Administration of Donald J. Trump, 2019
Joint Statement by President Trump and President Klaus Iohannis of Romania
August 20, 2019
As the Presidents of the United States and Romania, we stand together as friends and Allies
to advance our robust and durable strategic partnership. Through our deepening partnership, we
will create new opportunities for greater security, growth, and prosperity and be in better position
to respond to shared global challenges and responsibilities.
We recall the Revolution of 30 years ago this December when brave Romanians overthrew a
brutal dictatorship and set their country on the path to democracy, the rule of law, and a market
economy. This year, we also mark with pride the 15th anniversary of Romania's accession to
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Together, our nations have carried out lasting efforts to modernize our armed forces and
meet our NATO burden-sharing commitments. Our militaries stand shoulder to shoulder in
defense of freedom and look to bolster our defense and deterrence posture on NATO's Eastern
Flank, including in the Black Sea, which is of strategic importance for transatlantic security. We
also seek to avoid the security risks that accompany Chinese investment in 5G
telecommunications networks.
The United States and Romania recognize that energy security is national security. We
underscore our opposition to Nord Stream 2 and other projects that make our Allies and partners
dependent on energy from Russia. Natural gas resources in Romania have the potential to
increase the prosperity of our nations and to enhance Europe's energy security. The United States
and Romania will consider how best to improve the energy investment climate in Romania in
ways that benefit both countries. We further urge our industries to work closely together to
support Romania's civil nuclear energy goals.
Our excellent law enforcement and anti-corruption partnership is firmly based on a mutual
commitment to the rule of law and an independent judiciary, which are strongly supported by the
Romanian people. We further stress that good governance forms the basis of our shared security
and prosperity.
The United States and Romania proudly underscore the substantial trade growth between our
two countries, as well as our common interest in shaping an investment climate that offers
transparency, predictability, and stability. We therefore commit to strengthening our trade
relationship further and to encouraging increased two-way investment.
The United States reiterates its support for Romania's efforts to become eligible for entry
into the Visa Waiver Program in accordance with the requirements of United States law.
OTE: An original was not available for verification of the content of this joint statement.
Categories: Joint Statements : Romania, President Iohannis.
Names: Iohannis, Klaus.
Subjects: Communications : Broadband and wireless technologies; Immigration and
naturalization : Visa policy, U.S.; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Romania : Energy
cooperation with U.S.; Romania : Government officials, corruption issues; Romania : President;
Romania : Relations with U.S.; Romania : Security cooperation with U.S.; Romania : Trade with
U.S.; Romania : U.S. visa policy.
DCPD Number: DCPD201900557.