Tips for smooth
slicing in any kind
of wood
t is a wonder to me that I can take a
piece of solid wood, with its unforgiv-
ing properties of seasonal movement,
resaw it into veneer and glue it to a stable
substrate, and it will suddenly behave quite
demurely. Much of my work consists of
decorative cabinets and tables, and on the
broad surfaces of these pieces veneer real-
ly shines. Most often, I cut my own veneer.
Shop-sawn veneer gives me the stability of
commercial veneer and a measure of flexi-
bility that is missing from its commercial
cousin. It lets me mix solid wood and ve-
neer from the same stock, offers more in-
tegrity on an exposed edge and has
enough thickness that I can work the sur-
face as if it were solid wood. I can hand-
plane the material or do shallow carving or
sculpting on the surface. Building with sol-
id wood may be faster than using band-
sawn veneer, but I can seldom resist the
Photos, except where noted: Jonathan Binzen
Keep it
clean. For best track-
ing, brush the bandsaw's tires
regularly and start a veneer-
cutting job with a fresh blade.
Fine-tuning. Raise the upper
guides to cutting height before
setting the bearings. The roller
bearings should be set just aft
of the blade's gullets.
High fence provides full sup-
port. The auxiliary fence
should be at least as high as
the veneer will be wide.
magic of sawing a board into thin slices
and spreading it out over the surfaces of a
piece of furniture.
There are times when I use commercial
veneer. The exotic figure and wide dimen-
sions of the material can be an advantage.
In recent years, however, the standard
thickness of commercial veneer has gotten
thinner and thinner. There is no margin for
error when working with this material, and
I am on pins and needles until the piece
has a finish on it. When I saw solid stock in-
to veneer myself, I have no such worries.
Bandsaw: the essential veneer tool
At the heart of sawing your own veneer is
the bandsaw. If yours is running correctly,
cutting veneer will be a pleasure. If not,
prepare for pain. I have spent many hours
fine-tuning my bandsaw. I have replaced
the tires on the wheels, replaced the origi-
nal guides with Carter roller-bearing
guides and modified the factory-supplied
fence so that it can pivot a few degrees,
which allows me to adjust for the drift of
the blade. Just about any bandsaw careful-
ly tuned can be used for sawing veneer. I
use a 24-in. European saw, and it works
very well. A smaller saw will work, but its
limitation will be in the width of the stock it
will cut. If needed, you can always rip the
plank into narrower pieces, resaw it and
rejoin the veneers edge to edge.
I typically use silicon-carbide hook-tooth
blades, ½ in. or ¾ in. wide. The teeth are set
in a raker-5 pattern, which means they al-
ternate left, right, left, right and then have
an unset raker tooth. Bimetal blades re-
portedly work well on abrasive woods.
However, because they are designed for
cutting metal at slower speeds and are
more than twice the price of standard
blades, I do not use them.
Bandsaw tune-up and
—Always go
over the bandsaw from top to bottom be-
fore starting. Use a fresh blade and clean
the tires with a stiff nylon brush. Screw an
auxiliary fence of medium-density fiber-
board (MDF) or melamine to the factory
fence. The auxiliary fence provides the
Get the
drift? To cut veneer accurately, the
fence must be set to the natural cutting angle,
or drift, of the blade. Find the drift angle by cut-
ting freehand along a line drawn parallel to the
edge of a scrap. Stop cutting after 8 in. or so.
Bevel records the drift angle. With one hand,
keep the scrap from shifting. With the other,
use a bevel gauge to measure the angle be-
tween the scrap and the front of the saw table.
Angle the fence. Use the bevel gauge to set
the auxiliary fence to the scrap's cutting angle.
height necessary to support veneer stock,
which can be up to 10 in. wide. It is critical
that this fence be smooth and flat.
I readjust the guides every time I cut ve-
neer. Begin by loosening and backing off
all of the guides. Then raise the post for the
upper set of guides, locking it in at-the cor-
rect height for cutting the veneer. Set the
bearing guides to within a dollar bill's
thickness from the blade and pull them for-
ward until they are just behind the blade's
gullets. Then set the thrust bearing so there
is no more than a small space between it
and the back of the blade.
Now set the fence to accommodate the
drift of the blade (see the photos above). If
this step is skipped or done improperly,
you can be certain to have a bad day at the
veneer-cutting shop. Begin with a piece of
scrap about 2 ft. long. Mark a pencil line
parallel to one long edge. Then feed the
scrap into the blade freehand, cutting right
on the line for about 6 in. or 8 in. Stop
cutting and hold the scrap in place. Then
place the body of a bevel gauge against
the front edge of the bandsaw table and
push the gauge's blade against the scrap.
Lock the bevel gauge to record the angle at
which this blade wants to cut—the drift of
the blade.
Now bring the fence over to within a ve-
neer's thickness of the blade, using the
bevel gauge to establish the proper fence
angle. At this point, I adjust the bar my
fence rides on until the fence is at the drift
angle. If you don't have a sliding fence or
one that can be modified to pivot, you can
cut veneer just as well with a shopmade,
clamped-on fence.
To check the drift angle, run a scrap
through the saw while holding it against
the fence. If the scrap pulls away from the
fence or requires excessive force to feed,
check the drift setting again.
To cut
fence must be parallel with the blade. If the
two are not parallel (as in the text), tilt the
table until they are.
Finally, check that the blade is parallel to
the fence. Using your veneer plank or a
wide piece of scrap, cut a kerf about 1/16 in.
deep (see the photo below). If the cut is off
from top to bottom, adjust the tilt of the
table to correct it. Don't worry about
whether or not the blade is square to the
table. When the blade and fence are paral-
lel, it won't matter if the table is slightly out
of square with the blade.
Preparing the plank
To prepare a plank for being sawn into ve-
neer, mill both faces and both edges. When
you cut the plank to length, add at least
several inches to the longest veneers that
you'll need. You may need the extra length
later, if you put the veneers through the
planer. When you cut the plank to width,
however, stay as close as possible to the
finished width of the veneer. If you plan to
make lipping or molding or other solid
wood parts to match the veneer, cut them
from the plank before you rip the plank to
the veneer width. When you are ready
to cut the veneers, mark a triangle on the
end or edge of the plank so that the sliced
veneers can easily be restacked in order.
At the same time you are machining your
plank for the show veneer, prepare mater-
ial to use as a backer on the veneered pan-
els. To keep the panels balanced, it is
A little off the
sides. To make ve-
neered panels with
perfectly matched
edge-banding, rip
strips off each side of
the plank before slic-
ing it into veneer.
Support ahead of
the cut. Use a slow,
steady feed rate
keeping the plank
tight to the fence with
ahead of the cut.
Go to the
back of
the bandsaw. It is
safest to move
pull the plank
through the end of
Keep an eye on the
saw marks. If the
marks from the band-
saw are even across
the width of the piece,
the cutting is going
well. If the marks are
heavier or lighter at
the middle, the blade
is bowing in the cut.
Try a slower feed rate
or a sharper blade.
Smoothing between
slices. Joint or plane
the sawn face of the
plank after every
when the plank is still
thick, switch to the
when the plank ap-
A piece of melamine
laid across the plan-
er's bed rollers keeps
the thin material from
getting chewed.
Slicing it fine.
It is
dangerous to have
your fingers near the
blade when slicing
the last sheets of ve-
neer. Use a block to
support the cut.
important that this backer material be the
same thickness as the face veneer and of a
compatible species.
Slicing the veneer
Set the fence for the desired veneer thick-
six leaves of veneer from a 4/4 board. Feed
the wood slowly and continuously, sup-
porting the work just in front of the cut.
Develop the habit of pushing the stock
through the end of the cut with your hand
on the face of the board rather than behind
it. And try to develop a feel for the rate
that the blade wants to take the stock.
When the blade is cutting just what it can
handle, it will barely touch the guide bear-
ings. And when the blade is tracking prop-
erly in the cut, the back edge of the blade
will be centered in the kerf. If you are cut-
ting a lot of material, it is likely that the feed
rate will slow as the blade begins to dull.
When the plank gets thin, be extra care-
ful not to run your hand beside the blade. If
the stock tapers in its thickness at all, there
is potential for the blade to run out the side
of the board. For safety, when I'm cutting
the last few slices of veneer in a plank, I
keep my hands well away from the blade
by moving to the outfeed side of the table
and pulling the material through the end of
the cut. I use a block of scrap to keep the
workpiece tight to the fence.
After cutting each slice of veneer, make a
trip to the jointer and smooth the sawn face
of the plank. I have my jointer set up just to
when slicing veneer,
pressure applied just
around to the outfeed
slice. Use the jointer
planer for safety
proaches ½ in. or so.
ness. I shoot for /16 in., and I can usually get
side of the saw and
Shoot the edges.
A stroke or two with a
jointer plane prepares the veneers to be
joined edge to edge.
Smoothing after sawing. Double-stick tape keeps a sheet of veneer still for a quick smoothing with
handplanes. At
in. thick, the veneer can be planed and worked like solid wood.
Taping under way. Short pieces of veneer
tape are moistened and stretched across
the joint; when they dry, they pull the joint
tight A lengthwise strip of tape reinforces
the temporary joint.
the right of the bandsaw to make this pro-
cedure easy. Don't worry about removing
all traces of the bandsaw. Jointing enough
to remove most of the bandsaw marks will
be more than sufficient for a good glue
joint. And the bandsaw marks that remain
will tell you how you are cutting. Too fast a
feed rate will often show up as bandsaw
marks that are deeper or shallower in the
middle of the board than at the edges, be-
cause the blade is distorting during the cut.
As the plank becomes thinner, it will not be
practical to joint the face. Instead I run it
through the planer between slices.
Keep the veneer pieces in order as they
come off the saw and cover them with a
board to keep them from cupping. On the
last cut I am sometimes splitting the board
into two equal veneer slices. This is a very
satisfying way to complete the cutting.
Surfacing the sheets of veneer
A well-bandsawn surface is quite accept-
able to glue down, but if the thickness of
the veneer varies much, it will have to be
surfaced. There are several ways to do this.
If the pieces are manageable in size and
number, they can be smoothed with a
handplane. To hold the veneer still while
you are planing, use a piece of MDF with a
lip at the end to serve as a stop, or hold the
veneer down with very thin, double-sided
tape. Don't use too much tape—just a few
small pieces—or it will be impossible to get
up. A scraper or scraper plane can also be
used for this type of surfacing.
Often I will surface the veneer by run-
ning it through the planer. But this proce-
dure is not for the fainthearted. I have seen
beautiful leaves of veneer go in one end of
the planer and come out as crumbs. Check
and make adjustments on the planer as
carefully as you did on the bandsaw. Pay
particular attention to the setting of the
pressure bar. I use a piece of melamine to
cover the bed rollers to keep the veneer
from bending up into the cutterhead. Do
not wax this surface because it will transfer
to the surface of the veneer.
Use a slow feed rate and sneak up on the
thickness very slowly. Feed the pieces one
at a time, and be sure that one piece comes
out before the next goes in to prevent one
from riding up on another. If a piece begins
to chip, stop immediately. Sometimes the
failure is a result of feed rate or feed direc-
tion and can be solved by reversing the
pieces. Sometimes the ends of a slice are
damaged in the planer, but the rest of the
piece is fine. Hence the need for extra
length. It is difficult to predict how a batch
of veneer will fare in the planer, so it is al-
ways good to cut a couple of extra leaves
of veneer so that one can be a test piece.
A third alternative for surfacing shop-
sawn veneer is an abrasive planer or wide-
belt sander. These work very well on
veneer, and it is often possible to rent time
on one of these machines as more shops
are using them. Before committing your
precious veneer to be sanded, however,
make sure that the operator knows what
you are after and that the machine can han-
dle the job. I'd rather ruin the material my-
self than pay someone to ruin it for me.
Working with shop-sawn veneer
Now the anxious moments are behind, and
the fun begins. If you are laying up broad
surfaces from two or more leaves of
veneer, play around with different combi-
nations. You might try slip-matches, book-
matches or reverse matches.
I edge-joint the veneer by lifting it off the
surface of the bench on a piece of ply-
wood and shooting the edges with a hand-
plane. I make sure the joint is tight along its
entire length.
Some people edge-glue adjacent pieces
of shop-sawn veneer before gluing them to
the substrate. This works fine, but I don't
think it is necessary. I simply hold the
unglued joint together with veneer tape
the way I would with commercial veneer. I
use a heavy-weight tape, running it across
the joint in several places, then down the
entire length of the joint. The veneer tape
goes on wet and shrinks slightly as it dries,
pulling the joint tight.
On a typical panel, I glue the face veneer
and backing veneer at the same time. I roll
yellow glue onto the substrate, put the ve-
neers in place and slide the whole package
into the vacuum press. Before I had a vac-
uum press, I used cauls and deep-reach
clamps to accomplish the glue-up, and that
worked perfectly well, too. The veneer
tape comes off easily with a hand scraper
after the panel comes out of the press.
Marquetry. The drawer fronts
and the upper cabinet face
frame of this hutch are mar-
quetry compositions in shop-cut
maple and mahogany veneer.
The rest of the hutch is solid
Parquetry. The design on this
cabinet is composed with
pieces of cherry and morado
in. thick and fitted
together on a plywood sub-
strate like tiles. On the upper
doors, the edges of the tiles
were chamfered, creating a
handsome reveal.
Timothy Coleman makes custom furniture in
Greenfield, Mass.
Low-relief carving. Shop-sawn ve-
neer is thick enough to accept light
carved decoration, as on this cabinet
in maple and bubinga. The design on
the veneered door panels is a combi-
nation of lines carved with a V-tool
and a background punched with
steel stamps. The relieved areas
were dyed with tinted shellac.