General Information (Origin of Request)
User Requirements (URD) or GUI Business Functionality Document (BFD)
Other User Functional or Technical Documentation (SYS)
Request raised by: ECB Institute: ECB Date raised: 22/11/2016
Request title: Adjustments to the PDF and XML format of T2S invoices Request ref. no: T2S 0642 SYS
Request type: Common Urgency: Normal
1. Legal/business importance parameter: Low 2. Market implementation efforts parameter: Low
3. Operational/Technical risk parameter: Low 4. Financial impact parameter: Medium
Requestor Category: ECB Status: Withdrawn
Reason for change and expected benefits/business motivation:
Automatically issued T2S invoices are sent to the T2S customers (CSDs and CBs) on the first business day of the
month as:
XML messages (camt.077) to the CSDs and CBs technical address defined in T2S Static Data (default and
mandatory option);
PDF files which are reader-friendly transpositions of the invoices sent via XML message, but which are only
sent, upon an explicit request by a T2S customer.
The format of the PDF invoices generated by the T2S Operator suffers from technical constraints applying for instance
to fields positioning and limited fields length. The current setup makes it sub-optimal for an easy processing by the
accounting departments. Moreover, envisaged modifications to the billing process in T2S, such as the introduction of
the minimum billed amount, require more flexibility in provision of relevant information in the PDF invoices.
Description of requested change:
To optimise the format of T2S invoicing documents, the following changes to the template are requested:
a) Reorganisation of receiver and sender information in the header in the PDF invoices and PDF invoice
cancellations: swap of the two fields This change will streamline processing of the physical correspondence
of invoices, since a standard format maintains space for receiver information on the top left side;
b) Modifications in the usage and format of the fields Method of Payment and Statement Regarding Legal
Validity, as well as new field Payment Information. For the field Method of Payment, two alternatives for the
implementation are proposed. The text provided here as content for all fields is an example, the actual text will
be specified by the T2S financials team and provided to the 4CB upon implementation of fields.
Payment Information
Format: This is a new field proposed to be added to both .pdf and .xml (camt.077) invoices, including
in both cases invoice cancellations (to be named e.g. <PmtInf> )
Length: 500 characters
Content: T2S invoices need to include clear, complete and legally valid statements on any measures
applicable to the billing, which impact the amount to be paid. Today the invoices include information
on the application of the minimum billed amount. Further measures might be implemented in the
Justification: In the current set-up, the field is limited to 210 characters, which allows only for a very
cryptic description of aspects crucial for the processing of invoices and correct execution of
Method of Payment
Format: The field is already included in the .pdf and .xml (camt.077) invoices (as <PmtMtd> ), as well
as in invoice cancellations.
Subfields: the field should include the below subfields:
Payment Details: (to be named e.g <PmtDet>):
Cf. UDFS Version 2.2, Invoice creation process
T2S Programme Office Request: T2S 0642 SYS
o Length: 500 characters
o Content e.g. “The payment shall be made to the account of the European Central
Bank through TARGET2, by sending a SWIFT MT202 message including the
following information:
Account: (to be named e.g. <PmtAcc> ):
o Length: 500 characters
o Content e.g. “Addressee BIC (header) and beneficiary BIC (58A): ECBFDEFFFIN”
Reference: (to be named e.g. <PmtRef> ):
o Length: 210 characters
o Content e.g. “Field 72: /REC (or BNF)/T2S/CUSTFEES//Contract object number
/TRM invoice number”
Justification: The field is aimed to cover payment modalities and to give guidance to the relevant
payment executing departments on the T2S customer side. Splitting the text into three subfields
provides clearer and more structured information.
Statement regarding legal validity
Format: The field is currently included in the.xml invoice (camt.077) (as <InvcLglStmt> ), but needs
to be added to the .pdf invoice, including invoice cancellation.
Length: 500 characters
Content: Today the field includes “This is a computer generated document which is valid without
signature. For now, there is no need for an update of this text, but it cannot be excluded it in the
Justification: So far only the T2S XML invoices show the information entered in this specific field. The
PDF invoice should be aligned to the .xml invoices.
c) Addition of column with “T2S service item code”This change will allow the user to reconcile the information
against the itemized billing data query. The field is already present in the .xml (camt.077) message and should
be also reported in the PDF version of the invoice. The column is to be included between “Line” and “Invoiced
d) Formatting and alignment of figures under the Unit Pricecolumn in the PDF invoice: the unit price should
always display three digits (regardless of whether the price tag uses one, two or three decimal after the
comma) and be aligned to the right;
e) Addition of a VAT field (with the length of 20 characters) for the .xml (camt.077) (to be named e.g <VatNr>)
and PDF invoice documents (including cancellation documents) for the system entity under the name and
address field: the VAT number should only be added for the recipient (the field for the issuer already exists but
is not used as the ECB does not have a VAT number); the field should be available for all entities, but only be
shown for the entities that request to add their VAT number to the invoices (three CSDs requested it thus far).
Regarding point b), based on sample content of fields and the proposed .xml field names, the .xml file could be modified
as follows:
Sample .xml code following the proposed changes (point b):
As per agreement of 23.09.2016, if your net due amount for the month is less than EUR150, your due
becomes EUR150.
< PmtMtd >
<PmtDet>The payment shall be made to the account of the European Central Bank through
TARGET2, by sending a SWIFT MT202 message including the following information: </PmtDet>
<PmtAcc> Addressee BIC (header) and beneficiary BIC (58A): ECBFDEFFFIN </PmtAcc>
<PmtRef> Field 72: /REC (or BNF)/T2S/CUSTFEES//Contract object number /TRM invoice
number </PmtRef>
</ PmtMtd >
This is a computer generated document which is valid without signature.
T2S Programme Office Request: T2S 0642 SYS
Sample .xml code following the proposed changes (point e):
<StrtNm>Street Name</StrtNm>
<TwnNm>City Name</TwnNm>
<CtrySubDvsn>Country Name</CtrySubDvsn>
Submitted annexes / related documents:
Field for Method of Payment and Statement regarding legal validity in the T2S GUI from the view of the T2S
Comparison between a currently produced and sent T2S XML message and T2S PDF invoice based on the
ECB’s T2S invoice for August 2016 with regards to the above under 1) described issue:
T2S Programme Office Request: T2S 0642 SYS
T2S User Detailed Functional Specifications (UDFS) Version 2.2, Invoice creation process, page 735 of
The Example PDF invoice in the UDFS only displays the field Method of Payment but the field Statement regarding
legal validity is missing:
T2S Programme Office Request: T2S 0642 SYS
T2S User Detailed Functional Specifications (UDFS) Version 2.2, Invoice cancellation process, page
737 of 2080
The Example PDF invoice cancellation in the UDFS only displays the field Method of Payment but the field Statement
regarding legal validity is missing:
T2S Programme Office Request: T2S 0642 SYS
Proposed wording for the SYS Change request:
High level description of Impact:
* CRG meeting on 12/13 December 2016: The CRG agreed to put the Change Request on hold.
* CRG meeting on 28 February 2017: The CRG recommended the launch of preliminary assessment on the Change
* OMG on 14 March 2017: During a written procedure from 28 February - 14 March 2017, the Operations Managers
Group did not identify any blocking operational impact of the Change Request.
* CRG meeting on 24 April 2017: The CRG took note of the T2S functionalities/modules impacted by the Change
Request following the 4CB preliminary assessment and that there are synergies with the Change Request T2S-0643-
SYS (Display service item code and price on the GUI screen), therefore, a joint implementation was favourable.
* CRG on 12 November 2019: CR-642 was withdrawn by its initiator.
Preliminary assessment:
Impacted modules: SDMG, INTF, Billing
o It should be checked if there is an impact on the billing in T2.
o The implementation of this CR has synergies with CR-0643, as the data provided in the updated
Service Item screen due to CR-0643 will be reconciled with the Service Item Codes introduced thanks
to this CR.