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Table of Contents
SECTION 1: GENERAL RULES............................................. 2
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 3
SECTION 1.1: CLUB AUTHORITY ................................................................ 3
1.1.1: GOVERNING RULES ........................................................................ 3
1.1.2: VIR COMPETITION DIRECTOR AUTHORITY ........................................ 3
1.1.3: KNOWLEDGE OF AND SUBMISSION TO RULES .................................. 3
1.1.4: FINALITY OF INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION ............................. 3
1.1.5: NON-PROTESTABLE ........................................................................ 3
1.1.6: NON-LITIGABLE ............................................................................. 3
1.1.7: REIMBURSEMENT OF LEGAL FEES .................................................... 3
1.1.8: AMENDING RULES ......................................................................... 3
1.1.9: WRITING ONLY .............................................................................. 3
1.1.10: PRECEDENCE ............................................................................... 3
1.1.11: RESERVATION OF RIGHTS............................................................. 3
SECTION 1.2: ADMINISTRATION OF EVENTS ............................................ 3
1.2.1: EVENTS ........................................................................................ 3
1.2.2: INJURIES ...................................................................................... 3
1.2.3: ENTRIES ....................................................................................... 3
1.2.4: FALSIFICATION OF ENTRY .............................................................. 3
1.2.5: WITHDRAWAL OF ENTRY ................................................................ 3
1.2.6: ENTRY PAYMENT ............................................................................ 3
1.2.7: DEBTS, DECLINED CREDIT CARDS, BAD CHECKS .............................. 3
1.2.8: REFUNDS ...................................................................................... 3
1.2.9: ONE DRIVER/ONE CAR ENTRY ......................................................... 3
1.2.10: NUMBER OF ENTRIES PER GROUP .................................................. 3
1.2.11: RUN GROUP IDENTIFICATION AND CAR NUMBERS ........................... 3
1.2.12: TRACK QUIET HOURS ................................................................... 3
SECTION 1.3: MEMBERS AND PARTICIPANTS ............................................ 3
1.3.1: VIR CLUB MEMBERSHIP .................................................................. 3
1.3.2: VIR CLUB MEMBER GUESTS ............................................................ 3
1.3.3: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ........................................................ 4
1.3.4: INSURANCE .................................................................................. 4
1.3.5: MINORS ........................................................................................ 4
1.3.6: ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES .................................................................... 4
1.3.7: ASSUMED NAME ............................................................................ 4
1.3.8: MEDICAL CARDS ............................................................................ 4
1.3.9: MEDICAL FITNESS ......................................................................... 4
1.3.10: PREGNANCY ................................................................................ 4
1.3.11: PERSONAL CONDUCT ................................................................... 4
1.3.12: RESPONSIBILITY FOR FAMILY AND GUESTS .................................... 4
1.3.13: ACCESS TO CONTOLLED AREAS ..................................................... 4
1.3.14: VOLUNTARY CLUB TERMINATION ................................................... 4
1.3.15: COMPETITION LICENSES RECOGNIZED .......................................... 4
SECTION 1.4: BREACH OF RULES AND PENALTIES .................................... 4
1.4.1: WHO MAY BE PENALIZED ................................................................ 4
1.4.2: PENALTIES ................................................................................... 4
1.4.3: PUBLICATION OF PENALTY .............................................................. 4
SECTION 1.5: CONDUCT OF EVENTS .......................................................... 4
1.5.1: CLUB DRIVING DAY GROUPS ........................................................... 4 TOURING .............................................................................. 4 OPEN WHEEL AND SPORTS RACER........................................... 4 HIGH SPEED ......................................................................... 4
1.5.2: ELIGIBLE DRIVERS ........................................................................ 4
1.5.3: DRIVER’S MEETINGS ...................................................................... 4
1.5.4: LAP TIMING .................................................................................. 4
SECTION 1.6: RULES OF THE PADDOCK, PITS AND ROAD .......................... 4
1.6.1: PADDOCK PARKING ASSIGNMENTS .................................................. 4
1.6.2: ACCESS TO PIT LANE ..................................................................... 4
1.6.3: SMOKING IN HOT AREAS ................................................................ 4
1.6.4: ON-BOARD STARTER AS PROPULSION ............................................. 5
1.6.5: DRIVER PUSHING CAR ................................................................... 5
1.6.6: REMOVAL OF CAR FROM COURSE .................................................... 5
1.6.7: BODY COMPONENTS ...................................................................... 5
1.6.8: COUNTER COURSE DIRECTION ....................................................... 5
1.6.9: FACILITY DAMAGE ......................................................................... 5
1.6.10: PIT LANE SPEED .......................................................................... 5
1.6.11: REFUELING ................................................................................. 5
1.6.12: GENERATORS AND COMPRESSORS ................................................ 5
1.6.13: PADDOCK RIGHT OF WAY ............................................................. 5
1.6.14: CHILDREN AND PETS ................................................................... 5
1.6.15: SHORTCUTTING THE COURSE ....................................................... 5
1.6.16: TRACK SURFACE DEFINED ............................................................ 5
1.6.17: CLUB MEMBER DRIVING DAY PASSENGERS .................................... 5
SECTION 1.7: DRIVER SAFETY EQUIPMENT ............................................... 5
1.7.1: HELMET ....................................................................................... 5
1.7.2: HEAD AND NECK RESTRAINT DEVICE .............................................. 5
1.7.3: BALACLAVA .................................................................................. 5
1.7.4: DRIVER ATTIRE/SUIT ..................................................................... 5
1.7.5: UNDERWEAR ................................................................................ 5
1.7.6: SOCKS, GLOVES AND SHOES.......................................................... 5
1.7.7: SAFETY HARNESS .......................................................................... 5
1.7.8: CORRECTIVE GLASSES .................................................................. 5
1.7.9: ARM RESTRAINTS .......................................................................... 5
SECTION 1.8: DRIVING CONDUCT ............................................................. 5
1.8.1: 13/13 RULE .................................................................................. 5
1.8.2: DRIVING ROOM............................................................................. 5
1.8.3: PASSING ...................................................................................... 5
1.8.4: DRIVE OFFS AND SPINS ................................................................. 5
1.8.5: ENTERING THE PITS ...................................................................... 5
1.8.6: STOPPING ON COURSE .................................................................. 5
1.8.7: OBEYING COURSE WORKERS .......................................................... 5
1.8.8: OBSCENE GESTURES ..................................................................... 5
SECTION 1.9: VEHICLE RELATED REGULATIONS ........................................ 5
1.9.1: CLUB ANNUAL TECHNICAL INSPECTIONS ......................................... 5
1.9.2: WINDOW NET ............................................................................... 5
1.9.3: TOW HOOKS ................................................................................. 5
1.9.4: TAPING OF LIGHTS ........................................................................ 6
1.9.5: DOORS ........................................................................................ 6
1.9.6: CARGO AREA ................................................................................ 6
1.9.7: DOOR GLASS ................................................................................ 6
1.9.8: HUBCAPS AND WHEEL TRIMS ......................................................... 6
SECTION 1.10: ROLL BAR/CAGE ................................................................ 6
SECTION 2: OPEN TEST DAYS ........................................... 7
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 7
SECTION 2.1: CONDUCT OF TEST DAYS...................................................... 7
2.1.1: DRIVER ELIGIBILITY ...................................................................... 7
2.1.2: CAR ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................... 7
2.1.3: PASSENGERS ................................................................................ 7
2.1.4: CREW .......................................................................................... 7
2.1.5: SPINS OR OFF-COURSE EXCURSIONS .............................................. 7
2.1.6: VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION ............................................................. 7
2.1.7: SCHEDULE.................................................................................... 7
SECTION 2.2: SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ...................................................... 7
APPENDIX A: FLAGS ................................................................................. 8
2017 VIR CLUB RULES Page 3 of 8
The Rules contained in this Rule Book apply to all Virginia International Raceway (VIR)
and VIR Club (Club) sanctioned events including VIR insured test days. The Rules shall
be applied in a reasonable and logical manner and shall not be open to interpretations.
Unless an item is specifically authorized by the Rules it shall be considered a
breach of the rules. Reference to “Rules” in this rulebook includes “Technical
Bulletins”, Member Bulletins”, “Memos”, and “Supplementary Regulations”, where
The masculine pronouns ‘he,’ ‘him,’ or ‘his’ will be used generically, without actual
reference to gender. The word “may”, when used, gives the competitor the option of
doing something. The words “shall” and “must”, when used, require the competitor to
do something. The word “and”, when used, means that more than one listed item may
be performed, used, etc. The word “or”, when used, means that one listed item may
be performed, used, etc. The word combination “and/or”, when used, means that any,
or all, of the listed items may be performed, used, etc.
Unless defined in these rules, the standard definition of the word from Webster’s
Dictionary will be used. Officials will be defined by Club Director, Control, Corner Worker
or EMS and Senior Management of VIR.
For information concerning these rules, contact:
VIRginia International Raceway
Clayton W. Myers,
VIR Club Director ([email protected])
1245 Pine Tree Road, Alton, VA 24520
Tel: (434) 822-7700 ext: 111 Fax: (434) 822-8033
Copyright © 2013 by VIRginia International Raceway. All Rights Reserved.
1.1.1: GOVERNING RULES - VIR organizes and administers all on-track VIR Club and
VIR managed test day events. All VIR Club on-track events will be governed solely by
these Rules. The names, or emblems, of VIR and/or the VIR Club shall be associated
only with events authorized by VIR.
1.1.2: VIR CLUB DIRECTOR AUTHORITY - The VIR Club Director (Director) has
authority for the conduct of all aspects of on-track activities. All other officials report
to the Director. All actions and rulings of the Director are final.
1.1.3: KNOWLEDGE OF AND SUBMISSION TO RULES - Every participant, entrant,
person, entity, group of persons, or organizer who conducts a VIR Club event, and any
person who receives a VIR Club membership or is a guest of a VIR Club Member,
warrants that:
He agrees without reservation to know and abide by these Rules.
He renounces the right to have legal recourse, except with the written consent
of VIR, to any arbitrator or tribunal not provided for in these Rules.
make the interpretation and application of all Rules. Their decisions shall be final and
1.1.5: NON-PROTESTABLE The actions of VIR Officials are final and non-
1.1.6: NON-LITIGABLE Determinations by VIR Officials are non-litigable.
Participants and Club Members shall not initiate or maintain litigation of any kind
against VIR, or anyone acting on behalf of VIR, to reverse or modify such
determinations or to seek to recover damages or other relief allegedly incurred or
required as a result of such determination. Any Club Member initiating litigation
against VIR may have their membership privileges revoked.
1.1.7: REIMBURSEMENT OF LEGAL FEES - If any Club Member initiates or maintains
litigation in violation of this provision, that member agrees to reimburse VIR for all
costs of such litigation, including travel expenses, and attorneys’ fees.
1.1.8: AMENDING RULES VIR reserves the right to amend or modify these Rules
at any time via updates, Supplementary Regulations, Tech Bulletins, Member Bulletins,
or Memos. Amendments issued by VIR will be published on VIR’s official web site at
1.1.9: WRITING ONLY - No amendment to any rules will be accepted in verbal form.
It shall be the driver’s responsibility to show written proof of any change of these rules.
1.1.10: PRECEDENCE - In case of doubt, ambiguity, or conflict, these rules shall take
precedence over all other rules.
1.1.11: RESERVATION OF RIGHTS VIR reserves the right to deny entry to any
event to any participant or to revoke any Club membership or license previously issued
by VIR, for any reason, or no reason, except that VIR will not deny, or revoke, a
membership or license solely on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin.
Any photographs, video or audio recordings taken by or on behalf of VIR shall remain
the property of VIR and may be used by VIR for promotional purposes. All Participants
agree to permit VIR the use of their name, voice and/or likeness, and images for news,
publicity, and feature use including but not limited to, radio, television, internet, motion
picture film, newspapers, magazines and any and all other media as deemed prudent
by VIR to advertise, market and otherwise for the purposes of trade related to VIR.
VIR retains all worldwide media, broadcast, radio, film, video and webcast rights to all
aspects of VIR events, including all images attained from on-board cameras. Any
broadcast or use of on-board camera footage of VIR events without the express written
permission of VIR is prohibited.
1.2.1: EVENTS VIR shall publish an annual calendar of VIR Club events and VIR
insured test days. Any event may be canceled or rescheduled if entrant participation
is deemed too low. The Director may order a postponement for reasons of safety or
forces beyond his control. If an entire event is canceled prior to its commencement,
VIR will make every effort to notify all parties concerned, but accepts no responsibility
for such cancellation or failure to notify.
1.2.2: INJURIES Anyone involved in an incident in which there is significant damage
or injury, or at the direction of any VIR Official, MUST present himself or be transported
to the track medical facility for evaluation. Participant insurance coverage may be
declined by our insurance provider if you were not seen by the track medical staff. The
participant shall be solely responsible for all damage and medical costs, including any
costs associated with off-site medical transportation, for damage and injuries not
covered by our insurance provider.
1.2.3: ENTRIES - All participants must complete an event entry form for each event.
For Club Driving Days, all drivers must be valid Club members in good standing or
guests of a current Club Member. Guests may be allowed to drive in limited sessions
at the sole discretion of the Club. Members may invite experienced drivers to
participate in a passing group provided the guest meets the approval of the Club. The
same guest can only attend once per calendar year.
1.2.4: FALSIFICATION OF ENTRY - An entry which contains a false or incorrect
statement may be declared null and void and the entrant may be deemed guilty of a
breach of the Rules. False entries will result in the entry fee being forfeited. Any
participant allowing any driver other than properly registered drivers for the car to drive
may be penalized.
1.2.5: WITHDRAWAL OF ENTRY - An entry may be withdrawn without penalty, or
transferred to another event, if the withdrawal is approved by the Director prior to one
week before the start of the event. An entrant who does not properly withdraw shall
forfeit all entry fees. A $50 administration fee will be retained for all properly
withdrawn entries.
1.2.6: ENTRY PAYMENT - Payment of entry fees must be included with the event
registration form and must be received within 72 hours of the day of the event. If the
entry fee is received after the entry deadline, the late fee of $50 will be
charged in addition to the entry fee.
1.2.7: DEBTS, DECLINED CREDIT CARDS, BAD CHECKS Debts, declined credit
cards or returned checks may result in suspension of driving privileges until the debt
and all service charges are paid in full. A service charge of $50.00 will be charged
for each returned check. Multiple bad checks may require the entrant to pay by
credit card, cash, or cashiers check only. Declined debit or credit card payments may
be charged a late entry fee based on when the payment is actually received by VIR.
1.2.8: REFUNDS No refunds or credits will be given for any car that takes part in
any track session or for no-shows. No partial refunds or credits will be given for test
days that are shortened or canceled.
1.2.9: ONE DRIVER/ONE CAR ENTRY Except for Open Test Days, each participant
who is entering to drive must submit a completed Registration Form for each car/group
they will drive at the event. If multiple drivers share the same car in the same run
group, it shall be up to the drivers to work out how to divide the available track time
between the multiple drivers.
1.2.10: NUMBER OF ENTRIES PER GROUP - The Director shall determine the
maximum number of vehicles which may be allowed on course at any time.
will be issued for each properly registered car. The sticker must be placed on the front
down bar at drivers left or rear view mirror so that it is visible from outside the car
through the windshield. No vehicle will be allowed on track without a run group sticker.
Car numbers must be properly displayed on both sides of the car. Hood and rear
numbers are recommended. Numbers must be black on white, white on black, or
contrasting equivalents. For street cars, numbers may be written in shoe polish on the
rear side door class, or as a last resort, in the center top of the windshield. Each drive
must display a proper wrist band for the class or classes they have entered.
1.2.12: TRACK QUIET HOURS Unless otherwise stated in supplemental event rules,
the standard track hours are 8:30am until 5:30pm. No un-muffled engines are allowed
to operate from 8:00pm until 8:00am. Also, no un-muffled engines are allowed to
operate from 11:00am until 12:00pm on Sundays.
1.3.1: VIR CLUB MEMBERSHIP Any person desiring to participate in a Club Member
Driving Day must be members of the Club in good standing, having completed and
submitted a Club Membership Application and signed all required annual or event
waivers prior to receipt of membership credentials. All membership credentials issued
by VIR remain the property of VIR. Memberships remain in effect as long as all Member
dues and other fees are paid in full. Memberships are not transferable. Privileges may
be revoked at any time for non-compliance with the Rules. All members of the Club
shall be prepared to willingly, and without reservation, present their membership cards
upon request.
1.3.2: VIR CLUB MEMBER GUESTS Club Members may invite guests to take part
in certain member events with prior approval by VIR. VIR reserves the sole right to
refuse to allow any guest to take part in any VIR event.
01152017 2017 VIR CLUB RULES Page 4 of 8
1.3.3: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS Participants shall at all times remain
independent contractors who assume and take full accountability for reporting and
paying to the appropriate authorities all charges, premiums, and taxes, if any, due and
payable on any funds the participant may receive as a result of their participation in
any VIR events, including but not limited to Social Security taxes, unemployment
insurance taxes, workman’s compensation insurance, income taxes, and withholding
1.3.4: INSURANCE Participants shall at all times be solely responsible for any and
all damage to, or loss of, their personal property. Participants are solely responsible
for determining whether any insurance coverage(s) they have purchased includes or
excludes motorsports activities, and at no time shall VIR be responsible for any
damages, occurring on track or off track.
1.3.5: MINORS - All participants taking part in a VIR event must be 18-years or older.
Minors who are 16 or 17 years old may be permitted to participate at the sole discretion
of VIR. Anyone under that age of 18 must complete of a Minor Participant Waiver which
must be signed by the Member’s natural parent or the minor’s legal guardian and the
Minor must complete a Minor Waiver Form.
1.3.6: ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES - The use of any narcotic, performance-enhancement
drugs, and/or recreational drugs, as defined by federal and/or state law, by any
participant is expressly prohibited, even if prescribed by a licensed physician.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages shall not commence until all official functions of
the individuals run group has been completed. VIR reserves the right, at any time, to
require any participant to successfully complete, at participant’s expense, such tests
as may be designated by VIR, including, but not limited to, breath, blood, or urine.
Refusal to submit to, and/or failure by participant of, such testing shall result in
penalties, suspension or termination of Club membership.
1.3.7: ASSUMED NAME - No participant shall enter and/or sign the membership
application, entry form, waiver and release or any other VIR form with an assumed,
fictitious, or “nom-de-race” name.
1.3.8: MEDICAL CARDS - A VIR Club Medical Card must be provided by all
1.3.9: MEDICAL FITNESS - Any participant who suffers injury, or illness, that may
affect his medical fitness to drive in speed events shall report his injury, or illness,
immediately to his own personal physician and be re-certified by him before competing
in further events.
1.3.10: PREGNANCY - Any participant who becomes pregnant must cease on-track
activities until cleared by her physician to resume on-track activities.
1.3.11: PERSONAL CONDUCT - Every person associated with an event shall conduct
himself according to the highest standards of behavior and sportsmanship, particularly
in his relationship with other competitors and Officials, and in a manner that shall not
be prejudicial to the reputation of VIR. Failure to do so may result in penalties at the
discretion of VIR.
1.3.12: RESPONSIBILITY FOR FAMILY AND GUESTS Club Members shall at all
times be responsible for the conduct of their family and guests at all VIR events,
including but not limited to charges and damages incurred while at VIR. Any charges,
damages, or other offense committed by a family member or guest may be directly
chargeable to the Member.
1.3.13: ACCESS TO CONTOLLED AREAS Participants are not allowed in controlled
areas of the circuit unless specifically authorized by a VIR Official. Controlled areas
include, but are not limited to, the track surface and surrounding areas, Control, Timing
and Scoring, and Tech Shed.
1.3.14: VOLUNTARY CLUB TERMINATION A Club Member may terminate their
membership at any time by providing a letter of resignation, included with their
membership card, to the VIR office. The terminating Member shall have no right to
receive any or part or all, and VIR shall not be obligation to refund any part or all, of
any fees previously paid by the Member to VIR.
1.3.15: COMPETITION LICENSES RECOGNIZED - The following competition
licenses will be recognized as proof of prior track experience:
BMW Car Club of America Club Racing (Full Competition)
Canadian Residents holding ASN National Licenses
Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs (Competition)
FIA (issued by any member sanctioning body)
Grand-American Road Racing Association
Historic Sportscar Racing (HSR)
International Conference of Sports Car Clubs (Area Conference)
International Motor Sports Association
Midwestern Council of Sports Car Clubs (Full)
National Auto Sport Association (National)
Ontario Region CASC (Regional)
Porsche Club of America (Full Competition)
Sports Car Club of America (Regional, National or Pro)
Sportscar Vintage Racing Association (SVRA)
Vintage Motorsports Council (VMC)
Waterford Hills Road Racing Club (Full)
West Canada Motorsports Association (Amateur)
Participants holding competition licenses from organizations other than those listed
above may still be allowed into a passing group or race event at the sole discretion of
VIR based on the driver’s racing resume.
The following actions shall be deemed a breach of the Rules:
Any breach of the VIR Club Bylaws or rules.
Bribery or attempt to bribe anyone connected with VIR or the acceptance of or
offer to accept any bribe.
Falsifying entry forms or driver eligibility credentials or sharing credentials with
Actions prejudicial to the interests of VIR.
Reckless or dangerous driving or behavior.
Failure to obey direction or orders of a bona fide VIR Official.
Refusing to cooperate with, interfering with, or obstructing the action of any
official or officials in the performance of their duties.
Violation of the terms of probation.
Public criticism of VIR, the Club, VIR officials, or any VIR sponsors.
Unsportsmanlike or obscene conduct.
Physical contact with intention to harm any participant, or official, or the threat
of same.
Failure to allow inspection of an automobile as directed by the Club Director.
1.4.1: WHO MAY BE PENALIZED - Any Club Member or participant violating any Club
Bylaw, these rules or any VIR facility rule may be penalized. The authority to assess
penalties is not limited to violations occurring during any specific event.
1.4.2: PENALTIES VIR may impose any penalty deemed prudent by VIR, including
but not limited to, reprimand, assessment of money, loss of time, loss of lap(s),
disqualification, suspension of Club Member privileges, probation, expulsion from any
event, or any consecutive or combinations thereof.
1.4.3: PUBLICATION OF PENALTY VIR shall have the right to publicize penalties.
Any participant or Club Member referred to in the notice shall have no right of action
against VIR, or against any person publishing such notice.
1.5.1: CLUB DRIVING DAY GROUPS TOURING - Touring consist of non-paced sessions with passing permitted
after receiving a point-by from the driver to be passed. OPEN WHEEL AND SPORTS RACER Open Wheel / Sports Racer consist
of non-paced sessions with passing permitted after receiving a point-by from the
driver to be passed. This group includes all formula, open wheel and sports racing
cars. HIGH SPEED High Speed consist of non-paced sessions with passing
permitted after receiving a point-by from the driver to be passed. TOURING LITES Touring Lites consists of paced, speed restricted track
sessions with no passing for drivers. Convertibles without roll bars are allowed.
1.5.2: ELIGIBLE DRIVERS - Only participants who have properly registered for the
event will be allowed to take part in any on-track session. Drivers must show prior
track experience, have a recognized competition license or successfully complete the
VIR Driving Experience Course. Open Test Day drivers do not have to be VIR Club
1.5.3: DRIVER’S MEETINGS - Prior to every event, the Race Director will conduct a
meeting with all participants taking part in any on-track activities. This may be a single
meeting, or be separate meetings. Participants will be briefed on special rules
governing the event. DRIVER ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. Failure of any
participant to attend these meetings may result in the driver being denied
access to the track until he/she has met privately with the Club Director.
1.5.4: LAP TIMING Lap timing, if available, is only provided for information
purposes only unless otherwise noted. AMB TransX-260 transponders are the timing
transponders used by VIR. Times will be posted in the race control tower and may
optionally be posted on www.mylaps.com.
1.6.1: PADDOCK PARKING ASSIGNMENTS Paddock parking will generally be
available on a first come, first served basis. You must park in designated areas as
instructed. All parking and paddock set up must be behind the yellow fire lane lines.
You may not park, jack or otherwise work on any car in the fire lanes.
1.6.2: ACCESS TO PIT LANE Only properly registered participants and crew who
have signed an annual or event waiver are permitted on pit lane. Minors who are 16
or 17 years old are only permitted on pit lane if they have completed a Minor Participant
Waiver. No one under the age of 16 will be permitted on pit lane.
1.6.3: SMOKING IN HOT AREAS - Smoking is not allowed at any time in any VIR
building, the pits, or any other designated “hot areas” of the facility.
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1.6.4: ON-BOARD STARTER AS PROPULSION - The on-board starter must not be
used as a means of propulsion, either on the course or in the pits, except to remove
the car from a hazardous situation.
1.6.5: DRIVER PUSHING CAR - The driver shall not push his car while on course,
except for safety reasons and then only under the direction of a Course Worker. No
repairs may be made to the car on course. No crew member is permitted track side
unless so directed by a Course Worker.
1.6.6: REMOVAL OF CAR FROM COURSE - The Race Director may order any car
removed from the course if, in his judgment, it constitutes a hazard to other
competitors because of insufficient speed, fluid spillage, or any other reason.
1.6.7: BODY COMPONENTS - All major body components should be maintained in
normal positions throughout the session. The general appearance of the body
components shall be neat and clean.
1.6.8: COUNTER COURSE DIRECTION - It is expressly forbidden to drive or tow a
car at any time in a direction opposite to that in which the event is being run without
the specific approval of the Club Director.
1.6.9: FACILITY DAMAGE Any damage caused by any participant, Club
Member, Club Family Member, Member Guest or anyone else taking part in the
event, to any part of the facility track, paddock, building or other grounds will
be charged for such damage. The host Club Member will be held responsible
for the damages of their family and guests.
1.6.10: PIT LANE SPEED Pit lane speed shall be 35 mph. “Pit lane” is defined as
starting with the pit lane start line and ending with pit lane end line.
1.6.11: REFUELING Refueling is not permitted on pit lane unless specifically allowed
for in the event’s supplemental rules or regulations.
1.6.12: GENERATORS AND COMPRESSORS - All fuel-powered generators and air
compressors must be equipped with spark arrestors. They must be located as far away
from fuel containers as possible. Generators/air compressors must be positioned to
direct exhaust gases away from the paddock areas of other teams. Generators/air
compressors used on pit lane must be placed in the grassy areas along the fence.
1.6.13: PADDOCK RIGHT OF WAY - Cars have the right-of-way in the paddock. The
maximum paddock speed limit is 10 mph.
1.6.14: CHILDREN AND PETS - Children under the age of ten (10) must be
accompanied by an adult. Pets shall be on a leash and accompanied at all times. Pets,
other than service animals, are not allowed in the clubhouse or pool area. Children are
not allowed to ride bicycles in the paddock.
1.6.15: SHORTCUTTING THE COURSE - All events are to be conducted only on the
marked track surface. Failure to follow the prescribed course will result in loss of track
time and/or other penalties.
1.6.16: TRACK SURFACE DEFINED - The track surface is defined as the marked,
paved track and its curbing only. Grass, pit lanes, pit lane entry and exit, areas beyond
apex and other curbing, additional paving beyond white track markings and grass
verges are expressly excluded from the track surface.
Days, passengers are allowed in all groups as long as the passenger is 16 years of age
or older and has signed the VIR Liability Waiver. Passengers must follow the same
safety rules and must wear the same safety equipment as has been established for the
Each driver must wear the following equipment in all on-track sessions
1.7.1: HELMET - A full-faced safety helmet shall be worn by all drivers. Helmets
certified to the following standards are permitted:
Snell Memorial Foundation SAH2010, SA2010, SA2015
SFI Foundation Spec 31.1
British Helmet Standard BS 6685-85 Type A/FR
FIA Standard 8860-2004 or later
Accident damaged helmets shall be given, or sent, by the driver, or his representative,
to VIRginia International Raceway, 1245 Pine Tree Road, Alton, VA. 24520. It will be
forwarded to the certifying organization. Details of the accident should be included.
1.7.2: HEAD AND NECK RESTRAINT DEVICE A head and neck restraint system
certified to SFI spec 38.1 or FIA 8858 is highly recommended for any driver in a
competition prepared car. Webbing based systems and the webbing components of all
systems should be replaced every three years or sooner if specified by the
manufacturer. Webbing based devices should be replaced if the webbing shows any
signs of cuts, abrasions, or excessive fading. It is currently recommended that SFI
38.1 devices be inspected and recertified by the manufacturer every five (5) years as
per the SFI requirement. Note that the SFI requirement does not apply to FIA 8858
certified devices.
1.7.3: BALACLAVA It is recommended that hair protruding from beneath a driver’s
helmet be completely covered by fire-resistant material.
1.7.4: DRIVER ATTIRE/SUIT Drivers are required to wear long pants and long
sleeve shirts. Multi-layer, one-piece driving suits made of fire-resistant material and
certified minimally to SFI spec 3.2A/1 to 3.2A/5, or FIA 8856-2000, which effectively
covers the body, including neck, ankles and wrists, are recommended for all
competition prepared racing vehicles and required for all Open Test Day drivers.
1.7.5: UNDERWEAR - Fire-resistant underwear is recommended with all FIA spec
8856-2000 suits, and all suits with an SFI rating of less than 3.2A/10. Only fire-
resistant underwear consisting of a long sleeve top and long pants are allowed.
1.7.6: SOCKS, GLOVES AND SHOES - Socks of fire-resistant material are
recommended for all drivers. Shoes and gloves must be made of leather or any
approved fire-resistant material and may not contain tears, rips or holes, except those
manufactured into the equipment.
1.7.7: SAFETY HARNESS All drivers and passengers are required to have working
seatbelts. It is recommended that all competition prepared vehicles be equipped with,
and drivers and passengers utilize, a five (5), six (6) or seven (7) point harness system
with minimum two inch wide belts. Six (6) or seven (7) point systems are
1.7.8: CORRECTIVE GLASSES - Any corrective eye glass material used shall be of
safety glass-type and must meet U. S. Government standards.
1.7.9: ARM RESTRAINTS Arm restraints are required for both the driver and
passenger for any open cockpit car taking part in an Open Test Day. Arm restraints
are recommended for both the drivers and passengers of all other open top cars for
Club Member days, such as convertibles, Targa tops, sunroof or T-tops.
1.8.1: 13/13 RULE VIR adheres to a strict 13/13 rule. It is the responsibility of all
drivers to avoid physical contact between cars and no contact between vehicles is
permitted. Any incident which results in car damage (to your own or others), that is
determined avoidable may result in disciplinary action. Repeated incidents will result in
enforcement of the 13/13 Rule; i.e., driver will be subject to a 13 month probation
period. Under this rule, any incident that results in car damage will cause the following:
The Club Director will collect and review all information relating to the incident,
including corner worker and other observer reports, driver statements and video cards.
In the case of an incident involving more than one car, the Race Director will make a
determination of fault. If the driver has any additional contact during his 13 month
probation period, the driver will lose driving privileges for an additional 13 months. No
refunds will be given to any participant who loses his driving privileges.
1.8.2: DRIVING ROOM - All drivers have a right to driving room” on the marked
racing surface. Driving room” is defined as sufficient space to allow a competitor to
maintain control of his car in close quarters under high speed driving conditions.
Abrupt changes in direction or “blocking” to impede or affect the path of a car
attempting to pass will be interpreted as an attempt to deprive a fellow competitor of
his right to “driving room.”
1.8.3: PASSING For all passing groups, the responsibility for the decision to pass
another car rests with the overtaking driver. The overtaking driver may ONLY pass
after being given a passing signal “point-by” signal from the driver to be overtaken.
The driver being passed should point to the side on which an overtaking driver should
pass him and then shall not block. Any driver who fails to make use of his rear view
mirror or who appears to be blocking another car seeking to pass may be black flagged.
1.8.4: DRIVE OFFS AND SPINS - Any car putting four wheels off the racing surface
or any car spinning on-track will be required to report to pit lane to have their car
inspected by an Official before being allowed to continue.
1.8.5: ENTERING THE PITS - Before entering the pits from the course, the driver
should signal by raising his arm to point which side of the car vehicles remaining on
course should pass on.
1.8.6: STOPPING ON COURSE If a driver is forced to stop his car on the course
during any session it should be his first duty to place his car in such a manner as to
cause no danger or obstruction to other participants. If the car is unable to continue,
the drivers should first indicate to the course worker that the driver is OK by showing
the Course Worker a “thumbs up” signal. Then the driver is to follow the instructions
of the Course Worker.
1.8.7: OBEYING COURSE WORKERS Drivers must obey the instructions of Course
Workers at all times.
1.8.8: OBSCENE GESTURES - Obscene hand gestures are prohibited and use of
obscene gestures may result in penalties, fines, and/or dismissal.
1.9.1: CLUB ANNUAL TECHNICAL INSPECTIONS Club Members are required to
provide a proper Annual Technical Inspection Form for each entered car prior to that
car being allowed on course. Annual inspections performed by recognized race series,
such as SCCA or NASA, are accepted as proof that an annual tech has been performed
on the vehicle.
1.9.2: WINDOW NET - A driver side window net, meeting SFI Spec 27.1, is
recommended for all competition prepared cars. If used, window nets must be
mounted in the window opening of the driver’s door of all vehicles with hard tops. The
net must be fastened securely to the roll cage structure. Plastic, leather, or elastic
buckles and straps are not permitted. The window net shall be released from the top.
The window net must be in place whenever the vehicle is on the course. If the window
net becomes unlatched on course or if the window net slides rearward, thus bunching
up and exposing the driver, the car may be black flagged.
1.9.3: TOW HOOKS - All competition cars without an exposed roll bar must have
permanently installed towing hooks/straps/cables, with minimum hole diameter of
50mm (2”), one (1) front and one (1) rear, to be used for flat-towing the vehicle. VIR
shall not be held responsible for any damage inflicted to any car being towed.
01152017 2017 VIR CLUB RULES Page 6 of 8
1.9.4: TAPING OF LIGHTS It is recommended that all glass headlights be taped
with clear tape. Colored tape may be used for daytime sessions. Rear brake lights,
turn signals, and backup lamps may be taped with clear tape.
1.9.5: DOORS If equipped with opening doors, the vehicle’s doors must be able to
be opened from both inside and outside of the vehicle. Latches and hinges for the
doors may be modified, but must remain in working order. The standard door locks
must be removed.
1.9.6: CARGO AREA - Spare wheels and tires, jacks and tools, spare tire covers, mats
and/or carpeting should be removed from the cargo/trunk area.
1.9.7: DOOR GLASS - The door window glass may be removed. If not removed, cars
shall run with both front door windows either fully open or fully closed only.
1.9.8: HUBCAPS AND WHEEL TRIMS - Hubcaps and wheel trim must be removed.
Any open top automobile desiring to participate in any VIR insured on-track session
must be equipped with an acceptable roll bar or roll cage. The responsibility to
construct and maintain a suitable roll bar or cage rests solely with the driver. VIR and
Club make no guarantees or warranties, express or implied, about the safety or
suitability of roll bars or cages (or any other safety equipment), and does not undertake
to inspect such equipment. VIR and Club provide here for the driver’s and owner’s
reference industry information regarding roll bars and cages, but VIR and Club
recommend that the driver and owner consult with appropriate experts in the
construction and maintenance of these devices in making decisions regarding them.
The basic purpose of the roll cage is to protect the driver. It must be designed to
withstand compression forces from the weight of the car coming down on the roll bar
or cage structure and to take fore/aft, and lateral, loads resulting from the car skidding
along on its roll cage structure.
Open top cars with factory installed roll over systems must at all times meet the “broom
stick test”, which means that the driver’s helmet must be two (2) inches below the line
from the top of the roll over bar to the top of the windshield. If the windshield a-pillar
is not structural, the front driver’s side shock mount shall be used for the broom stick
test. Factory removable hard tops are not normally structural and do not meet these
roll over protection requirements. The Club reserves the right to not allow certain
convertibles equipped solely with a factory rollover system.
Full roll cages must be contained completely within the cockpit of closed topped
vehicles. The roll bar or cage may be welded or bolted to the car. These rules apply
to roll bars and cages built for sedan-style cars. Cages provided with spec series or
open wheel cars must meet the original manufacturer’s cage design requirements or
individual series/car technical rules.
The roll bar or cage must be securely mounted to the floor and/or longitudinal members
of the frame or unibody structure with the top of the main hoop 2” above the driver’s
helmet when seated in the normal driving position. The mounting area of bolt-in roll
bars or cage must be backed by a plate of equal size to the main hoop base plate,
plates must have a minimum thickness of 3/16”. Fixing bolts must be SAE grade 5 or
metric 8.8 or higher. The roll bar or cage must be mounted directly to the metal point
on the chassis, with no carpet or padding between it and the chassis. It is
recommended that the main hoop be full cockpit width. If the main hoop does not
provide protection to the passenger, then passengers will not be allowed in the car.
The roll bar or cage must have two aft braces the same size and thickness tube of the
main hoop. The braces must be mounted to the main hoop within 6 inches from the
top of the main hoop at an included angle to the main hoop of at least 30 degrees.
There must be a diagonal member in the same plane as the main hoop. One inspection
hole of at least 3/16” must be drilled in all tubes in a non-critical area to facilitate
inspection of the tubing wall thickness. Any portion of the roll bar or cage which may
come into contact with the driver’s or passenger’s helmet must be covered by a high-
density foam at least 1” thick which is secured to the bar by tie-wraps.
Minimum Tubing Sizes for Roll Bar Structures:
Material Under 1500 lbs Over 1500 lbs
Mild Steel 1.5” x .120” 1.75” x .120”
Alloy Steel 1.375” x .090” 1.625” x .095”
Minimum Tubing Sizes for Roll Cage Structures:
Material Under 2500 lbs Over 2500 lbs
Mild Steel 1.5” x .095” 1.75” x .095” or 1.5” x .120”
Alloy Steel 1.375” x .095” 1.50” x .095”
2017 VIR CLUB RULES Page 7 of 8
The VIR Open Test Days section is intended to provide a basic set of rules for drivers
attending a VIR insured Open Test Day.
All on-track activities will be under the direction of VIR. Individual conduct on and off
the track is expected to be of the highest standard and reflect a positive image of the
sport. On-track behavior judged to be overly aggressive, dangerous, or not in the
spirit of a test event will result in exclusion from the remainder of the test day and
possibly future VIR Open Test Day events. Cars, not individual drivers, are entered in
open test days.
2.1.1: DRIVER ELIGIBILITY - Drivers must hold, be registered with and may be
required to be officially entered in, the race weekend for which the Open Test Day is
being conducted. Otherwise drivers attending open test days must hold a current
competition licenses from an organization recognized by VIR.
2.1.2: CAR ELIGIBILITY Cars must be classified in and may be required to be
officially entered in, the race series for which the Open Test Day is being conducted. If
no official event is related to the Open Test Day, cars must meet VIR’s car safety rules.
2.1.3: PASSENGERS Passengers are not permitted in any car without the express
permission of VIR. Any passenger allowed in any car must have signed the VIR Liability
Waiver and must follow the same safety rules and must wear the same safety
equipment as the driver.
2.1.4: CREW Each car entered is allowed three (3) crew passes. Additional crew
may gain access to the facility by paying the VIR Facility Access or Over Crew Fee.
2.1.5: SPINS OR OFF-COURSE EXCURSIONS A spin or off-course excursions may
result in the driver being black-flagged for a discussion with the Test Day Operating
Steward. A car involved in a crash, or having contact with another sufficient to produce
body, frame or suspension damage, may be excluded from the remainder of the test
2.1.6: VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION VIR reserves the right to determine which test
group is assigned.
2.1.7: SCHEDULE A schedule of sessions and groupings will be provided during
registration. All schedules are subject to revision at the sole discretion of VIR. Testing
runs “rain or shine” unless conditions require otherwise.
Test Day Participants are responsible for performing technical and safety inspections
for their personal safety equipment and their cars.
All cars shall be equipped with roll bars and/or roll cages, driver restraint system, tow
hooks and other safety equipment per the rules of the race series for which the test
day is being conducted.
All drivers and approved passengers shall wear all of the personal safety equipment
that is required by the race series for which the test is being conducted.
All cars must be equipped with a dry chemical fire extinguisher of at least 2 -pound
capacity securely mounted in the cockpit with a metal quick-release device within the
driver’s reach. On-board fire suppression systems are highly recommended.
An electrical cutoff switch is required. The switch shall be easily accessible and shall
be clearly marked on the outside of the car. The switch must isolate the battery and
charging system from the car.
2017 VIR CLUB RULES Page 8 of 8
The following flags are used to communicate with drivers. At night, or as otherwise
required, flags may be illuminated by lights or replaced by colored lights and/or
reflective panels as defined on the supplemental rules. Any replacement lights or
panels will have the same meaning as the flags defined herein.
Flags are divided into two groups: advisory and mandatory compliance.
Advisory flags are the green, blue w/ yellow diagonal, yellow w/ red stripes, and
white flags.
Mandatory compliance flags are the black, black w/ orange disc in the center,
yellow, waved yellow, double yellow, red, and black & white checkered.
A number board showing the offending car’s number may be displayed by the starter
to accompany a flag.
Pantone 348C.
Advisory. The session is under way or the race has begun.
Pantone BlackC.
Mandatory. Shown with an optional number board at the
start/finish station, and optionally at a designated “black
flag” station. The driver must go immediately to pit lane. If
shown “furled” and pointed at a driver, indicates that a minor
infraction has been noted and the driver must stop
misbehaving. Black flags shown at all stations indicate that
the session has been stopped for ALL drivers. No passing is
permitted. Use caution and go immediately to pit lane.
Pantone colors BlackC and orange 151C.
Mandatory. Informs the driver of a mechanical problem with
the driver’s vehicle. Shown with a number board from
start/finish and optionally a second designated “black flag”
station. Go immediately to the pits at reduced speed. The
car may not rejoin the session until released by a VIR Official.
Pantone color 298C (YellowC strip)
Advisory. Warns competitors that faster cars are
approaching or a following car may be in their blind spot.
Use caution and sportsmanship, hold line, do not make
abrupt changes in direction.
Pantone YellowC.
Mandatory. Caution, there has been an incident in the area
covered by the flag. Reduce speed, be prepared to change
direction, proceed past incident in single file. Passing is not
permitted between the yellow flag and the incident.
Pantone YellowC.
Mandatory. Use great caution. There has been an incident
in the area covered by the flag. The track may be partly or
wholly blocked. Reduce speed, be prepared to change
direction or stop, proceed past incident in single file. Passing
is not permitted between the yellow flag and the incident.
NOTE: Drivers may encounter several yellow flags prior to
reaching the incident. Passing is not permitted between the
first yellow flag and incident.
Pantone YellowC.
Mandatory. Full course caution, slow down, use caution, no
passing anywhere on the circuit. Displayed at all stations.
May be used with, or without, a safety car. Gather single file
behind the leader or safety car.
Pantone 186C.
Mandatory. The session has been stopped. Use caution.
Slow to a safe speed and stop at the next manned flag
station. Once stopped, await further instruction from a
course worker. If displayed during a race, no work is allowed
on any car during a red flag condition.
Pantone colors YellowC and 186C.
Advisory. The racing surface may be affected by fluids or
debris. Be prepared to alter your racing line to avoid the
Pantone BlackC.
Mandatory. Signals the end of the race or track session. Go
immediately to pit lane.
Advisory. There is a slow moving or track safety vehicle on
the course, and possibly in the racing line, ahead of you.