Gator Run Elementary Room Parent Program Guidelines
Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! We are excited about all the awesome
things that are happening at Gator Run and so grateful that you have chosen to
volunteer. We hope you find this packet helpful in planning and implementing
your role as Room Parent.
A Room Parent primary role is to communicates information
between the teacher and the parents of the students.
Here are some examples of the responsibilities a Room Parent will perform:
Coordinate classroom volunteers
Organize classroom celebrations (Winter Party and End of Year Party)
Collection and coordination of teacher and aide gifts (Winter Holiday, End
of Year and Birthday)
Recruit classroom volunteers for school-wide events (Field Day,
Classroom Parties, Multicultural Festival, etc.)
Upload pictures from class events for the school Yearbook (personally or
appoint a volunteer to be the Class Photographer)
Do your best throughout the year to be fair and give all parents the
opportunity to be included in as many classroom activities as possible
The classroom teacher may ask you to do more than these tasks.
Your first assignments as a Room Parent are as follows:
1. Meet with your teacher as soon as possible!
2. Go to – on the home page there is a Room Parent
tab. Here you will find a pre-approved “Room Parent Introduction letter”
Please add your name, phone number and email address and send this
home to all the parents to introduce yourself and your Co-Room Parent.
3. Mark your calendar with your teacher’s birthday. The collection form
for teachers birthdays can be found at
Please Note:
All volunteers are required to complete the Broward County Public School Volunteer
Application online at
Here are some guidelines about other aspects of your Room
Parent Responsibilities
I. Volunteering
a. All 2018-2019 volunteers will need a new start badge and will need
to register at Please note
star badges from last year are no longer valid.
b. All volunteers must check in at the front office and log in indicating
where you will be on campus, receive the STAR badge, and wear this
badge visibly while on school grounds. You must return your STAR
badge upon exiting the school.
c. You are asked to keep track of the time spent volunteering for Gator
Run while at home (e.g. preparing for a party, shopping for supplies,
cutting paper for a teacher’s project, etc.). Please record these hours
on the “Off Site Hours” form and turn in according to announced
II. Forms & Letters
a. All letters that you need to distribute to your class have been
pre-approved by our administration. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ANY
b. All forms and letters can be found on the Room Parent page on the
PTA website at
III. Contacting Parents
a. Keep in touch with your teacher to find out if any students are
added or removed from your class.
b. Teachers must be copied on any email that Room Parents send to
parents in the class regarding classroom activities.
c. Parent emails are to be used to distribute Gator Run information
ONLY. Please inform us, if at any time, you become aware that the
parent email system is being used to distribute information not
related to Gator Run.
IV. Parties
a. Two parties are allowed: The Winter Party, which is in December,
and the End of Year Party, which is usually the last week of school
in June.
b. Send the pre-approved party letter to the classroom parents a few
weeks before the party. No changes can be made to these letters.
c. It is the responsibility of the Room Parent to collect all donated
money and supplies, contact parent volunteers, order food and
assist at the party.
d. Remember that only store bought food is allowed at any school
celebration. Homemade food is not allowed. Additionally, the use
of any electronic cooking device is not allowed.
e. Pizza or other delivery: If a delivery of any kind has been made for
the classroom, it is your responsibility to assure that the Front
Office is provided with notice and that payment and tip is provided
in an envelope with the name of the company, the teacher’s name
& grade and volunteer contact name.
Jimbo’s Pizza $23.00
Mrs. Class 5
Contact: Volunteer name and phone number
f. There is a limit to the number of parents allowed at each party.
Ask your teacher for this information before contacting your
parents. Please do your best throughout the year to include all
parents who wish to be involved in parties. The number of
volunteers for each event is set by Administration not the
g. Sign up Genius is a great website to ask for classroom volunteers
and donations.
V. Teacher Gifts
a. In the pre-approved Winter Party and End of Year Party letters, a
portion of donated funds are designated for the “teacher gifts”.
You must give the teacher the cash you receive or a gift card. All
funds collected for gifts must be used for this purpose, not for
party supplies or food.
b. Please note the teacher’s (and aide’s) birthday on the label in your
folder. There is a pre-approved letter for collecting money for
birthdays. These, like the other forms, cannot be modified. If your
teacher or aide has a birthday between June & August, be sure to
discuss your teacher’s preference about what day during the school
year he/she would like to recognize a summer birthday. All
teachers may opt to celebrate their birthday at any point in the
school year, regardless of when their actual birthday occurs.
Please remember that:
The teachers would like you to schedule any meetings you have with them in
advance, either by e-mailing them, calling them or by sending in a note with
your child. All the teachers very much appreciate your time and effort and they
are looking forward to meeting and working with you.
Communication is crucial to the success of the Room Parent. Keep in
contact with your teacher and let him/her know you are available. There may be
things the teacher will call on you to help with, or he/she may need you to
make requests for donations for class projects. Check-in with the teacher and
follow up often.
You shouldn’t do or provide everything yourself. It is very important that you
give other parents an opportunity to be involved. It is vital that no parent feels
left out of an opportunity to benefit the classroom.
The names, telephone numbers and email addresses of your parents are strictly
confidential. They are to be used only for the Room Parent Program.
Please remember that when working with students all information pertaining to
those students is confidential and not to be discussed outside of the classroom.
Also, when volunteering please silence your cell phones and refrain from
talking on cell phones and texting while in the classroom.
If you, for any reason, become unable to fulfill your obligations as Room Parent,
please let me know as soon as possible. It is encouraged that Room Parents
stay informed by going to the PTA General Meetings and by checking our
website at
We are here to help and want to do whatever we can to make this a positive
experience for you, the children in your classroom and your teacher.
Paula Michaelides
305 926-8601