-
tance available to eligible businesses, remit repayments of principal and
interest from businesses to the UDC, and request disbursements from the
UDC to defer any administrative costs, no matter how small. This unnec-
essarily restrictive framework is barrier to inducing regional corporations
to participate in the program, and adds time and processing costs to rou-
tine program activities. By allowing regional corporations to manage
program funds, while requiring regional corporations to obtain UDC ap-
proval before making assistance available to eligible businesses, the UDC
will eliminate bottlenecks in program administration while maintaining
appropriate oversight over regional corporations.
The proposed rule also eliminates unnecessary restrictions on the
amounts of loans and loan guarantees that regional corporations may
provide, and allows such regional corporations to provide the maximum
assistance permitted under section 16-a of the UDC Act. The proposed
rule also amends the RRLTF regulations to conform the reporting require-
ments to amendments to section 16-a of the UDC Act enacted in the last
legislative session.
I. Costs to private regulated parties (regional corporations): None. In
fact, the proposed rule will reduce costs to such parties associated with un-
necessary disbursements and remittances between regional corporations
and the UDC.
II. Costs to the regulating agency for the implementation and continued
administration of the rule: None. The UDC anticipates that the cost of
administering the RRLTF program will decrease as a result of devoting
fewer resources to disbursing funds to and receiving remittances from
regional corporations.
III. Costs to the State government: None.
IV. Costs to local governments: None. The proposed rule will not
impose any costs on local governments.
None. There are no local government mandates associated with the
RRLTF program.
The rule will signicantly reduce paperwork in connection with
disbursements and remittances between the UDC and regional
corporations. Although the rule requires regional corporations to report
twice annually on program administration rather than once, so as to ac-
commodate the UDC’s reporting schedule, this change will simply require
the same amount of information to be transmitted to the UDC in smaller
packages and will have minimal impact on the total paperwork completed
by regional corporations.
The proposed rule amends existing regulations pertaining to the RRLTF
program, and does not create any new sections to Part 4209 of Title 21 of
the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations. Accordingly, there is no risk
of duplication in the adoption of the proposed rule.
No alternatives were considered to amending the regulations. The UDC
cannot eliminate the abovementioned administrative burdens, or conform
the regulations to the recent amendments to section 16-a of the UDC Act,
without amending the regulations.
There are no federal standards applicable to the RRLTF program; it is
purely a state program that provides funds to regional corporations to
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
make loans and loan guarantees to eligible businesses. Therefore, the
proposed rule does not exceed any federal standard.
The UDC will be able to achieve compliance with the rule as soon as it
is adopted. The requirements of the rule will become applicable to regional
corporations entering into new agreements with the UDC for program
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Participation in the Regional Revolving Loan Trust Fund Program
(“RRLTF”) is entirely at the discretion of regional corporations. Neither
statute nor the proposed rule impose any obligation on any local govern-
ment or business entity to participate in the program. Furthermore, the
proposed rule eliminates existing administrative burdens on participating
regional corporations associated with requesting funds from the Urban
Development Corporation (“UDC”) prior to providing any assistance to
eligible businesses, remitting repayments of interest and principal by busi-
nesses to the UDC, and requesting disbursements from the UDC to defer
any administrative costs associated with administering the program.
Because it is evident from the nature of the proposed rule that it will
have either no impact or a positive impact on small businesses and local
government, no further affirmative steps were needed to ascertain that fact
and none were taken. Accordingly, a regulatory flexibility analysis for
small businesses and local governments is not required and one has not
been prepared.
Rural Area Flexibility Analysis
The Regional Revolving Loan Trust Fund Program (“RRLTF”) makes
funds available to regional corporations that will provide loans and loan
guarantees to small businesses, and does not distinguish between entities
located in rural and urban areas of New York. Furthermore, the rule does
not impose reporting, recordkeeping or other compliance requirements on
public or private entities in rural areas, except for any regional corpora-
tions voluntarily applying to participate in RRLTF. Therefore, the rule will
not have a substantial adverse economic impact on rural areas. Accord-
ingly, a rural flexibility analysis is not required and one has not been
Job Impact Statement
The Regional Revolving Loan Trust Fund Program (“RRLTF”) provides
funds to regional corporations to make loans and provide loan guarantees
to eligible businesses. In determining whether a business is eligible for
program assistance, a regional corporation must consider whether the proj-
ect the business proposes to undertake with the proceeds of the loan or
loan guarantee is substantially likely to result in the creation or retention
of jobs. The rule will not have a substantial adverse impact on jobs and
employment opportunities; rather, the program is intended to support busi-
ness growth. Because it is evident from the nature of the rulemaking that it
will have either no impact or a positive impact on job and employment op-
portunities, no further affirmative steps were needed to ascertain that fact
and none were taken. Accordingly, a job impact statement is not required
and one has not been prepared.
Workers’ Compensation Board
Workers’ Compensation Board Option to Self-Insure for
Jockey Fund
I.D. No. WCB-01-18-00001-A
Filing No. 261
Filing Date: 2018-03-16
Effective Date: 2018-04-04
cedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Action taken: Addition of Part 320 to Title 12 NYCRR.
Statutory authority: Workers’ Compensation Law, section 117(1); Rac-
ing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law, section 221(6)(b)
Subject: Workers Compensation Board Option to Self-Insure for
Jockey Fund.
Purpose: Creates the process for the Jockey Fund to self-insure for Work-
ers’ Compensation coverage.
Text or summary was published in the January 3, 2018 issue of the Regis-
ter, I.D. No. WCB-01-18-00001-P.
Final rule as compared with last published rule: No changes.
Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained
from: Heather MacMaster, Workers Compensation Board, 328 State
Street, Office of General Counsel, Schenectady, NY 12305, (518) 486-
9564, email: [email protected].gov
Initial Review of Rule
As a rule that requires a RFA, RAFA or JIS, this rule will be initially
reviewed in the calendar year 2021, which is no later than the 3rd year af-
ter the year in which this rule is being adopted.
Assessment of Public Comment
The agency received no public comment.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Rule Making Activities
Agency I.D. No. Subject Matter Location—Date—Time
Environmental Conservation, Department of
ENV-12-18-00043-P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BEACH Act standards and reclassification
Department of Environmental Conservation,
47-40 21st St., Long Island City, NY—June 7,
2018, 2:00 p.m.
Department of Environmental Conservation,
6274 E. Avon-Lima Rd., Avon, NY—June 5,
2018, 2:00 p.m.
Liquor Authority, State
LQR-07-18-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Municipal notification requirements for
temporary beer and wine permit as well as
catering permit applications for large events
State Liquor Authority, 317 Lenox Ave., 4th
Fl., New York, NY—April 18, 2018, 10:00
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Rule Making Activities
The action pending index is a list of all proposed rules which
are currently being considered for adoption. A proposed rule is
added to the index when the notice of proposed rule making is
first published in the
Register. A proposed rule is removed
from the index when any of the following occur: (1) the pro-
posal is adopted as a permanent rule; (2) the proposal is
rejected and withdrawn from consideration; or (3) the propos-
al’s notice expires.
Most notices expire in approximately 12 months if the agency
does not adopt or reject the proposal within that time. The
expiration date is printed in the second column of the action
pending index. Some notices, however, never expire. Those
notices are identied by the word exempt in the second
column. Actions pending for one year or more are preceded by
an asterisk(*).
For additional information concerning any of the proposals
listed in the action pending index, use the identification number
to locate the text of the original notice of proposed rule making.
The identification number contains a code which identifies the
agency, the issue of the
Register in which the notice was
printed, the year in which the notice was printed and the no-
tice’s serial number. The following diagram shows how to read
identification number codes.
AAM 01 12 00001 P
Action codes: P proposed rule making; EP emergency
and proposed rule making (expiration date refers to proposed
rule); RP revised rule making
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
AAM-05-18-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 01/31/19 Host materials (potatoes, tomatoes and
eggplants) and soil
To lift the golden nematode quarantine (GN) in
portions of Cayuga, Seneca, Steuben, Suffolk
and Wayne Counties
AAM-13-18-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 National Institute of Standards and
Technology (‘‘NIST’’) Handbook 44
To incorporate NIST Handbook 44 (2018
ASA-12-18-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Problem Gambling Treatment and Recovery
Repeals existing gambling regulation; replaces
with substantially updated provisions
ASA-13-18-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Authorization for physicians to use controlled
substances for treatment of chemical
Repeals obsolete regulation
ATH-07-18-00012-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 02/14/19 Loss of Bodily Function in Mixed Martial Arts
To comply with the rule changes of the
Association of Boxing Commissions and
Combative Sports
AAC-06-18-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/07/19 Update provisions relating to Employer
Reporting; Service Credit Determination for
certain members; and Notice of Hearings
To update language necessitated by the
modernization and redesign of the retirement
system’s benefit administration system
CFS-51-17-00017-ERP . . . . . . . . . . . 12/20/18 Specialized secure detention facilities To establish specialized secure detention
CFS-13-18-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Expansion of definition of prospective relative
guardian and expansion of KinGAP eligibility
To expand definition of prospective relative
guardian and KinGAP eligibility
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
CFS-14-18-00003-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 04/04/19 Group size and supervision ratios in legally-
exempt child care settings & legally-exempt
group child care financial incentives
To establish group size and supervision ratios
in legally-exempt child care settings & financial
CVS-18-17-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/03/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-18-17-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/03/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-18-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/03/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-18-17-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/03/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete a position from and classify a
position in the exempt class
CVS-18-17-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/03/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt and non-
competitive classes
CVS-18-17-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/03/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-18-17-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/03/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class and
delete positions from the non-competitive class
CVS-30-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-30-17-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-30-17-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-30-17-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-30-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete a position from and classify a
position in the exempt class
CVS-30-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-30-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-30-17-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions from and classify positions
in the non-competitive class
CVS-30-17-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-30-17-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-30-17-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-30-17-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-30-17-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-30-17-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
CVS-30-17-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions from and classify positions
in the exempt class and to delete positions
from the non-competitive class.
CVS-30-17-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To add a subheading and to classify positions
in the non-competitive class
CVS-30-17-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-30-17-00023-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt and non-
competitive classes
CVS-33-17-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/16/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-33-17-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/16/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-33-17-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/16/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-33-17-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/16/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete a position from and classify a
position in the non-competitive class
CVS-33-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/16/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-33-17-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/16/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-33-17-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/16/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt and non-
competitive classes
CVS-47-17-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/22/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions from and classify positions
in the non-competitive class
CVS-47-17-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/22/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-47-17-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/22/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions from and classify a position
in the exempt class
CVS-47-17-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/22/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-47-17-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/22/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-47-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/22/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-47-17-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/22/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class.
CVS-47-17-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/22/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-50-17-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-50-17-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
CVS-50-17-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-50-17-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-50-17-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-50-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions from and classify positions
in the non-competitive class
CVS-50-17-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-50-17-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-50-17-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-50-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions from and classify a position
in the non-competitive class
CVS-50-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-50-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions from and classify positions
in the non-competitive class
CVS-50-17-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-50-17-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13/18 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a subheading and a position in the
non-competitive class
CVS-12-18-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions from and classify positions
in the non-competitive class
CVS-12-18-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
CVS-12-18-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To delete subheading & positions from; to add
heading, subheading & positions in exempt and
non-competitive classes
CVS-12-18-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions in the exempt class and the
non-competitive class
CVS-12-18-00023-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions in the non-competitive class
CVS-12-18-00024-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class and
to delete a position from the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00025-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00026-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00027-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00028-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00029-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00030-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00031-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00032-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00033-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00034-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00035-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00036-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To delete a position from and classify a
position in the non-competitive class
CVS-12-18-00037-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00038-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00039-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the exempt class and
to delete a position from the non-competitive
CVS-12-18-00040-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-12-18-00041-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To delete a position from and classify a
position in the exempt class
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
CVS-12-18-00042-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the non-competitive
CVS-13-18-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Jurisdictional Classification To delete positions from and classify positions
in the non-competitive class
CVS-13-18-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-13-18-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-13-18-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-13-18-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-13-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CVS-13-18-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify positions in the exempt class
CVS-13-18-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Jurisdictional Classification To classify a position in the non-competitive
CMC-44-17-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/01/18 Inmate confinement and deprivation Require local correctional facilities to record,
review and report inmate cell confinement and
essential service deprivation
CMC-44-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/01/18 Inmate confinement and deprivation Require local correctional facilities to record,
review and report inmate cell confinement and
essential service deprivation
CMC-01-18-00005-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 01/03/19 Specialized secure juvenile detention facilities
for older youth (SSDs)
Provide counties the regulatory framework for
the construction, renovation and certification of
EDV-02-18-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 01/10/19 Employee Training Incentive Program To establish procedures for implementing
statutory changes to the Employee Training
Incentive Program
EDV-08-18-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/21/19 Excelsior Jobs Program To update provisions of Excelsior Jobs
Program to conform to statute
EDU-27-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . 07/05/18 Interstate Compact for Educational
Opportunity for Military Children and Physical
Education Requirements for a Diploma.
To implement Ch. 328 of the Laws of 2014 and
to provide flexibility in the physical education
diploma requirements.
EDU-44-17-00009-RP . . . . . . . . . . . 11/01/18 New Pathway to a NYS High School
Equivalency Diploma
Allows students to use passing scores on
certain Regents examinations in lieu of certain
sub-tasks on TASC
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
EDU-52-17-00007-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 12/27/18 Biological products in the profession of
Establishes requirements for substitution of
interchangeable biological products for
prescribed products
EDU-52-17-00011-RP . . . . . . . . . . . 12/27/18 Grade-level extensions for certain candidates
who hold a Students with Disabilities
Generalist certificate
To expand the pool of qualified teachers of
students with disabilities by establishing grade
level extensions for certificates
EDU-52-17-00012-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 12/27/18 Superintendent determination for certain
students with disabilities to graduate with a
local diploma
To expand the safety net options for students
with disabilities to graduate with local diplomas
when certain conditions are met
EDU-03-18-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 01/17/19 180 Day Requirement for State Aid purposes To clarify the requirement for 180 days of
instruction for State aid purposes
EDU-06-18-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/07/19 Continuous Accreditation Requirement for
Educator Preparation Providers
Allows inst. of higher ed w/ registered educator
prep progs to be accredited by accrediting
assoc. seeking recognition
EDU-06-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/07/19 Safety Nets for Teacher Certification
Eliminate req. to complete all certification req.
on/before June 30, 2018 to be eligible to use
one of the safety nets
EDU-06-18-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/07/19 Mental Health Education To implement the provisions of Chapter 390 of
the Laws of 2016 and Chapter 1 of the Laws of
EDU-06-18-00009-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 02/07/19 Graduate admission examination requirement
for registered teacher education programs
To implement chapter 454 of the Laws of 2017
EDU-06-18-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/07/19 Endorsement Requirements for Licensure as
a Dentist
To permit dentists with licenses issued by a
Canadian province to become licensed dentists
in New York State by endorsement
EDU-13-18-00027-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Teacher Certification in Health Education Creation of a Transitional K Certificate for
Certain New York State Licensed Health
Professionals to Teach Health Education
EDU-13-18-00028-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Laboratory Experiences Required to Take a
Science Regents Examination for Students in
Certain State Agency Educational Programs
To provide flexibility in meeting the science
laboratory requirements for certain students
SBE-28-17-00004-RP . . . . . . . . . . . 07/12/18 Use of independent automated audit tools To implement the amendment to Election Law
9-211 permitting use of independent automated
audit tools
*ENV-06-17-00001-RP . . . . . . . . . . . 06/29/18 Amendments to 6 NYCRR Part 617 (which
implement the State Environmental Quality
Review Act [Article 8 of the ECL])
The purpose of the rule making is to streamline
the SEQR process without sacrificing
meaningful environmental review
ENV-14-17-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/25/18 Prevention and Control of Environmental
Pollution by Radioactive Materials
To amend regulations pertaining to disposal
and release of radioactive materials to the
ENV-16-17-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 04/19/18 Permits for taking surfclams To reduce paperwork and streamline the
surfclam permitting process
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
ENV-22-17-00001-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 05/31/18 Regulations governing the recreational
harvest of summer flounder
To revise regulations concerning the
recreational harvest of summer flounder in New
York State
ENV-49-17-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/06/18 Bay Scallop Size Limit Clarify current size limit provisions for the
taking of bay scallops
ENV-12-18-00043-P . . . . . . . . . . . 06/07/19 BEACH Act Standards and Reclassification
To comply with the federal BEACH Act of 2000
(P.L. 106-284) and protect coastal recreation
waters for recreation
ENV-13-18-00025-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Peekamoose Valley Riparian Corridor To establish a permit system to protect public
safety and natural resources on the
Peekamoose Valley Riparian Corridor
*DFS-17-16-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Plan of Conversion by Commercial Travelers
Mutual Insurance Company
To convert a mutual accident and health
insurance company to a stock accident and
health insurance company
DFS-18-17-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/03/18 Establishment And Operation Of Market
Stabilization Mechanisms For Certain Health
Insurance Markets
To allow for the implementation of a market
stabilization pool for the small group health
insurance market
DFS-25-17-00002-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 06/21/18 Minimum standards for form, content and sale
of health insurance, including standards of full
and fair disclosure
To ensure coverage for essential health
benefits in all individual, small group, and
student accident and health policies
DFS-39-17-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 09/27/18 Minimum Standards for Form, Content and
Sale of Health Insurance, Including Standards
of Full and Fair Disclosure
Provide a formulary exception process for
medication for the detoxification or
maintenance treatment of a substance use
DFS-40-17-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 10/04/18 Registration Requirements and Prohibited
Practices for Credit Reporting Agencies
To address deficient practices of consumer
credit reporting agencies and protect user of
and the market for financial services
DFS-52-17-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/27/18 Special Risk Insurance To update Section 16.12(e) to incorporate
changes and additions to class 2 risks
introduced by 5/10/17 Public Notice
DFS-52-17-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/27/18 Suitability in Life Insurance and Annuity
Establish suitability standards for life insurance
and clarify that a transaction must be in the
best interest of the consumer.
SGC-09-18-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/28/19 The licensing and registration of gaming
facility employees and vendors
To govern the licensing and registration of
gaming facility employees and vendors
*HLT-14-94-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Payment methodology for HIV/AIDS
outpatient services
To expand the current payment to incorporate
pricing for services
HLT-20-17-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . 05/17/18 Lead Testing in School Drinking Water Requires lead testing and remediation of
potable drinking water in schools
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
HLT-28-17-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/17/18 Early Intervention Program To conform existing program regulations to
federal regulations and state statute
HLT-38-17-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 09/20/18 Trauma Centers Requires hospitals to be verified by the
American College of Surgeons Committee to
be designated trauma centers by the Dept.
HLT-43-17-00001-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 10/25/18 Medical Use of Marihuana To allow certain defined facilities to become a
designated caregiver for a certified patient in
NYS’s Medical Marihuana Program
HLT-49-17-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/06/18 Food and Beverages in Funeral
To lift the ban of the consumption of food and
beverages in funeral establishments
HLT-02-18-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 01/10/19 Hospital Policies and Procedures for
Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
To require hospitals to establish policies &
procedures to identify, assess & refer
individuals with substance use disorders
HLT-04-18-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . 01/24/19 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Initial
Certification Eligibility Requirements
To reduce the EMS certification eligibility
minimum age from 18 to 17 years of age
HLT-06-18-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/07/19 Public Water Systems - Revised Total
Coliform Rule
To increase public health protection by
reducing exposure to contaminants in drinking
HLT-07-18-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/14/19 Medicaid Reimbursement of Nursing Facility
Reserved Bed Days for Hospitalizations
To make changes relating to reserved bed
payments made by Medicaid to nursing
HLT-07-18-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/14/19 Rate Rationalization Intermediate Care
Facilities for Persons with Developmental
Amend rate methodology eff. 7/1/16 and
include addition of an occupancy adjust. &
revision to 4/1/15 2% compensation calculation
HLT-09-18-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/28/19 Managed Care Organizations To maintain the contingent reserve requirement
applied to the Medicaid Managed Care, HIV
SNP and HARP programs
ESC-12-18-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Income used to determine financial aid
To conform the regulations to a recently
enacted statutory provision
JPE-34-17-00003-RP . . . . . . . . . . . 08/23/18 Comprehensive lobbying regulations To set forth comprehensive lobbying
regulations that implement the provisions of the
Lobbying Act
JPE-34-17-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/23/18 Source of funding reporting. To make consistent with the new
comprehensive lobbying regulations at Part
943 and clarify exemption procedures.
JPE-42-17-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 10/18/18 Financial disclosure statements To add a right of appeal to provisions
governing exemptions related to filing a
financial disclosure statement
JDC-02-18-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . 01/10/19 Issuing of subpeonas To clarify that only the referee has subpoena
issuing power in Commission hearings
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
JCP-09-18-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/28/19 Criminal History Information Checks To clarify language in the rule and make
technical corrections
LAB-47-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/22/18 Employee Scheduling (Call-In Pay) To strengthen existing call-in pay protections
involving employee scheduling
LAW-13-18-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/28/19 Change of office address (Lower Manhattan
To update new address of the Lower
Manhattan location
LQR-07-18-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . 04/18/19 Municipal notification requirements for
Temporary Beer and Wine Permit as well as
Catering Permit applications for large events
To establish municipal notification for
Temporary Beer and Wine Permit as well as
Catering Permit applications for large events
*LPA-08-01-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Pole attachments and related matters To approve revisions to the authority’s tariff
*LPA-41-02-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Tariff for electric service To revise the tariff for electric service
*LPA-04-06-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Tariff for electric service To adopt provisions of a ratepayer protection
*LPA-03-10-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Residential late payment charges To extend the application of late payment
charges to residential customers
LPA-41-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The undergrounding provisions of the
Authority’s Tariff for Electric Service
To offer local communities a mechanism for
financing the additional cost of undergrounding
LPA-41-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The remote meter reading provisions of the
Authority’s Tariff for Electric Service
To eliminate charges for remote meter reading
LPA-41-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The net energy metering provisions of the
Authority’s Tariff for Electric Service
To update the Authority’s net energy metering
provisions consistent with the rest of New York
OMH-31-17-00001-RP . . . . . . . . . . . 08/02/18 Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and
Treatment Services for Children
To promote the expansion of behavioral health
services for children and youth under 21 years
of age
OMH-09-18-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/28/19 Procedure for Treatment and Hospitalization
of Certain Mentally Ill Prisoners in Jail
To conform implementing regulations with a
change in the authorizing statute
MTV-26-17-00003-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 06/28/18 Insurance requirements for TNC vehicles Technical amendment regarding insurance
requirements for TNC vehicles
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*NFW-04-13-00004-EP . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Adoption of Rates, Fees and Charges To pay for the increased costs necessary to
operate, maintain and manage the system, and
to achieve covenants with bondholders
*NFW-13-14-00006-EP . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Adoption of Rates, Fees and Charges To pay for increased costs necessary to
operate, maintain and manage the system and
to achieve covenants with the bondholders
NFW-01-18-00004-EP . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Adoption of Rates, Fees, and Charges To pay for increased costs necessary to
operate, maintain, and manage the system,
and to meet covenants with the bondholders
NFT-23-17-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . 06/07/18 Procurement Guidelines of the Niagara
Frontier Transportation Authority and Niagara
Frontier Transit Metro System, Inc.
To amend Procurement Guidelines to reflect
changes in law, clarifying provisions and
change signing authority level
PDD-48-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . 11/29/18 Clarification of Assessment of Functional and
Health-Related Needs
To clarify requirements for an Assessment of
Functional and Health-Related Needs in
Person Centered Planning regulations
PDD-51-17-00006-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 12/20/18 Site Based and Community Based
Prevocational Services
To clarify site-based and community-based
services and clarify reimbursement
PDD-07-18-00001-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 02/14/19 Enrollment in Medicare Prescription Drug
Plans and Fully Integrated Duals Advantage
Plans for IDD
To allow individuals to be enrolled in a FIDA-
IDD plan when individuals are unable to enroll
PDD-07-18-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/14/19 Adult Sibling Update Add adult sibling to the list of qualified persons
available, pursuant to Mental Hygiene Law
section 33.16(a)(6)
PDD-07-18-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/14/19 Advocacy Organization Definition Update To redefine the advocacy organizations listed
under 676.12(ab)
PDD-14-18-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . 04/04/19 Telephone Service To require providers to have and maintain
active telephone service at all times
*PAS-01-10-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Rates for the sale of power and energy Update ECSB Programs customers’ service
tariffs to streamline them/include additional
required information
*PSC-09-99-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of books and records by Citizens
Utilities Company
To relocate Ogden Telephone Company’s
books and records out-of-state
*PSC-15-99-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Electronic tariff by Woodcliff Park Corp. To replace the company’s current tariff with an
electronic tariff
*PSC-12-00-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Winter bundled sales service election date by
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation
To revise the date
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-44-01-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Annual reconciliation of gas costs by Corning
Natural Gas Corporation
To authorize the company to include certain
gas costs
*PSC-07-02-00032-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Uniform business practices To consider modification
*PSC-36-03-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Performance assurance plan by Verizon New
To consider changes
*PSC-40-03-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Receipt of payment of bills by St. Lawrence
Gas Company
To revise the process
*PSC-41-03-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Annual reconciliation of gas expenses and
gas cost recoveries
To consider filings of various LDCs and
*PSC-41-03-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Annual reconciliation of gas expenses and
gas cost recoveries
To consider filings of various LDCs and
*PSC-44-03-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Retail access data between jurisdictional
To accommodate changes in retail access
market structure or commission mandates
*PSC-02-04-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Delivery rates for Con Edison’s customers in
New York City and Westchester County by
the City of New York
To rehear the Nov. 25, 2003 order
*PSC-06-04-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of ownership interest by SCS Energy
LLC and AE Investors LLC
To transfer interest in Steinway Creek Electric
Generating Company LLC to AE Investors LLC
*PSC-10-04-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Temporary protective order To consider adopting a protective order
*PSC-10-04-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection agreement between Verizon
New York Inc. and VIC-RMTS-DC, L.L.C.
d/b/a Verizon Avenue
To amend the agreement
*PSC-14-04-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Submetering of natural gas service to
industrial and commercial customers by
Hamburg Fairgrounds
To submeter gas service to commercial
customers located at the Buffalo Speedway
*PSC-15-04-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Submetering of electricity by Glenn Gardens
Associates, L.P.
To permit submetering at 175 W. 87th St., New
York, NY
*PSC-21-04-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Verizon performance assurance plan by
Metropolitan Telecommunications
To clarify the appropriate performance level
*PSC-22-04-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Approval of new types of electricity meters by
Powell Power Electric Company
To permit the use of the PE-1250 electronic
*PSC-22-04-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Major gas rate increase by Consolidated
Edison Company of New York, Inc.
To increase annual gas revenues
*PSC-22-04-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Master metering of water by South Liberty
To waive the requirement for installation of
separate water meters
*PSC-25-04-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection agreement between Frontier
Communications of Ausable Valley, Inc., et al.
and Sprint Communications Company, L.P.
To amend the agreement
*PSC-27-04-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection agreement between Verizon
New York Inc. and various Verizon wireless
To amend the agreement
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-27-04-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection agreement between Verizon
New York Inc. and various Verizon wireless
To amend the agreement
*PSC-28-04-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Approval of loans by Dunkirk & Fredonia
Telephone Company and Cassadaga
Telephone Corporation
To authorize participation in the parent
corporation’s line of credit
*PSC-31-04-00023-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Distributed generation service by
Consolidated Edison Company of New York,
To provide an application form
*PSC-34-04-00031-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Flat rate residential service by Emerald Green
Lake Louise Marie Water Company, Inc.
To set appropriate level of permanent rates
*PSC-35-04-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Application form for distributed generation by
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
To establish a new supplementary application
form for customers
*PSC-43-04-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Accounts recievable by Rochester Gas and
Electric Corporation
To include in its tariff provisions for the
purchase of ESCO accounts recievable
*PSC-46-04-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Service application form by Consolidated
Edison Company of New York, Inc.
To revise the form and make housekeeping
*PSC-46-04-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Rules and guidelines governing installation of
metering equipment
To establish uniform statewide business
*PSC-02-05-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Violation of the July 22, 2004 order by
Dutchess Estates Water Company, Inc.
To consider imposing remedial actions against
the company and its owners, officers and
*PSC-09-05-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Submetering of natural gas service by Hamlet
on Olde Oyster Bay
To consider submetering of natural gas to a
commercial customer
*PSC-14-05-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Request for deferred accounting authorization
by Freeport Electric Inc.
To defer expenses beyond the end of the fiscal
*PSC-18-05-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Marketer Assignment Program by
Consolidated Edison Company of New York,
To implement the program
*PSC-20-05-00028-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Delivery point aggregation fee by Allied
Frozen Storage, Inc.
To review the calculation of the fee
*PSC-25-05-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Metering, balancing and cashout provisions
by Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation
To establish provisions for gas customers
taking service under Service Classification Nos.
8, 9 and 11
*PSC-27-05-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Annual reconciliation of gas costs by New
York State Electric & Gas Corporation
To consider the manner in which the gas cost
incentive mechanism has been applied
*PSC-41-05-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Annual reconciliation of gas expenses and
gas cost recoveries by local distribution
companies and municipalities
To consider the filings
*PSC-45-05-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Treatment of lost and unaccounted gas costs
by Corning Natural Gas Corporation
To defer certain costs
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-46-05-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Sale of real and personal property by the
Brooklyn Union Gas Company d/b/a KeySpan
Energy Delivery New York and Steel Arrow,
To consider the sale
*PSC-47-05-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transferral of gas supplies by Corning Natural
Gas Corporation
To approve the transfer
*PSC-50-05-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Long-term debt by Saratoga Glen Hollow
Water Supply Corp.
To obtain long-term debt
*PSC-04-06-00024-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of ownership interests by Mirant NY-
Gen LLC and Orange and Rockland Utilities,
To approve of the transfer
*PSC-06-06-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Gas curtailment policies and procedures To examine the manner and extent to which
gas curtailment policies and procedures should
be modified and/or established
*PSC-07-06-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Modification of the current Environmental
Disclosure Program
To include an attributes accounting system
*PSC-22-06-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Hourly pricing by National Grid To assess the impacts
*PSC-22-06-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Hourly pricing by New York State Electric &
Gas Corporation
To assess the impacts
*PSC-22-06-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Hourly pricing by Rochester Gas & Electric
To assess the impacts
*PSC-22-06-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Hourly pricing by Consolidated Edison
Company of New York, Inc.
To assess the impacts
*PSC-22-06-00023-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Hourly pricing by Orange and Rockland
Utilities, Inc.
To assess the impacts
*PSC-24-06-00005-EP . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Supplemental home energy assistance
To extend the deadline to Central Hudson’s
low-income customers
*PSC-25-06-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Purchased power adjustment by Massena
Electric Department
To revise the method of calculating the
purchased power adjustment and update the
factor of adjustment
*PSC-34-06-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Inter-carrier telephone service quality
standards and metrics by the Carrier Working
To incorporate appropriate modifications
*PSC-37-06-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Procedures for estimation of customer bills by
Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation
To consider estimation procedures
*PSC-37-06-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Procedures for estimation of customer bills by
Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation
To consider estimation procedures
*PSC-43-06-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Electric delivery services by Strategic Power
Management, Inc.
To determine the proper mechanism for the
rate-recovery of costs
*PSC-04-07-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for rehearing by Orange and
Rockland Utilities, Inc.
To clarify the order
*PSC-06-07-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Meter reading and billing practices by Central
Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation
To continue current meter reading and billing
practices for electric service
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-06-07-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Meter reading and billing practices by Central
Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation
To continue current meter reading and billing
practices for gas service
*PSC-11-07-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Investigation of the electric power outages by
the Consolidated Edison Company of New
York, Inc.
To implement the recommendations in the
staff’s investigation
*PSC-11-07-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Storm-related power outages by Consolidated
Edison Company of New York, Inc.
To modify the company’s response to power
outages, the timing for any such changes and
other related matters
*PSC-17-07-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection agreement between Verizon
New York Inc. and BridgeCom International,
To amend the agreement
*PSC-18-07-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Existing electric generating stations by
Independent Power Producers of New York,
To repower and upgrade existing electric
generating stations owned by Rochester Gas
and Electric Corporation
*PSC-20-07-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Tariff revisions and making rates permanent
by New York State Electric & Gas Corporation
To seek rehearing
*PSC-21-07-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Natural Gas Supply and Acquisition Plan by
Corning Natural Gas Corporation
To revise the rates, charges, rules and
regulations for gas service
*PSC-22-07-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Demand Side Management Program by
Consolidated Edison Company of New York,
To recover incremental program costs and lost
*PSC-23-07-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Supplier, transportation, balancing and
aggregation service by National Fuel Gas
Distribution Corporation
To explicitly state in the company’s tariff that
the threshold level of elective upstream
transmission capacity is a maximum of 112,600
Dth/day of marketer-provided upstream
*PSC-24-07-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Gas Efficiency Program by the City of New
To consider rehearing a decision establishing a
Gas Efficiency Program
*PSC-39-07-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Gas bill issuance charge by New York State
Electric & Gas Corporation
To create a gas bill issuance charge unbundled
from delivery rates
*PSC-41-07-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Submetering of electricity rehearing To seek reversal
*PSC-42-07-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Energy efficiency program by Orange and
Rockland Utilities, Inc.
To consider any energy efficiency program for
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.’s electric
*PSC-42-07-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Revenue decoupling by Orange and Rockland
Utilities, Inc.
To consider a revenue decoupling mechanism
for Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
*PSC-45-07-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Customer incentive programs by Orange and
Rockland Utilities, Inc.
To establish a tariff provision
*PSC-02-08-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Additional central office codes in the 315 area
code region
To consider options for making additional
*PSC-03-08-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Rehearing of the accounting determinations To grant or deny a petition for rehearing of the
accounting determinations
*PSC-04-08-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Granting of easement rights on utility property
by Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation
To grant easement rights to Millennium Pipeline
Company, L.L.C.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-04-08-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Marketing practices of energy service
companies by the Consumer Protection Board
and New York City Department of Consumer
To consider modifying the commission’s
regulation over marketing practices of energy
service companies
*PSC-08-08-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of ownership by Entergy Nuclear
Fitzpatrick LLC, et al.
To consider the transfer
*PSC-12-08-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Extend the provisions of the existing electric
rate plan by Rochester Gas and Electric
To consider the request
*PSC-12-08-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Extend the provisions of the existing gas rate
plan by Rochester Gas and Electric
To consider the request
*PSC-13-08-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of commission policy and NYSEG
tariff by Turner Engineering, PC
To grant or deny Turner’s petition
*PSC-13-08-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Voltage drops by New York State Electric &
Gas Corporation
To grant or deny the petition
*PSC-23-08-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition requesting rehearing and clarification
of the commission’s April 25, 2008 order
denying petition of public utility law project
To consider whether to grant or deny, in whole
or in part, the May 7, 2008 Public Utility Law
Project (PULP) petition for rehearing and
clarification of the commission’s April 25, 2008
order denying petition of Public Utility Law
*PSC-25-08-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Policies and procedures regarding the
selection of regulatory proposals to meet
reliability needs
To establish policies and procedures regarding
the selection of regulatory proposals to meet
reliability needs
*PSC-25-08-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Report on Callable Load Opportunities Rider U report assessing callable load
opportunities in New York City and Westchester
County during the next 10 years
*PSC-28-08-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Con Edison’s procedure for providing
customers access to their account information
To consider Con Edison’s implementation plan
and timetable for providing customers access
to their account information
*PSC-31-08-00025-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Recovery of reasonable DRS costs from the
cost mitigation reserve (CMR)
To authorize recovery of the DRS costs from
the CMR
*PSC-32-08-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The ESCO referral program for KEDNY to be
implemented by October 1, 2008
To approve, reject or modify, in whole or in
part, KEDNY’s recommended ESCO referral
*PSC-33-08-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Noble Allegany’s request for lightened
To consider Noble Allegany’s request for
lightened regulation as an electric corporation
*PSC-36-08-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Land Transfer in the Borough of Manhattan,
New York
To consider petition for transfer of real property
*PSC-39-08-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt RG&E’s economic development plan and
Consideration of the approval of RG&E’s
economic development plan and tariffs
*PSC-40-08-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Loans from regulated company to its parent To determine if the cash management program
resulting in loans to the parent should be
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-41-08-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of control of cable TV franchise To determine if the transfer of control of
Margaretville’s cable TV subsidiary should be
*PSC-43-08-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Annual Reconcilliation of Gas Expenses and
Gas Cost Recoveries
The filings of various LDCs and municipalities
regarding their Annual Reconciliation of Gas
Expenses and Gas Cost Recoveries
*PSC-46-08-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Property transfer in the Village of Avon, New
To consider a petition for the transfer of street
lighting and attached equipment to the Village
of Avon, New York
*PSC-46-08-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt A transfer of indirect ownership interests in
nuclear generation facilities
Consideration of approval of a transfer of
indirect ownership interests in nuclear
generation facilities
*PSC-46-08-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The attachment of cellular antennae to an
electric transmission tower
To approve, reject or modify the request for
permission to attach cellular antennae to an
electric transmission tower
*PSC-48-08-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt A National Grid high efficiency gas heating
equipment rebate program
To expand eligibility to customers converting
from oil to natural gas
*PSC-48-08-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the master metering and
submetering of electricity
To consider the request of Bay City Metering,
to master meter & submeter electricity at 345
E. 81st St., New York, New York
*PSC-48-08-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of PCV/ST to submeter
electricity at Peter Cooper Village & Stuyvesant
Town, New York, New York
*PSC-50-08-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Market Supply Charge A study on the implementation of a revised
Market Supply Charge
*PSC-51-08-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Commission’s October 27, 2008 Order on
Future of Retail Access Programs in Case
To consider a Petition for rehearing of the
Commission’s October 27, 2008 Order in Case
*PSC-51-08-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Commission’s October 27, 2008 Order in
Cases 98-M-1343, 07-M-1514 and 08-G-0078
To consider Petitions for rehearing of the
Commission’s October 27, 2008 Order in
Cases 98-M-1343, 07-M-1514 and 08-G-0078
*PSC-53-08-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Use of deferred Rural Telephone Bank funds To determine if the purchase of a softswitch by
Hancock is an appropriate use of deferred
Rural Telephone Bank funds
*PSC-53-08-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of permanent and temporary
easements at 549-555 North Little Tor Road,
New City, NY
Transfer of permanent and temporary
easements at 549-555 North Little Tor Road,
New City, NY
*PSC-53-08-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To transfer common stock and ownership To consider transfer of common stock and
*PSC-01-09-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt FCC decision to redefine service area of
Review and consider FCC proposed
redefinition of Citizens/Frontier service area
*PSC-02-09-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Competitive classification of independent local
exchange company, and regulatory relief
appropriate thereto
To determine if Chazy & Westport Telephone
Corporation more appropriately belongs in
scenario 1 rather than scenario 2
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-05-09-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Revenue allocation, rate design, performance
metrics, and other non-revenue requirement
To consider any remaining non-revenue
requirement issues related to the Company’s
May 9, 2008 tariff filing
*PSC-05-09-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Numerous decisions involving the steam
system including cost allocation, energy
efficiency and capital projects
To consider the long term impacts on steam
rates and on public policy of various options
concerning the steam system
*PSC-06-09-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection of the networks between
Frontier Comm. and WVT Communications
for local exchange service and exchange
To review the terms and conditions of the
negotiated agreement between Frontier Comm.
and WVT Comm.
*PSC-07-09-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer certain utility assets located in the
Town of Montgomery from plant held for
future use to non-utility property
To consider the request to transfer certain
utility assets located in the Town of
Montgomery to non-utility assets
*PSC-07-09-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Request for authorization to defer the
incremental costs incurred in the restoration
work resulting from the ice storm
To allow the company to defer the incremental
costs incurred in the restoration work resulting
from the ice storm
*PSC-07-09-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the submetering of natural
gas service to an industrial and commercial
customer at Cooper Union, New York, NY
To consider the request of Cooper Union, to
submeter natural gas at 41 Cooper Square,
New York, New York
*PSC-12-09-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Charges for commodity To charge customers for commodity costs
*PSC-12-09-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Charges for commodity To charge customers for commodity costs
*PSC-13-09-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Options for making additional central office
codes available in the 718/347 numbering
plan area
To consider options for making additional
central office codes available in the 718/347
numbering plan area
*PSC-14-09-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The regulation of revenue requirements for
municipal utilities by the Public Service
To determine whether the regulation of revenue
requirements for municipal utilities should be
*PSC-16-09-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of AMPS on behalf of
Park Imperial to submeter electricity at 230 W.
56th Street, in New York, New York
*PSC-16-09-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether SUNY’s core accounts should be
exempt from the mandatory assignment of
local distribution company (LDC) capacity
Whether SUNY’s core accounts should be
exempt from the mandatory assignment of
local distribution company (LDC) capacity
*PSC-17-09-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of Elster REX2
solid state electric meter for use in residential
and commerical accounts
To permit electric utilities in New York State to
use the Elster REX2
*PSC-17-09-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether Brooklyn Navy Yard Cogeneration
Partners, L.P. should be reimbursed by Con
Edison for past and future use taxes
Whether Brooklyn Navy Yard Cogeneration
Partners, L.P. should be reimbursed by Con
Edison for past and future use taxes
*PSC-17-09-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of gas at
commercial property
To consider the request of Turner Construction,
to submeter natural gas at 550 Short Ave., &
10 South St., Governors Island, NY
*PSC-17-09-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Benefit-cost framework for evaluating AMI
programs prepared by the DPS Staff
To consider a benefit-cost framework for
evaluating AMI programs prepared by the DPS
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-17-09-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The construction of a tower for wireless
antennas on land owned by National Grid
To approve, reject or modify the petition to
build a tower for wireless antennas in the Town
of Onondaga
*PSC-18-09-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for rehearing of Order approving the
submetering of electricity
To consider the request of Frank Signore to
rehear petition to submeter electricity at One
City Place in White Plains, New York
*PSC-18-09-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of Living Opportunities
of DePaul to submeter electricity at E. Main St.
located in Batavia, New York
*PSC-18-09-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Approval of an arrangement for attachment of
wireless antennas to the utility’s transmission
facilities in the City of Yonkers
To approve, reject or modify the petition for the
existing wireless antenna attachment to the
utility’s transmission tower
*PSC-20-09-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The recovery of, and accounting for, costs
associated with the Companies’ advanced
metering infrastructure (AMI) pilots etc
To consider a filing of the Companies as to the
recovery of, and accounting for, costs
associated with it’s AMI pilots etc
*PSC-20-09-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The recovery of, and accounting for, costs
associated with CHG&E’s AMI pilot program
To consider a filing of CHG&E as to the
recovery of, and accounting for, costs
associated with it’s AMI pilot program
*PSC-22-09-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Cost allocation for Consolidated Edison’s East
River Repowering Project
To determine whether any changes are
warranted in the cost allocation of Consolidated
Edison’s East River Repowering Project
*PSC-25-09-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to grant, deny, or modify, in whole or
in part, the petition
Whether to grant, deny, or modify, in whole or
in part, the petition
*PSC-25-09-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Electric utility implementation plans for
proposed web based SIR application process
and project status database
To determine if the proposed web based SIR
systems are adequate and meet requirements
needed for implementation
*PSC-25-09-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Electric rates for Consolidated Edison
Company of New York, Inc
Consider a Petition for Rehearing filed by
Consolidated Edison Company of New York,
*PSC-27-09-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection of the networks between
Vernon and tw telecom of new york I.p. for
local exchange service and exchange access.
To review the terms and conditions of the
negotiated agreement between Vernon and tw
telecom of new york I.p.
*PSC-27-09-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Billing and payment for energy efficiency
measures through utility bill
To promote energy conservation
*PSC-27-09-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection of the networks between
Oriskany and tw telecom of new york l.p. for
local exchange service and exchange access
To review the terms and conditions of the
negotiated agreement between Oriskany and
tw telecom of new york l.p
*PSC-29-09-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consideration of utility compliance filings Consideration of utility compliance filings
*PSC-32-09-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Cost allocation for Consolidated Edison’s East
River Repowering Project
To determine whether any changes are
warranted in the cost allocation of Consolidated
Edison’s East River Repowering Project
*PSC-34-09-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Recommendations made in the Management
Audit Final Report
To consider whether to take action or
recommendations contained in the
Management Audit Final Report
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-34-09-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider the transfer of control of
Plattsburgh Cablevision, Inc. d/b/a Charter
Communications to CH Communications, LLC
To allow the Plattsburgh Cablevision, Inc. to
distribute its equity interest in CH
Communications, LLC
*PSC-36-09-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The increase in the non-bypassable charge
implemented by RG&E on June 1, 2009
Considering exemptions from the increase in
the non-bypassable charge implemented by
RG&E on June 1, 2009
*PSC-37-09-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Sale of customer-generated steam to the Con
Edison steam system
To establish a mechanism for sale of customer-
generated steam to the Con Edison steam
*PSC-37-09-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Applicability of electronic signatures to
Deferred Payment Agreements
To determine whether electronic signatures can
be accepted for Deferred Payment Agreements
*PSC-39-09-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Modifications to the $5 Bill Credit Program Consideration of petition of National Grid to
modify the Low Income $5 Bill Credit Program
*PSC-39-09-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The offset of deferral balances with Positive
Benefit Adjustments
To consider a petition to offset deferral
balances with Positive Benefit Adjustments
*PSC-40-09-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Uniform System of Accounts - request for
deferral and amortization of costs
To consider a petition to defer and amortize
*PSC-51-09-00029-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Rules and guidelines for the exchange of
retail access data between jurisdictional
utilities and eligible ESCOs
To revise the uniform Electronic Data
Interchange Standards and business practices
to incorporate a contest period
*PSC-51-09-00030-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver or modification of Capital Expenditure
condition of merger
To allow the companies to expend less funds
for capital improvement than required by the
*PSC-52-09-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt ACE’s petition for rehearing for an order
regarding generator-specific energy
deliverability study methodology
To consider whether to change the Order
Prescribing Study Methodology
*PSC-52-09-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Approval for the New York Independent
System Operator, Inc. to incur indebtedness
and borrow up to $50,000,000
To finance the renovation and construction of
the New York Independent System Operator,
Inc.’s power control center facilities
*PSC-05-10-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of University
Residences - Rochester, LLC to submeter
electricity at 220 John Street, Henrietta, NY
*PSC-05-10-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of 243 West End
Avenue Owners Corp. to submeter electricity at
243 West End Avenue, New York, NY
*PSC-06-10-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The Commission’s Order of December 17,
2009 related to redevelopment of
Consolidated Edison’s Hudson Avenue
generating facility
To reconsider the Commission’s Order of
December 17, 2009 related to redevelopment
of the Hudson Avenue generating facility
*PSC-07-10-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to revise the Uniform Business
To consider the RESA petition to allow
rescission of a customer request to return to
full utility service
*PSC-08-10-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to grant, deny, or modify , in whole
or in part, the rehearing petition filed in Case
Whether to grant, deny, or modify , in whole or
in part, the rehearing petition filed in Case
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-08-10-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consolidated Edison of New York, Inc. energy
efficiency programs
To modify approved energy efficiency programs
*PSC-12-10-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Recommendations made by Staff intended to
enhance the safety of Con Edison’s gas
To require that Con Edison implement the Staff
recommendations intended to enhance the
safety of Con Edison’s gas operations
*PSC-14-10-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of 61 Jane Street
Owners Corporation to submeter Electricity at
61 Jane Street, Manhattan, NY
*PSC-16-10-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider adopting and expanding mobile
stray voltage testing requirements
Adopt additional mobile stray voltage testing
*PSC-16-10-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection of the networks between TDS
Telecom and PAETEC Communications for
local exchange service and exchange access
To review the terms and conditions of the
negotiated agreement between TDS Telecom
and PAETEC Communications
*PSC-16-10-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Interconnection of the networks between
Frontier and Choice One Communications for
local exchange service and exchange access
To review the terms and conditions of the
negotiated agreement between Frontier and
Choice One Communications
*PSC-18-10-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Electric utility transmission right-of-way
management practices
To consider electric utility transmission right-of-
way management practices
*PSC-19-10-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether National Grid should be permitted to
transfer a parcel of property located at 1 Eddy
Street, Fort Edward, New York
To decide whether to approve National Grid’s
request to transfer a parcel of vacant property
in Fort Edward, New York
*PSC-22-10-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Requirement that Noble demonstrate that its
affiliated electric corporations operating in
New York are providing safe service
Consider requiring that Noble demonstrate that
its affiliated electric corporations in New York
are providing safe service
*PSC-22-10-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of 48-52 Franklin
Street to submeter electricity at 50 Franklin
Street, New York, New York
*PSC-24-10-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Verizon New York Inc. tariff regulations
relating to voice messaging service
To remove tariff regulations relating to retail
voice messaging service from Verizon New
York Inc.’s tariff
*PSC-25-10-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Reassignment of the 2-1-1 abbreviated dialing
Consideration of petition to reassign the 2-1-1
abbreviated dialing code
*PSC-27-10-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of 9271 Group, LLC to
submeter electricity at 960 Busti Avenue,
Buffalo, New York
*PSC-34-10-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The modification of Central Hudson Gas &
Electric Corporation’s Enhanced Powerful
Opportunities Program
The modification of Central Hudson Gas &
Electric Corporation’s Enhanced Powerful
Opportunities Program
*PSC-34-10-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Approval of a contract for $250,000 in tank
repairs that may be a financing
To decide whether to approve a contract
between the parties that may be a financing of
$250,000 for tank repairs
*PSC-34-10-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The modification of Central Hudson Gas &
Electric Corporation’s Enhanced Powerful
Opportunities Program
The modification of Central Hudson Gas &
Electric Corporation’s Enhanced Powerful
Opportunities Program
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-36-10-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Central Hudson’s procedures, terms and
conditions for an economic development plan
Consideration of Central Hudson’s procedures,
terms and conditions for an economic
development plan
*PSC-40-10-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Disposition of a state sales tax refund To determine how much of a state sales tax
refund should be retained by National Grid
*PSC-40-10-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the submetering of natural
gas service to a commercial customer at
Quaker Crossing Mall
To permit the submetering of natural gas
service to a commercial customer at Quaker
Crossing Mall
*PSC-41-10-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Amount of hourly interval data provided to
Hourly Pricing customers who have not
installed a phone line to read meter
Allow Central Hudson to provide less than a
years worth of interval data and charge for
manual meter reading for some customers
*PSC-41-10-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Request for waiver of the individual living unit
metering requirements at 5742 Route 5,
Vernon, NY
Request for waiver of the individual living unit
metering requirements at 5742 Route 5,
Vernon, NY
*PSC-42-10-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of 4858 Group, LLC to
submeter electricity at 456 Main Street, Buffalo,
New York
*PSC-43-10-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Utility Access to Ducts, Conduit Facilities and
Utility Poles
To review the complaint from Optical
Communications Group
*PSC-44-10-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Third and fourth stage gas rate increase by
Corning Natural Gas Corporation
To consider Corning Natural Gas Corporation’s
request for a third and fourth stage gas rate
*PSC-51-10-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Commission proceeding concerning three-
phase electric service by all major electric
Investigate the consistency of the tariff
provisions for three-phase electric service for
all major electric utilities
*PSC-11-11-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The proposed transfer of 55.42 acres of land
and $1.4 million of revenues derived from the
rendition of public service
The proposed transfer of 55.42 acres of land
and $1.4 million of revenues derived from the
rendition of public service
*PSC-13-11-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Exclude the minimum monthly bill component
from the earnings test calculation
Exclude the minimum monthly bill component
from the earnings test calculation
*PSC-14-11-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of 83-30 118th Street
to submeter electricity at 83-30 118th Street,
Kew Gardens, New York
*PSC-19-11-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Utility price reporting requirements related to
the Commission’s ‘‘Power to Choose’’ website
Modify the Commission’s utility electric
commodity price reporting requirements related
to the ‘‘Power to Choose’’ website
*PSC-20-11-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of KMW Group LLC to
submeter electricity at 122 West Street,
Brooklyn, New York
*PSC-20-11-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Determining the reasonableness of Niagara
Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National
Grid ‘s make ready charges
To determine if the make ready charges of
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a
National Grid are reasonable
*PSC-22-11-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the Sensus
accWAVE for use in residential gas meter
To permit gas utilities in New York State to use
the Sensus accWAVE diaphragm gas meter
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-26-11-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Water rates and charges To approve an increase in annual revenues by
about $25,266 or 50%
*PSC-26-11-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity at
commercial property
To consider the request of by Hoosick River
Hardwoods, LLC to submeter electricity at 28
Taylor Avenue, in Berlin, New York
*PSC-26-11-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of generation retirement notice
Consideration of waiver of generation
retirement notice requirements
*PSC-29-11-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition requesting the Commssion reconsider
its May 19, 2011 Order and conduct a
hearing, and petition to stay said Order.
To consider whether to grant or deny, in whole
or in part, Windstream New York’s Petition For
Reconsideration and Rehearing.
*PSC-35-11-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit Consolidated Edison a
waiver to commission regulations Part 226.8
Permit Consolidated Edison to conduct a
inspection program in lieu of testing the
accuracy of Category C meters
*PSC-36-11-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider expanding mobile stray voltage
testing requirements
Adopt additional mobile stray voltage testing
*PSC-38-11-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Operation and maintenance procedures
pertaining to steam trap caps
Adopt modified steam operation and
maintenance procedures
*PSC-38-11-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of certain provisions of the electric
service tariffs of Con Edison
Consideration of waiver of certain provisions of
the electric service tariffs of Con Edison
*PSC-40-11-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Participation of regulated local exchange
carriers in the New York Data Exchange, Inc.
Whether to partially modify its order requiring
regulated local exchange carriers’ participation
*PSC-40-11-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Granting of transfer of plant in-service to a
regulatory asset
To approve transfer and recovery of
unamortized plant investment
*PSC-42-11-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Availability of telecommunications services in
New York State at just and reasonable rates
Providing funding support to help ensure
availability of affordable telecommunications
service throughout New York
*PSC-43-11-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of outstanding shares of stock Transfer the issued outstanding shares of stock
of The Meadows at Hyde Park Water-Works
Corporation to HPWS, LLC
*PSC-47-11-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Remedying miscalculations of delivered gas
as between two customer classes
Consideration of Con Edison’s proposal to
address inter-class delivery imbalances
resulting from past Company miscalculations
*PSC-48-11-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of controlling interests in generation
facilities from Dynegy to PSEG
Consideration of the transfer of controlling
interests in electric generation facilities from
Dynegy to PSEG
*PSC-48-11-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for the submetering of electricity To consider the request of To Better Days, LLC
to submeter electricity at 37 East 4th Street,
New York, New York
*PSC-01-12-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The New York State Reliability Council’s
revisions to its rules and measurements
To adopt revisions to various rules and
measurements of the New York State
Reliability Council
*PSC-01-12-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of real property and easements from
Consideration of the transfer of real property
and easements from NMPNS to NMP3
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-01-12-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Recovery of expenses related to the
expansion of Con Edison’s ESCO referral
program, PowerMove
To determine how and to what extent expenses
related to the Expansion of Con Edison’s
ESCO referral program should be recovered
*PSC-11-12-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to grant, deny or modify, in whole or
part, Hegeman’s petition for a waiver of
Commission policy and Con Edison tariff
Whether to grant, deny or modify, in whole or
part, Hegeman’s petition for a waiver of
Commission policy and Con Edison tariff
*PSC-11-12-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of land and water supply assets Transfer the land and associated water supply
assets of Groman Shores, LLC to Robert
*PSC-13-12-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Authorization to transfer certain real property To decide whether to approve the transfer of
certain real property
*PSC-19-12-00023-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for approval pursuant to Section 70
for the sale of goods with an original cost of
less than $100,000
To consider whether to grant, deny or modify,
in whole or in part, the petition filed by Orange
and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
*PSC-21-12-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Tariff filing requirements and refunds To determine if certain agreements should be
filed pursuant to the Public Service Law and if
refunds are warranted
*PSC-21-12-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to grant, deny or modify, in whole or
part, the petition for waiver of tariff Rules 8.6
and 47
Whether to grant, deny or modify, in whole or
part, the petition for waiver of tariff Rules 8.6
and 47
*PSC-23-12-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The approval of a financing upon a transfer to
Alliance of upstream ownership interests in a
generation facility
To consider the approval of a financing upon a
transfer to Alliance of upstream ownership
interests in a generation facility
*PSC-23-12-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Over earnings sharing between rate payers
and shareholders
To establish an Earnings Sharing Mechanism
to be applied following the conclusion of
Corning’s rate plan
*PSC-27-12-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Implementation of recommendations made in
a Management Audit Report
To consider implementation of
recommendations made in a Management
Audit Report
*PSC-28-12-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Exemption of reliability reporting statistics for
the purpose of the 2012 Reliability
Performance Mechanism
Consideration of Orange and Rockland Utilities
request for exemption of the 2012 reliability
reporting statistics
*PSC-29-12-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of 16 NYCRR 894.1 through 894.4 To allow the Town of Hamden to waive certain
preliminary franchising procedures to expedite
the franchising process.
*PSC-30-12-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of 16 NYCRR 894.1 through 894.4 To allow the Town of Andes to waive certain
preliminary franchising procedures to expedite
the franchising process
*PSC-33-12-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Telecommunications companies ability to
attach to utility company poles
Consideration of Tech Valley’s ability to attach
to Central Hudson poles
*PSC-37-12-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed modification by Con Edison of its
procedures to calculate estimated bills to its
Proposed modification by Con Edison of its
procedures to calculate estimated bills to its
*PSC-42-12-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Regulation of Gipsy Trail Club, Inc.’s long-
term financing agreements
To exempt Gipsy Trail Club, Inc. from
Commission regulation of its financing
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-45-12-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to grant, deny or modify, in whole or
part, ESHG’s petition for a waiver of
Commission policy and RG&E tariff
Whether to grant, deny or modify, in whole or
part, ESHG’s petition for a waiver of
Commission policy and RG&E tariff
*PSC-45-12-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to grant, deny or modify, in whole or
in part the petition of Con Edison to grant
easements to Millwood Fire District
Whether to grant, deny or modify, in whole or
in part the petition of Con Edison to grant
easements to Millwood Fire District
*PSC-50-12-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Affiliate standards for Corning Natural Gas
To resolve issues raised by Corning Natural
Gas Corporation in its petition for rehearing
*PSC-04-13-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Expansion of mandatory day ahead hourly
pricing for customers of Orange and Rockland
Utilities with demands above 100 kW
To consider the expansion of mandatory day
ahead hourly pricing for customers with
demands above 100 kW
*PSC-04-13-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Authorization to transfer certain real property. To decide whether to approve the transfer of
certain real property.
*PSC-06-13-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Verizon New York Inc.’s retail service quality To investigate Verizon New York Inc.’s retail
service quality
*PSC-08-13-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Filing requirements for certain Article VII
electric facilities
To ensure that applications for certain electric
transmission facilities contain pertinent
*PSC-08-13-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Uniform System of Accounts - Request for
Accounting Authorization
To allow the company to defer an item of
expense or capital beyond the end of the year
in which it was incurred
*PSC-12-13-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Protecting company water mains To allow the company to require certain
customers to make changes to the electrical
grounding system at their homes
*PSC-13-13-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The potential waiver of 16 NYCRR
255.9221(d) completion of integrity
assessments for certain gas transmission
To determine whether a waiver of the timely
completion of certain gas transmission line
integrity assessments should be granted.
*PSC-18-13-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether Demand Energy Networks energy
storage systems should be designated
technologies for standby rate eligibility
Whether Demand Energy Networks energy
storage systems should be designated
technologies for standby rate eligibility
*PSC-21-13-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider policies that may impact
consumer acceptance and use of electric
To consider and further develop policies that
may impact consumer acceptance and use of
electric vehicles
*PSC-21-13-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To implement an abandonment of Windover’s
water system
To approve the implementation of
abandonment of Windover’s water system
*PSC-21-13-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Rates of National Fuel Gas Distribution
To make the rates of National Fuel Gas
Distribution Corporation temporary, subject to
refund, if they are found to be excessive
*PSC-21-13-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Reporting requirements for natural gas local
distribution companies
To help ensure efficient and economic
expansion of the natural gas system as
*PSC-22-13-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt On remand from New York State court
litigation, determine the recovery of certain
deferred amounts owed NFG by ratepayers
On remand, to determine the recovery of
certain deferral amounts owed NFG from
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-23-13-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of partial payment, directory database
distribution, service quality reporting, and
service termination regulations
Equalize regulatory treatment based on level of
competition and practical considerations
*PSC-25-13-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To deny, grant or modify, in whole or in part,
Central Hudson’s rehearing request.
To deny, grant or modify, in whole or in part,
Central Hudson’s rehearing request.
*PSC-25-13-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Provision by utilities of natural gas main and
service lines.
To help ensure efficient and economic
expansion of the natural gas system as
*PSC-25-13-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To deny, grant or modify, in whole or in part,
Central Hudson’s rehearing request.
To deny, grant or modify, in whole or in part,
Central Hudson’s rehearing request.
*PSC-27-13-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation Cost
For approval for temporary waiver of tariff
provisions regarding its Columbia Gas
Transmission Corporation cost refund.
*PSC-28-13-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Provision for the recovery and allocation of
costs of transmission projects that reduce
congestion on certain interfaces
To consider the recovery and allocation of
costs of transmission projects that reduce
congestion on certain interfaces
*PSC-28-13-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The request of NGT for lightened regulation
as a gas corporation.
To consider whether to approve, reject, or
modify the request of Niagara gas transport of
Lockport, NY LLC.
*PSC-28-13-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The request by TE for waiver of regulations
requiring that natural gas be odorized in
certain gathering line segments
Consider the request by TE for waiver of
regulations that gas be odorized in certain lines
*PSC-32-13-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider the definition of ‘misleading or
deceptive conduct’’ in the Commission’s
Uniform Business Practices
To consider the definition of ‘‘misleading or
deceptive conduct’’ in the Commission’s
Uniform Business Practices
*PSC-32-13-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Permission to write off and eliminate record
keeping for regulatory reserves for Pensions
and Other Post Retirement Benefits
To allow write off and eliminate record keeping
of Pension and Other Post Retirement Benefits
*PSC-32-13-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider whether NYSEG should be
required to undertake actions to protect its
name and to minimize customer confusion
To consider whether NYSEG should be
required to undertake actions to protect its
name and to minimize customer confusion
*PSC-33-13-00027-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waive underground facility requirements for
new construction in residential subdivisions to
allow for overhead electric lines.
Determine whether Chapin Lumberland, LLC
subdivision will be allowed overhead electric
distribution and service lines.
*PSC-33-13-00029-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Deferral of incremental costs associated with
the restoration of steam service following
Superstorm Sandy.
To consider a petition by Con Edison to defer
certain incremental steam system restoration
costs relating to Superstorm Sandy.
*PSC-34-13-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Escrow account and surcharge to fund
extraordinary repairs
To approve the establishment of an escrow
account and surcharge
*PSC-42-13-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Failure to Provide Escrow Information The closure of the Escrow Account
*PSC-42-13-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Failure to Provide Escrow Information The closure of the Escrow Account
*PSC-43-13-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for submetering of electricity To consider the request of 2701 Kingsbridge
Terrace L.P. to submeter electricity at 2701
Kingsbridge Terrace, Bronx, N.Y.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-45-13-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Investigation into effect of bifurcation of gas
and electric utility service on Long Island.
To consider a Petition for an investigation into
effect of bifurcation of gas and electric utility
service on Long Island.
*PSC-45-13-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of PSC regulations, 16 NYCRR
section 88.4(a)(4)
To consider a waiver of certain regulations
relating to the content of an application for
transmission line siting
*PSC-45-13-00023-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of PSC regulations, 16 NYCRR
section 88.4(a)(4).
To consider a waiver of certain regulations
relating to the content of an application for
transmission line siting
*PSC-45-13-00024-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of PSC regulations, 16 NYCRR
section 88.4(a)(4); waiver of filing deadlines.
To consider a waiver of certain regulations
relating to the content of an application for
transmission line siting
*PSC-45-13-00025-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of PSC regulations, 16 NYCRR
section 88.4(a)(4).
To consider a waiver of certain regulations
relating to the content of an application for
transmission line siting
*PSC-47-13-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for submetering of electricity. To consider the request of Hegeman Avenue
Housing L.P. to submeter electricity at 39
Hegeman Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.
*PSC-47-13-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Conditioning,restricting or prohibiting the
purchase of services by NYSEG and RG&E
from certain affiliates.
Consideration of conditioning,restricting or
prohibiting the purchase of services by NYSEG
and RG&E from certain affiliates.
*PSC-49-13-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Authorization to transfer all of Crystal Water
Supply Company, Inc. stocks to Essel Infra
West Inc.
To allow Crystal Water Supply Company, Inc to
transfer all of its issued and outstanding stocks
to Essel Infra West Inc.
*PSC-51-13-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consolidated Edison proposing to use data
from a test period ending September 30,
2013 to support its next rate filing.
To ensure there is a reasonable basis for data
submitted in support of a request for a change
in rates.
*PSC-51-13-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consolidated Edison proposing to use data
from a test period ending September 30,
2013 to support its next rate filing.
To ensure there is a reasonable basis for data
submitted in support of a request for a change
in rates.
*PSC-51-13-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consolidated Edison proposing to use data
from a test period ending September 30,
2013 to support its next rate filing.
To ensure there is a reasonable basis for data
submitted in support of a request for a change
in rates.
*PSC-52-13-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The development of reliability contingency
plan(s) to address the potential retirement of
Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC).
To address the petition for rehearing and
reconsideration/motion for clarification of the
IPEC reliability contingency plan(s).
*PSC-52-13-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To enter into a loan agreement with the banks
for up to an amount of $94,000.
To consider allowing Knolls Water Company to
enter into a long-term loan agreement.
*PSC-05-14-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The New York State Reliability Council’s
revisions to its rules and measurements
To adopt revisions to various rules and
measurements of the New York State
Reliability Council
*PSC-07-14-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for submetering of electricity To consider the request of Greater Centennial
Homes HDFC, Inc. to submeter electricity at
102, 103 and 106 W 5th Street, et al.
*PSC-07-14-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Water rates and charges Implementation of Long-Term Water Supply
Surcharge to recover costs associated with the
Haverstraw Water Supply Project
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-08-14-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Verizon New York Inc.’s service quality and
Customer Trouble Report Rate (CTRR) levels
at certain central office entities
To improve Verizon New York Inc.’s service
quality andthe Customer Trouble Report Rate
levels at certain central office entities
*PSC-10-14-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Actions to facilitate the availability of ESCO
value-added offerings, ESCO eligibility and
ESCO compliance
To facilitate ESCO value-added offerings and to
make changes to ESCO eligibility and to
ensure ESCO compliance
*PSC-11-14-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Provision for the recovery and allocation of
costs of transmission projects that reduce
congestion on certain interfaces
To consider the recovery and allocation of
costs of transmission projects that reduce
congestion on certain interfaces
*PSC-16-14-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to order NYSEG to provide gas
service to customers when an expanded
CPCN is approved and impose PSL 25-a
To order gas service to customers in the Town
of Plattsburgh after approval of a town wide
CPCN and to impose penalties.
*PSC-16-14-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether Central Hudson should be permitted
to defer obligations of the Order issued on
October 18, 2013 in Case 13-G-0336.
Consideration of the petition by Central Hudson
to defer reporting obligations of the October 18,
2013 Order in Case 13-G-0336
*PSC-17-14-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Con Edison’s Report on its 2013 performance
under the Electric Service Reliability
Performance Mechanism
Con Edison’s Report on its 2013 performance
under the Electric Service Reliability
Performance Mechanism
*PSC-17-14-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider certain portions of petitions for
rehearing, reconsideration and/or clarification
To consider certain portions of petitions for
rehearing, reconsideration and/or clarification
*PSC-17-14-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider petitions for rehearing,
reconsideration and/or clarification
To consider petitions for rehearing,
reconsideration and/or clarification
*PSC-17-14-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider certain portions of petitions for
rehearing, reconsideration and/or clarification
To consider certain portions of petitions for
rehearing, reconsideration and/or clarification
*PSC-19-14-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Market Supply Charge To make tariff revisions to the Market Supply
Charge for capacity related costs
*PSC-19-14-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the Sensus
accuWAVE for use in residential and
commercial gas meter applications
To permit gas utilities in New York State to use
the Sensus accuWAVE 415TC gas meter
*PSC-19-14-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Uniform System of Accounts, deferral of an
expense item
Authorization of a deferral for an expense item
beyond the end of the year in which it was
*PSC-22-14-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to transfer and merge systems,
franchises and assets.
To consider the Comcast and Time Warner
Cable merger and transfer of systems,
franchises and assets.
*PSC-23-14-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the GE Dresser
Series B3-HPC 11M-1480 rotary gas met for
use in industrial gas meter applications
To permit gas utilities in New York State to use
the GE Dresser Series B3-HPC 11M-1480
rotary gas meter
*PSC-23-14-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of the negative revenue adjustment
associated with KEDLI’s 2013 Customer
Satisfaction Performance Metric
Consideration of KEDLI’s waiver request
pertaining to its 2013 performance under its
Customer Satisfaction Metric
*PSC-24-14-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To examine LDC’s performance and
performance measures.
To improve gas safety performance.
*PSC-26-14-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of RG&E’s tariffed definition of
emergency generator.
To consider waiver of RG&E’s tariffed definition
of emergency generator.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-26-14-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt New electric utility backup service tariffs and
standards for interconnection may be
To encourage development of microgrids that
enhance the efficiency, safety, reliability and
resiliency of the electric grid.
*PSC-26-14-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consumer protections, standards and
protocols pertaining to access to customer
data may be established.
To balance the need for the information
necessary to support a robust market with
customer privacy concerns.
*PSC-28-14-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to transfer systems, franchises and
To consider the Comcast and Charter transfer
of systems, franchise and assets.
*PSC-30-14-00023-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the Sensus
iPERL Fire Flow Meter.
Pursuant to 16 NYCRR Part 500.3 , it is
necessary to permit the use of the Sensus
iPERL Fire Flow Meter.
*PSC-30-14-00026-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for a waiver to master meter
Considering the request of Renaissance
Corporation of to master meter electricity at
100 Union Drive,Albany, NY.
*PSC-31-14-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To transfer 100% of the issued and
outstanding stock from Vincent Cross to
Bonnie and Michael Cross
To transfer 100% of the issued and outstanding
stock from Vincent Cross to Bonnie and
Michael Cross
*PSC-32-14-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to grant or deny, in whole or in part,
the Connect New York Coalition’s petition
To consider the Connect New York Coalition’s
petition seeking a formal investigation and
*PSC-35-14-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Regulation of a proposed electricity
generation facility located in the Town of
Brookhaven, NY
To consider regulation of a proposed electricity
generation facility located in the Town of
Brookhaven, NY
*PSC-35-14-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the Sensus
iConA electric meter
Pursuant to 16 NYCRR Parts 92 and 93,
Commission approval is necessary to permit
the use of the Sensus iConA electric meter
*PSC-36-14-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Modification to the Commission’s Electric
Safety Standards.
To consider revisions to the Commission’s
Electric Safety Standards.
*PSC-38-14-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to approve, reject or modify, in whole
or in part a time-sensitive rate pilot program.
Whether to approve, reject or modify, in whole
or in part a time-sensitive rate pilot program.
*PSC-38-14-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The study and petition of Con Edison
regarding use, accounting and ratemaking
treatment for 11-23 and 2-28 Hudson Ave.
The study and petition of Con Edison regarding
use, accounting and ratemaking treatment for
11-23 and 2-28 Hudson Ave. Brooklyn.
*PSC-38-14-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Action on the report and petition of Con
Edison regarding the Storm Hardening and
Resiliency Collaborative, Phase 2.
Action on the report and petition of Con Edison
regarding the Storm Hardening and Resiliency
Collaborative, Phase 2.
*PSC-38-14-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to expand Con Edison’s low income
program to include Medicaid recipients.
Whether to expand Con Edison’s low income
program to include Medicaid recipients.
*PSC-38-14-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The study and petition of Con Edison
regarding use, accounting and ratemaking
treatment for 11-23 and 2-28 Hudson Ave.
The study and petition of Con Edison regarding
use, accounting and ratemaking treatment for
11-23 and 2-28 Hudson Ave. Brooklyn.
*PSC-38-14-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Inter-carrier telephone service quality
standard and metrics and administrative
To review recommendations from the Carrier
Working Group and incorporate appropriate
modifications to the existing Guidelines.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-38-14-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Action on the report and petition of Con
Edison regarding the Storm Hardening and
Resiliency Collaborative, Phase 2.
Action on the report and petition of Con Edison
regarding the Storm Hardening and Resiliency
Collaborative, Phase 2.
*PSC-39-14-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the Mueller
Systems 400 Series and 500 Series of water
Pursuant to 16 NYCRR section 500.3, whether
to permit the use of the Mueller Systems 400,
and 500 Series of water meters
*PSC-40-14-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider granting authorization for Buy
Energy Direct to resume marketing to
residential customers.
To consider granting authorization for Buy
Energy Direct to resume marketing to
residential customers.
*PSC-40-14-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the Itron Open
Way Centron Meter with Hardware 3.1 for
AMR and AMI functionality.
Pursuant to 16 NYCRR Parts 93, is necessary
to permit the use of the Itron Open Way
Centron Meter with Hardware 3.1.
*PSC-40-14-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Late Payment Charge. To modify Section 7.6 - Late Payment Charge
to designate a specific time for when a late
payment charge is due.
*PSC-40-14-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Regulation of a proposed natural gas pipeline
and related facilities located in the Town of
Ticonderoga, NY.
To consider regulation of a proposed natural
gas pipeline and related facilities located in the
Town of Ticonderoga, NY.
*PSC-40-14-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of 16 NYCRR Sections 894.1 through
To allow the Town of Goshen, NY, to waive
certain preliminary franchising procedures to
expedite the franchising process.
*PSC-40-14-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Late Payment Charge. To modify Section 6.6 - Late Payment Charge
to designate a specific time for when a late
payment charge is due.
*PSC-42-14-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Annual Reconciliation of Gas Expenses and
Gas Cost Recoveries
The filings of various LDCs and municipalities
regarding their Annual Reconciliation of Gas
Expenses and Gas Cost Recoveries
*PSC-42-14-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Winter Bundled Sales Service Option To modify SC-11 to remove language relating
to fixed storage charges in the determination of
the Winter Bundled Sales charge
*PSC-48-14-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Considering the recommendations contained
in Staff’ s electric outage investigation report
for MNRR, New Haven Line.
To consider the recommendations contained in
Staff’s electric outage investigation report for
MNRR, New Haven Line.
*PSC-52-14-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for a waiver to master meter
Considering the request of 614 South Crouse
Avenue, LLC to master meter electricity at 614
South Crouse Avenue, Syracuse, NY..
*PSC-01-15-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt State Universal Service Fund Disbursements To consider Edwards Telephone Company’s
request for State Universal Service Fund
*PSC-08-15-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Approval of a surcharge. To allow or disallow Emerald Green Lake
Louise Marie Water Company, Inc. for a
*PSC-08-15-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Request pertaining to the lawfulness of
National Grid USA continuing its summary
billing program.
To grant, deny, or modify URAC Rate
Consultants’ request that National Grid cease
its summary billing program.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-10-15-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notification concerning tax refunds To consider Verizon New York Inc.’s partial
rehearing or reconsideration request regarding
retention of property tax refunds
*PSC-10-15-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to waive Policy on Test Periods in
Major Rate Proceedings and provide authority
to file tariff changes
Whether to waive Policy on Test Periods in
Major Rate Proceedings and provide authority
to file tariff changes
*PSC-13-15-00024-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether Leatherstocking should be permitted
to recover a shortfall in earnings
To decide whether to approve
Leatherstocking’s request to recover a shortfall
in earnings
*PSC-13-15-00026-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the Sensus
Smart Point Gas AMR/AMI product
To permit the use of the Sensus Smart Point
Gas AMR/AMI product
*PSC-13-15-00027-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the Measurlogic
DTS 310 electric submeter
To permit the use of the Measurlogic DTS 310
*PSC-13-15-00028-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the SATEC
EM920 electric meter
To permit necessary to permit the use of the
SATEC EM920 electric meter
*PSC-13-15-00029-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use the Triacta Power
Technologies 6103, 6112, 6303, and 6312
electric submeters
To permit the use of the Triacta submeters
*PSC-17-15-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider the petition of Leatherstocking
Gas Company, LLC seeking authority to issue
long-term debt of $2.75 million
To consider the petition of Leatherstocking Gas
Company, LLC seeking authority to issue long-
term debt of $2.75 million
*PSC-18-15-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Con Edison’s Report on its 2014 performance
under the Electric Service Reliability
Performance Mechanism
Con Edison’s Report on its 2014 performance
under the Electric Service Reliability
Performance Mechanism
*PSC-19-15-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Gas Safety Performance Measures and
associated negative revenue adjustments
To update the performance measures
applicable to KeySpan Gas East Corporation
d/b/a National Grid
*PSC-22-15-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider the request for waiver of the
individual residential unit meter requirements
and 16 NYCRR 96.1(a)
To consider the request for waiver of the
individual residential unit meter requirements
and 16 NYCRR 96.1(a)
*PSC-23-15-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The modification of New York American
Water’s current rate plan
Whether to adopt the terms of the Joint
Proposal submitted by NYAW and DPS Staff
*PSC-23-15-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The modification of New York American
Water’s current rate plan
Whether to adopt the terms of the Joint
Proposal submitted by NYAW and DPS Staff
*PSC-25-15-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of Intent to Submeter electricity. To consider the request of 165 E 66
Residences, LLC to submeter electricity at 165
East 66th Street, New York, New York.
*PSC-29-15-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Approval of ratemaking related to amendment
a certificate of public convenience and
To approve or reject the ratemaking aspects of
SLG’s petition to amend its certificate of public
convenience and necessity
*PSC-29-15-00025-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Joint Petition for authority to transfer real
property located at 624 West 132nd Street,
New York, NY
Whether to authorize the proposed transfer of
real property located at 624 West 132nd Street,
New York, NY
*PSC-32-15-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Development of a Community Solar
Demonstration Project.
To approve the development of a Community
Solar Demonstration Project.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-33-15-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Remote net metering of a demonstration
community net metering program.
To consider approval of remote net metering of
a demonstration community net metering
*PSC-33-15-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Remote net metering of a Community Solar
Demonstration Project.
To consider approval of remote net metering of
a Community Solar Demonstration Project.
*PSC-34-15-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition by NYCOM requesting assistance
with obtaining information on CLECs and
To consider the petition by NYCOM requesting
assistance with obtaining information on
*PSC-35-15-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consideration of consequences against Light
Power & Gas, LLC for violations of the UBP
To consider consequences against Light Power
& Gas, LLC for violations of the UBP
*PSC-37-15-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Submetered electricity To consider the request of 89 Murray Street
Ass. LLC, for clarification of the submetering
order issued December 20, 2007
*PSC-40-15-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to permit the use of the Open Way
3.5 with cellular communications
To consider the use of the Open Way 3.5
electric meter, pursuant to 16 NYCRR Parts 92
and 93
*PSC-41-15-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Intergrow disputes National Grid’s revenue
assurance calculations
To consider whether the revenue assurance
National Grid is requiring of Intergrow for the
new interconnection is appropriate
*PSC-42-15-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Deferral of incremental expenses associated
with NERC’s new Bulk Electric System (BES)
compliance requirements approved by FERC.
Consideration of Central Hudson’s request to
defer incremental expenses associated with
new BES compliance requirements.
*PSC-44-15-00028-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Deferral of incremental expenses associated
with new compliance requirements
Consideration of Central Hudson’s request to
defer incremental expenses associated with
new compliance requirements
*PSC-44-15-00030-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt System Improvement Plan mechanism To consider Bath’s petition to implement a SIP
*PSC-47-15-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whitepaper on Implementing Lightened
Ratemaking Regulation.
Consider Whitepaper on Implementing
Lightened Ratemaking Regulation.
*PSC-48-15-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Lightened and incidental regulation of a 55
MW electric and steam generating facility.
Consider the lightened and incidental
regulation of a 55 MW electric and steam
generating facility.
*PSC-48-15-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposal to retire Huntley Units 67 and 68 on
March 1, 2016.
Consider the proposed retirement of Huntley
Units 67 and 68.
*PSC-50-15-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The reduction of rates. To consider the reduction of rates charged by
Independent Water Works, Inc.
*PSC-50-15-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of Intent to submeter electricity. To consider the request to submeter electricity
at 31-33 Lincoln Road and 510 Flatbush
Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.
*PSC-51-15-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Modification of the EDP To consider modifying the EDP
*PSC-01-16-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Revenue assurance calculations To consider whether the revenue assurance
National Grid is requiring of Tiashoke for the
upgraded service is appropriate
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-01-16-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed amendment to Section 5,
Attachment 1.A of the Uniform Business
To consider amendment to Section 5,
Attachment 1.A of the Uniform Business
*PSC-04-16-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether Hamilton Municipal Utilities should
be permitted to construct and operate a
municipal gas distribution facility.
Consideration of the petition by Hamilton
Municipal Utilities to construct and operate a
municipal gas distribution facility.
*PSC-04-16-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposal to mothball three gas turbines
located at the Astoria Gas Turbine Generating
Consider the proposed mothball of three gas
turbines located at the Astoria Gas Turbine
Generating Station.
*PSC-04-16-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposal to find that three gas turbines
located at the Astoria Gas Turbine Generating
Station are uneconomic.
Consider whether three gas turbines located at
the Astoria Gas Turbine Generating Station are
*PSC-06-16-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Lakewood disputes National Grid’s revenue
assurance calculations, specifically the
duration used.
To consider whether the revenue assurance
National Grid is requiring of Lakewood for the
new interconnection is appropriate.
*PSC-06-16-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Inclusion of a Farm and Food Community
program in the community distributed
generation program.
To consider the inclusion of a Farm and Food
Community program in the community
distributed generation program.
*PSC-06-16-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Continued deferral of approximately
$16,000,000 in site investigation and
remediation costs.
To consider the continued deferral of
approximately $16,000,000 in site investigation
and remediation costs.
*PSC-06-16-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt MEGA’s proposed demonstration CCA
To consider MEGA’s proposed demonstration
CCA program.
*PSC-14-16-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Resetting retail markets for ESCO mass
market customers.
To ensure consumer protections with respect to
residential and small non-residential ESCO
*PSC-15-16-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Adequate service of Verizon New York, Inc. To consider the adequacy of Verizon New York
Inc.’s service quality
*PSC-18-16-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Amendments to the Uniform Business
Practices of ESCOs.
To ensure consumer protection for ESCO
*PSC-18-16-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Amendments to the Uniform Business
Practices of ESCOs.
To ensure consumer protection for ESCO
*PSC-18-16-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petitions for rehearing of the Order Resetting
Retail Energy Markets and Establishing
Further Process.
To ensure consumer protections for ESCO
*PSC-18-16-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Amendments to the Uniform Business
Practices of ESCOs.
To ensure consumer protection for ESCO
*PSC-18-16-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Amendments to the Uniform Business
Practices of ESCOs.
To ensure consumer protection for ESCO
*PSC-20-16-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consideration of consequences against
Global Energy Group, LLC for violations of
the Uniform Business Practices (UBP).
To consider consequences against Global
Energy Group, LLC for violations of the
Uniform Business Practices (UBP).
*PSC-20-16-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Deferral and recovery of incremental
To consider deferring costs of conducting leak
survey and repairs for subsequent recovery.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-20-16-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Enetics LD-1120 Non-Intrusive Load
Monitoring Device in the Statewide
Residential Appliance Metering Study.
To consider the use of the Enetics LD-1120
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Device.
*PSC-24-16-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to submeter gas service. To consider the Petition of New York City
Economic Development Corp. to submeter gas
at Pier 17, 89 South Street, New York, NY.
*PSC-25-16-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To delay Companies’ third-party assessments
of customer personally identifiable information
until 2018.
To extend the time period between the
Companies’ third-party assessments of
customer personally identifiable information.
*PSC-25-16-00024-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Pole Attachment Rules. To determine that the Commission’s existing
pole attachment rules apply to wireless
*PSC-25-16-00025-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Acquisition of all water supply assets of
Woodbury Heights Estates Water Co., Inc. by
the Village of Kiryas Joel.
To consider acquisition of all water supply
assets of Woodbury Heights Estates Water
Co., Inc. by the Village of Kiryas Joel.
*PSC-25-16-00026-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Use of the Badger E Series Ultrasonic Cold
Water Stainless Steel Meter, in residential fire
service applications.
To consider the use of the Badger E Series
Ultrasonic Cold Water Stainless Steel Meter in
fire service applications.
*PSC-28-16-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt A petition for rehearing of the Order Adopting
a Ratemaking and Utility Revenue Model
Policy Framework.
To determine appropriate rules for and
calculation of the distributed generation
reliability credit.
*PSC-29-16-00024-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Participation of NYPA customers in
surcharge-funded clean energy programs.
To consider participation of NYPA customers in
surcharge-funded clean energy programs.
*PSC-32-16-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Benefit-Cost Analysis Handbooks. To evaluate proposed methodologies of benefit-
cost evaluation.
*PSC-33-16-00001-EP . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Use of escrow funds for repairs. To authorize the use of escrow account funds
for repairs.
*PSC-33-16-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Exemption from certain charges for delivery of
electricity to its Niagara Falls, New York
Application of System Benefits Charges,
Renewable Portfolio Standard charges and
Clean Energy Fund surcharges.
*PSC-35-16-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt NYSRC’s revisions to its rules and
To consider revisions to various rules and
measurements of the NYSRC
*PSC-36-16-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Recovery of costs for installation of electric
To consider the recovery of costs for
installation of electric service.
*PSC-40-16-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Surcharge to recover costs of Dynamic Load
Management Programs.
To consider a surcharge to recover costs of the
Dynamic Load Management Programs.
*PSC-40-16-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Surcharge to recover costs of Dynamic Load
Management Programs.
To consider a surcharge to recover costs of the
Dynamic Load Management Programs.
*PSC-40-16-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Surcharge to recover costs of Dynamic Load
Management Programs.
To consider a surcharge to recover costs of the
Dynamic Load Management Programs.
*PSC-40-16-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Surcharge to recover costs of Dynamic Load
Management Programs.
To consider a surcharge to recover costs of the
Dynamic Load Management Programs.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
*PSC-40-16-00025-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consequences pursuant to the Commission’s
Uniform Business Practices (UBP).
To consider whether to impose consequences
on Smart One for its apparent non-compliance
with Commission requirements.
*PSC-44-16-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Surcharge to recover costs of Dynamic Load
Management Programs
To consider a surcharge to recover costs of the
Dynamic Load Management Programs
*PSC-47-16-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to use commercial electric meters To consider the petition of Itron, Inc. to use the
Itron CP2SO and CP2SOA in commercial
electric meter applications
*PSC-47-16-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Standby Service rate design To consider the report filed and the
recommendations therein
*PSC-47-16-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Standby Service rate design To consider the report filed and the
recommendations therein
*PSC-47-16-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Standby Service rate design To consider the report filed and the
recommendations therein
*PSC-47-16-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Standby Service rate design To consider the report filed and the
recommendations therein
*PSC-49-16-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of certain rules and requirements
pertaining to cable television franchise.
To determine whether to waive any regulations.
*PSC-02-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Implementation of the four EAMs. To consider the implementation of EAMs for
*PSC-02-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Implementation of the four EAMs. To consider the implementation of EAMs for
*PSC-07-17-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Deferral and recovery of incremental costs To consider deferring costs related to water
main leak repairs for subsequent recovery
PSC-14-17-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for Full-Scale Deployment of AMI and
to Establish an AMI Surcharge.
To consider the petition for Full-Scale
Deployment of AMI and to Establish an AMI
PSC-18-17-00024-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt A petition for rehearing or reconsideration of
the Order Addressing Public Policy
Transmission Need for AC Transmission
To determine whether Public Policy
Transmission Need/Public Policy Requirements
continue to exist.
PSC-18-17-00026-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Revisions to the Dynamic Load Management
To consider revisions to the Dynamic Load
Management surcharge.
PSC-18-17-00033-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Use of the ROMET AdEM-T volumetric
To consider the use of the ROMET AdEM-T
volumetric corrector.
PSC-18-17-00034-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Use of the ROMET AdEM-PTZ volumetric
To consider the use of the ROMET AdEM-PTZ
volumetric corrector.
PSC-19-17-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt NYAW’s request to defer and amortize, for
future rate recognition, pension settlement
payout losses incurred in 2016.
Consideration of NYAW’s petition to defer and
amortize, for future rate recognition, pension
payour losses incurred in 2016.
PSC-20-17-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Compressed natural gas as a motor fuel for
diesel fueled vehicles.
To consider a report filed by National Grid NY
regarding the potential for adoption of
compressed natural gas as a motor fuel.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
PSC-20-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Compressed natural gas as a motor fuel for
diesel fueled vehicles.
To consider a report filed by National Grid
regarding the potential for adoption of
compressed natural gas as a motor fuel.
PSC-21-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Compensation for distributed generation
systems located at farms.
To consider appropriate compensation and
policies for distributed generation systems
located at farms.
PSC-21-17-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The establishment and implementation of
Earnings Adjustment Mechanisms.
To consider the establishment and
implementation of Earnings Adjustment
PSC-21-17-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed agreement for the provision of
water service by Saratoga Water Services,
To consider a waiver and approval of terms of
a service agreement.
PSC-22-17-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Financial incentives to create customer
savings and develop market-enabling tools,
with a focus on outcomes and incentives
To consider the proposed Interconnection
Survey Process and Earnings Adjustment
PSC-22-17-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Certain Commission requirements related to
blockable central office codes
To consider a change to certain Commission
requirements related to blockable central office
PSC-23-17-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to transfer cable systems. To consider Nicholville et. al.’s request to
transfer cable systems in an internal
PSC-23-17-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Changes in regulation of ESCOs, including
restrictions on or prohibitions of marketing or
offering certain products or services.
To ensure consumer protection for ESCO
PSC-24-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Development of the Utility Energy Registry. Improved data access.
PSC-24-17-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt An alternative methodology for calculating
billing adjustments.
To consider an alternative methodology for
calculating billing adjustments.
PSC-25-17-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Minor rate filing To consider an increase in annual revenues by
$154,329 or 116%
PSC-26-17-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of Intent to submeter electricity. To consider the Notice of Intent to submeter
electricity at 125 Waverly Street, Yonkers, New
PSC-29-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to submeter gas. To consider the petition of LaGuardia Gateway
Partners, to submeter gas at LaGuardia Airport
Central Terminal B, Flushing, NY.
PSC-30-17-00031-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed tariff filing to implement electric rate
options on a pilot basis for the Energy Smart
Community Project.
To consider tariff revisions implementing
electric rate options on a pilot basis for the
Energy Smart Community Project.
PSC-31-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity To consider the notice of intent of 11737
Owners Corp. to submeter electricity at 117
East 37th Street, New York, New York
PSC-31-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Minor rate filing. To consider an increase in annual revenues of
about $304,629 or 14%.
PSC-32-17-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to amend bill estimation procedures
for AMI.
To consider the petition of Orange and
Rockland to amend its current bill estimation
procedures for AMI.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
PSC-32-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Minor rate filing. To consider an increase in annual revenues of
about $625,974 or 14.6%.
PSC-33-17-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The obligation of electric utilities to pay for the
extension of electric service to residential
To consider if National Grid should change its
practices and compensate the petitioners for
past charges.
PSC-34-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver to permit Energy Cooperative of
America to serve low-income customers
To consider the petition for a waiver
PSC-34-17-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Use of the Honeywell Mercury EC350
volumetric corrector in gas metering
To consider the use of the Honeywell Mercury
EC350 volumetric corrector in gas metering
PSC-34-17-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Development of an aggregation standard for
release of whole-building energy data to
building owners
Improved energy data access to support state
energy efficiency and demand reduction goals
PSC-36-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to amend bill estimation procedures
for AMI.
To consider the petition of Con Edison to
amend its current bill estimation procedures for
PSC-37-17-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Financial incentives to create customer
savings and develop market-enabling tools,
with a focus on outcomes and incentives.
To consider the revised Interconnection Survey
Process and Earnings Adjustment
PSC-37-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to submeter electricity. To consider the petition of ACC OP (Park Point
SU) LLC to submeter electricity at 417
Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, New York.
PSC-37-17-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Lifeline Service that offers a discounted rate
to service to qualifying low income
To consider changes to the Commission’s
requirements related to eligibility for the
supplemental New York Lifeline discount.
PSC-37-17-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Fishers Island Water Works Corporation’s
rates for the provision of water.
To consider an increase in Fishers Island
Water Works Corporation’s annual water
revenues by approximately $296,031 or 44.5%.
PSC-39-17-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to submeter electricity and waiver
To consider the petition to submeter electricity
and waiver request of 16 NYCRR § 96.5(k)(3).
PSC-39-17-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether a proposed agreement for the
provision of water service by Saratoga Water
Services, Inc. is in the public interest.
To consider the terms of a service agreement
and waiver.
PSC-39-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether to direct New York State Electric &
Gas to complete electric facility upgrades at
no charge to Hanehan.
To determine financial responsibility between
NYSEG and Hanehan for the electric service
upgrades to Hanehan.
PSC-40-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The aggregation of electric service for the
Empire State Plaza and the Sheridan Avenue
Steam Plant
To consider a waiver of National Grid’s tariff
provision requiring all electric delivery points to
be on the same premises
PSC-41-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Major electric rate filing. To consider an increase in CHG&E’s electric
delivery revenues by approximately $43 million
(or 7.9% in total revenues).
PSC-41-17-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Major gas rate filing. To consider an increase in CHG&E’s gas
delivery revenues by approximately $18.1
million (or 12.3% in total revenues).
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
PSC-42-17-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Complaint for review of rates charged for
water service to commercial and residential
customers of water works corporation.
To consider the complaint filed on January 3,
2017 by Bristol customers.
PSC-42-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for rehearing of negative revenue
adjustment and contents of annual
Performance Report.
To consider NFGD’s petition for rehearing.
PSC-43-17-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity and
waiver request
To consider the notice of intent to submeter
electricity and waiver request
PSC-43-17-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt ReEnergy Lyonsdale, LLC’s 22 MW biomass
facility located in Lewis County, New York
To promote and maintain renewable electric
energy resources
PSC-45-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Arrow Park, Inc.’s rates for the provision of
To consider an increase in Arrow Park, Inc.’s
annual water revenues by approximately
$11,200 or 62.06%.
PSC-45-17-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Major water rate filing. To consider an increase in SUEZ O-N’s annual
revenue requirement by approximately
$600,000, or 33.4%.
PSC-46-17-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Drift Marketplace, Inc.’s petition for rehearing To consider the petition for rehearing filed by
Drift Marketplace, Inc.
PSC-46-17-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider further proposed amendments to
the original criteria to grandfathering
established in the Transition Plan
To modify grandfathering criteria
PSC-46-17-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Requirements pertaining to inspections and
reporting on plastic fusions installed in gas
company service territories
To clarify prior requirements and establish new
requirements for plastic fusion qualifications
and inspections
PSC-46-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Compliance with plastic fusion requirements To consider requiring NFG to comply with
current and new plastic fusion requirements
and report compliance failures
PSC-46-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt M&R Energy Resource Corp.’s petition for
To consider the petition for rehearing filed by
M&R Energy Resource Corp.
PSC-46-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider further proposed amendments to
the original criteria to grandfathering
established in the Transition Plan
To modify grandfathering criteria
PSC-46-17-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Annual Reconciliation of Gas Expenses and
Gas Cost Recoveries
To consider filings of LDCs and municipalities
regarding their Annual Reconciliation of Gas
Expenses and Gas Cost Recoveries
PSC-46-17-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider further proposed amendments to
the original criteria to grandfathering
established in the Transition Plan
To modify grandfathering criteria
PSC-47-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Con Edison’s petition for approval of the
Smart Solutions for Natural Gas Customers
To consider Con Edison’s multi-solution
strategy to decrease gas usage and procure
alternative resources.
PSC-48-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to submeter electricity and waiver
To consider the petition to submeter electricity
and waiver request of 16 NYCRR § 96.5(k)(3).
PSC-48-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The extension of the compensation term for
certain community distributed generation
To determine the appropriate compensation
term for certain community distributed
generation projects.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
PSC-48-17-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Low Income customer options for affordable
water bills.
To consider the Low Income Bill Discount
and/or Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs.
PSC-48-17-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for rehearing of the Commission
To consider New Rochelle Home Owners
Association’s petition for rehearing.
PSC-48-17-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of certain street lighting facilities. To consider the transfer of certain street
lighting facilities from NYSEG to the Town of
PSC-49-17-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Part of the Tier 2 Maintenance Tier Program
in the RES of the CES
To promote and maintain renewable electric
energy resources
PSC-49-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Minor rate filing To consider an increase in annual revenues of
about $300,000 or 5.2%
PSC-50-17-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt New Wave Energy Corp.’s petition for
To consider the petition for rehearing filed by
New Wave Energy Corp.
PSC-50-17-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Application of the Public Service Law to DER
To determine the appropriate regulatory
framework for DER suppliers.
PSC-50-17-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of utility property. To consider the transfer of utility property.
PSC-50-17-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Disposition of tax refunds and other related
To consider the disposition of tax refunds and
other related matters.
PSC-50-17-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Data protection rules for DER suppliers. To determine the appropriate regulatory
framework for DER suppliers.
PSC-50-17-00023-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent to submeter
electricity and waiver request.
PSC-51-17-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Opt-out tariff regarding installation of
advanced digital metering devices in Central
Hudson’s service territory.
To determine the appropriate opt-out provisions
for Central Hudson customers regarding
advanced digital metering devices.
PSC-51-17-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to submeter electricity. To consider the petition of 305 East 24th
Owners Corp. to submeter electricity.
PSC-51-17-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consideration of Con Edison’s proposed
Implementation Plan.
To consider Con Edison’s Implementation Plan
and appropriate design of the utility-owned
Shared Solar Pilot Program.
PSC-51-17-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer certain street lighting facilities to the
Town of Owego.
To consider the transfer of certain street
lighting facilities from NYSEG to the Town of
PSC-51-17-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for recovery of certain costs related to
the implementation of a Non-Wires Alternative
To consider Con Edison’s petition for the
recovery of costs for implementing the JFK
PSC-51-17-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Rider T - Commercial Demand Response
To consider revisions to Rider T - CDRP.
PSC-51-17-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of control. To consider Time Warner Cable Northeast’s
petition seeking approval of a transfer of cable
television franchises.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
PSC-51-17-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Opt-out tariff regarding installation of
advanced digital metering devices in Central
Hudson’s service territory.
To determine the appropriate opt-out provisions
for Central Hudson customers regarding
advanced digital metering devices.
PSC-51-17-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for waiver request of Opinion No.
76-17 and 16 NYCRR Part 96.
To consider the petition of Jericho Project for
waiver request of Opinion No. 76-17 and 16
NYCRR Part 96.
PSC-52-17-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Oversight and support of Clean Energy Fund
and related NYSERDA activities
To support and monitor the deployment of
clean energy technology
PSC-52-17-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Development of an aggregation standard for
release of customer usage information that
protects the privacy of customers
Strike new balance between the benefit of
making more aggregated data available and
the need to maintain customer privacy
PSC-52-17-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt SUEZ O-N’s rates of the Forest Park Systems
for the provision of water
To consider an increase in SUEZ O-N’s annual
water revenues of the Forest Park Systems by
approximately $298,221 or 48.52%
PSC-52-17-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Daily Delivery Service (DDS) Program; Winter
Bundled Sales Service (WBSS) and Managed
Supply Service (MSS) Programs
To consider modifications to the DDS Program
and the elimination of the expired WBSS and
MSS Programs
PSC-52-17-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition to submeter electricity To consider the petition of Bruns Associates,
LLC to submeter electricity
PSC-01-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed revisions to O&R’s Distribution
Load Relief Program (DLRP) cost recovery.
To consider whether O&R should recover
DLRP costs from distribution customers only.
PSC-01-18-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed revisions to the Dynamic Load
Management Programs for the summer 2018
capability period.
To consider modifications to the Dynamic Load
Management Programs and proposed draft
PSC-01-18-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed revisions to NYSEG’s Distribution
Load Relief Program (DLRP) cost recovery.
To consider whether NYSEG should recover
DLRP costs from distribution customers only.
PSC-01-18-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Participation of low-income ratepayers in
community distributed generation projects.
To consider methods to support participation of
low-income ratepayers in community distributed
generation projects.
PSC-01-18-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed revisions to Central Hudson’s
Distribution Load Relief Program (DLRP) cost
To consider whether Central Hudson should
recover DLRP costs from distribution
customers only.
PSC-01-18-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed revisions to RG&E’s Distribution
Load Relief Program (DLRP) cost recovery.
To consider whether RG&E should recover
DLRP costs from distribution customers only.
PSC-01-18-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed revisions to National Grid’s
Distribution Load Relief Program (DLRP) cost
To consider whether National Grid should
recover DLRP costs from distribution
customers only.
PSC-02-18-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Modifications to the SIR to incorporate larger
distributed generation units and energy
storage systems, among other revisions.
To consider Staff’s recommended changes and
updates to the SIR.
PSC-02-18-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The 2017 Electric Emergency Response
To consider the 2017 Electric Emergency
Response Plans for New York’s six major
electric utilities.
PSC-02-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of certain street lighting facilities. To consider the transfer of certain street
lighting facilities from NYSEG to the City of
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
PSC-02-18-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent of Murray Hill
Marquis LLC to submeter electricity.
PSC-04-18-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Minor rate filing. To consider a proposal for an increase in total
annual revenues of approximately $136,634, or
PSC-04-18-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent of Murray Hill
Marquis LLC to submeter electricity.
PSC-04-18-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent of Montante/
Morgan Gates Circle LLC to submeter
PSC-04-18-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Consideration of the Central Hudson Gas &
Electric Corporation Implementation Plan and
audit recommendations.
To consider Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Corporation’s Management Audit
Implementation Plan.
PSC-04-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Con Edison’s methodology for reconciling the
gas POR discount rate charge.
To consider modifications to the manner in
which reconciliations of the POR discount rate
are collected or refunded.
PSC-04-18-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of Commission requirements. To consider a waiver of the Commission’s
electric infrastructure requirement.
PSC-04-18-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent of 20 Broad
Street Owner LLC to submeter electricity.
PSC-05-18-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Lexington Power’s ZEC compliance
To promote and maintain renewable and zero-
emission electric energy resources.
PSC-05-18-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Distributed Generation (DG), Natural Gas
Vehicle (NGV) and Prime-WNY Pilot
To consider to make permanent the DG and
NGV Pilot Programs and continue the Prime-
WNY Pilot Program with modifications.
PSC-05-18-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Rider J - Business Incentive Rate (BIR) to
include an Electric Vehicle (EV) Quick
Charging Station Program.
To consider expanding its economic
development BIR to include an EV Quick
Charging Station Program.
PSC-05-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of control. To consider the joint petition seeking approval
of a transfer of cable television franchises.
PSC-05-18-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Implementation of Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI) in O&R’s territory, and
provisions for individual opt-outs therefrom.
To consider Advanced Metering Infrastructure
(AMI) in Orange & Rockland’s service territory.
PSC-06-18-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Waiver of PSC regulations, 16 NYCRR
§ 86.3(a)(1); 86.3(a)(2); 86.3(b)(2) and
To consider a waiver of certain regulations
relating to the content of an application for
transmission line siting
PSC-06-18-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To consider further proposed amendments to
the original criteria to grandfathering
established in the Transition Plan
To modify grandfathering criteria
PSC-06-18-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed sale of property from Con Edison to
500 Kent LLC
To consider Con Edison and 500 Kent LLC’s
joint petition for a proposed sale of property
PSC-06-18-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To incur debt and findings that no further
review of proposed intra-corporate
transactions is needed
To consider a petition to incur debt and findings
that no further review of proposed intra-
corporate transactions is needed
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
PSC-06-18-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Whether a proposed agreement for the
provision of water service by Saratoga Water
Services, Inc. is in the public interest
To consider a waiver and terms of a service
PSC-06-18-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt To incur debt and findings that no further
review of proposed intra-corporate
transactions is needed
To consider a petition to incur debt and findings
that no further review of proposed intra-
corporate transactions is needed
PSC-06-18-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Merger of NYAW and Whitlock Farms Water
To consider the merger of NYAW and Whitlock
Farms Water Company into a single corporate
PSC-07-18-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt The accuracy and reasonableness of National
Grid’s billing for certain interconnection
To consider AEC’s petition requesting
resolution of their billing dispute with National
PSC-07-18-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent of Silo Ridge
Condo Association to submeter electricity.
PSC-08-18-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Gas service to power generators. To consider proposals in the report regarding
service to power generators and related
proposed tariff revisions.
PSC-08-18-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Negative revenue adjustments assessed for
alleged gas safety violations in 2014, 2015,
and 2016.
To encourage active efforts by the utility
company to maximize gas safety.
PSC-08-18-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity and
waiver request.
To consider the notice of intent to submeter
electricity and waiver request of 16 NYCRR
§ 96.5(k)(3).
PSC-08-18-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Gas service to power generators. To consider proposals in the report regarding
service to power generators and related
proposed tariff revisions.
PSC-08-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent of 160 Leroy
LLC to submeter electricity.
PSC-08-18-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent of MIP One
Wall Street Acquisition, LLC to submeter
PSC-09-18-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Use of the Itron OpenWay Riva CENTRON
Polyphase CP2SRA electric meter
To ensure that consumers bills are based on
accurate measurements of electric usage
PSC-09-18-00011-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of certain street lighting facilities To consider the transfer of certain street
lighting facilities from NYSEG to the Village of
PSC-09-18-00012-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Minor rate filing To consider an increase in annual water
revenues by approximately $93,436 or 68.2%
PSC-09-18-00013-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Proposed use of electronic signatures for
Deferred Payment Agreements
To make it easier for customers to obtain
Deferred Payment Agreements
PSC-11-18-00002-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Use of funds for ratepayer benefit programs. To promote gas safety.
PSC-11-18-00003-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Use of funds for ratepayer benefit. To promote gas safety measures.
PSC-11-18-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt New York State Lifeline Program. To consider TracFone’s petition seeking
approval to participate in Lifeline.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
PSC-12-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Minor rate filing To consider an increase in annual water
revenues by approximately $30,487 or 189%
PSC-12-18-00008-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Trading and banking of Renewable Energy
To determine proper treatment of Renewable
Energy Certificates
PSC-12-18-00009-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity and
waiver request
To consider the notice of intent to submeter
electricity and waiver request
PSC-13-18-00014-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Commission oversight of distributed energy
resource suppliers
To protect customers and utilities in the receipt
of services from distributed energy resource
PSC-13-18-00015-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Eligibility of an ESCO to market to and enroll
residential customers.
To consider whether Astral should be allowed
to market to and enroll residential customers
following a suspension.
PSC-13-18-00016-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Electronic Deferred Payment Agreements
To consider a proposal to implement Electronic
PSC-13-18-00017-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity and
waiver request.
To consider the notice of intent to submeter
electricity and waiver request.
PSC-13-18-00018-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity and
waiver request.
To consider the notice of intent to submeter
electricity and waiver request.
PSC-13-18-00019-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent to submeter
PSC-13-18-00020-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent to submeter
PSC-13-18-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent to submeter
PSC-13-18-00022-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Notice of intent to submeter electricity. To consider the notice of intent to submeter
PSC-13-18-00023-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Reconciliation of property taxes. To consider NYAW’s request to reconcile
property taxes.
PSC-13-18-00024-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt SC No. 3 - Multiple-Dwelling Service. To consider a tariff change proposing the
elimination of an outdated provision under SC
No. 3 - Multiple-Dwelling Service.
PSC-14-18-00001-EP . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Authorization of a new tariff leaf, Rider A, for
high density demand customers.
To allow the New York Municipal Power
Agency’s Rider A to go into effect on an
emergency basis.
PSC-14-18-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Terms of a service agreement and waiver of
tariff provisions
To consider Saratoga Water’s requested terms
of a service agreement and tariff waivers
PSC-14-18-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Transfer of certain street lighting facilities To consider the transfer of certain street
lighting facilities located in the Chautauqua
Utility District
PSC-14-18-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Petition for abandonment To consider the abandonment of Willsboro Bay
Water Company’s water system
PSC-14-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt An offshore wind generating facilities program To promote offshore wind generating facilities
and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
DOS-52-17-00013-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 12/27/18 Establishment of the Identity Theft Prevention
and Mitigation Program
To facilitate the timely provision of information
and assistance to victims of identity theft
DOS-07-18-00010-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/14/19 Cease and desist zone for the Incorporated
Village of Chestnut Ridge, NY
To adopt a cease and desist zone for the
Incorporated Village of Chestnut Ridge, NY
DOS-12-18-00006-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 The education qualifications for real estate
broker’s license
To update course requirements to meet current
industry needs
TAF-09-18-00007-P . . . . . . . . . . . . exempt Fuel use tax on motor fuel and diesel motor
fuel and the art. 13-A carrier tax jointly
administered therewith
To set the sales tax component and the
composite rate per gallon for the period April 1,
2018 through June 30, 2018
TDA-35-17-00005-P . . . . . . . . . . . 08/30/18 Application process for the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
To align State regulations for SNAP application
process with federal statutory and regulatory
requirements and SNAP policy
TDA-12-18-00004-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/19 Reengagement/conciliation and sanction
procedures for employment programs
To implement statutory changes relative to
public assistance (PA) reengagement/
conciliation and sanction procedures
TRN-08-18-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 02/21/19 Regulation of commercial motor carriers in
New York State
The rule making updates Title 49 CFR
provisions incorporated by reference pursuant
to regulation of commercial motor carriers
TRN-11-18-00001-P . . . . . . . . . . . 03/14/19 Regulation of commercial motor carriers in
New York State
The rule making updates Title 49 CFR
provisions incorporated by reference pursuant
to regulation of commercial motor carriers
WCB-52-17-00021-P . . . . . . . . . . . 12/27/18 Establishment of Prescription Drug Formulary Establishment of a drug formulary that includes
high-quality and cost-effective preauthorized
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Action Pending Index
Agency I.D. No. Expires Subject Matter Purpose of Action
Published pursuant to provisions of General Business Law
[Art. 23-A, § 359-e(2)]
Aspiriant Trust
11100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90025
State or country in which incorporated — Delaware
Beach Whiskey LLC
333 N. Alabama St., Suite 350, Indianapolis, IN 46204
State or country in which incorporated — Indiana
Carriage Heights Investor, LLC
1845 Walnut St., 10th Fl., Philadelphia, PA 19103
State or country in which incorporated — Delaware
Granite Alphen Capital Fund US LP
c/o Granite M.S.A. Ltd., 2 HaManofim St., Herzliya, Israel
Partnership — Granite M.S.A. GP Ltd.
hyPHY USA Inc.
75 Livingston St., Apt. 27A, New York, NY 11201
State or country in which incorporated — Delaware
International Columbia US, LLC
1910 Fairview Ave. E, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98102
State or country in which incorporated — Cayman Islands
SE GA-MN Student Housing Investors, LLC
350 N. LaSalle St., Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60654
State or country in which incorporated Delaware limited liability
ServerCube, Inc.
1173 2nd Ave., Suite A, PMB 181, New York, NY 10065
State or country in which incorporated — Delaware
WPCM Valley Bend Holdings, LLC
Seven E. Congress St., Suite 900A, Savannah, GA 31401
State or country in which incorporated — Delaware
Empire State Plaza, Albany, Albany County
Sealed bids for Project No. 45712-E, for Electrical Work, Remove/
Replace Traffic Light, Madison Avenue, Empire State Plaza, Albany
(Albany County), NY, will be received by the Office of General Ser-
vices (OGS), Design & Construction Group (D&C), Division of
Contract Management, 35th Fl., Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza,
Albany, NY 12242, on behalf of the Office of General Services, until
2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11, 2018, when they will be publicly
opened and read. Each bid must be prepared and submitted in accor-
dance with the Instructions to Bidders and must be accompanied by a
certified check, bank check, or bid bond in the amount of $15,600 for
Further, Wicks Exempt Projects require a completed form BDC 59
(Wicks Exempt List of Contractors) be lled out and submitted
(included in a separate, sealed envelope) in accordance with Docu-
ment 002220, Supplemental Instructions to Bidders Wicks Exempt.
Failure to submit this form correctly will result in a disqualification of
the bid.
All successful bidders will be required to furnish a Performance
Bond and a Labor and Material Bond in the statutory form of public
bonds required by Sections 136 and 137 of the State Finance Law,
each for 100% of the amount of the Contract estimated to be between
$100,000 and $250,000 for E.
Pursuant to State Finance Law §§ 139-j and 139-k, this solicitation
includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between
OGS D&C and a bidder during the procurement process. A bidder is
restricted from making contacts from the earliest posting, on the OGS
website, in a newspaper of general circulation, or in the Contract
Reporter of written notice, advertisement or solicitation of offers
through final award and approval of the contract by OGS D&C and
the Office of the State Comptroller (“Restricted Period”) to other than
designated staff unless it is a contact that is included among certain
statutory exceptions set forth in State Finance Law § 139-j(3)(a).
Designated staff are Jessica Hoffman, Carl Ruppert, and Pierre Alric
in the Division of Contract Management, telephone (518) 474-0203,
fax (518) 473-7862 and John Lewyckyj, Deputy Director, Design &
Construction Group, telephone (518) 474-0201, fax (518) 486-1650.
OGS D&C employees are also required to obtain certain information
when contacted during the restricted period and make a determination
of the responsibility of the bidder pursuant to these two statutes.
Certain ndings of non-responsibility can result in rejection for
contract award and in the event of two findings within a four-year pe-
riod, the bidder is debarred from obtaining governmental Procurement
Contracts. Bidders responding to this Advertisement must familiarize
themselves with the State Finance Law requirements and will be
expected to affirm that they understand and agree to comply on the bid
form. Further information about these requirements can be found
within the project manual or at: http://www.ogs.ny.gov/aboutOGS/
The substantial completion date for this project is 164 days after the
Agreement is approved by the Comptroller.
The only time prospective bidders will be allowed to visit the job
site to take field measurements and examine existing conditions of the
project area will be at 9:00 a.m. on March 30, 2018 at Plaza Opera-
tions, Room 130A, Concourse Level, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY.
Prospective bidders are urged to visit the site at this time. Prospective
bidders or their representatives attending the pre-bid site visit will not
be admitted on facility grounds without proper photo identification.
Note that parking restrictions and security provisions will apply and
all vehicles will be subject to search.
For assistance pertaining to the site visit only, please phone Rich
Hynes (518) 376-7203.
Pursuant to New York State Executive Law Article 15-A and the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, OGS is required to
promote opportunities for the maximum feasible participation of New
York State-certified Minority- and Women-owned Business Enter-
prises (“MWBEs”) and the employment of minority group members
and women in the performance of OGS contracts. All bidders are
expected to cooperate in implementing this policy. OGS hereby
establishes an overall goal of 30% for MWBE participation, 15% for
Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (“MBE”) participation and
15% for Women-Owned Business Enterprises (“WBE”) participation
(based on the current availability of qualified MBEs and WBEs). The
total contract goal can be obtained by utilizing any combination of
MBE and /or WBE participation for subcontracting and supplies
acquired under this Contract.
The Office of General Services reserves the right to reject any or all
The Bidding and Contract Documents for this Project are available
on compact disc (CD) only, and may be obtained for an $8.00 deposit
per set, plus a $2.00 per set shipping and handling fee. Contractors
and other interested parties can order CD’s on-line through a secure
web interface available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please use the
following link for ordering and payment instructions: http://
For questions about purchase of bid documents, please send an
e-mail to [email protected].gov, or call(518) 474-0203.
For additional information on this project, please use the link below
and then click on the project number: https://online.ogs.ny.gov/dnc/
By John D. Lewyckyj, Deputy Director
OGS - Design & Construction Group
Five (5) HVAC Work Contracts:
45823-H, 45825-H, 45826-H, 45827-H, 45828-H
One (1) Plumbing Work Contracts: 45826-P
Sealed bids for the above Work located in the Geographic Contract
Areas described below in Table 1 and comprising separate contracts
for General Construction Work, Electrical Work, HVAC Work, Plumb-
ing Work and Roofing & Appurtenant Work, will be received by the
Office of General Services (OGS), Design & Construction Group
(D&C), Contract Administration, 35th Floor Corning Tower, Empire
State Plaza, Albany, NY 12242, until 2:00 p.m. on the date indicated
in Table 2 below, when they will be publicly opened and read. Each
bid must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the Instruc-
tions to Bidders and must be accompanied by a certified check, bank
check, or bid bond in the amount of $25,000.
This Advertisement for Bids is for multiple Job Order Contracts
(hereinafter called JOC). A Job Order Contract is an indefinite quantity
contract pursuant to which the Contractor will perform a series of in-
dividual repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation,
demolition and construction projects at different locations. Work is ac-
complished by means of issuance of a Job Order against a master
contract. Under the JOC concept, the Contractor furnishes all manage-
ment, documentation, labor, materials and equipment needed to
perform the Work. The State has published Construction Task Cata-
logs® containing a series of work items with pre-established Unit
Prices. The Contractor will bid Adjustment Factors to be applied to
the pre-established Unit Prices. The price paid by the State for an indi-
vidual Project will be determined by multiplying the pre-established
Unit Prices by the appropriate quantities and by the appropriate
Adjustment Factor(s).
All successful bidders will be required to furnish a Performance
Bond and a Labor and Material Bond in the statutory form of public
bonds required by Sections 136 and 137 of the State Finance Law,
each for 100% of the amount of the Anticipated Annual Value of Work
as noted in Table 2.
Table 1- Geographic Contract Areas
Geographic Contract Area
Contract # Area
Counties Served
45823-H 3 Albany, Columbia, Delaware, Fulton,
Greene, Hamilton, Montgomery, Ot-
sego, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Sche-
nectady, Schoharie, Warren, and Wash-
45825-H 5 Broome, Tioga, Tompkins, Cortland,
Chenango, Cayuga, Onondaga, Madi-
son, Oneida, Oswego and Herkimer
45826-H, P 6 Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence
45827-H 7 Chemung, Livingston, Monroe, On-
tario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben,
Wayne and Yates
45828-H 8 Allegany, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus,
Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, and
The Completion dates for these Projects, is 365 days after theAgree-
ment is approved by the Comptroller.
Table 2 - Contract Values and Bid Due Dates
Anticipated Annual
Value of Work
Bid Due Date
45823-H $ 500,000 11 April 2018
45826-P $ 500,000 11 April 2018
45825-H $ 750,000 11 April 2018
45826-H $ 750,000 11 April 2018
45827-H $ 750,000 11 April 2018
45828-H $ 750,000 11 April 2018
Prospective bidders must attend a MANDATORY Pre-Bid
Conference. The conference will be held for the purpose of discussing
the JOC concept, Contract Documents, specifics of the OGS JOC
program, OGS expectations, JOC from the Contractors perspective
(including how to properly prepare a bid) and other bid considerations.
The attendees representing prospective bidders at the Pre-Bid Confer-
ences should be principals of the firm and/or the individuals who will
be compiling the bid on behalf of the firm. If the bidder is a joint
venture, at least one party of the joint venture must have been
represented and signed in at the Pre-Bid Conference.
Pre-Bid Conferences:
In Albany, NY
Pre-Bids will be held from 9:30 AM-11:30 AM on 20 March 2018
and March 27 2018.
Pre-Bid Conferences will be held in Large Conference Room, 34th
Floor, ESP Corning Tower
In Willard, NY
Pre-Bid will be held from 9:30 AM-11:30 AM on 22 March 2018
and March 29 2018.
Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the Grandview Building, Wil-
lard DTC
For directions to the Pre-Bids see “Directions to Pre-Bids”
Pre-bid attendees should allow sufficient time for parking and
processing through building security by presenting a government is-
sued picture identification to building security officials and obtain a
visitors pass.
Designated staff are Jessica Hoffman, Carl Ruppert and Pierre Alric
in the Division of Contract Management, telephone (518) 474-0203,
fax (518) 473-7862 and John Lewyckyj, Deputy Director, Design &
Construction Group, telephone (518) 474-0201, fax (518) 486-1650.
Pursuant to New York State Executive Law Article 15-A and the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, OGS is required to
promote opportunities for the maximum feasible participation of New
York State-certified Minority- and Women-owned Business Enter-
prises (“MWBEs”) and the employment of minority group members
and women in the performance of OGS contracts. All bidders are
expected to cooperate in implementing this policy. OGS hereby
establishes an overall goal of 30% for MWBE participation, 15% for
Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (“MBE”) participation and
15% for Women-Owned Business Enterprises (“WBE”) participation
(based on the current availability of qualified MBEs and WBEs). The
total contract goal can be obtained by utilizing any combination of
MBE and /or WBE participation for subcontracting and supplies
acquired under this Contract.
The Bidding and Contract Documents for this Project are available
on compact disc (CD) only, and may be obtained for an $8.00 deposit
per set, plus a $2.00 per set shipping and handling fee. Contractors
and other interested parties can order CD’s on-line through a secure
web interface available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please use the
following link at the OGS website for ordering and payment
instructions: http://www.ogs.ny.gov/bu/dc/esb/acquirebid.asp
For questions about purchase of bid documents, please send an
e-mail to D&[email protected].gov, or call (518) 474-0203.
For additional information on this project, please use the link below
and then click on the project number: https://online.ogs.ny.gov/dnc/
By John D. Lewyckyj, Deputy Director
OGS - Design & Construction Group
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Advertisements for Bidders/Contractors
Division of Homeland Security and Emergency
1220 Washington Ave.
State Campus, Bldg. 7A
Albany, NY 12242
Fiscal Year 2017 Critical Infrastructure Grant Program
Fiscal Year 2017 Critical Infrastructure Grant Program seeks ap-
plications for up to $50,000 from federal State Homeland Security
Program funding made available by the NYS Division of Homeland
Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) for critical infrastructure
protection. The FY 2017 Critical Infrastructure Grant Program (CIGP)
advances a common understanding of risk management. Applicants
select a critical infrastructure site or special event site and complete a
risk assessment. First responders assess their capability to prevent and
protect against attacks on the site. Grant funding is then applied to
mitigate vulnerabilities identified in the risk assessment or enhance
first responders capabilities.
The priority focus for the FY 2017 CIGP is government owned crit-
ical infrastructure sites and special event sites. Examples of govern-
ment owned sites include, but are not limited to, government office
buildings (e.g. city/town halls), emergency services (emergency opera-
tions centers, 911 centers, police or fire stations), water systems (wa-
ter treatment facilities, water distribution, wastewater treatments) or
government owned stadiums as a special event site. Examples of
special event sites include, but are not limited to, major community
festivals, races, concerts or games or other mass gathering sites. These
events must be reoccurring and located or held on government owned
or leased property that have definable geographic boundaries; the
event or location must pose special security concerns, such a popula-
tion surges and other factors that require additional law enforcement
or emergency resources.
Only units of local government within targeted counties are eligible
to apply for the FY 2017 CIGP. Units of local governments include:
counties, cities, towns, and/or villages. Applicants must be located in
New York City or one of the following targeted counties: Albany,
Broome, Dutchess, Erie, Herkimer, Livingston, Madison, Monroe,
Nassau, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Orange, Orleans,
Oswego, Putnam, Rensselaer, Rockland, Saratoga, Schenectady,
Schoharie, Suffolk, Tioga, Wayne, Westchester, and Yates. The ap-
plication must be coordinated with at least two (2) agencies with
prevention and/or protection responsibilities at the selected site. These
must be law enforcement, fire department, emergency management,
or public works agencies.
Applications will be accepted until April 17, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.
through the DHSES electronic grants management system (E-Grants).
For the Request for Applications (RFA) please visit the DHSES
website at http://www.dhses.ny.gov/grants/targeted.cfm or contact
DHSES’s Grants Hotline at (866) 837-9133.
Division of Homeland Security and Emergency
1220 Washington Ave.
State Campus, Bldg. 7A
Albany, NY 12242
Fiscal Year 2017 Explosive Detection Canine Team Grant Program
Fiscal Year 2017 Explosive Detection Canine Team Grant Program
seeks applications for up to $50,000 from federal State Homeland Se-
curity Program funding made available by the NYS Division of
Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) for programs
to develop and support explosive detection canine team capabilities.
The six primary objectives of this grant are: 1) The advancement of
explosive detection canine team capabilities; 2) The certification of
explosive detection canine teams and compliance with annual re-
certification requirements; 3) Participation in DHS’s Office for Bomb-
ing Prevention’s (DHS-OBP) Explosive Detection Canine Capability
Analysis Program; 4) Alignment to New York State’s thirteen FBI Ac-
credited bomb squads; 5) Use of the Bomb Arson Tracking System
(BATS); and, 6) Promotion of regional partnerships in the develop-
ment of mutual explosive detection canine team capabilities. Grants
will be awarded to support local, county and Tribal law enforcement
agencies with an active road patrol component of their law enforce-
ment operations.
Applications will be accepted until April 17, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.
through the DHSES electronic grants management system (E-Grants).
For the Request for Applications (RFA) please visit the DHSES
website at http://www.dhses.ny.gov/grants/targeted.cfm or contact
DHSES’s Grants Hotline at (866) 837-9133.
Division of Homeland Security and Emergency
1220 Washington Ave.
State Campus, Bldg. 7A
Albany, NY 12242
Fiscal Year 2017 Tactical Team Grant Program
Fiscal Year 2017 Tactical Team Grant Program seeks applications
for up to $100,000 from federal State Homeland Security Program
funding made available by the NYS Division of Homeland Security
and Emergency Services (DHSES). The focus of this grant opportunity
is to improve a tactical team’s capabilities and help to develop new re-
sponse capabilities as it relates to high-risk incidents including active
shooter events and other counter terrorism missions.
Grants will be awarded to local, county, and tribal law enforcement
agencies with an active tactical team as part of their law enforcement
operations that responds to calls for service outside of a correctional
setting. The four primary objectives of this grant are to: 1) Advance
tactical team capabilities through the attainment and sustainment of
the minimum standards within this community; 2) Encourage and sup-
port training among law enforcement specialty teams to include bomb
squads and explosive detection canine teams; 3) Promote regional
partnerships in the development and build-out of mutual tactical team
capabilities, and 4) Participate in DHS’s Office for Bombing Preven-
tion’s (DHS-OBP) SWAT Capability Analysis Program.
Applications will be accepted until April 17, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.
through the DHSES electronic grants management system (E-Grants).
For the Request for Applications (RFA) please visit the DHSES
website at http://www.dhses.ny.gov/grants/targeted.cfm or contact
DHSES’s Grant Hotline at (866) 837-9133.
Division of Homeland Security and Emergency
1220 Washington Ave.
State Campus, Bldg. 7A
Albany, NY 12242
Fiscal Year 2017 Technical Rescue and USAR Team Grant Pro-
Fiscal Year 2017 Technical Rescue and USAR Team Grant Program
seeks applications for up to $150,000 from federal State Homeland
Security Program funding made available by the NYS Division of
Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES). The focus of
this grant opportunity is to develop and support Technical Rescue and
USAR team capabilities.
Grants will be awarded to municipalities on behalf of local emer-
gency response teams that provide Technical Rescue and USAR ser-
vices countywide or regionally. The three primary objectives of this
grant are to: 1) Advance Technical Rescue and USAR capabilities
statewide; 2) Encourage the development of Regional Response
Partnerships to enhance multi-jurisdictional response capabilities; and
3) Increase the resource typing of Technical Rescue and USAR re-
sources in New York State.
Applications will be accepted until April 17, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.
through the DHSES electronic grants management system (E-Grants).
For the Request for Applications (RFA) please visit the DHSES
website at http://www.dhses.ny.gov/grants/targeted.cfm or contact
DHSES’s Grants Hotline at (866) 837-9133.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Availability of Funds
Notice of Abandoned Property
Received by the State Comptroller
Pursuant to provisions of the Abandoned Property Law and related
laws, the Office of the State Comptroller receives unclaimed monies
and other property deemed abandoned. A list of the names and last
known addresses of the entitled owners of this abandoned property is
maintained by the ofce in accordance with Section 1401 of the
Abandoned Property Law. Interested parties may inquire if they ap-
pear on the Abandoned Property Listing by contacting the Office of
Unclaimed Funds, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., at:
or visit our web site at:
Claims for abandoned property must be filed with the New York
State Comptroller’s Office of Unclaimed Funds as provided in Section
1406 of the Abandoned Property Law. For further information contact:
Office of the State Comptroller, Office of Unclaimed Funds, 110 State
St., Albany, NY 12236.
Cattaraugus County
Cattaraugus County is requesting proposals form qualified adminis-
trative services agenies, and/or nancial organizations relating to
administration, trustee services and/or funding of a deferred compen-
sation plan for employees of Cattaraugus County meeting the require-
ments of Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code and Sections 5 of
the State Finance Law, including all rules and regulations issued pur-
suant thereto.
A copy of the proposal questionnaire may be obtained from: Julie
Carr, jjcarr@cattco.org, Personnel Officer/Director, Cattaraugus
All proposals must be submitted no later than 30 days from the date
of publication in the New York State Register no later than 5:00 p.m.
Department of Civil Service
PURSUANT to the Open Meetings Law, the New York State Civil
Service Commission hereby gives public notice of the following:
Please take notice that the regular monthly meeting of the State
Civil Service Commission for April 2018 will be conducted on April
17 and April 18 commencing at 10:00 a.m. This meeting will be
conducted at NYS Media Services Center, Suite 146, South Con-
course, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY with live coverage available
at https://www.cs.ny.gov/commission/.
For further information, contact: Office of Commission Opera-
tions, Department of Civil Service, Empire State Plaza, Agency Bldg.
1, Albany, NY 12239, (518) 473-6598
Department of Health
The New York State Department of Health (DOH) is required by
the provisions of the federal Beaches Environmental Assessment and
Coastal Health (BEACH) Act to provide for public review and com-
ment on the Department’s beach monitoring and notification plan. The
BEACH Act (Section 406(b) of the Clean Water Act) enacted a federal
Environmental Protection Agency grant program available to states,
such as New York, with coastal recreational waters. Coastal recre-
ational waters include the Great Lakes and marine coastal waters that
are designated for swimming, bathing, surfing, or similar water contact
activities. The Act is not applicable to inland waters or waters
upstream of the mouth of a river or stream having an unimpaired natu-
ral connection with the open sea.
The beach monitoring and public notification plan also includes in-
formation on the beach evaluation and classification process, includ-
ing a list of waters to be monitored and beach ranking. Also included
in this plan, is the sampling design and monitoring plan, including
sampling location and sampling frequency. Lastly, the plan contains
information on procedures for public notification and risk communica-
tion, including methods to notify the public of a swimming advisory
or beach closure.
Any interested parties and/or agencies desiring to review and/or
comment on the beach monitoring and notification plan for coastal
recreational waters may do so by writing to: Timothy M. Shay, Assis-
tant Bureau Director, Department of Health, Center for Environmental
Health, Bureau of Community Environmental Health and Food
Protection, Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower Bldg., Rm. 1395,
Albany, NY 12237, Fax (518) 402-7609
New York City Deferred Compensation Plan
The New York City Deferred Compensation Plan (the Plan”) is
seeking qualified vendors to provide international equity index invest-
ment services for the International Equity Fund (“the Fund”) invest-
ment option of the Plan. The objective of the Fund is to seek an invest-
ment return which matches the performance of the MSCI ACWI
ex-US Index or similar index products. To be considered, vendors
must submit their product information to Milliman Investment
Consulting at the following e-mail address:
sanf.investment.search@milliman.com. Please complete the submis-
sion of product information no later than 4:30 P.M. Eastern Time on
April 26, 2018.
Consistent with the policies expressed by the City, proposals from
certified minority-owned and/or women-owned businesses or propos-
als that include partnering arrangements with certified minority-owned
and/or women-owned firms are encouraged. Additionally, proposals
from small and New York City-based businesses are also encouraged.
New York City Deferred Compensation Plan
The New York City Deferred Compensation Plan (the Plan”) is
seeking qualified vendors to provide mid cap equity index investment
services for the Mid Cap Equity Index Fund (“the Fund”) investment
option of the Plan. The objective of the Fund is to seek an investment
return which matches the performance of the S&P 400 Index or simi-
lar index products. To be considered, vendors must submit their prod-
uct information to Milliman Investment Consulting at the following
e-mail address: sanf.investment.search@milliman.com. Please
complete the submission of product information no later than 4:30
P.M. Eastern Time on April 26, 2018.
Consistent with the policies expressed by the City, proposals from
certified minority-owned and/or women-owned businesses or propos-
als that include partnering arrangements with certified minority-owned
and/or women-owned firms are encouraged. Additionally, proposals
from small and New York City-based businesses are also encouraged.
New York City Deferred Compensation Plan
The New York City Deferred Compensation Plan (the Plan”) is
seeking qualified vendors to provide small cap equity index equity
investment services for the Small Cap Equity Fund (the Fund”)
investment option of the Plan. The objective of the Fund is to seek an
investment return which matches the performance of the Russell 2000
Index or similar index products. To be considered, vendors must
submit their product information to Milliman Investment Consulting
at the following e-mail address:
sanf.investment.search@milliman.com. Please complete the submis-
sion of product information no later than 4:30 P.M. Eastern Time on
April 26, 2018.
Consistent with the policies expressed by the City, proposals from
certified minority-owned and/or women-owned businesses or propos-
als that include partnering arrangements with certified minority-owned
and/or women-owned firms are encouraged. Additionally, proposals
from small and New York City-based businesses are also encouraged.
New York State and Local Retirement System
Pursuant to Retirement and Social Security Law, the New York State
and Local Employees’ Retirement System hereby gives public notice
of the following:
The persons whose names and last known addresses are set forth
below appear from records of the above named Retirement System to
be entitled to accumulated contributions held by said retirement
system whose membership terminated pursuant to Section 517-a of
the Retirement and Social Security Law on or before February 28,
This notice is published pursuant to Section 109 of the Retirement
and Social Law of the State of New York.
A list of the names contained in this notice is on file and open to
public inspection at the office of the New York State and Local Retire-
ment System located at the 110 State St, in the City of Albany, New
York. At the expiration of six months from the date of the publication
of this notice. The accumulated contributions of the persons so listed
shall be deemed abandoned and shall be placed in the pension ac-
cumulation fund to be used for the purpose of said fund. Any ac-
cumulated contributions so deemed abandoned and transferred to the
pension accumulation fund may be claimed by the persons who made
such accumulated contributions or, in the event of his death, by his
estate or such person as he shall have nominated to receive such ac-
cumulated contributions, by filing a claim with the State Comptroller
in such form and in such a manner as may be prescribed by him, seek-
ing the return of such abandoned contributions. In the event such claim
is properly made the State Comptroller shall pay over to the person or
persons or estate making the claim such amount of such accumulated
contributions without interest.
Aguilar, Stevenson W - Corona, NY
Brockway, Daniel A - Constable, NY
Castle, Afiya A - Brooklyn, NY
Cook, Kevin - Buffalo, NY
Elder, Ron A - Cambria Heights, NY
Gray, Tynesha M - Jamaica, NY
Jeffery, Steven P - Malone, NY
Petrie, Joseph A - Hamburg, NY
Reed, Marilyn - Bronx, NY
Schmaeling, Michael H - Levittown, NY
Vetter, Matthew S - N Tonawanda, NY
Vyas, Gargi R - Ulster Park, NY
Westlund, Timothy J - Albion, NY
For further information contact: Kimberly Zeto, New York State
Retirement Systems, 110 State St., Albany, NY 12244, (518) 474-
New York State and Local Retirement System
Pursuant to Retirement and Social Security Law, the New York State
and Local Employees’ Retirement System hereby gives public notice
of the following:
The persons whose names and last known addresses are set forth
below appear from records of the above named Retirement System to
be entitled to accumulated contributions held by said retirement
system whose membership terminated pursuant to Section 613 of the
Retirement and Social Security Law on or before February 28, 2018.
This notice is published pursuant to Section 109 of the Retirement and
Social Security Law of the State of New York. A list of the names
contained in this notice is On file and open to public inspection at the
office of the New York State and Local Retirement System located at
the 110 State St., in the City of Albany, New York. At the expiration of
six months from the date of the publication of this notice. The ac-
cumulated contributions of the persons so listed shall be deemed
abandoned and shall be placed in the pension accumulation fund to be
used for the purpose of said fund. Any accumulated contributions so
deemed abandoned and transferred to the pension accumulation fund
may be claimed by the persons who made such accumulated contribu-
tions or, in the event of his death, by his estate or such person as he
shall have nominated to receive such accumulated contributions, by
filing a claim with the State Comptroller in such form and in such a
manner as may be prescribed by him, seeking the return of such
abandoned contributions. In the event such claim is properly made the
State Comptroller shall pay over to the person or persons or estate
making the claim such amount of such accumulated contributions
without interest.
Abbott,Mary B - Camillus, NY
Abdullah,Khabira F - New York, NY
Abeel,Anthony M - Ballston Spa, NY
Abercrombie,Mary I - Estero,FL
Abraham,Jayamol - Queens Village, NY
Abrams,Cassondra - Troy, NY
Ahenkan,Cecilia - Schenectady, NY
Alao,Adekola O - Manlius, NY
Aldrich,Colleen A - Fresno,CA
Aldridge,Jeannine - Pomona, NY
Alfred,David L - Victor, NY
Allen,Cara A - Phoenix, NY
Allen,Donald E - White Plains, NY
Alvarez,Gloria Elena - White Plains, NY
Amato,Amy E - New Rochelle, NY
Amendola,Michael W - North Babylon, NY
Amin,Amin H - Nashville,TN
Andrade,Cathy - Franklin Square, NY
Andrews,Christina L - Gloversville, NY
Anusionuu,Justina A - Breinigsville,PA
Armitage,Albina M - Rochester, NY
Arturi,James A - Prattsville, NY
Assini,Nicholas V - Rochester, NY
Augustin,Giordani A - Philadelphia,PA
Ayler,Kevin T - North Tonawanda, NY
Backer,Anne M - Oswego, NY
Bain,Melissa M - Houston,TX
Balder,Marjorie S - Stratford, NY
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Banks,Delores J - Rochester, NY
Banks,Derrick A - Sleepy Hollow, NY
Barber,Leah E - Oneonta, NY
Barber,Mindy L - Medina, NY
Barnes,Derek C - Pavilion, NY
Barnes,William T - Camden, NY
Barone,Jeffrey M - Huntington Station, NY
Barrett,Meghan L - Bronxville, NY
Bartlett,Briana M - Rome, NY
Bartolomeo,Dawn M - Holbrook, NY
Barton,Neil J - Hilton, NY
Bashant,Jared M - Schenectady, NY
Bashwinger,Darlene T - Middleburgh, NY
Basiliere,Brent G - Malone, NY
Bates,Phillamena L - Norwich, NY
Bausch,Mary D - Pittsford, NY
Bautista,Emmanuel - Syracuse, NY
Bayer,Kelly K - Fairport, NY
Beardsley,Ashley M - Groveland, NY
Beasley,Corey L - Rochester, NY
Beckwith,Stanley C - Shelter Island, NY
Behrens,Clare P - Miller Place, NY
Bell,Dalphne M - Niagara Falls, NY
Bell,Gina G - Miami Gardens,FL
Bell,Mark A - Kingston, NY
Bell,Veronica N - Rochester, NY
Beltramo,Peter J - Valley Cottage, NY
Benjamin,Michelle L - Kerhonkson, NY
Bennett,Corrie L - Newnan,GA
Bennett,Stephanie A - Bellmore, NY
Benson,Kerry - Nesconset, NY
Bentine,Tanya - Bronx, NY
Benton,Kenneth W - Ithaca, NY
Berardi,Danielle N - Massapequa Park, NY
Berg,Catherine E - Kingston, NY
Bettis,Erin M - Eagle Bridge, NY
Binkert,S Scarlett - St Petersburg,FL
Blaisdell,Hannah J - Rochester, NY
Blake,Bethaney R - Lebanon,TN
Blandford,Gayle M - Horseheads, NY
Blandon,Zenia I - Woodside, NY
Blizard,F Daniel - Middletown, NY
Blunt,Mathew D - Mexico, NY
Bodie,Nicole K - New Berlin, NY
Bomba,James J - Poughkeepsie, NY
Bonilla,Sean M - Hollis Hills, NY
Boone,Leila N - Kingston, NY
Bordwell,Maureen E - Baldwinsville, NY
Boss,Megan G - Macedon, NY
Boucher,Nicole J - Atlanta,GA
Bouquio,Lora A - Brooklyn, NY
Bourdeau,Kristin M - Schenectady, NY
Bowman,Scott M - West Carthage, NY
Brackley,Tara A - Syracuse, NY
Brady,Adam B - Sayre,PA
Braman,Warren A - Rome, NY
Brandt,Sarah A - Brewerton, NY
Brann,Dianna M - Cato, NY
Breidenbach,Susan A - East Rockaway, NY
Brennan,Karen M - Tonawanda, NY
Brewer,John E - Speculator, NY
Brewer,Ronald T - Bath, NY
Briggs,Vivienne I - Corning, NY
Briscoe,Matthew J - Syracuse, NY
Brodsky,Benjamin I - Roslyn Heights, NY
Broomfield,Karen E - Downers Grove,IL
Brown,Diana F - Hartsdale, NY
Brown,Rebecca A - Fredonia, NY
Browning,Joshua P - Greene, NY
Brudos,Daniel T - Schenectady, NY
Brunson,Giya A - Syracuse, NY
Buckley,Megan L - Auburn, NY
Buesaquillo,Concepcion - Mineola, NY
Bull,Laura K - Schenectady, NY
Burkhardt,Laura J - Attica, NY
Burwell,Lenora J - Owings Mills,MD
Butler,Jeremy R - Minneapolis,MN
Butler,Naomi L - Olean, NY
Button,Maureen - Skaneateles, NY
Byington,Jill M - Clayton, NY
Byrd,Leslie P - Jamaica, NY
Cairns,Nichole V - Delhi, NY
Cairo,Jose A - Bay Shore, NY
Callaghan,Kelly A - Saugerties, NY
Cammerato,Charity J - Smithtown, NY
Campbell,Alyssa L - Cohoes, NY
Campbell,Christopher A - Rochester, NY
Campon,Maria J - Schenectady, NY
Canady,Carrie L - Auburn, NY
Canady,Larry - Hollis, NY
Cannariato,Giuseppina M - Bronx, NY
Caputo,Anthony F - Chestnut Ridge, NY
Caputo,Brandon M - East Hampton, NY
Carey,Kathleen L - Patchogue, NY
Cario,Valerie M - West Babylon, NY
Carl,Sharlene M - Troupsburg, NY
Carlen,Brittany A - Wading River, NY
Carpenter Hughes,Christy L - Fort Johnson, NY
Carpenter,Kathleen L - Buffalo, NY
Carr,Breanna R - Albany, NY
Carroll,Frederick - Clay, NY
Casey,Erin E - East Syracuse, NY
Castellano,Doreen A - Spencerport, NY
Castles,John J - Plainview, NY
Catello,Dale M - Rochester, NY
Caufield,Daniel P - Rochester, NY
Causevic,Ferid - Whitesboro, NY
Cecere,Brian J - Spencerport, NY
Cember,Alicia B - New City, NY
Chaffee,Dudley E - Barker, NY
Chambers,Corey M - Kingston, NY
Chan,Tony - Brooklyn, NY
Chan,Wai-Yip - Brooklyn, NY
Changelo,Emmanuelle - Saranac Lake, NY
Chapman,John O - Norfolk, NY
Charles,Clarence A - Brooklyn, NY
Charry,Jamie M - Carmel, NY
Chelenza,James R C - Geneva, NY
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Chen,Andy - Brooklyn, NY
Chillson,Charles D - Hannibal, NY
Chu,Eliza P - Brooklyn, NY
Ciaccio,Jonathan D - Evington,VA
Cieslinski,Andrew J - Oriskany, NY
Cipriano,Elizabeth M - Solvay, NY
Clancy,Aaron R - E Northport, NY
Clark,Kyla M - Laurel,MD
Clarke,Cheron D - Brooklyn, NY
Clarke,Christopher J - Valley Stream, NY
Coffey,Shavar L - Southampton, NY
Cohen,Sharon C - Buffalo, NY
Colburn,Kathy L - Randolph, NY
Cole,Sandra L - Chadwicks, NY
Cole,Tammy L - South Glens Falls, NY
Colletti,Megan D - Allentown,PA
Colombo,Christine L - Camillus, NY
Conley,Mariessa M - Holley, NY
Connor,Robert J - Auburn, NY
Connors,Justin M - Orchard Park, NY
Conrad,Jessica M - Wayland, NY
Cooke,Michelle Y - Wheatley Heights, NY
Coon,Eric T - Gansevoort, NY
Corhasanovic,Sasa - Orchard Park, NY
Corniel,Maiker A - Albany, NY
Cosgrove,Mary C - Orchard Park, NY
Coulter,Mark M - Wilson, NY
Coykendall,Kerrie L - Springwater, NY
Cozzy,Chris - Albany, NY
Craig,Shane M - West Islip, NY
Crane,Danielle M - Sherman, NY
Cross,Alvin E - Suffolk,VA
Crotty,Sean M - Astoria, NY
Crouse,Larry R - Canandaigua, NY
Crum,Charisse M - Lima, NY
Cruz-Peters,Luz M - Carbondale,IL
Cummins,Shannon T - Bradford, NY
Cunningham,Timothy M - Norwich, NY
Curatolo,Cynthia - Elmont, NY
Curry,Gerard R - Lindenhurst, NY
Curry,Robert A - Middletown, NY
Dalton,Linda S - Carthage, NY
Damin,Christina M - Tampa,FL
Danforth,Jonathan A - Himrod, NY
Davin,Jonathan B - Kingston, NY
Davis,Katrina A - East Yaphank, NY
Davis,Thomas E - Clinton, NY
Dawson,Barbara L - Greenwood Lake, NY
De Graw,Arthur J - Flagstaff,AZ
De Groff,Tamara A - East Syracuse, NY
De La Cruz,Karina J - Buffalo, NY
De Lang,Adam J - North Colonie, NY
De Los Rios,Danaika N - Brooklyn, NY
De Martino,Maureen F - Levittown, NY
De Paolo,Sarah D - Briarcliff Manor, NY
De Rose,Daniel A - Olean, NY
De Rose,Michelle L - Amsterdam, NY
De Stefano,Constantine F - Mechanicville, NY
De Vantier,Amanda D - Niagara Falls, NY
De Windt-Sommer,Lisa A - Pittsford, NY
Dellis Stover,Kathy - Holtsville, NY
Dente,Thomas J - Franklin Square, NY
Depczynski,Erik H - Buffalo, NY
Derby,Todd S - Hyde Park, NY
Desai,Shilpa R - Stamford,CT
Desourdy,Heather A - Fort Ann, NY
Devine,Lori S - S New Berlin, NY
Di Marzio,Sarah E - Schenectady, NY
Di Marzo,Gabriela A - Newburgh, NY
Di Nitto,Joseph J - Marcy, NY
Dickinson,Brenda L - Syracuse, NY
Dillon,Theresa A - Chester, NY
Dindl,Colleen R - Antwerp, NY
Disanto,Diane - Grand Island, NY
Djibas,Effie - Nanuet, NY
Dolan,Michael J - New Hyde Park, NY
Domaratius,Heather R - Levittown, NY
Donargo,Alexandra J - Cutchogue, NY
Donoghue,Teresa A - Centereach, NY
Donohue,James L - East Yaphank, NY
Donovan,Brian P - St James, NY
Donovan,Matthew T - Saint James, NY
Dorman,Mary E - Batavia, NY
Dougherty,Stephen M - Seneca Falls, NY
Downey,Brian W - Boston, NY
Doyle,Corydon J - Center Moriches, NY
Drake,Barbara J - Plattsburgh, NY
Dreier,Eva L - Debary,FL
Drescher,Andrew M - Lancaster, NY
Duckie,Mario O - Uppr Marlboro,MD
Duffy,Benjamin W - Cropseyville, NY
Duguay,Sarah A - Cambridge, NY
Dupree,Marcella - Brooklyn, NY
Durham,Alexis S - Saint Cloud,FL
Dustin,Shane D - Constable, NY
Dydecki,Jerzy J - Dayton,OH
Dye,Amy E - Wethersfield,CT
Eastland,Jennifer R - Queensbury, NY
Eaton,Jesse A - Corning, NY
Edwards,January D - Greene, NY
Egan,Timothy J - Mahopac, NY
Egana,Sylvia E - Mamaroneck, NY
Egger,Kristen A - Winnabow,NC
Eldredge,Kathryn H - Canandaigua, NY
Eldridge,Harry T - Owego, NY
Ellingsworth,Mariah L - Watertown, NY
Ellis,Stacy J - Mexico, NY
Emenike,Joseph O - New York, NY
Emerson,Colleen A - Waterville, NY
English,John M - Syracuse, NY
Ennist,Ashley W - Highland, NY
Ennist,Dawn M - Okeechobee,FL
Erez,Donna - Tenafly,NJ
Erickson,Jacqueline S - Endicott, NY
Ernst,Michael L - Delmar, NY
Evancoe,Ross F - Averill Park, NY
Evans,Andrew F - Belmont, NY
Evans,Charles E - Rochester, NY
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Evans,Cheryll K - Clearwater,FL
Evans,Matthew J - Bloomingburg, NY
Every,Brenda L - Ruby, NY
Ezra-Clampet,Ruby - Port Jefferson Sta, NY
Failla,Amanda J - North Port, NY
Fairbanks,Gracia J - Jamestown, NY
Falise,Kristen A - Liverpool, NY
Fancher,Richard I - Machias, NY
Fantel,Robert S - Centereach, NY
Farrell,Jennifer M - Yonkers, NY
Faulkner,Kylie M - Los Angeles,CA
Feeney,Caitlin M - Sarasota,FL
Feldman,Anne C - Buffalo, NY
Felisberto,Vera - Fuquay Varina,NC
Felix,Bethlyn M - Quincy,FL
Felshaw,Erin B - Herkimer, NY
Feringa,Charles A - Poughkeepsie, NY
Ferrante,Christopher J - Valley Stream, NY
Ferrari,Elizabeth - Massapequa, NY
Ferraro,Sonia - South Ozone Park, NY
Ferrucci,Melissa S - West Seneca, NY
Fiasconaro,Matthew J - Roslyn Hts, NY
Fischer,Conrad T - Brooklyn, NY
Fisher,Jillian S - Woodstock, NY
Fishkin,Amanda J - Melville, NY
Fitzgerald,Lisa N - Clifton Park, NY
Fitzpatrick,Joanne D - Arcade, NY
Flanagan,Karen L - Rochester, NY
Fletcher,Kimberly L - Massapequa, NY
Floyd,Wendell L - Ilion, NY
Flynn,Marie L - Blawelt, NY
Folts,Litsha L - Canajoharie, NY
Forando,Amy J - Albany, NY
Forchelli,Nicole S - New York, NY
Fowler,Misty J - Norton,VA
Francis,Janet A - Yorktown Heights, NY
Francois,Aline S - Valley Stream, NY
Francois,Judith - Brooklyn, NY
Frank,Kodi A - Bainbridge, NY
Franzese,Dawn N - Medford, NY
Freeman,Justin H - Middle Island, NY
Freestone,Sharon - Liberty, NY
Frey,David M - Schenectady, NY
Fulton,Dorothy - Nanuet, NY
Gabbidon,Stacia P - Mount Vernon, NY
Gabriele,Guido - Astoria, NY
Galac,Christopher M - Hamburg, NY
Galac,Zachary T - Hamburg, NY
Galvin,Sarah M - Saratoga Spgs, NY
Gardner,Brittany A - Levittown, NY
Garnett-Evans,Shawina T N - Hempstead, NY
George,Robert T - Dunkirk, NY
Geouge,Michele L - Irving, NY
Gerke,Kaitlyn R - Burnt Hills, NY
Ghoshal,Sampa - Evans,GA
Giambro,Michael P - Winchester,MA
Gianono,Joseph A - Valley Stream, NY
Gibbons,Debbie L - Jamestown, NY
Gibson,Chelsey M - West Winfield, NY
Gillette,Bonnie L - Bayport, NY
Gilot,John R - Passaic,NJ
Glaittli,Diana A - Malverne, NY
Glienke,Matthew T - Wappingers Falls, NY
Gliganic,Daniel A - Bay Shore, NY
Glubiak,Katherine A - Commack, NY
Goberdhan,Candace - Mount Vernon, NY
Goble,Helen A - Liberty, NY
Goldberg,Aimee F - Orchard Park, NY
Goldberg,Daniel J - Austin,TX
Golish,Paul E - Coudersport,PA
Gosline,Danielle M - Auburn, NY
Gotti,Dawnmarie - Massapequa, NY
Graham,Matthew H - Watertown, NY
Gray,Travis J - Avon, NY
Green,Cassie M - Buffalo, NY
Green,Myrna J - Buffalo, NY
Greenalch,Shannon M - Sykesville,MD
Greenough,Mark A - Gloversville, NY
Greenwald,Doreen M - Oyster Bay, NY
Grenzebach,Jeffrey I - Williamsville, NY
Grey,Casey T - Grahamsville, NY
Griffin-Hansen,Pamela Eve - Huntington, NY
Gross,Martha E - Wilson, NY
Guardi,Marjorie A - Spotsylvania,VA
Guariglia,Michael D - Niagara Falls, NY
Guerin,Jacob T - Fairport, NY
Haas,Richard M - West Islip, NY
Hadjioannou,Loretta A - Castleton, NY
Hagerman,Karen L - Huntington, NY
Hall,Glen H - Massena, NY
Hall,William J - Sound Beach, NY
Hallinan,Jessica A - Oswego, NY
Hamid,Erna - Shirley, NY
Hamilton,Andrew J - Pottersville, NY
Hammont,Chelsea L - Wheeling,WV
Hampton,Emma J - Bay Shore, NY
Hanley,Todd A - Rochester, NY
Hanlon,Patrick R - New York, NY
Hanson,Katherine - Smithtown, NY
Harris,Paul C - Mahopac, NY
Hart,Caryn - Brooklyn, NY
Hart,Daniel G - Hyde Park, NY
Hartnett,Crystal M - Lackawanna, NY
Harvey,Robert J - Ithaca, NY
Haseley,Carly S - Lockport, NY
Hasman,Terri L - Fairport, NY
Hazelton,Jeanne L - Oceanside, NY
Healy,Melissa L - Glen Cove, NY
Heerkens,Christine F - Rutherford,NJ
Heiferman,Justin L - Astoria, NY
Helt,Donna M - Campbell Hall, NY
Henning,Charles H - East Northport, NY
Henry,Adelle - Brooklyn, NY
Henry,Walter L - Bloomingburg, NY
Hermus,Francis T - Bellport, NY
Herr,Tracy M - Elma, NY
Herrmann,Jessica L - North Babylon, NY
Hessney,Peter F - Canandaigua, NY
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Hewitt,Jennifer L - Friendship, NY
Hiam,Jacob J - West Seneca, NY
Higgins-Matthews,Eileen M - Queensbury, NY
Hildreth,Scott M - Scotia, NY
Hinds,Devon - Albany, NY
Hnetinka,Scott A - Middle Island, NY
Hodgson,Brandon R - Preble, NY
Hohl,Patricia C - Tucson,AZ
Holland,Gary - Jamesville, NY
Holland,Tammy L - Oswego, NY
Holloman,Shaniqua I - Brooklyn, NY
Holm,Patrick N - Purling, NY
Holman,Lafavia A - Poughkeepsie, NY
Holmes,Peter H - Brooklyn, NY
Horning,Paul R - Corning, NY
Hotaling-Baker,Karen J - Sloansville, NY
Houppert,Forrest L - Croghan, NY
House,Jason H - Falls Church,VA
Howard,Dane J - Schenectady, NY
Hubbard,Jason S - Angier,NC
Huckins,Arianna - Schenectady, NY
Hunsinger,Michael J - Livonia, NY
Hunter,Stacy M - Ypsilanti,MI
Hurd,Carol - Palm Coast,FL
Hurn,Barry L - Middleburgh, NY
Ieronimo,Michael J - Troy, NY
Ingersoll,Kristy R - Canandaigua, NY
Intoci,Adrianna M - Kingston, NY
Iraci,James J - Palm Coast,FL
Iwanenko,Rebecca A - Hamburg, NY
Jackson,Kristin M - East Islip, NY
Jackson,Ralph M - Fort Mill,SC
Jackson,Steven C - Ossining, NY
Jackson,Thomas R - Saratoga Springs, NY
Jackson,William A - Spencerport, NY
Jajkowski,Marsha M - Buffalo, NY
James,Gabriella M - North Babylon, NY
Jarauillo,Jessica - Guilford, NY
Jarosz,Stanley M - New York Mills, NY
Jayakumar,Brian J - Chadwicks, NY
Jimenez,Maria T - Hempstead, NY
Johnson,Carolyn S - Penn Yan, NY
Johnson,Shane R - Syracuse, NY
Johnson,Tonya D - Hampton,VA
Johnson,Zachary E - Baldwinsville, NY
Johnston,Jessica L - Fredonia, NY
Johnston,Laura A - Tonawanda, NY
Jones,Adam T - Bayport, NY
Jones,Cassandra E - North Baldwin, NY
Jones,Cody R - Ballston Spa, NY
Jones,Sarah C - Tolleson,AZ
Joseph,George L - Irving,TX
Joseph,Suja - Levittown, NY
Joyce,Michael J - Oswego, NY
Juhasz,Victoria K - Glen Head, NY
Kachris,Theodore L - Maitland,FL
Kaeding,Thomas - Riverhead, NY
Kahl,Barbara N - Oneonta, NY
Kanaley,Meaghan E - Stanley, NY
Kane,Daniel L - Corning, NY
Kane,Terence M - Croton, NY
Kanoff,Jennifer R - Middletown, NY
Kaplan,Jared F - Colchester,VT
Karelus,Christopher M - Churchville, NY
Katz,Yvonne - Commack, NY
Keller,Elizabeth A - Rochester, NY
Kelley-Petrie,Wendy S - Alden, NY
Kelley,Amanda M - Eastport, NY
Kelley,Brandon G - Rensslaer Fls, NY
Kelly,Patricia C - West Islip, NY
Kenefick,William J - Delhi, NY
Kenner,Brittney A - Syracuse, NY
Kessler,Breanna L - Dansville, NY
Key,Katherine L - Wallkill, NY
Keyloun,Robert V - Floral Park, NY
Kilgannon,Kenneth L - Greensboro,NC
Kim,Ronald J - Saratoga, NY
Kim,Wol S - Bayside, NY
Kinsey,Crystal M - Sinclairville, NY
Kirchner,Pamela A - Port Jefferson, NY
Kirshner,Sara L - Glen Head, NY
Klahn,Brandon A - Newark, NY
Kleiner,Deborah - Sparkill, NY
Kline,Andrew J - Gloversville, NY
Knightner,Michael E - Binghamton, NY
Knox,Marjorie H - Kingston, NY
Knudsen,Craig P - Manorville, NY
Kolakowski,Jaclyn C - Albany, NY
Korkuc,Martin J - Lockport, NY
Kormanyos,Mark A - Massena, NY
Kortright,Dana N - Ferndale, NY
Kotz,Allison S - Williamsville, NY
Koubek,Elizabeth G - Mount Sinai, NY
Kozlowski,Gregory J - Williamsville, NY
Kraus,Patricia R - Long Eddy, NY
Kroening,Debra L - Lockport, NY
Krupic,Abdulah - Utica, NY
Kuriakose,Anil - Orangeburg, NY
La Bella,Pauline A - Otisville, NY
La Brauche,Anne - Nanuet, NY
La Duke,Loren M - Massena, NY
La Fave,Sarah J - Tupper Lake, NY
La Guerre,Jean H - Chestertown, NY
La Page,Suzanne M - Norwood, NY
La Pana,Sharon T - West Henrietta, NY
La Rue,Sharon - Mount Vernon, NY
Laauser,Kyle C - Watlon, NY
Labella,Jennifer R - Selkirk, NY
Labrozzi,Amanda C - Mechanicville, NY
Lahti,Renee - E Setauket, NY
Lajoy,Danielle R - Lisbon, NY
Lallier,Diana L - Sauquoit, NY
Lamacchia,Elizabeth I - Cheektowaga, NY
Lamendola,Carina A - Massena, NY
Langevin,Joseph A - La Fayette, NY
Lauzon,Stacy A - Fort Covington, NY
Lavoratore,Lisa M - Massapequa Park, NY
Lawlor,Carol J - Bethel,CT
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Le Brun,Susan A - West Hampton Beach, NY
Le Clair,Richard D - Scotia, NY
Leach,Michael - Amityville, NY
Leahy,Stephanie M - Corinth, NY
Leandre,Andrea G - Mount Vernon, NY
Lee,John E - Mesa,AZ
Lellek,Melissa A - Pine Bush, NY
Leon-Roldan,Carla M - Temple Terrace,FL
Leonard,Sara E - Buffalo, NY
Lepley,Verna A - Panama, NY
Lerner,Gary S - Island Park, NY
Lewandowski,Cheyenne M - Fort Hunter, NY
Lewis,Sophia E - Waterbury,CT
Lieblang,Grace M - Commack, NY
Lincourt,Andrew K - Bluffton,SC
Lindell,Scott M - Schenectady, NY
Lindemann,Matthew G - Howes Cave, NY
Lingenfelter,Todd A - Lancaster, NY
Llanos,Yasuwa A - Bronx, NY
Lockwood,Robert J - Salamanca, NY
Lohmeyer,Michael J - Montour Falls, NY
Lombardo,Sandra A - Dunkirk, NY
Louis,Emmanuel - Circleville, NY
Loveland,Marcus J D - Endicott, NY
Lowe,Andrew J - Vly Cottage, NY
Lowery,Elizabeth A - Syracuse, NY
Luciano,Nancy A - Coram, NY
Ludewig,Paul E - Selkirk, NY
Luise,Barbara C - Miller Place, NY
Luna,Noel - Mount Vernon, NY
Lynch,Megan T - Duanesburgh, NY
Lyons,Everage - Westbury, NY
Mabile,Diane A - Binghamton, NY
Mac Donald,Andrew R - Burnt Hills, NY
Mac Donald,Jesicca L - Hannibal, NY
Mace,Kevin T - Colton, NY
Madera,John P - North White Plains, NY
Magin,Richard-Timothy P - Rochester, NY
Magner,Maureen A - Baldwin, NY
Maher,Alana F - Katonah, NY
Mahoney,Amy B - Depew, NY
Mahoney,Christine A - Hadley, NY
Maine,Amber L - Buffalo, NY
Maland,Ronald F - Middleburgh, NY
Maldonado,John - Ridge, NY
Maloney,Susan - Charlton, NY
Manchester,David S - Rochester, NY
Mancucci,Jennifer J - Saratoga Springs, NY
Manheimer,Lynnette A - Sarasota,FL
Manwaring,Ryan Alan - Syracuse, NY
Marcus,Brett J - Saugerties, NY
Marichal,Indhira - Bronx, NY
Marino,Jeffrey R - Fishkill, NY
Markum,Stacey A - Canandaigua, NY
Marquez,Carmen M - Woodside, NY
Martin,Kelly J - Selden, NY
Martin,Melanie E - Morrisville, NY
Martins,John C - Nesconset, NY
Mastroianni,Anthony - Clifton Park, NY
Matias,Vicente O - Yonkers, NY
Mattice,Caitlyn D - Wappingers Falls, NY
Mattison,Betty A - Prattsburg, NY
Mauro,Katherine E - Suffern, NY
May,Craig R - Machias, NY
Mc Alvin,Amanda L - Port Jefferson Sta, NY
Mc Cabe,Kathleen F - Yorktown Hts, NY
Mc Caffrey,Erin - Central Bridge, NY
Mc Cahill,Craig J - Ronkonkoma, NY
Mc Call,Maureen J - Utica, NY
Mc Carthy,Katherine L - Delmar, NY
Mc Clees,Shaniquewa M - W Hampton Bch, NY
Mc Daniel,Richard A - Canisteo, NY
Mc Enroy,Daniel M - St James, NY
Mc Farland,Devaun - Vestal, NY
Mc Girr,Grace Ann B - Great Neck, NY
Mc Hale,Siobhain T - Merrick, NY
Mc Kay,Katelyn R - Long Beach, NY
Mc Ken,Tamecia N - Albany, NY
Mc Namara,Leanne J - Buffalo, NY
Mc Polin,Trevor G - Brooklyn, NY
Mc Williams,Michael J - Geneva, NY
Mcinnis,Cheryl A - Hilton, NY
Meade,Christine A - Ronkonkoma, NY
Mehrhoff,Margaret E - East Meadow, NY
Mein,Sarah L - Palmyra, NY
Melisz,Jessica L - Lake View, NY
Mendoza,Luz S - Port Chester, NY
Merla,Frank R - West Nyack, NY
Messier,Cody A - Sand Lake, NY
Metott,Daniel D - Blossvale, NY
Mevorach,Joshua B - Malverne, NY
Meyer,Laura - Staten Island, NY
Meyers,Timothy C - Cheektowaga, NY
Mez,Adam J - Cheektowaga, NY
Michaud,Dennis P - Whitehall, NY
Mickle,Samantha A - Syracuse, NY
Miclat,Albert B - Westbury, NY
Middaugh,Diana L - Belmont, NY
Midgett,Brian K - East Hampton, NY
Miga,Christie L - Fredonia, NY
Miles,Alana - Troy, NY
Miller-Benson,Debra A - E Amherst, NY
Miller,Douglas A - Manlius, NY
Miller,Linda L - Medina, NY
Miller,Meghan R - Schoharie, NY
Miller,Sue G - Castleton, NY
Miller,Thomas C - Glen Head, NY
Miller,Trudi Gaye R - East Meadow, NY
Mills,Scott A - Hubbardsville, NY
Minarcik,Cory E - Lindenhurst, NY
Miot,Yolene - Wheatley Heights, NY
Mis,Ryan J - North Tonawanda, NY
Mitchell,Meredith R - Bronx, NY
Mitchell,Timothy E - Waterloo, NY
Modica,Jenna E - Smithtown, NY
Moloney,James W - Jeffersonville, NY
Monaco,Brendan C - Ransomville, NY
Monahan,Thomas M - Long Beach, NY
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Monserrat,Sara L - Bronx, NY
Monsky,Jacqueline S - Mastic, NY
Montague,Tanaya T - Fayetteville,NC
Monteith,Katrina E - Mexico, NY
Moody,Ahkeem D - Montclair,NJ
Moore,Andre B - Bellport, NY
Moore,Ceqynthia R - Rochester, NY
Moore,Millrine S - Brooklyn, NY
Morales,Miriam L - Mount Vernon, NY
Morgan,Matheau J - Plattsburgh, NY
Moriarity,Joseph W - Wantagh, NY
Morris,Ashley Leigh - East Northport, NY
Morrissey,Bonita M - Merrick, NY
Morse,Lisa L - Caroga Lake, NY
Mosco,Frank J - Hastings Hdsn, NY
Mullane,Colleen S - East Syracuse, NY
Mulle,Elyse M - Levittown, NY
Mullen,Aimee C - Weedsport, NY
Mullen,Jacqueline R - Baldwinsville, NY
Muller,Steven B - Lake Grove, NY
Murphy,Brody R - Livingston Manor, NY
Murphy,Sarah A - Johnson City, NY
Musella,Jay L - Jefferson, NY
Muskaloon,Laura J - Coram, NY
Nadarajah,Sathees - Farmingdale, NY
Navojosky,William F - Ballston Spa, NY
Nelson,Phillip J - Canisteo, NY
Newton,Shannon E - Fredonia, NY
Nichol,Kelly C - Penfield, NY
Nichols,Lisa C - Schenectady, NY
Nicolello,Jennifer B - New Hyde Park, NY
Nigro,Thomas J - Thornwood, NY
Nill,Edward L - Spring Hill,FL
Nishanian,Jeffrey P - Garnerville, NY
Nodelman,Robert W - Vly Cottage, NY
Noel,Adam N - Highland, NY
Norberg,Lauren E - Middleburgh, NY
Norman,Maria C - Geneva, NY
Norris,Carl E - Endicott, NY
Notley,Michael N - Troy, NY
Nuttle,Charles T - Holland, NY
Nwosu,Daniel O - Watervliet, NY
O’Connor,Erin J - Northport, NY
O’Donnell,Melvin J - E Syracuse, NY
O’Dowd,Barbara A - Congers, NY
O’Sick,Patricia J - Phoenix,AZ
Obernesser,Sara P - Whitesboro, NY
Obstarczyk,Elzbieta A - Saratoga Spgs, NY
Odom,Veronica C - Brooklyn, NY
Okyere-Amofah,Kwame - Bronx, NY
Olcott,Laura A - Ticonderoga, NY
Olczak,Mark D - Buffalo, NY
Onyekwere,Vivian O - Katy,TX
Opuana,Eric - Albany, NY
Orelus,Marc A - Pomona, NY
Orlando,Marianna - Levittown, NY
Ortiz,Carmen C O - Prattsburgh, NY
Ortiz,Shannon N - Marcy, NY
Ortiz,Yezenia - Staten Island, NY
Orzelek,Carolyn M - Port Crane, NY
Osieczkowski,Michael - Albertson, NY
Osmanovic,Ajsa - Utica, NY
Otens,Chad E - Greenwich,CT
Otiniano,Ivy - Huntingtn Sta, NY
Owens-Collie,Adrienne R - Syracuse, NY
Page,Johnny R - Napoleon,OH
Paino,Megan E - Sayville, NY
Palermo-Vazquez,Denise M - Haverstraw, NY
Palumbo,Mariluz - Glen Cove, NY
Panucci,April M - Loudonville, NY
Paolano,Alexander S - Centereach, NY
Pardini,John P - Smithtown, NY
Parker,Bonnie A - Selden, NY
Parker,Emily A - Tampa,FL
Paro,Alfred R - Lynbrook, NY
Parody,Timothy J - Hannibal, NY
Parrino,Irene F - Albertson, NY
Parrott,Stephen A J - Syracuse, NY
Pascual,Paulina M - Clifton Park, NY
Pavia,Anna - Syracuse, NY
Pawluk,Gregory E - Hudson, NY
Payne,Bertha Ann - New Hyde Park, NY
Payne,Krystal G - Canandaigua, NY
Pearsall,Deirdre D - Reno,NV
Pease,Timothy - Kirkville, NY
Pedersen,Monique D - Port Chester, NY
Perez,Jose M - Bronx, NY
Perkins,Colleen R - Tonawanda, NY
Perry,Kevin A - Saint James, NY
Pesce,Zachary J - Valatie, NY
Petriwsky,Tammy L - Elmira, NY
Petrone,Julianna M - Burlington,MA
Pettit,Stacy J - Gloversville, NY
Phearsdorf,Brian E - Olean, NY
Phillips,Richard W - Amsterdam, NY
Pieper,Kelsey J - Durham,NC
Pietrie,Rosa J - Orlando,FL
Piper,Kimalee - Bronx, NY
Pitarresi,Jason R - Hamburg, NY
Plaisted,Christina S - Friendship, NY
Plakus,Ronald D - Owings Mills,MD
Plante,Raquel A - Concord,NC
Planz,Ralph H - Selkirk, NY
Polak,David W - Elma, NY
Polanco,Dyana - Yonkers, NY
Politi,Joan M - Hyde Park, NY
Pompee,Patricia M - South Nyack, NY
Potter,David J - Albany, NY
Powell-Weidig,Tina M - Amenia, NY
Pratt,Kristy L - Chesterfield,SC
Primakov,Boris - Loch Sheldrake, NY
Prince,James J - Perry, NY
Procacci,Lisa M - Sayville, NY
Prodrick,Angela - Willamson, NY
Prynn,Philip R - West Seneca, NY
Puleio,Jessica L - New York, NY
Purcell,Sean - Buffalo, NY
Quackenbush,Margaret M - Canton, NY
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Quimby,Timothy M - Auburn, NY
Quinones,Antonio L - Valley Stream, NY
Raby,Mike - Summit,NJ
Radder,Michael A - Horseheads, NY
Rahman,Ahmedur - Albany, NY
Rak,Linda E - Perrysburg, NY
Ralyea,Ashley N - Belfast, NY
Ramacca,Christina A - Selden, NY
Ramesh,Sriram - Ozone Park, NY
Randell,Scott J - Smithtown, NY
Rankin,Linda H - Orchard Park, NY
Rath,Melissa A - West Seneca, NY
Raymond,Stefanie - Moravia, NY
Raynor,Thomas A - Freeport, NY
Reberholt,Janet A - Highland Falls, NY
Redmond,Makenzie L - Weedsport, NY
Reed,James N - Poughkeepsie, NY
Reichl,Keith J - Riverhead, NY
Reilly,Brian A - Albuquerque,NM
Reilly,Noreen L - Garnerville, NY
Reyes,Jennifer - Newburgh, NY
Reyes,Kevin - Atlanta,GA
Reynolds,Mackenzie N - Otisville, NY
Reynolds,Steven L - Fort Ann, NY
Ribaudo,Stephanie L - Falconer, NY
Riley,Ashley A - Ithaca, NY
Rine,Tina M - Cleveland, NY
Rink,Kimberly A - Rocky Point, NY
Ripp,Megan M - Lyons Falls, NY
Rivera,Marco A - Rochester, NY
Robertson,James B - Watkins Glen, NY
Robinson,Deann C - Elmont, NY
Rochford,James B - Holbrook, NY
Rodgers,Philip G - Stuart,FL
Rodriguez,Lauren A - Yorktown Hts, NY
Rodriguez,Magdalena - Yonkers, NY
Rodriquez,Carlos R - Fredonia, NY
Rodriquez,Jaime L - Fort Plain, NY
Roeser,Kevin R - Lockport, NY
Roeut,Ron J - Charlotte,NC
Roffe,Paul - Brockport, NY
Rokow-Kittell,Rebecca M - Troy, NY
Roman,Isaac - Astoria, NY
Romanoff,Andrew S - East Meadow, NY
Rosado,Jessica S - Yonkers, NY
Rose,Roger M - Morrisville,NC
Rosenberg,Edward F - Scotia, NY
Roser,Nicole L - Taberg, NY
Rossini,Lawrence D - New Windsor, NY
Rozak,Kathryn C - Auburn, NY
Rudolph,Elnatan M - Brooklyn, NY
Ruggiero,Kristen - West Babylon, NY
Rzepka,Michael S - Tonawanda, NY
Saint-Eloi,Mahalia - Woodbridge,VA
Salter,Barbara J - Rochester, NY
Sampson,Julia R - Bliss, NY
Sanford,Kari-Ann - Cobleskill, NY
Sanon,Jeff D - Spring Valley, NY
Santos,Jay D - Highland Mills, NY
Sargent,Kimberly A - Grand Island, NY
Sargent,Renata - Holland Patent, NY
Sarran,Ronald M - Cleveland,OH
Savinetti,Scott - Glen Head, NY
Scarangella,John A - Hermitage,TN
Schafer,Thomas A - Whitesboro, NY
Schell,Adam P - Henrietta, NY
Schirmer,Jessica L - Arkport, NY
Schlicker,Robert M - Oakland Park,FL
Schueller,Fara A - Mohegan Lake, NY
Schuth,Kristen E - Spencerport, NY
Schwarz,Timothy A - Cicero, NY
Schweiger,Sarah E - Barton, NY
Scialdo,Peter W - Albany, NY
Scott,Jesa V - Ithaca, NY
Scott,Shannon L - Washington,DC
Scotto,Catherine J - Prt Washingtn, NY
Scudder,Thomas M - Mohawk, NY
Seals,Timeka S - St Albans, NY
Seamans,Lauren K - Durhamville, NY
Securo,Matt J - Chestertown, NY
Sepinski,Edward J - West Haverstraw, NY
Sereday,Karen A - Tonawanda, NY
Shah,Avani - Chestnut Ridge, NY
Sharbowicz,Marissa - Lake Ronkonkoma, NY
Shedlock,Kathleen J - Boston,MA
Shepard,Kristen L - North Babylon, NY
Shepherd,Jasmine N - Bayshore, NY
Sherlock,Timothy R - Seneca Falls, NY
Shilly,Saly - New Hyde Park, NY
Shipman,Michael J - Morton, NY
Shults,Elliott D - Canajoharie, NY
Shurley,Stephen J - Hicksville, NY
Siebert,Amanda M - Lakeville, NY
Siegel,Lauren R - New York, NY
Sikorski,Tiffany A - Massapequa, NY
Silva,Leslie - Yonkers, NY
Singer,Donald E - Rochester, NY
Skiver,Barbara M - Little Valley, NY
Skurnick,Andrew M - Coram, NY
Slomba,Tyler J - Delevan, NY
Smith,Angel A - Norwich, NY
Smith,Christopher R - Saratoga Springs, NY
Smith,Delores A - Decatur,GA
Smith,Dolores D - Buffalo, NY
Smith,Katherine K - Fayetteville, NY
Smith,Shakema L - Albany, NY
Smith,Theresa A - Vestal, NY
Smith,Tracie L - Castle Creek, NY
Smith,Vinetta D - Nanuet, NY
Smoczynski,Laura A - Dunkirk, NY
Smollett,Katelyn E - Lynbrook, NY
So,Jiseng A - Setauket, NY
Solano,Erika Z - East Hampton, NY
Soranno,Matthew R - Sound Beach, NY
Soriano,Aleyda A - Yonkers, NY
Sorrentino,Joan M - Elmont, NY
Sosinski,Kevin M - Patchogue, NY
Spear,Frederick C - Windsor, NY
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Spence,Michael M - Angola, NY
Spengler,Gene E - North Collins, NY
Sprague,Joshua A - Liverpool, NY
St John,Richard C - Lake Placid, NY
Stamile,Lisa - Lynbrook, NY
Stanczyk,Elizabeth M - Syracuse, NY
Stasonis,Jason E - Plantsville,CT
Steenburg,Axel J - Gloversville, NY
Stein,Margaret M - Churchville, NY
Stevens,Sharon L - Dunkirk, NY
Steves,Jo Ann F - Frisco,TX
Stoecker,Heather A - Weedsport, NY
Sudlow,Samantha M - Cortlandt Manor, NY
Sumner,Christopher - Rochester, NY
Swackhammer,Michelle L - Chautauqua, NY
Swart,David D - Amsterdam, NY
Swartz,Matia L - Harpursville, NY
Swekla,Kurtis J - Flushing, NY
Swiezbin,Christie M - Glen Head, NY
Talbot,Gail M - Salamanca, NY
Tarbell,Sharon D - Warners, NY
Tardalo,Theresa - Plainview, NY
Tarrats,Miracles L - Brooklyn, NY
Tarshis,Belinda - Levittown, NY
Taylor-Lovejoy,Crystal M - Elmira, NY
Taylor,Yonnette E - Palm Harbor,FL
Tedesco,Rosa C - Glen Cove, NY
Tenalio,Michael J - Geneseo, NY
Termini,Tara M - Poughkeepsie, NY
Therrien,Susan - Lindenhurst, NY
Thomas,Frederick N - Troy, NY
Thomas,Sheena - Sugar Land,TX
Thompson,Kimberly A - La Fayette, NY
Thompson,Ryan J - Watertown, NY
Thonnesen,Laura - Stamford, NY
Tirinato,Joseph J - Cross River, NY
Tisby,Maria - Buffalo, NY
Tiwari,Tara - Springfield,MA
Tomeo,Christina M - West Hempstead, NY
Toone-Scozzaro,Melissa L - Brewster, NY
Torre,William F - Calverton, NY
Toussaint,Gregory W - Barneveld, NY
Toussaint,Jene L - Brooklyn, NY
Tracy,Karen I - Lockport, NY
Trainham,Robert J - Mount Morris, NY
Treen,Kyle K - Frankfort, NY
Tremain,Franchesca S - Clermont,FL
Trondsen,Denise J - Horseheads, NY
Troost,Deborah M - Scotia, NY
Tuczinski,Daniel J - Chatham, NY
Tulowitzki,Suzanne M - Buffala, NY
Tumber,Roger S - Auburn, NY
Turner,Annabelle - Schenectady, NY
Urbina,Linda - Brentwood, NY
Vaglica,Maria V - Shrub Oak, NY
Valerio,Diorca M - Lindenhurst, NY
Valli,Jonathan T - Nassau, NY
Van Asselt,Jeffrey W - Chester, NY
Van Praag,Regina J - Clarksville, NY
Van Valkenburgh,Sarah J - Sidney Center, NY
Vargas,Judith - Middletown, NY
Vargas,Madelene - E Stroudsburg,PA
Verdi,Joanna K - West Islip, NY
Vescio,Philip J - Rome, NY
Viola,Heather M - Buffalo, NY
Viola,Michael H - Larchmont, NY
Viscosi,Donna L - Macedon, NY
Vitagliano,Faye A - Spencerport, NY
Voisey,Kimberly R - Penn Yan, NY
Voliva,Andrew J - Pughkeepsie, NY
Volks,John F - Albany, NY
Volpe,Bronwyn C - Levittown, NY
Voychak,Rayna M - East Pembroke, NY
Vrabel,Gregory W - Syracuse, NY
Wagner,Melissa L - West Leyden, NY
Waling,Barrett - Plattsburgh, NY
Walker,Lee B - Oswego, NY
Walker,Lee B - Oswego, NY
Walter,Danielle D - Mayfield, NY
Wamsley,Jessica - Garnerville, NY
Ward,Bernadette L - Barton, NY
Ward,Colin M - Freeport, NY
Warner,Jill M - Port Kent, NY
Washburn,Stephanie M - Greene, NY
Watts,Jessica M - Victor, NY
Weeks,Michael T - Ronkonkoma, NY
Wein,Kerry A - Buffalo, NY
Weinstein,Jennifer R - Needham Hgts,MA
Wells,William L - Huntington Station, NY
Wenig,Celma S B - Ellenville, NY
Westcott,Robert F - Smithtown, NY
Wheeler,Jody T - Salamanca, NY
White,Shannon C - Middlesex, NY
White,Stacey M - Hogansburg, NY
Wieber,Matthew D - West Hampton, NY
Wiesmore,Michelle R - Buffalo, NY
Wightman,Brett L - Norwich, NY
Wilcox,Karen A - New Haven, NY
Wilcox,Mardette W - Kauneonga Lake, NY
Williams,Kelly J - Valdosta,GA
Williams,Rasool H - New Rochelle, NY
Williams,Tiffany S - Hempstead, NY
Willison,Steven W - Rochester, NY
Winckler,Chara N - Middletown, NY
Winer,Melissa D - Springfield,TN
Winne,Joseph B - Schenectady, NY
Winston,Randysha R - Buffalo, NY
Wise,Mary Ann N - Perry, NY
Wojtusiak,Michael J - Cold Springs, NY
Wolicki,Michael K - Marcellus, NY
Wong,Siu L - Great Neck, NY
Woodall,Shanelle D - New York, NY
Woods,Christopher A - Moriah, NY
Wright,Lee A - New Paltz, NY
Wronka,Thaddeus C - W Winfield, NY
Xu,Zhigiang - Canada,
Yonelunas,Melissa C - Commack, NY
Zacharopoulos,Georgia C - West Nyack, NY
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Zaino,Jenna-Lyn S - Westbury, NY
Zalewski,Simone G - Schenectady, NY
Zalucky,Courtney A - Clifton Park, NY
Zanetti,Jessica M - Goshen, NY
Zebracki,Joshua E - Charlotte,NC
Zeitchek,Jon C - Farmingdale, NY
Zengen,Colleen E - Stanfordville, NY
Zhao,Yu Wen - Brooklyn, NY
Zhinin,Luis A - Beacon, NY
Zimmerman,Alison I - Bath, NY
Zippel,Brian A - Mastic Beach, NY
Zivku,Denise A - Ridgewood, NY
Zoccali,Mary Ellen - Pearl River, NY
Zymanek,Jillian M - Williamsville, NY
For further information contact: Kimberly Zeto, New York State
Retirement Systems, 110 State St., Albany, NY 12244, (518) 474-
New York State and Local Retirement System
Pursuant to Retirement and Social Security Law, the New York State
and Local Employees’ Retirement System hereby gives public notice
of the following:
The persons whose names and last known addresses are set forth
below appear from records of the above named Retirement System to
be entitled to accumulated contributions held by said retirement
system whose membership terminated pursuant to Section 613 of the
Retirement and Social Security Law on or before February 28, 2018.
This notice is published pursuant to Section 109 of the Retirement and
Social Security Law of the State of New York. A list of the names
contained in this notice is on file and open to public inspection at the
office of the New York State and Local Retirement System located at
the 110 State St., in the City of Albany, New York. At the expiration of
six months from the date of the publication of this notice. The ac-
cumulated contributions of the persons so listed shall be deemed
abandoned and shall be placed in the pension accumulation fund to be
used for the purpose of said fund. Any accumulated contributions so
deemed abandoned and transferred to the pension accumulation fund
may be claimed by the persons who made such accumulated contribu-
tions or, in the event of his death, by his estate or such person as he
shall have nominated to receive such accumulated contributions, by
filing a claim with the State Comptroller in such form and in such a
manner as may be prescribed by him, seeking the return of such
abandoned contributions. In the event such claim is properly made the
State Comptroller shall pay over to the person or persons or estate
making the claim such amount of such accumulated contributions
without interest.
Katz, Christopher K - Ithaca, NY
For further information contact: Kimberly Zeto, New York State
Retirement Systems, 110 State St., Albany, NY 12244, (518) 474-
County of Onondaga
The County of Onondaga, NY, is soliciting proposals from adminis-
trative service agencies, trustees, and financial organizations for ser-
vices in connection with a Deferred Compensation Plan that will meet
the requirements of Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code and
Section 5 of the State Finance Law, including all rules and regulations
issued pursuant thereto.
A copy of the proposal questionnaire may be obtained from: Martin
J. Murphy, Esq., Onondaga County Department of Law, Civic Center
– 10th Fl., 421 Montgomery St., Syracuse, NY 13202
All proposals must be submitted not later than May 9, 2018 by 4:00
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231, (518) 474-
4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0123 KE Chen located at 2646 Colvin Blvd., Town of
Tonawanda (Erie County). For a variance concerning Ceiling Height.
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231, (518) 474-
4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0124 Lockport Family YMCA located at 5833 Snyder Road,
Town of Lockport (Niagara County). For a variance concerning Play
Structure Separation.
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231, (518) 474-
4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0130 Lyric Theatre located at 440 east Avenue, City of Roch-
ester (Monroe County). For a variance concerning Fire Sprinkler
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231, (518) 474-
4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0131 Guzy residence located at 62 Crescent Street, Town of
Chautauqua (Chautauqua County). For a variance concerning Hori-
zontal Fire Separation.
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231, (518) 474-
4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0134 Fellowship Wesleyan Church located at 1645 Southwest-
ern Blvd., Town of Orchard Park (Erie County). For a variance
concerning Fire Suppression System.
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231, (518) 474-
4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0135 500 Seneca Street (Dobutsu Restaurant) Mansion lo-
cated at 500 Seneca Street, City of Buffalo (Erie County). For a vari-
ance concerning Accessible Seating.
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12231, (518)
474-4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0142 In the matter of PJ Apartments, 105 Dewitt Place, Ithaca,
N.Y. concerning fire safety requirements including a variance for
reduction in required height of existing handrails and guardrails.
Involved is the certificate of compliance inspection of an existing
residential occupancy, three stories in height, located at 105 Dewitt
Place, City of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, New York.
2018-0143 In the matter of 417 Seneca Street LLC, P.O. Box 6753,
Ithaca, N.Y. concerning fire safety requirements including a variance
for reduction in required height of existing handrails and guardrails.
Involved is the certificate of compliance inspection of an existing
residential occupancy, two stories in height, located at 414-416 Seneca
Street, City of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, New York.
2018-0144 In the matter of Haag Properties, LLC, P.O. Box 866,
Ithaca, N.Y. concerning fire safety requirements including a variance
for reduction in required height of existing handrails and guardrails.
Involved is the certificate of compliance inspection of an existing
residential occupancy, three stories in height, located at 440 East Buf-
falo Street, City of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, New York.
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231, (518) 474-
4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0145 Kress residence located at 186 Millford Xing, Town of
Penfield (Monroe County). For a variance concerning Egress window
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231, (518) 474-
4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0146 Coatsworth Mansion located at 49 Cottage Street, City
of Buffalo (Erie County). For a variance concerning Ceiling Height.
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231, (518) 474-
4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0147 YMCA Greater Rochester located at 2300 Jefferson Av-
enue, Town of Pittsford (Monroe County). For a variance concerning
Allowable Fire Area.
Department of State
Uniform Code Variance / Appeal Petitions
Pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1205, the variance and appeal petitions
below have been received by the Department of State. Unless other-
wise indicated, they involve requests for relief from provisions of the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Persons
wishing to review any petitions, provide comments, or receive actual
notices of any subsequent proceeding may contact Brian Tollisen or
Neil Collier, Building Standards and Codes, Department of State, One
Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12231, (518)
474-4073 to make appropriate arrangements.
2018-0148 In the matter of Kevin Todd, 15 Narla Lane, Utica, N.Y.
for a variance concerning requirements for a fire rated cellar ceiling.
Involved is an existing Multiple Residence occupancy, three stories
in height, located at 810 Hamilton Street, City of Utica, County of
Oneida, New York.
2018-0149 In the matter of Jose Ventura, 604 Saratoga Street, Utica,
N.Y. for a variance concerning requirements for a re rated cellar
Involved is an existing Multiple Residence occupancy, three stories
in height, located at 901 Mohawk Street, City of Utica, County of
Oneida, New York.
Susquehanna River Basin Commission
Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water
SUMMARY: This notice lists the projects approved by rule by the
NYS Register/April 4, 2018Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the period set forth in
DATES: January 1-31, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 North
Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.
General Counsel, 717-238-0423, ext. 1312, [email protected]. Regular
mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice lists the proj-
ects, described below, receiving approval for the consumptive use of
water pursuant to the Commission’s approval by rule process set forth
in 18 CFR § 806.22(e) and § 806.22(f) for the time period specified
Approvals By Rule Issued Under 18 CFR 806.22(f):
1. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, LLC, Pad ID: McLeanD P1, ABR-
201211009.R1, Lathrop and Lenox Townships, Susquehanna County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January
9, 2018.
2. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, LLC, Pad ID: HordisC P1, ABR-
201211016.R1, Lathrop Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Con-
sumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 9, 2018.
3. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, LLC, Pad ID: LoffredoJ P1, ABR-
201211017.R1, Nicholson Township, Wyoming County, Pa.; Con-
sumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 9, 2018.
4. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, LLC, Pad ID: TeddickM P3, ABR-
201212006.R1, Brooklyn Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 9,
5. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, LLC, Pad ID: ZickW P1, ABR-
201212008.R1, Lenox Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Con-
sumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 9, 2018.
6. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, LLC, Pad ID: KropaT P1, ABR-
201301017.R1, Springville Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 9,
7. Chief Oil & Gas, LLC, Pad ID: Spencer Drilling Pad, ABR-
201306010.R1, Lenox Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Con-
sumptive Use of Up to 2.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 9, 2018.
8. SWN Production Company, LLC, Pad ID: Swisher (Pad R),
ABR-201212012.R1, Stevens Township, Bradford County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: January 9,
9. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad ID: Porter, ABR-
201306001.R1, North Branch Township, Wyoming County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: January 17,
10. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad ID: Tinna, ABR-
201306002.R1, Windham and Mehoopany Townships, Wyoming
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date:
January 17, 2018.
11. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad ID: Shamrock, ABR-
201306003.R1, Windham Township, Wyoming County, Pa.; Con-
sumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: January 17, 2018.
12. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad ID: Brewer, ABR-
201306007.R1, Meshoppen and Washington Townships, Wyoming
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date:
January 17, 2018.
13. Chief Oil & Gas, LLC, Pad ID: SGL 12 N WEST DRILLING
PAD, ABR-201801001, Leroy Township, Bradford County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 2.5000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22,
AUTHORITY: Pub. L. 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR Parts
806, 807, and 808.
Dated: March 16, 2018.
Stephanie L. Richardson,
Secretary to the Commission.
Susquehanna River Basin Commission
Projects Rescinded for Consumptive Uses of Water
SUMMARY: This notice lists the approved by rule projects re-
scinded by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the pe-
riod set forth in “DATES.”
DATES: January 1-31, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 North
Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.
General Counsel, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312; fax: (717)
238-2436; e-mail: joyler@srbc.net. Regular mail inquiries may be
sent to the above address.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice lists the proj-
ects, described below, being rescinded for the consumptive use of wa-
ter pursuant to the Commission’s approval by rule process set forth in
18 CFR § 806.22(e) and § 806.22(f) for the time period specified
Rescinded ABR Issued:
1. Carrizo (Marcellus), LLC, Pad ID: EP Bender B (CC-03) Pad
(2), ABR- 201201030.R1, Reade Township, Cambria County, Pa.; Re-
scind Date: January 26, 2018.
AUTHORITY: Pub. L. 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR Parts
806, 807, and 808.
Dated: March 16, 2018.
Stephanie L. Richardson,
Secretary to the Commission.
NYS Register/April 4, 2018 Miscellaneous Notices/Hearings
Executive Order No. 178.1: Declaring a Disaster Emergency in
the County of Rockland and Continuing the Disaster Emergency
in Dutchess, Putnam, Sullivan, and Westchester Counties.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Executive Order No. 178, a disaster has
heretofore been declared due to a Nor’easter which caused widespread
power outages throughout Dutchess, Putnam, Sullivan, Westchester
and surrounding counties, travel disruptions and road closures, up-
rooted trees, damage to homes, apartments, businesses, and public and
private property;
WHEREAS, a second Nor’easter with sustained winds of 30 miles
per hour to 35 miles per hour with gusts of 40 miles per hour affected
the Mid-Hudson Valley Region, dropping more than 20 inches of
heavy, wet snow in the region, at times falling at a rate of 3 inches per
hour. The impact of this storm worsened existing conditions due to
heavy snow loads on roofs, power lines and trees; and
WHEREAS, the continued loss of power to more than 38,000
customers adversely affects a variety of critical systems including
communications services, and such sustained disruption of the power
supply and its cascading damage to other critical systems, as well as
the continued prevalence of downed utility lines, have jeopardized the
health and safety of New Yorkers.
State of New York, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Con-
stitution and the Laws of the State of New York, do hereby amend Ex-
ecutive Order 178 to include the county of Rockland beginning on
March 9, 2018. This Executive Order shall be in effect until March 23,
(L.S.) GIVEN under my hand and the Privy Seal of
the State in the City of Albany this ninth day
of March in the year two thousand eighteen.
/S/ Andrew M. Cuomo
/s/ Melissa DeRosa
Secretary to the Governor
Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts
Pursuant to the authority vested in me, and upon consultation with
the Administrative Board of the Courts, I hereby promulgate, effective
January 1, 2018, an amendment to section 122.8 of the Rules of the
Chief Administrator of the Courts, relating to compensation of Judicial
Hearing Officers, to read as follows:
§ 122.8 Compensation
A judicial hearing officer shall receive [$300] $400 per day for each
day or part thereof at which such judicial hearing officer actually
performs assigned duties in a courtroom or other facility designated
for court appearances. There shall be no compensation for out-of-
court work performed by such hearing officer. Such hearing officer
shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses reasonably and neces-
sarily incurred in the performance of his or her duties in accordance
with the provisions of Part 102 of these rules.