Seating Styles & Room Set-Ups
As-is: indicates that the room will remain either in the current, permanent set-up of that specific room
or a set-up from an event previously held in that room.
Banquet: round tables for dining and/or work space during long meetings, seating between 8-10 people.
Conference: used for groups of 20 people or less. Usually two rectangular tables placed side by side to
function as one large table.
Reception: A “T-Shape” reception style with one long skirted table in the middle of the room for
decorations/floral arrangements, and an additional table for refreshments. There are few tables and
chairs, which allows for greater capacity. Can also set up in a traditional reception style (one table in
center of the room, one along the wall) if requested.
Regular: used only for room (such as Kostka or Faculty-Staff Dining Room) where tables and chairs are
arranged in a fashion that does not fit into any other setup type. If not formal set-up is requested in
these rooms, “Regular” seating style should be entered.
Square: enclosed, hollow, square that is useful for discussions. Not recommended for presentations.
U-shape: best for presentations for groups under 30 people. Tables are placed in a U-Shape surrounded
by chairs on the outside.
Theatre Style: Also referred to as auditorium or lecture-style seating. Rooms can be setup theatre style
with rows of chairs facing a podium, head table, or screen.
**You must submit a room diagram for any setup request that does fit any of these traditional setup