Common Core
CCSS.ELA-Literacy W.K.1: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and
writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or
name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference
about the topic or book.
Essential Question
“Big Idea”
What is opinion writing?
What is an opinion?
MELD Lesson
Utilizing MELD
methodologies to support
mastery of school
language and literacy
Students will participate in a cold write of an opinion.
Access Strategy(ies) /
Incorporated into this
Instructional Conversations facilitated by purposeful use of Participation and
Discussion Protocols
Materials / Resources
Writing Paper, pencils, crayons, MELD Diagnostic Screener, i-PADs, if
students are accustomed to using them for writing
Instructional Strategies:
Whole Group:
Gather students on the rug or near the front of the room.
The teacher will say to students, today you are going to draw a picture
and write about your favorite animal.
The teacher will say to students, “I want you to think about your
favorite animal.”
After giving students time to think of their favorite animal the teacher
will conduct a Whip Around so that each student can share his or her
favorite animal.
Then have students think-pair-share with their partner why it is their
favorite animal.
Writing Prompt: Draw a picture of your favorite animal and write
about the animal you chose.
Directions to students: Draw your favorite animal and tell why it is
your favorite animal.
The teacher will then ask a few students to repeat the directions to
check for understanding.
Independent Work:
The students will return to their seats and receive their writing
The teacher will then reread the prompt and the directions and set the
students to task.
Students will draw and write to express their opinion.
Small Group: Grammar Pre-Assessment
MELD Diagnostic Tool: If you haven’t already done so, administer the
MELD Diagnostic Tool to students one student at a time in order to pre-
assess the Language Rules that will need to be targeted during Grammar
Formative Assessment
Teachers will use students’ writing to assess their needs. Teachers will check
to see that students’ drawing coordinates with their opinion.
Teachers will use the results of the Pre-Assessment to determine the types of
differentiation that will be needed.
Common Core
CCSS.ELA-Literacy W.K.1: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and
writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or
name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference
about the topic or book.
Essential Question
“Big Idea”
What is an opinion?
What is opinion writing?
MELD Lesson
Utilizing MELD
methodologies to support
mastery of school
language and literacy
Students will understand that an opinion is the way you think or feel
about something.
The students will understand how to tell their opinion and how to make
their drawings show what they mean.
Access Strategy(ies) /
Incorporated into this
Instructional Conversations facilitated by purposeful use of Participation and
Discussion Protocols, Academic Vocabulary Development
Materials / Resources
Opinion Poster and Sentence Starter Poster in (Supplemental packet), Writing
Paper, Pencils, Crayons, i-pad, if students are accustomed to using them for
Instructional Strategies:
Whole Group:
Gather students together on the rug or near the front of the room.
Teacher will say, “Sometimes we think or feel a certain way about
something that is an opinion.”
State that opinions are beliefs that people have about things and that
we must tell people why we feel that way.
Teacher will then model different ways to express your opinion (See
Sentence Starter handout)
Introduce opinion writing by activating students’ thinking about a
topic. What is your favorite thing to do at recess?
The teacher will conduct a Whip Around so that each student can
share his or her favorite thing to do at recess.
The teacher will then model how to state a reason why it is their
favorite thing to do at recess.
The teacher will then have students think-pair-share with their partner
a reason for their choice.
Teacher will model writing an opinion. The teacher will model
drawing a picture that coordinates and provides support for the
sentence. (See example below)
Independent Practice:
Tell students it is now time for them to tell their opinion.
Teacher will say today you are going to draw a picture and write about
your favorite thing to do at recess.
The teacher will also explain to students that their drawing should
coordinate with their opinion. For example if they say their favorite
animal is a dog because they can catch a ball. Their picture should
show a dog with a ball.
Encourage students to write a sentence or words under the picture.
But also let them know if they need help you can help them write
words under their picture.
Grammar Mini-Lesson: (10 minutes)
Use the results from the MELD Diagnostic Tool to guide you on the
spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar rules you’ll address
during your grammar mini-lessons.
You can use the California Treasures Writing and Grammar
Intervention Guide’s Section on Linguistic Differences to find the
lessons that can be used to help SELs understand how to compare and
contrast the way a particular grammar rule is used in Home Language
and School Language.
Formative Assessment
Informal observation of students during writing time and dictation.
Checking to see if student drawings support their opinion.
Sentence frames: I like ________ because __________.
Common Core
CCSS.ELA-Literacy W.K.1: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and
writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or
name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference
about the topic or book.
Essential Question
“Big Idea”
What is opinion writing?
What is an opinion?
MELD Lesson
Utilizing MELD
methodologies to support
mastery of school
language and literacy
Students understand its ok to have their own opinion. Student will
understand that they can support their ideas, but must respect the
opinions of others.
The students will understand how to tell their opinion and how to make
their drawings show what they mean.
Access Strategy(ies) /
Incorporated into this
Advanced Graphic Organizer, Instructional Conversations facilitated by
purposeful use of Participation and Discussion Protocols, Academic
Vocabulary Development
Materials / Resources
Opinion Poster, Picture of foods (in supplemental packet), Circle Map,
Writing Paper, Pencils, Crayons, i-PADs, if students are accustomed to using
them for writing
Instructional Strategies:
Whole Group:
Gather students together on the rug or near the front of the room.
The teacher will say, “Do you remember when we studied about
opinion writing yesterday? Raise a righteous hand to tell me what you
can remember about an opinion.” The teacher will allow several
students to respond.
The teacher will then take out the opinion writing that he/she modeled
the day before. The teacher will remind students the importance of
their words/sentences coordinating with their drawing.
Teacher will remind students that everyone has an opinion about
things that matter to them and that our opinions can be different from
others and that you can agree or disagree with someone else’s opinion.
Teacher will tell students that their choice is their own opinion and
when they state their opinion, there is no right or wrong answer.
Teacher will then show students pictures of food to generate their
The teacher will tell students to look at the pictures of food and to
think about which one they like the best.
The teacher will then conduct a Whip Around to poll/tally each
student’s favorite food.
The teacher will then have students think-pair-share with their partner
why that’s their favorite food.
The teacher will then Pick A Stick to have several students tell what
their favorite food is and why.
The teacher will then chose his/her favorite food and model thinking
out aloud and completing a Circle Map with reasons why. (Model
using a food that is not one of the foods pictured.)
Small Group:
Teacher will put students in groups according to which food they like
In small groups students will use Give One Get One to share why they
like that particular food the best.
Independent Work:
Tell students it is now time for them to tell their opinion.
Distribute writing paper to students.
Tell students that they need to create a drawing that reflects/supports
the reason that is their favorite food.
Make sure to let students know the importance of their sentence and
drawing coordinating.
Grammar Mini-Lesson:
Use the results from the MELD Diagnostic Tool to guide you on the
spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar rules you’ll address
during your grammar mini-lessons.
You can use the California Treasures Writing and Grammar
Intervention Guide’s Section on Linguistic Differences to find the
lessons that can be used to help SELs understand how to compare and
contrast the way a particular grammar rule is used in Home Language
and School Language.
Formative Assessment
Students’ writing. Use these sentences to determine the topic for tomorrow’s
Grammar mini-lesson.
Sentence frames for students to use during discussion and during writing.
Common Core
CCSS.ELA-Literacy W.K.1: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and
writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or
name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference
about the topic or book.
Essential Question
“Big Idea”
What is opinion writing?
What is an opinion?
MELD Lesson
Utilizing MELD
methodologies to support
mastery of school
language and literacy
Students will learn how to conduct a close read.
Access Strategy(ies) /
Incorporated into this
Advanced Graphic Organizer, Instructional Conversations facilitated by
purposeful use of Participation and Discussion Protocols, Academic
Vocabulary Development
Materials / Resources
The Beach handout and The Park handout (in supplemental packet), 2 Circle
Instructional Strategies:
Whole Group:
Gather students together on the rug or near the front of the room.
Introduce the concept of Close Read to students in a way that you
think they will understand.
The teacher will explain to students that they are going to have to
decide which place they enjoy more, the beach or the park and to help
them decide they will listen to a story about each place.
The teacher reads the passage The Beach aloud to students.
The teacher will then re-read The Beach aloud to students telling
students to listen closely to the reasons the beach is fun.
The teacher will then pose text-based comprehension questions to
The teacher will have students think-pair-share their responses to the
text-based questions.
The teacher will then complete a Circle Map about The Beach having
students give reasons from the passage why the beach is fun.
Then the teacher reads the passage The Park aloud to the students.
The teacher will then re-read The Park aloud to students telling
students to listen closely to the reasons the park is fun.
The teacher will pose text-based comprehension questions to students.
The teacher will have students think-pair-share their responses to the
text-based questions.
The teacher will then complete a Circle Map about The Park having
students give the reasons from the passage why the park is fun.
Remind students that that they are going to have to decide which place
they enjoy more because they will draw and write about the place they
choose tomorrow.
Grammar Mini-Lesson:
Use the writing samples collected at the close of yesterday’s lesson to
lift some sentences that can be used for a proofreading mini-lesson.
Do not use examples of Home Language during a proofreading lesson,
those are to be used during a revision lesson.
Formative Assessment
The lesson wrap-up.
You may need to give students a sheet of paper so they can take notes and or
draw as you are reading the passages.
Common Core
CCSS.ELA-Literacy W.K.1: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and
writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or
name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference
about the topic or book.
Essential Question
“Big Idea”
What is opinion writing?
What is an opinion?
MELD Lesson
Utilizing MELD
methodologies to support
mastery of school
language and literacy
Students will understand how to tell their opinion and how to make their
drawings show what they mean.
Access Strategy(ies) /
Incorporated into this
Advanced Graphic Organizer, Instructional Conversations facilitated by
purposeful use of Participation and Discussion Protocols, Academic
Vocabulary Development
Materials / Resources
The Beach handout, The Park handout, Circle Maps from Day 4, Writing
Paper, Pencils, Crayons, i-PADs, if students are accustomed to using them for
Instructional Strategies:
Whole Group:
Gather students together on the rug or near the front of the room.
The teacher will tell students “Today you are going to write an
opinion piece that answers this question: In your opinion, which place
do you enjoy more, the beach or the park?
Re-read each passage aloud to the students.
The teacher will then have students think-pair-share with their partner
which place they enjoy more.
The teacher will then have students think-pair-share with their partner
reasons why they enjoy the place they chose.
The teacher will then Pick A Stick to have several students share their
Independent Practice:
The teacher will tell students “It is time for you to tell your opinion by
drawing a picture and writing about which place you enjoy more the
beach or the park?
The teacher will tell students to make sure to pick either the beach or
the park and to draw and write words/sentences about why the like
that place.
The teacher will also tell students that he/she can help them write
words under their picture to tell more about their choice.
The teacher will remind students that a good opinion piece will have a
drawing that matches their word/sentences.
Formative Assessment
Teacher will use students’ writing to assess their needs and to see if they
understand how to state their opinion.
Students may dictate words/sentences to teacher about their drawing.