Re-inventing Internal
Controls in the
Digital Age
April 2019
2 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
1. Foreword: Vision of the Future
2. Executive Summary
3. Methodology
4. Integrated Control Framework
5. Key Technologies and Associated Risks
6. Key Risks
7. Stakeholder Impact
8. Challenges to Organisation Transformation
9. Conclusion
2 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
3 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
We would like to thank the following roundtable participants and interviewees for their knowledge
contributions and valuable insights:
Eric Ang, Senior Vice President, Group Compliance, United Overseas Bank Limited
Daniel Berenbaum, Vice President Finance, Group Compliance, Asia Pacic Chief Financial Ofcer, Globalfoundries
Dietrich Benjes, Vice President & General Manager APAC, Varonis Systems Ltd
Sudeep Chatterjee, Associate Vice President, Partnerships, MetricStream Inc
Kevin Fitzgerald, Regional Director, Asia, Xero
Anirban Kumar Ghosh, Asia Pacic Controller, Jones Lang La Salle
Rajeev Gupta, Regional Financial Controller, Avaya Singapore Pte Ltd
OoiLing Hon, Vice President Operations Finance Asia, Finance – FSAP, Four Seasons Hotels Ltd
Helen Kim, Head of Customer Sales, ALEX Solutions
James Lee, Director of Finance, Sotel
Shawn Leong, Director, Handshakes
Lim Soon Hock, Managing Director, PLAN B ICAG, Adjunct Professor, National University of Singapore
Sarah Nabaa, Vice President, SE Asia & ANZ,
Vincent Lim, Chief Financial Ofcer - Asia Pacic, Datalogic
Rajendra Kumar Shreemal, Chief Financial Ofcer, QuEST Global Engineering
Cherie Sim, Regional Finance Manager, Owndays Co. Ltd
Joyce Tong, Director Finance & Procurement, Info-communications Media Development Authority
Wah Yee How, Deputy Director, Finance (Shared Services), Public Utilities Board
Andrew Watson, Regional Financial Controller, ASEAN ANZ, Association of Chartered Certied Accountants
Wong Kiew Kwong, Head of Internal Audit, SMRT Corporation Ltd
4 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Vision of the Future
Companies put in place internal
controls to safeguard assets,
prevent fraud, verify nancial
records, monitor organisational
performance and ensure efcient
and uninterrupted ow of business.
Digital technologies are transforming
traditional industries and business
models. They are also impacting
common control procedures, the
overall control environment, risk
management and audit.
Some companies are using sensors
to monitor the quality of their
manufacturing plants and operations.
Others have implemented distributed
ledgers to track their supply chain
from raw ingredients all the way
to end products. Robotic Process
Automation (RPA) is being used
by nance and operations to
automate controls and improve
precision, whilst Articial Intelligence
(AI) is allowing organisations to
continuously monitor and visualise
enterprise risks in real time and
propose actions.
In this report, we consider how
contemporary technologies are
allowing improvements to business
processes and control environments
to be realised.
Referencing COSO’s
internal control framework,
we see how organisations are
using predictive analytics and
experimenting with blockchain and
drones to strengthen their controls.
However, introducing new
technologies comes with risks,
particularly around cybersecurity
and data privacy. We show that it is
critical to balance innovation with
safety and security to mitigate
the risks.
The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) is a joint initiative to combat corporate fraud. It was established in the United States by ve private sector
organisations, dedicated to guide executive management and governance entities on relevant aspects of organizational governance, business ethics, internal control, enterprise risk management,
fraud, and nancial reporting. COSO has established a common internal control model against which companies and organisations may assess their control systems. COSO is supported by ve
supporting organizations: the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), the American Accounting Association (AAA), the American Institute of Certied Public Accountants (AICPA), the Institute
of Internal Auditors (IIA), and Financial Executives International (FEI)
5 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Executive Summary
Key Findings
1. Internal control concepts
and principles, such as those in
COSO’s Integrated Internal Control
Framework, will continue to be
applicable and relevant in the digital
age. In fact, technology can make
internal controls even more effective,
efcient and pervasive.
2. Even basic automation can
improve internal controls by
instilling discipline in organising
and standardising processes.
However, a process and its controls
must be designed appropriately
before automation is considered.
Automating a poor process is
counter-productive and may increase
risk. Technology can also give
rise to new risks that may not be
adequately addressed by current
internal control systems.
3. Many organisations are already
deploying or exploring emerging
technologies for control tasks
or processes, for example, AI
for anomaly detection, or drone
technology for inspections and aerial
surveillance (refer to page 14). In the
future, we expect these technologies
to be used more widely for
control purposes.
4. When supply chains are
connected to blockchain and the
Internet of Things (IoT), controls
span across an entire ecosystem
of companies and individuals
interacting through technology. The
boundary between internal and
external controls will be blurred. As
a result, the concept of “internal’
controls may have to be rethought
and revised accordingly.
5. In the digital age, data
governance and control culture will
become more important as more
controls become embedded in
automated systems. Beyond this,
a level of professional skepticism
must remain to challenge the
systems and be able to identify
when the system could be wrong.
The CFO and nance function
plays a key role in both embedding
a data-driven control culture and
maintaining a skeptical mind-set.
6. Continuous testing and
monitoring of controls requires
interdisciplinary teams and skill
sets of audit specialists (for testing
controls), business process owners
(for overseeing their processes) and
technical staff (for building
the technology enabled
control systems).
of CEOs believe data is critical/important to understand the risks
to which the business is exposed, but only 22% feel their data is
comprehensive enough for this.
Source: PwC’s 22nd Global CEO Survey 2019
“As you would expect, the risk of human error
is high with manual processes. Additionally, you
don’t always achieve the level of transparency
that you would like. Many nance departments in
Singapore are still working on Excel spreadsheets
- even basic automation would signicantly
improve controls and transparency.
Daniel Berenbaum, Vice President Finance,
Asia Pacic Chief Financial Ofcer, Global Foundries
6 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
“JLL Property is a data company, so we have to
protect the data. As a Proptech company we can
do valuations of a London property from our desks
in Singapore using IoT sensors. We put sensors in
our buildings and analyse the data remotely and
continuously. We do not need to send our people
down to sites to physically check if anything
is faulty.
Anirban Kumar Ghosh, Asia Pacic Controller
Jones Lang LaSalle
The world is buzzing with new
technologies. Organisations are
adapting their strategies and
business models as new players
capture parts of traditional
value chains. Much focus has
been on the growth benets of
technological innovation, but risk
and control functions are also
starting to derive benets. In this
report, we share examples of
companies using technology to
reinvent internal controls, while
reducing risk and cost at the
same time. The latest technologies
companies use include:
Cloud Computing – Near
limitless processing power
of cloud computing allows
powerful machine learning
algorithms to analyse all
transaction data and identify
anomalous activities.
Robotic Process Automation
(RPA) – Software bots can run
certain processes and control
activities with greater reliability
and at lower cost than
human staff.
Articial Intelligence (AI)
Natural Language Processing
(NLP) algorithms (a form of
machine learning) can scan
large text documents and
check for values, accuracy
and consistency with other
Drones – Unmanned vehicles
equipped with video cameras
can be used to verify the
quality and quantity of assets
in hard to reach locations, such
as tall buildings, construction
sites and out at sea.
Blockchain – A distributed
ledger of cryptographically
secured transactions in a
supply chain network can
mitigate risks of unauthorised
alteration of records.
The use of these technologies will
create more data, raising concerns
around cyber and information
security risk, as well as fair, ethical
and permissible use of data.
Putting in place AI to augment or
replace human decision-making in
a responsible way will require four
key components to be assessed –
fairness, explainability, safety
and accountability.
Internal controls will impact
multiple stakeholders. Technology
will impact how management and
other lines of defence operate.
Audit committees have a role to
play in dening expectations, tone
and control culture. Traditionally
seen as providing oversight, this
may also verge on accountability
for achieving a high level of
precision on an organisation’s
control environment.
Executive Summary
External bodies, such as auditors
or regulators, will change the
way supervisory activities
are performed. This creates
an opportunity to collaborate
effectively, harmonise and
align assurance efforts among
7 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
The key challenge that
organisations must overcome
arises not from technology, but
from its adoption. Some people in
the organisation may resist change
due to fear of being replaced,
others may not use the tools
effectively due to lack of skills or
training. A well thought through
change programme, supported
and driven from the top, is critical
to transform control functions and
prepare them for the future.
Ultimately, organisations that
embrace change will not just
be able to manage risks more
effectively, but will experience
signicant benets to their growth
and bottom line.
In order to better understand how
organisations have implemented
and operated internal controls
using new technologies and to
study their impact on stakeholders
(including CFOs, Auditors, Audit
committee members and others),
this research used a variety of
methods to gather feedback
and data.
A roundtable discussion was
conducted with CFOs in October
2018. An online survey was
distributed in December 2018
and January 2019. Concurrently,
interviews with CFOs, auditors
and others were conducted.
This was supplemented by
desktop research. The full list of
participants of the roundtable and
interviews can be found in the
Acknowledgements (page 3).
Executive Summary
“I expect more companies to adopt technology,
including data analytics, to enhance business
performance, risks management, controls and
governance but the speed of adoption is
the challenge.
Wong Kiew Kwong, Head of Internal Audit
SMRT Corporation Ltd
8 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Integrated Control
The most widely recognised
internal controls framework is
the COSO framework, which was
incepted in 1992. While it has
been updated since then, the
fundamentals have not changed.
COSO denes internal control
as follows:
“Internal control is a process,
effected by an entity’s board of
directors, management, and other
personnel, designed to provide
reasonable assurance regarding the
achievement of objectives relating
to operations, reporting and
The well-known COSO cube
denes ve integrated components
across three categories of
objectives and different levels of
organisational structure.
Even with the advent of new
technologies, from cloud
computing to AI, COSO’s
framework remains relevant
and effective. The framework
recognises that technological
innovation creates both
opportunities and risks.
Technology, used in the right
way, can enable organisations to
address COSO’s 17 principles
across ve components
more effectively.
The COSO guidance further
explains that, “The principles in
the framework do not change with
the application of technology. This
is not to say that technology does
not change the internal control
landscape. Certainly it affects
how an organisation designs,
implements, and conducts internal
control, considering the greater
availability of information and the
use of automated procedures, but
the same principles remain suitable
and relevant.”
This is evident in the rst
component - Control Environment.
COSO breaks down the Control
Environment into ve principles
which companies should apply
to deliver effective control. One
of these principles is, “The
organisation demonstrates a
commitment to attract, develop,
and retain competent individuals in
alignment with objectives.”
Through the use of predictive
models on employee movement
or behavioural analytics to identify
candidates with the right cultural
t, companies are now enabling
strategic workforce planning with
greater sophistication. E.g. controls
can proactively address competency
retention. Singaporean bank, DBS,
uses analytics to predict with very
high accuracy whether a sales
person will quit over the next nine
In a recent interview with
, Piyush Gupta
CEO, DBS explained, “It [AI system]
uses data science. We can track
basically everything that signals
the employee’s engagement or
disengagement: what time do they
come to work, how many times do
they access email. We send a list
to the managers and say, “We think
these are the people who are likely
to quit in the next year,” and the
manager has the choice of whether
to engage with the person ahead
of time.”
9 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Organisations are using
data analytics to track
accountabilities assigned
to senior roles, and their
respective delegations.
The metrics are used to
measure and track the
performance and activity
against accountabilities
and responsibilities.
Figure 1: Dashboard for continuous monitoring of senior role KPIs
Within the control environment
component, COSO also has a
principle around accountability of
performance and internal controls.
In recent times, shareholders and
communities have raised concerns
around lack of accountability,
which sparked regulators to step
in to encourage and enforce
In response, organisations are
using data intelligence to provide
transparency and visibility into
key accountability indicators and
tracking these quantitatively. This
gives real time transparency to
appropriate controls, delegation
and problem management and
even whether individuals are
exhibiting the right behaviours
and conduct.
Ultimately, the way organisations design and operate controls can
be disrupted with technology. Every layer of internal control is being
transformed, and modern day Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC)
technologies (e.g. Figure 2) are illustrations of how businesses are digitising
their entire approach to control governance, including culture and conduct.
10 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Contemporary GRC solutions use technology to tie various components together. Some organisations use
platforms such as MetricStream to manage their enterprise governance, risk and compliance functions.
The process for enterprise Risk Assessment leverages MetricStream to provide a continuous view of risks
throughout the organisation. These are updated dynamically, allowing the company to respond, adapt and
remain agile. Through case management, frameworks of risk taxonomies and regulatory obligation & policy
repositories, the system helps the second line of defence to communicate and enforce control activities.
Monitoring of control activities is enabled through self-assessments and audit management capabilities. By
centralising and making available all the data, this helps the organisation achieve adequate information and
communication. Ultimately, GRC technology enables senior management to have clearer visibility of their risk
prole and internal control environment, achieving greater responsibility and accountability, and driving better
business performance.
Figure 2: MetricStream enables monitoring of entity-wide risks
Integrated Control Framework
11 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Technological advancement
impacts how organisations operate.
While the focus on transformation
is often prioritised on customer
facing operations, companies are
starting to realise that in order to
have greater business resilience,
they must disrupt the organisation
(including internal controls)
The core elements of people,
processes, technology and data
thread through any activity.
Addressing each of these within
an organisational culture that
supports innovation and creativity
is important for harnessing
emerging technologies.
The following section explores how
modern technologies will impact
internal controls.
PwC’s Essential Eight are technologies that every organisation should
consider to derive business impact and have strong commercial viability.
Internet of Things
Articial intelligence
3D printing
Augmented reality
Key Technologies and
Associated Risks
The Race for Relevance, Technology opportunities for the
Finance Function, ACCA, 2017.
Figure 3: PwC’s Essential Eight
Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age 11
12 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
The general message is that
organisations must be satised
with their overall control
environment, even when using
outsourced service providers
such as cloud: “MAS is amiable
to financial institutions leveraging
cloud-computing services. As in
any outsourcing arrangement,
institutions should perform
due diligence as well as risk
assessments relating to outsourcing
and implement appropriate
governance framework, processes
and control measures to manage
and mitigate risks associated with
such engagements.” - MAS (2016)
In order to address trust issues
around hybrid and multi-cloud
environments, every organisation
needs to conduct risk and control
assessments in line with industry
standards, frameworks and best
practices and take appropriate
remedial measures.
Additional consideration may be
required to evaluate unforeseen
risks due to an organisation’s
current lack of familiarity with
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is not considered
an emerging technology anymore,
but it is important to rst consider
this as its use is so pervasive
It has become a business in excess
of $250bn
in 2018 with many
organisations adopting the use of
cloud providers for their IT needs,
from infrastructure to platforms
and software.
Heightened risks could arise
through the use of hybrid cloud
technology. Organisations must
therefore implement appropriate
controls to strengthen their
IT environment.
Many cloud providers have high
standards of controls that can
be passed on to their customers,
e.g. control certications and
attestations of their technology
control environment, along with
tools to help organisations deliver
their internal control objectives.
Even with these in place,
organisations still need to be
accountable for their own controls
across hybrid and multi
cloud environments.
Some of the key risks that
organisations must address revolve
around data. Personal data is
protected by laws and regulations
in many countries, e.g., Singapore’s
Personal Data Protection Act
(PDPA) and the EU’s General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR).
On a broader perspective,
cybersecurity risks have increased
due to the use of third party
infrastructure and multiple data
centres, where applications and
data reside.
Having the right controls over
the infrastructure, platform,
applications and data is critical.
Working together with the cloud
provider to achieve this
is necessary.
Some countries, such as China,
impose strict laws over data
residency. In Singapore, the
nancial services regulator,
Monetary Authority of Singapore
(MAS), uses a more pragmatic
approach, requesting nancial
institutions to consider cloud usage
from the perspective of Technology
Risk Management and
Outsourcing Guidelines.
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
13 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Figure 3: AWS’s shared responsibility framework depicts the customer’s and AWS’s security responsibilities
Customer data
Platform applications, identity & access management
Regions Availability zones Edge locations
Storage Database Networking
Operating system, network & rewall conguration
Hardware/AWS global infrastructure
Client-side data
encryption & data
integrity authentication
Server-side encryption
(File system and/or data)
Networking trafc
protection (encryption,
integrity, identity)
Responsibility for
security “in” the cloud
Responsibility for
security “of” the cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS) shared responsibility security framework
To assist customers with their own obligations, AWS provides services to allow customers to protect their data.
As organisations migrate and produce more data on AWS, they may look to rich analytics services such as
Amazon Macie for data security needs. Leveraging machine learning, Macie allows organisations to discover
the sensitive data that resides in their cloud instance. Once identied, the service is able to provide alerts to
customers if there are indicators that the data is being accessed or moved in an unusual fashion. The alerts can
then be sent for automated remediation and tracking in the customer’s security ticketing system. This can help
address risks around unauthorised access or data leaks in relation to Personally Identiable Information (PII) and
Intellectual Property (IP).
Cloud service providers, such as AWS, provide assurance to their customers and other stakeholders via
attestations and certications. Examples are SOC 1/2/3 (control reports) and ISO 27001 (security management
controls). Other methods of assurance, such as Singapore’s Outsourced Service Provider Audit Report (OSPAR),
go beyond SOC reports by referencing regulatory guidance on outsourcing. However, organisations must keep
in mind their own responsibilities, recognise that their own control environment should be suitably evaluated for
risks, and address these through independent audits. Furthermore, with tools (e.g. Real-time Insights on AWS)
to enable real-time auditing becoming increasingly available, risk proles can be reduced, allowing controls to
become more preventative in nature rather than detective or point in time.
When customers engage Amazon Web Services (AWS), responsibility for security is shared. Typically, AWS
assumes responsibility for “security of the cloud”, while customers are responsible for “security in the cloud.”
With this model, an organisation’s duties are made simpler as AWS takes on the onus of security for key
infrastructure and physical components.
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
14 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Drones are unmanned aerial
vehicles, which can be equipped
with a ground based controller and
on-board cameras. Data captured,
such as videos and images, can
be transmitted back to the base for
analysis. The benets include speed
of image capture, ability to access
remote locations (e.g. out at sea),
controlling health and safety risks of
humans, and greater precision.
The construction industry has
benetted from drones in multiple
areas of internal control. When large
assets are being constructed across
a vast area (either horizontally or
vertically), using drones can help
several control objectives:
Reporting: Used to verify
existence, valuation and work in
progress of the developments.
Compliance: Providing a
bird’s eye view of a site allows
surveying to be done quickly to
check compliance with stringent
health and safety regulations.
Operational objectives: Acting as
a deterrent to workforce cutting
corners and to maintain a high
quality of work.
Drones can be subject to specic
risks given their aerial nature.
Aviation authorities and the industry
need to develop complex air
trafc management systems for
preventing collisions. Cross border
risks and ight paths must also be
addressed. Data privacy is a concern
given that drone operators collect
a vast amount of data, including
condential or sensitive information
about property or behaviours.
Ownership and usage of such data
must be carefully addressed.
Source: Clarity from above: transport infrastructure: The commercial applications of drone
technology in the road and rail sectors, PwC, Jan 2017
Drones are being used for car monitoring and stocktaking within
a railyard. This has traditionally been time consuming and labour
intensive, due to the vast amount of individual elements that can be
present. Today, autonomous drones can operate within a pre-dened
area, equipped with scanners and cameras to identify particular
cars with a real-time ight control system to prevent collisions. This
solution is developed to autonomously detect damage to cars,
signicantly speeding up the inspection and stocktaking processes
and cutting the costs of operating and managing a rail eet.
Stocktaking can be conducted in parallel to the maintenance
monitoring process. Precision can be increased by tagging assets
with identifying labels, such as barcodes, transceivers or radio
frequency IDs. Allowing drones to scan and compare assets against
a catalogue of data can identify changes, addressing risks such as
abnormalities or absences that could indicate theft.
Stock takes using drones
Increasingly, shipping companies are using drone technology to
replace the manual checks that their surveyors and ship inspectors
used to conduct. Capturing the images for the ships out at sea
enables the company to perform surveys and checks, such as,
analysing ship conditions, checking cargo’s conformance to
contracts and export regulations, and in the co-ordination of the
planned loading/discharging of commodities or containers at port.
In addition, some ports impose strict regulations, requiring ships to
be “cleaned” before entering the ports, e.g. “biofouling” ships will
be imposed with penalties and ships are not allowed to enter such
ports to protect the sea waters. Tighter controls also benet good
actors by creating a fairer playing eld.
Drone inspections have provided benets through greater human
safety, precision ,and efciency and the ability to share video and
image with its customers, allowing enhanced level of service.
Other than strengthening the operational controls, this concurrently
addresses nancial reporting controls by ensuring adequate cut-off,
supported by the speed at which these measures can be translated
back to nancial gures at period end.
Source: A global shipping services company
Shipping companies using drones for
compliance checks
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
15 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Robotic Process
Automation (RPA)
Not to be confused with industrial
robots, Robotic Process Automation
(RPA) software is a powerful tool to
perform manual, time-consuming,
rules-based ofce tasks at shorter
cycle times and lower costs than
other automation solutions. RPA
replicates end user activities,
typically through a Graphical User
Interface (GUI) that sits on top
of other front-end and back-end
Due to its relative ease of use,
controlling access to RPA software
and IT change management is key.
Many business users may treat it
as an End User Computing (EUC)
element, which inherently may not
have strong Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC) and IT general
controls in place. Furthermore,
as RPA can quickly process large
volumes of transactions, ensuring it
has been set up and programmed
appropriately is important; erroneous
setup can quickly affect millions of
These risks can all be managed
within the usual IT controls if
followed in a robust manner. Looking
at what processes to automate
goes beyond IT and organisations
should fundamentally consider the
design of the underlying process
before applying the automation; this
will prevent the risk of automating a
poorly designed process.
Finally, as RPA may be applied to a
subset of an end to end process, it is
also important to evaluate the risks
that may arise both downstream and
upstream of the RPA application.
This may be overlooked when
organisations focus too much on the
automated tasks in isolation.
Current processing
RPA enabled processing
RPA enabled processing
Straight through pass Straight through pass
Automated processing
High total cost of ownership due to high resource requirement
Potential reduction to ~10% of current costs
Typically 1-3% error rate and ROI of over 300%
Negligible error rate (<0.05%)
Limited scaling and exability due to resource requirements and
manual dependancies
Provides scalability of solution
Potential for impact to compliance due to manual nature of tasks
High process compliance due to automated nature of processing
Staff focussed on low-value, iterative processing tasks Staff focussed on handling value-added and complex tasks
Typically days and hours
Minutes and seconds
Staff focus
Processing time
Scalability &
PwC estimates that 45% of work
activities can be automated, saving
$2 trillion in global workforce costs.
Using RPA allows organisations
to digitise expensive, error prone
manual processes and internal
controls. Every step in the process,
every activity performed and all
sources of data have a digital audit
trail. By carefully planning control
processes, a company can embed
thresholds and guidelines into the
automated processes, expediting
testing and risk compliance.
This reduces errors, improves quality,
and compliance and customer
satisfaction through reduced queries
and complaints. RPA is being used
by all lines of defence, from operating
controls such as reconciliations (rst
line) to testing controls either as a
compliance function (second line) or
independently as Internal Audit
(third line).
“I believe that RPA will reduce the risk of human
errors in internal controls as well as lessen the
labour required for checking. Reducing human error
will also improve data accuracy substantially.”
Cherie Sim, Regional Finance Manager
Owndays Co. Ltd
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
16 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
“You cannot take away the human
veriability quality; only a human
can give the assurance.
James Lee, Director of Finance
Control Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
A computer programme that does
something smart; replicating human
logic and behaviour
Supervised Learning: Technique for building predictive models from known input and labelled response data
Unsupervised Learning: Technique used to draw inferences from datasets consisting of input data without
labelled responses.
Machine Learning
Ability to learn without being explicity
Deep Learning
Algorithms that extract complex
representations in layers, emulating
the human brain’s ability to observe,
analyse, learn and make decisions.
Figure 4: Types of Articial Intelligence
We typically distinguish three types of
data analytics (in order of increasing
Descriptive analytics summarises
and visualises what happened.
Predictive analytics anticipates
what will happen.
Prescriptive analytics provides
recommendations on
what to do.
Many organisations are combining
data analytics with automation to help
monitor their business. With the data
of transactions captured becoming
the norm through Enterprise Resource
Planning systems, real-time or
periodic monitoring can be used as
preventive and detective controls
to avert risks. Richer sources of
data and Big Data technologies
are allowing more sophisticated
techniques, moving from analysing
past performance towards predicting
future risks.
AI systems enable predictive
methods for analytics, and aim
to derive insights from data and
propose the best actions to take in
order to achieve a given goal. They
can learn to adapt their behaviour
through analysing the effect on the
environment based on
previous actions.
Organisations are using AI systems
to perform cognitive functions
(based on perception, reasoning,
learning and problem solving) and to
assist and augment human decision-
making. In recent years, most of
the advances in AI have come
from the eld of machine learning,
in particular deep learning and
reinforcement learning.
The hospitality sector is one
industry that uses AI and data
analytics extensively. Hotel chains
operate globally and deal with
millions of customer records and
transactions. To protect customer
data, such organisations are looking
to data analytics technologies to
continuously scan their systems, to
ensure they minimise threats and
keep the systems up to date.
Another risk in this sector is in the
food & beverage operations, which
are particularly susceptible to frauds.
Continuous monitoring using data
analytics allows patterns such
as application of discounts, void
transactions and splitting of cheques
to be identied and investigated
early and proactively.
The banking sector is also a target
for fraud. Credit card providers have
long been using analytics to detect
suspicious activities, e.g. large
values of overseas transactions.
However, detection only happens
after the transaction has occurred.
Contemporary methods based
on predictive analytics are able to
generate alerts and block suspicious
transactions in real time. Machine
learning algorithms have taken on a
more preventive and proactive role
in helping credit card institutions to
detect unseen/unknown types of
fraud at early stages by analysing
wider sets of data sources.
One key risk is the black box nature
of AI. Will an organisation be able to
trust a computer to operate controls
when it is not immediately visible
or explainable how the machine
reaches its decisions? Technical
approaches to produce transparency
and to explain AI can be used to
“open up the black box”.
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
17 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Companies with large assets (e.g. trains or lifts) that need maintenance have traditionally relied on scheduled
maintenance activities to control risks of mis-functioning or malfunctioning. Modern techniques use device
sensors to collect continuous feeds of data relating to the assets and its environment.
Aviation companies, such as Singapore Airlines, employ predictive analytics to enhance their maintenance
controls, generating cost savings from preventing ight delays. American conglomerate, Honeywell, is working
with Singapore Airlines to deploy Internet of Things (IoT) devices which monitor a variety of components (e.g.
wheels and brakes) and systems (e.g. air-conditioning and pressurisation). Machine learning can help to identify
components that are likely to fail, alert maintenance personnel and prevent delays from happening.
“The airlines will not only receive better and more predictive maintenance services that will reduce mechanical
delays and cancellations, the use of connectivity and analytics will make flying more efficient and cost effective.”
- Brian Davis, Vice-President, Airlines, Asia Pacic & Aerospace Leader, Honeywell International
United Overseas Bank (UOB) applies analytics in their compliance function to enhance its Anti-Money
Laundering (AML) surveillance.
The use of advanced data analytics within UOB’s AML framework has enabled the bank to identify risks that
may arise from triggers such as new sanctions faster and more accurately.
The bank is also using advanced analytics such as statistical programming languages and visual analytics
to determine targeted risk areas to better prioritise business reviews on potential high risk clients or
transactions. Transactions of concern that are identied from these reviews are fed back into the AI-driven
data analytics solutions to improve the way in which it identies risks.
UOB plans to deepen the way in which it is using AI in compliance, such as exploring deep learning to
provide contextual analysis on news articles. These automated and intelligent searches can then feed into
the risk proles of customers to enhance the Know Your Customer (KYC) process.
Predictive maintenance in the airline industry
Banks’ second line of defence leverages AI
Source: United Overseas Bank
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
18 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
How it works
requests a
The transaction
is complete
The new block is then added to the existing
blockchain, in a way that is permanent
and unalterable
The requested
transaction is
broadcast to a P2P
network consisting
of computers known
as nodes
The network of nodes
validates the transaction
and the user’s status using
known algorithms
A veried
can involve
contracts, records,
or other information
Once veried,
the transaction
is combined with
other transactions
to create a new
block of data for
the ledger
Blockchain is a decentralised
ledger of all transactions across
a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. It
allows participants to transact
with each other securely and
transparently without the need for
a central authority. Blockchains
can be categorised based on the
permission model.
If anyone can read from and write
to a blockchain, it is permissionless
(public). If only particular users
have reading and writing rights,
the blockchain is permissioned
(private). Permissionless
blockchains have no central
authority and everybody can
participate. There are economic
incentives (typically earning
some type of cryptocurrency)
to participate in the consensus
mechanisms that secure the
network. In a permissionless
blockchain, the ledger and full
transaction history are public.
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum,
DASH, Ripple and Hyperledger
are examples of popular public
Permissioned blockchains use
the same distributed architecture
as permissionless blockchains,
but only selected participants are
allowed to record and/or read
transactions on the ledger.
The consensus mechanism can
be adapted to the level of trust
between participants. Banks,
logistics, insurance and health care
rms have all built prototypes of
private blockchains.
It is a common misinterpretation
to assume blockchain networks
are “trustless” environments.
While there is no trusted third
party certifying transactions
in permissionless blockchain
networks, there is still a great deal
of trust needed to work within
a blockchain network. One of
the biggest barriers to corporate
blockchain adoption is the lack of
trust in the technology, especially
around reliability, speed, security,
scalability, interoperability and
regulatory oversight.
From a regulatory compliance
or audit perspective, blockchain
technology holds great promise.
Rather than having to trust a
central authority (e.g. government
or bank), counterparties can
transact with each other directly
via a decentralised ledger. Once
a transaction is validated by
all nodes through a consensus
mechanism and added to the
ledger, it cannot be altered without
compromising the entire chain –
it is permanent.
Although many prototypes have
been built in the last ten years,
blockchain is still a few years away
from widespread application at
scale. The technology struggles with
inefciencies, high energy costs for
mining, trust concerns and lack of
standardisation. Recent declines
in investments and cryptocurrency
prices have led to a certain (some
might say well overdue) shake-up
and consolidation of the sector.
However, as of early 2019 many
promising projects are moving
ahead and interesting products are
being built for supply chain, trade
nance, insurance, health care,
land registries, KYC, self-sovereign
identity and data sharing.
If transactions are on blockchain,
certain control activities (either within
a company or in the entire ecosystem
of participants) will become easier.
VeChain is a distributed business
ecosystem platform for logistics,
supply chain, product lifecycle and
data management. Using blockchain
technology allows VeChain to provide
transparency in supply chain and
in turn protects client brands and
enables verication and traceability
of products.
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
19 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
This addresses risks around
product veriability and integrity,
country of origin and transaction
lifecycle. It establishes trust in
industries such as food & beverage
supply. Vintage wine, for instance,
is a valuable asset and needs to be
protected from tampering, diluting
and counterfeit.
While blockchain technology in
itself is highly secure and reliable,
it does not provide account/
wallet security. Credential and
key management is crucial to
protecting digital assets stored on
the blockchain.
Smart contracts bridge the gap
between the physical world and the
digital world by encoding complex
business, nancial and legal
arrangements onto the blockchain.
These contracts, just like traditional
business rules, are subject to errors
in coding and in interpreting
intended outcomes.
Furthermore, as with any
automated system, most failures
will occur at the hand-offs.
No matter how secure the
blockchain technology is,
organisations will have to carefully
consider who will have access to
the data and encryption keys.
DNV GL is a company that has created a blockchain solution using VeChain. Wine bottles have a QR-Code,
allowing consumers to see the full history of the product and its journey from grape to bottle.
“My Story illuminates products and their supply chain for the benefit of consumers, who will have instant and
in-depth access to key product characteristics such as quality, authenticity, origin, ingredients, water and
energy consumption and more, all verified by DNV GL along the entire transformation process,”
says Luca Crisciotti, CEO of DNV GL – Business Assurance.
Crisciotti continued to explain that using My Story would allow stakeholders within the supply chain to gain
trust across various aspects, such as environmental and ethical considerations.
This is an example of how blockchain is providing trust at a consumer level. The story of the grape’s journey
has the added effect of creating uniqueness in the participating wine producers (at least initially) which may
have the ability to command premium prices in the market, generating impact throughout the value chain. If
successful, such technology could be valuable for industries subject to counterfeiting, with high applicability
to e-commerce marketplaces.
Wine traceability through blockchain
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
20 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Even though blockchain itself is designed to be tamper-resistant, it usually connects to peripheral layers
(e.g. data entry, access management or storage), which are subject to risk. Auditors traditionally inspect readily
available, historic data ledgers or audit trails; blockchain environments, however, are real-time and do not
include historic ledgers that allow for audit.
PwC’s “Blockchain Validation Solution” solves this by integrating a “read-only” node on the corporate
blockchain to monitor and log all transactions as they occur in order to apply appropriate controls and
continuous testing of all transactions. Transactions that meet specic criteria can be agged for user review and
escalated as needed. Stakeholders can view customised reports via a dashboard.
Auditing a blockchain
Log and test transactions
As transactions occur, the
software automatically logs
them and applies controls and
testing criteria. Transactions that
meet certain criteria are agged
as exceptions for user review.
Provide monitoring and
Users view reports via customised
dashboards, where they view validated
transactions and exceptions. Flagged
transactions can be documented or
escalated, as needed.
Refine approach
As risk and control objectives
change, the company can
adjust the software settings to
meet its new requirements for
blockchain validation.
Customise software
The software is set up to reect
the company’s risk thresholds
and meet the needs of its different
users. E.g. does the organisation
want to monitor all transactions
or only a targeted sample? What
information do internal audit teams
need and which is appropriate for
business leaders?
Install a read-only mode
The solution establishes
a read-only node that is
connected to their blockchain
infrastructure, enabling it to
“see” transactions as
they occur.
4 5
Assess risks and controls
Following the framework,
which covers six domains, the
company considers questions
like how permission is granted
to the network and what
type of encryption is used.
The answers determine the
risk and control objectives
and testing parameters the
company requires to validate its
blockchain transactions.
20 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
21 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Other key emerging technologies
There are many emerging technologies that can shape the future business
landscape. In addition to those discussed previously, let us share a few more.
Other emerging
Application and benefits
Technology and its impact is
profound and presents a plethora
of possibilities. All technologies
discussed will come with risks related
to the data proliferation, hacking and
responsible use.
Organisations must consider these
risks as they adopt technologies.
Some risks can even be mitigated by
using technology itself.
Augmented Reality (AR) and
Virtual Reality (VR): AR bridges
the digital and physical worlds,
providing a digital overlay to the
real world. VR is a fully computer
rendered three-dimensional
immersive experience.
Internet of Things (IoT) describes
the network of physical objects
embedded with sensors,
software, connectivity and
computing capability to collect,
exchange and act on data.
Placing sensors on “Things” can
help to collect data about them
and their environment.
3D printing allows three-
dimensional objects based on
digital models by layering or
“printing” successive layers of
Visualising data, such as building plans, on mobile devices or helmets helps construction
teams in the eld understand how various systems and components t together during
construction. AR can place a model of the structure directly into the view of a site in
real time, allowing workers to see the exact location, assembly instructions, materials
information, warnings and other information associated with a project.
This makes the entire construction process easier and faster. By combining data
gathered through drones with AR capabilities, workers can get access to the most
current information about where and when to install the next piece of a structure or repair
a broken part. While AR can help construction teams, VR helps designers and architects
visualise a structure to see how everything will look. They can make instant changes
smoothly and see the effects immediately without risking delays or serious errors.
More connected devices means more data to analyse, and this has provided
commercial benets in a range of industries. Examples include predictive maintenance
in the transport industry (see page 17) or precision farming techniques in agribusiness,
where data on soil and weather forecast can help distribute water for irrigation precisely.
However, there are risks associated with connected devices. Most devices are simple
sensors without strong security mechanisms in place. Hacking of connected devices
is becoming reality. Vendor support may be lacking or unstable, especially if vendors
operate in a niche area.
However, there are risks associated with connected devices. Most devices are simple
sensors, without strong security mechanisms in place. Hacking of connected devices
is becoming reality. Vendor support may be lacking or unstable, especially if vendors
operate in a niche area.
In the manufacturing industry, companies can better manage inventory by printing what
is needed “on demand”. In the medical domain, printing human parts can assist to
provide prosthetic limbs, or creating personalised replicas of organs that can be used to
simulate interactions with them for medical procedures. This can help mitigate risks of
ineffective procedures within real life surgery.
“There will be 20.4 billion connected things by
2020. Total spending on endpoints and services
will reach almost $3 trillion in 2020.”
Source: Gartner (January 2017)
Key Technologies and Associated Risks
22 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Cyber and Information
Earlier, we shared some of the
risks related to each emerging
technology. An overarching
concern is cyber and information
security. Data that is created
through digitisation is invariably
at risk of being hacked, accessed
by criminals, lost or exposed to
unauthorised users, both internally
and externally.
Cyber and information security
is recognised as a board level
risk, and accountability is on the
business to protect it. However,
the technologies that can expose
organisations to the risks can also
be used to address these risks.
Figure 5: Varonis DatAlert uses machine learning to spot unusual activity to sensitive les to address cyber and
information security risks
Security breaches can result in signicant monetary loss and even greater reputational damage. Many
organisations allow les and folders to be shared across their organisation. As a result, users have far more
access to data than needed to perform their jobs. Embedding strong controls over sensitive data is critical to
prevent data theft by outside attackers or even malicious insiders. One health insurance provider has used
Varonis, a data security platform, to pass a time-sensitive audit by remediating over 850,000 exposed folders
using automation. In a highly regulated environment with sensitive patient data, technology solutions such as
Varonis DatAlert can be used to surface alerts to suspicious activity on le servers. The platform uses machine
learning to continuously monitor and analyse behavioural patterns to les and data, and dene when a user
is acting suspiciously, including comparing their activities against their peers, their normal working hours and
their individual typical behaviours.
AI and automation to strengthen cyber controls
Source: Varonis (
Key Risks
23 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Responsible AI
Every technology needs to be
used responsibly and ethically.
AI is no exception. AI systems
augment human decision making
and continuously learn from their
interactions with humans and
the environment. In the future,
AI systems will likely act more
autonomously, making complex
decisions that previously required
human judgement.
Before humans can fully embrace
AI, they need to know whether it
can be trusted. In recent years,
concerns have grown over
how AI could impact privacy,
cybersecurity, employment,
inequality and the environment.
Conventional technologies (e.g.,
autopilots or industrial robots) run
on software that is deterministic
and therefore predictable.
Trust is built through testing,
auditing, documentation and
other means. AI systems, on the
other hand, are intrinsically non-
deterministic. As the AI agent
interacts with the environment and
learns, its behaviour evolves. How
then can AI be trusted?
Fairness: In the context of AI,
fairness typically refers to the
minimisation of bias. Bias is a
prejudice for or against something
or somebody that may result in
unfair decisions. Since AI systems
are designed by humans, it is
possible that humans inject
their biases into them, e.g. via
the collection of training data.
Companies should check datasets
and models for bias and put in
place suitable bias mitigation
This will reduce the risk of AI-
assisted decisions putting certain
individuals or groups of individuals
at a disadvantage.
of CEOs are most concerned
with the potential for bias and
lack of transparency when it
comes to AI adoption
Several cases of apparent biases observed in real world AI systems have been reported. New Scientist
reported on the Correctional Offender Management Proling for Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) software,
which is a decision support tool widely used in the US that leverages AI based algorithms to predict the
likelihood of a criminal reoffending. In May 2016, the US news organisation, ProPublica, reported that
COMPAS is racially biased. According to the analysis, the system overestimates the risk of recidivism for
black defendants and underestimates it for white defendants.
In the UK, several police force have been similarly using AI for identifying future offenders. One system
aggregates multiple data feeds as indicators of predicting a re-offender. One particular feature used as data
input is the postal code. This has been criticised as re-enforcing existing biases or prejudices in the policing
and judicial systems. The continuous re-training, or machine learning, from biased data can further enhance
these prejudices.
As reported in Wired
, Andrew Wooff, criminology lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University, said:
“You could see a situation where you are amplifying existing patterns of offending, if the police are responding
to forecasts of high risk postcode areas.”
Bias in AI policing systems
Source: PwC’s CEO Pulse Survey 2017
Key Risks
24 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Explainability: Consumers want
to understand how AI models
arrive at decisions, especially if
those decisions impact their own
lives. However, implementing
explainability is non-trivial. There
is a natural trade-off between
explainability and accuracy of
AI models. The development of
interpretable algorithms that are
able to explain their rationale,
strengths, weaknesses and likely
future behaviour is currently a top
priority of both technology rms
and research institutes.
Finance professionals,
accountants and particularly
auditors need to be able to
understand and explain
results. Instead of trying
to explain AI, others
have taken approaches
to focus on results
rather than the “how.”
Banks have adopted
AML systems that
have traditionally
agged suspicious
transactions through
rules, such as sources
of transactions, values
etc. While testing modern
AI systems, one method has
been to compare the outputs
of backtesting and considering
the accuracy through questions
such as:
Does the AI system produce
the same valid alerts that the
rule based system did?
Does the AI system generate
any additional valid alerts that
the rule based system did not?
Does the AI system omit false
alerts that the rule based
system included?
Answering these questions focuses
on improvements in the outputs
rather than on AI logic.
Safety and Security: Fair and
explainable AI systems might still
be unsafe to use. Safe AI models
incorporate societal norms, policies
and regulations that correspond
to established safe behaviours.
Adversarial attacks (e.g. malicious
actors inuencing the behaviour
of an AI model through altered
input datasets) can undermine the
security of critical systems.
Security and robustness of AI can
be improved through rigorous
model validation, performance
benchmarking and continuous
monitoring of decision making.
Accountability and controls:
Companies need to establish
enterprise-wide accountability for
AI applications and consistency
of operations. This encompasses
both internal accountability
(e.g. model governance and
approval authorities) and external
accountability (towards individuals
and groups who request
information on the inputs
for AI decision making).
Controls over AI
should cover input
data, algorithms,
processes and
reporting frameworks.
Continuous testing
and monitoring of
controls requires
interdisciplinary teams
and skill sets of audit
specialists, business
process managers and
technical staff. Ultimately,
AI-driven decision making
will have to be auditable and
traceable, particularly in critical
contexts or situations.
The entire process that leads to
AI-driven decisions needs to be
documented. This can already be
achieved today. Over the next few
years, internal control departments
and external audit rms will
develop more sophisticated audit
methodologies and mechanisms
for AI systems.
Figure 6: What it means to look
inside AI’s black box
Understanding reasoning
behind each decision
Mathematical certainty
behind decisions
Understanding of AI model
decision making
Key Risks
25 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Stakeholder Impact
We have explored the impact of key
technologies on controls as well as
some of the key risks. Stakeholders
will be affected in different ways
within an organisation.
Finance Functions - The nance
function of the future will use
technology to enhance quality
of processes and controls.
Automation of tasks will allow the
nance team to focus on value
adding activities to partner the
business. The CFO and nance
function plays a key role in
embedding the control culture
and environment throughout
the organisation. Other than the
nancial and reporting controls,
nance functions have the ability
to work across the organisation
in value creation and enhancing
They also have the necessary
mind-set of embedding controls
to help meet organisational
One key challenge lies in the
willingness and appetite for
change. Accountants often have
a tendency to want to see things
in hardcopy, even where there
is automation in place. Trusting
systems and AI will need a different
mind-set. This might come more
naturally to the younger and
technology-savvy generation that is
about to enter the workforce.
Internal Audit (IA) - Internal Audit
functions must see emerging
technology from two perspectives.
Firstly, as the business adopts
technology in their controls
organisation-wide, it has to
consider new or heightened risks
that this may present and how they
can provide assurance against
these risks.
Furthermore, does the IA function
have the right skillset to audit
emerging technologies such as AI
and blockchain to address these
new risks?
Secondly, how can the IA
function become a proponent
of technology? Besides being
consistent with how the enterprise
is undergoing transformation, it
must also disrupt its traditional
ways of testing controls and
providing assurance. A focus on
technology in isolation will not be
successful. Leading IA functions
are using technology to lead a
revolution in the way they approach
the entire audit life-cycle.
Having the appropriate people
delivery model and embedding
the right processes within the
audit programme will accelerate
the transformation agenda; which
impacts and benets the
entire organisation.
Source: PwC: Revolution, not evolution - Breaking through internal audit analytics’ arrested development (2018)
Internal Audit functions need to reimagine their entire operating model to accelerate their technology transformation
Function focus
Function Objective driven Team supported Audit integrated
‘Arrested’ evolution How do we ignite a revolution?
Organisation-wide impact
Transformation focus
Tech Tech
Process ProcessPeople
Audit programme
Figure 7: Internal Audit functions need to reimagine their entire operating model to accelerate their
technology transformation
Audit programme
Stakeholder Impact
26 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
IA functions that are relatively
advanced in their use of data
analytics have managed to build
continuous auditing systems.
These are enabled if data analytics
tests can be built into scripts.
When a process is established
to automate the extraction and
transformation of the data from
source systems and loaded into
the scripts, the audit tests can
easily be re-run on a regular
or continuous basis. Some IA
functions have successfully handed
over these processes to the rst
or second lines of defence. If such
systems reside with the business,
they can be considered continuous
monitoring controls whose design
can benet from an IA functions’
control mind-set.
Audit Committees - Audit
Committees have a requirement to
oversee and assist management in
their internal control environment.
By seeing how organisations
change and inuence their control
culture and behaviours, they can
play a positive part in instituting
change for organisations that are
slower to move. However, they are
another set of key stakeholders
who need to have the right
knowledge and mind-set to be
successful. Audit Committees are
generally open to innovation and
change, but being removed from
the business may lead them to
underestimate the real feasibility
and challenges faced.
One Singapore based organisation
experienced challenges to meet
their Audit Committee’s directive
for an analytics driven approach
to control monitoring. It was
challenging to repurpose legacy
systems that were built decades
ago on manual processes and
system records with limited data
analytics capabilities. This made
a truly digital and analytics driven
approach not achievable within the
connes of cost limitations.
External Auditors - External
auditors can rely on the controls
that management has in place,
in addition to doing their own
testing, to gain assurance over
nancial balances. Auditors often
rely on IT systems and controls,
and a company’s use of new
technologies does not change
the fundamental risks over an IT
control environment. However,
risks have increased due to more
pervasive use of technologies and
the ways in which they are used.
For auditors, the key IT control
domains are around development,
security, change management and
operations. In companies ranging
from those with SAP automated
controls in place, to those where
they leverage blockchain for their
smart contracts, auditors can focus
on these IT domains to obtain
assurance over nancial reporting
objectives. However, approaches
may need to be specialised; two or
three decades ago audits required
SAP specialists, today they may
need blockchain expertise.
In addition to knowing the
overarching IT control environment,
they must also ensure that they
are adequately skilled to test
the design and operation of
the automated elements of the
controls. This will require in-depth
knowledge of the technologies
to provide suitable levels of
Even where companies have not
fully adopted modern technologies,
independent audits can be
performed using the technology
that the auditor brings. Audit tools
are becoming sophisticated, e.g.
using drones and AI. These provide
benets in the level of assurance
that can be attained, leading to
a higher quality audit and greater
efciencies in execution.
Stakeholder Impact
27 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Regulators - Regulators are also
starting to embrace digitisation.
Many are not strictly dening
what can or cannot be done by
organisations and instead are
encouraging the fostering of
innovation in a safe way. The
Monetary Authority of Singapore
(MAS), for instance, has issued
guidance on how organisations
can use technology safely in
the Financial Services industry
(Technology Risk Management
PwC is using technology to transform the way it conducts audits globally. Auditors embed data analytics
systems powered by machine learning to identify anomalies in data that are used as a basis for manual
investigation. Being able to interrogate 100% of an organisation’s journal or transaction data allows auditors
to focus on transactions that exhibit unusual patterns of behaviour, versus traditional methods which relied
on random sample testing. The AI element means that the algorithms identify the unusual patterns rather than
relying on humans to analyse and identify suspicious activities.
PwC is using drones to perform stock counts to attest to inventory balances reported in a company’s nancial
statements. In one example, a drone captured over 300 images of a coal reserve at one of the UK’s last
remaining coal-red power stations Aberthaw in South Wales, owned by RWE, one of Europe’s largest energy
rms. The images from the drone were used to create a ‘digital twin’ of the coal pile in order to measure its
volume. The value of the coal was then calculated with more than 99% accuracy based on that
volume measurement.
External auditors using technology for their audits
Figure 8: “The ‘digital twin’ created of one of the coal heaps which shows the points measured by the drone”
Guidelines, 2013). The MAS has
also made regulatory sandboxes
available, allowing organisations
to experiment and innovate,
while containing risks through the
inclusion of specic safeguards
to contain legal and regulatory
Similar to IA functions, regulators
are also embracing technology for
supervisory purposes.
As regulators often collect lings
and receive data from multiple
companies within their respective
industries, being able to attest
to data quality and analyse large
amounts of data has traditionally
been a challenge. Regulators
are using Natural Language
Processing and machine learning
to be able to efciently sift through
large volumes of data, check for
accuracy and perform analytics.
Stakeholder Impact
28 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
people develop and ourish.
Despite all the talk about
automation and AI, companies
that want to succeed need to
focus on harnessing the talents
of the workers who would not be
replaced by automation
anytime soon.
“Technology alone will not bring the desired control in the organisation.
Ultimately, if you want any technology to have impact on the organisation,
it depends upon how well it has been embraced by the company’s
management. The human element of culture is going to play a larger role in a
future technology-driven organisation.
Rajeev Gupta, Regional Financial Controller
Avaya Singapore Pte Ltd
These people will play pivotal roles
in how organisations develop,
compete, create and innovate.
In a future organisation where
technology and humans coexist
and collaborate, human skills such
as creativity, empathy and ethics
will be more important than ever.
Challenges to Organisation
Organisational Culture - Emerging
technologies have fundamentally
changed the way man and machine
work together, creating new
roles, bringing new conicts and
redening trust.
Companies therefore need to
focus on the human experience,
consider employee and customer
interactions and invest in creating
a culture of technology innovation
and adoption. Creating better
human experiences is critical to
raising the “Digital Quotient”. Yet,
customers, employees and culture
continue to get less attention than
strategy and technology, slowing
down the assimilation of
emerging technologies.
Lack of digital skills is typically
named as one of the most
important barriers to getting results
from investments in emerging
technologies. However, capabilities
for the workforce of the future go
beyond just teaching hard skills;
organisations also need to create
an environment that will help
29 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
“At UOB, we harness technology to enhance our customer experience and
to drive our operational performance. For example, the use of AI in regulatory
technology enables us to augment our ability to identify more accurately AML
risks. Our targeted approach of identifying where technology can help us to be
more effective and efcient enables us to achieve real-life benets to internal
and external stakeholders.
Eric Ang, Senior Vice President, Group Compliance
United Overseas Bank Limited
Singapore-based company Handshakes provides data to companies to help them with their relationship
checks valuable for KYC risks, credit checks, bid rigging etc. They use data mining techniques on
unstructured data, including company registries, news repositories and corporate emails to generate
interactive network maps of people and entities.
As reported in The Business Times, Handshakes was used to analyse relationships in government bidding
processes. It identied four cases where there were relationships between tenderers of the same jobs. Such
relationships included common directors and shareholders, as well as common company secretaries and
registered addresses.
Data mining and relationship checking to detect procurement risks
Systems and Data - Organisations
often realise that a barrier to data
analytics lies with the data itself,
both in its availability and its
quality. Organisations that are not
ready cited the absence of data
rich systems within their business
processes as a key challenge. Some
believe that an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system will make
them ready. However, with a bit of
creative thinking, there are methods
to create and enrich data faster than
implementing an ERP:
Data can be acquired from
external sources. Some data
companies are providing
analytics outputs as a service.
Others are monetising their
own data. Marketplaces are
being developed to allow
organisations to buy and sell
corporate data assets.
Manual records can be
digitised. AI techniques
include Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) for digitising
manual records and Natural
Language Processing (NLP) for
understanding the context of
language within a document.
Through this, certain key
elds can be captured from
unstructured text documents.
Data can be enriched. Existing
corporate data can be used
for “feature engineering.” This
creates new elds that can be
used for analytics. E.g. a new
feature could be “time taken
to pay an invoice,” which is
derived from existing data of
“invoice pay date” and “invoice
due date.” Using this newly
created eld, organisations can
improve their cash ow through
better management of early
and late payments or receipts.
Challenges to Organisation Transformation
30 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Poor data quality can be a
hindrance to analytics when
companies realise that the output
of the analytics does not make
sense because the inputs were
incorrect. Companies must address
this from two angles:
Cleanse the historic data
A data cleaning exercise on
past transaction data will allow
it to be used for meaningful
This is both for descriptive
(backward-looking) and
predictive (forward-looking)
Past data can be used as
training data to train machine
algorithms to be able to predict
or forecast into the future.
“The question is who owns the data, and who
controls it? We need to dene who has oversight
of the data, how it’s stored and how it’s cleaned
before we can rely on it for our control activities.
Andrew Watson, Regional Financial Controller, ASEAN ANZ
Association of Chartered Certied Accountants
Maintain good quality data
going forward
Data governance procedures
are put in place to treat data as
an asset and enable analytics
going forward.
Organisations must approach
data governance holistically,
looking at who is accountable
and who owns the data,
right down to measuring the
quality of critical data elds
on a continuous basis.
To oversee the governance
process, companies are
increasingly setting up Chief
Data Ofcer (CDO) functions as
they realise this is a complex
Effective and strategic Data Governance can empower business users to optimise data value through
AI applications. Alex Solutions (“Alex”) is a Data Governance solution that can help organisations nd,
understand, manage and use their own disparate data sources. Alex provides out-of-the-box capabilities to
capture end-to-end data lineage, while discovering the locations of sensitive data and personally identiable
information and understanding usage and access behaviour. Australia’s largest telecommunications provider
used Alex to greatly accelerate its strategic enterprise data management programme that had originally
required large volumes of time consuming manual data asset analysis. Alex automatically identied and
classied key data assets, analysed their relationships and impacts, thereby reducing the effort required to
map data asset lineage, impact analysis and data asset classication by up to 90%.
Tracing data lineage through AI
Challenges to Organisation Transformation
31 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
There is no doubt that technology
can enhance the quality, rigour
and efciency of internal controls.
Organisations must consider how
to embed technology into the
control framework in a safe way,
while taking into consideration the
risks that arise with the use
of technology.
“There is no turning back on the use of technology and those who do not invest
will lose out. People and companies who use technology will be smarter than
those who do not, and we are looking at the next internet revolution driven by
AI, blockchain and data analytics. We are looking at an epochal development
in not just management controls, but also how businesses are run. It is only
limited by how fast humans can act.
Lim Soon Hock, Managing Director, PLAN B ICAG, Adjunct Professor
National University of Singapore
Established risks around
system development, change
management, access and
security still applies, but some
of them are made more critical
by data proliferation and privacy
Besides addressing risks,
organisations must consider how
to use technology responsibly and
ethically, particularly in a future
in which machines will act more
They will face many challenges
along the way, with organisational
culture being a key one. Tone from
the top will be critical to guide this
journey successfully.
of CEOs agree that AI will signicantly change the way they do business in the next ve years.
Source: PwC’s 22nd Global CEO survey 2019
32 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Creating value for our clients, people
and communities is at the heart of
PwC. With a common purpose to build
trust in society and solve important
problems, we are a network of rms
in 158 countries with more than
250,000 people who are committed
to delivering quality in assurance,
advisory and tax services. Our highly
qualied, experienced professionals
help organisations solve their business
issues as well as identify and maximise
the opportunities they seek. Our
industry specialisation allows us to
co-create solutions with our clients for
their sector of interest.
PwC Singapore has been recognised
as Best in Audit Services (CFO
Innovation Awards 2018, 2017, 2015);
People & Talent Award (Biennial
Singapore Accountancy Awards
2018); Graduate Employer of the Year
(Singapore’s 100 Leading Graduate
Employers Award 2011-2017); Best
Practice Award (Biennial Singapore
Accountancy Awards 2016, 2015);
and Best Tax Advisory (HFM Awards
Asia 2015).
PwC refers to the PwC network and/or
one or more of its member rms, each
of which is a separate legal entity.
ACCA (the Association of Chartered
Certied Accountants) is the global
body for professional accountants.
We aim to offer business-relevant,
rst-choice qualications to people
of application, ability and ambition
around the world who seek a rewarding
career in accountancy, nance and
Founded in 1904, ACCA has
consistently held unique core values:
opportunity, diversity, innovation,
integrity and accountability.
We believe that accountants bring
value to economies in all stages of
development. We aim to develop
capacity in the profession and
encourage the adoption of consistent
global standards. Our values are
aligned to the needs of employers
in all sectors and we ensure that,
through our qualications, we prepare
accountants for business. We work
to open up the profession to people
of all backgrounds and remove
articial barriers to entry, ensuring that
our qualications and their delivery
meet the diverse needs of trainee
professionals and their employers.
We support our 208,000 members and
503,000 students in 179 countries,
helping them to develop successful
careers in accounting and business,
with the skills required by employers.
We work through a network of 104
ofces and centres and more than
7,300 Approved Employers worldwide,
who provide high standards of
employee learning and development.
Through our public interest remit,
we promote appropriate regulation
of accounting and conduct relevant
research to ensure accountancy
continues to grow in reputation and
The INSEAD Emerging Markets
Institute (EMI) is a leading think tank
for the creation and dissemination
of credible and timely information
on issues related to business
management, economic development
and social progress in the emerging
This includes the development of
cutting edge pedagogical materials,
research publications and data sets.
EMI creates knowledge through
research and disseminates it for
practical application by the individuals,
organizations and governments who
seek to leverage the opportunities
offered by these dynamic economies.
Based at the Asia campus in
Singapore, and set up in partnership
with the Economic Development Board
of Singapore, the Emerging Markets
Institute reects the changing focus
of global growth and emphasises
INSEAD’s commitment to the region.
INSEAD’s three campuses in
Fontainebleau, Singapore and
Abu Dhabi provide the unique
advantage ofgeographical proximity
to emerging countries across the globe.
For more information, please visit
For more information, please visit
For more information, please visit
32 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
33 Re-inventing Internal Controls in the Digital Age
Andreas Deppeler
PwC | Data & Analytics Director
Vinika Devasar Rao
INSEAD | Executive Director,
Emerging Markets Institute
Andre Tan
PwC | Data & Analytics Director
Pauline Javani
ACCA | Partnership Manager - Employers
Mark Jansen
PwC | Data & Analytics Leader
Joseph Alfred
ACCA | Head of Policy and Technical
© 2019 ACCA, INSEAD EMI and PricewaterhouseCoopers Risk Services Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This
content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation
with professional advisors.