Report to Congress
on the
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Dispute Process
August 2006
Federal Trade Commission
Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System
Federal Trade Commission
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Report to Congress
on the
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Dispute Process
Submitted to the Congress pursuant to section 313(b) of the
Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003
August 2006
Table of Contents
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
III. The Reporting Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
IV. The Dispute Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
V. FCRA Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
VI. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Appendix A Table of Names and Acronyms
Appendix B Request for Information for Report
Appendix C Sample Automated Consumer Dispute Verication Form
Appendix D Frequency of Credit Account Disputes in Federal Reserve Board Study of Data
from One Repository as of June 30, 20031
Appendix E Response Rates of Furnishers Responding to One Repository Through E-OSCAR
and Furnishers Responding in Paper Form (July 2004)
Appendix F The FCRA After the FACT Act
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
Executive Summary
The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) and the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System (“Board”) submit this report pursuant to section 313(b) of the Fair and
Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (“the FACT Act”). The report discusses the steps that
consumer reporting agencies (“CRAs”) and furnishers of information to CRAs (“furnishers”)
take after receiving a consumer dispute about the accuracy or completeness of information in
the consumers le. The report rst provides background information and describes the Fair
Credit Reporting Act’s (“FCRAs”) dispute provisions. The core portion of the report, titled
“The Dispute Process,” addresses (1) how the consumer submits a dispute to the CRA, (2) how
the CRA forwards the dispute to the furnisher, (3) how the furnisher investigates the dispute
and replies to the CRA, and (4) how the CRA reviews the furnishers response and conveys
the results of the reinvestigation to the consumer. The report also discusses the dispute process
when consumers submit disputes directly to furnishers. The Board issued a request for public
comment, and the report summarizes commenters’ overall views on the dispute process.
The report nds that, although the materials that the FTC and the Board reviewed indicated
that most disputes seem to be processed within the statutory time frame, there is disagreement as
to the adequacy of the CRAs’ and furnishers’ investigations.
The FACT Act imposes a number of new requirements to enhance the consumer dispute
process. These provisions are still being implemented. As a result, this report is based solely
on compliance with the pre-FACT Act FCRA dispute process and recommends no additional
administrative or legislative action at this time. The FTC and the Board believe that the FACT
Act requirements should be given time to take effect before legislators and regulators consider
making additional changes to the dispute process. The FTC and the Board will continue to
monitor the performance of the dispute process, explore possible enhancements, and make
recommendations for action, if appropriate.
Report to Congress
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
I. Introduction
The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (“Board”) submit this report pursuant to section 313(b) of the Fair and Accurate Credit
Transactions Act of 2003 (“the FACT Act”).
Section 313(b) of the FACT Act, enacted on
December 4, 2003, mandates that the FTC and Board jointly study
[t]he extent to which, and the manner in which, consumer reporting agencies and
furnishers of consumer information to consumer reporting agencies are complying
with the procedures, time lines, and requirements under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
for the prompt investigation of the disputed accuracy of any consumer information,
the completeness of the information provided to consumer reporting agencies, and
the prompt correction or deletion, in accordance with such Act, of any inaccurate or
incomplete information or information that cannot be veried.
Section 313(b) also requires that the FTC and the Board submit a joint report on the results
of the study. In preparing the report, the two agencies must consider information relating to
complaints led with the FTC and referred to the nationwide consumer reporting agencies under
section 611(e) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”).
Lastly, section 313(b) requires that
the report include any recommendations that the Board and the FTC jointly determine to be
appropriate for legislative or administrative action.
In preparing this report, the FTC and the Board drew upon information provided by various
sources. The Board issued a request for public comment on the topics required by section
The two agencies reviewed over 120 comment letters received from consumers,
consumer advocates,
creditors and their trade associations,
consumer reporting agencies
Pub. L. 108–159, 117 Stat. 1952. Although the FACT Act makes many improvements to the dispute process, the Act’s
provisions are still in the initial stages of implementation. Consequently, this report is based solely on compliance with the
pre–FACT Act FCRA.
FCRA section 611(e), also enacted as part of the FACT Act, requires that the FTC transmit to the three nationwide consumer
reporting agencies (“repositories”)—Equifax Information Services, LLC (Equifax), Experian Information Solutions, Inc.
(Experian), and TransUnion LLC (TransUnion)—complaints from consumers who appear to have disputed the completeness
or accuracy of their les with one or more repositories or otherwise exercised their dispute rights under FCRA section 611(a).
FCRA section 611(e) also requires that the repositories review the complaints, report to the FTC on the results of their review,
and maintain records sufcient to show compliance.
Request for Information for Study on Investigations of Disputed Consumer Information Reported to Consumer Reporting
Agencies, 69 Fed. Reg. 48,494 (Aug. 10, 2004). See appendix B.
Approximately 100 consumers submitted comments in response to the Board’s Federal Register notice.
The National Consumer Law Center, Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union, Electronic Privacy Clearinghouse,
and U.S. Public Interest Research Group (“consumer groups”) submitted a joint comment.
Commenters that provided information for this report on behalf of furnishers include the Ford County State Bank (Ford
County Bank), Juniper Bank (Juniper), Zions Bancorporation (Zions), Wells Fargo & Company (Wells Fargo), Boeing
Employees Credit Union (BECU), Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T), MBNA America Bank (MBNA), Visa
U.S.A. Inc. (Visa), American Bankers Association (ABA), Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), and Coalition to
Report to Congress
(“CRAs”) and their trade associations,
and mortgage industry trade associations.
The comment
letters are available on the FTC’s website, at The FTC and
the Board also met with consumer advocates and groups representing CRAs and furnishers. In
addition, the FTC and the Board reviewed consumer complaint information maintained within
their own databases and those of several other federal nancial regulators.
The Board reviewed
information gained through examinations for FCRA compliance by several federal nancial
regulators. Finally, the FTC and the Board reviewed the existing literature, including studies,
reports, and industry manuals, as well as research conducted by the Board’s staff economists.
This report summarizes the information provided by these sources. Part II discusses the
role of CRAs and furnishers in the dispute process, describes consumer reports, and explains
the relevant provisions of the FCRA. Because the process by which information is furnished
to CRA databases is important to understanding the dispute process, Part III of this report
discusses reporting responsibilities and the systems through which furnishers report information
to CRAs. Part IV discusses the various steps that consumers, CRAs, and furnishers take during
the dispute process, the systems used to exchange information between CRAs and furnishers
when consumers dispute information contained in their consumer les, as well as commenters’
overall views on how well the dispute process is working. Part V of the report discusses FCRA
enforcement by the FTC, the Board, and other federal agencies; consumer complaints reviewed
by the Board and several other federal agencies; and the complaint-referral program that the FTC
has entered into with CRAs in compliance with FCRA section 611(e). Finally, Part VI contains
the report’s conclusions.
II. Background
A. The Actors
The FCRA dispute process involves CRAs and those who furnish information to the CRAs.
The largest CRAs are three nationwide “repositories” of consumer credit information: Equifax
Implement the FACT Act (Coalition). The Coalition represents an array of nancial services companies that are furnishers
and/or users of consumer credit information. Comment of Coalition, at 1.
For this report, both Equifax and TransUnion submitted comment letters, as did the National Credit Reporting Association
(NCRA), a trade association that represents resellers of consumer reports, and the Consumer Data Industry Association
(CDIA). Formerly known as Associated Credit Bureaus, Inc., CDIA represents many of the nation’s largest CRAs, including
Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Comment of CDIA, at 1 n.1.
The following trade associations also submitted comments: the National Association of Realtors, California Association of
Realtors, National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB), and Florida Association of Mortgage Brokers.
This report uses the term “federal nancial regulators” to refer collectively to the following entities: the Board, Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), Ofce of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC), and Ofce of Thrift Supervision (OTS).
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
Information Services, LLC (“Equifax”), Experian Information Solutions, Inc. (“Experian”),
and TransUnion LLC (“TransUnion”).
Each repository has records on as many as 1.5 billion
credit accounts held by approximately 210 million individuals.
According to the Consumer
Data Industry Association (CDIA), the repositories receive approximately 4 billion updates of
information each month from more than 30,000 furnishers,
and normally update their credit
records within one to seven days of receiving new information.
The repositories issue more
than 1 billion consumer reports each year, the vast majority of which go to creditors, employers,
and insurers.
In 2003, the most recent year for which gures are available, the repositories
issued 57.4 million consumer le disclosures, i.e., reports sent to consumers at their request.
The term “consumer reporting agency” in the FCRA covers many entities other than the
three repositories.
For example, the repositories report that approximately twenty companies,
traditionally referred to as “service bureaus” or “afliates,” have contractual relationships
with one of the repositories under which the afliate owns consumer data in certain areas of
the country but stores the data on the repository’s computer.
Other entities that fall within
the denition of “consumer reporting agency” include those that collect and report specialized
information, such as check writing histories, rental records, employment histories, and medical
Another category of CRAs, “resellers,” purchase consumer information from one or more
of the repositories, provide further input to the consumer report, including merging les from
When the FCRA was enacted in 1970, the credit reporting industry consisted of more than 2,500 independent local and
regional credit bureaus across the country. Written Statement of John A. Ford, Chief Privacy Ofcer, Equifax Inc.: Hearing
Before the House Committee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, 108th Cong. (June 4, 2003) [hereinafter
Statement of John A. Ford], at 5. Over time, however, most of these credit bureaus were consolidated into the three existing
repositories. For a detailed discussion of the history and development of the consumer reporting system, see Robert M. Hunt,
A Century of Consumer Credit Reporting in America (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Working Paper No. 05-13, June
See Robert B. Avery, Paul S. Calem & Glenn B. Canner, Credit Report Accuracy and Access to Credit, Federal Reserve
Bulletin (Summer 2004) [hereinafter 2004 FRB Study], at 298.
Comment of CDIA, at 10.
2004 FRB Study, supra note 11, at 298.
Communication from CDIA to the Division of Financial Practices, Federal Trade Commission (Jan. 7, 2005) (on le with the
Division of Privacy & Identity Protection) [hereinafter CDIA Communication 01/07/05].
FCRA section 603(f) denes “consumer reporting agency” as “any person which, for monetary fees, dues, or on a cooperative
nonprot basis, regularly engages in whole or in part in the practice of assembling or evaluating consumer credit information
or other information on consumers for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports to third parties, and which uses any means
or facility of interstate commerce for the purpose of preparing or furnishing consumer reports.”
In the FTC’s Free Annual File Disclosure Rule, these agencies are termed “associated consumer reporting agencies.” 16
C.F.R. § 610.1(b)(2). Although each of these arrangements is unique, the repository with which such an agency is associated
typically has the right to sell the agency’s data to the repository’s customers.
The CRAs in this category that operate on a nationwide basis are referred to as “nationwide specialty consumer reporting
agencies.” See FCRA § 603(w).
Report to Congress
multiple repositories or adding information from other data sources, and then resell the report.
While this report briey describes the changes in reseller dispute duties under the FACT Act and
includes comments from their trade representatives, the focus of the report with respect to CRAs
will be on the repositories, which own and maintain the vast majority of the data held by CRAs.
Unlike “consumer reporting agency,” the term “furnisher” is not dened in the FCRA. As
the term is generally understood, however, furnishers are entities that provide information about
their customers to CRAs, including information about customers’ payments on their accounts.
Examples of furnishers include banks, thrifts, credit unions, savings and loan institutions,
mortgage lenders, credit card issuers, collection agencies, retail installment lenders, and auto
nance lenders.
The FCRA does not require furnishers to report to CRAs, but, as discussed
below, if they do report, they must comply with certain provisions of the statute. According
to CDIA, the majority of furnishers report full account payment information, both “positive”
information that the account is current and “negative” information, such as delinquencies and
accounts placed for collection.
Some types of accounts are typically reported only when the
payment history turns negative, such as when the debt is transferred to a debt collector. The most
common examples of these accounts are those related to medical debts, telecommunications, and
power companies.
B. Consumer Reports
Full consumer reports issued by the repositories, commonly referred to as “credit reports,”
generally contain ve types of information:
All entities that procure consumer reports for purposes of reselling them must comply with FCRA section 607(e), which
requires that these entities take certain steps before reselling the reports. The FACT Act, however, added special provisions
with respect to the dispute duties of certain of these entities. The special provisions apply only to “resellers.” A reseller is
dened as a
consumer reporting agency that (1) assembles and merges information contained in the database of another
consumer reporting agency or multiple consumer reporting agencies concerning any consumer for purposes
of furnishing such information to any third party, to the extent of such activities; and (2) does not maintain a
database of the assembled or merged information from which new consumer reports are produced.
FCRA § 603(u). Some CRAs that resell repository information merely forward, or “pass through,” the information. These
entities fall outside the FCRA section 603(u) denition of “reseller,” because they do not “assemble and merge” the
information, but they still must comply with FCRA section 607(e).
Comment of CDIA, at 4, 10 n.8.
Comment of CDIA, at 4.
See Robert B. Avery, Paul S. Calem, Glenn B. Canner & Raphael W. Bostic, An Overview of Consumer Data and Credit
Reporting, Federal Reserve Bulletin (Feb. 2003) [hereinafter 2003 FRB Study], at 49, 50; Comment of NAMB, at 2;
Comment of Equifax, at 5.
See 2003 FRB Study, supra note 22, at 48; Statement of John A. Ford, supra note 10, at 8–9. In addition to “credit reports,”
repositories also produce “credit scores,” consumer reports that summarize a consumers credit history in a number, or
“score.” For a fuller discussion of consumer reports and their uses in consumer transactions, see Federal Trade Commission,
Report to Congress Under Sections 318 and 319 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (Dec. 2004)
[hereinafter 2004 FTC Report], at 6–11.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
u Identication Information: Information such as the name of the individual, current and
previous residential addresses, and Social Security number.
u Trade Line Information: Detailed information reported by creditors and other furnishers
on each current and past loan, lease, or other debt (such as utility and medical debts).
u Public Record Information: Information derived from nancial-related public records,
such as records of bankruptcies, foreclosures, tax liens, garnishments, and other civil
u Collection Account Information: Information reported by collection agencies regarding
credit accounts and other debts.
u Inquiry Information: Identities of individuals or companies that have requested
information from an individual’s credit le; the date of inquiry; and an indication of
whether the inquiry was by the consumer, for the review of an existing account, or to help
the inquirer decide on a potential future account or relationship.
Although Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are for-prot businesses that compete with
one another on, among other things, the completeness of the information in their databases,
many items in a consumers les are common to all three repositories. This is due in large part to
the standard formats that furnishers use to report information to the repositories.
some differences remain across repositories. Some furnishers, including some smaller banks
and many debt collection agencies, do not report to all three repositories.
Differences also
can arise from the repositories’ treatment of public record information. Because some public
record information is accessible only by visiting courthouses and other government buildings in
person, the repositories sometimes hire contractors to gather the information.
When repositories
use different contractors, the contractors sometimes report the same public record information
differently, causing additional variations among repository databases.
Yet another reason that
repositories’ databases differ is that the repositories often receive and process information from
furnishers at different times during the same reporting cycle.
For furnishers that report to more than one repository, the standardized formats, known as Metro and Metro 2, ensure that the
bits of information from these furnishers—e.g., last name, rst name, address, and current balance—are received in the same
data elds in the databases of any repositories to which the furnisher reports. See infra section III for a discussion of Metro
and Metro 2.
See, e.g., Comment of Coalition, at page 3 of Coalition’s attachment; Comment of NAMB, at 2; Comment of CDIA, at 4.
National Consumer Law Center, Fair Credit Reporting (5
ed. & Supp. 2005) [hereinafter NCLC Treatise], at 55.
2003 FRB Study, supra note 22, at 51 n.11.
Id.; The Accuracy of Credit Report Information and the Fair Credit Reporting Act: Hearing Before the Senate Committee
on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, 108th Cong. (July 10, 2003) (statement of Stuart K. Pratt, CDIA) [hereinafter
Statement of Stuart K. Pratt], at 5.
Report to Congress
C. FCRA Dispute Duties
The FCRA imposes dispute duties on both CRAs and furnishers. If a consumer disputes the
completeness or accuracy of an item contained in his or her le directly with the CRA,
u the CRA must complete a reinvestigation within thirty days after receiving the notice of
dispute from the consumer;
u in conducting the reinvestigation, the CRA must review and consider all relevant
information submitted by the consumer; and
u within ve business days of receiving the dispute, the CRA must notify the furnisher
of the dispute, and include all relevant information that the CRA received from the
After receiving a dispute from a CRA, a furnisher must take the following steps:
u conduct an investigation with respect to the disputed information;
u review all relevant information provided by the CRA;
u report the results of the investigation to the CRA;
u if the investigation nds that the information is incomplete or inaccurate, report those
results to all nationwide CRAs to which the furnisher reported the information; and
u complete the investigation before the end of the thirty-day period that the CRA has to
complete its reinvestigation.
If the CRA nds during the reinvestigation that a disputed item is inaccurate, incomplete,
or cannot be veried, the CRA must delete or modify the item.
No later than ve business days
after the completion of a reinvestigation, a CRA must provide written notice to the consumer of
the results of the reinvestigation.
The notice must include
u a statement that the reinvestigation is completed;
u a consumer report based on the consumers le (if the le has been revised as a result of
the reinvestigation);
FCRA § 611(a)(1)(A). If a consumer transmits information relevant to the reinvestigation during the thirty-day period,
the CRA has fteen additional days to complete the reinvestigation. FCRA § 611(a)(1)(B). The FCRA uses the term
“reinvestigation” when referring to reviews of disputed items conducted by CRAs and the term “investigation” when
referring to reviews conducted by furnishers. Compare FCRA § 611(a) with FCRA § 623(b).
FCRA § 611(a)(4).
FCRA § 611(a)(2).
FCRA § 623(b). The FCRA also imposes other duties on furnishers, a number of which are described in appendix F of this
FCRA § 611(a)(5)(A). FCRA section 611(a) as originally enacted in 1970 required CRAs to delete information found to be
inaccurate or unveriable, but a 1996 amendment gave CRAs the choice of either deleting the information or modifying it.
FCRA § 611(a)(6).
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
u a notice that the CRA will provide a description of the procedure used to determine
the accuracy and completeness of the disputed item to the consumer at the consumers
u a notice that the consumer has the right to add a statement to his or her le disputing the
accuracy or completeness of the information; and
u a notice that the consumer has the right to request that the CRA furnish notication that
the item had been deleted, or the consumers statement of dispute, to certain persons
designated by the consumer who had previously received a consumer report that
contained the deleted or disputed information.
The FACT Act amended the FCRA in a number of ways that affect the consumer dispute
resolution process.
One of the changes requires the FTC, the Board, and other federal
agencies to promulgate guidelines and regulations requiring creditors to establish reasonable
procedures regarding the accuracy of the data they report to CRAs.
A second change also
requires joint regulations identifying the circumstances under which furnishers, for the rst
time, must investigate certain disputes received directly from consumers.
A third FACT Act
change requires that, in disputes received from a CRA, if information disputed by a consumer
is found to be inaccurate or incomplete or cannot be veried after the furnisher completes the
investigation, the furnisher must promptly delete, modify, or permanently block the reporting
of that information, as appropriate based on the results of the investigation.
The FACT Act
amendments also require nancial institutions that furnish information to nationwide CRAs
to notify consumers in writing if they furnish, or may furnish, negative information about the
consumers to a CRA.
Because these and other provisions of the FACT Act have not become
effective or have only recently become effective, this report focuses on the dispute process as it
existed under the FCRA prior to the FACT Act amendments.
Appendix F contains a more detailed discussion of the FACT Act changes to the FCRA. Other laws, such as the Fair Credit
Billing Act, Electronic Fund Transfer Act, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, also contain requirements with respect to disputes or the furnishing of information. This
report addresses only those requirements in the FCRA.
See FCRA § 623(e), added by FACT Act § 312. In March 2006 the agencies published an Advance Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking. 71 Fed. Reg. 14,419 (March 22, 2006).
See FCRA § 623(a)(8), added by FACT Act § 312.
FCRA § 623(b)(1)(E), added by FACT Act § 314.
FCRA § 623(a)(7), added by FACT Act § 217. The Board issued two model notices that nancial institutions may use to
comply with this requirement. One may be used if the institution provides the notice prior to furnishing negative information
to a nationwide CRA. The other may be used if the institution provides the notice after furnishing the negative information.
12 C.F.R. pt. 222 app. B.
Report to Congress
III. The Reporting Process
This section provides an overview of the process through which furnishers report
information to the CRAs. According to CDIA, more than 30,000 furnishers provide
approximately 4 billion updates of information to the repositories each month.
In general,
nancial services providers such as banks, credit unions, and consumer nance companies
provide the majority of positive and negative account information in CRA les.
A. Reporting Requirements
The FCRA does not require furnishers to report to CRAs. Some entities that choose to
furnish, however, are required by the FCRA to report certain information. For example, a
furnisher must notify a CRA if the consumer voluntarily closes a credit account that the furnisher
has been reporting to that CRA.
The FCRA also requires a furnisher that provides information
to a CRA regarding a delinquent account being placed for collection, charged off, or subjected to
similar action, to notify the CRA of the month and year that the delinquency began.
Some entities are required to furnish certain information due to contractual or other
requirements. For example, the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) stated that “[m]ost
mortgage companies … are required by investors and government entities, such as Fannie Mae,
Freddie Mac, and [the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development], to report ‘full le’
credit information,” including both positive and negative information and the exact status of each
mortgage serviced as of the last business day of each month, to each of the repositories.
Comment of CDIA, at 10. Some furnishers report to CRAs by contracting with other companies to report on their behalf.
Comment of Coalition, at page 1 of Coalition’s attachment.
Comment of TransUnion, at 3. See also Comment of Wells Fargo, at 1.
FCRA § 623(a)(4). The furnisher must include this notice with the information it regularly furnishes to the CRA for the
period in which the account is closed. Id. Furnishers that commented on this issue indicated that they report the closure in
their next regularly scheduled report to the CRA, as required by law. Comment of BECU, at 3; Comment of Wells Fargo, at
4; Comment of Juniper, at 3; Comment of MBA, at 9; Comment of ABA, at 3; Comment of Zions, at 4; Comment of BB&T,
at 5. However, the National Association of Mortgage Brokers stated that instead of reporting that an account is closed, some
creditors simply stop sending updates on the account to CRAs. Comment of NAMB, at 7.
FCRA § 623(a)(5). Some commenters stated that with respect to accounts that have been placed for collection or charged
off, they report the date of the rst delinquency with their regular monthly update to the CRAs. Comment of MBA, at 8;
Comment of Ford County Bank, at 1; Comment of BECU, at 3; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 4; Comment of Zions, at 3–4;
Comment of Juniper, at 3. NAMB was concerned that, in some cases, as a collection or charged-off account is sold and
resold, a new date is attached to the account by each new furnisher, so it appears that the delinquency is more recent than it
really is. Comment of NAMB, at 6. The practice described by NAMB likely would violate the FCRA. As noted above, the
FCRA requires a furnisher that reports information to a CRA regarding a delinquent account being placed for collection,
charged to prot or loss, or subjected to any similar action to notify the CRA of the month and year of the commencement of
the delinquency that immediately preceded the action (often referred to as the “date of delinquency”), not later than ninety
days after furnishing the information to the CRA. FCRA § 623(a)(5). No matter how many times a delinquent account is sold
and resold, its date of delinquency should remain the same.
Comment of MBA, at 2. In addition, MBA commented that mortgage furnishers are not allowed to report certain negative
information. For example, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae require forbearances on mortgages to be reported as military
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
Nevertheless, because the FCRA generally does not require reporting, some furnishers
choose not to report at all, to report only negative information, or to omit a key element of data
such as a credit limit.
Others report data on some of their credit products and not others.
Commenters proffered a variety of reasons why some furnishers choose not to report or to report
only certain kinds of information. CDIA reported that “[s]ome lenders omit the reporting of
very elite customers out of concern that other lenders will attempt to compete for this market of
Other lenders choose not to report their subprime portfolios for the same reason.
Some regulated entities, such as telephone companies, are limited by regulations as to the types
of information they may report to CRAs.
Some of these companies, for example, are permitted
to report only information about accounts that are in past due or charged-off status.
entities choose not to report to all the repositories in light of the potential liability imposed on
furnishers by the FCRA dispute provisions as well as the costs involved in furnishing.
costs may include those associated with reporting, handling investigation requests, establishing
policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the FCRA, and performing audits of reporting
systems and information reported.
indulgences if the borrower is a service member on active duty and eligible for relief under the Servicemembers Civil Relief
Act. Comment of MBA, at 5.
Comment of CDIA, at 4. The ABA reported that only a small percentage of the very smallest institutions report only negative
information. Comment of ABA, at 2.
Comment of BB&T, at 1. Many banks in the Coalition’s survey of twenty community banks stated that they do not report
information on commercial loans and a variety of other loans such as agricultural loans, real estate loans, and overdraft-
protection closed-end loans. Comment of Coalition, at page 2 of Coalition’s attachment. A state member bank explained that
in the course of a bank examination, it reports on all its mortgage and consumer loan products, but not on its commercial
loans, as the commercial loan relationships are supported with cash generated from operating income and real estate
Comment of CDIA, at 4. Many creditors obtain lists of consumers from CRAs for the purpose of making “rm offers of
credit” (often referred to as “prescreened offers”). The FCRA permits creditors to obtain these consumer lists under FCRA
section 604(c) unless a consumer opts out of receiving such offers. By refraining from reporting positive data on their best
customers, banks and other creditors can keep competitors from “cherry picking” those customers through prescreened offers.
Comment of CDIA, at 4; Comment of NAMB, at 2.
See, e.g., Cal. Pub. Util. Code § 2891(a) (2004).
Comment of Equifax, at 5.
Comment of CDIA, at 4; Comment of TransUnion, at 4; Comment of Equifax, at 5; Comment of BECU, at 1; Comment of
Coalition, at page 3 of Coalition’s attachment.
Commenters reported on the policies and procedures implemented to ensure compliance with the FCRA and the periodic
auditing performed to ensure that information reported is accurate. See Comment of MBA, at 7–8; Comment of Coalition, at
4; Comment of MBNA, at 5; Comment of ABA, at 3; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 3; Comment of Juniper, at 2; Comment of
BB&T, at 4; Comment of BECU, at 2. In addition, BECU reviews annual audits from each CRA to ensure that the CRAs are
accurately recording information reported by BECU. Comment of BECU, at 2. Similarly, the Coalition reported that one of
its members that performed such a review found that the CRA accurately recorded the reported information more than 99.7%
of the time. See Comment of Coalition, at 4.
Report to Congress
B. Reporting Formats
Most furnishers use one of two standard formats to report credit information to the
repositories. In the mid-1970’s, the credit reporting industry developed the Metro format, which
was designed to ensure greater precision in the data reported to the CRAs.
In 1997, CDIA
introduced the Metro 2 format.
Metro and Metro 2 each provide a standard format, including
standard codes, that can be used for virtually any consumer credit transaction. According to
CDIA, Metro 2 is “an updated and more robust version of Metro, and provides for complete and
accurate reporting.”
For example, unlike the Metro format, Metro 2 allows a furnisher to report
complete identication information for each consumer, including co-debtors and co-signers,
which makes it more likely that CRAs will match the reported item to the correct consumers
The repositories currently receive over 99% of all data from furnishers in either the Metro
or Metro 2 format.
Approximately 31% of these furnishers—representing approximately 50%
of all data furnished to the repositories—now report through Metro 2.
The repositories hope to
convert the rest of the furnishers to Metro 2.
Repositories also obtain information from courts, city halls, tax ofces, and motor vehicles
For those public record sources that are not yet available electronically, the
repositories often hire contractors to manually collect the information. This information is then
added to the repositories’ databases for inclusion in future consumer reports.
IV. The Dispute Process
In the consumer dispute process, a consumer rst reviews his or her credit report and
identies information in the report that he or she believes is incomplete or inaccurate. The
consumer then communicates a dispute to the CRA, which conveys the dispute to the furnisher
of the information. The furnisher investigates the dispute and reports back to the CRA the results
of its investigation. Finally, the CRA communicates the outcome of the reinvestigation to the
Comment of CDIA, at 10.
Id. Both Metro and Metro 2 are maintained by an industry committee of employees from each of the three repositories. Id.
Communication from CDIA to the Division of Financial Practices, Federal Trade Commission (Jan. 12, 2005) (on le with
the Division of Privacy & Identity Protection) [hereinafter CDIA Communication 01/12/05], at 1.
CDIA, Credit Reporting Resource Guide (2003) [hereinafter CDIA Resource Guide], at 2-1.
General Accounting Ofce, Report No. GAO-03-1036T, Consumer Credit: Limited Information Exists on the Extent of Credit
Report Errors and Their Implications for Consumers (July 2003), at 12.
CDIA Communication 01/12/05, supra note 55, at 2.
Comment of CDIA, at 4.
NCLC Treatise, supra note 26, at 55.
Id. at 55–56.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
consumer. In some cases, consumers communicate a dispute directly to the furnisher.
section will discuss each step of the dispute process, as well as the commenters’ overall views on
how well the current process is working.
A. Consumer Reviews Consumer Report and Conveys Dispute to
In a 2004 Government Accountability Ofce (GAO) survey of 1578 consumers, 58% of
consumers had seen their credit report at some point, and 45% of this subgroup had viewed
their report within the previous year.63 Of the 58% who had viewed their report at some point,
53% said they had ordered their report themselves, and 47% said someone else (e.g., a mortgage
company, nancial institution, or car dealership) had ordered their report and given it to them.
CDIA reported that the repositories issued 57.4 million le disclosures (i.e., reports sent to
consumers at their request) in 2003.
If a consumer requests a credit report from one of the
nationwide CRAs, the CRA must provide the consumer with a toll-free telephone number at
which personnel are accessible to consumers during normal business hours.
The 58% of consumers in the GAO study who had seen their credit report at some time gave
the following as the reasons their credit report had been ordered:
48% Making a large purchase or renancing
30% Checking for completeness and accuracy
8% Due to an adverse action, such as denial of credit, based on a credit report
4% Suspected fraud and/or identity theft
1% Looking for a job
9% Other reasons
Until new FACT Act rules under FCRA § 623(a)(8) take effect, the FCRA does not specically require that furnishers
investigate disputes conveyed directly to them by consumers. Even before the rules take effect, however, the FCRA prohibits
furnishers that report regularly from reporting information they have determined is inaccurate, and requires them to report
corrected information. FCRA § 623(a)(2).
Government Accountability Ofce, Report No. GAO-05-223, Credit Reporting Literacy: Consumers Understand the Basics
but Could Benet From Targeted Educational Efforts (March 2005) [hereinafter 2005 GAO Report], at 3, 20.
Id. at 20–21, 64.
CDIA Communication 01/07/05, supra note 15. In many cases, a single consumer may have received disclosures from
multiple CRAs. Therefore it is difcult to compare CDIAs estimate of le disclosures to the GAO’s estimate of the number
of reports ordered by consumers.
FCRA § 609(c)(2)(B).
2005 GAO Report, supra note 63, at 21, 64–65. Consumers in many circumstances can obtain a free credit report. See FCRA
§§ 609, 612. If consumers are not entitled to a free report, they may purchase one for a statutorily capped fee. FCRA § 612(f).
The current maximum fee is $10.00. See 70 Fed. Reg. 74,816 (Dec. 16, 2005).
Report to Congress
A consumer who believes that an item reported in a credit report is inaccurate or incomplete
may contact the CRA by mail, online, by telephone, or in person to dispute the item.
to CDIA, of the 57.4 million le disclosures issued to consumers by the repositories in 2003,
21.8% (12.5 million) led to a reinvestigation by one of the repositories.
Approximately 18% of
the consumers interviewed in the GAO survey said that they disputed information in their credit
le at some point.
The consumers surveyed by GAO reported the following reasons for their
17% Someone else’s information
14% Incorrect payment history
14% Incorrect late payments
13% Incorrect bill information
13% Incorrect credit card information
10% Incorrect personal information
7% Incorrect balance information
4% Incorrect bankruptcy information
3% Incorrect information from a former spouse
2% Identity theft
4% Another reason
To understand how often credit accounts are disputed, the Federal Reserve Board reviewed
data provided by one of the three repositories as of June 30, 2003.
The data are broken out by
percentage of accounts in dispute. The Board found that 0.18% of credit accounts had a pending
Most of the disputes related to open accounts (85.4% of the pending disputes related
CDIA Communication 01/12/05, supra note 55, at 2.
CDIA Communication 01/07/05, supra note 15.
The consumers who said they disputed information in their credit les reported that they had disputed to the following
entities: 32% to a CRA only; 29% to the creditor only; 30% to both a CRA and the creditor; 6% to an agency other than a
CRA or the creditor; and 3% did not know. 2005 GAO Report, supra note 63, at 67.
2005 GAO Report, supra note 63, at 30–31.
The Board examined the credit records of a large, nationally representative sample of individuals as of June 30, 2003. This
sample was previously examined in detail by the Board as part of a series of articles about the credit reporting system. See
2003 FRB Study, supra note 22, at 47–73; 2004 FRB Study, supra note 11, at 297–322.
See appendix D, table 1. With respect to different types of credit accounts, the following percentages of accounts were in
dispute: 0.37% of credit card accounts; 0.02% of mortgage loans; 0.0% of auto loans; and 0.04% of other types of credit
accounts (such as charge accounts, lines of credit, secured credit, and student loans).
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
to open accounts and 14.6% related to closed accounts).
Of those credit accounts in dispute,
89.9% were credit card accounts.
B. CRA Processes Dispute
As discussed above, when a consumer submits a dispute to a CRA, the CRA generally
must reinvestigate within thirty days.
As part of the reinvestigation, the CRA must review and
consider all relevant information submitted by the consumer.
Although the FCRA before the
FACT Act did not specically state that a CRAs reinvestigation had to be “reasonable,” courts
generally imposed a reasonableness standard. Under the FACT Act, the FCRA now expressly
requires that a CRAs reinvestigation be reasonable.
Whether a particular CRAs actions
constitute a “reasonable” reinvestigation varies depending on the circumstances surrounding the
The joint comment letter submitted by the National Consumer Law Center, Consumer
Federation of America, Consumers Union, Electronic Privacy Clearinghouse, and U.S. Public
Interest Research Group (“the consumer groups”) asserted that CRAs fail to conduct meaningful
reinvestigations and merely “parrot” information received from furnishers as “veried,” without
See appendix D, table 3.
See appendix D, table 2.
FCRA § 611(a)(1)(A). If the consumer submits additional information relevant to the reinvestigation during the thirty-day
period, the reinvestigation period can be extended for an additional fteen days. FCRA § 611(a)(1)(B). In addition, the
FACT Act provides that CRAs have forty-ve days to complete a reinvestigation if the consumer disputes information after
receiving an annual free le disclosure pursuant to the FACT Act. FCRA § 612(a)(3), amended by FACT Act § 211.
FCRA § 611(a)(4).
Compare section 611(a)(1)(A) of 1996 FCRA (“the agency shall reinvestigate free of charge”) with section 611(a)(1)(A) of
the FACT Act FCRA (“the agency shall, free of charge, conduct a reasonable reinvestigation”).
Compare Cushman v. TransUnion Corp., 115 F.3d 220, 225 (3d Cir. 1997) (where a consumer alerted CRA to possible
fraud, it was not sufcient for CRA to rely merely on the creditors information; court applied a two-factor test: (1) whether
the consumer has alerted CRA to possibility that source may be unreliable or CRA itself knows or should know that source
is unreliable, and (2) cost of verifying accuracy of source compared with possible harm inaccurately reported information
may cause consumer); Pinner v. Schmidt, 805 F.2d 1258, 1262 (5th Cir. 1986) (unreasonable for CRA only to contact the
creditors agent to re-verify a delinquent account balance reported on the consumers credit report where plaintiff notied
CRA of his personal dispute with the agent); Soghomonian v. U.S., 278 F. Supp. 2d 1151, 1156 (E.D. Cal. 2003) (CRA does
not act reasonably by deferring entirely to another source of information, especially in cases where source on which CRA
relies does not consider information supplied by consumers in course of verifying information); with Bagby v. Experian
Information Systems, 162 Fed. Appx. 600, 606-07 (7th Cir. 2006) (CRA had no duty to perform independent investigation
where the consumer provided no evidence that source providing information to CRA was unreliable and cost of investigation
far outweighed harm to the consumer); Cahlin v. General Motors Acceptance Corp., 936 F.2d 1151, 1160 (11th Cir. 1991)
(CRAs reinvestigation was not unreasonable where CRA exercised independent professional judgment, based on full
information, as to how particular account should be reported on credit report and where there was no factual deciency in
credit report); Stewart v. Credit Bureau, Inc., 734 F.2d 47, 55 (D.C. Cir. 1984) (CRAs failure, following reinvestigation of
disputed items in credit report, to note that a lien was against the consumer as a business entity, rather than as an individual,
and that the consumer contested the lien, did not render report fundamentally incomplete, so as to serve as basis for the
consumers claim that reinvestigation procedures were inadequate to reasonably ensure accurate correction of disputed
items); Kettler v. CSC Credit Serv., Inc., 2003 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 14424, *7-8 (D. Minn. Aug. 12, 2003) (where the consumer
did not provide specic information regarding nature of inaccuracies in her credit report, court ruled that CRA may rely on
information in public records absent more specic evidence that the information is inaccurate).
Report to Congress
independently investigating the accuracy and completeness of such information.
CDIA, on the
other hand, maintained that the repositories meet their obligations to perform reinvestigations.
According to CDIA, in some cases the CRA makes the correction without even submitting the
dispute to the furnisher. CDIA asserted that the repositories “examine the information provided
by a consumer, and where that information demonstrates that the account should be changed
or deleted, the account is changed or deleted.”
Similarly, TransUnion claimed that, “if the
documentation [provided by a consumer] can be reasonably veried as being authentic, the
account is automatically updated based on the documentation, in lieu of sending” a dispute to the
C. CRA Forwards Dispute to Furnisher
Assuming the CRA does not resolve the dispute itself, the CRA must provide notice of the
dispute to the entity that furnished the disputed information, along with “all relevant information
regarding the dispute that the CRA has received from the consumer,” within ve business days
after receiving the consumers dispute.
1. How CRA Conveys Dispute to Furnisher
When a consumer contacts a CRA to dispute information on the consumers credit report,
the consumer generally is asked to provide the name of the furnisher that reported the disputed
item, the account number relating to the disputed information, the reason for the dispute, and
certain identifying information (e.g., date of birth, Social Security number, and current address).
A CRA employee typically lls out a consumer dispute verication (“CDV”) form based on the
information the consumer provides. The CRA either sends the CDV to the furnisher via mail or
fax, or electronically in the form of an Automated Consumer Dispute Verication (“ACDV”).
(An example of an ACDV form is attached as appendix C.) After investigating the disputed
information, the furnisher lls in relevant portions of the CDV or ACDV and returns it to the
CRAs and furnishers also communicate through Universal Data Forms (“UDFs”). Like
CDVs and ACDVs, UDFs are used by furnishers to notify CRAs that information the furnisher
Comment of consumer groups, at 6.
CDIA Communication 01/12/05, supra note 55, at 3. CDIA added that CRAs “also keep in mind that credit repair
[organizations] can and do submit falsied documents, including forged letters from credit grantors which advise a consumer
reporting agency to delete accurate information.” Id.
Comment of TransUnion, at 5.
FCRA § 611(a)(2).
See, e.g.,, “Dispute”;, “Online Dispute”;, “Submit a Dispute
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
has reported should be deleted or modied in some way. Unlike CDVs and ACDVs, however,
UDFs are initiated by furnishers, rather than by CRAs. For example, if a consumer contacts a
furnisher directly to dispute the accuracy of an item that the furnisher has reported to a CRA,
and the furnisher determines that the information is inaccurate, the furnisher generally would
use a UDF to notify the CRA of the inaccuracy.
UDFs sent electronically are referred to as
Automated Universal Data forms (“AUDs”).
The credit reporting industry’s current electronic dispute processing system is known as
(“Online Solution for Complete and Accurate Reporting”). The system is web-based
and permits furnishers to receive and send ACDVs, and send AUDs, over the Internet.
On the
ACDVs they send through e-OSCAR, CRAs provide the furnisher with identifying information
about the consumer in the CRAs le; one or two codes summarizing the consumers dispute;
and, if the CRA deems it necessary, a free-form narrative eld that supplements the dispute
CRAs select the dispute codes from among twenty-six offered by the e-OSCAR system,
such as “Not his/hers” and “Claims account closed.” CDIA provided the full list of codes to the
FTC and the Board but declined to release the list for use in this report, citing concerns that the
codes are condential and that credit repair organizations would misuse their knowledge of the
dispute codes to have accurate information removed from consumers’ les.
According to CDIA, as of December 2004, e-OSCAR had nearly 15,400 registered users
and more than 83% of all disputes were being processed on the e-OSCAR system.
remaining disputes currently are processed through paper CDVs. When a consumer contacts a
repository to dispute an item reported by a furnisher that does not participate in e-OSCAR, the
FCRA section 623(a)(2) requires that if a furnisher determines that information the furnisher has reported to a CRA is
incomplete or inaccurate, the furnisher (1) must promptly notify the CRA of that determination and provide any information
necessary for the CRA to make the information complete and accurate and (2) may not furnish the incomplete or inaccurate
information to the CRA in the future.
See CDIA, “What Is e-OSCAR?” at
Id. Because e-OSCAR is web-based, furnishers are able to avoid the cost of purchasing and updating software. CDIA,
“Benets,”ts.htm. FCRA section 611(a)(5)(D) requires the nationwide CRAs to implement an
automated system through which furnishers may report the results of their investigations to all nationwide CRAs to which the
furnishers reported the disputed information. The e-OSCAR system permits such reporting by furnishers.
Comment of CDIA, at 5; Comment of TransUnion, at 4; CDIA Communication 01/12/05, supra note 55, at 2.
“Credit repair organizations” generally offer to remove, or assist consumers in removing, derogatory information from
consumers’ credit les. See 15 U.S.C. § 1679b(3) (dening “credit repair organization”). Because of deceptive practices
used by many credit repair organizations, Congress enacted the Credit Repair Organizations Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1679-1679j,
in 1996. TransUnion estimates that between 12% and 20% of all requests for reinvestigations are generated by credit repair
organizations. Comment of TransUnion, at 8. Two furnishers, on the other hand, asserted that few, if any, disputes they
received came from credit repair organizations. Comment of Coalition, at page 4 of Coalition’s attachment; Comment of
Zions, at 1.
CDIA Communication 01/12/05, supra note 55, at 2.
Id. TransUnion estimates that approximately 86% of its dispute notices are sent to e-OSCAR participants; the remaining 14%
are sent to paper-based furnishers. Comment of TransUnion, at 6.
Report to Congress
repository submits a paper CDV by mail or fax to the furnisher that reported the disputed data.
The furnisher investigates the disputed data and returns the paper CDV to the repository, which
then uses the information to update the consumers le as necessary.
Some CRAs convey
disputes to furnishers through telephone calls. While repositories generally do not use this
resellers often do, conducting three-way calls with the consumer and the furnisher that
reported the disputed item.
According to the National Credit Reporting Association (NCRA), a
trade association that represents many resellers, resellers generally are willing to provide disputes
to furnishers by whatever means the furnisher demands.
Each of the three repositories, however, has announced plans to stop accepting paper-based
disputes and require all furnishers to participate in e-OSCAR.
MBA commented that it is
unclear whether all mortgage servicers or other creditors have access to e-OSCAR.
furnishers have responded to the repositories’ plans to stop accepting paper-based disputes by
stating that they will refuse to pay the fee to use e-OSCAR.
As a result, these furnishers argue,
any disputed information that they report will be deleted because the furnisher has no other way
to respond to the dispute.
To avoid this, MBA recommended in its comment letter that there be
a free alternative to e-OSCAR for CRAs to accept corrections from furnishers.
2. All Relevant Information”
As noted above, when CRAs send disputes to furnishers, the FCRA requires them to
include “all relevant information regarding the dispute that the agency has received from the
Comments reected differing views on whether the current system sufciently
provides “all relevant information” for all disputes. The consumer groups commented that
consumers often supply CRAs with information and documentation sufcient to support their
disputes (including account applications, billing statements, and letters), but CRAs neither
CDIA Communication 01/12/05, supra note 55, at 3.
Id. at 2.
Resellers are discussed in more detail in section II.A of this report.
Comment of NCRA, at 2. As discussed more fully in section IV.D.2, NCRA commented that furnishers vary in the degree to
which they cooperate when resellers convey consumer disputes to them.
Comment of CDIA, at 2; Comment of TransUnion, at 4; Comment of Equifax, at 4; Comment of MBA, at 10.
Comment of MBA, at 3.
Comment of Ford County Bank, at 1. Similarly, in the course of a Federal Reserve bank examination, a state member bank
stated that because it received so few disputes, it decided not to pay the fee to correct information with the CRA. Furnishers
that participate in e-OSCAR are charged $0.25 each time they receive an ACDV or send an AUD. They pay a minimum
charge of $21 each quarter, regardless of the number of e-OSCAR transactions they conduct during that period. CDIA, “e-
OSCAR Costs,” at
Comment of Ford County Bank, at 1. See FCRA § 611(a)(5)(A).
Comment of MBA, at 11.
FCRA § 611(a)(2)(A).
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
review the documentation nor forward it to furnishers.
The consumer groups asserted that the
twenty-six dispute codes CRAs use in ACDVs and CDVs to describe consumer disputes convey
only “generic descriptions” of the disputes.
A number of furnishers commented that the dispute codes are “vague and broad,” and
that the CRAs do not always provide sufcient information.
The Coalition to Implement the
FACT Act reported that a signicant volume of current disputes—according to some Coalition
members, 30%–40% of all disputes—are assigned generic, or “catch-all,” dispute codes, such as
“other” or “consumer complains data inaccurate; no specic dispute.” According to the Coalition,
the use of these catch-all codes makes investigations time-consuming and costly.
At the same
time, most furnishers reported that the information provided to them through e-OSCAR usually
is sufcient to investigate the dispute.
According to CDIA, the free-form eld is used in 30%
of all disputes processed through e-OSCAR.
MBA also noted that, while the information its
members receive from CRAs is often cursory, it generally is not problematic, adding that the
bank can contact the borrower directly for information.
According to CDIA, the e-OSCAR system as it currently exists already conveys all relevant
The two repositories that submitted comments, TransUnion and Equifax,
Comment of consumer groups, at 2, 5–6.
Comment of consumer groups, at 7.
Comment of BB&T, at 6; Comment of MBA, at 9; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 5; Comment of ABA, at 4; Comment of
Zions, at 4; Comment of Coalition, at 2–3; Comment of MBNA, at 3–4.
Comment of Coalition, at 2. The Coalition recommended that several of these catch-all dispute codes be made more precise.
Id. The Coalition noted, however, that those members that addressed whether the information from the CRAs is sufcient to
conduct an investigation reported that the information is almost always sufcient. Id. at 4.
Comment of Coalition, at 1; Comment of MBNA, at 2; Comment of Ford County Bank, at 1; Comment of ABA, at 4;
Comment of Wells Fargo, at 5; Comment of Juniper, at 4.
CDIA Communication 01/12/05, supra note 55, at 2 n.2.
Comment of MBA, at 9.
Comment of CDIA, at 7. The courts that have addressed the issue of whether the ACDV system and its use of codes to
convey the relevant consumer information complies with the FCRA have concluded that, at least in concept, it does. See
Davis v. Equifax Information Services LLC, 346 F. Supp. 2d 1164, 1176 (N.D. Ala. 2004) (where consumer did not know
what information CRA asked furnisher to investigate and consumers only evidence that CRA failed to convey “all relevant
information” to furnisher was fact that CRA conveyed the information electronically, court granted summary judgment for
CRA); Perry v. Experian Info. Solutions, No. 05C1578, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 26040, *22-23 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 28, 2005)
(based on scant information in consumers dispute letters, CRAs reinvestigation using ACDVs was reasonable); and Lee
v. Experian Info. Solutions, No. 02C8424, 2003 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 17420, at 19–20 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 2, 2003) (“[T]he CDV
procedure alone is accepted by courts as an adequate method both for assuring accuracy and for reinvestigation” (citing
Dickens v. TransUnion Corp., 18 Fed. Appx. 315, 319 (6th Cir. 2001))). Several courts, however, have found that under
particular circumstances, the CRA should take additional steps to override or correct the standard procedures when it knows
or should know those procedures are not functioning properly in that case. See Apodaca v. Discover Financial Services,
2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12505, *32 (D.N.M. Mar. 2, 2006) (where potential harm to the consumer is great and the consumer
provides specic and detailed information, a rational factnder may nd this “weigh[s] strongly in favor of investing the
resources necessary to complete a more thorough investigation that goes beyond the minimal CDV procedure,” which the
CRA knew would be inadequate to correct the problems created by its reporting procedures); and Soghomonian v. U.S.,
278 F. Supp. 2d 1151, 1157 n.3 (E.D. Cal. 2003) (CRA acted unreasonably in failing to provide furnisher with copy of IRS
Report to Congress
CDIA reported that 22% of consumer disputes submitted to the repositories are
submitted by telephone,
and that many other disputes are submitted on the standardized
form that CRAs provide when they give consumers copies of their consumer reports. Thus,
CDIA commented, most disputes are not accompanied by additional relevant information.
TransUnion also reported that most consumer disputes it receives do not reference or contain any
specic information or documentation.
CDIA added that, “due to credit repair activity or even
individual choices, not all information or documentation that a consumer submits is truthful or
authentic, nor are all requests for reinvestigations valid.”
TransUnion stated that it typically does not supply copies of consumer-supplied
documentation to furnishers but added that, “if the documentation can be reasonably veried
as being authentic, the account is automatically updated based on the documentation, in lieu
of sending an ACDV or CDV.”
Equifax noted that it currently provides two methods of
supplementing the e-OSCAR dispute codes and free-form eld: (1) a copy of the documentation
can be faxed to the furnisher as appropriate and (2) furnishers can contact CRAs with questions
they have about a particular dispute.
In April 2006, CDIA stated that its members “have continued to research both the
technological and legal questions that might arise from providing consumer-submitted
information directly to data furnishers.” It concluded that “the viability of the concept of making
consumer-submitted information available through the e-OSCAR system to data furnishers is
now questionable.”
document supplied by the plaintiffs that proved the plaintiffs’ tax lien had been extinguished). Thus, the issue of whether the
CRA has conveyed “all relevant information” is a fact-dependent one.
Comment of TransUnion, at 6; Comment of Equifax, at 7.
CDIA Communication 01/12/05, supra note 55, at 3 n.4.
Comment of CDIA, at 6. CDIAs members report that they do not have a tracking mechanism that allows them to report on
how many written disputes are submitted using only a standardized form and how many contain additional documentation.
CDIA Communication 01/12/05, supra note 55, at 3.
Comment of TransUnion, at 6.
Comment of CDIA, at 7.
Comment of TransUnion, at 5.
Comment of Equifax, at 7.
Communication from CDIA to the Division of Privacy & Identity Protection, Federal Trade Commission (Apr. 14, 2006)
(on le with the Division of Privacy & Identity Protection). Among other things, CDIA noted that some consumers submit
disputes with information about different accounts and furnishers commingled, and that it was unclear whether individual
furnishers should be permitted to see information other than that which relates to their account. According to CDIA, masking
or editing consumer documents to maintain privacy would be technologically difcult. In its original comment letter, CDIA
had stated that under the e-OSCAR system, “it has become feasible to consider some additional enhancements to an already
successful technology. Discussions have begun on a means of delivering or making available consumer documentation,
submitted to a consumer reporting agency along with a dispute, to data furnishers to ensure that a furnisher can more fully
consider a consumers dispute.” Comment of CDIA, at 5.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
D. Furnisher Investigates and Sends Response to CRA
1. Furnisher’s Investigation
A furnisher that receives notice of a dispute from a CRA is required to
(A) conduct an investigation with respect to the disputed information;
(B) review all relevant information provided by the consumer reporting agency . . .;
(C) report the results of the investigation to the consumer reporting agency; and
(D) if the investigation nds that the information is incomplete or inaccurate, report
those results to all other [nationwide] consumer reporting agencies to which the
person furnished the information.
Whether a furnishers actions constitute a sufcient investigation depends on a number
of factors, including the information the furnisher received about the dispute and the steps the
furnisher takes to investigate the dispute.
According to the consumer groups, “regardless of where the dispute is made (directly
with the furnisher or through a CRA), furnishers are simply not conducting meaningful
reinvestigations; they do not train their employees on effective reinvestigation procedures; and
they repeatedly default simply to verifying the existence of an account.”
The consumer groups
FCRA § 623(b)(1). The FACT Act imposes additional duties on furnishers, described in appendix F of this report.
Examples of courts ruling that a furnishers investigation was sufcient include Westra v. Credit Control of Pinellas, 409
F.3d 825, 827 (7th Cir. 2005) (investigation was reasonable where CRA did not inform furnisher that plaintiff was victim of
identity theft and furnisher veried name, address, and date of birth of account and reported to CRA that account belonged
to plaintiff); Malm v. Household Bank, N.A., 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12981, *14-15 (D. Minn. July 7, 2004) (where CRAs
CDV stated only “Not his/hers. Provide complete ID” and did not specify that plaintiff believed account belonged to ex-wife
only, or that she forged his signature to open it, furnisher conducted reasonable investigation by verifying that plaintiffs
personal information matched its records and updating account balance; furnisher did not have to review the actual credit card
application). Other courts, however, have ruled that a furnishers investigation was or might have been insufcient. See, e.g.,
Johnson v. MBNA, 357 F.3d 426, 431-32 (4th Cir. 2004) (upholding jury verdict nding that credit card issuers investigation
was not reasonable where company was notied that consumer disputed that she was co-obligor on the account and company
reviewed only information in its computerized customer information system and did not consult underlying documents, such
as account applications); Schaffhausen v. Bank of America, 393 F. Supp. 2d 853, 858 (D. Minn. 2005) (“Bank of America’s
convoluted and inconsistent responses to the CRAs’ inquiries … create at least a jury question as to the reasonableness of
BOAs procedures.”); Bruce v. First U.S.A. Bank, 103 F. Supp. 2d 1135, 1143 (E.D. Mo. 2000) (court held that standard
for reasonable investigation for furnishers is analogous to that of CRAs, and found issues of material fact where furnisher
reviewed only its internal records, which revealed that signature on credit application did not match plaintiffs signature, and
furnisher did not contact either the plaintiff or his ex-wife regarding allegations of fraud).
Comment of consumer groups, at 4 (emphasis in original). NAMB reported that in some cases, instead of conrming
that the furnisher cannot validate the information, the furnisher will do nothing, or actually report back to the CRA that
the information is accurate as reported. Comment of NAMB, at 4. NAMB also commented that there are times when the
furnisher is, in fact, given conclusive information about the disputed information, but the corrections or modications
reported back to the CRA are not accurate—e.g., discharge dates are reported inaccurately or balances are not indicated
accurately as zero. Id.
Report to Congress
assert that furnishers rarely research the underlying dispute, review documents, or analyze the
furnishers’ own data for inconsistencies and errors.
Other commenters provided varying information on the level of investigation that
furnishers conduct in response to disputes. Several furnishers commented that they compared
the information provided on the dispute notice with the information contained in the furnishers’
Wells Fargo and Company (Wells Fargo) indicated that such information could
include the
u consumers name, address, and Social Security number;
u consumers account number;
u account payment history;
u account servicing notes and collection notes;
u loan documents; and
u deferral, modication, and extension history.
Similarly, Zions Bancorporation (Zions) indicated that its consumer loan servicing
department researches the account history to match the consumers identifying information and
to determine the timing of the payment compared to the payment due dates.
If the department’s
staff members determine that they reported incomplete or inaccurate information, they send a
correction to CRAs through the e-OSCAR system.
Some commenters stated that furnishers generally correct their internal records to ensure
that the incorrect information is not re-reported to CRAs.
In some cases, the furnisher will also
send a letter to the consumer indicating that the information was incomplete or inaccurate and
that a correction will be made.
NAMB asserts, however, that some furnishers do not correct
their internal records, and, as a result, the incorrect information is reinserted into the consumers
le at the CRA the next time the furnisher sends an electronic update to the CRA.
As amended
by the FACT Act, however, the FCRA now requires furnishers to delete, modify, or permanently
block the reporting of disputed information that is found to be inaccurate or incomplete or
Comment of consumer groups, at 4.
Comment of Wells Fargo, at 4; Comment of MBA, at 6–7, 9; Comment of Juniper, at 4; Comment of Zions, at 4.
Comment of Wells Fargo, at 5.
Comment of Zions, at 4.
Id. at 3.
Comment of MBA, at 10; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 6; Comment of Zions, at 5; Comment of Juniper, at 4–5; Comment of
BB&T, at 7; Comment of CDIA, at 7.
Comment of MBA, at 10.
Comment of NAMB, at 3, 6.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
cannot be veried.
This change is likely to reduce the instances of incorrect information being
2. Furnisher Communicates Results to CRA
If a furnisher determines that the information in dispute is neither incomplete nor inaccurate,
the furnisher generally selects “Veried as Reported” on the ACDV or CDV and returns it to
the CRA.
If, instead, the furnisher determines that the information the consumer disputed is
incomplete or inaccurate, the furnisher generally makes the correction on the ACDV or CDV and
returns it to the CRA.
If the furnisher is using e-OSCAR, the system forwards the information
automatically to any other nationwide CRA to which the furnisher reported the disputed
According to CDIA, e-OSCAR also edits for illogical furnisher responses and provides
furnishers with an error message if the data they enter in responding to a dispute are inconsistent
with the dispute code.
MBA commented that disputes returned to CRAs through e-OSCAR are
more quickly reected in consumers’ credit reports than are disputes conveyed to CRAs through
In contrast to the experience of the repositories, the National Credit Reporting Association
commented that where the dispute has been reported to a reseller and then forwarded to the
furnisher, furnisher practice varies. Some furnishers provide the correct information to the
reseller and then forward the correction to the proper repository. Other furnishers do not respond
at all, causing the reseller to delete the disputed information, whether it is accurate or not.
FACT Act amended the FCRA to no longer require resellers to forward disputes to the furnisher
that reported the disputed item. Instead, resellers generally are permitted to forward the consumer
dispute to the CRAs from which they obtained the disputed item (“source CRA”).
The source
CRA then must reinvestigate the dispute as if it had come directly from the consumer. This new
process is likely to alleviate the problems that the NCRA described.
FCRA § 623(b)(1)(E), added by FACT Act § 314.
Comment of Juniper, at 5; Comment of BB&T, at 7; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 6; Comment of CDIA, at 7; Comment of
Equifax, at 7; Comment of TransUnion, at 7.
Comment of MBA, at 10; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 6; Comment of Zions, at 5; Comment of Juniper, at 4–5; Comment of
BB&T, at 7; Comment of BECU, at 3; Comment of CDIA, at 7; Comment of TransUnion, at 7.
CDIA Resource Guide, supra note 56, at 14-3; CDIA, “e-OSCAR Benets,” atts.htm; Comment
of Equifax, at 3. As noted above, the FCRA was amended in 1996 to require nationwide CRAs to implement an automated
system through which furnishers may report the results of their investigations to all nationwide CRAs to which the furnisher
reported the disputed information. FCRA § 611(a)(5)(D).
CDIA Resource Guide, supra note 56, at 14-3.
Comment of MBA, at 10.
Comment of NCRA, at 2.
FCRA § 611(f), added by FACT Act § 316.
Report to Congress
If a consumer continues to dispute information after the formal dispute process has been
concluded, some furnishers offer the consumer the option of submitting additional evidentiary
information that the furnishers then review.
Under the FCRA, the consumer has a right to
include a statement of dispute in the consumer report if the reinvestigation does not resolve the
Several furnishers commented that they advise consumers of this option, although
some commenters questioned its value.
TransUnion reported that approximately 4% of
all consumer le disclosures result in a statement of dispute being added to the le after the
repository completed its reinvestigation.
Of the 18% of consumers in the GAO survey who
disputed information in their le and either (1) the information was not deleted from their les
or (2) they did not know whether the information was deleted, 30% submitted such a dispute
statement to the CRA.
3. Furnishers’ Response Times and Rates
Based on the information that the FTC and the Board reviewed, it appears that most disputes
are processed in the statutory time frame, regardless of whether they are processed by e-OSCAR
or by fax and mail. According to CDIA, e-OSCAR allows furnishers to prioritize all disputes
to ensure that the most urgent ones are processed rst and that all disputes can be processed
within the time frames established by the FCRA.
As the time limit for responding to a dispute
approaches, e-OSCAR noties the furnisher of the impending deadline.
CDIA noted that, of
the disputes that all three repositories sent through e-OSCAR in April 2004, furnishers responded
within the following time periods:
u 54% within 0–7 days;
u 18% within 8–14 days;
u 22% within 15–30 days; and
Comment of MBA, at 11; Comment of BECU, at 4; Comment of Juniper, at 5.
FCRA § 611(b).
Comment of ABA at 4; Comment of Zions, at 5. However, Juniper stated that these post-investigation dispute statements are
not very helpful to consumers, because credit scoring models do not take the statements into account. Comment of Juniper, at
3. A leading producer of credit scoring models, Fair Isaac Corp., reported that, although its scoring models do not take post-
investigation dispute statements into consideration when calculating “FICO scores,” the models do consider disputes that
are still being investigated. The Fair Isaac representative added that some lenders may choose to consider post-investigation
statements in their credit decisions. E-mail from Karlene E. Bowen, Director-Client Relationships, Fair Isaac Corp., to the
Division of Financial Practices, Federal Trade Commission (Jan. 12, 2005, 23:32 EST) (on le with the Division of Privacy
& Identity Protection).
Comment of TransUnion, at 7. As noted in section IV.A, CDIA reported that 21.8% of the le disclosures issued by the
repositories to consumers in 2003 led to a reinvestigation by one of the repositories.
2005 GAO Report, supra note 63, at 67–68.
Comment of CDIA, at 6.
Comment of Equifax, at 7; Comment of CDIA, at 6; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 5.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
u 6% did not respond within 30 days.
CDIA also supplied statistics (see appendix E) showing the July 2004 response rates of
furnishers that responded to one of the three repositories using e-OSCAR and furnishers that
responded to the repository in paper form.
According to CDIA, as of day 10, 50.98% of the
e-OSCAR furnishers had responded to this CRA regarding the disputes forwarded to them
by the repository. At the same time, 24.33% of paper-based furnishers had responded. By day
20, 79.47% of e-OSCAR furnishers and 71.50% of paper-based furnishers had responded. By
the end of the month, e-OSCAR furnishers had responded to 94% of the disputes from the
repository, and paper-based furnishers had responded to 82%.
A number of furnishers reported that disputes received from CRAs by paper or by e-OSCAR
are normally resolved within twenty days, and often within the rst ve days after receipt.
Coalition to Implement the FACT Act (Coalition) reported that its members meet the FCRAs
thirty-day response requirement 100% of the time when using e-OSCAR.
The consumer groups commented that the length of time CRAs and furnishers take to
complete reinvestigations generally is not a problem, and that reinvestigations usually are
nished very quickly through the e-OSCAR system.
E. CRA Communicates Reinvestigation Results to Consumer
If a furnisher does not respond to the CRA within the 30-day period established by the
FCRA, the CRA is required to treat the disputed information as unveriable and delete the
TransUnion stated that if a response is not received within twenty-eight days, the
information in dispute is automatically deleted from the consumers credit le.
Of the 18% of consumers in the GAO study who had disputed information in their les, 69%
reported that the disputed information had been removed from their credit les. Another 23%
reported that their disputed information had not been removed, and 7% said they did not know
Comment of CDIA, at 3.
Communication from CDIA to the Division of Financial Practices, Federal Trade Commission (Feb. 2, 2005) (on le with the
Division of Privacy & Identity Protection).
Comment of Wells Fargo, at 5; Comment of BECU, at 4; Comment of Zions, at 4. See also Comment of Coalition, at 5
and pages 8–9 of Coalition’s attachment; Comment of MBNA, at 5; Comment of MBA, at 6, 9 (which mentions disputes
communicated by paper).
Comment of Coalition, at 5; Comment of MBNA, at 5.
Comment of consumer groups, at 5.
The FCRA mandates that CRAs modify or delete disputed information if the furnisher does not verify it within the thirty-
day reinvestigation period. FCRA § 611(a)(5)(A). See also Comment of BECU, at 3; Comment of Juniper, at 4; Comment of
CDIA, at 6.
Comment of TransUnion, at 5.
Report to Congress
whether it had been removed.
Of those consumers in the survey who reported that information
they disputed had been removed, approximately 72% said the information was not reinserted
later, 13% reported that the information had been reinserted, and 15% did not know.
CDIA provided the following data for the rst ve months of 2004, showing the resolution
of disputes processed through the e-OSCAR system.
Result of Dispute % of Disputes
Data modied per data furnisher’s instructions 53.64
Information veried as reported 22.37
Data deleted per data furnisher’s direction 17.74
Data deleted due to furnisher not responding within the thirty-day period 6.27
We note that the percentage of consumers in the GAO survey who reported that disputed
information had been removed from their le—69%—is similar to the percentage of
consumers whose disputed information was either modied or deleted based on the furnishers
instructions—71.38%. According to CDIA, however, with respect to the “Data modied per
data furnishers instructions” category, the data may have been modied due to an update of
information, rather than the data being found to be inaccurate as of the date reported.
respect to the fourth category—data deleted due to the furnisher not responding within the thirty-
day period—CDIA stated that it cannot be determined whether these data were accurate.
TransUnion noted that it identied approximately 5% of disputes as “repeats,” meaning
that the repository recently processed the same dispute and the consumer has provided no new
In such cases, TransUnion may treat the dispute as frivolous and notify the
consumer accordingly, without sending a dispute notice to the furnisher.
2005 GAO Report, supra note 63, at 32.
Id. at 32, 67. If an item is deleted from a consumers le because a reinvestigation nds that the item is inaccurate,
incomplete, or could not be veried, the CRA may not reinsert the item in the consumers le unless the entity that furnished
the item certies that the item is complete and accurate and the CRA noties the consumer of the reinsertion. FCRA §
611(a)(5)(B). CRAs also must maintain reasonable procedures designed to prevent the reappearance of previously deleted
items in a consumers le and in consumer reports issued about the consumer. FCRA § 611(a)(5)(C).
Communication from CDIA to the Division of Financial Practices, Federal Trade Commission (Oct. 26, 2004) (on le with
the Division of Privacy & Identity Protection).
Statement of Stuart K. Pratt, supra note 28, at 14.
TransUnion reported that it does not treat as “repeats” disputes containing additional information, or those made after a
reasonable length of time has passed since the last dispute. Comment of TransUnion, at 7.
Comment of TransUnion, at 7.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
F. Consumer Disputes Information Directly to Furnisher
In addition to disputes received from CRAs, furnishers also receive disputes directly from
consumers about information reported to CRAs. As noted earlier, of the consumers in the GAO
survey who said they disputed information in their credit les, 32% reported that they disputed
with a CRA only, 29% reported that they disputed with the creditor only, and 30% reported that
they disputed with both a CRA and the creditor.
Furnishers that submitted comments generally
reported that they receive most of their disputes from CRAs.
As discussed above, until the new
consumer-direct-dispute provision of the FACT Act takes effect, the FCRA does not specically
require that furnishers investigate disputes conveyed directly to them by consumers.
the FCRA does (1) prohibit furnishers that report regularly from reporting information they have
determined is inaccurate and (2) require them to report corrected information.
Some furnishers that commented reported that they provide or plan to provide a specic
address or other information sufcient for consumers to initiate a dispute directly with them.
For example, Juniper Bank reported that it provides a specic address for direct disputes on all
of its monthly billing statements.
Similarly, Wells Fargo commented that while some of its
divisions and afliates already do so, virtually all of them plan to begin providing addresses
soon to consumers who want to dispute information directly.
Some furnishers do not provide
a specic address dedicated to receiving disputes on information reported to CRAs, but instead
provide general contact information that consumers can use to raise complaints and inquiries
generally, including disputes on information provided to CRAs.
Furnishers that did not
provide a specic address for reporting disputes directly provided various reasons for not doing
2005 GAO Report, supra note 63, at 67.
Comment of Coalition, at 3 and page 5 of attachment; Comment of MBNA, at 4; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 2; Comment of
BB&T, at 4; Comment of ABA, at 2; Comment of MBA, at 6; Comment of Juniper, at 1; Comment of Zions, at 2 (regarding
its mortgages). Zions, for example, reported that its Consumer Loan Servicing Department receives 60% of its disputes
through CRAs, 20% directly from consumers, and 20% from internal requests. Comment of Zions, at 1. On the other hand,
some furnishers suggested that a higher percentage of their disputes came from consumers. BECU reported that it received
only half of its disputes through CRAs and the other half directly from consumers. Comment of BECU, at 1. One community
bank in the Coalition’s survey reported that 100% of the disputes it receives come directly from consumers. Comment of
Coalition, at page 5 of attachment.
See FCRA § 623(a)(8), added by FACT Act § 312(c).
FCRA § 623(a)(2).
Comment of Coalition, at 3; Comment of MBNA, at 4; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 2; Comment of Juniper, at 2. The FCRA
currently does not require furnishers to provide consumers with a specic address for submitting disputes, but furnishers that
provide such an address are exempt from certain kinds of liability under the FCRA. See FCRA § 623(a)(1). In addition, as
required by the FACT Act, the FTC and the federal nancial regulators will promulgate rules that will require consumers who
wish to submit disputes directly to furnishers to do so at “the address specied by the [furnisher] for such notices.” See FCRA
§ 623(a)(8)(D), added by FACT Act § 312.
Comment of Juniper, at 2.
Comment of Wells Fargo, at 2.
Comment of ABA, at 2; Comment of MBA, at 2.
Report to Congress
so, including that (1) such disputes represent too small a percentage of the total inquiries and
disputes received to justify establishing a specic address for such disputes; (2) a specic address
would not be provided at a useful time; while the address would appear on initial disclosures
or periodic statements, consumers generally learn of potential inaccuracies from receiving and
reviewing consumer reports—not from the disclosures; and (3) the more appropriate address to
publicly disclose is that of the three repositories.
Whether or not a furnisher provides a specic address for receiving disputes directly from
a consumer, most furnishers reported that they use a similar procedure for investigating direct
disputes as they use for disputes received through a CRA,
including making any necessary
corrections by sending the results of their investigations through e-OSCAR or in paper form.
Some furnishers commented that, upon receiving disputes directly from consumers, they
compare information and documentation submitted by the consumers to information contained
in their les.
In some cases, furnishers send letters to consumers notifying them that the
information will be corrected.
Furnishers also report updating their own records to ensure that
the erroneous information does not “re-pollute” the CRAs les when the furnisher sends its next
monthly update.
If the information is found to be accurate, a letter may be sent to the consumer
and reporting continues as before.
In general, the furnisher commenters stated that they
investigate and attempt to resolve disputes directly from consumers as soon as possible, usually
within one to twenty—and no more than thirty—days.
Several furnishers reported that while most consumers provide sufcient information
for the furnisher to investigate the consumers dispute,
disputes received directly from
consumers sometimes lack clarity as to the precise information disputed or fail to provide
information sufcient to justify the dispute. According to the Coalition, for example, one of its
members reported that 30% of all direct consumer disputes it receives fall into this category;
Comment of ABA, at 2; Comment of BB&T, at 2; Comment of Ford County Bank, at 1.
Comment of MBA, at 6–8; Comment of BECU, at 1–2; Comment of ABA, at 2–3; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 2–5;
Comment of Juniper, at 3; Comment of BB&T, at 4; Comment of Zions, at 2.
Comment of MBA, at 6–7; Comment of ABA, at 3; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 2; Comment of Zions, at 2; Comment of
Juniper, at 2; Comment of BECU, at 2–3; Comment of BB&T, at 4.
Comment of MBA, at 6–7; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 2. As described above, the consumer groups maintain that furnishers
typically are not consulting underlying documents when investigating disputes. See supra section IV.D.1.
Comment of MBA, at 7; Comment of Zions, at 2.
Comment of MBA, at 6–7; Comment of Juniper, at 2; Comment of Zions, at 3; Comment of BB&T, at 4. As described
above, NAMB reports that some furnishers are not correcting the information in their own records. See supra note 126 and
accompanying text.
Comment of BECU, at 2–3; Comment of MBA, at 6–7; Comment of Zions, at 2.
Comment of ABA, at 2–3; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 2; Comment of Juniper, at 2; Comment of BB&T, at 4; Comment of
Zions, at 2; Comment of MBA, at 6; Comment of BECU, at 2.
Comment of MBA, at 7; Comment of Juniper, at 2; Comment of Zions, at 3.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
another member that is a major credit grantor reported that 40% of its direct disputes contained
insufcient information to conduct an investigation.
The type of information that is usually
missing from consumers in direct disputes includes the consumers full account number, Social
Security number, date of birth, and address.
MBA noted that, on occasion, a consumer will
refuse to send in a copy of his or her credit report. If the mortgage furnisher is given the authority
by the CRA to view its tradeline as it appears in the CRAs database without impacting the
consumers credit score (i.e., as an inquiry), the mortgage furnisher will do so if this is relevant
to the dispute.
Several furnishers commented that when relevant information is missing,
the furnisher generally contacts the consumer by telephone or mail to request the necessary
additional information.
G. Commenters’ Overall Views on the Dispute Process
The consumer groups and the credit reporting industry hold differing views on how well
the current dispute process is working. The consumer groups maintain that the reinvestigation
system in its current form is awed because of what they regard as failures by both the CRAs
and furnishers to conduct meaningful investigations of disputes.
As noted above, the consumer
groups assert that CRAs typically do not provide furnishers with the documentation of the error
that the consumer sent to the CRAs, that the CRAs generally do not review that documentation,
and that the codes used by the CRAs to convey the nature of the dispute are too general and
vague. The consumer groups also state that furnishers’ investigations of disputed information are
inadequate because they typically consist merely of verifying that their own records show that
a debt exists.
They believe that CRAs and furnishers have little incentive to conduct thorough
reinvestigations because such investigations are expensive and the relatively small number of
lawsuits that CRAs and furnishers face for failing to conduct adequate investigations impose
almost no economic cost.
According to the consumer groups, furnishers actually have an
incentive to keep derogatory information in a consumers credit le, “even if it is inaccurate …
Comment of Coalition, at 3–4. Wells Fargo commented that up to 25% of disputes it receives directly from consumers do not
contain sufcient relevant information to conduct a proper investigation. Comment of Wells Fargo, at 3.
Comment of Coalition, at 3–4; Comment of MBNA, at 4–5; Comment of ABA, at 3; Comment of BECU, at 2; Comment of
Zions, at 3. Some commenters suggested that one reason consumers may not provide full information is that credit reports
typically do not show the full account number on specic accounts. Comment of NAMB, at 8; Comment of Zions, at 3.
Comment of MBA, at 7. Zions explained that it uses a service available through Experian, called “Bullseye,” to obtain
information on individual accounts. Comment of Zions, at 3.
Comment of Juniper, at 2; Comment of ABA, at 3; Comment of Coalition, at 3–4; Comment of MBNA, at 4–5; Comment of
MBA, at 7.
Comment of consumer groups, at 2.
Id. at 9.
Report to Congress
because the negative information limits the consumers options to obtain other, less expensive
debt, and is often the impetus to force a consumer to pay the furnisher even on an unjust
The consumer groups recommend that the current system be reformed to shift or counter
these economic incentives. They suggest a role for lay advocates or independent third-party
review in the reinvestigation system. They also recommend making statutory damages more
readily available, so that CRAs and furnishers would take their duties more seriously.
The consumer groups also suggest increasing the duties on furnishers as another option for
improving the current system. These groups state that consumers currently have the impossible
burden of proving that the disputed information is not correct to both furnishers and CRAs.
They believe that the burden of proof should be shifted so that furnishers are required to rebut
a consumers specic disputes by providing documentation to the CRA that shows that the
information furnished is correct. In particular, the consumer groups believe that furnishers should
not be allowed simply to tell the CRA that the consumer is wrong and the original information
was correct, and CRAs should not be allowed to accept such a report. Instead, the furnisher
should be required to give the CRA the underlying information—copies of documents with
original signatures to rebut a forgery claim, for example, or copies of the payment record to
demonstrate that the claimed balance is correct. Then, the CRA should be required to evaluate
the data and reach its own conclusions.
The consumer groups believe that the dispute process should require, at a minimum, the
u CRAs to convey to furnishers the actual documents that support the consumers dispute,
with failure to do so being per se unreasonable;
u furnishers to reinvestigate, rather than merely verify, that the information appears in
their records, including reviewing the actual documents provided by the consumer and,
in appropriate circumstances, reviewing documents in the furnishers possession or the
possession of others;
u furnishers to respond specically and in detail to the consumers dispute and include
enough material so that the CRA can evaluate the response and reach an independent
u CRAs to review and evaluate furnishers’ responses; and
Id. at 8–10.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
u CRAs to establish an appeals process that involves a telephone conference between
the consumer and a CRA employee who has the consumers dispute and all the
documentation provided by the furnisher and the consumer.
Approximately 100 consumers provided comments for this report, generally expressing
a variety of problems they encountered in resolving their disputes.
For the most part, these
individual accounts parallel the concerns raised by the consumer groups.
The California Association of Realtors recommended that sufcient nancial penalties be
imposed for violations of the FCRA to allow the FTC to protect the integrity of credit reports
and to create the proper incentives for creditors and CRAs to comply.
The Mortgage Bankers
Association recommended that the e-OSCAR system be changed to permit furnishers to submit
comments to CRAs when they return ACDVs.
Most industry commenters—furnishers and their trade groups and the repositories and
their trade group—asserted that while there is still room for improvement, the current dispute
process generally is working well, and that legislative and regulatory changes would not be
appropriate at this time.
Visa U.S.A. Inc. (Visa), a membership organization composed of
nancial institutions, gave several reasons it believes that the current system is effective in
removing inaccuracies.
First, Visa argued, nancial institutions have strong incentives to
investigate disputed information adequately in order to maintain good relationships with their
customers. Visa also pointed out that, in providing information to CRAs, nancial institutions
typically report information as it appears that month in the institution’s own records. According
to Visa, nancial institutions have strong incentives to ensure that their own records are accurate,
because the records are essential for the institution’s own collection activities and other important
business purposes, for making reports to their federal and state bank regulatory agencies, and,
where applicable, for making securities lings.
Id. at 10.
Certain furnishers also maintained that obtaining correction of erroneous information was difcult. Comment of Coalition, at
page 11 of Coalition’s attachment; Comment of MBA, at 3.
Comment of California Association of Realtors, at 3.
Comment of MBA, at 12. According to CDIA, the “Remarks” eld on the ACDV form does allow furnishers to convey
certain additional information (e.g., that the account is being paid under a partial payment agreement or has been closed
due to transfer) through codes describing the status of the accounts at issue. Communication from CDIA to the Division of
Privacy & Identity Protection, Federal Trade Commission (July 21, 2006) (on le with the Division of Privacy & Identity
Protection), at 1.
Comment of Coalition, at 1, 4; Comment of MBNA, at 2, 5; Comment of ABA, at 1–2, 4–5; Comment of Wells Fargo, at 6;
Comment of Juniper, at 5; Comment of Visa, at 3–5; Comment of CDIA, at 7; Comment of TransUnion, at 7–9.
Comment of Visa, at 4–5.
Report to Congress
Visa warned that any additional requirements and liability on furnishers would have a
negative impact on the nationwide credit reporting and credit granting systems.
to Visa, the more requirements imposed on, and the more liability risks incurred by, furnishers,
the less likely it is they will continue to furnish information to CRAs. Visa noted that, should
this occur, the entire nationwide credit system would suffer. A reduction in the supply of credit
information, Visa argued, would increase the risks associated with extending credit because
creditors would be required to make credit decisions on less complete information. The increased
risk would be reected in an increase in the costs consumers must pay for credit. Visa contended
that this increased risk also would have an anticompetitive impact on nancial institutions, where
smaller lenders are less able to absorb the cost of this increased risk than larger lenders. Thus,
smaller lenders could nd it difcult to price their products to compete with larger lenders. Visa
also warned that a shortage of consumer report information would decrease competition by
making it difcult for creditors to serve consumers across the country through national credit
programs. In addition, the types and amounts of credit available to consumers could be restricted.
Visa and Juniper also warned that potential changes in the dispute process (such as shorter
time frames to investigate disputes) could impact industry’s fraud prevention efforts.
commenters indicated that the nancial industry continues to be plagued by “debt elimination”
schemes and abuses by some borrowers and credit repair organizations that initiate disputes
designed to overwhelm the dispute system, forcing removal of accurate, but unfavorable,
Visa warned that any changes to shorten the time periods to investigate and
correct consumer report information would benet credit repair organizations by forcing the
deletion of correct, but unfavorable, information that cannot be veried in a shorter period.
According to Visa, this would lead to less accurate consumer report les and greater risk for
Id. at 4.
Id. at 3; Comment of Juniper, at 5. The National Association of Realtors, a trade group representing realtors, suggested
shortening the reinvestigation period from thirty days in light of the increased use of technology and the consolidation
of CRAs. This trade group suggested that shortening the reinvestigation period would force the CRAs to complete their
reinvestigations faster, which would minimize the adverse impacts on consumers caused by incorrect information in their
credit histories. Comment of National Association of Realtors, at 2–3. The consumer groups commented, however, that the
length of time CRAs and furnishers take to complete reinvestigations usually is not a problem, because they ordinarily are
nished quickly through the e-OSCAR system. Comment of consumer groups, at 5.
Comment of Juniper, at 5; Comment of MBA, at 4; Comment of TransUnion, at 8. MBA and TransUnion suggested that
changes should be made to curb these types of abuses. MBA suggested that limits should be placed on the number of disputes
allowed to be led by a consumer or credit repair organization within the investigation time period on the same issue on
the same trade-line. Comment of MBA, at 11. See also Comment of BECU, at 4. TransUnion suggested expanding the
denition of “credit repair organization” in the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA), 15 U.S.C. sections 1679-1679j, to
include not-for-prot agencies and professional associations that advertise their credit repair or counseling services. CROA
is intended to protect consumers from deceptive and abusive practices by companies engaged in credit repair. According to
TransUnion, amending the denition of “credit repair organization” in this way would give consumers, CRAs, and furnishers
a private right of action to enforce their rights under CROA against these entities. Comment of TransUnion, at 8.
Comment of Visa, at 3.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
creditors who rely on consumer reports to underwrite credit requests. Juniper argued that any
new proposals need to be examined to ensure that they are not providing another avenue for
individuals to avoid legitimate debt.
Other commenters indicated that, given the FACT Act provisions, further legislative and
regulatory actions are not needed at this time. The Coalition and MBNA report that to the
extent problems have occurred, they almost entirely relate to cases of identity theft.
commenters point out that the FACT Act contains a number of key provisions to deal with
problems of identity theft and should be fully implemented before it is possible to determine
whether there are any remaining reinvestigation issues. According to TransUnion, the
improvements made through the 1996 FCRA amendments, combined with the as-yet unknown
impact of the FACT Act’s amendments concerning accuracy, reinvestigations, and the processing
of consumer disputes by furnishers and resellers, make further statutory or regulatory changes
inadvisable at this time.
V. FCRA Enforcement
The FTC and the federal nancial regulators are responsible for enforcing the FCRA.
The FTC’s jurisdiction extends to all CRAs and other persons not specically committed to
another agency’s jurisdiction.
The FTC does not formally examine its regulated entities for
compliance with the FCRA, but rather conducts selected law enforcement investigations and
brings legal actions against violators. The FTC has brought a number of actions against CRAs
and furnishers
for violations of the FCRAs dispute and accuracy provisions.
Comment of Juniper, at 5.
Comment of Coalition, at 4; Comment of MBNA, at 5.
Comment of TransUnion, at 7.
FCRA § 621. Other entities, such as the individual states, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, also have FCRA enforcement authority under certain circumstances.
FCRA § 621(a).
See, e.g., United States v. Far West Credit, Inc., Civ. No. 2:06CV00041-TC (D. Utah 2006) (consent decree settling charges
that reseller failed to follow reasonable procedures to ensure the accuracy of its reports); First American Real Estate
Solutions, LLC, 127 F.T.C. 85 (1999) (consent order with reseller concerning the reinvestigation obligations of CRAs). The
FTC also settled cases with the three repositories, charging that they failed to establish a toll-free number with “personnel
accessible” during normal business hours to answer consumers’ questions about their consumer reports, as mandated by
FCRA section 609(c)(1). The complaints in these cases alleged that the repositories failed to maintain adequate personnel,
resulting in busy signals, excessive hold times, and the blocking of consumer calls from particular locations. The orders
require the repositories to maintain adequate personnel, establish auditing requirements to ensure future compliance, and pay
a total of $2.5 million in civil penalties. See FTC v. Equifax Credit Info. Services, Inc., No. 1:00-CV-0087 (N.D. Ga. 2000);
FTC v. Experian Mktg. Info. Solutions, Inc., No. 3-00CV0056-L (N.D. Tex. 2000); FTC v. TransUnion LLC, 00C 0235 (N.D.
Ill. 2000); see also United States v. Equifax Credit Info. Servs., Inc., Civ. No. 1:0-CV-0087-MHS (N.D. Ga. 2003) ($250,000
disgorgement remedy for alleged violation of consent decree).
See FTC v. NCO Group, Inc., 2004 WL 1103323 (E.D. Pa. 2004) (providing inaccurate delinquency dates; $1.5 million civil
penalty); United States v. Fairbanks Capital Corp., Civ. Action No. 03-12219 DPW (D. Mass 2003) (furnishing information
Report to Congress
Financial institutions regulated by the federal nancial regulators generally are subject
to the FCRA dispute provisions primarily due to their role as furnishers of information to
CRAs. The federal nancial regulators examine these institutions for compliance with the
FCRA, including the FCRA dispute provisions. The federal nancial regulators have FCRA
examination procedures that each decides how to implement. For example, the Federal Reserve
System implements these procedures as part of routine consumer compliance examinations. A
Federal Reserve Bank examiner considers the bank’s processes for complying with the FCRA
accuracy and dispute provisions when performing a preliminary risk assessment of the bank and
setting the scope of the consumer compliance examination, and applies the FCRA examination
procedures, as appropriate.
While state-chartered banks make up only a portion of the furnishers, for this study, bank
examiners for the Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) looked
at violations by state-chartered banks of the dispute provisions governing furnishers and found
an insignicant number of violations.
These two federal nancial regulators, along with the
OCC, also surveyed their complaint databases for this study to determine the number and types
of consumer complaints regarding disputed consumer le information.
Both the Board and
the OCC provided data from 2000 to 2004; the FDIC provided data from 2002 to 2004. While
some consumers complained that inaccurate or incomplete information remained in their les, or
that a furnisher failed to conduct or complete an investigation to the consumers’ satisfaction, in
general, the data did not indicate a large number of complaints regarding failures by furnishers to
properly reinvestigate information disputed by consumers.
Under section 611(e), the FTC is required to transmit to the repositories complaints from
consumers who appear to have disputed the completeness or accuracy of their les with one
or more repositories or otherwise utilized their dispute rights under FCRA section 611(a).
Section 611(e) also requires that the repositories review the complaints, report to the FTC on
the results of their review, and maintain sufcient records to show compliance. To implement
section 611(e), the FTC entered into a complaint-referral program with the three repositories
to a CRA knowing, or consciously avoiding knowing, that the information is inaccurate); FTC v. DC Credit Servs., Inc., No.
02-5115 (C.D. Cal. 2002) (furnishing information to a CRA knowing, or consciously avoiding knowing, that the information
is inaccurate, failing to notify and provide corrections to CRAs when previously reported information was found to be
inaccurate, failing to provide accurate delinquency dates, failing to report accounts as “disputed”; $300,000 civil penalty);
FTC v. Performance Capital Mgmt., Inc., 2:01cv1047 (C.D. Cal. 2000) (providing inaccurate delinquency dates, failing
to properly investigate disputes, failing to report accounts as “disputed”; $2 million civil penalty). All these cases were
settlements resulting in consent decrees.
The Federal Reserve System regulates, among others, state-chartered banks that are members of the System. The FDIC
regulates, among others, insured state-chartered banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System.
The OCC regulates national banks.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
and a number of afliate CRAs that store their data in the repositories’ databases.
Under the
program, the FTC refers to the repositories and the afliates’ complaints that it receives from
consumers who report that their disputes about accuracy or completeness have not been resolved
to their satisfaction. The FTC makes no determination about the merits of the complaints. The
CRAs review the complaints to ensure that they have complied with the applicable provisions
of the FCRA and periodically provide reports to the FTC on the disposition of a sample of the
complaints. The program does not limit the FTC’s ability to pursue law violations under the
Because the data that the FTC has obtained through the complaint-referral program to date
are insufcient to provide probative evidence of the functioning of the dispute resolution process,
this report contains no ndings on that issue.
VI. Conclusion
In compliance with FACT Act section 313(b), the FTC and the Board have studied the
FCRA dispute process by reviewing information from a number of sources. There is general
consensus that CRAs and furnishers usually are conducting their investigations within the thirty-
day period set forth in FCRA section 611(a)(1). However, many commenters held differing views
on the subject of FCRA compliance by CRAs and furnishers. Consumer groups that commented,
for example, assert that CRAs do not convey “all relevant information” to furnishers, and that
both CRAs and furnishers typically fail to conduct meaningful investigations. These groups
recommend that the current system be reformed to induce CRAs and furnishers to take their
duties to investigate disputes seriously. Most industry commenters, however, maintain that,
while there is room for improvement, the current dispute process generally is working well
and additional legislative and regulatory changes are not advisable at this time. Courts also
have reached different conclusions on the subject of CRA and furnisher compliance, generally
applying a reasonableness standard to CRA and furnisher investigations and then determining
whether the investigation at issue was reasonable based on the facts of each case.
With respect to the FCRAs requirement that CRAs forward to the furnisher “all relevant
information,” it appears that CRAs generally do not convey to furnishers documents that
some consumers give CRAs in connection with their disputes. By itself, however, this does
not mean that CRAs fail to convey “all relevant information” to furnishers. It is unclear how
The FTC announced the program on April 23, 2004. See The afliates are discussed in
more depth in section II.A.
See supra notes 79 and 117 and accompanying text.
Report to Congress
often consumers submit documents along with their disputes, or how often these documents
contain relevant information. When consumers do submit documents, the CRAs summarize the
information in a numeric code supplemented, in some instances, by a narrative in a free-form
eld. Although this process may be sufcient in most cases to resolve the dispute properly, in
certain situations, the failure to convey the actual documents may lead to incorrect outcomes.
The information that the FTC and the Board have obtained on this subject is inconclusive as to
the prevalence of this result.
Likewise, the question of whether CRAs and furnishers generally are conducting
investigations that comply with the FCRA cannot be resolved denitively. Although some
consumers ultimately le a dispute statement regarding information that has not been corrected
or deleted after reinvestigation, it is not clear whether these disputes reect a failure to comply
with the FCRA reinvestigation procedures or simply consumer dissatisfaction with the results
of the reinvestigations, despite CRA and furnisher compliance. Similarly, evidence regarding
compliance by the consumer reporting industry is inconclusive. The FTC and the Board agree
with courts holding that (1) CRA and furnisher investigations must be reasonable and (2)
whether an investigation is reasonable depends on the facts in each case.
FACT Act section 313(b)(4) requires that the FTC and the Board include in this report any
legislative or administrative recommendations for improvements to the dispute process that
the agencies jointly determine to be appropriate. The agencies recommend that no legislative
action be taken at this time, in large part because the agencies believe such action would be
premature. The FACT Act imposes a number of new requirements on CRAs and furnishers that
should enhance the consumer dispute process and improve accuracy, including measures to
reduce identity theft and new requirements on furnishers.
Many of these requirements are still
being implemented, and their effects on the dispute process have yet to be seen. The FTC and
the Board believe that the FACT Act requirements should be given time to take effect before
legislators and regulators consider making additional changes to the dispute process. This is
particularly important given the voluntary nature of the reporting system and the uncertainty of
how additional requirements and burdens would affect that system. As additional information
becomes available, the agencies will reassess the need for administrative actions.
With respect to the “all relevant information” issue, there may be a number of ways to
address the concerns that have been expressed about the process, ranging from different or
more specic codes, to greater use of the narrative eld, to better training of personnel who
do the coding, to the scanning or other conveyance of documents to furnishers. The costs and
See supra notes 35-39 and accompanying text. See also appendix F.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
benets of each of these steps cannot be determined on the basis of the current record. The
FTC and the Board intend to explore further these issues and possible solutions with the CRAs,
furnishers, consumer advocates, and other interested parties, and, if appropriate, will make
recommendations for action.
Report to Congress
Appendix A
Table of Names and Acronyms
ABA American Bankers Association
ACB Associated Credit Bureaus
ACDV Automated Consumer Dispute Verication
AUD Automated Universal Data
BB&T Branch Banking and Trust Company
BECU Boeing Employees’ Credit Union
Board Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
CDIA Consumer Data Industry Association
CDV Consumer Dispute Verication
Coalition The Coalition to Implement the FACT Act
Consumer Groups National Consumer Law Center, Consumer Federation of
America, Consumers Union, Electronic Privacy Clearinghouse,
and U.S. Public Interest Research Group
CRA Consumer Reporting Agency
e-OSCAR Online Solution for Complete and Accurate Reporting
FACT Act Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003
FCRA Fair Credit Reporting Act
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Financial Regulators The Board, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, National
Credit Union Administration, Ofce of the Comptroller of the
Currency, and Ofce of Thrift Supervision.
FTC Federal Trade Commission
GAO Government Accountability Ofce
Juniper Juniper Bank
MBA Mortgage Bankers Association
MBNA MBNA America Bank
Metro/Metro 2 Standard layouts for furnishers to report information to
consumer reporting agencies
NAMB National Association of Mortgage Brokers
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
NCRA National Credit Reporting Association
OCC Ofce of the Comptroller of the Currency
UDF Universal Data Form
Visa Visa U.S.A. Inc.
Wells Fargo Wells Fargo & Company
Zions Zions Bancorporation
1996 FCRA The FCRA as amended in 1996 and 1999 but before the FACT
Act amendments in December 2003
Report to Congress
Appendix B
Request for Information for Report
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
Report to Congress
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
Report to Congress
Appendix C
Sample Automated Consumer Dispute Verification Form
Source: Consumer Data Industry Association.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
Appendix D
Frequency of Credit Account Disputes in Federal Reserve
Board Study of Data from One Repository as of June 30,
Table 1
Frequency of pending disputes, by number of accounts affected
Credit card Mortgage Auto Other All types
No dispute
Pending dispute
Number of accounts of this type 666,152 88,014 7,176 719,140 1,480,482
Table 2
Share of pending disputes, by type of credit
Credit card Mortgage Auto Other
Pending dispute 89.86% 0.73% 0.00% 9.41%
Table 3
Distribution of pending disputes based on status of account
Credit card Mortgage Auto Other All types
Pending disputes on open accounts 87.41% 89.47% N/A 66.15% 85.39%
Pending disputes on closed accounts 12.59% 10.53% N/A 33.85% 14.61%
Source: Federal Reserve Board.
Report to Congress
Appendix E
Response Rates of Furnishers Responding to One Repository
Through E-OSCAR and Furnishers Responding in Paper Form
(July 2004)
Response Time
(# Days)
E-Oscar: Monthly
accumulated % of
responses to all
Paper: Monthly
accumulated % of
responses to all
2 4.96% 3.08%
3 12.46% 6.39%
4 19.12% 8.27%
5 26.71% 9.74%
6 32.29% 12.19%
7 38.89% 16.60%
8 44.90% 19.20%
9 48.40% 21.93%
10 50.98% 24.33%
11 54.13% 27.95%
12 57.15% 31.32%
13 59.69% 36.78%
14 62.43% 44.18%
15 65.33% 51.14%
16 68.15% 57.02%
17 71.05% 61.25%
18 74.64% 64.43%
19 78.06% 68.08%
20 79.47% 71.50%
21 80.82% 74.80%
22 82.56% 77.12%
23 84.35% 78.29%
24 85.95% 79.32%
25 88.09% 80.13%
26 89.98% 80.85%
27 92.24% 81.60%
28 94.00% 82.00%
Source: Consumer Data Industry Association.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
Appendix F
The FCRA After the FACT Act
In the FACT Act amendments, Congress made three changes to the core dispute duties of
CRAs. The provision stating that CRAs “shall reinvestigate” information that consumers dispute
was amended to require CRAs to “conduct a reasonable reinvestigation to determine whether
the disputed information is inaccurate.”
In addition, a CRA that learns during a reinvestigation
that information disputed by a consumer is inaccurate, incomplete, or cannot be veried, now
must notify the furnisher that the information has been modied or deleted from the CRAs le
on the consumer.
Finally, the FACT Act amendments give CRAs forty-ve days to reinvestigate
a dispute from a consumer that is made following the consumers receipt of a free annual le
disclosure under the Act’s new free le disclosure provisions.
The FACT Act substantially changed the dispute duties for resellers.
Because resellers
are CRAs, the FCRA, prior to the FACT Act, required them to carry out all of the CRA dispute
duties described in section II.C of the attached report. A new provision added by the FACT Act,
however, changed those duties. If a consumer disputes directly to a reseller the completeness
or accuracy of an item in a consumer report issued by the reseller, the reseller must, within ve
business days of receiving notice of the dispute, and free of charge, do the following:
u determine whether the item is incomplete or inaccurate because of an act or omission of
the reseller; and
u if the reseller determines that the item is incomplete or inaccurate because of an act of
the reseller, not less than 20 days after receiving the notice, correct the information in the
consumer report or delete it; or
u if the reseller determines that the item is not incomplete or inaccurate because of an
act or omission of the reseller, convey the notice of dispute, together with all relevant
information provided by the consumer, to each CRA that provided the disputed item to
the reseller (“source CRA”).
FCRA § 611(a)(1)(A), as amended by FACT Act § 317.
FCRA § 611(a)(5)(A), as amended by FACT Act § 314.
FCRA § 612(a)(3), as amended by FACT Act § 211.
FCRA § 611(f), as amended by FACT Act § 316. FCRA section 603(u) denes a “reseller” as a CRA that “assembles and
merges” information contained in the database of a repository.
FCRA § 611(f)(2), as amended by FACT Act § 316.
Report to Congress
Another FACT Act provision requires a source CRA to reinvestigate a dispute conveyed by
a reseller.
Upon completion of its reinvestigation, the source CRA must provide to the reseller a
written notice stating the results of the reinvestigation.
The reseller must immediately reconvey
the notice to the consumer.
The FACT Act also amended the FCRA with respect to furnishers’ dispute duties in several
ways. Under one of the amendments, the FTC and the federal nancial regulators are required
to issue joint regulations that will identify the circumstances under which a furnisher must
investigate a dispute made directly by a consumer to the furnisher. In prescribing the regulations,
the agencies must weigh several factors, including the benets to consumers versus the costs
to furnishers and the credit reporting system. In those circumstances identied in the rules, the
rules must provide that, when a consumer submits a proper notice of dispute to a furnisher,
the furnisher must conduct an investigation of the disputed information; review all relevant
information provided by the consumer with the notice; complete the investigation within thirty
days (or forty-ve days, if the consumer provides additional relevant information during the
thirty-day period); and, if the investigation nds that the disputed item was reported inaccurately,
promptly provide corrections to each CRA to which the information was furnished.
provisions do not apply if the dispute is frivolous or irrelevant or comes from a credit repair
The FACT Act also provides that, in disputes received through a CRA, if an item of
information disputed by a consumer is found to be inaccurate or incomplete or cannot be veried
after the furnisher completes the investigation, the furnisher must promptly delete, modify, or
permanently block the reporting of that information as appropriate based on the results of the
In addition, the FACT Act provides that furnishers must establish reasonable
procedures to avoid re-furnishing to CRAs information after (1) a CRA noties the furnisher
that the CRA has blocked the information because it might be the result of identity theft or (2)
FCRA § 611(a)(1)(A), as amended by FACT Act § 317.
FCRA § 611(f)(3)(A), as amended by FACT Act § 316.
FCRA § 611(f)(3)(B), as amended by FACT Act § 316. Resellers still are free to conduct their own reinvestigations of
consumer disputes, but they are no longer required to do so. See FCRA § 611(f)(4), as amended by FACT Act § 316(b).
FCRA § 623(a)(8), as amended by FACT Act § 312(c). When completed, the regulations will be available at
credit and
FCRA § 623(b)(1)(E), as amended by FACT Act § 314.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Dispute Process
the consumer submits an identity theft report stating that the information resulted from identity
Prior to the FACT Act, furnishers could not furnish information about a consumer to a CRA
if the furnisher knew or consciously avoided knowing that the information was inaccurate.
Under the FACT Act, the standard is now “knows or has reasonable cause to believe that
the information is inaccurate.”
The term “reasonable cause to believe that the information
is inaccurate” is dened as “having specic knowledge, other than solely allegations by the
consumer, that would cause a reasonable person to have substantial doubts about the accuracy of
the information.”
The FACT Act amendments require a nancial institution that furnishes negative
information about a consumer to a nationwide CRA to notify the consumer in writing.
addition, the amendments require federal nancial regulators and the FTC to promulgate
guidelines and regulations dealing with the accuracy and integrity of information that furnishers
provide to CRAs.
FCRA § 623(a)(6), as amended by FACT Act § 154(a) A furnisher may re-report the information if the furnisher subsequently
knows or is informed by the consumer that the information is correct. FCRA § 623(a)(6)(B), as amended by FACT Act §
FCRA § 623(a)(1)(A) of 1996 FCRA.
FCRA § 623(a)(1)(A), as amended by FACT Act § 312(b)(1). If a furnisher clearly and conspicuously supplies an address to
which disputes should be sent, however, this duty does not apply to the furnisher. FCRA § 623(a)(1)(C).
FCRA § 623(a)(1)(D), as amended by FACT Act § 312(b)(2).
FCRA § 623(a)(7), as amended by FACT Act § 217. The nancial institution may choose to convey this notice before
furnishing the information to the CRA. 12 C.F.R. pt. 222 app. B.
FCRA § 623(e), as amended by FACT Act § 312(a). The FACT Act amendments also added several other furnisher provisions
that are not discussed here.