State University System of Florida
Board of Governors
325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1614
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Website: www.flbog.edu
(For current, former, and prospective students)
Student Information
Full Name
Date of Birth
University Information
Internal Policy
The Board of Governors’ internal policy is to respect the processes each university has
established to address student complaints and to require that students exhaust all
appropriate internal university processes before seeking an external review. However,
after a student has exhausted all internal university processes, provided there is no
avenue for external appellate review by a court, the Board’s complaint process provides
an avenue for review of those complaints in which a student asserts that the university
is not in compliance with state law or Board of Governors regulations. To that end, this
complaint form may be completed and submitted by those students asserting
noncompliance with state law or Board regulations.
Complaint Information
1. Have you followed the university’s established procedures to resolve your
complaint or concern? Yes No*
* If “No,” refer to the student handbook or contact the university student
ombudsman for information; then follow the university’s procedures to
resolve your complaint or concern.
2. Do you assert that the university is not in compliance with state law or Board of
Governors regulations? Yes* No
* If “yes,” please cite the statute or regulation for which you believe the
university is out of compliance. Statutes may be found at
http://www.leg.state.fl.us, and Board of Governors regulations at
NOTE: If your complaint deals with noncompliance with a university board of
trustees’ regulation, please contact the ombudsman at the university, rather than
submit this form to the Board of Governors. Board of Trustees regulations are
located on the university’s Web site and on the Board of Governors’ Web site.
3. Describe your complaint in detail. Specify any pertinent dates, staff with whom
you dealt (including their e-mail and/or telephone contact information), etc. Attach
copies of any documentation which will help describe the problem and substantiate
your assertion that the university is out of compliance with state law or Board of
Governors regulations. Include any final letters of determination issued by the
The information given in this complaint is true and accurate to the best of my
Date submitted:
Relationship to student*:
*Pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 1232g(d), a student attending a postsecondary institution has
privacy rights in his or her educational records under the federal Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act. Accordingly, if this form is submitted by someone other than
the student, please attach a signed copy of the student’s consent form (a student consent
form may be obtained at the registrar’s office of the university). Absent student
consent, information contained in a student’s educational records maintained by a
postsecondary institution cannot be shared or discussed with anyone other than the
Please save and email the completed form with appropriate attachments to
[email protected] or fax the completed form and attachments to 850-245-9685.