White Vigilantes Have Always Had A
Friend In Police
New data shows that far-right vigilantes, often with support from
cops, have threatened protesters nearly 500 times since police
killed George Floyd.
By Christopher Mathias
28th August 2020
Before Kyle Rittenhouse allegedly opened fire on anti-racist protesters in Kenosha,
Wisconsin, on Tuesday night killing two and severely injuring anothera video
showed police essentially deputizing the 17-year-old. Rittenhouse had been walking
the streets of Kenosha carrying an assault rifle alongside other armed white men, a
local self-styled militia formed for the purported purpose of protecting property from
“We appreciate you guys, we really do,” a cop can be heard telling the group over a
loudspeaker before tossing Rittenhouse a bottle of water.
It was a scene familiar in American history: agents of the state conscripting armed
white vigilantes to help violently suppress movements for racial justice and liberation.
(“Cops and the Klan go hand in hand,” the common protest chant goes.) So it wasn’t
surprising to see Rittenhouse, in another video published Tuesday,
walk toward police after allegedly killing the two protesters or for him not to be
apprehended until the following day, when he was arrested at his home in Illinois.
As historic uprisings against police brutality have swept the country in recent months,
antagonistic right-wing vigilantes have been a constant, menacing presence. Often
seen patrolling Black Lives Matter protests with the tacit and very often explicit
support of law enforcement, these vigilantes have shot protesters, attacked them with
cars, and beaten them.
And as political tensions intensify heading into the presidential election this fall with
a president who routinely demonizes anti-racist protesters as thugs” and terrorists,
and with reactionary police forces desperate to beat back calls for their own
abolishment there’s genuine concern that the deadly vigilante violence on display in
Kenosha could be replicated elsewhere.
A man pours out an alcoholic beverage where an anti-racism protester was killed in
Kenosha, Wisconsin, this week.
A Wave Of White Vigilante Violence
White vigilantes and far-right actors have shown up to oppose Black Lives Matter
protests in the U.S. at least 497 times this year, according to data collected
by Alexander Reid Ross, a doctoral fellow at the Center for Analysis of the Radical
Right. He started gathering data on May 27, two days after police in Minneapolis killed
George Floyd, and continued through this week.
The dataset, which Ross shared with HuffPost, documents a staggering amount of
violence directed at protesters by the far-right, including 64 cases of simple assault, 38
incidents of vigilantes driving cars into demonstrators, and nine times shots were fired
at protesters. All told, six protesters were hit by vigilante bullets in this summer’s
violence. Three died from their wounds.
Ross’ dataset also includes 387 incidents of intimidation, such as people using racist
slurs, making threats and brandishing firearms. “There just isn’t really anything to
compare it to,” Ross told HuffPost. “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.”
The data which Ross gathered from social media posts, news reports and the ACLED
US Crisis Monitor with help from Political Research Associates and the Institute for
Research and Education on Human Rights includes some harrowing tales of
A U.S. Army sergeant, who had previously posted tweets about targeting Black Lives
Matter activists, shot and killed a protester in Austin, Texas. Black Lives Matter
protesters marching through a rural part of Bedford County, Pennsylvania, say a white
man opened fire on them at night, striking one protester in the face.
A man in Iowa City, Iowa, allegedly drove his car into a crowd of protesters and,
according to a criminal complaint, later justified the attack by telling police the
protesters needed an attitude adjustment.” The steady drumbeat of such stories this
summer has coincided with story after story of cops and national guardsmen openly
supporting or collaborating with fascists and white vigilantes.
Ross said his dataset includes about two dozen incidents of vigilantes receiving
approval or support from law enforcement. A sheriff in Arizona, for
example, announced he would form a “civilian posse” to help “suppress lawlessness”
during a time of “widespread unrest.”
In California, a sheriff’s deputy was spotted wearing a “III Percenters militia patch on
his uniform while policing a protest. And in Portland, Oregon, cops let the neo-fascist
gang the Proud Boys attack protesters in the streets.
Armed members of a militia group gather at Michigan's Capitol building in April ahead of a
vote on the extension of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's emergency declaration/stay-at-home
order due to the coronavirus.
Disturbing images also emerged of police cozying up to far-right activists: A cop in
Georgia was photographed fist-bumping an armed militia member, and cops in
Philadelphia posed for a friendly photo with vigilantes who roamed the city’s streets
with baseball bats. Still more stories emerged this summer of cops themselves
relishing violence against protesters.
A police chief in Sioux Rapids, Iowa, was suspended for two weeks after writing a
Facebook comment encouraging people to drive their cars through Black Lives Matter
demonstrators. “HIT THE GAS AND HANG ON FOR THE SPEED BUMPS,” he wrote.
And in Wilmington, North Carolina, three white police officers were fired after being
caught on camera using racial slurs while discussing massacring Black protesters.
“We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them fucking niggers,” one officer
“Wipe ’em off the fucking map,” the same officer said. “That’ll put ’em back about four
or five generations.”
A report published this week by former FBI agent Mike German, now a fellow at New
York University’s Brennan Center for Justice, documented how police ties to “white
supremacist groups or far-right militant activities” have been uncovered in over a
dozen states since 2000. “In a time when the effort to defund police is getting some
salience, the police are behaving in such a way as to justify that argument,” German
told The Guardian.
Enforcing A Racial Order
Nick Estes, a professor of American studies at the University of New Mexico and
author of the book “Our History Is The Future,” remembers listening to the police
scanner earlier this summer when the gun-toting militia group New Mexico Civil
Guard turned up to harass and attack anti-racist protesters in Albuquerque. He said
cops could be heard on the scanner referring to this group of vigilantes founded by
a neo-Nazias “heavily armed friendlies.
A short time later, one of those “friendlies” shot and badly injured an anti-racist
protester. Estes argues it’s important to remember the history of white vigilantism in
the U.S. in order to understand how these fascist groups operate in our society today,
and how they’ve often proven an eager partner with law enforcement.
“The Second Amendment was created specifically to arm white settlers against
runaway slaves, enslaved African people, as well as to kill native people on the
frontier,” Estes said.
Fast forward to the Reconstruction Era after the Civil War, Estes said, and you see the
emergence of the Ku Klux Klan, a white vigilante group that used the Second
Amendment to terrorize Black Americans. Decades later, during the Jim Crow era,
armed citizens often attacked Black Americans in Sundown Towns referring to all-
white municipalities or neighborhoods across the country with little to no recourse
from law enforcement.
And look at the violence in “border towns” white majority settlements ringing Native
American reservations where white vigilantes have maimed and murdered
Indigenous peoples for generations. Law enforcement has often looked the other way.
These white vigilantes today don’t misinterpret history,” Estes said. “They’re actually
upholding the kind of the original intent of the Second Amendment. What’s
happening now, he added, is “an intensification of that kind of citizen policing” in
response to a growing tide of Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist organizing.
Steven Gardiner, a research analyst at Political Research Associates, a social justice
think tank that monitors the far-right, said there has been a “tremendous increase” in
right-wing paramilitary activity this year.
It gained momentum, he said, during protests against lockdown measurers meant to
stem the spread of the coronavirus. Armed militias circled and sometimes even
entered state Capitol buildings, showing the often hands-off approach with which
governments often treat white vigilantes.
At Black Lives Matter protests following the police killing of Floyd, disparate
paramilitary and vigilante groups Boogaloo Bois, III Percenters, Oath Keepers,
Proud Boys and white nationalists became a regular fixture of right-wing
A guide to far-right paramilitaries that have turned up to threaten and harass anti-racist
protesters in 2020. From "Paramilitaries At Your Protest: An Activist Field Guide To The
Armed Far-Right," published by the social justice think tank Political Research Associates.
“If you get counterprotesters showing up who are armed, cops are almost always facing
towards the Black Lives Matter and racial justice protesters, not towards the armed
counterprotesters,” Gardiner said. This, he argued, has created an atmosphere in
which paramilitary groups feel emboldened.
“Going forward, we need to seriously reconsider the permissiveness with which we are
allowing armed paramilitaries to roam the streets of our nation’s towns and cities, as
if this is normal,” Gardiner said. “There’s nothing normal about this. We don’t want to
be living in a war zone.
A ‘Recipe For Disaster’
The next few months could prove treacherous, as multiple armed factions aligned with
the state including private militias, the National Guard, sheriffs departments and
local municipal police could descend on more cities like Kenosha, where a
particularly energetic uprising broke out after the police shooting of Jacob Blake this
Moreover, President Donald Trump could send out more federal troops from the
Department of Homeland Security, like the ones seen abducting protesters and
throwing them into unmarked vans in Portland and Chicago earlier this year.
“This is a recipe for disaster,” Gardiner said. “At a minimum, there needs to be a
sorting out of who’s in charge, and some understanding of what the rules of
engagement are for law enforcement and the National Guard, and who’s gonna play
what role.”
Meanwhile, both right-wing media and the Trump-led GOP appear hellbent on
throwing more gasoline on the fire. On Wednesday evening, Fox News host Tucker
Carlson attempted to justify Rittenhouse allegedly shooting anti-racist protesters in
“How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order
when no one else would?” he asked millions of viewers on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.
The next day, congressional Republicans including Reps. Matt Gaetz (Fla.) and Paul
Gosar (Ariz.) made statements appearing to defend Rittenhouse, arguing that he
somehow acted in self-defense.
Mark and Patricia McCloskey standing outside their home in St. Louis in June, confronting
Black Lives Matter protesters with guns. They were featured speakers at the Republican
National Convention this week.
This right-wing propaganda push was hardly surprising, considering how opposed the
MAGAverse is to Black Lives Matter protesters. At the Republican National
Convention earlier this week, the GOP chose to feature Mark and Patricia
McCloskey, the white Trump supporters facing felony charges for pointing guns at
Black Lives Matter protesters in St. Louis this summer. They delivered a prime-time
speech full of racist dog whistles aimed at white suburban voters.
“You know we’re not the kind of people who back down,” Mark McCloskey said.
“Thankfully, neither is Donald Trump. President Trump will defend the God-given
right of every American to protect their homes and their families.The McCloskeys
aren’t the only white vigilantes to have shown enthusiasm for the president this year.
“Trump rally! read the caption of a TikTok video taken from the front row of a Trump
campaign event last month. The video was posted by an account with the words “BLUE
LIVES MATTER” and “Trump 2020” in its bio. The owner of the account, a 17-year-
old named Kyle Rittenhouse, is now in jail. He faces charges of first-degree murder.