Law Enforcement Officials & School Resource Officers 445
The Eau Claire Area School District (ECASD) recognizes the following values and governing
principles which guide this School Board policy:
Public education is essential to the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.
For students to access and assimilate a public education, they must feel safe at school.
Clearly defined roles, responsibilities, reporting protocol, decision-making processes, and
resource allocations are essential.
School Resource Officers (SROs) play a key role in establishing positive supports for students
and families; the SRO is a trusted member of staff. Students who are facing behavioral
challenges or engaged in minor criminal activity are most likely to benefit from positive
behavioral interventions and supports (in accordance with Policy 447), access to adults who
mentor and guide them, and additional counseling and/or supports rather than arrest and/or
exclusion from school.
It is essential that the ECASD and Eau Claire Police Department (ECPD) are able to
distinguish between disciplinary misconduct, which is handled by school administrators and
staff, and illegal conduct, which may be handled by law enforcement.
When possible, the Board supports a restorative approach to discipline that involves all parties
in the process of settling the offense. Restorative practices involve the victim(s), offender(s),
and the community in search of solutions that promote repair, reconciliation, and reassurance.
Meaningful engagement of all stakeholder groups – especially students, families, and
educators from diverse backgrounds – is essential to school safety, collaborative cultures, and
positive school climate.
The ECASD and ECPD are committed to anti-racism. SROs shall discharge their duties with
due regard for the racial, cultural, or other differences of those served. The ECPD shall
provide law enforcement services and enforce the law equally, fairly, objectively, and without
discrimination toward any individual or group. The ECASD and ECPD will work collaboratively
to challenge hate, bigotry, and intolerance, will use compassion when pursuing justice, and will
respect at all times the dignity of others.
Interview : Questioning of an individual by a police officer related to a criminal investigation.
Non-custodial interview : Questioning by a police officer of a student who is not detained and not
expected to be detained. A student shall be advised that he/she is not detained, does not have to talk
if he/she does not wish, and can leave any time he/she wishes.
Custodial interview : Questioning by a police officer of a student who is detained by police officers. A
student shall be informed of his/her Constitutional rights by the investigating officer(s) and these rights
shall be given full consideration by the investigating officer(s).
Child rights : Rights conferred on a minor by the Constitution of the United States, the Wisconsin
Constitution, state and federal statutes, and by confirming court decisions and precedents. As a
matter of law, parents/guardians, school administrators, and other third parties can neither waive nor
assert a child's rights. The minor can, however, waive or assert those rights at any time.
Police officer or law enforcement officer : All officers of the federal, state, and local governments
charged with the duty and authority for law enforcement and the conducting of official investigations in
connection therewith.
School Resource Officer (SRO) : School Resource Officers support and facilitate the educational
process by providing a safe and secure environment through building and establishing meaningful
relationships with students, staff, and families. SROs proactively interact with the school community to
ensure the enforcement of city and state laws; preservation of public order; protection of life; and
prevention, detection, or investigation of crime. SROs work effectively with students, families, school
personnel, and community agencies to support safe teaching and learning in the schools in
accordance with ECASD and ECPD policies. While authorized to act independent of School District
policy in response to criminal conduct or an immediate threat, the SRO is not typically the primary
responder or investigator of disciplinary or behavioral issues that arise at school events taking place
on or off a school campus.
Law Enforcement Officials in the Schools
The ECASD recognizes that collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the District is
necessary for the protection of students and employees for safeguarding all school property. At the
same time, the District recognizes its responsibility to protect the educational process and to provide
for the concerns of parents/guardians regarding the welfare and rights of their children.
Law enforcement officials may be called to a school when District officials have reason to believe that
unlawful conduct may have occurred; in situations that threaten the safety of students, employees,
and/or the public; or when the expertise of law enforcement is required, for example, to conduct a
search for suspected weapons possession. In these situations, law enforcement and School District
officials shall work together to conduct necessary investigation efforts, including conducting student
interviews in accordance with School Board policy and established procedures. Law
enforcement-initiated student interviews in investigations concerning conduct not related to school
shall generally not be conducted on school premises, except as provided in this policy, in the case of
emergencies, including a belief that a student has information regarding imminent or ongoing criminal
activity requiring immediate contact, or as specifically required by law consistent with the terms of any
judicially issued warrant.
School Resource Officer (SRO)
Selection of SROs
A diverse team consisting of the building principal, a building employee, one parent/guardian, an
ECASD Executive Director, and representatives from the ECPD shall be charged with matching the
knowledge, skill, and disposition criteria necessary for the position of SRO and with selecting a new
SRO for appointment to the ECASD.
Training of SROs
The ECASD shall work with the ECPD to provide opportunities for all SROs to go through training on
the following topics.
Knowledge of Eau Claire Community core values and the District’s strategic plan, mission, and
Ability to interact appropriately with students at all developmental levels
Cultural competency
Implicit bias (i.e., race/ethnicity, immigration status, LGBTQ status, socio-economic status, and
other marginalized identities)
Knowledge of federal and state disability, anti-discrimination, and special education laws
Knowledge of ECASD reporting, including seclusion and restraint policies
Knowledge of positive behavioral supports, strategies, and interventions
Knowledge of student rights, confidentiality, and privacy
Knowledge of trauma-informed practices
Training in de-escalation techniques and Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NVCI)
The responsibilities of SROs/law enforcement
School-based mental health services
The ECASD and ECPD shall identify resources for SROs from state and national organizations that
facilitate professional development opportunities.
SRO Access to Student Records
A SRO must contact a building administrator in order to obtain access to student records maintained
by the school that are not law enforcement unit records. Student records include a student’s
attendance and contact information. Student grades shall not be made available to SROs under any
circumstance. A SRO who seeks to access pupil records, aside from the officer’s agency’s own law
enforcement unit records, may be provided access only as permitted by law and only after providing
certification in writing to a school official that any records provided will not be further disseminated by
the SRO.
SRO Interviews
It is the role of school administration to investigate school-based issues and to determine when the
assistance of the SRO is appropriate. SROs shall not act as a school disciplinarian. Disciplining
students is a responsibility of school personnel in accordance with Policy 447 – Student Discipline and
Positive Behavior Interventions. School administrators may request the assistance of the SRO in an
investigation and consult the SRO in the event the administrator has reason to believe a circumstance
exists that negatively impacts the school and/or learning environment.
In the event that law enforcement officials and/or SROs intend to interview a student on school
premises during the school day, the officer shall confer with the building principal or designee, unless
an emergency circumstance arises where there is risk of harm to the health or safety of the student or
others. If this occurs, the law enforcement official and/or SRO shall notify the principal or designee as
soon as practicable. In consultation with the SRO, a school administrator may attend student
interviews when necessary and appropriate. If a student is interviewed by law enforcement officials
without a parent/guardian or administrator present, the principal or designee shall explain the
circumstances that led to the interview and place a written report of the incident in the student’s file. If
a request for a student interview is denied by the building principal or designee, he/she shall state the
reason for such denial. Law enforcement officials and/or SROs may request review of that decision by
the Superintendent.
SRO Accommodations for Students
The SRO shall work with an interpreter service and/or District staff to accommodate students who
speak English as a second language and/or students with disabilities or who may have disabilities in
accordance with Policy 447.
Notification of Parents/ Guardians Prior to Interview
Prior to any interview of a student who is the victim, witness, or complainant (except in case of an
abuse situation, or if the student is believed to have information relative to an imminent threat or
criminal activity ), the SRO or principal shall attempt to contact the parent/guardian. Unless otherwise
requested by the officer, the principal ( or in the principal’s absence their designee), may sit in on the
interview. If contacted, a student’s parent/guardian may be permitted to attend the interview at the
discretion of the principal. Parents/guardians may not be permitted to attend such interviews in
situations where law enforcement and the principal believe their presence would impair the
Interviews of Students in Schools Related to Abuse and Neglect
Any contact with parents/guardians in an abuse or neglect case shall be made by Human Services or
law enforcement officials .
Governing Law
Assuring all law enforcement contact with students is handled consistent with the students’ legal
rights, including constitutional protections, Wisconsin law governing custodial interview of minors, and
any other legal requirements governing the interaction between law enforcement officials and
juveniles is the sole responsibility of the law enforcement official.
Immigration Status
The Eau Claire Area School District and Eau Claire Police Department shall not collect or provide
information regarding the immigration status of District students. SROs shall not have a role in the
removal of undocumented students.
Complaints and Allegations of Misconduct by Law Enforcement Officials and SROs
The ECASD and ECPD welcome inquiries and complaints about questionable performance, actions,
policies, or procedures relating to the School Resource Officer Program. The SRO program shall set
forth a simple and straightforward mechanism for any student, parent/guardian, teacher, principal, or
other school administrator to submit a complaint, orally or in writing, of perceived abuses or
misconduct by SROs.
1. Parents/guardians shall be permitted to submit a complaint in their native language in
accordance with Eau Claire Police Department Policy 1008 – Personnel Complaints . The
policy and complaint procedure is available online at:
2. Complaints to the District shall be investigated and resolved in a timely manner, and
complainants shall be furnished with a written explanation of the investigation and resolution.
3. If requested, the District shall provide for an independent investigation through the Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction into the allegations in the complaint.
4. Where allegations of abuse or misconduct are raised, the ECASD and ECPD shall investigate
and work to resolve the issue in the best interest of students and the learning environment.
5. Where allegations of abuse or misconduct are substantiated, the ECASD and ECPD shall
consider the appropriateness of their assignment as an SRO.
6. Every student, parent, or guardian in the school system shall be informed of the complaint
procedure in the Parent/Student Handbook.
7. Any complaints against an Eau Claire Police Officer may be referred to the Police and Fire
Commission, in accordance with Wisconsin Statute.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
The Eau Claire Area School District and City of Eau Claire Police Department shall maintain a
Memorandum of Understanding for the School Resource Officer Program. The MOU and this policy
shall be reviewed on an annual basis .
Accountability Reporting
With assistance from the Eau Claire Police Department and SROs, building principals shall collect,
maintain, and share data as requested on the following.
1. Students arrested, ticketed, or otherwise receiving formal contact by a SRO or other member
of law enforcement on school property. That information shall include the:
a. Type of offense and if the case was referred for charging ;
b. Name, gender, and race/ethnicity of student;
c. Information on the daily interactions a SRO has with students and school staff; and
d. Reporting data disaggregated by categories of victim, witness, and suspect interviews.
2. This information shall be collaboratively used as one tool to evaluate program efficacy. Data
regarding the SRO program shall be reported annually to the School Board.
Survey/Community Input
School and community climate surveys shall contain questions related to the SRO program.
Policy Review
This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Eau Claire Police Department and Eau Claire Area
School District.
Referenced Acts, Statutes, Instructions: U.S. Code: 469, 325, 336; Wisconsin Statutes: §48.981,
118.001, 118.125; 118.257, 120.12(1), 120.13(1)(a), 120.13(35); 120.44; 938.02(12); FERPA ,
Electronic Privacy Act; U.S. Supreme Court Rulings: J.D.B. v. North Carolina, 131 S.Ct. 2394, 2399
(2011), New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325, 351 (1985)
Cross Reference: Policy 411 - Equal Educational Opportunities, Rule 411 - Student Discrimination
Complaint Procedures; Rule 445 – Guidelines for Police Interview of Students; Policy 447 – Student
Discipline and Positive Behavior Interventions; Policy 454 - Identifying and Reporting Child
Abuse/Neglect/Trafficking; Memorandum of Understanding with Eau Claire Police Department; School
Resource Officer Role Expectations (Scope); Eau Claire Police Department Policy 1001 - Complaints;
Eau Claire Police Department Policy 401 - Bias-Based Policing; Eau Claire Police Department Policy
414 – Immigration Violations; Wisconsin Department of Justice Safe Schools Legal Resource Manual;
Final Report of President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing (May 2015); Center for the
Prevention of School Violence, Case Studies of SRO Programs #209271; U.S. Department of Justice
National Assessment of School Resource Officer Programs; Council of State Governments Justice
Center - The School Discipline Consensus Report: Strategies from the Field to Keep Students
Engaged in School and Out of the Juvenile Justice System (2013)
Adopted: August 1985
Revised: August 2000, April 2018