May 2011
Volume 1, Issue 5
La Buen
La Buena Vida Property Owners Association Newsletter
LBV POA Officers
Michael Zotzky
(281) 587-8913
Michael Lucente
Vice President
(361) 226-1627
Jeanne Hunter
(361) 729-5436
Michael Johnson
(Johnson & Cate Certified
Public Accountants)
(361) 729-9707
Individual Highlights
Arch. Committee 2
Palm Trees, Flags 2
Fishing Report 3
Lot Mowing 3
The La Buena Vida Property Owners Association, Inc is incorporated under the laws of the
State of Texas as a non-profit corporation, and granted powers of administering the
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for La Buena Vida.
It’s only been a few months since the last newsletter – and by all counts things are
going very well – but we have a few changes to announce to the POA members.
First, due to a transfer of Donna’s job, Donna and Loren Vaughan have relocated to
Phoenix, Arizona. Donna and Loren built their residence in LBV in 2006, and Donna
has served as the POA President since April 2009. She has been a very effective
leader of the Board, instrumental in efforts to reign in costs and establish a healthy
reserve, and even established and maintained the POA website. We wish them well
in their new locale, and they will truly be missed, but hope to still see them around on
occasion as Donna has a daughter, son-in-law and grandson who still reside in
Rockport. And likely Donna will have difficulty staying away from the great fishing she
enjoyed on Estes Flats!
With Donna’s departure, Michael Zotzky has moved up from Vice President to
President of the Association. Michael and wife Laurie own Lot 28, currently reside in
Houston, but plan to build and retire in La Buena Vida in the near future. Michael –
and Jeanne Hunter (Secretary) – have also been Board members since April 2009.
Michael Lucente has volunteered to serve the remaining term of Vice President. He
and wife Linda reside at 14 La Buena Vida Drive. In accordance with Article 4 of the
Bylaws, Michael Lucente’s appointment has been approved by the current Board.
Thank you to Michael Lucente for his commitment to the Board and your Property
Owners Association.
Please join us in welcoming Bob and Gayly Opem to the neighborhood. They are the
new owners of the former Vaughan residence, at 21 La Buena Vida Drive.
The Architectural Committee has also been very busy, and a lot of construction activity
is currently underway. And you have probably noticed new palm trees in the entry and
common areas. Reports on both of these are included on the next page. We are
monitoring the Robellini palms in the entrance area, which suffered freeze damage.
Please bear with us a while longer as we know the brown fronds are unsightly, but do
not want to replace plants prematurely.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank several of the residents working
behind the scenes to make La Buena Vida special: Michael Lucente, Frank Cameron,
and Jeanne and Randy Hunter – for vigilance in care and watering of the new palms
as they get established. And to Frank Cameron, who has taken over the sprinkler
system settings and monitors when to water, etc. A big job, with five systems...Thanks
for this help from Frank!
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact one of us - the LBV
POA Officers – either by phone or email. Our contact information is listed in the
sidebar to the left. We enjoy hearing from the Association members, getting
suggestions, feedback, newsletter-worthy information, pictures, etc., and are sincerely
committed to improving our neighborhood.
at LBV
LBV POA Newsletter
Construction of the Scharck residence at 22 La Buena Vida Drive (Lot 26) is nearing
completion. On April 12, dock construction plans and specifications were approved
by the Architectural Committee. The proposed one-slip dock satisfies the 19 ft
channel limit in the Restrictions, with the channel edge identified by depth change
measured via boat. Dock construction will begin soon. Thanks to Mr Scharck for
providing an excellent detailed dock drawing and site plans in his approval submittal.
In January, the Hunter's pool and backyard improvement plans were approved by the
Architectural Committee. That work started in February.
On April 3, Bob Opem requested approval for proposed changes to landscaping and
maintenance of a retaining wall. The plans to remove the vines on the retaining wall,
and then stucco and paint to match the house color, were consistent with the
Restrictions in the neighborhood. Arguably, the work did not require Committee
review as it was primarily maintenance, but confirmation was sent anyway. Mr Opem
has already completed this work.
On April 6, the Committee approved plans for a deck and windbreak (short stucco
pony wall with glass wall on top) addition to the south side of the Walker residence at
39 La Buena Vida Drive (Lot 8). Construction is almost complete.
If you are a property owner contemplating building, or have any questions regarding
improvements, please feel free to contact Michael Zotzky or any of the other
Architectural Committee Members.
rchitectural Committee Repor
rchitectural Committe
Michael Zotzky
(281) 587-8913
David Becker
(361) 884-3613
Byron Fields
(361) 883-4721
Randy Hunter
(361) 729-5436
Palm Trees, Flags and Lighting Status
A total of 15 palms - including five Florida Sabals, four Med Fans and six Queens -
have been planted to replace palm trees frozen last winter. The Sabals went in
around the fountain, and at the first island. Two of the Med Fans were planted in the
entry area behind the flag poles in front of the fence to replace the worst of the
Robellinis. One Queen was placed in the front (close to one of the signs) and the
remaining Queens and Med Fans are in the common area.
Although the Sabals are more expensive than the Queen
palms, they are also more wind and cold tolerant. This
should alleviate the trouble and expense of replacement
if there are subsequent harsh winters – so expect to see
more Sabals being used.
As mentioned earlier, we are monitoring the Robellini
(Pygmy Date) palms in the entrance area, which
suffered freeze damage. We are also evaluating plants
that are more freeze-tolerant - including the Med Fans –
to replace the Robellinis that do not grow back.
Finally please note that we taken down the flags down
for now due to the strong winds, and lighting issues in
the island. We are working to fix the lighting and hope to
have the appropriate lights to shine on the flags soon.
(Lights are required if you fly flags at night). The strong
winds can destroy the flags in a week or so, and it does
not make sense to fly them now. Many of the
businesses in Rockport have also removed flags during
this windy season.
Backyard of Scharck residence, nearing completion
LBV POA Newsletter
3 of
La Buena Vida Property
Owners Association, Inc
c/o Johnson & Cate
Certified Public Accountants
2602 Hwy 35 N
Rockport, TX 78382
(361) 729-9707
(361) 729-9729
The La Buena Vida Property Owners Association, Inc (the “Association” or “POA”) is
incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas as a non-profit corporation, and granted
powers of administering the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (these “Restrictions”) for
La Buena Vida. The purpose of the Restrictions is to preserve the natural beauty of the
property, to encourage attractive improvements which are harmonious and compatible, and to
enhance the quality and economic value of the community and each lot therein.
The Bylaws of the Association govern the election of the Board of Directors of the Association,
their term of office, and meetings, powers and duties. Each owner of a lot in the La Buena
Vida subdivision is automatically a Member of the Association, with one vote per lot. Members
elect all Directors for a term of one year.
bout Our Organization…
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
On March 28, 2011, the vacant lots were mowed. This cleared out the remaining
credit for those owners that prepaid for mowing in 2010. Each lot owner of an
unimproved lot will be receiving a mowing prepayment notice in the mail for 2011. If
you choose not to prepay, there will be a $15 administrative fee added to each lawn
mowing bill for invoicing. If you want to avoid the administrative fee, you must
prepay by the billing deadline. Again, please understand that this is a service
provided for the benefit of lot owners, and is a cost-neutral operation for the POA.
Lot Mowing
Meetings of the Association Board are normally held during the third week of each
month. All meetings are open to property owners of La Buena Vida - with the
occasional exception of closed executive sessions - and are currently held at 19 La
Buena Vida (Jeanne and Randy Hunter residence). The meetings are typically on
a weekday evening, but specific date and time is subject to change – especially as
each of us also deal with business travel. So please contact Jeanne Hunter in
advance if you wish to attend a Board meeting.
Board of Director Meetings
La Buena Vida is immediately across from the well-known Estes Flats
fishery. On Easter weekend, my daughter Shannon and I had an
opportunity to do some fishing, albeit from our 10.5 ft long inflatable boat
with small motor. (Not quite in the same class as a Gulf Coast, Haynie,
Shoalwater or Flats Cat high-performance fishing boats – but fishable
nonetheless. It also serves as the dinghy for our sailboat.)
As any of you that were in the area – or almost anywhere in the State of
Texas then – can attest, it was an extremely WINDY week. As we exited
the LBV channel, the Flats were covered in whitecaps. We got soaked
motoring upwind thru the waves. We turned downwind, dropped the drifter
overboard, and then the anchor, but the wind was clearly going to win this
battle, as we sailed downwind at record speed. Not to be deterred from
our ultimate mission, we cast our plastic-tail jigs and were rewarded with a
nice 18 inch long speckled trout. The next pass netted another trout, and
an undersized redfish. The third drift – another keeper trout. Faced with
the prospect of a fourth wet ride upwind, we decided to return to LBV and
clean the fish. Three fish in 1-1/2 hours - not too bad.
That evening we cast lures beneath the lights at the house we were
staying, and caught around two-dozen trout, including five keepers. The
next day we enjoyed a great fish fry made up of freshly-caught trout fillets.
Courtesy of your neighboring Estes Flats fishery!
Michael and Shannon Zotzky, and their
c/o Jeanne Hunter
2207 Hwy 35 N
Suite C #286
Rockport, TX 78382