Buying on rumors: how
financial news flows affect
the share price of Tesla
Nadine Strauss
Institut fur Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft,
Universitat Wien, Vienna, Austria, and
Christopher Holmes Smith
Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to research how corporate communication regarding a specific
corporate event (i.e. Teslas tweets about a new product) as well as the framing of both the event itself and the
market reactions therewith in the news media influence the formation of the share price of the respective
company over time. In so doing, the study provides insights into the nature of market-moving information
and the role of financial news flows in shaping market reactions in todays high-frequency news and
information environment.
Design/methodology/approach Using a multi-method case study approach, combining quantitative
intraday event studies with a qualitative text analysis of financial online news and tweets by Elon Musk
and Twitter, the authors shed light on the complex interaction between market events, financial information
and stock market reactions. The analysis covers a period of four days, encompassing the announcement and
introduction of the new battery pack for Model S and X by Tesla as well as the accompanying and follow-up
reporting by the financial news media.
Findings Findings show that market reactions are driven by business events and expectations among the
market rather than the follow-up reporting by financial news media. Financial online news instead seems to
heavily rely on Elon Musks attention-triggering news to sustain its 24-h airtime with a variety of reporting
tools, keeping the highly demanded audience engaged. Eventually, Twitter accounts of media visible
companies and personalities, such as Tesla and its CEO Elon Musk, have been found to be useful market
information sources for day traders and shareholders to trade at a profit.
Originality/value The study is a response to recent discussions about the legitimacy of Twitter
communication by CEOs or representatives of listed companies. The findings show that Twitter
communication needs to be well considered in light of strict market regulations (e.g. SEC in the USA)
regarding insider-trading and the publication of market-relevant information. In addition, corporate financial
communication should avoid impetuous communication via social media channels as this could have
deterrent effects on the market valuation of a listed company.
Keywords Financial markets, Event study, Financial reporting, Stock markets, Market reactions,
Financial news
Paper type Research paper
The flow of information can severely impact the formation of stock prices (Mitra and Mitra,
2011). Similarly, media representations of companies might not only have a considerable
influence on corporate reputation (cf. Fombrun and Shanley, 1990), but might also affect
the fluctuations of their share prices (e.g. Scheufele et al., 2011). Scholars have argued that
Corporate Communications: An
International Journal
Vol. 24 No. 4, 2019
pp. 593-607
Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/CCIJ-09-2018-0091
Received 4 September 2018
Revised 12 April 2019
Accepted 4 June 2019
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
© Nadine Strauss and Christopher Holmes Smith. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This
article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may
reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article ( for both commercial and
non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full
terms of this licence may be seen at
Buying on
the way a company is presented in the news influences public evaluations and opinions
about the companys future business prospects, and hence its market valuation (Pollock and
Rindova, 2003). Previous research, however, has investigated the link between media
representations and the stock market from a rather static perspective, measuring, for
example, the amount of coverage and sentiment expressed in news items over a certain
amount of time and the stock market reactions therewith (e.g. Scheufele et al., 2011; Strauß
et al., 2016; Tetlock, 2007). Subsequently, studies in this research area have not paid
attention to the complex dynamics of event-driven news coverage and its effects on stock
market prices. It remains unclear how breaking issues can move the market gradually and
how various outlets report on the issues over time, affecting investors trading-decisions.
In addition, such event-driven news coverage increasingly originates in the realm of
social media (Bollen et al., 2011). Quarterly earnings announcements, product introductions
or news by the CEO of a company are regularly released on Twitter and other social media
channels to inform stakeholders (Malhotra and Malhotra, 2016). Hence, when investigating
business events and their effects on the stock market in todays fast-moving news and
information environment, it becomes crucial to distinguish between sources of information
(e.g. social media vs news agency vs press release), the dissemination of news across various
media outlets, the timing of coverage, and therewith, the dynamic effects of changing
reporting on corporate news and stock market prices over time. Thus, the overarching
research question of this study reads:
RQ1. How do financial news flows about corporate events influence the stock market
prices of companies over time?
However, previous research has led to the logical conclusion that there is no conclusive and
systematic relationship between big news and big price movements (Schuster, 2006, p. 50).
Therefore, instead of looking at aggregate effects of corporate news on stock market prices
(e.g. Scheufele et al., 2011; Strauß et al., 2016; Tetlock, 2007), researchers are advised to take a
micro-level perspective when investigating how news flows affect stock market prices. In
this vein, a case study approach has been chosen to study the highly media visible company
Tesla Motors and its introduction of the new battery pack for Model S and Model X in
August 2016. The findings give insights into Teslas Twitter communication (including its
CEO, Elon Musk) about the product introduction, the emerging news dynamics among the
major financial news outlets in the USA therewith, as well as Teslas stock market reactions
as a response to the news and information cycle.
Theoretical background
The relationships between financial news and the stock market
Knorr Cetina and Bruegger (2002), who studied foreign-exchange dealing rooms through an
economic sociological lens, argue that market reality itself is knowledge generated, that is,
has no existence independent from the informational presentation of the market on screen that
is provided by news agencies, analysts, and traders themselves (p. 915). These information
flows exist within a crowded and turbulent global media ecosystem where the competition to
capture attention across linear broadcast feeds, digital on-demand services and social media
networks is fierce. In this attention economy, media users including variously situated
social agents actively engaged in the screen-driven activities that constitute modern financial
markets become collectively habituated to a wide variety of discursive formats and
presentation styles that continually mount communicative attempts to cultivate awareness
and engagement in the hearts and minds of audiences and stakeholders (Webster, 2014). The
normalized conventions of these content formats create an everyday state of what media
scholar John Ellis characterizes as mundane witnessing (Ellis, 2009). Within this context,
media studies theorists have shed light on the extraordinary circumstances variously
characterized as media events (Fiske, 1994), mediatized rituals (Cottle, 2006) or media
spectacles (Kellner, 2003) that frequently erupt within the news cycle and shatter the
quotidian pattern of media reception, thereby eliciting more intense forms of coverage rife
with endless detail and speculation about further details on the unfolding story (p. 85).
When describing financial news flows in the global, attention-seeking and ubiquitous media
ecosystem, the issue-attention cycle as introduced by Downs (1972) can be used to explain how
financial information develops into a public issue that becomes integrated into market prices
until it reaches equilibrium again (cf. Fama, 1970). Downs introduced the framework more than
50 years ago when describing the cyclical process of how attention is paid toward domestic
issues in the USA. The five stages are divided in: pre-problem state, alarmed discovery and
euphoric enthusiasm, realizing the costs of significant progress, gradual decline of public
interest and the post-problem state. In the theory, Downs focuses on the issue ecology,
explaining how public attention in America has slowly increased toward environmental issues,
heighted and demanded political action, but eventually resulted in decreased public interest,
being ultimately replaced by other seemingly more important issues at the time.
What is particularly appealing about Downs (1972) issue-attention cycle for studying
financial news flow is that it takes a public perception perspective, particularly focusing on the
attention paid toward certain issues in the news media and the public. In fact, scholars in
communication science have long stressed the power of the media in intervening public opinion
in terms of the agenda-setting theory and framing theory (e.g. McCombs and Shaw, 1972;
Iyengar and Kinder, 1987; Shoemaker and Reese, 1996). Agenda-setting presumes that the
attention media pays toward certain issues gets transferred to the public agenda (McCombs and
Shaw, 1972). In other words, the more the media talks about a certain topic (e.g. Tesla product
introduction), the more likely the audience will recall this topic and rate it as important. Similarly,
framing theory suggests that public perceptions of characters (e.g. politicians), topics or
institutions are dependent on how the news media frame these (Carroll and McCombs, 2003;
Golan and Wanta, 2001). As a consequence, the framing of a certain topic, institution or person in
the media in a positive or negative light might impact the way the public perceives and
eventually evaluates the objects of the media representations.
Hence, following agenda-setting and framing theory, financial news might also impact
how the financial audience perceives the financial markets, or specific stocks in particular
(cf. Pollock and Rindova, 2003). Studies in finance, business and sparsely in communication
science have made use of this alleged link between media and the public when researching
the relationships between news media and the stock market. The vast amount of work
ranges from different news media (e.g. The Wall Street Journal: Tetlock, 2007), information
outlets (e.g. Reuters news: Uhl, 2014) to the focus on different characteristics of news such as
emotions (e.g. Bollen et al., 2011) or expert opinions (e.g. Bar-Haim et al., 2011). While some
findings point to correlations between news, the sentiment of the coverage and the stock
market on an aggregate level (but are not generalizable), it is still open for discussion how
this relationship can be described at the micro-level; hence, when studying news dynamics
for a specific corporate event or a specific listed company.
Indeed, scholars in news analytics have highlighted the importance of news flows and the
fact that news can switch from positive to negative sentiment for a specific company over time
(Moniz et al., 2011). Instead of investigating accumulated reactions to news items, Moniz and
colleagues argue that a focus on short-term influences of news events on share prices is more
appropriate. Similarly, it is argued in this study that the accumulated and mostly one-way
media effect assumption is an oversimplification that takes neither the complexity of
multi-media news distribution, nor the diversification and temporal sensitivity of
company-related market sentiment into account. In this sense, investigating the emergence
of financial news for a particular corporate event over time might give more insights into how
the flow of news affect stock market prices in the course of financial reporting.
Buying on
The case: Tesla Motors. In the past years, shareholders of Tesla Motors have witnessed
strong fluctuations of Teslas share price as a result of tweets by Elon Musk, containing
promising information about the company and its future plans. In August 2018, for
example, Musk tweeted that he is considering taking the company private at a price of $420
a share. The market reacted with turmoil and the trading of Tesla shares was briefly
suspended on the Nasdaq stock exchange (The Economist, 2018). Musk is known for his
tweets that offer hints about new products, announcements or information on Tesla that in
turn spawn interest among the financial community and various media outlets to report on
the corporate news and market reactions therewith (Malhotra and Malhotra, 2016). Hence,
acknowledging Tesla as a newsworthy technology company, Tesla serves as the ideal
case study (Yin, 2013), to research how corporate tweets regarding a specific corporate event
(i.e. product introduction) affect its share price, and how the framing of both the event itself
and the market reactions therewith in the news media influence the formation of the share
price over time.
Data and methods
Case selection
Tesla is a US-based automobile company that focuses on the production of electric cars and
batteries, with Elon Musk as the CEO of the company. In 2016, Tesla was frequently covered
in the news regarding new product introductions (e.g. Model 3 in March), product
innovations (e.g. more efficient batteries for its models in August), accidents caused by its
self-driving car in May 2016, or the acquisition of SolarCity in August 2016. For this case
study, the introduction of the new electric-car battery for the Model S and Model X in
August 2016 was selected. The news about the new battery did not only cause broad news
coverage across various financial news media outlets, but also let the share price of Tesla
respond considerably over the period of reporting. Although this corporate event might
appear less relevant when compared to the introduction of Model 3 or the accidents with the
self-driving Tesla cars, the choice to investigate the introduction of the new battery was
driven by two reasons: it offered a manageable set of data that was adequate for a
qualitative, manual text analysis and it was appropriate to conduct intraday event studies
because there was no other news at the center of media coverage related to Tesla than the
introduction of the new battery on the day of the announcement.
News data
To get insights into the news dynamics across various financial online news outlets and the
share price of Tesla, seven top news sources for traders on the US market, including
Bloomberg, CNBC, CNN Money, Forbes , Financial Times, Reuters and The Wall Street
Journal[1] were assessed. For the analysis, all online news articles that were published by
these outlets were collected, including videos, slide shows and audio files from the day of the
announcement (August 23, 2016) until three days after (August 26, 2016). In total, 43 news
items were analyzed (see for an overview Figure 1).
Besides considering the online news articles, the role of Tesla and its CEO, Elon Musk, who
announced the new battery on Twitter were also objects of the analysis. Most relevant in
this sense was the tweet by Elon Musk in which he promoted the presentation of a new
product in the morning of the August 23 as well as one update on this notification during the
day, the tweet by the official Tesla account about the actual product introduction, and the
eventual retweet by Musk of the product presentation in the afternoon.
Stock market data
In order to compare how the stock market price of Tesla reacted to the announcement of the
new product by Elon Musk on Twitter and the online news reporting thereafter, intraday
stock market quotes, including the share price and trading volume for Tesla (TSLA) for the
period of analysis (August 23, 2016August 26, 2016) were downloaded from a Bloomberg
terminal. Daily stock market data were retrieved from Yahoo finance.
Event studies
To find out whether the tweet by Elon Musk or the actual presentation of the new product
by Tesla had a significant effect on the returns of Teslas share price in the short run, event
studies were conducted. Event studies are common practice in research fields such as
finance, management and economics. In essence, an event study measures the impact of a
particular event on the market value of a company (MacKinlay, 1997). However, while
common event studies make use of daily stock quotes, this study uses minutely stock
market quotes of one trading day (i.e. the day of the announcement of the new battery by
Tesla: August 23, 2016). It is argued that the investigation of intraday stock quotes gives
more insights into the immediate reactions of the Tesla share price to the announcement of
the new battery than daily quotes. In fact, because Tesla had been associated with various
negative issues in Summer 2016 (e.g. Autopilot crashes, SolarCity acquisition), the actual
impact of the battery announcement on the Tesla share price would have likely become
wiped out when considering daily instead of intraday stock quotes.
Procedure. When looking at the fluctuations of the share prices of Tesla during the day of
the announcement of the new battery (August 23, 2016; see Figure 2), there is one point in
time in which the price seems to have reacted strongly positively and one in which the share
price of Tesla slumped considerably. The rise can be spotted around 11.30 a.m. EST; hence,
about the time when Elon Musk made the announcement about a new product on Twitter.
The dip can be traced around 15.30 p.m. EST, very likely when Tesla eventually presented
the new battery to the public. In order to find out which of the two identified swings of the
Tesla share price had a significant impact on its returns, two event studies were run. To do
so, the procedure according to MacKinlay (1997) was followed.
In the first step, the events during the day of the announcement (August 23, 2016) were
identified. The first event happened at 11.23 a.m. EST when Elon Musk tweeted that there
would be a product announcement by Tesla at noon, California time. The second event was
identified as the actual product announcement by Tesla at 3.30 p.m. EST. In the second step,
event windows were defined, which are the periods in which the security prices of the
company are inspected for changes as a reaction to the event. For this study, an event
August 23, 2016 August 24, 2016
August 25, 2016
August 26, 2016
Wall Street
CNN Money
Wall Street
Wall Street
Figure 1.
Distribution of
financial news on the
new Tesla battery
from the day of the
(August 23, 2016)
until three days after
(August 26, 2016)
Buying on
window of 10 min was chosen to investigate how Tesla shares reacted up to 10 min before
and after the respective events took place. To estimate the impact of the events on the Tesla
shares, the abnormal returns were calculated. The abnormal return is defined as:
¼ R
where AR
is the abnormal return for stock i (Tesla) at time point t (trading minute on
August 23, 2016); R
the actual return; and E(R
) the expected return[2] conditional on the
return of a comparable market portfolio X at time point t (MacKinlay, 1997). Given that for
this study the market model was chosen (MacKinlay, 1997), X is the market return of the
Nasdaq index the index on which Tesla is listed.
In the following step, the estimation window was selected, which is commonly a
meaningful number of trading time points prior to the event. For the first event 102 min were
used, as this was the maximum number of minutely stock quotes that was available prior to
the tweet by Elon Musk released at 11.23 a.m. EST on that day. For the second event (i.e. the
actual announcement at 15.30 p.m. EST), 252 trading minutes were used. 252 time points is
also the common estimation window employed in event studies (cf. MacKinlay, 1997). By
means of the parameter estimates of the normal performance model (intercept, slope), the
abnormal returns could be calculated. Afterwards, the accumulated abnormal returns were
estimated to get more insights in the impact of the particular event on the share price of Tesla
[3]. Eventually, it was tested whether the abnormal returns of Tesla were significantly
different from the expected returns 10 min prior and 10 min after the events occurred by
conducting two-tailed t-tests. The results for the two event studies are presented together with
the results of the qualitative text analysis in the results section.
Text analysis
The two authors of this study read and coded the news items of the seven top financial
online news outlets by means of a semi-structured codebook. Rather than using variables
with pre-specified values, the codebook was constructed with open questions for each
variable, giving the coders the opportunity to assess each news item with an open approach.
Besides manifest variables, such as name of the coder, news outlet, date, time, title, author,
added content (e.g. video, slide shows, audio), the codebook also included open categories
such as pro and contra arguments raised about Tesla and the new battery, voices raised in
the news item (e.g. direct quotations by Elon Musk, financial analysts or reporters),
information and prospects about Teslas share price, the main conclusion of the news item,
the prevalent sentiment of the news items and other remarks. The two coders discussed the
Figure 2.
Intraday Tesla share
prices on
August 23, 2016
categories of the codebook together and solved disagreements before the actual coding
started. The sample of news items was divided into two sets so that every coder was able to
provide in-depth notations for the respective news items. After sorting all news items based
on the date and time of release, a clear timeline of the news reporting emerged that
facilitated the investigation of the news dynamics across outlets over time.
Is it all just buying on rumors?
On August 23, 2016 at 11.23 a.m. EST, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, announced on Twitter
that there would be a product announcement at noon California time today. Not only did
this tweet generate considerable engagement on Twitter (i.e. 5,251 retweets; 14,330 likes), it
also caused the Tesla share price to jump 1.4 percent from $223.14 at 11.23 a.m. to 226.37 at
11.30 a.m., with a trading volume of 549,981 shares in that period, which accounted for more
than an eighth of the total trading volume on that day for Tesla (4,784,400 shares). Although
it was not clear what the actual product announcement of Tesla would be at that moment, it
seemed that investors bid up Teslas share price on pure speculation. While investors
reacted with the acquisition of Tesla shares immediately, the mainstream financial news
outlets started to speculate about possible interpretations of the cryptic announcement by
Elon Musk. Reuters was among the first that reported with a short statement at 11.40 a.m.
EST on the tweet and the rising share price of Tesla therewith: rose more than 1 percent
after the post and were recently trading up $3.69.
The results of the event study in which this first tweet by Elon Musk was treated as an
event showed that there was indeed a significant market reaction of the abnormal returns of
Tesla at the moment when the tweet was released (11.23 a.m. EST). Besides a few minutes,
the significant impact of the event on the Tesla share price persisted up to 9 min after the
tweet was released (see Table I and Figure 3). No significant abnormal returns could be
found for the 10 min before the tweet was published. However, the tweet did not have a
lasting effect on the Tesla share price. Already 30 min after the tweet was published, Tesla
stocks declined 0.4 percent down to $223.37, slightly higher than before the announcement.
Not long after the first reporting on Elon Musks tweet by Reuters, CNBC weighed in at
noon EST and published a video with a short online news article, commenting on the tweet
and speculating what the announcement could be about. Phil LeBeau, the Anchor of
Halftime Report at CNBC reminded the networks viewers that Musks tweets are not
typically harbingers of big news. Furthermore, when describing the intraday market
reactions of Tesla shares prior to Musks tweet in CNBCs news segment, Jon Najarian,
the Najarian Family Office Co-founder, saw some unusual activity. He contemplated that
there might have been some investors who had access to inside information. When looking
Event 1: Tweet by Elon Musk (11.23 a.m.) Event 2: Announcement by Tesla (3.30 p.m.)
Time Abnormal returns Time Abnormal returns
11.23 a.m. 8,553*** 3.30 p.m. 13,263***
11.24 a.m. 9,860*** 3.31 p.m. 3,982***
11.25 a.m. 3,322* 3.33 p.m. 3,293***
11.27 a.m. 2,133* 3.34 p.m. 3,877***
11.28 a.m. 1,984* 3.35 p.m. 3,314**
11.31 a.m. 2,930** 3.36 p.m. 3,022**
11.32 a.m. 2,301* 3.39 p.m. 2,013*
Notes: Reported are significant abnormal returns of Tesla for Event 1 (the moment when the tweet by Elon
Musk was released) and Event 2 (the moment when Tesla made the official announcement of the new battery);
two-tailed t-tests; Event 1: df ¼ 100; Event 2: df ¼ 251. *po 0.05; **po 0.01; ***po 0.001
Table I.
Results of intraday
event studies for tesla
on August 23, 2016
Buying on
at the intraday stock quotes of Tesla right before the release of the tweet by Elon Musk
(see Figure 4), it indeed seems that there might have been some preliminary trading on Tesla
shares before Musk tweeted about the upcoming product introduction. Later that day, Elon
Musk sent another tweet at 3:02 pm, advertising the revelation, Journalists Q&A for
30 mins and embargo ends at 12.30. However, Tesla shares reacted this time only mildly
(0.6 percent), rising from $226.16 at the minute of the release to $227.48, half an hour later.
Before the actual product announcement by Tesla at noon California time, there were two
more news items published. Bloomberg reported shortly on the reactions of the Tesla share
price to the tweet by Musk (Tesla jumped 2 percent to $227.45 at 11:53 am after rising as
much as 2.3%, the biggest intraday gain in two weeks) and referred negatively to the
investigation with regard to the Autopilot car crash as well as to the trimmed full-year
forecast. In the meantime, CNBC released another online news article with a video of its
show Closing Bell in which Aswath Damodaran, Chair of Finance Education at the NYU
Stern School of Business, analyzed cash burn companies; hence companies that require
high investments before they become profitable. Although Elon Musks announcement was
not mentioned directly in the segment, Damodoran reflected upon Tesla as a cash burn
company, criticizing the acquisition of SolarCity as the malignant cash burn part and
11:14:00 a.m.
11:15:00 a.m.
11:16:00 a.m.
11:17:00 a.m.
11:18:00 a.m.
11:19:00 a.m.
11:20:00 a.m.
11:21:00 a.m.
11:22:00 a.m.
11:23:00 a.m.
11:24:00 a.m.
11:25:00 a.m.
11:26:00 a.m.
11:27:00 a.m.
11:28:00 a.m.
11:29:00 a.m.
11:30:00 a.m.
11:31:00 a.m.
11:32:00 a.m.
11:33:00 a.m.
Expected Return ([E]r) Accumulate Abnormal Return (AAR) Abnormal Return (AR)
Figure 3.
Intraday event study
for Tesla shares at
the moment when
the tweet about the
new product
announcement was
released by
Elon Musk on
August 23, 2016 at
11.23 a.m. EST
Figure 4.
Intraday share prices
of Tesla between
11.00 a.m. and
11.30 a.m. on
August 23, 2016
automobile business as the benign cash burn part. Just 1 min before the actual
announcement of the new product, Teslas stock was up at $228.09, 1.7 percent higher than
its opening price that day.
The big news or rather the moment of the big disappointment?
Reuters and Bloomberg were the first to report on the revelation of the new product by
Tesla at 3.30 p.m. EST. Right after Elon Musk himself retweeted a tweet by the official Tesla
Twitter account, saying Introducing P100D with Ludicrous Mode, more performance &
range for Model S & Model X at 3:36 p.m. The tweet was linked to a press release on Teslas
website, where the specifics of the new electric battery were described in more detail. As the
front-runner of the news, Reuters wrote in a short article that Tesla is going to provide a
100 kilowatt hour (kWH) battery for its Model S and Model X cars. Simultaneously,
Bloomberg published a video segment in which David Welch reported on the specifications
of the battery upgrade and news regarding the Autopilot issue. While Welch stated that the
technological advancement of the battery was only marginal or incremental, he saw the
fact that Tesla could say that it had the fastest car in the world as significant marketing
news for Elon Musk.
Only 2 min later, CNBC picked up on the Tesla news. In an online article with a short video
segment of CNBCs Breaking News, Phil LeBeau reported on the specifications of the new
battery. Interestingly, the Tesla upgrading strategy with its new battery was positively
compared with the Apple business strategy (now you start looking at it like an Apple store)
in another video by CNBC of the show News Alert (5.19 p.m.). Although the overall tone of
CNBCs Breaking News was positive, there was also some criticism. Reporters pounced
upon the fact that Musk did not respond to any question during the conference call relating to
the production problems with the Model 3 vehicles or the autopilot accident issue. In this
regard, the anchors of CNBCs News Alert show added that the shares of Tesla were
coming back to earth, speculating if this points to an overriding concern of Tesla investors
about the added value of the new battery features for Tesla.
When looking at the stock market reactions of the Tesla shares just after the
announcement and the first reporting on the news, it seemed that the market rather responded
with disappointment to the news about the improved battery pack by Tesla. With a trading
volume of 223,773 shares within 2 min, the stock market price went from $228.09 at 3:29 p.m.
to $224.75 at 3:31 p.m., losing 1.5 percent of its share price. The results of the event study
support these observations (see Table I and Figure 5). Treating the announcement by Tesla at
3.30 p.m. as an event, significant negative market reactions of the Tesla shares up to 9 min
after the release appeared (except for minute 3.32 p.m., 3.37 p.m. and 3.38 p.m.). Hence, in
comparison to the reactions to the tweet by Elon Musk in the morning, the market responded
exactly in the opposite direction. It seemed that shareholders were expecting something more
from Tesla than only an improved battery pack.
Before the Nasdaq stock market closed that day with a Tesla share price of $224.84, there
was only one more news item by Reuters published online in which the specifics of the new
battery were shortly outlined. However, despite the closing of the financial markets on the
east coast, the financial news did not stop reporting on the new announcement by Tesla.
CNBC continued its reflection on the specifics of the new battery in the Closing Bell show.
Just 2 min later, a new video was released by CNBC, in which a Senior Research Analyst at
Oppenheimer, Colin Rusch, gave his assessment of the new product announcement by Tesla
on the phone, supporting his position on the stock despite identifying the new battery
package as only an incremental product improvement and raising concerns about the
acquisition of SolarCity by Tesla. CNBC, on the other hand, released a news item with a
video of the show Behind the Wheels later that day in which Karl Brauer, Senior Analyst
at the automobile research and evaluation company Kelley Blue Book, pointed out that
Buying on
Tesla needed more than an incremental improvement. He considered the high price as the
main problem with the new upgrade of the battery.
In the course of the evening, a few more online articles were published. CNBC, The Wall
Street Journal and the Financial Times neutrally reported on the news and the stock market
reactions therewith. In contrast, Bloomberg and Forbes critically reported on the introduction
of the new battery. Bloomberg criticized that Tesla ha[d] already pushed investors horizons
out so far given the numerous announcements Elon Mask had made that year. Forbes saw
the new battery as an answer to a question few were asking. In particular, Forbes listed a
number of challenges Tesla was still facing, such as the mass production of Model 3 or the
outcome of the investigations with regard to the Autopilot accidents. Not only did Reuters
emphasize these challenges in another online article as well, the problem with the SolarCity
acquisition and the accidents with Teslas Autopilot cars were also taken up in CNBCsshow
News Alert released later that day. As one expert in the show stated, the SolarCity deal to
me is partially out of necessity to keep the whole magic kingdom alive.
The next day: follow-up reporting
The next day news items were released that provided a morning briefing for investors before
the markets on the New York Stock Exchange opened. CNN Money, for example, warned that
Tesla could experience higher-than-normal volumes Wednesday after it unveiled a new
battery, while Reuters, CNBC and The Wall Street Journal only briefly and neutrally referred
to the introduction of the new battery by Tesla from the previous day. In the hours before the
stock market opened, both CNBC and Bloomberg released video segments that were already
published the day before, accompanied with online news articles. Furthermore, Forbes
published an online article offering its rationale for placing Tesla at the top of the Forbes
Most Innovative Companies list in 2016. Also giving room for expert opinions, the analysis
by Forbes was more extensive when compared to previously published news articles by other
outlets. Various arguments were given why Forbes had decided to designate Tesla as the most
innovative company (e.g. Autopilot, mobile app for shared Tesla cars, Gigafactory).
It seemed that the positive follow-up reporting on Tesla and its new battery as well as the
rather positive evaluations of analysts had pushed Tesla share prices up that morning.
3:20:00 p.m.
3:21:00 p.m.
3:22:00 p.m.
3:23:00 p.m.
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3:32:00 p.m.
3:33:00 p.m.
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3:36:00 p.m.
3:37:00 p.m.
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3:39:00 p.m.
3:40:00 p.m.
Expected Return [E]r
Accumulate Abnormal Return (AAR)
Abnormal Return (AR)
Figure 5.
Intraday event study
for Tesla shares at the
moment when the
Tesla made the actual
announcement on
August 23, 2016 at
3.30 p.m. EST
With $227.05, investors bid up Tesla shares by almost 1 percent compared to its closing
price $224.84 from the previous day. This increase, however, remained unnoticed by the
financial news. Instead, Bloomberg released a piece of the column Money Stuff by Matt
Levine in which he commented on market news from the previous day, shortly mentioning
the introduction of the new battery by Tesla, but not its increased opening price.
Compared to the previous day, the online news articles by the financial news outlets
appeared much longer, providing more insights and background information. Forbes,for
example, released another piece in which Robert Bradley Jr, the Founder and CEO of the
Institute for Energy Research, critically commented on Tesla and the fact that the company is
mainly based on governmental funding. Before the market closed that day with Tesla shares
dropping almost 2 percent from its opening price down to $222.62, reaching practically the
share price of the day previous to the battery announcement, two more financial news items
were identified. CNN Money neutrally reported in an online article on the new battery for Model
S and X with a short clip that showed the Tesla Gigafactory; Bloomberg released another item
which included an audio file in which two reporters spoke about Teslas new battery.
When news is no longer news
In the following days of the week, the amount of reporting on the new battery by Tesla
waned. The major financial news sources such as Reuters or Bloomberg were not even
writing about it anymore. Instead, there were two more articles by Forbes on August 25,
2016 that were only indirectly related to the Tesla announcement from two days ago, but
which put Tesla and its stock in a negative light. One in which Professor, Pop-Science
Author and Blogger Chad Orzel criticized carmakers methods of acceleration tests,
including Tesla. And another article by Forbes in which Tesla was identified as one of the
most shorted Nasdaq 100 component. The same day, CNBC released a news item in which
the benefits and specifics of the new battery pack were outlined one more time.
Overall, the follow-up reporting by the financial news outlets focused less and less on the
new battery by Tesla. On Friday, August 26, 2016, The Wall Street Journal published an
article about the advanced driver-assistance programs in which the news about the new
battery pack was only mentioned in passing. In another article that was published 15 min
after, The Wall Street Journal argued that electronic cars are at the forefront while
positioning Tesla as the standard-bearer. Similarly, an article published by Forbes placed
Tesla with its Model 3 as the model example for electronic carmakers. However, the plea for
electronic cars and the laudatory words for Tesla in these articles had little impact on the
stock price of Tesla that day. Although the stock market price of Tesla slightly recovered on
August 25, 2016 with an opening price of $223.11, up 2 percent from its closing price the
previous day, it closed $2.15 lower at $220.96. Tesla ended the trading week with a price of
$219.99, 1.9 percent lower than its opening price ($224.17) on Monday morning.
Financial issue-attention cycle: reporting on news or making news?
Recapitulating the news reporting about the announcement of the new battery by Tesla, the
analysis has given valuable insights into the financial news reporting cycle and the
emergence of business news and its impacts on Teslas stock market price, respectively.
Partly in accordance with the first stage of the issue-attention cycle (Downs, 1972), the
announcement of the new battery has raised limited attention in the media, given that only
few news outlets (Reuters, CNBC, Bloomberg) reported on the tweet by Elon Musk right
after. However, the public, and particularly investors, responded considerable, given that
Teslas share price rose mostly after the tweet by Elon Musk that conveyed the ambiguous
announcement of a new product introduction in the morning.
Buying on
In the second stage, according to Downs, attention gets sparked and more people become
aware of the issue and are optimistic that the issue can be solved. In case of Tesla, the vast
amount of reporting on the new battery could indeed be found on the day of the
announcement itself. Even though Tesla had not yet specified the news, it seemed
that the news outlets were making use of every bit of information to fill their airtime and to
report on the speculations before Tesla made the actual product introduction. It occurred
that both the media and the public were eager to hear more about the opaque announcement
by Elon Musk. While the news media needed the information to make sense of the news,
investors sought the information to find out how to best trade on the new announcement.
The third stage in the issue-attention cycle is reached according to Downs (1972) when
the public recognizes the connection between the solutions and the problem, realizing what
it would eventually cost to solve the issue. Although there was not an explicit need in
solving the new product announcement by Tesla, the third stage as defined by Downs can
be spotted in this case when the media and investors noticed that the new battery did not
meet the expectations of the market; hence right after the release of the new product by
Tesla. On the one hand, the media reported extensively about the implications of the new
battery for Tesla and its share price, determining that it was overall only an incremental
improvement; investors, on the other hand, reacted with disappointment in the new product
by selling their shares right after the announcement.
At the height of the discussion, the financial media kept on reporting on the Tesla news,
even after the market had closed. CNBC, Bloomberg and Reuters presented themselves as
frontrunners, providing ongoing reporting to its audience with updates on the new product
introduction, featured with videos, audios and photo slide shows. In so doing, the TV news
shows by CNBC and Bloomberg made use of various financial reporting tools, such as
discussion tables, staffed with experts from the automobile and tech industries, live call-ins
(e.g. with analysts, conference calls), interviews with experts and intraday stock market charts,
enabling reporters to discuss the immediate stock market reactions in real time (cf. Ahern and
Sosyuro, 2015). While these TV shows and the online news articles published by CNBC,
Reuters and Bloomberg were rather neutral in their reporting about the specifics of the new
battery, relying heavily on citations by Elon Musk and Tesla, Forbes and The Wall Street
Journal appeared to provide more in-depth and partial reporting. The criticism against Tesla
overall seemed to resonate. In particular, the SolarCity deal the Autopilot crashes as well as
Teslas struggle to produce and deliver an affordable vehicle for the mass were seen as the
main reasons why investors did not react with enthusiasm to the news about the battery.
Eventually, the fourth stage of the issue-attention cycle is characterized by a decreasing
interest for the issue on the side of the public as argued by Downs (1972), followed by the
fifth post-problem stage, which emerges when the issue has been replaced by another, new
issue or topic. These final two stages become reflected in the media coverage about Teslas
new battery during the three days after the announcement when reporting about the new
product overall declined and attention in the financial news seemed to have switched to
other, seemingly more relevant, topics. Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, for example,
presented more detailed analyses of Tesla in the days after the announcement, yet focusing
on other topics such as Teslas business strategy or issues the company was facing
(e.g. Tesla nominated as the most innovative company; most short-selling share). However,
Teslas share price did respond to the follow-up news reporting in the subsequent days.
In essence, there was little left behind from the initial enthusiasm and rumor trading as
seen right after the release of Elon Musks opaque tweet on Tuesday morning.
Buying on rumors and day trading
The analysis of the news dynamics surrounding the introduction of the new battery by
Tesla has shown that financial news reporting rather plays a limited role in influencing
short-term market reactions. Instead, announcements by corporations themselves (e.g. via
Twitter) can trigger market participants to react immediately and likely also for this
reason evoking a stream of further news reporting. As the event studies, but also the
inspection of the stock market reactions over the course of four days have shown, the
market reacted strongest to the Tesla news when Elon Musk tweeted about the new product
announcement and when the news eventually got released by Tesla and retweeted by Musk.
These responses imply that investors were buying on the simple speculations of what the
new product announcement could have been about.
Hence, the Tesla share price reactions based on Elon Musks tweet do not only suggest
that market participants react to news items that are not yet verified, or which are still based
on speculations (Hirshleifer et al., 1994; Oberlechner and Hocking, 2004), it also shows that
this investor behavior is at add odds with the rational market behavior that representatives
of the efficient market hypothesis promulgate (e.g. Fama, 1970). Rather than waiting until
the actual revelation of the announcement and assessing the value of the news before
making a trading decision, some shareholders seemed to have traded purely on the belief
that other traders might also react upon this tweet and that Tesla might reveal a new
product that would increase the market value of the company. In this vein, this market
behavior rather seems to be in line with herd-like reactions and irrational market decisions
that are caused by emotions, such as the fear of missing out on a lucrative investment
(Nofsinger, 2005; Prechter, 2001; Shiller, 2003).
Following this, the subsequent slump of the Tesla stock price as soon as the introduction
of the new battery was actually made resonates with Hirshleifer et al.s (1994) findings on
aggressive day trading. It appeared that some traders were actively buying Tesla shares in
the morning before and after Elon Musk vaguely notified the public about a new product
announcement, and then sold their shares again after the actual news was eventually
revealed. By betting on the increase of the Tesla share price based on Musks tweet about
the announcement and its subsequent fall, informed day traders were able to sell their
shares at the right moment, and at a profit. Hence, believing that the majority of traders will
react to ambiguous information in a certain way might confer investors the opportunity to
successfully trade on speculations or rumors.
Implications, limitations and future research
Based on this case study it can be assumed that being vigilant to high-profile Twitter
personalities of listed corporations (e.g. the Teslas CEO Elon Musk) might render first-hand
information on investments for retail and professional investors. However, while this might
provide profitable trading opportunities for day traders, it also poses a risk to companies
and its share price. Besides legal issues in terms of information disclosure violations (SEC,
2013), Twitter activity by corporations and CEOs of listed companies might also lead to
more speculative short-term trading of stocks which can be detrimental for a fair valuation
of companies. Indeed, after Musks tweet about considering taking the company private in
August 2018, there were heated discussions whether the tweet violated the Regulation Fair
Disclosure act (Ross Sorkin, 2018).
In this regard, it has to be noted that the results of this study do not allow for generalizations
across listed companies. Tesla Motors with its media-savvy CEO Elon Musk can be considered
an exception rather than the rule (Malhotra and Malhotra, 2016). Only few CEOs of publicly
traded companies are regularly active on Twitter and use the potentials of such social media
channels (42 of the 500 Fortune CEOs had a Twitter account as of September 2014; Malhotra
and Malhotra, 2016). Future research is therefore invited to compare these findings to other listed
companies and to organizations that do not enjoy such a strong visibility on social media.
Furthermore, there might also be differences across various stock market environments,
countries, industries or points in economic times. In this vein, this study has made a first step to
Buying on
invite scholars in communication science and economics alike to take a case study approach and
combining qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the complex interaction between
corporate events, news flows and stock market reactions.
1. Except for The Wall Street Journal, the top news sources ranking for investor were retrieved from:; There was no article
available from The Economist related to the new battery by Tesla within the period of analysis.
2. The expected return is composed of E
¼ α
+ β
+ ε
, where i is the Tesla share price; α the
intercept; β the slope; R
the actual return of the Nasdaq index at point t (trading minute on
August 23, 2016), and ε is the error term.
3. The accumulated abnormal returns, together with the Excel calculations for each event, can be
requested from the author of this dissertation.
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Corresponding author
Nadine Strauss can be contacted at: [email protected]
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