Criminal Appeal No.288 of 2019
Order with signature of Judge
For hearing of case.
None present for the appellant.
Ms. Seema Zaidi, Additional P.G, Sindh.
Rao Aslam, SSP Investigation, District West a/w
SHO Nadeem Ahmed & SIP Imam Bux, A/SIO P.S Baldia Karachi.
NAZAR AKBAR, J.- This Criminal Appeal is directed against the
judgment dated 17.04.2019 passed in Sessions Case No.1227/2016
arising out of FIR No.62/2016 under Sections 320/427 PPC
registered at P.S Baldia Town, Karachi, whereby the Xth Additional
Sessions Judge, West Karachi, has convicted the appellant under
Section 323 of Qisas and Diayat Ordinance and did not find the
ingredients of Section 320/427 PPC in the prosecution case. The
operative part of the impugned judgment is reproduced below:-
The outcome of the discussion made
hereinabove, I have reached to the conclusion
that the present accused Muhammad Saleem
Shehzad has committed offence of causing
accident and committing the death of deceased
Mujeeb ur Rehman. Initially the accused was
charged under Section 320/427 PPC but after
appreciation of evidence and available record,
the ingredients of same section are not attracted
in the present case but section 322 PPC is very
much attracted. Hence, offence under section
322 PPC is proved against the accused.
Therefore, I convict the accused U/S 265-H(ii)
Cr.P.C sentence him to make payment of Diayat
U/s.323 of Qisas and Diayat Ordinance amount
equivalent to 30630 grams of silver as per the
notification published in the official gazette in
the year 2018/2019.
2. Learned Additional P.G has contended that the trial Court has
taken an uncalled for lenient view against the appellant while
exonerating the appellant from the charges under Section 320 PPC
despite clear evidence on record for inflicting the punishment of
TAAZIR. With the help of learned Additional Prosecutor General,
Sindh I have gone through the record. While contesting the findings
of trial Court to drop charges under Section 320 PPC, she has
drawn attention of Court towards following observations of learned
trial Court on point No.2:-
It is matter of record that firstly the
complainant, who is son of deceased and P.W-02
Habib ur Rehman, who is Pesh Imam of Mosque
had arrived at hospital but the accused did not
meet them. This shows that the accused was
trying to save his skin by hatching a fake story
that he brought the deceased at hospital. The
accused has taken the plea that he tried to put
the brakes and deceased was in speed and could
not control over the motorcycle can also not be
believed to be true. On the one hand, accused
is saying that it was another trailer, which
hit the deceased and on the other hand he is
saying that he put the brakes but deceased
was in speed, it clearly shows that trailer of
accused hit with the bike of deceased and
caused him serious injuries, resultantly,
deceased died. It has come on record that on
the date, time and place of accident took
place, the accused was driving the trailer in
question and due to his rash and negligent
driving, he caused the accident and caused
the death of deceased. Instead of helping the
injured and providing him immediate medical
treatment and taken him to nearby hospital,
accused acted mercilessly and escaped from the
place of incident and leaving the injured dying at
the road. This act of accused warrants action
as per law. It has been proved beyond any
shadow of doubt that the deceased died
unnaturally death due to negligent and
reckless driving of accused. The accused
requires no mercy and concession; hence
point No.2 is answered in affirmative.
3. It is strange that despite the above discussion of evidence and
answering point No.2 in affirmative the learned Judge in discussion
on point No.3 has failed to convict the appellant under Section 320
PPC and contrary to his own findings on point No.2, he declared:-
------------------------------------Initially the accused
was charged under section 320/427 PPC but after
appreciation of evidence and available record, the
ingredients of same section are not attracted in
the present case---------------------------------------.”
And the learned Judge has convicted him only under Section 322
PPC. In fact the finding on issue No.2 once recorded in affirmative,
the learned Judge had no reason to conclude that the offence under
Section 320 was not made out.
4. The appellant after filing of the instant appeal and obtaining
bail on 30.5.2019 has absconded from this Court and, therefore,
after taking action against the surety for production of the appellant,
the surety was forfeited and the I.O was directed to produce the
appellant. On his failure, the SSP Investigation was called to explain
the circumstances in which the appellant could not be arrested by
the police. However, pursuant to the order dated 18.06.2020 owner
of the vehicle involved in the accident was present in Court on
23.06.2020. The owner of vehicle Malik Dad Khan was directed to
produce the vehicle in Court on 25.06.2020. He did not produce the
vehicle unless police took its custody. Then this case has been fixed
for hearing on 26.6.2020, 27.6.2020, 01.7.2020 and 02.07.2020.
The last order dated 02.07.2020 contains many facts showing the
conduct of Mohammad Saleem Shahzad, the absconding appellant,
and Malik Dad Khan, owner of the vehicle involved in the accident,
therefore, it is reproduced below:-
None present for the appellant.
Mr. Muhammad Nizar Tanoli Advocate for owner of the vehicle.
Owner of the vehicle Malik Dad Khan is also present in person.
Ms. Seema Zaidi, Additional P.G, Sindh.
Rao Aslam, SSP Investigation, District West a/w
SIP Abdul Ghaffar, I.O of the case.
Learned SSP states that he has obtained the vehicle
involved in the accident which is lying at main gate of this
Court. The vehicle should be in the custody of the Nazir of
this Court pending this appeal because the
appellant/accused who has been convicted for an offence
under Section 320 PPC has been driving this vehicle and
the record shows that the convicted accused is being
protected by the owner of the vehicle.
The record shows the absconding appellant was released
on bail on 30.5.2019 and after his release on bail he
never appeared in Court. He was released on surety of
only Rs.50,000/- and therefore, the surety also did not
bother to produce him and allowed the surety to be
forfeited by order dated 13.5.2020 when I.O was directed
to trace and produce the appellant. Then on 18.6.2020
I.O informed that he has been informed by brother of
appellant that appellant has died. However, on
verification it has come on record that the
appellant/accused is not dead and absconding.
The record further shows that the appellant has been
produced by the owner of the vehicle before the police
with the help of brother of the appellant. The owner of the
vehicle namely Malik Dad Khan is smart man he refused
to appear in trial Court to record his evidence despite the
fact that he was also mushir of arrest of the appellant. He
dodged police or managed with process server to report to
the trial Court that he is not in Karachi and his
whereabouts are not traceable. The impugned order
shows that he remained absent from the Court and he did
not come in the witness box to record his evidence.
On 23.06.2020 he was present in this Court and after
hearing orders to produce the vehicle in Court since it
was given to him on superdiginama he practically refused
to obey Court order. The report of the learned SSP
submitted on the last date of hearing shows that his son
has informed the police that owner of vehicle is not in
Karachi. Today again he is saying that he has gone out of
Karachi though the CDR which is available on record
reflects his location in Karachi during this period. His son
is also smarter enough, he has committed to the police to
produce his father within two days. On the appointed
time, when he came to the Police Station he tried to stage
a drama that he was being illegally detained by the police.
This kind of persons cannot claim any indulgence from
the Court. The absconding appellant/accused can still be
produced by the owner of the vehicle with the help of
brother of the appellant/accused but he is not ready to
do. Therefore, the vehicle will remain in the custody of the
Nazir of this Court until the absconding appellant is
produced in Court. The I.O and the learned SSP should
make sure that the original driving licence of the
appellant/accused should also be produced in Court with
fresh verification on the next date of hearing.
Adjourned for 04.07.2020 at 11:30 am as suggested by
the SSP for production of absconding accused.
5. Pursuant to the above order, SSP Investigation Rao Aslam has
filed a report regarding verification of driving licence of the
absconding appellant. It is taken on record. According to the report
the licence produced by the appellant at the time of his arrest was
fake and bogus. It is necessary to mention here that the appellant
was produced before the Investigation Officer for his arrest in crime
No.62/2016 by the owner of the trailer namely Malik Dad Khan and
real brother of the appellant namely Bashir Ahmed. It may be
mentioned here that during the trial prosecution has relied on a
report dated 30.08.2016 from the Incharge Driving Licence Branch,
Khairpur wherein driving licence of the appellant was verified as
genuine. Such report was produced as Ex.7/G available in the R&Ps.
However, today the learned SSP has submitted a verification report
dated 03.07.2020 which shows that the driving licence of the
appellant was fake and bogus. It means the appellant has managed a
bogus verification report regarding his driving licence, therefore, SSP
Investigation present in Court is directed to ensure a comprehensive
inquiry through the competent authority into the circumstances in
which a fake licence was initially issued from Driving Licence Branch,
Khairpur and then it was protected by sending verification report
about the fake licence as genuine and whoever is responsible in
issuing fake licence and verification report dated 30.08.2016 from
the Driving License Branch Khairpur, action be taken against all
those persons according to law. The driving licence which was
provided by the appellant to the investigating officer is produced
today in compliance of the above order and same is returned to the
concerned police officer for again depositing it in the malkhana.
6. The order dated 02.07.2020 was passed in presence of the
owner of the vehicle involved in the accident and his lawyer but today
both are absent. Be that as it may, since it has come on record that
the vehicle involved in the accident was driven by the appellant on a
fake and bogus licence, the SSP Investigation present in Court has
informed that action will be taken against Malik Dad Khan, owner of
the vehicle involved in the accident in accordance with law for
allowing his vehicle to be driven by a person who was having a fake
licence or in other words who was driving the vehicle without licence.
In this context the prosecution may take guidance from a judgment
of this Court in the case of Atta Muhammad vs. The State reported in
2005 P.Cr.L.J 1648 Karachi wherein the Hon'ble Mr. Justice
Rahmat Hussain Jafferi (as he then was) has observed that in the
case of vehicle being driven by a person without driving licence and
an offence under Section 320 PPC is committed by such person, the
owner of the vehicle is to be treated as co-accused being abettor in
terms of Section 107 PPC and his case would fall under Section
114 PPC. The relevant observations from para-7, 11 and 14 to 17
from the said judgment are reproduced below:-
7. Under section 3 of the Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1965
(hereinafter referred to as the "Ordinance, 1965"), a person is
entitled to drive any motor vehicle or public service vehicle if
he holds an effective licence authorizing him to drive such
vehicle. The said section reads as under:-
"3. Prohibition on driving without licence.---
(1) No person shall drive a Motor Vehicle in
any public place unless he holds an
effective licence authorizing him to drive the
vehicle; and no person shall so drive a.
Motor Vehicle as paid employees or shall so
drive a public service vehicle unless his
licence specially entitles him so to do:
Provided that a person receiving instruction
in driving a Motor Vehicle may, subject to
such conditions as may be prescribed by
Government in this behalf, drive a Motor
Vehicle in any public place.
(2) No person shall drive a motor vehicle in
any public place unless he had in his
possession his own copy of the most recent
version of the Pakistan Highway Code
published by the Federal Government."
Thus, for driving any vehicle, the driver should have an
effective licence authorizing him to drive such vehicle.
11. From the above provisions of law it is clear that
under section 3 of the Ordinance, 1965, the applicant was
authorized to drive on effective licence only. After it has
ceased to be effective then his driving of public service
transport vehicle became unlawful, therefore, his case
would fall within the definition of unlawful as mentioned in
section 321, P.P.C. Thus, the applicant appears to have
committed an offence punishable under section 322, P.P.C.
14. It will be noticed that the offences of accidents are
increasing day by day and particularly from the hands of
drivers, who ply transport vehicles: If the person is holding a
valid licence and due to accident the offence is committed
then he is required to be released on bail but if a person
who is driving a vehicle without a licence or an effective
licence then he will be driving the vehicle unlawfully. As
such the cases of such person should be examined
differently from the cases of persons whose actions are
lawful and accidentally without any intention the offence is
15. In order to curb the driving of a person who does not
hold the licence or an effective licence the Ordinance, 1965,
has made the owner or person incharge of a motor
vehicle responsible by directing such persons that they
should not permit such drivers to drive the vehicle in
public place. The said provision is available in section 5 of
the Ordinance, 1965, which reads as under:-
"5. Owners of Motor Vehicles not to permit
contravention of section 3 or section 4.---
No owner or person incharge of a Motor
Vehicle shall cause or permit any person
who does not satisfy the provisions of
section 3 or section 4 to drive the vehicle."
16. From the facts of the case it appears that owner of the
Bus bearing No.JA-7070 had allowed and permitted the
applicant to drive the vehicle in contravention of section 3 of
the Ordinance, 1965, as the applicant was not holding
effective driving licence to drive the bus at public place,
therefore, it appears `that the owner has abetted the crime
as defined in section 107, P.P.C. which reads as under:--
"107 Abetment of a thing. A person abets
the doing of a thing, who---First. Instigates
any person to do that thing; or
Secondly. Engages with one or more other
person or persons in any conspiracy for the
doing of that thing, if an act or illegal
omission takes place in pursuance of that
conspiracy, and in order to the doing of that
thing; or
Thirdly. Intentionally aids, by any act or
illegal omission, the doing of that thing."
17. The case of the owner or person in charge of the
vehicle of such type of cases would fall under third
category of section 107, P.P.C. therefore, the owner or
person in charge of vehicle is also equally responsible for
the offence committed by the applicant and his case
would fall under section 114, P.P.C.
7. In view of the above facts and evidence on record and
observations of trial Court reproduced in para-2 above, the findings
of trial Court that ingredients of Section 320 PPC are not attracted
appears to be against the evidence. In addition to it, as per report
submitted by the SSP Investigation today the absconding appellant at
the time of accident was driving the vehicle without any licence,
therefore, once the appellant is arrested and produced before this
Court, he should be put on notice under Section 439(2) of the
Cr.P.C that why his punishment should not be enhanced to include
conviction under Section 320 PPC.
8. Adjourned; to come up on 14.07.2020 by which date the
learned SSP Investigation, West, Karachi shall arrest the absconding
appellant and produce before the Court.
Ayaz Gul