An Assessment of
Flywheel High Power Energy Storage Technology
for Hybrid Vehicles
December 2011
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Materials Science and Technology Division
An Assessment of
Flywheel High Power Energy Storage Technology
for Hybrid Vehicles
James G. R. Hansen
David U. O’Kain *
* David U. O’Kain is retired from ORNL and is participating
in this assessment as a consultant to ORNL
December 2011
Prepared for
Vehicle Technologies Program,
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
Department of Energy
Prepared by
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6285
managed by
for the
under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725
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LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................ vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................ ix
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................1
2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................4
3. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................5
3.1 Flywheel High Power Energy Storage for Hybrid Vehicles .......................................... 5
3.2 Hybrid Electric Versus All-Mechanical Flywheel System Implementation .................. 6
3.3 Energy Stored and Delivered ......................................................................................... 7
3.4 Flywheel Stresses and Materials .................................................................................... 9
4.1 Maturity of Flywheel Systems ..................................................................................... 19
4.2 Flywheel System Performance Parameters .................................................................. 22
4.3 Flywheel Systems Compared to Batteries and Ultracapacitors ................................... 27
5. FLYWHEEL SAFETY AND CONTAINMENT ...............................................................32
5.1 Composite Rotors Have Different Failure Characteristics ........................................... 32
5.2 Design Approaches To Reduce Flywheel Risk ............................................................ 33
5.3 Flywheel Standard for Safe and Reliable Operation for Space Applications .............. 36
6. CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................37
7. RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................................38
8. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................39
FLYWHEEL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS ................................................................. A-1
POLICY .................................................................................................................................B-1
APPENDIX C HOOP STRESS IN A THIN ROTATING RING ......................................C-1
VARIABLE THICKNESS ................................................................................................... D-1
A LIGHT DUTY VEHICLE ................................................................................................. E-1
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Table 2-1. Flywheel requirements ............................................................................................ 4
Table 3-1. Max specific energies for thin ring flywheels made of different materials ........... 10
Table 4-1. Nominal weight and specific power for non-energy storage components of Toyota
hybrid electric vehicles ........................................................................................................... 13
Table 4-2. Respondent organizations ..................................................................................... 14
Table 4-3. Level of maturity of flywheel systems ................................................................. 15
Table 4-4. Performance summary of flywheels for hybrid vehicle applications ................... 17
Table 4-5. Flywheels compared with USABC Power Assist HEV Battery Goals ................. 30
Table 4-6. Flywheels compared with USABC Plug-in HEV Battery Goals .......................... 30
Table 4-7. Flywheels compared with USABC Goals for Advanced Batteries for EVs ......... 31
Table 4-8. Flywheels compared with FreedomCar ultracapacitor end-of-life requirements .. 31
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Figure 3-1. Comparison of typical hybrid electric and mechanical energy storage and power
delivery systems ........................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 3-2. Delivered energy versus speed ratio ...................................................................... 8
Figure 3-3. Idealized flywheel rotating thin ring with wall thickness t ................................. 9
Figure 3-4. Flywheel rim specific energy vs radius ratio and velocity ................................... 11
Figure 3-5. Flywheel rim energy density vs radius ratio and velocity .................................... 12
Figure 4-1. Peak power versus delivered energy .................................................................... 24
Figure 4-2. Specific power versus specific energy ................................................................. 25
Figure 4-3. Power density versus energy density ................................................................... 26
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AC Alternating Current
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
ANSI American National Standards Institute
BEV Battery Electric Vehicle
CCM Centre for Concepts in Mechatronics
CFT Clutched Flywheel Transmission
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CVT Continuously Variable Transmission
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DC Direct Current
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
DOT U.S. Department of Transportation
EV Electric Vehicle
FHSPV Flywheel Hybrid System for Premium Vehicles
FIA Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile
FMECA Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis
HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
ISS International Space Station
g Acceleration of gravity, 9.81 m/s
J Joules
KERS Kinetic Energy Recovery System
LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
kW Kilowatts
kWh Kilowatt-hours
LEESS Lower Energy-Energy Storage System
MLC Magnetically Loaded Composite
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
NEV Neighborhood Electric Vehicle
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PAHEV Power Assist Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PHEV Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PM Permanent Magnet
PNGV Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles
RPM (rpm) Revolutions per Minute
SPU Surge Power Unit
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
USABC United States Advanced Battery Consortium LLC
UT-CEM University of Texas Center for Electromechanics
VA Volt-Amperes
VCC Volvo Car Corporation
W/kg Watts per Kilogram
W/L Watts per Liter
Wh/kg Watt-Hours per Kilogram
Wh/L Watt-Hours per Liter
Hybrid vehicle technology is a well-conceived method of improving the efficiency and quality of
operation of light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles. The hybrid approach often involves replacing
today’s internal combustion engine (ICE) with hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) propulsion systems
consisting of a smaller primary power source, an electrical powertrain, and some form of energy
storage. Instead of an electrical powertrain, it is also possible to use a mechanical powertrain
which includes either a continuously variable transmission (CVT) or another gearing system.
The purpose of this assessment is to determine the state of the art of advanced flywheel high
power energy storage systems to meet system needs for high power energy storage and
energy/power management.
To meet requirements for hybrid powertrains, advanced high power energy storage and
conversion technologies are needed. These technologies should address issues of high power
energy storage, energy/power management, and auxiliary power. Advanced flywheel high
power energy storage systems are one possible way to meet high power energy storage and
energy/power conversion needs.
The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), the governing body for world motor sport
and the federation of the world’s leading motoring organizations, in October 2009 strongly
endorsed flywheels. Regarding hybrid vehicles, FIA stated that “Technology such as flywheels
reducing dependence on batteries and concentrating on ICE load shift proves to be the most
promising way forward.” FIA singled out flywheels in their endorsement.
The Department of Energy (DOE) tasked Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to assess the
state-of-the-art of flywheel high power energy storage for hybrid vehicles. The tasking came
from the DOE Vehicle Technologies Program within the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
The primary tool used in the flywheel technology assessment was a questionnaire entitled
“Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications”. The questionnaire was sent to organizations
that produce complete flywheel systems, rather than producers of system components.
Suggested minimum flywheel requirements for both light-duty and heavy-duty hybrid
applications of interest to DOE are given below (same as Table 2-1 in main body of this report).
Vehicle Application
Delivered Energy
Delivered Energy
Peak Power
0.3 to 0.5
25 to 40
150 to 200
Light-duty vehicle applications pertain to the family vehicle and heavy-duty vehicle applications
may be Class 3-6 medium duty trucks (such as delivery vans) or Class 6-7 trucks and buses
(either standard city bus or transit bus).
Flywheels seem to be especially well suited to hybrid powertrains. Flywheels can effectively
assist the hybrid powertrain in meeting high peak power requirements for hybrid vehicle
acceleration. During regenerative braking, high power levels can be absorbed by the flywheel
system at efficiencies far superior to those attainable by batteries.
Maturity of flywheel technology has evolved considerably in recent years. The most extensive
experience operating flywheel high power energy storage systems in heavy-duty hybrid vehicles
is in Europe. In Germany L-3 Communications Magnet-Motor GmbH (L-3 MM) has developed
an impressive experience base in the development and operation of flywheel systems for heavy-
duty hybrid vehicles. L-3 MM flywheel systems have been in operation since 1988 on a total of
17 hybrid electric buses. Each of 12 buses has experienced 60,000 hours of operation or the
equivalent of 1,000,000 speed cycles each. That total experience constitutes a considerable
history of and testament to safe use of flywheels on heavy-duty hybrid vehicles. Three systems
have been demonstrated and tested on vehicles of a city train or tram. In the Netherlands, The
Centre for Concepts in Mechatronics (CCM) reported testing of Alpha and Beta models of a
flywheel system for heavy-duty hybrid application with an improved safety Gamma model yet to
be tested. CCM flywheel technology was furthered in a European technology development
program. In the UK, Parry People Movers’ steel flywheel systems are paired with a mere 2.3
liter automobile engine to drive railcars efficiently. In the USA, the University of Texas Center
for Electromechanics has demonstrated a flywheel system on a hybrid bus, and Tribology
Systems, Inc. reports prototype flywheel systems in customers’ beta testing.
The most mature uses of flywheel technology in light-duty vehicles have occurred in Europe in a
number of racing venues and also in road car advanced evaluations. Williams Hybrid Power
Limited (WHP), Flybrid Systems LLP, and Ricardo UK Ltd (Ricardo), all in the United
Kingdom, have developed flywheel units for Formula 1. The WHP system uses the more
familiar electrical powertrain with motors and generators, rather than a mechanical powertrain.
In another racing venue, the Nurburgring Long Distance Championship, Porsche had significant
success in the 2010 season racing its 911 GT3 R hybrid racer with a hybrid powertrain using a
WHP flywheel powered by regen braking that delivers 25% increased fuel economy over the
standard racing ICE. At full charge the WHS flywheel delivered a total of 120 kW (160 hp) for
about 6 to 8 seconds to electric motors/generators on the front axle. In January of 2011 Porsche
unveiled its new 918 RSR flywheel hybrid racer based on the 911 GT3 R developments.
The Flybrid flywheel system uses a mechanical powertrain. Surge power from a Flybrid
flywheel KERS supplemented an ICE to power the Hope Racing LMP1 car in June 2011 and
become the first hybrid car to compete in the LeMans 24-hour race. The Flybrid system
employing a clutched flywheel transmission (CFT) in its mechanical powertrain provided an
extra 97 kW (130 hp) from the 38 lb (17.2 kg) system, including the CFT. A Flybrid flywheel
provides energy storage for the new Jaguar XF developed in the United Kingdom Flywheel
Hybrid System for Premium Vehicles (FHSPV) project. The Flybrid 60,000 rpm flywheel in the
143 lb (64.9 kg) flywheel system, including the CVT, delivers up to 0.117 kWh of energy.
Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) is currently evaluating Flybrid flywheel energy storage in a
mechanical powertrain employing a 13.2 lb flywheel with a diameter of 7.87 in. running at over
60,000 rpm to provides the rear axle with an additional 60 kW (80.4 hp) to dramatically improve
acceleration. Volvo says that the flywheel system can be used in a much larger volume of their
cars than top-of-the-line [hybrid] technology such as plug-in. A 20% fuel economy
improvement is expected for both the Jaguar and Volvo applications.
The Ricardo Kinergy flywheel concept features a flywheel in a hermetically-sealed
vacuum/containment vessel using magnetic gearing to couple the flywheel to a transmission.
This eliminates need for a vacuum pump and a vacuum seal on the output rotating shaft. The
magnetic gearing eliminates high speed gear tooth wear and associated vibration. A magnetic
gear ratio of up to 10:1 means that the output shaft operating in air is running at up to 10 times
lower angular speed than the flywheel. The FLYBUS project is evaluating the Ricardo Kinergy
flywheel for a heavy-duty hybrid on an Optare Solo bus. The flywheel is magnetically coupled
to a Torotrak CVT that is coupled to the standard power take-off unit on the bus’s Allison
automatic transmission. The hardware to be delivered at the end of 2011 is to improve fuel
economy by 8%, and further projections to 21% are feasible. FLYBUS will demonstrate the
potential to retro-fit the current fleet of 500,000 buses in Europe, at a fraction of the cost of a
conventional battery hybrid. The KinerStor project that applies the Kinergy flywheel to light-
duty hybrids has potential for 30% fuel savings with equivalent CO
reductions at an on-cost of
$1,660 (£1,000).
Flywheel performance parameters are expressed in this report in terms of peak power versus
delivered energy, specific power versus specific energy, and power density versus energy density
using the values reported by flywheel developers. One concludes from the comparison between
the performance of flywheels and batteries, that the most effective utilization of flywheels is in
providing high power while providing just enough energy storage to accomplish the power assist
mission effectively. Flywheels meet or exceed the power related goals (discharge power,
regenerative power, specific power, power density, weight and volume) for HEV and EV
batteries and ultracapacitors.
By far the greatest technical challenge facing the developer of vehicular flywheel systems is the
issue of safety and containment. Flywheel safety issues must be addressed during the design and
testing phases to ensure that production flywheel systems can be used with adequately low risk.
The PNGV program pointed out the desirability to establish designs and operating procedures
such that full rotor burst failure modes are absolutely avoided. Flywheel developers must work
to reduce both the probability of and consequences from the various failure modes.
There have been some significant demonstrations to address flywheel safety. Magnet-Motor
GmbH (L-3 MM) evaluated their heavy-duty flywheels in 6g and 15g shock tests that were
successfully demonstrated. Relative to light-duty flywheels, a Flybrid flywheel for racing was
subjected to a >20g deceleration in a Formula One crash test facility at the Cranfield Impact
Centre while running at full speed of 64,500 rpm, and the flywheel was undamaged and still
spinning after the test.
The Department of Energy (DOE) tasked Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to assess the
state-of-the-art of flywheel high power energy storage for hybrid vehicles. The tasking came
from the DOE Vehicle Technologies Program under the auspices of the DOE Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The objective of the assessment is to determine if flywheels
are an appropriate and mature technology for potential use as high power energy storage and
energy power management in hybrid vehicles.
As part of the task, a questionnaire entitled "Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications"
was sent to organizations that produce complete flywheel systems, i.e. not to producers of system
components. Specification information requested in the questionnaire is similar to that
documented in the report An Assessment of Flywheel Energy Storage Technology for Hybrid
and Electric Vehicles, prepared by Abacus Technology Corporation in July 1996 for DOE
(Reference 1). Instructions for completing the questionnaire asked respondents not to include
proprietary or business sensitive information in their responses, because of open publication of
this report. Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications from the respondents are included
in Appendix A. We wish to thank participants for providing specifications for their flywheel
Flywheel minimum requirements suggested in the questionnaire for both light-duty and heavy-
duty hybrid applications of interest to DOE are given in Table 2-1. Multiple flywheel
developers’ goals for delivered power and energy are different than the DOE suggested values in
Table 2-1. Their power level is typically higher and their amount of delivered energy is typically
lower. Appendix E includes an evaluation of the energy storage requirements for a light-duty
hybrid vehicle. A recommendation is made there to consider revising the specifications such that
the target delivered energy level for a flywheel for a light duty vehicle is somewhat less than the
0.30.5 kWh in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. Flywheel requirements
Vehicle Application
Delivered Energy
Delivered Energy
Peak Power
0.3 to 0.5
25 to 40
150 to 200
Light-duty vehicle applications pertain to the family vehicle and heavy-duty vehicle applications
may be Class 3-6 medium duty trucks (such as delivery vans) or Class 6-7 trucks and busses
(either standard city bus or transit bus).
These values of peak power and delivered energy are later shown in blue as a reference on
Figure 4-1, which plots peak power versus delivered energy for flywheel systems reported by
respondents to the questionnaire.
The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) is the governing body for world motor sport
and the federation of the world’s leading motoring organizations. The FIA in October 2009
strongly endorsed flywheels, when the FIA Commission issued the FIA Environmentally
Sustainable Motor Sport Policy (Reference 2) including the following:
“Energy recovery technologies should be promoted through motor sport. The best
method of integrating the various levels of hybridisation, ensuring equivalency, and
promoting their qualities, is in an efficiency-based formula as described in point one.
Although many automobile manufacturers are developing hybrids, there is a strong
opinion that they do not represent a cost effective means of reducing fuel consumption
and CO
emissions, but are increasingly demanded by the market place. Energy Recovery
Systems technology, however, is fundamental to the future of the automobile, including
these hybrids. Motor sport can make a useful contribution to development and marketing.
Technology such as flywheels reducing dependence on batteries and concentrating on
ICE load shift proves to be the most promising way forward.”
The above ringing endorsement for flywheels has “the goal of fundamentally changing the
technology basis of racing, and contributing to the development of the road car of the future.”
Appendix B comprises the entire FIA policy statement.
3.1 Flywheel High Power Energy Storage for Hybrid Vehicles
Hybrid technology is a well-conceived method of improving the efficiency and quality of
operation of vehicles. DOE realized this fact and sponsored further hybrid development.
Program goals have been to improve vehicle efficiency and decrease emissions through
advancement of hybrid technology. The hybrid approach generally involves replacing today’s
internal combustion engines with hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) propulsion systems consisting of
a smaller primary power source and an electrical powertrain incorporating energy storage.
Various studies have predicted substantial fuel economy increases ranging from 50 to over
Advanced flywheel high power energy storage systems are one possible way to meet high power
energy storage and energy/power conversion needs. Other competitive methods involve
advanced batteries, ultracapacitors, and hydro-pneumatic energy storage. The purpose of this
assessment is to assist companies developing hybrid vehicles in their consideration of using
advanced flywheel high power energy storage systems to meet system needs for high power
energy storage and energy/power management.
Flywheels seem to be especially well suited to hybrid powertrains. Flywheels can effectively
assist the hybrid powertrain with meeting the significant peak power requirements for heavy
vehicles. During acceleration and hill climbing in a typical urban driving cycle, flywheels can
provide to the vehicle the relatively high power levels required for relatively short durations.
During regenerative braking, high power levels can be absorbed by the flywheel system at
efficiencies far superior to those attainable by batteries alone. When the power required to
propel the vehicle is less than the power produced by the primary power source, the excess
energy can be stored in the flywheel for later use. This load leveling capability provided by
flywheel systems is an asset to energy/power conversion and management.
A flywheel high power energy storage system can be an excellent load leveler for hybrid
vehicles. The load leveler should have a relatively high ratio of both power to energy and
specific power to specific energy. To illustrate the capability of flywheel systems to meet this
requirement, lines of power to energy ratios have been included in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2
later in this report.
A rather unique attribute of flywheel systems is the ability to decouple their energy and power
capacities. The energy stored and delivered by a flywheel depends primarily upon the flywheel
rotor, while the power stored and delivered is primarily dependent on the design and ratings of
the motor/generator and associated power electronics in the electrical powertrain or for the case
of a mechanical powertrain in the design of the flywheel system’s CVT. This decoupling
capability available to the flywheel system designer is a major benefit of flywheels for
applications involving high power, which is the case for hybrid powertrains.
3.2 Hybrid Electric Versus All-Mechanical Flywheel System Implementation
Flywheel systems for hybrid vehicles can be implemented with either an electrical or a
mechanical powertrain. The hybrid electric system must convert the energy from mechanical to
electrical and then back to mechanical. This energy conversion requires a motor/generator
attached to the flywheel and an additional motor/generator which is mechanically attached to the
transmission or to the driveshaft of the vehicle. For the hybrid electric system, the flow of
energy to and from the flywheel is in the form of electrical energy. For the mechanical
powertrain the flywheel is coupled to the drive wheels via a continuously variable mechanical
transmission, and in this case energy to and from the flywheel is in the form of mechanical
energy. Finally a combination of the hybrid electric and mechanical systems is possible.
The mechanical powertrain offers a number of attractive features. It is simple, compact, and
relatively lightweight; it does not require motors, generators, power electronics, high voltage, or
high current. However, at this stage of development, the mechanical powertrain does have
technical questions related to rotating vacuum seal technology, efficiency, and reliability. The
all mechanical system has the inherent advantage that the form of the energy is always
mechanical, and there is no energy loss associated with conversion of energy from mechanical to
electrical (possibly also to chemical for batteries and back to electrical) and back to mechanical.
Therefore round trip efficiency of energy recovered during regenerative braking has the potential
to be higher for the hybrid mechanical powertrain than for the hybrid electrical powertrain. A
comparison of the hybrid electrical powertrain and the hybrid mechanical powertrain systems is
shown in Figure 3-1.
The majority of respondents to the questionnaire to be discussed in Section 4 proposed flywheels
in hybrid electric architectures. Three respondents, Flybrid, HyKinesys, and Ricardo, proposed
all-mechanical systems.
Figure 3-1. Comparison of typical hybrid electric and mechanical
energy storage and power delivery systems .
3.3 Energy Stored and Delivered
A very brief discussion of the mechanics of rotating mechanical systems is in order. A more
detailed discussion is given in a European Community study on storage technologies for
intermittent renewable energies (Reference 3) and in a Sandia National Laboratories study on
energy storage systems for stationary applications (Reference 4). The kinetic energy, E
, stored
in the flywheel rotor is given by:
= 1/2 I
where: I is the polar moment inertia of the rotor and is its angular velocity.
Flywheel stored (gross) energy and flywheel delivered (net) energy can be expressed by setting
limits on angular velocity in equation (1).
= 1/2 I
= E
- E
= 1/2 I (
are the maximum and minimum operating speed limits.
Equation (3) divided by equation (2) is plotted in Figure 3-2, where delivered energy is
expressed as a value between 0 and 1 times the stored energy.
Electrical Powertrain
Mechanical Powertrain
Flywheel with
Flywheel with
drive shaft
Shaft Seal
0.0 0.5 1.0
/ ω
0.75 0.89
Delivered Energy / Stored Energy
Figure 3-2. Delivered energy versus speed ratio.
Most of the energy is stored at high speed, because of the
term in the kinetic energy
expression in equation (1). Thus, one immediately sees diminishing returns for operating to
lower and lower speeds. The lower limit on operating speed also affects the cyclic fatigue life of
the rotor, the efficiency of power electronics associated with a motor/generator in a hybrid
electric flywheel system, and the operation of a CVT in a flywheel system utilizing a mechanical
Multiple authors (References 3,4) have stated that useful stored energy occurs for an operational
speed ratio of
=1/3 for a stationary flywheel application. Many times for vehicular
applications the operational speed ratio is quoted more conservatively as
=1/2. Figure
3-2 shows that when operating to practical lower limits of 1/3 and 1/2 of maximum speed that
respectively 89% and 75% of the stored energy is delivered.
Flywheel high speed operation also affects the system power in a positive manner. Power for
rotating systems is given by:
P = T
where: T is the drive system torque and is the angular velocity.
For a hybrid electric flywheel system the torque is applied by the motor/generator, and for a
flywheel system utilizing a mechanical powertrain the torque is applied by the flywheel system’s
CVT. For the hybrid electric flywheel system the motor/generator torque limits the minimum
operating speed as can be seen in equation (4). As speed is reduced, the drive system torque
must increase to maintain a constant mechanical power, making very low speed operation more
difficult and impractical.
High strength flywheel rotors constructed of fiber reinforced composite materials allow
flywheels to be run at high angular velocity, , allowing kinetic energy requirements to be met
with a flywheel with a lower inertia and translating into a lower weight flywheel rotor.
3.4 Flywheel Stresses and Materials
A discussion of the effect of fiber properties upon flywheel stored energy is needed to
quantitatively demonstrate the benefits of composite materials. To simplify the analysis, an
idealized flywheel will be considered in which all of the mass in the rim is concentrated in a thin
ring of radius r, as seen in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3. Idealized flywheel rotating thin ring with wall thickness t.
The polar moment of inertial equation then becomes
I = m r
where: m is the total mass of the idealized zero thickness rim.
Substituting equation (5) into equation (1) gives
= ½ m r
For the idealized flywheel with all mass at radius r, the hoop stress in the ring as derived in
Appendix C is
σ = ρ r
where: ρ is the density of the ring material.
Solving for r
in equation (7) and substituting into equation (6) yields
= ½ m σ / ρ
The specific kinetic energy, defined as kinetic energy per unit mass, is maximized for maximum
σ, so
/ m = ½ σ
/ ρ
showing that to maximize kinetic energy the constituent material needs to have high strength and
low density.
Table 3-1 evaluates equation (9) for a number of different flywheel rim materials on an
equivalent mass basis by setting the rim mass equal to 1 kg. Strengths for metal rims are tensile
yield strengths for 1-in. thick metal stock. The advantage that composite materials have over
metals is readily apparent. The highest performing all composite rim can store nearly an order of
magnitude more energy than a metal rim of the same total mass. Carbon-fiber-reinforced
composites significantly outperform glass-fiber-reinforced composites. For all of the composites
considered in the table the fiber volume fraction was 65% and the fiber strength translation was
taken as 75%. Thus there was a 51.3% knockdown factor for the composite strength as
compared to the fiber strength.
Table 3-1. Max specific energies for thin ring flywheels made of different materials
Flywheel rim material
Maximum specific
kinetic energy
for 1 kg mass ring
1/2 σ
/ ρ
velocity or
tip speed
All metal thin ring
Aluminum 7075 T651
2.80 469 23.3 409
Titanium Ti-6Al-4V, STA
4.43 965 30.3 467
Steel 4340, QT
7.70 1500 27.1 441
All composite thin ring (all fiber volume fractions 65% & ρ
= 1.28 g/cm
E-glass / epoxy 2.15 1679 108 884
S-glass / epoxy 2.07 2235 150 1038
AS4 carbon / epoxy 1.61 2111 182 1145
IM7 carbon / epoxy 1.61 2589 224 1270
IM9 carbon / epoxy 1.62 2993 257 1360
1. Tensile strengths for metals are at yield, because if metal yields the rotor can become unbalanced.
Tensile strengths for composites are at ultimate.
2. Heat treatment: T651
Plate thickness 0.500 1.000 in., A-Basis strength (Reference 5)
3. Heat treatment: Solution treat 1 hr. @ 1700°F, water quench, age 3 hr. at 1000°F, air cool
Plate thickness 0.751 1.000 in., S-Basis strength (Reference 5)
4. Heat treatment: Quench in molten salt, temper so 90% martensite at center
Forged plate thickness 1.13 in. from equivalent round /1.5 =1.7 in./1.5=1.13 in., S-Basis strength
(Reference 5)
Energies in Table 3-1 are specific values and must be multiplied by the rim mass to determine
the total energy stored. For instance, the maximum kinetic energy in an idealized 10 kg rim
made of IM9/epoxy is 2570 Wh. Thus one can see why composite rotors are prized for vehicular
applications. The maximum specific kinetic energy shown in the table is achieved at the limit of
the strength of the material; the maximum useable specific kinetic energy is less than the values
shown in the table. It is necessary to leave a stress margin to ensure reliable and safe operation.
Localized stresses, such as the joint between the hub and the rim, must also be considered.
It should be noted that the stored energy for the idealized thin ring flywheel is independent of the
rim radius. This can be seen by substituting v
for r
in equation (6):
= ½ m v
It is now evident that E
is a function of the velocity at the rim outer radius, v, which is often
called the peripheral velocity or tip speed. The terms peripheral velocity and tip speed are used
interchangeably in this assessment. In a similar manner the hoop stress in equation (7) is also
seen to be a function of velocity squared. Thus the overspeed failure of a rotor is a function of
excessive rim peripheral velocity rather than angular velocity ω. The maximum peripheral
velocity , v = (σ/ρ)
, calculated by setting the hoop stress in equation (7) equal to the material
tensile strength is shown in the right most column in Table 3-1.
We have been considering an idealized rotor with all of the mass concentrated at radius r, which
is a good approximation for a thin rim. For a thick rim or a rotor with variable thickness the
rotor stress field is more complex, as explained in Appendix D. Selection of the shape of the
flywheel rim is a tradeoff between high specific energy and high energy density. Using the term
radius ratio as the ratio of rim inner radius to rim outer radius, R
, the formula for the
specific energy of a thick rim is:
Specific Energy = Rim Energy/Rim Mass = (v
as shown in Figure 3-4.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Specific Energy (kJ/kg)
Radius Ratio
1000 m/s
800 m/s
600 m/s
400 m/s
Figure 3-4. Flywheel rim specific energy vs radius ratio and velocity.
Neglects web weight and energy
Assumes uniform density rim
Independent of rotor length
This means that the maximum achievable specific energy is reduced due to the need to maintain
a reasonable small volume for the flywheel. For example, selecting a radius ratio of 0.8 will
reduce the maximum specific energy to about 82% of the thin ring maximum specific energy.
Notice that the thin ring maximum specific energy (R
~1) is twice the uniform disk
maximum specific energy (R
= 0).
The formula for the energy density of the rim is:
Energy Density = Rim Energy/Rim Enclosed Volume = (ρv
The energy density for a rotor made of a typical carbon/epoxy composite material of density
1.604 g/cm
is plotted in Figure 3-5.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Energy Density (MJ/m
Radius Ratio
1000 m/s
800 m/s
600 m/s
400 m/s
Figure 3-5. Flywheel rim energy density vs radius ratio and velocity.
(for a typical carbon/epoxy composite rotor)
It can be seen that the the energy density changes rapidly going from a radius ratio of 1 to a
radius ratio of 0.8.
The optimum configuration for a metal rotor is called the “constant stress profile” which is a
specially shaped, tapered disk with no central hole. This configuration is used for metal turbine
wheels. Even when the best constant stress profile shape is used for the design of a metal
flywheel, the superior useable specific kinetic energy of composite materials makes them the
logical choice for vehicular applications.
Neglects web weight and energy
Assumes uniform density rim
Independent of rotor length
The state of the art and maturity of flywheel high power energy storage systems applicable to
hybrid vehicles are discussed here primarily for the benefit of hybrid powertrain developers
considering flywheels. An attempt was made to locate and involve all companies and
organizations developing complete flywheel systems applicable to hybrids.
The primary tool used in the flywheel technology assessment was a questionnaire entitled
“Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications”. Completed questionnaires are included in
Appendix A. Detailed instructions for completing the questionnaire are included within an
instructional questionnaire at the very end of Appendix A. Note that the footnote to the
questionnaire states that
“The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the
motor/generator, the bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight,
volume and cost are not considered, in order to allow a more direct comparison
with published chemical battery data.”
Power electronics were not considered in the Abacus Technology Corporation’s flywheel
assessment prepared for DOE in 1996 (Reference 1), so to be consistent with that previous
evaluation power electronics were also excluded for each design in this current assessment.
However, in order to compare the mechanical powertrains with electrical powertrains, we have
looked at the weight and specific power of the non-energy storage components that have been
used by Toyota Motor Company in their commercial hybrid cars that utilize batteries for energy
storage. As shown in Table 4-1, the Toyota hybrid electric powertrain uses a motor, generator,
and power conversion unit, and the technology for these products has been improved as newer
configurations have been developed. Data in Table 4-1 are from reports of ORNL projects
(References 6,7,8) in which hybrid electric powertrains of commercial vehicles utilizing batteries
for energy storage were disassembled and analyzed, with special emphasis being given to power
electronics and hardware with which it interfaces. Note that the three vehicles analyzed all had a
separate motor and generator as itemized in the table, rather than a single motor/generator.
Powers in Table 4-1 are ORNL tested 18 second motor power ratings.
Table 4-1. Nominal weight and specific power for non-energy storage components
of Toyota hybrid electric vehicles
Motor Power Rating
2004 Prius
50 kW
2007 Camry
70 kW
2008 Lexus LS600h
110 kW
Power Converter Unit
*Weight of stator + rotor. No housing weight included.
The specific power for the individual components has been improved, and the total specific
power of the non-energy storage hardware has increased by almost a factor of two. It is expected
that a direct comparison can be made for the mechanical powertrain configurations in a hybrid
powertrain employing a flywheel for energy storage relative to the latest Lexus LS600h
Information from the questionnaires has been used to create a series of tables and figures in this
assessment. Table 4-2 lists the respondent organizations that submitted completed
questionnaires and the shortened names used in tables and figures in this assessment to refer to
respondents. Use of shortened names makes tables and figures easier to read. Table 4-3
summarizes the maturity of flywheel systems, as reported in all the questionnaires. Some key
performance information in the questionnaires has been summarized in Table 4-4 for hybrid
vehicle applications.
Table 4-2. Respondent organizations
Respondent organizations
(names as provided on questionnaires)
Shortened names used in assessment
CCM: Centre for Concepts in Mechatronics
Flybrid Systems LLP
Flywheel Energy Systems Inc.
Flywheel Energy Systems Inc.
HyKinesys Inc.
Mario Gottfried
L-3 Communications Magnet-Motor GmbH
L-3 MM
Parry People Movers Ltd
Parry People Movers
Ricardo UK Ltd
Tribology Systems, Inc.
Tribology Systems, Inc.
University Texas Center for Electromechanics
Williams Hybrid Power Limited
Table 4-3. Level of maturity of flywheel systems
Application area
in this report
Level of maturity
CCM has demonstrated flywheel energy storage technology as a viable energy saving and emission reducing
resource for on-board public transport vehicles. Alpha and Beta models of the RxV-II Flywheel have been tested in
relevant environment (pilots in Citadis Tram of Alstom and AutoTram road vehicle of Fraunhofer Institute),
corresponding with a Technology Readiness Level TRL 6. Extensive validation tests for reliability demonstrated
that the safety level of the Beta model was insufficient. The redesigned Gamma model of the RxV-II Flywheel
with improved safety has been finalized. Testing, validation and certification of the Gamma model are still to be
Flybrid flywheels systems are being applied to race cars and with several OEM carmakers to road cars. Public
domain Flybrid clients include Jaguar Cars and Volvo Cars. The Jaguar car in particular has completed many
months of testing with very good reliability. It has completed over 75,000,000 flywheel revolutions in car and
around 5,000 miles of physical testing, while delivering fuel savings up to 20%. Several Flybrid clients are
progressing well towards mass production. The predicted price of mass produced systems is low. The new
Clutched Flywheel Transmission based system raced in the Le Mans 24-hour race in June 2011 and by doing so
powered the first ever hybrid car to compete in that famous race. The CFT may be suitable for small hybrid
passenger cars.
Energy Systems
Performance numbers tested and verified in laboratory conditions. Performance and simulated vehicle testing
included over 1700 hours of run time in the laboratory. The unit is tolerant of all vehicle platform motions. It has
been tested to pitch and/or roll rates of 10° per second, through +/-10° of arc, and under various complex loading
spectra composed of vehicle platform dynamic motions in the range of 1 Hz through 20 Hz. A similar, more
highly stressed composite rotor was tested to over 105 cycles. There have been no field trials, beta sites or
commercial deployments of the specified flywheel system.
Components tested. HyKinesys is convinced that the PowerBeam is the best theoretical way of providing the
highest efficiency hybrid surge power, very durably and at low cost. HyKinesys is now in the process of proving
that the PowerBeam Surge Power Unit is also the best practical solution to the pervasive requirement for hybrid
surge power, measured by the ultimate test, how well it does in real vehicles.
Light- & heavy-
duty hybrids
Level of maturity is young, ~75% defined. Enough to encourage making & testing.
L-3 MM
MDS-flywheels installed in 17 hybrid electric urban transport buses operated in Europe. First bus entered service
in 1988. Operation experience for 12 buses: 60,000 hours & 1 million cycles each. 6g-shock tests demonstrated.
3 systems demonstrated and tested on vehicles of a city train. Advanced system with 4 kWh in the same housing
volume ready for tests in summer 2008. A bigger system (5 kWh/400 kW) demonstrated and tested in a substation
of a city rail (8000 h operation experience). Advanced flywheel system with superconducting magnetic bearing
ready for tests in spring 2008.
Table 4-3. Level of maturity of flywheel systems (cont.)
Application area
in this report
Level of maturity
Parry People
Commercial product. Flywheel systems are in use in 3 operational vehicles. Two railcar fleet at Stourbridge
Junction, UK, has reliability figures of 99.44% (2010) & 99.74% during 2011 to date.
POWERTHRU flywheel systems are based upon the former Pentadyne Power Corporation and Rosen Motors
flywheel systems. Over $40 million U.S. has been invested in development and commercialization resulting in 16
patents issued and several pending. Technology demonstrated full power prototype in 2001 in stationary
application. Company reached 100 units shipped by end of 2006. In 2007 Pentadyne shipped nearly 300 units.
2008 shipments were expected to exceed 500 units of the second generation product. Early systems had
maximum power of 120 kW @ 500 VDC, the VSS 120 and new units are capable of 190 kW @500 VDC, the
Heavy-duty &
Developed from a motorsport heritage, the Ricardo Kinergy system is fundamentally, a mechanical one. It thus
has no power electronics. However based on application analysis it has been developed, so it can be simply
augmented to allow interface to the transmission, (mechanical path), the electrical system (to allow electrics to
be powered during start/stop events), and even hydraulic to reduce accumulator mass. It has been developed so it
does not have a rotating seal, incorporating a passive magnetic/magnetic seal/gear. This obviates the need for
vacuum management and provides a more efficient, high speed torque path than an equivalent mechanical
epicyclic system. This system is currently being installed in a bus application for trials as well as rig evaluation
for off-highway, train(as multiple modules) and passenger car applications.
Systems, Inc.
Prototypes manufactured. Two smaller, basically similar, systems tested successfully hundreds of times in lab
and at customer’s beta testing. Measured vibration of only a few tenths of a g running slowly over the entire
supercritical speed range. Completely benign containment of several rotor failures. Tribology Systems, Inc.
claims very low losses; rotor coasting over a year with no power in or out.
Extensive laboratory testing, demonstration on a hybrid bus, preparing for testing on a train. The system was
mounted on a bus to operate as the sole energy storage in a hybrid system. On-road tests verified energy recovery
operating as designed and a significant improvement in performance was achieved. Flywheel systems have been
tested to 112,000 charge-discharge cycles with no degradation in performance.
The companys first application was in the highly competitive and extremely harsh environment of Formula One
motor racing, where WHP flywheel systems are in their second season in Porsche GT3R Hybrid motorsport
application. Design validation is in progress for series production application. Building on the Formula One
project, the company is now making the technology available to meet the high-power energy storage needs in a
variety of applications including hybrid passenger vehicles, hybrid buses, electric trains, military applications and
renewable energy. WHP currently has prototype projects with leading companies in many of these fields.
Table 4-4. Performance summary of flywheels for hybrid vehicle applications
Heavy-duty hybrid
Load leveling in trams & load leveling for
floating cranes
300 4 800 10.6
Specifications apply for RxV-II type of EMAFER
(Electromechanical Accumulator for Energy Re-use)
flywheel systems.
Light-duty hybrid
Formula One racing cars, petrol engine prime
mover with mechanical flywheel hybrid kinetic
energy recovery
110 0.111 8460 8.54
The Flybrid flywheel system is a fully mechanical system
with no power electronic components. The flywheel is
connected to the transmission of the vehicle via either a
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) or a Clutched
Flywheel Transmission (CFT). When the transmission
ratio is changed so as to speed up the flywheel energy is
stored, and when the ratio is changed so as to slow down
the flywheel energy is recovered.
Systems Inc.
Heavy-duty hybrid
Experimental laboratory system with a goal of
use in heavy hybrid vehicles.
120 0.75 800 5
This machine combines a short duration, high power
handling capability with low mass and small volume. The
rotor relies upon significant stress margins and test
heritage to provide a safe, long life machine. The machine
has a vacuum enclosure but this enclosure is not intended
to contain a rotor burst. The combination of these
performance characteristics makes this machine a
suitable choice for deployment in heavy hybrid vehicles.
Gottfried Light-duty hybrid 74.6 2.4
Sets of 6 double cone 14 in. (36 cm.) OD flywheels, in a
sphere frame. Specific power and energy values are
pending tests of demonstration hardware. Excellent
surging, charging & regenerative braking recovery.
L-3 MM
Heavy-duty hybrid
Vehicles: Urban transport buses & light rail
300 2 750 5
L-3 MM's heavy hybrid system has the most operational
experience and highest level of maturity of any heavy-
duty hybrid systems reported in this assessment. A bigger
system, demonstrated and tested in a substation of a city
rail facility, is documented in Table 4 stationary
The survey assumes a 'flywheel battery'. The PowerBeam
is a mechanical Surge Power Unit (SPU). It is the fully
integrated equivalent of a complete electric hybrid drive,
including its battery, controller, generator and motor, or a
flywheel battery plus traction motor and controller, so a
direct numeric comparison can only be made at the
vehicle level.
Light-duty hybrid
'Fuel-only' and 'plug-in' hybrids, plus high
performance all-electrics. Initial focus on
premium car market and urban delivery
2 rotors
Table 4-4. Performance summary of flywheels for hybrid vehicle applications (cont.)
Parry People
Heavy-duty hybrid
Railcars and tramway systems
100 to
0.9 230 0.92
PPM vehicles incorporate flywheel energy storage,
allowing electric tramway systems without overhead
wires and railcars powered by small prime movers at
very high energy efficiency. Flywheels allow use of 2.3
litre automobile engine to drive a railcar!
Heavy-duty hybrid
Primary applications today are stationary
(power quality, UPS, load leveling, storage),
secondary applications for Hybrid electric
vehicle, electric rail (load leveling and power
190 0.667
Config. A,
Config. B
Config. A,
Config. B
Flywheel system was originally conceived and designed
specifically for hybrid electric vehicle; gimbal,
containment, bearings, and vacuum systems all designed
as a result of the mobile requirement. Stationary market
pursued due to large immediate demand and customer
acceptance. Configuration A is current configuration,
and Configuration B is planned mobile configuration
with composite outer containment.
Heavy-duty hybrid and Light-duty hybrid
Buses (FLYBRID project) and light-duty
vehicles (KinerStor project)
60 0.22 4000 14.7
The Ricardo flywheel system is a fully mechanical
system with no power electronic components. The
primary power source is an IC engine with the flywheel
deployed for kinetic energy recovery and load leveling.
Magnetic coupling of the flywheel to the transmission
provides key advantages to system reliability.
Systems, Inc.
Light-duty hybrid
Electric vehicle, light duty
40 1 317 7.9
System includes patented bearings with proven 20-year
life and completely mechanical rotor dynamics control
system along with a proprietary safety containment.
Heavy-duty hybrid
Replacement of chemical batteries on mobile
platforms, e.g. trucks, buses, trains, satellites.
2 to
0.4 to
770 5
Specification numbers cover ranges or are typical for
the systems UTCEM designs, builds and tests.
Light-duty hybrid
High power, long life energy storage unit for
hybrid electric vehicle applications with the
primary energy source an ICE or fuel cell.
120 0.36 2180 6.55
WHP’s flywheel solutions incorporate its novel,
patented Magnetically Loaded Composite (MLC)
technology which was originally developed by Urenco
engineers working on the design of uranium centrifuge
machines. The rotor magnets in an MLC system are
comprised of tiny particles embedded in the composite
matrix. With no other metal in the flywheel rotor eddy
current losses and heating are almost zero.
4.1 Maturity of Flywheel Systems
As illustrated in Table 4-3, the level of maturity of flywheel technology has evolved
considerably in recent years. The most extensive experience operating flywheel high power
energy storage systems in heavy hybrid vehicles is in Europe. In Germany L-3 Communications
Magnet-Motor GmbH has developed an impressive experience base in the development and
operation of flywheel systems for heavy-duty hybrid vehicles. Magnet-Motor flywheel systems
have been in operation since 1988 on a total of 17 hybrid electric buses in Europe. Each of 12
buses has experienced 60,000 hours of operation or the equivalent of 1,000,000 speed cycles
each. To engineer safe operation into their flywheel systems, Magnet-Motor flywheels have
been successfully demonstrated in 6g-shock tests. That total experience constitutes a
considerable history of and testament to safe use of flywheels on heavy-duty hybrid vehicles. In
the Netherlands, The Centre for Concepts in Mechatronics (CCM) reported testing of Alpha and
Beta models of a flywheel system for heavy-duty hybrid application with an improved safety
Gamma model yet to be tested. That flywheel high power energy storage technology was
furthered in a European technology development program. In the UK, Parry People Movers’
steel flywheel systems are used with a mere 2.3 liter automobile engine to drive railcars
efficiently. In the USA, the University of Texas Center for Electromechanics (UT-CEM) has
demonstrated a flywheel system on a hybrid bus and tested a comparable flywheel to 112,000
charge-discharge cycles in order to demonstrate the ability of composite rotors to withstand
mechanical fatigue from speed cycling. Others have developed prototypes and systems for
laboratory testing.
Some of the most mature uses of flywheel technology in light-duty vehicles have occurred in
European racing (Formula 1, Nurburgring Long Distance, and LeMans). Williams Hybrid
Power Limited (WHP), Flybrid Systems LLP, and Ricardo UK Ltd (Ricardo) all in the United
Kingdom, have developed Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) flywheel units for racing
that are currently being evaluated for mass produced road vehicles. The WHP system makes use
of a motor/generator incorporating its novel, patented Magnetically Loaded Composite (MLC)
technology which was originally developed by Urenco engineers working on the design of
uranium centrifuge machines. The Flybrid and Ricardo flywheel systems use a mechanical
powertrain. The Flybrid flywheel is connected to the transmission of the vehicle via either a
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) or a Clutched Flywheel Transmission (CFT), and
manipulation of the transmission ratio achieves control of energy storage and recovery. The
Ricardo Kinergy flywheel concept features a flywheel in a hermetically-sealed
vacuum/containment vessel, and the flywheel is magnetically coupled to a CVT.
Porsche’s 911 GT3 R hybrid racer utilizing a WHP flywheel system demonstrated outstanding
success in 2010, its first season. Racing in the Nurburgring Long Distance Championship, the
hybrid Porsche took sixth place in Round 1 in March of 2010, took third place in Round 2 in
April of 2010, and in the Nurburgring 24 hour race in May led the race for more than 8 hours
before succumbing to engine trouble about 23 hours into the race. The WHP flywheel system is
powered during regen braking from two each 60 kW electric motors/generators on the front axle.
The 16-in. diameter flywheel rotor spins up to nearly 40,000 rpm (851 m/s peripheral velocity)
while storing up to 0.2 kWh. To supplement the 353 kW (480 hp) four-liter flat-six at the
vehicle rear when accelerating out of a bend or overtaking, the driver could call for the flywheel
to deliver up to 120 kW (160 hp) for about 6 to 8 seconds to the motors/generators on the front
axle (Reference 9). The hybrid Porsche has about 25% better fuel efficiency than vehicles with a
standard ICE and drivetrain, resulting in 20% fewer pit stops for fuel. Brake pads also last
longer, with only one brake change during the Nurburgring 24 hour race versus the standard 2 to
3 changes. The flywheel system does not wear out during that race. In contrast the director of
Porsche Motorsport, Hartmut Kristen, estimates that in a hybrid electric vehicle the lithium ion
battery would wear out about every 8 hours from the grueling power charge/discharge cycles
during the 24 Hours of Nurburgring (Reference 10).
Porsche in January of 2011 unveiled its new 918 RSR flywheel hybrid racer based on the 911
GT3 R developments (Reference 11). For this application the WHS flywheel accumulator
rotates up to 36,000 rpm to store energy that it can use to drive two motors/generators on the
front axle at 75 kW each for a total of 150 kW for about eight seconds when the flywheel is fully
charged. The flywheel supplements a 560 hp V8 direct injection engine mounted forward of the
rear axle. With the 918 RSR hybrid racer, Porsche is elevating the hybrid concept to the
experimental level.
Surge power from a Flybrid flywheel KERS supplemented an ICE to power the Hope Racing
LMP1 car in June 2011 and became the first hybrid car to compete in the LeMans 24-hour race
(Reference 12,13). The 60,000 rpm flywheel weighed only 11.4 lb (5.15 kg). The Flybrid
system employing a CFT in its mechanical powertrain provided an extra 97 kW (130 hp) from
the 38lb (17.2 kg) system, including the CFT. The CFT employs three gears along with high-
speed clutches to transmit drive in conjunction with the car gearbox.
A Flybrid flywheel provides energy storage for the new Jaguar XF developed in the United
Kingdom Flywheel Hybrid System for Premium Vehicles (FHSPV) project begun in 2008
(References 14,15). Jaguar Land Rover is the lead organization along with consortium members
Flybrid (flywheel), Prodrive (vehicle integration, software control and electronics), Ricardo
(consultancy), Torotrak (CVT), Xtrac (CVT), and Ford. The Flybrid 60,000 rpm flywheel
delivers 60 kW (80.4 hp) for up to seven seconds (delivered energy 0.117 kWh). Energy is
stored in the 143 lb (64.9 kg) flywheel system, including the CVT, as no batteries are utilized for
storage. A 20% fuel economy improvement is expected. Jaguar says that mechanical flywheel
hybrids are smaller, cheaper and more efficient than electrical powertrain hybrids. Ford is said
to also be considering the flywheel-CVT system.
Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) is currently evaluating Flybrid flywheel energy storage in a
mechanical powertrain employing a Torotrak CVT (References 16,17). Volvo vice-president,
Derek Crabb said “Tests in a Volvo car will get under way in the second half of 2011. This
technology has the potential for reducing fuel consumption by up to 20 per cent. What is more, it
gives the driver an extra horsepower boost, giving a four-cylinder engine acceleration like a six-
cylinder unit”. The 13.2 lb (6 kg) flywheel with a diameter of 7.87 in. (20 cm) running at over
60,000 rpm to provides the rear axle with an additional 60 kW (80.4 hp) to dramatically improve
acceleration. Mr. Crabb also said “The flywheel technology is relatively cheap. It can be used in
a much larger volume of our cars than top-of-the-line [hybrid] technology such as plug-in”.
Flywheel technology can play a major role in reducing CO2 emissions, as under the New
European Driving Cycle the ICE should be turned off for about half of the time.
Flybrid has also partnered with Magneti Marelli Motorsport to develop a flywheel capacitor that
uses an electric motor/generator for electrical powertrain application.
The Ricardo Kinergy flywheel concept features a flywheel in a hermetically-sealed
vacuum/containment vessel using magnetic gearing to couple the flywheel to a transmission
(Reference 18). This eliminates need for a vacuum pump and a vacuum seal on the output
rotating shaft. The magnetic gearing is claimed to be extremely efficient (>99%), and it
eliminates high speed gear tooth wear and associated vibration in the coupling. Windage losses
are significantly reduced, since a magnetic gear ratio of up to 10:1 means that the output shaft
operating in air is running at up to 10 times lower angular speed than the flywheel. Ricardo is
evaluating their Kinergy flywheel in UK Technology Strategy Board projects for both heavy-
duty and light-duty hybrids.
The FLYBUS project is evaluating the Ricardo Kinergy flywheel for a heavy-duty hybrid on an
Optare Solo bus (Reference 19 & 20). The flywheel is magnetically coupled to a Torotrak CVT
that is coupled to the standard power take-off unit on the bus’s Allison automatic transmission.
The hardware to be delivered at the end of 2011 is to improve fuel economy by 8%. A benefit of
21% is projected with upgrades for a 0.56 kWh (2MJ) flywheel. FLYBUS will demonstrate the
potential to retro-fit the current fleet of 500,000 buses in Europe, at a fraction of the cost of a
conventional battery hybrid.
The KinerStor project will evaluate two different flywheel systems for light-duty hybrids
(Reference 21). Industrial partners include CTG, JCB, Land Rover, SKF, Torotrak and WHP.
The Ricardo Kinergy system utilizes a flywheel magnetically coupled to a CVT in a mechanical
powertrain, while the WHP flywheel is coupled to a motor/generator in an electrical powertrain.
The project has potential for 30% fuel savings with equivalent CO
reductions at an on-cost of
$1,660 (£1,000). One conceivable implementation is to magnetically couple a Kinergy flywheel
to a power take-off unit on a dual clutch transmission.
Although this report focuses on flywheels for use as high power energy storage in hybrid
vehicles, stationary flywheel systems need to be briefly mentioned. Some of the most mature
flywheel technology currently resides in applications other than hybrid vehicles. Because
stationary flywheels do not have to deal with vehicular travel generated dynamic loads and
because light weight is not as much of an issue, development of stationary flywheels has
flourished. Stationary flywheel systems offer a great deal of insight into the maturity of flywheel
technology, as to-date, commercial activity has been quite prevalent for these flywheel systems.
If one is specifically interested in flywheels for stationary application, all of the organizations
listed in this assessment should be considered as well as other companies specializing strictly in
flywheels for stationary application.
Flywheels are also being developed for space application. NASA worked in the early 2000s on a
flywheel system to replace energy storage on the International Space Station (ISS). The
flywheel was to replace ISS nickel-hydrogen battery strings. Subscale hardware was tested at
60,000 rpm. The design for the flight unit used a 17 in. long and 13 in. diameter composite rotor
running at 53,000 rpm (916 m/s peripheral velocity) while delivering 2.8 kWh of energy
(Reference 22). Development of a standard (Reference 32, for space flywheels was funded by
NASA and the Air Force to support the ISS and other flywheels for use in space (see more in
Section 5.3). The ISS flywheel did not come to fruition because of ISS funding limitations, but
NASA Glenn Research Center has continued to support technology development that will one
day lead to a flywheel application in space.
4.2 Flywheel System Performance Parameters
Some performance parameters of interest are power and energy, expressed both in absolute terms
and also per unit mass (specific values) or per unit volume (density values). Therefore we have
plotted peak power versus delivered energy in Figure 4-1, specific power versus specific energy
in Figure 4-2, and power density versus energy density in Figure 4-3 using the values reported by
flywheel developers in their questionnaires. Values plotted are the same as those listed in Table
4-4. Please note that data for both light-duty and heavy-duty hybrid vehicle systems are plotted
on each of the Figures 4-1 to 4-3. To distinguish between light-duty and heavy-duty hybrids, the
light-duty hybrids have respondent names printed in regular font while for heavy-duty hybrids
the respondent names are in italics.
Delivered energy rather than gross energy is used to calculate specific energy and energy
density. Gross energy represents the total kinetic energy stored in the flywheel rotor system at
maximum operational speed, but since it is not practical to bring the flywheel to a halt when
speed cycling, the delivered energy is less than the gross energy by the amount of kinetic energy
remaining in the flywheel at minimum operational speed, as was demonstrated with Figure 3-2.
Figure 4-1 depicts the performance of flywheel system point designs in terms of peak power and
delivered energy. Suggested ranges for minimum values of power and energy listed in Table 2-1
for both light-duty and heavy-duty hybrid applications are annotated on the figure. Power or
energy levels greater than the minimums are acceptable, but lower levels are not. The suggested
range for light-duty vehicles is shown on Figure 4-1 as a box, and one should interpret
acceptable levels as either within the box or above and to the right of the box. Many flywheel
systems shown on the plot have parameters that meet or exceed one or both of the suggested
values. It should be pointed out that many flywheel systems can be operated in a modular
fashion, so delivered energy can be multiplied by employing multiple modules. For instance,
HyKinesys’ PowerBeam flywheel system modules employ pairs of contra-rotating rotors,
doubling the stored energy of one rotor. In addition the flywheel system of Mario Gottfried
requires two modules to boost peak power levels from the 60 kW provided from one module to
120 kW provided by two modules. Consideration of Figure 4-1 might suggest a) how many
flywheel modules are needed for a specific organization’s point design in order to provide
suggested delivered energy and b) how well the point design of a flywheel developer might meet
the needs of a hybrid application.
Flywheels for hybrid application should have a high power to energy ratio to serve as a load
leveler. It has been stated in the prior Abacus flywheel assessment (Reference 1) that for
automotive applications a power to energy ratio below about 20:1 is suitable for an electric
vehicle and a ratio above about 50:1 is appropriate for a hybrid electric vehicle requiring almost
no electric-only driving range. It must be repeated that these power to energy ratios were stated
in Reference 1 for light-duty automotive applications only. Lines of power to energy ratios of
20:1, 50:1 and 150:1 have been plotted on Figure 4-1. Note that the DOE suggested minimum
requirements for delivered power and energy for light-duty and heavy-duty hybrid vehicles both
exhibit power to energy ratios of about 80:1. Since for flywheels the delivered power and energy
can be designed independent of one another, flywheel systems for hybrid application can be
designed to have high power to energy ratios. Alternatively, other power to energy ratios desired
for other specific applications can also be designed into flywheel systems.
A distinction between flywheel systems designated for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles can be
seen in Figure 4-1. For the most part flywheel systems for heavy-duty vehicles (respondent
names in italics in figures) are positioned further from the origin of the axes, providing higher
peak power and delivered energy than for light-duty vehicles.
Figure 4-2 depicts the specific power versus specific energy for the flywheel system designs.
Specific properties are properties per unit mass, as per the definitions
Specific Power Peak Power/System Mass (11)
Specific Energy Delivered Energy/System Mass (12)
where: system mass excludes the mass of power electronics for the hybrid electrical powertrain
and excludes the mass of the CVT for the hybrid mechanical powertrain
High values of specific power and specific energy are representative of higher performance
flywheel systems per unit mass.
The previously discussed power to energy ratios of 20:1, 50:1 and 150:1 have been added as
lines in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-1. Peak power versus delivered energy.
(Light-duty in regular font and heavy-duty in italic font)
Figure 4-2. Specific power versus specific energy.
(Light-duty in regular font and heavy-duty in italic font)
Figure 4-3. Power density versus energy density.
(Light-duty in regular font and heavy-duty in italic font)
For the systems utilizing a mechanical powertrain, the CVT mass was not included in the system
mass used to calculate the specific power and specific energy. The justification for omitting the
CVT mass from the calculation is that the mass of non-energy storage components should not be
included in the calculation. This is the same reason that the power electronic mass was not
included. For calculation of specific power and specific energy for battery energy storage the
mass of the non-energy storage components listed in Table 4-1 are typically not included.
Comparable non-energy storage components for a hybrid with an electrical powertrain and
flywheel energy storage are shown in pink in Figure 3-1.
Figure 4-3 is a plot of power density versus energy density. The density properties are properties
per unit volume, defined as
Power Density Peak Power /System Volume (13)
Energy Density Delivered Energy/System Volume (14)
where: system volume excludes the volume of power electronics for the hybrid electrical
powertrain and excludes the volume of the CVT for the hybrid mechanical powertrain
For the systems utilizing a mechanical powertrain, the CVT volume was not included in the
system volume used to calculate the power density and energy density. The justification for
omitting the CVT volume from the calculation is that the volume of non-energy storage
components should not be included in the calculation. This is the same reason that the power
electronic volume was not included. For calculation of power density and energy density for
battery energy storage the volume of the non-energy storage components listed in Table 4-1 and
shown in pink in Figure 3-1 are also typically not included.
High values of both power density and energy density are obviously desirable, as low mass and
low volume for the energy storage system improve overall system performance. Relatively large
volumes required for a flywheel system designed with low values of power density and/or energy
density would be detrimental to a hybrid vehicle. The requirement to provide that “extra”
volume would increase the size and mass of the vehicle in order to house a large flywheel
system. This points out the benefit of a composite flywheel with its inherent low mass if
employed in a compact design.
4.3 Flywheel Systems Compared to Batteries and Ultracapacitors
A comparison between the performance of flywheels and batteries is instructive to understanding
the difference between the two methods of energy storage and power delivery. This assessment
has consistently characterized flywheels as high power energy storage devices. Flywheels are
not the greatest in terms of specific energy, but they are outstanding in terms of specific power.
Flywheels have the ability to absorb and deliver extremely high power levels; this makes them
ideal for the power assist hybrid application.
Information in Tables 4-5, 4-6 and 4-7 is from battery goals for three different types of electric
vehicles as set forth by the United States Advanced Battery Consortium LLC (USABC). The
complete sets of goals can be accessed at the USABC internet site (Reference 23). In the tables
USABC battery goals are listed along with current values for these same characteristics specified
by three different flywheel producers. We chose these producers because they both have
publicized ongoing exploratory development programs with vehicle original equipment
manufacturers. Flybrid Systems LLP is working with both Volvo Car Corporation and Jaguar
Land Rover on flywheel systems involving a mechanical powertrain, Ricardo is working with
Land Rover on flywheel systems magnetically coupled in a mechanical powertrain ,and Williams
Hybrid Power is collaborating with Porsche SE on flywheel systems involving an electrical
The high power (power assist) delivered by a flywheel system in an HEV is probably most
appropriately compared with the USABC Power Assist HEV Battery Goals in Table 4-5.
Flybrid, Ricardo and WHS flywheels respectively meet and exceed the Maximum Power-Assist
goals for discharge and regenerative power. The Flybrid and Ricardo systems do not meet the
available energy goal, as they chose not to do so, because they believe that the energy goal value
of 0.3 to 0.5 kWh for light-duty hybrids is too high, as discussed in Appendix E. The WHP
system exceeds the Minimum Power-Assist energy goal but is less than the Maximum. The
Flybrid and Ricardo systems exceed weight and volume goals, i.e. they are lighter and smaller
than both the Minimum and Maximum Power-Assist goals. In this regard, the WHS system
exceeds the Minimum and is less than the Maximum. The high power capability of flywheels
allows them to perform exceptionally well in the Power Assist HEV application.
In Table 4-6 flywheels are compared to USABC PHEV battery goals. Once again the Flybrid,
Ricardo and WHS flywheel systems meet or exceed goals relative to discharge power,
regenerative power, weight and volume. Their shortcoming is in providing a large quantity of
available energy for the charge depleting mode; understandable because flywheels are primarily
designed and sized to provide high power. It is clear that flywheels do not compete against
batteries for providing bulk energy storage such as is required for a PHEV, but they do exceed
power requirements for that application.
The comparison of flywheel performance to USABC Goals for Advanced Batteries for EVs in
Table 4-7 emphasizes the points previously made about the strengths and weaknesses of
flywheel energy storage. Both flywheel systems dramatically exceed specific power and power
density goals for EV batteries. However, flywheels cannot come close to meeting the energy
related goals of specific energy, energy density, and total pack size (deliverable energy) for EV
batteries. Nevertheless, the ratio of specific power to specific energy is thus hugely exceeded
(by over 100 times) for flywheels.
One concludes from the comparison between the performance of flywheels and batteries that the
most effective utilization of flywheels is in providing high power while providing just enough
energy storage to accomplish the power assist mission effectively. That design philosophy is
apparent in the Flybrid flywheel system design that sizes the energy storage based upon the
requirements for efficient storage in the flywheel of regenerative braking energy. In addition to
providing high power to assist an ICE in one conventional HEV application, flywheels could be
effectively utilized in conjunction with and complementary to batteries. A flywheel system
operating this way can extend the life of batteries by allowing their charge and discharge to be
less demanding and can even allow the batteries to be downsized and made less expensive to
purchase and maintain.
The following statements about ultracapacitors are from the section of the DOE Vehicle
Technologies Program web site devoted to ultracapacitors (Reference 24):
“Many applications can benefit from ultracapacitors, especially HEVs and
PHEVs. Ultracapacitors can be the primary energy source during acceleration and hill
climbing, as well as for recovery of braking energy because they are excellent at
providing quick bursts of energy. Using an ultracapacitor in conjunction with a battery
combines the power performance of the former with the greater energy storage capability
of the latter. It can extend the life of a battery, save on replacement and maintenance
costs, and enable a battery to be downsized. At the same time, it can increase available
energy by providing high peak power whenever necessary. However, the combination of
ultracapacitors and batteries requires additional power electronics, such as a DC/DC
converter, which would increase the cost of the vehicle.
The use of ultracapacitors for regenerative braking can greatly improve fuel
efficiency under stop-and-go urban driving conditions. Only ultracapacitors can capture
and store large amounts of electrical energy (generated by braking) and release it quickly
for the next acceleration”.
The principal attributes of ultracapacitors stated above can also be attributed to flywheels.
However, a significant difference between the capability of ultracapacitors and flywheels is in
the discharge pulse size and available energy. As shown by information on ultracapacitors in
Table 4-8, extracted from the USABC web site (Reference 23), the Flybrid, Ricardo and WHS
flywheel systems specified in this assessment have more available energy and provide a far
higher pulse of power than the goals for the most demanding ultracapacitor (42V Transient
Power Assist).
Extreme power available from a flywheel can enable vehicle designers to get optimal
performance out of HEVs. Engines can be downsized more when the high power from a
flywheel is available, leading to further improvements in fuel economy. For instance, Parry
People Movers downsized the ICE for railcar propulsion from 14 to 2.3 liters and added
regenerative braking by using a low speed, steel flywheel. As a result, fuel economy was
increased seven to eight times that of the former diesel railcar, while reducing CO
emissions by
over threefold! The 2.3 liter ICE with flywheel assist drives the 10 ton railcar with such good
acceleration that passenger service has increased 50%. In addition, a smaller ICE for an
automobile can allow the designer to better shape the vehicle to reduce the aerodynamic
coefficient of drag (to below C
= 0.20) and reduce vehicle frontal area, resulting in especially
significant mileage improvements for high speed cruising on the interstate.
The high power capability of flywheels even suggests flywheel applications beyond providing
surge power in conjunction with an ICE in a hybrid vehicle. Another possible application is to
provide high power assist to hydrogen/fuel cell hybrid vehicles.
Table 4-5. Flywheels compared with USABC Power Assist HEV Battery Goals (November 2002)
HEV Battery Goals
Flywheel Producers
Pulse discharge power (10s)
Peak regenerative pulse power (10s)
20 (55-Wh pulse)
35 (97-Wh pulse)
Total available energy (over DOD
range where power goals are met)
0.3 (at C/1 rate)
0.5 (at C/1 rate)
Maximum weight
Maximum volume
Table 4-6. Flywheels compared with USABC Plug-in HEV Battery Goals
PHEV Battery Goals
Flywheel Producers
Characteristics at EOL (End of Life)
Ratio Battery
Ratio Battery
Peak pulse discharge power (10 sec)
Peak regen pulse power (10 sec)
Available Energy for CD (Charge Depleting) Mode,
10 kW Rate
Available energy for CS (charge sustaining) mode
Maximum system weight
Maximum system volume
Table 4-7. Flywheels compared with USABC Goals for Advanced Batteries for EVs
Goals for Advanced Batteries for
Flywheel Producers
Parameter(Units) of fully burdened system
Minimum Goals for
Long Term
Long Term
Power density
Specific power - discharge, 80% DOD/30 sec
Specific power - regen, 20% DOD/10 sec
Energy density - C/3 discharge rate
Specific energy - C/3 discharge rate
Specific power/specific energy ratio
Total pack size (kWh)
Table 4-8. Flywheels compared with FreedomCar ultracapacitor end-of-life requirements
Goals for ultracapacitors
Flywheel Producers
System Attributes
42V Transient Power
Assist (TPA)
Discharge Pulse
13 kW
2 s
40 kW
10 s
79.2 kW
10 s
130 kW
10 s
Regenerative Pulse
8 kW
2 s
40 kW
10 s
10 s
130 kW
10 s
Available Energy (CP @1kW)
60 Wh
111 Wh
220 Wh
360 Wh
Recharge Rate (kW)
2.6 kW
60 to 110 kW
30 to 60 kW
110 kW average
By far the greatest technical challenge facing the developer of mobile flywheel systems is the
issue of safety and containment. A Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV)
hearing report (Reference 25) contains the following entries concerning flywheel safety:
“With respect to safety, it is not clear that a satisfactory solution has been found to the
problem of burst containment. It may be that avoidance of catastrophic burst rather than
burst containment is necessary for industry and public acceptance.” (p. 235)
“From both a customer acceptance and a product liability standpoint, it may be necessary for
vehicle manufacturers to make flywheels “fracture proof,” that is, to eliminate the
possibility they could come apart in a catastrophic fashion.” (p. 273)
For vehicular applications, it is extremely difficult to design a lightweight, low cost containment
system which can contain a full, high speed composite rotor burst failure. Therefore an approach
consistent with the previously quoted comments from the PNGV Program is to establish designs
and operating procedures such that full rotor burst failure modes are avoided. To be successful
at this approach it is essential that the designer be aware of the failure characteristics and
potential hazards that exist for high speed flywheels, as will be discussed henceforth.
5.1 Composite Rotors Have Different Failure Characteristics
The failure characteristics for composite flywheel rotors are significantly different than for metal
flywheel rotors, and the failure of a high speed composite rotor can create enormous loads due to
the very high energy transfer occurring over a short period of time. Large energy and short time
means high power. In the early days of composite flywheel rotor development, there existed a
period where the flywheel advocates were naive and made sales pitches which included the
“fact” that composite flywheels are “inherently safe because the rotor turns to fluff.” It is true
that some composite flywheel rotor failures have demonstrated benign failure modes where the
material became fuzzy or fluffy. Also, it is true that failed composite flywheels do not penetrate
their containment vessels like metal fragments; however, there can be large, unexpected loads
during the high speed failure of a composite flywheel. The tendency for the rotor to turn to fluff
may have been related to the use of Kevlar fiber or fiberglass composites and it may have been
characteristic of failures at lower tip speeds, below a threshold speed that is both material and
design dependent (nominally less than 800 to 900 m/s for Kevlar or fiberglass). Carbon fiber
composites behave dramatically different than Kevlar fiber or fiberglass composites.
Carbon fiber composite is a material of choice for many of the flywheels on the market today.
Table 3-1 showed that carbon/epoxy flywheels can exhibit very high specific kinetic energy.
When a carbon composite flywheel rotor fails and impacts a solid containment vessel above a
threshold speed, the rotor is broken into fine particles as the result of the impact. The particles
tend to move around the inside of the containment vessel, acting much like a fluid flowing on a
curved surface. The fluid-like phenomenon can lead to significant axial loads impacting the ends
of the containment structure, in addition to the expected radial and circumferential loads from
impact. This fluid flow phenomenon was discussed in detail, with both analytical and
experimental supporting evidence, at the flywheel workshops held in Oak Ridge Tennessee in
1993 (Reference 26) and 1995 (Reference 27). There have been numerous experimental tests
where the fluid flow phenomenon has been experienced. The dramatic, high speed burst mode
failures of carbon-fiber-reinforced composite flywheels exhibit the fluid flow phenomenon and
resulting impulse loads (short duration and extremely high magnitude). Some of the
experimental evidence for this phenomenon are:
1. Tests at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (especially the 1405 m/s Demo 1C failure in 1985).
The results of this test were shared with the international technical community in the previously
mentioned flywheel workshops in Oak Ridge. The large axial load on the lid of the containment
vessel broke numerous 0.75-inch diameter high strength lid bolts, but the lid was held onto the
tank by a set of larger bolts. A detailed evaluation of this rotor failure is provided in the report
ORNL/TM-13159 (Reference 28).
2. The intentional burst failure of a flywheel rotor in Europe in 1995 resulted in the death of one
of the test operators. The test chamber lid was not bolted onto the test chamber and operators
were in the same room with the test chamber. The test operators were apparently unaware of the
possibility of the large axial loads resulting from the burst failure of the composite rotor. When
the rotor failed, the axial load overcame the rig’s vacuum seal, forcing the lid open and ejecting
some rotor material from the containment vessel at high speed. The testing was being performed
for BMW in a laboratory near Munich, Germany run by IABG, a leading European technology
and service provider (Reference 29).
3. The Flywheel Safety and Containment program supported by the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) resulted in a number of dramatic, high-load burst failures of
composite flywheel rotors. Flywheel spin testing was conducted in the DARPA program at Test
Devices Incorporated, in Hudson, Massachusetts.
5.2 Design Approaches To Reduce Flywheel Risk
With the significant amount of evidence showing the hazards involved with a high speed
flywheel burst mode failure, it is not acceptable for flywheel advocates to downplay the issue of
safety and containment. It would be unprofessional and unethical to continue to advocate the use
of composite rotors based on a claim that they are “inherently safe”. Flywheel rotors must be
designed to operate with low risk, as has been successfully accomplished for rotors in gas turbine
engines, which also run at very high speeds.
The general public accepts the very low risk associated with gas turbine jet engine failures. The
issue is risk, which is the product of probability (of a particular failure mode) and consequence
(of the same failure mode). For the jet engine the risk is maintained at a low level by a
combination of design, certification, manufacturing controls, inspections, operating procedures,
and maintenance. The risk for the failure mode of a broken blade is treated completely different
from failure of the relatively massive hub on which the blades are mounted. A containment
shroud is provided to stop broken blades, thereby mitigating the consequence of a failed blade.
However, the containment shroud is not designed to contain a hub failure. The consequence of
an engine hub failure is likely a lost aircraft, so the probability of a hub failure must be set
infinitesimally small so that risk, the product of probability and consequence, is acceptably
small. Basically it is the responsibility of jet engine designers to make sure that a hub failure
“never happens” and to assure that a broken blade is always contained.
Flywheel safety issues must be addressed during the design and testing phases of development to
ensure that production flywheel systems can be used with adequately low risk. The flywheel
developer is responsible for conduct of the necessary tests to demonstrate that a given flywheel
system design can be operated with extremely low risk for all failure modes. As for the jet
engine, the issue is risk, which is the product of probability and consequence. Flywheel
developers must consider all possible failure modes, while working to reduce the probability of
their occurrence and to reduce their consequence such that the product of probability and
consequence is acceptable.
A combination of design approaches to reduce flywheel risk can lead to a safe design. Individual
design approaches are discussed below:
1. Stay away from ultimate stress. This approach involves designing with a significant stress
margin between operating stress and ultimate stress. The designer must, of course, consider
radial and axial stresses in addition to the large hoop stresses. Using a rotor design with a large
stress margin can result in long rotor life. The designer must include consideration of stress life
and cyclic fatigue failure modes.
Some flywheel developers have come to the conclusion that, for mobile applications, it is
extremely difficult to design a lightweight, low cost containment system which can contain a
full, high speed composite rotor burst failure. Their approach then is to establish designs and
operating procedures such that these full rotor burst failure modes are absolutely avoided. A
review (Reference 30) of the PNGV program expressed the foregoing sentiments in the
following way:
“A key development is the design of an adequate containment mechanism in the
case of failure. The flywheel technical team has followed several strategies and has
essentially overcome this significant barrier. Perhaps the most important advance is the
growing evidence that flywheels (or portions thereof) that fail at low stress-to-strength
ratios do not “burst” but remain intact. This knowledge dictates that the rotating parts
have a high ultimate strength-to-maximum operating stress ratio (about 4:1).
Retaining “loose flywheels” is significantly easier than containing fragments
because of the increased time for energy dissipation. The new design strategy for
flywheel housings is designed to retain loose flywheels and contain fragments from
partial flywheel failures instead of containing a complete burst and disintegration of a
flywheel. This design strategy also attempts to manage energy as it dissipates. Limiting
the use of flywheels to fast-response power plants reduces the energy storage
requirements and permits the design to meet the safety goal for strength-to-stress ratio
with a manageable increase in weight.”
2. Design a rotor that fails incrementally. Various schemes have been proposed where a small
outer portion of the rotor is operating at higher stress, making it the most likely failure point.
The strategy is to let part of the rotor fail, but avoid burst mode failure of the remainder of the
flywheel. The containment system can then be designed to contain the smaller amount of energy
which is released when the outer portion of the rotor fails.
3. Use instrumentation to detect changes in rotor operation and stop operation before failure
occurs. This strategy is probably not sufficient to ensure that a burst mode failure will not occur,
but it can be used in combination with other methods to help reduce the probability of having a
burst mode failure. Several types of instrumentation can be considered: Runout probes can
detect small changes in rotor balance. Accelerometers can detect changes in vibration. Acoustic
sensors can detect rotor cracking. Magnetic bearings can be used as vibration detectors.
4. Incorporate containment tailored to the flywheel design. If the probability of a rotor burst
cannot be set sufficiently low, containment is needed to reduce the consequence of the burst. If
burst can be avoided through design, containment must still retain flywheels that could come
loose and must contain fragments from partial flywheel failures.
An example of tailoring containment for flywheels is use of a “rotatable liner” to significantly
reduce potentially huge torques from a burst flywheel. An example of this approach by the
University of Texas Center for Electromechanics (UT-CEM) was part of their participation in the
DARPA Flywheel Safety and Containment program. The flywheel failure mode documented in
the article (Reference 31) was rotor burst. The approach to demonstrating low risk for this
failure mode was to mitigate the consequence of a carbon-fiber-reinforced rotor burst by use of a
free-floating, rotatable composite containment structure, basically cylindrical in shape. The
article discusses reducing the effect of impulsive burst loads as measured by restraining torque
and side loads that were reduced by an order of magnitude over results of previous tests. The
experiment demonstrated safe containment of a flywheel burst at full speed.
In the event of a vehicle collision the designer must consider loads transmitted from the vehicle
to the flywheel system for any design approach. These crash events are what make design of
vehicular mounted flywheels so much more challenging than stationary flywheels used for other
applications. Some items which must be considered are vehicle high-g loading, impact loads on
the flywheel system, shaft and web integrity, touch-down bearings, radial and axial clearances,
etc. Magnet Motor, GmbH has conducted tests where an operating flywheel system that was
conservatively designed was subjected to a sudden side load of 15g to simulate the loads of a
vehicle collision. Their flywheel system survived the test. A Flybrid flywheel, designed for a
race car, was tested at >20g deceleration in a Formula One crash test facility while spinning at
full speed (64,500 rpm). The flywheel was undamaged and still spinning after the test. Many
different mounting arrangements are possible for the flywheel system, including soft suspensions
or gimbals, and the capacity to handle vehicle collision loads must be demonstrated by testing.
The authors of this assessment report containment masses provided by respondents in their
completed questionnaires, but the authors do not purport that the respondents’ containment
systems are adequate for safety. As previously stated the PNGV program (Reference 31)
guideline for avoiding rotor burst was to have an ultimate strength of about 4 times the operating
stress. For flywheel systems operating at a peripheral velocity or tip speed of 700 m/s the
material ultimate strengths are probably not >4 times operating stress, so a robust containment
system is necessary. Furthermore it is questionable whether the flywheel systems with
peripheral velocities of 700 m/s and low containment mass are adequate to provide the low risk
required for vehicular applications. Of course the use of about a factor of safety of 4 on hoop
stress is only a guideline, and flywheel designs must be exhaustively tested to assure safe
operation, as is discussed in the next section on a flywheel standard. The proof that systems with
low peripheral velocity that employ Design Approach 1 “Stay away from ultimate stress” can
operate safely is borne out by the L3-MM operation since 1988 of 12 buses with >60,000 hours
of operation or the equivalent of 1,000,000 speed cycles each.
5.3 Flywheel Standard for Safe and Reliable Operation for Space Applications
An effort funded by NASA and the Air Force succeeded in developing an ANSI/AIAA standard
for flywheel rotor assemblies for space applications. The standard entitled “Space Systems –
Flywheel Rotor Assemblies” can be purchased from the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (Reference 32). The standard established baseline requirements for the design,
fabrication, test, inspection, storage, and transportation of flywheel rotor assemblies used in a
spaceflight flywheel system for energy storage and/or spacecraft attitude control. These
requirements when implemented on a particular spaceflight system will assure a high level of
confidence in achieving safe and reliable operation.
The approach taken in the standard for flywheel rotor assemblies for space systems is to build in
sufficient safety margin so that a containment system for the purpose of containing a failed rotor
is not required. To verify the design a series of qualification tests are conducted, including
running a test article at 1.225 times the Maximum Expected Operating Speed (MEOS) for a
minimum of five minutes without catastrophic failure. Each rotor to be fielded must pass a
series of acceptance tests, including a proof spin test at 1.1 times MEOS for ten minutes. Since
as explained in Section 3.4 the hoop stress in the rotor is proportional to the square of the
operating speed, the speeds of 1.225 times MEOS and 1.1 times MEOS produce hoop stresses in
the rotor of 1.5 and 1.21 times operating stress respectively.
The spaceflight standard could be an excellent starting point for a standard for safety of
flywheels for ground based vehicular application. Most of the spaceflight standard is directly
applicable to a vehicular application.
Flywheel high power energy storage system technology applicable to load leveling in a heavy-
duty hybrid vehicle has matured dramatically in recent years. Magnet-Motor GmbH flywheel
systems operated on a fleet of heavy-duty hybrid buses in Europe since 1988 provide a
considerable history of and testament to safe use of flywheels on heavy-duty hybrid vehicles.
Demonstration of flywheel systems on heavy-duty hybrid buses by the Centre for Concepts in
Mechatronics (CCM) in the Netherlands provided added experience of successful application
directly relevant to Department of Energy heavy-duty hybrid vehicle development programs.
Mature uses of flywheel technology in light-duty vehicles have occurred exclusively in Europe
in a number of racing venues and also in road car advanced evaluations. WHP flywheels have
raced for two years in the Nurburgring Long Distance Championship, and Flybrid flywheels
raced in the LeMans 24-hour race. Relative to road vehicles, WHP is working with Porsche on
the 918 RSR flywheel electrical powertrain application. Flybrid is developing flywheels with
mechanical powertrains with two OEMs: with Jaguar Land Rover on the Jaguar XF hybrid and
with Volvo on a low cost hybrid road car. A 20% fuel economy improvement is expected for
both the Jaguar and Volvo flywheel hybrid applications. Ricardo is applying flywheels with
mechanical powertrains on buses and automobiles. The FLYBUS project promises to improve
bus fuel economy by 8 to 21% with a retro-fit of a flywheel and CVT coupled to the power take-
off unit on the Optare Solo bus’s Allison automatic transmission. The KinerStor project with
OEM Land Rover targets a goal of 30% fuel savings for autos at a flywheel /transmission system
on-cost of only $1,660 (£1,000)!
One concludes from the comparison between the performance of flywheels and batteries that the
most effective utilization of flywheels is in providing high power while providing just enough
energy storage to accomplish the power assist mission effectively. Flywheels meet or exceed the
power related goals (discharge power, regenerative power, specific power, power density, weight
and volume) for HEV and EV batteries and also for ultracapacitors. Flywheels provide high
power energy storage, with emphasis on the high power.
Stationary applications of flywheels by a host of companies are pushing technology
improvements that may benefit use of flywheels on hybrid vehicles.
Safety issues that have held back the application of high power flywheels on automobiles
continue to receive attention. DARPA has sponsored programs to study flywheel failure
mechanisms and flywheel safe use. The ANSI/AIAA standard for flywheel rotor assemblies for
space applications established requirements for safe and reliable operation of flywheels. Most of
the spaceflight standard is directly applicable to a vehicular application. The spaceflight
standard can be an excellent starting point for a standard for safety of flywheels for ground based
vehicular application.
The October 2009 FIA endorsement of flywheels in hybrid vehicles, stating that “Technology
such as flywheels reducing dependence on batteries and concentrating on ICE load shift proves
to be the most promising way forward” is relevant to desired vehicular efficiency improvements.
The time is right for evaluation of flywheel high power energy storage systems for both light-
duty and heavy-duty vehicular application. The benefits may be worth pursuing in earnest at this
In light of the strong endorsement given to flywheels by FIA in October 2009 (see FIA policy
statement on page 4), it is recommended that DOE programs give flywheel high power energy
storage renewed consideration for application in hybrid vehicles. Europeans are leading the
application of flywheels to both light-duty and heavy-duty hybrid vehicles. There is extensive
European experience with flywheels for heavy-duty vehicles, i.e. buses, city trains or trams. For
recent European flywheel developments for light-duty hybrid race vehicles and in mass produced
hybrid road vehicles see Williams Hybrid Power Limited, Flybrid Systems LLP, and Ricardo
UK Ltd developments in Section 4.1 of this report. These European developments demonstrate
the potential of flywheels for both heavy- and light-duty hybrid vehicles.
Some European flywheel developers question the level of energy storage required for a high
power flywheel in an HEV application, as explained in Appendix E. A study should be
undertaken to determine the level of delivered energy to maximize system performance.
A major technical issue for flywheel developers is the necessity to maintain safety for the high
speed flywheel rotor, and to appropriately balance the management pressure to produce a
lightweight system. With many flywheel developers working on numerous configurations, it is
important that they place first priority on demonstration of containment safety. Developers of
high speed rotating equipment have encountered a long list of surprises in dealing with
containment issues. Those developers with limited actual experience with high speed rotors will
inevitably face many of the same surprises. Benefitting from past experience and documented
test experience can help new flywheel developers attain a safe containment configuration.
Achieving a safe flywheel system requires careful attention to design issues, extensive failure
testing to demonstrate the containment method, and formal certification procedures. An
industry-wide peer-reviewed standard certification process could be a significant benefit to the
flywheel development community and to vehicle OEMs. An accident resulting from a
containment failure by any one of the flywheel developers would be detrimental to the entire
industry. DOE could be the catalyst in establishing a flywheel standard certification process and
perhaps standardized testing procedures for ground vehicles, following the approach taken by
NASA and the Air Force in developing a standard for flywheel applications in space.
1. Abacus Technology Corporation, An Assessment of Flywheel Energy Storage
Technology for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, Office
of Transportation Technologies, July 3, 1996.
2. FIA Commission for Environmentally Sustainable Motor Sport, FIA Environmentally
Sustainable Motor Sport Policy, Paris, France, October, 2009.
3. Ruddell, A., Storage Technology Report: WP-ST6 Flywheel in Investigation on Storage
Technologies for Intermittent Renewable Energies: Evaluation and Recommended R&D
Strategy, European Community 5
Framework Programme Contract No. ENK5-CT-2000-
20336, June 17, 2003.
4. Taylor, P., et al., A Summary of the State of the Art of Superconducting Magnetic
Energy Storage Systems, Flywheel Energy Storage Systems, and Compressed Air Energy
Storage Systems, SAND99-1854, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mex., July,
5. Military Handbook 5G, Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle
Structures, U.S. Department of Defense, November 1, 1994.
6. Burress, T.A. , et al., Evaluation of the 2008 Lexus LS 600H Hybrid Synergy Drive
System, ORNL/TM-2008/185, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
January, 2009.
7. Burress, T.A. , et al., Evaluation of the 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY Hybrid Synergy Drive
System, ORNL/TM-2007/190, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, April,
8. Ayers, C.W. , et al., Evaluation of the 2004 Toyota Prius Hybrid Electric Drive System
Interim Report-Revised, ORNL/TM-2004/247, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, July, 2007.
9. Porsche AG Press Release, "911 GT3 R Hybrid Celebrates World Debut in Geneva,"
11&pool=international-de, February 11, 2010.
10. Popular Mechanics, "How It Works: Porsche 911's GT3R Hybrid Flywheel,”
October 8, 2010.
11. Electric Vehicle News, "Porsche unveils 918 RSR flywheel hybrid racer @ Detroit,"
hybrid.html, January 10, 2011.
12. Eisenstein, P.A., “A Hybrid Without the Battery?,”
http://www.thedetroitbureau.com/2011/06/a-hybrid-without-the-battery/, Jun.30, 2011.
13. Racecar Engineering, “Flywheel hybrid systems (KERS),” http://www.racecar-
engineering.com/articles/f1/flywheel-hybrid-systems-kers/, April 24, 2011.
14. Kong, B., Motor Trend, “Jaguar XF Puts Prototype Flywheel Hybrid System to the
Test,” http://wot.motortrend.com/jaguar-xf-puts-prototype-flywheel-hybrid-system-to-the-test-
9614.html, September 20 2010.
15. Squatriglia, C., Autopia, “KERS Comes to Cars as Jaguar Tests Flywheel Hybrid,”
http://www.wired.com/autopia/2010/10/flywheel-hybrid-system-for-premium-vehicles/, October
28, 2010.
16. The Engineer, “CVT Technology Set For Key Role In Volvo Flywheel Evaluation,”
flywheel-evaluation/1008854.article, June 1, 2011.
17. Automotive Engineering International Online, “Volvo Spins Up Flywheel Technology
Research,” http://www.sae.org/mags/aei/9924, June 19, 2011.
18. “Wheels: The Science of Spin-Flywheels,” Ricardo Quarterly Review, Q4, December
19. Fuller, J. and Atkins, A., “Hardware Development of FLYBUS - Flywheel Based
Mechanical Hybrid Systems for Bus & Commercial Vehicles,” Presentation at 2nd VDI
Conference -Transmission in Commercial Vehicles 2011, Friedrichshafen, Germany, June 7,
20. Fuller, J. and Atkins, A., “Flywheel Based Mechanical Hybrid System For Bus &
Commercial Vehicle Applications Including Retrofit Programme,” Presentation at Low Carbon
Vehicles Show, Rockingham, U.K., September 2011.
21. Press Release, “KinerStor Project Aims To Demonstrate Viability Of Low Cost
Flywheel Hybrid Systems,” Ricardo Plc., November 24, 2009.
22. NASA Glenn Research Center, "Flywheel Energy Storage system Designed for the
International Space Station," www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/RT/RT2001/6000/6910tyburski.html,
June 2002.
23. USABC internet site for Energy Storage System Goals,
http://www.uscar.org/guest/article_view.php?articles_id=85, July 2011.
24. DOE Vehicle Technologies Program internet site for ultracapacitors,
July 2011.
25. The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV): Assessment of Program
Goals, Activities and Priorities, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment
of the Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives, July 30, 1996 [No. 75].
26. O’Kain, D. and Howell, D., Flywheel Energy Storage Technology Workshop,
Conference 9311155, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, December 31, 1993.
27. O’Kain, D., et al., Flywheel Energy Storage Workshop, Conference 9510242, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, December 31, 1995.
28. Kass, M.D., et al., Evaluation of Demo 1C Composite Flywheel Rotor Burst Test And
Containment Design, ORNL/TM-13159, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Jul 1, 1998.
29. Ashley, S., Designing Safer Flywheels, Mechanical Engineering Magazine, ASME
International, Vol. 118, No. 11, pp. 88-91, November, 1996.
30. National Research Council, Review of the Research Program of the Partnership for a
New Generation of Vehicles: Fourth Report by Standing Committee to Review the Research
Programs of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles, National Academy Press,
Washington D.C., 1998.
31. Strubhar, J. L., et al., Lightweight Containment for High-Energy Rotating Machines,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 378-383, January 2003.
32. ANSI/AIAA S-096-2004, Space Systems Flywheel Rotor Assemblies, American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, November 30, 2004.
33. Ugural, A. C. and Fenster, S. K., Advanced Strength and Applied Elasticity, Elsevier
North Holland Publishing Company, Inc., New York, New York, 1979.
34. Bolund, B., et. al., Flywheel Energy and Power Storage Systems, Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier, Vol. 11, pp. 235-258, 2007.
35. USABC internet site for Energy Storage System Goals,
http://www.uscar.org/guest/article_view.php?articles_id=87, January 2012.
Note: References 6, 7, 8, 27, 28, and 29 are available on the DOE Information Bridge at
CCM: Centre for Concepts in Mechatronics 3
Flybrid Systems LLP 7
Flywheel Energy Systems Inc 11
HyKinesys Inc 13
L-3 Communications Magnet-Motor GmbH 15
Mario Gottfried 17
Parry People Movers Ltd 21
Ricardo UK Ltd 29
Tribology Systems, Inc 33
University of Texas-Center for Electromechanics 37
Williams Hybrid Power Limited 39
Instructions for Completing Questionnaire Items 41
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Flywheel Energy Storage System Specification (Heavy-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
CCM: Centre for Concepts in Mechatronics; Dr.ir. Frans Thoolen
P.O. Box 12, NL-5670 AA Nuenen; De Pinckart 24, NL-5674 CCM
Nuenen; Phone +31 (0)40-2635000; Fax +31 (0)40-2635555; The
Netherlands; E-mail Frans.Thoolen @ccm.nl; Internet www.ccm.nl
Other Partners
Cooperation with industrialization partner(s) is sought.
Rotor module is composed of thick rim carbon composite flywheel, integrated
with rotor of permanent magnet machine. Rotor is attached via rotor flange to
bearing spindle
Design and Materials
Rotor composed of steel cylinder at inner bore lined with permanent magnets
(=outer rotor electrical machine) and at outer bore enclosed by flywheel rim,
made of filament wound carbon fibre-epoxy composite material
Operating Speed Range
Max 22,000 rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
700 m/s; 840 m/s at over speed test
3 Phase synchronous permanent magnet, exterior type (rotor runs integrate
outside stator), integrated in hub of flywheel
Voltage, Current, and
System can directly be coupled to DC Voltage bus: DC voltage 420 - 800 V max;
DC current 400 A max
Number of Phases (AC)
Frequency Range (AC)
I kHz max.
Power Electronics
Current Source Inverter based on thyristors with integrated chopper based on
IGBT switches
Bearing cartridge based on ceramic ball bearings (grease lubricated; design life
Light weight (100 kg) containment structure for vacuum environment (no
continuous vacuum pumping); System safety is under redesign
Delivered Energy (kWh)
Peak (continuous) Power
300 kW peak; 200 kW continuously
Mass (kg)
375 kg
Containment Mass (kg)
Volume (L)
190 L
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
10.6 Wh/kg (usable)
Specific Power (W/kg)
800 W/kg
Energy Density (Wh/L)
21 Wh/L
Power Density (W/L)
1578 W/L
Round-trip Efficiency
and Measurement Method
90 %, measured during one cycle of full charge & discharge
Cost of System
Primary Application
Load leveling in trams for eco mode (with overhead wire as primary power
source) and autonomy mode (off-wire operation); load leveling for floating cranes
(energy and emission reduction)
Level of Maturity
Beta model testing has shown insufficient safety; Gamma model design with
improved safety ready; Testing, Validation and Certification of Gamma model still
to be done.
Above specs apply for RxV-II type of EMAFER (Electromechanical
Accumulator for Energy Re-use) flywheel systems. The RxV-II type is a medium
sized flywheel system; other system sizes for lower (Light -Duty vehicles) and higher
energy and power ratings (from 0,3 kWh and 50 kW up to 10 kWh and 600 kW) are
possible and partly in preparation.
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the bearings, and the
containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to allow a more direct comparison
with published chemical battery data
The EMAFER flywheel system is based on a high speed composite (carbon fibre) flywheel
integrated with a synchronous permanent magnet motor/generator and controlled by a powerful bi-
directional power converter with high frequency power switches. The complete flywheel
system can, e.g. for rail vehicle application, be packaged into a roof cabinet as illustrated
below and is comprised of the following modules, see also next Figure.
Figure: Flywheel box
Flywheel-Motor/Generator-Unit (FMG)
The FMG is very compact by its modular construction. The energy is stored as mechanical energy
(rotational) and is exchanged electrically via the three phases of the synchronous permanent magnet
machine (motor/generator).
The containment is coupled to the vehicle via a cardanic suspension. This cardanic suspension isolates
vibrations and gyroscopic forces to and from the vehicle.
4 kWh / 300 kW, 22000
rpm 0780 x 450 mm, 375
Electronic power converter
The electronic power converter couples the three phases of the FMG with the vehicle DC link. The
converter is composed of a current source inverter with a chopper, linked to each other via a
choke. The chopper allows for fluctuations in DC voltage level, enabling all electric compatibility (for
use in autonomous vehicles as well as vehicles with external energy supply). Also it allows for direct
coupling with the DC bus of the vehicle thus enabling integration of the flywheel system as a
"click-on" system.
The controller controls the converter and the auxiliary, monitors the condition and takes care of
the communication with the vehicle control via a serial link (CAN, MVB or others on request).
As an option the EMAFER flywheel system can be equipped with an intelligent power and energy
management system for optimum performance and efficiency.
Cooling system
There is a cooling system for heat removal and temperature control of the FMG and the
converter. A vacuum pump is only at start up required. These are the only auxiliaries, there is no
lubrication pump required.
AC and DC switchgear
The AC-switch gears (contactors), including fuses, provide system safety by coupling and
decoupling of the FMG and converter in case of emergency situations. The DC-switch gears enable
the coupling and decoupling of the PPU to the vehicle DC-link and provides as well system
safety in case of emergency situations.
Benefits of the EMAFER in vehicular application are:
Energy savings (up to 40% in urban operation); Peak power capability enabling high vehicle
performance with excellent drivability; Dispense with electric supply infrastructure; Emissions
from less than EURO 5 standards to zero; Minimization of noise; Environmental protection.
CCM has a long experience in flywheel technology. The flywheel project, commenced in 1986,
has demonstrated flywheel energy storage technology as a viable energy saving and emission
reducing resource for on-board public transport vehicles. Alpha and Beta models of the RxV-II
Flywheel have been tested in relevant environment (pilots in Citadis Tram of Alstom and
AutoTram road vehicle of Fraunhofer Institute), corresponding with a Technology Readiness
Level TRL 6 (on a scale 1 to 9, where 1 is concept level and 9 is product level).
Extensive validation tests for reliability have demonstrated that the safety level of the Beta
model was insufficient and that, also for certification purposes, a flywheel and containment
redesign were required.
The new design of the Gamma model of the RxV-II Flywheel has been finalized. Testing,
Validation and Certification of the Gamma model are still to be done.
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Flywheel Energy Storage System Specification (Light-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
Flybrid Systems LLP.
Silverstone Innovation Centre, Silverstone Circuit, Silverstone,
Northamptonshire, NN12 8GX, United Kingdom
Tel: 0044 1327 856106 email: [email protected]
Other Partners
The Flybrid system uses CVT technology under license from Torotrak
and the transmission is engineered and manufactured by Xtrac
Design and Materials
Steel hub with a carbon fiber filament wound rim
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
Up to 60,000 rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
Voltage, Current, and
Number of Phases (AC)
Frequency Range (AC)
Power Electronics
Rolling element
Proprietary design of lightweight containment system covered by
patent application
Delivered Energy (kWh)
0.111 kWh (400 kJ) but scalable to larger sizes
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
110 kW, minimum 60 kW anywhere in the running range
Mass (kg)
25 kg complete, 13 kg excluding transmission
Containment Mass (kg)
5 kg
Volume (L)
18 L, 9 L excluding transmission
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
8.54 (for system excluding transmission)
Specific Power (W/kg)
8460 (for system excluding transmission)
Energy Density (Wh/L)
12.3 (for system excluding transmission)
Power Density (W/L)
12,200 (for system excluding transmission)
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
70% for a storage event from zero to full storage capacity followed by
a 5 second wait and then complete release of all stored energy
Cost of System
$2,000 for mass produced units in quantities of 150,000 per annum
Primary Application
Passenger cars, petrol or diesel engine prime mover with mechanical
flywheel hybrid kinetic energy recovery
Level of Maturity
Prototype vehicle built and tested by Jaguar Cars. Delivering fuel
savings up to 20% on real world test cycles.
This is a fully mechanical system with no power electronic
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the
bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to
allow a more direct comparison with published chemical battery data.
The Flybrid system is a high-speed flywheel based energy storage and recovery system.
The flywheel is connected to the transmission of the vehicle via a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)
and manipulation of the CVT ratio achieves control of energy storage and recovery. When the ratio is changed
so as to speed up the flywheel energy is stored, and when the ratio is changed so as to slow down the flywheel
energy is recovered.
This technology is not new. Flywheel energy storage has been used in hybrid vehicles such as busses, trams and
prototype cars before, but the installation tended to be heavy and the gyroscopic forces of the flywheel were
significant. Flybrid Systems have now overcome these limitations.
The key difference with the Flybrid device is the flywheel speed. Rotating at up to 64,500 RPM the flywheel
can be very much smaller and lighter than has previously been possible and the gyroscopic forces are also
reduced to a level that can be considered insignificant. This advance in speed has been made possible by
several key inventions for which patent protection has been applied.
The Flybrid system is very powerful and of course power is important in a racing car, but in fact it is also very
important in a road car. All road cars are capable of very high power transfer during braking, and the key to
hybrid system effectiveness is capturing as much of this normally wasted energy as possible.
The Flybrid system is very efficient in comparison to electric alternatives, has a long life with very low
performance degradation and has no end of life recycling issues.
Road car systems have been developed and demonstrated in conjunction with several OEM carmakers. Public
domain Flybrid clients include Jaguar Cars and Volvo Cars. The Jaguar car in particular has completed many
months of testing with very good reliability. It has completed over 75,000,000 flywheel revolutions in car and
around 5,000 miles of physical testing.
Several Flybrid clients are progressing well towards mass production. The predicted price of mass produced
systems is low, as the system is made almost entirely of conventional materials processed by conventional
In 2010 Flybrid Systems developed a new version of the mechanical flywheel hybrid system that does not need
a CVT transmission. The new system uses a Flybrid patented Clutched Flywheel Transmission or CFT to
achieve an even smaller size, lower weight and lower cost. In this new system a series of small clutches
perform a controlled slip to transmit the drive between the flywheel and the vehicle. This system has an
efficiency of 64% round trip.
This new CFT based system raced in the Le Mans 24-hour race in June 2011 and by doing so powered the first
ever hybrid car to compete in the famous race. The new system is rated at 100 kW with 540 kJ (150 Wh) of
storage and weighs less than 38 kg complete including the flywheel, containment, transmission, lubrication,
fluids, cooling and control systems.
The new CFT transmission opens up the possibility for very small and low cost hybrid systems such as may be
suitable for small passenger cars.
Flybrid also have clients in bus, truck and off-highway fields of application.
Below are shown several of the many implementations of Flybrid flywheel systems.
Typical Flybrid flywheel
Flybrid flywheel system fitted to Jaguar test car in
Flywheel Hybrid System for
Premium Vehicles Project
Flybrid Kinetic Energy Recovery System
with Clutched Flywheel Transmission.
This new CFT based system raced in the Le Mans 24-
hour race in June 2011 and by doing so powered the
first ever hybrid car to compete in that famous race.
Flybrid supercar hybrid system
now on test with the client
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Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications (Heavy-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
Flywheel Energy Systems Inc.
25C Northside Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K2H 8S1Canada
T: 613-596-0856
F: 613-596-6052
Other Partners
Design and Materials
Aluminum alloy hub
Glass and carbon reinforced epoxy rim
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
14,000 rpm 28,000 rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
730 m/s
Permanent magnet, synchronous ac, liquid cooled
Voltage, Current, and
No comment.
Number of Phases (AC)
Frequency Range (AC)
467 Hz 933 Hz
Power Electronics
DSP controlled bi-directional variable frequency converter
Hybrid ceramic ball bearings
Delivered Energy (kWh)
0.750 kWh
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
120 kW peak (70 kW continuous)
Mass (kg)
150 kg
Containment Mass (kg)
0 kg
Volume (L)
125 litres
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
5 Wh/kg
Specific Power (W/kg)
800 W/kg peak (467 W/kg continuous)
Energy Density (Wh/L)
6 Wh/litre
Power Density (W/L)
960 W/litre peak (560 W/litre continuous)
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
>86% at 70 kW (DCAC→Flywheel Rotor→AC→DC)
Cost of System
Present: $75,000. Future goal: <$20,000.
Primary Application
Experimental laboratory system with a goal of use in heavy hybrid
Level of Maturity
Performance numbers tested and verified in laboratory conditions.
No field trials, beta sites or commercial deployments.
The containment mass is cited as 0 kg. The machine has a vacuum
enclosure but this enclosure is not intended to contain a rotor burst.
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the
bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to
allow a more direct comparison with published chemical battery data.
This machine combines a short duration, high power handling capability with low mass and small volume.
The rotor relies upon significant stress margins and test heritage to provide a safe, long life machine. The
combination of these performance characteristics makes this machine a suitable choice for deployment in
heavy hybrid vehicles.
A similar, more highly stressed composite rotor was tested to over 10
The unit is tolerant of all vehicle platform motions. It has been tested to pitch and/or roll rates of 10° per
second, through +/-10° of arc, and under various complex loading spectra composed of vehicle platform
dynamic motions in the range of 1 Hz through 20 Hz.
Performance and simulated vehicle testing included over 1700 hours of run time in the laboratory. Power
profiles were designed to simulate operation in a hybrid city bus on the Manhattan, New York Composite and
Orange County Transit Authority schedules. Simultaneously, random vibration testing signatures were
applied to provide a high fidelity laboratory simulation of deployment on a hybrid city bus.
This machine was developed by Flywheel Energy Systems Inc. with financial assistance from the CANMET
Energy Technology Centre, Natural Resources Canada.
Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications (Light-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
Cyrus Irani, President, 310 265 2252, cyrus.irani@hykinesys.com
27520 Hawthorne Boulevard #205, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Other Partners
DuPont and IBM
Design and Materials
'Self-contained' design principle, with one or more pairs of counter-
rotating rotors made of steel and fiber composite.
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
10,000 to 20,000 rpm in the initial version
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
Currently deliberately limited to 350 meters per second
- Description
The Surge Power Unit (SPU) integrates the traction motor and energy
storage functions. Uses CVT consisting of two motor/generators and
planetary gear set.
- Voltage, Current, and
400V AC
- Number of Phases (AC)
- Frequency Range (AC)
Power Electronics
Single integrated controller for twin motor/generators and optional
plug-in battery pack.
Hybrid ceramic ball bearings
Rotor casings of stainless steel
Each rotor is self-contained by its lightly-stressed fiber outer rim
- Delivered Energy (kWh)
0.3 kWh with two short rotors
- Peak (continuous) Power
Peak (continuous) Power
100+kW Initial market is high power for both light and heavy duty
- System
Mass (kg)
~50 kg without motor function
- Containment Mass (kg)
Primary containment is outer rim of rotor. Total containment ~20kg
- System
Volume (L)
~40 L
- Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
~6 Wh/kg
- Specific Power (W/kg)
>2,000 W/kg
- Energy Density (Wh/L)
~7.5 Wh/L
- Power Density (W/L)
~2,500 W/L
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
Better than 70% expected at urban speeds, measured installed in the
vehicle as a percentage after a full brake-and-accelerate cycle
Cost of System
Projected initial cost for after-market add-on for large sedan - $10,000.
Target for OEM in volume <$1000, net of engine downsizing
Primary Application
'Fuel-only' and 'plug-in' hybrids, plus high performance all-electrics.
Initial focus on premium car market and urban delivery vehicles.
Level of Maturity
Under development
This surge power unit is the fully integrated equivalent of a complete
electric hybrid drive, including its battery, controller, generator and
motor, or a flywheel battery plus traction motor and controller, so a
direct numeric comparison can only be made at the vehicle level.
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the
bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to
allow a more direct comparison with published chemical battery data.
A typical battery-electric hybrid is capable of carrying out a 'round trip' from, say, 30 mph to a stop and back
up to 30 again with an efficiency of around 35%, at best. There are two main reasons for this low level of
efficiency. The battery in a typical hybrid car cannot accept a charge at more than 30kW, causing the friction
brakes to be invoked in all but the gentlest of applications. Second, there are four energy transformations
inherent in the 'round trip' if a battery is used, each of these necessarily wasting significant amounts of
energy, particularly at peak power. These transformations are mechanical-to-electrical in the initial
braking/generating phase, electrical-to-chemical through the controller and into the battery, then chemical-to-
electrical from the battery back through the controller and finally into the motor for the last, electrical-to
mechanical, transformation. Each transformation may be relatively efficient, say 70 to 80% at peak power,
but there are four of them and their inefficiencies compound to give the disappointing result.
In contrast, there are only two energy transfers in the all-mechanical version of the SPU described here,
because the 'surplus' kinetic energy of the vehicle is transferred into the rotors through the CVT at over 90%,
and then transferred back a few seconds later at a similar level of efficiency. Kinetic energy is only being
transferred, not transformed, so an overall efficiency of 80% is quite possible, which will transform the urban
energy consumption of hybrids and EVs. The high power levels available will also facilitate radical engine
downsizing in many applications, thus contributing to a significant reduction in fuel consumption cruising at
the freeway limit. An important consideration is that these high levels of efficiency obtain right up to peak
power, unlike many other systems, which is ideal in a surge power unit. This capability in a PHEV or BEV
allows the surge power unit to shield the battery from the vehicle's peak energy flows, thus helping to extend
the life of the battery, and allow the choice of battery to focus on minimizing the full-life cost-per-mile.
Basically, for the same range, the battery can be less expensive to buy, and should last longer.
In its simplest form for a 'fuel-only' hybrid, the all-mechanical version of the SPU needs no high-power
electric circuits or controllers. As a rough guide, the CVT (complete with its controller) is likely to be a little
less expensive than a conventional automatic transmission of similar torque capacity. In a PHEV, a typical
light vehicle will need no more than 20kW (continuous) from its battery, the rest being provided entirely by
the SPU when the engine is off. All this speaks to low cost. Initial investigations at the sub-$5,000 vehicle
level indicate that a combined transmission for a small engine and a basic SPU could cost only $300 more
that a conventional CVT alone.
In summary, this solution to the pervasive requirement for surge power across 'fuel-only' and 'plug-in'
hybrids, fuel cell vehicles and BEVs can be shown to be the best theoretical way of providing the highest
efficiency, very durably and at low cost. We are in the process of proving it is also the best practical solution,
measured by the ultimate test, how well it does in real vehicles.
Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications (Heavy-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
L-3 Communications Magnet-Motor GmbH (L-3 MM)
Dr. Peter Ehrhart, Petersbrunner Strasse 2, 82319 Starnberg,
Germany, +49-8151-262-171, Peter.Ehrha[email protected]
Other Partners
Design and Materials
Hollow cylindrical rotor,
filament wound carbon fiber and glass fiber
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
12,000 rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
390 m/s
PM, radial gap synchronous machine, mounted in flywheel rotor bore
Voltage, Current, and
750 VDC, lower voltage possible, 500 A
Quasi sine
Number of Phases (AC)
Frequency Range (AC)
1.2 kHz
Power Electronics
(L-3 MM) IGBT-inverter
Steel and ceramic ball bearings, rotor weight supported by permanent
Safety based on conservative rotor design with a high safety factor
Delivered Energy (kWh)
2 kWh
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
300 (100) kW
Mass (kg)
400 kg
Containment Mass (kg)
Volume (L)
190 L
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
5 Wh/kg
Specific Power (W/kg)
750 W/kg
Energy Density (Wh/L)
10.5 Wh/L
Power Density (W/L)
1,580 W/L
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
87 %
Cost of System
Primary Application
Vehicles: Urban transport buses, light rail vehicles
Stationary: substation of city rails, UPS
Level of Maturity
12 systems have about 60,000 hours of operation in buses each.
Additional systems demonstrated and tested in buses and trains.
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the
bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to
allow a more direct comparison with published chemical battery data.
MDS-flywheels installed in 17 hybrid electric urban transport buses operated in Europe. First bus entered
service in 1988. Operation experience for 12 buses: 60,000 hours /
1 million cycles each. 6g-shock tests demonstrated.
3 systems demonstrated and tested on vehicles of a city train.
Advanced system with 4 kWh in the same housing volume ready for tests in summer 2008.
A bigger system (5 kWh/400 kW) demonstrated and tested in a substation of a city rail (8000 h operation
Advanced flywheel system with superconducting magnetic bearing ready for tests in spring 2008.
2 kWh / 150 kW MDS flywheel, mounted in gimbals.
Operated in trolleybuses in Basel, Switzerland
Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications (Heavy-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
Mario Gottfried
Ermita Ixtapalapa 466, 09090 Mexico D.F. MEXICO
Tel/Fax: 52-55-82-0057 or mario@tradex.com.mx
Project name
3 Dimensional Counter Rotating Kinetic Electro-Mechanical Energy
Accumulator. 3D CR KEMEA Common name “K-Sphere”
6 Double cone 14 inch OD flywheels, in a sphere frame.
Design and Materials
Double cone flywheel, steel shaft & hub, wound ring layers of
boron glass & tungsten wire+epoxy composite, carbon fiber rims.
Operating Speed Range
Est. max. portable speed to 49,000 rpm for rail & trams. +49,000 rpm for tugs &
cranes, for stationary UPS, gen-set substitute, etc. to +/-60,000 rpm.
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
Portable: 671 m/s at +/-36,000 rpm. Stationary, rated over 1,200 m/s
Induction and/or brushless DC motor/generator.
5 HP, motor/generator core. rated 100°C, with added strength overall, 155 C.
insulation, pre-formed brass pipe on electric coils and steel core water cooling.
Voltage, Current, and
120 to 1200 volts. Controlled surge to 100 amps (30 kW) per K-Sphere set.
Induction AC or permanent magnet rotor DC motor/generator.
Number of Phases (AC)
3 AC circuits for plug-in or 2 lines when connected to a DC buss.
Frequency Range (AC)
60 to 2,400 Hz. driving 4 pole induction or permanent magnet rotors.
Power Electronics
Commercial or custom; Variable AC and VOLTAGE speed controllers with
sustained regeneration.
Pin and Jewel, rubber mounted, lube Krytox®, +shaft mounted magnet/doughnut,
When stationary, only magnet suspension with stiff pin & jewel-soft touch.
Injected composite sphere frame, 6 cavities and lids that seal, a very strong
vacuum is pulled using fire. The container is burst protected.
PORTABLE (as in rail or trams) or STATIONARY (as in UPS or aux. power)
Delivered Energy (kWh)
2.4 kWh at 36,000 rpm, +6 kWh at 55,000 rpm for six, 40 kg.flywheels
Peak (continuous) Power
74.6 (22.4) kW per set or 100 (30) HP per set
Mass (kg)
~400 kg for rotors+motors+frame and cradle
Containment Mass (kg)
~150 kg,
Volume (L)
~400 liters to include suspension+mounting cage for vehicles.
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
Pending prototype, tabulations vary by weight and weight distribution.
Specific Power (W/kg)
Pending prototype results
Energy Density (Wh/L)
Expect very good, pending prototype.
Power Density (W/L)
Expect very good, pending prototype.
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
~76% efficient at 60% to 90% to 60% in speed vs. load. Estimated rundown is
2.25% at 36,000 rpm, at no-load per 24 hour period.
Cost of System
Wholesale from fabricator; 1
1000 units/12months,$ 3,390 per unit;
1000 units per month, $ 2,750 ea.; +50,000/yr., ~$ 1,900 ea.
Primary Application
Rail and trams, stationary UPS, emergency power -up, solar/wind daily cycling
batteries, lighting, communications, etc. Regenerative braking. Fast loading.
Level of Maturity
Young, ~75% defined. Enough to encourage making & testing.
Project scope: Stationary and EV/HEV prototypes.
Excellent surging, charging & regenerative braking recovery. Safe, using heavy
duty air bags to retain bits in a burst. Using Patent, US 6,232,671 B1 plus
several new concepts in process & Patent Pending.
3D CR KEMEA, 3 Dimensional, Counter-Rotating, Kinetic Electro-Mechanical Energy Accumulator is a 6
flywheel electric battery set for road, rail, water, air & space vehicles, or stationary uses. The design involves six
double cone flywheels, each with its own motor in three pairs that counter-rotate on three perpendicular axis.
Encapsulated in a strong cube or sphere frame; a hard vacuum pulled by burning hydrogen with oxygen forming H20.
A stationary unit may allow a larger in mass, at +60,000 rpm rotor mass limits seem to render about 10 kWh. per K-
Sphere set.
6 over strong double cone rotor sets are gyro free 3D+counter rotation, in a vacuum sphere frame, are believed to
be safe, as flywheel engineering tames harmonics with high precision balance and strength.
Portable units ~38,000 rpm, may add up to 2.4 kWh/unit, pending testing in rail or trams, to measure changes of
angular momentum at low road shock, vibration damping includes soft flywheel bearing seats, plus accumulated
safely measures.
The 12 magnet , suspending 6 rotors, plus pin and jewel soft mounted. Flow can be increased to cool
overloading. Due to closed circuit cooling, cryogenic cooling may become feasible, where fast charging may take
only a few minutes.
Life is estimated over 20 years, even at continuous cycling.
KEMEA systems for hybrid vehicles may be competitive because of fuel savings in superior regenerative
braking and recycling valuable energy vs. the future price of fuel. Further; fuel cells, super-capacitors, hydrides,
nicads, zinc balls, etc. need to be complimented with kinetics, to better cover the power curve and future power
Flywheel stress is damped with precision super strong rings, made in molds; wound, baked & balanced;
harmonics and vibration are not shared by adjacent rings. In volume; frames, lids, motors, and flywheels are all
ideal for mass production via injection and automated winding machines.
Higher strength heavy ceramics may also become a volume option to make heavy flywheel rings.
The frame, lids and rotors are very strong composites, so in the case of a burst, the expansion of fiber cotton,
dust and splinters becomes like a high pressure fluid, in a power expansion, against yielding concave frame lids,
secured by wound layers of stainless steel cable. Portable units include a strong “bag”(air bag technology) adapted
to catch everything and expand without rupture.
Slowdown measures to avoid a burst….., loss of a vacuum, reverse motors, injection of goo-fire retardant,
flywheel rings slip and rub and slow, the rotor may counter-rub and slow. A fast spinning rotor is formidable, and
the stored energy suddenly released is fearsome. A burst would be rare but possible. Portable uses may further use
“proximity detectors” to avoid collisions, the main threat.
Multiple KEMEA battery banks mounted in buses and trucks may reduce or eliminate fuel and engines. The
idea is to provide a freeway quality road, to trolley-connect at stops every 2-3 miles, for 20 or 30 seconds charge,
then off again. Applies to delivery trucks, school buses, public buses, mail runs, etc., reducing big costs by
eliminating fuel. Valuable re-generative braking is likewise recycled at every opportunity, savings as high as 35%
in re-cycling energy. Pre-designed routes may further help to eliminate heat engines, targeting to eliminating fuel
altogether for many fleets.
Historic trauma with flywheels dealt with gyro, precession, bulky frames, etc. KEMEA is tabulated as the
highest regenerative and fast-charging system, surging rate, longest life, low maintenance & high efficiency battery.
Storage capacity is compared to lead-acid by weight.
Vehicles visualized to use PORTABLE K-SPHERE uses are:
1. Golf cart & people movers range extender w/o lead acid batteries adding 1-2 spheres.
2. Vehicle machine tools, cranes, tugs, off road trucks, lighting towers, etc.
3. PENDING Hybrid sedan or minivan with std. engine front wheel drive, electric rear wheel differential
action with 2 spheres in a suspension cage, use half the trunk. Feasible for taxi, route, or all day duty
vehicles, saving estimated at half the fuel, to pay off in less than 1 year.
4. NEV w/std. sedan or van for all electric, home/office/store 2, 3 or 4 spheres.
5. Airport/hotel vans, hybrid, std. engine plus electric wheel drives, 6 or 8 spheres for extended duty, no
engine or fuel.
6. Railroad, trams, subway, etc. regenerative recovery in running and downhills, to return to assist in
climbing and accelerating.
7. Public/school/personnel buses can quick load energy at stops, trolley arrangement hook-up 8 to 14
spheres, w/enough power to reach the next stop. ~1000 kW feed for ~30 seconds.
8. Hybrid or electric; cranes, tugs, emergencies, boats, submarines, satellites, space stations
Portable KEMEA module, exploded view.
Stationary KEMEA module, 6 flywheels and motor/generators
Quick-Charge Provision
Stationary + portable KEMEA combinations
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Flywheel Energy Storage System Specification (Heavy-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
John Parry MBE, JPM Parry and Associates, Overend Road, Cradley Heath, B64
7DD, UNITED KINGDOM. Tel: 00441384 569171
www.parryassociates.com / www.parrypeoplemovers.com
Other Partners
Parry People Movers Ltd 00441384569553
Design and Materials
Multi-layer steel disc mounted on steel hub. Vertical axis.
Disc comprises three layers of 30mm thick EN8 steel, Loctite bonded.
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
1000 2000 normally but 3000 peak available
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
160 (157)
Engine Distributors Inc. DSG 423 (similar to Ford Ranger pickup truck engine)
Series hybrid: Ford LPG-fueled engine driving through the flywheel
to a hydrostatic transmission
Voltage, Current, and Waveform
Number of Phases (AC)
Frequency Range (AC)
Power Electronics
Roller ball bearings on upper shaft, taper roller bearings on the bottom
Steel fabrication thickness edge 42.7mm, top - 10mm, base - 20mm
Delivered Energy (kWh)
0.9 total, 0.8 based on speed range
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
Limited by transmission, approx 100-200
Mass (kg)
870 (500 flywheel) or approx 1100 including engine and input/output
transmission approx
Containment Mass (kg)
Volume (L)
Approx. 160 or 250 including engine etc.
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
0.92 (0.73 including engine etc.)
Specific Power (W/kg)
230 (180 including engine etc.)
Energy Density (Wh/L)
5 (3.2 including engine etc.)
Power Density (W/L)
1300 (832 including engine etc.)
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
n/a (acts mainly as a load leveler). Mechanical efficiency is very high,
probably 95%+ but if used as an energy store efficiency depends on
how rapidly the flywheel is charged/discharged. In present application
flywheel alone loses 50% of energy (half life) in less than 1 hour,
hence losses are of the order of 1kW at higher speeds.
Cost of System
Fully installed driveline from prime mover to input to final drive
gearbox on axle; approx £40,000 (actual)
Primary Application
Series hybrid - Load leveler / power booster in a mechanical
transmission (light rail vehicle/railcar). Primary power source is an
internal combustion engine fueled by liquefied petroleum gas
Level of Maturity
Commercial product. In use in 3 operational vehicles. 2 Car fleet at
Stourbridge Junction, UK, have reliability figures of 99.44%(2010) & 99.74%
during 2011 to date.
In performance, the most noticeable aspect of the flywheel power
enhanced driveline is the very good acceleration of a vehicle weighing
10 tonnes even though the LPG powered engine, which is never under
stress, has a cubic capacity of only 2.4 litres, (140 cubic inches)
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the bearings, and
the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to allow a more direct
comparison with published chemical battery data.
Parry People Mover Flywheel Hybrid Railcar
Class 153 Conventional Diesel Railcar
Above, diagrams of the drivetrain of the Class 139 railcar and the Class 153 conventional diesel railcar it
directly replaced. Note the difference in engine capacity. Using the New Parry Class 139, service frequency
has increased 50% from 4 services per hour to 6. Running costs have been halved.
(Images by Will Jarman MDes in[email protected]m / skua49@hotmail.com)
Class 139 (Parry People Mover) interior
Class 139s at Stourbridge Junction, UK
Comparison of Parry People Mover carbon emissions (over a single day in service) and a
conventional diesel railcar.
Parry People Movers Class 139
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Flywheel Energy Storage System Specification (Heavy-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
Contact: Lee Pichan, Director of Sales
11825 Mayfield, Livonia, MI, 48150 (734)-853-5322
Other Partners
Design and Materials
A carbon fiber composite flywheel mounted on a fiberglass rim and
titanium hub
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
25,000 to 52,500 rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
1000 m/s
Synchronous reluctance motor, 4 pole
Voltage, Current, and
Fixed carrier frequency, variable sinusoidal fundamental frequency,
varying voltage & current, AC motor
Number of Phases (AC)
Three phase
Frequency Range (AC)
0-2000 kHz
Power Electronics
1200 volt, 1800 amp bi-directional IGBT based inverter
Primary: Five axis active magnetic bearings, (*Note; designed for
mobile applications; capable of >5+ g’s vertical and 3 g’s lateral.)
Secondary: Mechanical touchdown bearings for shipment and
excessive momentary shock loads and/or vibration.
Two part integrated containment system. Inner primary containment,
steel pressure vessel with carbon fiber wrap, for flywheel and bearing
systems and a steel outer containment separated by liquid coolant
barrier. Both are suspended and positioned by gimbal system for
mobile applications. *Note; Lighter weight chopped fiber outer
containment planned.
Delivered Energy (kWh)
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
190 kW
Mass (kg)
274 kg (Current configuration) Configuration A
147 kg (with planned mobile composite outer containment)
Configuration B
*Note; weight includes system liquid coolant as part of containment
Containment Mass (kg)
240 kg (Current configuration) Configuration A
102 kg (with planned mobile composite outer containment) Config. B
*Note; weight includes system coolant, which acts as liquid barrier in
Volume (L)
92L Configuration A
70L Configuration B
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
2.43 Wh/kg (667 Wh/274kg) Configuration A
4.53 Wh/kg (667 Wh/147kg) Configuration B
Specific Power (W/kg)
693 W/kg (190,000 watts/274kg) Configuration A
1292 W/kg (190,000 watts/147kg) Configuration B
Energy Density (Wh/L)
7.25 Wh/L (667 wh/ 92L) Configuration A
9.52 Wh/L (667 wh/ 70L) Configuration B
Power Density (W/L)
2065 W/L (190,000 watts/92L) Configuration A
2714 W/L (190,000 watts/70L) Configuration B
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
Round trip efficiency is approximately 90%. This is measured by the
ratio between the electric energy to kinetic energy back to electric
energy at peak power measured at the motor/generator terminals. The
round trip efficiency for the complete integrated flywheel system;
from the DC power input to the bi-directional inverter to the motor and
back through the inverter producing DC power output is
approximately 70%.
Cost of System
MSRP $47,500.00* US for stationary package.
* Note; System requires magnetic bearing controllers, motor
controllers, and power electronics for operation and is therefore sold as
a complete package. Mobile package with gimbal system available in
2004 will be priced similarly as complete package. Estimated
Prototype or preliminary price for mobile package would be additional
25% cost initially.
Primary Application
Primary applications today are stationary (power quality, UPS, load
leveling, storage), secondary applications for Hybrid electric vehicle,
electric rail (load leveling and power recycling). Note* Flywheel
system was originally conceived and designed specifically for hybrid
electric vehicle; gimbal, containment, bearings, and vacuum systems
all designed as a result of the mobile requirement. Stationary market
pursued due to large immediate demand and customer acceptance.
Level of Maturity
POWERTHRU flywheel systems are based upon the former
Pentadyne Power Corporation’s flywheel systems. Over $40 million
U.S. has been invested in development and commercialization
resulting in 16 patents issued and several pending. Technology
demonstrated full power prototype in 2001 in stationary application.
Company reached 100 units shipped by end of 2006. In 2007
Pentadyne shipped nearly 300 units. 2008 shipments were expected to
exceed 500 units of the second generation product. Early systems had
maximum power of 120 kW @ 500 VDC, the VSS 120 and new units
are capable of 190 kW @500 VDC, the VSS+DC.
POWERTHRU is currently in development of a scaled version of the
VSS+DC which will provide peak power of approximately 500 kW
and stored energy will be approximately 8 MJ. The first production
units for stationary applications are estimated to be available in early
1 The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator,
the bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered,
in order to allow a more direct comparison with published chemical battery data.
POWERTHRU designs, manufactures, tests and delivers flywheel power systems that provide clean high
power electricity for power-sensitive customers in today’s digital economy. The flywheel systems are
designed to provide high power output and energy storage in an efficient, compact, self contained package.
POWERTHRU flywheels are a long lasting, low maintenance, lightweight, and environmentally sound
alternative to conventional energy storage devices.
POWERTHRU flywheel technology dates back to 1993, when a privately funded research and development
firm cofounded by Ben and Harold Rosen, Rosen Motors, began development of its flywheel power systems
for the vehicular passenger market. In 1998, Pentadyne secured an exclusive intellectual property license
agreement to utilize the flywheel technology for stationary power quality and backup power applications. In
2002, the patents and technology became the property of Pentadyne Power Corporation. POWERTHRU
acquired the assets of the former Pentadyne Power Corporation in 2010.
The heart of the product is a high-speed flywheel comprised of a multi-layer carbon-fiber composite cylinder
with a titanium hub attached to a nickel alloy shaft. Three sets of magnetic bearings (five-axis control)
levitate the entire rotating assembly and allow high rotational speeds to be realized with no friction or
maintenance. Two touchdown shafts act as support during transit and non-operation. An integrated vacuum
pump continuously provides pressures one million times lower than atmospheric pressure, virtually
eliminating aerodynamic drag. The flywheel’s mechanical energy is converted to electrical power through a
synchronous reluctance motor. The flywheel system provides up to 190 kW to the load upon demand and may
be recharged equally fast if sufficient power is available. To control the flow of electrical energy, the
flywheel power controller utilizes high power IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and PWM (Pulse
Width Modulation) to either extract or supply energy. It uses two DSP’s (Digital Signal Processor) to
provide control with all other parts of the power and magnetic bearing system and the user interface. Safety
is ensured by large safety margins in the innovative system design and a patented energy absorbing and
dissipation system.
The POWERTHRU high speed composite flywheel system excels in several key areas when compared to
competitors’ systems. Features that differentiate the POWERTHRU flywheel from other energy storage
products result in a more compact and lightweight system, easier and less expensive to install, needing
far less maintenance and requiring much less power to operate. This saves the end user thousands of
dollars per unit in costs over the life of the machine. These advantages are achieved with the following key
patented designs:
1. Patented flywheel design
2. A five axis active magnetic bearing system resulting in a fully levitated rotor
3. Internal vacuum system eliminating maintenance and parasitic load losses
4. Synchronous reluctance motor/generator eliminating eddy current losses during quiescent operation
and avoiding high costs of rare earth magnets
5. An innovative and proven Safety System
As government regulations and consumers continue to demand more environmentally friendly energy storage
alternatives, flywheels are expected to replace conventional electrochemical batteries and ultra capacitors as
the power management system of choice for hybrid electric vehicle drive-trains. This is particularly the case
in heavy duty vehicles that make frequent starts and stops, such as metro rail, urban transit buses, service
vehicles, and refuse trucks. The POWERTHRU flywheel can most effectively absorb the vehicle’s
regenerative braking energy and reuse that energy for acceleration or load.
The POWERTHRU system is in commercial production for power quality and backup power markets. Over
400 systems are operating in the field in a variety of power quality and voltage support applications with
nearly 2 million hours of operation. The technology is well suited for current and future energy recycling and
renewable energy applications. POWERTHRU systems are being considered for transportation, utility, and
defense applications.
Flywheel Energy Storage System Specification (Light-duty and Heavy-duty Vehicles)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
Ricardo UK Ltd
Shoreham Technical Centre
Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5FG, United Kingdom
Tel: 00441273794158
Other Partners
Design and Materials
Filament wound carbon fiber
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
60,000 rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
>722 m/s
None Mechanically driven flywheel utilizing Kinergy magnetic
drive into vacuum chamber.
Voltage, Current, and
Number of Phases (AC)
Frequency Range (AC)
Power Electronics
Rolling element, sealed and greased
Outer composite ring containment system
Delivered Energy (kWh)
~ 0.220 kWh
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
60 kW peak (30 kW continuous), could be significantly higher
Mass (kg)
~50 kg(prototype),~ 30 kg(projected),
15 kg(projected) excluding transmission, 10 kg (rotor only)
Containment Mass (kg)
Volume (L)
Approximately 18 L complete, 9 L excluding transmission
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
8.8 (prototype), 14.7 (projected)
, 22 (rotor only) Excludes transmission
Specific Power (W/kg)
2400 (prototype), 4000 (projected)
, 6000 (rotor only) Excludes transmission
Energy Density (Wh/L)
24.4 Excludes transmission
Power Density (W/L)
6670 Excludes transmission
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
> 90% at full power based upon measured standing losses and max
Cost of System
Prototype cost (3 off) ~ $50k
Primary Application
Mechanical hybridisation for transportation applications. Primary
power source IC engine with flywheel deployed for kinetic energy
recovery and load leveling.
Level of Maturity
Prototype unit tested on test rig
Flywheel system utilizes novel magnetic drive into vacuum chamber.
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the
bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to
allow a more direct comparison with published chemical battery data.
Projected values of specific energy and specific power are plotted in Figure 4-2 and used in Tables 4-4
to 4-8 of this report.
Developed from a motorsport heritage, the Ricardo Kinergy system is fundamentally, a mechanical one. It thus has
no power electronics. However based on application analysis it has been developed, so it can be simply augmented
to allow interface to the transmission, (mechanical path), the electrical system (to allow electrics to be powered
during start/stop events), and even hydraulic to reduce accumulator mass. It has been developed so it does not have
a rotating seal, incorporating a passive magnetic/magnetic seal/gear. This obviates the need for vacuum
management and provides a more efficient, high speed torque path than an equivalent mechanical epicyclic
system. This system is currently being installed in a bus application for trials as well as rig evaluation for off-
highway, train(as multiple modules) and passenger car applications.
Ricardo is leading a number of collaborative programmes,
including both UK Government sponsored & commercial projects
Flybus Project
Flybus is a £1.2 M project to
develop a demonstrator bus using
the Kinergy
technology on a
PSV (Optare bus) for real world
testing. Partners include
Torotrak, Ricardo, Optare, and
CVT Unit
PTO Unit
Kinerstor Project
Kinerstor is a £4.3 million project to deliver a kinetic energy store for application to Low Carbon Vehicle
propulsion. The aim is to build and test fully at rig level a Kinergy® store that is correctly sized for a number of
light duty applications. Partners are Ricardo, JLR, JCB, CTG, Torotrak, SKF, and Williams Hybrid Power.
Exciting development has been made in flywheel and magnetic gear designs. Flywheel and magnetic gear
development tests and iterations in hardware have led to integrated flywheel and magnetic drive testing at high
Kinergy Technology
©Ricardo plc 2011
September 2011
Q55536 Client Confidential TSB
The Ricardo Kinergy flywheel module concept with magnetic
coupling provides key advantages for the mechanical hybrid
Eliminates seal and vacuum pump
including associated parasitic losses
Eliminates high speed gear tooth contacts
Including associated wear, NVH and friction
Reduces rotor speed on non-vacuum side
Including associated friction
Simple robust design with limited wearing parts
Inherent overload protection
Inner rotor
(Vacuum side)
Vacuum containment
Vacuum containment
Composite flywheel rotor
Outer rotor
(Air side)
Magnetic gear test rig
Flywheel module assembly
Flywheel in spin test chamber
Flywheel rotor
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Flywheel Energy Storage System Specification (Light-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
Tribology Systems, Inc.
239K Madison Ave., Warminster PA 18974
Lew Sibley (610)466-7547, lew4tsi@aol.com
Other Partners
Applied Synergy, aplsynergy@aol.com
Design and Materials
Continuous-wound biannular carbon/glass fiber composite
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
0 30,000 rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
Proprietary fault tolerant
Voltage, Current, and
400 vdc bus, 110 A peak, PWM
Number of Phases (AC)
Frequency Range (AC)
Up to 25 kHz
Power Electronics
IGBT controller
Patented mechanical replenished solid-lube-film hybrid ceramic ball
bearings (no magnetic bearings)
Proprietary benign full energy absorption, tested successfully
Delivered Energy (kWh)
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
40 peak for less than a minute, 25 continuous
Mass (kg)
Containment Mass (kg)
Volume (L)
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
Specific Power (W/kg)
Energy Density (Wh/L)
Power Density (W/L)
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
74% up to 90% for special systems, projected from motor/controller
tests and simulations
Cost of System
$14,000 each projected for the first several hundred units
Primary Application
Electric vehicle, light duty
Level of Maturity
Two prototypes in manufacture now
Two smaller, basically similar, systems tested successfully hundreds
of times in lab and at customer’s beta testing
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the
bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to
allow a more direct comparison with published chemical battery data.
Patented bearings and completely mechanical rotordynamics control system, and proprietary safety
containment, with measured vibration of only a few tenths of a g running slowly over the entire
supercritical speed range, completely benign containment of several rotor failures, and very low losses,
coasting over a year with no power in or out.
Figure 1. Schematic of complete Flywheel Energy Storage System
by Tribology Systems, Inc.
Figure 2. Smaller flywheel energy storage system with controller,
replacing the lead-acid batteries in an electric golf car
(smaller than flywheel system specified on previous page)
a) Typical ceramic balls after test
b) Axially-loaded test bearing inner ring after test
c) Close-up of Ringlube ® bottom surface after test
Figure 3. Tested bearing components (Reference 1) on an accelerated bearing test
demonstrating ten to twenty years’ life with patented solid lubricant
Reference 1. Sibley. Lewis and Nair, Bala R., “Commercial Spool Pump Bearing Performance Testing,”
Proceedings of WTC2005 World Tribology Congress III, September 2005, Washington, D.C.
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Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications (Heavy-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
University of Texas at Austin, Center for Electromechanics
Contact: R. Hebner, 1University Place #R7000, Austin, TX 78712
(512) 232-1628, r.hebner@cem.utexas.edu
Other Partners
Number of companies and government agencies
Design and Materials
Carbon composite wheels both wheels composed of a concentric
series of interference fit rings and of an arbor supporting outer rings
are used
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
Limited by tip speed range from 15,000 rpm to above 60,000 rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
Operational: 0.9 -1 km/s; Experimental: Near 1.3 km/s
Motors optimized for application considering space, weight,
efficiency, torque and other needs typically permanent magnet or
Voltage, Current, and
Application specific
Number of Phases (AC)
Application specific
Frequency Range (AC)
Application specific
Power Electronics
Pulse width modulation
Magnetic with mechanical back-up
Metal vessel with rotatable composite liner design based on results
of DARPA study, extensive analysis validated by testing
Delivered Energy (kWh)
Systems from 0.4 to 130 kWh
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
Systems from 2 to 2000 kW
Mass (kg)
390 kg
Containment Mass (kg)
90 kg
Volume (L)
220 L
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
Typically about 5 Wh/kg
Specific Power (W/kg)
Typically about 770 W/kg
Energy Density (Wh/L)
Typically about 10 Wh/L
Power Density (W/L)
Typically about 1400 W/L
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
Typically 90% to 95% - determined by design as motor/generators
with efficiencies 95% or above are possible as a trade with size/weight
Cost of System
Estimated $300 to $700 per kW for larger units
Primary Application
Replacement of chemical batteries on mobile platforms, e.g. trucks,
busses, trains, satellites.
Level of Maturity
Extensive laboratory testing, demonstration on a hybrid bus, preparing
for testing on a train.
Flywheel systems have been tested to 112,000 charge-discharge cycles
with no degradation in performance. The weight and volume numbers
are for a flywheel system demonstrated on a hybrid bus. The other
numbers cover ranges or are typical for the systems we design, build
and test.
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the
bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to
allow a more direct comparison with published chemical battery data.
The University of Texas at Austin is designing, building and testing composite flywheels for battery
replacement in mobile and stationary applications. The near term applications appear to be in larger systems,
e.g. busses, trucks, and trains, where the power and cost are proportionate to cost. In addition, space
applications are promising as battery replacement costs are large.
The key benefits of flywheels for hybrid vehicle applications are very long life even for full charge-discharge
cycles, high efficiency, and small size and weight. The long life and small size and weight result from recent
advances in composite materials that permit high-speed operation. The efficiency is primarily determined by
the efficiency of the motor-generator, which can exceed 95%. Composite flywheels tend to be less of an
environmental hazard than batteries. In addition, the physics of flywheels mean that the designer can
separately select the energy to be stored and the power needed. For the bus demonstration, for example, the
flywheel was sized to store all of the kinetic energy of the fully loaded bus traveling 60 mph, when
accelerated from 25% to 100% of operating speed, to support regenerative braking. The motor-generator
system was sized to transfer all of that energy from the wheel motors to the flywheel as quickly as the bus
could be stopped without skidding. Thus, even in a panic stop minimal energy was dissipated. Significant
recent developments include containment technology, bearing systems that tolerate road shock and vibration,
and gimbal systems to manage gyroscopic forces. The flywheel battery system for a transit bus has been
designed, built, and tested. Laboratory tests on a shaker showed the mounting, including magnetic bearings,
were adequate for the application. The system was mounted on a bus to operate as the sole energy storage in
a hybrid system. On-road tests verified energy recovery operating as designed and a significant improvement
in performance was achieved. For example, it was demonstrated that the acceleration time to 50 mph could,
if desired, be decreased to as little as a quarter the time it took the bus with an internal combustion engine
while reducing emissions and increasing fuel efficiency.
Key benefits of batteries include lower initial (but not life cycle cost), mature technology with established
supplier base and revenue base to fund research and development, and lower losses at low or no load.
Drawing of bus flywheel battery:
Flywheel Energy Storage System Specification (Light-duty Vehicle)
Primary Developer and
Contact Information
Williams Hybrid Power Limited (www.williamshybridpower.com)
Williams F1, Grove, Wantage, OX12 0DQ, United Kingdom
Ian Foley, Managing Director, +44 7768 405001
Other Partners
Design and Materials
Wholly composite rotor design. The rotor uses magnetically loaded
composite (MLC) supported by a carbon fiber outer. The rotor is
magnetized after construction.
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
18,000 36,000 rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
660 m.s
An integrated inside-out DC motor / generator with liquid-cooled stator
Voltage, Current, and
Voltage: 400 V
Current: 800A (Max)
Waveform: six-step
Number of Phases (AC)
Frequency Range (AC)
Maximum switching frequency 4000 Hz
Power Electronics
Water cooled, 600V, IGBT inverter
Hybrid ceramic ball bearings
Aluminium clamshell design.
Delivered Energy (kWh)
0.36 kWh (1.3 MJ)
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
120 kW peak @ max rpm (110 kW average over operating speed
Mass (kg)
55 kg
Containment Mass (kg)
15 kg
Volume (L)
38 L
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
6.55 Wh/kg
Specific Power (W/kg)
2180 W/kg
Energy Density (Wh/L)
9.47 Wh/L
Power Density (W/L)
3160 W/L
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
Measurement method: Back-to-back flywheel tests.
Cost of System
Projected cost of US$10,000 per unit @ 10,000 off
Primary Application
High power, high cycle-life energy storage for hybrid electric vehicle or
light rail applications.
Level of Maturity
Second season in Porsche GT3R Hybrid motorsport application.
Design validation in progress for series production application.
WHP have a number of flywheel storage systems in prototype
development. The information above refers to the ‘Mk4’ product, our
prime design for series production.
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the
bearings, and the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to
allow a more direct comparison with published chemical battery data.
Williams Hybrid Power Ltd (WHP) is a UK based company that develops and manufactures
electromechanical composite flywheel systems. These systems provide a high-power, cost-effective and
environmentally friendly solution for mobile or stationary energy recovery and storage.
WHP’s flywheel solutions incorporate its novel, patented Magnetically Loaded Composite (MLC)
technology which was originally developed by Urenco engineers working on the design of uranium
centrifuge machines. The rotor magnets in an MLC system are comprised of tiny particles embedded in the
composite matrix. With no other metal in the flywheel rotor eddy current losses and heating are greatly
The company’s first application of the technology was in the highly competitive and extremely harsh
environment of Formula One motor racing. Through development of a flywheel for Williams F1’s Kinetic
Energy Recovery System (KERS), WHP has proved its world-class engineering capabilities in the composite
flywheel field as well as radically improving aspects of the technology in the process.
Building on the Formula One project, the company is now making the technology available to meet the high-
power energy storage needs in a variety of applications including hybrid passenger vehicles, hybrid buses,
electric trains, military applications and renewable energy. WHP currently has prototype projects with
leading companies in many of these fields.
Flywheel Energy Storage System Specifications
(When completing questionnaire, please fill in the blank form in the electronic file.)
Primary Developer & Contact
Organization name
Principal contact name, phone number, and address (email &/or postal)
Other Partners
Key organizations other than reporting organization
Design and Materials
Design of rotors
Materials in flywheel rim
Operating Speed Range (rpm)
Range in rpm
Maximum Tip Speed (m/s)
Max tangential velocity at outer diameter of rim in m/s when flywheel
rotates at maximum rpm in operating speed range above
Basic motor configuration information
Voltage, Current, and
Number of Phases (AC)
Frequency Range (AC)
Power Electronics
Generic description
Type and materials of primary and backup (touch-down) bearings
Generic description
State whether containment system tested or not.
Delivered Energy (kWh)
Delivered or net energy, not gross energy
Peak (continuous) Power (kW)
Please provide peak power as a minimum and continuous power if
Mass (kg)
System mass excluding mass of power electronics as defined in footnote
Containment Mass (kg)
Containment mass in system mass above. If some containment mass is
from another source, such as part of vehicle structure or mother earth
for a stationary application, then state such.
Volume (L)
System volume excluding volume of power electronics as defined in
Specific Energy (Wh/kg)
Delivered energy/system mass
Specific Power (W/kg)
Peak power/system mass
Energy Density (Wh/L)
Delivered energy/system volume
Power Density (W/L)
Peak power/system volume
Round-trip Efficiency and
Measurement Method
Round-trip efficiency and not one-way
Cost of System
State whether actual and/or projected cost, and do not include cost of
power electronics.
Primary Application
Hybrid electric vehicle (load leveling), electric vehicle (powered
exclusively by flywheel), stationary (power quality, UPS, load leveling,
electric rail storage), space, experimental laboratory system, other
(please specify). For hybrid electric vehicle please specify primary
power producer.
Level of Maturity
Commercial product, beta tested, in beta testing, under development,
other (please specify). If your company has a commercial flywheel, you
may want to specify the number of units located in field applications.
Comments on your specifications
The flywheel system is defined here as including the energy storage rotor, the motor/generator, the bearings, and
the containment. Power electronics weight, volume and cost are not considered, in order to allow a more direct
comparison with published chemical battery data.
Please provide a two page or shorter synopsis promoting your flywheel systems and/or
technology. Your synopsis will be included in the published assessment. Graphics or
pictures of your system are welcome. One synopsis should be provided to cover both
light-duty and heavy-duty vehicle applications.
An expression for the hoop stress in an idealized thin ring will be developed.
A free body diagram of a sector of the spinning ring with swept infinitesimal angle, dθ,
exaggerated is shown in Figure C-1.
Applying Newton’s second law
The normal forces are projections of the hoop force, σ A,
where: A is the cross-sectional area of the ring
Since for small angles sin θ ~ θ
The normal acceleration equals r
The mass of the infinitesimal sector in the free body diagram equates to the density times the
volume of the sector expressed as the arc length, r dθ, times the cross-sectional area
Substituting terms into Newton’s law
d θ / 2
d θ
m a
Figure C-1. Free body diagram of segment of spinning ring
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For a thick rim the shape of a right circular cylinder, the stress field in the rim is quite complex.
For that case the radial and hoop stress components at a distance r from the axis of rotation are
given in the textbook by Ugural (Reference 33) as:
= Poisson’s ratio
= inner radius of disk
= outer radius of disk
The radial stress is maximum in the interior of the disk and zero at the inner and outer radii,
while the hoop stress is maximum at the inner radius and minimum at the outer radius.
Computer codes are best used to solve for the stresses in this 2-dimensional rim and in the more
involved 3-dimensional analysis.
For rotors with a variable thickness, the detailed analysis is usually carried out using finite
element analysis. However, a simplified expression for the specific kinetic energy can be
expressed as
/ m = K σ
/ ρ
where: K is a shape factor that depends on the rotor cross-section.
Nine different cross-section geometries are given by Bolund (Reference 34) along with
their associated shape factors. The cross-section with the highest specific kinetic energy has a K
value that is twice that of a thin ring, however, the practicality of manufacture and mass
production of rotors with the complex cross-section required is highly suspect. In addition
Ugural (Reference 33) gives the radial and hoop stress as a function of radius for two special
1. Rotating disk with a uniform internal stress, so that σ
= σ
= constant everywhere
in the disk
2. Rotating disk with a hyperbolic cross-section
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The DOE suggested energy and power requirements for flywheels in Table 2-1 that were based
on USABC goals should be reconsidered. Based on input from flywheel developers, it is
reasonable to revise the specifications such that the target delivered energy level for a flywheel
for a light duty vehicle is somewhat less than the 0.30.5 kWh. For a typical family car, the
value might be as low as about 0.2 kWh. Consider the following example:
Assume a vehicle weight of 1800 kg (typical for family sedan).
A reasonable design basis for the bounding case maximum required acceleration event might be
accelerating up an interstate ramp (6 meters elevation change) from 0 mph to a merge speed of
70 mph.
The kinetic energy from 0 mph to 70 mph is 881 kJ (245 Wh).
The potential energy due to 6m elevation change is 106 kJ (29 Wh).
Therefore the total delivered energy requirement is 987 kJ (274 Wh) (not accounting for losses
due to aerodynamics and rolling resistance; therefore the true required energy is slightly more).
If the energy transfer out of the flywheel is 86% efficient, then 987/0.86 = 1148 kJ (319 Wh)
would need to be available for delivery from the flywheel rotor.
This calculation assumes that all of the energy for acceleration comes from the flywheel. It is
more likely that the prime power source in the vehicle will be providing a significant portion of
the energy needed for acceleration.
A reasonable design basis for the bounding case maximum required deceleration event might be
decelerating down an interstate ramp (6 meters elevation change) from 70 mph to 0 mph.
The kinetic energy from 70 mph to 0 mph is 881 kJ (245 Wh).
The potential energy due to 6m elevation change is 106 kJ (29 Wh).
The total delta energy is 987 kJ (274 Wh) (not accounting for losses due to aerodynamics and
rolling resistance; therefore the available energy is slightly less).
If the energy transfer into the flywheel is 86% efficient, then 987 X 0.86 = 849 kJ (236 Wh)
would be added to the energy stored in the flywheel rotor.
This calculation assumes that all of the energy from deceleration goes to the flywheel. As far as
reasonably achievable, we want to capture as much of the braking energy as possible.
Therefore, the flywheel developer has a choice to size the flywheel based on bounding case
acceleration or bounding case deceleration. Even though the acceleration energy (1148 kJ or 319
Wh) is higher than the deceleration energy (849 kJ or 236 Wh), it is logical to use the
deceleration energy to determine the energy storage requirement for the flywheel, because the
prime power source can provide part of the required energy during acceleration. Therefore, for a
flywheel capable of a full 100% energy recovery during the assumed maximum deceleration
event with an 1800 kg vehicle, the designer will design a flywheel capable of delivering no more
than 849 kJ (236 Wh).
In normal daily driving, most of the deceleration/acceleration cycles will require much less
energy than the assumed maximum deceleration event. The overall optimum efficiency will be
achieved with a flywheel which is sized to handle somewhat less than the maximum deceleration
event; perhaps at the 70% or 80% level. The result will be a lighter flywheel and the increase in
fuel economy will be higher than for the case where the flywheel can handle 100%. If the
flywheel is designed for 100% energy recovery during the maximum deceleration event, then
extra weight is being carried and it is seldom used. With the slightly smaller flywheel, it would
be necessary to use friction braking to dissipate some of the energy during the maximum
deceleration event. If the flywheel is designed for about 75% of the assumed maximum
deceleration event, then the flywheel would be capable of delivering no more than 637 kJ (177
The control system for the flywheel storage unit must be able to control the state of charge so
that when acceleration is desired, the flywheel rotor is near full speed and ready to deliver the
required amount of energy. Similarly, during deceleration, when the flywheel must absorb the
required amount of energy, it is essential that the flywheel rotor be near the minimum normal
operating speed so that the flywheel can absorb the energy from braking. Maintaining this state
of preparedness will require the velocity of the flywheel rotor to be varied approximately
inversely proportional to the velocity of the vehicle. Consider the case where the vehicle is
cruising at an intermediate speed of 40 mph. The flywheel unit needs to be at an intermediate
speed, ready to deliver energy if acceleration is requested or to absorb energy if braking is
The example above assumed an 1800 kg family sedan. In designing a flywheel for a different
vehicle, the kinetic energy and the potential energy both vary with the mass of the vehicle;
therefore, the flywheel deliverable energy would need to be scaled by the vehicle mass. Table E-
1 shows a variety of potential vehicle applications and the energy storage requirement for each
Table E-1. Energy Storage Requirement for Different Vehicles
Vehicle Class
Vehicle Weight
Flywheel Design
100% recovery*
Flywheel Design
75% recovery*
708 kJ (197 Wh)
531 kJ (148 Wh)
Midsize Sedan
748 kJ (208 Wh)
561 kJ (156 Wh)
Family Sedan
849 kJ (236 Wh)
637 kJ (177 Wh)
Midsize SUV
913 kJ (254 Wh)
685 kJ (514 Wh)
Large SUV
1094 kJ (304 Wh)
821 kJ (228 Wh)
* % of energy recovered from a bounding case deceleration event, which is assumed to be
deceleration down an interstate ramp (6 meters elevation change) from 70 mph to 0 mph.
Based on this reconsideration of the required energy storage specification, it appears that the
range of interest for light duty vehicles is about 531-821 kJ (148-228 Wh), based on the 75%
recovery target. This is slightly less than one-half of the energy storage level of 1080-1800 kJ
(300-500 Wh) per USABC as stated in Table 4-5 Flywheels compared with USABC Power
Assist HEV Battery Goals,” which was the basis for the flywheel energy storage requirement in
Table 2-1 for light-duty vehicles.
Reconsideration of the specifications for flywheel energy storage was prompted by excellent
input from Jon Hilton of Flybrid Systems. He is using an even less aggressive bounding case
deceleration event. He suggests the maximum recovery for the 1800 kg family vehicle should be
based on deceleration from 50 mph, therefore his 100% recovery energy is only 450 kJ X 0.86 =
387 kJ (108 Wh). He also suggests using something lower than 100% recovery, which makes
the value even smaller. The energy values suggested by Hilton are about one-half of the values
shown in our calculation above in Table E-1. (The kinetic energy at 50 mph is only about half of
the kinetic energy at 70 mph.)
Reconsideration of the specifications for flywheel energy storage is in line with new USABC
goals for the high power, Lower Energy- Energy Storage System (LEESS) for Power Assist
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PAHEV) applications. The new LEESS goals call for a smaller and
lighter, lower-cost battery cell with lower energy storage, higher regenerative power capability
and improved cold-crank capability. USABC LEESS requirements in Table E-2 were included
as Appendix A of a USABC request for proposal information (Reference 35).
Table E-2. USABC Requirements at End of Life for LEESS PAHEV
End of Life Characteristics
PA (Lower Energy)
2s / 10s Discharge Pulse Power
2s / 10s Regen Pulse Power
Discharge Requirement Energy
Regen Requirement Energy
Maximum current
Energy over which both requirements are met
Energy window for vehicle use
Energy Efficiency
300,000 (HEV)
Cold-Cranking Power at -30ºC (after 30 day
stand at 30
Calendar Life
Maximum System Weight
Maximum System Volume
Maximum Operating Voltage
Minimum Operating Voltage
0.55 V
Unassisted Operating Temperature Range
-30 to +52
Survival Temperature Range
-46 to +66
Selling Price/System @ 100k/yr)
Note that the discharge and regen requirement energies are 56 and 83 Wh, which are somewhat
less than the 108 Wh suggested by Jon Hilton of Flybrid Systems, as previously discussed.
USABC initiated contracts in 2011 based on the requirements in Table E-2.
1. W. J. Allington
2. G. P. Andrews
3. P. J. Blau
4. R. G. Boeman
5. E. N. Coffey
6. B. Damiano
7. C. Daniel
8. C. C. Eberle
9. B. J. Frame
10. R. L. Graves
11. J. G. Hansen
12. T. J. King, Jr.
13. G. M. Ludtka
14. C. R. Luttrell
15. J. M. Miller
16. R. E. Norris, Jr.
17. M. Olszewski
18. F. L. Paulauskas
19. D. E. Smith
20. T. M. Smith
21. J. M. Starbuck
22. M. R. Starke
23. B. W. Van Hoy
24. R. M. Wagner
25. C. D. Warren
26. D. E. Welch
27. B. H. West
28. K. D. Yarborough
29. T. Q. Duong, U.S. Department of Energy, EE-2A/L'Enfant Plaza Building, 1000
Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20585-1615
30. D. Gardner, NREL
31. R. Hawsey, NREL
32. D. Howell, U.S. Department of Energy, EE-2G/Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Ave.,
S.W., Washington, DC 20585
33. D. U. O’Kain, Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
34. L. A. Slezak, U.S. Department of Energy, EE-2G/Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence
Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20585