J.P Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., India Branches
Process of claiming the unclaimed deposit / activating
inoperative account
April 2024
Process of claiming the unclaimed deposit / activating the inoperative account
In order to reactivate an inoperative account, customer will have to provide fresh Know Your
Customer (KYC) documents and start transacting in their account. along with the relevant documents
as listed below. This is an indicative list of documents and is subject to change as per the applicable
regulations issued from time to time. Please reach out to your relationship manager or client service
representative if you have questions.
Annexure 1 List of Documents for KYC
Annexure 2 Self-Certification Form CRS E
Annexure 3 Form W-8BEN-E
Annexure 4 - Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form (Legal Entity/ Other than Individuals)
Annexure 5 - Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form (Related Persons)
Annexure 6 LEI Instructions
KYC Documents
Documents for Know Your Customer (KYC)
Ownership Structure
- Please provide a certified full ownership chart with %, up to the ultimate parent company entity, and including any/ all
shareholders / Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) (UBOs) of 10% or more.
(Where no natural person is identified above, then the person holding Senior managing official in the entity becomes the
BO. Example : Senior Official such as C-suite individuals.
Additionally then we would require PAN / Adhaar / Financial Status like estimated Networth document of Senior managing
official / UBO will be required)
List of Directors - Please confirm if we can utilize from MCA ?
List of Senior Managers - Please provide a list of Senior Managers
Note - Senior manager is the natural person(s) who exercises executive control over the daily or regular affairs of the legal
entity customer through a senior management position, such as (but not limited to) a chief executive officer (CEO), chief
financial officer (CFO), managing or executive director, or president etc., or equivalent depending on the client's entity
PAN Card
- Please certify the document following below guidelines
Certificate of Incorporation
- Please certify the document following below guidelines
Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Please certify the document following below guidelines
Board Resolution
- Please provide a BR Certified by Company Secretary or 2 Directors or Signatories
Signatories KYC Document
For Indian nationals: PAN + Any 1 of Adhaar/Passport/Driving License + Latest Photo + Specimen Signatures
For Foreign Nationals:
1) Passport (containing address) / Driving License (containing address) or Passport/Driving License + Utility Bill not older
than 2 months (notarized by public notary)
2) Kindly confirm over email that these signatories do not have any PAN nor taxable income in India requiring such
person to obtain a PAN and/or have not entered into transactions covered in Rule 114B in India.
Note - We will leverage the KYC documents available in the J.P. Morgan repository if the signatories are already onboarded
for any of your group entities.
CRS & W8BENE Forms
CKYC forms- Required for both entity and Individuals (all Authorized signatories & UBO)
Request you to please provide response to below queries as these can be closed via email confirmation:
- Registered address Kindly confirm if the registered address on MCA is valid to be considred in our records
- Physical Address: Please confirm over email that the registered address and physical address are the same. In case if the
physical address is different, we will require the evidence for the same. (e.g. GST certificate/utility bill within 2 months)
- Mailing Address - Please confirm if there is any other mailing address apart from Registered / Physical Address
Certification Guidelines*
Company documents need to be certified by “Any whole time Director OR Company Secretary OR individuals authorized by Board
Resolution” and should include the following-
I. A sentence such as “I certify this is a true copy of the original / Certified True Copy” or language to that effect
b. Signature of the certifier
c. Full name of certifier
d. Job role / Professional title
e. Date of certification
Individuals KYC documents to be OSV'd by JPMC Employee . If foreign Nationals then we can accept Notarized documents or
OSV'd by JPMC Employee of that location.
Annexure - Self-Certification Form CRS - E
Entity Tax Residency
Self-Certification Form
December 2016
Please read these instructions before completing the form.
Regulations based on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
("OECD") Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”) require Financial Institutions ("FIs") to collect
and report certain information about an account holder’s tax residency. If the account holder’s
tax residence is located outside the country where the FI maintaining the account is located,
we may be legally obliged to pass on the information in this form and other financial
information with respect to your financial accounts to the tax authorities in the country where
the FI is located and they may exchange this information with tax authorities of another
jurisdiction or jurisdictions pursuant to intergovernmental agreements to exchange financial
account information.
How to complete this form
Who should complete this form?
Please complete this form where you need to self-certify on behalf of an entity account holder.
If you are an individual account holder or sole trader or sole proprietor do not complete this form. Instead
please complete an “Individual tax residency self-certification form”.
For joint or multiple account holders please complete a separate form for each account holder.
If the Account Holder is a U.S. tax resident under U.S. law, you should indicate that you are a U.S. tax resident on this
form and you also need to complete and provide an IRS W-9 form. For more information on tax residence, please
consult your tax adviser or the information at the following link: OECD automatic exchange of information portal.
Where the Account Holder is a Passive Non Financial Entity ("NFE"), or an Investment Entity located in a Non-
Participating Jurisdiction managed by another Financial Institution: Please provide information on the natural person(s)
who exercise control over the Account Holder (individuals referred to as “Controlling Person(s)”) by completing a
“Controlling Person tax residency self-certification form” for each Controlling Person. This information should be
provided by all Investment Entities located in a Non-Participating Jurisdiction managed by another FI.
You should indicate the capacity in which you have signed in Part 4 (e.g., as custodian or nominee of an account on behalf
of the account holder, or under a signatory authority or power of attorney).
1 http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/
Understanding the Terminology
You can find summaries of defined terms such as an "Account Holder", entity classifications such as
“Financial Institution” and “International Organisation” and other terms, in the Appendix.
For additional information on overcoming common form rejection reasons please refer to the following link
Validity of form and No Tax Advice notice
This form is intended to request information consistent with local law requirements.
This form will remain valid unless there is a change in circumstances relating to information, such as
the Account Holder’s tax status or other mandatory field information that makes the form incorrect or
incomplete. In that case you must notify us and provide an updated self-certification.
As a financial institution, we are not allowed to give tax advice. Your tax adviser may be able to
assist you in answering specific questions on this form. Your domestic tax authority can provide
guidance regarding how to determine your tax status.
More information on the rules
You can find out more information, including a list of jurisdictions that have signed agreements to automatically
exchange information, along with details about the information being requested, on the OECD automatic exchange
of information portal at http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/.
Mandatory fields are marked with *
Entity tax residency self-certification form (CRS E)
Please complete parts 1-3 by typing the details into the form or using BLOCK CAPITALS if completing by hand. Mandatory fields
are marked with *.
Part 1 - Identification of the Account Holder
A: Legal Name of Entity/Branch*
B: Country of incorporation or organisation*
C: Current Residence Address*
Line1 House/Apt/Suite, Name, Number, Street
Line 2 Town/City/, Province/County/State
Postal Code/Zip Code
D: Mailing Address (please only complete if different from your current residence address above)
Line1 House/Apt/Suite, Name, Number, Street
Line 2 Town/City/, Province/County/State
Postal Code/Zip Code
Part 2* - Entity Type
Please classify the Account Holder by selecting one of the following. Further information on definitions can be found in the
Entity Type*
Financial Institution - Investment Entity
An Investment Entity located in a Non-Participating Jurisdiction and managed by another Financial Institution
Other Investment Entity
Financial Institution Depository Institution, Custodial Institution or Specified Insurance Company
Active NFE a corporation the stock of which is regularly traded on an established securities market or a corporation
which is a related entity of such a corporation
Active NFE a Government Entity or Central Bank
Active NFE an International Organisation
Active NFE other than CE
Passive NFE
Please provide additional required information depending on your entity type above.
Additional Entity Information
Entity Type Information needed
A or B
If you have selected A or B above, please provide, if held, the Account Holder’s Global Intermediary Identification
Number (“GIIN”) obtained for FATCA purposes.
If you have selected C, please provide the name of the established securities market on which the corporation is
regularly traded:
If you are a Related Entity of a regularly traded corporation, please provide the name of that regularly traded
corporation: The Entity classified as C is a Related Entity of .
A (i.) or G
Controlling Persons of Passive
Please indicate the name of
any Controlling Person(s) of
the Account Holder*
Please complete a Controlling Person tax residency self-certification form for each Controlling Person.*
Note: Please see definition of Controlling Person in Appendix. If there are no natural person(s) who exercise control
of the Entity then the Controlling Person will be the natural person(s) who hold the position of senior managing official.
Part 3* - Country of Residence for Tax Purposes and related Taxpayer Identification Number or
functional equivalent* (“TIN”) (see Appendix)
Please complete the following table indicating:
where the Account Holder is tax resident, and
the Account Holder’s TIN for each country indicated.
Please note:
If the Account Holder is not tax resident in any jurisdiction (e.g., because it is fiscally transparent), please indicate
that on line 1 and provide its place of effective management or country in which its principal office is located.
If the Account Holder is tax resident in more than three countries please use a separate sheet.
If a TIN is unavailable please provide the appropriate reason A, B or C where appropriate:
Reason A:
The country/jurisdiction where the Account Holder is resident does not issue TINs to its residents
Reason B:
The Account Holder is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN or equivalent number.
Please explain why you are unable to obtain a TIN in the table below if you have selected this reason.
Reason C:
No TIN is required.
Please only select this reason if the domestic law of the relevant jurisdiction does not require the collection of the TIN issued by
such country/jurisdiction
Country/Jurisdiction of tax residence
If no TIN available enter Reason A,B or C
Please explain in the following boxes why you are unable to obtain a TIN if you selected Reason B above.
Part 4*
Declaration and Signature
The Account Holder understands that the information supplied by it is covered by the full provisions of the terms and conditions
governing the Account Holder’s relationship with the Financial Institution setting out how the Financial Institution may use and
share the information supplied by the Account Holder.
The Account Holder acknowledges that the Financial Institution may disclose and transfer to the Financial Institution’s parent
companies, and its and their respective branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, representative offices, or third party service providers
located anywhere in the world (in or outside the country or jurisdiction in which the Account Holder resides, in which their
relationship with the Financial Institution is maintained, in which the account or transaction is booked, in which information is
collected and/or retained or in which the transaction is conducted) the information contained in this form and other information
regarding the Account Holder, any Controlling Person and any Reportable Account(s) when considered necessary by the
Financial Institution for its business purposes or in connection with, to comply with, or to facilitate compliance with, any law,
regulation, court order or requirement (including under any code, guideline, standard, policy, circular or notice) of a
governmental, regulatory, supervisory, law enforcement, prosecuting, tax or similar authority or industry body in any jurisdiction
existing currently or in the future, or for the purposes of ongoing cooperation with such governmental, regulatory and/or
statutory authority, or to comply with any agreement or arrangement with such authority or between such authorities in any
jurisdiction existing currently or in the future. The Account Holder consents to and instructs and authorizes the Financial
Institution to make such disclosures and transfers and expressly waive any protection or right under data protection,
confidentiality, or any other applicable law, to the extent necessary for such disclosures and transfers.
The Account Holder acknowledges that the information contained in this form and information regarding the Account Holder may
be reported to the tax authorities of the country/jurisdiction in which this account(s) is/are maintained and exchanged with tax
authorities of another country/jurisdiction or countries/jurisdictions in which the Account Holder may be tax resident pursuant to
intergovernmental agreements to exchange financial account information.
I certify that I am authorised to sign for the Account Holder in respect of all the account(s) to which this form relates.
The Account Holder declares that all statements made in this declaration are, to the best of its knowledge and belief,
correct and complete.
The Account Holder undertakes to advise the Financial Institution, within 90 days of any change in circumstances which affects
the tax residency status of the Account Holder identified in Part 1 of this form or causes the information contained herein to
become incorrect or incomplete (including any changes to the information on controlling persons identified in Part 2 question 2a),
and to provide the Financial Institution that maintains the account with a suitably updated self-certification and Declaration within
90 days of such change in circumstances.
Print name:*
Date:* (dd/mm/yyyy)
Please indicate the capacity in which you are signing the form (for example ‘Authorised Officer’).
If signing under a power of attorney please also attach a certified copy of the power of attorney.
Appendix Summary Descriptions of Select Defined Terms
Note: These are selected summaries of defined terms provided to assist you with the completion of this form. Further details can
be found within the OECD Common Reporting Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information” (the “CRS”),
the associated “Commentary” to the CRS, and domestic guidance. Relevant information can be found at the OECD automatic
exchange of information portal at http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/.
If you have any questions then please contact your tax adviser or domestic tax authority.
Account Holder
The “Account Holder” is the person listed or identified as the holder of a Financial Account by the
Financial Institution that maintains the account. This is regardless of whether such person is a flow-
through Entity. Thus, for example, if a trust or an estate is listed as the holder or owner of a Financial
Account, the trust or estate is the Account Holder, rather than the trustee or the trust’s owners or
beneficiaries. Similarly, if a partnership is listed as the holder or owner of a Financial Account, the
partnership is the Account Holder, rather than the partners in the partnership. A person, other than a
Financial Institution, holding a Financial Account for the benefit or account of another person as agent,
custodian, nominee, signatory, investment advisor, or intermediary, is not treated as holding the
account, and such other person is treated as holding the account.
Active NFE
An Active NFE if it meets any of the criteria listed below. In summary, those criteria refer to:
active NFEs by reason of income and assets;
publicly traded NFEs;
Governmental Entities, International Organisations, Central Banks, or their wholly
owned Entities;
holding NFEs that are members of a non-financial group;
start-up NFEs;
NFEs that are liquidating or emerging from bankruptcy;
treasury centres that are members of a non-financial group; or
non-profit NFEs.
An entity will be classified as an Active NFE if it meets any of the following criteria:
less than 50% of the NFE’s gross income for the preceding calendar year or other
appropriate reporting period is passive income and less than 50% of the assets held by
the NFE during the preceding calendar year or other appropriate reporting period are
assets that produce or are held for the production of passive income;
the stock of the NFE is regularly traded on an established securities market or the NFE
is a Related Entity of an Entity the stock of which is regularly traded on an established
securities market;
the NFE is a Governmental Entity, an International Organisation, a Central Bank, or an
Entity wholly owned by one or more of the foregoing;
substantially all of the activities of the NFE consist of holding (in whole or in part) the
outstanding stock of, or providing financing and services to, one or more subsidiaries
that engage in trades or businesses other than the business of a Financial Institution,
except that an Entity does not qualify for this status if the Entity functions (or holds itself
out) as an investment fund, such as a private equity fund, venture capital fund,
leveraged buyout fund, or any investment vehicle whose purpose is to acquire or fund
companies and then hold interests in those companies as capital assets for investment
the NFE is not yet operating a business and has no prior operating history (a "start-up
NFE”) but is investing capital into assets with the intent to operate a business other than that of a
Financial Institution, provided that the NFE does not qualify for this exception after the date that is
24 months after the date of the initial organisation of the NFE;
the NFE was not a Financial Institution in the past five years, and is in the process of
liquidating its assets or is reorganising with the intent to continue or recommence
operations in a business other than that of a Financial Institution;
the NFE primarily engages in financing and hedging transactions with, or for, Related
Entities that are not Financial Institutions, and does not provide financing or hedging
services to any Entity that is not a Related Entity, provided that the group of any such
Related Entities is primarily engaged in a business other than that of a Financial
Institution; or
the NFE meets all of the following requirements (a “non-profit NFE”)
it is established and operated in its jurisdiction of residence exclusively for
religious, charitable, scientific, artistic, cultural, athletic, or educational purposes; or
it is established and operated in its jurisdiction of residence and it is a professional
organisation, business league, chamber of commerce, labour organisation,
agricultural or horticultural organisation, civic league or an organisation operated
exclusively for the promotion of social welfare;
it is exempt from income tax in its jurisdiction of residence;
it has no shareholders or members who have a proprietary or beneficial interest in
its income or assets;
the applicable laws of the NFE’s jurisdiction of residence or the NFE’s formation
documents do not permit any income or assets of the NFE to be distributed to, or
applied for the benefit of, a private person or non-charitable Entity other than
pursuant to the conduct of the NFE’s charitable activities, or as payment of
reasonable compensation for services rendered, or as payment representing the
fair market value of property which the NFE has purchased; and
the applicable laws of the NFE’s jurisdiction of residence or the NFE’s formation
documents require that, upon the NFE’s liquidation or dissolution, all of its assets
be distributed to a Governmental Entity or other non-profit organisation, or escheat
to the government of the NFE’s jurisdiction of residence or any political subdivision.
Note: Certain entities (such as U.S. Territory NFFEs) may qualify for Active NFFE status under
FATCA but not Active NFE status under the CRS.
"Control" over an Entity is generally exercised by the natural person(s) who ultimately has a
controlling ownership interest (typically on the basis of a certain percentage (e.g. 10%)) in the
Entity. Where no natural person(s) exercises control through ownership interests, the Controlling
Person(s) of the Entity will be the natural person(s) who exercises control of the Entity through
other means. Where no natural person or persons are identified as exercising control of the Entity
through ownership interests, the Controlling Person of the Entity is deemed to be the natural person
who holds the position of senior managing official.
Controlling Person(s)
“Controlling Person(s)” are the natural person(s) who exercise control over an entity. Where that
entity is treated as a Passive Non-Financial Entity (“Passive NFE”) then a Financial Institution is
required to determine whether or not these Controlling Persons are Reportable Persons. This
definition corresponds to the term beneficial owner” described in Recommendation 10 and the
Interpretative Note on Recommendation 10 of the Financial Action Task Force
Recommendations (as adopted in February 2012).
In the case of a trust, the Controlling Person(s) are the settlor(s), the trustee(s), the protector(s) (if
any), the beneficiary(ies) or class(es) of beneficiaries, or any other natural person(s) exercising
ultimate effective control over the trust (including through a chain of control or ownership). Under
the CRS the settlor(s), the trustee(s), the protector(s) (if any), and the beneficiary(ies) or
class(es) of beneficiaries, are always treated as Controlling Persons of a trust, regardless of
whether or not any of them exercises control over the activities of the trust.
Where the settlor(s) of a trust is an Entity then the CRS requires Financial Institutions to also
identify the Controlling Persons of the settlor(s) and when required report them as Controlling
Persons of the trust. In the case of a legal arrangement other than a trust, “Controlling Person(s)”
means persons in equivalent or similar positions.
Custodial Institution
The term “Custodial Institution” means any Entity that holds, as a substantial portion of its
business, Financial Assets for the account of others. This is where the Entity’s gross income
attributable to the holding of Financial Assets and related financial services equals or exceeds
20% of the Entity’s gross income during the shorter of: (i) the three-year period that ends on 31
December (or the final day of a non-calendar year accounting period) prior to the year in which
the determination is being made; or (ii) the period during which the Entity has been in existence.
Depository Institution
The term “Depository Institution” means any Entity that accepts deposits in the ordinary course of
a banking or similar business.
FATCA stands for the US provisions commonly known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance
Act, which were enacted into US law as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment
(HIRE) Act on March 18, 2010. FATCA creates a new information reporting and withholding
regime for payments made to certain non-US financial institutions and other non-US entities.
The term “Entity” means a legal person or a legal arrangement, such as a corporation,
organisation, partnership, trust or foundation. This term covers any person other than an
individual (i.e. a natural person).
Financial Account
A Financial Account is an account maintained by a Financial Institution and includes: Depository
Accounts; Custodial Accounts; Equity and debt interest in certain Investment Entities; Cash Value
Insurance Contracts; and Annuity Contracts.
Financial Institution
The term “Financial Institution” means a “Custodial Institution”, a “Depository Institution”, an
“Investment Entity”, or a “Specified Insurance Company”. Please see the relevant domestic
guidance and the CRS for further classification definitions that apply to Financial Institutions.
International Organisation
International Organisation” includes any intergovernmental organisation (including a
supranational organisation), or wholly owned agency or instrumentality of such an organisation,
primarily comprises governments; and
has in effect a headquarters or substantially similar agreement with a jurisdiction; and
the income of which is not for the benefit of private persons.
Arrangements substantially similar to headquarters arrangements include, for example,
arrangements that entitle the organisation’s offices or establishments in the jurisdiction (e.g. a
subdivision, or a local or regional office) to privileges and immunities.
Investment Entity
The term “Investment Entity” includes two types of Entities:
an Entity that primarily conducts as a business one or more of the following
activities or operations for or on behalf of a customer:
Trading in money market instruments (cheques, bills, certificates of deposit,
derivatives, etc.); foreign exchange; exchange, interest rate and index
instruments; transferable securities; or commodity futures trading;
Individual and collective portfolio management; or
Otherwise investing, administering, or managing Financial Assets or money on
behalf of other persons. Such activities or operations do not include rendering
non-binding investment advice to a customer.
The second type of “Investment Entity” (“Investment Entity managed by another
Financial Institution”) is any Entity the gross income of which is primarily
attributable to investing, reinvesting, or trading in Financial Assets where the Entity
is managed by another Entity that is a Depository Institution, a Custodial Institution,
a Specified Insurance Company, or the first type of Investment Entity.
Investment Entity located
in a Non-Participating
Jurisdiction and managed
by another Financial
The term “Investment Entity located in a Non-Participating Jurisdiction and managed by another
Financial Institution” means any Entity the gross income of which is primarily attributable to
investing, reinvesting, or trading in Financial Assets if the Entity is (i) managed by a Financial
Institution and (ii) not a Participating Jurisdiction Financial Institution.
Investment Entity
managed by another
Financial Institution
An Entity is “managed by” another Entity if the managing Entity performs, either directly or
through another service provider on behalf of the managed Entity, any of the activities or
operations described in clause (i) above in the definition of "Investment Entity".
An Entity only manages another Entity if it has discretionary authority to manage the other
Entity’s assets (either in whole or part). Where an Entity is managed by a mix of Financial
Institutions, NFEs or individuals, the Entity is considered to be managed by another Entity that is
a Depository Institution, a Custodial Institution, a Specified Insurance Company, or the first type
of Investment Entity, if any of the managing Entities is such another Entity.
An “NFE” is any Entity that is not a Financial Institution.
Non-Reporting Financial
A Non-Reporting Financial Institution” means any Financial Institution that is:
a Governmental Entity, International Organisation or Central Bank, other than with
respect to a payment that is derived from an obligation held in connection with a
commercial financial activity of a type engaged in by a Specified Insurance Company,
Custodial Institution, or Depository Institution;
a Broad Participation Retirement Fund; a Narrow Participation Retirement Fund; a
Pension Fund of a Governmental Entity, International Organisation or Central Bank; or
a Qualified Credit Card Issuer;
an Exempt Collective Investment Vehicle;
a Trustee-Documented Trust: a trust where the trustee of the trust is a Reporting
Financial Institution and reports all information required to be reported with respect to
all Reportable Accounts of the trust; or
any other defined in a country's domestic law as a Non-Reporting Financial Institution.
Participating Jurisdiction
A “Participating Jurisdiction” means a jurisdiction with which an agreement is in place pursuant
to which it will provide the information required on the automatic exchange of financial account
information set out in the Common Reporting Standard and that is identified in a published list.
Participating Jurisdiction
Financial Institution
The term “Participating Jurisdiction Financial Institution" means:
any Financial Institution that is tax resident in a Participating Jurisdiction, but excludes any
branch of that Financial Institution that is located outside of that jurisdiction, and
any branch of a Financial Institution that is not tax resident in a Participating Jurisdiction, if
that branch is located in such Participating Jurisdiction.
Passive NFE
Under the CRS a “Passive NFE” means any NFE that is not an Active NFE. An Investment Entity
located in a Non-Participating Jurisdiction and managed by another Financial Institution is also
treated as a Passive NFE for purposes of the CRS.
Related Entity
An Entity is a “Related Entity” of another Entity if either Entity controls the other Entity, or the two
Entities are under common control. For this purpose control includes direct or indirect ownership
of more than 50% of the vote and value in an Entity.
Reportable Account
The term “Reportable Account” means an account held by one or more Reportable Persons or by
a Passive NFE with one or more Controlling Persons that is a Reportable Person.
Reportable Jurisdiction
A "Reportable Jurisdiction" is a jurisdiction with which an obligation to provide financial account
information is in place and that is identified in a published list.
Reportable Jurisdiction
A "Reportable Jurisdiction Person" is an Entity that is tax resident in a Reportable Jurisdiction(s)
under the tax laws of such jurisdiction(s) - by reference to local laws in the country where the
Entity is established, incorporated or managed. An Entity such as a partnership, limited liability
partnership or similar legal arrangement that has no residence for tax purposes shall be treated
as resident in the jurisdiction in which its place of effective management is situated. As such if an
Entity certifies that it has no residence for tax purposes it should complete the form stating the
address of its principal office.
Dual resident Entities may rely on the tiebreaker rules contained in tax conventions (if applicable)
to determine their residence for tax purposes.
Reportable Person
A “Reportable Person” is defined as a “Reportable Jurisdiction Person”, other than:
a corporation the stock of which is regularly traded on one or more established
securities markets;
any corporation that is a Related Entity of a corporation described above;
a Governmental Entity;
an International Organisation;
a Central Bank; or
a Financial Institution (except for an Investment Entity described in Sub Paragraph A(6)
b) of the CRS that is not are Participating Jurisdiction Financial Institution. Instead, such
Investment Entities are treated as Passive NFEs.)
Resident for tax purposes
Each jurisdiction has its own rules for defining tax residence, and jurisdictions have provided
information on how to determine whether an entity is tax resident in the jurisdiction on the
following website: http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/.
Generally, an Entity will be resident for tax purposes in a jurisdiction if, under the laws of that
jurisdiction (including tax conventions), it pays or should be paying tax therein by reason of its
domicile, residence, place of management or incorporation, or any other criterion of a similar
nature, and not only from sources in that jurisdiction. Dual resident Entities may rely on the
tiebreaker rules contained in tax conventions (if applicable) to solve cases of double residence
for determining their residence for tax purposes. An Entity such as a partnership, limited liability
partnership or similar legal arrangement that has no residence for tax purposes shall be treated as
resident in the jurisdiction in which its place of effective management is situated. For additional
information on tax residence, please talk to your tax adviser or see the OECD automatic
exchange of information portal at http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/.
Specified Insurance
The term “Specified Insurance Companymeans any Entity that is an insurance company (or the
holding company of an insurance company) that issues, or is obligated to make payments with
respect to, a Cash Value Insurance Contract or an Annuity Contract.
TIN (including “functional
The term “TIN” means Taxpayer Identification Number or a functional equivalent in the absence of
a TIN. A TIN is a unique combination of letters or numbers assigned by a jurisdiction to an
individual or an Entity and used to identify the individual or Entity for the purposes of
administering the tax laws of such jurisdiction. Further details of acceptable TINs can be found at
the OECD automatic exchange of information portal at http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-
exchange/. Some jurisdictions do not issue a TIN. However, these jurisdictions often utilise some
other high integrity number with an equivalent level of identification (a “functional equivalent”).
Examples of that type of number include, for Entities, a Business/company
registration code/number.
Annexure Form W-8BEN0E
(Rev. October 2021)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Do NOT use this form for:
Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for
United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities)
Go to www.irs.gov/FormW8BENE for instructions and the latest information.
Give this form to the withholding agent or payer. Do not send to the IRS.
OMB No. 1545-1621
Instead use Form:
U.S. entity or U.S. citizen or resident ...........................................................................................................................................................................W-9
A foreign individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W-8BEN (Individual) or Form 8233
A foreign individual or entity claiming that income is effectively connected with the conduct of trade or business within the United States
(unless claiming treaty benefits) ............................................................................................................................................................................. W-8ECI
A foreign partnership, a foreign simple trust, or a foreign grantor trust (unless claiming treaty benefits) (see instructions for exceptions) . . W-8IMY
A foreign government, international organization, foreign central bank of issue, foreign tax-exempt organization, foreign private foundation, or
government of a U.S. possession claiming that income is effectively connected U.S. income or that is claiming the applicability of section(s) 115(2),
501(c), 892, 895, or 1443(b) (unless claiming treaty benefits) (see instructions for other exceptions) ...................................................
W-8ECI or W-8EXP
Any person acting as an intermediary (including a qualified intermediary acting as a qualified derivatives dealer) ............................................... W-8IMY
Part I
Identification of Beneficial Owner
1 Name of organization that is the beneficial owner
2 Country of incorporation or organization
Name of disregarded entity receiving the payment (if applicable, see instructions)
Chapter 3 Status (entity type) (Must check one box only):
Simple trust Tax-exempt organization
Central Bank of Issue Private foundation
Grantor trust Disregarded entity
Complex trust
International organization
Foreign Government - Controlled Entity
Foreign Government - Integral Part
Chapter 4 Status (FATCA status) (See instructions for details and complete the certification below for the entity's applicable status.)
Nonparticipating FFI (including an FFI related to a Reporting IGA
FFI other than a deemed-compliant FFI, participating FFI, or
exempt beneficial owner).
Participating FFI.
Reporting Model 1 FFI.
Reporting Model 2 FFI.
Registered deemed-compliant FFI (other than a reporting Model 1
FFI, sponsored FFI, or nonreporting IGA FFI covered in Part XII).
See instructions.
Sponsored FFI. Complete Part IV.
Certified deemed-compliant nonregistering local bank. Complete
Part V.
Certified deemed-compliant FFI with only low-value accounts.
Complete Part VI.
Certified deemed-compliant sponsored, closely held investment
vehicle. Complete Part VII.
Certified deemed-compliant limited life debt investment entity.
Complete Part VIII.
Certain investment entities that do not maintain financial accounts.
Complete Part IX.
Owner-documented FFI. Complete Part X.
Restricted distributor. Complete Part XI.
Nonreporting IGA FFI. Complete Part XII.
Foreign government, government of a U.S. possession, or foreign
central bank of issue. Complete Part XIII.
International organization. Complete Part XIV.
Exempt retirement plans. Complete Part XV.
Entity wholly owned by exempt beneficial owners. Complete Part XVI.
Territory financial institution. Complete Part XVII.
Excepted nonfinancial group entity. Complete Part XVIII.
Excepted nonfinancial start-up company. Complete Part XIX.
Excepted nonfinancial entity in liquidation or bankruptcy.
Complete Part XX.
501(c) organization. Complete Part XXI.
Nonprofit organization. Complete Part XXII.
Publicly traded NFFE or NFFE affiliate of a publicly traded
corporation. Complete Part XXIII.
Excepted territory NFFE. Complete Part XXIV.
Active NFFE. Complete Part XXV.
Passive NFFE. Complete Part XXVI.
Excepted inter-affiliate FFI. Complete Part XXVII.
Direct reporting NFFE.
Sponsored direct reporting NFFE. Complete Part XXVIII.
Account that is not a financial account.
Permanent residence address (street, apt. or suite no., or rural route). Do not use a P.O. box or in-care-of address (other than a registered address).
Mailing address (if different from above)
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.
Cat. No. 59689N Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. 10-2021)
City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate.
City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate.
Page 2
Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. 10-2021)
Part I
Identification of Beneficial Owner (continued)
Part II
Part III
Part IV
8 U.S. taxpayer identification number (TIN), if required
Foreign TIN
Check if FTIN not legally required .
Reference number(s) (see instructions)
Note: Please complete remainder of the form including signing the form in Part XXX.
Disregarded Entity or Branch Receiving Payment. (Complete only if a disregarded entity with a GIIN or a
branch of an FFI in a country other than the FFI’s country of residence. See instructions.)
Chapter 4 Status (FATCA status) of disregarded entity or branch receiving payment
Branch treated as nonparticipating FFI.
Participating FFI.
Reporting Model 1 FFI.
Reporting Model 2 FFI.
U.S. Branch.
Address of disregarded entity or branch (street, apt. or suite no., or rural route). Do not use a P.O. box or in-care-of address (other than a
registered address).
City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate.
GIIN (if any)
Claim of Tax Treaty Benefits (if applicable). (For chapter 3 purposes only.)
I certify that (check all that apply):
The beneficial owner is a resident of
within the meaning of the income tax
treaty between the United States and that country.
The beneficial owner derives the item (or items) of income for which the treaty benefits are claimed, and, if applicable, meets the requirements
of the treaty provision dealing with limitation on benefits. The following are types of limitation on benefits provisions that may be included in
an applicable tax treaty (check only one; see instructions):
Tax-exempt pension trust or pension fund
Other tax-exempt organization
Publicly traded corporation
Subsidiary of a publicly traded corporation
Company that meets the ownership and base erosion test
Company that meets the derivative benefits test
Company with an item of income that meets active trade or business test
Favorable discretionary determination by the U.S. competent authority received
No LOB article in treaty
Other (specify Article and paragraph):
The beneficial owner is claiming treaty benefits for U.S. source dividends received from a foreign corporation or interest from a U.S. trade
or business of a foreign corporation and meets qualified resident status (see instructions).
Special rates and conditions (if applicablesee instructions):
The beneficial owner is claiming the provisions of Article and paragraph
of the treaty identified on line 14a above to claim a
% rate of withholding on (specify type of income):
Explain the additional conditions in the Article the beneficial owner meets to be eligible for the rate of withholding:
Sponsored FFI
Name of sponsoring entity:
Check whichever box applies.
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is an investment entity;
Is not a QI, WP (except to the extent permitted in the withholding foreign partnership agreement), or WT; and
Has agreed with the entity identified above (that is not a nonparticipating FFI) to act as the sponsoring entity for this entity.
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is a controlled foreign corporation as defined in section 957(a);
Is not a QI, WP, or WT;
Is wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by the U.S. financial institution identified above that agrees to act as the sponsoring entity for this entity; and
Shares a common electronic account system with the sponsoring entity (identified above) that enables the sponsoring entity to identify all account
holders and payees of the entity and to access all account and customer information maintained by the entity including, but not limited to, customer
identification information, customer documentation, account balance, and all payments made to account holders or payees.
Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. 10-2021)
Part VI
Part VII
I certify that the FFI identified in Part I:
Operates and is licensed solely as a bank or credit union (or similar cooperative credit organization operated without profit) in its country of
incorporation or organization;
Engages primarily in the business of receiving deposits from and making loans to, with respect to a bank, retail customers unrelated to such
bank and, with respect to a credit union or similar cooperative credit organization, members, provided that no member has a greater than 5%
interest in such credit union or cooperative credit organization;
Does not solicit account holders outside its country of organization;
Has no fixed place of business outside such country (for this purpose, a fixed place of business does not include a location that is not
advertised to the public and from which the FFI performs solely administrative support functions);
Has no more than $175 million in assets on its balance sheet and, if it is a member of an expanded affiliated group, the group has no more
than $500 million in total assets on its consolidated or combined balance sheets; and
Does not have any member of its expanded affiliated group that is a foreign financial institution, other than a foreign financial institution that
is incorporated or organized in the same country as the FFI identified in Part I and that meets the requirements set forth in this part.
Certified Deemed-Compliant FFI with Only Low-Value Accounts
I certify that the FFI identified in Part I:
Is not engaged primarily in the business of investing, reinvesting, or trading in securities, partnership interests, commodities, notional
principal contracts, insurance or annuity contracts, or any interest (including a futures or forward contract or option) in such security,
partnership interest, commodity, notional principal contract, insurance contract or annuity contract;
No financial account maintained by the FFI or any member of its expanded affiliated group, if any, has a balance or value in excess of
$50,000 (as determined after applying applicable account aggregation rules); and
Neither the FFI nor the entire expanded affiliated group, if any, of the FFI, have more than $50 million in assets on its consolidated or
combined balance sheet as of the end of its most recent accounting year.
Certified Deemed-Compliant Sponsored, Closely Held Investment Vehicle
Name of sponsoring entity:
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is an FFI solely because it is an investment entity described in Regulations section 1.1471-5(e)(4);
Is not a QI, WP, or WT;
Will have all of its due diligence, withholding, and reporting responsibilities (determined as if the FFI were a participating FFI) fulfilled by the
sponsoring entity identified on line 20; and
20 or fewer individuals own all of the debt and equity interests in the entity (disregarding debt interests owned by U.S. financial institutions,
participating FFIs, registered deemed-compliant FFIs, and certified deemed-compliant FFIs and equity interests owned by an entity if that
entity owns 100% of the equity interests in the FFI and is itself a sponsored FFI).
Part VIII Certified Deemed-Compliant Limited Life Debt Investment Entity
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Was in existence as of January 17, 2013;
Issued all classes of its debt or equity interests to investors on or before January 17, 2013, pursuant to a trust indenture or similar agreement; and
Is certified deemed-compliant because it satisfies the requirements to be treated as a limited life debt investment entity (such as the
restrictions with respect to its assets and other requirements under Regulations section 1.1471-5(f)(2)(iv)).
Part IX Certain Investment Entities that Do Not Maintain Financial Accounts
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is a financial institution solely because it is an investment entity described in Regulations section 1.1471-5(e)(4)(i)(A), and
Does not maintain financial accounts.
Part X Owner-Documented FFI
Note: This status only applies if the U.S. financial institution, participating FFI, or reporting Model 1 FFI to which this form is given has agreed that it will
treat the FFI as an owner-documented FFI (see instructions for eligibility requirements). In addition, the FFI must make the certifications below.
24a (All owner-documented FFIs check here) I certify that the FFI identified in Part I:
Does not act as an intermediary;
Does not accept deposits in the ordinary course of a banking or similar business;
Does not hold, as a substantial portion of its business, financial assets for the account of others;
Is not an insurance company (or the holding company of an insurance company) that issues or is obligated to make payments with respect to
a financial account;
Is not owned by or in an expanded affiliated group with an entity that accepts deposits in the ordinary course of a banking or similar
business, holds, as a substantial portion of its business, financial assets for the account of others, or is an insurance company (or the holding
company of an insurance company) that issues or is obligated to make payments with respect to a financial account;
Does not maintain a financial account for any nonparticipating FFI; and
Does not have any specified U.S. persons that own an equity interest or debt interest (other than a debt interest that is not a financial
account or that has a balance or value not exceeding $50,000) in the FFI other than those identified on the FFI owner reporting statement.
Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. 10-2021)
Part XI
Check box 24b or 24c, whichever applies.
b I certify that the FFI identified in Part I:
Has provided, or will provide, an FFI owner reporting statement that contains:
The name, address, TIN (if any), chapter 4 status, and type of documentation provided (if required) of every individual and specified
U.S. person that owns a direct or indirect equity interest in the owner-documented FFI (looking through all entities other than specified
U.S. persons);
The name, address, TIN (if any), and chapter 4 status of every individual and specified U.S. person that owns a debt interest in the
owner-documented FFI (including any indirect debt interest, which includes debt interests in any entity that directly or indirectly owns
the payee or any direct or indirect equity interest in a debt holder of the payee) that constitutes a financial account in excess of
$50,000 (disregarding all such debt interests owned by participating FFIs, registered deemed-compliant FFIs, certified deemed-
compliant FFIs, excepted NFFEs, exempt beneficial owners, or U.S. persons other than specified U.S. persons); and
Any additional information the withholding agent requests in order to fulfill its obligations with respect to the entity.
Has provided, or will provide, valid documentation meeting the requirements of Regulations section 1.1471-3(d)(6)(iii) for each person
identified in the FFI owner reporting statement.
c I certify that the FFI identified in Part I has provided, or will provide, an auditor's letter, signed within 4 years of the date of payment,
from an independent accounting firm or legal representative with a location in the United States stating that the firm or representative has
reviewed the FFI’s documentation with respect to all of its owners and debt holders identified in Regulations section 1.1471-3(d)(6)(iv)(A)(2),
and that the FFI meets all the requirements to be an owner-documented FFI. The FFI identified in Part I has also provided, or will provide, an
FFI owner reporting statement of its owners that are specified U.S. persons and Form(s) W-9, with applicable waivers.
Check box 24d if applicable (optional, see instructions).
I certify that the entity identified on line 1 is a trust that does not have any contingent beneficiaries or designated classes with unidentified
Restricted Distributor
25a (All restricted distributors check here) I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Operates as a distributor with respect to debt or equity interests of the restricted fund with respect to which this form is furnished;
Provides investment services to at least 30 customers unrelated to each other and less than half of its customers are related to each other;
Is required to perform AML due diligence procedures under the anti-money laundering laws of its country of organization (which is an FATF-
compliant jurisdiction);
Operates solely in its country of incorporation or organization, has no fixed place of business outside of that country, and has the same
country of incorporation or organization as all members of its affiliated group, if any;
Does not solicit customers outside its country of incorporation or organization;
Has no more than $175 million in total assets under management and no more than $7 million in gross revenue on its income statement for
the most recent accounting year;
Is not a member of an expanded affiliated group that has more than $500 million in total assets under management or more than $20 million
in gross revenue for its most recent accounting year on a combined or consolidated income statement; and
Does not distribute any debt or securities of the restricted fund to specified U.S. persons, passive NFFEs with one or more substantial U.S.
owners, or nonparticipating FFIs.
Check box 25b or 25c, whichever applies.
I further certify that with respect to all sales of debt or equity interests in the restricted fund with respect to which this form is furnished that are made
after December 31, 2011, the entity identified in Part I:
Has been bound by a distribution agreement that contained a general prohibition on the sale of debt or securities to U.S. entities and U.S.
resident individuals and is currently bound by a distribution agreement that contains a prohibition of the sale of debt or securities to any
specified U.S. person, passive NFFE with one or more substantial U.S. owners, or nonparticipating FFI.
c Is currently bound by a distribution agreement that contains a prohibition on the sale of debt or securities to any specified U.S. person, passive
NFFE with one or more substantial U.S. owners, or nonparticipating FFI and, for all sales made prior to the time that such a restriction was
included in its distribution agreement, has reviewed all accounts related to such sales in accordance with the procedures identified in
Regulations section 1.1471-4(c) applicable to preexisting accounts and has redeemed or retired any, or caused the restricted fund to transfer
the securities to a distributor that is a participating FFI or reporting Model 1 FFI securities which were sold to specified U.S. persons, passive
NFFEs with one or more substantial U.S. owners, or nonparticipating FFIs.
Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. 10-2021)
Part XII
Nonreporting IGA FFI
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Meets the requirements to be considered a nonreporting financial institution pursuant to an applicable IGA between the United States and
. The applicable IGA is a
Model 1 IGA or a Model 2 IGA; and
is treated as a under the provisions of the applicable IGA or Treasury regulations
(if applicable, see instructions);
If you are a trustee documented trust or a sponsored entity, provide the name of the trustee or sponsor
The trustee is:
Part XIII Foreign Government, Government of a U.S. Possession, or Foreign Central Bank of Issue
I certify that the entity identified in Part I is the beneficial owner of the payment, and is not engaged in commercial financial activities of a
type engaged in by an insurance company, custodial institution, or depository institution with respect to the payments, accounts, or
obligations for which this form is submitted (except as permitted in Regulations section 1.1471-6(h)(2)).
Part XIV International Organization
Check box 28a or 28b, whichever applies.
28a I certify that the entity identified in Part I is an international organization described in section 7701(a)(18).
b I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is comprised primarily of foreign governments;
Is recognized as an intergovernmental or supranational organization under a foreign law similar to the International Organizations Immunities
Act or that has in effect a headquarters agreement with a foreign government;
The benefit of the entity’s income does not inure to any private person; and
Is the beneficial owner of the payment and is not engaged in commercial financial activities of a type engaged in by an insurance company,
custodial institution, or depository institution with respect to the payments, accounts, or obligations for which this form is submitted (except as
permitted in Regulations section 1.1471-6(h)(2)).
Part XV Exempt Retirement Plans
Check box 29a, b, c, d, e, or f, whichever applies.
29a I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is established in a country with which the United States has an income tax treaty in force (see Part III if claiming treaty benefits);
Is operated principally to administer or provide pension or retirement benefits; and
Is entitled to treaty benefits on income that the fund derives from U.S. sources (or would be entitled to benefits if it derived any such income)
as a resident of the other country which satisfies any applicable limitation on benefits requirement.
b I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is organized for the provision of retirement, disability, or death benefits (or any combination thereof) to beneficiaries that are former
employees of one or more employers in consideration for services rendered;
No single beneficiary has a right to more than 5% of the FFI’s assets;
Is subject to government regulation and provides annual information reporting about its beneficiaries to the relevant tax authorities in the
country in which the fund is established or operated; and
Is generally exempt from tax on investment income under the laws of the country in which it is established or operates due to its status as
a retirement or pension plan;
Receives at least 50% of its total contributions from sponsoring employers (disregarding transfers of assets from other plans described in
this part, retirement and pension accounts described in an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA, other retirement funds described in an
applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA, or accounts described in Regulations section 1.1471-5(b)(2)(i)(A));
Either does not permit or penalizes distributions or withdrawals made before the occurrence of specified events related to retirement,
disability, or death (except rollover distributions to accounts described in Regulations section 1.1471-5(b)(2)(i)(A) (referring to retirement
and pension accounts), to retirement and pension accounts described in an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA, or to other retirement
funds described in this part or in an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA); or
Limits contributions by employees to the fund by reference to earned income of the employee or may not exceed $50,000 annually.
c I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is organized for the provision of retirement, disability, or death benefits (or any combination thereof) to beneficiaries that are former employees
of one or more employers in consideration for services rendered;
Has fewer than 50 participants;
Is sponsored by one or more employers each of which is not an investment entity or passive NFFE;
Employee and employer contributions to the fund (disregarding transfers of assets from other plans described in this part, retirement and pension
accounts described in an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA, or accounts described in Regulations section 1.1471-5(b)(2)(i)(A)) are limited by
reference to earned income and compensation of the employee, respectively;
Is subject to government regulation and provides annual information reporting about its beneficiaries to the relevant tax authorities in the country
in which the fund is established or operates.
Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. 10-2021)
Part XV
Exempt Retirement Plans (continued)
b I certify that the entity identified in Part I is formed pursuant to a pension plan that would meet the requirements of section 401(a), other
than the requirement that the plan be funded by a trust created or organized in the United States.
c I certify that the entity identified in Part I is established exclusively to earn income for the benefit of one or more retirement funds
described in this part or in an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA, or accounts described in Regulations section 1.1471-5(b)(2)(i)(A) (referring to
retirement and pension accounts), or retirement and pension accounts described in an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA.
d I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is established and sponsored by a foreign government, international organization, central bank of issue, or government of a U.S. possession
(each as defined in Regulations section 1.1471-6) or an exempt beneficial owner described in an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA to provide
retirement, disability, or death benefits to beneficiaries or participants that are current or former employees of the sponsor (or persons designated
by such employees); or
Is established and sponsored by a foreign government, international organization, central bank of issue, or government of a U.S. possession
(each as defined in Regulations section 1.1471-6) or an exempt beneficial owner described in an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA to provide
retirement, disability, or death benefits to beneficiaries or participants that are not current or former employees of such sponsor, but are in
consideration of personal services performed for the sponsor.
Part XVI Entity Wholly Owned by Exempt Beneficial Owners
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is an FFI solely because it is an investment entity;
Each direct holder of an equity interest in the investment entity is an exempt beneficial owner described in Regulations section 1.1471-6 or in an
applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA;
Each direct holder of a debt interest in the investment entity is either a depository institution (with respect to a loan made to such entity) or an
exempt beneficial owner described in Regulations section 1.1471-6 or an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA.
Has provided an owner reporting statement that contains the name, address, TIN (if any), chapter 4 status, and a description of the type of
documentation provided to the withholding agent for every person that owns a debt interest constituting a financial account or direct equity interest
in the entity; and
Has provided documentation establishing that every owner of the entity is an entity described in Regulations section 1.1471-6(b), (c), (d), (e),
(f) and/or (g) without regard to whether such owners are beneficial owners.
Part XVII Territory Financial Institution
I certify that the entity identified in Part I is a financial institution (other than an investment entity) that is incorporated or organized under
the laws of a possession of the United States.
Part XVIII Excepted Nonfinancial Group Entity
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Is a holding company, treasury center, or captive finance company and substantially all of the entity’s activities are functions described in
Regulations section 1.1471-5(e)(5)(i)(C) through (E);
Is a member of a nonfinancial group described in Regulations section 1.1471-5(e)(5)(i)(B);
Is not a depository or custodial institution (other than for members of the entity’s expanded affiliated group); and
Does not function (or hold itself out) as an investment fund, such as a private equity fund, venture capital fund, leveraged buyout fund, or any
investment vehicle with an investment strategy to acquire or fund companies and then hold interests in those companies as capital assets for
investment purposes.
Part XIX Excepted Nonfinancial Start-Up Company
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Was formed on (or, in the case of a new line of business, the date of board resolution approving the new line of business)
(date must be less than 24 months prior to date of payment);
Is not yet operating a business and has no prior operating history or is investing capital in assets with the intent to operate a new line of
business other than that of a financial institution or passive NFFE;
Is investing capital into assets with the intent to operate a business other than that of a financial institution; and
Does not function (or hold itself out) as an investment fund, such as a private equity fund, venture capital fund, leveraged buyout fund, or any
investment vehicle whose purpose is to acquire or fund companies and then hold interests in those companies as capital assets for investment purposes.
Part XX Excepted Nonfinancial Entity in Liquidation or Bankruptcy
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Filed a plan of liquidation, filed a plan of reorganization, or filed for bankruptcy on
During the past 5 years has not been engaged in business as a financial institution or acted as a passive NFFE;
Is either liquidating or emerging from a reorganization or bankruptcy with the intent to continue or recommence operations as a nonfinancial
entity; and
Has, or will provide, documentary evidence such as a bankruptcy filing or other public documentation that supports its claim if it remains in
bankruptcy or liquidation for more than 3 years.
Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. 10-2021)
Part XXI 501(c) Organization
I certify that the entity identified in Part I is a 501(c) organization that:
Has been issued a determination letter from the IRS that is currently in effect concluding that the payee is a section 501(c) organization that is
dated ; or
Has provided a copy of an opinion from U.S. counsel certifying that the payee is a section 501(c) organization (without regard to whether the
payee is a foreign private foundation).
Part XXII Nonprofit Organization
I certify that the entity identified in Part I is a nonprofit organization that meets the following requirements.
The entity is exempt from income tax in its country of residence;
The entity has no shareholders or members who have a proprietary or beneficial interest in its income or assets;
Neither the applicable laws of the entity’s country of residence nor the entity’s formation documents permit any income or assets of the entity to
be distributed to, or applied for the benefit of, a private person or noncharitable entity other than pursuant to the conduct of the entity’s charitable
activities or as payment of reasonable compensation for services rendered or payment representing the fair market value of property which the
entity has purchased; and
The applicable laws of the entity’s country of residence or the entity’s formation documents require that, upon the entity’s liquidation or dissolution,
all of its assets be distributed to an entity that is a foreign government, an integral part of a foreign government, a controlled entity of a foreign
government, or another organization that is described in this part or escheats to the government of the entity’s country of residence or
any political subdivision thereof.
Part XXIII Publicly Traded NFFE or NFFE Affiliate of a Publicly Traded Corporation
Check box 37a or 37b, whichever applies.
37a I certify that:
The entity identified in Part I is a foreign corporation that is not a financial institution; and
The stock of such corporation is regularly traded on one or more established securities markets, including
(name one securities exchange upon which the stock is regularly traded).
b I certify that:
The entity identified in Part I is a foreign corporation that is not a financial institution;
The entity identified in Part I is a member of the same expanded affiliated group as an entity the stock of which is regularly traded on an
established securities market;
The name of the entity, the stock of which is regularly traded on an established securities market, is
; and
The name of the securities market on which the stock is regularly traded is
Part XXIV Excepted Territory NFFE
I certify that:
The entity identified in Part I is an entity that is organized in a possession of the United States;
The entity identified in Part I:
Does not accept deposits in the ordinary course of a banking or similar business;
Does not hold, as a substantial portion of its business, financial assets for the account of others; or
Is not an insurance company (or the holding company of an insurance company) that issues or is obligated to make payments with
respect to a financial account; and
All of the owners of the entity identified in Part I are bona fide residents of the possession in which the NFFE is organized or incorporated.
Part XXV
Active NFFE
I certify that:
The entity identified in Part I is a foreign entity that is not a financial institution;
Less than 50% of such entity’s gross income for the preceding calendar year is passive income; and
Less than 50% of the assets held by such entity are assets that produce or are held for the production of passive income (calculated as a
weighted average of the percentage of passive assets measured quarterly) (see instructions for the definition of passive income).
Passive NFFE
40a I certify that the entity identified in Part I is a foreign entity that is not a financial institution (other than an investment entity organized in a
possession of the United States) and is not certifying its status as a publicly traded NFFE (or affiliate), excepted territory NFFE, active
NFFE, direct reporting NFFE, or sponsored direct reporting NFFE.
Check box 40b or 40c, whichever applies.
b I further certify that the entity identified in Part I has no substantial U.S. owners (or, if applicable, no controlling U.S. persons); or
c I further certify that the entity identified in Part I has provided the name, address, and TIN of each substantial U.S. owner (or, if applicable,
controlling U.S. person) of the NFFE in Part XXIX.
Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. 10-2021)
Excepted Inter-Affiliate FFI
41 I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
Does not maintain financial accounts (other than accounts maintained for members of its expanded affiliated group);
Does not make withholdable payments to any person other than to members of its expanded affiliated group;
Does not hold an account (other than depository accounts in the country in which the entity is operating to pay for expenses) with or receive
payments from any withholding agent other than a member of its expanded affiliated group; and
Has not agreed to report under Regulations section 1.1471-4(d)(2)(ii)(C) or otherwise act as an agent for chapter 4 purposes on behalf of any financial
institution, including a member of its expanded affiliated group.
Sponsored Direct Reporting NFFE (see instructions for when this is permitted)
Part XXIX Substantial U.S. Owners of Passive NFFE
As required by Part XXVI, provide the name, address, and TIN of each substantial U.S. owner of the NFFE. Please see the instructions for a definition of
substantial U.S. owner. If providing the form to an FFI treated as a reporting Model 1 FFI or reporting Model 2 FFI, an NFFE may also use this part for
reporting its controlling U.S. persons under an applicable IGA.
Part XXX
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined the information on this form and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct, and complete. I further certify
under penalties of perjury that:
The entity identified on line 1 of this form is the beneficial owner of all the income or proceeds to which this form relates, is using this form to certify its status for
chapter 4 purposes, or is submitting this form for purposes of section 6050W or 6050Y;
The entity identified on line 1 of this form is not a U.S. person;
This form relates to: (a) income not effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States, (b) income effectively connected with the
conduct of a trade or business in the United States but is not subject to tax under an income tax treaty, (c) the partner’s share of a partnership’s effectively connected
taxable income, or (d) the partner’s amount realized from the transfer of a partnership interest subject to withholding under section 1446(f); and
For broker transactions or barter exchanges, the beneficial owner is an exempt foreign person as defined in the instructions.
Furthermore, I authorize this form to be provided to any withholding agent that has control, receipt, or custody of the income of which the entity on line 1 is the beneficial owner
or any withholding agent that can disburse or make payments of the income of which the entity on line 1 is the beneficial owner.
I agree that I will submit a new form within 30 days if any certification on this form becomes incorrect.
I certify that I have the capacity to sign for the entity identified on line 1 of this form.
Sign Here
Signature of individual authorized to sign for beneficial owner Print Name Date (MM-DD-YYYY)
Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. 10-2021)
Name of sponsoring entity:
I certify that the entity identified in Part I is a direct reporting NFFE that is sponsored by the entity identified on line 42.
Annexure - Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form (Legal Entity/ Other than Individuals)
‘CENTRAL KYC REGISTERY | Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form | Other than Individuals
Important Instructions:
A) Fields marked with * are mandatory fields
B) Tick wherever applicable
C) Please fill the date in DD-MM-YYYY format
D) Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK letters
E) KYC Number of applicant is mandatory for update
For Office Use Only
Application Type* New Update
(to be filled by financial institution)
KYC Number Click or tap here to enter text. (Mandatory for KYC Update Request)
1. ENTITY DETAILS (Please refer to instruction A at the end)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Entity Constitution Type*
Click or tap here to enter text. ( Please refer instruction B at the end)
Date of incorporation /
Click or tap to
enter a date.
Date of commencement of business:
Click or tap to enter a
Place of Incorporation /
Click or tap here to enter
Country of
Incorporation /
Click or tap here
to enter text.
TIN or Equivalent
Issuing Country
Click or tap here to
enter text.
Click or tap here to enter
Form 60 furnished
TIN / GST Registration Number Click or tap here to enter text.
2. PROOF OF IDENTITY (Pol)* (Please refer instruction B at the end)
Officially valid document(s) in respect of person authorized to transact
Certificate of incorporation / Formation Click or tap here to enter text.
Registration Certificate Click or tap here to enter text.
Memorandum and Articles of Association
Partnership Deed
Trust Deed
Resolution of Board / Managing Committee
Power of attorney granted to its manager, officers or employees to transact on its behalf
Activity Proof 1 (For Sole Proprietorship
Activity Proof 2 (For Sole Proprietorship)
3. ADDRESS* (Please see instruction C at the end)
3.1 Registered Office Address / Place of Business*
Proof of Address*
Certificate of
Registration Certificate
Other Document MCA
Line 1*
Line 2
Line 3
Click or tap here to enter
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter
Pin/Post Code*
Click or tap here to
enter text.
State / U.T Code*
Click or tap here to
enter text.
ISO 3166 Country Code*
Click or tap here to enter text.
3.2 Local Address in India (if different from above)*
Central KYC Registry
Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form
Legal Entity/ Other than Individuals
F) List of State / U.T code as per India Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 is available at
the end
G) List of two character ISO 3166 country codes is available at the end
H) Please read section wise detailed guidelines / instructions at the end
I) For particular section update, please tick in the box available before the
section number and strike off the sections not required to be updated
Line 1*
Click or tap here to enter text.
Line 2
Click or tap here to enter text.
Line 3
Click or tap here to enter
City / Town / Village*
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter
Pin/Post Code*
Click or tap here to
enter text.
State/ U.T Code*
Click or tap here to
enter text.
ISO 3166 Country Code*
Click or tap here to enter text.
4 CONTACT DETAILS (All communications will be sent on provided mobile no./Email ID* may be used) (Please refer to instruction D at the end)
Tel. (Off)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter
Email ID
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter
Email ID
Click or tap here to enter text.
5. NUMBER OF RELATED PERSONS 1 (Please refer instruction E at the end)
6. REMARKS (if any)
7. APPLICATION DECLARATION (Please refer instruction G at the end)
I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein,
immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or
misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.
I/we hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through
SMS/Email on the above registered number/email address
Date: 08/08/2022
Place: Mumbai
Signature / Thumb Impression of Authorized Person(s)
Certified Copies
Equivalent e-document
Identity Verification
Date: 03/11/2021
Click or tap here to enter text.
Emp. Name
Click or tap here to enter
Click or tap here to enter text.
Emp. Code
Click or tap here to enter
[Institution Stamp]
Emp. Designation
Click or tap here to enter
Emp. Branch
Click or tap here to enter
[Employee Signature]
CENTRAL KYC REGISTRY| Instructions/ Check list Guidelines for filling Legal Entity/ Other than Individuals KYC Application Form
A. Clarification / Guidelines for filling Entity Details section
1. Entity Constitution Type
A Sole Proprietorship
H Trust
O Artificial Juridical Person
B Partnership Firm
I Liquidator
P International Organization or Agency/
Foreign Embassy or Consular Office etc.
J limited Liability Partnership
Q Not Categorized
D Private Limited Company
K Artificial Liability Partnership
R Others
E Public Limited Company
L Public Sector Banks
S Foreign Portfolio Investors
F Society
M Central/State Government Department
or Agency
G Association of Persons (AOP) / Body of
Individuals (BOI)
N Section 8 Companies (Companies Act,
2. In case of companies and partnership, PAN of the entity is mandatory. In case of other entities, FORM 60 may be obtained if PAN is
not available
B. Clarification / Guidelines for filling “Proof of Identity [Pol]” section
1. Activity Proof 1 and Activity Proof 2 are applicable for accounts in case of proprietorship firms. Please refer to relevant instructions
issued by the Reserve Bank of India in this regard.
2. Please refer to the relevant instructions issued by the regulator regarding applicable documents for the legal entity.
3. Certified copy of document or equivalent e-document or OVD obtained through Digital KYC process to be submitted.
4. “Equivalent e-document” means an electronic equivalent of a document, issued by the issuing authority of such document with its valid
digital signature including documents issued to the digital locker account of the client as per rule 9 of the Information Technology
(Preservation and Retention of Information by Intermediaries Proving Digital Locker Facilities) Rules, 2016.
5. “Digital KYC process” has to be carried out as stipulated in the PML Rules, 2005
6. KYC requirements for Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) will be specified by the concerned regulator from time to time.
C. Clarification / Guidelines for filling “Proof of Identity[Pol]’ section
1. State / U.T Code and Pin / Post Code will not be mandatory for Overseas addresses
2. Certified copy of document or equivalent e-document to be submitted
D. Clarification / Guidelines for filling “Contact Details” section
1. Please mention two-digit country code and 10 digit mobile number (e.g. for India mobile number mention 91-9999999999).
2. Do not add “0” in the beginning of Mobile number.
E. Clarification / Guidelines for filling “Related Person Details” section
1. Personal Details
The name should match the name as mentioned in the Proof of Identity submitted failing which the application is liable to be
2. Proof of Address [PoA]
PoA to be submitted only if the submitted Pol does not have an address as per Pol is invalid or not in force
State / U.T Code and Pin / Post Code will not be mandatory for Overseas addresses
In case of deemed PoA such as utility bill, the document need not be uploaded on CKYCR
REs may use the Self Declaration check box where Aadhaar authentication has been carried out successfully for a client and
client wants to provide a current address, different from the address as per the identity information available in the Central
Identities Data Repository
3. If KYC number of Related Person is available, no other details except “Person Type” and “Name of the Related Person” are required.
4. Regulated Entity (RE) shall redact (first 8 digits) of the Aadhaar number from Aadhaar related data and documents such as proof of
possession of Aadhaar, while uploading on CKYCR
F. Provision for capturing signature of multiple authorized person sis to be made by the RE.
List of two digit state / U.T codes as per India Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
State / U.T
State / U.T
State / U.T
Andaman & Nicobar
Himachal Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Arunachal Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Madhya Pradesh
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Uttar Pradesh
Daman & Diu
West Bengal
List of ISO 3166 two-digit Country Code
Annexure - Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form (Related person
Annexure A1
Important Instructions
A) Fields marked with * are mandatory fields
B) Tick wherever applicable
C) Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK letters
D) Please fill the date in DD-MM-YYYY format
E) For particular section update, please tick in the box section
number and strike off the sections not required to be updated
F) Please read section wise detailed guidelines / instructions at the end
G) List of State / U.T code as per Indian Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 is available
at the end
H) List of two character ISO 3166 country codes is available at the end
I) KYC number of applicant is mandatory for update application
For Office Use Only
Application Type* New Update Deleted
(to be filled by financial institution)
KYC Number Click or tap here to enter text. (Mandatory for KYC Update Request)
1. DETAILS OF RELATED PERSON* (Pease refer to instruction E at the end)
Addition of Related Person
Deletion of Related
Update Related
Person Details
KYC Number of Related Person (if available)* Click or tap
here to enter text.
Related Person Type*
Authorised Signatory
Beneficial Owner
Court Appointment Official
Power of Attorney Holder
Other (Please specify)
DIN (Director Identification Number)
Click or tap here to enter text. (Mandatory if Related Person Type is Director)
Click or tap here to enter text.
First Name
Click or tap here to enter text.
Middle Name
Click or tap here to enter text.
Last Name
Click or tap here to enter text.
If KYC number and name are provided, below details are optional
Maiden Name
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Father / Spouse Name*
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Mother Name
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Date of Birth*
Click or tap to enter a date.
Click or tap here to enter text.
M - Male
F -Female
T - Transgender
Click or tap here to enter text.
Form 60 furnished
Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through
digital KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the following OVDs)
A Passport Number Click or tap here to enter text.
[Insert Photo]
B Voter ID Card Click or tap here to enter text.
C Driving License Click or tap here to enter text.
D NREGA Job Card Click or tap here to enter text.
E National Population Register Letter Click or tap here to enter text.
F Proof of Possession of Aadhaar (Last 4 digits) Click or tap here to enter text.
E -KYC Authentication (Last 4 digits) Click or tap here to enter text.
Offline verification of Aadhaar (Last 4 digits) Click or tap here to enter text.
Central KYC Registry
Know Your Customer (KYC) Application Form
Related Person
Line 1*
Line 2
Line 3
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Pin/Post Code*
State/U.T Code*
ISO 3166 Country Code*
Click or tap here to enter text.
3. CURRENT ADDRESS DETAILS (Please refer instruction E at the end)
Same as above mentioned address (in such cases address details as below need not be provided)
Certified copy of OVD or equivalent e-document of OVD or OVD obtained through digital KYC process needs to be submitted (anyone of the
following OVDs)
A Passport Number
Click or tap here to enter text.
B Voter ID Card
Click or tap here to enter text.
C Driving License
Click or tap here to enter text.
D NREGA Job Card
Click or tap here to enter text.
E National Population Register Letter
Click or tap here to enter text.
F Proof of Possession of Aadhaar (Last 4 Digits)
Click or tap here to enter text.
E-KYC Authentication (Last 4 Digits)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Offline verification of Aadhaar (Last 4 Digits)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Deemed Proof Address Document Type code
Click or tap here to enter text.
Line 1*
Click or tap here to enter text.
Line 2
Click or tap here to enter text.
Line 3
Click or tap here to enter
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter
Pin/Post Code*
Click or tap here to enter
State / U.T Code*
Click or tap here to
enter text.
ISO 3166 Country Code*
Click or tap here to enter text.
4 CONTACT DETAILS (All communications will be sent on provided mobile no./Email ID) (Please refer to instruction D at the end)
Tel. (Off)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Tel. (Res)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
5. REMARKS (If any)
I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein,
immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or
misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.
I/we hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through
SMS/Email on the above registered number/email address
Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Place: Click or tap here to enter
Signature / Thumb Impression, Name and Designation of
Authorized Person
Certified Copies
E-KYC data received from UIDAI
Data received from Offline verification
Digital KYC Process
Equivalent e-document
Identity Verification Done
Date: Click or tap to
enter a date.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Emp. Name
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Emp. Code
Click or tap here to enter text.
[Institution Stamp]
Emp. Designation
Click or tap here to enter text.
Emp. Branch
Click or tap here to enter text.
[Employee Signature]
Annexure LEI Information
Legal Entity Identifiers: Frequently Asked Questions
What is an LEI?
An LEI is a unique 20-character alphanumeric code that is assigned to each legal entity globally.
The LEI system is overseen by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF), a not-for-profit organization established in
Switzerland in June 2014. A wealth of information about the GLEIF and the LEI system can be found at
www.gleif.org. The site also includes the full database of all LEIs issued.
Who needs an LEI?
The vast majority of entities participating in the financial markets, whether cash, derivatives or financing
markets, will need an LEI in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
If your organization has multiple legal entities, each will require its own LEI.
What are we asking you to obtain an LEI?
The requirements to obtain an LEI began with G20 ministers who mandated the global reporting of all swap
transactions in 2010. There are now over 50 rules or regulations globally that mandate or request the LEI
under a broad spectrum of financial transactions. By way of example:
Many rules require that parties be identified via LEI in transaction reporting.
EU Regulations such as European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), Securities Financing
Transactions Regulation (SFTR) and Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) broaden the
types of transactions that are subject to LEI reporting to include securities financing transactions and
cash securities, among others.
Importantly, under Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFIDII), certain services cannot be
provided to clients that can, but did not, obtain an LEI.
New rules are being proposed, such as the SEC’s Investment Company Reporting Modernization
rule, further broadening the scope of the requirement to identifying entities via LEI.
The list of regulations requiring an LEI is available at www.gleif.org.
Additionally, LEIs are used for execution of certain processes such as completing the International Swaps and
Derivatives Association (ISDA) protocols for certain types of trading activity. J.P. Morgan also plans to request
LEIs as part of the Credit Support Annex (CSA) re-documentation process in relation to regulatory margin
requirements for uncleared derivatives transactions.
What are the benefits of an LEI?
Standardization of information is critical for all financial market participants in both the public and private
The regulatory landscape has shifted and the demand for industry supervisors to have appropriate, usable data
is clear. A standard legal entity identifier will allow regulators to conduct a more accurate analysis of global
systemic risk across markets, products and regions, and identification of concentrations and emerging systemic
Use of the LEI also allows parties to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
How does my company request an LEI?
Companies contact their preferred business partner from the list of LEI issuing organizations also referred to
as Local Operating Units (LOUs). There are 29 LOUs, around the world. Links to the LOUs are available at
An LEI is usually issued within 24 to 48 hours of application. Initial registration costs are approximately
$150-200. Annual renewal at approximately half the initial registration cost is required.
The LEI registration process requires the following information:
Entity Name and Legal Form
Official Entity Name
Legal Formation Country
Legal Form
Business Registry
Country of Business Registry
Official Business Registry
Official Business Registry Reference
Headquarters Address
Address of Headquarters
Legal Formation Address
Address of Legal Formation
If you have any questions, please contact your onboarding or sales contact.