International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 44
Introduction to Electromagnetic Braking System
Shreya Bharti
, Mrinal Anand
Shreya Bharti, B.Tech (ECE), Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India
SMrinal Anand, B.Tech (ME), Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract - This paper go-round the use of
electromagnetic scope to stop or hold the motion of the
vehicle. An Electromagnetic Braking system make use of
magnetic force and current to stop the motion, the applied
voltage or current creates magnetic force which draw in
the brakes which further stop the motion of the vehicle
that is the rotatory motion. Major number of
electromagnetic brakes makes use of single friction surface
while there are multiple disc designs also which functions
in a similar manner as the single friction surface brakes
does. The prime elements of it consist of field coil,
armature and hub. As told earlier the electromagnetic
brake works over electric whim but torque is produced
mechanically, whenever the voltage and current is applied
on the brakes the coil becomes electromagnet and
produces magnetic lines of flux, these flux lines travel
through small gap between field coil and armature and
thus it magnetically pulls the armature against the hub
which holds the brake. When the current and voltage is
removed from the brakes the spring holds back the
armature from hub surface creating a small air gap.
Electromagnetic brakes participated in considerable
vehicles and auto as an associate brake. The
electromagnetic brakes can be used as a touch of business
vehicles by controlling the current accommodated make
the connecting with improvement. Causing a couple of
redesigns in the brakes it to can be used as a piece of
vehicles in future.
Key Words: Electromagnetic, friction, flux, torque,
armature, hub.
Latest advancements are arriving everyday or other.
Various ventures got benefitted in light of these new
developments such as vehicle industry or food and
packaging industry. As brake is a basic bit of vehicle
advancement, there are improvements in brakes also.
The large used brakes in vehicles are drum and circle
brakes. Various sorts of easing back instrument used are
pressure driven, pneumatic, etc. Electromagnetic braking
is an inventive advancement and moreover outlines the
reason of creating development. The two imperative
sorts of brake are frictional and electromagnetic
retarder. The brake is a mechanical tool which ends the
movement of vehicle in a development. While braking
power is associated by brake to upset the development
of vehicle lots of engine essentialness is dispersed as
warmth imperativeness. Fundamental limit of Brakes is
to direct the speed of a vehicle in a short range paying
little heed to speed. In this way, the brakes are required
to have the option to making high torque and fascinating
imperativeness at to extraordinary degree high rates for
brief time allotments. The repeat of incidents is at
present a-days extending as a result of inefficient halting
instrument. Hereafter halting instrument ought to be
improved for ground-breaking and profitable braking.
There are three imperative parts of EM brakes field coil,
an armature and hub.
The coil has north and south post. In the event that a bit of
iron reached the two poles and magnetic connection is
made. At the point when power is applied a magnetic
field is made this field (motion) defeats the air hole
among field and the armature. This magnetic fascination
pulls the armature in contact with the brake field face.
The erosion and the quality that is strength of the
magnetic field, is the thing that makes the rotational
movement stop. Practically the entirety of the torque
originates from the magnetic force and coefficient of
friction between the steel of the armature and the steel
of the rotor or brake field. The material is for the most
part used to help decline the wear rate. Be that as it may,
various kinds of material can likewise be utilized to
change the coefficient of erosion for exceptional
applications. Copper (in some cases aluminum) magnet
wire used to make the loop/coil which is held in the shell
either by a bobbin or by glue. For most modern brakes,
friction material is then set over the loop and is set
between the inward and external poles. The material is
flush with the outside of the brake since you need to
have metal to metal contact between the coil shell and
the armature.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 45
Fig-1: EM brake front view
Fig-2: EM brake side cross-sectional view
Fig-3, 4: Parts of brake
2.1 Working
The major number of EM brakes use single phase friction
plate to stop movement. The EM brakes operates over
electric actuation but produce torque mechanically,
when voltage and current (power) is applied to the brake
the loop becomes electromagnet and produces magnetic
lines of flux this flux travels through the air gap between
field coil and armature magnetically pulling the armature
towards against the hub and creating a holding force to
hold the brakes. When current and voltage (power) is
expelled from the brakes, the spring holds the armature
away from hub surface creating a small air gap in
between. In outdoor use friction material is not used
while in industrial applications friction material is used
to help hinder wear in clutch or brakes, the friction
material is flush with steel poles the single phase design
allows a very quick action thus suited for high cycle
applications. The EM brakes found in various
applications, uses are in processing and food packaging
machinery, medical equipments, servo motors, robotics
and elevators and escalators.
2.2 Calculation of torque
1. Maximum braking force is given by:
FL = Mdal × g × Ur
FL = possible braking force on axle
Mdal = dynamic axle load
g = acceleration due to gravity
Ur = coefficient of friction between road and tire
2. Braking torque require to stop wheel
T = BF × R/r
BF = Braking force
T = brake torque
R = radius of tire
r = speed ratio between the wheel and brake
Less wear of portions
Electronically controlled
No compelling need to change the brake oils reliably.
Longer life of EM brakes in comparison to normal
Uncomplicated design
Less noise
Large degree of safety
If we increase the magnitude of current in the current
carrying wire then according to the Ampere's law of
magnetic field can be derived by:-
Integration of B (vector).ds (vector)=Uo.I(Enclosed)
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 46
Therefore the surface area of a current carrying wire is:
Integration of B (vector). (2.pi.r)=Uo.I (enclosed)
Fig- 5: Equation of Biot-Savart Law
B (vector) = (Uo.I.r)/ (2.pi.R^2)
Therefore we can see as I increases then B increases or B
is proportional to I.
B= Magnetic field,
Uo=permeability of free space,
U=Radius distance,
R= radius of wire (outer)
In this relation we get,
B I ------------------- eqn (1)
Now with the help of this equation 1, we are going to
proof the increase in Magnetic force due to small
increase in the magnitude of Magnetic field.
Here we go,
With the help of Lorentz's Law,
But we know that,
F=BILsin (theta)
For maximum magnetic force,
Fmax= BIL
Fmax=B [B (2.pi.r^2)/Uor^2]
Fmax=B^2 .2.pi.R^2/(Uor)
If 2.pi.R^2/ (Uor)=constant=K
Therefore Fmax=B^2.K
Which means Fmax is proportional to B^2
Therefore if there is a small change in magnetic field
then the magnetic force increases as a square of
magnetic field.
Here this relation clearly shows us with the small
change in magnetic field the magnetic forces will
become the square of the magnitude of magnetic
Therefore, small change in magnetic field will leads
to a large change in magnetic force.
So that in this way we will able to generate more
powerful Electromagnetic Brakes.
In today’s time the more we need speed we also need the
powerful brakes to control the speed at the same time.
EM brakes are an efficient system to control the speed
and the movements. Its application is vast, can be used in
various sectors of technology such as
It can be used in Railways to stop or control the
speed of trains.
It can be used in Manufacturing and packaging
industries to control the motion of products on the
It can be used in Automobile industries to control
motion of cars.
It can be used in Medical equipments.
It can be used in robotics.
Electromagnetic brakes have various inclinations over
frictional component. This brake can be used as halting
instrument in vehicle. It can very well used as a piece of
rail coaches to decelerate the segment moving in quick.
Blend of these brakes extends the brake life and act like
totally stacked brakes. These brakes can be used as a
piece of wet condition, so there is no use of against
slipping instrument. It is totally electrically controlled
which achieves less disasters. The braking power
conveyed right now not as much as the plate brakes.
Thusly, it tends to be used as a helper or emergency
easing back instrument in the cars.
[1] EM brakes how works from site:’.
[2] IRJET (International Research Journal of Engineering
and Technology) Volume5 issue 4.