What is the Difference Between Pesticides, Insecticides and Herbicides?
Pesticides are chemicals that may be used to kill fungus, bacteria, insects, plant diseases, snails, slugs, or
weeds among others. These chemicals can work by ingestion or by touch and death may occur
immediately or over a long period of time.
Insecticides are a type of pesticide that is used to specifically target and kill insects. Some insecticides
include snail bait, ant killer, and wasp killer.
Herbicides are used to kill undesirable plants or “weeds”. Some herbicides will kill all the plants they
touch, while others are designed to target one species.
Pesticide Effects on Food Production
As the human population continues to grow, more and more crops are needed to meet this growing
demand. This has increased the use of pesticides to increase crop yield per acre. For example, many
farmers will plant a field with Soybeans and apply two doses of Roundup throughout the growing year
to remove all other plants and prepare the field for next year’s crop. The Roundup is applied twice
through the growing season to kill everything except the soybeans, which are modified to be pesticide
resistant. After the soybeans are harvested, there is little vegetative cover on the field creating potential
erosion issues for the reason that another crop can easily be planted. With this method, hundreds of
gallons of chemicals are introduced into the environment every year. All these chemicals affect wildlife,
insects, water quality and air quality. One greatly affected “good” insect are bees. Bees play a significant
role in the pollination of the foods that we eat. If the bee population was to have a significant decrease
in their population, it may have a dramatic effect on the way our food is pollinated and crop yield.
Although Roundup or similar herbicides may be a solution for farmers, it is also being linked to the
native bee population crash. In China, the native bee population is so low that farmers have to “hand”
pollinate all of their crops. Hand pollinating plants is very expensive and takes a very long time to
accomplish. Pesticides can also be found in a lot of the foods you eat such as fruits and vegetables.
These are sprayed to lessen insect damage and thus improve yield. Think about the fruits and vegetables
you have eaten from your local grocery store. Now think of the potential amount of pesticides that are
on that produce. The amount and toxicity can vary from each product and which country it is from.
That means when you eat your healthy foods, you are ingesting all of the pesticides that have absorbed
into the food.
Chemicals in the Air and Drinking Water
Herbicides can infect drinking water and the air we breathe, which in turn can cause many health
problems. One billion pounds of pesticides are sprayed annually onto the foods that we eat. It is
amazing to think of how many chemicals are bodies are taking in and retaining every year. Chemicals
can get in the water from runoff during precipitation events, or they may just enter your drinking water
by contamination of your well system and or aquifer. Different studies show that they may cause
Parkinson’s, cancer, and miscarriages. They also work as endocrine disrupters, which can cause birth
defects in young humans and animals alike. There are specific types of pesticides that are linked to
specific health problems. Alachlor may cause eyes, kidney, liver and spleen problems. Atrazine can
cause cardiovascular and reproductive problems. Endothall can cause stomach and intestinal problems.
Effects from these chemicals may not show symptoms until years after your initial exposure.
Pesticides in an apple orchid- H.J. Larsen, Bugwood.org
Pesticides and Insecticide use on Invasive Species
Most invasive species become established in an area after a disturbance of soils. This is why you can
observe multiple invasive species along the roadways and ditches. Each time pesticides or herbicides are
used, it dramatically affects the plant community and creates an additional disturbance that allows for
invasive species to be introduced and take hold. The more herbicides that are used to kill invasive
species, the more disturbances are made for new invasive species to establish themselves. This is an
ongoing, cyclic process that in the end introduces more chemicals into the air and water. There are
other ways to fight invasive species without spraying chemicals.
What can you do instead of using pesticides or herbicides on your property?
For garden plants:
Use black tarps or fabric to cover the areas you don’t want plants to grow
Hand pull unwanted weeds
Mow or cut unwanted weeds that are in a large area
Till areas of undesired plant species
Spray 5% or stronger vinegar on unwanted plants to kill them
Plant a different variety of plants that will smother and move out the unwanted plants
Keep weeds from going to seed
Gerald Holmes, Valent USA Corporation, Bugwood.org
For garden insects
Purchase predatory insects like Green Lacewings that will prey on the targeted species.
Spread crushed eggshells beneath the targeted plant for slugs, snails and caterpillars Use
aromatic herbs, like yarrow, citronella, mint, fennel, catnip, basil, and lemongrass as natural
repellents for aphids and other garden insects
Use beer, salt, flour or vinegar which are bug deterrents that are not toxic to humans
For tree and shrub removal:
Cut tree or shrub down and remove the stumps or use a stump grinder
Tips to avoid pesticide consumption
When picking out fruit, make sure you choose fruit that is in season for the time of year
Learn about the ways that the fruits are grown, fruits planted in water are more likely to involve
pesticide use
Learn about where the produce comes from and if that country allows use of “bad”
Eat organic foods in your local grocery, farmers markets or that come straight from the organic
Immerse fruits and vegetables in cold water for a half hour to wash most of the pesticides off.
Peroxide or soap and a soft brush can assist in removing surface residue.
Grow your own fruits and vegetables
Spread the word about pesticides and herbicides
EPA information on pesticides http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pesticid.html
Pesticide Action Network http://www.panna.org/