25 Feb 2022
From: Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Encl: (1) Navy Medicine Logos, Corps Seals, and Brand Guidance
1. Purpose. This instruction establishes requirements of Navy Medicine (NAVMED) logos,
seals, Corps seals, and brand guidance. NAVMED branding enhances the name, reputation, and
public goodwill by ensuring the brand is recognizable and used in a consistent, responsible, and
lawful manner by both internal and external users. The use of NAVMED logos and seals will be
controlled to maintain the integrity of the brand. This instruction is a complete revision and
should be reviewed in its entirety. The changes in subparagraphs 1a through 1c have been
a. Provide updated guidance on designing NAVMED echelon 4 and subordinate command
b. Provide updated guidance on the appropriate usages of Navy Medicine Readiness and
Training Command (NAVMEDREADTRNCMD) and Navy Medicine Readiness and Training
c. Provide approval authority for NAVMED echelon 4 and subordinate command logos.
2. Cancellation. BUMEDINST 5030.3B.
3. Scope and Applicability. This instruction applies to Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(BUMED), echelon 3s, and applicable subordinate commands. NAVMED Public Affairs
officers are responsible for verifying the NAVMED brand, when used for public
communications, Web sites, challenge coins, marketing materials, and public events are used per
this instruction, and notifying BUMED Public Affairs office of improper use. Questions about
the use of the NAVMED logo or Corps seals should be directed to BUMED Communications
(BUMED-M09B7) at [email protected]il.
4. Records Management
a. Records created as a result of this instruction, regardless of format or media, must be
maintained and dispositioned per the records disposition schedules located on the Department of
25 Feb 2022
the Navy (DON) Directorate for Administration, Logistics, and Operations, Directives and
Records Management Division portal page at DRM/Records-and-Information-
Management/Approved%20Record%20Schedules/ Forms/AllItems.aspx.
b. For questions concerning the management of records related to this instruction or the
records disposition schedules, please contact the local records manager or the DON Directorate
for Administration, Logistics, and Operations, Directives and Records Management Division
program office.
5. Review and Effective Date. Per OPNAVINST 5215.17A, Communications
(BUMED-M09B7) will review this instruction annually around the anniversary of its issuance
date to ensure applicability, currency, and consistency with Federal, Department of Defense,
Secretary of the Navy, and Navy policy and statutory authority using OPNAV 5215/40 Review
of Instruction. This instruction will be in effect for 10 years, unless revised or cancelled in the
interim, and will be reissued by the 10-year anniversary date if it is still required, unless it meets
one of the exceptions in OPNAVINST 5215.17A, paragraph 9. Otherwise, if the instruction is
no longer required, it will be processed for cancellation as soon as the need for cancellation is
known following guidance in OPNAV Manual 5215.1 of May 2016.
Releasability and distribution:
This instruction is cleared for public release and is available electronically only via the Navy
Medicine Web site,
25 Feb 2022
1. Overview of Branding Principles
a. Branding emulates best industry practice and helps associate NAVMED with quality care
worldwide. Brand recognition and consistency in messaging are central to our communication
efforts. Our brand is a commitment to our Sailors and Marines that NAVMED will live up to
their expectations of projecting medical power for naval superiority.
b. The unique identity created through the NAVMED logos, Corps seals, and branding
strategy are an asset to the organization over the long-term as outlined:
(1) Allows us to differentiate ourselves from other Federal agencies and private sector
healthcare organizations.
(2) Helps create a long-lasting, easily recognizable identity for our target audiences;
conveys value perceived as high quality, reliable care; and builds loyalty resulting in recruitment
and retention.
(3) Helps the entire organization unite as a cohesive team with common symbols.
c. Branding guidelines have been developed to create and maintain consistency and assist
NAVMED staff in preparing and disseminating information using the NAVMED logos and
Corps seals.
2. NAVMED Echelon 2 Logo
a. The NAVMED echelon 2 logo, as depicted in figure 7-1, is a primary graphic element for
our branding effort. Consistent application and precise production of the logo will identify and
reinforce public awareness of NAVMED. The logo will be used for all official NAVMED
electronic and print communications.
b. The NAVMED echelon 2 logo consists of several key elements:
(1) Red Cross. Internationally recognized as a symbol of medical care and represents our
(2) Golden Rope. Signifies our bond to naval tradition.
(3) Serpent, Caduceus, and Anchor. On the foreground, the serpent wraps around the
shank of an anchor producing the dual image of an anchor and a caduceus. The anchor has long
been a symbol of the U.S. Navy (USN). The use of the entwined serpent recalls the caduceus
(staff), an ancient symbol of healing.
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(4) NAVMED Motto. Medical Power for Naval Superiority.
(5) Blue and Green Quadrants. Represents both land and sea and symbolizes a united
force between USN and U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) to ensure naval maritime superiority.
(6) Inner Red and Gold Rings. Official USMC colors and NAVMED’s enduring support
to their mission.
(7) Font. All capital letters, Arial.
3. NAVMED Echelon 3 Logos
a. The NAVMED echelon 3 logos, as depicted in figures 7-2 through 7-4, are similar in
presentation to the NAVMED logo, furthering our branding effort. The applicable logo will be
used for all official NAVMED electronic and print communications for each individual
b. The NAVMED echelon 3 logos consist of several common elements to enhance the
nesting effect from one echelon to the next. The main difference is the innermost white circle
which contains a map of the world highlighting the world-wide service of NAVMED.
(1) Naval Medical Forces Pacific depicts the Pacific Ocean as its primary operating area.
(2) Naval Medical Forces Atlantic focuses on the Atlantic Ocean side of the globe.
(3) Naval Medical Forces Support Command shows a globe with silhouettes of a
destroyer, aircraft carrier, and submarine as well as a torch on the top of the circle to highlight
their mission of training medical personnel for service in operational environments around the
4. Navy Medicine Echelon 4 and Subordinate Command Logos. New NAVMED echelon 4 and
subordinate command logos are to be designed using a similar template with localization in the
innermost blue circle. Echelon 4 and subordinate command logos will be similar in presentation
to the NAVMED logo, furthering our branding effort. Echelon 4 commands have the option to
change the inner circle to another shape for their logo and their subordinate commands. The new
shape must be roughly the same size as the circle. This change must apply to the parent
command and all subordinate commands (i.e., the same inner shape for all). Each logo must be
approved by BUMED-M09B7 before being used. Once approved, the logos will be used for all
official NAVMED electronic and print communications for each individual command.
NAVMED logos at these levels may have the listed modifications in subparagraphs 4a through
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a. Additional colors may be used to slightly alter designs inside the standard inner circle.
An additional ring of any color can be placed directly inside the white inner ring. The color must
have significance to your command.
b. The inner circle ring can be thinned for more space for command design.
c. Command location is not required unless it is in the official command name.
5. The Corps Seals
a. Community-specific insignias have been a part of NAVMED since 1826. Beginning in
1886, the Navy Uniform Board adopted the gold spread oak leaf and silver acorn design. These
elements would be adapted into the insignia designs of each of NAVMED’s four Staff Corps. In
March 2017, community-specific seals representing NAVMED’s Staff Corps, Hospital Corps,
and the Civilian Corps were standardized.
b. The Corps seals, as depicted in figures 7-6 through 7-11, are subsidiary graphic elements
for our branding program. Consistent application and precise production of these seals will
identify and reinforce audience awareness of the Corps within NAVMED. The seals may be
used for a variety of official NAVMED electronic and print communications.
c. Each Corps seal features the Corps insignia resting on a light blue background within two
concentric circles. The inner circle is marked by a light blue band. The outer circle is Navy blue
ringed by a gold rope band. Two gold stars flank the inner circle. Corps seals are distinguished
in subparagraphs 5c(1) through 5c(6):
(1) Medical Corps. Established in March 1871, the Medical Corps is represented by a
spread oak leaf (gold) with acorn (silver) in the center. Text inside outer circle reads MEDICAL
CORPS (top) and UNITED STATES NAVY (bottom).
(2) Hospital Corps. Established in June 1898, the Hospital Corps is represented by a
caduceus (silver). Text inside outer circle reads HOSPITAL CORPS (top) and UNITED
STATES NAVY (bottom).
(3) Nurse Corps. Established in 1908, the Nurse Corps is represented by a spread oak
leaf (gold) and banner with the year of its formation. Text inside outer circle reads NURSE
CORPS (top) and UNITED STATES NAVY (bottom).
(4) Dental Corps. Established in August 1912, the Dental Corps is represented by a
spread oak leaf (gold) with two acorns at the base (silver). Text inside outer circle reads
(5) Medical Service Corps. Established in 1947, the Medical Service Corps is
represented by spread oak leaf and angled-twig (gold) symbolizing the support provided to
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NAVMED. Text inside the outer circle reads MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS (top) and UNITED
STATES NAVY (bottom).
(6) Civilian Corps. The four-pointed star is a symbol of stability, used to represent the
Federal civilian workforce. A blue caduceus rests within the star. Behind, the insignia’s red
element invokes life, medicine and healing, while the green laurel wreath recalls the USMC.
Text inside the outer circle reads CIVILIAN CORPS (top) and NAVY MEDICINE (bottom).
6. Appropriate Use of Logos and Corps Seals
a. Chief, BUMED has approved echelon 2 and 3, and will coordinate approval of
review and approve alternate versions of the logos or Corps seals. E-mail BUMED
Communications at [email protected] for additional information.
b. In unique circumstances where a circular logo is not appropriate, contact
BUMED-M09B7 to discuss alternative layouts. Exceptions will be approved on a case-by-case
c. The NAVMED logos are an easily recognizable reference to our organization and
commands should use them to maximize exposure for our audiences as outlined:
(1) Command quarterdeck.
(2) Command suite or offices.
(3) Command Web site, to include the home page.
(4) Command newspapers and newsletters, where applicable.
(5) Command press releases and media kits.
(6) Business cards, specific format provided in paragraph 12.
(7) PowerPoint presentations, refer to paragraph 13.
(8) Promotional items and electronic media, especially those aimed at public audiences.
(9) Banners and poster boards used at conferences, media events, health fairs, meetings,
and prominently placed on display in strategic areas throughout NAVMED facilities.
(10) Decals, patches, and coins as authorized by appropriate purchasing regulations.
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(11) Social media outlets.
d. The Corps seals are representative symbols of their respective Corps, and commands
should use as outlined:
(1) Corps-specific ceremonies and events, such as retirements.
(2) Command offices.
(3) Banners and poster boards used at conferences, health fairs, or meetings.
(4) Command newspapers and newsletters, where applicable.
(5) PowerPoint presentations, refer to paragraph 13.
(6) For use on existing social media and electronic outlets.
(7) Decals, patches, and coins as authorized by appropriate purchasing regulations.
e. Appropriate uses of NAVMEDREADTRNCMD and NAVMEDREADTRNUNIT logos.
be used judiciously. Medical treatment facility (MTF) logos should be used in most areas of the
MTF and should remain the primary logo of the facility.
(2) NAVMEDREADTRNCMD logos should be on command offices and other specific
NAVMEDREADTRNCMD and NAVMEDREADTRNUNIT offices, buildings, rooms, etc.
(3) Official hats, nametags, rockers, or other uniform items should have the
NAVMEDREADTRNCMD or NAVMEDREADTRNUNIT logo. Medical clothing (lab coats,
scrubs, etc.) procured by the facility for use in that facility should have the MTF logo.
Command t-shirts, fleeces, or other NAVMEDREADTRNCMD or NAVMEDREADTRNUNIT
products can have both or the MTF or NAVMEDREADTRNCMD or
offices. The MTF logo should be the only logo on MTF signs including outdoor and indoor
patient areas.
(5) Since the commanding officer is dual-hatted, commands can have both the
NAVMEDREADTRNCMD or NAVMEDREADTRNUNIT and the MTF logo on letterhead and
other correspondence that concerns NAVMEDREADTRNCMD or NAVMEDREADTRNUNIT
official business. Correspondence to MTF customers (all categories of patients) must only have
the MTF logo.
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f. Subparagraphs 6f(1) through 6f(11) are considered an inappropriate use of the
NAVMED’s logos or Corps seals:
(1) Altering the original proportions of any part of the graphics.
(2) Using the logos without the embedded text.
(3) Altering or relocating the logos or seals text.
(4) Substituting another typeface. Refer to paragraph 8 of this enclosure for proper
(5) Substituting any other colors. Refer to paragraph 9 of this enclosure for proper
(6) Adding any additional decorative devices such as drop shadows, outlines, or 3-D
(7) Allowing type, photographs, or other graphic devices to infringe upon the mandated
clear space, outlined in subparagraph 7c of this enclosure.
(8) Using the logos or Corps seals on colored backgrounds, materials, or photographs that
do not allow sufficient contrast.
(9) Enclosing the logos or Corps seals in a shape, or combining them with other design
(10) Reproducing the logos or Corps seals smaller than the recommended size in
subparagraph 7d.
(11) Using the logos or Corps seals in any manner that is derogatory to or critical of
NAVMED or the USN.
7. Additional Guidance for Appropriate Utilization
a. Command Logos and Seals. The NAVMED echelon 2 logo and Corps seals are intended
to complement, not replace, other official symbols, such as the DON seal or respective command
b. Location of the Logos and Corps Seals. The primary placement, whenever appropriate,
of the NAVMED echelon 2 logo and Corps seals must be in the upper left corner of all
communication products created by any NAVMED activity. If the NAVMED echelon 2 logo is
used, echelon 3 through 5 logos can be in the upper right corner of all communications products.
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c. Borders and Spacing. Unless otherwise approved by BUMED-M09B7, when NAVMED
logos or Corps seals are used, a minimum ¼ inch of clear space must be maintained between the
logo or Corps seals and any other objects – other logos, borders, edges, etc., – on small media
such as business cards. At a minimum, ¼ inch of clear space must be left between the logo or
Corps seals and written material. On larger media, such as posters and banners, a minimum of ½
inch of clear space must be maintained on all sides of the logo or Corps seals.
e. Artwork. Electronic files for the logo are available for download from the NAVMED
intranet. If unable to access, contact BUMED-M09B7 at usn.ncr.bumedfchva.list. bumed-
d. Minimum Size. The integrity of all logo and Corps seal elements must be maintained; unless
otherwise approved by BUMED-M09B7.
Figure 7-1 Full Color Navy Medicine Logo Figure 7-2 Full Color Naval Medical
Forces Atlantic Logo
Figure 7-3 Full Color Naval Medical Forces Figure 7-4 Full Color Naval Medical
Pacific Logo Forces Support Command Logo
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Figure 7-5 Sample Full Color Figure 7-6 Full Color Medical Corps
Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Seal
Command Logo
Figure 7-7 Full Color Hospital Corps Seal Figure 7-8 Full Color Nurse Corps Seal
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Figure 7-9 Full Color Dental Corps Seal Figure 7-10 Full Color Medical Service
Corps Seal
Figure 7-11 Full Color Civilian Corps Seal
8. Typeface. Visual continuity for branding requires consistent typography. Arial is the
standard for NAVMED commands. Times New Roman, bold is the standard font used for all
Corps seals. All typography must align centrally to fit between the circular perimeter rules.
9. Logo and Brand Colors
a. Color is an important element for the consistent and recognizable application of
NAVMED logos. The logos will appear in 4-color process unless a black and white version is
necessary due to a one color (black) document. The specific Pantones, red, green, blue (RGB),
Hexidecimal and cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black) (CMYK) colors are listed in figure 9-1.
When placing logos on print media, use the color scheme most appropriate to your audience and
b. If approved by BUMED-M09B7, the one color logo must appear on a white background.
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Pantone RGB Hex CMYK
Red 187c 196 / 18 / 48 #CC0000 0 / 100 / 79 / 20
Yellow 1235c 232 / 176 / 16 #e8b00f 0 / 26 / 100 / 9
Blue 303c 2 / 42 / 58 #022a3a 100 / 70 / 45 / 60
Turquoise 7690c 0 / 118 / 169 #0076a9 88 / 45 / 15 / 0
Gold 4505c 140 / 123 / 33 #CC9900 0 / 12 / 75 / 45
Moss 574c 68 / 82 / 35 #445223 17 / 0 / 57 / 68
Peat 627c 0 / 40 / 30 #00291f 100 / 0 / 25 / 84
Figure 9-1 Navy Medicine Command Logo Color Palate
10. File Formats. Resolution of logos and Corps seals:
a. 72 dots per inch (dpi) is recommended for Web use.
b. 300 dpi at 100 percent of reproduction size must be used for print marketing products.
(1) High Resolution (joint photographic experts group (JPEG) or tag image film format
(TIFF), 300 dpi). Optimized for documentations that need to be printed using in-house printers.
(2) High Resolution (TIFF or encapsulated PostScript (EPS), CMYK, 300 dpi).
Optimized for print products when process color (4-color CMYK) is used.
11. Logos and Corp Seal Reproduction. Proper Sizing Technique. When NAVMED logos or
Corps seals are reproduced, they must retain their original ratios without exception. To scale
both width and height proportionally on two sides of the logo in Microsoft Office applications,
click on the logo. Then, while simultaneously holding the shift key, drag the sizing handles at
any corner of the logo. To scale all four sides at the same time, click on the logo, then
simultaneously hold the ctrl key and drag the sizing handles at any corner of the logo.
12. Business Cards
a. The NAVMED logos may be used for business cards. Commands may develop their
own template, in coordination with the command public affairs officer.
b. Continued use of command-specific logos is encouraged. The NAVMED echelon 2 logo
may be used on business cards at the commanding officer’s discretion.
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c. Business card guidelines:
Size: 3½ x 2 inches
Required content: Name, title, command, address, e-mail, and telephone number
(commercial and Defense Switch Network, where available)
Paper: Natural White
13. Presentations. All NAVMED organizations are encouraged to use the NAVMED logo in
official presentations. Command logos and the DON seal may also be used. A PowerPoint
template is available at
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