2019 Taft Summer School
Scholarship Information and Application Instructions for full-time
Young Scholars and Liberal Studies Day Students
Scholarships are awarded to outstanding middle school students in grades 7 and 8, as well
as high school students in grades 9 through 12 who can demonstrate financial need. In
addition to need, selection is based on character, academic achievement, teacher
recommendations, and a writing sample. Applicants must reside in the greater Watertown
Three scholarships in the amount of $2,100 each are available.
Please note: Being an applicant for one of these three scholarships places a student in a
more competitive situation for admission. Only families with demonstrated need should
consider applying for a scholarship. Applicants not admitted with assistance may request
to be reconsidered as regular candidates. Please be aware that scholarships are offered
only one time to the same student and/or family.
The following materials must be received in one complete package by May 1, 2019 (no
separate mailings, please!).
Incomplete applications cannot be considered, and late applications may be considered
only upon cancellation of earlier awards.
1. Submit completed Application Forms A, B, C and D;
2. Include a copy of your child's certified school transcript (a photocopy of an official
transcript is acceptable);
3. Complete and submit attached Financial Aid Application Form, and include copies of
2018 IRS 1040 forms, parents' W2 forms and/or 1099 forms.
4. Include your child's handwritten writing sample.
2019 Taft Summer School Day Student Scholarship Application
All information is treated with complete confidentiality.
A. Student's Name:
Last First Middle
B. Father Stepfather Guardian Mother Stepmother
Name: Name:
Occupation: Occupation:
Employer: Employer:
Yrs. with Firm:
Yrs. with Firm:
part-time part-time
Gross salary per month before deductions:
Gross salary per month before deductions:
C. Other Income:
Dividend and/or interest income: $
Alimony received: $
Untaxed portion of payments to IRA: $
Keogh plan payments/SEP deduction: $
Child Support: $
Joint Gross Income: $ Joint Net Income: $
Income tax paid for 2018 by both parents (jointly and/or separately): $
Income tax refunded for 2018 to both parents (jointly and/or separately): $
D. Current Value of:
Parents' Stocks: $ Student's Stocks: $
Parents' Bonds: $ Student's Bonds: $
Parents' Mutual Funds: $ Student's Mutual Funds: $
F. Does student have additional income not listed above? No Yes
(If yes, please enumerate the nature of asset, how obtained, and the value):
G. Indebtedness, except for mortgage, (please enumerate):
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
H. Mortgages Primary Residence Second Home
Amount: $ $
Monthly Payment: $ $
Years left to pay: $ $
I. Do you have a second mortgage/equity loan on any of the above?
Amount: $ $
Monthly Payment: $ $
Years left to pay: $ $
J. Do you own a Business or a Farm?
Capital value of your share of business or farm: $
K. Resources available for the Summer Program (please be as realistic as possible):
From Parents' Income:
From Parents' Assets:
From Student's Assets: $
From Friends/Relatives: $
From other Sources: $
Total $
L. Other Children in the Family:
Child's Name
Age School Tuition
Fin. Aid Amount
1 $ $
2 $ $
3 $ $
4 $ $
M. Please use an additional sheet of paper if you wish to comment on the following:
Any special circumstance(s) that would affect financial resources: Illness, partial support, divorce/separation
agreements regarding alimony and/or child support, etc.
Any additional information that you feel might be pertinent.
I certify that the above information is accurate.
N. Signature of Parents/Guardians:
Include with Financial Aid
Application package and mail by
May 1, 2019 to:
Taft Summer School
110 Woodbury Road
Watertown, CT 06795
Writing Sample
Name of Applicant:
Directions: Please answer the following questions (on both sides) honestly and in your
own handwriting. You may use the form and if needed, attach an additional sheet of
1. What is important to know about you? Name at least three qualities that
someone should know about you.
Include with Financial Aid
Application package and mail by
May 1, 2019 to:
Taft Summer School
110 Woodbury Road
Watertown, CT 06795
2. Name one book that you read during the past year that you recommend. Why?
3. If you had the opportunity to have a conversation with an important figure,
either contemporary or historical, whom would you choose? Why?