Unit or Lesson Plan
User Guide
2019 2020
Updated: August 23, 2019
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
35 West Rosedale Avenue, Recitation Hall, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19383
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Table of Contents
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Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Unit or Lesson Plan Components………………………………………………………………………………. 3
How will this Lesson Support the Learning Goal?.............................................................................................. 3
PA Standards and Other Appropriate Professional Standards…………………………………………………. 3
ISTE (Technology) Standards…………………………………………………………………………………..3
Objective(s)…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Academic Language…………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Pennsylvania Curriculum Framework Resource……………………………………………………………... 11
Materials/Resources…………………………………………………………………………………………... 11
Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activities, and Closure………………………………………………………. 11
Differentiation………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Accommodations……………………………………………………………………………………………... 15
Modifications…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Assessment (formal or informal)……………………………………………………………………………... 17
Reflection on Instruction………………………………………………………………………………………17
Appendices……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Appendix A: WCU Lesson Plan Template…………………………………………………………………… 18
Appendix B: Danielson Rubric……………………………………………………………………………….. 18
Appendix C: Bloom’s Taxonomy…………………………………………………………………………….. 18
Appendix D: Instructional Strategies…………………………………………………………………………. 18
Appendix E: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Educators………….. 18
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This is a guide to support you, the Teacher Candidate, in the development of a unit or lesson plan. The WCU
Lesson Plan template is Appendix A of this document. You will need to complete the SLO template in addition
to completing a series of lessons to support the unit plan. Please review the SLO User Guide for support.
Faculty or programs may require additional elements to the lesson plan specific to their discipline.
Additionally, included in parenthesis under each component (e.g., Danielson Framework 1c) is the alignment to
the Danielson Framework [Appendix B]). The Danielson Framework for teaching is a research-based set of
elements for high quality instruction used by many districts across this country (including teachers and
administrators in Pennsylvania) as one measure of the effectiveness of teachers in the field. In 2016, West
Chester University’s Educator Preparation Programs formally adopted this framework to support Teacher
Candidates in their growth and development. Faculty will use the framework to evaluate each component of
your unit or lesson and potentially any additional relevant activities (teaching lessons, professionalism).
Unit or Lesson Plan Components
How will this Lesson Support the Learning Goal?
(Danielson Framework 1c)
You have to determine the learning goal of the unit or series of lessons. If this is part of the larger SLO, the
learning Goal is based on the Goal Statement articulated in the SLO template. You need to be specific on how
each lesson will support the learning goal.
PA Standards and Other Appropriate Professional Standards
(Danielson Framework 1c)
Based on the instruction need identified, you should select the Pennsylvania standard(s) and any other
appropriate professional standards of focus. It is of great importance that you identify the standards that align to
the skill, concept or strategy selected above. Also, it is important you choose standards that can be
accomplished within the timeframe of the learning plan.
ISTE (Technology) Standards (IF APPROPRIATE)
(Danielson Framework 1c)
In 2016, the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Educators emphasized the
importance of skills for students to enable them to thrive in a connected, digital world. Educators play a
valuable role in ensuring students use technology as a tool for learning. According to ISTE, the standards
should promote collaboration with peers and challenge you to think about how you engage P-12 students to take
charge of their own learning.
When developing the lesson plans, it is important to consider which standard(s) (listed below) could be utilized
to support the standard and goal of the SLO. You should describe how the lesson will support students’ ability
to engage in the effective use of technology (ideally standards 3-8). It is not required that you address all of the
standards but at minimum you should consider how the unit will engage students to take charge of their own
learning in at least one standard (3-7). When addressing this section, you should include the standard number
and the sub component (e.g., 3a, 4 a-c). In addition, you should explain how the lesson explicitly incorporates
the standard selected. For example, if you believe the activity will help facilitate student learning (standard 6b),
you need to describe explicitly the digital tool, the purpose, and how the tool will support the outcomes of the
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For a comprehensive explanation of each standard and essential elements see Appendix E.
1. Learner: Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring
proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning.
2. Leader: Educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student empowerment and success
and to improve teaching and learning.
3. Citizen: Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital
4. Collaborator: Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve
practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems.
5. Designer: Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and
accommodate learner variability.
6. Facilitator: Educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the 2016
ISTE Standards for Students.
7. Analyst: Educators understand and use data to drive their instruction and support students in achieving
their learning goals.
(Danielson Framework 1c)
Once you have determined the Goal and standard(s) of the unit or lesson, it is now important to develop
measurable learning objectives. A lesson objective is not a unit Goal, a content standard, or activity; it is a
means of obtaining the Goal and defines what student will know, do or value as a result of completing the
lesson activity. Learning objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher will do or accomplish) and
target a specific outcome. Equally important, the learning objective should be measurable and avoid verbs that
cannot be directly observable (e.g., understand, familiar, happy, etc.). Bloom’s Taxonomy (See Appendix C)
provides a guide for teachers to use to focus on the higher level of questions and keywords that will support the
learning objective. It is suggested to use this framework to identify key measurable words that can support
student words. Also, use measurable words that focus on the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (application,
analysis, evaluate, create). When selecting the measurable term for your objectives, it is important that the
instructional activities (discussed below) align with the objective(s). For example, if you want students to
compare and contrast Mitosis and Meiosis, the instructional activity should be designed in a way in which
students can illustrate their ability to compare and contrast. More information about this will be discussed later
in this guide.
When creating lesson objectives, you should ask yourself, after today’s lesson what will my students know or
do? Although there are multiple ways to create an objective, the below outlines two approaches “ABCD”
method or “I CAN” statements that can be used as a guide.
“ABCD” Method for Creating Objectives
Robert Mager (1962) suggests learning objectives should be specific and measurable to guide instructors in the
learning process. He proposed the ABCD model for learning objectives that have four characteristics outlined
below. Following the description of each characteristic are some examples from a variety of content areas color
coded to illustrate each component of the model.
o Audience: Is the learner (Typically written as Students will be able to… or The learner will be able to…)
o Behavior: The verb used should be directly observable (this is critical). Frequent used terms such as
know, understand, comprehend, familiar, grasp (unless the objective is to have student grasp a pencil),
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familiar, like, appreciate should be avoided. These terms are hard to measure. If the verb used is directly
observable and measurable, then the basis for a clear objective has been established.
o Condition: Equipment or tools that may be used to complete the behavior. In essence, the situation in
which students will perform the behavior. How will you formally or informally check their progress?
o Degree: What is the degree of success? This is a very difficult stage especially if the objective is on the
higher level of Bloom's taxonomy (analyze, justify, synthesize). For example, you have to consider what
will be acceptable to determine if a student has successfully analyzed a text. What tools will be used to
support their success to complete the task (e.g., graphic organizer)?
The detailed nature of the objectives allows for a clearer understanding of not only the expectation but the
criteria to measure students’ success. Thus, teachers can use the objective effectively to plan the learning
The following are some examples of learning objectives highlighting each key characteristic:
o The preschooler will demonstrate independence by washing hands correctly without assistance 8 out of
10 times. (typically you will not expect 100% success).
o In at least two paragraphs, students will describe the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the
urbanization and living conditions of that era including 3-5 major points with supportive evidence.
o After reading two novels, students will be able to compare/contrast Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice”
and Marlowe’s “Jaw of Malta” in terms of plot, character, and social-political themes.
o Immediately following the lesson activity, the learner will be able to summarize in writing the major
issues being discussed mentioning at least three of the five major topics.
o Given ten algebraic equations with one unknown students will be able to correctly solve 8 out of 10
simple linear equations.
o When presented with two sculptures, students will compare two pieces of sculpture, with at least two
reasons for their positive evaluation of one over the other.
o After conducting several experiments, students will be able to apply Edward Thorndike’s “Law of
Exercise” providing quantifiable evidence and a narrative to either validate or not validate his original
I CAN” Statements
“I CAN” statements, also learning targets, are specific, measurable steps that students will complete at the end
of an instructional sequence. They are worded in student-friendly language that can be easily understood and
communicated to students. To create “I CAN” statement you need to consider the Goal and specific standard(s)
of your unit and translate the standard into student friendly terms or language. Teachers use “I CAN” statements
to increase student ownership of their learning and to assist students in monitoring their progress toward the
learning target.
To create “I CAN” statements first you need to select the standards and review the Goal statement. Second,
decide on the specific learning targets, identify competencies that will be addressed during the period of
instruction. Third, write the I CAN statements that would be a path for students to complete toward the
learning target. Language should be developmentally appropriate and not complex. The statements should be
made available either by having them posted on the board, included in activities or assignments, etc. The “I
CAN” statements should be referenced periodically and students should have the opportunity to self-assess their
progress toward the learning target.
Unlike the “ABCD” method “I CAN” statements do not provide clear understanding of the condition or criteria
necessary for student success. See examples below:
Mathematics (3
Grade) Standard CC.2..2.3.A.3 Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.
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The challenge with the above standard (especially for third graders) are the words “demonstrate” and “fluency”
because they do not have clear meanings to students. Thus, when creating “I CAN” statements it should be clear
and directly measurable.
o I can use a variety of strategies to solve multiplication and division facts
o I can identify the best strategy to solve multiplication and division facts (this will vary for each student)
World History (10
Grade) Standard 8.1.W.B Evaluate the interpretation of historical events and sources,
considering the use of fact versus opinion, multiple perspectives, and cause and effect relationships.
o I can evaluate the validity of historical events and sources
o I can use evidence (facts, perspective, relationships) to inform my evaluation
Reading Literature Standard CC.1.3.7.B Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what
the text says explicitly as well as inferences, conclusions, and/or generalizations drawn from the text.
o I can analyze how details and evidence within the text supports what the author states directly and what
they imply
Academic Language
(Danielson Framework 1a)
Academic Language is the oral and written language used in academic settings (language of the discipline) for
academic purposes. Students need this language to understand (read, think, listen) communicate (listen, speak,
write) and perform (think, read, write, listen, speak, and create) in meaningful ways within the content area. It is
important to note Academic Language is more than academic vocabulary (especially the words listed within the
PA Curriculum Framework).
In many cases Academic Language is hard for us to see since we are so immersed in the language it becomes
invisible to us. In essence, you have to view Academic Language in the eyes of the novice (P-12 students). For
example, assume you want students to “discuss or explain” a concept or strategy. What does it mean to ask
students to discuss or explain? What does this look like in a math class versus an economics course? Making
assumptions about the use of the word “discuss” will impact the high quality academic experience for your
students. If we plan to assess students’ discussing or explaining, then we must know – and we must teach
students what the evidence of discussing or explaining might be. Also, we must decide what resources and
tools we can provide to help students demonstrate that evidence.
We must also pay close attention to students’ discourse because it reflects the students’ level of understanding.
Often, students can acquire skills and content-related vocabulary but apply that knowledge in ways that are
awkward or inaccurate. Their words and phrasing indicate they are beginning to speak the language but are not
yet articulate enough to participate in the discourse with appropriate wording and syntax. To help students move
toward deeper knowledge and more sophisticated discourse, teachers must ask ourselves, “Is there something
about this statement’s language that needs to be unpacked?”
The following is a summary of the various elements of Academic Language that must be considered when
designing your lesson plans.
o Language Function: The content and language focus of the learning task represented by the active verbs
within the content standards (What students are required to DO).
o Language Demands: Specific ways that academic language (vocabulary, discourse) is used by students
to participate in the learning task to demonstrate understanding (tools students USE to participate in the
content they are learning).
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o Vocabulary: Includes words and phrases that are used within the discipline.
Words or phrases for which subject-specific meaning differs from everyday life meaning
(e.g., table in math can be defined in several contexts (periodic table) versus dinner table.
General academic vocabulary used across disciplines (e.g., compare and contrast,
discuss, analyze, justify).
Subject-specific words within the discipline (e.g., polygon, axis, pedicels, corolla, meter,
o Discourse: Includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as how the members of
the discipline talk, write and participate in knowledge construction.
For example, consider the following 5
grade Pennsylvania competency for science associated with standard
Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be seen.
Language Function is to develop and describe. The Language Demand is to model (how will this be done via
graphic organizer or abstract representation). Vocabulary: matter and particles (need to consider other
essential key terms implied but not explicitly stated in the competency or standard).
Notice that the Language Demand “model” can look differently in different content areas. One cannot assume
that students understand what this means. This requires the teacher to determine what tools you will provide
students to model in order to demonstrate “mastery” of the skill.
Below are some PA Competencies, followed by conversations about the issues of Language Function and
Language Demand (vocabulary and discourse) we might consider in teaching to those competencies.
C.F. 1.5 Listening and Speaking/Comprehension and Collaboration
Grade 3 Standard: CC.1.5.3.A
Competency: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grade level topics and texts,
building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Language function is to engage, build on others’ ideas, and express ideas. The language demand is to engage
effectively in collaborative discussions. This can be done in all content areas with various texts (e.g., fiction,
nonfiction, textbook, articles).
Vocabulary: engage, building on other’s ideas, express, authentic question, citing evidence, evaluating ideas,
Discourse: What is there about this language that must be unpacked? We must help students understand:
what engaged discussions look like and sound like (talking about the text details and listening to one
another, taking turns);
what building on others’ ideas looks and sounds like (asking authentic questions about what peers are
saying, answering peer’s questions, agreeing/disagreeing and explaining why, extending and
what expression of ideas should sound like (pointing to evidence from text for support, deciding whether
ideas and text references are accurate and appropriate).
What tools and resources can we provide for students to support their engagement, building on ideas, and
expression of ideas? We might use modeling, simulation, videos, fishbowl, Socratic circles, discussion rubrics,
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C.F. 1.2 Reading Informational Text/Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Evaluating Arguments
Grade 9-10 Standard: CC.1.2.910.H
Competency: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing the validity of
reasoning and relevance of evidence.
Language function is to delineate and evaluate arguments. The language demand is to assess.
Vocabulary: delineate, evaluate, argument, claim, validity, reasoning, relevance, evidence, persuade, convince
Discourse: What is there about this language that must be unpacked? We must help students understand:
what delineation and evaluation of an argument would look like and sound like (creating a detailed and
accurate outline of facts or points in the argument; discussing and judging the argument’s meaning and
what it would look or sound like to assess the validity of reasoning and relevance of evidence (deciding
whether or not the evidence is accurate, strong, and related to the argument)
What tools and resources can we provide for students to support their delineation and evaluation of arguments
and claims in a text? We might use text annotation, note-taking templates, graphic organizers, debates, etc.
Grade 3 Standard: Social Studies (Civics and Government) 5.1.3.B:
Competency: Explain rules and laws and why they are important in the classroom, school, and
Language Function is to explain. The Language Demand is to describe why (via discussion, graphic organizer
or abstract representation).
Vocabulary: rules, laws, classrooms, school, community
Other essential key terms implied but not explicitly stated include: behaviors, manners, democracy
Discourse: What is there about this language that must be unpacked? We must help students understand:
what participatory classroom conversations will look like and sound like (taking extended turns of
overlapping student talk to empower and engage all students; listening to one another; building on
others’ ideas)
what explaining sounds like (following a statement with details that help others understand
how summary presentations will reflect students’ learning and application of the content (whole-class
compilation of a list of rules will require synthesis and evaluation.
What tools and resources can we provide for students to support their explanations and descriptions? Might we
use modeling, simulation, videos, fishbowl, Socratic circles, discussion rubrics, T-charts or similar graphic
organizers with column for rules and column for explanation
Grade 9 Standard: Social Studies (Civics and Government) 5.1.9.B:
Competency: Describe historical examples of the importance of the rule of law.
• Sources • Purposes • Functions
Language Function is to describe. The Language Demand is to apply the importance of the rule of law to
historical examples (via discussion, graphic organizer, essays, or abstract representation).
Vocabulary: rules, laws, sources, purposes, functions
Other essential key terms implied but not explicitly stated include: court, law, crime, due process, responsibility,
Discourse: What is there about this language that must be unpacked? We must help students understand:
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what description sounds like (sufficient detail to help listeners/readers understand and envision the
example being described)
what thorough, detailed, conversations/writing will sound/look like (begin with descriptions of historical
examples of the importance of the rule of law and expand to include specific application of the rules of
law to sources, purposes, and functions)
What tools and resources can we provide for students to support their description and application? We might
use discussion/writing rubrics, text annotation, note-taking templates, graphic organizers, etc.
Grade 4 Standard: CC.1.3.4.B
Competency: Cite relevant details from text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences.
Language Functions are to cite, support, and make inferences. The language demand is to support inferences
about the text’s message.
Vocabulary: cite, relevant, details, support, explicitly, inferences
Other essential key terms implied but not explicitly stated: implicit, background knowledge, connections (text-
to-self, text-to-world, text-to-text)
Discourse: What is there about this language that must be unpacked? We must help students understand:
what it sounds/looks like to cite text (point to specific words, phrases, sentences in the printed text)
what it sounds/looks like to make an inference (state a belief or conclusion about the author’s message
and tell how it is reasonable because of the printed text details and background knowledge
what background knowledge looks/sounds like (things we know because of what we have read, seen,
heard, experienced).
What tools and resources can we provide for students to support them in making inferences and citing text to
support those inferences? We might use Post-it Notes or similar text-marking structures, graphic organizers to
list inferences and connect them to text details and personal connections, classroom discussions, journaling,
rubrics for writing and discussion, etc.
Grades 9-10 Standard: CC.1.3.9-10.B
Competency: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says
explicitly and make inferences.
Language Functions are to cite, support, and make inferences. The language demand is to support analysis of
Vocabulary: cite, thorough, details, support, analysis, explicitly, inferences
Other essential key terms implied but not explicitly stated: implicit/implied, background knowledge,
connections (text-to-self, text-to-world, text-to-text)
Discourse: What is there about this language that must be unpacked? We must help students understand:
what citation for text analysis sounds/looks like (pointing out specific words, phrases, sentences from
the entire text as a whole [not just isolated bits])
what citation for the purpose of supporting sounds/looks like (using the cited sections to strengthen an
idea or opinion)
what it looks/sounds like to make and support an inference (state a belief or conclusion about the
author’s message and then tell how it is reasonable because of details from the text as a whole plus
related background knowledge)
what background knowledge looks/sounds like (things we know because of what we have read, seen,
heard, experienced).
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what analytical thought looks/sounds like (combining, connecting, contrasting & comparing,
questioning, evaluating, synthesizing)
What tools and resources can we provide for students to support them in making inferences and citing the text
to support those inferences? We might use text annotation structures, note-taking templates, graphic organizers
to list inferences and connect them to text details and background knowledge, modeling, videos, fishbowl,
Socratic circles, rubrics for discussion and writing, etc.
C.F. 3.1 Biological Sciences /Organisms and Cells
Grade 3 Standard: CC. 3.1.3.A3
Competency: Illustrate how plants and animals go through predictable life cycles that include birth,
growth, development, reproduction, and death
Language function is to illustrate the lifecycle process of plants and animals. The language demand is to show
progression through predictable cycles.
Vocabulary: illustrate, life cycle, process, predictable, development, reproduction,
Discourse: What is there about this language that must be unpacked? We must help students understand:
what predictable stages are involved in life cycles of plants and animals
how scientific observations of plant and animal life cycles might be illustrated
what it means to draw logical conclusions and present these findings
What tools and resources can we provide for students to support their illustrations of plant and animal life
cycles? We might use a variety of expository texts/videos of various plant and animal life cycles, creating
opportunities for authentic observations of life cycles (e.g. plants, mealworms, butterflies); organizers/templates
to guide observational note taking; life cycle graphic organizers; iPads and/or laptops to create multimedia
sc.1: Biological Sciences
C.F. 3.1 Biological Sciences /Organisms and Cells
Grade 10 Standard: CC. 3.1.10.A3
Competency: Compare and contrast the life cycles of different organisms.
Language function is to compare and contrast life cycles. The language demand is to identify similarities and
differences between life cycles of different organisms.
Vocabulary: compare, contrast, life cycle, organism, biology, cells, scientific method, adaptation, constancy,
biotic, abiotic
Discourse: What is there about this language that must be unpacked? We must help students understand:
what it means to identify similar traits/characteristics in living things
what it looks/sounds like to make and share observations using the scientific method
how life cycles of specific organisms are presented
what predicates the differences in organisms
what predicates the similarities in organisms
What tools and resources can we provide for students to support their observations, organization of ideas, and
ability to compare and contrast? We might use videos of various life cycles, establishing opportunities for
authentic observations of life cycles (e.g. mealworms, butterflies); scientific method graphic organizer/template
to guide observational note taking; a compare and contrast graphic organizer, etc.
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Pennsylvania Curriculum Framework Resource
The PA Curriculum Framework (Figure 1) is a good resource to begin selecting the goal (Big Idea), Essential
Questions, standards, and Academic Language for your lesson plans. Please keep in mind the timeframe you
have for each lesson when deciding the standards/competencies of focus and how they align with your SLO’s
Big Idea or Essential Question(s).
Figure 1. PA Curriculum Framework.
(Danielson Framework 1d)
Instructional materials include digital resources, tools and materials used to support the learning outcome of a
lesson. Although writing utensils and paper may be helpful instructional materials, this section goes beyond
those basic resources.
It is important to include any concreate materials (graphics, organizers, etc.) relevant to the lesson. Include a
statement articulating how the materials selected will support the learning objective. Some examples include:
o Traditional Resources: Textbooks (workbooks) and other supplemental materials used in the lesson.
o Graphic Organizers: Visual tools necessary to support the learning of the content (consider resources
needed to teach academic language within the content). Typically, they are used to visually identify key
points and ideas.
o Teacher Made Resources: This includes handouts (tests, quizzes, projects) created by the teacher to
support the learning objective(s).
o Educational Technology: Resources used to enhance the learning experiences and align with the
instructional objective (e.g., intervention programs, apps, websites, or other related resources).
Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activities, and Closure
The next three sections (Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activities, and Closure) is the body of the lesson. This is
where you provide a step-by-step comprehensive narrative regarding the teaching procedures and student
responsibilities specific to those procedures. A specific timeline (minutes) should be allocated to each section.
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The verbs identified as part of your learning objective should match the experience within the section. For
example, if you want students to compare and contrast two author’s perspective on a topic a student should not
just identify key points of an author’s perspective. More importantly, students should engage in an experience
where they can demonstrate their ability to compare and contrast (using a graphic organizer). This may include
a critical analysis on how the author's perspective is similar but different on the use of word, context, and
current implications.
Table 1 is a snapshot of how the anticipatory set section could be written (this is not required; each course
professor may suggest a different approach). Note this format should be followed for the instructional activities
and closure section and this example does not contain every detail that should be included. Notice the teacher
procedures should align with student responsibilities. Also included is a grouping strategy (partner, small group,
etc.) within each appropriate section.
Teacher Procedures
Student Responsibilities
Anticipatory Set
(5 min)
1) Write the words Gravity, Air Resistance, Terminal
Speed on the board and ask students to discuss what we
learned previously about the terms (activate prior
knowledge). Students and teacher openly discuss together.
Teacher will provide scaffolding based on student responses.
(2 min)
2) Communicate to students that today you will have an
opportunity to demonstrate the topics learned. Teacher climbs
in a chair with an egg in hand and drops the egg (egg should
shatter) into a garbage can. Teacher poses the following
questions (turn to your partner and discuss the following):
Why did the egg shatter?
What role did gravity play in the process?
What can I do differently to avoid the egg from breaking?
3) Teacher introduces the purpose (objective for today’s
lesson). Today class you will learn… and in your
predetermined groups create…at the conclusion of the lesson
in your groups you will respond to the following questions
listed on the handout (teacher passes out handout)…The
objectives are important because…and you will
1) Students are responsible for
taking notes as well as
contributing to the discussion.
Students can consult notes
provided when contributing to the
2) Students observe and discuss
the questions with a partner prior
to sharing with the larger group.
3) Students will raise their hand
and ask any clarifying questions.
Students review handout.
Independent Practice:
Table 1. Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activities, and Closure (Sample).
Anticipatory Set:
(Danielson Framework 1a)
The anticipatory set is the motivation (attention grabber) and introduction of your lesson. It is a detailed step-
by-step short activity (see Table 1) or prompt that focuses the students’ attention before the actual lesson begins.
It should not only introduce students to the major learning objective(s) but can include the following:
o Use meaningful stories, statistics, facts, a video clip, etc. to get their attention related to the new learning
o Connect new learning to past learning or experiences
o Students actively engaged in the motivational activity
o Provide clear understanding of the objective(s) of the day and what students will learn
o Clearly state how students will learn the content
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o Connect to future learning
To develop the anticipatory set, you need to answer the following questions:
o What prior knowledge would be helpful to connect to the current or new learning?
o How will I involve students in this short activity (typically no more than 5 minutes)?
Instructional Activities:
(Danielson Framework 1a; Danielson Framework 1e)
This is the heart of the lesson plan. In this section, include specific step-by-step procedures you will follow as
you teach (see Table 1). Explain what you will say and do to ensure students are thinking and engaged in the
learning process. What strategies, activities will you include in your lesson? How will you transition students
through the various segments of the lesson? What questions will you ask? What resources (stated above) will
you be using and how will they be used? How will the academic language (Language Function, Demand, and
Vocabulary) within the SLO be taught? How will you structure opportunities for students to work with partners,
groups, or independently? When writing this section, you need to highlight the questions that will be asked and
evidence-based instructional strategies that will be used (See Appendix D). The actions should be divided into
the following categories but the categories are not linear. Students may move back and forth between each of
the categories as they master skills, strategies, and standards. For example, some students may be ready to work
independently while others need more opportunities for you to model or provide guided practice.
1. Exploration (Modeling): In this section, you should discuss in detail how the new information will be
presented. How will you develop students’ understanding through the use of strategies (e.g., explicit
modeling, explanation, demonstration of concepts, etc.)? You should explicitly state the resources used
in the learning activity (graphic organizer, educational technology) and how you will engage students in
the target academic language and what questions will allow P-12 students to explore and discover the
learning task. In this stage, you can:
o Provide explicit instruction
o Model the activity or expectation
o Think aloud: As you model discuss how and why things are done. This is important for students
as they do the activity in small groups or independently.
o Metacognitive processing: The process of guiding students to be more strategic thinkers. This
involves questioning, visualizing, and synthesizing information.
2. Practice/Application: You have to consider how you will allow students to practice what has been
taught. Including the feedback that will be given to support the learning experience. In this section you
provide guided practice with feedback so students have the opportunity to practice desired outcomes.
Guided practice can be conducted in cooperative learning groups, cooperative pairs or working
individually with a student. Guided practice does not include:
o Working independently with teacher support
o Working in groups without teacher support
o Supporting every student at the same time
3. Independent Practice: How will students independently apply knowledge and skills attained throughout
the lesson. Students can work alone, in groups, or in pairs to accomplish a task. The teachers role in the
process is to check for understanding and to provide feedback. Independent learning is not:
o Typically after explicit instruction or modeling
o Students working on an assignment with prior instruction
o Working in small groups with the teacher
o Summative assessment
o Work unrelated to the objective
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(Danielson Framework 1e)
Outline how you will wrap up the lesson. This is a time to help students organize what was learned into a
meaningful context. This is also an opportunity for students to do the following:
o Demonstrate what they have learned
o Clarify any key concepts or misunderstandings
o Check for understanding
Some examples may include:
o Exit Slips: Have students write what they learned and any remaining questions. Please note it should be
more in depth than simply restating the “I CAN” statement.
o Questions: Ask questions that relate to the learning objective.
o Journal Entry: What are two things you have learned today?
o Whip Around: Students quickly share one thing they have learned.
o Fishbowl: Students write one question they have about the topic or current lesson (either a question in
which they have the answer or in need of clarification).
o Jeopardy: Teacher gives answers; students create questions (good for vocabulary game activity).
(Danielson Framework 1e)
When a teacher tries to teach something to the whole class at the same time, chances are, one-third of the
students already know it; one-third will get it; and the remaining third won’t (Willis, 1993). Differentiation is
not individualized instruction but involves the implementation of a variety of instructional methods and the use
of flexible groupings to address a variety of students’ needs. Differentiation is a process of designing and
delivering instruction to best reach each student. You need to consider how you will support student differences
with regard to linguistic, academic, and cultural diversity.
Also, the instructional strategies that will support diverse learning styles, cultural experiences and interest. It
means creating multiple paths so students of different abilities, interest, or learning needs experience equally
appropriate ways to learn. This may mean teaching the same material to all students using a variety of
instructional approaches or teaching the lesson at varying degrees of difficulty (at least initially) based on the
ability of each student. According to Tomlinson (2000), teachers can differentiate according to content (what
students learn), process (how students learn) and/or product (how students show evidence of what they learned)
as listed below:
o Content: Differentiate what you teach and expect the students to learn. If some students have a good
foundation of the content you can provide enrichment activities related to the application or synthesis of
advance content. In addition, supporting other students who have not “mastered” current content.
Flexible grouping or learning stations could allow for students to excel.
o Process: Vary the learning process depending on how students learn. Learning approaches or strategies
reflect the learning styles of the students. Some strategies may include:
o Digital textbooks
o Small group activities
o Giving choices on how students express their understanding
o Manipulatives
o Develop activities that target auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners
Page 15
o Flexible grouping
o Product: Tangible evidence of student learning that differentiate by providing not only challenging but
varied opportunities to demonstrate understanding.
o Use a variety of assessments (not just paper and pencil)
o Vary the complexity of the assignment based on student readiness
When differentiated according to content, process, and product you have to consider the following:
o Readiness: Refers to the student’s starting point for learning, relative to the concept or skill
o Interest: Each student’s work should be interesting, appealing and focused on key knowledge and skills
o Learning Preferences: The different ways in which the learner prefers to acquire, process, and work with
The following are some questions to consider when addressing this section:
o How does your lesson support student differences with regard to linguistic, academic, and cultural
diversity; as well as differing identities as readers, writers, and thinkers?
o How does your lesson include a variety of instructional approaches that will accommodate diverse
learning styles, cultural experiences, and interests?
o How will your lesson actively build upon the resources linguistically and culturally diverse students
bring to the experience?
o How will your lesson be supportive for all students, including English Language Learners (ELLs), and
build upon the linguistic, cultural, and experiential resources they bring to their learning?
o How is your lesson designed to promote creative and critical thinking and inventiveness?
o How is your lesson designed to engage students with diverse learning styles, working strategies, and
abilities with technology?
o How have you adapted the lesson and/or materials (including traditional print, digital, and online) to
meet students’ learning or cultural needs (e.g., students who demonstrate learning differences or with
disabilities, cultural/racial/economic/gendered identities, ELL status, and/or academic talent)?
(Danielson Framework 1e)
Accommodations refer to changes on how a student learns the material. It may include an alteration of the
environment, curriculum format or equipment that allows an individual with a disability to gain access to
content and or complete an assigned task. It can involve many kinds of techniques and support systems to
ensure students work around any limitations related to their disability. Accommodations allow students with
disabilities to participate in the general education classroom, but they can be provided to any student who may
benefit from them. In essence, it allows the students to complete the same assignment or test but with a change
in timing, formatting, setting, scheduling, response or presentation.
o Accommodations in Presentation these affect the way directions and content are delivered to
students. Students with disabilities are much more able to engage in the content when it is presented in a
form they can understand.
o Accommodations in Response these offer different ways for students to respond to assessment
questions. They help students with disabilities structure, monitor, or directly put words to paper.
o Accommodations in Setting these affect where a test is taken or the way in which the classroom
environment is set up. Changing the environment is especially helpful to students who are easily
o Accommodations in Timing/Scheduling these allow flexibility in the timing of an assessment.
Generally, these are chosen for students who may need more time to process information or need breaks
throughout the testing process to regroup and refocus.
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An accommodation makes learning accessible to the student and allows the student to demonstrate what they
know. Accommodations can be considered physical and environmental changes. Examples include:
o Extended time, frequent breaks, varying activities
o Change in classroom, preferential seating, physical arrangement of the room
o Individual or small group, demonstrating/modeling, visual cues
o Highlighting material, note taking, annotating
o Directions given in small, sequential steps
o Reading test verbatim, separate setting for tests, or simplified language
o Demonstrate knowledge of addition by manipulating blocks instead of writing
o Spelling test can be administered orally instead of writing for students in first grade
o Spelling test can be administered in smaller segments (i.e., two sets of five instead of ten words at once)
o Books on tape provided for content area in the general classroom
o Teacher provides notes for the student (copies of presentation slides)
Please note: Accommodations do not change knowledge content. With accommodations, a student
receives the SAME education as other children, but the student can access content or express knowledge
in different ways.
(Danielson Framework 1e)
In contrast, modifications refer to changes of what is taught or what students with disabilities are expected to
learn. This may include adaptations made to instruction and assessment that change or reduce learning
expectations. Content modifications can be made for students who may have difficulty mastering all content
within a lesson during the given time frame. Some examples may include completing an assignment on a
portion of a state standard or an alternate assignment that is more appropriate for the student’s functioning level.
Additional examples include:
o Adapted materials: simplify texts by identifying concepts and vocabulary that are pertinent to the
student’s individual needs for each lesson.
o Grading is subject to different standards than peers without disabilities (e.g., students with dyslexia are
not graded on spelling in science lessons).
o Alternate assignments may be given (e.g., oral presentation instead of written paper).
o Adapted tests may be administered (e.g., shortened tests that cover only concepts the student is expected
to master, oral instead of written test, addition of word banks for fill in the blank questions).
Many students with a disability may only need small changes to what they are taught and tested. This section is
intended to provide you an overview of the difference between accommodations and modifications. It is the
responsibility of the Teacher Candidate to work collaboratively with the Mentor Teacher (or other relevant
staff) to ensure any accommodations and modifications listed in the student’s Individualized Educational
Program (IEP) or accommodations listed in a Section 504 Plan are incorporated into the lessons.
When writing this section, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure students access the material
based on the accommodation or modification listed within the IEP or 504 plan. There should be a direct
connection within the anticipatory set, instructional activity, and closure sections of the lesson plan template.
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Assessment (formal or informal)
(Danielson Framework 1f)
Formative assessment (formal or informal) tells you how well students are responding to instruction. When
writing this section, you should describe how you will assess student progress formally or informally. It is not
expected that you have developed a formal assessment for each lesson but at a minimum, you should consider
informal ways to collect data regarding students’ progress before administering a formal assessment.
Formal assessments are a systematic way of evaluating the progress of students within an instructional program.
Typically, formal assessment is systematic preplanned measures designed to measure how students’ progress as
evaluated against other students or to measure how well students have “mastered” learning objectives. In
essence, it is an official way to understand if students improved during an instructional period. Some typical
examples of formal tests include:
o Standardized test (Keystone, ACT, SAT)
o Benchmark screenings (AIMSweb, DIBELS, easyCBM, MAP)
o Diagnostic assessments (Key math, Diagnostic reading assessment)
o End of the unit test
o Essay test (rubric typically used for scoring)
Informal assessments occur in the day to day interactions with students. It provides continuing feedback about
the effectiveness of instructional tasks and activities. This allows teachers the ability to adjust the administration
of any formal assessment quickly. It is typically non-standardized methods of assessment of student learning.
Examples include:
o Interviews
o Portfolio
o Progress monitoring probes (AIMSweb,
Used to help predict scoring on the
benchmark screening
o Performance-based assessments
o Observational measures
o K-W-L (Know, Want to know, Learned)
o Questioning strategies
o Quiz
Reflection on Instruction
After you finish each lesson, you should reflect on the lesson. This can include multiple methods such as
thinking about instruction, writing in a journal, and/or having a conversation with a colleague/mentor
(Danielson, 2014). The reflection should go beyond simply answering the question “Was this a good lesson?”
Below are some questions to assist you in your reflective process (Danielson, 2008):
o Did the students learn what you intended for them to learn? How do you know?
o View student work samples. What do they reveal about the students’ level of engagement and
comprehension? What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if you teach this lesson in the
future? What misconceptions, if any, do you need to clarify before teaching the next lesson?
o Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and why?
o Comment on your classroom procedures, student conduct, and your use of physical space. To what
extent did these contribute to student learning?
o Comment on different aspects of your instructional delivery (e.g., activities, grouping of students,
materials/resources utilized). To what extent were they effective?
o If you were to teach this lesson again to the same groups of students, what would you change? Why?
Over time, this process will become instinctive and will lead to improvements in your teaching and students’
learning in your classroom.
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Click on the appendix name to download the file.
Appendix A: WCU Lesson Plan Template
Appendix B: Danielson Rubric
Appendix C: Bloom’s Taxonomy
Appendix D: Instructional Strategies
Appendix E: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Educators