David A. Cook, Commissioner
Nathan Deal, Governor
2 Peachtree Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30303-3159
This letter is in response to your request for information about operating a Private Home Care
Provider service in Georgia. The Healthcare Facility Regulation Division (HFRD) of the
Department of Community Health (DCH) is responsible for licensing Private Home Care
Providers under Georgia State Law. O.C.G.A. § 31-7-300 et seq. requires agencies to obtain a
Georgia state license prior to providing Private Home Care Provider services.
Enclosed are the Private Home Care Provider rules and regulations, an application for a Private
Home Care Provider license, Criminal Records Check Legislation, House Bill 155 and a list of
all the documents required by HFRD in order to consider your application complete. Please note
that the document list is in a checklist format. Please use the checklist as an aid to ensure all
required documents are submitted for review with your application. HFRD will also utilize the
checklist in determining if the application is complete and whether the documents you submit are
sufficiently acceptable for you to be found in initial compliance with the regulations.
To begin the application process, you must first submit an application for a license to operate a
Private Home Care Provider along with all required application documents and the application
and licensure fees. The application must be signed and dated by the Private Home Care Provider
administrator or the executive officer of the governing body. Please refer to the attached
document checklist for guidance with preparation and submission of the required documents
which must accompany your application. HFRD will review your application upon receipt to
determine if all documents were included. If all essential documents were included, your
application will be considered complete and the initial administrative review process will begin.
Submit the application packet to: Department of Community Health
Healthcare Facility Regulation Division
Application and Waivers Unit
2 Peachtree St., NW Suite 31-447
Atlanta, GA 30303
Pursuant to HB 155 the owner(s) of Private Home Care Providers must submit to a
background check. Effective May 1, 2008 manual fingerprint cards were eliminated. The
owner(s) must submit to the use of electronic (live scan) fingerprints. The methods for
obtaining the electronic fingerprints are included in an attached memorandum.
Private Home Care Provider Application
Page Two
If any of the requested documents are determined to be absent, the application will be considered
incomplete and the application and documents will be returned to you along with information
identifying the missing documents. At that time the application will be considered to be
voluntarily withdrawn, but you may reapply when you have assembled all of the required
Once the application packet has been determined by HFRD staff to be complete, HFRD will
begin an administrative review of your application and supporting documents for compliance
with the Private Home Care Provider rules and regulations. This initial review may take up to
sixty (60) days. If the documents are determined to contain all the information required to obtain
a provisional license and a satisfactory criminal record determination has been obtained on
the owner, you will be considered to be in compliance with applicable Private Home Care
Provider rules and regulations and issued a provisional license. You can begin to provide Private
Home Care Provider services upon receipt of your provisional license.
If the documents you have submitted do not contain sufficient acceptable information for
indicating compliance with the rules, you will be notified in writing as to which of the
documents were determined to be unacceptable. You will be allowed a period of time in which to
submit corrected or revised documents. However, if you are unable to provide acceptable
documents within 90 days of the initial receipt of your application, your application for a
provisional license may be denied for failure to demonstrate compliance with the rules and
Once your agency has provided Private Home Care Provider services to two or more clients,
and prior to the expiration date of the provisional license, you must request an initial on-site
survey. If HFRD surveyors determine at the on-site survey that your agency has demonstrated
substantial compliance with the rules and regulations, your Private Home Care Provider agency
shall become eligible for and be issued a regular license. Your facility must have been issued a
regular license to continue to serve clients beyond the expiration date of the provisional license.
Provisional licenses are not renewable and expire one year from the date issued. If you are
unable to become operational and obtain a regular license prior to the expiration of the
provisional license, please note that the provisional license will not be extended.
Should you have any questions concerning the information in this letter, completion of the
application or submission of required documents, please contact the Healthcare Facility
Regulation Division at (404) 657-5850.
Rules and Regulations for Private Home Care Providers
Application for a License to operate as a Private Home Care Provider, with Instructions
Personal Identification Affidavit Form
Application and Licensure Fee Schedule
Document Checklist
Records Check Application
Memorandum regarding the methods for obtaining electronic/live scans fingerprints
David A. Cook, Commissioner
Nathan Deal, Governor
2 Peachtree Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30303-3159
SUBJECT: Private Home Care Providers (Surveys and Licenses)
Division Chief:______________________ Deputy Chief:__________________________
Effective Date: _______________________ Subsequent Review Dates: __________________
A. Initial Application Packet
Upon request, potential Private Home Care Providers (PHCP) can print an initial application packet from the
Department’s website located at The initial application packet shall consist of the
1) Cover letter explaining the initial licensure process and application fee information (attachment #1);
2) Copy of the PHCP rules, Chapter 290-5-54 with the interpretative guidelines;
3) Application form with instructions, (attachment #2);
4) Licensing fee schedule, (attachment #3);
5) Provider application checklist for provisional license document submissions, (attachment #4); and
6) Personal Identification Affidavit Form (attachment #5)
7) Memorandum regarding the “Live Scan” fingerprint process/procedures (attachment #6)
8) Records Check Application – Form 5579 (attachment #7)
When the applicant assembles the requested information, and the application packet is received into the
HFRD office for review, the application is date-stamped and its receipt is entered into ACO as “pending”.
The applicant should be ready to begin offering the requested services for clients as soon as the provisional
license review is completed.
Prior to in-office review of documents for the initial provisional license, the following information must be
included in the packet submitted by the applicant:
1) Completed application form with a description of services to be offered and the geographic area that will
be served;
2) Date of electronic fingerprinting for owner(s)
3) Application fee;
4) Licensing fee;
5) Copy of business license;
6) Notarized Personal Identification Affidavit;
7) Days and hours of operation; and
8) Description of services to be offered and policies and procedures as required by the rules (refer to
asterisked items on the application checklist).
If all required documents are not received with the application, or cannot be located within the submitted
documents, the application packet is considered incomplete. All documents, including checks for fees, are
returned in entirety to the applicant with missing documents
identified. The applicant is advised that the application is considered to be voluntarily withdrawn
(attachment #9)
, and they may resubmit when they have assembled all required documents. The entry in
ACO is changed to “withdrawn”.
B. Provisional License Review
1) Once an application packet has been determined to be complete, the applicant shall be so notified
(attachment #10), and HFRD shall begin administrative review of the application and documents to
determine compliance with the PHCP rules and regulations. This initial review is conducted at the
Healthcare Facility Regulation Division, with a target of sixty (60) days for review. The reviewer must
find all documents requested in the application checklist to be submitted and acceptable. In addition,
verification from the Office of Inspector General/Background Investigations Unit of a satisfactory
criminal background check on the owner(s) must be received prior to issuance of the provisional
license. If all submitted documents are determined to indicate compliance, and a satisfactory criminal
background check has been received on the owner(s) a provisional license shall be issued.
2) If the documents submitted are not sufficient to indicate compliance with applicable rules and
regulations, or there are documents missing or requiring amendment, the applicant shall be notified in
writing of which of the documents were determined to be unacceptable (attachment #11)
. The applicant
shall be allowed a determined period of time to make corrections/additions to the application packet,
however, if the applicant is unable to provide acceptable documents in their entirety within 90 days of
the receipt of an application packet that has been determined to be complete, the provisional license may
be denied due to failure to demonstrate compliance with the rules and regulations (attachment #12).
Applicants in this category shall be advised that they have the option to withdraw their application
voluntarily during this period to avoid denial, as denial of the application may prohibit re-application for
up to 12 months (attachment #13). Applicants in this category shall not receive a refund of
application fee.
Note: In addition to the above requirements and pursuant to the Criminal Records Check Legislation,
House Bill 155, an owner with a criminal record (refer to the listed crimes) will not be issued a
provisional license.
3) The initial provisional license shall be effective for no longer than one year. Providers shall become
operational and begin providing services to clients within the one-year provisional period in order to be
eligible for an on-site survey for a regular license. Should a provider become operational and wish to be
surveyed earlier than the end of the one-year period, in order to be issued a regular license, they may
notify HFRD in writing, and may be scheduled earlier if staffing and scheduled allow. Should a provider
not be able to become operational and provide services to clients during this period, the provisional
license shall expire and the provider must cease operation and reapply at a later date.
C. First On-Site Survey
An on-site survey shall be conducted before the end of the provisional licensing period to determine if the
agency’s operational procedures comply with the rules, review evidence of implementation of policies and
procedures, evaluate client records, interview staff, clients and/or representatives, and make home visits.
Initial on-site surveys shall be scheduled by ORS prior to the expiration of the provisional license, during
regular business hours as indicated on the application. Changes in the scheduled survey date will not be
considered unless extraordinary circumstances can be shown. (See attachment #14, letter confirming survey
date.) The following criteria shall be utilized to determine the numbers and types of home visits and
patient/representative interviews to be conducted during the first and subsequent on-site surveys:
1) A representative sample of clinical records will be selected according to the following guidelines:
Agencies with less than 150 clients shall have a minimum of six (6) client records reviewed.
Agencies with 150 – 750 clients shall have a minimum of eight (8) client records reviewed.
Agencies with more than 750 clients shall have a minimum of twelve (12) client records reviewed.
In addition to the client records reviews, all agencies shall have a minimum of one client selected for a
home visit and shall have two additional clients or their representatives contacted by telephone in order to
assess the client’s impression of the quality and frequency of the services provided by the agency.
2) Agencies providing 24-hour, 7-day-a-week care and supervision to any clients shall have a minimum of
one of these clients selected at for home visit and record review. Two additional of these clients or their
representatives shall be contacted via phone in order to assess the consumer’s impression of the quality
and frequency of services provided by the PHCP.
3) The home visits and client/representative interviews shall be documented on the back of the record
review form (attachment #15).
4) Inspection Report form 3899 (attachment #16) shall be completed by the surveyor/s and signed by the
administrator at the exit conference. Record reviews shall be documented on the record review form
(attachment #15) and employee file reviews shall be documented on the staff documentation review
form (attachment #17).
5) If no deficiencies are cited at the first on-site survey, a regular license shall be issued for the remainder
of the one-year licensing period (attachment #18). If the agency is in substantial compliance but
deficiencies are cited, the agency shall be notified of the requirement for an acceptable plan of
correction (attachment #19). Once an acceptable plan of correction is received, the agency shall be
notified of the acceptance (attachment #20), and the regular license may be issued. Failure to
demonstrate substantial compliance with the rules at follow-up may result in subsequent rescinding of
the regular license.
D. Survey Intervals
The following guidelines shall be followed for determining on-site survey intervals:
1) New agencies shall be surveyed for two consecutive years in order for the Office to compile a history
regarding the agency’s compliance with required rules. During this two-year period, the Office shall
conduct at a minimum the provisional license review, first on-site survey and one annual survey.
2) After this two-year period, the agency will be eligible to go on a periodic survey interval, if the
following criteria are met:
a) the agency has had no deficiencies scoped “D” or higher using the HCS Scope and Severity
matrix for any surveys/complaint investigations over the last two years;
b) there have been no adverse actions initiated against the agency; and
c) no change of ownership has occurred.
E. Periodic or Annual Surveys
Periodic or annual surveys are announced by letter correspondence to the administrator of record at least
two weeks prior to the scheduled survey date (attachment_#14). Scheduled survey dates are at the
discretion of the Office, and shall no t be changed at the request of th e agency, except in extraordinary
instances. (Administrator inconvenience shall not be cons idered a reason to alter the survey schedule, if
the agency continues to be in operation.) Administrators are notified that should they not be available on
the scheduled date, they are expected to assu re that docu ments are availab le for review and that an
individual familiar with the business be available to assist the surveyor.
F. Follow-Up Surveys
On-site follow-up surveys are unannounced, and are conducted during the agency’s regular business hours as
stated on their application. On-site follow-up surveys are conducted based on the following criteria:
1) any deficiencies related to patient care and supervisory visits;
2) six or more deficiencies cited;
3) any deficiencies cited at the first on-site visit;
4) repeat deficiency from previous year;
5) any deficiencies that reflect the employment of unqualified staff; and
6) at the discretion of the Program Director, HFRD Director, or HFRD Deputy Director.
Should a surveyor arrive for an unannounced survey and find the office closed during regular business hours,
the surveyor is to contact the administrator by telephone, and inform the administrator that the surveyor must
be provided access within one hour of the call. Should the administrator be providing client care at the time,
the surveyor may begin the survey at the location where the care is being provided.
In-office follow-up surveys will be conducted whenever possible for deficiencies related to documents such
as policies and procedures or other deficiencies for which compliance can be determined without an on-site
G. Deemed Agencies
The Office may exempt a PHCP agency from periodic inspections if the agency is certified or accredited by a
certification entity recognized and approved by the Department. Currently the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the Community Health Accreditation Program
(CHAPS) are approved for deeming periodic inspections of PHCP agencies.
Agencies seeking exemption from on-site inspection are required to submit to the Office documentation of
certification or accreditation, including a copy of its most recent certification or accreditation report.
Certification or accreditation shall not be construed to prohibit the Office from conducting inspections of any
provider as the Office determines necessary.
H. Failure to be Operational
Agencies that have not provided services to clients within a three-month period prior to the expiration of
their license shall be issued a renewal license along with a letter stating if the agency provides no client
services during the one-year renewal period, their license will not be renewed again (attachment #21). No
on-site survey shall be required for the one-year license renewal in these cases.
If the agency fails to provide client services over the subsequent one-year renewal period, the owner shall be
notified via certified letter (attachment #22) that their agency is considered voluntarily closed. The owner
shall be advised via a certified letter that PHCP services cannot be provided without a valid license from this
Office. The owner shall be instructed to
return their license to this Office and informed that they may apply for an initial license at a later date if it is
anticipated that services will be provided to clients.
I. Issuance of Renewal Licenses and Payment of Annual Fees
1) Two months prior to the expiration date of the PHCP’s license, a renewal letter, handout, application, and
a fee schedule shall be sent to agencies (attachment #23).
2) A license shall be issued upon receipt of the licensing fee.
J. Failure to Pay Annual Fees
1) Agencies failing to pay the annual fee by the expiration date of their license shall be sent a certified
letter, return receipt requested, notifying the agency that their license has
expired (attachment #24), and that if they are continuing to operate they are considered to be operating
without a license. A license application and fee schedule shall be enclosed. The letter shall state that
unless the renewal application and annual fee, which now is at the involuntary rate, are received within
30 days of receipt of the letter, the agency shall be considered voluntarily closed.
2) When the agency is considered to be voluntarily closed, the agency shall be advised that per O.C.G.A. §
31-7-301, they are not allowed to provide Private Home Care Provider services without a valid license
from this Office and instructed to return their license to this Office.
3) An on-site follow-up visit will be conducted after the voluntary closure date to verify that the agency has
actually ceased operations as a Private Home Care Provider.
K. Changes of Ownership
Agencies that have had a change of ownership shall be required to submit a new application for licensure,
and must complete the application process as described above. After two years, the agency shall be eligible
to be considered for periodic surveys, if they meet the criteria above. (Note: a change in owners in a
corporation when the corporation does not change is not considered a change of ownership).
L. Reports of Unlicensed Agencies
When the office receives information that someone or an agency is providing PHCP services and is not
licensed, a complaint shall be initiated against the agency, and an on-site survey shall be performed to verify
the unlicensed practice. If the agency is found to be providing services for which licensure is required, a
certified letter shall be sent notifying the agency that they must cease operations or apply for a license within
a defined period of time (attachment #25
), or the Department will initiate a civil action against the agency.
The Office may consider owner/provider history, agency history, or other relevant factors in the
determination of the length of time allowable for compliance with the terms in the letter. If the agency
notifies the Office that they have ceased operation, the Office may at its discretion send a surveyor to verify.
If the agency elects to apply for license, the involuntary fee schedule shall be utilized for the initial licensing
M. Complaints
Complaints for the private home care provider agency shall be processed and investigated via the procedures
outlined in the Healthcare Facility Regulation Division Complaint Procedure. Complaint investigations shall
be unannounced, but performed during the agency’s regular business hours. For complaint investigations that
result in no deficiencies, both the provider (attachment #26) and the complainant (attachment #27) shall be
so notified. For complaint
investigations that result in deficiencies being cited, a plan of correction shall be requested from the provider
(attachment #19). After the plan of correction is received and accepted, the provider shall be notified of its
acceptance (attachment # 20).
After such acceptance, the
complainant shall be notified that deficiencies were cited, and shall be provided instructions on how to obtain
a copy of the statement of deficiencies (attachments #28 and #29)
N. Adding Service Areas
Private Home Care Provider service areas are not subject to certificate of need laws. Service areas should be
designated by counties on the initial and subsequent applications for licenses. Staff who review requests for
service areas shall consider the type and frequency of services provided by the applicant and the number of
direct care and supervisory staff working for the provider in order to determine if the provider has the
resources to adequately provide care in the requested geographical area. Providers requesting expansion of
their service area shall be notified in writing of the decision (attachment #30) . If a new provider submits a
business plan that outlines how and when expansion to additional counties will be accomplished, the initial
approval can include the expanded counties.
SUITE 31.447
ATLANTA, GA 30303-3142
Pursuant to provisions of O.C.G.A. 31-7-300 et seq. Application is hereby made to operate as a Private Home Care Provider which is identified as follows:
SECTION A: IDENTIFICATION Date of Application: ___________________________
Type of Application: Initial Change of Ownership Administrator Name Change
R enewal Business Name Change Change in Governing Body
A ddress Change O ther______________________
Business Name
Street Address City State County Zip Code
E-Mail Address
Phone Fax
Mailing Address (If different from street address) City State County Zip Code
Phone (Office) Cell Fax
Name of Administrator Business Hours
PROPRIETARY (FOR PROFIT): Individual Partnership Corporation (Attach copy of Certificate of Incorporation) Other_______________
NON-PROFIT: State County City Church Hospital Authority Other (Specify) _________________________
Name of Legal Governing Body
List names and addresses of all owners with 5% or more interest:
Do you own and operate another licensed PHCP facility in the State of Georgia? _____Yes ______No
If yes, please contact the Home Care Services Unit for additional information prior to the submission of
your application packet.
Revised 12/2011
List Georgia Counties:
SECTION E: STAFFING (For the services applicable to your agency, circle how staffing is provided)
Direct Employment
Contracted Individuals
Direct Employment
Contracted Individuals
Direct Employment
Contracted Individuals
Registered Nurses
Licensed Practical Nurses
Personal Care Assistants
Companion / Sitters
**Personnel are to be described in terms of full-time equivalents. To arrive at full-time equivalents, add the total number of hours worked by
personnel in each category in the week ending prior to the week of filing the request. Divide this number by the number of hours in the standard
workweek as defined by your facility’s policy. If the result is not a whole number, express it as a quarter fraction only. (i.e.: 2.25, 6.50, 3.75)
. Do you currently have any clients? Yes No
2. If “No”, have you had any clients within the past 12 months
As required, the owner(s) completed the electronic / live scan fingerprints on _____________________.
I certify that this provider will comply with the Rules and Regulations for Private Home Care Providers, Chapter 290-5-54, pursuant to the Official
Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) § 31-7-300 et seq. I further certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
Signature of Administrator or Officer Authorized to Complete this Application Title of Signing Administrator or Authorized Officer Date
Licensure Application Fee Paid-In-Full: Yes No ____________ ____________
Date Initials
Payment Information:____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Check or Money Order # Deposit Number Amount Paid
License Information: _________________ _________________
License Number Effective Date
Approved By:_____________________________________________________________________________
Name Title Date
6/15/2009 1 of 5
Private Home Care
Fingerprinting Process Using COGENT/GAPS
You must have an email account to complete this process. You may obtain
free email accounts at many web sites. Two possible sites are
A. Agreement (Step 1)
1. Go to
2. Under the “Agency Use (secure)” tab
Click on “How to Enroll Your Agency or Business
3. At Step (1) Complete the GCICService Agreement, click on form to be downloaded and
print the “Georgia Crime Information Center Service Agreement” (3 pages)
4. Complete last page of the GCIC Service Agreement
Agency Name – Print the name of Private Home Care (PHC), e.g. ABC Private Home
Agency Address – Print the address of the your PHC or mailing address if different
from the PCH address
Agency Phone Number – Print the most accessible phone number Agency ORI
or OAC# – Circle OAC# and leave line blank
NOTE: If you already have an OAC# (OAC Numbers begin with GAP), print
your OAC on this line.
Write “Yes” in the blank after “Will ORI or OAC # be used for
Enrollment in Georgia Applicant Processing Services (GAPS) Agency
Head – Print the name/title of Owner/CEO/President of PHC
Agency Contact – Print the name/title of person that should be
contacted regarding fingerprinting process
5. Make a copy of the form for your records and mail original form to the address at the bottom of
the page. In 7-10 days you will receive the form back, completed by the GCIC with your OAC
number on the “Agency ORI or OAC#” line. If you do not receive an OAC number within 10
business days, send an email to [email protected]
and include your business name,
address and contact information. Once you receive the OAC number, proceed to Step 2.
If your business already has an OAC number and you have included it on the GCIC Service
Agreement, you may now proceed to Step 2.
6/15/2009 2 of 5
B. Enrollment (Step 2)
Only after receiving your OAC# by return mail or email should you begin this step.
1. Go to
2. Under the “Agency Use (secure)” tab
Click on “How to Enroll Your Agency or Business
3. At Step (2) Complete the GAPS Agency Enrollment Form, click on the “Enroll online
by clicking here” link to begin the enrollment process
(All yellow areas MUST be completed)
ORI/OAC – enter OAC number received on agreement letter
(It will be GAP+6 numbers)
Agency Name – Verify that the name of your PHC is correct
Verification Code – Use OAC number without the GA (P+6 digits)
Address – Enter street address, city, state, and zip code of the your PCH or
the mailing address if different from the PCH address
Contact Person – Must be the same as on the Agreement form in Step 1
Email Address – Email address must be entered
Billing Address – Complete if different from mailing address or click on box
indicating billing address and mailing address are the same
Authorized Person – Must be the same name as on the Agreement form as the
Agency Head in Step 1
Click on “Billing Account” only if you wish to have the cost of the fingerprinting billed
to you. Do not click on this if you are paying by credit card during the Registration
process or by money order at the time of fingerprinting.
4. When the form is completed – Click on “Save
5. Print the form
6. Form must be signed by the Agency Head or Authorized Person
7. Mail to address shown on web site:
Cogent Systems
GAPS Enrollment
5450 Frantz Road, Suite 250
Dublin, OH 43016
NOTE: For expedited service you may fax a copy of the Enrollment form to Cogent
Systems at 614-718-9694 but the original signed copy must also be mailed to Cogent
Systems within seven (7) days.
8. You will receive an e-mail confirmation from Cogent confirming your enrollment within 10
business days. The email will include any necessary Usernames and Passwords. If you do not
receive an e-mail confirmation within 10 business days, call Cogent Systems or Georgia Bureau
of Investigation GCIC CCH Helpdesk. Contact information can be found under Useful Links on
the main GAPS web page.
6/15/2009 3 of 5
C. Registration for Fingerprinting (Step 3)
This step may be completed ONLY after Step 1 and Step 2 are completed and you have received an
e-mail confirmation from Cogent with your Username and Password.
1. Go to
2. Under the “Registration” tab, click on Single Applicant Registration or Multiple Applicant
Registration depending on whether there is only one person to be fingerprinted (single) or
more than one (multiple).
3. For each applicant or person to be fingerprinted, all fields with a red (*) must be completed:
Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Sex, Race, Eye Color, Hair Color, Height,
4. Social Security Number – Although this is not required, it is strongly recommended that this
field be completed to ensure an accurate search can be made, if needed
NOTE: If the SSN is not entered, the applicant must take the Registration ID number
assigned at the end of this registration process to the GAPS Print location in order to be
5. Country of Citizenship – Select correct country
6. Driver’s License Number – Enter ONLY numbers if you have a Georgia Driver’s License, for
all other states enter exactly as shown on the Driver’s License
7. Driver’s License State – Select correct state
8. Address – Applicant’s address, city, state, zip, phone
Under Transaction Information
9. Reason – Click on the arrow on the right side of the box and click on the reason for being
fingerprinted. If you need assistance with selecting the correct reason, contact the Department
of Community Health (DCH) at: (404) 656-0464 or (404) 463-7370 or by email at
f) “DCH – Private Home Care (Owner)”
NOTE: Failure to select the correct Reason from the drop-down menu may cause your
fingerprint submission to be rejected and/or possible sanctions levied against your
business by the Healthcare Facility Regulation Division (formerly the Office of Regulatory
10. Payment
Choose Credit Card if paying at this time. You will be given an opportunity to
enter your credit card information during this registration process, so be sure
the credit card is available.
6/15/2009 4 of 5
Choose Money Order if paying at the GAPS Print location when the applicant
goes to be fingerprinted.
NOTE: This will only be an option on the single applicant entry. All money orders
should be made payable to Cogent Systems/GAPS and in the amount of
Choose “Agency” if you selected to be setup of billing by Cogent Systems during the
Enrollment process. A Billing Code and Billing Password should be found in the
Enrollment confirmation email from Cogent Systems, if you selected to be setup for billing.
The agency (PCH) will be billed for the service in the amount of $52.90 per individual
registered through Single or Multiple Applicant Registration.
11. ORI/OAC – Use the OAC number (GAP + 6 digits) shown on the Enrollment email
12. Verification Code – Use code given in your Enrollment confirmation email
13. “Does another agency make the fitness determination?”Check the box.
FAILURE TO CHECK THE BOX FOR “Does another agency make the fitness
-Choose Agency – Select Dept of Community Health
-Determining Agency ORI – Enter GA922960Z
Click on “Next” at the bottom of the page
14. Verify that the information is correct. If anything needs to be corrected, click Back to
return to the previous screen and make the corrections.
15. If no corrections are needed, Click on “Next”
Print the “Thank you for registering” page with the Registration ID number.
NOTE: Bring this page with the Registration ID to the GAPS Print location to be
D. Identification Needed For Fingerprinting (Step 4)
1. Go to
2. Under the “GAPS Print Site Location” tab, click the link for ‘Identification Needed
for Fingerprinting’. In addition to the Registration ID number the applicant will also be
asked to present identification documents prior to being fingerprinted. This link provides a list
of acceptable identification documents.
E. Fingerprinting at GAPS sites (Step 5)
1. Go to
6/15/2009 5 of 5
2. Under the “GAPS Print Site Location” tab, find a location nearest to your address.
3. Click on underlined company name to get phone number and hours of operation
4. You MUST be a currently licensed facility or have a letter of verification that your new
application has been received by the Healthcare Facility Regulation Division before
having your fingerprints completed.
5. On the day of your fingerprinting, contact the site you plan to visit and confirm the
hours they do fingerprinting and that a trained individual is going to be available.
6. After your fingerprints are taken and transmitted to GCIC, the results are usually
available on the GAPS website to DCH within 48 hours. You should receive a
determination from DCH within ten (10) days after you are fingerprinted. If you have
not received a determination within fourteen (14) days, contact DCH at (404) 656-
0464 and/or email at dos[email protected].gov for a status.
Cogent and GBI cannot provide a status of the fitness determination
Note: If a site is no longer providing fingerprint services, please send an email to
and provide the Print Location’s name, address and
phone number if available and the date the applicant was told the location is no
longer providing the service.
O.C.G.A. § 50-36-1(e)(2) Affidavit
By executing this affidavit under oath, as an applicant for a license, permit or
registration, as referenced in O.C.G.A. § 50-36-1, from the Department of Community
Health, State of Georgia, the undersigned applicant verifies one of the following with
respect to my application for a public benefit:
1) _________ I am a United States citizen.
2) _________ I am a legal permanent resident of the United States.
3) _________ I am a qualified alien or non-immigrant under the Federal Immigration and
Nationality Act with an alien number issued by the Department of
Homeland Security or other federal immigration agency.
My alien number issued by the Department of Homeland Security or other
federal immigration agency is:____________________.
The undersigned applicant also hereby verifies that he or she is 18 years of age or older
and has provided at least one secure and verifiable document, as required by O.C.G.A.
§ 50-36-1(e)(1), with this affidavit.
The secure and verifiable document provided with this affidavit can best be classified as:
In making the above representation under oath, I understand that any person who
knowingly and willfully makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or
representation in an affidavit shall be guilty of a violation of O.C.G.A. § 16-10-20, and
face criminal penalties as allowed by such criminal statute.
Executed in ___________________ (city), __________________(state).
Signature of Applicant
Printed Name of Applicant
___ DAY OF ___________, 20____
My Commission Expires:
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In order to obtain a license from the Department of Community Health to operate your
business, Georgia law requires every applicant to complete an affidavit (sworn written
statement) before a Notary Public that establishes that you are lawfully present in the
United States of America. This affidavit is a material part of your application and must be
completed truthfully. Your application for licensure may be denied or your license may be
revoked by the Department if it determines that you have made a material misstatement of
fact in connection with your application to become licensed. If a corporation will be
serving as the governing body of the licensed business, the individual who signs the
application on behalf of the corporation is required to complete the affidavit. Please follow
the instructions listed below.
1. Review the list of Secure and Verifiable Documents under O.C.G.A. §50-36-2 which
follows these instructions. This list contains a number of identification sources to
choose from that are considered secure and verifiable that you can use to establish
your identity, such as a U.S. driver’s license or a U.S. passport. Locate one original
document on the list to bring to the Notary Public to establish your identity.
2. Print out the affidavit. (If you do not have access to a printer, you can go to your
local library or an office supply store to print out the document for a small fee.)
3. Fill in the blanks on the Affidavit above the signature line only—BUT DO NOT
SIGN THE AFFIDAVIT at this time. (You will sign the affidavit in front of the
Notary Public.) Fill in the name of the secure and verifiable document (for example,
Georgia driver’s license, U.S. passport) that you will be presenting to the Notary
Public as proof of your identity. CAUTION: Put your initials in front of only ONE
of the choices listed on the affidavit and described here below:
Option 1) is to be initialed by you if you are a United States citizen; or
Option 2) is to be initialed by you if you are a legal permanent resident of the
United States. You are not a U.S. citizen but you have a green card; or
Option 3) is to be initialed by you if you are a qualified alien or non-immigrant
(but not a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident) with an alien number
issued by the Department of Homeland Security or other federal immigration
agency. Fill in the alien number, as well.
4. Find a Notary Public in your area. Check the yellow pages, the internet or with a
local business, such as a bank.
5. Bring your affidavit and the identification you selected (from the list of Secure and
Verifiable Documents) to appear before the Notary Public.
Secure and Verifiable Documents Under O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2
Issued August 1, 2011 by the Office of the Attorney General, Georgia
The Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011 (“IIREA”) provides that “[n]ot
later than August 1, 2011, the Attorney General shall provide and make public on the
Department of Law’s website a list of acceptable secure and verifiable documents. The list shall
be reviewed and updated annually by the Attorney General.” O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(f). The
Attorney General may modify this list on a more frequent basis, if necessary.
The following list of secure and verifiable documents, published under the authority of O.C.G. A.
§ 50-36-2, contains documents that are verifiable for identification purposes, and documents on
this may not necessarily be indicative of residency or immigration status.
A United States passport or passport card [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 8 CFR § 274a.2]
A United States military identification card [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 8 CFR § 274a.2]
A driver’s license issued by one of the United States, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas
Islands, the United States Virgin Island, American Samoa, or the Swain Islands, provided
that it contains a photograph of the bearer or lists sufficient identifying information
regarding the bearer, such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address to
enable the identification of the bearer [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 8 CFR § 274a.2]
An identification card issued by one of the United States, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas
Islands, the United States Virgin Island, American Samoa, or the Swain Islands, provided
that it contains a photograph of the bearer or lists sufficient identifying information
regarding the bearer, such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address to
enable the identification of the bearer [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 8 CFR § 274a.2]
A tribal identification card of a federally recognized Native American tribe, provided that it
contains a photograph of the bearer or lists sufficient identifying information regarding the
bearer, such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address to enable the
identification of the bearer. A listing of federally recognized Native American tribes may
be found at:
Directory/ind/ex.htm [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 8 CFR § 274a.2]
A United States Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card [O.C.G.A. §
50-36-2(b)(3); 8 CFR § 274a.2]
An Employment Authorization Document that contains a photograph of the bearer
[O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 8 CFR § 274a.2]
A passport issued by a foreign government [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 8 CFR § 274a.2]
A Merchant Mariner Document or Merchant Mariner Credential issued by the United
States Coast Guard [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 8 CFR § 274a.2]
A Free and Secure Trade (FAST) card [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 22 CFR § 41.2]
A NEXUS card [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 22 CFR § 41.2]
A Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI) card [O.C.G.A. §
50-36-2(b)(3); 22 CFR § 41.2]
A driver’s license issued by a Canadian government authority [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3);
8 CFR § 274a.2]
A Certificate of Citizenship issued by the United Stated Department of Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) (Form N-560 or Form N-561) [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 6
CFR § 37.11]
A Certificate of Naturalization issued by the United States Department of Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) (Form N-550 or Form N-570) [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(b)(3); 6
CFR § 37.11]
In addition to the documents listed herein, if, in administering a public benefit or program,
an agency is required by federal law to accept a document or other form of identification
for proof of or documentation of identity, that document or other form of identification will
be deemed a secure and verifiable document solely for that particular program or
administration of that particular public benefit. [O.C.G.A. § 50-36-2(c)]
Page 2 of 2
6. Show the Notary Public your secure and verifiable identification (anything on List
that follows these instructions) and state under oath in the presence of the Notary
Public that you are who you say you are and that you are in the United States
lawfully. Then sign your name.
7. Make certain that the Notary Public signs and dates the affidavit and puts when the
notary commission expires.
8. Make a copy of the affidavit and the identification that you presented to the Notary
Public for your own records.
9. Attach the ORIGINAL SIGNED AFFIDAVIT and a copy of the identification you
presented to your application for licensure. DO NOT SEND US YOUR
List B
Documents That Establish Identity
For individuals 18 years or older:
Driver’s license or ID card issued by a state or outlying
possession of the United States provided it contains a photograph
or information such as name, date of birth, sex, height, eye color,
and address
ID card issued by federal, state or local government agencies or
entities provided it contains a photograph or information suchas
as name, date of birth, sex, height, eye color, and address
(including U.S. Citizen ID Card [INS Form I-197] and ID card
for use of Resident Citizen in the U.S. [INS Form I-179])
School identification card with a photograph
Voter’s registration card
United States military card or draft record
Military dependent’s identification card
United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
Native American tribal document
Driver’s license issued by a Canadian government authority
Source: US Handbook for
Employers, page 23.
Unofficial Copy
Effective Date: 3/12/13
111-8-65-.01 Legal Authority
111-8-65-.02 Title and Purposes
111-8-65-.03 Definitions
111-8-65-.04 Governing Body
111-8-65-.05 Licenses
111-8-65-.06 Applications
111-8-65-.07 Exemptions
111-8-65-.08 Inspections and Plans of Correction
111-8-65-.09 Administration and Organization
111-8-65-.10 Private Home Care Provider Services
111-8-65-.11 Service Plans
111-8-65-.12 Client Rights, Responsibilities, and Complaints
111-8-65-.13 Enforcement and Penalties
111-8-65-.14 Waivers and Variances
111-8-65-.15 Severability
111-8-65-.01 Legal Authority.
These rules are adopted and published pursuant to the
Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) § 31-7-300 et seq.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-4, 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-7-300 et
111-8-65-.02 Title and Purposes.
Disclaimer: This is an unofficial copy of the rules that has been reformatted for the convenience of
the public by the Department of Community Health. The official rules for this program are on record
with the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. The Secretary of State’s website for reviewing the rules
is . An effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of this unofficial copy. The Department reserves the right to withdraw or correct text in this
copy if deviations from the offi
cial text as published by the Georgia Secretary of State are found.
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Effective Date: 3/12/13
These rules shall be known as the Rules and Regulations for
Private Home Care Providers. The purposes of these rules are to
provide for the licensing and inspection of private home care
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-7-300 et seq.
111-8-65-.03 Definitions.
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the
words and phrases set forth herein shall mean the following:
(a) "Ambulation and transfer" means the acts of moving or
walking about or walking or being moved from place to place with
or without assistance.
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the
words and phrases set forth herein shall mean the following. . .
(b) “Applicant” means:
1. When the private home care provider is owned by a sole
proprietorship, the individual proprietor shall be the applicant for
the license, complete the statement of responsibility and serve as
the licensee;
2. When the private home care provider is owned by a
partnership, the general partners shall be the applicant for the
license, complete the statement of responsibility and serve as the
3. When the private home care provider is owned by an
association limited liability company (LLC), the governing body of
the association or LLC shall authorize the application for the
license and complete the statement of responsibility and the
association shall serve as the licensee; and
4. When the private home care provider is owned by a
corporation, the governing body of the corporation shall authorize
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the application for the license and complete the statement of
responsibility and the corporation shall serve as the licensee.
(c) "Companion or sitter tasks" means the following tasks
which are provided to elderly, handicapped, or convalescing
individuals: transport and escort services; meal preparation and
serving; and household tasks essential to cleanliness and safety.
(d) “Criminal history background check” means a search as
required by law of the criminal records maintained by law
enforcement authorities to determine whether the applicant has a
criminal record as defined in these rules.
(e) “Criminal record” means:
1. Conviction of a crime; or
2. Arrest, charge, and sentencing for a crime where:
(i) A plea of nolo contendere was entered to the charge; or
(ii) First offender treatment without adjudication of guilt
pursuant to the charge was granted; or
(iii) Adjudication or sentence was otherwise withheld or not
entered on the charge; or
3. Arrest and being charged for a crime if the charge is
pending, unless the time for prosecuting such crime has expired
pursuant to Chapter 3 of Title 17 O.C.G.A.
(f) "Department" means the Department of Community
(g) "Director" means the chief administrative or executive
officer or manager.
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(h) "Home health agency" means a facility licensed as a
home health agency in accordance with the applicable licensing
statutes and associated rules.
(i) "Home management" means those activities normally
performed by a homemaker for the maintenance of a home's
essential services, including but not limited to activities such as
meal planning, shopping, and bill paying; any employee that is
authorized unlimited access to a client's personal funds for home
management shall be bonded through the provider.
(j) "Housekeeping or housekeeping tasks" means those
activities performed for the upkeep and cleanliness of the home,
including but not limited to such activities as laundry, changing
linens, trash disposal, and cleaning.
(k) "Inspection" means any examination by the department
or its representatives of a provider, including but not necessarily
limited to the premises, and staff, persons in care, and documents
pertinent to initial and continued licensing so that the department
may determine whether a provider is operating in compliance with
licensing requirements for has violated any licensing
requirements. The term inspection includes any survey,
monitoring visit, complaint investigation, or other inquiry
conducted for the purposes of making a compliance determination
with respect to licensing requirements.
(l) "Medically frail or medically compromised client" means a
client whose health status, as determined by appropriate provider
staff in accordance with accepted standards of practice, is likely to
change or has changed because of a disease process, injury,
disability or advanced age and underlying disease process(es).
(m) "Medically related activities" means activities such as but
not limited to observing and reporting changes in a client's
condition, arranging trips to the doctor, picking up prescription
drugs, accompanying clients on medical appointments,
documenting client's food and/or liquid intake or output, reminding
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clients to take medication, and assisting with self-administration of
medication; such activities shall not include professional services
that are subject to regulation under professional practice and
licensing statutes and associated rules.
(n) “Owner” means any individual or any person affiliated
with the corporation, partnership, or association with 10 percent or
greater ownership interest in a business or agency licensed as a
private home care provider and who:
1. Purports to or exercises authority of an owner in the
business or agency;
2. Applies to operate or operates the business or agency; or
3. Enters into a contract to acquire ownership of such a
business or agency.
(o) "Personal care home" means a facility licensed as a
personal care home in accordance with the applicable licensing
statutes and associated rules.
(p) "Personal care tasks" means assistance with bathing,
toileting, grooming, shaving, dental care, dressing, and eating;
and may include but are not limited to proper nutrition, home
management, housekeeping tasks, ambulation and transfer, and
medically related activities, including the taking of vital signs only
in conjunction with the above tasks.
(q) "Private home care provider" means any person,
business entity, corporation, or association, whether operated for
profit or not for profit, that directly provides or makes provision for
private home care services through:
1. its own employees or agents;
2. contractual arrangements with independent contractors;
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3. referral of other persons to render home care services,
when the individual making the referral has ownership or financial
interest in the delivery of those services by those other persons
who would deliver those services.
(r) "Private home care services" means those items and
services provided at a patient's residence that involve direct care
to that patient and includes, without limitation, any or all of the
1. nursing services, provided that such services can only be
provided by a person licensed as a Registered Professional Nurse
or Licensed Practical Nurse in accordance with applicable
professional licensing statutes and associated rules;
2. personal care tasks; and
3. companion or sitter tasks.
4. Private home care services shall not include physical,
speech, or occupational therapy; medical nutrition therapy;
medical social services; or home health aide services provided by
a home health agency.
(s) “Records check application” means two sets of
classifiable fingerprints, a records search fee to be established by
the department by rule and regulation, payable in such form as the
department may direct to cover the cost of a fingerprint records
check, and an affidavit by the applicant disclosing the nature and
date of any arrest, charge, or conviction of the applicant for the
violation of any law, except for motor vehicle parking violations,
whether or not the violation occurred in this state, and such
additional information as the department may require.
(t) "Residence" means the place where an individual makes
that person's permanent or temporary home, whether that
person's own apartment or house, a friend or relative's home, or a
personal care home, but shall not include a hospital, nursing
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home, hospice, or other health care facility licensed under
O.C.G.A. § 31-7-1 et seq.
(u) "Responsible Party" means any person authorized in
writing by the client or appointed by an appropriate court to act
upon the client's behalf; the term shall include a family member of
a physically or mentally impaired client unable to grant the above
(v) “Satisfactory criminal history background check
determination” means a written determination that a person for
whom a records check was performed was found to have no
criminal record which includes one of the covered crimes outlined
in O.C.G.A. § 31-2-9, if applicable.
(w) "Transport and escort services" means accompanying
clients or providing or arranging transportation for clients to places
outside of their residences for purposes such as appointments,
entertainment, exercise, recreation, shopping, or social activities.
If the mode of transportation is not owned by the client and is
operated by an employee of the provider, the provider shall either
obtain a signed waiver by the client of any claims for damages
arising out of the operation of the vehicle or make reasonable
efforts to insure that there is current motor vehicle insurance that
will provide medical coverage for the client, in the event that the
vehicle is involved in an accident causing injuries to the client.
(x) “Unsatisfactory criminal history background check
determination” means a written determination that a person for
whom a records check was performed has a criminal record which
includes one of the covered crimes outlined in O.C.G.A. § 31-2-9,
if applicable.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-7-300 et seq.
111-8-65-.04 Governing Body.
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Each private home care provider shall have a governing body
empowered and responsible to determine all policies and
procedures and to ensure compliance with these rules.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-7-300 et seq.
111-8-65-.05 Licenses.
(1) No private home care provider shall operate without a
license or provisional license issued by the department.
(a) A license shall be issued and renewed periodically by the
department upon a providers’ compliance with these rules and
shall remain in force and effect until the license expires or is
suspended, revoked or limited.
(b) Prior to the issuance of any new license, the owner of the
business or agency applying for the license shall be required to
submit a records check application so as to permit the department
to obtain a criminal history background check.
1. An owner may not be required to submit a records check
application if a determination is made by the Department that the
owner does not do any of the following:
(i) Maintains an office at the location where services are
provided to clients;
(ii) Resides at a location where services are provided to
(iii) Has direct access to persons receiving care; nor
(iv) Provides direct personal supervision of personnel by
being immediately available to provide assistance and direction
during the time services are being provided.
2. In lieu of a records check application, the owner may
submit evidence, satisfactory to the department, that within the
Unofficial Copy
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immediately preceding 12 months the owner has received a
satisfactory criminal records check determination.
(c) A private home care provider license shall not be issued,
and any issued license shall be revoked, where it has been
determined that the owner has received an unsatisfactory criminal
records check determination involving any of the following covered
crimes, as outlined in O.C.G.A. 49-2-14.1 et seq.:
1. A violation of Code Section 16-5-1, relating to murder and
felony murder;
2. A violation of Code Section 16-5-21, relating to
aggravated assault;
3. A violation of Code Section 16-5-70, relating to
aggravated battery;
4. A violation of Code Section 16-5-70 relating to cruelty to
5. A violation of Code Section 16-5-100, relating to cruelty
to a person 65 year of age or older;
6. A violation of Code Section 16-6-1, relating to rape;
7. A violation of Code Section 16-6-2, relating to aggravated
8. A violation of Code Section 16-6-4, relating to child
9. A violation of Code Section 16-6-5, relating to enticing a
child for indecent purposes;
10. A violation of Code Section 16-6-5.1, relating to sexual
assault against persons in custody, detained persons, or patients
in hospitals or other institutions;
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11. A violation of Code Section 16-6-22.2, relating to
aggravated sexual battery;
12. A violation of Code Section 16-8-41, relating to armed
13. A violation of Code Section 30-5-8, relating to abuse,
neglect, or exploitation of a disabled adult or elder person; or
14. Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction that, if
committed in this state, would be deemed to be a crime listed in
this paragraph without regard to its designation elsewhere;
(d) An owner holding a valid private home care provider
license issued on or before June 30, 2007 shall be required to
obtain a fingerprint records check determination no later than
December 31, 2008.
1. An owner holding a valid private home care provider
license issued on or before June 30, 2007 who has received an
unsatisfactory criminal records determination which includes any
one of the covered crimes listed in Rule .05(c)(1)-(14) above, shall
not have the license revoked prior to a hearing being held before a
hearing officer pursuant to Chapter 13 of Title 50, the ‘Georgia
Administrative Procedures Act’.
2. An owner with a valid private home care provider license
who acquires a criminal record for any of the crimes listed in Rule
.14(7)(c)(1)-(14) above subsequent to the effective date of these
rules shall disclose the criminal record to the department.
(e) If at any time the department has reason to believe an owner
holding a valid license has been arrested, charged, or convicted of
any of the covered crimes listed in Rule .14(7)(c)(1)-(14) above,
the department shall require the owner to submit a records check
application immediately for determination of whether a revocation
action is necessary.
(f) A provisional license may be issued by the department
on a conditional basis for one of the following reasons:
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1. To allow a newly established provider a reasonable, but
limited, time to demonstrate that its operational procedures
comply with these rules; or
2. To allow an existing provider a reasonable length of time
to comply with these rules and regulations, provided that the
provider shall present a plan of improvement acceptable to the
(2) Qualifications Requirement. In order to obtain or retain a
license or provisional license, the provider's administrator and its
employees must be qualified, as defined in these rules, to direct or
work in a program. However, the department may require
additional reasonable verification of the qualifications of the
administrator and employees either at the time of application for a
license or provisional license or at any time during the license
period whenever the department has reason to believe that an
administrator or employee is not qualified under these rules to
direct or work in a program.
(a) If a governing body maintains offices as a private home
care provider in more than one location, then each location shall
be separately licensed.
(b) The license shall be prominently and appropriately
displayed at the private home care providers licensed location.
(c) No license issued under these rules is assignable or
transferable. Each license or provisional license shall be returned
to the department in cases of changes in name, location,
ownership or governing body or if suspended, revoked, or limited.
The department shall be provided 15 days notice in advance of
any providers change in location.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7, 31-2-9 and 31-7-300 et
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111-8-65-.06 Applications.
(1) Initial applications for a license as a private home care
provider must be submitted to the department on forms provided
by the department, and shall include the submission of an
application fee and a license fee established by the Board of
Community Health, and a records check application for the owner.
Such application shall include a description of the private home
care provider services to be offered by the applicant and the
geographic area that will be served.
(2) Renewal of Licenses. Licenses shall be renewed by the
department periodically from the date of initial issuance upon
submission of a renewal application, and a license renewal fee
established by the Board of Community Health. Such renewal
application shall include a description of the private home care
provider services offered by the licensee and the geographic area
(3) Fees. Fees shall be reasonable and shall be set so that
the total of the fees approximates the total of the direct and
indirect costs to the state of the licensing program. Fees may be
refunded for good cause as determined by the department.
(4) False or Misleading Information. The application for any
license or renewal must be truthfully and fully completed. In the
event that the department has reason to believe that any
application has not been completed truthfully, the department may
require additional reasonable verification for the facts alleged.
The department may refuse to issue or renew any license where
false statements have been made in connection with the
application or any other documents required by the department.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-4, 31-2-5, 31-2-8 and 31-7-300 et
111-8-65-.07 Exemptions.
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(1) These rules shall not apply to private home care services
which are provided under the following conditions:
(a) When those services are provided directly by an
individual, either with or without compensation, and not by agents
or employees of the individual and not through independent
contractors or referral arrangements made by an individual who
has ownership or financial interest in the delivery of those services
by others who would deliver those services.
(b) When those services are home infusion therapy services
and the intermittent skilled nursing care is provided only as an
integral part of the delivery and infusion of pharmaceuticals;
however, such skilled nursing care, whether hourly or intermittent,
which provides care licensed by these rules beyond the basic
delivery and infusion of pharmaceuticals is not exempt;
(c) When those services are provided through the temporary
placement of professionals and paraprofessionals to perform
those services in places other than a person’s residence;
(d) When those services are provided by home health
agencies which are licensed under state law;
(e) When those services are provided in a personal care
home by the staff of the personal care home; and
(f) When those services are services within the scope of
practice of pharmacy and provided by persons licensed to practice
(2) A certificate of need issued pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 31-6-
1 et seq. is not required for licensure so long as the provider does
not operate as a licensed home health agency or personal care
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-7-305 and 31-7-307.
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111-8-65-.08 Inspections and Plans of Correction.
(1) Providers shall be inspected by the department
periodically; provided, however, the department may exempt a
provider from such periodic inspections if it is certified or
accredited by a certification or accreditation entity recognized and
approved by the department.
(a) A provider seeking exemption from on-site inspection
shall be required to submit to the department documentation of
certification or accreditation, including a copy of its most recent
certification or accreditation report.
(b) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit
the department from conducting inspections of any provider as the
department determines necessary.
(2) Consent to Entry and Access. An application for a
license or the issuance and renewal of any license by the
department constitutes consent by the applicant or licensee and
the owner of the premises for the department's representatives to
enter the premises for the purpose of conducting any inspection
during regular business hours.
(a) Department representatives shall be allowed reasonable
and meaningful access to the provider's premises, all records
relevant to licensure and all provider staff. Providers shall assist
and cooperate in arranging for department representatives to have
meaningful access to provider's clients who consent to be
interviewed by department representatives in connection with any
licensure activity.
(3) Cooperation with Inspection. All provider staff shall
cooperate with any inspection conducted by the department and
shall provide, without unreasonable delay, any documents to
which the department is entitled hereunder.
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(4) If as a result of the inspection, violations of these
licensure regulations are identified, the provider will be given a
written report of the inspection which identifies the licensure
regulations violated. The provider must submit a written plan of
correction (improvement) in response to the inspection report
which states what the provider will do when to correct each of the
violations identified. The provider may offer any explanation or
dispute the findings of violations in the written plan of correction so
long as an acceptable plan of correction is submitted within ten
days of the receipt of the written report of licensure inspection.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7, 31-2-8 and 31-7-300 et
111-8-65-.09 Administration and Organization.
(1) Services Description. A provider shall establish and
implement written policies and procedures that define the scope of
private home care services it offers and the types of clients it
serves. No provider shall provide services that are prohibited by
these rules, the applicable legal authority, or other laws.
(2) Service Agreements. No provider shall offer to provide a
client any private home care services that it cannot reasonably
expect to deliver in accordance with these rules.
(a) A provider shall establish and implement policies and
procedures for service agreements. All services provided to a
client shall be based on a written service agreement entered into
with the client or the client's responsible party, if applicable. The
service agreement must include the following:
1. Date that provider makes initial contact with client for
2. Date of referral, i.e. the date on which the provider
received a specific request to deliver private home care services
to a particular client;
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3. Description of services needed as stated by client or
responsible party, if applicable;
4. Description of services to be provided and expected
frequency and duration of services;
5. Charges for such services, and mechanisms for billing
and payment of such charges;
6. Acknowledgment of receipt of a copy of client's rights and
responsibilities as outlined at rule .12;
7. A telephone number of the provider that a client can call
for information, questions, or complaints about services supplied
by the provider;
8. The telephone number of the state licensing authority, i.e.
the department, to call for information or questions about the
provider concerning a violation of licensing requirements that was
not resolved to the client's satisfaction by complaining to the
9. Authorization from client or responsible party, if
applicable, for access to client's personal funds when home
management services are to be provided and when those services
include assistance with bill paying or any activities, such as
shopping, that involve access to or use of such funds; similarly
approved authorization for use of client's motor vehicle when
services to be provided include transport and escort services and
when the client's personal vehicle will be used;
10. Signatures for the provider's representative and the client
or responsible party, if applicable, and date signed; if a client or
responsible party refuses to sign the agreement, such refusal shall
be noted on the agreement with an explanation from the provider's
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(b) For new clients, such initial service agreements shall be
completed not later than the second visit to the client's residence
to provide services if the second visit occurs on a different day
from the first visit or not later than seven calendar days after
services are initially provided in the residence, whichever is
1. If the provider is unable to complete the service
agreement for good cause, the provider will document such
reason(s) in the client's file.
2. Subsequent revisions to the initial service agreement
may be handled by the provider noting in the client's record the
specific changes in service (e.g. addition or deletion of service,
changes in frequency, or duration, or charge for services, etc.)
that will occur and that the change was discussed with and agreed
to by the client and/or responsible party, as appropriate, who
signed the initial agreement prior to the change in services
(c) A client has the right to cancel any service agreement at
any time and shall only be charged for services actually rendered
prior to the time that the provider is notified of the cancellation.
The provider may assess a reasonable charge for travel and staff
time if notice of the cancellation of the service agreement is not
provided in time to cancel the service prior to the provider's staff
member arriving at the client's house to perform the service.
(3) Administrator. The governing body shall appoint an
administrator who shall have full authority and responsibility for
the operation of the private home care provider.
(a) Any administrator employed after the effective date of
these rules must meet the following minimum qualifications:
1. Never have been shown by credible evidence (e.g. a
court or jury, a department investigation, or other reliable
evidence) to have abused, neglected, sexually assaulted,
exploited, or deprived any person or to have subjected any person
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to serious injury as a result of intentional or grossly negligent
misconduct as evidenced by an oral or written statement to this
effect obtained at the time of application;
2. Participate in the orientation and training required by
these rules;
3. Not have made any material false statements concerning
qualifications requirements either to the department or the
(4) Record keeping.
(a) Client Records. A provider shall maintain a separate file
containing all written records pertaining to the services provided
for each client that it serves and the file shall contain the following:
1. Identifying information including name, address,
telephone number, and responsible party, if any;
2. Current service agreement as described at rule .09(2);
3. Current service plan as described at rule .11;
4. Clinical and/or progress notes if the client is receiving
nursing services that have been signed and dated by the staff
providing the direct care;
5. Documentation of personal care tasks and companion or
sitter tasks actually performed for the client;
6. Documentation of findings of home supervisory visits by
the supervisor unless entered in service plan;
7. Any material reports from or about the client that relate to
the care being provided to the client including items such as
progress notes and problems reported by employees of the
provider, communications with personal physicians or other health
care providers, communications with family members or
responsible parties, or similar items;
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8. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the
client's personal physicians, if any; and
9. Date and source of referral.
(b) Retention and Confidentiality of Client Records. Written
policies and procedures shall be established and implemented for
the maintenance and security of client records specifying who
shall supervise the maintenance of records, who shall have
custody of records, to whom records may be released and for
what purposes and how long the records will be retained.
1. At a minimum, all client records shall be retained for five
years from the date of last service provided. The provider shall
maintain the confidentiality of client records.
2. Employees of the provider shall not disclose or knowingly
permit the disclosure of any information in a client record except to
appropriate provider staff, the client, responsible party (if
applicable), the client's physician or other health care provider, the
department, other individuals authorized by the client in writing or
by subpoena.
(c) Personnel Records. A provider shall maintain separate
written records for each employee and the records shall include
the following:
1. Identifying information such as name, address, telephone
number, and emergency contact person(s);
2. A five year employment history or a complete
employment history if the person has not been employed five
3. Records of qualifications;
4. Documentation of a satisfactory TB screening test upon
employment and annually thereafter;
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5. Date of employment;
6. The person's job description or statements of the
person's duties and responsibilities;
7. Documentation of orientation and training required by
these rules;
8. Documentation of at least an annual performance
9. Documentation of bonding if the employee performs
home management services which permit unlimited access to the
client's personal funds. (If bonding is provided through a universal
coverage bond, evidence of bonding need not be maintained
separately in each personnel folder.)
(d) Reports of Complaints and Incidents. The provider shall
maintain files of all documentation of complaints submitted
pursuant to rule .12(2). A provider shall also maintain on file for a
minimum of five years all incident reports or reports of unusual
occurrences (e.g. falls, accidents, significant medication errors,
etc.) that affect the health, safety, and welfare of its clients.
Documentation required to be maintained shall include what
actions, if any, the provider took to resolve clients' complaints and
to address any incident reports or unusual occurrences required to
be retained.
(5) Staffing. The provider shall have sufficient numbers of
qualified staff as required by these rules to provide the services
specified in the service agreements with its clients. In the event
that the provider becomes aware that it is unable to deliver the
specified services to the client because of an unexpected staff
shortage, the provider shall advise the client and refer the client to
another provider if the client so desires.
(a) All staff employed by a provider shall have included in
their personnel records or files maintained by the particular
provider a written evaluation that was performed within one year
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before or after the effective date of these rules. The written
evaluation must reflect that the employee's performance of
required job tasks was observed personally by a supervisor either
by demonstration or observation and such performance was
determined to be competent for all job tasks required to be
performed. All staff hired after the effective date of these rules
must meet the following minimum qualifications:
1. Never have been shown by credible evidence (e.g. a
court or jury, a department investigation, or other reliable
evidence) to have abused, neglected, sexually assaulted,
exploited, or deprived any person or to have subjected any person
to serious injury as a result of intentional or grossly negligent
misconduct as evidenced by an oral or written statement to this
effect obtained at the time of application;
2. Participate in the orientation and training required by
these rules;
3. Not have made any material false statements concerning
qualifications requirements either to the department or the
(b) Nursing Personnel. Any persons employed by the
provider to provide nursing services shall be licensed in Georgia in
accordance with professional licensing laws and associated rules.
Such persons may also provide any other types of private home
care services offered by the provider.
(c) Personal Care Assistant (PCA). The provider may have
PCAs perform personal care tasks for clients. Such persons may
also perform companion or sitter tasks for clients, but shall not
provide nursing services unless qualified as stated in rule .09(5)(b)
1. Any PCA hired after the effective date of these rules shall
have the following training and/or experience:
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(i) successful completion of a nurse aide training and
competency evaluation program pursuant to the requirements of
42 CFR Part 483, Subpart D, as revised or recodified, if
applicable; or
(ii) successful completion of a competency examination for
nurse aides recognized by the department; or
(iii) successful completion of a health care or personal care
credentialing program recognized and approved by the
department; or
(iv) successful completion or progress in the completion of a
40 hour training program provided by a private home care
provider, which addresses at least the following areas:
(I) Ambulation and transfer of clients, including positioning;
(II) Assistance with bathing, toileting, grooming, shaving,
dental care, dressing, and eating;
(III) Basic first aide and CPR;
(IV) Caring for clients with special conditions and needs so
long as the services are within the scope of the tasks authorized
to be performed by demonstration;
(V) Home management;
(VI) Home safety and sanitation;
(VII) Infection control in the home;
(VIII) Medically related activities to include the taking of
vital signs; and
(IX) Proper nutrition.
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2. A training program described in rule .09(5)(c)1.(iv) must
be conducted under the direction of a licensed registered
professional nurse, or a health care professional with
commensurate education and experience. Twenty hours of the
program must be completed by the employee prior to serving
clients and the additional twenty hours must be completed within
six months of the date the training initially began. No PCA shall be
assigned to perform a task for which training has not been
completed and competency has not been determined. No PCA
shall be assigned to care for a client with special conditions unless
the PCA has received training and has demonstrated competency
in performing such services related to such special conditions.
(d) Companions or Sitters. The provider may have
companions or sitters perform companion or sitter tasks for
1. Such persons may not provide other private home care
services to clients unless qualified as stated in rules .09(5)(b) and
2. Any companion or sitter hired after the effective date of
these rules must meet the following minimal requirements:
(i) Be able to read and write, follow verbal and written
instructions, and complete written reports and documents;
(ii) Successfully complete training or demonstrate
understanding and practical competency in the following areas:
understanding the needs and characteristics of elderly,
handicapped, or convalescing individuals; meal preparation and
serving; transportation and escort services; housekeeping to
include sanitation; home safety; handling medical emergencies in
the home; and infection control.
(6) Staff Training. Prior to working with clients, all employees
hired or used on or after the effective date of these rules and who
provide services to clients shall be oriented in accordance with
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these rules and shall thereafter receive additional training in
accordance with these rules.
(a) Orientation shall include instruction in:
1. The provider's written policies and procedures regarding
its scope of services and the types of clients it serves (rule .09 (1)
and clients rights and responsibilities and complaints (rule .12), as
well as other policies that are relevant to the employee's range of
duties and responsibilities;
2. The employee's assigned duties and responsibilities;
3. Reporting client progress and problems to supervisory
personnel and procedures for handling medical emergencies or
other incidents that affect the delivery of services in accordance
with the client's services plan;
4. The employee's obligation to report known exposure to
tuberculosis and hepatitis to the employer.
(b) Additional training consisting of a minimum of eight clock
hours of training or instruction shall be provided annually for each
employee after the first year of employment. Employees hired
prior to the effective date of these rules are also required to
receive eight clock hours of training or instruction annually
beginning with the effective date of these rules. Such training or
instruction shall be in subjects that relate to the employee's
assigned duties and responsibilities.
(7) Contracted Services. If a provider arranges with
independent contractors, individuals, or agents for them to provide
any authorized private home care services on behalf of the
provider in any way, such arrangements shall be set forth in
writing detailing the services to be provided. The provider must
assure that the independent contractor, individual, or agent
supplying the services follow the provisions of these rules and are
qualified to provide the services. The services must be
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supervised, as outlined in rule .10(2) (Supervision of Services), by
a supervisor of the licensed provider.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-7-300 et seq.
111-8-65-.10 Private Home Care Provider Services.
(1) A provider may provide three categories of home care
services as defined in these rules.
(a) Nursing Services. If a provider provides nursing services,
such services shall be provided by a licensed registered
professional nurse or a licensed practical nurse under the
direction of a supervisor as required by these rules. Such services
shall be provided in accordance with the scope of nursing practice
laws and associated rules, and the client's service plan.
1. Nursing services shall include the following: ...
(i) Regularly assess the nursing needs of the client;
(ii) Participate in the establishment and implementation of
the client's service plan;
(iii) Provide nursing services as needed and in accordance
with the client's service plan;
(iv) Report problems and progress of client to supervisory
personnel or the client's personal physician.
(b) Personal Care Tasks. If a provider provides personal
care tasks, such tasks, at a minimum, shall be performed by a
qualified PCA under the direction of a supervisor as required by
these rules, and in accordance with the client's service plan. In
addition to following the service plan, a PCA must report on the
personal care needs of the client, on changes in the client's
condition, and on any observed problems that affect the client.
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Licensed nurses are also authorized to perform personal care
(c) Companion or Sitter Tasks. If a provider provides
companion or sitter tasks, such tasks, at a minimum, shall be
performed by a qualified companion or sitter under the direction of
a qualified supervisor as required by these rules, and in
accordance with the client's service plan. In addition to following
the service plan, a companion or sitter must report on the needs of
the client, on changes in the client's condition, and on any
observed problems that affect the client.
(2) Supervision of Services. Services shall be supervised by
qualified staff of the provider. Each staff member providing
services to a client shall be evaluated in writing by his or her
supervisor, at least annually, either through direct observation or
demonstration, on the job tasks the staff member is required to
perform. No supervisor shall knowingly permit an employee who
has been exposed to tuberculosis or hepatitis or diagnosed with
the same to provide services to clients until it is determined that
the employee is not contagious.
(a) Supervision of Nursing Services. If a provider provides
nursing services, it shall employ fully licensed Georgia registered
professional nurse to supervise the provision of such services and
the employees who provide the services. Such supervisor may
perform other duties provided he or she is able to fulfill the
supervisory responsibilities described in these rules. A supervisor
shall complete the client's service plan in accordance with rule .11
and in coordination with the appropriate staff who will be providing
the client's services.
(b) Supervision of Personal Care Tasks. If a provider offers
personal care task services, the provider shall employ
supervisor(s) that have been determined to be qualified by
education, training and experience to supervise the provision of
such tasks in accordance with accepted standards of care. A
licensed registered professional or practical nurse shall supervise
the provision of personal care tasks for clients determined to be
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medically frail or medically compromised. If such supervision is
provided by a licensed practical nurse, the licensed practical nurse
shall report to a licensed registered professional nurse who will
continue to be responsible for the development and management
of the service plan. Such supervisor may perform other duties
provided he or she is able to fulfill the supervisory responsibilities
described in these rules.
1. The appropriate supervisor as specified in these rules
shall complete the client's service plan in accordance with rule .11
and in coordination with the appropriate staff who will be providing
the client's services. For clients who are determined to be
medically frail or compromised, a licensed registered professional
nurse shall complete the initial service plan. Subsequent revisions
to the service plan may be made by a licensed practical nurse
who is supervising the provision of personal care tasks services to
the client. Revisions made by the licensed practical nurse will be
reviewed in a timely manner by the provider's licensed registered
professional nurse ultimately responsible for the management of
the client's care.
2. The appropriate supervisor shall make a supervisory
home visit to each client's residence at least every 92 days,
starting from date of initial service in a residence or as the level of
care requires to ensure that the client's needs are met. The visit
shall include an assessment of the client's general condition, vital
signs, a review of the progress being made, the problems
encountered by the client and the client's satisfaction with the
services being delivered by the provider's staff. Such supervision
shall also include observations about the appropriateness of the
level of services being offered. Routine quarterly supervisory visits
shall be made in the client's residence and shall be documented in
the client's file or service plan.
(c) Supervision of Companion or Sitter Tasks. If a provider
provides companion or sitter tasks, supervision of such tasks shall
be provided by a qualified supervisor (e.g. registered professional
nurse, licensed practical nurse, the administrator, or any other
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staff member assigned responsibility for supervision of the
delivery of care.)
1. The appropriate supervisor, as specified in these rules,
shall complete the client's service plan in accordance with rule .11
and in coordination with the appropriate staff who will be providing
the client's services.
2. The appropriate supervisor shall make a supervisory
home visit to each client's residence at least every 122 days
starting from date of initial service in the residence or when the
provider receives a complaint concerning services and the
complaint raises a serious question concerning the services being
delivered. The visit shall include an assessment of the client's
general condition, a review of the progress being made, the
problems encountered by the client and the client's satisfaction
with the services being delivered by the provider's staff. Such
supervision shall also include observations about the
appropriateness of the level of services being offered. Routine
supervisory visits shall be made in the client's residence. All
supervisory visits shall be documented in the client's file or service
(d) When employees or subcontractors are performing
personal care tasks for clients who are medically frail or medically
compromised in the clients' residences, the provider shall have a
representative on call and accessible who shall be able to contact
a nurse supervisor by telephone or other means to provide
appropriate consultation to the employees or subcontractors
concerning responding to the clients' medical needs.
(3) Documentation of Home Care Services Provided. A
provider shall establish and implement written policies and
procedures for documenting the services actually performed for its
clients each day. Such documentation shall be incorporated into
the client's file in accordance with rule .09(4)(a).
(4) Quality Improvement Program. The provider must have
and maintain documentation reflecting that there is an effective
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quality improvement program that continuously monitors the
performance of the program itself and client outcomes to ensure
that the care provided to the clients meets acceptable standards
of care and complies with the minimum requirements set forth in
these rules. At a minimum, the quality improvement program must
document the receipt and resolution (if possible) of client
complaints, problems with care identified and corrective actions
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-7-300 et seq.
111-8-65-.11 Service Plans.
(1) Service Plan Content. A provider shall establish and
implement written policies and procedures for service planning. A
written plan of service shall be established in collaboration with
the client and the responsible party, if applicable, and the client's
personal physician if the services to be provided are nursing
services and the client has a personal physician.
(a) The service plan shall include the functional limitations of
the client, types of service required, the expected times and
frequency of service delivery in the client's residence, the
expected duration of services that will be provided, the stated
goals and objectives of the services, and discharge plans.
(b) When applicable to the condition of the client and the
services to be provided, the [service] plan shall also include
pertinent diagnoses, medications and treatments, equipment
needs, and diet and nutritional needs.
(2) Service plans shall be completed by the service
supervisor within seven working days after services are initially
provided in the residence. Service plans for nursing services shall
be reviewed and updated at least every sixty-two days. Other
service plans shall be reviewed and updated at the time of each
supervisory visit. Parts of the plans must be revised whenever
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there are changes in the items listed in rules .11(l)(a) and (b),
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-7-300 et seq.
111-8-65-.12 Client Rights, Responsibilities and
(1) A provider shall establish and implement written policies
and procedures regarding the rights and responsibilities of clients,
and the handling and resolution of complaints.
(2) Such policies and procedures shall include a written
notice of rights and responsibilities which shall be provided to
each client or responsible party, if applicable, when the service
agreement described in rule .09(2) is completed. The required
notice shall include the following items:
(a) Right to be informed about plan of service and to
participate in the planning;
(b) Right to be promptly and fully informed of any changes in
the plan of service;
(c) Right to accept or refuse services;
(d) Right to be fully informed of the charges for services;
(e) Right to be informed of the name, business telephone
number and business address of the person supervising the
services and how to contact that person;
(f) Right to be informed of the complaint procedures and the
right to submit complaints without fear of discrimination or
retaliation and to have them investigated by the provider within a
reasonable period of time. The complaint procedure provided shall
include the name, business address and telephone number of the
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person designated by the provider to handle complaints and
(g) Right of confidentiality of client record;
(h) Right to have property and residence treated with
(i) Right to receive a written notice of the address and
telephone number of the state licensing authority, i.e. the
department, which further explains that the department is charged
with the responsibility of licensing the provider and investigating
client complaints which appear to violate licensing regulations;
(j) Right to obtain a copy of the provider's most recent
completed report of licensure inspection from the provider upon
written request. The provider is not required to release the report
of licensure inspection until the provider has had an opportunity to
file a written plan of correction for the violations, if any, identified.
The facility may charge the client reasonable photocopying
(k) Right to be advised that the client and the responsible
party, if applicable, must advise the provider of any changes in the
client's condition or any events that affect the client's service
(3) Such policies shall also include procedures for clients
and others to present complaints, either orally or in writing, about
services and to have their complaints addressed and resolved as
appropriate by the provider in a timely manner.
(4) A provider shall supply all clients and responsible parties,
if applicable, with the specific telephone number of the provider for
information, questions or complaints about services being
delivered by the provider.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-7-300 et seq.
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111-8-65-.13 Enforcement and Penalties.
(1) Enforcement of these rules and regulations shall be
conducted in accordance with Rules and Regulations for
Enforcement of Licensing Requirements,
(2) If the department finds that an applicant for a license has
violated any provisions of these rules or other laws, rules,
regulations, or formal orders related to initial or continued
licensing, it may, subject to notice and an opportunity for hearing,
refuse to grant any license or limit or restrict any license.
(3) If the department finds that a provider has violated any
provision of these rules or other laws, rules, regulations, or formal
orders related to initial or continued registration, it may, subject to
notice and an opportunity for hearing, take any of the following
actions: administer a public reprimand; limit or restrict a license;
suspend a license; impose a fine; refuse to renew a license; or
revoke a license.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-2-8.
111-8-65-.14 Waivers and Variances.
(1) The department may, in its discretion, grant waivers and
variances of specific rules upon application or petition being filed
on forms provided by the department. The department may
establish conditions which must be met by the provider in order to
operate under the waiver or variance granted. Waivers and
variances may be granted in accordance with the following
(2) Variance. A variance may be granted by the department
upon a showing by the applicant or petitioner that the particular
rule or regulation that is the subject of the variance request should
not be applied as written because strict application of the rule
would cause undue hardship. The applicant or petitioner must
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also show that adequate standards affording protection for the
health, safety and care of persons in care exist and will be met in
lieu of the exact requirements of the rule or regulation in question.
(3) Waiver. The department may dispense entirely with the
enforcement of a rule or regulation by granting a waiver upon a
showing by the applicant or petitioner that the purpose of the rule
or regulation is met through equivalent standards affording
equivalent protection for the health, safety and care of persons in
(4) Experimental Variance or Waiver. The department may
grant waivers and variances to allow experimentation and
demonstration of new and innovative approaches to delivery of
services upon a showing by the applicant or petitioner that the
intended protections afforded by the rule or regulation which is the
subject of the request are met and that the innovative approach
has the potential to improve service delivery.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5 and 31-2-7.
111-8-65-.15 Severability.
(1) In the event that any rule, sentence, clause or phrase of
any of these rules and regulations may be construed by any court
of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, unconstitutional, or
otherwise unenforceable, such determination or adjudication shall
in no manner affect the remaining rules or portions thereof.
(2) The remaining rules or portions thereof shall remain in full
force and effect, as if such rule or portions thereof so determined,
declared, or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not
originally a part of these rules.
Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2-5, 31-2-7 and 31-7-300 et seq.
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Please use the following checklist to ensure you include all the documents required for HFRD to review your application for a provisional PRIVATE
HOME CARE PROVIDER license. Please use the Applicant Check colum n for your own review; to be sure all necessary documents are included.
Under each document, you will see content which must be acceptable in order to p ass review. Be aware that your application packet may be
considered incomplete and in eligible for review if all major documents are notLncluded. It mus t be clear to the reYLewer what each
document is, so it is advisable to have them clearly marked.
Be advised that th ese are the m inimum documents necessary for re view for your initial license, but it is not intend ed to be a c omplete list of all
policies, procedures, forms, etc., which you will need to operate your Private Home Care Provider service effectively.
Applicant HFRD Office Use Only Review Date:_____________
Use Acceptable Not Accept. Notes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1. A completed application for a license to operate as a private
home care provider, signed and dated.
2. Notarized Personal Identification Affidavit.
3. Copy of Business License, or, if not required, evidence of
such communication with local government.
4. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation, if incorporated;
or if not incorporated, listing of IRS Tax ID number.
*5. Cashiers check or money order for application fee and
license fee.
*6. Please refer to mem o concerning Private Hom e Care
Fingerprinting Process Using COGENT/GAPS.
7. A description of services.
Describes scope of services offered.
Describes types of clients served.
8. Copy of policy and procedures for Service Agreements, and
a copy of the Service Agreement form.
Requires written service agreement with each client.
Requires timeline for completion of initial service agreement as
required by .09(2)(b).
Describes procedure for revision to the service agreement as
needed, including appropriate documentation of revisions.
Includes date of referral
Includes date of initial client contact
Requires description of services client claims are needed
Requires description of services the provider agrees to provide
Requires documentation of duration and frequency of services
to be provided
Requires documentation of charges for the services to be
Requires documentation of the client’s receipt of a copy of the
clients’ rights and responsibilities.
Policy addresses the client’s right to cancel the agreement and
how charges will be handled upon cancellation.
Includes a telephone number for the provider for the client to
use to contact the provider for information, questions, or a
Includes the telephone numbers for HFRD complaint line and
for PHCP licensing information.
Includes policy for obtaining authorization for use of client’s
funds or motor vehicle, if those services are provided.
Requires signature of the client or the client’s responsible
9. Name, qualifications and job description (including copy of
professional license if applicable) of administrator.
Includes evidence of having no history of misconduct as
described in 290-5-54-.09(3)(a)1.
Job duties include full authority and responsibility for the
operation of the PHCP.
Evidence of completion of orientation training.
10. A description of all elements to be included in each client’s
record, and copies of any forms to be used to record this
Identification form to include documentation of name, address,
telephone number, and responsible party.
Requirement to include the service agreement and service plan
in the record.
Form for recording clinical progress notes.
Form for documentation at each visit of personal care tasks and
companion or sitter tasks which are actually performed for the
client at the time of that visit.
Form for documentation of home supervisory visits performed
for that client.
Form for recording names, addresses, and telephone numbers
for the client’s personal physician(s).
Entry for date of referral.
11. Written policies and procedures for maintenance and
security of client records.
Includes who (by position) supervises the maintenance of the
records, who has custody of the records, to whom records may
be released and for what purposes, and how long the records
will be maintained (at a minimum, five years from the date of
service provided).
Explains how confidentiality of the records will be assured, and
with whom employees may discuss client information (must be
limited to the client, appropriate provider staff members, the
client’s responsible party, the client’s physician or other
healthcare provider, DCH, or others authorized in writing by
the client or by subpoena).
12. Copy of forms for logging complaints and incidents, and
description of procedures for management and documentation.
Describes maintenance of such records for a minimum of five
Requires documentation of actions taken by the provider in
response to reports of incidents and to complaints.
13. List of current employees (administrator and at least one
other employee required to open a PHCP) and copies of
personnel records for those employees, and job descriptions
and qualifications requirements of current and prospective
Includes appropriate types of employees for provision of
services for which permit is requested.
Includes statements, or forms for statements, as to history of
abuse or neglect of others.
Includes documentation of TB testing.
Includes forms for documentation of identifying information
and emergency contacts.
Includes documentation of any employment history available.
PCA qualifications require a GA-registered CNA, completion
of the NLN exam on-line and assessment of competency for
services to be performed, or completion of a provided 40-hour
training curriculum and assessment of competency.
Nursing positions require a GA license.
Companion or sitter positions require ability to read, write, and
follow instructions and completion of training or pass
competency assessment, as appropriate, for understanding
needs of populations served, basic meal preparation, provision
of transportation services, housekeeping, home safety, handling
emergencies in the home, and infection control.
14. Copy of orientation curriculum and forms to document
completion of each aspect of orientation.
Includes instruction in the provider’s policies and procedures,
including client rights and the handling of complaints, TB
exposure reporting, procedures for reporting client progress and
problems to supervisors, procedures for handling emergencies,
and review of the employees’ job responsibilities.
15. A written description of whether the program will employ
only certified nurse aides to perform personal care tasks or
whether the program will be providing their own training
curriculum for PCAs.
16. If the provider will be providing the 40-hour training
program for PCAs, a copy of the training curriculum and forms
for documenting the training and the observed competencies
for those activities the PCA will be providing.
Ambulation, transfer, and positioning of clients;
Assistance with bathing, grooming, shaving, dental care,
dressing, and eating;
Basic first aid and CPR;
Meeting clients’ special needs (as determined by assignment);
Home management;
Home safety and sanitation;
Infection control in the home;
Medically related activities including taking of vital signs;
Proper nutrition.
17. Description of any contracted services, including
procedures for supervision of such services and for determining
qualifications of contracted individuals.
Requires that the PHCP will assess competencies for contracted
PCAs or companion or sitters, and will keep on site
documentation of qualifications of each.
18. If nursing services are to be provided, a copy of the
description of nursing services.
Requires that any nursing services provided are provided or
supervised by an RN.
Requires that for clients receiving nursing services, the nurse
participates in the development and implementation of the
service plan.
Requires that for clients receiving nursing services, a nurse
regularly reassesses the needs of the client.
19. A description of how PCAs, nursing services, and
companion or sitter services are to be supervised, and copies of
forms, used to document supervision.
Requires appropriate training for supervisors for each type of
Requires that an RN be responsible for supervising any
services provided for medically frail clients, and defines those
types of clients appropriately.
Requires that the supervisor annually assesses the performance
of the supervisees, by direct observation or demonstration of
the tasks they are assigned to perform.
Requires and documents that the supervisor participates in the
development and review of each client’s service plan.
Requires that for PCA services, the supervisor performs
supervisory home visits to each client’s residence at least every
92 days, and at least on some occasions when the aide is
present and performing services.
Requires that for companion and sitter services, the supervisor
performs supervisory home visits to each client’s residence at
least every 122 days, and at least on some occasions when the
employee is present and performing services.
Forms reflect documentation by the supervisor at the
time of the visit of assessment of the client’s condition,
vital signs, review of progress, any problems, the
appropriateness of the current level of services and the
client’s satisfaction with services.
20. Copy of policies and procedures for documenting the
services actually performed for each client each day, and the
form(s) used for documenting such.
Includes specific instructions for staff on how and what to
record on the service delivery form, and how and when the
forms will be incorporated into the client’s record.
21. Description of the quality improvement program, including
any forms, review sheets, etc. used in this program.
Describes what methods the PHCP will use to monitor itself
and client outcomes.
Includes monitoring the reporting and resolution of complaints
or problems with care and corrective actions taken.
22. Copy of policies and procedures for service planning and
form used for the Service Plan.
Includes collaboration of the client’s physician if nursing
services are to be provided, and how physician’s orders are
obtained and documented, including verification of verbal
orders, and signatures obtained.
Specifies timeframe for completing the plan document (at least
within seven days of the initial visit, integrating assessment
Specifies when the service plan is to be reviewed or revised (at
least every 62 days for nursing services; for other services at
least at every supervisory visit and whenever the condition or
needs of the client change).
Service Plan document includes the specific functional
limitations of the client, the services required, the expected
times and frequency of service delivery, duration of services,
statements of goals and objectives of services, and discharge
Form provides for description of the how the specific tasks are
to be performed (e.g. tub bath, bed bath, applying lotion to
back, etc.) rather than just general itemization of services.
If applicable to the client, the service plan can accommodate
pertinent diagnoses, medications and treatments, equipment
needs, and diet and nutritional needs.
23. Copy of policies and procedures related to client rights and
responsibilities and the handling and resolution of complaints.
Requires notice to clients at the time the service agreement is
Notice includes:
Right to be informed about the plan for services and to be
involved in the development of the plan.
Right to be informed promptly about any changes in services
(before the change).
Right to accept or refuse services.
Right to be informed of the charges for services provided.
Right to be informed of the contact number(s) for the
supervisory personnel.
Right to be informed of complaint procedures.
Right to confidentiality of client information.
Right to have property and residence treated with respect.
Right to written notice of the contact information for the state
licensing authority.
Right to a copy of the PHCP’s most recent report from a
licensure inspection.
Responsibility of the client and/or responsible party to inform
the provider of any changes in the client’s condition.
Reviewed by: ___________________________________
Date: __________________________________________