via WebEx at the following link::
Meeting ID: 863 2221 6225 Access Code: 658301 dial 1-346-248-7799
12:00 P.M.
5330 GRIGGS RD., HOUSTON, TX 77021
*Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and would like to request auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact the District's office at (713) 942-0500 at least three business days prior to the meeting so that the appropriate arrangements can be
made. The Board will conduct an in-person meeting at its physical meeting location. As an accommodation during the current levels of transmission during this COVID-19 virus epidemic emergency, the Board is making available a Zoom teleconference and/or
videoconference option for members of the public to participate and to address the Board. Members of the Board may participate by videoconference in accordance with requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provided a quorum of the Board meets in person.
Pursuant to V.T.C.A Government Code, Chapter 551, as amended, the Board of Directors may convene in closed session to receive advice from legal counsel and discuss matters relating to pending or contemplated litigation, personnel matters, gifts and donations,
real estate transactions, the deployment, or specific occasions for the implementation of, security personnel or devices and or economic development negotiations.
5445 Almeda Rd., Suite 503, Houston, Texas 77004
713-942-0500 (T) 713-942-9882 (F) (E)
Notice is hereby, given that the Board of Directors of the Greater Southeast Management District (the "District") will hold a regular
meeting, open to the public on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. at Palm Center, 5330 Griggs Road, Houston, Texas
77021 and via Zoom at the following link:: dial 1-346-248-7799 and Meeting ID: 863 2221
6225 and Access Code: 658301. For an electronic copy of agenda documents, please refer to the following link: The Board of Directors of the District will (i) consider, present, and discuss orders,
resolutions, or motions; (ii) adopt, approve and ratify such orders, resolutions or motions; and (iii) take other actions as may be
necessary, convenient or desirable, with respect to the following matters:
12:00 P.M.
12:05 P.M.
12:06 P.M.
12:08 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comments
3. Approve Minutes from Previous Board of Directors’ Meeting
4. Receive Interim General Manager's Status Report on Administrative Services and Program Services
5. Receive Tax Assessor Collection Report: Equi-Tax, Inc.’s Assessment Collection Report for the period ended
February 28, 2022
12:10 P.M. 6. Receive Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott LLP’s Lawsuit & Arbitration and Delinquent Commercial Assessed Tax
Collection Report for the period ended February 28, 2022
12:13 P.M. 7. Receive Budget & Finance Committee Report:
i. Receive Balance Sheet with Previous Month Comparison as of January 31, 2022
ii. Receive Profit & Loss with Previous Month and YTD Comparison as of January 31, 2022
iii. Approve Payment of Recurring and Non-Recurring Expenses for the period ending January 31, 2022
iv. Approve a Lease Agreement with Abdullatif & Company LLC at 5445 Almeda Rd, Suite 503, Houston, Tx
12:16 P.M. 8. Receive Governance Committee Report
i. Board of Directors Retreat Date and Time
ii. Board of Directors Attendance Policy
iii. Nomination of Officers for the Board of Directors
12:20 P.M. 9. Receive Personnel Committee Report:
i. Consider approval of job announcement and proposed search process for the position of Executive Director
ii. Authorize Hawes Hill & Associates LLP to serve as search process support designee for the Personnel Committee
12:24 P.M. 10. Receive District Services and Improvements Reports and Take Actions, if necessary, related to the following:
a. Enhanced Public Safety Services
b. Environmental, Urban Design & Visual Improvement Services
c. Transportation & Local Mobility Services
d. Marketing, Public Relations & Perception Enhancement Services
A scope of work, contract extension and a not-to-exceed amount for the Connect the Dots to provide Professional
Services for the Marketing, Public Relations and Perception Enhancement Services Program
e. Business & Economic Development Services
12:30 P.M.
11. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022, at 12:00 p.m.
12. Adjournment
/s/ Jerry Davis
Interim General Manager, Hawes Hill & Associates LLP
FEBRUARY 9, 2022
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors, of the Greater Southeast Management District (“District”) was held on
Wednesday, February 9, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. at Bracewell LLP, 711 Louisiana Street, Suite 2300, Houston, Texas 77002, and
via WebEx. The roll was called of the duly appointed members of The Board of Directors, to-wit:
Position #
Board Members
Position #
Board Members
Alan D. Bergeron
Cydonii Miles
Sharone Mayberry
Zinetta A. Burney
Jonathan Howard
Chris Hageney
Hexser J. Holliday II
Dr. Teddy A. McDavid
Charic Daniels Jellins
Brian G. Smith
Sadie Rucker
Dr. Abdul Muhammad
Rickey Jimenez
Karen Carter Richards
Abbey Roberson
Janice Sibley-Reid
It was determined that all members of the Board of Directors were present except for Director Janice Sibley-Reid, Karen
Richards, Charic Daniels Jellins, Zinetta A. Burney and Sadie Rucker. Those in attendance were Clark Lord, Abbey Roberson,
Oletha Miller Jacobs, Jerry Davis and those attending virtually were Jonathan Howard, Chris Hageney, Nicole Knight, Dr. Misael
Obregon, Kendall Thompson, Maratha Failing, Michael Mauer, Nahab Fahnbulleh, Theola Petteway, Zachery Martin, Kathy
Hall, Mariana Raschke, Sgt. Frank Gans, Kelyn Allen and Jim Webb.
Chair Brian Smith called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m.
Chair Brian Smith turned to the receipt of public comments. Director Teddy McDavid, on behalf of the Old Spanish
Trail Community Partnership, shared information on the Shred Day on February 12, 2022, at Holman Street Baptist Church.
Director Smith gave a tribute to Texas State Representative Garnet Fredrick Coleman on behalf Black History month.
Representative Garnet F. Coleman has served the people of District 147 in the Texas House of Representatives continuously
since 1991.
Chair Brian Smith called for the approval of the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting on January 12, 2022.
Upon motion duly made by Director Sharone Mayberry and seconded by Director Hexser Holliday II, approval of such minutes
were approved.
The Board of Directors received the Interim General Manager’s Status Report on Administrative Services and Programs
Services for period ending February 9, 2022, as presented by Jerry Davis, Interim General Manager.
Chair Brian Smith called for the Tax Assessor Collection Report for the period ending January 31, 2022. The Board of
Directors received the Assessment Collection Report as presented by Oletha Miller Jacobs, Interim Managing Director of District
Administrative Services and Improvements..
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Director Cydonii Miles stated the Budget and Finance Committee met on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, and provided a brief update.
The Board of Directors received the Budget and Finance Committee report as presented by Director Cydonii Miles.
a. The Board of Directors received the Compilation Report for period ending December 31, 2021, and the
Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending December 31, 2021;
b. The Board of Directors received the Balance Sheet with Previous Month Comparison as of December 31, 2021
c. The Board of Directors received the Profit & Loss with Previous Month and YTD Comparison as of December
31, 2021;
d. Upon a motion made by Director Teddy McDavid and seconded by Director Hexser Holliday II, the Board of
Directors approved the recurring and non-recurring expenses for the period ending December 31, 2021;
e. Upon a motion made by Director Teddy McDavid and seconded by Director Hexser Holliday II, the Board of
Directors approved an engagement letter from George Baugh III Certified Public Accountant for FY 2021
Auditing Services and a not-to-exceed amount of $11,800.00 non-single Audit and the single Audit $13,800.00,
additional out-of-pocket expense $500;
f. Upon a motion made by Director Teddy McDavid and seconded by Director Chris Hageney, the Board of
Directors approved a scope of work and a not-to-exceed amount for Bratton & Associates, PLLC to provide
Professional Legal Counseling and Advisement Services, with noted corrections/updates. Director Brian Smith
and Hexser Holliday II abstained.
g. Outstanding Contracts/Agreements. No Action Taken.
Director Alan Bergeron stated the Personnel committee met on Friday, February 4, 2022, and requested Hawes Hill to provide
an organizational chart and the District’s office situation needs to be rectified to avoid any personnel conflicts. The Board of
Directors received the Personnel Committee report as presented by Director Alan Bergeron.
Director Teddy McDavid chaired the Governance Committee meeting in Director Janice Sibley Reid’s absence. Director Teddy
McDavid stated the Governance Committee met on Monday, February 7, 2022. The committee discussed Board positions &
term limits, Board Attendance Policy, and the slate of directors’ positions 1-17 submitted to the City Council for approval. Clark
Lord, Legal Counsel provided a brief update on Open Meetings Act regarding Board Attendance. Chair Brian Smith appointed
Director Muhammad to lead the FY 2022 Board of Directors Retreat. The Board of Directors welcome Abbey Roberson, she
was appointed by the Board on December 8, 2021. The Board of Directors received the Governance Committee report as
presented by Director Teddy McDavid.
The Board of Directors received the monthly District Services and Improvements for Enhanced Public Safety; Environmental,
Urban Design & Visual Improvement Services; Transportation & Local Mobility Services; Business & Economic Development
Services; Marketing, Public Relations & Perception Enhancement Services and Environmental, Urban Design & Visual
Improvement Services for the period ending February 9, 2022, as presented by Nicole Knight, Interim Program Manager.
a. Upon a motion made by Director Teddy McDavid and seconded by Director Hexser Holliday. II, the Board of
Directors approved to renew Annual Public Agency Membership with Urban Land Institute (ULI) for Board
Chair and two (2) associate members and to add one (1) additional associate membership for Business &
Economic Development Chair for a not-to-exceed amount of $1,000.00;
b. Local Hazard Mitigation Plans Program Grant (LHMPP) the $25,000,000 Local Hazard Mitigation Plans
Program (LHMPP) assists eligible entities through providing grants to develop or update local hazard mitigation
plans, or to provide cost share for hazard mitigation planning activities funded through other federal sources.
CDBG-MIT funds administered by HUD, and implemented through the Texas General Land Office fund these
Page | 3
planning activities, and the Hazard Mitigation Plan development and approval oversight is administered by
FEMA and implemented through the Texas Division of Emergency Management. Grant awards will range from
$20,000 - $100,000. No Local Match Requirement. No Action Taken; and
c. A scope of work, contract extension and a not-to-exceed amount $10,800.00 for the Connect the Dots to provide
Professional Services for the Marketing, Public Relations and Perception Enhancement Services Program for
the period beginning of February 9, 2022 and ending May 9, 2022. Item was tabled.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Greater Southeast Management District is expected to be held on
Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at 12:00 p.m.
Chair Smith adjourned the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Greater Southeast Management District at 1:26 p.m.
Janice Sibley-Reid, Board Secretary
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Summary as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
For Years 2005-2022, for the period of May 2009 through February 11, 2022
9,124,461,604 Original value of Settled accounts as of 2/11/2022
1,309 Number of Settled accounts as of 2/11/2022
Reduction in value of Settled accounts
9.34% Average % reduction in value of Settled accounts
2,406,565,389 Original value of Unsettled accounts as of 2/11/2022
Number of Unsettled accounts as of 2/11/2022
.115 Assessment rate per $100 valuation
Estimated* reduction in assessment on
245 Unsettled accounts,
based on 9.34% average
*Estimated because of "capped levies."
F:\Company Info\Lawsuits\Lawsuit Status\Greater SE Mgmt Dist_944_LTS-Feb11 2022.xlsx
Revised 2 March 2022
prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2005
Tax Year 2017
Tax Year 2017 061-098-000-0003 Safya LLC 1,130,040 No change 2017-74444 11/17/2021 1,130,040 0 0.00% $0.00 0.00% NA NA
Tax Year 2017 061-116-000-0003 Abdullatif & Co LLC 3,525,810 No change 2017-74444 11/17/2021 3,525,810 0 0.00% $0.00 0.00% NA NA
856,688,205 82,487,823
Tax Year 2017 131-026-001-0001 BSD Ltd 13,462,500 2017-69223
Tax Year 2017 041-031-017-0020 Greenview Village Inc 1,130,852 2017-69999
Tax Year 2017 127-087-001-0001 Saroj Inc 1,644,869 2017-70693
Tax Year 2017 002-146-000-0008 Cohen Jay H 329,140 2017-71235
Tax Year 2017 061-126-033-0020 Beason Clyde R & Linda 2,554,544 2017-84721
Tax Year 2017
Total Unsettled Accounts, original value 19,121,905
Tax Year 2017
Unsettled Accounts, number of accounts
Tax Year 2018
Tax Year 2018 010-016-000-0007 Ardmore Inv Corp Inc 1,971,326 $2,267.02 2018-67033 12/7/2021 1,820,000 151,326 7.68% $174.02 7.68% 12/27/2021 2/2/2022
Tax Year 2018 042-176-000-0003 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 3,434,610 2018-70742 3,174,116
Tax Year 2018 134-385-001-0001 NB Vue Mac Dst 31,016,116 2018-72434 29,000,000
834,335,477 97,683,667
Tax Year 2018 002-146-000-0008 Cohen Jay H 330,502 2018-64151
Tax Year 2018 061-159-000-0013 L&L Properties 231,139 2018-65197 Received
Tax Year 2018 128-029-001-0001 Pegram Samuel B 943,115 2018-67137
Tax Year 2018 128-029-001-0002 Pegram Samuel B 580,350 2018-67137
Tax Year 2018 130-553-001-0001 OTM Partners LP 2,078,775 2018-67666
Tax Year 2018 131-504-001-0001 Ektara Property Inc 1,076,716 2018-67697
Tax Year 2018 019-158-000-0007 Doan Loan T / Nguyen Tung T 665,400 2018-71892
Tax Year 2018 042-066-000-0016 2004 Binz Management Inc 645,000 2018-71902
Tax Year 2018 010-019-000-0017 Hurt Real Estate Holdings of Texas 2,616,284 2018-72422
Tax Year 2018 061-126-033-0020 Beason Clyde R & Linda 2,391,000 2018-73774
Tax Year 2018 127-087-001-0001 Saroj Inc 1,667,759 2018-74184
Tax Year 2018 045-064-000-0245 Trejo, Roberto and Lozano, Araceli 257,167 2018-75394
Tax Year 2018 010-010-000-0023 PM Dixie LLC 802,616 2018-75722
Tax Year 2018 061-168-034-0007 Cohen Howard M Trustee 728,700 2018-77269
Tax Year 2018
Total Unsettled Accounts, original value 15,014,523
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Revised 2 March 2022
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2018
Unsettled Accounts, number of accounts
Tax Year 2019
Tax Year 2019 019-293-000-0006 Houstons This Is It Restaurant 949,098 capped 2019-67769 12/7/2021 875,000 74,098 na na na Capped na
Tax Year 2019 010-016-000-0007 Ardmore Inv Corp Inc 1,971,500 $2,267.22 2019-68118 11/17/2021 1,840,000 131,500 6.67% $151.22 6.67% 11/22/2021 1/6/2022
Tax Year 2019 002-146-000-0003 Levin Credit Shelter Trust 140,625 2018-77599 132,200 8,425 5.99%
Tax Year 2019 019-203-001-0009 Cohen Jay H 112,500 2018-77599 93,750 18,750 16.67%
Tax Year 2019 010-018-000-0001 TMC Grand Blvd Investors LLC 7,288,410 $7,683.19 2019-68457 2/2/2022 6,568,044 720,366 9.88% $129.94 1.69% 2/16/2022 3/3/2022
Tax Year 2019 010-018-000-0010 TMC Grand Blvd Investors LLC 4,425,266 $5,089.06 2019-68457 2/2/2022 4,296,375 128,891 2.91% $148.23 2.91% 2/16/2022 3/3/2022
Tax Year 2019 010-018-000-0031 TMC Grand Blvd Investors LLC 135,581 no change 2019-68457 12/7/2021 135,581 0 0.00% $0.00 0.00% na na
Tax Year 2019 057-095-000-0012
Tax Year 2019 057-095-000-0026
Tax Year 2019 137-873-001-0001 3509 Elgin LLC 23,961,913 2019-64637 21,400,000
Tax Year 2019 119-245-001-0001 2ML Real Estate Interests Inc 38,320,000 2019-70058 35,750,000
Tax Year 2019 120-141-001-0001 2ML Real Estate Interests Inc 43,643,430 2019-70058 43,250,000
Tax Year 2019 129-490-001-0001 National Village Holding Ltd 2,704,918 2019-90587 2,450,000
863,666,710 85,097,364
Tax Year 2019 061-159-000-0013 L&L Properties 281,639 2018-65197 Received
Tax Year 2019 135-306-001-0003 L&L Properties 3,950,000 2019-52343
Tax Year 2019 135-306-001-0002 AC Campus Vue Student Housing LLC 42,830,595 2019-52560
Tax Year 2019 123-118-001-0001 7227 Fannin Management 3,156,809 2019-56273
Tax Year 2019 121-425-000-0001 DMG Houston LLC 17,902,549 2019-65272
Tax Year 2019 137-368-001-0001 Breckenridge Group Houston Texas 44,552,945 2019-65903
Tax Year 2019 137-368-001-0002 Breckenridge Group Houston Texas 1,449,320 2019-65903
Tax Year 2019 002-146-000-0008 Cohen Jay H 330,775 2019-66353
Tax Year 2019 025-003-025-0011 Shipra Enterprise Inc 525,060 2019-68299
Tax Year 2019 025-005-030-0001 Shipra Enterprise Inc 1,162,500 2019-68299
Tax Year 2019 025-005-030-0004 Shipra Enterprise Inc 1,612,820 2019-68299
Tax Year 2019 025-005-030-0005 Shipra Enterprise Inc 360,120 2019-68299
Tax Year 2019 025-007-035-0009 Shipra Enterprise Inc 690,800 2019-68299
Tax Year 2019 019-293-000-0004 Malone Family Trrust 1,164,000 2019-73154
Tax Year 2019 033-255-004-0001 Excelsior Land Co Inc 8,120,793 2019-73619
Tax Year 2019 138-196-001-0001 Excelsior Land Co Inc 3,045,795 2019-73619
Tax Year 2019 124-826-001-0001 Nulrana Investments LLC 3,760,500 2019-73695
Tax Year 2019 042-176-000-0003 2ML Real Estate Interests Inc 3,754,058 2019-73710
Tax Year 2019
Total Unsettled Accounts, original value 138,651,078
Tax Year 2019
Unsettled Accounts, number of accounts
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Revised 2 March 2022
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2020
Tax Year 2020 019-253-000-0001 Hou Properties Inc 685,000 $787.75 101-20-002260 11/1/2021 300,000 385,000 56.20% $442.75 56.20% 11/3/2021 12/1/2021
Tax Year 2020 033-267-000-0002 Texas Healthcare Portfolio II Dst 8,237,907 $9,473.59 2020-69537 11/1/2021 7,700,000 537,907 6.53% $618.59 6.53% 11/3/2021 12/1/2021
Tax Year 2020 010-019-000-0020 Star Properties LLC 5,000,000 $5,750.00 2020-58415 12/7/2021 4,750,000 250,000 5.00% $287.50 5.00% Received 2/2/2022
Tax Year 2020 046-036-004-0027 Levey Group Fund 20 LLC 1,253,676 $1,441.73 2020-69155 12/7/2021 1,150,000 103,676 8.27% $119.23 8.27% 12/27/2021 2/2/2022
Tax Year 2020 045-064-000-0080 TV Prop LLC 691,914 $795.70 2020-75095 11/17/2021 600,000 91,914 13.28% $105.70 13.28% 11/22/2021 1/6/2022
Tax Year 2020 045-064-000-0105 Romeo & Rebecca LLC 1,391,687 $1,600.44 2020-75095 11/17/2021 1,200,000 191,687 13.77% $220.44 13.77% 11/22/2021 1/6/2022
Tax Year 2020 041-007-028-0007 Hou Holdings Inc 663,021 101-20-002261 500,949 162,072 24.44%
Tax Year 2020 041-007-008-0001 RMF Inc 3,480,041 101-20-002373 2,740,258 739,783 21.26%
Tax Year 2020 041-031-034-0185 MRG Inc 3,247,117 101-20-002436 2,590,247 656,870 20.23%
Tax Year 2020 019-253-000-0005 Wang Properties LLC 982,000 101-20-003559 750,000 232,000 23.63%
Tax Year 2020 061-121-000-0024 Taylor Raymond 513,010 101-20-003607 385,000 128,010 24.95%
Tax Year 2020 133-017-001-0001 UH Hammond Scott LP 477,900 101-20-003685 445,850 32,050 6.71%
Tax Year 2020 002-164-000-0003 IM ME Holdings LLC 1,130,154 $1,299.68 101-20-003771 12/7/2021 1,014,863 115,291 10.20% $132.59 10.20% 25.25(b) 1/6/2022
Tax Year 2020 019-307-000-0012 Arbor Capital LLC 328,468 101-20-003951 285,000 43,468 13.23%
Tax Year 2020 019-264-000-0002 2400 Napoleon LLC 746,480 101-20-003969 575,000 171,480 22.97%
Tax Year 2020 061-094-000-0030 Arbor Capital LLC 690,440 101-20-003970 430,000 260,440 37.72%
Tax Year 2020 150-019-001-0001 TMC Grand Blvd Land Company LLC 15,167,715 $17,442.87 2019-68457 2/2/2022 13,924,780 1,242,935 8.19% $1,426.37 8.18% 2/16/2022 3/3/2022
Tax Year 2020 150-019-001-0002 TMC Grand Apts # 1 LLC 4,175,220 No change 2019-68457 12/7/2021 4,175,220 0 0.00% $0.00 0.00% NA NA
Tax Year 2020 120-269-000-0001 7009 Almeda Road LLC 48,947,805 $56,289.98 2020-47453 2/2/2022 42,140,000 6,807,805 13.91% $7,828.98 13.91% 2/16/2022 3/3/2022
Tax Year 2020 139-452-000-0001 Houston 5110 Griggs Road Retail LLC 1,896,039 $2,180.44 2020-65419 12/7/2021 1,850,000 46,039 2.43% $52.94 2.43% 12/27/2021 2/2/2022
Tax Year 2020 139-452-000-0002
Houston 5110 Griggs Road Residential LP
11,032,100 $12,686.92 2020-65419 12/7/2021 9,550,000 1,482,100 13.43% $1,704.42 13.43% 12/27/2021 2/2/2022
Tax Year 2020 002-164-000-0001 East End Warehouses LLC 892,031 $1,025.84 2020-75873 12/7/2021 820,000 72,031 8.07% $82.84 8.08% 12/27/2021 2/2/2022
Tax Year 2020 132-586-001-0001 Simi Investment Company Ltd 1,024,455 $1,178.12 2020-81617 11/17/2021 900,000 124,455 12.15% $143.12 12.15% Received 12/1/2021
Tax Year 2020 045-064-000-0354 6045 Scott Street Inc 1,384,587 2020-48384 1,204,161
Tax Year 2020 010-006-000-0020 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 7,798,441 2020-54008 6,179,143
Tax Year 2020 134-395-001-0001
CRP MM Hermann Park Plaza Owner LP
33,747,003 2020-57152 31,000,000
Tax Year 2020 134-495-001-0001 2400 SMW LP 5,649,375 2020-58957 5,500,000
Tax Year 2020 039-163-000-0001 HTA Park Plaza LLC 50,680,000 2020-59901 45,500,000
Tax Year 2020 118-787-001-0001 Yellowstone Boulevard LLC 8,217,677 2020-72240 7,400,000
Tax Year 2020 010-018-000-0011 Bulldog Enterprises LLC 1,347,613 2020-79349 1,260,000
1,460,950,808 126,311,429
Tax Year 2020 061-159-000-0013 L&L Properties 273,410 2018-65197
Tax Year 2020 135-306-001-0003
AC Campus Vue Senior Apartments LLC
5,568,606 2019-52343
Tax Year 2020 135-306-001-0002 AC Campus Vue Student Housing LLC 44,755,009 2019-52560
Tax Year 2020 123-118-001-0001 7227 Fannin Management 3,758,523 2019-56273
Tax Year 2020 134-752-001-0001 McRef Premier LLC 49,817,989 2020-46251
Tax Year 2020 010-155-000-0001 Lemings LLC 68,058 2020-47222
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2020 010-155-000-0003 Lemings LLC 563,957 2020-47222
Tax Year 2020 010-155-000-0004 Lemings LLC 75,000 2020-47222
Tax Year 2020 022-170-000-0003 Sometimes LLC 75,000 2020-47222
Tax Year 2020 037-211-000-0001 Lemings LLC 60,000 2020-47222
Tax Year 2020 037-211-000-0002 Lemings LLC 420,222 2020-47222
Tax Year 2020 037-211-000-0003 Lemings LLC 75,000 2020-47222
Tax Year 2020 061-117-000-0001 Cacophony LLC 723,649 2020-47222
Tax Year 2020 133-025-001-0001 Balcor Parc Binz I LLC 22,210,000 2020-53040
Tax Year 2020 137-368-001-0001 Breckenridge Group Houston TX LLC 68,576,145 2020-53262
Tax Year 2020 137-368-001-0002 Breckenridge Group Houston TX LLC 2,173,980 2020-53262
Tax Year 2020 139-726-001-0001 MacGregor Grocery LLC 25,377,502 2020-54920
Tax Year 2020 134-385-001-0001 NB Vue Mac Dst 36,593,609 2020-56601
Tax Year 2020 130-782-001-0001 Mekdessi Fouad 1,181,446 2020-58134
Tax Year 2020 130-782-001-0002 Mekdessi Fouad 3,371,243 2020-58134
Tax Year 2020 061-126-033-0020 Beason Clyde R & Linda 3,313,937 2020-58654
Tax Year 2020 120-141-001-0001 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 42,970,812 2020-59935
Tax Year 2020 137-873-001-0001 3509 Elgin LLC 35,760,719 2020-60421
Tax Year 2020 042-196-000-0037 Sri Janma Bhumi Interests LLC 30,032,193 2020-62205
Tax Year 2020 042-196-000-0030 Americus OST LLC 12,401,445 2020-62840
Tax Year 2020 042-196-000-0030 Americus OST LLC 12,401,445 2020-62841
Tax Year 2020 061-168-034-0018 Toast & Bananas LLC 260,352 2020-64611
Tax Year 2020 091-222-000-0002 Depends LLC 3,254,779 2020-64611
Tax Year 2020 122-987-001-0001 St Del Rio Holdings LP 10,605,820 2020-64734
Tax Year 2020 123-237-001-0001 St Del Rio Holdings LP 12,450,309 2020-64734
Tax Year 2020 058-192-000-0013 Reichek Robert 203,881 2020-65248
Tax Year 2020 033-255-004-0001 Excelsior Land Co Inc 6,601,093 2020-65892
Tax Year 2020 025-024-054-0002 Hampstead MD Hou LP 9,161,831 2020-66221
Tax Year 2020 039-178-002-0001 Stone J S Dr 2,312,787 2020-66673
Tax Year 2020 134-749-001-0002 1699 HPR LLC 67,413,038 2020-66915
Tax Year 2020 137-275-001-0001 Zhejiang Blossom Tourism 21,557,976 2020-67155
Tax Year 2020 019-308-000-0010 BS Gambhir LLC 754,100 2020-68735
Tax Year 2020 046-036-004-0003 PRJ Enterprises Ltd 3,071,995 2020-70107
Tax Year 2020 061-098-000-0003 Safya LLC 1,130,040 2020-71683
Tax Year 2020 025-003-025-0011 Shipra Enterprise Inc 525,060 2020-75133
Tax Year 2020 025-005-030-0001 Shipra Enterprise Inc 1,162,500 2020-75133
Tax Year 2020 025-005-030-0004 Shipra Enterprise Inc 1,485,276 2020-75133
Tax Year 2020 025-005-030-0005 Shipra Enterprise Inc 360,120 2020-75133
Tax Year 2020 025-007-035-0004 Akshay Investment Corporation 569,213 2020-75133
Tax Year 2020 025-007-035-0009 Shipra Enterprise Inc 656,656 2020-75133
Tax Year 2020 025-007-035-0013 Shipra Enterprise Inc 300,000 2020-75133
Tax Year 2020 019-293-000-0006 Houstons This Is It Restaurant 868,625 2020-75202
Tax Year 2020 131-504-001-0001 Ektara Property Inc 1,089,500 2020-75452
Tax Year 2020 033-248-006-0001 Aron Hertzel 1,636,080 2020-76281
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2020 042-176-000-0184 S Loop East Ph I LLC 892,224 2020-78008
Tax Year 2020 010-006-000-0026 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 191,320 2020-78163
Tax Year 2020 061-129-039-0009 Glasmic Ltd 1,826,922 2020-79352
Tax Year 2020 137-029-001-0001 Chelsea Museum District LLC 1,424,940 2021-00970
Tax Year 2020 121-425-000-0001 DMG Houston LLC 18,568,363 2021-03601
Tax Year 2020 124-826-001-0001 Nulrana Investments LLC 3,586,828 2021-14019
Tax Year 2020
Total Unsettled Accounts, original value 576,520,527
Tax Year 2020
Unsettled Accounts, number of accounts
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2021
Tax Year 2021 041-007-033-0028 KS Investments Inc 1,498,016 $0.00 101-21-000226 11/1/2021 1,190,000 308,016 20.56% $0.00 0.00% NA NA
Tax Year 2021 033-240-041-0004 Electra Properties LLC 3,494,196 $0.00 101-21-000227 11/1/2021 3,000,000 494,196 14.14% $0.00 0.00% NA NA
Tax Year 2021 133-247-001-0001 Trieu Family Inc 1,207,026 101-21-000556 1,125,000 82,026 6.80%
Tax Year 2021 135-010-001-0001 24 Seven Entrepreneurs LLC 1,941,530 No change 101-21-000735 11/17/2021 1,941,530 0 0.00% $0.00 0.00% NA NA
Tax Year 2021 019-253-000-0001 Hou Properties Inc 885,182 101-21-000856 376,000 509,182 57.52%
Tax Year 2021 019-253-000-0003 Hou Properties Inc 935,000 101-21-000857 376,000 559,000 59.79%
Tax Year 2021 019-163-000-0004 Sita Properties LLC 735,000 101-21-001537 567,000 168,000 22.86%
Tax Year 2021 019-012-000-0020 KS Houston Development 1,126,922 No change 101-21-001045 12/7/2021 1,126,922 0 0.00% $0.00 0.00% NA NA
Tax Year 2021 033-266-000-0009 OS Crawford LLC 903,500 No change 101-21-001049 12/7/2021 903,500 0 0.00% $0.00 0.00% NA NA
Tax Year 2021 033-248-001-0001 Second Almeda LP 2,470,241 No change 101-21-002233 12/7/2021 2,470,241 0 0.00% $0.00 0.00% NA NA
Tax Year 2021 120-269-000-0001 7009 Almeda Road LLC 48,007,734 $48,461.00 2021-55224 2/2/2022 42,140,000 5,867,734 12.22% $0.00 0.00%
Tax Year 2021 019-307-000-0012 Arbor Capital LLC 335,073 No change 101-21-001782 335,073 NA NA
Tax Year 2021 057-154-000-0031 Twelve Canfield Place LLC 2,912,736 101-21-001785 2,600,000
Tax Year 2021 010-018-000-0015 Ardmore Professional Center LLC 2,576,942 No change 101-21-001787 2,576,942 NA NA
Tax Year 2021 041-007-028-0007 DKT Interests LLC 663,021 101-21-002078 500,000
Tax Year 2021 041-031-034-0185 MRG Inc 3,374,061 101-21-002517 2,800,000
Tax Year 2021 041-007-008-0001 RMF Inc 2,993,373 101-21-002518 2,770,129
Tax Year 2021 063-167-004-0004 RMS Properties 1,200,794 101-21-002519 1,000,000
Tax Year 2021 041-007-033-0004 South Loop Business Park LLC 3,292,929 101-21-002776 2,900,000
Tax Year 2021 025-024-049-0001 SBH Realty Investments LLC 1,491,709 101-21-002787 1,270,000
Tax Year 2021 042-066-000-0126 5400 Almeda LLC 1,311,257 101-21-003521 1,150,000
Tax Year 2021 042-176-000-0185 Ranger H TX LP 6,262,072 2021-51152 5,600,000 Received
Tax Year 2021 131-026-001-0001 BSD Ltd 17,047,252 2021-51162 16,100,000
Tax Year 2021 121-475-001-0001 Proguard Mini Storage Ltd 7,745,749 2021-51450 7,100,000
Tax Year 2021 039-163-000-0001 HTA Park Plaza LLC 50,855,133 2021-52918 45,300,000
Tax Year 2021 022-165-000-0003 Wholesale Electric Supply 3,852,602 101-21-003106 3,440,000
Tax Year 2021 129-928-001-0001 Wholesale Electric Supply 4,231,013 101-21-003106 3,800,000
Tax Year 2021 052-145-001-0001 Gigglin Marlin Divers Inc 1,016,050 No change 101-21-003259 1,016,050 NA NA
Tax Year 2021 061-136-059-0044 River Oaks at MLK LLC 1,133,080 101-21-003309 1,050,000
Tax Year 2021 061-118-000-0009 NPN Realty LLC 974,925 101-21-004021 920,925
Tax Year 2021 130-683-001-0001 Palmetto Partners Ardmore LP 3,385,135 101-21-004230 2,647,175
Tax Year 2021 050-289-004-0003 Highveld Properties LLC 438,712 101-21-004396 397,750
Tax Year 2021 050-289-004-0004 Highveld Properties LLC 592,042 101-21-004396 527,250
183,904,609 7,988,154
Tax Year 2021 042-066-000-0180 Fiesta a Uno Ltd Ptnrsh 1,653,790 101-21-002809 Received
Tax Year 2021 061-121-000-0024 Taylor Raymond 531,197 101-21-003600
Tax Year 2021 019-264-000-0002 2400 Napoleon LLC 757,930 101-21-003601
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2021 061-094-000-0030 Arbor Capital LLC 736,315 101-21-003602
Tax Year 2021 019-058-000-0018 Houston Rehab of Houston LLC 230,281 101-21-003637
Tax Year 2021 019-058-000-0022 Houston Rehab of Houston LLC 291,585 101-21-003637
Tax Year 2021 019-058-000-0039 Houston Rehab of Houston LLC 301,232 101-21-003637
Tax Year 2021 002-127-000-0013 Drexler Clyde 587,000 101-21-003765
Tax Year 2021 002-127-000-0009 Drexler Clyde 1,367,833 101-21-003779
Tax Year 2021 002-127-000-0015 Drexler Clyde 443,867 101-21-003779
Tax Year 2021 002-127-000-0016 Drexler Clyde 227,629 101-21-003779
Tax Year 2021 064-005-000-0004 Keyser Deborah 1,134,090 101-21-003862 Received
Tax Year 2021 019-061-000-0001 Dow Joseph 1,080,000 101-21-003900
Tax Year 2021 039-164-000-0001 Lurie Apts LLC 1,407,996 101-21-004064
Tax Year 2021 039-164-000-0007 Lurie Apts LLC 637,241 101-21-004064
Tax Year 2021 039-164-000-0009 Lurie Apts LLC 662,191 101-21-004064
Tax Year 2021 039-164-000-0020 Lurie Apts LLC 1,244,187 101-21-004064
Tax Year 2021 052-138-000-0004 Laurie Apts LP 702,840 101-21-004079
Tax Year 2021 046-122-000-0075 Good Land II Corp 572,181 101-21-004121
Tax Year 2021 033-236-021-0001 Chardmore Inc 734,400 101-21-004214
Tax Year 2021 003-022-000-0010 Harmouche Omar 225,400 101-21-004273
Tax Year 2021 129-903-001-0001 Luxurway Museum Park LLC 1,275,040 101-21-004465
Tax Year 2021 121-508-001-0001 Tabestan LLC 484,770 101-21-004583
Tax Year 2021 033-271-000-0010 MMSYK LP 1,130,606 101-21-004746
Tax Year 2021 041-007-031-0075 Southern Dental Properties Inc 389,334 101-21-004855
Tax Year 2021 061-159-000-0013 L&L Properties 291,180 2018-65197
Tax Year 2021 010-155-000-0001 Lemings LLC 71,640 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 010-155-000-0022 Lemings LLC 183,570 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 010-155-000-0003 Lemings LLC 562,339 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 010-155-000-0004 Lemings LLC 75,000 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 022-170-000-0003 Sometimes LLC 75,000 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 037-211-000-0001 Lemings LLC 60,000 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 037-211-000-0002 Lemings LLC 420,222 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 037-211-000-0003 Lemings LLC 75,000 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 037-211-000-0009 Lemings LLC 30,000 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 061-117-000-0001 Cacophony LLC 740,493 2020-47222
Tax Year 2021 130-782-001-0001 Mekdessi Fouad 1,687,780 2020-58134
Tax Year 2021 130-782-001-0002 Mekdessi Fouad 3,409,980 2020-58134
Tax Year 2021 061-168-034-0018 Toast & Bananas LLC 315,797 2020-64611
Tax Year 2021 091-222-000-0002 Depends LLC 3,258,021 2020-64611
Tax Year 2021 058-192-000-0013 Reichek Robert 258,321 2020-65248
Tax Year 2021 025-024-054-0002 Hampstead MD Hou LP 8,868,705 2020-66221
Tax Year 2021 134-749-001-0002 1699 HPR LLC 65,551,519 2020-66915
Tax Year 2021 019-308-000-0010 BS Gambhir LLC 930,740 2020-68735
Tax Year 2021 033-248-006-0001 Aron Hertzel 1,972,167 2020-76281
Tax Year 2021 044-097-000-0018 Marriott Corporation 34,360,900 2021-43986
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2021 135-306-001-0002 AC Campus Vue Student Housing LLC 45,828,301 2021-45663
Tax Year 2021 042-066-000-0084 Cole WG houston TX LP 4,690,972 2021-47327
Tax Year 2021 129-562-001-0001 NNN Houston TX Owner Lp 3,251,118 2021-47327
Tax Year 2021 123-118-001-0001 7227 Fannin Management 3,164,993 2021-47575
Tax Year 2021 039-174-000-0003 BMEF Plaza Limited Partnership 42,019,217 2021-48205
Tax Year 2021 133-890-001-0001 CPUS Elan Med LP 56,638,183 2021-48490
Tax Year 2021 041-007-016-0183 Autozone Inc 484,482 2021-48663
Tax Year 2021 124-826-001-0001 Nulrana Investments LLC 3,131,030 2021-49231
Tax Year 2021 010-014-000-0006 Greenbriar Holding Houston 6,340,924 2021-49585
Tax Year 2021 134-752-001-0001 McRef Premier LLC 44,358,467 2021-50479
Tax Year 2021 128-687-001-0001 Broadstone Med Center LP 49,983,695 2021-50559
Tax Year 2021 135-881-001-0001 Din Sers Millennium Cambridge 101,204,571 2021-51180
Tax Year 2021 134-752-001-0001 McRef Premier LLC 44,358,467 2021-51284
Tax Year 2021 044-097-000-0062 Medical Towers Sub LLC 32,423,217 2021-52220
Tax Year 2021 128-687-001-0002 CPT/AR OST II Owner LP 48,568,158 2021-52522
Tax Year 2021 137-368-001-0001 Breckenridge Group Houston TX LLC 66,910,682 2021-52871
Tax Year 2021 137-368-001-0002 Breckenridge Group Houston TX LLC 2,173,980 2021-52871
Tax Year 2021 033-255-004-0001 Excelsior Land Co Inc 6,214,962 2021-52891
Tax Year 2021 138-196-001-0001 Excelsior Land Co Inc 28,732,271 2021-52892
Tax Year 2021 121-176-001-0001 Comcapp Cityside LLC 25,526,319 2021-53228
Tax Year 2021 130-102-000-0002 PR III THCPR Mosaic Owner LP 2,952,353 2021-53622
Tax Year 2021 130-102-000-0003 PR III THCPR Mosaic Owner LP 88,747,623 2021-53622
Tax Year 2021 130-102-000-0004 PR III THCPR Mosaic Owner LP 1,963,435 2021-53622
Tax Year 2021 045-064-000-0015 OST Scott Ren LLC 10,367,250 2021-53823
Tax Year 2021 010-017-000-0001 Cube HHF LP 7,820,956 2021-54138
Tax Year 2021 033-278-001-0001 HH Southmore LLC 88,992,250 2021-54966
Tax Year 2021 039-166-000-0001 Houston - PPH LLC 12,146,176 2021-55121
Tax Year 2021 150-245-001-0001 Houston - PPH LLC 17,478,950 2021-55121
Tax Year 2021 130-477-001-0001 HGIT 5353 Fannin LP 63,563,252 2021-55211
Tax Year 2021 139-726-001-0001 MacGregor Grocery LLC 26,013,682 2021-55990
Tax Year 2021 019-010-000-0010 Alsco Inc 2,094,120 2021-56058
Tax Year 2021 139-068-001-0001 Alsco Inc 3,215,296 2021-56058
Tax Year 2021 139-649-001-0001 Tower 5040 LLC 38,226,109 2021-56379
Tax Year 2021 010-006-000-0020 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 11,395,375 2021-56781
Tax Year 2021 025-003-025-0011 Shipra Enterprise Inc 612,570 2021-56820
Tax Year 2021 025-005-030-0001 Shipra Enterprise Inc 1,356,250 2021-56820
Tax Year 2021 025-005-030-0004 Shipra Enterprise Inc 1,705,742 2021-56820
Tax Year 2021 025-005-030-0005 Shipra Enterprise Inc 420,140 2021-56820
Tax Year 2021 025-007-035-0004 Akshay Investment Corporation 665,315 2021-56820
Tax Year 2021 025-007-035-0009 Shipra Enterprise Inc 765,919 2021-56820
Tax Year 2021 025-007-035-0013 Shipra Enterprise Inc 350,000 2021-56820
Tax Year 2021 045-064-000-0155 3922 OST LLC 1,742,619 2021-57018
Tax Year 2021 150-019-001-0001 TMC Grand Blvd Land Company LLC 14,757,881 2021-58050
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2021 044-097-000-0075 Ventas Realty Ltd Prtnrshp 13,005,000 2021-58082
Tax Year 2021 069-049-000-0035 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 2,282,650 2021-58159
Tax Year 2021 119-245-001-0001 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 47,186,494 2021-58159
Tax Year 2021 120-141-001-0001 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 38,877,300 2021-58159
Tax Year 2021 072-059-003-0001 Medical Center Hospitality LLC 3,972,694 2021-58204
Tax Year 2021 033-267-000-0002 Texas Healthcare Portfolio II DST 8,312,600 2021-58429
Tax Year 2021 041-007-015-0077 WSSA Houston VA LLC 2,071,308 2021-58491
Tax Year 2021 117-013-000-0001 Versailles Property Owner LLC 27,350,066 2021-58533
Tax Year 2021 127-318-001-0001 Amalfi Holdco LP 76,030,857 2021-58757
Tax Year 2021 133-025-001-0001 Balcor Parc Binz I LLC 21,782,676 2021-59440
Tax Year 2021 131-653-001-0001 FKM Partnership 4,231,580 2021-60489
Tax Year 2021 134-385-001-0001 NB Vue Mac Dst 33,354,813 2021-60521
Tax Year 2021 041-007-031-0066 Royal Palms Housing LLC 4,136,827 2021-60669
Tax Year 2021 045-064-000-0354 6045 Scott Street Inc 1,428,735 2021-60901
Tax Year 2021 042-196-000-0037 Sri Janma Bhumi Interests LLC 29,906,896 2021-61191
Tax Year 2021 135-306-001-0003
AC Campus Vue Senior Apartments LLC
5,712,141 2021-61509
Tax Year 2021 117-879-001-0002 Irolo Villas LLC 1,309,315 2021-61735
Tax Year 2021 042-196-000-0042 Amelang Partners Inc 2,620,800 2021-62039
Tax Year 2021 061-129-039-0009 Glasmic Ltd 2,162,639 2021-62379
Tax Year 2021 061-125-000-0024 Camden Hotels Inc 1,137,069 2021-62392
Tax Year 2021 130-553-001-0001 Kapoor Menta LLC 1,996,933 2021-62935
Tax Year 2021 129-490-001-0001 National Village Holdings 2,640,084 2021-63039
Tax Year 2021 010-016-000-0007 Ardmore Inv Corp Inc 2,169,661 2021-64049
Tax Year 2021 039-178-002-0001 Stone J S Dr 2,359,100 2021-64180
Tax Year 2021 010-019-000-0017
Hurt Real Estate Holdings of Texas Ltd
2,897,254 2021-64302
Tax Year 2021 042-176-000-0197 S Loop East PH II LLC 1,759,135 2021-64734
Tax Year 2021 045-064-000-0364 STRR Investments LLC 536,484 2021-65003
Tax Year 2021 042-176-000-0001 Agellan Commercial REIT US LP 5,704,003 2021-65298
Tax Year 2021 042-066-000-0013 Norvin Almeda LP 10,757,355 2021-65389
Tax Year 2021 010-018-000-0011 Bulldog Enterprises LLC 1,361,440 2021-65447
Tax Year 2021 046-036-004-0027 Levey Group Fund 20 LLC 1,253,676 2021-65849
Tax Year 2021 010-005-000-0039 AGI Gehring LLC 1,707,440 2021-66397
Tax Year 2021 139-452-000-0001 Houston 5110 Griggs Road Retail LLC 2,082,441 2021-66527
Tax Year 2021 139-452-000-0002
Houston 5110 Griggs Road Residential LP
11,191,450 2021-66527
Tax Year 2021 069-028-004-0006 Allstate BK Real Estate Holdings Ltd 1,186,740 2021-66976
Tax Year 2021 138-998-001-0001 Global New Millennium Partners Ltd 4,309,882 2021-66976
Tax Year 2021 061-126-033-0017 Seed of Abraham 2,628,755 2021-67031
Tax Year 2021 061-126-033-0020 Success Financial Investment 3,632,998 2021-67032
Tax Year 2021 010-015-000-0014 WFD Holdings Inc 4,669,033 2021-67227
Tax Year 2021 137-275-001-0001
Zhejiang Blossom Tourism Group Houston LLC
43,119,310 2021-67976
Tax Year 2021 061-098-000-0003 Safya LLC 1,726,450 2021-68676
Tax Year 2021 067-089-004-0040 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 324,915 2021-69167
Tax Year 2021 041-007-015-0020
WRI AEW Lone Star Retail Portfolio LLC
785,783 2021-70143
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Tax Year 2021 041-007-015-0021
WRI AEW Lone Star Retail Portfolio LLC
2,849,039 2021-70143
Tax Year 2021 041-007-015-0036
WRI AEW Lone Star Retail Portfolio LLC
395,818 2021-70143
Tax Year 2021 041-007-016-0012 Weingarten Realty Investor U031-001 389,828 2021-70143
Tax Year 2021 041-007-016-0018
WRI AEW Lone Star Retail Portfolio LLC
2,271,227 2021-70143
Tax Year 2021 019-293-000-0006 Houston This is it Resturant 1,009,125 2021-72315
Tax Year 2021 019-276-000-0016 Alief Petroleum Inc 1,240,010 2021-72574
Tax Year 2021 122-022-001-0001 Houston Griggs Rd LLC 586,863 2021-72618
Tax Year 2021 045-064-000-0080 TV Prop LLC 747,103 2021-74130
Tax Year 2021 045-064-000-0105 Romeo & Rebecca LLC 1,310,027 2021-74130
Tax Year 2021 137-873-002-0001 3509 Elgin LLC 42,258,666 2021-74354
Tax Year 2021 046-036-000-0120 Jml Apartments LLC 900,680 2021-75897
Tax Year 2021 010-006-000-0026 2ML Real Estate Interest Inc 191,320 2021-78561
Tax Year 2021 041-031-033-0009 3620 Southmore LLC 1,896,327 2021-78575
Tax Year 2021 100-353-000-0004 5751 Blythewood Street Trust 1,052,967 2021-78626
Tax Year 2021 010-017-000-0013 Almeda Office LLC 1,798,463 2021-78638
Tax Year 2021 131-504-001-0001 Ektara Property LLC 1,119,368 2021-80042
Tax Year 2021 061-098-000-0001 Safya LLC 1,019,887 2021-83532
Tax Year 2021 041-007-008-0055 Marquee Realty 370,800 2022-01235
Tax Year 2021 046-122-000-0040 Energy Flow Systems 914,628 2022-03180
Tax Year 2021 033-266-000-0020 Neff Mark R 872,792 2022-03215
Tax Year 2021 042-176-000-0184 S Loop East PH I LLC 1,025,055 2022-03371
Tax Year 2021
Total Unsettled Accounts, original value 1,657,257,356
Tax Year 2021
Unsettled Accounts, number of accounts
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Greater Southeast Management District
Lawsuit and Arbitration Status Detail as of 2/11/2022
Jur 944
Tax Year CAD Account No. Owner Name ARB Hearing Value
Cause Number
Date Received
from HCAD
Settled Value
Reduction in
in Value
Reduction in
Form Sent to
Date Refund
Notice Sent to
Cumulative Grand Total Settled Accounts, original value 9,124,461,604 851,998,065
Cumulative Grand Total Settled Accounts, number of accounts 1,309
Cumulative Grand Total Unsettled Accounts, original value 2,406,565,389
Cumulative Grand Total
Unsettled Accounts, number of accounts
Color Legend
Light Gray Settled previously
Yellow Settled as of this report
White Unsettled
Pink Unsettled and new since previous report
Not applicable
Previous to implementation of Designation Form
Refund was not issued -- Reduction in
assessment was applied to the account,
and account still has a balance due.
Billed at settled amount -- Account had
not been billed for this tax year before the
lawsuit was settled; so account was
adjusted (if needed) and billed at the
settled amount.
Not yet billed
Settled under Tax Code 25.25b; refund
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prepared by: Equi-Tax Inc.
Jan 31, 22 Dec 31, 21 $ Change % Change
Current Assets
TexPool FTA
413,610 413,596 13 0%
Wells Fargo-FTA
155,170 55,238 99,932 181%
Operating Accounts
Chase-Overpayment TaxPayers
14,878 29,981 (15,103) (50)%
Chase Operating Account
95,120 86,029 9,092 11%
Wells Fargo-Tax Assessor
2,493,356 575,652 1,917,704 333%
Total Operating Accounts
2,603,354 691,662 1,911,693 276%
Investment Accounts
2,403,629 2,623,129 (219,500) (8)%
Unity National Bank
16,003 16,003 0 0%
AmegyBank Of Texas
3,156 3,156 0 0%
Total Investment Accounts
2,422,789 2,642,288 (219,500) (8)%
Total Checking/Savings
5,594,922 3,802,785 1,792,138 47%
Accounts Receivable
Receivable-TIRZ OST/Palm CtrLiv
0 43,000 (43,000) (100)%
Receivable-TIRZ SuppleAgreemnt
9,944 23,082 (13,139) (57)%
Receivable FTA Grant Reimburse
(0) 99,319 (99,319) (100)%
Receivable-TIRZ EPS Reimb Grant
19,998 47,121 (27,123) (58)%
1200 · Accounts Receivable
0 100,000 (100,000) (100)%
Total Accounts Receivable
29,942 312,522 (282,581) (90)%
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Expenses
2,987 3,734 (747) (20)%
Accounts Receivable-Assessments
Receivable Assessment-2021
1,228,260 2,743,495 (1,515,235) (55)%
Receivable Assessment-2020
164,030 166,762 (2,732) (2)%
Receivable Assessment-2019
82,034 83,120 (1,086) (1)%
Receivable Assessment-2018
16,270 16,728 (458) (3)%
Receivable Assessment-2017
8,375 8,740 (365) (4)%
Receivable Assessment-2016
3,402 3,519 (117) (3)%
Receivable Assessment-2015
2,719 2,836 (117) (4)%
Receivable Assessment-2014
7,862 7,978 (116) (2)%
Receivable Assessment-2013
5,946 5,946 0 0%
Receivable Assessment-2012
5,145 5,145 0 0%
Receivable Assessment-2011
4,513 4,513 0 0%
Receivable Assessment-2010
6,638 6,638 0 0%
Receivable Assessment-2009
8,824 8,824 0 0%
Receivable Assessment-2008
5,519 5,519 0 0%
Receivable Assessment-2007
294 294 0 0%
Receivable Assessment-2006
190 190 0 0%
Receivable Assessment-2005
308 308 0 0%
Receivable Assesmt 2004 & Prior
601 601 0 0%
Total Accounts Receivable-Assessme...
1,550,930 3,071,157 (1,520,227) (50)%
Total Other Current Assets
1,553,917 3,074,891 (1,520,974) (50)%
Total Current Assets
7,178,781 7,190,198 (11,417) (0)%
Fixed Assets
Computer Equipment
13,925 13,925 0 0%
3,600 3,600 0 0%
Accumulated Depreciation
(16,644) (16,583) (61) (0)%
Total Fixed Assets
881 942 (61) (7)%
TOTAL ASSETS 7,179,662 7,191,140 (11,478) (0)%
Greater Southeast Management District
Balance Sheet with Previous Month Comparison
As of January 31, 2022
Jan 31, 22 Dec 31, 21 $ Change % Change
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
8010 · Accounts Payable
143,469 310,725 (167,255) (54)%
Total Accounts Payable
143,469 310,725 (167,255) (54)%
Other Current Liabilities
Amount Due Parkwood Civic Grant
4,350 4,350 0 0%
Deposits in Transit
399,226 41,944 357,282 852%
Overpayment-Due to Taxpayers
32,254 50,149 (17,895) (36)%
Deferred Revenue
1,704,685 3,224,912 (1,520,227) (47)%
Total Other Current Liabilities
2,140,514 3,321,355 (1,180,840) (36)%
Total Current Liabilities
2,283,984 3,632,079 (1,348,096) (37)%
Total Liabilities
2,283,984 3,632,079 (1,348,096) (37)%
6010 · Assigned Surplus
3,559,060 2,232,594 1,326,467 59%
Net Income
1,336,618 1,326,467 10,151 1%
Total Equity
4,895,678 3,559,060 1,336,618 38%
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 7,179,662 7,191,140 (11,478) (0)%
Greater Southeast Management District
Balance Sheet with Previous Month Comparison
As of January 31, 2022
Page 2
Jan 22 Dec 21 $ Change % Change
Ordinary Income/Expense
4032 · Grant Revenue Fed RailroadGrant
613 154,556 (153,943) (100)%
4056 · Supplemental Agrmnt shared scvs
4,327 860 3,468 403%
4065 · Grant Revenue METRO
0 100,000 (100,000) (100)%
4060 · Enhanced Public Safety Revenue
9,982 (276) 10,258 3,712%
4057 · Income (Other)
4,327 0 4,327 100%
4010 · Tax Assessment Revenue
1,520,227 508,760 1,011,467 199%
4020 · Tax Assessor Other Revenue
3,017 1,526 1,492 98%
4050 · Interest Income
92 105 (13) (12)%
Total Income
1,542,585 765,531 777,054 102%
Gross Profit
1,542,585 765,531 777,054 102%
1000 · District Administration
District Management
1015 · Management & Administrative Svc
2015 · Professional Services
Auditing Services
0 10,980 (10,980) (100)%
2015-2 · Legal Services
3,105 7,696 (4,591) (60)%
2015-1b · Accounting Services
1,300 1,300 0 0%
2015-5 · Assessment Management Services
4,480 2,641 1,839 70%
Total 2015 · Professional Services
8,885 22,617 (13,733) (61)%
2015-9 · Administrative Management Svcs
13,000 (53,605) 66,605 124%
2006 · ADP Fees
335 79 256 323%
1015-8 · Admin Reclass
(19,888) (20,895) 1,007 5%
1015-5 · Employee Health Benefits
3,469 2,483 986 40%
1015-2 · ADP Employer Taxes
3,376 1,444 1,932 134%
1015-4 · Salaries
34,892 18,873 16,019 85%
Total 1015 · Management & Administrative Svc
44,068 (29,003) 73,072 252%
2000 · Office Expense
1005 · Insurance
747 747 0 0%
2015-12 · Computer/Website Consultant
1,120 370 750 203%
2030-22 · Depreciation Expense
61 61 0 0%
2025-22 · Office Rent/Storage Unit Rent
2,930 226 2,704 1,197%
2020-22 · Telephone
520 1,001 (481) (48)%
2005 · Bank Charges
30 91 (61) (67)%
2035 · Meeting Expense
2035-1 · BOD Meeting Expense & Retreat
189 221 (32) (14)%
Total 2035 · Meeting Expense
189 221 (32) (14)%
Total 2000 · Office Expense
5,597 2,717 2,880 106%
Total District Management
49,665 (26,287) 75,952 289%
Total 1000 · District Administration
49,665 (26,287) 75,952 289%
3000 · District Svcs & Improvements
3005 · Transporation & Local Mobility
3005-40 · Management of T&LM
124 0 124 100%
Greater Southeast Management District
Profit & Loss with Previous Month Comparison
For the Period Ended January 2022
Jan 22 Dec 21 $ Change % Change
Program & Project Personnel
Salaries & Benefits
4,472 5,954 (1,482) (25)%
Total Program & Project Personnel
4,472 5,954 (1,482) (25)%
Total 3005-40 · Management of T&LM
4,596 5,954 (1,358) (23)%
3005-20 · Planning Coordinatioin Fund Dev
3005-21 · TGC - Fund DevelopPlanCoordInti
6,922 4,394 2,528 58%
Total 3005-20 · Planning Coordinatioin Fund Dev
6,922 4,394 2,528 58%
3005-13 · Multi-Modal Trans Develop
3005-08 · FederalRailRoadGrant
0 613 (613) (100)%
3005-09 · FederalRailRoadGrantLocalMatch
0 307 (307) (100)%
3005-10 · HoustonBikeShareProject
0 (40,370) 40,370 100%
3005-38 · Custom Bus Shelters
(242) (2,641) 2,400 91%
Total 3005-13 · Multi-Modal Trans Develop
(242) (42,091) 41,850 99%
Total 3005 · Transporation & Local Mobility
11,276 (31,743) 43,019 136%
3010 · Environ, Urban, Design & Visual
3010-60 · Management of EUD&VI
0 495 (495) (100)%
Program & Project Personnel
Salaries & Benefits
4,472 5,954 (1,482) (25)%
Total Program & Project Personnel
4,472 5,954 (1,482) (25)%
Total 3010-60 · Management of EUD&VI
4,472 6,449 (1,977) (31)%
3010-50 · Right-Of-Way Maint/Median Enh
3010-19 · UrbanCommunityGardenMaint/Mkt
800 800 0 0%
3010-21 · LandscapingIrrigationTrash/Debr
42,974 33,410 9,564 29%
3010-29 · Bus Shelter Maintenance
2,500 2,500 0 0%
3010-31 · Water for Street Enhancements
513 831 (319) (38)%
3010-30 · Waste Removal/Management
514 509 4 1%
3010-57 · LandscapeMaint/HardscapeRepairs
18,540 8,105 10,435 129%
Total 3010-50 · Right-Of-Way Maint/Median Enh
65,840 46,156 19,684 43%
3010-20 · Graffiti Abatement Program
1,360 1,360 0 0%
Total 3010 · Environ, Urban, Design & Visual
71,672 53,965 17,708 33%
3015 · Enhanced Pub. Safety Svcs
3015-40 · Management of EPSS
Meeting & Office Expense
436 166 270 163%
Program & Project Personnel
Salaries & Benefits
2,851 2,861 (9) (0)%
Total Program & Project Personnel
2,851 2,861 (9) (0)%
Total 3015-40 · Management of EPSS
3,287 3,026 261 9%
Greater Southeast Management District
Profit & Loss with Previous Month Comparison
For the Period Ended January 2022
Page 2
Jan 22 Dec 21 $ Change % Change
3015-20 · EPS Program
3015-22 · Bike Patrol Coordinator
3,000 3,000 0 0%
3015-23 · Bike/Motorcycle Patrol
9,395 9,116 279 3%
3015-21 · Constables
49,579 49,578 1 0%
Total 3015-20 · EPS Program
61,974 61,694 280 1%
Total 3015 · Enhanced Pub. Safety Svcs
65,261 64,721 541 1%
3020 · Business & Economic Development
3020-40 · Management of B&ED
Program & Project Personnel
Salaries & Benefits
2,851 3,222 (370) (12)%
Total Program & Project Personnel
2,851 3,222 (370) (12)%
Total 3020-40 · Management of B&ED
2,851 3,222 (370) (12)%
Total 3020 · Business & Economic Development
2,851 3,222 (370) (12)%
3025 · Marketing, Public Relations/Per
3025-50 · Management of MPR&PE
Program & Project Personnel
Salaries & Benefits
5,241 2,905 2,336 80%
Total Program & Project Personnel
5,241 2,905 2,336 80%
Total 3025-50 · Management of MPR&PE
5,241 2,905 2,336 80%
3025-40 · Public Relations Program
0 3,632 (3,632) (100)%
Total 3025 · Marketing, Public Relations/Per
5,241 6,537 (1,296) (20)%
Total 3000 · District Svcs & Improvements
156,302 96,701 59,601 62%
Total Expense
205,967 70,414 135,553 193%
Net Ordinary Income
1,336,618 695,117 641,501 92%
Net Income 1,336,618 695,117 641,501 92%
Greater Southeast Management District
Profit & Loss with Previous Month Comparison
For the Period Ended January 2022
Page 3
Greater Southeast Management District
Recurring and Non-Recurring
As of January 31, 2022
Date Name Memo Amount
01/24/2022 ADP Payroll Fees ADMIN: Payroll Processing Fees for 1/31/22 93.20$
01/31/2022 ADP Payroll Fees ADMIN: Payroll Processing Fees for 1/31/22 88.56$
01/18/2022 ADP Payroll Fees ADMIN: Payroll Processing Fees for 12/31/21 W-2 & 1099 processing fees 153.55$
01/31/2022 Bracewell LLP ADMIN: Legal Services for January 31, 2022 3,105.00$
01/31/2022 Bracewell LLP ADMIN: BOD refreshments 1/11/22 189.44$
01/25/2022 Comcast Business Phone & Internet ADMIN: Business Phone & Internet Services for 1/30/2022 to 2/28/2022 342.34$
01/15/2022 Comcast Business VoiceEdge ADMIN: Business VoiceEdge Services for 1/15/2022 to 2/14/2022 292.57$
01/15/2022 Comcast Business VoiceEdge ADMIN: Business VoiceEdge Services for 12/15/2021 to 1/14/2022 288.96$
01/25/2022 CompuSolutionX ADMIN: Monthly computer add'l consulting services for January 2022 750.00$
01/01/2022 CompuSolutionX ADMIN: Monthly computer consulting services for January 2022 370.00$
01/01/2022 Equi-Tax, Inc. ADMIN: Assessment Collection Monthly fee for January 2022 2,640.94$
01/01/2022 Hawes Hill & Associates LLP ADMIN: Monthly Professional Consulting & Administration Fee & Reimbursements for December 2021 6,500.00$
01/01/2022 Hawes Hill & Associates LLP ADMIN: Monthly Professional Consulting & Administration Fee & Reimbursements for January 2022 6,500.00$
01/31/2022 McConnell & Jones, LLP ADMIN: Accounting/Bookkeeper Services for January 2022 1,300.00$
01/01/2022 OST/Almeda Corridors Redevelopment Aut. ADMIN: Sub-Lease Rent for January 2022 1,352.03$
01/01/2022 OST/Almeda Corridors Redevelopment Aut. ADMIN: Sub-Lease Rent Property Taxes FY 2021 1,352.03$
01/31/2022 Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins, & Mott ADMIN: Professional Services Rendered in Collections for 11/24/2021-12/29/2021 824.55$
01/01/2022 Proguard Self Storage Houston ADMIN: Storage Unit Rent Unit 4144 - January 2022 226.00$
01/31/2022 TML ADMIN: Insurance expense (Multi-Coverage Policies 6/01/21 - 6/30/22) for January 2022 746.82$
01/01/2022 TSG Reporting, Inc. ADMIN: Public Hearing to Consider the Advisability of Supplementing the Assessment Roll - Novemb... 1,014.15$
01/31/2022 Administrative Expense T&LM: Salaries and benefits for the period of 1/1/2022 to 1/31/2022 4,471.94$
01/31/2022 The Goodman Corporation T&LM: Pursuit of Funding/Program Coord Planning & Fund Development Svcs FTA- January 2022 6,921.89$
01/31/2022 Bracewell LLP T&LM: Agreement with MCMD 123.75$
01/31/2022 Administrative Expense EUD&VI: Salaries and benefits for the period of 1/1/2022 to 1/31/2022 4,471.84$
01/06/2022 Terry Garner EUD&VI: Community Garden Facilitator Services at Palm Center Community Garden - Jan 2022 800.00$
01/31/2022 Flores Quality Services EUD&VI: District Maintenance Services Other Maintenance Svcs for January 2022 9,564.07$
01/31/2022 Flores Quality Services EUD&VI: Monthly District Maintenance Services for January 2022 33,410.13$
01/31/2022 Flores Quality Services EUD&VI: District Maintenance Services for 25 Metro Bus Shelters for January 2022 2,500.00$
01/31/2022 Flores Quality Services EUD&VI: District Maintenance Services Other Sevices Irrigation repairs for January 2022 590.00$
01/31/2022 Flores Quality Services EUD&VI: District Maintenance Services Other Sevices Mulch for January 2022 15,250.00$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021- 2201 Blodgett 309.94$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021- 6192 Main 6.25$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 2022 Blodgett 6.25$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 2300 Tuam 6.25$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 2333 Southmore Blvd -$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 2824 Blodgett 18.80$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 3018 Dowling 6.25$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 3093 Blodgett 118.80$
Greater Southeast Management District
Recurring and Non-Recurring
As of January 31, 2022
Date Name Memo Amount
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 4002 Griggs 18.80$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 4003 Griggs 8.80$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 6032 Main 6.25$
01/20/2022 City of Houston Water Department EUD&VI: Water charges for period 11/08/2021 to 12/05/2021 - 6215 Main 6.25$
01/01/2022 Waste Connections of TX, LLC EUD&VI: Waste Removal Services for January 2022 239.52$
01/01/2022 Waste Connections of TX, LLC EUD&VI: Waste Removal Services for January 2022 274.02$
01/06/2022 Southern Concrete Raising EUD&VI: Emergency Sidewalk Repairs for 4000 Griggs Rd, Houston, Tx 77021 2,000.00$
01/07/2022 Southern Concrete Raising EUD&VI: Emergency Sidewalk Repairs for 5101 Almeda Rd, Houston, Tx 77004 700.00$
01/06/2022 East End District EUD&VI: Grafitti Abatement Services for January 2022 1,360.00$
01/31/2022 Administrative Expense EPS: Salaries and benefits for the period of 1/1/2022 to 1/31/2022 3,723.47$
01/31/2022 Franklin Gans, Jr. EPS: Coordinator fee for January 2022 3,000.00$
01/31/2022 Joe Fleming EPS: Bike/Motorcycle Patrol for January 2022 1,872.00$
01/31/2022 Ernest McNichols EPS: Bike/Motorcycle Patrol for January 2022 1,287.00$
01/31/2022 Fitzgerald Plummer EPS: Bike/Motorcycle Patrol for January 2022 1,404.00$
01/31/2022 Aldrin Sampson EPS: Bike/Motorcycle Patrol for January 2022 1,232.00$
01/31/2022 Keith Seafous EPS: Bike/Motorcycle Patrol for January 2022 1,135.75$
01/31/2022 Mark Andrus EPS: Bike/Motorcycle Patrol for January 2022 1,232.00$
01/31/2022 Cory Cloud EPS: Bike/Motorcycle Patrol for January 2022 1,232.00$
01/08/2022 Harris County Treasurer EPS: Constables February 2022 49,579.00$
01/31/2022 Administrative Expense B&ED: Salaries and benefits for the period of 1/1/2022 to 1/31/2022 2,851.49$
01/31/2022 Administrative Expense MPR&PE: Salaries and benefits for the period of 1/1/2022 to 1/31/2022 5,241.22$
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
1. PARTIES: The parties to this lease are:
Tenant: Greater Southeast Management District ; and
Landlord: Abdullatif & Company LLC,
A. Landlord leases to Tenant the following described real property, knows as the "Leased Premises,"
along with all its improvements:
(1) Multiple-Tenant Property: Suite or Unit Number 503 containing approximately 1265 square feet of
net rentable area in the John B. Coleman Professional Building at 5445 Almeda in Houston, TX in
Harris County is legally described as LTS 1 THRU 7 BLK 23 RIVERSIDE TERRACE SEC 3.
B. Leased Premises Definitions:
(1) "Property° means the building or complex in which the Leased Premises are located, inclusive of
any common areas, drives, parking areas, and walks; and
(2) the parties agree that the rentable area of the Leased Premises may not equal the actual or usable
area within the Leased Premises and may include an allocation of common areas in the Property.
3. TERM:
A. Term: The term of this lease is_6__ months and _0__ days, commencing on:
April 1, 2022 ______________________( Commencement Date) and ending on
September 30, 2022 _______________ (Expiration Date).
Lease shall continue on a month-to-month basis after September 30, 2022 until December
31, 2022.
Delay of Occupancy: Inapplicable.
B. Unless the parties agree otherwise, Tenant is responsible for obtaining a certificate of occupancy
for the Leased Premises if required by a governmental body.
A. Base Monthly Rent: On or before the first day of each month during this lease, Tenant will pay
Landlord base monthly rent as described as follows:
April 1, 2022
To: September 30, 2022
B. First Full Month's Rent: The first full base monthly rent is due upon execution.
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
C. Prorated Rent: If the Commencement Date is on a day other than the first day of a month, Tenant
will pay Landlord as prorated rent, an amount equal to the base monthly rent calculated by the
following fraction: the number of days from the Commencement Date to the first day of the following
month divided by the number of days in the month in which this lease commences. The prorated
rent will be due on or before the first day of the 2
month, in which a payment is due, according
to the lease.
D. Additional Rent: In addition to the base monthly rent and prorated rent, Tenant will pay Landlord
all other amounts, as provided by this lease.
All amounts payable under the applicable addenda are deemed to be "rent" for the purposes of
this lease.
E. Place of Payment: Tenant will remit all amounts due Landlord under this lease to the following
person at the place stated or to such other person or place as Landlord may later designate in
Address: 4900 Fournace Place, Suite 600, Bellaire, TX 77401
F. Method of Payment: Tenant must pay all rent timely without demand, deduction, or offset, except
as permitted by law or this lease. If Tenant fails to timely pay any amounts due under this lease or
if any check of Tenant is returned to Landlord by the institution on which it was drawn, Landlord
after providing written notice to Tenant may require Tenant to pay subsequent amounts that become
due under this lease in certified funds. This paragraph does not limit Landlord from seeking other
remedies under this Lease for Tenant's failure to make timely payments with good funds.
G Late Charges: If Landlord does not actually receive a rent payment at the designated place of
payment within 5 days after the date it is due, Landlord shall give Tenant notice of same and Tenant
will pay Landlord a late charge equal to 5% of the amount due if Payment not received by the 10
of the Month.; However, Landlord shall be required to give Tenant notice under the terms of this
provision only once during the term of this Lease. In this paragraph, the mailbox is not the agent
for receipt for Landlord. The late charge is a cost associated with the collection of rent and
Landlord's acceptance of a late charge does not waive Landlord's right to exercise remedies under
Paragraph 20.
H. Returned Checks: Tenant will pay $50.00 for each check Tenant tenders to Landlord which is
returned by the institution on which it is drawn for any reason, plus any late charges until Landlord
receives payment.
A. Upon execution of this lease, Tenant will pay $0.00 to Landlord as a security deposit.
B. Landlord may apply the security deposit to any amounts owed by Tenant under this lease. If
Landlord applies any part of the security deposit during any time this lease is in effect to amounts
owed by Tenant, Tenant must, within 10 days after receipt of notice from Landlord, restore the
security deposit to the amount stated.
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
C. After Tenant surrenders the Leased Premises to Landlord and provides Landlord written notice of
Tenant's forwarding address, Landlord will, not later than the time required by §93.005, Texas
Property Code, refund the security deposit less any amounts applied toward amounts owed by
Tenant or other charges authorized by this lease. The parties agree that Landlord acts in good
faith if Landlord accounts for the security deposit within the time stated.
Tenant shall pay a monthly proportionate share of all real property taxes applicable to the Leased
Premises for the number of months of occupancy. Landlord shall remit to tenant a copy of all tax
statements for the Leased Premises for each year in question within (30) days of receipt. Tenant's
proportionate share of the premises shall be determined by dividing the square footage of the Leased
Premises by the total net rentable square footage for the building. The Net rentable building square
footage is 40000 sq ft. Tenant share is 3.1%.
A. The party designated below will pay for the following utility charges to the Leased Premises and
any connection charges for the utilities. (Check all that apply.)
Pest Control
In-Suite Cleaning
The party responsible for the charges under Paragraph 7A will pay the charges directly to the
utility service provider. The responsible party may select the utility service provider except that
if Tenant selects the provider any access or alterations to the Property or Leased Premises
necessary for the utilities may be made only with Landlord's prior consent, which Landlord will
not unreasonably withhold. If Landlord incurs any liability for utility or connection charges for
which Tenant is responsible to pay and Landlord pays such amount, Tenant will immediately
upon written notice from Landlord reimburse Landlord such amount.
B. Notice: Tenant should determine if all necessary utilities are available to the Leased Premises
and are adequate for Tenant's intended use.
C. After-Hours HVAC Charges: "HVAC services" means the utility expenses to heat and cool the
Leased Premises. (check one box only.)
(1) Landlord is obligated to provide the HVAC services to the Leased Premises only
during the Property's operating hours specified under Paragraph 9B.
(2) Landlord will provide the HVAC services to the Leased Premises during the operating
hours specified under Paragraph 9B for no additional charge and will, at Tenant's
request, provide HVAC services to the Leased Premises during other hours for an
additional charge of $50.00 per hour. Tenant will pay Landlord the charges under this
paragraph immediately upon receipt of Landlord's invoice. Hourly charges are charged
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
on a half-hour basis. Any partial hour will be rounded up to the next half hour. Tenant
will comply with Landlord's procedures to make a request to provide the additional HVAC
services under this paragraph.
A. During all times this lease is in effect, Tenant must, at Tenant's expense, maintain in full force and
effect from an insurer authorized to operate in Texas:
(1) public liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 on an occurrence basis
naming Landlord as an additional insured; and
(2) personal property damage insurance for Tenant's business operations and contents on the
Leased Premises in an amount sufficient to replace such contents after a casualty loss.
B. Before the Commencement Date, Tenant must provide Landlord with a copy of the insurance
certificates evidencing the required coverage. If the insurance coverage changes in any manner
or degree at any time this lease is in effect, Tenant must, not later than 10 days after the change,
provide Landlord a copy of an insurance certificate evidencing the change.
C. If Tenant fails to maintain the required insurance in full force and effect at all times this lease is in
effect, Landlord may after 7 days written notice:
(1) purchase insurance that will provide Landlord the same coverage as the required insurance
and Tenant must immediately reimburse Landlord for such expense; or
(2) exercise Landlord's remedies under Paragraph 20.
D. Unless the parties agree otherwise, Landlord will, at Landlord's expense, maintain in full force and
effect insurance for fire and extended coverage in an amount to cover the reasonable replacement
cost of the improvements of the Property and public liability insurance in an amount that Landlord
determines reasonable and appropriate.
E. If there is an increase in Landlord's insurance premiums for the Leased Premises or Property or
its contents that is caused by Tenant, Tenant's use of the Leased Premises, or any improvements
made by or for Tenant, Tenant will, for each year this lease is in effect, pay Landlord the increase
immediately after Landlord notifies Tenant of the increase. Any charge to Tenant under this
Paragraph 8D will be equal to the actual amount of the increase in Landlord's insurance premium.
9. USE AND HOURS: A. Tenant may use the Leased Premises for the following purpose and no other:
General Business
A. Unless otherwise specified in this lease, Tenant will operate and conduct its business in the Leased
Premises during business hours that are typical of the industry in which Tenant represents it
B. The Property maintains operating hours of Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and
is closed on all major holidays. Weekend access
A. Tenant may not use or permit any part of the Leased Premises to be used for: any activity which
is a nuisance or is offensive, noisy, or dangerous; any activity that interferes with any other tenant's
normal business operations or Landlords management of the Property; any activity that violates
any applicable law, regulation, governmental order, zoning ordinance, restrictive covenant,
owners association rules, Landlords rules or tenants' regulations, or this lease; any hazardous
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
activity that would require any insurance premiums to increase or that would void any such
insurance; any activity that violates any applicable federal, state, or local law, including but not
limited to those laws related to air quality, water quality, hazardous materials, wastewater, waste
disposal, air emissions, or other environmental matters; the permanent or temporary storage of
any hazardous material;
B. "Hazardous material" means any pollutant, toxic substance, hazardous waste, hazardous material,
hazardous substance, solvent, or oil as defined by any federal, state, or local environmental law,
regulation, ordinance, or rule existing as of the date of this lease or later enacted.
C. Landlord does not represent or warrant that the Leased Premises or Property conform to applicable
restrictions, zoning ordinances, setback lines, parking requirements, impervious ground cover ratio
requirements, and other matters that may relate to Tenant's intended use. Tenant must satisfy
itself that the Leased Premises may be used as Tenant intends by independently investigating all
matters related to the use of the Leased Premises or Property. Tenant agrees that it is not relying
on any warranty or representation made by Landlord, Landlord's agent, or any broker concerning
the use of the Leased Premises or Property.
11. SIGNS:
A. Tenant may not post or paint any signs at, on, or about the Leased Premises or Property without
Landlord's written consent. Failure to obtain such approval may result in removal of any
unauthorized sign, and Tenant will promptly reimburse Landlord for its cost to remove any
unauthorized sign.
B. Any authorized sign must comply with all laws, restrictions, zoning ordinances, and any
governmental order relating to signs on the Leased Premises or Property. Landlord may
temporarily remove any authorized sign to complete repairs or alterations to the Leased Premises
or the Property.
C. By providing written notice to Tenant before this lease ends, Landlord may require Tenant, upon
move out and at Tenant's expense, to remove, without damage to the Property or Leased
Premises, any or all signs that were placed on the Property or Leased Premises by or at the request
of Tenant. Any signs that Landlord does not require Tenant to remove and that are fixtures, become
the property of the Landlord and must be surrendered to Landlord at the time this lease ends.
A. During Tenant's normal business hours Landlord may enter the Leased Premises for any
reasonable purpose, including but not limited to purposes for repairs, maintenance, alterations,
and showing the Leased Premises to prospective tenants or purchasers. Landlord may access the
Leased Premises after Tenant's normal business hours if: (1) entry is made with Tenant's
permission; or (2) entry is necessary to complete emergency repairs. Landlord will not
unreasonably interfere with Tenant's business operations when accessing the Leased Premises.
13. MOVE-IN CONDITION: Landlord and any agent have made no express warranties as to the condition
or permitted use of the Leased Premises or Property. Landlord agrees to provide the Leased
Premises in in a clean condition free of all trash, debris, personal property, hazardous materials, and
environmental contaminants.
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
A. At the time this lease ends, Tenant will surrender the Leased Premises in the same condition as
when received, except for normal wear and tear. Tenant will leave the Leased Premises in a clean
condition free of all trash, debris, personal property, hazardous materials, and environmental
B. If Tenant leaves any personal property in the Leased Premises after Tenant surrenders possession
of the Leased Premises, Landlord may: (1) require Tenant, at Tenant's expense, to remove the
personal property by providing written notice to Tenant; or (2) retain such personal property as
forfeited property to Landlord.
C. "Surrender" means vacating the Leased Premises and returning all keys and access devices to
Landlord. "Normal wear and tear" means deterioration that occurs without negligence,
carelessness, accident, or abuse.
D. By providing written notice to Tenant before this lease ends, Landlord may require Tenant, upon
move out and at Tenant's expense, to remove, without damage to the Property or Leased
Premises, any or all fixtures that were placed on the Property or Leased Premises by or at the
request of Tenant. Any fixtures that Landlord does not require Tenant to remove become the
property of the Landlord and must be surrendered to Landlord at the time this lease ends.
A. Cleaning: Tenant must keep the Leased Premises clean and sanitary and promptly dispose of all
garbage in appropriate receptacles. Landlord Tenant will provide, at its expense, janitorial
services to the Leased Premises that are customary and ordinary for the Business type.
B. Repairs of Conditions Caused by a Party: Each party must promptly repair a condition in need of
repair that is caused, either intentionally or negligently, by that party or that party's guests, patrons,
invitees, contractors or permitted subtenants.
C. Repair and Maintenance Responsibility: Except as provided by Paragraph 15B, the party designated
below, at its expense, is responsible to maintain and repair the following specified items in the
Leased Premises. The specified items must be maintained in clean and good operable condition.
If a governmental regulation or order requires a modification to any of the specified items, the party
designated to maintain the item must complete and pay the expense of the modification. The
specified items include and relate only to real property in the Leased Premises. Tenant is
responsible for the repair and maintenance of its personal property. (Check all that apply.)
N/A Landlord
(1) Foundation, exterior walls, roof, and other structural components
(2) Glass and windows
(3) Fire protection equipment and fire sprinkler systems
(4) Exterior & overhead doors, including closure devices, molding,
locks, and hardware
(5) Grounds maintenance, including landscaping and ground
(6) Interior doors, including closure devices, frames, molding, locks,
and hardware
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
(7) Parking areas and walks
(8) Plumbing systems, drainage systems, electrical systems, ballast
and lamp replacement, and mechanical systems, except those
specifically designated otherwise
(9) Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
(10) Signs and lighting:
(a) Pylon
(b) Facia
(c) Monument
(d) Door/ Suite
(11) Extermination and pest control, excluding wood-destroying insects
(12) Storage yards and storage buildings
(13) Wood-destroying insect treatment and repairs
(14) Cranes and related systems
(15) All other items and systems.
D. Repair Persons: Repairs must be completed by trained, qualified, and insured repair persons and
must be pre-approved by landlord or property management.
E. HVAC Service Contract: If Tenant maintains the HVAC system under Paragraph 15C(9), Tenant
is is not required to maintain, at its expense, a regularly scheduled maintenance and service
contract for the HVAC system. The maintenance and service contract must be purchased from a
HVAC maintenance company that regularly provides such contracts to similar properties. If Tenant
fails to maintain a required HVAC maintenance and service contract in effect at all times during
this lease, Landlord may do so and charge Tenant the expense of such a maintenance and service
contract or exercise Landlord's remedies under Paragraph 20.
F. Common Areas: Landlord will maintain any common areas in the Property in a manner as Landlord
determines to be in the best interest of the Property. Landlord will maintain any elevator and signs
in the common area. Landlord may change the size, dimension, and location of any common areas,
provided that such change does not materially impair Tenant's use and access to the Leased
Premises. Tenant has the non-exclusive license to use the common areas in compliance with
Landlord's rules and restrictions. Tenant may not solicit any business in the common areas or
interfere with any other person's right to use the common areas. This paragraph does not apply if
Paragraph 2A(2) applies.
G. Notice of Repairs: Tenant must promptly notify Landlord of any item that is in need of repair and
that is Landlord's responsibility to repair. All requests for repairs to Landlord must be in writing.
H. Failure to Repair: Landlord must make a repair for which Landlord is responsible within 10 days
of Tenant’s written notice to Landlord of the needed repair. If Tenant fails to repair or maintain an
item for which Tenant is responsible within 10 days after Landlord provides Tenant written notice
of the needed repair or maintenance, Landlord may: (1) repair or maintain the item, without liability
for any damage or loss to Tenant, and Tenant must immediately reimburse Landlord for the cost
to repair or maintain; or (2) exercise Landlord's remedies under Paragraph 20.
A. Tenant may not alter, improve, or add to the Property or the Leased Premises without Landlord's
written consent. Landlord will not unreasonably withhold consent for the Tenant to make
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
reasonable non-structural alterations, modifications, or improvements to the Leased Premises.
B. Tenant may not alter any locks or any security devices on the Property or the Leased Premises
without Landlord's consent. If Landlord authorizes the changing, addition, or rekeying of any locks
or other security devices, Tenant must immediately deliver the new keys and access devices to
C. If a governmental order requires alteration or modification to the Leased Premises, the party
obligated to maintain and repair the item to be modified or altered as designated in Paragraph 15
will, at its expense, modify or alter the item in compliance with the order.
D. Any alterations, improvements, fixtures or additions to the Property or Leased Premises installed
by either party during the term of this lease will become Landlord's property and must be
surrendered to Landlord at the time this lease ends, except for those fixtures Landlord requires
Tenant to remove under Paragraph 1 1 or 14 or if the parties agree otherwise in writing.
17. LIENS: Tenant may not do anything that will cause the title of the Property or Leased Premises to be
encumbered in any way. If Tenant causes a lien to be filed against the Property or Leased Premises,
Tenant will within 20 days after receipt of Landlord's demand: (1) pay the lien and have the lien
released of record; or (2) take action to discharge the lien. Tenant will provide Landlord a copy of any
release Tenant obtains pursuant to this paragraph.
18. LIABILITY: To the extent permitted by law, Landlord is NOT responsible to Tenant or Tenant's
employees, patrons, guests, or invitees for any damages, injuries, or losses to person or property
caused by:
A. an act, omission, or neglect of: Tenant; Tenant's agent; Tenant's guest; Tenant's employees;
Tenant's patrons; Tenant's invitees; or any other tenant on the Property;
B. fire, flood, water leaks, ice, snow, hail, winds, explosion, smoke, riot, strike, interruption of utilities,
theft, burglary, robbery, assault, vandalism, other persons, environmental contaminants, or other
occurrences or casualty losses.
19. INDEMNITY: Each party will indemnify and hold the other party harmless from any property damage,
personal injury, suits, actions, liabilities, damages, cost of repairs or service to the Leased Premises
or Property, or any other loss caused, negligently or otherwise, by that party or that party's employees,
patrons, guests, or invitees.
A. If Landlord fails to comply with this lease within 30 days after Tenant notifies Landlord of Landlord's
failure to comply, Landlord will be in default and Tenant may seek any remedy provided by law. If,
however, Landlord's non-compliance reasonably requires more than 30 days to cure, Landlord will
not be in default if the cure is commenced within the 30-day period and is diligently pursued.
B. If Landlord does not actually receive at the place designated for payment any rent due under this
lease within 10 days after it is due, Landlord shall give Tenant notice of same and if payment is
not received within 5 days after the date of Tenants receipt of Landlord’s notice, Tenant will be in
default. If Tenant fails to comply with this lease for any other reason within 30 days after Landlord
notifies Tenant of its failure to comply, Tenant will be in default.
C. If Tenant is in default, Landlord may: (i) terminate Tenant's right to occupy the Leased Premises
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
by providing Tenant with at least 3 days written notice; and (ii) accelerate all rents which are
payable during the remainder of this lease or any renewal period without notice or demand.
Landlord will attempt to mitigate any damage or loss caused by Tenant's breach by using
commercially reasonable means. If Tenant is in default, Tenant will be liable for:
(1) any lost rent;
(2) Landlord's cost of releasing the Leased Premises, including brokerage fees, advertising
fees, and other fees necessary to release the Leased Premises;
(3) repairs to the Leased Premises for use beyond normal wear and tear;
(4) all Landlord's costs associated with eviction of Tenant, such as attorney's fees, court costs,
and prejudgment interest;
(5) all Landlord's costs associated with collection of rent such as collection fees, late charges,
and returned check charges;
(6) cost of removing any of Tenant's equipment or fixtures left on the Leased Premises or
(7) cost to remove any trash, debris, personal property, hazardous materials, or environmental
contaminants left by Tenant or Tenant's employees, patrons, guests, or invitees in the
Leased Premises or Property;
(9) cost to replace any unreturned keys or access devices to the Leased Premises, parking
areas, or Property;
(10) any other recovery to which Landlord may be entitled under this lease or under law.
Chapter 93 of the Texas Property Code governs the rights and obligations of the parties with regard
to: (a) abandonment of the Leased Premises; (b) interruption of utilities; (c) removal of Tenant's
property; and (d) "lock-out" of Tenant.
22. HOLDOVER: If Tenant fails to vacate the Leased Premises at the time this lease ends, Tenant will
become a tenant-at-will and must vacate the Leased Premises immediately upon receipt of demand
from Landlord. No holding over by Tenant, with or without the consent of Landlord, will extend this
lease. Tenant will indemnify Landlord and any prospective tenants for any and all damages caused
by the holdover. Rent for any holdover period will be 2 times the base monthly rent plus any additional
rent calculated on a daily basis and will be immediately due and payable daily without notice or
demand. Despite anything to contrary contained herein, thirty (30) days written notice is required to
terminate the month to month tenancy provided for in Paragraph 3 above.
23. LANDLORD'S LIEN AND SECURITY INTEREST: To secure Tenant's performance under this lease,
Tenant grants to Landlord a lien and security interest against all of Tenant's nonexempt personal
property that is in the leased premises or Property. This lease is a security agreement for the purposes
of the Uniform Commercial Code. Landlord may file a copy of this lease as a financing statement.
24. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING: Landlord may assign this lease to any subsequent owner of the
Property. Tenant may assign or sublet to another entity a portion of this lease with Landlord's written
consent which shall not be reasonably withheld An assignment of this lease or subletting of the Leased
Premises without Landlord's written consent is voidable by Landlord. If Tenant assigns this lease or
sublets any part of the Leased Premises, Tenant will remain liable for all of Tenant's obligations under
this lease regardless if the assignment or sublease is made with or without the consent of Landlord.
A. By providing Tenant with not less than 90 days advanced written notice, Landlord may require Tenant
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
to relocate to another location in the Property, provided that the other location is equal in size or
larger than the Leased Premises then occupied by Tenant and contains similar leasehold
improvements. Landlord will pay Tenant's reasonable out-of-pocket moving expenses for moving
to the other location. "Moving expenses" means reasonable expenses payable to professional
movers, utility companies for connection and disconnection fees, wiring companies for connecting
and disconnecting Tenant's office equipment required by the relocation, and printing companies
for reprinting Tenant's stationary and business cards. A relocation of Tenant will not change or
affect any other provision of this lease that is then in effect, including rent and reimbursement
a m o u n t s , except that the description of the suite or unit number will automatically be amended.
X B. Landlord may NOT require Tenant to relocate to another location in the Property without Tenant's
prior consent.
A. This lease and Tenant's leasehold interest are and will be subject, subordinate, and inferior to:
(1) any lien, encumbrance, or ground lease now or hereafter placed on the Leased Premises or
the Property that Landlord authorizes;
(2) all advances made under any such lien, encumbrance, or ground lease;
(3) the interest payable on any such lien or encumbrance;
(4) any and all renewals and extensions of any such lien, encumbrance, or ground lease;
(5) any restrictive covenant affecting the Leased Premises or the Property; and
(6) the rights of any owners' association affecting the Leased Premises or Property.
B. Tenant must, on demand, execute a subordination, attornment, and non-disturbance agreement
that Landlord may request that Tenant execute, provided that such agreement is made on the
condition that this lease and Tenant's rights under this lease are recognized by the lienholder.
27. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES: Within 10 days after receipt of a written request from Landlord,
Tenant will execute and deliver to Landlord an estoppel certificate that identifies:
A. any breach of the lease;
B. the then current rent payment and rent schedule;
C. the date the next rent payment is due;
D. any advance rent payments;
E. the amount of the security deposit;
F. any claims for any offsets; the then current term of the lease;
H. any renewal options;
I. Tenant's possession and acceptance of the Leased Premises and improvements;
J. any ownership interest by Tenant; and
K. any other information reasonably requested in the certificate.
A. Tenant must immediately notify Landlord of any casualty loss in the Leased Premises. Within 20
days after receipt of Tenant's notice of a casualty loss, Landlord will notify Tenant if the Leased
Premises are less than or more than 50% unusable, on a per square foot basis, and if Landlord
can substantially restore the leased presses within 120 days after Tenant notifies Landlord of the
casualty loss.
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
B. If the Leased Premises are less than 50% unusable and Landlord can substantially restore the
Leased Premises within 120 days after Tenant notifies Landlord of the casualty, Landlord will
restore the Leased Premises to substantially the same condition as before the casualty. If
Landlord fails to substantially restore within the time required, Tenant may terminate this lease.
C. If the Leased Premises are more than 50% unusable and Landlord can substantially restore the
Leased Premises within 120 days after Tenant notifies Landlord of the casualty, Landlord may: (1)
termin a te this lease; or (2) restore the Leased Premises to substantially the same condition as
before the casualty. If Landlord chooses to restore and does not substantially restore the leased
presses within the time required, Tenant may terminate this lease.
D. If Landlord notifies Tenant that Landlord cannot substantially restore the Leased Premises within
120 days after Tenant notifies Landlord of the casualty loss, Landlord may: (1) choose not to
restore and terminate this lease; or (2) choose to restore, notify Tenant of the estimated time to
restore, and give Tenant the option to terminate this lease by notifying Landlord within 10 days.
E. If this lease does not terminate because of a casualty loss, rent will be reduced from the date
Tenant notifies Landlord of the casualty loss to the date the leased presses are substantially
restored by an amount proportionate to the extent the Leased Premises are unusable.
29. CONDEMNATION: If after a condemnation or purchase in lieu of condemnation the Leased Premises
are totally unusable for the purposes stated in this lease, this lease will terminate. If after a
condemnation or purchase in lieu of condemnation the leased presses or Property are partially
unusable for the purposes of this lease, this lease will continue and rent will be reduced in an amount
proportionate to the extent the Leased Premises are unusable. Any condemnation award or proceeds
in lieu of condemnation are the property of Landlord and Tenant has no claim to such proceeds or
award. Tenant may seek compensation from the condemning authority for its moving expenses and
damages to Tenant's personal property.
30. Renewal Options
Should Tenant desire to extend the lease agreement beyond December 31, 2022, this lease will be
extended for up to 3 one (1) year terms at the current rate, assuming no additional Tenant
Improvement will be needed.
31. ATTORNEY'S FEES: Any party who is a prevailing party in any legal proceeding brought under or
related to the transaction described in this lease is entitled to recover prejudgment interest,
reasonable attorney's fees, and all other costs of litigation from the non-prevailing party.
32 REPRESENTATIONS: Tenant's statements in this lease and any application for rental are material
representations relied upon by Landlord. Each party signing this lease represents that he or she is of
legal age to enter into a binding contract and is authorized to sign the lease on behalf of _____. If
Tenant makes any misrepresentation in this lease or in any application for rental, Tenant is in default.
Landlord is not aware of any defect on the Property that would impair Tenants intended use of the
Property or affect the health and safety of an ordinary person or any environmental hazard on or
affecting the Property that would affect the health or safety of an ordinary person, except: _______
33. BROKERS: Tenant is not represented by an outside broker and no commission is calculated
into this lease.
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
34. ADDENDA: Attached hereto and incorporated into this lease are the addenda, exhibits and other
information. If Landlord's Rules and Regulations are made part of this lease, Tenant agrees to comply
with the Rules and Regulations as Landlord may, at its discretion, amend from time to time.
35. NOTICES: All notices under this lease must be in writing and are effective when hand-delivered,
sent by mail, or sent by email to:
Tenant at the Leased Premises, and a copy to
R. Stephen Ressling
Phone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Landlord at:
Address: 4900 Fournace Place, Suite 600 Suite
Bellaire, TX 77401
Phone: 832-689-3162
A. Entire Agreement: This lease contains the entire agreement between Landlord and Tenant and
may not be changed except by written agreement signed by both.
B. Binding Effect: This lease is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the parties and their
respective, successors, and permitted assigns.
C. Joint and Several: All Tenants are jointly and severally liable for all provisions of this lease. Any
act or notice to, or refund to, or signature of, any one or more of the Tenants regarding any term
of this lease, its renewal, or its termination is binding on all Tenants.
D. Controlling Law: The laws of the State of Texas govern the interpretation, performance, and
enforcement of this lease. Venue of any suit shall be Harris County, Texas.
E. Severable Clauses: If any clause in this lease is found invalid or unenforceable by a court of law,
the remainder of this lease will not be affected, and all other provisions of this lease will remain
valid and enforceable.
F. Waiver: Either partys delay, waiver, or non-enforcement of acceleration, contractual or statutory
lien, rental due date, or any other right will not be deemed a waiver of any other or subsequent
breach by non-performing party or any other term in this lease.
G. Quiet Enjoyment: Provided that Tenant is not in default of this lease, Landlord covenants that
Tenant will enjoy possession and use of the Leased Premises free from material interference.
H. Force Majeure: If Landlord or Tenant's performance of a term in this lease is delayed by strike,
pandemic, lock-out, shortage of material, governmental restriction, riot, flood, or any cause outside
Landlord or Tenants control, the time for performance will be abated until after the delay.
I. Time: Time is of the essence. The parties require strict compliance with the times for performance.
READ THIS LEASE CAREFULLY. If you do not understand the effect of this Lease, consult your attorney
BEFORE signing.
Lease Concerning: Greater Southeast Management District 5445 Almeda #503.
Initialed for Identification by: Tenant _____ _____ Landlord _____ _____
Greater Southeast Management District Osama Abdul Latif - Abdullatif & Company LLC
Tenant Landlord
By ______________________________________________________________ By ______________________________________________
Date ___________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________________
This Termination Agreement (“Termination Agreement”) is entered into by the Greater Southeast
Management District ("District") and the Old Spanish Trail/Almeda Corridors Redevelopment Authority
("Authority") and made effective as of March __, 2022 (“Effective Date”).
WHEREAS, the District and the Authority previously entered into that certain Letter Agreement
dated December 7, 2020, regarding Office Space at 5445 Almeda Road, Suite 503, Houston, Texas 77004
(the “Agreement”);
WHEREAS, the Agreement evidenced the understandings between the District and Authority
regarding (i) the District's sublease of approximately 704 square feet of rentable area on the 5th floor
(currently designated as Suite 503) (“Premises”) of the building located at 5445 Almeda Road, Houston,
Texas 77004, which Premises, and other adjacent areas on the 5th floor of the building, are currently
leased by the Authority, and (ii) the sharing of certain administrative costs, on the terms and conditions
set forth herein;
WHEREAS, the term of the Agreement expired on December 31, 2021, and has thereafter,
continued on a month-to-month basis; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties to memorialize their intent to continue the Agreement on
a month to month basis until March 31, 2022, to waive any notice requirements related to the termination
of the District’s tenancy thereunder, and to provide for a true-up relating to the payment of taxes and
common area maintenance charges applicable to the Premises within a specified period of time after said
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits contained
herein and in the Agreement, the parties hereto do hereby covenant and agree as follows:
1. Notwithstanding the expiration of the Agreement as of December 31, 2021, the terms
and conditions of the Lease, and the rights and obligations of the parties thereunder, shall continue on a
month-to-month basis until March 31, 2022, provided, however, that the notice requirement set forth in
Paragraph 2 thereof is waived by both parties.
2. Notwithstanding the termination of the month-to-month tenancy as of March 31, 2022,
on or before January 15, 2023, the Authority and the District will determine the actual amount of taxes
and common area maintenance charges applicable to the Premises pursuant to Paragraph 5 of the
Agreement for the period beginning January 1, 2022, and ending March 31, 2022 (the “CAM True-Up”).
If, based upon the CAM True-Up, the District is owed a refund against amounts previously remitted to the
Authority, the Authority shall remit such amount to the District within ten (10) days of determination of
the CAM True-Up. If, based upon the CAM True-Up, the Authority is owed additional amounts from the
District, the District shall remit such amount to the Authority within ten (10) days of determination of the
CAM True-Up.
3. This Termination Agreement shall expire upon (i) the date on which any amount due to
either party based on the CAM True-Up has been remitted to that party, or (ii) the date on which the CAM
True-Up is determined, in the event that there is no amount due to either party based on the CAM True-
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Termination Agreement to become
effective as of the Effective Date.
By: _____________________
Name: ____________________
Date: _____________________
By: _____________________
Name: ____________________
Date: _____________________
The Governance Committee of the Greater Southeast Management District is requesting nominations for officers of the
Board of Directors for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2023.
Nominees must agree to be nominated and, if elected, agree to serve;
One Director May Not hold two positions;
All nominations will be reviewed by the Governance Committee and
Recommendations for officers will be submitted to the Board of Directors at an election to be held at the April
13, 2022 Board of Directors meeting.
Please, enter your nomination(s) below for the following:
Chair: _____________________________________________________________________________
1stVice-Chair: ______________________________________________________________________
Vice Chair: ______________________________________________________________________
Secretary: __________________________________________________________________________
Secretary: __________________________________________________________________________
Parliamentarian: _____________________________________________________________________
Please, add a short narrative describing why you are nominating the candidate or yourself and state how Greater
Southeast Management District could benefit from having the nominee serve in the position nominated.
Nominated by(Optional) : ______________________________________ Date:____________________________
Please, submit this form:
Governance Committee Chair and/or Oletha Jacobs at [email protected].
All recommendations will be reviewed by the Governance Committee.
Board Of Directors
An owner of
assessed by the
A commercial
property owner
currently assessed
by the District who
is designating
# Attnd
Alan Bergeron
P P P P P P A P P P P 11 10 91%
Sharone Mayberry
P A A P P A P A P P A 11 6 55%
Jonathan Howard, V Secretary
P P P P P A P A P P P 11 9 82%
Hexser Holliday, 2nd V Chair
P A P P P P P A P P P 11 9 82%
Charic Daniels Jellins
P P P P P P P P P P P 11 11 100%
Sadie Rucker
P A P A P A A A P A A 11 4 36%
Rickey Jimenez
P A P P P P P 7 6 86%
J. Peyton Elliott P P A A P 5 3 60%
Cydonii Miles
P P P P P P P P P P P 11 11 100%
Zinetta A. Burney
P P P P P P P P P A A 11 9 82%
Chris Hageney
P P P P P P P P P P P 11 11 100%
Dr.Teddy McDavid, Treasurer
P P P P P P P P P P P 11 11 100%
Brian G. Smith, Chair
P P P P A P P P P P P 11 10 91%
Dr. A. Muhammad, V-Chair
A A P P P P P P P P P 11 9 82%
Karen Carter-Richards
P P P A P P P A P P P 11 9 82%
Janice Sibley-Reid, Secretary
13 11 13 13 14 9 13 10 13 13 11 166 134
Board Of Directors
An owner of
assessed by the
A commercial
property owner
currently assessed
by the District who
is designating
January 22
February 22
March 22
April 22
May 22
June 22
July 22
August 22
September 22
October 22
November 22
December 22
# Attnd
Alan Bergeron
P P 2 2 100%
Sharone Mayberry
P P 2 2 100%
Jonathan Howard, V Secretary
V V 2 2 100%
Hexser Holliday, 2nd V Chair
P P 2 2 100%
Charic Daniels Jellins
P A 2 1 50%
Sadie Rucker
A A 2 2 100%
Rickey Jimenez
P P 2 2 0%
Abbey Roberson
V P 2 2 0%
vacant 2 2 100%
Cydonii Miles
V P 2 2 100%
Zinetta A. Burney
P A 2 1 50%
Chris Hageney
V V 2 2 100%
Dr.Teddy McDavid, Treasurer
P P 2 2 100%
Brian G. Smith, Chair
P P 2 2 100%
Dr. A. Muhammad, V-Chair
V P 2 2 100%
Karen Carter-Richards
A A 2 2 100%
Janice Sibley-Reid, Secretary
8 9 34 32
Executive Search Announcement
Greater Southeast Management District
The Board of Directors of the Greater Southeast Management District and seeks a highly qualified
individual to fill the position of Executive Director.
About the District
Created by the Texas Legislature in 2003 the Greater Southeast Management District (GSMD) is a unit of
local government established to promote, develop, encourage, and maintain employment, commerce,
economic development, and the public welfare in a defined area of the city of Houston, Harris County,
Texas. With boundaries encompassing Houston’s Third Ward, GSMD is home to vibrant historic
neighborhoods, major state universities, cultural attractions including several museums, scenic public
parks, and the world-famous Texas Medical Center. Guided by a 17-member Board of Directors, the
District focuses its efforts and resources on transforming this vital area into a celebrated place where
commerce and community thrive while at the same time preserving and protecting the rich heritage of
this remarkable, diverse community. The Board comprises property owners, community leaders, and
residents who provide governance and direction to the District. A full-time staff, under the leadership of
the Executive Director, provides professional administration and project staffing for daily operations in
office space located in the District.
Position Description
As the senior staff officer of the Greater Southeast Management District (GSMD), the Executive Director
is responsible for the administration, operations, and projects of the District and the day-to-day
implementation of the Board’s focus and the District’s Service and Improvement Plan. The Executive
Director works with and reports directly to the District’s Board of Directors, which provides broad
direction in terms of policy and objectives. The Executive Director oversees an annual budget based on
district revenues approaching $4 million.
Key Responsibilities
Leadership and Planning
In coordination with the Board provide strategic leadership that sustains improvement in the
District’s operations and services
Work closely and proactively with the Board to develop short-range and long-range strategic plans
with measurements including milestones and deliverables
Ensure that the District’s programs, projects, and plans are executed in a legal, ethical, and
financially responsible manner
Evaluate the need and practicability of acquiring additional legislative authority to assist the
District in meeting its objectives
Management and Finance
Manage and oversee the financial and overall operational performance of the District
Develop an annual budget with staff, board committees, and consultants to present to the Board
for approval and adoption
Present monthly financial statements that accurately reflect the financial condition of the District
Facilitate the development of a funding plan that assures a sound financial basis for the District
to fulfill its mission and programs, including seeking leveraging opportunities with other entities,
pursuing public and private partnerships, grants, and similar prospects, and attracting
government capital investment
Establish, apply and enforce internal financial controls, operating policies, and organizational
procedures in accordance with Board requirements, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,
Governmental Accounting Standards, and all applicable federal, state, and local laws and
Hire, manage, direct, and evaluate staff, contractors, and volunteers
Prepare and distribute requests for qualifications and requests for proposals from professional
service providers and contractors as needed and as directed by the Board
Prepare bid analyses for presentation to the Board for the selection of contractors and consultants
Maintain official records and documents, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local laws
and regulations
Board Relations
Communicate effectively with the Board and its committees, providing timely, accurate
information necessary for the Board to function properly and to make informed decisions
Provide executive-level research on a variety of issues and propose recommendations to address
current and future needs of the District
Oversee preparations and staffing for all Board and committee meetings
Communications and Outreach
Serve as the District’s chief spokesperson or “face” of the organization to various audiences,
including assessment payers, property owners, institutions, government entities, elected officials,
nonprofit organizations, stakeholders, the media, and the community at large
Initiate and build positive relationships both inside and outside the District by being active and
visible in the community and by working closely with other professional, civic, and private
Develop and carry out a marketing and public relations strategy designed to attract and retain
businesses, developers, investors, residents, tenants, and visitors to the area
Cultivate relationships with elected and appointed officials and their respective staffs
Personal Attributes
Personal and professional integrity
Ability to inspire and encourage the Board, District constituents and stakeholders, staff,
Quick-thinking, creative, and self-motivated
Committed to the District’s mission and vision
Flexible, adaptable, and resourceful
Good decision-maker
Focused strategically
Team player
Familiar with Houston and the Texas Medical Center region
Bachelor’s degree in political science, public administration, business administration, economics,
or related field required; advanced degree in a relevant field desired
Three to five years of progressively responsible managerial experience in a unit of government,
public agency, or nonprofit organization
Prior experience managing similar organizations and boards
Knowledge of the funding, operations, and budgeting of similar entities and organizations
Experience with infrastructure planning, construction, and maintenance
Excellent writing skills, including highly developed grammar, spelling, and proofreading ability
Excellent public-speaking and presentation skills
Demonstrated team-leading skills
Proficiency in common computer software packages, including Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat,
and others
Appropriate identification for employment and willingness to undergo a basic employment
background check
A competitive salary will be offered commensurate with experience. A compensation package in the
range of $110,000 to $150,000 per year is anticipated. Benefits include medical insurance, paid vacation,
and sick leave.
The Greater Southeast Management District is committed to diversity and is an equal opportunity
employer. All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran, or disability status.
Apply by letter with resumé to:
Greater Southeast Management District
c/o Susan Hill
Hawes Hill & Associates, LLP
P.O. Box 22167
Houston, TX 77227-2167
Or, by email to
No phone calls please. Applications will be accepted through April 30, 2022, or until the position is filled.
The Committee’s Tasks:
1. Reviews draft job announcement, including position summary, key responsibilities,
qualifications, knowledge, experience, and personal skills required. Suggest adjustments
where needed and finalize draft for submission to Board for approval.
2. Selects five essential qualifications from the announcement for use in screening
applicants. Determines where and to whom applicants should send their documents.
(Third-party neutral support designee recommended.)
3. Submits job announcement, compensation range and benefits package to Board for
review and approval, if required. (Board approval recommended.)
4. Establishes protocol for receipt of résumés, initial screening for essential qualifications,
and responses to applicants.
The Committee’s Support Designee’s Tasks:
5. Posts the job announcement on selected employment opportunity sites, district website
and social media, National Forum for Black Public Administrators career website, Texas
Municipal League career website, Texas Economic Development Council website, mailer
to area municipal management districts, specialized websites such as, and
6. Reviews résumés of applicants to determine who possess at least five essential
qualifications; develops a short list of most highly qualified semifinalists for interviews
(recommend 10 to 15 applicants for the short list). Notifies applicants not selected as
semifinalists that they are not under further consideration for the position.
7. Performs background checks on semifinalists; prepares report for Personnel Committee
on findings.
8. Develops proposed interview questions and schedule for the Committee’s review and
9. Handles all correspondence and arrangements for interviews after Committee selects
The Committee’s Next Tasks:
10. Selects small number (three to five recommended) finalists.
11. Interviews finalists, contingent on satisfactory background check. (Board
Chair participation in interviews optional but highly recommended.)
12. With permission of finalist(s), checks references.
13. Selects the most highly qualified candidate from the pool of finalists after reference
checks. Recommends selection to Board Chair if the Board Chair hasn’t participated in
The Board Chair’s Tasks
14. Negotiates terms of employment with finalist and makes offer if terms are agreeable.
15. Drafts employment agreement subject to negotiated terms.
16. Provides an orientation process for the new executive director.
17. Establishes or charges the Personnel Committee to develop a performance management
review process to review and discuss the new executive director’s job performance
The Committee’s Support Designee formally notifies all semifinalists and finalists of the
outcome of the search. The Board initiates appropriate announcements to the public.
Requested Action
District Role
Connect the Dots PR
Contract Extension
Recommend approval of a 90-day contract extension
for Professional Services for the Public Relations
Program for a not-to-exceed amount of $10,800 and
authorize staff to issue Work Authorizations
MD2202-01 Connect the Dots PR | MPPE: Public Relations Program | Page: 1
5445 Almeda Road, Suite #503 Houston, Texas 77004
Phone: 713-942-0500 Fax: 713-942-9882
The Greater Southeast Management District (“the District”) hereby issues this Work Authorization
#MD2106-01 to Connect the Dots PR, (Contractor) effective ________________, 2022, for
Professional Services for the Houston Southeast Public Relations Program.
Project Description: The District desires to tell a better story and foster an ecosystem that
promotes business and economic vitality throughout its geographic area. Shifting the narrative and
perception of Houston Southeast is the overall goal. This project will provide a framework for the
Districts Public Relation Program.
I. Facilitate implementation of the Public Relations Program goals and objectives as outlined in
the PR Brand Audit and Action Plan (which outlines actionable branding campaigns, public
relations efforts and communication methods to initiate and/or maintain dialogue between the
District and its constituencies for short-term and long-term implementation) which may also
1. Brand Management
a. Brand refinement strategy to include a presentation and training for the Board
of Directors on public relations matters and the appropriate narrative for the
b. Monitor all media coverage of the brand and related topics.
c. Assist with branding efforts (logos, shirts, postcards, signage, etc.).
d. Manage crisis communications efforts.
2. Media Coordination and Management
a. Provide speaking points for board members or those speaking with media, as
b. Develop media strategy that includes PR timeline to reflect both short and
long-term goals.
c. Coordinate media attendance and management at events; as appropriate.
d. Identify, manage and act on all publicity opportunities such as community
events, holidays, editorial calendars, etc.; as appropriate.
e. Provide QA/QC for media placements combined with interview/article
length reporting.
f. Prepare press releases, as necessary.
3. Content Development
a. Assist with content for newsletters (e-blast) to address news within the
District and support implementation of social media placement for specific
campaigns or for specific events.
b. Discuss strategies for appropriate website traffic conversion.
II. Prepare calendar for related Public Relations efforts through Q1 and Q2 for FY2022.
III. Website Relaunch Strategy; using the Website Audit, support staff in developing a website
relaunch implementation strategy for a more user-friendly website.
Digitally submit the following detailed reports in PDF Format:
Public Relations Presentation for Board Retreat
Development of short-term and long-term goals for PR Program Management
PR Calendar for Q1 and Q2 for FY2022
Website Relaunch Implementation Strategy for site redesign and relaunch
MD2202-01 Connect the Dots PR | MPPE: Public Relations Program | Page: 2
Consultant agrees to provide weekly updates via email regarding assigned tasks and
Consultant agrees to participate in monthly workshopping and planning meetings with
Interim Program Manager and Marketing Coordinator to discuss and determine action
items and schedules. Meetings may be held via videoconference, phone conference,
or in-person, (where possible).
Monthly report of all completed tasks.
TOTAL FEES: Total labor, material and reimbursables not-to-exceed amount: $10,800.00
Monthly invoicing to be received monthly.
TIMELINES: Work will be facilitated on a monthly basis from _______________, 2022
through _______ _____,
NOTE: Do not include taxes on services provided.
TERMS: Scope of work will be performed pursuant to the Independent Contractor Agreement
executed October 30, 2019. Payment will be made following the delivery of services
as outlined in the Independent Contractor Agreement with Connect the Dots PR.
Contractor will receive an evaluation of services prior to any amendments or
extensions of contract.
Nikki Knight
Interim Program Manager
Oletha Jacobs
Interim Managing Director
Jerry Davis
Interim General Manager
Vannessa Wade
President, Connect the Dots PR