State of Vermont
Prepared by:
The Cybersecurity Advisory Team (CAT)
March 2019
Message from the Governor
Technology has become a necessity for business and
government. That is why I created the Cybersecurity Advisory
Team and tasked them with developing a cybersecurity strategy.
This work is a critical component of meeting the strategic goals
of my Administration.
Growing the Economy: With increased cybersecurity
awareness, education and capacity, our businesses can
continue to grow and thrive. Tackling these challenges
provides us with an opportunity to expand Vermont’s
workforce with next-generation skillsets that will create an
in-demand population of workers across agencies,
sectors, and industries to strengthen our economy.
Making Vermont More Affordable: We will use this strategy as our roadmap to bolster
cybersecurity in support of modernizing state government. Through public-private
partnerships, we will not only create new job opportunities in Vermont but will also
protect the investments made in our critical assets, infrastructure, services, and personal
information - driving down cost through greater collaboration, information sharing, and
Protecting the Most Vulnerable: In partnership with federal, state, and local
governments, private businesses, non-governmental entities, and academic institutions
we will promote awareness of the threat that cybersecurity risks pose to our families and
way of life. We must protect our state’s most vulnerable citizens a responsibility that
extends into cyberspace and the unique challenges we face.
We must all be proactive, embrace the digital age, and make cybersecurity a part of our
everyday lives.
I want to thank my Cybersecurity Advisory Team for their hard work and dedication in putting
together a strategy that will guide us in protecting valuable assets.
Philip B. Scott
I. Executive Summary
The Cybersecurity Advisory Team (CAT) is charged by Executive Order 18-17 to develop a
strategic plan, evaluate statewide cybersecurity readiness, build relationships and lines of
communication, and build strong partnerships that help protect the data, information systems,
and privacy of State government, Vermont businesses, and the public. The CAT is
additionally charged to identify and advise on opportunities to enhance the workforce, raise
citizen awareness, provide training and technical capabilities, provide expertise to assist the
State Legislature with statutory language, budgetary impacts, and engaging State and
Federal partners as it relates to cybersecurity.
Increasingly sophisticated attacks of advanced complexity attempt to breach and cause
damage to systems representing an ongoing threat to the State’s economy, critical
infrastructure, and privacy. Inaction has a cost that can be measured financially, through loss
of confidence our institutions, and by exposing the private information of our citizens. The
potential harm must be taken into account, and our constituents must be aware of the threats.
Our State already has kicked-off initiatives to address some of our risk. The implementation
of a Security Operations Center (SOC) and updates to the State Emergency Operations Plan
are examples of this. The team used the model of the National Institute of Standards and
Technologies Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF), a set of guidelines and best practices
to reduce cybersecurity-related risk, to facilitate prioritization and ensure alignment with other
sectors. The purpose of this document is to assist with the identification and implementation
of new initiatives through the following pillars:
CYBER CAPABILITY (NIST CSF - Protect & Detect) - Improve Vermont’s digital
security through increased knowledge, enhanced workforce development, and
improved technology to protect and defend against, as well as reduce the risk of, future
CYBER RESILIENCE (NIST CSF - Respond & Recover) - Increase Vermont’s ability to
respond to and recover from cyber incidents. Decrease potential disruption, financial
impact, intellectual property loss, and violation of privacy.
CYBER COMMUNICATION (NIST CSF - Identify) - Expand Vermont’s communication,
coordination, and awareness between entities such as state and local government
agencies, businesses, and citizens to improve understanding of risk.
CYBER EDUCATION - (NIST CSF Protect) Build strong partnerships with local
universities and colleges to enhance cyber education of Vermonters enabling the
improvement of cyber capability, the expansion cyber communication, and the
increased cyber resilience.
II. Introduction
To achieve success with this strategy, the CAT has assigned roles and responsibilities to the
stakeholders affected by this initiative and outlined next steps to take toward implementation.
Participants ranging from State government to the business community to the citizens of
Vermont must all do their part to bring about the goals above. Effective coordination and a
team effort is required to meet the listed objectives. Follow-through is necessary to take the
strategic principles from this document and create operational plans that support this strategy.
Identifying gaps, assessing risks, and determining the resources to accomplish the principles
some of which may be realized in the short-term or some may take years to achieve.
The means of potential attack vary from phishing attempts to implanting malicious malware in
individual or networked computer systems. This can impact individual homes, corporate
business systems, government agencies, or critical infrastructure that sustains life and
provides for the essential functions of government. Larger scale regional or national attacks
could shut down essential services, the impact of which could be catastrophic to all who live,
work, or play in Vermont. The consequences of unchecked cyber dangers are diverse and
serious, and they represent a threat to the daily life of all Vermonters.
Though the majority of security breaches result from external actors, a significant percentage
are caused by insiders that may manifest as user error, poor security practices, or intentional
harm. These can include accidentally published information, lost backup tapes or laptops, or
failure to secure devices in the possession of ex-employees. Some result in theft or
destruction of data. Many security issues that impact the citizenry can be avoided through
basic security hygiene, education, and security controls.
The severity of potential harm and the fact that no one is immune must be heard loud and
clear. Those involved in protecting the security and well-being of our state must act. The
public and private sectors must commit fully to the growing cyber threat reality. Strategies
and action plans need to be developed by the state, individual agencies and private entities.
The Cybersecurity Strategy for the State of Vermont must deliver effective capabilities and
outcomes that will allow Vermonters to realize the benefits and competitive power that will
come from living in a safer, more cyber-aware state.
The following are recent high profile cyber incidents that occurred in Vermont over the past
several years:
In June 2017 two of Vermont's biggest businesses, the University of Vermont Medical Center
(UVM) and Global Foundries, were significantly affected by phishing attacks. Hackers
attempted to break into these business information systems.
At UVM Medical Center, the email accounts of two employees were accessed by third parties
after the employees accidentally opened phishing messages that mimicked an official
company communication. This was the first time the email system was penetrated in this way
despite thousands of prior daily phishing attempts.
An attack using a virus at Global Foundries infected a number of manufacturing tools at the
microchip facility in Essex Junction, and some tools were taken offline to isolate the attack
and prevent the virus from spreading.
In March 2017 the Vermont Department of Labor reported a data breach on the standalone,
web-based database, America’s Joblink Alliance (AJLA) that is shared by ten states, including
Vermont. A system modification implemented in October 2016 created a vulnerability in the
system. The breach compromised as many as 182,000 accounts in Vermont and 4.8 million
accounts across ten states. The breach potentially exposed personal information, including
name, date of birth and social security number. For Vermont, these are accounts entered into
Vermont Joblink over a 14-year period. Some users voluntarily register, and others are
required by VDOL to register for the program.
A March 2017 a Vermont Digger article reported that Vermont is a consistent target for cyber-
attacks and in the first two months of 2017 the Vermont state government faced:
65,000 malware phishing attacks
90,000 remote scans attempts to identity targets for attack
575,000 other “digital bombardments.”
In December 2016 it was reported by the Washington Post that hackers affiliated with the
Russian government had penetrated the United States electric grid by attacking the
Burlington Electric Company in Vermont. The story was originally illustrated with an image of
the headquarters of a Russian spy agency, which it alleged was behind the intrusion. Months
later, FBI investigators reported that the attack was not validated and that the internet traffic
that raised the red flag may, in fact, have been harmless.
The Vermont Intelligence Center, whose goal is to identify patterns and indicators of
cybercriminal and terrorism-related activity in the State of Vermont, has tracked thousands of
cyber-attack incidents in Vermont and during 2017 recorded the following breakdown:
58% - Ransomware & malware attacks (Botnet attacks)
27% - Computer compromises or network penetrations
13% - Data Breaches
2% - Web defacements
Most cyber incidents are unreported or are undiscovered. A February 2018 article by the
New York Times headline reads: “An ‘Iceberg’ of Unseen Crimes: Many Cyber Offenses Go
Unreported”. This article summarizes its findings with the following: “In a sense, technology
has created an extraordinary moment for industrious criminals, increasing profits without the
risk of street violence. Digital villainy can be launched from faraway states, or countries,
eliminating physical threats the police traditionally confront. Cyber perpetrators remain
unknown. Law enforcement officials, meanwhile, ask themselves: Who owns their crimes?
Who must investigate them? What are the specific violations? Who are the victims? How can
we prevent it?
III. Strategy
The Cybersecurity Advisory Team has developed a strategy document that encompasses all
Vermonters who live, work, and play in the state. This work includes education, research and
best practices developed and implemented in other states, the federal government and other
countries. Vermont agencies have participated in multiple working groups including the
National Governors Association and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Region 1 cyber working group.
The State and local government strategy will be a multi-facetted approach encompassing the
following goals.
The State of Vermont will use an enterprise wide approach to secure and make
resilient the State of Vermont’s cyber infrastructure and data.
The State will deliver an improved response to the growing area of cybercrime and
cyber breaches which will include
consequence management.
Vermont will leverage and capitalize on the growing cybersecurity job market through
education, workforce development, and economic development.
Vermont will focus on education and outreach to all sectors, including the public, to
create a more resilient Vermont.
Local government will be incorporated into this strategy recognizing that most
resources at a local level are extremely limited.
The State of Vermont will achieve these strategic goals by prioritizing the accomplishment of
the following objectives:
State and Local Government in Vermont:
Focus State government agencies on cyber prevention, protection, response and
Establish a risk management framework to apply resources that are informed by an
assessment of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and cybersecurity threats.
Identify state and local cybersecurity gaps and develop mitigation strategies.
Support continuing efforts relating to cybercrime interdiction and disruption as it affects
Vermont, partnering with local, federal, and other state entities.
Enhance the State’s cyber threat intelligence network to support continued situational
awareness and information-sharing for state, local, and private sector stakeholders in
Develop a cyber-awareness campaign to educate state and local government, the
private sector businesses, and the citizens of Vermont.
Build a cybersecurity education pipeline through increasing STEM programs in the K-
12 educational system and providing support for K-12 cyber-focused extracurricular
Establish partnerships with Vermont’s higher education community in creating
certificate programs for cybersecurity education programs.
Build marketing and economic development strategies to attract citizens into a
cybersecurity workforce in support of Vermont government and industry.
Develop a business plan for exporting these skills to other jurisdictions through
telecommuting opportunities.
In addition to the state and local governments, there are several other groups that this
strategy will impact. The state will actively seek their participation in the development of
governance and the necessary operational discipline to implement the strategy. To develop a
comprehensive “all of Vermont” operational plan, the State of Vermont will work with the
following groups. For each of these group, there are a set of specific and relevant objectives.
Critical Infrastructure Stakeholders in Vermont:
Engage critical infrastructure owners and operators in cybersecurity strategies to
enable continuity of operations and resource sharing.
Foster continuous response and recovery improvement through state, local, and
critical infrastructure exercises focusing on cyber incident consequence management
Private Sector in Vermont:
Initiate outreach programs to develop partnerships with Vermont businesses.
Identify business cybersecurity needs and opportunities to share best practices.
Coordinate prevention, response planning, information sharing and resiliency
Engage the private sector to develop solutions to risk management resource
Develop strategies to increase cybersecurity business opportunities in Vermont.
Engage private sector partners in continued cybersecurity emergency exercises and
improvement planning.
Citizens of Vermont:
Initiate outreach programs to educate Vermont citizens on cybersecurity protection
principles and resiliency, cybersecurity awareness and best practices.
The first steps of developing a strategy is to define our mission and vision. Our mission
defines our purpose and primary goal. The effect of a mission statement is to ensure all
parties understand the purpose of the Cybersecurity Strategy for the State of Vermont.
Our vision statement focuses is where we want to be and what we want to become in the
future. It is our dream. The ideal end state that captures the goals and aspirations.
To Improve Vermont’s Cybersecurity.
A cyber secure and resilient Vermont where it is safe to
live, work, and play.
To achieve our vision, the following strategic principles have been set.
Improve Vermont’s digital security through increased knowledge, enhanced workforce
development, and improved technology to reduce the risk of future cyber-attacks.
The pace of development of technology is increasing and access to computing power is
transcending our entire society. We engage technology for even the most basic tasks and to
make our lives easier, safer, and faster. This rapidly changing environment of technology
also makes the cyber-criminal or hacker more effective as they mechanize their tactics and
techniques. The omnipresence of technology creates a permanent surveillance culture with
less privacy. With all the benefits to our lifestyles that is brought by technology we must
remain ever vigilant as it makes us more vulnerable to compromise. As the technology
develops, we must continue to focus on the foundational and unique elements of our free and
open society as we build the necessary and interrelated frameworks in law, policy, and
technology. This requires us to evolve not only the technology but also our understanding of
the related benefits and risks of such technology. Risk assessments of any technology must
include a predictive analysis that identifies the potential for exploiting the technology itself, or
the vulnerabilities of the technology, for malicious intent.
Nationally we are experiencing a severe shortage of cybersecurity professionals at all levels.
Existing sources of education and training are not producing the entry-level talent. Job
openings require advanced skills and experience. The workforce development gap exists in
the cybersecurity field specifically but also in awareness across our enterprises. The reality
of our present engagement and use of technology means that we as individuals must remain
ever vigilant for ourselves and our institutions. We must strive to be perfect in our defense
with the understanding that an attacker only needs one flaw or hole. This requires an
awareness of the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities of our technologies for all users. Basic
“cyber hygiene” and cyber awareness is required of all citizens.
Response to this crisis will require a portfolio of efforts that include: attracting more college
students into this career field; engaging students in our K-12 programs; creating pathways for
veterans and mid-career professionals to enter the cybersecurity field; developing and
experimenting with innovative programs, internships, and apprenticeships to staff these
essential functions; supporting the development and rollout of cyber awareness education at
all levels from Pre-K through senior citizen to be safe and aware of online risks. Local
Vermont organizations, such as CyberPatriot and GirlsGoCyberStart, have already
demonstrated a commitment to building technical skillsets and cyber awareness in the youth
of our state. These programs, and others like them, should receive our full support and are to
be commended for shaping the next generation of cyber-savvy Vermonters.
We cannot solve the shortfall in workforce and secure our populace with education and
training alone. Technology continues its rapid development and at the same time increased
malicious and criminal intent flourish. The technology that connects our lives and increases
our productivity is used to create a better phishing email or exploit. We must foster the
development of secure systems and practice building security into our technology at
conception and not bolted on as an afterthought. Inspecting our existing technologies for
flaws and keeping our technology current is critical as our adversaries become more
sophisticated and prey upon systems that fall behind. In this environment, we should also
understand the policies and requirements to attract cybersecurity research and development
activity. Building an active capability in cybersecurity research and development within our
higher education institutions and supporting partnership with the private sector and federal
government is a significant growth opportunity for Vermont.
Increase Vermont’s ability to respond to and recover from cyber incidents. Decrease potential
disruption, financial impact, intellectual property loss, and violation of privacy.
Vermonters need to be prepared to identify, respond and recover from cyber threats. If you
use technology at home, work or when you engage in some level of play, ask yourself the
following questions: What would you do if all of your computers and smartphones were
encrypted by Ransomware? Do you know if your business is currently breached by a criminal
hacker? Do you have a plan in place to deal with these issues?
Our societal reliance on technology is a true testament to how important cyber resilience is.
Can you go a day or even a week without technology? How about your place of employment?
If there is a disruption in a small businesses’ network/website, it may cause significant harm
to not only productivity but revenue. Criminals are compromising business assets and
capitalizing on the sale of information. According to the 2018 Verizon Data Breach Report,
76% of all data breaches were financially motivated. No sector in Vermont is immune to the
We need to decrease the potential for cyber disruption by educating Vermont on good cyber
hygiene. What happens if your personal information is leaked online? How about if your most
confidential files at work were now public or for sale on the cyber black market? Do you have
a plan? Response from these types of attacks requires proper planning so you can quickly
recover from the incident. Identifying key personnel and who is accountable for said activities
is also critical. The last thing you want is to be in the middle of an incident and trying to
answer questions like:
“Who is responsible for securing our most important files?and
“When was the last time we changed the password to our administrator account?”
Creating a good cybersecurity culture that promotes cyber resilience is key because without it
we don’t stand a chance against financially motivated attackers. We must start with
education of our children in K-12. We must continue ongoing education of our citizens as
they enter higher education and the job market. Every sector of the economy must invest in
ongoing education of its employees, constituents and customers. Such education must
continue to evolve, keeping pace with the ongoing development of new technologies,
identification of new vulnerabilities, discovery of new strategies employed by cyber criminals,
and emerging trends in cybersecurity.
Proactive cybersecurity monitoring will save money and reputational capital if your
organization finds itself the victim of a cyber-incident. According to Forbes, costs averaged
$3.86 million per breach in 2018. The costs typically include legal, forensics, breach
notification, and fines by regulators if you are found negligent.
Vermont businesses have worked very hard developing their intellectual property. We are
very proud to have organizations that hold patents and trade secrets that they use to develop
their products and grow their business. For this reason, Cyber Resilience has become a
critical business capability that employs cybersecurity controls and procedures to protect
intellectual property and sustains a business’s ability to operate.
Privacy violations may involve the loss of regulated data, such as health or personally
identifiable information. Such information must always be secured. When an organization
possesses personally identifiable information, they must understand that they have been
entrusted with one of the most precious assets of our citizens
their personal information
That position of “trust” requires, and even demands, the implementation of appropriate Cyber
Resilience measures. Data, and information created from that data is essentially the life blood
of government and business. It must be properly managed and protected. When that data
and information constitutes personally identifiable information there is a higher order of
responsibility and accountability for protecting it.
Expand Vermont’s communication, coordination, and awareness between entities such as
state and local government agencies, businesses, and citizens to improve understanding of
Cybersecurity today is a team sport with private sector, government, and law enforcement
sharing information and working together to defend, respond, and recover. Responding to
this challenge is the development of Cybersecurity Information Sharing activities. Federal
statute creates an environment where diverse institutions can share best practices,
understand the threats, and prepare to respond and recover. An Information Sharing and
Analysis Organization, ISAO, should be developed to meet this critical need. Vermont should
create an Integrated Public-Private program for information sharing in the state. The ISAO
should perform cybersecurity and threat information sharing and analysis engaging the public
and private sector organizations to meet the cybersecurity crisis. We must develop a local,
state trust-based threat and incident information sharing capabilities that can network
nationally and support local businesses and government. The ISAO will build a local
constituency that includes partnerships with the private and public sectors. The purpose of
this ISAO will be to share alerts and threat information, provide updates regarding the status
and severity of any threat, and provide assistance to ISAO members related to response and
recovery. Over time as the ISAO matures in terms of governance and operations it will gather,
analyze, and disseminate critical infrastructure information, for the expressed purpose of:
Sharing Cyber Threat Analysis and Information
Conducting risk-based analysis
Assisting in access to resources
Developing incident response guides and playbooks
Planning and conducting exercises to assess and improve response and recovery
Sharing best practices
Developing operational discipline for cyber disruption response planning
This center should build upon resources available nationally from Information Sharing and
Analysis Center, such as the Multi State-ISAC (MS-ISAC), the Department of Homeland
Security National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), the
National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), and others. The State
activity will offer a more flexible and responsive to local requirements of information sharing
activities among private-public across sectors. This activity will foster collaboration and
facilitate the development of trust- based relationships which are essential for effective and
efficient cybersecurity information sharing and building a more resilient state.
Build strong partnerships with local universities and colleges to enhance cyber education of
Vermonters enabling the improvement of cyber capability, the expansion of cyber
communications, and the increased cyber resilience.
Vermont has a robust higher education sector with significant expertise in computing,
technology, and cybersecurity. Higher education institutions are actively engaged in our
communities supporting K-12 education, local government and non-profits. We need to fully
leverage these partnerships to build the cyber workforce, protect our critical infrastructure,
defend our local municipalities, and ultimately create a more resilient Vermont. With
imagination and creativity, we will collaborate with higher education to put in place a pipeline
of talent to bring college interns and graduates into this mission. The benefits for students
and graduates include an entry point into a rewarding career in cybersecurity and an
opportunity to gain experience working on real world incidents. The benefits for government
and industry include the creation of an ongoing pool of talent that will bring fresh ideas to
problem-solving and qualified individuals able to fill the many roles in cybersecurity.
Vermont is in a unique position with two nationally recognized Centers of Academic
Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE), as designated by the Department of
Homeland Security and the National Security Agency. Champlain College and Norwich
University are leaders in cybersecurity education and actively engage in cybersecurity efforts
within the state and beyond. These two schools, working individually and in concert, have
developed programs that support law enforcement, small businesses, municipalities, and
state government in becoming more secure. Building on these partnerships provides
competency-based education opportunities for students, professional development and
research for faculty, and qualified cybersecurity services for the communities they engage.
Encouraging and enhancing these partnerships will help meet our workforce requirements
and entice graduates to stay in Vermont.
IV. Roles and Responsibilities
The organizations listed below have the responsibility to remain active and engaged in
implementing this strategy. Effective coordination and a team effort are required to meet the
objectives of this plan. Participating organizations have been chosen for their unique roles or
expertise in one or more of the strategic objectives.
Cybersecurity Advisory Team -
The Cybersecurity Advisory Team will lead the effort to
coordinate communications, projects and programs for fulfilling this strategy. At its discretion,
the Team may create inter-agency working groups for planning and operations.
State Government
- State Government will participate in the efforts of the Cybersecurity
Advisory Team by providing personnel and resources to lead and support those efforts. State
Government will facilitate initiatives for achieving the desired outcomes of this document, and
lead the development of strategic partnerships with Federal, State, Local, and Private
organizations. State Government will review project plans and provide feedback regarding
timing and staging of projects as well as technical and financial feasibility.
VIC/Fusion Center
- The Vermont Intelligence Center (VIC), in conjunction with the Fusion
Center, will provide information trending of the cybersecurity threat landscape and advise the
Team on capabilities that exist between the State and external agencies and federal
partners. VIC and the Fusion Center will engage in contact and consultation with external
agencies and federal partners to leverage their capabilities that may support this strategy.
Other State & Local Agencies -
Other State Agencies may be called upon when there is a
requirement for their subject matter expertise or when the Team believes that direct
coordination with one or more agencies will further the goals of this document. Just as with
any other significant event that impacts the State, it is also critical that state agencies are in
alignment and working together to develop solutions related to cybersecurity. Coordination of
state-level response and recovery to all hazards occurs within the Multi-Agency Coordination
System housed at the State Emergency Operations Center. Agencies are directed to muster
their resources and work under a unified structure to maximize the efforts and ensure a
coordinated response to mitigate the impacts and to return state government to a normal
state as soon as possible. It is important that the local governments become educated about
cybersecurity prior to an event and build this into to their emergency planning. Local
governments must know in advance who to contact and the various means for making that
contact when they suspect a potential cybersecurity event. It is important to anticipate that in
a significant cyber event, such as a cyber disruption, normal channels of communications
may be compromised or completely unavailable. Other Agencies should coordinate and align
their cybersecurity strategies to this document.
Higher Education
- Higher Education has been given responsibility for educating the next
generation of cyber professionals. Commensurate with that responsibility, higher education is
duty bound to engage their communities with expertise, outreach, and problem-solving to
make Vermont more resilient. Higher Education must continue to develop its capabilities and
programs to evolve with the threat and technology horizons, providing the talent to meet
cybersecurity challenges. Higher education must engage with K-12 education developing
interest in the field and building awareness in the students and faculty.
Business Community
- The business community, which collects increasing amounts of citizen
data such as credit card information, social security numbers, or biometric information, must
take reasonable measures to safeguard the information in its control, be mindful of the
information it is collecting, and comply with all laws regarding data security and data breach
Vermont Citizens
- The public at large has a responsibility to enact basic safety measures to
protect themselves, to educate their children and monitor the activities of vulnerable relatives,
including senior citizens, and to stay abreast of active scams and threats.
V. Next Steps
To successfully accomplish these cybersecurity strategy principles there are several steps the
Cybersecurity Advisory Team must take. First, the CAT needs to understand the current
security state of the various entities in Vermont. This review could include review of
technological assets, configurations, polices, security controls, prior audits, vulnerabilities and
other auditable aspects of cybersecurity. The goal is to understand where gaps exist, then to
prioritize and close those gaps. The emphasis must be on predictive analysis in order to stop,
limit, and mitigate future cyber-attacks.
The gaps identified during the review will then be part of an assessment to determine which
gaps pose a high risk to their organization or to the state. Next, the CAT will develop
objectives to mitigate the risk and close the identified gaps.
Many of the listed activities will be included in operational plans to be executed by some or all
the groups listed under Roles and Responsibilities.
Some of the projects and initiatives created may deliver near-term outcomes. Other initiatives
may have durations of many years and or may operate continually. The CAT will maintain
responsibility to ensure that progress is tracked through meaningful metrics and reporting.
A lack of sufficient funding is the number one challenge states face, according to a study by
NASCIO and Deloitte. Vermont is no different. The Governor, Legislators, State IT Leaders,
Education, and Businesses must become strong advocates for funding cybersecurity. As we
rely more on technology, we must unite in the commitment to effectively and proactively
manage our cyber risks.
Historically Vermont’s security budget has not been adequately funded to keep pace with
technological advancements or the growing sophistication of threats. We recommend a
subcommittee made up of Government and Private Industry experts to establish different
methods of funding, based on the goals put forward in this strategy document. We expect a
blend of federal, state, and local funds, combined with private investment, to support future
cybersecurity initiatives across the state.
VI. Conclusion
From Executive Order to strategy development, the Cybersecurity Advisory Team (CAT) has
executed the charge given; to identify the strategic principles of cyber capability, cyber
resilience, cyber communication, and cyber education as the core for building a strategy to
protect data, information systems, and privacy of State government, Vermont businesses,
and the public. Through describing the principles that guide strategy and operations;
assigning roles and responsibilities for execution of this strategy; and identifying future
actions, the CAT anticipates plans will be developed and actions taken toward the
accomplishment of this strategy. Successful execution of this strategy will make significant
strides towards building a Vermont that continues to be a safe and secure place to live, work
and play.