Taft School Student Handbook
April 2024
This handbook is intended to provide information and guidance to all members of the Taft School community. It is not a
contract. Provisions may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of the administration of the Taft School. Please visit
Taft School Student Handbook for the most up to date version of this handbook.
Table Of Contents
Message from the Head of School -Peter Becker ‘95 ………………………………………………………………3
Important Contacts and Phone Numbers……………………………………………………………….….….……4
Taft Core Values………………………………………………………………………………….…………….….….5
To Those Entering Taft……………………………………………………………….……………….….….5
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion………………………………………………..…………………….……....6
Freedom of Expression………………………………………………………..…………………….…….….6
Daily Schedule…………………………………………………………………………………………..…….….……7
General Privileges and Policies ………………………………………………….……………………..…………….9
Dress Code………………………………………………………………………………………………….....9
Cell Phones…………………………………………………………………………………………………...10
Safety and Security…………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Procedures, Regulations and Information When Leaving Campus………………………………………13
The Conduct System………………………………………………………………………………………………….17
Honor System and Taft’s Honor Code……………………………………………………………………...20
Grading System, Academic Credit, Placement, Promotion……………………………………………….22
Examinations, Assessments, Extended Time……………………………………………………………….23
Fundamental Rules - Major School Rules…………………………………………………………………………..25
General Expectations…..…………………………………………………………………………………….25
Acceptable Use of Technology……………………………………………………….………..…………….29
Sexual Misconduct Policy………………………………………………………………………………..….34
Voluntary Use of the Health Center - Amnesty/ “Sanctuary”....................................................................47
Disciplinary Responses…………………………………………………………………………………..….47
Residential Life……………………………………………………………………………………………………….49
General Rules for Residential Life………………………………………………………………………….50
Visitation ………………………………...…………………………………………………………………...51
Study Hall and Evening Routines………………………………….…………………………………..…...52
Day Student Information…………………………………………………………………………………….………57
Afternoon Programming Information and Policies……………………………………….……………………….59
Student Life - Information and Resources…………………………………………………………………………62
Health, Wellness, and Student Support
A. Health Center………………………………………………………………………………………62
B. Community Health…………………………………………………………………………………63
C. Insurance ………………………………………………………………………………….………..63
D. Concussion Protocol……………………………………………………………………………….63
E. Counseling………………………………………………………………………………………….63
F. Athletic Trainers…………………………………………………………………………………...64
G. Moorhead Academic Center……..…….……………………………………….…………………64
H. Accommodation of Disabilities……………………………………………………………………65
I. Attendance, Absence and Academics- Taft’s Leave Policy……………………………………..66
J. Spiritual Life……………………………………………………………………………………….67
K. College Counseling………………………………………………………………………………...68
L. Advisory Program………………………….……………………………………………………...69
II. Campus Resources and Information
A. Library …………………………………………………………………………………………….69
B. Dining Hall………………………………………………………………………………………...70
C. Transportation ……………………………………………………………………………………71
D. Reach Boarding Management System and signing in/out of campus………………………….72
E. Keys/Fobs …………………………………………………………………………….……………72
F. Laundry Service …………………………………………………………………….…………….72
G. Bookstore - Student Accounts ……………………………………………………………………73
III. Student Activities
A. Student Council - Leadership ……………………………………………………………………73
B. Clubs ……………………………………………………………………………………………….74
To All Students:
Welcome to Taft! Returning students, you are culture carriers--new students will look to you to understand Taft’s norms
much more than they will look to this handbook. All students and employees of the school, returning and new, are culture
creators: in Taft’s 133-year history, we have never been this school, composed of this group of incredible people.
Together, we will create Taft today.
We can all look to the school’s Portrait of a Graduate to see the very high standard that we all commit to when we choose
to attend or work at Taft. The Portrait states that we are “a community devoted to creating lifelong learners, thoughtful
citizens, and caring people. For most new students, Taft is the most diverse community you’ve ever been part of,
composed of students from 31 U.S. states and from 58 countries around the world. You will learn in every conceivable
way here: in the classroom, in your dorm, at the dining hall, and through arts, athletics, service and other activities.
Each student arrives with individual goals, both implicit and explicit. That’s great! I encourage you to compare your goals
to the Portrait of a Graduate. In order that you contribute the most you can to creating an incredible school this year and in
order that you get as much out of your time as a student here, and achieve the goals you have for yourself, take the risk to
practice the elements of the Portrait. They are easier to read than they are to live–and the adults at the school, starting with
me, have devoted their lives to helping you bridge that gap, even as we also continue to learn what lifelong learning,
citizenship, and caring look like in action.
Please read this handbook closely. We update it regularly. If you practice the Portrait of a Graduate, you will rarely need
to refer back to this handbook other than for practical answers. But the care invested in this handbook, and the specificity
of it, highlight areas of student life that may seem obvious. Experience has shown us, however, that students and families
benefit from these rules and practices being spelled out clearly in advance. We will all live by these rules because the
structure they provide creates the conditions for all of us to learn how to embody the qualities of a Taft graduate and,
believe it or not, the structure also makes life together in the beautiful intensity of a boarding school more fun for students
and faculty!
Mrs. Becker and I look forward to learning and living alongside you,
Peter Becker ‘95 - Head of School
Important Contacts and Phone Numbers:
A complete school-wide directory of all faculty and staff is located on our Directory page.
Campus Safety: 860-945-7789
Administrator on Duty: 860-483-1338
College Counseling: 860-945-7703
Counseling: 860-945-5937
Dean of Academics: 860-945-7845
Dean of Students: 860-945-7800
Deans' Office/Duty Office: 860-945-7800
Head of School: 860-945-7787
Hulbert Taft Jr. Library: 860-945-7780
Information Technology: 860-945-7990
Martin Health Center: 860-945-7762
Moorhead Academic Center: 860-945-7851
Phone Systems Administrator: 860-945-7906
Switchboard: 860-945-7777
Transportation: 860-945-7721
Business Office: 860-945-7770
Taft’s History and Core Values
The Taft School
Established at Pelham Manor, New York, in 1890, the Taft School is the realization of the late Horace Dutton Taft’s life
purpose: to found a school in which students would receive the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual background necessary
to be responsible leaders and disciplined, constructive citizens. Mr. Taft, the school’s first head of school and the brother of
President William Howard Taft, believed that spiritual growth and development of character were equal in importance to the
scholarship that he valued highly.
The school’s 9,600 living alumni are engaged in virtually every phase of the world’s work— business, industry, the
professions, and public service. Taft has always taken its school motto—Non ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret, or, Not to be
served but to serve—very much to heart, and students and alumni alike devote themselves to their communities and to causes
around the globe.
The school moved to its present location in Watertown, Connecticut, in 1893, and the campus today encompasses more than
220 acres with top-notch facilities for intellectual, artistic, and athletic pursuits. In 1936 Mr. Taft was succeeded as head of
school by Mr. Paul Cruikshank, who led the school for the next 27 years. Mr. John C. Esty served as head of school from
1963 to 1972, as the school welcomed its first coeducational class. A young history teacher named Lance R. Odden arrived
from Princeton in 1961 and quickly climbed the ranks, serving as head of school for 29 years, until his retirement in 2001.
William R. MacMullen ’78 became the first alumnus to head the school, the fifth head of school in 118 years—a record of
leadership unparalleled among peer schools. Mr. MacMullen served as head of school for 22 years, until his retirement in
Peter Becker ’95 began his tenure as Taft’s sixth Head of School on July 1, 2023. As a Taft graduate, Becker knows, loves,
and values Taft’s mission and culture: its insistence on excellence, passion for community and belonging, commitment to
improvement and to service, and pride in school spirit. His career has always been about students. As a teacher, coach,
advisor, dorm head, department chair at Lawrenceville, and head of school at The Frederick Gunn School, he has worked
with empathy and caring to help students feel valued so they can grow and succeed. As a head, he has shown a tremendous
ability to administer and lead, inspiring others with a strategic vision and working collaboratively to improve and transform
the school. Becker received a B.A. with Distinction in Religious Studies from the University of Virginia and an M.A. in
History from Yale University.
To Those Entering Taft
We extend our best wishes for your success here. It is likely that you will encounter much that seems strange or different at
first. You will probably find the first few days particularly confusing, and this is a typical reaction. Taft is a welcoming
community, and many people will do their best to help you feel at home. Before long, you will find yourself part of the
All new students are assigned student sponsors, referred to as “student mentors,” whose job it is to answer questions, explain
our customs, and help you feel at home here. Do not hesitate to go to your sponsor for advice and information. Furthermore,
as a new student you will participate in activities that will help you understand more about the school.
During the first semester you will choose a faculty member to be your advisor. New students will be assigned a temporary
advisor for the first three weeks of school. This temporary advisor can become your permanent advisor if you so choose.
Your advisor will be intimately concerned with all phases of your career at Taft, and we hope you will feel free to discuss any
important issues in your life at Taft. Early in the year we will help all students understand a few obvious boundaries of this
relationship and will suggest how you should go about choosing an advisor who is right for you. Go out of your way to get to
know your faculty advisor well; you will find your advisor ready to help whenever you need assistance or guidance.
In addition, each student has a class dean. Class deans oversee your academic progress and overall program at Taft and will
make an effort to get to know you well. During the opening days of school, you may find your class dean to be someone who
is willing to answer questions about any aspect of the school. Class deans are listed on our Meet the Deans page. You will be
informed when you receive your course schedule in July which dean will be working with you.
On succeeding pages of this book you will find, among other things, most of the rules and regulations of the school. At first
they may seem overwhelming in number and detail, but in the long run you will find that most of them follow common sense.
The basic principle of all Taft’s institutions is that of honesty. Tests are conducted on the Honor System. You will be
assigned work to do on your own, and you need pledge that you have neither given nor received assistance. Your word on
any question of conduct will be taken as a matter of fact.If you use consideration and common sense, you should have little
difficulty with the rules.If there are rules or procedures that you do not understand, feel free to stop by the Dean’s Office to
speak with Ms. Lindsay Leal, the dean of students, or Mr. Ozzie Parente, associate dean of students.
Taft Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Taft is an intentionally diverse institution whose members work to acknowledge, respect, and empathize with people of all
different identifiers, such as race, socioeconomic status, gender identity and expression, education, age, ability, ethnicity,
culture, sexual orientation, language, nationality, and religion. We foster these habits and dispositions in accordance with
Taft’s mission to educate the whole student, thus preparing individuals morally and pragmatically for global citizenship.
As such, community members commit to participate in and support ongoing equity and inclusion programming through
curricular and co-curricular offerings, professional development, residential life, and local and global partnerships.
Moreover, members of the Taft community strive to understand and combat the symptoms and causes of systematic
oppression—ranging from implicit biases to microaggressions to discriminatory policies, practices and traditions—that
benefit privileged groups and disadvantage marginalized groups. While at Taft and beyond, community members commit
to affirm and honor the lived experiences of others, to willingly challenge inherited beliefs and ideologies, and
consequently learn, grow, and serve.
Statement on Freedom of Expression
The various forms of dialogue that we enter into as a part of our everyday existence while at Taft are key ways that we
learn and grow. This dialogue takes place in the classrooms, hallways, dorms, co-curricular spaces, and any place that
two or more Tafties congregate. This dialogue happens in the words we speak to each other, the music we listen to, and
the decorations that adorn our persons and our individual and collective spaces. Because of the diversity of experience,
background, and perspective inherent to the Taft community, we will not always agree with one another and indeed we
shouldn’t. It is in the moments where we are confronted with new and divergent thoughts that we expand our world view
the most. And while these conversations should always be respectful and in the spirit of learning, they may be difficult
and at times cause offense. We embrace these challenging moments as key to the edification of individuals and the
broader community.
We also affirm the humanity of all members of the Taft community and dialogue that calls an individual’s humanity into
question violates our communal norms. All members of the Taft community must feel as though they can be their full
selves on campus in order to live out our mission of educating the whole student, to adhere to our DEI statement, and to
ensure that all students exhibit the principles embodied in the Portrait of the Graduate. Language that demeans or
degrades community members has no place on campus no matter where else it might be taking place.
These aims are not mutually exclusive; indeed, we balance freedom of expression with respect for members of our
community on a regular basis. It is important that our community members have the freedom to learn, to contribute, and
to participate in the life of the school. These reasonable expectations, grounded in our constitutional documents, lead us to
identify a narrow range of situations in which the school might restrict expression. Expression will be limited when it:
violates state or federal law;
constitutes slander, threats, or harassment;
unreasonably invades individual privacy or violates confidentiality interests; or,
is directly incompatible with the functioning of the school.
Included in this policy are all manners of expression including but not limited to, verbal, written, and electronic
communication; decorations or adornments such as flags or posters; clothing items; etc.
We believe that the Taft community will continue to be a place where intellectual inquiry and discourse reflect our goals
of being our best selves for the common good.
Daily Schedule
Tafties begin their day with a cafeteria-style breakfast, served from 7:00 am to 8:15 am, when classes begin.
The academic day spans seven periods (see below), ranging in length from 45 to 120 minutes each. Classes take up the
majority of these blocks; lunch, served from 11 am to 1 pm, occupies another.
The entire school community gathers in Bingham Auditorium for Assembly on Wednesdays and Saturdays, where
announcements are made and other school business is conducted. There are only three class periods on those days, to
accommodate our athletic programs and the travel time involved.
On Tuesdays and some Thursdays, Taft often welcomes renowned guest speakers and presenters to the Bingham
Auditorium for our Morning Meeting Program. Members of the school community may also be featured Morning Meeting
speakers. Other Thursdays we have advisory blocks scheduled.
Students may use free time during the academic day for things like library research, studying, music, practice, art, or
relaxing with friends.
After classes end, Tafties head off to their “ex”—a required afternoon program activity—followed by dinner, most nights
from 5 to 7, then mandatory study hall. Sit down dinners and winter sports may change the dinner schedule, and upper
mids and seniors enjoy a slightly shorter study period. Check in and lights out bring the Taft day to a close, 10:30 pm for
lower schoolers, 11:30 pm for upper schoolers.
Academic Weekly Schedule (6 day week and 5 day week)
General Privileges and Policies
Dress And General Appearance
The dress code at Taft is not particularly formal, but students are expected to dress in a way that respects the standards and
academic purpose of the School. We have worked hard in concert with faculty and students to develop a dress code that is
non-gendered, objective, and enforceable for faculty. The dress code is broken down into three main categories: Informal
Dress, Class Dress and Sit-Down Dinner or “formal” dress.
Informal Dress
This is dress with minimal guidelines—that is, what we wear after classes, in the dorms, during weekends, etc. The only
restrictions are that clothing does not have inappropriate (i.e., obscene/offensive) language or features drug and/or alcohol
imagery/advertising. Students should also consider that we live in a community with faculty and their families. Students
should follow normal guidelines in terms of anything they might wear in a public place.
Class Dress
Class dress must be worn in all public areas of the school from breakfast until the end of the class day. This includes use
of the dining hall in the morning starting at 7:00am.
During the hours when classes are in session, including breakfast and school meetings, the following dress code applies:
Clothing with drug/alcohol imagery or language that is not in line with our mission is not permitted.
All clothing must be neat, clean, and in good repair. Clothes should be free of any rips, tears or holes.
Athletic and/or casual sportswear (i.e. gym clothes, sweatpants) are not permitted.
o T-shirts, athletic or with messaging or writing should not be worn alone without an additional layer (i.e. a
T-shirt is fine under a sweater, but should not be worn alone)
Students may not wear any kind of clothing made of blue denim.
Tops or items that expose midriffs or mid sections are not permitted.
Skirts, dresses and shorts should be a length that allows the student to do any myriad of activities comfortably; for
example sitting in class, walking upstairs, or raising their hand without needing constant adjustment.
Footwear should be appropriate for indoor and outdoor activities. Slippers are not permitted.
Hats may not be worn in academic buildings or in the Dining Hall at any time. This includes all baseball caps,
beanies and bucket hats. Hooded sweatshirts are permitted but the hood should not be worn on the head. Religious
headwear is permitted, as are culturally specific headwear such as wave caps.
Class dress is not required during final examination week in December or during College Boards or AP exams.
Students who choose to violate the dress code can expect to have a conversation with a Faculty or Staff member. The
consequences for being out of dress code could include but are not limited to a direct conversation with the responding
adult, a later conversation with the student’s advisor, a request for the student to go change, or conduct grades.
Sit-Down Dinner Dress
Sit-Down Dinner Dress is required for sit-down dinners and other special events. Sit-Down Dinner Dress follows the
same guidelines as above, with the following additional stipulations:
Students must wear either a suit coat with a collared shirt and tie, dress trousers, socks and dress shoes, or slacks,
skirts or dresses with dress shoes or dress sandals.
Shorts are not permitted unless communication about dress code comes out prior to the dinner (ex. weather
Apparel befitting a formal communal school event, rather than a dance or party, is required. Dressing “up” is a
sign that the moment is different—perhaps more serious, or somber, or reflective—than the rest of the day.
Dress that celebrates formal moments in our diverse cultures and families is welcomed.
Backpacks And Book Bags
When left loose in the halls, identical books, notebooks, and calculators can often be picked up by mistake after
Assemblies, classes, or meals. Students are therefore required to carry their books and notebooks in some sort of backpack
or bag during the class day. Keeping all of your belongings in one place helps to prevent loss. We recommend that you
mark your bag clearly and also suggest that if you find a pack or bag that is some hideous color not found in nature, you
invest in it for ease of identification.
Students are responsible for keeping up with communications sent to them. All students are expected to check their
mailboxes and their email—both personal and news folders—at least once a day.
Cell Phones
Students are permitted to have cell phones, but at Taft we value face-to-face interaction. As such, it is not appropriate to
make calls or text in public on campus. This includes but is not limited to classrooms, school hallways, the walkways and
outdoor areas around campus, dormitory common rooms and the gym. Calls should be made in private spaces, subject to
other applicable rules and regulations. Because cell phones have many uses, students may use their phones in public for
such activities as checking the time or their calendar. But any activity that interferes with face-to-face communication is
prohibited. If a cell phone interferes with class, Morning Meeting or any other academic setting, the phone may be
confiscated and turned in to the Dean's Office.
Cell phones should not be used or even visible when the community gathers in Bingham Auditorium.
Safety and Security
Campus Safety Office
The Campus Safety Office is located in the basement of the main building and can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days
a week at 860-945-7789 or 860-945-7790
Emergency Notifications
Taft uses the Omnilert system to notify students, families, faculty and staff about any emergency or other important event
on campus. All students are expected to download the Omnilert app.The Omnliert system allows Campus Safety,
administrators, students, and Taft employees to:
rapidly respond to an emergency by setting off an alert or panic button;
access critical emergency plans with or without internet connectivity;
exchange specific communications from the School’s crisit team; and
submit incident reports or feedback to the crisis team.
Students and faculty will receive instructions from the IT department about how to download, install and navigate this
In Case Of Fire Or Other Emergency
Detailed instructions regarding procedures to follow in case of fire are posted in each dormitory at the beginning of the
year, but students should remember the following points: If students are in their rooms when the fire alarm sounds, they
should go immediately to their mustering points outside the buildings. If students are not in the dormitory when the fire
alarm sounds, they should immediately exit the building without returning to their dormitories or cutting through
buildings. Students must remain outside until an audible announcement is made over the public address system that it is
safe to enter the building. Students should never assume that an alarm is false.
Procedures for other types of emergencies, such as weather-related events, intruders or accidents, are contained in the
emergency response guides provided in campus buildings and dorms and the school's Omnilert app which all students
should download at the beginning of the school year. In the event of such an emergency, students should listen to the
public address announcement and monitor push notices and emails for instructions on how to proceed. Students may be
instructed to shelter in place, evacuate, or lockdown in place. Students should continue to follow the instructions until they
are told by the public address system, push notices, and/or emails that it is safe to return to their normal routine.
Students who are 18 years of age or older
Taft believes in the importance of developing an effective partnership with families to support students during their time
at the School. To help foster such collaboration, Taft routinely communicates with parents and/or guardians regarding
student progress and may, at times, require specific permissions of a parent/guardian in connection with certain school
events such as off campus trips and activities. For this reason, even though a student may turn 18 while enrolled at Taft,
the school will continue to maintain regular communication with parents/guardians and will expect the same degree of
parent involvement for all students, regardless of age, in all aspects of Taft's program. Any student who remains enrolled
in Taft following his/her 18th birthday must therefore understand that in choosing to remain at the school, he/she is
providing consent for the school to discuss and/or release information and records to his/her parents/guardians to the same
extent as if he/she were a minor, including, but not limited to, information related to academics, enrollment, attendance,
conduct and discipline, college counseling, medical and mental health matters, and financial matters and may still require
parent/guardian consent for specified activities. The student’s parents or guardians also will continue to be responsible
under the terms of the student’s Enrollment Contract.
Free Absences For Seniors
Seniors are permitted five free absences per term. These absences may only be used for exercise, sit-down dinners, and
Assemblies. Seniors are not permitted to use cuts to miss the Volunteer Program. Although this principle brings to mind
the oxymoron "mandatory volunteer work," the principle makes sense as people are counting on you to fulfill your
commitments. Reports of absences will be submitted to the deans of students. The deans will maintain a record of these
absences in their office. Seniors will receive emails for cuts that have been reported. Unless the cut was given in error,
seniors can ignore these emails and the computer in the Dean's Office will not add the first five cuts to grade totals.
Seniors are responsible for informing the dean on those occasions when their absences were reported incorrectly.
Exceptions And Provisions
The first five cuts a senior receives for any of the school functions noted above will count as his/ her excused absences for
the term. Certain special meetings and Assemblies may be required from time to time. Seniors may not use cuts for these
events. Programs that are required will be listed as such on the school calendar. Cuts may not be carried over from term to
Fund Raising
Class committees, clubs, teams or organizations that wish to raise money for charitable causes, to help finance their
activities or for any other purpose, must consult with class dean, coach or faculty advisor for approval of their methods
and products. The Dean's Office will not approve fund-raising projects whose primary goal is to provide resources to feed
the members of organizations. In other words, buy your own pizza and raise money for something worthwhile, such as a
team's spring break trip. Anything made for sale or distribution must be approved by the faculty advisor and then the dean
of students.
Independent Studies Program (ISP)
The Independent Studies Program provides students an opportunity to explore an area of artistic or academic interest in
depth outside of the regular school curriculum. Applications for the program are accepted in the late spring of the previous
academic year, and throughout the fall up to the Thanksgiving break. This gives students the flexibility to get a lot of work
done in the fall or, alternatively, wait until second semester to get started. Either way, all students are expected to present
their work at the ISP fair in mid-May. Students taking an ISP may take an exemption from one season of the afternoon
program. To qualify for an exemption, students must justify the need for an exemption when applying to the program.
Typically, this requires that the project be unusually labor intensive and/or the student has unusually limited time.
Students awarded an exemption are expected to work a minimum of 4 hours a week during the exempt season, and report
weekly to their ISP advisor and/or a member of the ISP committee. Each failure to meet this weekly requirement results in
four conduct grades, and failing three times to meet this obligation results in revocation of the exemption privilege (but
not necessarily removal from the program).
Outdoor Regulations
Because of potential damage to the lawns, windows, and a variety of other objects, games should be played on the athletic
fields behind the school. Given their proximity to classrooms and offices, students may not create distracting noise in the
area surrounding the Pond, in Centennial courtyard, or in the Vogelstein/CPT quadrangle during the class day or during
study hall.
Students are not allowed to swim in Potter's Pond or in the various ponds on the golf course or in the Watertown area.
Students should never trespass on town or private property. When walking downtown, students should remain on the
sidewalks. Taking shortcuts through lawns and wooded areas creates problems for the owners of those properties.
Morning Meetings and Assemblies
Morning Meeting is generally held on Tuesday and some Thursday mornings. Books should be left in lockers or in the
hallways before entering the auditorium. Food and drink are not permitted in Bingham. As programs for Morning
Meetings are normally of a serious nature, students are expected to enter Bingham quietly and take their assigned seats.
Students should not stand in the aisles or in the front or rear of the auditorium before Morning Meetings begin. When the
speaker for the day takes the stage, students should stop talking immediately. At the conclusion of Morning Meetings,
students should quietly exit in an orderly fashion after allowing the Senior Class to leave first.
Assemblies are held on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. These gatherings are used for announcements, videos, or
skits. All videos should be submitted to the deans of students for approval at least 24 hours before the Assembly.
Although Assemblies are not as formal as Morning Meetings, it is essential that students enter and leave in an orderly
fashion and show proper respect for those making announcements. Seniors will leave the auditorium first.
Students have assigned seats at Morning Meetings and Assemblies. Students not in their assigned seats will be given cuts.
Senior Spring Term
During the spring term, certain special regulations for seniors go into effect. The school reserves the right to withhold
these privileges for a student whose conduct has been irresponsible during the senior year. The school also reserves the
right to ask a senior to spend the spring term away from Taft.
Seniors are excused from certain obligations. Class deans will notify students about such changes.
Seniors may be downtown between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. daily, but must be back in their dormitory by check-in. As is
the case during the school year, students going downtown after 6:00 p.m. must be accompanied by another student.
Seniors returning to school from a weekend permission must be back by 7:30 p.m. If they wish to go downtown after a
weekend permission they may do so, but they must sign in first by 7:30 p.m. in the School Duty Office and then fill out a
day permission card.
During spring term, seniors in good standing are allowed two Friday weekend permissions and unlimited Saturday
overnight permissions. Weekend cards must be filled out by the Thursday at noon before departure. These cards should be
taken to one of the senior class deans for approval. Deans reserve the right to deny weekend permission to seniors who are
not in good standing or who will be missing a crucial academic obligation. A Friday weekend begins after a senior's final
commitment (academic or non-academic) on Friday. Seniors taking Friday weekends are responsible for their work. It is
never appropriate for seniors to take a Friday weekend before a Monday or Tuesday Advanced Placement Exam.
Furthermore, seniors who play on interscholastic teams may not leave on Friday and return for a Saturday game.
Student Media Permission
By signing the student’s enrollment contract, parents/guardians are granting the School permission to record
images/videos/audio (whether by Zoom, camera, or other means) of the student and agree that the School may use the
student’s name, biographical information, grade, statements, photographic image, audio recording, video recording, other
reproduction or likeness of the student, and/or reproductions of the student’s work, in written or in electronic format for
educational purposes, publicity and promotions, or safety (i.e. sharing with law enforcement). Parents with concerns about
the use of their student’s information should reach out to the director of communications.
Student Records and Transcripts
Students’ records are kept on file in the registrar’s office at the School. Original copies of all School records are accessible
only to parents or guardians and School personnel. Parents/guardians may receive copies of their student’s file upon
written request.
Parents/guardians have the right of access to their student’s school records until the student turns 18, at which time the
right to access records becomes that of the student. By signing the enrollment contract, parents/guardians authorize the
School to send their student’s transcript, standardized test scores, school recommendations, and other reports to schools,
colleges, and other programs deemed necessary by the college counselor or others at the School, as requested by the
Student. Parents/guardians understand and agree to the School’s policy that grades and transcripts will not be released
unless an account has been paid in full.
Procedures, Regulations and Information When Leaving Campus
Weekend and day permissions sign-outs are based on the principle of the Honor System that “a student’s word is their
Students must always sign out when leaving campus, unless they are on a school-sponsored trip such as a class trip or an
interscholastic athletic competition. Discussing your plans with the Dean’s Office or having your parents call in does not
relieve you of the responsibility of signing out properly.
Downtown Privilege
Students are allowed downtown during their free time within the following time periods. Students who will be downtown
must always be accompanied by another student and should sign-out in REACH before leaving campus and sign-in upon
their return.
Downtown Privilege Times
Nights when there is sit-down dinner: 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Nights when there is no sit-down dinner: 7:00 a.m.–7:30 p.m.
Saturday 7:00 a.m.–10:15 p.m.
Sunday 7:00 a.m.–7:30 p.m.
Sign-out Procedures
Any time a student leaves campus (with the exception of class field trips or teams departing for athletic contests), a
permission request must be submitted by coming into the Deans Office or signing out online via Reach.
Weekend requests must be submitted by 11:00 p.m. on Thursday. For Long Weekends and campus breaks, permission
requests may be due earlier. Students should check their email and listen to announcements in Assembly for deadlines.
If a student misses the deadline to submit a leave request, they may only sign out with a parent to leave campus overnight.
A two-grade penalty will be assigned to students filing late requests.
It is assumed that when students take a weekend or day permission they are going to a place approved on the form sent to
the Dean’s Office by their parents. They may not take a weekend or day permission to any other place without parental
If a student must miss class for an event (wedding, family reunion, non-school related sports tournament, etc), they must
complete a petitioned leave form to be signed by their teachers and class dean and turn it into the Dean’s Office at least 24
hours prior to their departure. This form is to be completed in addition to a REACH leave request. This form is used to
properly excuse the student from their classes and obligations. Once their form is completed and turned in, their REACH
leave will be approved, and they can properly SISO [Sign In Sign Out] - which can be done via the Reach App or website
off campus. Failure to complete this form will result in a three-grade penalty. If a student must depart for a campus break
early or arrive back at campus late due to travel obligations or restrictions, they must complete an early departure/late
arrival form to be signed by their teachers and class dean and turn it into the Dean’s Office at least 24 hours prior to their
departure. This form is to be completed in addition to a REACH leave request. This form is used to properly excuse the
student from their classes and obligations. Once their form is completed and turned in, their REACH leave will be
approved, and they can properly SISO off campus. Failure to complete this form will result in a three-grade penalty.
When students sign out to their own homes, no invitation is necessary, provided the parents of the student have given
permission to sign out home. When students go to their homes, the school expects that a parent or an adult approved by a
parent will be present.
Students may not sign out to a hotel, home, or any other location unless their parent, the parent of another student, or an
adult approved by their parent is present for the entire weekend.
Students must have an invitation from their host for the weekend whenever they leave school to visit any place other than
their own homes. The host should be entered as such in Reach so that they too can approve the request. Approval from the
host is required for the Leave Request to be approved by the Dean's Office.
When attending a concert or other function before going to their home or to the home of their host family, students must
be picked up from school by their own parent or their host parent.
Upon returning to school, students must sign back on to campus via Reach; in most cases students are required to return to
campus and sign in by 7:30 p.m.
Finally, if you are detained in returning from your weekend for some reason, please call the Duty Office at 860-945-7800
before 7:30 p.m. to let the duty officer know where you are.
If the duty officer is not present, you should leave a message in the voice mailbox.
Day Permissions
All students in good standing are allowed unlimited day permissions during free time. Permissions are granted for travel
near the school. Students wishing to leave Watertown must consult one of the deans of students regarding permissions and
invitations required.
Saturday permissions start after a student’s last Saturday class or athletic contest and end at 10:15 p.m. No students may
be excused from class to get an early start. Sunday permissions run from 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Students leaving early
Sunday morning are advised to have their travel approved on Saturday, as the duty officers are usually not available until
10:00 a.m.
Day students may invite boarding students to their homes only if an adult is present. The boarder should fill out a Leave
Request in Reach, including the Day Student Parent listed as the host. The boarding student should sign back onto
campus when they return.
Boarding students who have permission to drive with a day student may ride downtown during the hours specified on
page 22, but each student must sign out in Reach.
Students may not sign out for dinner on nights when sit-down meals are served.
All permissions to be away from the school for medical appointments must be cleared first through the Health Center.
Weekend Permissions
Weekends during the school year are designated as being either open or closed. On a closed weekend, boarding students
are not permitted to be away from Taft overnight without receiving special permission from the Dean’s Office. The dates
of the closed weekends are indicated in the School Calendar. Students are allowed to leave Taft on an open weekend, with
certain exceptions explained below, as long as they do not miss any classes, athletic contests, or other extracurricular
Saturday Weekends start after a student’s last class or athletic commitment on Saturday and end at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. No
students may be excused from class to get an early start. On open weekends when Saturday classes do not meet, students
are permitted to leave after their last commitment on Saturday. Students may not leave for a weekend on Friday unless
they have received special permission from the Dean’s Office.
All students are granted three Long Weekends, one during each term. All dorms will be open for students during these
Long Weekends.
Students assigned to serve weekend detention may not leave campus unless the detention has been rescheduled by the
dean of students.
On Parents’ Weekends in the fall and winter students may leave campus with their parents on Saturday night.
Weekends or day permissions may not be taken after the Winter Formal or other events specified by the Dean’s Office.
College Days
Students are allowed to miss a limited number of days during their Taft career for the purpose of visiting colleges. While
these days are almost always taken during the senior year, there are rare cases in which students request to use one of their
college days during the Uppermid year. To be granted a college visit day, green college cards (available in the Dean’s
Office) must be signed by the teachers whose classes will be missed, by one of the college counselors and by the class
dean. Cards should then be brought to the Dean’s Office for final approval at least 48 hours before departure.
Students are encouraged to use school vacations and Free Day Weekends for college visits in order to allow them to use
their college days for visits in late Spring after college acceptances have been received.
Seniors should understand that college days are to be used only for the purpose of meaningful college visits and should
not be viewed as “free days” that they are entitled to take for any purpose. The college counseling staff will determine if
the proposed visit is a meaningful part of the student’s college search process. If a student feels that it is unavoidable to
miss more than three class days, he/she must seek approval from the college counselor and the class dean well in advance
of the proposed departure. If permission is granted, the sign-out procedures described above should be followed. Seniors
who take more than three college days will not be granted the privilege of taking Friday weekends in the Spring Term.
Elective Absences
While students should miss as few classes as possible, students who participate in non-Taft commitments may petition to
miss class days. However, should a student miss more than 25% of a semester’s class days for any reason, they will
receive pass/fail credit (rather than a grade). Students who miss more than 50% of a semester will be ineligible for credit.
We will ask whether a student who misses a significant percentage of classes in multiple semesters is well served by Taft.
The class meeting experience cannot be replicated. Absent students miss an opportunity to contribute to their own and
others’ learning. Furthermore, teachers are not responsible for reteaching material students miss. Students are responsible
for that material and for following the direction of the teacher to take missed assessments promptly.
When students miss afternoon obligations such as theater or athletic practice, they may face consequences. The afternoon
program’s coach or advisor has full discretion to make adjustments they see fit - an acting role change, a reduction in
athletic playing time, etc. - to support the learning and performance of the larger group.
Students should procure a Petitioned Leave form from the Dean's office. Students should also fill out a Reach Leave
Request online. The student must fill out the form with an explanation of where they will be and for how long and get it
signed by every teacher whose class they will miss, as well as their afternoon ex coach (if applicable) and their class dean.
They will then turn the paper in to the OSL at which point their Reach request will be approved and they can sign out
from campus.
In addition to the Summer Vacation, the school provides Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Vacations. Before a student
leaves for vacation, all major work in every course must be satisfactorily completed.
The school cannot provide living accommodations or board for any student during the vacation periods (Thanksgiving,
Winter and Spring Vacations). Although the school may provide assistance to parents or guardians, parents or guardians
are ultimately responsible for finding and ensuring appropriate accommodations for their child during such vacation
periods. The dormitories will be open for two nights prior to the first class day following a vacation and for the night of
the final class day before vacation. When leaving for these vacations or for the summer, students must check out with the
dormitory faculty to assure that they have left their rooms in satisfactory condition. Students leaving their rooms in
unsatisfactory condition may be assigned a weekend detention, asked to return to campus, and/or billed for cleaning.
Students will be instructed to fill out a Leave Request Form in Reach to indicate their travel plans for each of the major
Transportation arrangements should be made so as to permit students to attend all of their classes.
Only under extraordinary circumstances may a student petition to leave for vacation early. Special circumstances should
be brought to the attention of the dean of students well in advance of departure so that the student can fill out the
appropriate paperwork.
The Conduct System
Taft’s Conduct System is not designed to penalize students for every minor infraction of the school’s regulations. We are
concerned about students who, over the course of the term, cannot regularly meet their obligations. If a student
accumulates too many conduct grades in a given term, it is a signal that some part of the student’s behavior at school is
not acceptable. In this case the student’s advisor and class dean are likely to become involved in discussions about how
the student can meet the school’s expectations more frequently.
Conduct grades are cumulative for each term. A daily total of each student’s grades is available online and accessible via
the Dean of Students’ Office.
All conduct reports are issued by the Dean’s Office. An email indicating the offense and the number of assigned conduct
grades will be sent to the student. If a student has any question about the report, he or she should consult with one of the
deans of students within 72 hours. Excuses for conduct reports will generally not be accepted after the date indicated in
the email notification.
Most conduct grades are handed in on the day of the offense, but sometimes dormitory faculty enter grades for dormitory
offenses every few days.
Students who miss class for illness must report to the Health Center before the class meets. Students taking medications
may not miss classes, Assemblies, or Morning Meetings to pick up their prescriptions.
It is the responsibility of each student to meet required appointments. Alarm clock problems will never be accepted as an
excuse for missing class or any other obligation. We recommend that students have an alarm clock with a battery backup
so that power surges or outages do not cause alarms to fail.
Please Note The Following Standardized Penalties
Standardized Penalties
1 grade offense Lateness (extreme lateness carries larger penalties), improper dress, cell phone violation
2 grade offenses Failure to SISO
3 grade offenses Riding elevator, late weekend sign-in or sign-out, job cuts, dinner cuts
4 grade offenses Assembly cuts, exercise cuts, leaving corridor in HDT or CPT to move between floors
after 10:30 p.m. for underclassmen or after 11:30 p.m. for seniors
5 grade offenses Class cuts, Morning Meeting cuts
Continued violation or abuse of a school rule or regulation may result in a more serious penalty than the one normally
Although Taft grades run on a semester schedule, conduct records are maintained on a three-term basis.
Disciplinary Restriction
Students who have accumulated a total of 20 grades will be placed on Disciplinary Restriction. A student who reaches this
threshold is restricted to campus to serve one Weekend Detention.
Disciplinary Report
Students who have accumulated a total of 30 grades will be placed on Disciplinary Report, and their cases will be referred
to one of the deans of students for violation of a Fundamental Rule. A student who reaches this threshold for the first time
will receive a Weekend Detention and additional sanctions as determined by the Dean's Office.
Students who are placed on Disciplinary Report more than once may, at the discretion of the dean of students and/or head
of school, face consequences that could range from a discipline committee hearing, in school suspension, and/or
Weekend Detention
Taft uses Weekend Detention as the primary consequence for disciplinary infractions that do not constitute violations of
Fundamental School Rules.
Students will be expected to serve Weekend Detention on the Saturday immediately following their infraction. If a student
has a scheduled commitment that makes serving an assigned Weekend Detention impossible, the student must submit a
request to reschedule the detention to one of the deans of students by Friday at 3:00 p.m.
A student who earns a Weekend Detention is restricted to campus after classes and extracurricular commitments on
Saturday through Sunday evening check-in. This student is required to attend study hall on Saturday night from 9:00 to
11:00 p.m. Day students who earn Weekend Detention will be required to come to campus to serve study hall. Students
assigned Weekend Detention must arrive to study hall on time and with appropriate work for the entirety of the study hall
period. Students will not be permitted to sleep or watch movies; cell phones are not allowed.
A student who misses Weekend Detention will be assigned an additional Weekend Detention. Weekend Detention may be
converted to work detail at the discretion of the Dean's Office.
Additional Disciplinary Responses
In addition to any disciplinary action, the deans of students will automatically review the record of each student on
Disciplinary Report at the end of the term, or earlier if the situation warrants, and will confer with the class dean and head
of school for further action if necessary. Students placed on Report more than once will receive stiffer penalties, and the
faculty will review their records at the end of the term.
Response to Cutting Class
The school takes very seriously a student's obligation to attend classes. Failure to attend class will result in the following
I. Responses to Failure to Attend Class
A. First cut
1. Five conduct grades
2. Notification sent to class dean and advisor; required conversation with advisor
B. Second cut
1. Five conduct grades
2. Notification sent to dean of students, class dean, and advisor
3. Required conversation with class dean and advisor
4. One Weekend Detention
C. Third cut
1. Five conduct grades
2. Notification sent to dean of students, class dean, and advisor
3. Required conversation with the dean of students and class dean
4. One Weekend Detention
5. Notification sent to parents to share details of missed classes and course of action determined by
the student in consult with dean of students and class dean
D. Fourth cut
1. Five conduct grades
2. Notification sent to dean of students, class dean, and advisor
3. Required meeting with dean of students, class dean, and advisor to discuss the student's
disciplinary status and determine the appropriate course of action
E. Fifth cut
1. Five conduct grades
2. Notification sent to dean of students, class dean, and advisor
3. Potential parent conference with the class dean to establish a conduct contract for the student. In
all likelihood the student will be required to uphold all major school rules for a period of ten
weeks in order to maintain status at the school.
The Honor System
The Honor System is the basis of student life and government at Taft. It places in the hands of each student the responsibility
for honorable conduct as a way of life. A student who comes to Taft must be willing to accept this responsibility.
The Honor Court, whether for theft or academic infractions, will hear potential violations of the Honor Code. Responses to
such violations almost always include a period of warning with regard to all aspects of the Honor Code, and could include
suspension or dismissal from Taft.
The Honor Code
This we believe: that Personal Honor in word and deed, Personal Integrity in thought and action, Honesty in every facet of
life, and Respect for other people and their rights are the essence of a student of the Taft School.
The Honor System is based on these principles, the basic characteristics of a Taft Student:
1. a student’s word is their bond
2. a student respects the integrity of personal property
3. a student has respect for academic honesty
4. a student’s conduct is always that of a person of character.
Article 1
Violations of the Honor System shall consist of:
1. the theft of other persons’ property,
2. any attempt to give or receive assistance in any way or form in connection with scholastic work for credit,
3. lying in regard to academic matters.
Article 2
1. The phrase "I pledge my honor" written at the end of any scholastic work done for credit is an abbreviation of the
statement "I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received aid on this paper."
2. On all department examinations, this statement must be written out in full. Any student not signing the pledge to their
paper will be notified by the teacher correcting the paper, and then, if unable to sign the pledge, they shall be reported to the
Honor Committee for investigation.
Article 3
1. There shall be an Honor Committee, which shall investigate and deal with all cases involving the Honor System, as the
System is defined in Article 1.
2. This committee shall have the power to summon any accused person or persons, to summon any other persons who
might have information about the alleged offense, and to recommend penalties to the Head of School.
3. The committee shall submit to the head of school a record of all cases considered in its sessions. The instruction of the
succeeding committee shall be the responsibility of the outgoing committee.
Article 4
The Preamble and the Constitution shall be announced and explained to all new students at the beginning of each year.
Article 5
The effectiveness of the Honor System lies in the cooperation of the student body.
It is left up to the discretion of the individual as to whether or not he or she shall report an offender to the Honor Committee.
Article 6
1. The committee, without altering in any way the provisions of the Constitution,
2. may take whatever measures it deems necessary to perpetuate the Honor System.
3. This Constitution, the Preamble, or any parts or articles may be amended or repealed by a three-quarter vote of the
combined Senior and Upper Middle classes.
—Classes of '43, '61 and '82
All Taft students are scholars; they seek knowledge, understanding, and mastery in an academic setting. They find joy in
collaborating with others, exploring new ideas, and becoming lifelong learners. As the Taft Portrait of a Graduate states,
students “apply the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind of all disciplines to framing questions and solving problems in the
pursuit of understanding. Moreover, they see even the most formidable challenges as opportunities for growth.” From a place
of honesty and integrity, Taft scholars inquire, interrogate, discover, and synthesize viewpoints in individual and
collaborative settings, while acknowledging the intrinsic value of ideas by honoring others’ intellectual contributions.
In schools and universities, acceptable collaboration and scholarly attribution are contextual;
In other words, they differ by academic discipline and department, and, in some cases, by instructor and even assignment.
This is true at Taft as well, and we also acknowledge that…
Students Must:
be honest with respect to all academic matters;
generate and submit work that is exclusively their own, unless collaboration is permitted and appropriately
when collaborating with others, abide by the teacher-prescribed guidelines;
appropriately cite works or individuals (other students, faculty, tutors, etc.) consulted;
sit for assessments, including exams, without assistance from others or from unapproved devices;
not copy or cheat from other students’ work.
In accordance with the Honor Code, when a student pledges their honor at the end of an assignment, they affirm they have
acted according to the guidelines above.
Responses to Honor Code Violations
As noted in the Portrait of the Graduate, a Taft student should “act with honor and integrity, and value both the Taft
Honor Code and the school's fundamental conviction that honesty and personal responsibility are the cornerstones of
character and of community.” When a student violates the Honor Code by plagiarizing, cheating, or lying about an
academic matter, the case is referred to the office of the Academic Dean, who may move the case to the Honor Court.
The Honor Court is typically a committee of 3 students and 3 teachers with a nonvoting faculty chair. Students who
appear before the Honor Court have an opportunity to make a statement regarding the circumstances of the infraction. The
student's faculty advisor, the class dean, and a student representative are present at the meeting to speak in support of the
student, but no other representatives may participate in the disciplinary process. After hearing a case, the Honor Court
makes a recommendation to the Head of School. The Honor Court may recommend suspension (in school or off campus),
dismissal, or other responses they deem appropriate, including Warning with regard to the Honor Code. Warning indicates
that a student will most probably be dismissed if they violate that rule again.
If the case is not referred to the Honor Court, the Academic Dean will set a response, which may include the student being
placed on Warning in regard to the Academic Honor Code.
When students are suspended from Taft, these suspensions will be reported to the colleges who ask about honor code
violations. The student should report the suspension, but if the student does not, the school will report the suspension to
the college. In the case of seniors who are in the midst of the college process, these suspensions will be reported within a
week following their return from the suspension. In addition, if a student’s record changes in some fundamental fashion,
the school will report these changes to colleges.
While this discretion is rarely exercised, the Head of School and the academic dean acting together reserve the right to
dismiss a student or withhold a diploma for failure to maintain good standing in scholarship, effort, or conduct, without
resorting to the foregoing disciplinary procedures.
Grading System, Academic Credit, Placement, Promotion
Taft's academic grading system includes a 40 to 100 achievement scale and a letter grade-based assessment of students'
academic habits. Below is the achievement scale.
Achievement Scale
93-100 High Honors
90-92 Honors
87-89 Above Expectations
80-86 Meets Expectations
70-79 Approaching Expectations
60-69 In Danger of Failure
40-59 Failure
The honor roll is comprised of students who earn an academic average of 90 or above for a semester. The high honor roll
is comprised of students who earn an average of 93 or above for a semester. Students' academic habits are broadly
categorized under "Planning and Persistence" and "Engagement and Self-Regulation." Below is what is represented by the
letter grades students earn in these categories.
Academic Habits Letter Grades
E Exceeds Expectations
M Meets Expectations
A Approaches Expectations
N Needs Attention
D Demands Attention
Each report card will also include the average achievement grade for all students enrolled in a particular course. This
information is often helpful to those seeking to understand a student’s progress and relative success, but any questions
should be directed to the appropriate class dean.
For all courses, academic credit is granted on a semester-by-semester basis. Also, the academic departments determine
student promotion and placement.
Examinations, Assessments, Extended Time
Examinations or culminating assessments are given at the end of the first semester. Students may not reschedule exams to
facilitate an early departure for vacation.
Exams at the end of the fall semester are a key component of the way Taft culminates our academic semester. The
expectation is that students take their exams as scheduled. From time to time, a student might need to petition the school to
postpone their exams. These petitions are rarely granted and must be submitted in writing to the Academic Dean and Class
Dean at least four weeks before the exam period begins.
Taft does not send exams home, and students who miss exams need to take their assessments in January when they return
from the winter break.
Students who find during the term that they have three major assessments—tests, papers, projects, labs—due on the same day
may request to have the last assigned exercise due at a later date. Such requests should be made at least 24 hours in advance.
The following policies were written by the department heads to clarify examination procedures:
Students are responsible for meeting their academic obligations during the regular school year and also at prescribed times
during examination periods each semester. Failure to do so will result in a response as described below.
During the Semester
Taft students strive to complete their work in a timely fashion. It is our expectation that students submit or sit for assessments
at the appointed time. Teachers must make clear to their students how best to communicate with them on rare occasions when
students cannot meet an assessment deadline, and students should request assessment extensions or postponements in
advance. When teachers receive such requests, the process will be:
1. the teacher makes the student’s class dean and advisor aware of the request;
2. the teacher and student discuss the reason(s) for the request, perhaps in coordination with the student’s class dean and
3. the two establish when the assessment will be submitted or taken (these opportunities may include Saturday night or
Sunday morning study hall and/or a supervised weeknight study hall);
4. if the student does not submit or sit for the late work by the new, agreed-upon time, the teacher will impose a 5-points-
per-day, late achievement grade penalty.
Also, if the absence or lateness is unexcused, the teacher will impose a 5-points-per-day penalty from the original assessment
Assessments of passing quality submitted ten days after the agreed upon due date will receive a 50, while those not of passing
quality will receive a 40. Students must complete all major assessments to be complete in a course.
Students with extended-time accommodations should speak with their teachers in advance of timed assessments to determine
how their teachers prefer to handle the sometimes-complex logistics of extended time. In many cases, teacher and student
may determine beforehand that the student will take the assessment in its entirety at a time other than the regular class
meeting. Additionally, teachers may ask students to come early to class, particularly, before first period, so the assessment
can be taken in one sitting. But in those cases when students with extended-time accommodations begin and do not have
enough time to complete in-class assessments, the below procedures apply:
Teacher and student will discuss and determine when and where the student will complete the assessment; this
completion must take priority over other uses of available times during the class day such as a mid-morning slot, part of
a lunch block or an afternoon Meetings block.
The student's completing the assessment will typically take priority over his/her extracurricular commitments except
competitions and performances.
Ideally, the student will complete the assessment under the oversight of his/her classroom teacher.
To be consistent with the Honor Code, a student whose completion of an assessment is delayed due to his/her extended-
time accommodation may not consult materials related to the assessment and must avoid situations in which he/she
might unintentionally glean assessment-related information.
During Examination Periods
A student who misses a semester examination as a result of an unexcused absence will receive a penalty of 10 points.
Students who arrive late for an exam will receive a penalty of 5 points. In each case, the student will be given the full time for
the exam.
Students may not wear hats during examinations.
Semester Examinations and Academic Credits
Taft does not offer re-examinations for credit. If an underclassmen or fall semester senior fails an examination, a re-
examination will not be given even if the student has failed the semester and received no credit for the course. If the student
has failed a semester course that is part of a sequence of semesters, after a reasonable period of time for preparation, the
student must take a placement exam in order to proceed to the next level. For instance, a student who fails the spring semester
of Latin I must pass a placement exam in order to proceed to Latin II in the fall.
Electronic Devices
Student use of devices such as laptop computers, smart phones, or tablets is determined by departments and teachers. To
minimize distractions and interruptions, students are expected to leave their cell phones in a designated area in the classroom
before the start of each class unless otherwise instructed by the teacher; the penalty for not doing so could include
confiscation of the phone, a score of 40 on the assessment and/or a disciplinary response consistent with Honor Code
During exams, students may not be in possession of cell phones, smart watches, or unapproved electronic devices of any
kind, or of any written materials which may assist them on the exam. If a proctor discovers a student in possession of one of
these item(s), it will be confiscated. The student's penalty could include immediate expulsion from the exam room, a score of
40 on the exam and/or a disciplinary response consistent with Honor Code violations.
Artificial Intelligence Tools
Appropriate uses of AI tools will differ by course and by department. In some departments, the use of AI and other
technologies is encouraged to further one’s understanding in order to bring new ideas to class. In other courses, these uses
of technology and AI tools are not appropriate. If you are considering using an AI Tool but are not sure if it is acceptable
for that teacher and class, you should ask your teacher before you use the tool.
Fundamental Rules and Community Standards
General Expectations
The various forms of dialogue that we enter into as a part of our everyday existence while at Taft are key ways that we
learn and grow. These dialogues take place in the classrooms, hallways, dorms, co-curricular spaces, and any place that
two or more Tafties congregate. These dialogues happen in the words we speak to each other, the music we listen to, and
the decorations that adorn our persons and our individual and collective spaces. Because of the diversity of experience,
background, and perspective inherent to the Taft community, we will not always agree with one another and indeed we
shouldn’t. It is in the moments where we are confronted with new and divergent thoughts that we expand our world view
the most. And while these conversations should always be civil and in the spirit of learning, they may even be difficult
and at times cause offense. We embrace these challenging moments as key to the edification of individuals and the
broader community. We also affirm the humanity of all members of the Taft community and any dialogue that calls an
individual’s humanity into question violates our communal norms and will not be allowed on campus. All members of
the Taft community must feel as though they can be their full selves on campus and language that demeans or degrades
Tafties based on the immutable features of their being has no place in our community no matter where else it might be
taking place. To quote James Baldwin, “We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in
my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”
Students shall always act honestly and with consideration for others. Conduct that violates the law or reflects badly upon
the school, whether committed in school or elsewhere, and whether committed while school is in session or not, may be
cause for discipline, including dismissal.
A student’s standing at Taft is determined on the basis of scholarship, effort, and conduct. Failure to maintain a good
standing in any one of these areas may result in dismissal and/ or the denial of a diploma. Students and parents should
know that some conduct may also violate state and/or federal laws and, in some instances, Taft will report such conduct to
legal authorities as required by law.
Fundamental Rules
Certain rules, which the school considers particularly important for the well-being of the individual and the community,
are grouped together as the Fundamental Rules of the school. Violation of any of them may be considered as grounds for
Upon reaching the age of adulthood, any student who remains enrolled at Taft agrees and understands that in choosing to
remain at the School, he/she is agreeing to the terms of enrollment and agrees to abide by the Fundamental Rules of the
School and the provisions of the Taft Student Handbook.
Both parents and students should understand that while students are away on weekends, their conduct and welfare is the
primary responsibility of their host, not of the school, but students who take weekends to nearby homes must not be in
violation of Taft rules if they return to the school or to the Watertown area during the weekend. Students who take
weekends to homes in the immediate Watertown area must not be in violation of Taft rules when leaving the homes of
their host.
When students leave Taft to participate in off-campus programs, whether it be short trips, college visits, or semester or
yearlong programs, they do so with the school’s recommendation and thus serve as representatives of Taft. These students
are expected to act in a manner consistent with the guiding principles and expectations of the Taft community. If a student
does not act accordingly, the school will respond appropriately to the situation.
All students and parents/guardians are expected to cooperate fully in any school investigation.
Except for school security cameras, no person may make a visual or audio recording of any Taft School community
member without such community member’s prior consent. To maintain the health and safety of our community and/or for
evidence of violation of school rules, the school reserves the right to search a student, their use areas, and belongings,
including, but not limited to, dorm rooms, lockers, computers, phones, vehicles, or personal effects at any time. The
School may seize any illegal, unauthorized, or contraband materials discovered during the search.
General Conduct
Students are expected to meet their daily commitments at the school and are also expected to uphold the standards of the
community. Students who repeatedly reach Disciplinary Report or whose general conduct is deemed unsatisfactory will
not be allowed to remain at Taft.
The Taft School does not condone violations of state or federal laws by students, no matter when and where they occur.
Such violations may be grounds for disciplinary action or dismissal should they occur or be discovered during a student’s
period of enrollment at Taft.
Alcohol and Drugs
No student may use, possess, or attempt to purchase or sell dangerous or illegal drugs, hallucinogens, drug paraphernalia,
or alcohol at school. Vaporizers, including all vape devices, e-cigarette systems and any evolving derivatives, constitute
drug paraphernalia.
Boarding students, and day students in the company of boarding students, may not violate any aspect of the Alcohol/Drug
Rule in the general neighborhood of school, including Watertown and nearby towns. In addition, day students’ use of
alcohol and drugs is subject to the general prohibition against violation of the law and conduct reflecting badly upon the
school while away from Taft.
The dean of students or her designee may at his discretion test students for drug and alcohol use. It is a condition of a
student’s enrollment at Taft that parents/guardians and students authorize such drug or alcohol testing. Any student who
refuses to be tested in such a situation will be subject to discipline as determined at the discretion of the head of school.
The costs associated with drug and alcohol tests will be billed to the student’s parents or guardians.
Arrival at school with evidence of use of such drugs or alcohol is a violation of this rule, whether by boarding students
following a permission, weekend or vacation, or by day students at any time.
Use of alcohol or non-medically prescribed marijuana on day permissions, even in the company of parents, is a violation
of this rule.
Use of alcohol, non-medically prescribed marijuana, or illegal drugs while on a college visit is a violation of this rule.
Prescription drugs must be kept in the Health Center. Students found possessing prescription drugs without specific
permission from a nurse at the Health Center are in violation of the Alcohol/Drug Rule.
All students aware that the Alcohol/Drug Rule is being broken in their presence and who do not make an immediate
attempt to leave the vicinity are in violation of the rule. Questions as to whether a student was so aware will be resolved
by a committee composed of the head of school, the dean of students, and the student’s class dean and faculty advisor.
Students are not permitted to drink nonalcoholic beer at school.
Students who violate the Alcohol/Drug Rule will be required to undergo a formal assessment by the school counselors and
agree to participate in ongoing work with those counselors if recommended. Monitors, dormitory monitors, or class
committee members who violate the Alcohol/Drug Rule will, in almost all circumstances, be asked to resign from their
positions of leadership.
All CBD products must be brought to the Health Center for approval by the director of health services.
Tobacco and Other Tobacco Products
Students are prohibited from using or possessing tobacco products.
In response to a first offense, a student will be required to meet with the dean of students, call their parents and meet with
the director of health services. A letter will be sent home to document the incident and response.
In response to a second offense, a student will be required to meet again with the dean of students, and the student will be
required to meet with a school counselor to discuss the need for ongoing treatment. Students found in violation of the
tobacco rule a second time will be required to serve a one-day stayover.
If a student is found in violation of the tobacco rule more than two times, the dean of students will hold a conference with
the student, the parents, the class dean, the advisor and a school counselor to determine the appropriate course of action.
Students found smoking within any of the school buildings will also be referred to the dean of students as a violation of
the school’s Fundamental Rule with regard to creating a fire hazard.
Motor Vehicles
Boarding students are forbidden to have automobiles or other motor vehicles in Watertown or the vicinity. Students may
ride in or drive motor vehicles only when operated by or under the direction of a person or service approved by their
parent or guardian on the Automobile Permission Form, which can be found on the Parent Portal in Veracross. This rule
applies to all travel to and from destinations on weekends and permissions, and arrival and departure for vacations.
Hitchhiking is not permitted. Students who wish to ride with anyone under 21 years of age, other than members of their
family specifically approved as above, must consult the Dean’s Office well in advance regarding requirements before the
school can grant such permission.
Written permission from the parents of the student and the parents of the driver, and proof of the driver’s liability
coverage, must be submitted to the Dean’s Office. Driving permissions can never be accepted over the telephone.
Day students who have legitimate driver’s licenses may drive to school. They may drive other students if the following
conditions are met: (1) written permission from both the driver’s and the rider’s parents are on file in the Dean’s Office;
(2) written proof of the driver’s liability insurance is on file in the Dean’s Office; (3) the driver has had a valid license for
at least one full year and meets and complies with the driving requirements of his/her state of license. It is the
responsibility of the day student to meet these requirements and day students who have not met the above requirements
are not permitted to ride in a motor vehicle to and from school or to and from school functions held either at Taft or some
other school unless accompanied by a parent, a faculty member, or an adult approved by name.
Uber and other similar ride sharing services operate in the Watertown area. Please note that Lyft and certain other ride
sharing services prohibit persons under age 18 from using their services. Uber recently changed its policies to permit
teenages from ages 13 to 17 years old to use their ride sharing services. The accounts must be set-up and monitored by
parents. More information about Uber's and Lyft's teenager policies and protocols can be found at:
Uber Teen Accounts
Lyft Teen Policy
The School will not use or be responsible for arranging ride sharing services for students. Parents may in their sole
discretion elect to use a ride sharing service for their child. Students may not use a ride sharing service without their
parents' permission. Parents and students are solely responsible for selecting and evaluating such ride sharing services and
for ensuring they meet the terms and conditions of the ride sharing services.
Boarding students on a weekend leave may not drive cars to Watertown, Waterbury, other nearby towns, or the general
neighborhood of the school at any time during the weekend or at the conclusion of the weekend unless special permission
is obtained from the Dean’s Office well in advance.
Students are not allowed to leave school property after the times specified in "Downtown Privilege" without permission
and are not allowed outside the school buildings after check-in until after 6:00 a.m. the next day. Although the Charles
Phelps Taft (CPT) and Horace Dutton Taft(HDT), Vogelstein and ISP dormitories are all in the main building, they are
treated as separate dormitories. Thus, when a student from HDT is found in CPT after check-in—or vice versa— that
student will be considered in violation of the Permissions Rule. Day students must be off the campus by check-in and may
not return until 7:00 a.m.
Whenever a student leaves campus, she/he is required to sign out with the Dean’s Office.
Boarding students may not go out of Watertown (approximately a 3 mile radius around campus) without permission
granted in advance. Filling out a weekend permission with the intent to deceive or going to an unapproved destination is a
violation of the Permissions Rule.
Every time a student signs out, whether from the Dean’s Office or from the dormitory—during study hall, for example—
she/he is expected to indicate the destination accurately and honestly.
Unauthorized use of a physical space at the school is a violation of the Permissions Rule.
Fire Hazards
Creating a fire hazard is a violation of a Fundamental School Rule. Examples of such actions include, but are not limited
to, irresponsible or unauthorized use of fire extinguishers, matches, lighters, candles, cooking appliances, incense or other
combustibles in or around a school building, use or possession of fireworks and tampering with alarms or fire equipment.
Phoning in a false alarm is also a violation of this rule.
Smoking in any of the school buildings is a violation of the Fire Hazard Rule.
Firearms and Weapons
This rule prohibits the possession or use of firearms and other weapons. This includes, but is not limited to, firearms, BB
guns, pellet guns of any kind, paint guns, martial arts weapons, crossbows, knives with blades longer than 3 inches, and
any other object that is designed, or intended to be used, primarily as a weapon.
Keys and Fobs
Students found using or in possession of school keys or fobs that were not legally issued to them, as well as students
found in unauthorized areas of the school, are in violation of this rule.
Reckless Endangerment
Students may not engage in reckless acts that expose others or themselves to an obvious risk of serious injury. For
instance, going out on the roofs of the school buildings is a violation of this rule.
Acceptable, Appropriate Use of the Taft Network
It is the general policy of the Taft School that computers and network services, including, but not limited to, Taft email,
voicemail, electronic equipment and the Internet (collectively, the “Network”), are to be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical,
and legal manner in accordance with the mission of the school. Users acknowledge their understanding of this policy and
guidelines as a condition of using the Network. The use of Taft School I.T. resources the Network is a privilege and is granted to
users primarily for the enhancement of curricular-related learning or job functions. All users are responsible for adhering to these
policies and procedures for use of the Network . This includes students, faculty, staff, and any other authorized users. Taft does
not attempt to articulate all possible violations of this Acceptable Use Policy. Any communication or action that would be
considered inappropriate in any other setting is equally inappropriate on the computer and the Network. Illegal activities are
strictly prohibited. Online activity relating to or in support of illegal activities, or language stating or suggesting violent intent
may be monitored by, or reported to, governmental agencies and could result in arrest and prosecution.
Students are expected to manage their computer time in a responsible manner and refrain from excessive use for purposes of
social communication and/or entertainment.
Acceptable use of the Network includes activities that support learning, teaching, and communication. Students and
faculty are encouraged to explore and develop new ways of using technology to support Taft's teaching and learning
Unacceptable use of the Network includes, but is not limited to:
Using network credentials that belong to someone else.
Violating the rights to privacy of students, employees of the Taft School, or others outside of Taft.
Using the Network to harass or bully another individual or individuals.
Using profane or obscene language that may be offensive to another user.
Plagiarism and/or copying materials in violation of copyright law.
Using the Network for financial gain or for any commercial or illegal activity.
Acting in a manner that degrades or disrupts system performance or unauthorized entry to and/or destruction of
computer systems and files.
Excessive bandwidth usage that impacts the network or Internet performance of others.
Re-posting personal communications without the author’s prior consent.
Accessing, downloading, storing, or printing files or messages that are illegal or obscene.
Using BitTorrent or other peer-2-peer methods as a means to unlawfully download copyrighted material such as
movies, music, games, programs, etc.
The use of any technology or device to disable, bypass, or otherwise attempt to circumvent Taft’s access policies,
firewall systems, or other access points.
Copying and using software without a license is forbidden. The use and transfer of stolen software is a federal
offense. Pirating software may result in the loss of the user's account. Commercial software may not be stored or
transferred on the nNtwork or Taft-owned or licensed storage systems. Loading any software without the approval
of the IT administrator(s) on any school-owned computer is prohibited.
The unauthorized reproduction, modification, or distribution of copyrighted material may constitute copyright
infringement under 17 U.S.C. § 107 of the United States Code if such use is not for the nonprofit purposes of
teaching, research, or scholarship.
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence for improper or dishonest purposes is strictly forbidden. This includes any
attempt to generate or manipulate content with the intention to deceive, plagiarize, or engage in any form of
academic dishonesty. The use of Generative AI must align with ethical standards, academic integrity, and the
guidelines set forth by The Taft School. Any misuse or unauthorized use of Generative AI tools may result in
disciplinary action, loss of network access, and other appropriate consequences as determined by the school
Use of the Network is a privilege, not a right. Failure to act in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy may
result in a loss of network access, disciplinary action, and/or criminal penalties under applicable state and federal
law. The IT department, at its discretion, may revoke this privilege temporarily or permanently.
The Taft network is a privately owned and managed data system. IT administrators may read, intercept, filter, or
audit any electronic communication, file, or data stream passing through the network or Taft-licensed systems and
verify the contents of a user's directory. Email, application traffic, or files may be read by administrators who may
revoke accounts and modify a user's access at their discretion.
Network users may not share passwords and must properly log off school computers after each use. Users should
have no expectation of privacy as the school has the right, and occasionally, the responsibility, to monitor usage
and activity. Passwords must be kept secret. Only the person to whom it is assigned may use that username and
All personally owned devices, except for iOS devices must run virus protection software. The school can provide
this software at no charge to the student.
The Taft School makes no express or implied warranty for the Internet access it provides or the resources
available through the use of our network. We cannot completely eliminate access to information that is offensive
or illegal and residing on networks outside of the Taft School campus. Taft does not guarantee the availability of
access to the Internet and will not be responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or unavailable
due to technical and/or other difficulties.
Social Media Policy
All Taft social media accounts (including accounts used to promote Taft athletic teams, clubs, etc.) must be associated
with a Taft email address. All Taft social media account holders are required to send their usernames and passwords to the
director of communications.
To provide clear, concise communications, all media inquiries should go to the director of communications. The director
of communications and the head of school are the authorized spokespersons for the school.
All representatives of the news media must be accompanied while on campus. The media is not allowed to photograph or
videotape any student at Taft, regardless of the student’s age, without prior written approval from the director of
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) AKA Drone Campus Policy
Any use of a UAS from or over the campus, or inside a campus building, is prohibited.
Harassment, Hazing or Bullying
All members of the community have the basic right not to be harassed, hazed, or bullied. The Taft School prohibits any
form of bullying, hazing or harassing behavior, whether in the classroom, on the campus, or at Taft events. Such behavior
occurring outside of a school setting that has a negative and direct impact on a student’s academic performance or safety
in school is also prohibited and may be subject to school discipline. Demonstration of appropriate behavior, the treatment
of others with civility and respect, and the refusal to tolerate harassment, hazing, or bullying is expected of administrators,
faculty, staff, volunteers and students and their parents/guardians.
Harassment, hazing and bullying entail behavior that is inappropriate and that should not take place through ignorance or
thoughtlessness. The school recognizes and respects individual differences in background in regard to culture, race, ethnic
origin, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. Inappropriate behavior, verbal, written electronically, or physical, that
demeans or offends others is unacceptable. This includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome physical advances,
unwarranted verbal remarks, derogatory statements or discriminatory comments, and can occur between two individuals
or groups of individuals. Forms of harassment include, but are not limited to, written and oral remarks, remarks posted
online or to the campus computer network and messages left on voicemail systems. Telephones, email and other forms of
electronic communication or media may not be used to harass, haze, or bully others such as anonymous calls or postings,
repeated unwanted calls or messages, or obscene calls or postings.
"Bullying" means (A) the repeated use by one or more students of a written, oral or electronic communication, such as
cyber bullying, directed at or referring to another student or (B) a physical act or gesture by one or more students
repeatedly directed at another student that: (i) Causes physical or emotional harm to such student or damage to such
student's property, (ii) places such student in reasonable fear of harm to himself or herself, or of damage to his or her
property, (iii) creates a hostile environment at school for such student, (iv) infringes on the rights of such student at
school, or (v) substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school. Bullying shall include, but
not be limited to, a written, oral or electronic communication or physical act or gesture based on any actual or perceived
differentiating characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender
identity or expression, socioeconomic status, academic status, physical appearance, or mental, physical, developmental or
sensory disability, or by association with an individual or group who has or is perceived to have one or more of such
Cyberbullying is defined as acts of bullying carried out through mobile electronic devices or electronic communications,
the Internet, interactive and digital technologies, or cell phones, and is prohibited.
Hazing is any action which recklessly or intentionally endangers the health or safety of a person for the purpose of
initiation, admission into or affiliation with, or as a continued membership in a student organization.
Procedures For Addressing Harassment, Hazing and Bullying
Individuals might unintentionally act in a manner that others experience as harassing or humiliating. Attempts to justify
such behavior as a “prank” or “joke” do not change its harassing or bullying nature if the object of the joke is not a willing
participant. Whenever possible, explaining the unwelcome and inappropriate nature of the behavior to the offender should
precede more formal action.
Any student who feels victimized by harassment, hazing, or bullying, or who is concerned about such behavior is
encouraged to consult with any trusted adult, such as a classroom teacher, an advisor, a school counselor, a class dean, the
dean of students, or the head of school. Reports of harassment, hazing, or bullying also can be made on EthicsPoint at:
Complaints of harassment or related misconduct will be investigated at the School’s discretion. Any investigation will
likely include interviews of those individuals directly involved in the incident and any potential witnesses, as well as
collecting documents and any other evidence bearing on the incident, including law enforcement reports, texts, and
emails. All members of the School community are expected to cooperate fully and honestly with any investigation under
this policy. The School will recognize and comply with requests by a law enforcement agency for information and
cooperation. Such requests may require the School to suspend any investigation or to delay notifying parties (and their
parents) of the allegations.
Maintaining Privacy
To the extent possible, the School will respect and maintain the privacy of all participants upon receiving a report of
harassment, hazing, or bullying. Any student or adult member of the Taft community who reports harassment, hazing or
bullying must understand that for a comprehensive resolution to be reached and community safety, certain information
about the complaint must be shared with individuals who are involved in and necessary to the investigation and/or
keeping the community safe. Such individuals will be informed of the needed to maintain privacy of the information and
the penalty for improper disclosure of private information, up to an including dismissal for students and termination of
employment for adults.
Discipline Response
Given the wide range of behavior that constitutes harassment, hazing, and bullying, cases will be considered on an
individual basis by the head of school, dean of students, dean of faculty or other appropriate authority. The head of school
may, in his discretion, refer the case to the Harassment Panel or the Discipline Committee. The school may also notify law
enforcement when they suspect an act of bullying, harassment, or hazing may constitute a crime. Disciplinary responses,
when called for, will be determined at the discretion of the head of school, or his designee. Suspension or dismissal may
be warranted particularly when behaviors demonstrate a serious disregard for the welfare of other individuals or the
community as a whole.
It is critically important that the school supports and protects any individual who raises a complaint. Retaliation against
someone making a complaint about harassment, hazing, or bullying is unacceptable and will be subject to a disciplinary
response if found to be a valid claim of retaliation by the head of school or his designees. Any disciplinary response will
be determined at the discretion of the head of school and may include possible dismissal for a student or the termination of
employment for an adult.
False Reports
The School strongly encourages individuals to report any concerns under this policy, but also recognizes that allegations
of harassment, bullying, and hazing are serious and can be damaging to the accused person’s reputation. Therefore, if the
School determines that a person knowingly made a false accusation, or accused another of harassment, bullying, or hazing
maliciously or recklessly, that individual may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to, and including dismissal
for a student or the termination of employment for an adult.
A “false accusation” is defined as the act of making a deliberately, recklessly, or maliciously false accusation of
harassment, bullying, or hazing, as opposed to an allegation that, even if erroneous, is made in good faith. For purposes of
this policy, “recklessly” means raising a false claim of harassment, bullying, or hazing against another individual
carelessly and with indifference to how the false claim may affect the accused person’s reputation and welfare. For
purposes of this policy, “maliciously” means raising a false claim of harassment, bullying, or hazing against another
individual with the intent to harm the accused person’s reputation and welfare and/or the intent to injure the accused with
legal consequences or punishment by the School or outside authorities.
Sexual Misconduct Policy
Policy and Purpose
The Taft School is committed to the safety and well-being of the students in our care. All students and adults in the Taft
community must be treated with dignity, respect, sensitivity, and fairness. Sexual misconduct and abuse will not be
tolerated within our community.
The Taft School prohibits sexual misconduct, by or towards students, employees, or visitors whether on school property,
on school-related trips/events off school property, or at school-sponsored functions. The School also does not tolerate
such sexual misconduct by vendors, contractors, or other third parties having agreements or contracts with the School,
supporters of the School (donors, volunteers, alumni/ae, parents), or visitors to the School. The prohibition of sexual
misconduct extends to all forms of communications, including, but not limited to, direct personal interactions, electronic
or voice communications, postings on blogs, social networking sites, web forums, and other media.
The School’s Sexual Misconduct Policy addresses sexual misconduct involving students in any form to maintain a safe
campus environment for all. It provides a single, easily accessible document for members of the community that defines
key terms and behaviors related to sexual misconduct and outlines key procedures for reporting, investigating, and
resolving cases of sexual misconduct involving students.
The Policy educates community members about sexual misconduct, reporting mechanisms, and key contact numbers;
establishes protocols for investigating and adjudicating reports of sexual misconduct; defines the consequences of sexual
misconduct; and articulates how the School shares information about sexual misconduct. Student Sexual Misconduct
violations overlap with the disciplinary system, which address behaviors that impact the well-being of those in the School
community, and the Honor Code, which addresses issues of integrity. If a conflict should arise between this policy and
other school procedures, rules, or regulations, the provisions of this policy will govern and supersede in cases of alleged
sexual misconduct involving students. The School reserves the right to deviate from this policy as may be needed in the
interest of student safety or in the interest of protecting individual’s rights.
The School reserves the right to make changes in the policies, procedures, and standards outlined in the Sexual
Misconduct Policy, as it deems necessary and proper, and will make reasonable efforts to provide notification to the
community when a substantive change has been made. This policy is not intended to create, and does not create, a
Students and Sexual Intimacy
The School does not condone students’ sexual activity while on campus. Adolescence is a time of personal growth that
includes a developing sense of individual sexuality. Taft students are responsible for their behavior as they navigate the
rights and responsibilities of emerging sexual identity. Students need clear boundaries and an understanding of potential
consequences to aid in their decision making. The School expects students in same sex relationships to observe the same
expectations as everyone else. Any student found being sexually intimate with another person must speak with a faculty
member of their choosing including advisor, class dean, coach, dorm parent, director of the health services, school
counselor, dean of students, or any other faculty member. The faculty member and student will also contact the student’s
parents to inform them of the incident.
If a student(s) violate a school rule while being sexually intimate, the student(s) may be subject to disciplinary action.
Some sexually intimate behaviors may also violate state laws despite the consent of both parties. Sexual contact with
anyone three (3) years or older when the other person is 13, 14, or 15 years of age is against Connecticut law and the
School will be required to report such acts to the Department of Children and Families and/or law enforcement. (See
Statutory Rape)
Definitions of Key Terms
Reporting Party (also known as the reporting student, complainant, alleged victim, victim):
The reporting party is the individual who shares information about being subjected to sexual misconduct. If someone other
than the alleged victim makes the initial report, that individual will be referred to as a third party reporter.
Responding Party (also known as the respondent, accused student or party, accused):
The responding party is the individual alleged to have committed sexual misconduct.
Consent constitutes words or actions that show a knowing and voluntary agreement to engage in mutually agreed-upon sexual
activity. Effective consent cannot be gained by force, by ignoring or acting in spite of the objections of another (unless those
objections have been knowingly and voluntarily withdrawn), or by taking advantage of the incapacitation of another if the
accused knows, or a sober, reasonable person in the position of the accused should have known of such incapacitation.
Effective consent is also absent when the activity in question exceeds the scope of effective consent previously given or when
effective consent previously given for the activity in question has been withdrawn. It is important to note that there are some
situations where sex or sexual contact is illegal, even though both individuals agree to it. Sixteen is the age of consent in
Connecticut and anyone under that age cannot consent to sexual relations. (see following section on Statutory Rape)
For the sake of clarity:
consent is knowing, mutual, and conscious;
consent cannot be provided by an individual who is asleep or otherwise mentally or physically incapacitated;
consent cannot be inferred by the absence of “no”;
consent must be on-going and can be revoked at any time by any person involved;
consent cannot be obtained through unreasonable pressure or intimidation;
consent to some acts does not indicate consent for all acts; and
consent may be irrelevant. There are situations where sex or sexual contact is illegal, even though both individuals
agree to it (see following section on Statutory Rape). Someone under the age of 16 cannot consent to sexual relations
under Connecticut law.
It is important that all students understand consent. Students with questions about consent or about what constitutes consent
should speak with the dean of students or the assistant dean of students at Taft.
Any form of intimidation, reprisal, bullying, or harassment directed against a student, employee, or a third party who reports
sexual misconduct, provides information during an investigation of sexual misconduct, witnesses, has reliable information
about an incident of sexual misconduct, or otherwise assists in the enforcement of this Policy.
Sexual Contact:
Sexual contact is any intentional touching of the intimate parts of a person (the breasts, buttock, groin, or genitals), even if
there is no penetration. This means any contact with the intimate parts of either the accused or the victim for the purpose of
sexual gratification of the accused or for the purpose of degrading or humiliating the victim.
Sexual Intercourse:
Sexual Intercourse means vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, fellatio or cunnilingus between persons regardless of sex.
Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse or fellatio and does not require
emission of semen. Penetration may be committed by an object manipulated by the actor into the genital, oral, or anal
opening of the victim’s body.
Sexual Misconduct:
Sexual misconduct is a broad term encompassing conduct of a sexual nature that is without consent or has the purpose or
effect of threatening, intimidating, or coercing the person against whom such conduct is directed. Sexual misconduct includes
but is not limited to sexual assault, sexual contests, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, relationship abuse, and stalking.
Retaliation against any persons reporting alleged sexual misconduct violations is also against School policy and will result in
disciplinary action.
Sexual Assault:
Sexual assault consists of sexual contact or intercourse that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. It is a violation of
the School’s policies and may constitute a criminal violation.
Sexual Contests:
Sexual contest describes circumstances when individuals compete with one another to achieve sexual goals or milestones.
Examples of sexual contests include, but are not limited to, keeping lists of sexual exploits, winning a prize for accomplishing
a sexual goal, or being expected to accept a consequence for failure to achieve a sexual goal.
Sexual Exploitation (including technological exploitation):
Sexual exploitation is taking non-consensual, unjust, or abusive advantage of another in a sexual or intimate context. Sexual
exploitation includes, but is not limited to; prostituting another person, knowingly inflicting another person with a sexually
transmitted disease, causing or attempting to cause the incapacitation of another person to gain a sexual advantage over such
other person, engaging in, permitting, reproducing, or facilitating non-consensual viewing, videotaping, photographing, or
audio taping of sexual or intimate activity (such as dressing, showering, toileting, or similar activity).
Making and/or sending photographs, video, or other visual, auditory, and/or digital recordings of sexual activity or of a sexual
nature of one’s self or others (sometimes referred to as “sexting”), with or without consent, constitute sexual misconduct and
may also constitute a criminal violation. Similarly, sharing, viewing, or receiving such recordings or other sexually harassing
electronic communications, with or without consent, is a form of sexual misconduct.
Sexual Harassment:
In a school setting, sexual harassment is conduct that 1) is sexual in nature; 2) is unwelcome; and 3) has the purpose or effect
of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Sexual harassment creates a hostile environment if the conduct
is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it interferes with or limits a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the
school’s program.
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, written, or electronic conduct of a sexual nature
constitute sexual harassment when:
Adult to Student:
submission to such conduct is either an explicit or implicit term or condition of the participation or evaluation of the
student in any academic, co-curricular, or extracurricular activity; or
the conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with a student’s academic, co-curricular, or
extracurricular activities, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Sexual or intimate relationships or deep emotional attachments between students and School faculty, staff, or volunteers are not
permissible and are grounds for immediate termination of the faculty or staff member’s employment or the volunteer’s
relationship with Taft. Sexual or intimate relationships or deep emotional attachments between students and former School
faculty or staff members, or between students and employees of a Taft School vendor working on campus or at School functions,
also are strictly prohibited.
Student to Student:
the conduct substantially interferes with a student’s academic performance or participation in co-curricular or
extracurricular activities; or
the conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning or social environment.
Examples of Sexual Harassment:
Verbal: sexual innuendoes, suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, sexual propositions, threats, pressuring for
sexual activity.
Non-verbal: sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or messages, graphic commentaries, suggestive or insulting
sounds, leering, whistling, obscene gestures.
Quid Pro Quo: occurs when someone in a position of power offers a benefit in exchange for sexual attention or
threatens your position if you refuse sexual attentions.
Stalking is defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their
safety, for the safety of a third person, or to feel extreme emotional distress due to repetitive contact or the perception of such
conduct. Stalking behaviors include, for example, repeated non-consensual communication by any means; use of surveillance
in person or via electronic means; collecting information about a person’s routine, friends, family, or coworkers; repeated,
uninvited visits to a residence, workplace, classroom, house of worship, or other locations where an individual is commonly
Relationship Abuse:
Relationship abuse is a pattern of behaviors one person uses to gain and maintain power and control over their partner.
Relationship abuse includes use of physical violence, threats, intimidation, emotional abuse, manipulation, and isolation.
Statutory Rape:
In Connecticut, the law says that there are some situations where engaging in sexual intercourse or sexual contact is illegal,
even though both people agree to it. Statutory rape in Connecticut is defined as sexual contact between a child who is:
under age 13 and the other person is more than 2 years older
age 13, 14 or 15 years old and the other person is more than 3 years older
under age 18 and the other person has a position of power or influence over the child, such as a teacher, counselor,
guardian, or coach. A sexual relationship between a student (regardless of the student’s age) and a school employee is
never appropriate and considered a felony under Connecticut law.
Taft recognizes that a student or students in violation of a School rule (i.e. drugs, alcohol, permissions, intimacy, sexting,
visitation), at or near the time of any inappropriate sexual misconduct may be hesitant to report the behavior due to fear of
potential consequences for violating a School rule. In cases where information about the incident would not otherwise be
available to adults, the reporting student or third party reporting party may expect amnesty from potential discipline for
breaking the School rule. Out of concern for student welfare, certain violations such as violations of the drug and alcohol
rules will be referred for educational and counseling evaluation and/or services and parents will be notified.
Note: The dean of students office or the head of school reserves the right to determine whether a student is seeking help or
attempting to manipulate the discipline system. The School also reserves the right to implement a level of disciplinary
response based on the information gained.
Procedures for Reporting Sexual Misconduct to the School
The School will treat all reports of sexual misconduct seriously, with the well-being and safety of its students as the main
priority. In most cases, the School will work with the reporting party on notifying parents or legal guardians of any sexual
misconduct allegations involving their child.
The School will comply with any laws requiring them to report the alleged sexual misconduct to law enforcement and/or
the Department of Children and Families.
Students who believe they have been a victim of sexual misconduct, have witnessed sexual misconduct, or who are
concerned about such behavior by or toward others should seek help immediately from the dean of students or the
assistant dean of students. Students should call 911 if they, or another, need immediate police and/or medical attention.
Reports of sexual misconduct may be made orally or in writing (via email or otherwise) to:
Dean of Students 860-945-7841 [email protected]rg;
Assistant Dean of Students 860-945-7838 opa[email protected]; and/or
EthicsPoint at : https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/74505/index.html
Although the School will investigate a report made anonymously, in most cases the School will be unable to take any
disciplinary action against a student solely on the basis of an anonymous report because the information will not be
Students with generalized concerns about peers who may be involved in an unhealthy relationship may speak to the dean
of students or the assistant dean of students.
Complaints involving individuals who are not students or School employees (e.g., vendors, contractors, donors,
volunteers, alumni/ae, parents, and visitors) should be brought forward through the same complaint process outlined
above. The head of school, CFO, or other school officials deemed necessary will make appropriate contacts with any
outside individuals or organizations as needed to investigate the allegations and resolve the issues.
Procedures for Reporting Allegations of Historic Incidents of Sexual Misconduct at the School
Any alumni/ae as well as former faculty or staff member who wishes to report historic instances of sexual misconduct
should contact the head of school at (860) 945-7877 pb[email protected] or the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Reports of historic instances of sexual misconduct also can be reported through EthicsPoint at :
Reports from alumni/ae or former faculty and staff likely will be investigated either internally or externally depending on
the circumstances and facts. If the report involves current employee(s) or student(s), the School reserves the right to
require the individual accused of the inappropriate behavior to leave campus. Findings from the investigation will be
shared with the head of school, the CFO, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, and/or others deemed necessary by the head
of school and the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Reporting a Crime to the Police
Members of The Taft School community, including students, may also report sexual misconduct directly to the
Watertown Police Department (“WPD”) at (860) 945-5200, or, in the case of an emergency, a call should be made to 911.
Students can receive assistance in notifying law enforcement from the dean of students or the assistant dean of students at
the School. If an independently filed report first goes to the police, the reporting individual should notify Susan Henebry,
the school counsel, if possible.
The WPD has officers trained to work with reporters/victims/survivors of sexual misconduct and can explain the
individual’s rights and options. It is important to note that reporting sexual misconduct to the WPD or any other law
enforcement agency does not typically require filing criminal charges. The School will honor a reporter/victim/survivor’s
decision to pursue a law enforcement remedy or decision not to do so.
The School will notify the police of any instance of suspected sexual assault that involves a student and/or occurs on the
School’s campus.
Mandated Reporting and the Department of Children and Families
In addition to notifying the police, the School will contact the Connecticut Department of Children & Families (“DCF”)
when it learns of an instance of sexual misconduct involving a student as required under its responsibility as a mandated
reporter. The Taft School considers all faculty and staff to be “mandated reporters” under Connecticut law. A mandated
reporter is required to report, or cause a report to be made, when he or she has reasonable cause to suspect or believe that
a child under the age of 18 (or 21 if a DCF client) has been abused, neglected, or placed in imminent risk of serious harm.
DCF defines child abuse as a non-accidental injury to a child, or a condition resulting in maltreatment, such as sexual
molestation or exploitation, deprivation of necessities, emotional maltreatment, or cruel punishment. DCF defines sexual
abuse as employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other
person to engage in, any sexually explicit conduct or any simulation of such conduct for the purpose of producing any
visual depiction of such conduct; or rape, statutory rape, molestation, prostitution, or other forms of sexual exploitation of
children, or incest with children.
Such incidents may also involve criminal proceedings by law enforcement. The mandated reporting laws require the
School to report all cases of sexual activity between a school employee and a student (regardless of the student’s age), all
cases of non-consensual relations among students, and certain cases of sexual relations among minors. In most instances,
such report will be made before a parent is notified.
School faculty or staff members, contractors, or volunteers with reasonable cause to suspect or believe that sexual
misconduct has occurred with a student, or with reason to believe that a student has been abused, neglected, or is placed in
imminent risk of serious harm, must immediately report it to DCF. The phone number to make a report directly to
DCF of suspected child abuse or neglect is (800) 842-2288. Any school employee who does not immediately report any
such reasonable suspicion or belief to DCF will be subject to discipline up to, and including, termination of employment.
Under no circumstances can a school employee keep an allegation of sexual misconduct secret.
An individual may report sexual misconduct to DCF orally or in writing. When reporting an incident, it is helpful to
provide as much information as possible, including the following if known:
1. A description of the event;
2. The number of occurrences, with dates and places;
3. The names of any witnesses; and
4. Any documents (e.g., texts, screenshots, emails) or other materials related to the event.
Maintaining Privacy
To the extent possible, the School will respect and maintain the privacy of all participants upon receiving a report of
sexual misconduct. Any student or adult member of the Taft community who reports an incident of sexual misconduct
must understand that for a comprehensive resolution to be reached and community safety, certain information about the
complaint must be shared with individuals (i.e. school investigators, identified witnesses, the Head of School, etc.),
whether school employees, students, or others, who are involved in and necessary to the investigation and/or keeping the
community safe. Such individuals will be informed of the need to maintain privacy of the information and the penalty for
improper disclosure of private information, up to and including dismissal for students and termination of employment for
adults. The dean of students, the head of school, or their designee may share the name of the responding student, a
description of the incident and the discipline implemented with the Taft community if an investigation and adjudication
result in major discipline of the student. Minimally necessary details will be included and the School will do its best to not
reveal the name of the reporting student and other students involved in the investigation. Public disclosure of pertinent
information, through a timely warning notification, may be made if the head of school, the dean of students, or their
designee determines that disclosure is necessary to protect the safety of the Taft community. If feasible, such a disclosure
will not reveal the identity of the reporting student or third party reporting party.
It is vital that any individual who feels victimized by sexual misconduct fully understand that the School and its
representatives have a legal and ethical obligation to report incidents of sexual misconduct, investigate them, and resolve
them. For this reason, complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. When a student reports an incident of sexual
misconduct to an adult member of the community, the adult must not promise absolute confidentiality and should let the
student know about their responsibility as an agent of the School and as a mandated reporter. (See Mandated Reporting
and the Department of Children and Families.)
If a student reports being a victim of sexual misconduct, the dean of students, the student’s dean, advisor, and others on
campus deemed appropriate will be notified. The head of school and assistant head of school also will be informed. The
head of school will inform the Chair of the Board of Trustees and Chair of the Audit and Financial Risk Committee if the
sexual misconduct involves a student and a School employee, volunteer, or contractor. The Chair of the Board of Trustees
and the Chair of the Audit and Financial Risk Committee also may be notified of student-to-student misconduct if deemed
appropriate by the head of school.
The School will work with law enforcement, if applicable, to notify anyone accused of sexual misconduct once a
complaint or report is made. The School will notify the parent or guardian of the reporting student and/or the responding
student of any sexual misconduct allegations involving their child, unless otherwise prevented by law enforcement.
Disclosure of Information by the Health Center and Counseling Department
Confidentiality is critical to the medical and counseling relationship with a student at the School as it builds trust and is
the core basis of a medical or counseling relationship. Students can share most information with counselors with the
understanding that it will not be shared with parents of members of the School community; however, in situations of
sexual misconduct, the counselors, the director of health services, and nurses are mandated reporters as well as school
employees and must report such disclosures to DCF and School administrators.
The School will support and protect any student, employee, or a third party who reports sexual misconduct, provides
information during an investigation of sexual misconduct, witnesses, has reliable information about an incident of sexual
misconduct, or otherwise assists in the enforcement of this Policy. Retaliation against such person is unacceptable and will
be subject to a disciplinary response if found to be a valid claim of retaliation by the hHead of sSchool or his designee.
Any disciplinary response will be determined at the discretion of the hHead of sSchool and may include possible
dismissal for a student or the termination of employment for an adult.
False Reports
The School strongly encourages individuals to report any concerns under this policy, but also recognizes that the question
of whether a particular course of conduct constitutes improper sexual misconduct often requires a factual determination
and that false accusations can have a serious effect on innocent persons. Therefore, if an investigation results in a finding
that a person knowingly made a false accusation, or accused another of sexual misconduct maliciously or recklessly, that
individual may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to, and including dismissal for a student or the termination
of employment for an adult.
A “false accusation” is defined as the act of making a deliberately, recklessly, or maliciously false accusation of sexual
misconduct, as opposed to an allegation that, even if erroneous, is made in good faith. For purposes of this policy,
“recklessly” means raising a false claim of sexual misconduct against another individual carelessly and with indifference
to how the false claim may affect the accused person’s reputation and welfare. For purposes of this policy, “maliciously”
means raising a false claim of sexual misconduct against another individual with the intent to harm the accused person’s
reputation and welfare and/or the intent to injure the accused with legal consequences or punishment by the School or
outside authorities.
Post-Report Response
Immediate Response
The School will treat all reports of sexual misconduct seriously, with the well-being and safety of its students as the main
priority. In accordance with mandated reporting obligations, if appropriate, a report will be made to DCF, the Watertown
police and/or any other legal authorities deemed necessary. The safety of the reporting student, as well as the campus
community, will be assessed and steps will be taken to keep the student and/or community safe.
The complainant and the responding student will each select a trusted adult on campus to serve as their support person.
Immediate emotional and physical support is available in the health center and the counseling center. Referrals to outside
victim support agencies also are available. Students requiring medical attention will be taken to a local hospital. A School
representative or a representative from an outside victim support resource agency will accompany the student and will
remain with the student until a parent or guardian arrives or until the student has been examined and discharged to the care
of the parent/guardian or to the care of the School.
Interim Measures
Depending on the nature of the incident and its impact on the students involved, the School may consider a number of
interim measures, including, but not limited to:
Academic: rescheduling assessments, providing extensions for papers, tests and presentations, forgiving
assignments, changing the class schedule.
Housing: providing alternative housing arrangements if available.
Non-contact Agreement: working out a plan for the students to avoid communication and/or direct or indirect
contact to the fullest extent possible.
Counseling and Medical Services: working with the health center and/or counseling center to provide or
coordinate appropriate professional counseling and medical services as needed.
Required Leave: requiring the responding student to leave campus during the investigation process if the
responding student poses a significant risk of harm to the reporting student and/or campus community.
Leave of Absence: allowing the students to take a voluntary leave.
The head of school has complete discretion to excuse violation(s) of other School rules that occurred during the alleged
misconduct. (See Amnesty)
Students concerned about their personal safety also may pursue formal protective orders by contacting law enforcement.
Support Team and Student Resources
Support Team and Resources for the Reporting Student
Students who experience sexual misconduct, whether occurring on or off campus, during the time when they are enrolled
at The Taft School will be supported and assisted in obtaining medical treatment, counseling, and other resources to help
them. Students can receive medical and counseling support by visiting the health center and counseling enter. The director
of health services or a counselor will assist the complainant with obtaining the necessary treatment, counseling and other
Off-campus resources include:
CT Alliance to End Sexual Violence
Susan B. Anthony Project
179 Water Street, Torrington, CT 06790
Statewide 24-Hour Toll Free Hotline
English 1-888-999-5545
Española 1-888-568-8332
Torrington Office: 860-489-3798
Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury
29 Central Avenue
P.O. Box 1503
Waterbury, CT 06721
Hotline: 203-753-3613
Office: 203-575-0388
The Center for Empowerment and Education
2 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810
Hotline: 203-731-5204
Office: 203-731-5200
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network
Website provides extensive resources, including a 24/7 live chat option
24/7 help line: 800-656-4673
Support Team and Resources for the Responding Student
A trusted adult chosen by the responding student will provide support to the student throughout the processes provided in
this policy
Investigation Process
The School may conduct an investigation regarding alleged sexual misconduct to ensure the safety and security of the
entire Taft community and to determine whether disciplinary action is warranted. The investigation will be conducted
while school is in session and may be delayed in the head of school’s discretion during school breaks. The School’s
investigation will be independent of any investigation being conducted by law enforcement and/or DCF, but the School
will attempt to coordinate with law enforcement and DCF in an effort not to interfere with their investigation(s). (See
Working with Law Enforcement) It is important to note that Taft’s standard of behaviors may be stricter than that
provided by law.
Once contacted about a concern, the School may pursue an informal or formal investigatory process depending on the
nature of the complaint.
Informal Resolution
In some circumstances, the complainant may request or the head of school or designee may suggest that the reported
matter be resolved through an alternative informal resolution process. The informal resolution process is a restorative
approach and does not involve a full investigation and adjudication of the sexual misconduct claim. In these instances, the
head of school or designee will determine whether that approach is appropriate and whether the School needs to take
additional actions. Informal resolutions are never appropriate or allowed for allegations of sexual assault or when a
student alleges sexual misconduct by an adult. Informal resolution will be used only with the voluntary, written consent of
both parties (and their parents/legal guardians) and following a determination by School that the matter at hand is
appropriate for a restorative approach. Either party may withdraw from the informal resolution and resume the formal
investigation process prior to agreeing to a final resolution of the complaint.
If the matter is appropriate to be resolved through an informal resolution process, the head of school or designee will
facilitate a voluntary, structured interaction between or among affected parties that is designed to eliminate the conduct at
issue, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects in a manner that meets the expressed preference of the complainant
and the safety and welfare of the campus community. In some forms of informal resolution, the remedies imposed will
focus on supporting the complainant with no participation or involvement by the respondent. In other forms of informal
resolution, the respondent may agree to participate. Depending on the type of remedy used, it may be possible for a
complainant to maintain anonymity. Informal resolution may also include practices such as restorative justice and
mediation. Practices based in restorative principles are designed to allow a respondent to accept responsibility and/or
acknowledge harm to the complainant or to the School community.
Formal Investigation
In the event that an informal process is unsuccessful or inappropriate, the dean of students, in consultation with others she
deems necessary, will decide whether to initiate a formal investigation of the complaint. Decisions to initiate a formal
investigation depend on various factors, including, but not limited to, the reporting party’s desire to pursue a formal
investigation, the assessed risk of not proceeding further, the extent to which the accounts of the incident differ, and the
nature and seriousness of the allegation. If a reporting party chooses not to participate in the School’s investigation, the
School may be limited in its ability to investigate and take disciplinary action. Nevertheless, the School may still proceed
with an investigation even in the absence of the reporting party’s participation if there are other reasonably available
means of obtaining evidence and/or the alleged conduct poses a risk to the campus community. In such cases, the School
will inform the reporting party of the need to investigate despite the reporting party’s decision not to participate and will
keep the reporting party generally apprised of the status of the matter.
If a decision is made to conduct a formal investigation, the investigation will be handled either directly by the dean of
student’s office, or at the discretion of the School, by an external investigator, or any other individuals deemed appropriate
by the head of school. The School reserves the right in its discretion to conduct investigations internally or use an
independent third party to conduct such investigations. All investigators assigned by the School will have received
training in investigating sexual misconduct, including trauma-informed interviewing.
A formal investigation most likely will include, but is not limited to, interviews of those individuals directly involved in
the incident and any potential witnesses, as well as collecting documents and any other evidence bearing on the incident,
including law enforcement reports, texts, emails, etc. As part of the investigation, Taft will provide an opportunity for all
parties to present written statements, identify witnesses, and submit other evidence.
All members of the School community are expected to cooperate fully and honestly with any investigation under this
policy. The reporting and responding students are permitted to have an advisor present with them for support during any
interview and/or disciplinary hearing. The advisor may only be a trusted adult on campus or parent and must be able to
adhere to the School’s investigation schedule. The advisors serve in a supportive role and are not permitted to ask
questions, answer for the party, and/or otherwise participate or contribute during the interview or hearing. Advisors may
request breaks to speak with the student. No student or advisor may video, audio, or otherwise record an interview or
hearing. School officials and their designees will have the right to interview witnesses and parties to the investigation. No
other party to the investigation will have the right to interview witnesses and other parties involved in the investigation.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigators will prepare a report (the “Investigative Report”) summarizing and
analyzing the relevant facts determined through the investigation, with reference to any supporting documentation or
statements. Before the Investigative Report is finalized, the complainant(s) and respondent(s) will be given the
opportunity to review their own statements, any witness statements, and any other information collected during the
investigation, regardless of whether they were interviewed by the investigators. Witnesses will simultaneously be given
the opportunity to review their own statements. The Investigative Report and all information shared with the parties and
witnesses is confidential and will be shared in a manner that restricts the parties and witnesses (and their
parents/guardians) from retaining, copying, photographing, or distributing such information provided to them.
The complainant(s) and respondent(s) must submit any comments about the evidence and any investigation summary to
the investigators within five (5) calendar days after the statement and summary were provided. Witnesses will also have
five (5) calendar days to review their statements and submit comments.
Following the receipt of any comments submitted, or after the five-day comment period has lapsed without comment, the
Investigators will address any identified factual inaccuracies or misunderstandings, as appropriate. The final Investigative
Report will be a factual summary, summaries of any interviews, assessments of the credibility of the evidence, and
references to the Student Handbook as appropriate. To the extent practicable, all student names will be redacted from the
final Investigative Report to preserve the privacy of the students involved. The complainant(s) and respondent(s) will be
provided with an opportunity to review the final Investigative Report.
The School reserves the right to conduct and complete a formal investigation and adjudication regardless of the
participation of the reporting party or the responding party. In the event that the responding student withdraws from
School prior to the completion of an investigation, the investigation and adjudication process may be continued and
completed to the extent possible and deemed in the best interest of the School community as determined in the sole
discretion of the head of school.
Working with Law Enforcement
The filing of a criminal complaint or conducting of a criminal investigation does not affect the School’s intention to
investigate allegations of sexual misconduct.
The School will recognize and comply with requests by a law enforcement agency for information and cooperation. Such
requests may require the School to suspend its investigation temporarily while the law enforcement agency gathers
information and/or to delay notifying parties (and their parents) of the allegations. During the temporary suspension,
interim measures to protect the parties involved may be implemented or continued as applicable. It is likely that the
School will be limited in what information it can share with parents during the criminal investigation.
The School will promptly resume its full investigation upon receipt of notification by the law enforcement agency that it is
permissible to do so and will inform the parties that the investigation has resumed. A law enforcement investigation or
criminal report is not determinative of whether the incident of sexual misconduct violates the School’s policy (i.e. it is
possible for an incident of sexual misconduct to violate school policy when law enforcement does not complete an
investigation or finds the individual not guilty).
Adjudication Process
The dean of students or investigator will provide the Investigative Report to the Harassment Panel.
The Harassment Panel will have the opportunity to question the dean of students or investigator about the investigation
and findings. The Harassment Panel may also ask the dean of students or investigator to conduct additional investigations
before the hearing, or may ask clarifying questions based on the information shared in the written materials and statements
made by the students. The responding student must appear before the Harassment Panel and may make a statement. The
alleged victim may appear, but is not required to appear before the Harassment Panel. The purpose of the students
appearing before the Harassment Panel is to provide any additional information they want the Panel to consider prior to
considering the report and determining sanctions, including impact or mitigating factors.
The Harassment Panel will deliberate and may determine, among other things, that based upon the preponderance of the
evidence: (i) there is insufficient evidence to conclude the accused violated the School’s sexual misconduct policy, such
status might be deemed “unsubstantiated”, “inconclusive”, or “no finding”; (ii) the evidence supports a finding of
“responsibility”; or (iii) the evidence supports a violation of the School’s Honor Code and/or other Fundamental Rule and
would be better referred to the Disciplinary Committee or Honor Court. The Harassment Panel will report its finding(s)
and make disciplinary determinations in consultation with the head of school. The decision of the Harassment Panel and
the head of school is final and may not be appealed. The Harassment Panel deliberations are strictly confidential and will
not be shared with the parties or the School community.
Possible Sanctions
In cases where the accused student is determined to be “responsible,” possible sanctions depend on the nature and severity
of the violation. Disciplinary responses will be determined at the sole discretion of the Harassment Panel, in consultation
with the head of school. Disciplinary findings are wholly independent of any law enforcement or DCF finding, and are
final. Disciplinary sanctions imposed by the Harassment Panel and head of school may include, but are not limited to, the
following: dismissal, suspension, probation, disciplinary warning, and/or mandatory counseling or educational
Sanctions may also include more permanent and/or revised no-contact orders and modifications of the responsible
student’s academic schedule or housing.
Sharing Information About Sexual Misconduct
The School’s investigation may occur concurrently with any investigation by law enforcement and results from the
School’s investigation may be shared with law enforcement and any state agency and/or registry as required by law. The
School also may share its findings of sexual misconduct with prospective future employers and others as required by law.
All students are expected to answer truthfully when reporting disciplinary violations to colleges, schools, and potential
employers. A student’s withdrawal, or dismissal will be noted on the student’s transcript and a Release of Information
Form should be completed for the School to provide information about such suspension, withdrawal, or dismissal to
others. The head of school, in consultation with those he deems necessary, reserves the right to notify colleges, secondary
schools, school placement services, and potential employers when a student is found responsible for sexual misconduct
and is dismissed or withdraws even if no Release of Information Form is completed for the student.
Reports of Sexual Misconduct by Adults
It is always inappropriate for an adult employee (and/or their spouse), contractor, or volunteer of The Taft School to
engage in sexual activity with a student, regardless of the student’s age. Taft School employees, volunteers and/or
contractors who violate this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination and being banned from
campus. If an allegation of sexual misconduct is made against an employee (and/or their spouse or person residing with
them on campus), contractor or volunteer, that individual may be immediately put on leave and asked to leave campus.
Any allegation of sexual misconduct by an adult (including, but not limited to, donors, spouses and family members of
employees, parents, and alumni/ae) will, as required by law, be reported to legal authorities and/or DCF.
Voluntary Use of the Health Center (Sanctuary)
A student may voluntarily use the Health Center when he or she has been drinking or using controlled substances. A
student or student assisting can, and should, contact the Health Center or a faculty member to begin this process and ask
for assistance. A student confronted about alcohol or substance use cannot claim that he or she had intended to go to the
Health Center or was en route there. However, once the phone call, text, or conversation establishes the intent, the student
will not sit before the Discipline Committee, be suspended or placed on probation; however, in all likelihood he or she
would be placed on Warning with regard to the Alcohol/Drug Rule, and the student's parents will always be asked to come
to school for a conference with the head of school and other appropriate faculty to discuss measures that will be taken to
help the student move forward. The student will be required to be evaluated by a member of the counseling staff.
Disciplinary Response
When a student violates a Fundamental Rule of the school, his/her case is referred to the office of the dean of students,
who will either refer the case to the Discipline Committee or will set a penalty in accordance with guidelines established
by the Discipline Committee. Fundamental rule violations involving harassment, hazing, and bullying will be considered
on an individual basis by the head of school, dean of students, dean of faculty or other appropriate authority in
consultation with all involved parties. The head of school may, in his discretion, refer the case to the Harassment Panel or
Discipline Committee.
While this discretion is rarely exercised, the head of school and the deans of students acting together reserve the right to
dismiss a student or withhold a diploma for failure to maintain good standing in scholarship, effort or conduct, without
resorting to the disciplinary procedures.
The head of school reserves the right in his sole discretion to forego all, or parts, of the disciplinary procedures herein and
change a student’s status at school (including probation or mandatory leave), dismiss a student or withhold a diploma for
any reason, including, but not limited to, if a student’s conduct involves harm to others or an official investigation by law
enforcement or other government agency. The outcome of any such law enforcement or other governmental investigation
may be considered as a factor in the school’s disciplinary process, but such outcome will not be determinative on the
school’s disciplinary process.
Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee is usually comprised of six students and six faculty with a nonvoting faculty chair. In unusual
circumstances when students are not available or appropriate to serve, the Discipline Committee will be comprised of six
faculty with a nonvoting faculty chair. Students who appear before the Discipline Committee will have an opportunity to
make a statement regarding the circumstances of the infraction, but will not otherwise have a right to interview or cross
examine witnesses and others involved in the case. The student’s faculty advisor, the dean of his/her class and a member
of his/her student class committee will also be invited to the meeting to speak in support of the student, but no other
representatives may participate in the disciplinary process.
The Discipline Committee may recommend warning periods, probation periods, suspensions (in house or off-campus) or
combinations of these; dismissal; or other responses they deem appropriate.
A student may, in some cases, be placed on Warning in regard to the rule that was violated for a period of time
recommended by the Discipline Committee. Warning indicates that a student will most probably be dismissed if he or she
violates that rule again during the period of Warning.
A student who violates more than one Fundamental School Rule or whose conduct warrants such a response would, at the
recommendation of the Discipline Committee or the dean of students, and with the approval of the head of school, be
dismissed if they were to violate a Fundamental School Rule during the ten-week period following their violation.
Of course, the Discipline Committee may recommend the dismissal of a student for a first violation of a Fundamental
Rule if it feels the circumstances warrant such action. Students found selling drugs or alcohol or procuring drugs or
alcohol for other students in all likelihood will be dismissed for a first offense. In addition, students who consume alcohol
and who then drive or ride in an automobile will most likely be dismissed for a first offense.
In considering violations of the Alcohol/Drug Rule, the head of school, the deans of students, the faculty advisor and the
class dean shall meet to discuss whether further penalties in addition to those imposed by the Discipline Committee are
appropriate in the case of a particular student in light of his/her overall record at the school.
Whenever students are found in violation of the Alcohol/Drug Rule, their parents are required to come to school to discuss
the students’ overall record.
In considering violations of the Reckless Endangerment Rule, the head of school and deans of students will decide if the
student is required to appear before the Discipline Committee. The response to a violation of this rule may vary from a
stayover to dismissal.
Harassment Panel
The Harassment Panel is an ad hoc committee comprised of six faculty members selected by the dean of faculty under the
counsel of the head of school. Faculty participation on the committee is voluntary. To the extent possible, current
teachers, dorm parents, coaches/activity directors, as well as faculty with known close ties to either party will not be
selected to avoid potential conflicts of interest. The Harassment Panel is convened by the dean of faculty. The members of
the Harassment Panel are not shared with the School community.
The Harassment Panel will have the opportunity to question the dean of students or investigator about the investigation
and findings. The Harassment Panel may also ask the dean of students or investigator to conduct additional investigations
before the hearing, or may ask clarifying questions based on the information shared in the written materials and statements
made by the students. The accused student must appear before the Harassment Panel and may make a statement. The
alleged victim may appear, but is not required to appear before the Harassment Panel. The purpose of the students
appearing before the Harassment Panel is to provide any additional information they want the Panel to consider prior to
considering the report and determining sanctions, including impact or mitigating factors.
The Harassment Panel will deliberate and may determine, among other things, that based upon the preponderance of the
evidence: (i) there is insufficient evidence to conclude the accused violated fundamental rule, such status might be
deemed “unsubstantiated”, “inconclusive”, or “no finding”; (ii) the evidence supports a finding of “responsibility”; or (iii)
the evidence supports a violation of the School’s Honor Code and/or other Fundamental Rule and would be better referred
to the Disciplinary Committee or Honor Court. The Harassment Panel will report its finding(s) and make disciplinary
determinations in consultation with the head of school. The decision of the Harassment Panel and the head of school is
final and may not be appealed. The Harassment Panel deliberations are strictly confidential and will not be shared with the
parties or the School community.
Notification and Reporting of Disciplinary Outcomes
Students and parents/guardians will normally hear from the Dean of Students regarding any disciplinary matter.
Taft expects students to complete their college applications, applications to next schools or other programs with integrity
and to answer all questions honestly and fully. This includes reporting any disciplinary history they may have had during
their years at Taft. The student must report disciplinary action at Taft that takes place before, during, or after the time of
application. When students are suspended from Taft, these suspensions will be reported to the colleges that ask about
discipline related suspensions. In the case of seniors who are in the midst of the college process, these suspensions will be
reported promptly following their return from the suspension. There may be instances where the school determines it will
report discipline to colleges, schools, or programs. All students and their parents/guardians must understand that the
school reserves the right to make such reports.
In unusual situations when the well-being of the community is affected, disciplinary matters may be discussed with the
general school body for educational purposes.
Residential Life
Residential Life Regulations and Information
Responsibility for life in the dormitory rests primarily with the individual. It is assumed that students have the ability to
cope with such freedom and will not abuse it, that students have the maturity to pursue their own day-to-day lives in a
self-regulated coexistence with others around them.
The overriding concept of such a fluid system must be one of consideration and respect for the individual.
Of course, freedom from binding structure is not freedom from responsibility, which increases in an almost direct
relationship. The role of the individual is paramount in such a system: it is expected that students will have the necessary
sense of community to be able to reach a satisfactory compromise with those around them regarding the various irritants
of communal living.
It is necessary to establish a student-faculty relationship that is informal and frank—a relationship based on mutual trust.
Communication is essential for such a system to work effectively, and informal dorm meetings are to be encouraged to
develop such a dialogue.
—The Monitors, 1970
Residential Life Mission Statement
The goal of the Residential Life Program is to create a safe, happy, healthy living environment where Taft students can
grow emotionally, physically, and intellectually.
Principles Of The Residential Life Program
To act with honor and integrity
To serve others unselfishly
To be morally thoughtful
To be a good citizen
To live a healthy and balanced life
To work cooperatively and collaboratively for the good of Taft
Dormitory Monitors
Dormitory monitors are students who are selected by the faculty to assist them in making the dorms run smoothly. They
help with details of dorm life, but more importantly assist students in their personal and academic lives in any way they
can. Dormitory monitors are selected in the spring after being interviewed by the faculty.
Dormitory Monitors Are Expected To:
Carry themselves in a way that embodies the balance of community membership and self-discipline expected in
our dormitories.
Be excellent role models, following all the rules of the school.
Have a fundamental role in building a strong sense of community in each dormitory.
Be present and visible in the dormitories and around campus.
Plan and facilitate events in their dormitories.
Encourage and remonstrate students appropriately.
Work closely with dormitory heads to establish expectations specific to the running of their particular dorm.
Reach out to other students to help ease their transition to a new school or a new dormitory.
Work together to make certain that every member of a dormitory community is known well
Immediately communicate with dormitory faculty about major problems that arise in the dorm.
Support the other members of the dormitory team and serve as a spokesperson for student concerns.
Communicate as soon as possible to a faculty member or the Hhealth Ccenter via the sanctuary policy if they have
reason to believe that a fellow student's health, safety, or place at Taft may be at risk. In an emergency, always
call 911.
General Rules for Residential Life
Students must be inside the buildings at 8:00 p.m. (Please consult the Fundamental Rules for regulations
regarding being off campus.) Naturally, students may leave buildings to move about the main campus area, but
under no circumstances should they be out on the athletic fields, the golf course, the cemetery, etc., after 8:00
p.m. On nights when students are allowed downtown after 8:00 p.m., they are expected to use the main roadways
to go downtown.
Downtown privileges do not extend to the adjacent fields and the golf course.
Students are not to be out of dormitory after 10:15 p.m. (10:45 for seniors once approved by faculty), except that
seniors may visit other senior rooms after 10:15 p.m. until 11:30 p.m.— boys between senior rooms on the
second, third and fourth floors of CPT and girls on the various floors of their own dormitories. In addition, seniors
may visit faculty apartments in their own dormitories.
Sufficient quiet must be maintained in the dormitories at all times to allow those who wish to study or sleep to do
Students may use radios, speakers, and other music-making devices. However, at no time may this equipment be
played loudly enough to disturb anyone. A further restriction is placed on the volume level of speakers from the
beginning of evening study hall until the end of classes the next day. During these time periods, Lowermids and
Mids may play music only through headphones, and Uppermids and Seniors may play music at a level that cannot
be heard outside the room.
During study hall and after lights, lower school students may not use computers, cell phones or any other Internet-
capable devices for non-academic work except with permission from the faculty member on duty.
Upper School students (Uppermids and Seniors) may have external video game systems in dorm rooms if they
choose: lower school students may not. Of course, students are expected to abide by study hall and “lights out”
guidelines such that they can meet academic goals and be rested and well. Note that students who inappropriately
use or play video games, or students who struggle to meet expectations will earn consequences and lose the
Computer monitors may not exceed 32”.
Wireless speaker devices that require internet connection (i.e. Alexa, Google, Soundbars, etc.) are not permitted in
the dorms.
Projectors are not allowed.
Students are not allowed to gamble (for fun or money).
Students are not allowed to use the school elevators without permission from Health Center personnel or the
Dean’s office.
Dart boards are not permitted.
Students may not keep pets at school under any circumstances. Emotional support animals are not permitted. Fish
are permitted; small, toothless fish.
Liquor bottles, beer cans or bottles, or any drug paraphernalia may not be used as room decorations or kept in
student rooms. Posters or other decorations that show alcohol or drug products are prohibited. Posters that depict
nudity or that are otherwise, at the discretion of faculty, inappropriate, are not permitted.
The porches of HDT and CPT are off limits for students.
The use of rollerblades, skateboards, scooters, hoverboards, or bicycles is not permitted inside school buildings.
Mini Refrigerators may not exceed 4 liters in size. Exceptions will only be made for medical reasons and must be
determined and approved by Kira Lent, Director of Health Services.
Consistent with the school’s role in loco parentis, the dormitory faculty and school staff reserve the right to enter
student rooms at any time for school business. This includes, but is not limited to, daily room inspections,
maintenance tasks, cleaning purposes, and other school business.
Students may only room with students in their own grade.
Evening Hours and Interdorm Visitation
Evening hours at Taft begin at 7:00 p.m. (except in the fall and spring on Tuesday and Thursday nights of formal sit-down
dinner) and will end at “lights out” for each of the respective classes. During this time, dormitory faculty will be present in
the dormitory, ensuring an environment that is conducive to productive study hall conditions. Supervised evening room
study is held from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. (8:00 to 9:45 p.m. for Uppermids and Seniors) every evening that is followed by a
class day. On the evenings that students return after an extended vacation, there will be quiet hours in lieu of a study hall.
Attendance will be taken at 8:00 p.m., and students are expected to maintain an environment that is conducive to studying
until 10:00 p.m. During study hours, all students must be in their rooms or at one of the allowed locations. Study hours are
a sacred time; therefore, it is important that quiet be maintained throughout campus.
Students are not to gather in the halls or public areas of the school, but rather are expected to go to their destinations
quickly and quietly. Leaving the dormitory without permission, going to an unapproved location, or intent to deceive on a
dormitory sign-out violates our Permission Rules and may result in loss of sign-out privileges. Because Taft places high
value on individual responsibility, we believe in instilling more responsibility in our students as they progress through
their Taft educational experience.
Visitation And Evening Schedules
At Taft, students begin to think of their rooms as home and we understand that they might want to share their space with
friends from time to time. The purpose of Dorm Visitation is twofold. One, we want to allow students to visit friends who
live in different dorms in a comfortable setting, analogous to visiting in the living room of a family home. Two, we want
to encourage members of a tremendously diverse school to broaden their relationships and friendships, and we recognize
the need for them to gather in healthy, fun, and safe ways in places other than the Jig, library, or dining hall. Our policies
on intimacy still hold true for any and all dorm interactions (co-ed or same sex) just as they would anywhere on campus.
The Dorm Visitation privilege is extended only to Taft students. Alumni and students not enrolled at the school are not
permitted in the dormitories without permission of one of the deans of students.
Any Of The Following Will Be Considered A Violation Of Procedures With Regard To Visitation.
Allowing someone without proper permission to be in a room during Visitation.
Visiting a room other than your host's room.
Closing a door while visiting.
Failure to sign in or sign out properly and in a timely fashion, in person, with the faculty member on duty.
Failure to follow the expectations for Visitation listed below.
The following expectations for Visitation are for all students anytime Visitation is used:
A faculty member must be present in the dormitory if Visitation is to take place.
Hosts and their guest(s) must sign in, in person, with a faculty member on duty in the dormitory being visited and
must sign out with the faculty member when departing.
Guests may sign in only to the room of their host, though a student can host more than one guest in their room.
The door to the student's room must be kept ajar by a standard Taft-issue trash bin.
Students should expect faculty or other students to drop by at any time.
Hosts and their guests must sign out, in person, with the faculty member on duty in the dormitory being visited.
There are no visitation privileges on any nights of long weekends.
Dorm Visitation for Seniors:
Begins the first full week of classes in September for students who complete the proper paperwork.
Seniors may visit any senior room from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Friday nights and on Saturday
nights from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.
Seniors may visit in Uppermid rooms from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Friday nights and on
Saturday nights from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.
Seniors are never permitted to visit in rooms of Middlers or Lowermids.
Dorm Visitation for Upper Middlers:
Begins the third week of September for students who complete the proper paperwork.
Uppermids may visit Uppermid or Senior rooms from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Friday nights
and on Saturday nights from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.
Uppermids may visit in Middler rooms on Sunday through Friday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. only.
Uppermids are never permitted to visit in rooms of Lowermids.
Dorm Visitation for Middlers:
Begins the third week of September for students who complete the proper paperwork.
Middlers may visit in Uppermid, Mid, or Lowermid rooms Sunday through Friday evenings.
Dorm Visitation for Lower Middlers:
Begins the third week of September for students who compete the proper paperwork.
Lowermids may visit in Mid or Lowermid rooms of rooms from 7:00 p.m. until 7:50 p.m. Sunday through Friday
Lower Middlers and Middlers may also visit on Saturday nights between 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Lower School (Lower Mids and Mids) Evening Routine
8:00–10:00 PM: Lower School Study Hall & Room Inspections
Doors must remain open during study hall.
Room inspection can be held Sunday through Friday:
Beds made
Floors cleared and cleaned
Trash emptied
Open food removed from room
Closets straightened
Students may not use computers, cell phones, iPads, or other electronics for non-academic purposes
except with permission from the faculty member on duty
Students may ask the permission of the faculty on duty to sign out to faculty apartments, computer labs,
language lab, academic tables, or counseling offices. Permission will be granted to lower schoolers only if
the faculty member on duty has been given advance notice by a faculty member. Students wishing to go
to the Writing Center or any academic table may do so at their discretion, and they do not need prior
faculty permission, although they must follow the proper sign-out procedure. Students wishing special
permission to go anywhere except the above destinations must receive permission from their class dean.
The Lowermid deans may require some Lowermids to study in a supervised room during study hall.
Students who sign out during study hall must sign back in by 9:45 p.m.
10:00 PM: Study Hall Ends
10:00–10:15 PM: Check In with Faculty Member on Duty and Request Late Lights
10:30 PM: Lights Out / Internet Access Turned Off
10:30–11:30 PM: Late Lights (Monday Through Friday Only)
Lowermids may request late lights for studying purposes one night a week, but they must be in bed by 11:30 p.m.
unless they have special permission from the faculty member on duty.
Mids are allowed to stay up after 10:30 p.m. for studying purposes two nights a week, but they must be in bed by
11:30 p.m. unless they have special permission from the faculty member on duty.
Mids that might need a third late light per week must get permission from his/her class dean and dormitory head.
Overhead lights must be off during this time and students using late lights must be sitting at their desk using a
desk lamp. The roommate of the student taking late lights must be in his/ her bed unless he/she has also signed up
for late nights.
11:30 PM: The Library and Other Taft Academic Online Resources are Turned Off
Special Study Requirements
Mids and Lowermids who must attend evening practices or play rehearsals—a situation that sometimes occurs
during the winter term—are required to attend an afternoon study hall.
Upper Middler Evening Routine
7:00–9:15 PM: Uppermid Sign-Out
Students must sign out in person, with the faculty member on duty, to sign out to any academic venues or
faculty apartments.
Students may also sign out for cultural events when appropriate.
8:00–9:45 PM: Study Hall
During study hours students must be in their rooms or at one of the locations specified above.
Room inspections can be held Sunday through Friday:
Beds made
Floors cleared and cleaned
Trash emptied
Open food removed from room
Closet straightened
For purposes of maintaining quiet during this important time of the day, students are not to gather in the
halls or public areas of the school, but rather are expected to go to their destinations quickly and quietly.
9:45 PM: Study Hall Ends
10:15 PM: Check In with Faculty Member on Duty
10:45 PM: Room Check
Students must remain in their own room at this time.
11:30 PM: Lights Out / Internet Access Turned Off
Special Study Requirements
Uppermids who must attend evening practices or play rehearsals—a situation that sometimes occurs during the
fall or winter term—are required to attend an afternoon study hall.
Senior Evening Routine
7:00–10:00 PM: Senior Sign-Out
Senior sign-out is a privilege.
Seniors do not need permission to sign out.
Seniors must sign out with the faculty member on duty to go to any academic venue, the Jigger Shop, or
cultural event when appropriate.
Seniors must sign back in on the same sheet when they return to the dormitory.
8:00–9:45 PM: Study Hours
Seniors are expected to be in their room during this time unless they have signed out to a destination
listed above.
Room inspections will be held Sunday through Friday:
Beds made
Floors cleared and cleaned
Trash emptied
Open food removed from room
Closet straightened
10:15 PM: Check In with Faculty Member on Duty
10:15–11:30 PM: Seniors May Visit Rooms of Other Residents After Signing Out on the Appropriate Sheet.
Seniors may visit Senior rooms until 11:30 p.m.
Seniors may visit Uppermid rooms until 10:45 p.m.
11:30 PM: Lights Out / Internet Access Turned Off
Directions for Care of Rooms
Rooms should be kept clean for reasons of fire insurance and health standards (and because it is the right thing to
do). All rooms can be inspected at any point throughout the week by dormitory faculty to ensure that standards
(beds made, trash emptied, open food removed from the room, closet straightened, and floor cleared) are being
met. Each dormitory establishes its own schedule for room inspections, and students should expect daily room
School furniture may not be moved from room to room and should not be modified in any way.
The use of tacks and nails is limited to the molding. Paste, glue, and tape should not be used because these
substances can pull the paint off of the walls. "Fun-tak" and other similar adhesive materials may be used in
USGD and CPT dormitories; in other dormitories, students must use tacks for all wall hangings.
Room decorations should be selected while keeping in mind that although a student's room is his/her own, it is
also part of the dormitory and the community. Good taste and respect for others are expected. Students may not
hang posters or other decorations that display symbols of hate, images of alcohol, drugs, scantily clad models, or
other inappropriate images. Room decorations must consider the community and uphold respect and dignity for
Faculty reserve the right to ask a student to remove inappropriate room decorations.
Perishable food is not to be stored in rooms.
Beds are not to be lofted unless with the approval of the director of residential life.
Fire and Safety Regulations
In the interest of safety and in order to comply with the fire marshal's regulations and safety codes, students must strictly
adhere to the following rules:
Nothing may hang from or near the ceiling light fixtures or across the ceiling itself. Only one wall may be covered
by a wall hanging, which must be fire-resistant and must be free and clear of any electrical outlet or fixture.
Rooms may not be subdivided by furniture, sheets, blankets, flags, or hangings so as to prevent clear access or
view to and from the door. Beds may not be placed in the middle of the room—they must be arranged with one
long side against a wall. Bed legs must be on the floor, except when elevated by bed risers. Beds may not be
suspended on bricks or cement blocks. Bureaus must have their backs against a wall, and desks are to have one
side against the wall. Waterbeds are not permitted.
Cloth coverings may not be used on any tables, chairs, or pieces of furniture. The fire marshal also prohibits bean
bag chairs in the dormitories unless documentation can be provided that it is made of flame retardant material.
Halls must be kept clear at all times. Bicycles may not be stored in dormitory rooms. Athletic equipment should
be stored in locker rooms provided in the athletic center.
Trunks and large luggage must be stored in the storage rooms.
Students may have additional furniture in their rooms, unless this furniture prevents an easy exit from the room, in
which case it will have to be removed. A maximum of one love seat and one extra easy chair are permitted in any
student room. Any furniture must be in good condition and repair. This furniture is subject to inspection to ensure
the unit is safe and fit for use and clear of offensive markings or language.
Each student may have one desk lamp and one other lamp, which must use compact fluorescent light bulbs or
LED light bulbs. No light may be attached to a wall near a blanket. Due to state fire regulations, halogen lamps
are not permitted.
The use of electrical appliances such as toasters, popcorn machines, grills, hot plates, hot pots, percolators,
refrigerators of any size, heating coils, space heaters, irons, and heat lamps is prohibited. Such items found in
student rooms will be confiscated until June and conduct grades will be assigned. Students found using heat-
producing appliances will be considered to be in violation of the Fire Hazard Rule.
Extension cords must be UL approved. They must not be laid under rugs or walking areas. Splicing of cords is not
allowed. Use only insulated staples to attach cords to moldings. Dorm rooms have duplex outlets, each of which is
limited to three appliances unless a junction box with a circuit breaker is used.
No lighting fixtures or electrical appliances may be wired into the closets of dormitory rooms.
Tampering with lighting fixtures, outlets, switches, and panels is forbidden.
Open flames of any kind are prohibited.
Students may not tamper with fire hoses and extinguishers.
Fire doors should be kept closed at all times. No door should be propped open at any time.
Students may not hang anything out of windows at any time.
Room Damages
The school's maintenance staff inspects all rooms three times each year (winter vacation, spring break, end-of-school
year). Any damages over and above normal wear and tear will be charged equally to the room occupants.
Furniture, furnishings, and closet doors may not be removed from rooms; if they have been removed there will be charges
for their restoration.
Room doors should be kept free of stickers and markings.
Room Changes
Room assignments are made at the beginning of the school year. Because Taft expects its boarding students to adapt to
dormitory life and sharing space with a roommate, it does not allow room change requests until after Fall Long Weekend.
At that point, changes will only be considered if the roommates have worked with each other, their dormitory head,
faculty advisors, and director of residential life to try to resolve their differences. Further, students must recognize that it
is not always possible to effect room changes, so their only option may be "to get along."
Common Rooms
The school provides common rooms in the dormitories. Common rooms, equipped with refrigerators and televisions, are
for recreational and social use during free time.
Movies shown in common rooms or anywhere else in the school should always be in good taste. Students found watching
movies that are not in keeping with the standards of the community will be reported to the dean of students for
disciplinary action.
As the name suggests, common rooms are meant to be shared public spaces. It is essential that students assume
responsibility for both behaving appropriately and maintaining a level of cleanliness in these spaces. Unseemly conduct or
unreported damage to the furnishings will be considered grounds for closing the rooms.
Common rooms throughout the school will be open to all students from 7:00 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. Sunday through Friday and
on Saturday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
On certain evenings when special events are in progress, these privileges may be canceled by the Dean's Office. Students
going to common rooms to visit may not stop off in student rooms or linger in other spaces on their way to common areas.
The common rooms in USGD, the basement of Voge, the first floor of Centennial and ISP may be used for visitation from
the end of the class day until 10:00 p.m. During the study hours, these areas must be quiet enough to be conducive to
Summer Storage
Taft does not provide storage for students over the summer. Two services are provided for students at the end of the
school year. UPS comes to campus and will ship boxes for students. In addition, Dorm Room Movers will store or ship
students' belongings. For more information go to www.dormroommovers.com, or contact UPS at 860-676-0660.
End-Of-Year Expectations
Students are expected to leave their rooms in the same state they found them on move-in day.
The only furniture in the room should be a bed, desk, desk chair, bureau, and trash can for each student.
All extra furniture must be removed from the room and either brought home or stored with Dorm Room Movers
or another storage company; any furniture a student wishes to store is subject to inspection to ensure the unit is
safe and fit for storage and reuse. There should be no writing on furniture, and it should be in good repair. All
furniture stored by Dorm Room Movers (with the exception of desk chairs) must be approved by the director of
residential life.
School-provided pillows and curtains should be in each room, whether or not they were used.
Desk and bureau drawers are empty.
Closets are empty.
Lights are off.
Windows are closed.
The floor must be swept or vacuumed, but any objects too large for a vacuum are to be thrown away.
Trash must be emptied.
Fobs returned to the dormitory head. Students will be billed for each lost fob.
Students are responsible for the removal and summer storage of all furniture items brought to campus. Furniture
left in dorm rooms will be disposed of at the student’s expense.
We encourage students to donate anything and everything that they no longer want or need. We have an amazing
group of faculty and students that collect, organize, and distribute items ranging from non-perishable foods,
toiletries, and used books to sheets, towels, and clothes. Specific instructions will be given to all students at the
end of the year.
All students must sign out, in person, with a faculty member before leaving campus. Students that do not sign out with a
dormitory faculty member, or leave their room in a way that does not meet our expectations, may be asked to return to
campus to clean their room and/or may be charged a cleaning fee of $100 an hour.
Day Student Information
Day students are an integral part of the Taft community. As a school we seek to give day students every opportunity to
immerse themselves in all aspects of student life, including the residential life experience. Therefore, all day students will
select a dormitory where they are invited, and sometimes required, to attend events and meetings.
Day students should not arrive at school earlier than 7:00 a.m., but are expected to arrive to campus at least ten minutes
before their first commitment each day. The area of the Main Circle in the front of the school closest to the building is
reserved for day student parents who are picking up or dropping off their children.
Day students must park their cars only in the parking lot across the street from the main entrance to the school. Day
students should never drive their cars on the campus side of Route 6. Day students parking at the Cruikshank Athletic
Center should use the main lot and not the small lot by the rink. Students found in violation of these rules may be subject
to disciplinary action.
Inclement Weather
Most of the faculty and students live on campus, and we hold classes regardless of the weather. In the case of weather that
could interfere with transportation to or from school, day students are welcome to stay overnight in the dorms. If your
child elects to stay over, he or she should submit a permission card, signed by the dorm head, to the duty office by 8 pm.
If a student does not stay over during a period of inclement weather, please use your discretion in deciding whether it is
possible to get to school. If your child will not be present, please call the Dean's Office. Also, if a potentially dangerous
storm starts during the day, feel free to pick up your child whenever you think it is wise to do so. Day students who leave
early should stop by the Dean's Office to let us know that they will be missing class.
Reporting Absences
A parent should call the Health Center, 860-945-7762, by 8:30 a.m. on days when illness prevents a student from
attending school. Permission for absence from school for any reason other than illness must be requested in advance
through the Dean's Office.
Illness During The Class Day
Day students who become ill during the class day should report to the Health Center. The Health Center staff will decide
if the student should remain at school or be sent home.
Day students are expected to eat lunch at school, and they are invited to eat dinner here. Day students who remain at
school for dinner on nights when the school has sit-down dinners must be properly dressed. A few times a year, day
students are required to stay for an all-school or class dinner. These dates will be posted on the school calendar well in
Off-Campus Sign-out
Day students are not required to sign in when they arrive to campus in the morning or sign out when they leave for the
day. However,, if a day student leaves campus for a portion of the day (to walk downtown, for example), should notify the
deans office or any adults or faculty members that might be taking attendance for them.
Evening Hours
Lower school day students are generally not allowed to remain on campus after 8:00 p.m. on school nights unless they
have obtained permission from a faculty member to stay later. Upper school day students are generally not allowed to
remain at school after 10:15 p.m. on school nights. During evening study hall, Uppermid and Senior day students may be
in the library, classrooms or faculty apartments, but they should not be in non-academic places. Senior day students may
be in the Student Union. Senior day students who visit the dormitories during study hall must sign in with the faculty
member on duty. On weekend nights, day students are permitted and encouraged to stay on campus until check-in.
With the approval of the Dean's Office and the appropriate dormitory head or faculty member on duty, day students may
spend the night at Taft on an occasional basis in order to participate in a special activity at the school during the evening
hours. This privilege is generally only allowed on a Saturday night. In all such cases, day students must obtain the
permission of all occupants of the room in which they have been invited to stay, and they should also ask the permission
of the faculty member on duty in the dormitory. All appropriate permissions must be secured in advance, and a completed
overnight visitor card must be submitted to the Duty Office by dinner on Saturday. Stays longer than one night are not
allowed except under extremely unusual circumstances. Requests for stays of longer than one night should be directed to
one of the deans of students.
Day students will be assigned a locker by the Dean's Office. We strongly encourage students to secure their locker with a
combination lock. Any student who abuses the locker area or who in any way tampers with other students' or the school's
property will be subject to disciplinary action.
Day students are required to remove all belongings from their lockers at the end of the school year. The school is not
responsible for belongings left in lockers after the last day of exams.
Afternoon Programming Information and Policies
Afternoon Program Philosophy
The afternoon program at Taft encompasses a wide variety of activities that seek to enrich the student experience outside of the
classroom. Central to the core values of the School, afternoon activities play an essential role in the health, well-being, and
engagement of students. Taft’s afternoon program places a special emphasis on the following: activities whose focus is giving
back to Taft and the greater Waterbury Community; physical activity and/or team play; student growth through experiential
learning; and the important role collaboration plays in fostering and promoting a strong sense of community.
Afternoon Program Student Participation Requirement
Activity Selection and Changes
All students are required to participate in an afternoon activity each of the three seasons: fall, winter, and spring. At the end of
each school year students will select their activities for all three seasons for the following school year. This procedure allows
students to plan ahead, as well as afford the school the opportunity to provide guidance. At the start of each season, fall, winter,
and spring, there will be a specified ten-day time period during which changes to activity selections may occur. After that period,
any changes need to be approved by the athletic directors.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled meetings and/or matches for their afternoon activities. If a scheduled absence is
anticipated, prior communication with the coach or activity director, as well as the Dean of Students Office, is required in order
to secure the necessary permissions.
Student Requirements
Lower Middler and New Middler
Three seasons of participation with at least two Community Activities required.
Option of participating in one Individual Activity OR applying for one Exemption during winter OR spring seasons.
Lower middlers and new middlers are required to participate in a Community Activity during the fall season of their first
year at Taft. Community service and farming are excluded from the options for this first season.
New students may not apply for an Exemption to manage a team during their first year at Taft.
Example Program: fall season—interscholastic soccer (Community Activity); winter season— martial arts (Individual
Activity); spring season—community service (Community Activity).
Three seasons of participation with at least two Community Activities required. Option of participating in one Individual
Activity OR applying for one Exemption.
New Upper Middler
Three seasons of participation with one Community Activity required. Option of applying for one Exemption.
New students may not apply for an Exemption to manage a team during their first year at Taft.
Upper Middler
Three seasons of participation with one Community Activity required. Option of applying for one Exemption.
Three seasons of participation with one Community Activity required. Option of applying for two “Senior Exemptions.”
A senior may apply for an exemption to engage in an activity of their choice as long as they remain engaged in the
afternoon and their activity gives back to the Taft community in some way.
Outside Club Teams
Students who are on Taft interscholastic teams should not participate on non-Taft teams while their Taft team is in season.
Outside athletic commitments may not interfere with a student’s activities or responsibilities at Taft. Students who seek an
exemption to this school policy must seek approval from their class dean and athletic director(s). An exception is only made if
playing on the outside team will not have an impact on their obligations as a Taft student.
Activity Categories
Community Activities
Community Activities are school-offered programs that emphasize teamwork and collaboration to achieve a common group goal,
while representing Taft both on and off campus.
Community service
Interscholastic sports
Theater/theater tech
Individual Activities
Individual Activities are school-offered programs, often recreational in nature, that emphasize individual development and have
an expectation of regular participation under the direction of a Taft faculty member. Students may participate in a specific
Individual Activity only once per year. If they would like to participate in that particular Individual Activity for a second season
they will need to apply for an Exemption. Students may only do one season of Fitness/Strength and Conditioning.
Fitness/Strength and
Horseback riding
Intramural sports
Martial arts
Rock climbing
Ultimate frisbee
Recreational Sports
Exemptions are opportunities for students to pursue independent initiatives, not offered in the afternoon program. Exemptions
are granted by written proposal, with the exception of on-campus injury rehabilitation, and are subject to approval by the
Afternoon Program Exemption Group.
Independent Studies Program (ISP)
Injury rehabilitation
Second season of specific Individual Activity
Senior Exemption
Team manager
Activities by special proposal, not academic in nature
Afternoon Tour Guide
Afternoon Program Offerings by Season
Interscholastic Athletics
Founders League Guidelines For Spectators
Taft competes in the Founders League in most sports. Spectators—whether students, parents, faculty, alumni, or friends—bear
important responsibilities to the School for the atmosphere and conduct of games, whether home or away. Honoring visiting
teams and spectators as guests is of the utmost importance.
The School Heads of Founders League schools have agreed on the following expectations regarding the behavior of spectators at
athletic contests:
Spectators should watch games from those areas defined by each school as spectator areas.
Spectators should not run up and down the sidelines; call to opposing players, coaches, or referees in an unsportsmanlike
or distracting manner; enter the field of play or stand behind the opposing team’s bench; deface property; heckle or give
cheers that are profane or mock competitors. Spectators should accept absolutely and without quarrel the decision of any
official. Spectators who abuse these guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action.
NEPSAC Code Of Ethics, Conduct & Good Sportsmanship
Taft is a member of NEPSAC (New England Preparatory School Athletic Council). The Council provides the following
guidelines for ethics, conduct, and good sportsmanship:
As a basic principle, the NEPSAC believes that the lessons learned from fairly played athletics, whether interscholastic or not,
and including games and practices, are of benefit to our students and our school. The purpose of this Code of Ethics and Conduct
is to define what "fairly played" means and to provide guidelines for NEPSAC athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators alike to
At the heart of this matter lies several terms that are often hard to define, yet no more important a task confronts teacher and
coaches than to set standards that are fair and honorable. Throughout this code, when such terms as "proper conduct" and "good
sportsmanship" are mentioned, they refer to such standards as these:
treat other persons as you know they should be treated;
regard the rules of your games as agreements, the spirit of the letter which you should not evade or break;
treat officials and opponents with respect;
accept absolutely and without quarrel the final decision of any official;
honor visiting teams and spectators as your own guests and treat them as such; likewise, behave yourself as an honored
guest when you visit another school;
be gracious in victory and defeat; learn especially to take defeat well;
be as cooperative as you are competitive;
remember that your actions on or off the field reflect on you and your school.
Athletic Training Rules
Any interscholastic team member found in violation of the school's Fundamental Rule with regard to the use of alcohol
and/or drugs is considered to have violated the athletic training rules. Coaches, in consultation with the athletic
director(s), have the discretion to respond to a player on their own team as they see fit. For example, a coach can decide
that a student coming off of a suspension has to earn back a starting position; or, a captain who violates the athletic
training rules could be asked to step down from their position of leadership. Athletic training rules are in effect starting
on the day that practice for a team begins and remain in effect until the end of the season.
Awarding of Letters
A Taft athlete earns a varsity letter if they have been committed to the team throughout the season, has been an important part of
practice on a daily basis, and has represented the school in an appropriate manner.
With sports such as crew, track, cross country, and golf (where there is either movement between varsity and junior varsity or
where multiple levels of teams practice together) the head coach of the program identifies, in consultation with the Co-Directors
of Athletics, the individual criteria for earning a letter specific to their program. For example, a golfer needs to compete in one
third of its team's matches; a rower needs to have been part of one of the top two boats for half of the season; and a track athlete
must receive a certain number of varsity points in competition.
Additionally, a senior who has been committed to a program for multiple years and has shown a certain level of ability may earn
a varsity letter at the coach's discretion; this is also applicable for an injured athlete who has shown commitment to the team
throughout the season.
Team managers may earn numerals for their service to varsity programs. Numerals do not equate to a varsity letter, however a
coach may petition the Athletic Committee to award a letter when a team manager has made a significant commitment to the
team and participates in all practices and games.
Student Life - Information and Resources
Health, Wellness, and Student Support
The Martin Health Center
The Health Center is open 24 hours a day whenever school is in session. It is staffed by the director of health servcies, a
visiting physician, and a professional nursing staff.
Students should make every effort to visit the Health Center during a free period, not during study hall, class time,
Morning Meeting or Assembly. In an emergency a student may, of course, go to the Health Center at any time.
With a few exceptions, all prescribed medications must be kept in the Health Center. Even most over-the-counter
medications must be approved by the Health Center. For controlled medicine, the Health Center will accept written
prescriptions only, to be filled at the Health Complex pharmacy. Students may not bring controlled medications to and
from school, and cannot under any circumstances be kept in a student's room. Discovery of such controlled medications in
a students’ room would be a violation of our Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Students going to the Health Center after lights and before 6:00 a.m. must be escorted by an adult or dormitory monitor,
and the faculty member on duty in their dormitory must be notified.
Students must obtain permission from the nurse on duty before visiting a patient.
If a student will leave campus for medical reasons, he/she may only return to campus from the leave of absence through
the Health Center.
All downloadable medical forms, as well as information about health services at Taft are available on the school website.
Community Health
The Taft School is committed to the health and safety of its community. To ensure the health of the Taft community and
to prevent the spread of contagious diseases on campus, it is expected that all students are vaccinated in accordance with
the School’s vaccination requirements. The School reserves the right to exclude any student who has a communicable
illness, has been exposed to an infected person, or is susceptible because of non-immunization in the event of a vaccine-
preventable or other communicable disease on campus. The School expects students to abide by applicable CDC and
other local and state guidance regarding COVID-19 and/or other illnesses or pandemics. Taft reserves the right to
introduce measures in the future to address any such outbreaks of illnesses, pandemics, or other community health issues.
Important Information Regarding Concussions
Connecticut law requires us to provide you with important information regarding concussions, particularly sport
participation and the risk of concussions. The law was enacted as a means to reduce the number of concussions in
children. It requires us to provide parents with written information regarding concussions and the treatment of concussions
at Taft. The law also requires all parents to sign an informed consent authorizing their child to participate in school
athletics at Taft. Taft requires this form to be signed for all students . Without this document, a student cannot participate
in any extracurricular activity. This law also requires signed permission from a parent/ guardian allowing a student to
resume activity following a concussion.
Important Information Regarding Insurance
All students must have medical insurance valid in the state of Connecticut. A copy of both sides of the medical insurance
card is imperative. If a student does not have insurance recognized by doctors in the Connecticut area and the Connecticut
Insurance System; they must obtain coverage only from Clifford Allen Associates. This includes all students not from the
United States. Please contact the Taft Health Center at 860-945-7762 to inquire about this insurance or telephone Clifford
Allen directly at 1-888-342-2224. Information and enrollment forms are available on the Taft website.
Brief Medical Absences
A student who will be leaving Taft at the parent’s request will also need to be seen in the Health Center for the appropriate
brief medical absence form and a signed permission form to exchange medical information. Upon return to school from a
brief medical absence, the student needs to be seen in the Health Center before returning to normal activities.
If a student needs extended time away from school in order to attend to mental or physical health needs, the director of
counseling or director of health services will communicate with the class dean regarding a Leave of Absence. Please see
the Taft Leave Policy on page regarding any type of extended leave from campus.
Counseling Services
School counselors offer support and guidance to individual students, consult with deans and faculty members, and
contribute to the emotional health and well-being of the school as a whole. Many students speak to one of the school
counselors during their time at Taft. These services simply offer another layer of support for students. However,
conversations with school counselors are unique, given their confidential nature and the counselors' professional expertise.
There are four school counselors: Rachel Jacobs, PhD (Director of Counseling), Jonas Katkavich, PsyD, Lauren Henry,
PsyD, LCSW, and Gaby Dorval, LCSW. Counselors are available for appointments during the school day. Students who
would like to meet with a counselor can send an email to an individual counselor or to counseling@taftschool.org.
Many students contact a counselor on their own, while others are referred by advisors, deans, Health Center staff, school
monitors, friends, or parents. Conversations with counselors are supportive and confidential. Of course, there are legal and
ethical exceptions to confidentiality, such as when there is a question of potential harm to self or others. Although
counselors do not share details of their conversations with students with others at the school, those relevant faculty who
need to know may be aware that a student is meeting with a counselor. Students generally inform their parents when they
are speaking with a counselor. However, some students may choose to keep this information private. Parents should
contact the counseling director if they would like to be contacted prior to their child being seen.
Taft's counseling services are provided at no charge. The school does not have a psychiatrist on staff, however, students
can speak to the director of health services or ask their school counselor to help facilitate psychiatric referrals. The same
is true if a student or family prefers to work with a counselor outside of Taft. Information about the counseling program
can be found at https://www.taftschool.org/campus-life/health-wellness/counseling-services.
Athletic Trainers
The school's certified athletic trainers, Mr. Sergio Guerrera, Mr. Sean Attanasio, and Mrs. Magdalena Wilson, are
available in the athletic training room in the Cruikshank Athletic Center during all athletic periods. Athletic trainers are
also available for morning appointments with students.
Taft Athletic Trainer Fall and Spring Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Wednesday & Saturday Noon–Start of games
Taft Athletic Trainer Winter Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.
Wednesday & Saturday Noon–Start of games
The Moorhead Academic Center
The mission of the Moorhead Academic Center is to improve student learning; to provide support to teachers, students
and parents; and to make available to the community research on Mind, Brain, and Education Science (MBE).
The Academic Center is open each class day and for study hall hours Sunday through Friday evenings. Lower School
students may use the MAC during study hall hours upon recommendation by the dean. All students are welcome to the
resources available.
Appointments are made on an individual basis given the student’s schedule. Some students schedule several appointments
to improve in a given area; some schedule ongoing appointments throughout the year. Services provided are tailored to
students’ needs and are intended to empower students with the skills to become more proficient, independent, lifelong
learners. Services include:
providing strategies for learning/understanding such as retrieval practice, spaced review, and metacognition;
providing instruction in strategic reading techniques;
providing methods to study and learn math, science, and foreign languages;
coaching in time management, organizational, and study skills and self-advocacy and self-determination
assisting in the writing process involved in long-term research papers;
screening and evaluation for students without previously identified learning differences to understand strengths
and weaknesses of the individual’s learning profile, as well as facilitating recommendations and accommodations
for documented learning differences.
Another ongoing service of the Moorhead Academic Center is the Peer Tutoring Program. Each year, department
heads, in collaboration with their respective faculty, recommend outstanding students to work as peer tutors in
their field of expertise. These peer tutors are paired with students who have been referred by their teachers for
additional support work.
Accommodation of Disabilities
Taft School is committed to providing equal educational opportunities and full participation for students with disabilities
in accordance with applicable law. The School does not discriminate against qualified applications or students on the basis
of a disability. Students with documented disabilities may apply to receive reasonable and appropriate accommodations at
the School. Documentation from a qualified, independent professional is required to establish the need for reasonable
accommodations and substantiate the presence of a disability, defined by the American with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) as
“a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities”. A diagnosis of a disorder by
itself does not automatically qualify an individual for accommodations. The documentation must be timely and include a
formal diagnosis, description of the student’s current functional limitations, and information on how the disabling
condition currently impacts the student in order to assist the School in understanding how a disability may impact a
student and help identify possible accommodations.
It is important to note that an accommodation is not considered reasonable if making the accommodation poses a direct
threat to the health or safety of others, fundamentally alters the School’s programs and services, and/or poses an undue
financial or administrative burden on the School. The granting of an accommodation is not a guarantee of success and by
granting an accommodation the School does not bear responsibility for ensuring that students succeed in courses or
Academic Accommodations.
The Director of the Morehead Learning Center oversees all academic accommodations. Please contact Gina Ludlow, the
Director of the Morehead Learning Center, for information about the process for obtaining academic accommodations.
Residential Life Accommodations.
The Director of Residential Life oversees all residential life accommodations. Students with disabilities who need an
accommodation to their residential life on campus are asked to make their need known and to file the appropriate
documentation with the Director of Residential Life. Accommodation requests must be submitted no later than July 1st.
Requests submitted after this date will be considered as space allows, but may delay or prevent the School from meeting
the request. Accommodation requests will be reviewed by an advisory group consisting of members from residential life,
the Health Center, counseling department, and others deemed necessary to evaluate the request. Please be advised that
requests for particular housing assignments based on a student’s preference, rather than need, will not be honored. For
instance, a request for a single room to serve as a quiet, undisturbed place to study represents a preference, not a necessity.
Single room accommodations are reserved for individuals whose documentation illustrates clear and substantial needs,
and for whom a standard housing assignment with a roommate is not viable.
Absence and Academics- Taft’s Leave Policy
Taft is, first and foremost, a school. Our mission—the education of the whole student—means that students are asked to meet
high standards of scholarship and conduct, in and out of the classroom. Each day, they must be prepared, focused, and ready
to learn. In all their responsibilities on campus, from great to small, they know that others are relying on them; their presence
and engagement are vital to our community.
Given these expectations, a student’s absence is not taken lightly. When a member of our community is not present, we are
diminished—and each class missed detracts from the student’s learning and experience. Put simply, we believe that the full
Taft experience requires consistent presence. Consequently, the decision to take a leave of absence of any length is a serious
one with particular expectations. Most Taft students are consistently able to meet our expectations. Nonetheless, there are
times when the complexity and challenge of everyday life makes this more difficult. When a student is unable to function, or
when there are concerns about a student’s health or safety, a student may take a Leave of Absence. This section of the
handbook outlines our school policy and practice regarding such leaves.
Some student absences, particularly those which mean missing just a day or two of classes, are clear and straightforward: a
family obligation, minor illness, participation in an off-campus program, etc. When these absences are anticipated, students
should be in touch with the dean of students and their class dean for permission, prior to their absence. A petition leave
follows a particular protocol (name section and provide link) as does a brief medical absence (name section and provide link).
Regardless of the reason for the absence, all absences—including petition leaves, illnesses, concussions, etc.—are
cumulative, and counted. Of course, classes missed due to school-sponsored activities would not be considered absences.
When a student’s total absences exceed a full academic week, the class dean will communicate to the family, outlining our
leave of absence policy.
However, other absences can be more complicated, especially when there are questions regarding a student’s ability to safely
and healthily function at Taft. Examples include, but are not limited to: prolonged struggles with one's mental or physical
health, such as treatment for drug or alcohol use, recovery from serious injury or surgery, or behavior that negatively impacts
others in the community. These concerns can come from any one of several sources: for instance, the class dean, dean of
students, director of health services, school counselor, residential faculty, and others. In these circumstances, a family may
request a leave of absence, or the school may mandate a leave of absence, in order that the student can fully focus on his or
her health and well-being.
Regardless of how the leave is initiated, the class dean serves as the spokesperson for the school and point of contact for
students and families. Ultimately, it is the school's decision of whether or not it is appropriate for the student to be at school,
and if he or she is on a leave, whether or not he or she will be allowed to return.
It is the responsibility of the class dean to assemble the team of faculty members to help oversee the leave, communicate
school expectations, and inform teachers in the classroom, dorm and extracurricular activities. The class dean will
communicate the length of the leave, expectations during time away, and conditions for possible return. If and when a student
feels he or she is prepared to return, the class dean, working closely with the team of supportive and informed faculty, will
consider the health and well-being of the student, the student’s impact on others in the community, and the school’s ability to
provide the level of care required. Given that the student has shown that he or she was not able to safely and healthily meet
the expectations of the school when he or she went on the leave, in order to understand if it is appropriate for the student to
return, the school always asks, “What has changed?” Answering this question generally requires consultation with the
student’s professional caregivers and deliberation by the class dean and the school team. Ultimately, a student’s place at Taft
is determined by the head of school.
A lengthy absence means that students miss out on the irreplaceable learning that takes place in the classroom and makes it
difficult to complete cumulative outstanding work. In order to provide clarity for families and the school, Taft has established
guidelines regarding days missed. In order to receive academic grades, a student must be present for 75% of the class days.
If a student on leave is present for more than 50% of the semester, he or she may be eligible to earn academic credit (but not
grades) based on completion of the assignments required by his or her classroom teachers and outlined by the academic dean.
If a student’s absence exceeds 50% of the semester, the class dean will discuss alternatives with the family. In all likelihood,
the student will not be allowed to receive credit, and possibilities include the student withdrawing from Taft or the leave
being extended with the possibility of repeating the year after re-enrolling. If a student takes a leave and returns to Taft and
requires another leave, it is possible that the school will conclude that the student is not able to meet the expectations and will
mandate withdrawal.
To summarize, Taft is a highly challenging academic school, and while there are many supportive faculty and robust
resources to help students manage life on campus, we are not a therapeutic institution. We also believe that the Taft
experience requires student presence and participation. When a student is unable to safely and healthily meet the daily
expectations, he or she may take a leave of absence, asked for or mandated, which is coordinated by the class dean.
Depending on the length of the leave, the student may be able to receive grades, academic credit, or no credit. Whether or not
a student returns to Taft is a decision made by the school and always with the student’s health and safety paramount.
Special Support Interventions
Occasionally the school has unusual concerns about a student’s ability to function in this community. In such cases the
appropriate class dean will inform the student and his/her parents of the school’s concerns. After a consultation with the
appropriate faculty members and the head of school, a support plan will be determined and the student will be expected to
meet all expectations of that plan. The plan will most likely include assessments and recommendations from outside
professionals. Parents may be asked to attend the meeting at which this plan is formulated. The student’s progress will be
monitored closely; status at the school will be evaluated periodically and at the end of the school year. Evaluation may result
in change or termination of the plan or temporary or permanent separation from the school.
The kind of support process described above could be deemed necessary in a variety of situations. Conditions might include,
but are not limited to: depression; self-destructive behaviors such as self-mutilation; substance use or eating disorders;
unusual difficulty meeting appointments; lack of relationships with adults in the community; and sudden or extreme changes
in behavior, attitude or physical appearance.
Spiritual Life
At Taft you will find a wide range of religions and philosophical views represented among the student population. Our
goal is to help students from a variety of traditions find spiritual strength and community support in the religious and
spiritual programs that are being offered.
We view education as both an intellectual and a spiritual endeavor. All expressions of faith are celebrated and respected as
we look for common moral, ethical, and spiritual ground in the world's treasure house of great religions.
In the Taft community, we believe that a sound, broad-based liberal arts education has at its core the quest for meaning
and purpose. Our understanding is that no one spiritual group or religious tradition is in sole possession of the Truth. With
this in mind, we covenant with one another to pursue Truth through religion, science, art, music, athletics, and in every
other human inquiry.
Today's world is replete with rich opportunities for all of us to evolve as global citizens so that we can live mindfully in
this world with consideration and concern for others. We believe that educating the whole person encourages and
challenges us to take seriously the values and moral codes that we have inherited through our many diverse cultural and
religious traditions.
—Chaplain Robert Ganung
The school chaplain brings to the community an understanding and celebration of the world's various religious faiths.
Rabbi Eric Polokoff, from B'Nai Israel in Southbury, assists the Jewish Student Organization at Taft. The chaplain also
takes Muslim students to the United Muslim Mosque in Waterbury bi-monthly. During the fall and winter months
interested students gather for meditation in the Taft Living Room before relaxing with a cup of tea or hot chocolate. This
warm setting invites students from all religious and nonreligious backgrounds to come together in a mindful way to
exchange spiritual ideas and values in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.
The offerings of the Global Service and Scholarship Department promote spiritual, moral, and ethical discourse among
students. On Tuesday and Thursday of each week, the entire school gathers for Morning Meeting in Bingham
Auditorium—a time for reflection by students, faculty, the head of school, chaplain, or outside speakers. The Paduano
Lecture Series invites distinguished speakers to offer lectures in the field of philosophy and ethics. Grounded in Taft's
mission to educate the whole person, the school provides many opportunities on campus—both formal and informal—to
nurture spiritual life.
Opportunities Include:
Monthly Candelight Vespers
Gospel Vespers (periodic)
Morning Meeting
Jewish Student Organization
Shabbat Dinners
Buddhist Meditation Group
Weekly Sunday Worship Service
Monthly Communion
Bible Study
FOCUS (Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools)
Coffee Houses
Many of the above opportunities are available at or within walking distance of the school. Transportation to churches and
synagogues not within walking distance, as well as transportation to a Muslim mosque in Hartford, is also provided.
Students are urged to consult with the chaplain concerning particular religious services.
College Counseling
The mission of Taft's College Counseling Office is to:
provide a student-centered process geared towards educating and supporting students and their families as they
navigate the college search and selection process; and
present the student's character and achievements to prospective colleges in an accurate, nuanced, and compelling
Particular emphasis is placed on developing students' analytical skills to discover schools which match their
interests well; self-advocacy skills so that they can present themselves effectively and authentically in the process;
and understanding of the process so they can maximize those elements which are within their control. In order to
best serve our students and the Taft community, the college counseling team is committed to educating
themselves on the issues of our profession through attendance at conferences, visiting college campuses, constant
review of media reports in the field, and careful cultivation of relationships with their colleagues in admissions.
More detailed information about the College Counseling program at Taft can be found at:
A faculty advisor plays an important role as mentor and guide for each Taft student. At the start of every school year,
students select a faculty advisor. New students will be assigned a temporary advisor who will guide them until they make
a final decision about their advisor in October. Students can expect that faculty advisors will mentor and provide support
in all aspects of Taft life. Students may change advisors at any time after consultation with their class dean and the dean of
Campus Resources and Information
The Library
The Hulbert Taft Jr. Library plays a central role in the educational and cultural life of the school. More than just the
repository for Taft’s collection; the library is a space for collaboration, research, exploration, and entertainment. It is home
to a dedicated staff of librarians and para-professionals who facilitate student learning and foster creativity. The library
has at least one librarian on duty to provide reference and/or instructional assistance during all open hours.
The Collection
The librarians curate an informative, inclusive, and engaging collection of more than 46,000 circulating items including
books, DVDs, and CDs for all members of the Taft community.
The Library provides access to more than 100 online databases, which include online monographs and reference books,
streaming video, audiobooks, journal and newspaper articles, as well as map and image collections. All electronic
resources can be accessed both on and off campus via the library website. Books may be borrowed for four weeks and
may be renewed if not requested by someone else. Borrowers may renew their materials online or by contacting the
circulation desk at extension 7780. Audiovisual materials have a shorter loan period; reference books and new periodicals
do not circulate.
Interlibrary Loan
Student inquiry and/or interest occasionally requires students to go beyond the resources of our library. Requests may be
placed through the Interlibrary Loan link on the library homepage or by communicating with any member of the library
staff. The length of the loan period, as well as renewal privileges, are dependent on the policies of the lending library.
Students requesting ILL material should be aware that it may take up to two weeks for their requested items to arrive.
Reserve Materials
Materials on reserve may be designated as “closed” or “overnight.” Closed reserve materials may be used only in the
library, and for a specified length of time, depending on the material. Overnight reserves may be used in the library during
the day and borrowed overnight when checked out within one hour of closing. Overnight reserve materials must be
returned to the library within one hour of opening on the next day.
Lost Library Materials
Lost materials are charged at the current replacement cost for the item. Replacement charges will also include a
processing fee of $5 per lost item.
The Leslie Manning Archives are the home to a collection of documents, images, publications and items relating to Taft
and its history. The archives are open posted hours and by appointment.
Library Hours*
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Sunday Noon–10:00 p.m.
*Hours will be increased during exam periods and reduced during holiday and vacation periods. These changes will be
posted in advance. Please check student email and the school online calendar for any changes.
Dining Hall Schedule, Procedures and Regulations
Dining Hall Procedures
We hope that eating in the dining room will be pleasant for everyone, and have designed the following procedures to
minimize traffic and confusion. More importantly, we anticipate that everyone will follow, at both sit-down and buffet
meals, the commonly established principles of decorum that make dining a civilized affair.
Sit-Down Meals
Taft has had a commitment to formal “sit-down” dinners for over a century, and this tradition is critical in creating the
sense of community that marks the school. Attendance at sit-down dinners is required for all boarding students. Day
students are not required to attend sit-down dinners, but they are welcome and encouraged to attend. Typically, during the
Fall Term and during the Spring Term until Long Weekend, sit-down dinners are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Students are required to sit at the tables to which they have been assigned. Students who do not sit at their assigned tables
will receive dinner cuts. If a table is not set, students whose tables are “closed” are not excused from dinner.
Students will be excused from dinner together at the end of the meal. Students should not leave before this announcement.
Buffet Meals
At buffet meals, students are asked to clean up after themselves and are requested to deposit their trash in the proper
receptacles. Dishes, glasses, cups, and silver should be returned to the bussing area. No glasses, utensils, plates, or other
items are to be taken from the dining rooms. Sponges and mops are available to clean up spills.
Dining Hall Schedule For Meals
Changes in times will be posted on the school calendar at https://www.taftschool.org/calendar
Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m.–8:15 a.m.
Sunday Brunch
Continental Breakfast 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Full Brunch 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Monday through Saturday 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Sit-Down Dinners (assigned tables) 6:30 p.m.
All Buffet Dinners (free seating) 5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
During Winter Sports
Dinner Buffet 4:45 p.m.–7:15 p.m.
Students may travel to and from school with their families or other approved adults. Students may not travel with other
students or day students without explicit permission. Please call the Duty Office - 860 945 7800 to check.
Uber and other ride sharing services also provides services in the Watertown area. However, please note that Uber's "Use
of Services" explains, "The Service is not available for use by persons under the age of 18. You may not authorize third
parties to use your Account, and you may not allow persons under the age of 18 to receive transportation or logistics
services from Third Party Providers unless they are accompanied by you." Therefore, third party permission from parents
does not allow students under the age of 18 to ride Uber, or other ride sharing services with similar restrictions.
If there is sufficient need, the school runs chartered buses at the student's expense directly from Taft to Kennedy and
LaGuardia Airports, Bradley Airport, Pennsylvania Station and Grand Central Station at the beginning of Thanksgiving,
Winter and Spring Vacations and at the close of school in June. Return transportation is also provided from these points to
Taft (except from Kennedy and LaGuardia Airports) at the end of Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Vacations, but not at
the opening of school in September. The buses will depart from Taft approximately 30 minutes after the end of the last
class. Students scheduling flights should allow sufficient time for airport check-in and travel. Depending on traffic,
Bradley is one hour from Taft; JFK/LaGuardia are two hours away. Taft will not provide transportation to students who
schedule flights that require them to leave school before the end of the class day or return after the 7:30 p.m. sign-in time
at the end of vacations.
In addition, Taft cannot provide transportation for students traveling as unaccompanied minors. Students who fall into that
category must arrange their own transportation to and from the airport. Questions about transportation can be directed to
the czar of transport, Mr. Mike Blomberg, at 860-945-7721.
Medical Transportation
If students need transportation to medical appointments, the Health Center will do its best to assist with the details and
provide drivers. The family is responsible for covering the cost of this transportation and medical appointments.
Reach Boarding Management
Taft uses Reach Boarding Management systems for all approvals and permissions for students leaving campus. If your
student fills out a “Leave Request Form” you will receive an email from TaftREACHPermissions@taftschool.org” with
instructions for approval (or rejection). Please check your Spam folder if you find you are not receiving the emails or call
860-945-7800 to check your information has been entered properly. If you are hosting another student, you will receive an
additional email to approve that student’s leave request as well.
Keys and Fobs
Fobs, post office box, and room keys are distributed in the Duty Office. Replacement keys and Fobs may be picked up
during the class day Monday through Friday. Students will be billed $25 for each lost key or fob. If you lose an elevator
key, you will be charged accordingly.
Laundry and Linen
Students have access to internal card-operated laundry equipment or may send their personal clothing and linen to an
outside commercial laundry service. Card-operated washers and dryers are located in most dormitories. The cost is $1.25
per wash and $1.25 per drying cycle.
Students who wish to arrange for laundry service may do so in the Business Office at the opening of school in September.
Nametags must be sewn securely in all articles sent to the laundry. Within reason, the commercial laundry will not limit
the number of items washed each week. However, the student will be expected to contract for this service for the duration
of the school year. Cancellation of the contract for valid reasons may be arranged, but credit for a week in which laundry
is not sent will not be possible. Also, it is assumed that items to be laundered are the personal property of the student who
has signed the contract.
Personal laundry, with checklist filled out, is to be delivered to the distribution room on Monday morning. It will be
returned on Friday morning of the same week. The laundry distribution room is located in the basement corridor near the
dining hall.
The rental of linens and towels is not available. Students supply their own blankets, sheets, bedspreads, pillowcases and
Dry cleaning may be sent to the laundry and will be charged separately by the unit. Charges for laundry and dry cleaning
will be posted to the parents' charge account.
Lost and Found
Books and other items left in the halls will be taken to the lost and found, which is located in bins at the base of the HDT
stairs in the basement. Lost valuables such as watches, glasses and wallets should be turned in to the Campus Safety
Office or the Dean's Office.
The Post Office
The post office, located in the basement of the Main Building, is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
and from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Mail arrives and is picked up daily except Sundays and legal holidays. Outgoing mail pickup is at 3:00 p.m. daily. Stamps
are available in the School Store.
Student Debit Card, School Bank, and School Store
Most student purchases on campus require a student debit card, and students are responsible for maintaining a sufficient
balance on the card at all times. Students may deposit or withdraw money on their debit card accounts during Student
Bank hours. The school imposes a $15 charge for the replacement of a lost debit card and a $30 fine for student checks
returned for insufficient funds.
School supplies, toilet articles, and athletic equipment are available in the School Store in the basement of CPT.
Returning students are not issued a new debit card each year. They should return to school with their most recently issued
student debit card.
Store and Banking Hours
Monday 8:00 a.m.–3:15 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Sunday closed
Student Activities
Student Government
The school monitors and the class committees of the younger classes serve as the leaders of student government.
However, it is part of the mission of the school to develop in every student a sense of responsibility to and for the
community. It should be one of your aims to be a cooperative and constructive citizen in your new environment.
The central agency of self-government at Taft is the monitorial staff, a group of 12 to 16 seniors elected by their class.
The school monitors implement the Honor System, assist in the supervision of the dormitories, and accept a large share of
the responsibility for the day-to-day conduct of the school’s affairs.
Class committees for the lower three classes are elected twice each year, first in January and again at the end of the school
year. Committees are elected by the members of each class, and the committee chairs, one boy and one girl, are elected
from among those elected to the committee.
Monitors are elected in May before their senior year by the rising senior class. The entire student body elects the head
monitors, one boy and one girl. Monitors serve for their entire senior year. In January a few additional monitors will be
Leadership, of course, carries responsibilities, and students who are on probation will not be eligible for election. If sitting
committee members or monitors are placed on probation during their term of office, they will forfeit their position of
leadership. Students whose probation period has ended will again be eligible to stand for election. The head of school,
dean of students, and class deans will decide questions about eligibility.
All classes are given valuable experience in self-government through participation in an elected class committee. As
students progress through the school, they are awarded a greater share of the privileges and responsibilities of democratic
living. Thus, through a natural and gradual process, students develop a sense of personal and group responsibility that is
recognized in the senior year by a substantial measure of self-government.
Taft School Definition Of Leadership
Leadership is choosing to act with empathy, integrity, and courage to help one's group achieve its goals.
Taft School Expectations For Student Leaders
I will be principled in my actions, ambitious in my goals, energetic in my duties, open-minded in my interactions
with others, and respectful in my communications with everyone.
I understand that the role of class committee member/school monitor/dormitory monitor is constantly changing
and that circumstances may require difficult decisions and different tasks than have been required in the past.
I will invest myself in the process of learning good leadership.
I will work with faculty and my fellow committee members/monitors to construct an identity for my group that
encompasses a diversity of viewpoints and serves the larger Taft community.
In order to act with moral authority, I will conduct myself in accordance with the Honor Code, the rules of the
community, and with the highest personal integrity.
Extracurricular Activities and Organizations
Some of these clubs have been around for more than 50 years, and new ones come and go all the time. A representative list of
clubs is below:
Admissions Council
Amnesty International
The Annual, yearbook
Art Club
Coffee House
Dance Club
Debate Club
Economics & Investment Club
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
FOCUS, Christian Fellowship
French Club
Global Journal
Hydrox, A Cappella Group
International Club
Jewish Student Organization
Math Team
Model Congress
Model U.N.
One Word
Operation Smile
Oriocos, A Cappella Group
Peer Tutors
Recognize the Rhino
Red, Inc., Literary Magazine
Religious & Spiritual Life Council
Robotics and Engineering Club
GSA – Gender and Sexuality Alliance
Spanish Club
Step Team
Taft Papyrus, newspaper
Taft Environmental Action Movement (TEAM)
Tour Guides
United Cultures at Taft (UCT)
Volunteer Council
Various Affinity Groups
W(I)RED, Taft Radio